SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER " 2, 1922. T i '1 TOWNJTOPICS COatEiO EVENTS k . Soatbweat Washington Fair. Chats Ik C traits, August 2s to Bcptaaabar X. Oragon Cbriatian F in tea nn aniaiitar eonfsr enc. Colampia Citj. August 28 ttt SVjftaaa .bar 4. I 'eoiombi Hirer Methodist eonfenM. & nwnui, nuiL, iuuk au 10 Mpuaw . -Laview atoanii-Up, Lava Win Uncoa. lnU:x Lat jru. ' Spokaaa. September 4 Uncola Coast? gall. Toledo, BnUatat 6 to . i tiraja Barbae IfaAr, sOna, Stptcmba Bersl convention of Pratrtait Eptseopal Church at incna. Portland, Sspiaanbas S-2A. Oregon eomerenc of Mn-rtart chorea. Salem. gumlr S-ll. . i"aciiie Ciima Hetbodist conferanoe. Tt-iitii . V I in v. Multnomah Conntr Sunday Srhnol assade- bob annual convention. Portland, cieptsmber Jl and 12. liauop Countr Fair. 'Astoria. September l-'.to 14. Tillamook Count? tllz. TUUaock. Ssptatav bf to !J. , Cx . and Currg Ooont Hair. Hrrtia Foist. September 13 to 1. Jackeost- County itlt, Vedford. sWpteambec 18 to )., WaL. Waiia Count Fair. Wall Walla, Sep. teaibe Is to 16. iTJjjci aoand conference of tha Methodist euurcfl. Vancouver. Waaa.. September 13 to IT. ocw atenei etale ooalereooe. a'oniaia. September 14. " Caiapooia YaJle Fair. BrownsvUla. Mautaaa eer IS to 14. .Vorthwert Grain and Har Snow. Pendleton. eSepumoer 18 to 23. 183" ratr Ikila Ptamba Lac a County IVir, Eugene. September 19 to Zl. Columbia County Fair. St. Helena. tVapteat- tir la to 21. - liaekamaa Coantr Fair. Cancv. savtatabe 1 M to 22. Joaepnine Coantr Fair. Grants Pass. Sep tember 1 to 22. '""I."! Dairy Snow. Baaka. 20oJi2-?' County r'Jur. Ontario. Scptambar TatoJiia County Fair. afcMinnrlUa. Bap teffiber 0 to 22.- W'astern Norveciaa Panlah eonfaraaea of Hatboiiist churcn. Portland, September SO-34. Bounrl-Up. Penolaton. BepUmbar. 21-21. oootbenu Waaco County Fair. Tygo Valley. September ll to 23 tirant County KTair. John Day. September 24 to 30. Hermiaton Hog and Dairy Show. Hermiaton. September 25 to 30. Oregon SUie Fair, Salem. September it to SO Ida bo State Fair, Bona, September 25 to SO. Cowlita. County Fair. Woodiind. Wash.. September 27 to 80. Cranberry Show. Lon Beach. Waah.. Sep tember 20 to 80. Union Coos rVr. S3dn. Septambar 28 to 30. Prune Festival. VancouTer, October 19-21. Orpgnn Inter-Stata Fair. Prmeraje, Octo ber 3 to 7. State ornTention W. C T. U.. McMinnTille, October 12-14. AVEATHER FORECAST Portland and Vlcinio Tonight and Sunday lair: imrtD westerly winds. Oregon nj Wa-hiiifiton Tonight and 6un day fair; moderate westerly winds. WEATHER CONDITIONS The pres.mre i moderately hiKh in the At lntif and Oulf fttateg and Tennessee, in South Iakota and Nebraska, and on the north Pacific i-.ast, and moderately low in other section. Itain hai fiOlen at scattered places in Wash ington. Montana. British Columbia. Alberta, Manitoba, Tennraaee. Texas and the Atlantic The heaviest rainfall reported waa 4 ..'h inches at v a-slungton, I C. The weather v. much warmer in Utah and mnchc cooler in S.'iuii Iakota, Nebraska, ilinnesota and North rrn Aitcrta. R. Utire humidity at Portland Noon ye-t-nUy. t',7 ir cent; 5 p, m. yesterday, 82 ).r i.nt; 5 a. in. today, 71 per cent. v l'reciiitation smce January 1 Tot.l 19 SS iT clien; normal, 25.b5 inches; def iqieucy . 6.4 ncs. tUWABU Lu WELLS. OBSliR VATIONH is STATIONS rtr Eft a Baker, Or. v Boise, Idaho Boston. Mass. ...... Buffalo, N. Y 72 78 74 72 74 94 02 ( !t 74 J2 8S 48 48 62" 64 44 78 70 40 4 78 52 ' 52' 80 62 56 76 76 66 52 58 74 78 68 57 48 56 70 64 74 60 64 68 58 52 48 64" 5o' 60 50 ' 60 68 48 48 0 , 0 o1 .02 o o o .42 o .04 o 0 o 0i o o o o Calvary. Alberta .... "hica:t IU - . . iH's Moines, Iowa . . Jvdmonton, Alberta . . FtpmiO, Cal. tialvcston, Texas . . . . Helena. Mont U Miolulu. T. II. . . . Huron, S. D Juneau, Alaska . . . Kansas City, Mo. . . . , I -os Angeles, Cal. . . , M&rshfield. Or. . . . Medford. Or. Memphis. Tnn. . . . . New Orleans. Ia. . . . . New x'oik. N. Y. . . . Nome. Alaska North Head. Wuh. . North Platte. Neb. . . Ik'ahonii City, t'kia. PHi-emx. Ariz Iltts-mr-.- i . IV . l.arr-i. Or l'Tinc ituiert, B. C. . lloM't-HTf, . Or. J!oweV. . N, M Nai-raniento. Cal St. Louis, Ml' M! Paul. Minn Salt. Ijike City. I'tah. San 1 iego. CaL ...... San Francis. CaL . .Seattle. Wash. ShericLin. Wyo. . Sttka. Alaska ...... S;okane, Wash. . . . . Tau&na, Alaska . . . . Tatoosh Island, Wash. T mopah. Nt Valdez. .Vlaka VancouTer, B. C. W alla Walla, Wash. . . Washington. D. C- . . WinnemiKva, Ney. . . . Yakima, Wash 1O0 88 70 84 78 92 78 48 60 88 .42 0 o 0 .14 0 0 x 0 .73 0 .18 0 0 0 0 0 0 .06 0 0 .in 0 0 0 0 .01 0 1 t AO ! ." "I102 . .1 82 .".j 72 80 0 !0 80 78 76 0 7 8 n 70 48 58 82 44 64 8V TS 84 SO 4.58 0 'Afternoon report of preceding day. -T. T. Mnnartr RecoTerlne Thornton T. Munger. -who has been on sick leave from the United States forest service since early last spring, when he con tracted septic sore throat,- will be back ar his desk within a few weeks. For est Examiner J. F. Kummel has just .broupht Hunger, back from the beach, where he has been sojourning, and re ports him to be nearly recovered. He will spend a few weeks in the Hood River valley before returning to work. Munger is connected with the forest TnanAgerruent division of the forest service. Colombia Stagea-r-Tortlana-Multhe. mart Falls-Hood. River-The Dalles di vision Leave Portland Stasra Termi nal. ParTc and Yamhill streets. 9:30 a. m.l ll:30 a. ro.. 2:30 p. m., 4:45 p. m.'darily to Hood River, and 6:30 p. m. daily to Hood River, except Sat urdays,. Sundays and holidays, H :15 p. ro. Saturdays. Sundays and holi days to Hood River. Leave Multnomah Falls fop Portland . 9 :2 a. m.. 11 .20 a. m.. 1:20 p. nv. 4:20 p. m. and 6 : 35 p. m. daily. Direct connections with all stages to and from The Dalles. Phone- Main 8611. Adv. Doaarlas Fir Timber Decay N., L. Caryj in; charge of a study of decay in Iouglas: fir timber fof the bureau of forest pathology, and his two assist ants. C. K. Gillis, from the TJnlversiCy rf Michigan, and L. J. Reynolds, from the Oregon .AsrricuTtural college, jare at the Portland office, preparatory to changing their field of operations. They will finish their season's work at the Booth-Kelly logging operations' out from Eugene, completing their report by the twiddle of September. r tha Pheasant and Oregon hotel dlr. Ing room. Hood River. A real plao to eat. Adv. , 1 Hood Klver! flneet eating place, IThe Pheasant and Ormn Rr.i riii-- room, all under same mangement. rt.UVi - I The Fheasaat, Hood. River. Dining room, tea room and fountain room. real pla.e to eat. AdT. ( S. H, Green Stamp for Cash Hol man Fel GOj Bdwy. 6353. ,560-21. jAd v. of CaldwelU Idaho, has bera trans ferred to tha Portland office of the United States . bioiogical survey and KGG-KGN-KYG A- Radio Hallock & Watson Radio Serric Northwestern Eadio Mf g2 Co, Willard P. Hawley Jr. Broadcasting The Journal News . U. S. Health Bulletins Daily Police Theft Report Radio Advise and Instruction Journal of Western Industry I Farm Bulletins i Entertainment OAILV AFTERPIOON PROORSH 1X:OS 1 AO NQN. wnatormcstal and vocal i phonorrapb mosie (eoaxtawy 1:0o- 2:ftO KQV. InatramenUl and ocal pconocrmph mnsie (courtesy aranswica-Baia.9-jouenaec Jow and fileberiina-Lncaa Co. 2:0- 8:SO KOFI. Instrumental and vocal i Dhfflinmnh nntift B:00- S:30 KGQ. Instrumental and tocsj records (courtesy Reed-French jo. TONIGHT :0 KOQ. The Journal aasebafl acoree. Talk by Doraey B. Smith on "Pndlton Bound Up." :S0S:00 -KOO. Lata mstramental and Tocal music w :0O- TrOO KQY. Lata tnstrnmental and vocal music. 7:00- 7. -SO Listening hour. ,7;S0. 8:00 KOQ. . The Journal Newt Bul letins. S:00- 9:00 KOQ. Joe Hallock and C. H. Watson, radio engineers will answw questioDs addressed to The Journal or Hallock A Wat son Radio Serice concerning; radio. 8:00-10:00 KOO. Special concert of Tocal " and instrumental music. Rec ords loaned by Reed-French Music company. QuesAons on radio sent to The Journal or HaUoch A Watson Radio Service, No. 192 Park street, will be answered oar' Saturday night between 8 and 9 o'clock' by Station KGG. The Willard P Hawley, jr., station will ra aume operations about September 5. reported Friday rooming to Ira N". Gabrielson for assignment in rodent control work. Fugate was similarly occupied in Idaho. Portland-Astorla-Seaslde Division Leave Portland Stage Terminal, Park and Tamhlll.. streets, 7:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m.. 11 :39 a. m., 1 p. m., 2 :45 p. m., 4:15 p. nr. 6:45 p. m. and 12:30 a. rn. daily. Direct connections at Astoria for Seaside and Clatsop beach -points, except on 6:45 p. m. stage from Port land. Leave Astoria for Portland 7 a. m., 10 a. m.. 12 noon, 1 :30 p. m., 3:15 p. m.. 6 p. m., 8:30 p. m. daily and 8 p. m. daily, except Sundays, 11:15 P. m. Sundays only. For further in formation phone Columbia Stages, Main 8611 Adv. Accused of Theft Arthur Delaurier, 20, was brought to Portland late Fri day night from Newberg, by Police Patrolman Taylor of the auto theft bureau, on a charge of stealing an au tomobile, which he is said to have rented from the Auto eLasing com pany. Third and Glisan streets. De laurier was released from the county Jail August 22. after serving a sen tence on a similar charge. Colombia - Stages Portland - St. Helens local. Leave Portland Stage Terminal, Park and Yamhill streets. 10 a. m. for St. Helens and .4 :20 p. m. daily and 11:15 p. m. Saturdays. Sun days and holidays to St. Helens only. Leaving St. Helena, 7:30 a. m. and 1:40 p. m. daily; 6:15 Saturdays. Sundays and holidays." .For informaftion pnons Columbia Stages, Main 8611. Adv. Steals Poems Some temperamental burglar stole a book of poems from the apartments of Mrs. K. A. Shea, Ar bor Court, 14th and Columbia streets, late Friday night. The prowler stole a number of rinfrs. a ntecklaee a,nd other jewelry and then took the vol ume of literary gems from the library table. Clyde Backus Guest Clyde J. Backus, assistant postmaster at Ta enia and formerly postoffice inspector at Portland, spent Friday in the city, on his way to the convention Of post office supervisory officials. Backus was in Portland about five years from 1907 to 1912. Portland-Salem tare Leave Stage Terminal. Park and Yamhill, hourly from 7 :05 a. m. to 7 :05 p. m. and Owl car at 10 p. m. daily. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, 8 :30 p. m and 10 p. m. 7:05. :05, 11:05. 1:05. 3:05 make direct connections for Eugene, Corvallis and Albany. Main 8611. Adv Lodge to Picnic Portland members of the Knights of Pythias lodge will hold a picnic at Crystal Lake park. Sunday. The affair will be under the auspices of Cosmopolitan Lodge, No. 109. A program of music, games and dancing has been arranged. Prizes will be awarded. All are welcome. Salem-MUl City Stage Leaves Salem stage, terminal for Mill C ty: No. 1, 7 :30 a. m. ; No. 3. 10 :30 a. m. ; ,No. 5, 4:30 p. m. No. 1 connects -with east bound train at Mill City. Jos. Ham man, Prop. Adv. -Portland -Tillamook Cadi lae Stage Stage depot. Park and' Yamhill streets Daily at 8 :15 a. m.. 12 :30 aid 3 :30 p. m. Special arrangements madj for fishing parties. Main 8611. Adv. j School Books Bought, spld and ex changed. School supplies. Hyland's Book Store, 204-206 Fourth street, be tween Taylor and SalmoiL The Red Front. Adv. Plantation Ian Tonlgtit Formerly Cross Roads Inn. Southern jchtcken din ners de luxe, entertainment, dancing day and evfning. Adv. All Kara Benefit B. R.' Shopmen. Dance at the Labor temple, Saturday, September 2. Popular prices. Toelle's orchestra. Adv. ' j ; . Str. Amerlea St. Helen via. PftTnm. bia river. 2:30 p. m. daily j; 11 :30 a. m. Sunday. Alder street dock. Main 8323. Adv. i Dr. James W. HoseafeU returned. Adv. i ; , . A. Cowperthwait, .. Portland, Dies at Avalon Calif ornia Albert CowperthwaiL who was nrei. dent of the Oregon Humane society for four years, and before that a Port- ; land real estateman for? many years, died at Avaion. Catallna! Island. Cal.. Sunday. While in business here jhe was noted tor nis interest m welfare work and humane society activities Ha quit bis business in 1917 snri time to the society. A lyear ago 1 his o"'w arMi wa. iua neaita lauea ana he wentjto California. About this time h married Mrs. W, Hill, formerly of Portland, who sur vives him. He had imnl ma rr-iA I ieuauy, nis who dying many years ago in mis city. . WITHDRAWAL IS FltKTl Salem. Kent, t Th. .S, ! . . Z . huuvt ur I wiuwrtww a ma empcratic candi- uate jot state treasurer was filed with! the secretary of state by Milton A. I Miller f Portland. Friday. - Miller said , his bealth would prevent -j htm xrona conaucung art active campaign. 1- UETTHE JOPK'S'AIi 8TEBTK TOW' fi AT BEACH ISIAXD RESORTS .. Wle y are ea yoar vatcatloa yo wtu fladllha learaaU aaie at tha foUowlBv place at tha ataal rate it r . . . . , ! ' T " t'i. !. BXACHXS L I", i ' Barvlew, Or.....3irs. George yi. Bay aty. Or..w...Dr. TrT. C Hawk Caanoa Beaeh.... ...... Joha Myrt Chlnoek, Wasiu.....Isaae Xastvon ea-lbaldL OraJ7..4 Q Gearhart, Or.L.. ...... .1 XUi H U Ilwace, Wasi.......Jaha tyMeara lAtms Haaca, Waaa. . .if Mara JaaaaatlaB Beats, Or.. .i........ !l. Mrs. 0. a. Batton MaasaaJta, Or..... Kml" 6. Kardeli Sabcotta, Waah..Trocdaea A Browa sretaalem, Or.t , .. .ehateta Drag Co Setarta, Or...... JIary i. Baaya Kewport, Or.....;!. ,M. 6. Haat Oceaa ParV...... n A. BasseB Vk ede..i....i..BoaeaBer Bros. "-"ysk.... u. a rraro Boekaway, -Or.. ...... . .F. P.i Miller SMMMa, Or. Elbert E Bolea areaTtow, VVaaa.. ...... jM pataam Howard Weadham I) kb ale. Badea Tfllamook. Or....! .Ctatytoav Hoy Twla Bpeka,; Or. ,i B. J. Vaa Bcyo Taqmlaa ,i...L.W. B. Cantaulna 1SLAJTD BESOBTS Brighton . .Mrs. 3 T. Melatyre Government Camp. . L. F. Prtdamere Rhododendrea : Mra E. Fraasettt CherryvBl.,.Mrs. W. M. Steoklcy Saady Linbtr Co. store Tawney'a Moaatala Horn..... ' .........F. H. Tawaey Welehea......... .W. E. vreleh Vt llhoit, Or, F. T. UcLani OF (-Continued From Pace Fourteen) The Bible schools will besin their sessions at 9:45 a. m. , The. Bipworth League service begins at 7 p m. Rev. Mace will preach in the West Moreland chapel at 7:4 5 p. m. AtT the VancouTer avenue Norwegian-Danish iletiiodist churrih, corner Vancourer avenue and Skinore streets, the pastor. Gustay A. Stor aker. wil preach at 1 1 o'clock on Use text. "Justification.'' The eTening service will be in English and the subject will be, "I Enow That My Redeemer LlTeth." 7:30. feunnyside Methodist church will close as con ference year Sunday.: Dr. Gallagher wiU breach his farewell sermon on Sunday morning! His subject will be, ' How to Treat Tour New Min ister." In the two years of his pastorale Dr. Ciallagher has received over four hundred and fifty new members.: has helped to wijke out the enure debt of the church, and has in spired his congregation to erect a S3 0,000 new t ommunity House and a b,Ouo new parsonage. unday evening two of America s greatest arii!is, enaorsea ny puipir, press and public, will interpret " Ben Hur. ' Professor and Mrs. William M. Rasmus are the only dramatic interpreters w(io are taking entire services in the leading churches with their Biblical stories as sermons, thus raising the drama to the dignity of the pulpit. The male characters ara impersonated by Professor Ramus and the female characters by Mrs. Ramus. NAZARENE At trie First Church, Rev. D. Rand Pierce, the new pastor, has been preaching to fine summer congrega tions with gratifying results. Seeking souls are finding their way to the al tar of prayer every Sunday night. Several have recently united -with the chjrch. A special attraction has just been inaugu rated at First Church. This is the new Nazarene male quartet, composed of Mesons. Fred Smith.: Fred Luse. John Putney and William Kbtirt. They are on the program every Sunday night. Mrs. D. Rand Price has just returned from anrouver, B. C, where she has been as sisting as a worker in a revival campaign con ducted under the i auspices of the Church of the Nazarenei - A delegaUhu of the ladies of First Church left Friday morning for McMinn Tills to at tend a three-day missionary convention con ducted by the North Paeifio District Women's Missionary auxiliary. Mrs. L. A. Litsey', presi dent .of the local branch, beaded the delega tion. Other members of the -party were, Mrs. l. Rand Pierce, who will be the Sunday even ing speaker; Deaconesses Carrie Ebert, Iva Hy and Edith Whitesides; Mrs. D. R. Potts and Misses May B&nat and Hazel Litsey. A numbt-r bf First Church people have been attending the evangelistic campaign being con ducted in Kenton district by Mrs. K. M. Arnold. The services are held at corner of Denver and McClellan streets. Pastor Pierce will speak Sunday morning on "A God Who Still Works Wonders." At night he will preach to all classes on "Pre pare Ye the Way." PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Harold Leonard Bowman, D. D-, pastor . of the First Presbyterian church, having returned from a vaca tion of several weeks in Chicago Omaha and other points in the Middle West, will occupy the pulpit at both services. At the morning service, which begins promptly at 10:30, Dr. Bowman is to preach ion "The Contact r.ffectual' The evening service begins at 7 :45. and the theme will be "The Val ley of Decision." The Quartet Miss Helen .Levoff. soprano; Miss Nina Dreasel. contralto; Halford Young tenor, and Otto Wedemeyer, bass and director will aing 'HJ Ttasta- and See" Sullivan) m q Ja joa is s Bpkrit (Ba HEILIG MPORTANT NEWS PORTLAND CHURCHES ; ; , n aawSa-aMgsal if TODAY TOMORROW 1 iitliMr I j NEXT WEEK f WM " -eww j the Isle br 11 mi ll AaaarC-7 r it, JTM IK 1 1 trnzsknMWH n lit - .55 svss.vssa I i Together rTIta -Wli " Vi I'll 1 1 mw P n 1 1 ar n' WM .JSf,J.' ifk-; III: 115 ,waa a waa.nila W Cli.T" iSTZBT -l TWrge -rAVK i I nil !.... cm, MM&IMBMfK'-M II T f V-lllftI'L-'aBl-eL.T'f' I' Hi -i.fe-JS-SrWWjf -af V ' jLI BT T. --JW I HI j. FOPtTLAK1 PRICES' Zmffiffi (I I J (including War Tax) VWffyA HU ChUdren - 10c K sT JJA 11 f l !! .,! 1 ' M i -ati - rz&r- ' t?j1 I f ; THE OREGON 1 DAILt JOURNAL, i PORTLAND,. With Ka" i(BaxrJ)y) in tbe edemeyar will aiatrf the afer- sett) sad "Abide awentng. ! Otto w tMT aoio. -Hasf M Orr- (jaUUisaa) inlst, i win E. E Couraen. the organist. ; win give am orgaa reenau irom ( :an xa :4o p. go., pta "Offal-tm-v Oma 111": Ttati l.n ' iaytna "Th Lot Chord" ( iSalllras); posUudi Iareo' The isioa tot hold ita recalar monthly meatimi in tha pastor s saidy cat Tucaday afenisaT at 7:4a. j Dr. Bowman ' will lead the prajer meeting est Thursday evening- His themel Is "Vaca tion Impression and FaQ Purposea.! The executive committee jot thai Woman'e KtaakHiary society is to meex tk week on wednesdax. at II JO p. m.J in tae Sandas school library. j : j I The Sunday school convenes afte the morn ing service, at 12 o'clock. All the departments will meet today in tha Sunday School audi torium, where there is to ke givis an illus trated missionary talk on China. ; Dr. K. H. Pence, pastor, and A ' F. Bittaer. uistitutional director of "Westminster PrasbA torian church, and their familirti h.i rm. turned from a vacation at Jieah-kah-niesj Hioiiniain, ana wtu resume thfeir regular dntieA. . Dr. Pence' will preach bata morning and evening tomorrow. I ! Thai Bible achooi also wilj been its regular seasons, the senior section including all those of high school grade and above,! meeting at 9:30: all other denartmenta lat 12 ft ft. ' Our quarter, composed of Mrs. i Jane Burns Albert. ' soprano; Mrs. Palmer L.I Fales, con tralto: Dob Zan. basa, and J. P. Mulder, tenor, will sina both mnmiiur aiuf ,tnjn itu-... . J. Hutchison will preside at the organ. i or. waiter Henry Nugent of the Central Presbyterian church has returned, from his vacation and will ooeupy hi pulpit on Sunday morning. Hi subject is "fJonflicks, Seen and Vnseea." The Sunday evening jaerrices will be resumed September 10. j I ' Rev. Bernard B. SutcUff4 has Detnrned from his vacation, and will preach in Calvary Pres byterian church tomorrow jat 1 1 a. m., his subject being an exposition 'of thee first rhant.r of Panl's epistia to the Epfcesiansl There will oe no artxrnoon service. at is expected that the program ; for I the course of union Bible study classes foe f the ensuing season will be published next week. ! i Rev. Ward W.? JiacHenry. m mister of Mt Tabor Presbyteriari church j has Returned from, nni vacauon ana wui preacn tomorrow morn ing on the subject, "The Church and Human Relations in Labor.' Evening f services will be resumed September 10. 1 I The pastor, Rev. J. F. Monrai. preaches at a uaci on late K-ijapor uay. At 7:30 O. R. Hart wig. president of the! Oregon Stat Federation of Labor, will speakj on "Present Aspects of the Labor Question jaa Related to me LnurcJi ana national Welfare. C. H. P. iareieaa, baritone soioist, will sing. The Sunday school meets promptly etla:45. Prayer service Thursday; evening, subject, 'Christ's nnuhed word. ; AU the church activities will be resumed this month. i E. T. Phillips will have dharge of the Sunday morning service ia the absence of the pastor, who is Bible teacher at the Christian r.naeavor summer conference now in session at Columbia Caty. The following Sunday all the regular Sunday and mid-week service win do resumed j Rev. John M. Pax ton has returned tor An- bel Presbyterian, church, following hia vaca tion, and will resume his pulpiti Sunday. The caurcn nas peem redecorated. The Rev. Henry White will 4ccupy hia pul pit morning and evening at tha Millard Ave nue Presbyterian church. 7Sd land SRth nue S. E. The aubject for the toorning service is "What God Means to Me." ( The theme of the evening discourse is "Thi . Wholehearted Surrender of One s Life. to GodI" The Young Peoples' society i meets at 7 o'clock. Special juuarc a, au services. i .. 'Ihe pulpit of the Mizpa"i Presbyterian cuuniu win ue iiuea on Sunday by the Rev. J. N. McFarlane, D. D. i Dr. and Mrs. L. K. Grims, with Waldo r . eurwart ana wiie , have returned from a week's stay at Cannon beach;. They visited several other resorts on their way homo. Dr. Grimes will occupy hia pulpitj at the Kenil- j rresoyieinaa enure h Sunday morning .iviuiia. ' , UNITARIAN ? Mr. Elliott will speak oh "When and " Live a Day at fa Time," at 10:30 a. m., Sunday, at the Church of Our Father (Unitarian). Broadway and Yamhill. .The church school wi:l resume September 10. Dr. William F Fiebig left August 24 to represent the .r-uruana cnapter at the national con vention of thte Unitarian Laymen's '"sue, io d neia m .New London, September 7. NEW CHRISTIAN The ODenine fall orvira re ,1,. -n-. Christian church (Swedenborgian) will be held tomorrow in the assembly room of the Portland hotel at ill vv iiliam K, Reece, the pastor, will pea on rin He turn of the Prodigal." The ounaay scnool will also be j re sumed. and the sennonette preceding the ciass work, a feature which seems to hare proven of great interest I and value to adulta as well I 1 be, "tinued. the subject for tomorrow being The . ontinenul Iivide." The Inner S;rS'e' ,a a!,llt rUis ao'-ed to systematic ftudy of the inner sense rf ihe Scripturse will renew its work with a study of the meaning of the conquests of Israen under the great leader Joihua. Rev. Reece has but recently returned from a trip of some 8000 miles throughout the Middle West and South, where he attended the national convention of . the Aew Christian church at Crbana, Ohio and tie summer session of the Boston School of Expression at AaheviHe. N. C. Valley. Opposed to Unmerger, Former Commissioner Says Astoria, Sept. 2. Business men of the Willamette valley and Southern Oregon oppose the proposed unmerger of the ! Southern Pacif I Pacific; railroad lines, Frank J. Miller NOW SHOWING Continuous H A. M. to 11 P. Jkf. -- .&TW r - I 1 1 ! iTlB;lltaotao'liid . iTbje little Foxes Find By Thomtoa w. Barrett j Just keep this fact; is mind my dear: ! Tis you: who makes you neirhbor dueasr. I ; j I: Old Mottaar Nature;1 I n I- i r' "WAS eo ; very different atlong 1 the Laughing Brtook from the Old Pas turo and the Green Meadow that the (four young- Foire viiitin it for ) tbjs first time found i so much to sea that jthey -couldn't keep still. Thai running water of the Laughing Brook was a Continual wonder to them. Tjbeyi were ja little afraid pf It, yet they duldn1t forget that both Reddy Fox and Mr. Reddy had told them that at times it might prove toi be their best friend, i They ran abbot this way and that way, looking at everything 'and jsnlf fing at I everything teat was new to them. Once Croaker jthe Green FrrJg was discovered toy ope of the 'young Foxes. He called the others. 'Come here!" he criejJ.r "Here la tna funni est looking Taad you ever have seen. His coat is aJt! smooth and it Is green, instead . of brbwn. Let's make i him hop."- j j f , I j j , The .other little Foxes hjirried i over to see the queer Toad. They had seen some of Old (Mr. Toad's fimUy; sev eral times, and i had always tickled them to make the Toads bop. .Onbe one of them had taken a Toad into his mouth, but he, didn't 'do it a second time. You see. Old Mr. fToad and the members of his' family have j a most unpleasant liquid wjhlch j they can pour out In tiay drops through the skin, and this leaves a most un pleasant taste in the mouth of one who catches them. It was! some time before that little Fox got rid of that unpleasant taste. So after that when the young Foxes fpund a Toad .they simply teased ' him ; just to see him make his little, funny, short hops. That is what they planned to 'do with this queer green coated fellow, The one who had found tim reached a little black paw ; forwarjd to touch him, but the green coated Toad didn't : wait to be touched;. He sud denly leaped, and it was puch a sur prisingly long leap that thej four young Foxes received one of the greatest surprises of their short liyes. ; Before they could even exclaim He made ah other long leapaTand disappeared head first with a little splash ln the Laugh ing Brook. Then the four little Foies raced to the edge of the Laughing Brook to see what had become of hirn. , .: He wasn't to be seen. ; No, sir,- he wasn't to be: seen. He had gone! straight to the tottom and buried hltnself inithe, mud.; Reddy Fox, i who had seen; the whole performance, chuckled as he saw the puzzled look in the faces of his four excltea chilaren. W nat are you iook of Albany, former chairjman of ! the Oregon public service cornmission, told Astoria business men here Friday. Mil ler stated that the business men and shippers of the Willamette valley ; and 6ther sections of Western Oregon ! rec ognize that Eastern Oregon primarily is Union Pacific territory and have no objection to a trans-state line! east and west through the southerjt part of the state, but are well satisfied with the present arrangement, which serves them better in tha matter of shipment to Middle Western points than would be possible by the Southern Pacific and Central Pacific operated separately. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are sojourning at Seaside following his iextended trip through Kastern and Central Oregon, where he spoke against I the! proposed unmerger of the two rai) lines, i Army .Plane i Watch Fire Bugs : ' 1 j i ! Kugene, Or.. Sept. 2. Because State Forester Elliott reports an exceedingly large number of incendiary fires in the Medford and Grants) Pass district, the 91st aero squadron will keep a plane on patrol in that! district every day for the next week r so until the firebugs are frightened! away or ap prehended, j Qregoti lanufkcturrs LONGEVITY I A recent issue of The Manufacturer says; 'IThe fatigue of a raw concrete surface, the wear. and tear, on tires, the final crystal lization of structure of both steel and concrete are facts of such common) everyday observation; that ordinary intelligence ought j to j de mand the non-jarring sur face in highway: construc tion." Warrenite-Bitulithic is a i type of pavement that has demonstrated the long evity of shock j absorbing pavements in almost every section of the United States. PENDLETON WOOLEN MIL! i CNOLKTOl OH. ! MANUTACTURERS !OF PURE FLEECE WOOL BLANKETS iNOian ROBES, STCAMCR RUOS. BATH ROB tS AND AUTO ROBES .W haven Carriage & AUTO WORKS j a CO. WAONCR and JOHN VANtR Auto and! Track Bodies,1 Springs. iWtad bhielda Caba Ova Onnri Saes. WM SRECIALIZK ON WHKCLB RHONE BROADWAY 147S OOR. BTH AND .EVERETT; KNIGHT'S ROGUE RIVEn BRAND TOMATO CUP KNIGHT PKG. CO. ,l POBT.lU.3T, jOREGOY ".j t-t- Multnomah Trunk &. Basr Co. Wkolesale JIfgs. jf Trttnks, Sfut eases, etc. 86 EL Water Sti Port ! . af-a. . . tra AaV L. r I T i laiuia ur, f none z4-e4 K.i3-; OREGON, j : . ! - ;!.- -t . . k j ' I. - I f N Before they ctiuldl eter exclaim b mado another long; leap and dis appeared iMjad-ftrst with 4 little spa sit in tbe Iaugtiing; Brook. !'' 1 ! : Ing ;atr he asced as to where they fwerj excitedly iunn badk land f fort& along the bank ' and Btarmg crown Bi to I the water "It i was a fnny Toad!" crjed One littla Fox; "anf he jumped right irtto the! waters And now wo can't eee him anywhere." i "IroTi won't see hirrt unless y6u have a great deal of patience and wait a very ! long timfe." said Reddyj "And that wasn't a Toad at all. It was a cousin of the tToads.'i It was proaker thej Green Fryg. and he is quite! as much at home! in the water as on i the lanjd-i If you could i jump as far j for your size as lie can; for his size "you wnklli ha nrtAlnf th haet t itrd nur. In .- -I S allj the Great World, Frogs ire .very gooa eating jvhen jtnere is nothing better, if yetujean catch them. They jioj not leave that unpleasant taste in your mouth thlat the ! Toads do," j TI'H catch tjie next one I.," de clared a littlel Fox. , x "Perhaps," said Reddy, and grinned. "You'll have ti be smarter than you've shown yourself to be yet." ! "Why . haveh't we seen a Frog be fore?" inquired another little Fox.) "Because thjis is the first time j you have been near the water land ! you will seldom find Croaker more than! two or three jjumpsj from th water, explained Ready. ! ( So the yourjg Foxies learned the dif-j ference between the Toads and their cousins,: the frogs..-! j ; (Copyright, 11822, by T. W. Btirgesa.) i . i The next stpry : "An Adventure jNeai? the Laughing Brook." HAtV U TG 2.': PARKS AND RESORTS OAKS AMCSIJMENT PARK J Wfllamette river. Cars fat First "d Alden BaUung, dancing. picrfScs. I f j WINDEMUTH I Willamette rive. Launches or Brooklyn far. Swimming, dancing daily. COLUMBIA BJSACH Columbia iHver. " Vancouver- cars. I Concessions, awimrdina'. ntcnica. mig-ing oaiix. ! VAtJDEVTLLE PANTAGES Broadway at Alder. High class vaudeville apd photoplay features, i After noon and evening. Program changes Mon day afternoon. 4 ! HIPPODBOMlj Direction Ackerraan is Har ris. Broadway at Tamhilt Vaudeville and Evan Burrrawa Fontaine in "Women Man Love." 1 p. m. to 11 p. mJ Delightful ngot corneal. i j PHOTfj)PtiATS HEH.TO Broadway at Taylor. Jules Verne's "The Iile of! Zorda.'f II a. m. to ll p. m. ; j Guy Bates 1 a. m. to Opinion late-. I KITOL1 Wa-bington. ! at Part Post in "Tie Maaqriierader." 11 pi m. IJood story. Great acting. I j BLUE MOUSE llthPand Washington: Jack Gilbert in f Monte jCristo." Opinion later. COLTMBIA; Bixth near Washington. "Her Gilded CagA." lli a. m. to 1 1 p. m. jangled, but striking. MAJESTIC Washington si Paik. i "While Satan Sleews. 11 a m. to 11 p. m. 'Opinion laTjTr- LIBKBTY B-oadway!at SUrk. Sand." llja. rat. to 11 p. m. inreting. i . i "Blood and Stagey.: but : i CIRCLK Forth near Washingtfin. William rarnura in r'Shackles of Gold. 9 a. m. to 4 o'rloek the f'j! lowing morning. H1A.CKETT DIGGER CO. Foot East Clay St. Phone East S5 aihed and Screened RIVER SAND AND I GRAVEL 5 : I Fill Material Towing and Lightering Shope Brick Co. PACE AND IMAMTiaB BRICK A SPCCtALTV j; Made in Portland ir ills brick, we Hjivc !rr EAST 8TH AND DIVISION. PORTLAND, limes iiifsauiPFi a aW ., a m m. ' -j ' j ' :.i:--jjv-f-Ve a V rj j - i Ja -i r , -,, v 1 ,-: . j j ' 1 1 av A IrHils) 'Wig) (SPmm 'Us.!- oimd-TJp Talk and Testing in. Remote Is! Planned Control 1' Tonight at 5:30 the third l and last off the speciJ Tdio talks arranged by The Journal and the Hallock & Watson radio service ! for this woek rrlU : bo made by ; Dorsey B. t Smith, manager 6t The Journal I travel bureau - Smith wtn-1 give a talk on the Pendleton Round-up and tell what ! the various stunts atj that great show wHl consWt of- The talk will b given hnrnodl- atery arter Tha Journal baseba scores are sent l out, i . Arrangements 1 fnr remote control r W hieh have been In nraarrean jifKm & watson ior the past t "ays. progressed toi th testing stage ! today and tonight at 9 o'clock the rakio pub- wm oe uKeni in on the funJ It will irroye an interiestJng variation from ipe regular programs or music and en tertainment. II. I : ; J .: I ine intention of Hallock! & Watson ifclf the schema of I remote .cbntrol is Bsroassiui. xo give progTamt cjf linstru nrentai ; ana vocaLr; music by local arusts. This broadcasting station h as jeen in receipt Of hundreds ofl requests from radio fans to go into concert en tertainment because i of th superiority en its volume and modulation. Also there has been som! criticism! of Port land stations because of failure of several stations to adhere to their authorized schedules. It is; thj purpose pt Hallock A Watson to occuby a por- Mun ot tnis vacant time. Reduction in Gas Is - Effective for j Consumeris j Today Cost of gasi to the averaare house holder has been reduced from J3.63 to $3.97 per month, according to an nouncement Issued by thej Portland Gas & Coke company. The new rate becomes effective today and! all read ings made after August 3jl .will be ruled by the j reduction, according to uuy W. laiDot, president of the gas company. a . The reduction would afferit all con sumption of gas in excess of! the initial 300 feet, Talbot stated, and would call for a saving ,of approximately 10 cents per 100 cubic feet. This is the fifth reduction in the price of gas slnee January 15. J921, when the company was granted the privilege of! increasing its -rates and" entered into an agree ment with the public service commis' sion td reduce the price in proportion. to the cost of crude oiL Three reductions in the- gas rate were made in; 1921. A recent decline in the cost of oii called for a reduction of five cents, per 1000 feet on August 25 and a still furtlrer decline bf 50 cents per barrel, announced tbtsj week, re sulted -in another cut of fito cents In the cost of gas. These two; reductions were merged into the 10-cenjt decline in the cost of gas, which becomes effec tlye today. Work Started on New Unit 6f Mill Bend, Sept. 2. Construction of'the new Shevlln Hixon milt unit was be gun Friday j on schedule Hth the tin loading of timbers and grsivel for con crete for the foundation The new unit will add a band saw and gang saw to the mill's -equipment. It wUl be completed biy March 1, 1923, FOSTER MUST GO BACK Springfield. 111., Sept. 3- (U. P governor jien small, nas nonored- a requisition for the return jto Michigan of Wifiiam Z. Foster, president of the Trades union Educational league F.Shef field Stncliff Teacher of Piano anil Applied Theory Lat your child take lessens! on hi own plane. Pall Aut. 4480j today for an Interview at hofna. and Jobbers Rasmussen & Co. . a I ' Makers of -j Paints and Varoish N. E. Cor. 2d anti Taylo? Portland,! OrjegoxT . j ! j Truck,; Stage andi Delivery Bodies BuIt Wheel rorkj Black imithfag Lowest prices : all work guaranteed Eureka Carriage & Auto Works ! S2S-SS7 Coach St, dwy. SIM ' ?-;;-? -t : . : -i M ftijvvi f ttad TCrer Popular he material vsedi by Valentine Abotrt to rnake this - very pointed tricorneJ (The front point, which projects a rlbng Nvay '-oVer.-.-.tas' eyes,- is tied- together with a nat biack. bow of grosgraln ribbon. warn wita it is a novelty, in ' furs, consisting - 0f a jseen at the- races, land long ftrlp Of monkey fur Used like cravat, oetng placed around the . throat and; crossing ini the backj with nda; brought round toi the frontj f i (Coprrigh, i?$ bv Tpgue. Jfew Tori) ' Kerriffaii Files for Rate makmg. Bo'dy Hi Safem. Sept -pKerrigan seeps contract." is whs euphonious slogan under whIrih-.TL M.-Krrlgan wUl,8eek reelection jto the public iBervlco icom mlssion as an independent candidate. Kerrigan's declaration as a candi date) has been forwarded to the secre taryf state's Office,) but its tiling has beenDdelayed pending its approval by the Bttorney general's department. Kerrigan waj nominated as a Candi date. for' public service commissioner by an assemMy in (Portland several weeks ago. Ke is now a member f the ommissiqn, being elected at the Mas recall election to succeed Tredi A. WUBams, recajled. - , j s I i TAKip8 TSEW JOB J - . James jjliley. or nearly! four years supsrlnndentj of the Pinterton National DetU agency's offlca In Portland, his i resigned to becoma con nected with the Whitney company, tim ber dealers. Hilar was with tha detec tive agency for 12 years. He is beinp succeeded by fft-'M. Jajis. assistant u printendent ofj the lenver offlca, who bas Just arrived. 1 ; Upnian, Wolfe' ; .Hat DfLl 1 oaie Degins I ednesday j EWrjn one of. our windows will i be lilted with Birthdav Specials, before " tomorrow morning- Some can be seen tonight ':!:j:';-;: "ivf Kc J FURNACES INTERNATIONAL . Pipe and Pipelets ACORTtT COMBIrTATIOIf RA7TGES ECLIPSE OAS B.AICGES i WOQDS-aEVEKTZ SOLID FUIl j ' ; T &AKUES j .Takes ?art PsTment BROS. Bdwy. (KS. 110 at St, Ifaar Wash. I -A USEMENtS rum FESTIVAL i - -1 ass .- -. -. -t !JOY JAMBOREES - BUSBY'S ALABAMA MINSTRELl wttit vaavwa wwacuaiia MiaN J1NKSI STUNTS! HlkARITYl CARS FIRST! AND AIDER FARE S CENT rsmona j tvx-Randit an Ez-rraacna - anniKBi a co; - 1.1? "TB LASH OF" THE IAW fTI.TONI & UiiHT in "HANI8 VV" OaHarlM Ststera, Warur WMffli :.-Psts-a ean 'Sllavt FsfwtaTg", DEtMORE AND LEE pmv rriiijrtjh- Bx.HlftviiM, I S Ml! BEIT ftUSIC IN TOWN (.Ek1v.i .WELCOME SUMMER PRICES The CIRCLE THEATR 'Or;ilTH.AT WASHIiGTOS Open from s o'clock in the morni until rV oclock,. to i ollowing xnornij A Nvjw Version jo Orey felt j is I i f . -I t - j ! I I LYNCH .,.. - r S. 1 F ' ajup . ami ' , - i- : ; . - i-t A .1 n 1 : v