if i i -P 1 H i: i f I- !- . : t - . I .K , .c-.tr-i i. ! THE OREGON. SUNDAY JOURNAU PORTLAND, l ' SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER I 1922 ftEAt ESTATE FOR SALE- a HOUSES 404 BEACTliTJL hew house, combination titins ' Jin.. Mm. nll Rivl t in Dutch kitchen, eiom and bath, lot 50X100 only 3 block tram Hawthorn car Hue,, coo- erete awaemeat. furrao. la nasi ana at, tor 3 4 OO; MO cash, btluu like rent. I Very comfortable - 4-room house with sleev ing porch, mi Kent Park etation. lit. Scott car liae, pat. toilet two lots ia garden end fruit, including furniture. I bud, caaa kob. Viae 7-rocm ffiodtrn huuau. full cement -- k-ni cod floor on 66th st- les than. block from Foster road, 93500. tSOO kaan, : ! . ' NEIL SMITH, i 5?0 Foster Road. Agio. 6H-W Rose City Beautiful Six-room new BUNGALOW, block front car., has Urine and dining" room sr-roe tha front of home, with, nice large fireplace, .bookcase, hardwood floors, wee kitchen, sleeping porch, fine large T rage. Price $5250. wilt take . $1800 down, arrange term on balance. J. W. O'Coimnell Co., 2i Stock Exchange bids. Main 8681. Buy From .Owner j Huh claae residence, modern, up-to-date. with larse ground, end beautiful shrubbery and -trees. In fond district. Anyone Joanna for homelike place will no doubt take to it. Price $12,000. easy term; might take a smaller place in trade. Phone tabor 4482. - . BEAUTIFUL BEAUMONT This is s magnificent corner 100x100, Just one Mock .from car, fine lawn, flowers and fruit: large living room, dining room, music room and kitchen on first floor; four fine light, airy bedrooms and bath en second; large finished attic, fall basement, good furnace and automatic water heater: also a fine garage I am leaving city and want to sell quick Pnce. 8500, which ia SloOQ below what tt is worth ; if you want a real home, them see this. . Shown by appointment only. Address owner. P. O. Box 14 2. Portland. i irvington oargain 35250 Don't Judge by the price. Too wonjd et pect to pay (6500. Located on 23d be- len , Knott and Stanton Irnngton s choic est location; 8 rooms and den : complete with garage. Inspect this at once someone will set a bargain and it might as well be you. -. A. Q. Teepe Co. j Tabor 8688, Tabor 8433 or Auto. 813-46 POSSESSION AT ONCE 8300 DOWN HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 7 rooms and garage, corner lot. all imrrore- Imenta paid and only 2 blks. to the carline; lieing room full wvlth of Bouse, hardwood floors in main rooms maple floor ia kitchen ; 1 irepiare. built-in effects, full basement and purnace; all assesnraents fully paid. J. Ij. haktman com pant. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. : Bdwy. 6034. ON THE HEIGHTS There is a five room house with sleeping porch., hardwooH floors throughout, tanestrs naoerj; full cement aaenient. launrfre travs. i furnace, garage, large lot; this is jt the; place for you. COMK AND LFl t"S SHOW YOU ANI TOU WILL FIND YOl RKELF DISCONTENTED WITHOUT IT. TERMS. lAsk for Mr. Fuber with WILBITI F. JOl-NO. INC. Broadway 4887 824 Henry Bldg. 'Owner Going East Und la offering his 8 room 4mi-bn3rahw style houfcei at a grrmx. sacrific. 3 flleepinff rrxmr1. lruic room, dining room. KitohMi, bath, mil pawn. ant, beautiful aurrcundlnss, reatrictttl dis Krtct, convenient to whot'-ind car. Irt us rail a u to this real bartfjio. Price $29?6 land f 75i will rnt ou in powfion. Oi B. Itipparl. 110 11 McKay btdE. Bdwy. 7 J 9 or O.WXEH PUOKE Thia frt uiii?la an immfdiatf ale. Kous i brand new, ueftr liTed in: in Alameda Park. 2 hlm-ka to car; rt room. Call on' 1st ffioor ; havrd ood f lcr t h r i uchout. v 1 1 mndr rn iHJsrnirn-; refinrKl on r count uf.. forced. &aie to $5A0( cah, buiajire easy. Johnson-Dodson Co. 638 N. W. Bsnk bldg. Msin 3787. HOME BUILDERS raota. auTerfRtendence. financial and buildin-r ludTice,. consult Qiney Wawksns !lroaday S4 415 Abington Bldg. MISSUSXirPI AVE. CAR NEVER LIVED TN 4 room buncslow. IMiti h kitchen, breakfast look, i! bedroinns. fireplace, btiekrasps. floored isttic. hanlsurfared. comrr. for 8350: 8500 'ash, bal. like rent. Can you beat itf Geo. F. Crow, with Albert Harala. 801 MiasisaiODi la re. Walnut 1201. OWNER ill sell home at 836 E. 31rt st; fine lew. parr3 St.. v. Block to car; combina tion Hiring and dining r. ; 2 large bed rooms wittk balh and kitchen lower floor, fireplace and furnace; floored attic; some furniture to sell:' Iconerete cara&e and eTerrthine in and loaid; price 84400. 3300 down. Call or phone sell. VVH. HOME SEEKERS Will build and finance the borne yon want. on fine lot: Richmond district; improrements oaid. Any hnme up to $t!000. If you have $50O or more as first payment, bai. monthly. Bonus accepri'd. Am re:iable builder and guar antee1 satisfaction. Aur. 623-48 for appoint ment. II'IEDMONT resideni-e district. 1247 Commer cial St.. a blks. Jefferson- hixh and lihrarr. I block Peninsula rark: imos. and allev new 7-room hunsaiow, full cement basement and poreh;. plate glass, oak floors, French Jbor. fireplace; nook and all built-ins; open Sunday. 'tHmeir. T, 7 ROOM BUNGALOW $3000. S cash, balance 6 per cent: 6 rooms on ground floor, full basement, garage, paved street: near car and school on E. 21st st. JohnsonDodson Co. 88 N W. Bank bid. Main 37R7 3100 CAN'T BFAT IT, TERMS 7' room residence and 3 fine lrt nientv of fruit, water, lights, gas, only 3 blocks cafhne. near school; a snap for $1600 on terms; J. H RICHARDS. 8" McKay bldg.. 3d. snd Stark Sta. , Kenton District : 4 rooms and bath, brand new cost iirtle frome on full 50x100 ft lot for sale by buijder. r-uit pnce only 31875. Small payment down, mail monthly payment 216 Panama bldg. OVERLOOK A modern 5-room. attractive, corner Knnea- kiw. builtins. hardwood floors, garage, cement basement By owner: $5000. H down. SS2 Castle ave.. i blocks-to , Russell-Shaver car MODERN bungalow, ready to move in: $00 cash, balance lust rent: 5 rooms, lane attic and garaee. near school and high school; a rwal bargain at $3600. G. L. Webb. 414 E. Stark st. Phones: East 00S8. Wa,)not 1396. MON"TAVILL,4 4-rwom cottage, hardwood floors, newer' and Mewailks in and paid. 81000. $400 down. f2a month incliidine int H. M i ATF.WOOD tt CO . 1R3S 4th St HAVE YOC SEEN that Richmond R to. ro j bunaaloW I hive for S65T? It's a. dandv All imiworemems palid. tnly tflSO eh. Ce ment gsrucr Ryder Realty. Sell. 5748 1 BT OWNER- room houe. lot 50x1-30. S truit trees, cement baseraent. wash trays: 1 lock to crtine, near S. P. shops. SelL 34 60. 653 it.. 1 7th st So. 4-ROOM furnLshed bom., fine condition, paved treet. all imorovements in and paid. cah $5000. 1090 Vernon ave. Tnouire Sundaya. iv Ei room bungalow in New berg, clear, : rented, for sale or exchange for Portland. iiw soon 1100, $130 CASH A home for father and . mower, s r-m cottage m fine shape 3628 Fester road. Open Sunday WHEN yju purchase vour home bav the j-4tle lasnred. Get a Title Insurance Policy. Ttfce : as Trust company. 0 1U want a beaotirui home in Irvington. r !i.t term .r.d cheap. - Address J.i M Kiwi. -OK8 Syracuse tt.wity. $2tH0. $30O cXSH 3-room houe. modern" 1 lot garare and chicken house : a ireai juap. j 6328 Foster road. Open Sunday.'! 50.j CASH ao,l soldier s loan will buy! the beat constructed and r, bnng. !n Alameda. E. 3592 eve. $500 rxWN. new 5-r. bung on KOlingsworth v.i Vi block off paved st: it's a good buy a$St30. Broad 6S36. E. 8592 eve . ! PHONE builder today. East 6799 for dope on dandy 3-room bungalow for sal. on terms, direct to you without comnwesioc. I $3300,. $50 CASH $ room house on jpbs ter i road : dandy place fcr boarding I and rooms.i 5628 FVfer road. Open Sunday! 5-ROOM modern houee with" aleepiim perch - aud fmit trees: Foter road : 'assessments are pakl-t Call owner. Auto. 615-63. T gvM s.uj. a-room nnnEalows, 325n to mw. rayntent uo and UP. 512( Al- "1 ocrta as. -ROOM bouse, near, Keni worth park; paved -- auvei. sar. cerry.; tieiweou 4U10. MODERN 7-ronaa borne, all and paid, tarsaa. Owner. Aut 81T-9. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MOUSES 404 Exrtaorinary Value 15 ' m This ! 5 Roonis and Attic 84230 ON TEMS. (SITUATED BELOW THE HILL, SKAlt WM. ALMOST StW; haudwuoi) yt.ua . fireplace. French BOOKS. 2 LA Hum COKNKK BEDROOMS; USOLEIM IN eUTOHtCS AND BATH AS tHD AS NEW; jUA'tslNKT KITCHEN. ! CK MENT BASE HX N T WITH LAt'NDHY; GARAGE. LET f. HKAJt FROM YOU. OtllCE OPEN TDAY. 1AVU HAKP. MANAGEK. j K. T. 8TKEJCT 8AXW BLTD. ! 11SO fLANOl BLV1J.. AT B9TH, j AUt. 32U-04. ! Honie.iiiid Income! 8335M-(1T67 CASH ! Besides 4-room apartment, with 2 jbea rooms, large Uringlroom with fireplace. Cabi net kitchen with baaicfast nook, white enamel bath; preens incom t JO per month from; two stores, other store ipecupied by present owner; entire property willg bring in 8100 per month. Groat id space &ft x90. Situated in K C. on Sandy bird. Fur a home with . ineocne it can't be beat. Office open today. DAVID flARP. Manager. ! R. T. STREET'S I SA'T BLVD. OFTTCE 1150 Sandy Blwt t 89th. Ant 320-04. lrfington 7 Room Bungalow 86500 Here is a good fcuy. A strictly modem 7 room bungalow with erery coneeirable mod ern eornenience. richly finished in old ifory. walls beautifully kpered. Jnst the ideal kitchen. See this;- ) A. G. fTeepe Co. j 40th and Slndy. Tabor 95S6. 39th and Gfhsan. Tab;r 3433. ; Laujjrelhurst Dutch Colonial, $6300 OWNER 13 0$-ERIXG HOME BEtOW TALl'E. 6 room and den. Eastern oak floors, efficient fireplace, furnace, garage; 3 large bedrooms afd sleeping porch; am'iwill ing. to accept leas Sthan" 81000 cash payment from responsible person. Located 1190 Laa relhurst are. Phone Tabor' 1306. NEW i$360o NEW Just completed, 4 to. down. 1 bedrmJ and sewing rm. up. ; coiribination bring and dining rm. : i-rory enamel finish; hdwd firs.; full white plumbing: classy kftchen with range canopy; furnished breakfaalivnook;' cement basement; laundry trays; large garage with runway; BOx 100 lot; eonnectedji to sewer; close to car, 1 blk school. 336O0 8450 cash. 1128 E.i 33d north, near Killing'jworth. Alberta car. KENTON BUNGALOW VACANT ! 5" rooms and speeping porch, all modem built-ins. fireplace, f. beamed ceihnss. paneled walls, stippled floors. 5 pc. plumbing, good garage, pared St. ,and sewar paid. 1 block to car. restricted distort, d only 34000. Take light car at cash i value and cash for my 81200 equity. baL s;820 per mo. and interest. Phone me and I wjill 'meet you on preroiees. (ieo. F. Crow, oaher 80 1 Mississippi I are. Walnut 1201. ' lj LaureS hurst New Spanish bqjnralow. tt rooms, shower bath, hardwood flojirs. music room, breakisjit room, fireplace, furkace. Owner will sacrifice. Must bare $5000 mrst payment. fl)ai7iifi If IFifJ CGrlliirtirS JLC4V iUl iii. tiiigCH tHJUg 4 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5173. NEAR HAWTHORNE CAR $4000 NEW aCXGALOW $4000 If you are looking for a bargain, don't over look this buy. Oak floors, fireplace, break fast nook, all builtrsns, fuu cement basement, j 50x100 lot." flnishf lid In irory and tapestry paper, and double eonstnieted throughout, -. A I real home for someone; $300 cash will handle. R. Ii' McKJREW. I 1089 Hawthorne Ate. Tabor 8892. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW I 6 rooms and sleeping porch, located near ! 51st and ThompsoB, 6 blocks to Rose City school without crossing Randy. This home is modern in erery jrespect and is very: at tractive. $3800: reasonable term. JohnsortDodson Co. 633 N W. Msin 37 SI WORTH tl-feUO TAKE 83&0O VACAS"T--MOVE RIGHT IN 6 Room home, extra large room&T fireplace, finished in ivory tapestry paper. -100 feet Sell wood ear. Excellent condition. 31000 oaAh. balance like rent' 644 Maiden ' ae Open for inspection; 1 to 4, Sunday and Mon day, Owner. ( $3m Cash Neat 6-room house and both: fireplace, wash trays, built-iiis. garage, fruits, shade trees and shrubberies; lot SDilOO, near school; gravel street; just rautside city limits southeast Ijow taxes. 8c fari. Price S2 50O. Terms. Call owner. 509 McjCay bldg Evenings B33-56 ROOMS. F.A.ST MORRISON ' Close in on 5(sjcl00 corner lot: 2 story house, suitable for !i2 flats. We have several others of this tyfli. Price $65uO, $1000 casli. balance 6. ptf cent " JohnsoiriDodson Co. 638 N. W. Bank ldg. Main 378 7. $2200 EXTutA SPECIAL 32200 New 4-room plastered house lot 40x100, cement basement, drash trays, bath, lavatory, lights, gas. garage, ifiue garden, cement walks, 2 blocks car line, a real snap for $2!200. terms. ; J. H.t RICHAP.DS. 308 iMcKay Bldg. ! Lots t-ots Lots i Close in. besutjful location : all improve ranta in and pai ; 2d mortgage privilege. Call Main S34 Tuesday. Mill obtain loan for borne builders. MODERN. 6 rooi fleeping porch, fruit, flowers, near IVninsuia park. Price is right; will give, a.-r terras. Call Walnut 0159, Mouday. 0ner. $140 CLOE TO CAR $1400 8 room plastered house, J 00x100 lot. 1 block to car. close school. $250 easli. $20 montnly, interest included. JohnonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank )dg. Main 8787. 5-ROOM modern house, lot 40x105, $250 cash. 820 aer month. 81700; 3 room house, lqt 40x103, 31050; $150 cash, $15 per monrti. NEfc'L SMITH. I 6530 Eoster Roajd. Auto 612-65 $33008500 DolrVN. balance $25 montW. Krrol llts.. beauiftil view, new modern 4 room bungalow, cettent basement and garage, 1 block to car. i i EDWIN O. WILSON. REALTOR. ! 5621 Woodnock Ate. Aut 613-13. 3 ROOM modern f bungalow, full basement, stationary wash tajs. garage, 2 cherry trees, sidewalks in. Cloee to car; $2500: $100 down, balance $206 per month and 6 9fe in terest 6548 4thiist. S. E. Owner. 6024 88th st S. E. Aut 619-15. T TITLE In-uranci pobcy i a guarantee by - a responsible company that you willi not Suffer loss on account of the title to I your real estate. When I you buy real estate get a Title Insurance PoJScy No abstract required. Title & Trust company. ' FOR SALE 5-room house and attic, hard wood fioors, heinr room I36. large ciosei! s. luroice ano; garare ; oeautiful location. i: jvni mat a swci nome. see : tm one Owner, K. SSffi st S, Tabor 4713. MONTAViLLA DISTRICT i 6 icri anotlera biinffalow. furnace: firerilace I cement ba-ment. liaved t. in -fins condition on , st J3MH1, jprmi R. M. GATEWOQp A CO . 15 H 4th !St FOR SALE, by oajner, modern 5-room bun galow ; fireplace, Ifurnace, cement basement built-ins, paved strer-ts. fruit trees, alley, igood district; pnce $4580. Walnut 5835 or j 896 neroy st . n, agents; wan tea. CLOSE your real e-tate deal without annoy ing details by uenj a Title Insurance Pol icy. No abstract jjrequtred. Title A Trust company. DO YOl" want niceg rleesant, anodera home on East Side, easy ieiins and cheapv must be sold. Address J. tl. Rueil." 10O8 Syracuse st, eity. ! HAWTlllR.K AJiDtflON I 6-room fumivhetf house, lot 50x100 ft 30th st. 82350. teijns. U. M. (.ate wood A! Co. l"i "a '4 th st. i ! TITLE ihsarance mtes una and money: be cause he a bet raft is required. , Title V Trn't cimpany. j i 5-R'HlM ht.uc. garage. $1600: 3 -room bouse. garaee. 10OO. easy tanas; naif block tie red street Aut.j 643-64. j 814008200 T0VN. bal $30 imontiT"! room bungalow, completely furn. CaH at 5621 Woodstock afe. Aut 615-13. ; lCREIJirRitr DISTRICT $3000 6 rooms, modern, partly furnished; $300 down. Owner. 110 j E. 57th N. Main 2220. 1MM A"LATK 3-foom apartment I bungalow 8350O. $500 uofra. bsl terms. : JJOO Cleve land ave. ; 81730' $250 . CAf H- 5 rooms, toilet and bath; a good bu : must selL 5628 Fbster road. Open 8unU;. BY OWNER rooms, light bath, ; gas. uau , a a nil, n s,i 1 jniii, f , gs M. ii Ft. ja a iq si. 1-ROOM booae.2 4t. fruit, A-l K 7,8th N. My ,car. ; :. 'i 107 NEW aaodera, bnasalow. improved, H $1000. terata Taooraade, Tabor S0J.0, REAL ESTATESFOR SALE HOUSES 404 Look These Over j Kemi modern 7-rm. html ' T-viaee phTmhing. fall basement, boose ha Haw ooartitinw. large bed room on first floor, 100x1 0O gxmnd with leta of fruit, ail iaaprowestenta ka. 200 feet from ear, (lies to school and stores, i Price S5O00: tm Pine 6-room hoase b East Harrieon it rut. 10 mi outre' walk to west aide, close to ear. It s a dandy borne and eheap at 84750, 8200 4 lota adjoining Wetaetland, with a. vari ety of frait., eld but comfortable tt-rootn house, garage, fine: chicken betas, dose to ear and 20 mmntaa to west aide, near ashoai and stores. All fox. 83800. , 8700 aaah. Good D-eoom bnagaloer as 50x100. with some frait,: dose to ear. 18 minutes to west side, near store and ashooi. an Improvements lav Janap at ssuuu. 100x100 of fine gardes soil with some frait. 2 bJCJia from pared street, cheap hoase with gas and water. -It's a anan for someone wanting a cheao home. Price 87 50. Want 8300 cash. SEAL BROWN. 007 Yukon are. SelL 252. Bargains Every One Mod era 2-ttory. 6-room oottaaw on i Cook arenue. near WiHrtms arenne. 84200, easy terms. 8 rooms, earner, near W 11 hams are nne; good plumbing, banuunt and gar age Price 83000; $500 cash will handle. Two 4-room cottages, on Borthwiek street, modern in erery respect; rented for f 40 per month. This is an excep tional buy. Pnce S3S00, rery easy terms. Good 6-room house, IS. Eighth, st. H. ; lot 50x1110; lota of fruit, berries' and shrubbery; 3210V; small payment down. 85 month, including interest. J. F. Hill 606 WuUams Ave. East OBS. East Broadway CLOSE IN fiood as new. 5 -room bungalow with atQe target enough for 2 rooms, 60x90-foot lot, south front. This bouse is practically in Irr ingtow. and 1 0 minutes to heart of city. Front porch ' has massire brick pillars, large tiring arid dining rooms with French doors, oak floors, tiled fireplace, leaded glass bookcases and a bnffet you will admire, large bedroom , 12x13 with 5 windows, closets with windows, bath with best of fixtures and built-in dressing table with Urge mirror, perfect cabinet kitchen with breakfast nook, basement 18x36. easy stairway, fruit closet, laundry traya, good ce ment drire to garage lawn with large trees, 11 improrements in and paid; price only 35250, with terms. Office open today. DAVID HARP, Manager. R. T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFFICE 1150 Sandy Bird, at 39th. Ant. 32Q-04. Rose City Park NEW NIFTY BUNGALOW $5500 TERMS We want you to compare this with others you hare aeon priced at $1000 more. Work manship and quality of materials used the beet; complete with oak floors throughout; best furnace, garagt. etc Pleasure to show you. A. Q. Teepe Co. ROSE CITT OFFICE 40th-Sandy. Ta. 8386. LALRELHCRST OFFICE 39th and Gliaan Tabor 8438. r OFFICES OPEN SCNDAT SNAP HAWTHORNE SNAP 81000 Below Value PRICE NOW 83150 81650 CASH Seeing is buying this coay. 6 room, modern minsralow( in excellent location; has fireplace, Dutch kitchen, excellent floor plan, full ce ment basement and wash traya. Words will not express the excellent value here. Ton will just have to see it R. L. McGREW, SKALTOR, 1089 Hawthorne Ave. Tsbor 8892. 5 ROOM BT'NGALOW. 33500 8500 CASH I want you to see this attractive bunga low so that you yourself may see what splendid value you oan still secure for a moderate price. Phone me personally and I will drive after you in my car. Walnut 3822. Perfectly Satisfied That's What You'll Say after you have moved into this beautiful bun galow; 5 wonderful rooms, exceptionally large living room. This is on paved street, with garage, cement driveway. It's a clawy home, for rnly $4750, easy terms. Tabor 7547. 83200. ClXbE TO CAR $3200 5 room modern bungalow, cement base ment, laundry trays, etc., fruit berriea, 1 bik. north of Ainaworth are.; good district. $500 cash, $30 monthly. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. A NICE 1JTTLB HOME FOR 8 ALB Containing 4 rooms, small bathroom, en closed back porch, 30-feot bricked well, gas for lighting and cooking; nearly 2 acres of fruit, berries and grapes, chicken house and barn; paved highway from Portland. 13 miles. Price 82200. part cash, balance easy installments. J. Field. Box 162. R. 4. Beaverton, Or. WALKING DISTANCE REED COLLEGE 8 well arranged rooms and garage, full basement furnace, laundry trays. Thia house is attractive in appearance and surrounded by well kept homes in an all paved district JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N W. Bank bide. Main 3787. IRVINGTON HOME 7 rooms and sleeping porch ; hardwood floors and thoroughly modern ; surrounded by fine homes; large garacer $7500 ; $2000 will handle. w ir.Trp a snurii 1421 N W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 6409 $1350 Easy Terms ON PAVED 8TREET A dandy little home of 2 rooms and bath room, full 70x100 lot, all In garden, dandy new chicken house. 1 4 blocks to car and store. John F. Zuber. 71st and Ghsan. Tabor 754 7. HARDWOOD FLOORS AND FIREPLACE 5 rooms with large attic, oak floors except kitchen which has inlaid linoleum. Dutch kitchen, full basement. 50x100 let. 4 block to paved street and streetcar. $3200, terms. JolhnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bid?; Srffin 3787 $3000 This splmdid -5 room bungalow must be soia. rtaruwooa ttoors. white enamel wood work, and everything m good repair. This is on 9h st 2 blocks from car line Easy terms. W. M. I'mbdenstock aV Co., 210 Or. bids. Broadway 1658. HOMB IN MONTAVILLA. 217 E. 82d N.. 5 rooms, bath, pantry, farll basement fruit, shrubbery, garage: lot 5OJ.200; connected to main sewer; no incumbrance, for $3850. $1500 cash. Inquire at BTorerr. 133 14 Grand ave E't 0418. R. A. Wallis, owner, 8 ROOMS, restricted district Improvements in and iki, close to car, church, stores and library, haw. fioors; furnace, oement base ment, laundry trays, garage, trees, shrubbery snd flowers. A bargain t price asked. Terms. Aut. 325-73 or Bdwy. 0249. $350 ROSE CITY DISTRICT Full ?ize lot close to Sandy; nice loca tion!, pretty shade trees, cement walks and curb; easy terms. See Royal. 72d st. at Sandy bird. FOR SALE, a brand new 4-room and bath on corner lot full basement and floored attic, for 3650; small payment down, balance monthly. 1 820 Campbell street A TITLE : Insurance Policy a a guarantee of the title to your borne. When you buy your borne have the title Insured. : Better be safe than sorry. Title at Trust company $2350. $500 down. Afb at. west of Laurel hurst 4 -room modern bouse, new roof and paint street improvements paid: walking das taoce high and grade school Main 7244. FARMERS Are you coming to town for the school year; Vr. house, 100x100, fine location, near school and etr. at Woodmere. 8260O. terms. 7800 68d ave.. S. V 4 ROOM COTTAGE ! Modern, nearly new, 50vl00 let, paved at Price 82850; termsi 'Jucr. 742 Elba eve. near Brooklyn car shops. A 10-ROOiM furnished bouse, from 1 owner. Downtown, west side. Leaving eity. G-186. Journal NEW, modern bungalow. 5 room and nook, fireplace, hdw. firs., on two improved streets. 1678 Vernon ave. j EVERY pare baser ot real estate should hare hi cue mwnreu. Better ba eaf. T Hie at Trust company. 8350 BIT house 16x24, lot 50x10 ft 81 SO down. 99 per month, just outside city: limits. IOSd. st at 57th - Campbell.' I FOR SALE Troom jouae. lull. lot. i terms, less than: 10 minutes' walk to either grade or high school Walnut 1340. j A BARGAIN One 'A and en 1 8-roem bouse. Particulars, call at 178 E. 60th and Yaaa- hill sta. M- t - ' " j i - : BflT SIT" K--Y- rv daady Inrarien 81606 will bandia. 386 Kanilla a, near siunbu j cam. t jii!;i:i , , i v.--- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES i 404 BEAUTUTT. pEW HOMES T! 1BVISGTOS PARK1 28 ninntM' vitim Itn mMM rl-t vi. Wocxiiaw-n cars ; fine new of enow-capped mountains and Columbia rirer eaBer. ' I have Just completed tea S and room (aodera bangalowa, with actios.: fireplaces, etc. Some are nnsokli Select roars now. Win baud 10O more, bo two alike, or will build to suit buyer. ! , ! Prices range from 84000 to $5000. 6 U per oast on all unpaid balances.: ! A Small cash payment down and balance ease as rent, on or before 15 yeaxa to pay principal and Interest. , f W tiJn f"?" E 28d at. No. and Liberty Phone Walnut 6888. auPWJ5twn S"m- -11 Washinrton bldg.. tn and Washington at. Phone Bdwy. 738ft! JASON a MOORE. Owner. A Wonderful Buy ON NT-ANTON ST. Two good houses en a large iot, one house has 8 rooms arranged for two families; the ether bouse has 3 rooms. "This is a wonderful buy for anyone looting for a small investment; property has -rental ralue at 145 per month. Price to only 3380; 81000 caaa will aanale It. i )-.-- - J.! R Hill -s . 886 Williams Are., rEMJ268. I Laurelhurst Sacrifice j OWNER MOVING AWAY MUST SELL ' Owner losing $3000 Quick action the J2. w ,iHen- foik" Itivey one of the best built homes ia : Portland; and for real class and cusUnction it is in . a class by 7 f w of thos downright good look ing bungalow homes One stops to admire. wuauty or workmanship, and; materials the highest. Living room 80 feet Inner m.t , 1. i-Kciry paper, expenaiva light fix tures, exceptionally large lot near park A. Q. Teepe: Co. ' Laurelhurst office 89th and Gliaan. Ta. 8433 Rose Osty office 40th and Bandy. Tabor 9586. Hawthorne Snap Xt chzrx to pick up one of the most de- SiraDift bnniM in IK. k.. . v., M t . : . , . . hardwood Qoors Fmneh innV ni. of built-ins, very handy kitchen, full cement launary ana lurnace; all improve menu in and paid. Terms very easy. Office open DAVID HARP. Uiiur V;LST,REF:8 SANDY BLVD. OFFICE oanuy niva. at 39th. Aut 820-04 If Winter Conies Here is a dandy brand new B room bungalow j-mnucu iu nainu up-To-aste style with Dutch kitchen and breakfast nnnit r, . .n. hardwood floors, fireplace, a bedrooms down- imtsw muc, line naaement with wash trays, full lot and garage.. All for $4760; mi mn7 wrmn. r or appointment call East 7211 ALBERTA 7-ROOM MODERN HOME ; $8550 Boy from owner: a real bra.in a K. rooms and bathroom and toilet, full cement """""s cement lioor. wasb trays, furnace, gas water heater. Int fuw 1 no o . 3 blocks to car, 8 blocks to school, 1 block to vs:u-ic uami; going away; must sell. v-' uci , i u a C. J ui St. , STATE BANK VICTIM MCST SACRIFTCR Utfum Westmoreland attractive 5 room bungalow -r miviaces, narawood floors, furnace, atnotly modern oor. lot nnum l hin.t 2 . east front, only 85000, 31500 cash, balance uao rent. nurry. Bdwy. 6011. 1 T. O. BIRD. 626 Cham, of Covn $2000 4 ROOMS. PlCfi fiTOCfT , . u.ci.ioutra, iair:y close in. corner " truit. neaf car and school. 82000 $o00 down, $25 monthly, including son Co. 633 N. W. Bank hidg. Main 3787 BLIL.DER selling lour iolendid. new bungalows I I ad ihe built-in hdw. flo a .cement floored ! """". cement poncnes, replaces, garages plate glass windows, altades and fixtures. These 4oo3Dtoe'Sar.1nt!e way undrr prices, ,l540e",r,nn, Take Richmond to 85 th street Houses are close to cor Ber 35th and Clinton. , Builder, SelL 2859 ; MODERNSIRVINGTON BUNGALOW" ! Pnce $7250; large rooms, built for home, white enameL ; hdw. floors, plenty of room in attic, fine furnace and fireplaceT ga fage. good location; Urms. See Mr. Jones. ! F. E. BOWMAN tc CO.. L 210 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE room modern bungalow, with four lota L Tery 'ertUe 'sarden soil. . luxuriant ahrub bery and beautiful flowers, on paved street with all city conveniences, good neighborhood and pleasant surroundings; price $3950 rea sonable terms. See owner on premises. '5414 4th ave, s E or phone 610-9S A HOME FOR $60() Large 2 -room cottage, lot 100x100 ft. just the place you have been looking for- $100 Cash, balance $8 a month. L., JOHN M. KROG CO.. 412 Wilcox bldg: Broadway 1875. MT- TABOR DISTRICT I Nice comfortable 6-room house with 4 lots, m lawn and bearing fruit trees. Near school Will accept loan. Tabor 2102 $4500 6,7CK'm modern Ikiusc. near Ninth and bhaffer st. in good condition: has fine fur pace, lawn and garaae: 4 blocks to car and a?- a 5cho)- Broadway 5231 or Auto. 3 1 i -44 . VVO.IERFT-r. KIT 6-room modern: bungalow, all on one floor. furnace, iiepiace, cement nasement concrete IPirage. only $8450. $1250 down, balance $25 EJ"U1- ooi saiKiy Dlvl. Kast 8U3.V BI OWNER, cozy 4-room house, corner lot 50x100, new lawn, garden, berries and shrubbery; auto repair shop large enough for iI? lB oonnection; across st from school. B-622, Journal. i BY OWNER i Fo al 5-rm. bung, close ro. pared St. lot 80x100, house painted inside and out; near school, carline; buy from owner, aava commission. G-168. Journal. ; $3900 $3900 ' 6-room modern bungalow, fireplace, furnace, buffet and bookcases, on paved street, cloee to school; $1500 down, balance to suit 881 Sandy blvd. . East 8985. j $2250 $350 DOWN i Buys this good 5-room bungalow at 971 E. ? 6th st ; garage, cement basement; balance easy ; will take car in' on this. WS car j R. SOMERVn.LE. Broadway 2478. FOR SALE, bungalow: for $4800. with S1000 tAU. Ii . 1 rOOTTl.".. nr in atena ; oni V. .. . . , ""' oj-u evenings. OWNER has new beauuiui 8 room Col h7T galow, sun torn, attic, with heat and light E!!)" Ue!" "' 2Stb d Skida"r REAL ESTATE MEN DON T SELL WITHOUT TOl'R BON D BONDS OF EVERY KIND WRITTEN SM ITO-WACTXERCft. STOCK EXCH. HOTJSB PLANS ! 100 designs. 310 to 815, aianed at reasonable fee. specially ds- U R. BAILEY A CO., 924 N. W. Bank Bldg. WHEN you gtt a Title insurance Policy you 1 do not need an abstract f title. One pre mium pays for all time. Title A Trust com pany. LOOK Home with i-woroe; 6 attractive rooms for your borne aid a 3-room apt. to rent -easy terms; on hard-ourface street near car' Stores and school. Plione Aut. f!21-01. i ELEGANT ROSE CITY tU'NGALOW' i Near boulevard. Beautiful built-ins. All hdw. floors. Furnace. Appointment only. Sell. 1250. EAST SIDE 6-room house, S email rooms j good for large: family; large bearing trees." Price 83000; 8600 down, 6 per cent F N'ielson, 588 Emerson st 1 NEAR Franklin high: school. 6 rooms dei j sleeping porch,: 91x200, all: kinds fruit 3 blocks to Hawthorne : car. by i owner. "60 a., 1. .00 . .1, : - . ' ygw at-. iivisioTj; xabor 0170 EW bungalow heme. j all modern, combination I living and dining j room, bedroom, bath, floset. Dutch kitchen, ; basement furnare- Haw thorue ear. 3319 :5th st 82360. some terms. il'E build gocd homes rea.-nnabiie, and get out ) the drawings therefor, mrestigate our price tnd references before, you bttiid; a Vtc ratio us. Ea-V 4531. j i . : STRICTLY modern 6 j room bungalow on Wfl i lamette blvd, i near Columbia university; ""red for electric i range, garage and beautiful new lawn. Leav-inst city. Owner; Empire 2038. GOING away; aava $400 on pretty S r. mod. i heme; 2 shady lota, $2700. Some furn. tnd 5 cords wood.: A, 610-73. OR- SALE hi acre, 3-room ! bouse, garage; j some berries and prune trees. Inquire 161 fe. 47th at. N. I - i 1 OWNER must sen en account of sicknesa, ( 6-room house, furmihed ; f 32O0. $J0 cash. Take car ienrs anstnct. Ant ti-3-24 OWNER Eight-room modera house oa ridge east of Reed college, i sne virw. block tar. Phone 631-32. j ; BEAUTU'L'L bungalow. Rose City Park, 4 Urge attic, hardwood 'fjoora. fire. place, French door.;, strictly modern, large garage, : vwnrr 1 00a. .is XI 81506 CASH, new 6 " bungalow, full basement, lot 50x100; reg ular prfc .90. i Wainat 06. ESTATE FOR SALE i HOUSES i 404 j : : ; (Holy Smoke! j : h ! THIS IS CHEAP-- ! i 880OO Kvrra a modem 4-room house, eleee in. . imna. all neid fine Bios farman tireulace. close to school and car, cement baseraent and boil tine. Will aserifiee my canity of 81150 for 8600. Must be soid this week. Will con- aider light car. .- j ! , THIS IS WORTH BDT1NG 8100O. 4msi. modem nouae, fireplace, KOxaOO lot, ! fruit trees, town, flowers, ber ries, -partly furnished. Only $390 down. Good terma. :'!!. ! ii j ? LOOKING FOR A REAL BTJTf ; i B1SBO tmiva a i-mrn house OB Alberta 50x100 lot bath and" toilet, elect, fireplace, fruit and bemee. Thia won t last : at this price- This house Is partly furnished. : 00 dowa, good tarma, - - ft ! ' i HERB ARK SOME BRAND NEW ! --83850 buys a 4-room, modern, new house with attic, laundry traya. cement basenwntt good furxiiace, bdw. floors, breakfast nook, la Alameda dirt SS0O down, rood Urms,: all dear, . j : I ; - : . ; ANOTHER NEW ONE 84350 buys a 5 -room, brand new. extra fine bungalow. 60x1 00 lot ' cement basement laundry trays, furnace,; hdw. floors, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. $1000 down, bal good terms, , This ia .real bargain. anotheb?;ew one 84650 hnya a strictly modern, o-rtn. hoaae. 50x100 lot to aa alley,, all imp. la and paid, hdw. floors, breakfast nook ; and everything. Tha is a well built house in every respect and won't, last long at this price. HERE i S ANOTHER NEW ONE 83500 for a new 4-room, modern home, corner lot psrved st This is some snap. Only $500 down, balance good terms. You'U hare to hurry, s j TOO CAN T BEAT THIS $5250 bus's a striollv modern, wonderful home, furnace, hdw. flours, all bull tins, imp. in and paid, 50x100 lot. fine lawn and I lowers, garage. If you are looking for a real home come ont and see this. Good terms. We hare hundreds of listings of houses sand farms that have been personally appraised and inspected by us. Our prices are right Call and see us. . r MeGEE k DENNIS ' ! "We Sell the Earth" 969 Fnion ae N. Walant 5684 83300 COMPLETELY rVR. 83000 Client is leaving trie city and hasi Instructed me to sell his wonderful little; bungalow at a pnce far below its value.; It has 4 large rooms with many built-, ins. good basement large lot wjthi garage ; also is completely 1 furnished with new mahogany furniture. An ideal little home at an exceptionally low price. Price $8300, some terms. J. F. Hill 96 Williams Ave. East 9268. Laurelhurst. $6250 NEW BUNGALOW, IDEALLY LOCATED. NEAR CAR Complete with splendid oak floors through out tiled bath, tiled sink, most modern plumbing; one of the best furnaeess. Barajje. etc. Buy now and choose your own paper, fixtures, etc. Someone will, get a good buy. Hurry. ' A. Q. Teep.-Co. r Laurelhurst office 39th and Glisan Ta. 333 Rose City office 40th and Sandy. Tabor 9586. SOMETHING SPECIAL Modern 2 story 8 room home with efrery desirable feature; located on 165x140 cor ner with a distinctive lawn and a Quality selection of fruit and nut trees all in full bearing. Concrete double garage. $10,500, one half cash will handle, ot will take modern bungalow aa part payment. Branch office 15th and Shaver. Open Sunday. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bide Main 3787. Overlook Addition . Attractive 5 room modern bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, built-in features: full cement basement furnace and laundry trays. Lot 60x100, improvement m and paid for. No assessments to assume. Essy terms. Owner, Overlook Land Co.. Main 0216. ; Hawthorne District 6 rooms and sleeping porch, modern in every way; all improvement in and paid. Price $5400, including the furni ture, or $5000 unfurnished. Cash $700. McClure V Schmauch Co., 306 Railway Exchange, Bdwy. 1508. 4 Rrns. and Bath $11 800 PAVED STREET. Vi BLOCK TO CAR A wonderful little home, gas, bath, elec tricity; very attractive, with lawn, flowers, all kinds of shrubbery, shade, trees, etc.; you U like this place. John F. Zuber. 1824 E. Glisan. Tabor 7547. Down New 4 room modem bungalow, has Dreax fast roora. shower bath, cement basement, trays, furnace, fine garage, lot BOxlOOi 7 fruit trees, sll improvement in and paid; $3500, balance $30 : month, including ; in terest East 8935, Brand New -Cozy Home 5-room dainty little home in the Irvington "di'trict- hardwood flocrs. fireplace. papered wall' Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook; 2 bed rooms downstairs, large attic, nice base ment with wash trays. All the modern built ins. $4150. $500 cash and monthly pay- ments. East 7211. ' " SCNN YSIDE Dandy California type. 0-roorn house 66x90 ft lot; paved st; improvements paid; pnce $3600. "500 cash handles. David E. Edgerton; 624 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5173: Modern Bungalow! 5 rooms, all on one floor, furnace, fire place cement basement, trays, concrete ga rage,' attic, beautiful lawn and flowm i, , 3 short block, to car. $3450. Must . b.v. $1250 down, balance $2o month. E. 893o. ; : ' BY OWNER For sale at a very low price. 6 room mod ern bungalow, paved street full '''-T will exchange for smaller house witn -two 'iota or null acerage .near city limits. My place located at 161 Page st, 2 blocks from Missis sippi car line, 1 block south of Russell. Call after 6 p. m. ROSE CITY PARK Corner 63d st. and Sandy blvd. A real s . - , i.; 1 -h uwtairs: basement, laundry tubs. furnace. Deautuui bihuukcij, ner lot. A real bargain, easy terms. 1039 Sandy Mvd. ; LRVINJTON New 6 room bungalow, large attic, hard wood floors, decorated throughout costly plumbing, material and workmanship the yery best 62 1 E. 2 2d st. N. E. Nrlson. owner aud builder. Call Auto. 312-29. ; , 3-ROOM house with bath and toilet on S9x 100-foot lot, 1 block from Mt Scott i ear and 4 blocks from school- Must be sold ithis week. $1250 on terms. LAIRITSEN-STEVEN SON-SCHNEIDER COMPANY, INC. ! 226 Alder St. I Suite 9) Main 8618. MODERN 10-rcH.m housev bathroom op first and second floor, built-iu appliances ; fine basement electric laundry: worUi $12,800. Owner will sell at $8500. One the finest houses in Ladd's Addition. .Call any time. 64 5 Ladd ave. ! ! ONLY $3750J $730 CASH i PAVED STREET. CORNER t-OT j 5-room bungalow with sleeping: porch i Br ing room across entire front fireplace, builttins, laundry traya. large garage'. John F. Zuber, 1824 E. Glisan. Tabor 7MT. 1 di-il RARGA1N IN MT. TABOR i 4 -Room bouse, bath, toilet, gas, lights.: ce ment basement, all kinds berriea. close! to school ami icar. Only $250 ilown. Price $190u Easy: terms on the balance. ! '. 604 BCCHANAN BLDG. j BCNt i ALOW' r Fireplace, bokcase, buffet china cupboards, white enameled Dutch kitchen bedroom and bath, 'dining room ivory nd naneled.l porches, lawn, rosea, garden, garage; 83906 for quick sale. 14828 flat b vr j - : ' B ! ROOM house. 2 block to rvT 5 ROOM bouse, Z Blocas to aa- . v. car, awo ern conremencea,,! garage, sanitary barn;: lot 75x106. all iciear. 1 Only $2350. with 8130 down. $25:mbBthly. T E. 64th t. K. ..Tabor 3 ROOMS. S16S0 : Nice 50100 lot I'ved street hoase need some repairs. ;81 Albert t; mniy 8150 cash, balance $26 per monta. 'See owner at 80 1 Mississippi '- Phone Wamnt ltil ' ' TIN E buugatow of 5 large i cheerfnl room. full basement, furnace and I beautiful lot on 3d st. 3 blocks tram Montaviila car. Only 8S10O. : Tery seasy terms. Tabor 601 6. j : I A BARGAIN 81850. SOME TERMS! ! . ' : One . acre, t-room.; house,, iga. atrawberirM and a Utile! furniture 1 minute 1 GrXsfaam end Call Automatic 634-20. TITI-P! lTHrarance a toe asoucrn way ot 01m titles to real eatatau - Quicker, coat laa aad nw abatgaat requued, Title ah True REAL SALE HOUSES 404 Laurelhurst Home MiM Bargasn I MA KB AN OFFER THIS LAL atKLHt KST HOME. S IJIRGR KOOMb ASU NL'RISEUYi L1V 1NO RtKM 14X2. MCE UAKsiE pINING BOOM KITH ATTKAitrri DUUiTlS uvrrbl, HARDWOOD jFLOOttS. VKB1 ' Firen i F1MEPLACK, MAS V OTHER BVUVnjNS: 1XJMPLBTE t UABESHT KITCHEN ; FI LL CEMENT j BASEMENT WITH LAUNDKx AND rUBS-CtCLASSJ HEATING j PLA5T; rt?LL ! CEMENT DRIVE TO GARAGE : NICE LAWN iAl 8HKB8BEKT; HARD BCKFACK PAID: IN THE WEST PART! OK THIS K1STHICT. T MONEx TALEa. ior- FSCK OPEN TOOAT. ' ' j ' 1I.4V1H hAKr, MA.NS.Or.tt, RJ T. STREET'S (UANUlt BLVIX : OFFICE, llftO SANI?V BLVD. AT lTR A. 820--04. Roonis Large Attic IF i4i5y4595y,iCasHi - 1 Near iSfindy Blvd. ! ! Unbelievable kalue. they are getting $6S0 for this : type of bungalow today ; was built 7 years ago and built right; hardwood floors, massive fireplace, alt kinds of buUtisa. luce large rooms with Jots., of; windows,; complete kttchen. i cement baseraeat with laundry land furnace; every; pretty- law and flowers; hard surface paid. I Office open today. . , i I ' Hand Harp. Manager. j i R. T. STKEETIS t$andy Blvd. OfTiee.i 1 ISO Sandy Blvd. at 38th. i Auto. 3-w4. Homes Built to Suit M Your Income 1 In any iparti of the dty. Plana drawn, estimates cheerfully given and j financial and secured. Coma la and, talk it over, j : Vh A.: L. Bonn Iriv. Co.i 216 Panama Bldg."' j Broadway 6157. i Rose (City District! NEW BUNGALOW FOR $4650 TERMS i INCLUDES 6 ROOMS, hardwood floors, a real fireplace, furnace, garage, rich old ijvory finish, tapestry paper. : French dooxa between living and dining rooms, a model kitchen with attractive nook.! One of the prettiest lots in tha district t front Unusual terms, itoo. A Q. Teepe Co. I Base City office ' 41ith jand Sandy. Tab. 9586. Laurelhurst of fipe 3th snd Glisan. Ta. 8433. OFFICES! OPEN SUNDAY j ; Opportunity Knocks Three 6'5-foot lots with 4-roo mbunga !ow, garage, fruit trees and paved street, in the Irrineton-Alameda district' for $3000. $300 cash. This gives you a home and 2 fine building lots in the bargain in a locality where property i moving. If you have; the $300, which is the: first essential, and appre ciate a barcaiq when you see it, call East 7211. i i J Downf$2i50Down jlt00-i 5 ROOMS-4i-$1900 j A 5-room i cottage on paved street, ill improvement in, concrete .foundation. two-thirds basement, full plumbing NEAR PIEDMONT CARBARNS. Terras, STAR REAA ESTATE ek INV. CO. ; Bdwy. 6618 j 512-13 Wilcox Bkjg. 4-ROOM house on hi acre ground at Capitol Hill. This little home is com pletely furnished : inside and out and we have been instructed by the owner to sell it within the next 8 days for $1100 4n terms. ; ; j LAUBrTSEN-STEVENSON'SCHNEIDER COMPANY. INC. i 226 Alder St Suite 9) Main 8615. $3300 Furnished $3300 4-room bungalow with all the modern built-ins, shower bath, cement basement, laundry trays, and furnace; sidewalks and sewer in 2 blocks to ear. , one to pave ment. Terms. 1 I STAR REAL ESTATE INV. C. i Bdwy. 661$. 512-13 Waoox Bldg T BERRIES.! FRUIT AND CHICKENS j Well loeatedi close j to ear ' and echooj; 4 acres, fenced and jin good condition; rasp berries will pay) you better than wages ; ttory and half house, basement And bath ; j city water, light: good outbuildings,, all for the price Df the land. 86000. You must have $2000 cash. Branch ioffiee 15th and Shaver, i nson son Co, Main 3787. 633 N. W. Bank bid EX-SERVICE MEN i We have some real desirable modern bun galows ready for immediate occupancy; ivery easy terms. ' j P ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD f ' 'See our plans and up-to-date Idea, f We can help-you finance. W. M. UMBDEJf STOCK A CO. ' 210 Oregon Bldg, Bdwy. 1658. ROSE CITY i SPECIAL 5 ROOMS f i 36400 i A real bargain, located on the carline. White enamel finish. ! fireplace, furnace, all large rooms. You wi31 look a long time hftrj yotl beat this bargain. j CORCORAN-J0NES REALTY CO.. 575 Oak St. : Phone Bdwy. 6008. BY OWNER Modern 5 room-, bungalow, with sleeping porch, corner, street improvement In and paid; has garaee, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floor, built-ins, cement basement and stationary tubs; 1 block to car, walking distance of both grade and high schools; in Al condition; terras. Tabor .8918. i -REAL SOUTHERN COLONIAL j This charming Irvington b ome. S . rooms, also two , bathrooms, complete in every detail ; French doors and French windows open jonto heavy pillared cement veranda, with vine-colored pergola. 522 E.i 25th st N. Phone East 0874. BEST LOCATION IN LAURELHURST i FOR SALE : . ( New modern !6 room bungalow at 106$ E. Davis. All hardwood floors, gas furnace ,i ga raee. Bargtin. j Tabor 6054. 7 ROOM house In St Johns; 2 story, on corner 100x100; full baseraent graded st. kide walk. close to oar; $4000: 8200O down, S bal ance terms. . G. Hofstrand, ,. 1882 Greeley. Walnut 5965. ! BEHIND every ; policy of Title Insurance i a deposit with the jstate of Oregon to protect you against lost, yet it is cheaper than! the arjeLracv (qbuhm. iiae oc rwt company. NEV 4-room bungalow, hardwood floors, jfire- place, ruui, Eurnace, everytning built hi, a Complete home : garaze. Some, terms. 832 E. J3U1 st f.! uwner ion premises. j LET tenant pa for your home. Three-family house, 81000 down. Including furniture, 4 blocks from Broadway, half black William kve. ear. East 1318. i riEDMONT DISTRICT T ,'Nea modern 4-room double construe ted, hear rar aad business district: 50x100, feast facing lot: terms. Owner. 1260 Borthwicj st TWO nice corrjer lota good 2 -room cottage, ! :onie fruit 1 tdees, lots of berriea, good loca tion for store, pn hard surface road. E.I W. Phillips. 62T04 ftfitlt are. S. E. j IF YOLJ ABE' GOING TO BCrLfFl or make alteration. Either contract or iper bentage. 21 year in Portland. Befereacea. yaoor BEAUTIFUL 6i room modem, bungalow, hwd. 1 floor, full basement large lot, paved street all imp. paid; H block Monta villa car; 34000. terms. Owner, illli E. 79th st N. i FOR SALE, by the; owner, new five-Boom : bungalow .and garage, 402 E. 46th st North. Rose City car to 46th st. one and a half blacks south. I ,! I in-ROOM house, not uuiter finished: itaka ! car for part ; payment. 8439 Foster Boad. ' Auto. 641-61. i I i V j H ACRE-t-HAWTHORNE CAR j Small house,' garage. $156 fruit yearly; i 500.; 3400 cash I Crwner, iAnt 622-78. WILL sell my place: for $2200; 8 room house. j : fz xoi. ,vtau ain worn va . f vv, warn no Xo date car. Empire 2Q66, : I B-RCKiM cottage, 826S0. corner lot; business Hocatiorii 82 I E. i 29th at II Phone Tabor 0386; levpniBti Tabor 03S5. j F0R 8ALB 4i room house, t5 by 100"1feet f ground. iiS fruiti tree. 81460. A bargain. 1 r.. iiai hj ' Y OWyER-ilO-room houseji two baths, ,Mn.Mu fiirl tarn faiiiilleai or' mAmm., ar- iCaU jiVALKlNG :"dttanrcv 3 block to car. eouity i m modern nome iatjyour pricw; ato oeaieras -1X7, . Joumnll - ! j ' ; ': . ROOM: nlastered nouoe. for sale at a bargain. Iruit, 1 oertM Walnut 3427J f mix, 1 bernea, garoeu. ; iai wiiDar t EST buyj in Al Iberta,; 5 rooms, (a furnace. modern. Call w a mat 2114. or eveumgs alnut 3065j 1 4-RuOM aad- UtU. j gas and eaedtric furnished : or unfurnished light fud basement all ignprovgmePta : paid. 17 Stanton, JlERE'8 your cha4cei far a I good home i room house: fnice! (oration, jrloae to car T- carline; .sy terrasi. Tajbor j43. iT. house, and furniture, price $1200. pUy be seen' at ' ()'' Knaptv aveU Kellwood car. OU8K for salei 1002 E. 34th at N. luouira alter ss 'i ciifc -.1 ; -1 RVtSKEU Irrinaton borne 83300. XT- M4rUuixu,.6wS Vntoav aat 64ST. REAL REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IT HOUSES 404 THE HIGHEST KIND of U4BO"l IS TO GET A HOME FOR I I FAMILY 5C0UR i 'The best- place to go for tnat bomsfl ia the Ralph; Hams eompany. 1 early Mkmdayji Plenty of epurteous aa! See .lesmen on duty; to show yam.) . j. i Omaha: ave. near KfTllnga worth daady 4 room bungalow with white enamel otambina. full basement with new furnace. Knf'v Imim : :nwl daMntad . -:A reel j buy at :$29T)0. Will take; car or lot to $400 ot aaoaua caaa payment! i i rooms, furnished, t neari M. V. eariia on STthi street ThU home ie lie the w1pink or conuiuon inside! and out 2 large bed roam apstairaj rood basesaent i S00u. us. I: $350 eaan oaiaoe ieaay. East Yamhill, a splendid room house, I large bedrooma. The- i best i buy the mar paid. ke. All street improvements In Close to earbaraa jasd high osbool aa and I f. 3uy walking dwtaaco: . of mty. Any raaeoaable terms. epwu. t i ii . i ii Ralph Harris Co 818 Chamber of I Commerce. Bdwy 5854. EASTMORELAND 5-room buaaialowl : iust ! r-omuleted. large floored iattic. meat laa! oan' be. verv modern. oak floors, fitrplacei, attractive fixtures cotn plete bmlt-in kitchen, full basement; it is a uy. Only $8500: itetms, il ! ' iT ROISK CITY 6-room bunsalow.i 45th ail block of Bandy; 5 large i rooms first 1 fleer. - oaa finished lin at tic; alsb large storage i room j oak floors, flre plaoev a most convenient kitchen ; large) base, merit furnace .doublet garage. It is a buy at esaue. i ' ! . . i i I HERB1 TOU ARE, BARGAIN HUNTER. LOOK IT OVER ff -room, 2-story bouse in : the very best of condition and idealy i located; entranH halt living room, dining jroora and a most cornplcte kitchen first floor 3 dandy bedroomjs sand a win a room, bath second i floor: fulli base- anent fnrnacel! travs : nic. lawn : 4 block to " , 1 1 : . ... . ,a : . i . . . . l " wi. in, av nuuu iw ii car w tne city; imp. paid: no mtg ; price 34200, on terma. You should see this . at once. ' i ' i CM. DEBR, Realtor. 1 IS15 K. W. Bank Bldg. j Atwater 2345 ii.";! II- $50 in Cash! Prizes WILL BE AWARDED TO THE PERSON WBITtNG THE BEST ! LETTERS SETTING FORTH THE ADVANTAGES AND BENEFITS Or HOMB i OWNERSHIP; 82i5 "FOR FIRST PRIZE.I 315 FOR j SBCOND; $101 FOR THIRD. WIN NING LETTERS WILt. BE PU9 LISHBDi I.N THE McGt'IRE SYS TEM. MAIL : LETTERS Tt FRANK U UcGVIRE. AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER, i 212 ABINGTON BLDG. r BDWY- 7171. 6 Rooms on One Floor aS- "; h fl 00x100 Lot ! On 38th at ut k few steps from Stndy Iblvd. One of thei prettiest lawns- With choice flowers and! shrubs; also bearing fruit trees: east front; lirnig room 1Ht4 with tnaasrve fireplace, dining room 12xls ioak floors;: -all rooms are large with: lota of buiitins, even ia the I hall ; oomslete cabinet kitchen, : foil cement basement with laundry, furnace and concrete fruit loom; garage; hard surface paid; elose to school and can, i about 4 blocks from new high school land playgrounds. Price $6750. terms. Office open today, j DAVID -HAKP, Manager. j ! R. T. STREET'S !Sandj Blvd. Office, 1180 Sandy Blvd. at 89th. I Auto. 3B0-04. iRose CltynPark Bungalow 1 OWNER MOVING FROM P0RTAND Vaii :wiil .nnreoiAte the i -real valuel here. Thjs. unusual bungalow built for present owner. Beautifully situated on corner lot. One 1 of those downright modern attractive bungalows one stopis to admire. For (.down right honest construction and for quality of maternal used. yeu'B go a long way to duplicate the valuej Yes. garage too. jPricea at i only b(au. j; A. fO. fTeepe Co. Rok City office 4ftth and Sandy.: Tab. ! 9586. Laurelhurst office 3:9th Sid Glisan. Ta. 8433. w r v a cy j a jc.w pt, ,'vx $i5i500Rosei City? r. $ 8Roon1 Buiigalo w tliie Modern 8 room I bungalow, below TT. - trxrmv full demerit basement. hUl. fu mace. firenlace. etc. ' All street improvements are In. This is a well-built home and absolutely; worth CO. 3324. the price asked. 1 1 brown McGregor investment 510-511 Gasco Bldg. : Atwater svip Two blocks to Pemnsula! school; beautiful lot: 50x100. with garage, modern tent ibunga- lov of 4 rooms, withi archway, built-inj ehma cloet Dutch kitchen, hath. : toilet, gas. cellar. chicken house; run and shed, roses, trejes and shrubbery. Sell furnished lr you wisnj pnce 81330. Phone Aut $10-33. St. Johns car. one block north, Lombard and oreeiey. ajia v Kussett at 1SB00 NEW BUNGALOW Just finished: has 2 bedrooms, fine bath. floors. living room with fireplace, ; hardwood Dutch kitchen, cement basement with Saundry tram Hall s-aa furnace, beautiful Paper.! $500 down. Located within onei block from nieda. Good district. 1 : W. M. UMBpES'STOCK A CO.,j 111 i ireffon mac. 1 - - nuwj 1658. 1 S ROOM FURNISHED HOMB ; JUST OFF DIVISION 84250 ' ! A dandy 5 room house, completely furnished with mahogany furniture, i hardwood floors. This is a real nifty bungalow. Can aeB com. Dleteiv furnishehd for:$42BO. ' CORCORAN-JQNES REALTY COi OTK O.W Bf ! T1iotui Riln I 8006. WE8T SLOPE MT. TABOR 7 room and sleeping perch. attic, bullt insi fireplace, extra (large living room,-fine ee mertt basement, furnace. ga,rage, 50 ft. lot; near car: on E. 61st st. Price $6300; 'terma i JdhnsonJDodson Co 633 NjW. Bank Hide. : : Main 8787. H T rose Icity teeoo Irge livine-dinirig room.! 1 large bedroom. Dutch kitchen, lane garage, 2 H blorks to b. Sahdy, ifull lot. berriea arid fruit; handled1 for small idown payment ! . ! JOHN M iKROO CO.. can 412 : Wilcox bldg. j ; i Broadway 1375. SHOP MEN: ON STRIKE Forced to sell his. Rve-rocm modern house every t; all terms in j Hawthorne; has j hardwood floors in room, furnace, tire; place, full base improvement in anil paid; garage also can be arranged. Ask Cor iir risder T ! I WILBUR jF. iJOUNO INC., ! Broadway 4S37 f ! 224 Henry witb i -Baig. 7 1 i$4f00 : : AT VIEW I POINT STATION , On the Oregon I Electric J inside - thjs I city limits. 7 room house! bath, gas, electricity. city water, furnace laundry, traya, full .base metat and attic, langeiporch wonderful view; lots of fruit (araenj, etc . Owner leaving- city. : 4 ROOMS 831&0 X300 CASH Furnace, fireplaqe. ; breakfast nook,: Dutch kitchen,: 2 bedrooms:, oombination lrving4dining room. 2; years otu: a rare, buy at these t Igures; payed street, sewer, idose tp car; Sellwoou dist JOHN M. KROO CO. 412 Wilcox bldg. B roadway 1STS WALNL" IT PARK 9 : roem home witli JefTersou r higl school furnace;: 1 house in e? beautiful surronndings. 1 00 I foot : corner near gas with hardwood flooiis, lelleet condition, Price $16,500, apiaiihtnient. JTerms. Call Walnut 6303 jtorj ROSE C4TY IHJ3TRICT K '.lUMn DUIitraiow. a nioa little home good loMtion.iimprtHTHl 1 jut,: ceajDfc vieies and and eufb; flnly $195 See Royal. 7 2d. Sandy blvd. RUt MISSISSIPPI n MS New B room bungalow, fireplace, hardw ood ftoers, French doors, modernj built-ins, basement, best conttrurtion., (full lot. 3 cement block to icar. 43 (K OwrjerJ 891 Miseouri avf GST title insurance! mstead or an aba: tract II rei aW II O- fa : qtarcker and cheaper and you are hit fly proteetM against arror. xiti company.'- 1; ; j ,, Trust LARGE; modern. 6 room and aieeping porch ungaiow, iuii Daisement; grounaa lU'riio. 3B600 : terma. i Mra. M. A. Jdhneon, auaae. r (uiiie ; i -v-j . . 1. . rti 1, a : v : I :. SALE A anaol 4 roora boui : and term. bath in North trvinirten. 826O0: easy joes in ic CK oTiiiinaie-a 1 vyo. , sua .Railway Ex- change bldg. ! r 1 i LAl-RELUrRST DISTRICT $ 3 600 5-room burupLlowJ all t f. an . 1. - , . I r? 1 tJ . ..." convenjencea. $1600 cash. 543 iE.Hoyt icon 5Sth.-twner. TTots. iraracr. 2 blocks i to Hudson school. 2042 K. 1 Market near nu. xaoor Ub(t3. lR'PG'TON r-Choisa Jl-rooni flat, heat, light, 460. ka. garage,; iU; -room flat, 7l5 T&omPMHft Kat r018. Hj ACHE, small he 4. wood and! furni Term bm If or aala eheari:-! for owick aHinn 4 so esta at. TtJWSEB--Sriap3f - Ikfla" hoaae, :S Jou, svaav PorUtM bird. Waiau 80$ 1 1 ! Detroit, REAL ESTATE4-FOR SALE HOUSES r ' ! 404 Foun Speciai; Buys ' i Helwthorne ! I j:i . t4ssk i- f: ..,!; ! iOarr 30 eaaa i payment, balance easy moctiily payments and only ,e. inrtereet fVery attractive jrooaa tntm - o-i ' Xasinar t route with! fireplaces rbning roora. ibeautifol bniltrla buffet, narawood naotsj : foil j Dutch Jitchen. - - wwvn i 'in ijuemeut furnace aad lauadry (traya . proremeora all ia ana paid. hn V in alii.: l,n i : basement. iStreet iro- The best --I , . A wenrlerful laeaatmeat.? tnasam house locaaed near the new Mnltaemaa County Hospital and! Medical Ccliege. f LarVe comer lot. 100x100; all load. ' - ,rat j Oi: ery easy twona.: i 4Rooitt Buncralow " : i 82ioi. , i t Lot 75;10. Lorn f fruit o4 4 room fcunealow. T Large l bathroom ' "d dressing room. 'Kear school. Only ; 300 east.; glance like , rent I 60th Street Bungalow lat 95x28HV Fruit and flowers, ' t w4Ori A wnaraaaai a an. Uiaaw -l.-.; a. Btwt iraproarnu fei ami paid, flmall ' w.' ram,;: isnMfinr WWW VP rTeat EVERETT sFfllLPOK, Salesman wer. Neilari f Parlkhiil CU Sua. Jind lAftbor t. iTabor 8263 Jh ! I ! I Genuine paHgain Value - $4200 I ! 0: m: Il ' I r I By Owner qn Reason ! 'ablerms j. t . jh it'll t i: - tl-,r ! - 8 'rooms and X2xl 8-foot elasKed-in i aleentne porch with clothes efoaet; hardwood floor tnj mmi viia uraranaa, : npawy paper, natural woodwork J bedrooma tinted aad Irory enamel;, full, cement) basement fruit room, laundry trays and turnaoe; garage lot ia tux 100; screened in back norch: window actTwana. ahades and injaid linoleum included.: A home furn, iikh ii., near 1 rescott. !! -h ; - TT5T r Three blocksj fro raj Irvington , car. WILBl-K Ki ilOUNO. LauriiShurt Buyers tAttentlon I I IF TOfVRjK MNG TO RTTT! IX T.AP-J REIURST 1 BYtf I ALU MEANS INSPECT! OUR LISTINGS. OCR OPFICEl IS LOCATED) IN THE CENTER Of LAU R ELHURST THOSE WHO WANT TO BELL 1-N ATT-! RALLY LIST THEIR PROPERTY W ITH US. AN INSPECTION IMPLIES NO OB LIGATION. 1 :! T 1 i '. A. Q,; ! Teepe Col LAT-RELHi:4ST i OTFIfE 891b pwijl GMaJ , f Tsaor $483. 5 $250 own BALANCS 85 MONTH AND 6-room houw. .2 Mockis Irvington ear. pared rtreet ; cement basetnent. furnaba ana laun-i dry tray; lot; 50x100: (place in pink; of con4 tiiLiou. . pi; i.'Wirii omay iwvjj oaii 3 8800 POWN i 1 ' p i- 1 11 1 Modern ner bungalow, with 1 fireplace, eakj floors, dandy i built-ins, breakfast nook. Dutchi kitchen. 2 hod rooms; cedar closets, fine bath J concrete basement.: I wash:! tra-va. ikOv-lOA lot. short block j to riarlins), doubly cohstruoted tlirbrighout and excellently finished: located at 746 OBERLIN -ST.. near HAVEN, Price 88;oo montlily payvndnU hka rent. .' Call EMPIRE 1214 fining : T ' ON 'SANDY BOULEVARD ! CURS EM 4 6TH AND SANDT l v In? 1 1 ; Why not buy It pieceTof property that you! can live in aa long aa ron want to then selL for more than yo pay for It? Tou know that: the property alone .the Bandy: will always caahj out Let us 1 sell you a proposition that yon) will be pmud p own, W can feet you 6 (oodj ueu on aoovei praperxy. 1 1 , -- QORCOstAN-aONES REALTT CO Z7B oak Stf i ll 1 Phone Bdwy. 6008 al TVl -.ajayMtal A iiVf" ' I Are you lOokthg j for bargain In k newt bungalow: I ha v jit; a five room house .has! wuioum unit rcapm anq : aining room. Ihitch kitchr.. breakfast nookJ eament Kai. lnent. fireplace, jl tk pes try paoer. hardwood iiowra. omiuB 1015 mis nouae lis double con structed throughout: full price Is 88800 with 8500 down. Ask for MrJ FisherlwHh i -WILBUR r. JOUNO tNC.,1 Broadway 4837 f 224 IHenry BMg. FOURi JAMiLT FLAT": ! Near Waahingfon at.) west aide; each flatt nas o roomjj neeplaoe, laundry trays, plenty wiw. iiicie...pavairai4 turnacav acuot build ing extra large ; income 816T.50 monthly. Price $12,506, 89000 caahv baianee 6 per ct John50BiDpdson Co."- 633 N. VV. Ranlt oldg. j Main 8T8T. S 'IVTl A ;CfAfi r T-r: r- r A sra- n" a.--j a "XUJl, MtXJiSa''-'- O e Room l0s4d cnTetiieot td Jeffenoa hisU flntl aWwaaHawst anokortli. i i j 1 5 Room nnrlerjcohferiiction, lpcated about l blocks from Mt Tabor arhool. both extra eub-i ""t." r snap at aaavw; Phon. owner.! WaL 1437-4. ear iseiej new- o room Cali fornia bunaaiow. hardwood Inari. firenluo Dutch kitchen) and aH buUt-inaii full base men tr . rae, p uiec: :iq car. ana cloae to! ,iru. cao?; ni nareain and good terms; wamld lease to rightperty. Owner. Ill kI- ota u org r, t j . ., .ooBT.rWNE MUST4 BELL " throughout bJiilUnal basement. laundry trayaj 60x108 lot tltMrn, UirtibDeVy"pTd sbw m '""-.iL'-r ,T,S,OMf "tnt aar. a. avmv 11 ailiut 1611 (8 room' Housa 3000 le for: caahi aplendid rove splendid roveafaaeat rent c Settling aa Bdwy. I 6011. Cham.1 of: Com, , full baaement, with $1000 cashTlbalaaaB Vkm rent Settling ani Must! be: jgU O. BIRTii ' 626 BRJD. 626 j room ' home iffintmsi t . . . ,WHU iuii aawmvat witn cement floe, wash traya. new pipeleaa for naoe. fireplac. fine, built-in, paced at. sm "V' .fSL ihJem. jiThi. fin. home for AN ABSTRACT of! vi lie s. hi. - ... -- -1 of your vtitla;! ft hrTmerelyl a history of : your title, . A title Insurance Policy Is ai guaranty, of iou title, j Therefore, when you! ouj iviiij vi a ivuei ineuranoa Policy. Ho aostract requireq. 1 : -ntiei at Trtsst company. WORTit lVOotlNG INTO This brand I nevJ up to the mkiute f-twm buntralow all -s ieaturea, I IncrudanaT tikv! baUi, fumacef garage. J851 B. - 62d iikwuiuiiw can. ill we oeu. 9et$3. BEAtTIFL-L H6Mb Ud epmgf rjorcb, Ifi: 5 rooms nd ateepinx i porch. I finmlae- ' en. nace, traya, lots ii of built-ins : I ordv , kalSA $1000 down! hahiM atut 881 Sandy blvd: East 8Maj.il f- 1.- T.-i , In J. ' ,1 -c" I- ouiuraiow.i modern conveniences.: price right an dterma nBaaonabier tic, i.,.. soutb of -KenjlworUii park. 2061 ft: to carline! '" "1 . 2'. r-0111? shops. 828: Ross riTr pic 5 room buajtsiow.! vacant: larse llrfn; room serosa ' front: out: i 1 Sun 4a: block jto ta Owner premises 64th Bt ana aabor 721 nc iuig aireaay eaasameu i that title ta your property ;and can issue you j a Titiej insurance oicy iwuxsovjii sway. I Title at Trust $32941 5-rooXB bungalow, Hswjbome district. J 1 1 ' ' ei iw casri, oat. mma aa rent, $93 months. Including intelest,. .this isj a bargain.! J82 42nd st, 2 -blocks iouth'of lUwthorne ave. NICE 6-room i house, large baaetaeof. fruit and! garden, H aur land, parage, ben house: all! a vsTTS T. tl fr"i ajoeTwuoa, ttaa I H'J W O. El. 1 "111 .-u nu s, : room bungalow, 4 Weeks to - Woodstock llOflt irmt 32956, o-niiviT uoa 1 today: W" t" AS PART' PAT- r-Jk .ONlLSW 50tTBUNGALOW, si v. nii.sm. n w.i BANS. 1400 ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. : 1350 Wonderful ihnvit i : Co3isil HtA1 ,.. ma wiwi inraaca; 1 atwj.. oeal.. IZOV. . it 'v-W-lSt-V? : wlul,!, tJ-,, I v . : bung.. 50x100:) aTl Improvements in, and paid 83375; see it today. Broad. 6886. BEAUTUTL inew S roam modern bungalow. garage, l omca car. cioae in. close to acboots. Deal with owner, save commiasKm. East 8874 FOR 8AU; rModern biangalow and a beauty. : until aaxage , 23 Msraraenl .tei are., south of 1 Hawthorne, tlwrmr; . HOME bargains, Jorge of small ion small cash payments. Phone lor appointment. Clow Realty 1131 Belmont, Tahoir T18. csnia airr w vij,ii. i.;v. lunaiinw will. : l...!?, kJ .? .11 L. 1- 1 1 irnw. aissi oinq syj r. p. FOR SALE r-Br lawner .- cheab. 7-r houae :-: -aU -mod.,' blocks from R. ff. earBne, 60x4 I6Q lot me f rHl..-alI Vanmuer, Wash. BY owner, neari Pw 6 room house,. 83800;! 61066 dow, all Jl 68 AakHs- t y6b)a f-aocm bangaew; WW 834 aCa Xii wsyndartui baj M NT. its ft :'.L t-r:- ; f -. 1 ; S. r y: . : i : 'I - J 1-' "I -.i I -s ' r t - : 1 '' mmim. I. t - i ' - V: -.