. - " . - r i . I t".ri;f, i,,, ,j L ' ' : 1 1 : r JOURNAL,1! PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1 "3, : -1922. -' : : : r r tt- : v . 1 . t ti rrr , , ..... , 'HIGHER WAGES AND UEL COSTS ! TO fcE i i- ! : it. . . . n i rr ; - j Hh --r? : ' i : - i n D IN ADVAN t ' i f KOR ANTON T .FAtVs SF.PTF.MRF.R hRATN FT FFT I 85 f. ' i"- , i - - ' jr--? t - - t Z ,' v I III fji ! 1 't ,.. i j ' s ? ill i SILL.;. - -rrrr ki T ' i 1 f 11 1 1 M ' lit'-" -; ' - ; sJ ' ' ? - l: : . ; -psi i M J m I- , -y-Y - .r . 2 4 1 m ' ' ' " : t , ' fj'.if- -r- j - - 11;; - -At r. ;lxB fft-yi-i - xv3?5. " - "v. I ?! x-?, i -rsrf"- .1! -i- ! BE STABILIZED Most Manufactured Products Witt Find Price Level Higher Than Now Quoted. Big British steamship gets away on September 1 viith a modem carrier and ou the present outward trp the hushels of wheat. The picture shows the vessel working bulk wheat at the tilobe mills. She was dis patched by Kerr, Clifford A Co. LACK WHEAT F08 VESSELS IN PORT . OR DOE IN PORT Farmers' Alliance Clings to .Its Grain While Freighters Are 'Going Begging for Cargo. Tides at Hfgh watei full load of, grain for Europe. The Koranton is a manifest shows that she 'has on board 328,533 jlstoria Monday Low waiter . . 6 :02 a. m., Q.4 ft ft. 6:14 p. m., lj.6 ft. water, nine imin- water, Sl.mihutea With a bad start in July, and August! no better. " September shipments Of grain foreigrn will come back to first place. The tonnage in port and the tonnage due for September loading ex ports foreisrn, exclusive of parcel lots, will amount to more than 3, "50,000 bUSKels of wheat. Value placed on ex port wheat at this time is about $110 and .the Farmers' Alliance does not weem to be in any humor to let go. Kxporters are up against it for wheat, with . a heavy amount of tonnage in sight. In port are .five vessels, with a total of 16.43.0 tons. These should carry, In round numbers, 1, 250.0(10 bushels. Six vessels on the en route list will finish lfore the end of September. These craft have; a total' tonnage of 2.5, 154 which -round figures will carry 2, 500.000 bufihfls. Total tonnage en route for "prain, according to figures from the Merchants Exchange, show 1 craft with a total tannage pf 44, S24. Charters are slim and September and October will clean the board unless something moves with the farmers, buyers or ship owners. It .was re ported in shipping circles today that one and possibly more grain ships for Iortliand had been diverted and would load at San Francisco as California wheat,, can be purchased cheaper. , 1 : 7 I News df the Port : 1 IIAIHO -POSITION KINDER DECLARED TU BE SVCCESS F. It. Barstow! i:i ' fge of the local office of the! Federal Radiogram, is in receipt of a" brief messaKe from the head office in San Francisco advising OS to working of the Kolster Radio losition ' finder, installed on the Ad miral" line steamship H F. Alexander and tested on the voyage of that ves sel lust complete 1 Dr. Kolster was a passenger on the Alexander ad conducted the experiments. They were htsrhly suctessfol. The message says: "Kolster radio ition finder, install ed on II. F. Alexander, tested on the von from Seattle to Sail Krai.ciso suc cessful In every .-e-spect, according to cur claims in bull-:in 12 A. Radio bear ings ;were taken on North Head. Cape Blaiuo, Table Bluff, Point Arejia and the San Fra"hcis..-j liphtship. also tn Hover&l passing vessels. All officers and ; witnesses " wrc- entirely satisfied with results. Ti-. Lightship will be placed in dperation very soon." OREGONIANS ABOARD BIG LINER BOl'5 D TOR ORIBXT Seattle. Sept. 2 With every inch of cargo space occupied, an almost ca pacity passenger list and upwards of 6000 sacks of mall, the Admiral liner rreiddent Jackson. -Captain John Grif fith., cleared Saturday morning for Oriental ports via Victoria. B. C. The vessel took out what probably ia the Mjrgest prty of ' missionaries' ever .taken from a Northwest port, two car loajOs from the Southern states going aboard; In one groifp, while scattered missionaries from other parts of the Unrlted States and Canada brought jthe contingent to over 100. Many of the missionaries are old-timers in- the trknt. several of them having sipent the (last 30 years there. '- Other passengers included Kdwin B. George and Osborne Watson of the department of commerce; Miss A.""B. Milam, dean of the Oregon state col lBe of agriculture, wh is going to 1-eking to establish a department; bf bonse. economics at the big university I here : Mias Camilla Mills, who will take charge of the department for five years ; Miss Estelle Mc Alpine, who to manning to Japan after schooling for 13 JCfr in America; Mrs. J. F. Buck ley of Portland ; Mrs. Powen Clayton Of New Tork who is going to viit 12 :00 p. m.. 7.3 Seaside High jtes earlier. Seaside Low arlier. Major General asnd Mrs. Leonard: Wood at Manila ; L. (Freeman, on a fepecial commercial mission for th.e Quaker Oats companj"; jp. S. Cobb, who for the past 18 years has been on the faculty of the Doshishafuniversity, Japain. and Mrs. Qobb ; Mis Elizabeth Van! Name Of Miami, Fla., yho is going on a two year tour of tbje Orient; Miss i Grace barlirg, who islgoing on the teaching staff of a Pekine ladies' coilet;e j L. M. Bocker, comptrifller of the University I of Peking, anil Mrs. Bocker. and a number of Kjropean, British and American busirfss men and tourists. The vessel hafe upwards of 350 pas sengers in bot classes. Her cargo consists of mafhinery. canned goods, copper, lumber jknd automobiles. The President JackMon held the American Trans-Pacific rjjeord until she lost. It to the Preside t Grant on its last homeward trip k week aero. FIVB SCHOOSTKRS DEPART FROMRIVEK FOR SOCTH Five steam scjhooners got away from lower river pofts Saturday for San Francisco wlthjlumber. The Multno mah, Viking, .Q?lilo and Challamba sailed from St. Helens and the Daisy Freeman got aay from "Kalama. The steamers Multnmah and Celilo of the MeCormick flee carried passengers. Lumber shipfnents coastwise are picking up and the majority ofthe cargoes are befcg discharged at Ban Francisco. The yards at San Diego and San Pedrot are congested at the present time, bit a new movement is looked for witfin a fortnight. f Arrivals, Swt, X W. F. Herriiuf American etemr, from Griot. ria Settle oil. Kosalie Maluny- American steamer, from San Pedro, balia.it.1 "KenneK-ott, American motor&hip, from Xe Tork and way iir. eeneral. Departure. Sept. 2 W. F Herrin. -fmerioan steamer, tor Gari- ota. balta-'t 1 hctoj dom f for Cnited Kina- for San na Norwejiait steamer. ljeat. f Multnomah. American slamr. Krancisco. lumber, i'rom St. Helena. Oliloi American Steamer, for San Pedro San Francisco, hinvber. -tf?wa. St. 'Helens. VUcins. Amrk-aB steitoer. for San Frr cisco, lumber, front St. Heles. Challamba, Amefiran rnotnrahip, for Hobo luln. lumber, from; St. Helena. Taisy Kreeman, imerk-an steamer, for San Pedro, lumber, from Kalama. AT WOBLD'S PORTS Astoria. Sept. 2 i Left np at 10 lart night steamer Rosaha Miahonjr. Sailed at 7 :80 last niht, Brituiib temer Koranton. for Enrope. Sailed at 7 but niht, Freneh steamer Missia .itppi, for Honleaua ia San Francisco. Sailed at midnisht, Japaiiee strainer Kakuyo Larn. for West Coast poi ria San FrancLvo. 8aied at 1 a. m.. stearorr Jeptha, f r West Coat porta, i Sailed at 1 a. m. steamer Siskiyou, for Sa Pedro. ArriTed at '2:30 and left rip at 3 a. m. . mot(siii Keruietrott from New Tork and ny porta. Sailed at 4 a m . uteamej Redondo, for Seattle. ArriTed at 7 .30 a. m.. lighthouse tender &anxanit&, fcem sea. ArriTed at lt;30 a. m., Norwegian steam er Rose City, fremcSaa Francisco. ArriTed at 4:10 p. m . Japane steamer Koncosan Mara, from Orient. ArriTed at 4:10 p. m.. steamer Edward Luekenbaci. from New Tork via way ports, i 'I San t Franeisro. ISept 2. Sailed at mid night, steamer Wilfcmette, for Colnmbia rier. Callao. Aug. 3 ArriTed, steamer Mem non. from Pueific cyt ports, for Valparaiso. i Balboa, Aug. 4l Sailed, st.-amer Steel Ineentor. from Baltimore, for Portland aud Puget Sound i Seattle. Sett p. (I. X. 8 1 Arrired. RaUi Alexander, fnm Tacomi, 7:4 5 a. in. Minneaotan. from !-on. 6:40 a. m. ; Ra inter, from Taooma. 12 4i) a. m Sailed. PT:dertt Jackson, for Manila;. H in. Arnred. Sept. . Admiral Tii Tnji pj.ii Bethel. 10: 30 p- la.; Westham. roi BnftSi CotnatMa porta, 11110 p. m. ; Yokohama J-arti. from ETeraCt, :3 P- m.; 'oracao. from SouLbeafJem Alaska. 7 fv m. ; Ton king. frm Copenhagen. 6 :50J p. m. ; Lena Lnrkenhaeii. Trooa Botoo-, Tia Portland, 5:2 p. m.; Tiger, from Taooina, 8 :5 p. m.; Pomona, from Shanghai, 10:30 a m. SatleA. Sept 1. lljrman Stewart, for Oteoint. midnight : AdminUi ETana. foe Sonthwestttrn A1-1. ?4 p. tat; Virtona. for GtkinM Tia .eaw. I u a, a. Sailed. Ana Sll Szht-nsas tender fjran tta,. for Astoria. 71 a. aa. '4 -Vbnrg. Sef ti 1 Sailed, Spokane, notit. boood. 3 :3U . m. JuMao, Sept aoothbonnd. a. kletchiki-. Sept ocmim. e:st s. ia. Han I Pedro, Sent Sailcjl. Ilinct&s Ioa4e, 1 Sailed. AUmada, north 1 Arrlied. L I. Al- ftBdar. ifrors SoattiJf and sailed fer .Seattle. Arm. M.. 8. Aatnm. SerA. eott. from Ne-r Tsrk. 1 SaOeo. Kedcndo i!or Seatti. 4 a,' m. ; Jeptba kenee- ( t for Valparaiso. 1 a- m. Sailed. Sent 1. Hi kiuya iLarti for Valparaiso, midnight Raymond. Sept. 1 .-Sailed, Anne Hanify. for "San Pedro, 4 p. m. Aberdeen, Sept. 1. Sailed, Sraa, for San Pedro, 8 p. m. Shasta, for San Pedro, 5 l. m. Sailed, Aug. 31 Catherine G. Sudden, for San Pedro, 7 p m, Victiiria. Sejit 2. Arrired, ProtUaua, from Seat'le. 6 a. m : Canadian Tramporter, from E.-xjuimanlt, 12:3s a. m. Passed. M S. A.rika from Shanghai for Van couver. 7 am. V, Passed, Sept. 1 . Bessie Dollar from Shanghai for Vaurourer, 7:30 p. m. Vannov.Tr. Sert. 1 .ArriTed, Melrille T)ol lar frTTm ',ni-s Harbor, 7 p. m. Bellincham. Sep; 1 Sailed, Hakashika Mra :r Kr.rett. 2:30 p. m. Tacnma, STi.r. 2.- AmTtd, Laa Vesa-1. from Seattle. 2:30 a. m. ; Comanche, from British Columbia ports,; 3 a. m. Sailed, S.it, 1. Saikop Maru. from Kobe. 1 0 p. in.; H. B. IJTejoy. for San Pedro, 10 p. m. ; Balboa for -'operihagen. 7:30 p. m. San Francisco. Sept 2. (I. X. S. ) Ar riTed today Necanicum Brooking5. 4:45 a. m. Buford, Slor.teney. 5:05 a. m.. Kenawah. Port Angeles. 6:4." a. m : Frank H. Buck. Mont erey. 7:10 a. m. : Krerett Los Angeles, 8.30 a. m. ; H. F. Alexander, Los Angeles, 10:20 a. m. S.iled Today- Tug H"n-ules, a. m. Tug Trareller, Tliie. B:.5 Chartees . Frojmer. Norvfeeianf ; steamer, Portland to Cnited Kingtiom. 35 shillings. By Kerr. (.Tiftord cruise. - m. F40 200 tons. Cont wheat, & Co. ALL ALOXG THE AVATERFRONT The steamship Rase City of the San Francisco & Portland Steamship com pany docked at midnight at Ainsworth dock. She brought a full list of pas sengers and" heavy freight. The steamer Rosalie Mahoney ar rived in ballast and will load lumber at Astoria for San Francisc The Associated tank steamer W. F. Herrin discharged fuel oil from Gavi ota at Linnton and will sail this morn ing. She came via Seattle. The Norwegian : steamship Dicto, with grain for thai United Kingdom, cleared late Saturday night and nailed for Europe. She was loaded by Kerr, Gifford & Co. By 4. O. Royle i i fSrecial Corrwpondent of The Journal) tCopyright 1922, by The Journal jtew Toi. Sept 2. Prices for commodi ties will become itairiliaed withhv , the next few week to a greater extent than ! at "any time in ! two years. The pricea at which the ma jority of raw and manufactured product will find their lerel will be higher1 ' than today's quotation. Th will -be ,a direct result of higher wages and sustained fuel coits aug mented buying ard increa;-ed cost of liring. This siabil iation program ia not going to bo seriously affected by the injecUon by the attorney general of the strike injunction into the general labor situation. ETen a genera strike, if called, would affect only 4.000.000 members of the American Federation of La bor. ' Furthermore, a general strike, aa Gom pets pointed oat today, most be preceded by a Tot which would take at least several weeks to conduct By that time the shopmen's trite is possible of adjustment Will Know How Business Stands Bat producers, manufacturers, distributers and consumers will know at last where they stand and they can lay. their plans and parry out their propram on a definite Ibasis. Adjust ments of conditions In the bituminoas coal field, the iron and 5teel industry, and in the New Knc'.and textile mills hare been largely li.stranieotal in bring ng about stability. Any an:tie:y regarding a fuel shortage is be ing raindly removed by the aetirity at" the mine?. The shopmen's strike- never baa be come a domi:iatm peril m commerce and ndtry. The injunction asked for in Chicago by the attorney general and granted by Federal Judge Wkcrson, may still further nullify its effects. But of far more significance are the announcements from the more important car riers that they are increasing their shop forces successfully and are purchasing new motiro power equipment Orders for locomoUTes were p'sced this week by the Chicago &. Northwest ern, the Missouri Pacific, the LouisTilla A. Nashville, the Missouri. Kansas & Texas and other roads. The upward swing in commodity prices is not surprising in riew of conditions reported in dispatches received within the last 12 hours from Tanous sections of the country. The 20 per cent wage increase in common labor in the steel industry went into effect Friday. Coal prices will remain aboye pre-strike levels for a number of weeks at leat Steel prices are advancing as a natural seuuence, but are march ing in step with demand, which is more and more in evidence. Fuel 'oil has won new customers as a result of the coal strikes and ha earijured markets never opened to liquid fuel before. Therefore, prices of that commodity are slated for an advance, approximately 15 cents a barrel, de spite the tremendous stocks of crude oil now in storage. Itecent price cuts in automobiles, increased cost of production and a slightly lessening de mand, hare brought about a ieriod of stability to the automotive industry which -may be count ed on to continue at least until the New York automobile iow next January. Lumber, brick, cement. L'me and other building material will continue to respond to the activity in building construction. Leather Prices to Rise Higher leather prices are in prospect for hides have advanced steadily and , resistance to advances for leather cannot be maintained by shoe manufacturers and tanners indefinitely. A readjustment which will bring hides down slightly, bring leather up and leave shoes with a minimum advance, seems probable. Cotton goods are slated for slightly higher quotations, since labor costs . in New England have increased and it now seem certain that raw cotton will continue to range between 20 and 23 cents a pound. The raw wool market is firm and the only factor likely to shake it and that only slightly, is a readjustment of tariff rates downward by house and senate conferees. Apparel has a trending;- upward, in the wake of improved fall buying. Wheat give little promise of improvement. Eventually, -howerer, Europa must come to this market to fill her grain deficit When she does, and that date cannot be foretold, wheat will sell higher. Higher lerels are in prospect for botli lead and zinc, but copper improvement is under checi from the European financial artoaUon Every price advance, however, -is safeguarded from excess by the buying public, which gives evidence of determination to-do without rather than buy at prices deemed excessive. . 1 , WALL STREET STOCK QUOTATIONS .Reported by Tha Journal's WalJ Street Bursal Mdlr plete high.! eiveni STfOCKS. Adv do! Air: Ajax AiUs Tork. Sect '4 FoilBwiM is a. eorn- Kst of stock sales for the week. The low and closing pi ices of each stock' are ;' INprSTBiALS i, Adatas Exi' Burnley . td.. . fteduc , . Rubber Ail Am Cable. Aiiie4 Cbem do pfd I High. J low. j Close ! Chug. 75Vsi! 7it 20 IS 21 : 20 ! 21 5i 57 ' 11 Wl 1 i i 116 Hue 61tw. bil1 Chera. pfi. 3: 'synd Clialmers doj pfd jAgr Am Beet Sag . , Am Bosch- M . ; Am Br Shoe . . do) pfd . . . , Am jCan . . . . doj pfd . Am iChicle. Am jCofton do: pfd :. Am jlirug Am MP , . i . A Hi & L. . . , . doi pfd. . ; . Am Inter Cor ; . Am ilee doi pfd . . . , . Am La France, . Am Lin OU ... i doj rfd '. .'. . . Am Radiator . 4 . Am Saf Razor . . Am Ship & Com. Am Snuff . , . Am (Sugar . ... . Am Sumatra . . . dd ptd ..i.;. Am T C Am TAT . . ( . Am Tob dej B ( . . . dd pfd new . . Am iVVater Wkt . del 7 pet pfd . Am ;VYnol . . . , . doi pfd Am XV Pr pfd , . Assets Realty . . Assd : ln-y Goods . do 1st pfd . . do 2d pfd . . . Assd Oil Axi fruit ...... Atlas Powder . . . AU (J & W I do pfd . . . . . Atl Refining . . . doi pfd Austin Nichols . do pfd . - i . Rarnadall A) . d (B) Barnet la . . . Bee.ch Nut Booth Fish . . .' Bkln Edison . . Rkln V Gas Br.iwn Shoe . . . d(. nfd Burns Bros doi pfd Butterick Caddo Oil Calif: Pb Calif; Iet doi rfd Ca.sei (J I) Case Plow tent Leather do pfd . . . Certain-teed . . Chandler M C Chg Pneu Tool Cluetit Peabody do. ifd . .. . Col Grajih . . . dy pfd .... Coco-Cola rtf Col 0 & E . . . Comput T R. . I 'ons i Pistrib . . Cons Cigar . . doi fd .... Coas. Gas . . Cont Can .... do pfd .... Cosden Oil . . . doi pfd .... Cons Textile . Corn Products. do ..fd .... Cuba C Suga r do pfd .... Cub-Am Sugar 81 S 31 21 57 i 12 H lltt 0H 113 58 100 K 41 W 70 H 48, S 79 i 110 63 110H 2:9 S 27 54 ' 54 H 145 US 74 H 37 1 19 94 13 85 . 53 . 1120 H .1 7Vi I 16 110 vs 57 j 100 i iOH 70 i 4S 38 H 704 10S4 59 110 29 27 52 H CM 136 13 hi 7 2 34 i 111 i 91 l4 13 i 34 Vj 55 i 111 151 113 H 544 100 V 41 70 47H 39 77 110 2H 11 29H 27 H n 145 14 H 72 354t US 93 IS o4H 55 . 11 7 1H 154 (144 H1144 H . 3t 3tSW 37Vi . ( B51! !)t .l et i tii m l . I12H il 22 li I125 H 1H7 il6 1 15 .;165-155 1 3 . ll" ' 113 ilOS ' . I 1 'a 1 H I . ! S'.l ' ! S7 i i K ' j . i 9! a 1 92 S 1 95 I .,ios !ios iio i . j 32 'a r 30Si 31 . I 1 IH 1H . 51V4 65Vii 57 hi . I 82 SI Hi 81 hi . 82 1 2 j 2 .!119Viill5 jll9H .1 2Ht 2 Mil 2 .ltH)185 i(140W . 32 ( asi 3t y. .1 23 22 i .11025 11000! .,117 (llti ; .1 31 ) 29 H . 37 4 . . . f 6 2 4 . . . i 83 i 10 H . . .:i24S . . 12 2 hi . . . j 03 . . . ! 97 A. .ilSX 22 1900 117 36 S3 36tt 27 62 hi 31 hi 24 H 60 hi 32 t- 32 9 : 10 117 jl20 74 I 58 S 63 "7 i 3H Ji fa- w - m -1 ! 5! 1 I If. . , . i . - h - u -2Vs ib 7! i i - hi -i r-l ! 5J4 H iik 1H 2H 3l! 'lot 9 ! 1 4 ' H If - u -l -U 1 W . -H -1 i 3ri 'iU . . . . Savage Arms . feiaxAm Motors Btaxr - Kobuck Shall Tr C . Sinclair U -So P K Sue . fipiear Mfg do pfd . . . RtknrLtni Mill Xsterhng prod .... Stew W. Speed ji STOCKS. do pfd .... Keis ctf Kern Tpwr . . . do 1st pfd . Hep Mot T . . . Reynolds Spgs Beynolda Tob B !do ptd :. . . . Ky iMitchi C . Santa "e Sugar. , j High- t low. ItHi 1100 2 17 1 4( 37 V I n sw1 I ar a . I S0it 27s 53 62 ill! 'M117 . , 57 Si 1 1 54 H .91 3 J2S 3 l 91 -M I 3U -34 51 i 2w 81 127 54 05 4H I ) 1 t I I - ! -i 12 3 S 3S 4ti 19 l 125 53 93 47 .1 53! 53 .138il27 .114U4S. . Bi ! 6 ' AX. 7 114 I 17 il 12 llSS ;r.S2 ll3 i 111S i 1111 11K i I 8 T 2. 21 I lj T 1 r 4 9 . 4 7 I 4S 49 49 : 25 2B 880 I 390 : 127 1128 Co, pfd. Wks. 97 i 21 10 1 j 5 : 94 92 7 42 79 50'. B3i S 'J - 68 1HN 3 14 t, 74 105 77 38 7S 140 87 109 4S 97 1 1 h 12l 120 - 15 40 7 97 hi 134 i 97 21 i 1 0 hi 80 00 ! 94 t 92 ! 6 hi 40 77 47 ' 59 : 72 i 62 HO 3 i 14 : 69 101 78 3fi 76 133 ii 82 4i, 1U9 illdO 40 i; 4H 94 i 97 97 137 97 21 10 80 04 94 92 6 41 77 4S 2 t S2 64 110 3 14 70 104 74 36 78 137 8 7 Welsh City .... Tahoe 1 "si y Putnam . . . Bab-nda Jacob Luekenbarh Edw Luckenbach Lnie NieLen .... Admiral Goodrich.. Daisy Putnam . . . . AU:n ral Farragttu . Ac ten . . . lieorsina Bolph . , Alaska WilUmette. ''.:e Triangle Mexican ....... Kmderdyk Afrika Boren Kenneeott . . . ... . Simaloer Jacob Lnckenbach Rose City Admiral Goodrich Edw. Luckenbach Kegulus . Admiral Farragut Bibirtda Tasmania Mini Alaska. Vassals te From ; San Fran . . .San Fran . . . . Sjn Fran. . . , San ' Fran, . . . New Orleans. . New York . . . Nagoya . . . . S. F -Way . .San Fran . . . fcan ll.-Waj. , Sau Fran . . . San Fran . . . , San Fran. . . Post on ! New Tork . . ...... t Abtwerp . . . , Vancouver .. bordeaux VawMla, to Depart r-ar Australia . . . New York.. . Orient . . . , ..New Orleans. .San Fran. . . ,S. F.-way... ; New Tork . . .West Coast . San It-Way. .Sept. S. F.-Pedro.. . Sept Orient Sept Bordeaux Sept in Oats. - Sept 3 . Sept . Sepr. .Sept . Sept . Sent . S-t t . Sepu .Sept .Sept. . Sept .Sept . Sept. .Sett. .Sept . . Sept . Sept . Sept Data, -Sept . Sept. -Sept .Sept . Sept .Sept . . Sept. . . Sept. New Incorporations Olympia. Vah.. Sept 2. Tihe following artStles of inconwiration hare been filed with Secretary of State J. Grant Hinkle: Welke-Mf line company of Ellensburg. cap ital stock SI 5.000 : C. J. Walkdr, O. M. Me I line ana i. r. wiion: to aesi m nay, grain ana j farm produ-t.s, lumber and material of all kinds. capitjil strx-K. $500,000; i'. (jrville White. Peter Schmidt and George W. Pendleton. L. Jk tv Meat company of 1-aCrooee, capital tock. S30.000, G. W. Gilderleare a.n- R. L. Vickery. The Farmers' Public Market of Seattle, capital stock $50.000 ; H S.-amis. JC. Picardo, L. A. Grosso. L. Wt' Hansen. R.' T. Oykeman, J. C. Mat-sura and K. Oishi. Newspaper service company of Spokane, cap ital ftock. $100,000; .1 It imnph:,. c'. J. 1. and E. A. Oumphy; to -stanlish and maintain turn and sell stationery of all kinds and man ner of printing nrpplies, including boks of establish book bindery, to colle-it monies and ortfanixe offices to carry on aboive work. rhaoiond Marhinerv company : of Aberdeen. Capital ktock. $10,000; Ben ' (JoHstein and J. B. Sawyer. v Eotula Lumber company of Pe Ell. capital stock, $20,000; John Kotull, ;Anna Kotula and ,4?tanley Kotula. j Tannel About Cnmpjeted Wena tehee, Wash., Sept 2 - i-FViday after noon the drills -penetrated the last of the rock that separated the two sections :of the runnel being bored by Grant, Smith id Co.. for the Wenatchee reclamation district i above" Cash mere. When the dynamite had; been set off in the drill holes a short time later the work men saw dayticht. coming through for the first time since work was started lasti October. The contract of Grant, Smith & CoJ Ik now prac tically completed, but the wari of cement ing the interior of ihe tunnel still remains. This will probsbly be let by the reclamation district to the lowest bictder. The boring of the tunnel cost approximately $41,000 and the cementing is estimated at about; $25,000. i lo! i-fd 95 Javison Chem . . 33 Oeta-oit Edi Co. ills Duiwtit 14 8 do: deb 82 : Esjitrhan Kod Co. 88 k Klkhorn r'orp ... 23 Emerson Brant . . 9 I do: ,,fd 4( I Endicott, Johnson 89 ! do pfd '1 13 i ! Fa:rt3uks Co ..." 15 ) ! Famous PL .... 1011 do ji!d lll.'i i Fisherbody C 112! do. !uo ptd . . i 9 1 FlRk Rubber j 12 Kreeport. Texas . 2 4 Gerl A sphalt . . . i 7 O do; ftd 1 1 on Gen t 'lgar : 83 j ii.7 116 : 120 : 13 ; 36 I 24 V. 93 50 : 11 118 120 1 3 39 4 26 94 52 110 i!115 138 ;!148 84 ;l 8ti 83 if 84 21 il 22 8 ,-! 9 39 i 40 84 ! "88 13 S 1 5 !' Hi I'll in : HI !! 1 1 Oil. . 1 Baltimore Maru , . Rarn Poiworth . . Boren Celilo Chattanooga City Oaisy Freeman . . IncJo E. H. Meyer Kenneeott Kongosan Maru . . Huftero ........ Montague . . .... Multnomah ..... Hone City ....... Tasmania Maru . . . Tenpaisan Maru . . Thos. L. Wand . . Tokofoku Mam . . V. V. Heme , . . . Berth. Columbia City . . St Helena Clark -Wilson Kalama Globe Couch Albers Albers .St Helens Portland Fiour MUU St Helena Astoria St Helena North Bank , St He-len' . . .Pcnlnrala Lurabar Liunton Heir to Be Bom To Princess Mary Near Christmas London. Sept. fe.HTJ, P.) The news leaked out tonight that an heir will be born to Princesaj Mary about Christ mas time. ( The princess is tew staying at Har wood houses the Yorkshire estate of her husband. Lorxl Laseeiles. a wealthy manufacturer. . Her confinement. it was believed, is to (take place there. The grand child iof King George will be born with the simple title of "hon orable' preceding; her or his name. If a girl, it was believed, the heir will be named Mary. If -a boy. Harry. alter tne rather. May Install Electric iLigtitt Harrison rg. Or.. Sept 3. 4j. R. Cart wright, owner of the largest bopyarda tn this vicinity and who holds a large interest in the MeCredie Springs resort announce that he has applied for water rights on Salt creek, near the springs, and will if present! arrangements materialize, install an electric lighting system at the springs. " A large water wheej. which years ago furnished power to a gristj-mill an Mr. Cartwngnt s farm nere, win Be utilized in at the spring. r-emnsuia lJr. ereeting the plant To Have Gas Service Walla Walla. Wash., Sept 2.4 Walla Walla and Takima will have a natural gas service from the Benton county fields y January 1, according to an announcement made by repre sentatives of the Peon Pacific? Oil company here Friday. Contracts have already been let for the pipe, and delivery is expected within a month. . Portland. Seattle and Hacoma will be connected with the field af tar the Walla Walla and Takima lines have been put in op eration, the company announced, i Wenatenee Fruit Shipments1 Heavy Wenatrhe: Wash., Sept- 2. 4t-p to Friday morning 656 cars of fruit had; been shlpiied out of the Wenatehe district according to the Wenatcbee Valley Traffic association. On Fri day, the. 24th, 29 cars of pears, six cars of mixed fruit and two cars of spples were shipped out. On the 23d thimentii werle 15 earn of pears, five cars f mixed fruit and three cars of apple ; on the 22d 18 cars of pears. 10 cars of mixed fruit and three oars of Spples, and on the 2 1 st four ears of pears and i three cars of mixed fruit. j Gen Sugar pfd . . do; deb pfd . . Gen 1-elec ..... Gen Motors .... do' pfd ..... do 6 pc pfd . do 7 pc ptd . Gliddjen tsdnch Kubber do pfd Gray; & laris . . .Gurnt Sugar . . Habirshaw Hart man Co . . . Hendee ....... Houston il ... Hudson Motor . . Hupii Motor . . lnt Age ptd . - . Indiahr.ma .... lnt Cement . . lnt Combustion . Int Harvester lnt Mer Marine do: pfd . . . . In Paper do pfd .... Invincible IJand Oil Jewell Tea . . do; pfd Jones Bros Kan.ias Gulf Kelly; Tire . . - do 8 per, rd Ked.sey Wheel. Kelstone Tire Krc ge 1acleri t,as . . IjCf Rubber . . Liggeirt & Myer; I.oewts ctf . . . . Loft Ine ctf . . Loose Wiles. . . . do- 2d pfd . . I.orilSard Co . . . Mackay C do ; jrfd ...... i Mack; Truck . . . . ! doj 1st pfd . . . i doi 2d pfd . .'. ! MaT!inson Manhat Else Sup! Manhattan Shirt. -Maniti Sugar . . . : do! pfd ! Marlsind Oil . . . . ! Martin- Parry Cor . j Mathison AlkiH W.J Maxwell Motors A doB May i Pept ao; pfd ;103 (13 1103 HUH ;1S:1 1H3 i 1 1 1 3 1 ) I i 8'i j 100 j i 15 j 36 j 1 i r 1 'a 1 I 12 4. s i 21 , 85 i ! 2 1 4 i : 82 i ! 21 i 1 1 3 S : 1 5 11)1 j 105 I : 1 1 2 91 ' r 12 I 22: 24 o 9 ; 1 nil ;!l(14 7 8 ' W, 1 n't I 19 3I H 3 34 27 112 10 69 59 75 15 17 I 63 I 44 1102 96 1 9 1 66 94 S3 Kl H4 H IS if 3 1 VI X5 ;! 14 M 12 ! 2 ! 84 ! 21 i; 7 ii 2" , l 7 : 39 ; 31 32 f" 26 1 OS 1K5 1 4 ' I 8 5 9 4 i 1 5 35 I 85 ! 14 I 12 1 2 -a 1 84 21 XV '4 I 21 I 181 39 '3! 27 2 I 108 ai2 14 .! 14 r.3i 56 56! 59 75 i 75 1 4 V,: 14V VI Hi 14. 17 , 5 ij 63 46 i: 4Vi (! 3i 42;, 43. 102 i'102 ' 8 165 89 I. 8 9 26 il 26 00 -198 !2o0 20 1S!i 20 121 1 2 hi? 12 64 I 55 il 62 i 1 - 1 95 8: 164 115 1115 ! 1 1 5 1178 ,173 177 1107 f.100 il90 i 69 i 67 V. 69 ! 36f 55i 56 ! 9 1 88 .) 80 ! 83 4 81 82 4" f 37 if 38 53 53 li A3 40t-3ff! 40 43 1 4 4 ( 451 82 V si! 82 j 41 39!! 401 31 29 30 I 48 46 I 47 59 57 H 39 1 19 H! 18;! 191 Stores 131 113 H130 . ... .ill 1 111 4i!lll V 5 ik' - H 3 Fa H 4 -I ii is - - -1 ! -U -1 i '-' S - 2 U 2U 7 H - -1 -2 2 i 6 - H -2H :b 3 1 1 1 S 1 4 1 "-" s 3 10 2 Ii -2 Is i i 1 i ! 2 -i .- 3 i ' l i - 1 S 3 3 ! -1 ' -1 ; " 4 5 ' '1 -1 -4, 'is - -2 i 2 - " 't - la - 2 - -2 1 i - - - -1 j " - - " i - -1 ; -2 - '' - 3 -9 5 i 6 i -3 1 4 -i - .1 ! 2 -1 i 51 i 27 . !4ou ; -1129 . 87 84 86 107 1051107 15 13 14 73 69 78 : 19 191 19 - ' ( 'k 111 105.. JllO i 118 110 1110 i lie i no Ino ; SO 79 79 49 48 48, ISM 13 I 13 i 81 l 73 81 j 1 . 1 o ' I on 67 65j 65 78 73 77 ' 58 56 56 105 104 1104 ; 115 115 115 29 29 29 23 '23 23 68 68 68 57 i 66 57 ; 81 81 81 13 11 13 i 12 12 12 81 78 81 109 108 108 100 ' 100 100 i 64 62 63 78 75 75 112 116 119 27 26 26 48 48 48 8, 8 8 ; 49r43 43 7, 6 7 42 - 36 .42 ! 182 ; 179 5jl82 121 :J121 121 K 44 42 44 i 10: 10 10 ! AND EQUIPMENTS 182 117 Ci 62 192 VJSjlOl 42 j 40 103 1I)S 17T 17 I 551 54 jl30123 115 113 Siomberi Studebaker '. . do ptd .... Submarine Boat Superior Oil . ( . Stan Oil of Cal. Stan Oil of X J . do pfd . - . . Sweets Co .... Temptor A ctf . Texas Co Texas A Gulf . . Texas Pac C & O Texas Pac Ld T Tidewater Oil . . . Tob Prod "A". . do pfd Trans Con Oil . . . In Bag 4c Paper. T'nion Oil Union Oil rcta . . L'niou Tank do pfd T"! Cigar Store . . . Cnited Drug Synj do 1 st pfd . . - j I mtctl fruit Co Cnited liet Store I. S E.tiress . . 1" S I ii-.l Alcohol. U H Krulty . . . . C S Kubber . . . do let pfd . . . U Tob pfd i . . Va-Ca.r Chem . . do "B" do pfd Tt I C 4 C do pfd ..... Vivandou Webber Heilbm. . Wells Fargo Exp. Western EJeo pfd. Wen ting Brake. . Westing Electric) do 1st pid. Western Union . White. Eagle Oil Whita Motor G White. Oil .... Wilson A Co . Willys-Overland do J.fd , .... Woolworth .... do rid . . - -Worth Pump . j. Wright Aero, . .METALS Alaska Gold . . . Alaska Juno . . . Am Car & Kndy,187 I Am Locomotive. .12d Am Smelting . . . . do pfd Am Steel Fndy . . do pfd 1 Am Zinc : Anaconda ' Cop. . . i Baldwin Looo . . . . do .fd. i Batopiles Mm . . . Bethlehem Steel. . do B do 7 "v pfd . . . do 8 '.'c pfd. , . . British E SU . . . . do 2d pfd . . . . Butte Copper . . . . Butte &. Sup. . . Callahan inc. . . . al A Ariz 'arson Hill i 'erro de Pas Cop. Chile Cop Chino I 'op Colo F & 1.... Crucible Steel . . do pfd De Bears Mine. . . IMme Mines. . . . Fed Ms & S pfd; Gen Am Tank Co do pfd . . Granby Min Great No Drectfs Greene Canines Gulf States Steel Ilmuestaiie M . . . Hydraulic S'eel . Li-llrtration C . . . Int Com Eng. . Int Nickel Iron Prod KejinecoM Copper Lackawanna Steel Lima L-cmotive do iH . . . . . . 123 jl23 .uoiuf i or .Mines, -il ! ly s Miami Cop .... 301 29 Midvale Steel .. 35 i 3 Nat Lead U0iil06 do pfd 1 1 3 1 1 4 Nevada Cons ... 17 i 16 New a S S AC. 36 36 Ontario Silver... 6 hi' 6 Otis Steel .... 11 11 Pa Seaboard , . . . 8 7 Pitts Steel. Co. .. 99 97 Prcssel Steel ... 87 83 do pfd 44 : 42 Pullmm ... 133 1 23 Ky Sreei Spg. . . 118 !11J5 do Pfd.. 113 114 Ray Cons !'( 16 Rand Mine 34 "4 32 ReploKle Steel .. 33 V, J 32 Reip Iron & Stei 73 j 68 do pfrl 94 93 St Joseph Lead . . 1 5 ' 1 5 Seneca Copper ... 12 j 12 Shattuck Ari Cop 9 ! 8 Sloss Sheffield .'. 52 ! 50 do pfd. ...... 80 i 77 Steel & Tube pfd 84 i 83 Tenn Cop A Chm 11 ! 10 T & Wms SteelFI 37 I 3S I rrited Alloy Steeli 38 37 tacts' 3!1 1 34 do pfd. 78 71 U S Hoffman ... 21; 20 li a tsm-inng ... 43 J 42 C S Steel 105il02 do pid. . . . rtah Copper . Utah Securities Vanadium . . . Wick wire Steel Close Chnc IOQ : I - 3 - 18 41 S8 3 ! 3 ! 53 117 J 57 31 12', 3i 8l 38 33 59 ; 20 ! . . . 91 i .j... 127 t3H ' 5.9 T I 1- 95 1 li 2 -2 - - " 1 47 55 132 114 6 7 4 1 3 - s - 2 I - - -1 1 ;" i :2 3 6 -1 - . -1 -1 -1 3 - "" - -2 - 2 . . . . - - ' - 3 - - -1 ' 4 1-11 1 1 - 70 79 105 113 73 86 7 80 8 68 10 41 23 31 32 96 98 24 ; 39 58 67 102 32 41 33 80 72 9 ' 42 27 18 34 37, 80 65 ! ..51 101 j 1 12 73 85 .30 8 ea 10 39 22 30 ' 32 92 95 21 36 52 61 102 31 40 32 83 70 47 2o" 17 33 36 77 60 1 186 122 65 102 42 ( 10-3 , 17 55 1 29 ; 1 113 I & F. . Atl '105 I I -1 -! & P. Mex Pet ....... ;199 do! pfd 98 Middle State Oil . . ) 1 5 Montgomery Ward) 23 Mont Power . .1 76 do: pfd ,110 Nat Acme , I 16 201 Railway Exchange : MeaiBer Chlcage Boar a 4 Trade STOCKS BONDS 6RAIM ; COTfoH ! PAITATK LEASED WIRES TO 1 E. F. Hutton & Co. i MEXBKBS ALL PRIKCIPAJ. 1 ,jk.tlAis UB - ! i Solicit laqalrie. AH teeal . Beeantsea i 1 xsvrraii . . . dO! pfd ...... I Nat Clk Suit. Nat Conduit . . . Nat 6 A S . . . do pfd N Yi Air . N T; Dock - - . Y iSliipouildins Nc-nhi Aran , . . . do; pfd ....... doi TtS .' Nrnnaily Oho Fuel Sup . . Ohio IB A .B. . . . Orpbenm ctr . . . Otis i Elevator . . do ! pfd .... Owens Bottle M Pac Pew Cor. ... l"ac Ga A Elee. . Hae Oil ...,.!.. Pan An n. Pet j. . do! B ....... Panhandle Pet j. . I'arish Bingham j People's Gas , . ,. . Pbila I Co ...... doilUd ... PhiUtps pet ,. rrr-Arrcw o ! pfd . . . Pierci nl J. 4 do i iM . . . Piegiy w ieai Pitta jCoal . .4 pfd :.u Pond C Coal Postans Cereal -lei pfd ''J.i Prod IA Kef ,. Pate Serw N J 178 '193 95 13 22 il 72 1 98 18 22 74 159 94 , 54 2 ."; ! f 97 I 76 J 38 i 131 98 i 4 71 109 i109 14- it 15 I58:i5S . . ! 27 I . .. 11 vi - -! 50 i . . i. 1 . f 23 . . 'sl 6 1 .6 103 37 4'4 84 58 83 80 7 , 15 94 45 !H) I nv( 31 ( 71 44 j -42 . I 94 54 2 58 95 74 38 1 5 88 46 23 10 50 6 P21 i'I5 11 OS , J85 V, 4 78 56 T7 73 13 92 43 o 46 1 1 28 7 42 4U . Pants AlMTtW: Kb. 51 4S linUICI:tlil ;- I ti, 65 i" : 1 ..I 931 ..ilOVHV S,.- j ,T - lel l4 21 87 94 54 2 58 97 73 38 1 T 94 46 26 10 50 n 158 103 37 4 83 57 82 77 -if 1 2 i 2 '11 1 :u 1 41 'it - 3 -1 5 - 4 1 t -3 - - -S 'in H 3 H s 3H n T 14 92 44 90. . 31 12 SO. I - 7-l. . . .j. 44 'J 1 i 4eit.-l H SJ 1 221 : 2il ; 109 2 C - -i o. . Ann Arbor do pfd A C L . Atl Birm A T & S do 'pfd B & O . . do: pfd B K 1 do ctf . Buff Roch do ptd . . 'an Pac . . . . C a .... do pfd , . . COC & St L do pfd , . A E.I new do pfd . . C G W .... do pfd C M & St P ' do pfd . . C N W do pfd . . , c & O . . . . Colo & Son . - do 2d pfd . do 1st ffd CRAP 6 It. pfd. I Str M Del II Hal ni.swi , D SS At do pfd j ; Efie . . j do 1st ifd . . t do 2d pfd . . ; Great Nori pfd . , Gulf Mob ; & N . , da pfd i ..... , ETiiKiis Cent do pfd w. i. . . . Inter, 4G.N w. t lnler K T w, 1. . Inwa Central . . K C South do pfd ;...,.. Iake E W. . , do pfd - , Lehigh Val T, A y Man .Elev Guar. Mkt St Ry do pfd , j Minn A St L. : . . M Ht P A S S M do pfd ...... M K, A T i do pfd do w. L, new do- P X war. . do pfd w, i. . , do war . . . . r Moi Par do- nfd. 1 . . . . N R B Mi 1st pfdj do 2d pfd. . N O T A Meal . N Y:Centi..,.. N J C St h. do 1st pfd.-,. eo 2d pfd w, X H rt . . TO Yi,. 121 71 20 53 13 RAILROADS 24 J 18 52 I 47 119 8115 S 2 120 67 17 50 13 5i 50 ( ti.-S 26 21 66 90 1151 15 79 98 41 63 1102 94 I 5 1 651 24 1 20 I 66 1M 144 2 4 1 78 75i 77 105 112 73 86 30 8 63 111 40 23 31 32 96 98 23 39 56 65 102 32 41 32 83 72 8 4 1 27 17 34 37 80 64 125 19 30 34 106 115 17 36 6 11 7 97 85 44 130 118 115 16 34 33 70 94 15 12 8 50 77 84 10 35 37 34 71 20 I 43 I 104 121 ! 70 t 20 52 151 22 I 50 ' 118 2 104 94 I 68 I 25 20 66 90 148 3 781 SHUT'S 60 I 7 I 161 32 1 51 I t 8 22 34 5.1 94 123 i!121 773 74 491 48 62 j 65 48 I 43 86 H 86 82 I 81 .(1281128 1134 11 8 17 27 19 95 15 40 112 112 2S 30 9 26 59 86 73 70 140 58 8 63 11 70 89 13 14 19 32 48 84 23 1 4 7H 99 90 IS 33 7 8 14 23 16 2 13 40 108 111 23 29 24 59 88 78 67 188 52 8 5 8 S 84 13 18 18 60 7 19 33 51 l 93 123 76 49 61 47 86 82 128 134 8 18 29 18 92 15 40 111 1111 C 23 29 9 25 59 33 73 70 139 54 S 63 10 70 84 13 14 -18 1 3 1 , .; 1 - 3 -1 -2 -V 4 - -1 - - 1 . 2 3 2 1 3 5 ; ' 2 -" - '"hi - 2 5 - - -1 - - - - -13 ' 1 3 5 1 ' 1 - - - -2 '-2 -1 -2 -4 : - - 'i 2 ; 4 1 1 - Hi , - - 3 -5 -9 -1 -1 -3 -2 -1 -2 -1 -1 4 1 2 - - Portland Industries to Benefit jljliio Sfoclc Ecligal IT I ItDve-pr Plans for the-e-rtoMi Simcnt of stoelp and bx.noj cxeljange In Pr-ttWnd wfll be Outnnfld )at S meeting of bnimii men and financiers tin do firecn room of t!i 1'lu.mtwr of Commerce nt 4 -p. in.. Tuesday, acording t! annotiiice ri.en4 1ni wcest by Officiate iof tbt chamber, nd ' mt-Tet aitresdyi howni in lite project prac4ica,Hy! insnres its success, j A eircurar ipnb iWird by Manager prawfonf oft the depart ment nf indu trie of the chamber; ss. forth flie advantagv-t i whk-4 would! Sccnue to Vocal orrperatios throiichj oj-cration, of, tlie' x rihanse arjd hi endorsement; is seconded y investment bankers. ; t ,j .. I" Among the important industries of thel etty whtcn woold receive I immediate benefiu ifrem tbe Bperation of the 1jroi;oed stock; and ihocid exchange are tihe Columbu ITire ronMjratiwn nnd jthe Portland Veaetable 0l Mills company. B. IL Ward. tunmofrr of t3ie Yegt table Oil Mill rompany.lli one of the acttv backers of t plan for! a loaal exchange and a letter itwairw by Km q tbe ?ambe of Com ujxin j the vital merits of mer-jp1 trmciied Undertaking. I "Portland is i erne of the ht hnnit mvlrl in tie United States,'? CWard Ftated. j "I doubt if any other city of itk siie is its equal. From the iinforraatjot) that; I -can ; gather I rfccuM judge that the ibond ; houses ef Portland doi a bui.iaess between $5C(.0OO.OOO and! 875,000. 000; per annum. theJ great bulk of whith is done; in outside; securities. ",' ' ! "This is attested bp the numerqns bond d Vert6ement ofi this ! eharctrr Which we I so fdepUy see in our daily 'paivrsi Ori he otiier hand, it is almost impossible to find an advertisement of a lecal tock. Where ';toca' Range in Prices of Liberty Victory Notes! During the .5 i i 1 stoe-Vs sire oftred Ifor sale tlwi ire cenerall4 found in "clasri liedl irntherl than! nh tlis finals-1 rial page. in ( i; ! I f : i t "Tw local jirjTe-t-ng public Ik (not at fanlfv in thii matter.; 1 Nf mm wlto inve-ts ihisl money ha a tvU to fefll sure khat bis lirwil venment it rfKnibOy safe. Atj prewent hisj f choirs of o,lr-tiOB (or ill nHtt m-n t Iof h funds r lies between nm of Stie lrjcsl bank', with bond, departments epd .4n of jthe trl houses on. the one handj ard m the,1 other hind various' efforts on the pari iiidiridaajs and firms to market stoek edupties. . i I -' t -At present 'tpiefd -eemii to be), no method j i of dividing liiene . jiat;vidal erfo-rts for iOies marketing of stock! securities witb smod. had 4 and indiffereat. ' tTbcre iinonc. tiinablv havR been in the mt; ati4 are now gotd offermar, mediocre of erings fend Ksjl offffrifiss. but ha inrefjnB' whf c bf! Irttlf cr lib means "atVifeetorily iiM1eTiing jthe .tnse iaeriu tbee offerbiri. ' t i.i ! ! 3 "Vsnmis pjsns Have Hcen intre trd from t time to fime to better this condluni. A nem her of pUtfs avie been pijoioW for financing ' agencies. Aj finer emg eenry at "bs,r it recrai to mei woiild eimfly , be la raeansj oft aimfcihing an ouiH-t for j.---rmc te. mtn or I some group of mtnl to finance surceasf ully i hia I or her speciall intertr. tTb financing agency could not do) the" jrne 'amount of good ifor the city at large, as) could jsomei other medinm which did notjinvolte: the. investment of capital for profit. . I '; j Jl i . . : "The best lotl'en medium I know anything bout is the tockj eKchasjge. in joplt of the -rritictsms whieh -hak-et from time to tim been Jiade of .rtoci rxriaagesknd in ispite of, the fsct thstthevj st best are mrt. perfect."; ': , ' Liberty Jt,s,! lPa:-. . . ; L. Uberty first s. 19S2-'47. i Liberty second is, 1927-'42. . . Liberty first 4Vs. 1932- 47 . . . . Liberty -second. 4ts 1927-'42 !.". Liberty third; 4 a; 1929 i .1. . Liberty fourth 4fc, lS33-fS8 . .!.. Victory :434s. ;1922-l'23. uncalled.. Victory 44. Dec 15. 1322, caUed. Mon. 100.68 100 60 10Q.22 100 70 100.34 100.48 100.74 I0fJ.fi6 100.30 Tues. 1710.96 100.56 1P0.18 100.64 100.16 100.42 100.64 100.68 100.30 i STOCKS i j High, j Ixyw. Oose Chng ??orf A Sou. . .!. . 20 18 181 f Norf A West.... 118 116 118 ! Nor : Pac , j, . 89 86) 89 : Peoria A Eas. . 23 23. -22 - 4-1 Ienim !. . 47 46. 4(1 ! I'ere Mar 40 Sthi 88 do pr pfd 74 73 74 J P A, W Va...j. . 40 38 39 - Beading 80 77 79 ;" i do 1st pfd.... 53 52 53 " 'da 2d !f I. .'. . 54 ; 53 58 ! RuUand kail pid. 47 43 45 t6 St I, A S F. J. . 8-1 30 30 !-! , do pfd. ..J.. . 55 5-3 54 - St L South W. . .34 83 34 do; pfd. . . 52 50 51 1 SAL I. . 7 6 6 :- do pfd . 13 10 11 -1 Sou Ry 27 26 27 do pfd. .... 04 62 64 M South Pac ...;.. 95 93 94 .;... T-xas & Pac . . 36 32 82 Third Ave .... 24 23 23 - TSLAB ctf B 64 61 84 2hi do pfd B -. . 55 53 54 .;... Twin City R T. . 60 55 58 ,, 5 Union Pacific . . 152 147 149 . i .. . do pfd ..... SO 79 79 Uni Ry Inv .... 16 14 14 d pfd 33 30 8S -i Wabash . 13 12 12 -t-11 do pfd A ... 34 83 88 - do pfd B ... 24 23 2S - West, Md ..... 17 14 15 do 2d pfd '!. . 25 23 28 Vet Pan ..... 20 19 20 do pfd ......61 61 61 W A B .... 16 18 .15 ; do pfd . 27 26 ; 26 Wis, Cent .... 31' 28 28 I So Coarthonse Bids Reeelred Pallas, Or.Sept 2. So: bids have been received by thMfolk county court for the issue of $43,0O0 county highway bonds, which the court adTertised for sale on August 26. Fail ure of anyone to -bid on this , issue is believed to be due to the suit that- has been filed by residents of Independence to enjoin ; the court from ; selling the bonds. The caa.i has been heard- by- judge. G. K. Bagley of Hillsboro, but be has not yet rendered hia decision. I hi - ' "1 - 1 -1 - -1 - -2 1 I 1 2 ' I ' 2 -1 :i - 45 !. 4 84 34 22 i; 23 j - 58 i 58 ; l -2 10i 19 -3 4i: 4 TO! 79 -"jl v c s wo m iv 881 85 i I -1 f M 991 .is- e. : I, mw i ; 801 32 '4 Street Paving- Bid Received i Kelso. Wash.. Sept '2. The Kelso city cnuncjl will receive bids September 12, for; the paving of .local Improvement district No. -i37, comprising Second street from Cowlitg to Co lumbia; Columbia, from Second trr Front, and Front, from Columbia to Donation.; Overbeck&CookCo. Brokers ! I Members Chicago Board I of Trade ' Board of Trade BIdg., : Portland Pendleton, OreM ; Walla Walla, Wash. . : q i. ! 1 Stocks, Bonds, I 6 rain and Cotton DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES ; j Log-an & Bryan NEW TORK AND CHICAGO. Wed. 100.94 100.66 10D.1S 1O0.TO 100.22 100. 4 1O0.B8 100.74 10Q.2I st are nnt perfect"; , . Bonds and Past Week Thura. 100. 8 100.40 100.18 100 5S 100.18 a oo. ao 1 00. 60 100.70 100.S0 100. 100 100 100. 100 100 100. ioo 100. ;86 30 20 44 10 20 32 68 28 Sat. 100.7S 100.50 100.18 100:42 JOOLIS lf0.2 100:34 lOOt.70 10f,2 -- S KEEN TO PROCURE LOANS OonfirmaUoii ef.ihe report that the Oregon Washington ypint Stock land bapk will take steps to imnw0iatelir double its paid up capital to $500, oou j was imnds Saturday; by Kobert E. Smith, prefiiderrt Qf the Lumbormens Trust company bank land head of the joit stock land bank. Announcement to; tins effect was made by Smith toUowmg his return from a . two weeks" personal inixactirrnj tour 6f over loo farms in Washington statse.j on wbirh the Joint Stock Land bank is already; closing loans. . Ufason for) increasing iha capitalisation is seen in the fart tb4t the Bank alrrady has ap plications Tor loansjal prartically S,O00,0IHI, which is In eacess if Il.OIMi.oiHI of -what ftha bank can lend pinde its present cartital. J "The t)regcsn-Vahington Joint Stock Land bank simply ha beep swamped wttt aprnicauons for long time 6 per) cent l4ns," t4id President Smith. 'Furkherniorie, the type of security and the character joC thai farmeis who have a pi ) lied are etcelletiti Iti is of utmost im portance to ta lafttng prosperity of Iregrm snd of Washingtoa istates,' ithat every effort be made to makejthesej loans quickly. , , "L nder .thel federal! 'act icreaUni ' Joint stock land banks oitr loafisi under the 'present capi talization lj, rnite , to $4,OO,000 and we therefore are doubling our capital This Will give us an $80O.T'UO loaning limit and make it possible for kit to) aaake loans just as rapidly as they are artwovedli by ihe farm loan com mission at WastUrfcrton, t!." I'morteiit Sruifti silent several bsrya in! the tarining mcionti surrounding Settle iajid Spokane. 1 The larm ers, he said, aqe vertr optimuitie anf are a unit in declaring taat t-pori federal artJ which has ; opened the way to j per icent loans and !&2 years to repa them, will I result tin Immense Henef it to agrioul ti- and, opens j- opportunity for large dsvetppsBeata. I I . i WE iS Fidelity! BIT Security - Cornn.. lATeatotk Units. ; bl'dai stock. Surety A Casualty. M'rarsked Mills. States : Fire Jnsursnfce. strrri w! si' Pfd.! 1 0 -Great' JtrjrthWeatern lO King s Food (Units. 50 Morgan 20' Oregon 20 Oregon 25 Pacific WE 1 OO Ttennns Iploodl ! I 25 J. L. llartmirj Redeemable! 1 0 I.umhertnens iTrust !o. i 50O0 Mountj Hnoi Railway 6s 1927., j o MUitnoman iumoer jac rox ; r ia 1 5 Northwestern I Electric 7 . I Pfd. 20 Oregon i'ortland Cement Pfd. 10 Peninsula Nat Baijk. 50O0 Penn. iTacirtci Oil. i 1 0 Portland Gasi A Cokw T Pfd. 20 P. R. II. A P. Prior Prefeaenee. . 50 Portland Tesyiable pil. j 25 Western) Boil & Mortgage. We solicit Hstis all jsaleablsj loeaJ te fTirities. Priepective Investors will find it to their -sdrantsgp ' to consult Our prica before making purthasea. ; J Direct Private Viflrea te C f. Hutton, j .Mf Yeek. I Members flaw Verk Stock lohange. law J i ORDAN-WENTWORTM tfiTOflKRlAXri ROX'IIS .i 191 Ratwayi ExehaBi- Bid. i - r-T- 1 1 -" rs PPaUf'sws B 9 B M U M tT T T MM' I - f - 1 mm mm nil k a. A m. w M M K i mk N & Vmj4 1 aaftmiajt i i. A II Ml jr ew years sago invest ment in prime Wnds was con iined to sums of $; 000 and greater. But now you can obtain $ 1 00 bonds and ijuite often bonds of smaller denomination.' ETeiybody can be a coupon, clipper today. plan j We haoe Baby Bonds nov as oZ4va CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. Cal. Trap GREATER WINNIPEG Water Dist. 5s. . CITY OF MOSCOW. Idaho. Imp. 6s.. U. CITY OF NEWMAN. Cal.. Imp. 7s. . . ... CITY OF WALNUT CREEK. Cal., Imri. 7a. CITY OF REEDLEY. Cal . Imp. 7s. ..J. HAYDEN LAKE IRR. DISTrvTldaho. 7.5 VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEM. CO. 7U . ; ;- ; - ',v- i Call, write or phone . Broadway 5740 You can buy these little bonds on our partial payment , in just the same way : as bonds of larger dOTorriiiiation. Yielding. 7s., 6 X . .46 .:. . j6 "at rrf i6 (640 16.25 i. i Do It Now Use Qar Partial Payment. Freeman, Smith a -': aT It BCCS asw,f il . i -, Wa-HTII- sVa ITAItE, i, .TSIVi 1 S7a I 6ef ' I - t- ' " :! .. f-S; m. i " ii r ' -1 - :l ."It -f hi. 1 . t -. i 'Till