! : ti- 12 1 --(f .; THE OREGON sukday: i JOURNAI j PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINO SEPTEMBER 1922.: .il; I- - - i '4 t j i 4 ' oftttntitii JENNINGS LODGE At a meeting of the Grace Guild In th church parlors Wednesday after noon, Aug. 23., plans were made , for , th ariaual experience supper to be ' held Friday evening. September 8. Mrs. Olive Ford, and Mrs. William Moritt . were. Joint hostesses for the afternoon. '-The following chairmen of committees were 'named: Supper, Mrs. W. L BBn ston; dining room, Mrs. George Gard ner ; coffee, Mrs. Hugh Roberts ; recep tion, Mrs. A. B. Snider, Mrs. George Wliriams, Mrs. Hugh Roberts, Mr. Klla Maple, Mrs. Waterhouse and Mrt W. W. ; Woodstock. I . Mrs. LSura Newell and son, Glenn, with 'Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Newell of Portland, have gone to the McKenzie Tlver for a two weeks' hunting and fishing trip. I S. Shepherd and family and Mrs. BrOwnrigg motored to Eagle CreekJ t Sunday, where they were joined by the McPherson families of Eastern Oregon. The McPherson brothers' are sons of Mrs. Brownrigg. j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heiricl are en tertaining their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McReynolds of Fort Worth. Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Norris of Kansas, : who have been guests of their daugh ter. Mr. Ralph Thbmas. . have taken ; an apartment in .Portland., to await the i arrival of .their 3n from Kansas, when : they- will leave for Los Angeles, i ' Mr. and Mrs. Chaster Toiler, of Bal timore, Md., former residents of Jen nings Lodge, have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts. j I The ! Willamette Evangelical camp meeting association -ar" their annual i business meeting during the camip ; meeting at Jennlnps Lodge elected the following officers for. the ensuing yeaif :' Rev. A. W. Plummer, president; Rey. . H. Schuknecht. 1st. vice president. Rev. "F. B, Culver, 2nd. vice president.' Rev. ;W. A. Guceroy, secretary ; Rev. Jacob Stocker. treasurer. Miss Carrie Burch. who has beeai spending the past two months with her : aunt, Mrs. -A. F. Russell, has returned to her home in Waiia Walla. Mr. and Mrs Philip Dale are on a : motor trip to British Colombia. Mrs. Schultz, who has been the guest' for two weeks of her Bister, Mrs. F. E. Wonn. has returned to her home in Seattle. Rev. A, B. Snider, who recently ; underwent an ojieration- at the Oregon City hospital, has returned to bU horns. -Miss Inez Woodcock" is spending the week in the Fremont district. j i The play grounds of the Jennings Lodge school are being increased $n size by the removal of several trees ; and undergrowth. Rev. and Mrs. William T. Milliken of Salem, who are on their vacation, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Mosfer of Hull avenue. Mrs. B. A. Hoag spent the week end ; at Newport. i A. King of Los Angeles was-a recent guest "at the home of K. J. Wilson. Miss Delia Rush, teacher in the ' Pendleton schools, has been the guest of her brother. W. A. Rush. Miss Clara Costley of Ashland. Ore. has accepted a position with the O. W. ; v- N. Co., and will live with her :jcfte, Mrs. Arthur Roberts of Port- iaVa. . LAKE GROVE Mrs. Herbert Edward Carpenter was i hostess at a delightful luncheon Fri - I day afternoon at her lakeside .bunga j Slow near Goodin. Covers were laid for i '2C After luncheon cards were enjoyed, i f 'Mri. Carpenter's guests were Mrs. - Anna Thompson. Mrs. R. A. Payne. ;Mrs. IL Kuger, Miss Louise Robinson, I Mrs.. Louise W. Wells, Mrs. Anna Ed- ; waris. Mj-s. R. K. Kennedy. Mrs Mc- iOune.-Mrs. Roy Souie. Mrs. F. M. Jesse, iMni. K. S. Bracher. Mrs. W. G. Uridge. MMrs. G. P.- Xock. Mrs. S. B. Vincent, J i Mrs. George Miller, Mrs. John Buxman. hMrs. C: E. Calvert. Mrs. Kussel Rob- ertson and Mrs. Fred Bischoff. 1 Mr., ahd Mrs. Roy So'ule nd their : children. Marjorie and Betty," left Sat ! urday for . a 10 day sojourn at Ocean I par. They will occupy the McCune cottage. i children, of Denver. Colo., are house j'gdesta of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Jesse. , I .vi rm. Anno, cuwrus, wno nas Dn t.l visiting Mrs. Iouise W. Wells lett Sunday for her home in San Francisco after a pleasant fortnight's vacation. Miss Mabel Biscl-.off of Superior. Wis., 'left Friday morning for San Francisco on her way o the eastern city. She had been visiting her brother "and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bischoff. Just previous to Miss Bischoffs south- 1 1- em trip the family, accompanied by Mrs. H.'-E. 'Carpenter drove to Seaside' and return. Mrs. F. M. Jesse was hostess at an interesting afternoon on Monday last. preparatory to her returning to winter . apartments in Portland. Mrs. Jesse's guests -were Mrs. K. Bracher of Denver, Colo., Mrs. L. G. Shir-.n, Mrs. H. E. Car penter, Mrs. C. E. Calvert, Mrs. W. E. Simon ton. Mrs. W. G. Uridge, ;Mrs. Fre.d Bischoff. Mrs. G. P. Xock, Mrs. Russet Robertson, Mrs.' S. B. -Vincent, Mrs. Jl. K. , Kennedy, Mrs. Charles Duffey, Mrs. Louij W. Wells. Mrs. Charles Duffy a-nd son Robert have returned from a fortnight visit at Dallas. J Mrs. Irvin Stanton has returned from i a trip to Los Angeles. i Mr.' and Mrs. E. L. Commons were ', tendered a most successful surprise 'j party Saturday night by several of i their neighbors. Cards, music and H it was in the nature or a farewelL as Mr. and Mrs. Commons are leaving i JJike Grove to-day for the winter. ! Those present at the party .were Mr. ana airs, oeorge mp;er. Mr. and Mrs. G.t. Burt. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stoet-' el, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stone. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. James Williams, Mr. and Mrs. T". McFarland, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Ellis, Mr. and "Mrs. Roy Shrev, Mr. and Mrs. L. Herw rick,' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Tnd the honor guests. Honoring Mrs. W. G. Uridge of Fres no, CaK. -who iaf the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey P. Nock. Mr. and Mri. John Buxman were hosts Wednes day evening at an informal dinner.'' , Mrs. H. P. Reese and Fred Reese are: motorlnff to the Tillamook beaches over the Labor . day week-end. With them as their guests are Mr. and Mrs. ) R. Stoetzel and Marian Alice Stoetzel. i Mrs, M. L. Craft and her daughters I - Ruth and Amy are vjsiting Mrs. Craft's mother at Hood River where tby fcx- ( pept to remain a fortnight. L"- Mr. and Mrs. George Simpier, Miss f ' Marvel and George Jr are spending tht Labor day week-end camping ; on - the Washougal river. . s i ' Mr. and Mrs. J. A- Graef of Portland j ' havededicated their new summer home ; at the Lake Grove end of the lake with t several week-end parties. Misa.Kath j rerine .Graef was hostess Wednesday j vninc at a dinner for 20. . i ! .f ' Adjoining -the Graef home- stands !the ; new -country home of Mr. and Mrs. ? Ward Smith of Portland. ' They will ! . ixwrupy It over the Labor day week-end. - Mrs, J. Craft of Pasadena. CaJ., Was the moUf of delightful luncheon Thursday, given by Mrs. E. A. Stone. Miss Anns. Ormsby and Miss Bertha Thompson of San -Jose, Cat, who have been spending several weeks ta ;th - East, stopped' to visit Mrs- Louise! W: f wells for a few days, They continued vhelr trin to California on Friday. ' etfs POPULAR R0CKW00D I GIRL li NEW BRIDE Mrs. Frances! Gri trishaw-Reeves i t : -I ' II At the home of the bride's parents, .j in Rock wood, lajft Sunday, Miss Fran ces Grimshaw a&d Ted Reeves- of Cof-i bett were married.' Miss Alice Met-' sho'li was bridesifiaid and Kenneth Bar- , nard was best! man. The weddings guests were : Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Reeves. Corbett I Mr. and Mrs S iL "Reeves, Corbett; Raymond Reeves,- Corpelt ; Miss I. Reeves. Corbett; By ron I K. Bell, Corbett; Mrs. E. C. . Wa rerC Portland ; Mrs. E. E. Thompson,! Portland ; Mr. Spelept, Portland ; ,Mk. and Mrs. J. A. Fletcher, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. P. Burgess Sr., Roc ii wood Scott. Los Angeles, Cal; Mr. and Mts. O. V. Stuman. Port land . Miss Parlier, Portland ; Mr. anid Mrs. L. S. Grioi AJioe Mershon, haw, Rockwood ; Mi$s Spring-dale ; Kenneth- Bernard. Port 1 ahd. Miss Maud Slii-, n:ait arrived froin California Just after' the ceremony. GARD Mrs. Walter Kvest and daughter. Marion, of Tigafd have returned from a week s -visit inj Mrs. Elizabetnj Montana. Vincent and son, Ar thur, spent a vfecation of two weeks on an auto tour 8through Southern Ore- gon and the Cojs Bay region Miss Blanche Hough, recent gradu- ate of the Lmcoji high Bchool teachers' training course fas accepted a positiqai as teacher in life second grade of the L'nion public schools. Clara MacDqjald has taken a po sition as bookkeeper in the first bank of Tigard Grace Tigard, recent graduate of the University of Ojregon, is spending the summer in Boise, Idaho, where she has the positiorf of women's physical instructor of ih4 Y. M. C. A.. She wUJ leave for San Ifrancisco in September to assume a position there of a similar nature. I . 1 Mr. and Mr4 B- H. Grandy arid daughters, Jeaii and Marietta,, have returned from Settle, where they spent a two weeks' vjacation. Walter Wept has gone to Chicago, where he has a position on the accounting staff of a prominent railrtiad. PrincIlMil andMrs. E. B. Nedry and sons, Dirickson and Boydell, have re turned from Seaside, where they spent the summer. J. A. ''Ranklrf has been appointed justice of the pdace to fill the vacancy caused by the ifesignation of John W. Hough. Mrs. John Garde, who was recently operated upon it a Portland hospital, is now much improved in health. PARKPLACE . I O. L. Weingeif is building a new hop house. I De-ey Kruge and Herman Timmer will open the jiunting season at the Ladd ranch neir Boring. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Brunner trans acted business ih Portland Wednesday. The Misses Iteva and Bessie Smith were entertaineid last week by their aunt, Mrs. . Littbie Morse of Oregon City. j Mr William Smith and Mrs. H. p. Rosebraugh wfere Portland visitors Wednesday. I ! : Miss Laura Rurcell has returned to her school duties in Athena, Or., after spending the suknmer with her father, Dan Purcell. W. D. Reames and family motored to Washougal jSunday. i iQiibert N. Woodward, aged 57 yeafs, father of R. H and J. K. Woodward of Parkplace, passed away at his home in Portland Saturday. August 19. Be sides' the widov there survive several sons and daughters. The funeral was held Monday, jwlth final services lat Mount Scott Park crematorium. j Mr. and Mr Bert Ex ton left for their home in $uxton Thursday, after a trip to Castls Rock, Wash. j The Parkplace school, grounds are being improved;. by. a play shed. 60x60. One half of the building will be floored. providing a suBtaoe place for basket ball games. The remainder will Jbe reserved for th younger children, and will be finished! with a sawdust floor. A. W.-Brett iis employed in the lum ber yards of Tfcledo, Or. j Laura Brunner Murray of Dallas; is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brunne4 ! :Mr. Singelbary of Oregon City, with Lester and Clarence Brunner of Park place, left Saturday on a 10 days' fishing and jhuating trip in. the Molalla mountains. j Blaine Hansell, accompanied by Paul Kehn ' and Eal Slmirts of Lewistpn, Idaho, stopped fore their return, trip! at the" home of pdr. and Mrs. j W. A. Holmes with a f good supply -of venison captured on thf hunting trip -in South ern Oregon. J H. O. Rosebfaugh' is on a trip to Goble ahd Rainier. i Mr. RaudolpH Grey U quite ill at Ills home, on the Heights. ' ; . j i The regular jj meeting of Abernathy grange was hld Saturday afternoon, with the Initiation of one candidate. It. was voted to change the time j of meeting from jSaturdsy afternoon! to the last Fridayf evening of each month. New greenhouses are being erected at Clackamas Heights by J. T; Sres A 'Sons to replace the ones destroyed by fire. ,. . i ' . . : ; ' ' i A farewell sfrprise party was etVen Friday afternoon by the ' grange and friends at the j home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Da vis. (who left on Saturday to reside in Qeorgi. Mr. and Mrs. $vis were presented with a handsome set .of silver teaspoons, A pkinto din Mr itu spreaf, followed in the after noon by races and swimming. The guests. 40 la snmber, were servedj Ice cream and anlaloupes by the host and hostess, 1 . ; , ,-: . :. 1 H--? j::f ."r t i - i In 1 i cure The T eager theater at Lents which hasi been ran by j iO. j Robinson for several years has been leased to Mr. andi'Mrs.. A- Jaroesi j, ' ', - . f i Idr. and Mrs. John! Moll of $219 Fosi ter road, left Tuesday for the hopyards at Independence, OrM to be gone about three-weeks. i 1 j . j '",'!! Mr. and Mrs. It ScGill of 89lh street have, returned from California after a delightful visit cringing with them several specimens at, hats mads in the Philippine islands ahd Hawaii. ' Mr. and Mrs. ELj J. Rohrbacker of 190 Westlake, Seattle, Wash-, wnere visitors this week At the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. Purviihcei of 10225 60th avenue.i Rohrbacker 'Is running the Radio Center at Seattle. They form erly lived in East Voreland. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee ; and family , of 56th avenue have jfist? : returned from an extended vacation, at the beaches. Miss Helen Purviance of Lents has Just returned fromi Harrisburg, Or., where she has been! pending; a week's vacation. She taught school near there last spring. '" The "biggest surprise of the season was sprung this wfek When the mar riage license of Miss Alice Dickinson and Wallace : Jordain was obtained in fortland. They nave the best regards of all in this district.' i . A. Davis of theM Eagle Garage in Lents has returned from at vacation at the j sea coastv iHe . jvisited all the Tillamook beach, j i i '. Mrs. Johw Reed and ; daughter have just returned, from ! Seattle where they have been visitingf relatives' in that city. : ' -i . !': The hop-pickers near Lents Junction are alt leaving fori Independence this week in a Ford tnick which i has been built over to accomodate them. The truck was furnished by Mi", and Mrs. Summers of 10332 60th a venue south east. Peter Parker and family of 103d street and 61st avenue have; returned home after a very! successful Huckle berry picking trip j In he mountains They say huckleberries j are very good this year. i j : . I i Hugh Hebestriet of the H. & H. gar age at Lents Junction has- had the misfortune to break his foot, while at work- . 1 Miss Bertha Camp and mother of Lents Junction are visiting relatives in northern California- They expect to return soon. , Mr. and Mrs. C. Davis and family of 10111 57th avenue. S, E, have returned to Lents after an; absence of several weeks. They visited j at McCredie Springs . on the McKenzie river, near Eugene, and then ! Visiting the Tilla mook beaches. j Mr. and Mrs. C. Austin of 9524 58th avenue , have sold their i home and will locate somewhere in this district again soon. ' The new home of John Eggiman of the Eggiman meat market in Lents is almost completed. This is a fine place and is located on the main street of Lents, n 92d street. ' T. Knox of 9711 Foster road has re turned to his homei after a vacation of several weeks. " ! , i Lawrence Snyder of 44th avenue and 77th street has recently purchased the ML Hood ice cream parlor lof Lents. Lawrence graduated from j Franklin high last June. ; ' A. C. Nutter, plumber at Eremont, is" taking, a, vacation in theYmouatalns hunting. j -I - M The Phot Studio In the Wtrth building- at Arleta is now! being operated by Mrs. R. L. Benjamin., formerly of La Mouve, North Dakota. H. Lahtrop and family have returned from a vacation at Elk City where they hunted and fished. I Mr. and Mrs. D, W.i Curtis of 6131 100th street spent the lst week-end at Seattle, Wash., returning to Portland, Monday morning. : Mrs. E. Shepard f 8733 32d avenue, has been entertaining Miss Emma Page, recently of Mirshalltown, Iowa, Dr. C- H. Law of 5112 72d street has returned from5 Grarits Pass, : where he has - been spending a delightful vaca tion hunting and fishing. Mrs. Law accompanied him to Grants Pass and then took the stage .to California to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. G.' Patton of 6439 ,83d street are the proud mother and father of a daughter whiqh was born at their home recently. Mrs. N. E. Chandless of this district, who has been confined tos her bed for several weeks as the result of an ac cident, is much iniproVed. The wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Marsh lof 7111 55th avenue was celebrated at' the home, of their daughter, Mrs. H. Holmes at 4148 65th street. They were married on August 23d in Spokane, Wash., 22 years ago. George Clarke and family of 7125 64th avenue have gone on a vacation to Yakima, Wash, j Mrs J. Hall of 10312 61st avenue left here Wednesday with G. Summers and family to go hop j picking. They will return to Lents about September 21. W. Pomeroy of his district returned with his wife from Roseburg, where they spent a few j days with relatives in that city. J. H. Zehrung and : family of 7105 48th avenue have returned from their vacation at Seaside. They also made a trip to Crater Lake earlier in the season. S. F. Ball and family of 4736 74th street? have reurned from a vacation at 'Crater Lake. Mr. jBall is professor of the Franklin high school. Mrs. J. Husky and Mrs. C.i'Sleepr of sn street leit ients Wednesday for the hop yards. They will return about September 15. i C. Hurd of 9118 31th avenue and fam ily have returned from a pleasant va cation in Washington, visiting their relatives. ; j 'The Lents auto camp ground is in fine shape now and has eicht or ton autos in camp all the ime. ; This is its first year and It will! be much better next year and win have many more visitors. -! t OSWEGO A continuation of the meeting which was adjourned a week ago Monday, at the city hall, was held last - Monday night, and a large! attendance ofipeo ple interested In ; the r water situation was there, i Thers wais a general dis cussion by all those ;for and agaihst the proposed formation of a iwateif disi- J triet, land one of the imost interesting business-ispeakers . qf the j evening ; was Mr iTPearsey, who is owner of a large tract of land in South Oswego. He urged the absolute necessity of getting: water to various parts of town, and brought nat tita fmrt that ih ; uU f.'l.M property was held Up. owing th3 lack of water. " Others;: who are stroRB-- ly In favor of bringing Bull Run water into Orwego are : against . the present method of procedure; ; Nominees- ap pointed for commissioners to be voted on at the I election in Septembet' are William Boyd, iJIenry Bicfenen Fred Normand, Robert Graham and "W. -K. Chapln. A committer named to ctrctH late petitions fori the commissioners are Mrs. W. S. Wessling, Charles Pick ner and A. F. Webster. One Important fact, brought, out I by famud Owen ! of Glenmorrte was that the rate- on -fire insnrancs would be less If . a better water system wers established.,' r .i ' j- The f Oswego district is m trnlf ; In favor of Bull Runs, but the method of getting It la in ooatroTaray The tao- frt;-! - - ; ;'. ! ".!-', :V?r "''.'ill "' 'v ' - !- -I-! $..,- U.-.-V lt::iZ f! : i M I ii W i" I " " ' I il i i HI i J ll ii n m I i tr- m- M I ' i M I ' " . ' 1 ' ' I 1 1 J Is s j ! i . i; ; f i. i 1-. . I ti -: . ! i. . . . tion supporting' the ! present measure favors a district from Rock to West Lir.n. a section jiot he4vtly popu lated, while -the other faction wants a district extending from this Portland City limits south tot include Oswego ami Lake Grove,--which already has a population of between S5O0 fuid 5000. Mrs. W. ' G. Weigfatman was hostess for! a large party of friends au the boms of her -mother In Souia Oswego, on Saturday evening, . : ' j ' Mr, and Mrs." John DavU lff the first of the week for Tillajmook, And will go to The Dalles to vjsit friends for the Labor day holiday. i ' John Cox of South Oswego has re cently sold his home to oat-of-town buyers. ; , The dance held Saturday night, was well attended and is said td have been a big success. There wil . be other dances given by the same club later in the season. ' Mr. and Mrs. L Lord en ertained a number of friends Rafter the dance Saturday evening, r ; Mrs. W. G. Weightman i.d daugh ter Marjorie left .Friday af 1 ernoon fir the Tillamook beaches to bt gone sev eral days. j L. F. McDonald and children, Gladys. Christine and Don,; motoi ed to the' beaches by way of Astoria -and Tilla mook, returning home on T'vursday. ' Mrs. Carl Detering, Mrs. Paul Har baugh, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Merrick, William and Carl Detering $r. motored to McMlnnyllle on Wednesday. Guy Wilson of Cumberland, Md.. nephew of the late A. King Wilson, was a visitor at the home of Mrs. Wilson last week. He made the trip west by way of the Panama canal and is much impressed withj the, western coun try. iHe returned east 4" Friday, where he will attend Perm .college at Jerrytown, Pa. David E. Davidson of Oakland, Or., was the guest of his daughters, Mrs. J. W.(Bickner and Mrs. FrH Gilmore. during the week. j Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosentreter were dinner hosts Thursday entertain ing Nelson Pike of Portlanjd. ALONG THE MOORAGES At the last meeting of the boar-d of directors of the Oregon Yajcht cLub it was decided that a new walk be In stalled along the entire moorage. Work is to commence some time jn Septem ber. j Miss Mary Wilson of Wjlsbnia was the inspiration for a lunjeheon last -week, given by Miss Alice Southwick of ;Oregon Yacht club. Miss Wilson is leaving this week to attend the- college Of the sPaciflc at San Jose. Cal. Mr. and . Mrs. E. H. Bftxtholomew of i Sellwood -wioorage entertained 15 friends Sunday with a swimming party. A crawfish dinner was served. Mr. and .Mrs. William OfPriscoll of Harlowtown, Mont., were guests last week at the' O. Y. C. home of Mrs. A. Lauterback. Mrs. L. G. Bradley and family of Burley, Idaho, will occupy the South wick house at O. Y. C. during the winter. The Southwicks ar now dom iciled at No. 384 College street. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hoffman of Wil lamette are being felicitated on the arrival of a son Wednesday, August 30. !, Louise Cody was awarded two first place buttons at the Seliwood play grounds swimming exhibition- Tues day, j Mrs. A. R. Lauterbach who has been spending the sflmme with her daughter, Mrs. M. W. Mays, at ;Hood River, has returned, to i her O. Y. C. home. i Mra. N". G. Lindholm bf Holgate entertained a number of moorage la dies with a luncheon Wednesday. Visiting with Mrs. D. D. i Daklns, on Holgate, are her mother, Mrs. F. M. Newton, and her sister, Mrfe K. O. Ol sen. both of Los Angeles, j Miss Mcbel Newberry of ;Lewistown, Mont., house guest of Mrs. ij. Bunnett, was entertained at dinnerj by A. E. Butt and H. Halloway' last week. Cov ers were laid for nine. Harry Bun nett of Willamette was ho3 at' a din ner and swimming party Sunday, Hon oring Miss Newberry. MONTAVILLA Miss Alice Tenneson has returned to Yakima.-- to resume her work as a teacher in the high school., there. Mrs. Emmett Gillespie and three children and her mother, Mrs. William Dillon of No. 2087 East play street, have returned home after spending a two weeks' vacatibn, at j Rockaway Beach. j Rev. Mr. Huckleberry has returned from his vacation and will) occupy the pulpit of Grace Baptist church this morning. 5 i James Worley and family have gone to. Eugene, where he has a) position as a teacher. E. Bowman and; family, are -' home again after spending two weeks in the mountains. : j . Meta Higgenbotham sperjt the week end in Oregon City visiting friends. Harold Blanchard of Capnby, Or., is staying with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blanchard of No. 274 East S2d street. Misses Blanche : Green and Helen Fprse gave a lawn party kt the home of the former. No. 2032 Delano street. Saturday evening. Twenty) young peo- ule were nresent. ,Mr. and Mrs. George Atkinson and daughter were visitors at; Mr. Atkin son's parents last , week. CENTRAL EAST SIDE Miss Caroline Hendrickstin of Alaska will purchase a small bungalow here and her mother will alo come to PoTuand. - , Mabel Grundy, whs lives in Laurel hurst, entertained erith a large tea in honor of her house jguest. Miss Miriam Holmes of San Francisco. IThe follow ing assisted in receiving snd serving : The Misses ' Frances Keeling, Grace Hoffman, Anita Coomb4, Hortense Sylvester and Margaret Kensingby. More than fifty friends of Miss Grundy were, invited. Miss Holmes will attend the University of ; California ; . next month. Howard Sichel of Ease ' 30th j street will , leave next Week fijr Missoula, Mont- to attend" the University of Montana. His father and I mother both are graduates of that scriooL He will major in engineering. H I Mr. ad Mrs. Frank McConnell were in Portland on business for a few days last week. They are fror The Dalles and lived formerly on East 18th street. They are considering the purchase of a new horns' on the east side, j - Gertrude Kroner, East I 13th street. ceieoraiea ner mwaui Dirtauay wu-u a party last Tuesday afternoon. The girls present were : Marion Ewers, ZXsteUe Cummings. Isabell Moore, Mary Krueger. Clara Williamson, Dorothea Owens. Alma Frothingtoii and Sarah Reeves. L Games included fli mock wed ding, j Refreshments were: served. ! Mrs. Oscar Horn brook, who resides on East ; 20th and, Couchj ; streets, re turned last week from si visit at Los Angeles; ;were she speht a month with her mother. Mrs. S- ;T. JohnAort Mrs. ttombrodk lived in ilios Angeles for 20 years, ani durl4g her visit there . renewed many old acqualnt- If i Mnj and Mrs. B F. Cummins with thsirri iwo ehndrfen, Florence; V and George, -left for all camp(ng trip last Mondaz morulas. i . : WILLAMETTE m Mra, II. Leisman entettalned in honoi of I her son EEwald'k birthday! Sunday. A; delicious dinner wa serve to tb following: Mrs. Wiiig and twid children, Mr. and Mrs. Jhn j Reanuj and llcliildren, Mr. and . Mrs. i Ewak Leisman and children, ' Miss! Mary Leisaian and Mrs. H- Lsisman. Calrl Berne r Injured his j foot qutt badly-while at work at the! mill. Herman Ridder, Mrs. Tate, and Paul Tate' were guests of Mrs. Charles RJdj der, jSunday. " j j Mrs. Johnson and daughter, Junei of Rochester, Waslv, are- Visiting Mrs. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson, j j . : Mfi and Mrs. William ; Levens an chiloren letvSaturday morning for Ta-com,- after Spending two iveeks vislt ing relatives .here. j Frank Oliver and daughter, Beatrice, havejj returned from Newpott- ; Mr, and Mrs. Buck and family of Montana have moved into jthe Barlsey cottage on Railroad avenud. Mrs. John Bowland of Oregon City spei4 Monday visiting friends.: Mr. and Mrs. Herman peters anil Mr. and, Mrs. Howard - returned Wednesday from an outing in South ern pregon-' ! "'-- .j -Mtj. Perry of Portland -.s rented li parttof the new concrete building ana will Install a drug store." - ; ; t Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson and fam ily left Saturday for Kockjaway. I Mrs. Tom Bersie and Miss Helene Fromong spent Saturday Chopping in Portland. ! ' I I Mri. and Mrs. Albert Buckles and baby1, left ( Sunday for a week's vacal-Uota- jat the coast. i MrL and Mrs. La f em an iHattie; Anf drus are. receiving congratulations oji the Arrival of a son, born j to them oh Friday. Mris. Me refer and i daughter, Lucille, of Idaho ae visiting at the home of Mr. end Mrs. Lee Porter, j 'I Mils. Strong, Mrs. Malcolm and eoji left iFriday for Seaside. 1 ' Mips Nellie Capen of YHm,' Washj, was jthe guest of Miss Florence Frq mong, Sunday. I ! , J Mru and Mrs. Glen Epler ( Kthjl DeBOk) are receiving congratulations upon) the arrival of an eight-pound daughter, born t them at (the: Oregon City j hospital, Sunday. Trj little onje has been named Betty Mayl j Mrs. Sizer left Saturday for Iowa to spend the winter. j Mrs. Porter left Sundayj, for a twp weeKs' visit witli her sort iri Wash ington. " i - Psriul Moles spent the 'i,eek-end ih Portland as the guest of Lirtnel Gorlej. 'Mils. Gus Prahl Visited (friends an3 relatives in Portland this Kveek. f Mils. Elliott, Mrs. Carpenter ankl Mrs.j Tour were Portland shoppers Saturday. 4 j C. ; Earlsey is visiting relatives ih Everett, Wash. i ; j M?. and Mrs. Guy Gross entertained a. fejtv friends at dinner Siinday. Ttse guejts were Mr. and M-s. Williaih Ellirigson, Mr. and Mrs. F. Frederic!. Miss Helen Gross. Miss Glladys Fred ericks, Clarence Gross and j Harold Gross. . ! . fc j M-. and Mrs. Dwight Seply and 5Ihi and i Mrs. J. C. Chalupiskyj of iWilsori ville! were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ai Ridder Thursday evening. A.) Dergish of Los AhgeVes, Leb Dergish of Portland and I. J. Muggle of Minneapolis- were visiting friends herei Sunday. 1 j M. and Mrs. Wesley jMiliken ri$ turnted frrp a week's outing at Pacific City) Saturday. ' j i Mt. and Mrs. Perry Randall and children and Mrs. Clay viMited at trie nom of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Sutto. Sunday, i - ' ; Miss Costley of Portland spent thje week-end at the home of Mr. and Mr. R. A. JenkinB. j GLADSTONE Clifford: E. Teeple and sMiss Fran ces iLettermeier were mairrled Tues day iafternoon,; Aug. 22, at (the home of Mr. land Mrs. E. E. Teeple, Arlington street. Cladstome, the Rev. A. It Thompson of the Oregon j City M. E. church, officiating. After i short wed ding trip, the young couple Sare at home at 1)16 Center street, Oregon City. Mt. and Mrs. J. L. Mopre have is guesitB Mrs. Chas. Moore and Mrs. Rob ert $rown of Troutdale, Wash. ; Ms. Hilda Parker recently spent se eraiidays at Paradise' Inn,j at ML Ral nienj' j ; Ri Fretag has leased thes east corner of his lot' on Arlington and Clackamas boulevard to Hall arid son, iwhoe are in stalling a modern gas fillinig station. Mi. and Mrs. Harvey Wilson enter tained on Sunday, her nephew, Chester Wilson, chief turret captain of the U. S. 3i California. J MK and Mrs. E. E. Riley are on ia ten days' vacation in the Roaring River couiitry. ! j Mr- and Mrsl F.' P. Nelson have re turned from the Oregon beiches. i Mr. and Mrs. J. McGetcbie and Mr. and Mrs. R. Fretag were Sanday guests of Mr,, and Mrs. C. E. McGetchie 4' PoiiJand. : ; George Hollingsworth. json of Mkv andj Mrs. A. O. Hollingsworth, has re turned to his home in Gladstone, frofn two; months' of radio service on the light ship Columbia, j Mrs. Harry Wheeler is confined to her ihome with several broken ribs and a sivere cut in ; the forehead, as ! the result of having been struck by an automobile. j Ctto and Rankin have jthe contract for !remodeling the home bf Dr. J. (3. Nash .in East Gladstone.) The "'work is t be completed before ihe return of Mrsj. Nash and her mother, Mrs. Beh net, who have spent the; summer in the iEast and in California . ! The rnarriage of ; Jack Yorang of Clackamas and - Myrtle (Spurgeon pf uiaastone was periormea sat me name of ev. and Mrs. G,i E. Williams Thurs day! afternoon. A feceptin was ; given in the evening at the home of the toride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G., H. Webster. ? vif" The. new home of Mr. and Mrs.' Clyde Green on West Gloucester street wiill be ready for occupancy September 14 Peter il. Rine arson, a pioneer bf Gladstone, passed .away at the family residence on the river roski on Friday. Th4 funeral services were I held Monday arwrnoon rrom the Holman and Pace chapel in Oregon City, with interment at Mountain view cemetery, i , - Extensive alterations arp being made on line nome oi "Tea Miner, i county cleijk, on the corner of Arlington ssqid I'otruana Avenues. ; ( i s OAK GROVE Et Sheets spent Sunday; in St. Johns Mrs. Marsh has returned front Rock- away ueacn. . v i:i 1 ; j : Lieutenant and 'Mrs. ienktabj were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. John' W. Jaan-H l . fJ. ' ) .. -Jt i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Palmblad are bn a (vacation j trip' in Washington. :i Mr. and Mrs. Swan Mlagnusoa and Ms) and Mrs. Frank Gustafson -jof Grifsham, who have beenj camping on thsj Willamette river, havS returned to thelnhome. , ., '' - ' . j ; '4i ' Mrs. Alice ? Barnett. - while sHclngl a watermelon, accidentally cut a deep gash In j thai left forearraf" Otv Mount of iOregon jdtyt toolt ttnfc sUtohes iba th wound, t - i J -.;;?;'! ; 'J " - - Mr.- and Mrs. jGeorg .'.iFox and aonv if- : .. : "i 4-W'&4 i m?.tA : -'A I : , -1 , Harold, of YaklmaJ , waah.rava! ibeetl guesta of MrJ and :Mrtu 3B ; Reynolds, i Mr.: and! Mrs. F. CS LltUe and; chil dren. left Saturday tonfTkn auto trip to isan-oat,:-..t4-'q rg'TLft- V, Miss Carrie Wood. a mtssionary . In India, who-is on a furlough with her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. L. Wood.' at tended recently a Young People's con vention at Bar View. f - l! jj '; Mr, and Mrs; Burleigh E. Philips have gon to Eden,l Fla.. lito reside. They; own interests -thj an orange grove there. ' i j'" 1' it-' i ' f ' il' i ... 4- -beach' party was given.! at Rock away Saturday night :by Mr and Mrs. H. ! ii. Princehouse i and Mr,! and Mrs.' A. IE. Euster. : The guests 1 were ; .Mri. ana Mrs. Frank Rosenthal of Port land, Mr, aJid Mrs. Maynard Cole and Mr; and Mrs, H. C. Hast or f of Oak Grove. ! j , . '-j-- -,' :!- Mr, and Mra. H. C. Hastorf and daughters; Ellen an4 Catherine, mo tored to Rockaway Beach, Friday, and spent the week-end S at the Elmore hotel. i I ... ,!-,!. i WOODSTOCK Estel Akers camel home Sundiv from Altoona. Wash., for a few days visit with his parents, Mr. and ! Mrs. Wil liam Akers, No. 4523 Woodstock ave-nuB- ; j i I I ii ; ' ' . Mrs. Mary Fikei has gone to; Lake Stevens, Wash., to! visit her daughter, Mrs. B. O. .Dickinson. - jj. , !i f Fred Curry, No, 510 61st Avenue, and Miss Nellie Hayward of Chicago were married Saturday. August'! 29. i: They have gone to Illinois ion their wedding trip. - j j ; Keith Clisby of 5303 45th street has returned home from; Pilot Rock, Or., where he has been working ail sum mer. : j M- and Mrs. Glen Simpson and son Hugh, No, 6116 47th street, have re turned from. Crescent lake and Oak Ridge. Or., where they were camping and hunting. j - Kenneth Ferrier.iNo. 5605 46th Street, and .rM las. Edith Stockton,1 Now 2503 Mnnro street, Mllwaukle. Or,, j were married Wednesday j evening, August 30. They are off bn a honeymoon trip and i will be at j home ! after Sep temher 18. at No. (641 Korth i Fifth street. Corvallls. I Mr. and MrB. Albert Ferrier have re turned from their wedding trip to Can non ; Beach, and will be at home at No. 5605 ! 46th street; k Misses !Ethel and -Jennie Smith, of No. 5241 52d street! have returned from New .York, where !thjey have been at tending summer school. Miss Jennie, who is a missionary from, India, ex pects to I leave about September 30, for her work on the foreign field. Mr. and Mrs. Sf Malmsten of Ver nohia. Or., were hfera for the Ferrier Stockton wedding. ; Mrs. J. Curry, SlOC'Slst avenue, has gone to Des Moines Iowa, to ! attend the G. A. R. encampment. Mr. and Mrs. Keith and. Miss Gladys Keith of Walla Walla, Wash., are vis iting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Clisby ,! 5803 45th street Mr. and Mrs. 3. J. Boicovrt, 1132 Knight street, returned Thursday from their trip to Lincoln lake. Or. Mr. and Mrs. Fred j Sanders and chil dren, 6221 44th street, have ; gone to Seaside to spend a few days. Mrs. M- i Humphreys and!' Miss Lucy Humphreys are at Seaside, Or. Freeman Fike -has returned from Fort Worden, where he attended the efficers training camp. He spent a few- days with his aunt, Mra. E. O. Dickenson, at Lake i Stevens, Wash. KENTON While working on the roof of his garage vTilliam Bro?ltus fell, striking his head ; on a timber, rendering him unconscious 44ri a,-! time. He was dis covered ; by his small" daughter, who called for assistance. , r ! - George i Lewis and family have re turned from a trip through California. Mr. and Mrs. R., L Schepie. No. 115 Winchell i street, are j the parent of a son. Robert Irville, j born : August 19. Schebel's ! mother, Mrs. R. A. Scheble, and daughter Leef of Bellingham, Wash., are here on a short visit. M. P. MacEachern;jhas gone to Tilla mook to' regain his health, after a severe attack of heart trouble. Miss Florine Sevier, daughter of J. W. Sevier, was hostess to 46' young friends at a coverall party at her home. No. 1598 Elmore street, on her eighth birthday,; Friday, September 2. The North Portland and Winona Villa and; Orpha members of I. O. O. F. held a basket picnic at Columbia park August 20. An exciting ball game be tween th ladies was won by the Wl r.onas. The Villas' and North Portland also played a fast game. North Port land winning. Other, games were held mdprizes awarded, j The final was a substantial meal Served at 6 p. m. to 310. ; i ; L. C. Wilkinson and family. No. 1599 Elmore street, returned. from a three months' auto tour through the East ern states 1 Miss Thelma ; Battorf held a birthday party .at the home of her parents. No. 1565 Delaware street, Thursday eve ning, September lj. Kenton school children are getting ready for the opening of school. MILWAUKIE : . Miss Beatrice Cedarson has returned from a vacation and is preparing to enter Reed college j The body of Frank! C. Brown of Mll waukle. who was dtowned in the Co lumbia river ,at Haeford. Wash., Au gust 6, was recovered from ithe river 24 miles down sfireamj nar Richland Brown, field foreman for the trtologl cal suryey. had been assigned to the White Bluffs-Hanford soldier settle ment area to' aid settlers in- ridding the district of rabbits. He was 27 years of age, a sort of Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Brown, and a graduate of Ore gon Agricultural college. T. B. Hicks, a well known resident of Milwaukie, has secured quarters in the real : estate office of MVa. ! Maggie A. Johnson and will j conduct a 'general insurance business. ; . ! ; Railroad maintenance employes have secured; jCrystal Lake park for a - big celebration and picnic on Labor day. The Milwaukie; school district will arrange for the transportation, of all pupils living In, th northerly and southerly portions of the district. - Bids are open for such transportation. 4 i A marriage license has been issued laV South Bend, Wash., to Arthur J. Johnson : of Milwaukie and Donna L. Smith of Portland, i ; j j J CARSON HEIGHTS 1 Recently the property owners of Alto Park ahd Huddlesoa tAcres formed the Alto Park Waterl and Light .company, ahd now they have Ordered tfce pipe for Bull Ran water, and -are to have elec tric service from the Oswego i Lake Light A Power Co.!J. Q, iJamleson Is president, and M. :LJ McGrtw secretary and treasurer, with directors, i. Q. Jamieson. C. T. Dickinson and M. L. UcGraM ! ; !. -L4'i-'- f - M j Hi ; Miss ! Margie i&ejves of Independ ence. Missouri. Is visiting 4n Portland, and is being entertained by Mrs. J. V. Patton f Capitol Hilt i , " Mrs. Mary Johnson and i J. it. John son wish to i thank heir many . friends for- the kind sympathy and beautiful flowers extended tot them in their re cent bereavement of their beloved son and brother j - . i , 1. Delbert Fran, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Frane, Is vislUng friend In Seattle, for a reoupl of weeks. f W.-- F.I Finke and ;P. H. Dunn, have returned from, a hunting and fishing . ! ! -4- :m r ! W.. uMM i t .. ; - 4 sl y i: - I I t 'V ,lli ! ! ' H- I- j- ! trijp through ; Roseburg and southern orfrgonl j j ; !!' .-U; IHJ Mr. an4 Mrsi. Theodore Winthers, jof Ryan Plaice, are receiving congrstula tians upon the arrival of a husky baby boy of, pounds, i last Tuesday, "ho will be named! Theodore, Junior. Mrs. Win thers j is resting at Sellwood hos- pitaL Mrs.! Manning Soiker. president !6f the Capitol Hill Parent-Teacheir aso4 elation, and Mrs. George Hartmanv at tended the meeting i of i the Parent- Teacher council, held at Central library. In? Portland. Friday; ! ! Mrs.: RJ - Z4; Anderson of Carson Heights, with, her; two children and mother, Mrs. LewiSj are making an x tended. Visit at Roseburg; and Piss, Oregon, j j ',! h i ' Mri and ; Mrs, A. F. DeBauw Grants are; parents of a new baby boy. Thainxotfor; is; resting at St. Vincents hospital, j ; j Mn and Mrs. J. V. Patton. hare re cently returned from a two weeks' visit with ! MrJ iandl Mrs Wi. C, Carroll, of Portland, i , t j - j i-1 ' ' Mr, and Mrs. Conrad Price and son. Trevor, are spending a week r sol at Seaside, i i - . j f 1 i 1 i M ; Mr. and Mrs. Gedrgej W. Coates have purchased thel W. A. Cjurrle hoime, and are making expensive alterations. I , JMlss Helen Kletti of Carson Height,; lsi busily ; preparing 6 take j up 1 khie nurses training -course at the !Qood Saii mariton hospital, in September. i SMr. and Mrs--Padgeh with their sor and daughter, iarid Mt;. and Mm Geofgie Smith; Brown. motored to,, sajiem :r: centiy, i . !i J ' "- Mr. and Mrs. It. Btrd visited Mr. aad Mrs.! M. ! arid! famllyi D. Standage, formerly of Collins . View, who 1s Wow os a dairy ranch in ear - Tillamook, r !i j iMlss Lucille; Thomas Is motoring lt friends, on a trip to Scappooee for the week-end. ' I ' "" i'-' ;l I ;Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Knox expect td rent : theiir home ' and move to Portland, for ' the winteif. , -1 . i r i ' . it I The Girl Scouts, "Dogwood" trood NO. 7, of parson Heights, recently held a: picnic meeting, at which fhey demon strated fire making and camp cooking. Mrs. Jj L- Vandlert recently jreturJied from a visit to Sandy river. . i , t jMlss Nina i Reeder has takei oivei? the News route onj account of; the ab sence of Minnie Beckel, who is visits ng at Salem. i; ! i , : The Girl Scjjut troop No. 7 officiateid as pall-bearers -tot thir! siste- ScOutj Margaret Musgrovp, of Capitol Hill, j-;- j SELLWOOD I ! ! tCharles Massonjand familyi of isOl Milwaukie street, j motorid to Septus Mills 'Saturdiy tO enjoy the "Labot day outlpg ori lys son' si homestead. ! - ;Mr. and Mrs. S. Z. Watson of 529 Tacoma avenue. njiotored tp polunjibla beach Friday to pend brijef vaca tion 1 with friends. Their son Wayne will return home j with them. - ! Rev. J. E. Youel and family visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. E.! B. Kelly of 1432 East) 13th street jthe past week. ; Rev. Youel formerly pastor Of the Spokane AVenue f Presbyterian churphi is now located at' Dallas.) i I Mr. and Mrs. Fred McEnany and son of 1453 East 21st sUreet, spent! the week at Vancouver I with! Fred's parents, i' ! ' I ' ' ' I i Mr. arid Mrs. Karl Beach were here the past week froijri Lexington; on buSl Wss connected with the! estate of jthe late: Silas H. Beach of; 548 Sellwood boulevard. .. j , I - I f Blackmar Circle; entertained the de niartment officers Iwith a dinner Wed nesday. f iMiss Delia Hincliman Is visiting rela tives in Seattle. - , ' ! I ! the at i Robert Brown hap , commenced erection of a residence On his lot! 461 Nehalem; avenue. Billie" Wing iii th cnntrfttor. ' if Mrs. E. R. lEiseff lof. Evergreen stk- tioni entertainea' St lunch Monday in honor; Of MrSi Winnie Hortonj of Chl- caeo. who isi in Portland foranien tended visit with her parents. ;TOr. and Mrs, J. H. Malletjt of 1731 East llh street. Those prepent were Mesdam'es JiUj. , Mkltettii E. SB. ! Kelly. Ej C. Htt tr and C. T Pries of Sellwood ; MriS, L. H. Morgan ahd sister. Miss jAir nioldL' Mrs. G. Buck. Mrs. Villers and daughter and Mrs. Colcord. all of Island station, 'Evergreen district, j i ; iHi W.I Strahornj and family, of 1661 East 17tii street, motor to Oak Grove beach every mightj, having established a summer home there. i 1 I A new; mattress (manufacturing plant has ' started operation ip thel Meyers building in Umatilla avenue ST. JOHNS Revi D. E, Nourse. pastor or ;tne Community i Congregational I church with hisj family has moved to 115 S. Smith; Avenue. ! 1 i V (Among those who are reported' 111 are C. C. Rlngol who has been ill I for several days ; Max ' Wldmer Is also quite 111 At his home on .North street; and Mr, and) Mrs. W. R. IvahhOe Ball, N. Syracuse street are recovering from a serious illness. i J. M. Blair: of tjie Portland Wooljn Seattle mill made a business trip to ttisiweelc ! ! , . ! $; i The St. Johns Community I club; pf which T4 J. Mmarian Is president, will hpld its first regular business; meeting of the season n Tuiesday evening in ithe Y. W. C4 A. buildliig on Chicago street. A number of! matters of Vital: interest to the club will include ithe discussion of further plans fdr a community club house, the street car service,, insurance rates.: the high, bridge project-! and ithe water: pressure in St. Johns. ! ! ij j satra Matilda Edwards! has jreturned ore ' 1 ' ' i - i i - i 1 . i i , - . 1 h ),;,,., j 4 1 , , 11 1 11 ,1 I i ii ' - St All Day Tomorrow 'i . J L : t' 4. :f Tfm f jjiK'vt 4--t. ;- f. -''d. ; ' --':: io,.'-': -fil" I 'M Longbeachi !wash her sh' spent,, 10 ' day st! James-Hodge femployed at the Portx from land Woolen; Mi 14 fori the past four t years, with his ; amily lis leaving thtif-. week for MlsaouilU I' - Mirt;n and Miss Ednal I Craig accompanied; by Mrs. fiumgard-" Wednesday for tnq Weeks at Tillamook beaches. i ;; i,.. I , i D. J. Horseman! has returned from a4" W. year's trin thrntio-h- intra ',)iracl' Vianoraa aiKi otaer middle) wesierrt,; states, returning ihy way of California it Mr. and Mrs. j Ju C. Wissepback ofl'w 524 4 East- Richmond street have as! their guestii theft- daughters, Mraif; J Mary Eddlngs ajidl Miss Ruth Wlasenl back of Bangej MWaslj. . im Albert, and Robert Sttitsal of Seattle'1 are spending twq weeks with their grandparents, Mri and Mra. )N: C jonnson, 3S rsf. iLeonard street lit Mrs. B. Fj Hiwspn is at Seaside forwi "AC. Galbrsfth has 1 taken out set- mits for the eeetion I of three more,.. oungaiows on squsn Leonard stret; air. ana virsi j-. l Utrsckv arAm erecting a new residence oh Willamette"-1 oouievard which! is Hearing C0mpletionJ Mr. and Mrsii R. Hollenbeck, Mlas Kdna HoUeribeci Mrs. jMiller and MrsJ Tufts motored ti) Pendleton this weektte for-a short yisitJfij Jit- ; ' ;- v..- i. n Mr. and. Mrs. Will I Hyde and two" children ae fi f Isiting ; MrsL Hyde's? mother and othT, relajtlves In- Seattle? and Monrod .Wash, t is Mr. and MrS.H. Wt Ramsden and1" daughter Leola ind tori ,Wllbr arrived"" recently from Cfcarok-ei, lowai and Willi reed fri 'St. Jhns. They made ther trip by automobile and , were threel week eront,-M j , F-h s Mra HarsMiniilhjS andj daughter! Joan. Mrs. ;W. it iAtderson aijid daugh- ter Muriel and Mra Lowell "Alderson two weeks' tnp 05 RockawavJ . ' - J I or. and Mr; P. Borden and eonsj spent the week-end? Russell and John at Seaside, i ;i I Mr. and 1 Mrs aitci auu-iiiiitn:B. nave returned . from a flshlna trln iin the mountains: hear Toledo?: Or., and the. coast. 1 'I I i 4 i . i r j Miss Barbara fKloster will ieave next week for Ssattli: here she will enter the Northwest j training school ; for nurses. - i a. . h ... - u. t Rev. H. A Lufckenba.ck, pastor of the Pilgrim Congregational church of Spo kane wa.8 the guest of Fvev. arid Mrs. D. E. Nourse on Mkjaday. ' - i - i Fred H. fjrlfretn. hushAnii nt nti- i Lillie Griffeth died at Lehmah Springs,! near Pend!eort joa August 2fr followlngl a lingering iilinesi Griffeth who. was! engaged in the (plumbing bus ness with! a shop in tjie ; Fnench i blnclr waa hM in Salem, 14 , injajgro. He w4s married? In Lyons, Kans4s4 to Miss Lillie Planck S in 1895 anq casni to Oregdh several f .u. j ounvwing nim, oesiaes his a widow are six IchSidren funeral ser- vices were conducted front th St-t Johns Undertaking parlor f Tuesday. I flu, To VI Xlj : jj.'., f. .. . . f mnaycunc , tne i services. i. 0 Mrs. Isabelle flFi; Eckles nassed x wa v at the home pfj herf daughter Mrs. i George Imbodep, ' 715 B. Serieca street i very suaaemiy or heart trouble on ' August 18 Fuheral services with In- terment in R,o 5Cityt Parkj cemetery were held tfroiW !;! tne j Church of God i chapel, 363 iFaiHttg street o Wednes- day, August 23. I Mrs. Eckle was born ? in England j 75 ears igo. feh was ai devoted worker! in the ichurch. Besides' her daughter with whom sh made her : home she leaves three othef children, f Rev J. F. Franklin. Elk Piilnt h .Ji Mrs. F. T. Eyefand Rev. B.j,. Frank lin, Oregon CltT. twoi sbirera . Mary WlnegarJMcMinnvilleJMrs. Jan Howe, Portland! nd One brother Wil- liam Coulson.: Itoohester. .Minn.. hcaljlA I 18 grand children and ior crat mrr-,. t SUNNYSIOE Mr. and Mrs. H. H.I Littlefleld have naa as guests M!r. and Mra JJ J. Schoen l loieao, , -riiOi ina ScfioenS -re thinking seriously - making . their home - here, j 1 i ' , j Mr. and jMjtt. iThos F. Tubb have moved into; the; home Recently vacated by the Taykitj ahily at Easlt 39th and balmoa streets; ! Mr. and Mrs. Taylor having -' recently 1 1 bdught a home -'I In Laurelhurst lliii! ; : - Dr. Raympnal K. Staub has returned from a several f weeks, stay 4t Roches ter, Minn., where' he took special work In the Majo-Brothers institute. Dur ing the doctor's ij absence Mrs. , Staub visited her mother at Vancouver, li. C. J. J. Somerd.j who 14 suffering from tuberculosisi of the hip, is confined to th -hospital. Ill jl- . (j ' V -Warren iorjEta4 has returned rom. Lake ; VVahtuitiJ where he was en camped with. tae.Boy Scouta, ' i J. M. Wallace is building a lodge near Mt. Hood whichi he wail occupy next summsr.iij !ii j) '. i ---f : Mrs. F. A Pall has returned from visiting her! sister; at Salem. 4 Mrs, John Gloss ha. returned from TUlampok. i .'( . ''. :.i -' ; 1 , Mrs. A. R1 Zeller and family returned Friday front Gearharti j i ' ! i . STRAY CAT EATS MA1X . I (Bt InleRujtioBal Npwa Senrica.) : t Lawrence! Seipfci !. str4y, cat ale herself out j of i ai ! happy home In th Lawrence jiost I Office jwhen lsh failed to confine I herself toj th milk and cream furnished h by i kindly-inclined postal mplye Who brought her to out of the; coldt ctuol world.' puss con ducted a foraging; parity Into th par to I 1 a rial eel post room being shipped and devoured chicken through) th ail., Exit puss, lill:.!; il Clble'J Li-' - . - .. 9 r 1 1 -"Jr . . i - I ' ' - - - I- '4 : "s-i". 1