Lit). .j , . .1 . - .ti. . 1 .- t. "t-- it ' 13 THE . OREGON , DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. SATURDAY; mi ii. '-' i , ' i in ' -rr JSEPTE51BER: 1922. 1. i I I FOR RENT- FIATS UNFURNISHED 3t0 I - ' MT. TABOR - i c-'-Flat. for reat. 5-rooms, nice, clean and light Only 3 per month. 1791)4 ut Mor ' rrsosi and 69th ft. "!- i 4 BOOH modem fiat, 7T2 Gun era., 1 bDc ; south el 23d and WaihinEton. Main 8988 or Bdwy. To3$. . . ' i : 5-KOOiI flat, modern in'overy particular, newly i decorated. $50. only. Inquire 74 E. vrn -r-n9?ie. r-aet aui - tTHKl'E room upper fin!, hath, clean and eon- TemetiT, iz-s- tvnptt stree a oia. atlas, car. 4-WOQM unfurnished flat, heat ami hot water famished. 894 Fargo near Unio are. t $22.50 CLEAN, modern 5 rra. lower flat, brick building. 649 I'd . Water included. .DESIRABLE 5-room modern flat, adaita only. 800 Graham avenue. 1 HOUSES FURNISHED 311 "j BROOKLYN SHOPS- Modern, 4 rooms. 2 beds, gas and coal range, paved street, garage, (30. 883 E. 25th. '-Owner, East 3225. '.- $23 MODERN 5 rone partly furnished; with trarage. BOS Commercial. - Walnut : 017. : FOR RENT 6-rootn. modern furnished heoM to responsible party! $50 per month. Wataut : i&4. AT 623 E. 15Ui f. ner Brooklyn carline. Call for key at 614 PoweU at., comer pf i 15th. . MCeLY furnished modern 4 room house, aui, J able for small family. Ant. 638-36. i $35, C-ROOMEI) cottage; no objection to children. Walnnt 1001. 840 Kerby at 1 DESIRABLE home in Irrington to rent for ' hoard of owner. H-171, Journal. a . MODERN cottage. East 1502. 6 rooms, well furnished. FURNISHED 4 -mom cottage. 1154 ntond or 50th ave., S- E., hear 89th. Bay- 8 ROOM modem bungalow, furnished raa piete. 8W9 K. Sherman. Sell. 3535. 5-ROOM modem home, fruit trees, $25 month. 1295 Kelly. Atwater 231)6. ' i HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312- P PR IX KLEK ED WiKlHOCSE on tracsaga Store your gooda with oa. Let ua do you vxtoving and packing. t CLAT 6. MOBSE. INC Bdwr. $470. 454 GHaan rtj ELEGANT-10-ROOM BUNGALOW: E. 20TH '"' N. AND KNOTT STS. ; LARGE YARD, KARAGK AXI I'.VERY MODERN CONVEND ENCE; RENT- $80. FRED S WILLIAMS, BOB PANAMA BT.DGJ 4 AND 7 ROOM house, basements, elec ' tnclty and gs, wa.-sh trays, good condition yard., west side. , Keys at 746 Vaughn st! Phone Broadway 4431. . YORK EXPRESS & TRANS. CO. Trunks, basgage, furnitnre moving. tl.50 and 2 "per hour. Broadway 7688. MOV1XG. ti PE14 HOUR AND UP Fireproof storage 3 3 days free. Long Dl-tance H.mling. Broadway S448. WE MOVE furniture, 2 men, tor $2 per hour. Long distance hauling, 30 daya' Iree storage. Main 6200. PIANO MOVING 3. furniture $2.50 per hour; 2 men, large padded vans. Call Crown Transfer Co.. Kaat 5U4 7. WEST KfDE ROOM FLAT. 503 H WASH- INGTOX. 3 MINUTES' WALK TO TOWN". REASON" ABLE. WHEN moving, call East- 6440. Crating, - packing', sliipiiing, long distance, by hour' tr contract. FURXITURE MOV IXC. $2 PER HOUR. 2 MEN ; PLV.VO $2 AND UP; LARGE 2 14 TON TRUCK. EAST 504 7. . . MODERN 7-rooru house with furnace, garager acre; located at 4430 70th are. Pboae 688-41 or 574 1 Foster road. WHEN MOVING, city or country, get the beat at lowest -pisces. Green Traiu. Co., Main 1261. 202 V sAIdeT St. DESIRABLE, district. modern, eigbt room house; walkiiig tli-ftance; roomers pay. 334 Italsey. 10-UOOM MODERN HOUSE. 696 MARKET ST. DRIVE. RENT S50. Sou. 506 PANAMA BLPO. FRED S. WILLIAMS STRICTLY modem, new 7-room houi. Adulta " only $75. Inquire 7 4 E. 2 9th N. Phone Fjist 5070. J GOOD $10 houte for rent, garaga $3 Xo. S07 Sth si. and Grover. Inquire of H. W. Miller, S00 ;ibb. 8 ROOM strictly modern bungalow. 1204 Muter at, $50. -FTank L. McGuire, Bdwy, 7171. 4 ROOM house, gas, electricity, good location;, no small boys. 660 Kerby. MODERN 7 room house, with garage, $35. Near 8. P. car shope. Phone Sellwood 667. AT 390 TILLAMOOK, 6 rooms, bath and garage, $3(K Tabor 9200. WE )eciatite in I'iino and luruttnre moving, 15-dayy free storage. Bdwy. 1207. 7 R()OM . house, good condition, close to car - ' and school. $30 month. Walnut 0913. MODERN i 6-room house and garage. 215 VV. Richmond st. . WE MOVE furniture for t2 hour. Main 8059. HOUSES FOR RENT ' FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 10 ROOM house for rent, gas and stove con "nectioD; part furniture for sale; -suitable for rooms; will sacrifice. Bdwy. 6132. 491 Everett. , MODERN 5-rrm flat, new oak" up-to-date furniture. 64.. K. 19th. comer Paris. tt-R. FLAT for rent, fnniiture for sale, rmv pay expenses. 1 43 H 11th. Bdwy. 2098. ". 8-ROOM house tor rent, furniture for Bale i v rent $21 .-.OS Williams ave. STORES AND HALLS 314 SPAt'E. Si34 suitable tor business; deferable location. 211 H ad, near Taylor. FOR I desirable apace m ureproot wareboaae phetee Broadway S715. OFFICES DESK ROOM 315 TWO ROOMS, suitable foe. doctor or dentin. - Raleigh bldg.. SUth any Washington ats. DL.SK room with phone serviiel 305 Henry bldg. At for Baldwin. .DESK ROOM, with telephone and stenographic aernces.-;. Phone Bdwy. f?71.V SUMMER RESORTS 16 CANNON BEACH Newly equipped tents 18i 20 water, etc. Kant. 4073 CCFTTAGB at Kockaway beach. Call East 4-ROOM house at Seaside for rent during Scptemhen. Wdln. 2614. . BUSINESS PROPERTY 318 SEE THE PLANS OF THIS APT HOUSE ' . AViJl giTe 10-year lease. 49 apt.,-pritaie baths, dressing rooms entrance halls, kitchens and dining al cove with each Vpt-; hardwood floors throughout; steam heated; oil burning fur nace. Changes will be raade to anit tenant: good location, west aide. H 155. Journal. r LEAVING TOWN? BUBxl ' re m a position tn handle your rentals end collections on city property at a nominal cost. LINDETC NELSON -- 715 Wtlceqt Blda 4 Broadway 7702 WANTED TO RENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 K0OM. and board with practical vegetarians, i private family, by reliable mklle aged man, or will ahare expense of small modern house, flat or rtand -prrare my own meals: refer rnrwa; - walking distance or close to car prr : ferred. - Please give' particulars. M-16. JournaL ' 1 "WODTuD LIRE to board young lady, preferable v - teacher. " to share mom with 1 0-year-old aflrt; hotselike: rats reaooabtev C. 8. pre - f-nred Tabor 6621. ' '-i HOUSES 361 WANT to rent, near IVrtla nd, cr- r .- satAre witli aood 4 or 5 room Ho. Wish - to keep ctictens, F. E. Lafler. Hubbard .Or. . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BEACH PROPERTY 400 FOR. SALE 4 room ecttagey furnished; larc ' Jot. Seaside. Or. Walnnt S0T1. i -: - APARTMENTS AND FLAT : ir ' PROPERTY 402 -TO eloit estate: 100100; northeast corner 14th atd Taylor, west side. East 215. H LOTS i " 4o3 J TUTBvI'0 very actracire bxKes,oa in nrellwst and one in Rose . City. - East HALF JsCBE ra Milwaukia, Or., acrosg-TriS - . tranmr school, bearins frait.' Wai sacri ' ftce lor See owner. 703 Spokane are, j; - TWO. tosr ! on Iserenth at- terraces, will ta,ke TWO lota, 821 st, near Powell Valley. $700, i"Ol B adjoujtng lots oa SlsvE. Bumside cisean fur caaiw . Owaer. aa$ 567$. - -.i - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 - . EVerybody LO0K NOW AT . Westmoreland before lour hold in ga are rold ooL This moat tie airabla noma district offers Jnuusnal opportu nities tr tlia hotneseeker' or investor. Fully im proved, I low price, easy payments. Second' raort- - gage privilege to builders. Sect air. Pattreson Lad Estate Co. Broadway SI34. 244 Stark St woiMBgcgmritw WH1 NO BUILD? ft ts )eaa eKpenaive. We are tatatv fated ixt bow f well we earn build, not bow much w eaa get for tntUdinaV flea sai before buying or baUdlng. Robnett & McClure BTJTLDEBSV S02 Uoaeh woe ftedwy T DISTrXCTITSE BOG.VLOW HOME doing to t"alifTroiia ; my beautifnl 5 room bungalow home far sale; e.ttra well located, east front, 100M)0 lot, with 4 ft. . terrace, fine abrubbery, floaVers, garden and fmit trees, extra large living nd dining rooms, hardwood floors, furnace anil fireplace, full cement base ment, and cement fruit room. large porches and sleeping porchj, fine- garage, 1 block from new 40 acre eartfuide park. Call Sunday or Labor day, 481 E.! 38th st. X. , Phone 321-64. Fine Lots In the Irringten diatriot. from (550 to $11 00 ; moKt of the-e can be bougbton eaay ternja. 1-operty as Tcry active in this local ity and these priicen cannot hold for long. If you wish o airail yourselves ul t hem call East 7211. Bp.&ders HOUSES COMPLETED PROMPTLY Our construction and workmanship together with liberal financial assistance will please you. Soldier bonus acceipted. r REfMERS St. JOtlVETTE, Setrwood 2964. ROS it CITY PARK ft ORNERS Corner B7th and Tillamook $600 ;rner 58th and 'Broadway 500 Everything In hut paving. Price includes all assessments. thtnrr Mam 8143. BEAITIFCL HOME 5 rooms and' steeping porch, fireplace, fur nace, trays. lots I of built-ins; only $4150. $1000 down, balance to suit. 881 Sandy blvd. East 8935.1 1 50x100 LOT' for sale or trade. Phone Eat 4 256. HOUSES 404 MR. AND MRS. HOMESEKEER: JulFlook luese. .-eta autn st., m Sunnyside, bTand new 4 room nncalow. bath, toilet, Dutch $3-"M11' basement, nice lot, and only Just east of Laurelhurst. 5 room cottaae, nice low hard surface street, sewer and side ,Vnlk c T 1 to "c"r' stor n(I school. Only 5isu. I have many other good buys for the uomeseeker. i J- B. HOLBROOK. REALTOR. 214-215 Panama Bidg. Iff Wieter Conies , He ta dandy; brand new 0 room bungalow rinii!hed in dainty up-to-date style with .Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, papered ' walls hardwood floors, fireplace, -J. bedroon down starrs, large attic.) tine basement with wash trays, foil lot and garage, AU for $475U' on easy terms. For; appointment call East 7211 ALBERTA 7-SOOM MODERN HOME n I $3550 Buy from ownsjr; a real bargain. 4 bed rooms and bathroom and toilet, full cement basement, cement I floor, wash trays, funiaoe, gas water heater, tot 50x100. 9 bearing trees 8 blocks to car. 5 'blocks to school. 1 block to store, electric lights; going away; must seLL ot iv i jtn st. .v VwtH J16"1"1 ur sPndid, new bungalows all the buiit-lnsj hdw. floors .cement floored basement cement : porches, fireptaces, garages plate glass windows! shades and fixtures. These i a" 54?' WJta Take Richmond "ti l5thA Houses are close tn cor ner 35th and Clintxm. Builder. Sell FIE room modern bungalow, with four lots or rery fertile garden soil, luxuriant shrub bery and beautiful flowers, on pared street, with all city conveniences, good neighborhood, ana pleasant surroundings; price $3950, rea sonable terms. See; owner on premises, 5414 48th are, 8. E. orr phone 610-9S. I 4SU0 O-room moaern hnnu v;,u i MShaffer st., in god condition ; has fine fur- ana garage: blocks to car and 31744to schooL j Broadway 5231 or Autx. " WONDERFUL BUY ' B room modern bungalow, all on one floor furnace, fireplace. cement basement, concrete garage, only $345. $1230 down, balance 25 ler month, 881 ISandy blvd. East, 8935. BY OWNER, coxy 4 room house, corner -lot v B0?l0. n llawn. garden, berries and shrubbery; auto repair shop large enongh for - f 'h connectSon; across sL frm school. H 622, Journal, ) BY OWNER For sale 5-rm.s bung, close In, pared St.. lot 50x100. house painted inside and out; near school, carltoe ; buy from owner, safe commission. G-16$. Journal. $31900 $3900 : 6 room modern i bungalow, fireplace, furnace, buffet and bookcases, on paved street, close to school: $1500 idovnu balance to suit. 8$1 FOR ftALL, by owner, modern 5 room him. gatow: fireplacei furnace, cement basement built in, paved streets, fruit trees, alley good district: price 4MiO Walnut 8835 or 896 Kerby st; no agetfts wanted. OWNER has new bean ufui room CoL bun gatew. sun ronu attic, with heat and light, garage, east face.! Cot. 26th and SkidmoreT ir . so an HOjUSK PLANS 100 designs. $10 to 815. or specially de signed at reasonable fee. I- B. BAILEY dt.CO.;. 824 N. W. Bank Bldg. ELEGANT RtSE CITY BUNGALOW Near boulevard; Beautiful built-jtis. in hdw. floors. Flirnace. Appointment otily EAST SIDE 6 riom house. 3 small rooms good for large i family : large bearing trees Price $3000: $fi0 down, 6 per cent. F Nielson, 538 Emeon st. ; $1400. $200 HOWN Coay litUe 4-rortm bungalow, completely furnished, 3 bkx-ks to car; must be sold by Saturday. Edwin G. W ilson. builder, 5621 W'oodstockaw NEAR Franklin iih schorj. rooms, den. sleeping porch, j 91x200, all kinds fruit 3 blocks to Hawthorne car. by owner "606 58th St.. 300 fi. south Division. Tabor 0170. NEW bungalow home, all modern, combination living and dining room, bedroom bath closet. Dutch kitcfeen, basement furnace; Haw thome car. 3319 56th st. $2300. some terms E build good homes reasonable, and get out the drawings therefor: investigate our prices and references before yon build; alterations. GOING away; sav $40O on pretty 5 r. mod home: 2 shadjr lots, $2700. Some turn." and 5 cords wood.! A. 610-73 ROOM house, 2 lota, for sale r trade lor anvthina: rVtlHn tm-t Mlnn 1 . , it. a rail Ray. " FOR SALE acre, 3 -room house, garage; some berries and prune trees. Inquire 161 E. 4 th st. N. ' . i OWNER must sfll on account of sickness, 6-room bouse, furnished; $3200. $500 cash. ienia aistnct, Auy. 628-28 SACRIFICE ALAMEDA BUNGALOW, $3850 ivofraermi ouyi MOniaL Strict! v mi !rj date with fume macet Terms. Sell. 1250. I BY OWNER Eicht-roora modem house tm nage east of Keed. college. Fb9 view, block ii . eat . ., BEAUTIFl L bungalow, Hose City Park ! 4 noais. larce artit fi i:. place. French diors; strictly modern. larea WEST SIDE 5-lrvun Jo.. j.Ls- i J ii". JLft00 wUi Ji- 2S4 "Nartilla St., near Multnomah club. ,i IRVINGTON CrUce 4 room flat, heat, ribt. -gaa. garage. S: also 8-rooa fiar. $60. Ttl Thorapaon. East 8c15 1 nM-l;,v"ld,,i."''fast.i,oc- LanrelhnrsZ H blk. M rtsr $3000, $300 down, bai rent. Owner, lift; E. 57t3i X. Main 2228 I FOR -SALE A jnap. Four room house and bath in North Imngton ; $2600, easy terms. OWNER, -rom snodrTa SMangalow; licht ear and' cash down, balance terras; soldier a bonus nccepted. li3QT E. lth st. BtL 2630. $2500 $1504 t&SHf new 5 room asadern wwuvw. iwitwcwwiit'ijt "xit;v : rea i-. a,hfi . - BY OWNER, 4 imam -noose, S garages, lbb rt. irosn mjm iaente. - U3 tcwt rd. $100 CASH, 3 iroonss, $laa. JL J. uc Gaire. 54S 17rsion. . Ease 5407. 253 CHAPMAN ear Main; make af&r. teraisT W.l . n.n,, gft7 Kn,Ml.. : XT FOB SALE 2 Houses fat Kenton. CaU morn torv 223 Ww Winchril st i -BOOM honae- anl bath, garden and fruit. 227 West Winchell at,1 Kenton. . ! FOR SALE -i nooos new bungaiow. 46 Bewdoin wt. near Portsmouth. ' j : IRVrNGTON S j rooms, ( boa , focatwa, uUy aovu. r aw ajuaav REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Holy Smoke I THIS TS CHEAP i $3000 buys a modern 4-raom soaw, doM in. 4ml all naid fuiei iiirja i fnrniaca firerlaee. dose to school and carj cement basement and traUOna. W ill sacrifice my equity of 1 1 au for $600. Must ba aoM this week. Will con sider .right ear. j J - THIS IS WrtBTBT BTJYTJSO I $1900, 4 -room, modern house, fireplace. Miieo lot, fruit trees, lawn, -flowers, ber ries, partly furnished. Only. $350 down. Good terms. j . !; LOOKING FOB! A REAL BUT? $1550 buys a S-room heuse on Alberta SOiJOO lot, bath and toilet, elect, fireplace, fruit and berries. - This won't last at this price. This house- Ss uartlv furnished. $500 down, good terms. j i . i' HERE ARE SOME BRAND CEW $3850 buys a 4-rixim modern, new house with attic, laundry traos. cement basement, good fumiace. hdw. floors, breakfast nook, in Alameda dist- $500 dowci good terms, all clear. AXOTHEB ' SEW ONE $4 350 burs a 5-mom. brand new. extra fine bungalow, 50x100 Hot, cement baement laundry trays, furnace,! hdw. floors. Dubeh kitchen, breakfast nook. SI 000 down bai good terms. This is a real bargain. ANOTHER XEW OXE $4650 buys a strictlri modern. 5-rm. home. 50x100 lot to an aliey, fall imp. in and paid, hdw. floors, breakfast nook and everything. Tliis is a well built house in every respect and won't last long at this jpirice- ' HERE'S ANOTHER KEW ONE $3500 for a new 4-room, modem horjse. comer lot, paved st. This is some snap. Only 500 down, balance good terms. You'll have to hurry. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS $5250 buys a strictly modern, wonderful home, furnace, hdw. floi.r. all builtins. imp. in and paid, 50x100 lot. i fine lawn and flowers, garage. If you, are tcukine for a real heme jRmw out and see this. !Good terms. We have hundreds, of : barings of houses and farms that have been 'personally appraised and inspected by us. Our pricea are right. Call ana see as. McGEE fc 'DENNIS "We Sell the Earth" 969 Uni&n ave X. i Walnut 5684 Attractive 5 room midem bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace. built-in features; full cement basement, fumade and laundry trays. IOt 50x100, improvements in and paid for. No assessments to assumes. Easy terms. Owner, Overlook Land Co., Mairj 0216. Hawthorne District 6 room and sleeping porch, modern in every way ; all improvements in and paid. Price $5400, . including' the furni ture, or $5000 unfurnished. Cash $700. McCinre & Schmaur-hi Co., 306 Railway Exchange- Bdwy. "1503. Only $3D Down New 4 room modern bungalow, has break fast room, shower bath, cement basement, trays, furnace, fine garage, lot 50x100, 7 fruit trees, all improvements in and paid; $3500, balance $30 month, including in terest. East 8935. i ! . New! Cozy Home 5-room dainty little feome in the Irrington di?trict ; hardwood f loora, fireplace. papered walls, Dntrh kitchen and breakfast nook, 2 bed rooms downstairs, large attic, nice base ment writh wash trays. ; All the modern built ida. N 150, S500 cash and monthly pay ments. East 7211. Modem Bungalow 5 rooms, all on one floor, furnace, fire place, cement basement, trays, concrete ga rage, attic, beautiful lawn and flowers; 2 short blocks to car. $3450. Must have $1250 down, balance $25. month. E. 8935. BY OWNER For sale at a very low price, 6 room mod em bungalow, paved street full basement, or will exchange for smaller house with two lots or small acerage near city liintts. My place located at 161 Page st., 2 blocks from Missis srppj car line, 1 block sonth of Russell. Call after 5 p. m. : ROSE CITY PARK Comer 63d st. and Sandy blvd. A real home, hardwood floors, fireplace, builtins, large rooms, 8 downstairs, 3 and bath, also sleep ing porch upstairs: basement, laundry tuba. furnace,1 beautiful shrubbery, large porch, cor feer lot. A real bargain, easy terms. 1639 Sandy blvd. BY OWNER 5-ROOM. modem bungalow, near' Peninsula park; large living room, oak floors, book cases, china closets, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cooler, wood lift, laundry trays and full basement. Walnut 2381 or call at 1293 Campbell aTe ; house at 1454 Missouri are. E. L. King; ! ' IltVlNGTON New 6 room bungalow, large attic, hard wood floors, decorated throughout, costly plumbing, material and .workmanship the very best. 621 E. 22d st. N - E. Nelson, owner and builder. Call Auto.j 812-29. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT BARGAIN 1 Modem bungalow, fireplace, buffet, hard wood floors. 5 rooms jon first floor, -second floor can be converted into four additional rooms; newly painted inside and out. street paving paid for, furnislsed: special price $4 650, terms. : See Webster ; L. Kincaid, realtor. 4Q1 Lewis bldg Phone Broadway 4735. 8-ROOM house with bath and "toilet, mi 50x 100-foot lot. 1 block from ML Scott car and 4 blocks from scitool. Must be- sold this week. 1250. en term?. LAURITSEN-STEVENSON-SCHNEIDER COMPANY. INC. 226 Alder St. (Suite 0i Main 8615. MODERN" 1 0-room lmUse, hathr-icm -n first and second floor, btiilt-in appliances; fine basement, electric laundry: worth $12,800. Owner will sell at $8.0O. One -f the finest houses Si Tadd's Addition. Call any time. 645 l.sdd are. ! REAL BARGAIN IN MT. TABOR 4-Room house, batli. toilet, ess, light, ce ment basement, all kinds berries, close to school : and car OnEy $250 down. Price $1900. -Easy terms on :tbe balance 504 BUCHANAN BLDG. BUNGALOW Fireplace. bookcase. buffet. - china cupboards, white enameled Dutch kitchen,: bedroom and bath, dining room ivory and paneled, porches, i lawn, roses, garden, garage: $2900 for qujck sale. 4S28 91st S. E i 5 ROOM houe. 2 fclncfcs to M. V. car: mod ern conveniences, garage, , sanitary barn; lot 75x100. all clear. Only $27 50, with $750 down. $25 monthly, 7 E. 64th st- N. Tabor 54 59, ; i J ! 3 ROOMi $1650 Nice 50x100 lot, uated street, honse needs some rejairs. 81 Alberta St.; only $150 cssh. balance $20 per month. See owner at 801 Mississippi are. Phone jWalnlit 1201. FINE bungalow of 5 I large cheerful moms. full basement, furnace and beautiful lot on 83d st., 3 blocks trOnV Mntarilla car. Only $3100.; Very easy terrnsj-- Tabor 601 6. A BARGAIN $1S0, SOME TERMS One .acre. 7 -mom house, gas, strawberries and a 'little furnitures 30 rrunntes out on G res ham car. Call Automatic 634-20. NEW 4 -room bungalow, place, hall, furnace,' complete borne :' garage, 1 5th st. N. Owner on hardwood floors, fire- ereryuung smit tn. a Jsome terms. -32 E. J -re s. LET tenant pay -for your none Three-family , house, $1000 downi, including furnitnre, 4 blocks from Broadwajr, half block Williams are, car. East 1318. II , PIEDMONT DISTRICT New,! modem. 4-roQrj double snsrrticted. near car and business- district; 50x100. east facing lot: terms, t'vmer, izoo Borthwick st IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUIxJD . . a alteration 1-'.i t h ei- r-rmtmct . centsge. 2 1 Tabor 2O09. years in Portland. References. BEAUTIFUL 6 room modern bungalow, hwd. floors full basement Harge lot, paved street, all imp,! paid: block jMontariOa car; $4000. terms. Owner. Ill B.i 7th ru 5t. ID-BOOII house, not i Quite finished: taka car for part payment. 8439. Foster road. Auto. 64I-OL- ,j ' ! ; ACRE- HAWTHORNE CAR i BrsaQ bouse, garage: $150 froit yearly ; $1500. $400 cssh Owner, Ant ,622-73, S-ROOM cottage, $2660,--corner- lot; business i location. 82 E- 2 0th st. Prions Tabor tas: ereninga. Tab of 0385. ' FOB, SALE 4 room honse, 75 by. 100 feet t ground. 18 fruit trees, $1400. A bargain. 1903 E. Mill st II i BTi OWNER 10-Toomj house, two. baths, ar ! ranged for two fancies or roomers, CaS Walnut I 6 60S. j- i." t. 4 ROOM and bath, furbished or an furnished ; gaa and electne tight, full basement, all prtrawmentn' paid- 87 StaoTon. HERE'S 1 yon chance; for a gvod home, 8- , room: hoarse: nice location, close to carline; easy terms. Tabor 4987. LOT, house and furniaire, price $1200. May be mb at 603 Knapp are, Seiiwood ear. HOUSE for sale. 10O2 X. 24tli at. N. iivQcurw afteri '6 o'clock. ; FURNISHED Irrinartoa bona $5300. i McGnire. 543 Union;- Kast 5407 6-ROOM kou m IlavtioriM dutrict ciieaa l isr caaa, . Aasor riis. REAL ESTATE FOR - SALE HOUSES i 404 Homes Built to Suit ! Your Income '- In any part of the city. Plana drawn, eatiinates cheerfully givea and financial and secured. Com in and talk it orer. - A. L,. Bohn Inv. Co. 216 Panama Bldg. Broadway 63-57. : -Opportunity Knocks . -Three S 5-foot lota with 4-roo m bunga low, garage.: fruit trees and pared street, in the Irvington -Alameda district, for $3000. $500 cash. ; Thia gives yo a home and 2 fine building lota in the bargain in a locality where property ia moving. . If you hare the $560, which, is the first essential, and appre ciate a bargain when yon see it, call East 7211. 4-ROOM house on H. acre ground at Capitol Hill. This little home is com-' pletely furnished inside and out and we have been instructed by the owner to ell it within the next 3 daya for $1100 on op rail. LA UBITSEX STEVENSON-SCHNEIDER COMPANY. IXC. 226 Alder St. (Suite ) Main 8415. 4-ROOM plastered house, for sale at a bargain. , fruit, berries, garden, 1891 Wilbur st. Walnut 34 27. ACREAGE 405 ONLY $1500 GET BUSY " 10 acres right at O. E. station, 8 acres cleared, fine land, level, no rock or gravel; A-l for loganberries and other ' fruits and vegetables; fine neighborhood. ONLY $1500. $400 down, balance on or before 4 years. Think of location. See J. H. RICHARDS, 308-McKay bldg., 3d and SUrk Sts. 15 ACRES, 9 clear, bai. brush bottom land, creek, good 8 -room plastered house, barn, chicken house. 300 chickens', all stock' and im plements. 9 barrels d:il pickles. 2 aniles to Oregon City; price , $7000. ' 227 H Wash- ington st.. room 312. Mr. Steinmeta. 40 ACRES, improved, on coast highway, good buildings, fine stream, 2 large trout ponds, gravity irrigation for truck gardenings8 berry raising, excellent soil, good market, standard ized school. S3500. Terms. Owner. Chester A. Croat, Seaside, Or. - Powers, Oregon 25 lota 'and small tTScts for sale from $T5 up, in heart of residential district; near school and business center. W. A. Darling, Powers. Oregon. : HALF ACHE tracts near Sellwood, 1( min utes' 'walk from carline; large variety of frail, highest atate of cultivation; terms and price are right. Birfld yourself a little hbme among the fruit trees and be independent. Call Mr. Smith, Aut. 318-83. 374 ACRES valley land, near St. Helens. near hifrhway; 20 cultivated, rest excellent pasture; creek; improved. Price $7500. would consider a residence- or business prop erty. P. L. Hannon. 25 Third and Wash ington, Breeden bldg. 10 ACRES under cultivation on West side, paved highway, 4-rootn house, barn and chicken house, 12 mile out. Bargain for cash or terms. Phone Tabor 7979 or Tabor 3034. Owner, 2S9 E. 33d street. ACHE TRACT with orchard. $200 down, bal ance) easy payments; on west side paved high- way. S. P electric. 12 miles from city. Phone Tabor 7979 or Tabor 3034. Owner. 289 E. 33d stn-et. FORCED to sell 10 acres improved land. 4 room new house, good well and barn. Good road, -hi mile 'to paving, LI miles to j center of Portland. Owner. Bt- 1, Box 33-A, j Clackamas, Or. 3 TO 7 acres, good land, good improvements, on graveled and carline. 30 minutes out by auto or train, $4 000, time on part. Own er. C-179. Journal. 36 ACRES, all fenced; 2-room house, frame of bam up; $1400 cash will handle, 24 miles from Molalla, Ore. Write Bex 33. Ore- gon City. Ore. DAIRY farm. 105 acres, Linn county, 1H miles of town. J. H. Frary, 1047 Cleve land ave. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 ONE ACRE BERRIES 4 room house, garage, poultry house, etc. ; 1500 strawberries, also loganberries, raspber ries, grapes, blackberries, 17 frait trees. 11 cords of wood cut: on gravel road, close to electric station. Price $1000.. $300 cash. $15 per month and interest. See Hurd. with 732 CHAM. OF COM 2 ACRES at Oak Grove, all set out to bear ing fruit, apples, pears, berries, plums, strawberries, etc. ; good "6-room house, dandy outbtiilssrngs; 2 blocks tt car; jnst -like living in the city. Will consider some trade on this. 2 acres at Parkrose, all under cultiTatlofi. dandy garden, brand new 4-rootn bungalow, water, electric lights: 2 blocks to Sandy bird; will trade for small farm near Portland. McGEE & DENNIS, 969 Union Ave. N. Walnut 5684. $100 DOWN $15 PER MONTH Will give you possession of this H acre of land jut. out. city -limits, convenient to car, 6-room bungalow that you can live in wliile fini-hing. Enough furniture to do house keeping and all for $1250. Complete it and make money. Ms-rlNNES HITTER, LOWE CO , 201-2-3-5-7 ' Board of Trade BSdg. BARGAIN For sale by owner. Multnomah station; bouse nearly completed, full cement basement, cement fruit shelf, larce living room, dressing rocim with Murphy bed, dining alcove, kitchen, bath, bedroom, large closet, laundry, large windows, shades, lineoleum. combination rarse, '4 acre of land. Bull Run water, city school: near sta tion, $ 1 0O0 cash, balaare easy terms. Fraaelle. Main 0007. . SUBURBAN HOME 1 Acre, all in' ciilivaion. with new 4-room plastered bungalow with bathroom : finished in white enamel- Has city water and gas. Fine location, just outside rityclimits. $2700, easy terms. SAYI.ER E. SMITH 318 Tty. Ex. Bldg Evenings Tab 0513 $500 CASH Beautiful 4-room modern home rin corner Jot; wonderful view; berries and esrden, 2 blocks of Multnomah station. Call Main 4 253. .MULTNOMAH SACRIFICE 1$2500, terms, 5 room modem bungalow, on beautiful comer lot, 1 block of station. Call Main 4253. FARMS 407 DAIRY FARM FOR SALE One of the finest dairy farms in Clarke county. Washington, consisting of 310 acres, located about 12 miles, from Vancourer, 1 half mile off Pacific highway; modern hous. 1 of the best dairy baraa .on the coast: silo and outbuildings. Good well and windmill. This farm is equipped to carry from 75' to 100 cows (com and root for silo now grow ing). This farm can be cut into 2 good farms or sold as- a whole. The farm can be bought at a right price and : on reasonable terms. Address W. H. WEHRUNG. Northwestern Bank Bide.. Portland, Or. 82 ACRES 2H miles of town, 46 acres in cultivation, Pt which 10 acres are In 6-year-ohi prunes. 6 ! acres in corn, balance in. hay. the balancl of ! farm rasture nd timber? runnina water. 2 atory bouse, bam am 34x44. room to tie 14ttrlw dll. toieoo, ur cows, holds 50 tons of hay; water piped to house and bam, including 8 cowa, 1 bull, 4 hogs, tractor, plows, harrow, cream separator, 3 horses, 2 wagons, ha mesa and small tools. Price only $8500. $30rt0 cash., balance terms at per cent- W. E. Kidder. Calton, Or. FOR RALE Fine dairy farm, 8 mi. east of Waahoogal. Wash.. 239 acres. 50 acres in cul tivation, all fenced, good pactum, spring and creeks. 1 acre family orchard, srood 9 mora hoee. concrete basement, large barn and ont rn Molina. 50 chickens, 20 mileh cowa, Hol alein hull B vearlines. and all liTirlpmpnr re quired on a ranch, only $S0 acre, $90O9 cash? balance terms. SA-Igg, Jonmal. , 157 ACRES, 1 to tender bih sb t4 cnlti ration; 6 miiea from Forest Grote, on good road; all fenced, (ood spring and creek an place; 40 acres In timber and pasture land; R-reotn plastered honse; 8 cows, 5 horses, chickens, all implements. $13,000. McGEE aV DENNIS 969 Union Ave. N. ; Walnut 564. r HCXrS FIGS SHOATS ; U Weanling pisja, ! feeder shoats, registered in ready for serrteej Sows with litters: sow to farrow soon. Part of stock resm-tered IvoiToe-Jersey strain, others O. X C. stock, Se McMenamin, 517 Abinston Bidg..' - Port lend. Or. i . ' 34 ACRES eqnipped farm, on pared mad.. 11 tailea Portland: will sell all cr part of it 30 acres clear. 4 arrea pastnie. - Owner. Et 1 , Bog 3-A, Clackamasj Or. 120 ACRES Half cultivation; berries; good 1 boildinca; school on ! place; half anile to church. $16,000. F. F. Tooaw, owner, Sker- wood. Or. . j FARM or esty property for sale or traded iT. , C EuratH, 804 SpaMiof hldj.. auctiooeer. REAL ESTATE FOR1 SALE f- .- i -! i FARMS- i 407 $10 000 CALIFOBXIAi 5-acre chicken famj. ail in fruit and berries; 230 hensj er beat quality: all irrigatad; near Paso Robiea; all levei ; cement bungalow, gairage, rhieken bo rises ; thickly settled district; coming to Oregon, will accept Portland property t H . balance cajh. For further data, call Mr. Ayrea; Main 7739. j FOR RENT FARMS 408 j 55 ACRE FARM FOR BENT 50i acres smder plow, good t house, barn, shed, j and all equipped. Will sell equipment for 1200. including stock, machinery and corn for ensilage. -Rent $400 per year. Term of three years if desired, subject to sale. On milk jroute, telephone, rock road. 2 Va itnBea north j of Cornelius. German neighborhood, j 1 LOYAL M. GKARAM. j FOR iREXT. sale or trade; 27 i acres at Co neljus. improved, cloae to paved highway, school and electric road. See owner. J. Nelson, ,1 83 sj First St. j ; ; WANTED 50 td 100 acre farm with barri. milk house, plenty of water; between Porfi land and iiiliiboro. M. Fujino. H. 2, Box 4 a. BeaveJ-ton, Or FOR jRENT Well improved 35 acre farm In Linn Co.. Or. Phone Sellwood 8974. ' fJOMITCTtT A n; aifi . UfVlasWWa; tlV a W.S x j hi iptir ir sTrsrvi wis nnriii ten m anra wacr rxr i Mianville. 50 miles Portland; auto road, creek, good soil, ceiaring, bouse. $200 each. Sol tjorbett Ws. I TIMBER LANDS 411 FOR jSAtE by the owners, 1 60 i acres of timr berj lajjd ; cruise about nine I million good quality of fir and soma cedar, -now available for lodging, 1 miles from R. B-, price 115 000; i for particulars address Schooleyr and Deggejler. 1071 Chehali ave., Cbehahs. Wash. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 4 13 60 ACRES, up to date, stocked iand Improved ranch, first class buildings, located in the Chehaiem valley; on mail route, all year auto road. Will take cottage as first payment, uaiauos terms to suit. i D. E. HUGHES. ! j Xewberg, Or. , TO EXCHANGE 120 acres dairy ranch, ia the famous Alsea valley: -fully stocked and equiprjed, valley- land, most of. 'stock regis tered ; i in A-l - condition, for a small place or sheep raneh. Would prefer something in Southtm Oregon. For particulars inquire of Alex Hatfield. Alsea, Or. ! CLOSE IX INCOME Twij stores and two fiats leased for $60 pet month, incumbranced $1700 3 years; want good ungaiow for equity and will assume. ! FISHER REALTY CO.. 515 Chamber of Commerce. ! Bdwy. 4026: -r- INCOME PROPERTY We5 specialize in income property of all kinds.- See us for exchanges in real estate. FISHER REALTY CO.. 515 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 4026. ! DON-T LOSE YOUR EQUITY We will give you a suitable ; exchange for your equity and save you from foreeloHure. All information conf idential. F-l OS,! Journal. FOR EXCHANGE 28 acres, also gome small trams, improved. Will take; in imDroved city property. Seme ca'h and car you got. Call Bdwy 8003. - What have BEST- lots in the city, free of all iucumber ance; will trade for automobiles, furniture or what hare you? G. M. Cobb. Pdwy. 3296, 20 AfRES Iand on Battle Grouad highway lo I ma" Ra Q-urp, Cwlan. r- trade tor small place in the; city. C. E. PRpPEUTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST A. GORDON ROSS. Broadway 5173. e24 Henry Bldg. . SOUTHERN IDAHO irrigated ranch, sacrifice; wait Portland. SHAW, Hotel American. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 ; BY OWNER. $4400 Large 5-rorm, -strictly modern house, with large cement basement, breakfast room, bath, laundry trays, large attic: recreation room, has full size pool table, fireplace, double gar age: on paved road, close in; wjj consider cot tage qr good lot in trade. Phone" ;Em pi re 0238. FOR S SALE, for smaller acreage or business proposition, 365 acres in Lane Co.. fully equipped, with stock and implements; pnre $15,000. Address C M. Lister. Albany, Or. FOR; SALE or trade, for Portland property, coasl land, excellent quality coal; develop ment 'work now being done. Call forenoons- 3$8 llth.jst.. apt.; 24. i ! WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 WE HAVE a client for modernr bungalow, sn Alameda district. Will pay hp to $6O0a. CaU us and we will give you prompt service. ; EVERETT PHILDOE, Saleemansger :Nei3an & Parkhill ;. 219 I.umbermens bldg. Bfoadway 2832 jWe Will Do This ! , Sell your home or property of arty kind In the next 10 days if price is reasonable. Try us. C. a CLAYTON, 881 Sandy blvd. East 8935. i ARE YOU goinz to California? ;I have $1800 contract of sale on Oakland'! res. property and $200 ca-sh tor your' equity in 5 or 6 room house. Give full particulars; no i inflated value wanted. P. C. Altaian, gen. del., Portland. REAL ESTATE WANTED Want good residence up to $$000 for good clear farm. FISHER REALTY CO. 515 Cham, of ltn. Brlwy. 4026. ' WE SELL, BUY AND TRADE! ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE STAR REAL ESTATE & ENV. CO.. j BDY. 5018. 512 13 WILCOX BLDG. i WE have clients waiting to hui 3 or 4-rojiai houses thrft, are real bargains. I Call i MrtiEE & DENNIS, ' 969 Union sre. N. Welnut 5684. MY, HAVE BUYERS Waiting forgood income property in Portland. fisher Realty h, i 515 t.'hamber of Commerce.. HAVE $500 first payment on" i5 nr 6 room bungalow,, any good district. Rose City pne- f erred. Main 64n;t i i WANTED -3 or 4 mom house ' in Mt, Tatior or M on ta villa district. Can iy $2u0 down. 7. 1 1 5. Journal.. I WANT a residence. I am entitled to soldier's bonus: will gire 2 view lots as!firt pa.vmeat. also cash fmm state loan U 110, Jourpai LOT wanted, will give auto as first payment: drop a card, giving price snd description. E. Hanson, 1247 E. 10th st. N.J HOUSE under $2200. Alberta ior Sunnyside; $300 cash. C. H. Shtnn. Rt4 3. Gresham. Ore. WHY WORRY ! j Can sell cr trade anything, anywhere. C W. slillership, 165H Fourth street "? WANTED -Any size "ncsmes thsit can be sold nn easy ; tentv; Ralph Haeris Co., 316 Chsrriber of (simrw. Broadsvpy. 5654. -' WANTED One or two good building iota on paved street, in good district. P-56, Jour nal. Small house, will pay cash i 630 Chamber of Commercje Bldg. ACREAGE 455 WANT close in acreage up toj $10,000 fbr good, clean income property rif equal value. FISHER REALTY' GO. Bdwy. 4020 515 -Chamber! of Commerce BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES. GARAGES, ETC. 500 FR SALE Planine mijl 1 and woodworking J.."DJb thpIulD"rSStl' 1 ?5" '" " -f- FORD agency and garage on main highway, do ing fine business; making large returns' on investment; caai be bought as low figure. X 158. Journal. ' i PHOTO studio and kodak finishing plant for sale, good opportunity for oa who knows -the business at a beach, -resort, Kockaway Studio, Rockawsy, Or. 1 : Printing f or Less ;: Kyvaer Prrntina' -" Mam 15538; lna 3d aC IF YOU have fifty dollars j or mnrw to inret, send me your name and address; I will show yon a winner. 1219. Journal. i ; HATE two lots in Fort Coquetlam. B. ' fi";, paid $500 .'in 1912, also sojne cash; 'will trade for anything valuable. 89A Bumside. A GBOCEET store for sale: good location;; averaging $63 per day. Tabor 784 7 or Ta bor 6339. 1 ! FOR 1 SALE Cigar store andj scft dnnka Terms or trade. Owner, Bdwf. 7160. i FOE i SALE tjirocery store. Good locasicfi, near car bams. Phone Bdwy. J941. - . fi. 14 ROOMS and soft drak store, near ball pars:, -a-year tease.1 Inquire ai N. 24nh. Uliaf M.AKk.Jf:t. well equipped, -sreesr dava fox Ualnut' 6420, -x ." . TWO diair barber anoj for sale,, good location, 629 1st at-. ' -i j j ' ' ' j FOR SALE Transfer and storage; le$1ti city. 38i5; Oast, wirr. ; inw. j s 1 LINGERIE i stora - for saleU 371 Waahington tti Broadveay 41571- j' : FOR i SALE Geaseral . svsrair-. and kjckamilA hop; please) answer E-200. JoomaL J 1 APRON and dress factory ior sale- '5,1 W a--JiiatoB' at rhooa' Broadway 415T. I' BUSINESS OrRTUNITIES STORES, GARAGES. ETCBOO CREDITORS say 1 to se j. Well established wholesale barber supply j business in Spokane Doing wholesale i aukd retail. Fine opportunity for; the rieht party to stp into a well -established business, j Store jopen for inspectioa). healed bids . reeerred with j 1 0 certified check subject to acceptance crj rejection on or be fore September 15. . Fog information address Spokane Merchants' Association. Spokanw. Wasji. HEBE Is an opportunity ifor you to step into a well established, strictly cash business that will pay you $150 per month salary and 20 per cent on pour investment oft about 7000;towa of 10.OO0; 3ig pay roll, and Uie prettiest . spot in Idaho. I Box 898. Coeiir d'Alene. Idaho. j j HARDWARE AND Ft'BXITURE MAS j Competent hardware jand furmtnre man combined if poawble. anjwer giving ag. ei perience and references, nd whether marrieid or single, and salary wanted.- Could as who wants investment. Tfiis is for a Hre.( sniaSl town, on rail and river. fjX-149, Jonmat I W'AX TED Young tomi to work in real vrstate office as partner, told established ofHc; $260 necessary. ! Good at figures and writn$. Good salary guaranteed. I See Williams, rooai 203 Real Estate Exchange, 227 Washing- 3 ton at BLAC1 eaai BLACKSMITH jmop fm sale, at Needy: eqmipped with toola and machinery,; good business location! must sell on account of age; I1T m'-es 1 railroad. t or further psrticq- iar5 ple;lso clij or write! Chas. G. Hoffmad, i a ii snmna at- 3 Aurora, Or. FOR SALE The Vulcan Tire Sho 4$ Grand are., estabhsliei 4 years, excellent location, and doing a good business. Invoice aoout SIL'IJO. sriU sell 1750- tenna. Will other teach business If desired. Owner hae interests. STAGE WXE j Bonded stage line and! car fori Bale at a bargain if taken! at oncej if yoa mean bu&f nes, inquire at 273 Salmon st. for particu lars j . I FOR SALE General merchandise, principally groceries, about $3000 j inexpensive fixtures), splendid room, low rent. Ismail town W'iiian- ette ralley. CX-807. JqjqrnaL i 50- FT. GASOLINE launch, fine conditiorj. suitable for passenger Venice, equipped folr river route grocery; very! reaaonahle, App! at once. W-164, Journjil. - ' i C A DT I ON. BUYERS Beture Closing a deal rat so-called interest in established real atats bnsineas, get advice of Portland Rra It v Board. 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1902. OX ACCOUNT OF deatlj, will .ell. MilKnery and Dressmaking shop, j established business. Psrt terms. 112 Killingworth ave. : - s ! HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FOR SALE 502 THOMSON 4 THOMSON HEALTOUS Acknowledged leading Hotel end Apartment ilbuse. Brokers. TO BUY OR SELL, SEE US 620 Henry Bldg. j Bdwy. 4880. ment f To be built at ence. iclose in, west side". 4 -story, quarter block; none better; no brokeii age; reasonable cash adTahce to bear interest. 1421 N - W. Bank bldg. j - . i FOR .QUICK' SALE T List your, hotel, airtment arid rooming houses with us.. Your .inieret will always be 1 I'rotected. We have casij Buyers waiting for ' 'our proposition. See Mra. Keller. . I ; 'v. i. Ji'wnr. t u. itn)7 icon Bids!. BUT xpxv Transient rooming hcufce, 22 rooms: con sider some trade; soma cash; excellent location!: price $2300. r&sue BdMjy. 7283. or Atwatej 3321 evenings. j f. $500 DOWN, 11 h. k. rooms; clean, all goon furniture; full price $1600, easy payments!: this would make fine boajrding house as it B near Dental college and jChirorJfeactic collegei; walking distance. Mrs. Lfe-, E. 1494. j DEAL WITHjOWNER" "f Have 20 good, clears, and 2-room h. k, good location, atove heatiwill seil for $270(1, S1500 cash or $1650 tettns. Aiwater 04911; no agents. ' . . I SNAP BY -OWNER 18 transient and H.1 E- rooms; best loca tion In city. If taken nt once, am leaving city, $1700. Bdwy. 46$1. 11 ROOMS, clean, well; furnished, close ia. West side, $2050, csh. Owner. D-21$. Journal. j ; 11 H- K. RCH5MS, modem, hot and cold water in room; full, ood income. $1601), $1250 will handle. Call at 175 North ' 1 7th. j EIGHT housekeeping roons near school, terni$. 329 Montgomery sf. j ; i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES i WANTED 550 WANTED Grocery store with living rooinsf; have client with cash waiting. ' List youjr prbperty with us for qijick results, O. U. Sletten, Realtor, suite 4L5 Railway Exchange bldg. Broadway 3400. j WANT t9 rent building suitable for biackj- smith shop. East 38$fl. APARTMENTS W ANTED 551 i HAVE BUYER for godd paying hotel or apartment house. Aihat have you got? C J. CULLISON Real Estate Co.. 205 h Morrison st. j FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 Own YOUR own home by paying I LIKE KfcNT ' j c V f MORTGAGE LOAN'S Pay for your home like others nay rent by m? MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN Abo stra-gbt mortgage if da&ired. WESTERN BOND AND MORTGAGE COMPANY", PO R TLAN D. 1 OREGON. 6464. 4th st- at Oak. Bdwy. OWN YOUR OWN HOME Bit PAYING i LIKE RE.MT I MORTGAGES LOANS 1 to 15 j years LARGE OR .SMALL DWELLINGS APARTMENTS FLATS BUSINESS; PROPERTIES Low Interest R a te-i-Prompt Servica INSTALLMENT OB STRAIGHT Unlimited Funds Immediately Available PORTLAND TRU$T fOMPANT OF OREjiON N'OP.THWESTERN )baNK BLIVT. CTTT LOANS1 NO COMMISSION. I On improved property or for Improvement purpuaaa. 1 The best and easiest mejehod of paying s loaa Is our month It nl.n $82.26 per montr. fori 88 months, or - $21 24 tier month for fid mnntb. nr $15.17 per month foaj 63 snontha. pays is mau v.4 ivv ana m tar eat, i Loans of ether amounts in aame proportion. . xiepaynient t-rrvilegoa. EQUITABLE SAVINGS sr. LOAN ASS'N 242 Stark St., Portland. Or. $260, $400. $500. $709, C850. $1000 and . "P. Lw rates, quick action. Money oc rmj 011 any pin any time. 630 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy 6370. $1000 $1500 $2009 $2500 $3000 NO DELAY. We atw loaning our 01 money. Leans quickly closed. F. H. DESHON. 10q7 Spalding bldg. iu fiviro, eauvu I o at 7 per cent on rood citv hdmea. H- Aket- son. 420 Henry' bldg. ftdwy. 5549. I BUILDING loans on city; and sue urban prop erty; money adva need i as work progresaes. W. a. Beck. 215 Fading bldg. Main 3401. ' 200. 400. $50. $75t, 1000 AND trJ icw rates, ouiek actios. rrM W 11..,- MONEY to loaa On- ima)nred property, an amount current, rate. I onick artim: Broadway 4837, ask for Er, Fuher. 1 $0000, TO LOAN on gii-edge Oregon farms". w-'JOB V9 mgnway. "111 alviae. G REBE. 329 East 8th, City. PRIVATE money at 7 pef cent; small expense) iwnitn. ul. , I'll npanwiw. $100 TO $2500: oulca laceon. a Tf 231 H Morrison St.. rooms 19 surd 11. 1123.400. DIVIDE $1000. , $1500. 20d"f $a0f. $4000, fgPPOjl Epton, lISOj. SEE OREGON INY. V liORTGAGK CO.. tl6 Lnm bar Exchange) Mdavi MONEY TO LOAN CHA TTELS 602 i f MOIJET TOS LOAN M-mry loaned on boosebtrld goods or sne cbandisa placed a aurage wits atlli rcguiajr bank rata, l -ir '. I ; , rj EGtriUTY! STORAGE STRANSFavas CfL r. .;! ta -ana mn ax. I. Oppnaita fvxttamah botat ' f i Phone) Broadway 8718. WE LOAN money on . autemobile. GraBmag a asww aw .v, jnosuaaj. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 po YourNEED Money I . "'- ' iuv -Hahye nv .-T--; i ! -Automobiles ;:' FtTRNlTUBE. PI A X O S. HO0SCHOI4 uckji's. KfcAii tarait, su.mik uk -ANYTHING OF TALCE SKCE&- j 1 ITI rSCAlXY! LEFT IN . , i ! YOUR POSfijESSIOS. i "Also Salary Loans , I TO SALARIED FEOPI.E ON TBEIR XOTIS W'lTHOUT SECURITY" IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OK AUTOMOBILE f)N TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAT THEM CP, ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY m' vvrjeiDv , v r -. v Piv r-n IX SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO 801T ! YOUR CONYNlEJiCE. !LEiG AX. RATES I NO DELAY ' r PORTLAND ILOnN CQ. 'LICENSED) ' 806-307 DEETM BLDG.. 8D AND WASH. BROADWAY 8867.. i SALARY LOANe. SALABX WE LOAN (MONEY to! salaried and workingiben on their notes.- Rates reasonable, easy payarerrfcs, i NO SECURITY VO LVDORSEK ' i Call and investigate iour modern monal leading methods. AU business confidential. . i COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY j jj I (Licensed) v . ! Silt Fsiliix -Kafldlng. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 CASH paid tor mortgages j end sellers con tr acta ion : real estate in tvaaningtoa or ortfoa H. E. Noble, 816 Lumbermen; bldg. FOB ;SALE -Order for 000 shares atockj in ;WatU' Excavator Co., 125 cents per share. J F. Watts, Classic. Wash. ' - WE BUY fir.?t and second mortgages and sett ers' contracts. F. E. Bowman V Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce bKig. Bdwy. 6007. WILL buy small sellers' contracts , or second mortgages. Gordon. 681 of Com. bldg. 3P MONEY WANTED 651 $1500. lW'O years, ou 134 acres on Columbia river and railroad, btilween Portland and Astoria, near naval bajte isite. Tax assessment valuation $3556. C-l 7 l.j Journal. WANTED $2000. 2 or,3 years. 7"per oent int. iid monthly, on residence, value $4 500. H-J68. Journal. ' j . $T500ONXEW HOUSE ATS' D 1 ACRrT'" B. J. McGUIRE, 545 llnion. East 5407, SEE OREGON IVV MORTGAGE 0O 210 EXCHANGE BLDG. FIRST -count. mortgage afOutraiitB Cur sale at dis- Call riffi Hertry bldg. WANTKD $20i, good security, good interest, R.-W. Oliver. 428 E. i76th. 1 $1540 I ON T KACT. new bunealow for sale Will ene discount. East 6753, 4 HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 Keystone Stables, i . Team of dapple gray ! Percherons 5 years old, weight 300 lbs., price $300. Span of bay geldings 5 and 6 years old, weight 2900 Ibq.. for $275. Pair of jyoung - brown horses, weight about 3000 lbs., $225. " Dapple gray horse, 5 years old. weight .1500 lbs., for $10: Team, weight about 3100 lbs., for $1R0. Pair, weight 34 60 lbs., iwtth harness, $250. Span of young chunky bmit horses, weight 2400 lbs., for $100. t'O head horses and mares, weight 1 1 00 to 1400 lbs., price $25 to $75 each. This stock' has- all come in from work and is in good shape. Must sell, as don't want- to winter thern. Tom Sherlock, 381 Water rt., cor. Montgomery.'- ; FARM IMPLEMENTS ' NEW AND SECOND HAND SPECIAL PRICES P. E. ESBEN SHADE, - $60-366 E. MORRISON ST. BAKXIAIN'S $175 for ! SOOO-!!)! team,' 6 year old; also 2300l-lb. team for $75. These horse are all good workers. No fur ther use for tht-m. Harness and wagons of; all kinds. 240i East 8th. I ' FARM WAGONS -horse, all kinds. Front and Slain. One snd On dock. KEYSTONE Stables, horses tor sale or hire or sold on commission. Wagons and harness, 381 Water st W. S. Atw. 3515. TEAM, 5 harness, lowed. and 100S 6 VearB, 2800 lbs., with Trial : al- Tualatin ave. DOUBLE team, $3 aay single team, $1.50 day. 546 Front St. Main 2208.. FINK span young mares) $150, or will trade for car, wood or tractor. East 8407. FOR hALK one team I of - horses. . Walnut 1 Ml j . '. I BIG gray horse, harness and wagon $75. Phone 616-99. I UVESTOCK 701 . ; Auctioni Sale ' On the A. H. Brix farm,' In tha J Midland drainage district, . one fourth j mile off the Columbia highway, one mile east of Marshfield, Or., Tuea- ; day. September 5.11a.m.: 72 head high grade Holstelna, 68" ; head cowa, all in Columbia County ! Cow Testine assor;S.tion test; 14 ! head fresh soon; .6 (yearlings, 3 full ' blood Holstein "bulls 5 calves, 8 to'-! lo months old. Afcto- a few Dure ! Jersey and one registered Berkshire brood sows ( it includes registered and subject to register stock ; all are. tuberculsr tested, A. H. Brix;, Owner . Qoh W. S. Wood & Sons Vancouveif, Wash. CHOICE O- I. C. sew with litters, others to farrow soon; also choice feeder shoats. 5 choice registered youq heavy-milking Hols te in cow, 90. Journal. j ' FOB HALE Fine Jerseii cow and 9 months old heifer .calf :' am compelled A6 sell as .there is no one 'to care .fori same. G. E. Thctnp- s-oh 4 1 11 5th ave-.. S. Ei. Portland, Ore.. YOUNG HOLSTElX cow. good milker, $75. S Hess. Kiliingsworth. near 07th. W'al. 5072:. , j 1 TWO fn"h cows lth calf reasonable. W'ocd- lsvn car to 22d st. Liherty st X j blocks south. 729 TEN fine type, betters, coming. 2 bred' to registered Holstein millj P-58, Journal, i FRESH cow, 5 years oldi 4H gal. day; $65. 93d st. and Barr road.;M. V. depot ear. EOGGENBKKG milch goats, milters and doe kid, reasonable price. Kol 16. Orenco, Or. 3 MILK goats, cheap far quick sale. 6525-8th st , S.. E. , Mfr Scott oar.j ' POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 WHITE LEGHORN babyichix for summer and fail months, from stok accredited by So noma county farm bureat). We guarantee Fafe arrivsl. Write for prices and literature. The Psrneer Hatchery, 442 tStxth st, Petalusna, Cal. ; j t ' i WRITE, wire or phone us your wants in all breeds of poultry; satisfaction guaranteed, roultry Producers' Exchange,7 600 E, Da via st, Portland. Or. i ! 300 WHITE LEGHORN hens. 1 year old. pick them for 60c; or the Punch, for JOc. D4D v ath mt V . . WANTEDSO W. L. puBets.- March hatch, no culls; please write stating price. C- Z. Tal- bett, 80O1 Foster Kd . eny. i 400 YEARLONG W bit ILeghora hena. bred ito lay, $1 for entire flock. 600 E. Daria. East !0404- ' ' ' QTACJCLESS dttrk, 50 to $10. 8930 71st are. 8 E. I Nichols. FOR SALE! 1 year cldi thoroughbred Bhoda Island Red hens. Walrtnt 1304. 175 W L. PULLETS from 3d of March batch. $1 25. Ant 615-11. I fc PETSs DOGS, BIRDS, ETC. 703 j OREGON SEED STORE Headquarters for Kaempfers . Binjolena atnd Canary Hiznballa. 1 - i PET STOCK AND SUPPLIES Main : 6838. i 224 Yamhill ; St. FORCED SALE, choice St. ArJdr-aaberg"7dlier singera, suso traiaiea: and young singer, i so and $7.50. 551 Second kt. S.. near Lincoln. A Water 1036. i f - . . ' " ' FOX TERRIER pupa foe sale, 10 weeks oid, inot pedigreed, but real fine pups; male, $J0; fesnaie. $7.60. W'alnut-6324. ' , ' AIREDALE and hound pups for sale, females ionly $5. Walnnt . 6324 PEDIGREED . Boston ; .Ternei puppy; winning stock. 600 E. Dana TOY fox terrier puppies, Tabor 837 4 2d N. ; . !-v ! FOR SALE- Royal Siamifse kittens, cheaJ to a ayod bom a. Aut 63') 33 AIREDALE do?, 5 ra. c!dj Phone Tabor 1753 ior call at 1N95 K. Morrison. I Tf TxTOBOUGitlBRED American pit bull terrier puppies, i 9123- Foster oad - ii npjneiiri THOHOL'GHBBEl Ui fi terrier jm Iweeika old, 3 colora. .Walnnt 1253. lAUTOMOBIl OR SALE 800 MAXWELL. 1922. 6400 mites, perfect flon- ditxoa, lots of extras; must sell quick 4'JO. soma trma. Cad Walnut ' . 1 ) 1 .' I I" ! ' - -. l! Ii AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 00 FORDS i . KtiKDSh FOKD9 FORDS 1 FORDS I F' llKDS I- ...'.$115 .... '225 1918 Ford tonring 1920 Ford tonring 1921 Fotd to wring. 1921 Ford . towrwi. 250 . . .. 263 1 ..... ' 285 ? .... 87$ sttarter Barter luiu Ford tonnlig ti. .... BS .... 181 .... 250 sis .... 840 850 .... $83 ROABSTKSS 1917 Font raadstari 1 fi n n . . I lssvajsv-rj: i , 4 1919 $ord roadster, slartitt- It- . i ironi roadstrrj aoarte i w-1 r ortl narf,ir um. 921 FOrd roadster stwirtov . . CLOSED CARS iv in r ord snlan, saarier 192a ri . , i i , S75 485 ivil Ford xtja esjuipmenl. . . . 82 iU K0 WP. saifljitla jued..T.....t 65- 50 i ". Pfacallk new 1920 Irnl conn X.Il.lT 54$ , 475 25 192.1 Ford setan 3 . f. . tl rnMurlir'lir I i-i in inia Ford rIaiTri 11 . .f o iv ty ryi wnei ii in.T i-or! deiireryi startet U. . j 87$ rora aejiveryj rath jroadsterl seat and nanei lwwfc ! an rMMin. ave ii;1 .cra on'ton track cltawis . 1 . . . . ! 275 1918 Ford otie-ton ; tmick ehaasii. I .... I 275 over so cajrs to choose from. Buy j your " " ywia same jaerrirje on ufed cars as w mi nvw iuff. i 1 1 FRANCIS? MOTiOR! CAIr rn iit1 i .rang and Hawthnie ave. East 8770 I 4 MAXWELLS CTEYB0LETS t 0 1 a . &n cv.l l . -.- , brand aew Mjarbeilin cord tireji wun tats and motor! In pert- . J.'? . finditidn l ...... . $250 xi .ww coey. touring. Thih car is m wortflXrful cjonditionl Has beirn nsadieareilully and shows It . . ( . i. . . . j 1 278 tvm 4!f Chew, vouritig .T. 1 10 i' aiaxweu. n, excellent cora . o ,?n. nd J1""' i 1 1 5 1918 Mscxwell-r-a : resJ buy at 10 f Theses cars all hav4 'licenses. TALBOT as CASEY.' INC " . E. Ankeny auid iGraad Areriue. Eaay Tersna Cars TVadad. Open Eretunga B:$0 Sunday r-i I TRADE your (.Id Fire n as first sayment on a better ona and month. f pay) the! differerjce by the 1921 Ford tonring. new '22 body food . . starter, batteries, and Urea: car like new i J 1.... 842.1 1920 Ford tonring, t starter, 1 new njbbar. 285 I3 '.ord toarmg. starter, fine shkps). .825 i f -" roru lownng, t stajrter i . . , - 810 825 80O 160 173. 195 173 193 m: rora'tonnng, (smrtec, 1920 Ford touiring, ktarlter fine aJiape 1917 Ford totirlng, Sgood shape.. inn torn wunng f . 4 lf8 Ford rrsjdeUri 1919 Ford liton (frnck , 1919 Ford 1-ion twidci . i 12 Montlily Piyments on New andi - Used -Cam. ARMENTROUKlf WjCKri MOTOR CO. 02d and roster) Road. I Aut. 38-46. He Bought 4 Studebaker Ii- : '90 Overland (toil ring. Special price. THE STUfDEBiKER OOBPOH ATION OF AMERICA T78EB CAB. IlKPiKKTUKxT Broadway 273ll , 311 Burnsida St, ; - ! i. REDAV iTTVERS T.ATTJ1 ilOlnii lieu X Till I'll I NEW AND MAfY EXtRASl PERFECT IN EVERY . . . ! A RAENY- SEASON CAB ! AT A JJAKI.A1X I' !' i WIU i ACCEPT LIGHTER CAR IH IHAUK. 11 j BROADWAY- 12668. j850 ,BUHNS1DE. I i . He" Bought 0. Studebaker ! ' t ii ; ! . '20 Cdle tduring; Ireflnished llka new. Wis masje, latt-racbve price. THE STUDEBAKER CO&rOBAriON Or F AAirmrA USE CAR DEPARTMENT Broadway 2731i 341 Burrjsida it I EA Il'li TOR SPECIALISTS i unnilriN EbriPMRxt Mot.. URATE PRICES and EXPERT WORKMANSHIP. RrA D I A TOR HKKVIJJIE UO.J HAWTHORNE at UNION. TE. 84 98. H. BROAD- WAY at BOSS E. 91 l.(2 blks. east of bridge.) ill ; - i - He BoukHit a iDutiieioaKer j i 7 -passenger , B thas, etc. j i refinlsned THE STX3DEB4KER qO RPOBATION OF AMERICA. Use car Broadway "731. - I - I RTME4T Burnsida 8t 19213 FOKlD COUPE 1921 Five new non-slid tires and Other - ertrsa- terms SSjir Pa.Mllk.Uli.i4 AK1H s Bros(day 2320. I He Bbugpt Andther StutSebalker '18 aessan Ktlldebaa-r T-l touring. is a -good high-powered car. THE STrjoEBlKER iOOBPOHATIOII Broadway J2731 T 341 BuraiUlw'. '! 1 ; 1929 DOPOK ROADSTrlR Rerniilt. kefiniahest. 57'1. BRALETJ GRAHAM Al CHILD, INO, UU w, at BUrnside. 1916 FORD hock absorbers, in good condition ill aivn terms tv reliable party. qnipn !pot Gkraga, , or. Broadway and! Hoyt. j WE POT stael usth us your, old flywaaet; crankshaft tnramg, jcynndar grinding. . H. B. Black's Machira b;v a Aioer at. road- way 2681. CHALMERS eraurjtrator, i cord tires,; i with ; condition. snare srl i.i ipodJaht, tnceUent $800, terms. JJaJturflij MotorJ Salea East 0531. f I I . ! . '' OvrV.KLi.NlD 90-Uieio! Corporation. New top. rpaintdi reryjgood tire; a bar- estn price. urrms. oav AKier. st. T.aTP. model 490' flhevrolet! touransL canri ' dioon, pricajd fotl uirk sale and, rery' eaay terms. labor' ! 1918 DODGai touting. $478; gu BRALEY.y GRAHAM ak CHILD, touting. $476; gi SRAHAM ak CHIL. th st ist Biirnside. )LEt 490 touring bo in. first-class eon rant INC. ::' Uth 1922 CHEYRsOLE will aTuarJ"'"1 to tee car ut eondltloTi :.niit . .1 sell at once, easy LATE 1920 iiCnevroaet too ring.; oerf ect me- etianval srspe. xinian . iik newi sell : rery . j reasonable- andagiee aerma. Phone Wkl. 002. 1922490 HEViUOLETj tonriog. ' run lass than ..2000 aniles WiU (lake Fold or Chev- rolet en trades t- wner. Sellwood 0739. 1918 LATE Saab 4i4 touring, aplendid sl.spe, forced to socrrfioe ifor $0 and will, give yon tarsas. tram r-nsf yon-a. ir tou wana a aiea - uaaa car ca-ii iMvr. 2824. . j ''!'""'!' ' i -,.w 1918 FORD ourilig. looks aod for l5.i i Broadway 248. runa lika new. FOR SALE 4-t aacrifica.. good ChWrolet de livery car. 'Talry i.'37, ar Tabdf 0218. ' at. $0O. owner. Walnut 4478. 1920 FORD rwdani 6 dew Urea, dandy buy (all knadvav 246M. - n I- 1 1918 FORJ ttunni, new top; all in A-l cou-f ditton. $183, i$8r?. Broadway. 1819 UODfiS touiinig, firsVclaM ahains,, bar-;. gain gt $4'ft, of'wvH trade. Broadway 124 5. GOOD used IJ-Bsuckatj i F01 Dodges. , 1 Oall BACJbIFICK as! j. I a.n. J. r n,-rll cash. - 829' Main st, back doori PA 340. 1 (Continued test Following Pagak 3 102 N. Broadway. -rv-;.i-r 7v ''-.'.' - - 4