I - f SATURDAY, - SEPTEflIIEpS, ' 1922.". BIRfHS IIARHIMAX To MB. and Mr. O. B. Harri- inan. 1264 Laureliiurst. Ao. ?2. & oauga- t . " , i : ... EKoWX To Mr. and Mn. J. I. Brown, 28 K kStt Ana. 23. ion. " . 1B1ENEBT To Me- iad Mr. William. G. Ste nt rt. 104 H Philadelphia. An. 2T, ton. 1ALLEN To Mr. au4 Mrs. E. K. Alien.. 8441 66rh S. -E.. Aug. 31. gen. i IWECKERLY To Mr. Had Mrs. J. E, eWeek- etly. 1606 HL-cy. Ana. 20. ion. i FATT0X--To Mr, -end K TtUoB, I. 6439 83d S. E.. Aug. . -.fllnf.! TURNEtt To Mr. nd AIi A. Turner. 1818 "HaW Aui 271" dana-hie. - i ; f I BICE To Air. t&di'Xn. George M. Bice. 171 . K.,80th N.. Ant 26, eon. . . - I LA 8 EN ti - A I O JITL- Ul Mrs. ., LAMBCOB, 1911 Seward at. "Aug. 14, a son. i t L SC1IALB To Mr. and Mr. W. Schanb, 41 J 5 63d & E Aug. 25. a- eon. . I-HAZk-t To Mr. ud Md. K. VI. Hand, 6319 Sour S. t-i. Aug-. 121, a dauguter. . , DEATHS BEATON Roderick Beaton. 666 Syracuse. Aug. 27. 53 J ears; broncho pneumonia. " OSERLE John H. ' Oberle, Good TSmaritaa hospital. Aa. 30 20 yean; pyemia. ; MOOSWitDM Ifvoo. 8t. Vincent' hospital. Aug-. 30, 83 years; cirrhosis of Her. DEACON Jolin Deacon. Portland sanitarium. au.,o, id years i cereorai rwnorriiasx. DIVORCES FILED, HALL Lena M aeainst Archie E. Hail. "ATHO Helen K. against Frank Catho. n.iiFiu. j-red J. aiiuit Georgia 31. Harooton. -- c VAUGHN Alice a la ins t William Vaughn. GALLOWAY Dorothy against Joseph Gallo way. ASKEK Robert against Mrs. R. V. Aster. COOPER Lois sasinst Tins Cooper. fiCMULTZE Anita asalnst Gusts ve firhultie. HARGITT Mabel from Howard Uirzitt. NEWTODAY SO FLUFF RUGS 11a tfe from ycur old worm -oat ce?9et sara nair mat price or new rjas ; head jour rags a ad woolen eketn alail Order. Bead for Bookie til 2 Ruga Steam Cteanad fl.M rORTHWT RUtt 00. Cast s:o 188 (an St SPECIAL NOTICES 101 NOTICE OF ilEEXI-Sa OF COUNT BOAKl OF EQUALIZATION Notice la hereby cieen tnat on : M or day. September 11. 1022. the board of eaualiaatioa nf M)i'tnomah county ""wdl attend at the of fice of the count asesar. at toe Courthouse, in Portland, and publicly examine the assess- i meat rolls for t&a year ana correct au : errors in valuation, description or qualities of i lands, lots or otiier nrouerty, ageessed by t be county iM-sor. And it shall be tb duty of persons interested to appear at " tbe tim and place appointed. If it (ball appear to such beard of equalization that tbe re are any lands cr lots or otber property assessed twiee. cr incorrectly assessed as te descrip tion or Quantity, and in the name of a per eon "nf persons not the ewner thereof, or as sessed under or beyond til nctual caab Talue thereof, said board may make proper correction of the same. If it shall appear to suiyii board that any land, lota or ether prop erty aasssabla by tlte aseeseor are not as sessed, uch board shall as&esa the eame at the - full cash value thereof. HIRAM V. WELCH. t'onnty Assessor. Por.'lsnd. Or.. August 1. 1932. NOTICE, is hereby giTen that tbe undersigned ' will rerpired sealed bids until 1,0 o'clock a. m.. September 7, 1923, for a hotel and Its content? (partially damaged by fire) located on Willamette boulerard at McKenna arenue, in the ciy of .Portland. Oregon. No bids will be considered unlss acooropa niel ly a certified check t the order of the romtaiiy for 5 per cent of amount of bid. "bal ance j'ayable , upon acceptance of bid by ihe remrany. ttidf will be recpired for the building and contems oijly. building to be remoyed . Inaide if thirty days of acceptance of bid, The company reserreg the right to Teject any and all bi'l. , PENINSULA LUMBER COMPANT P. O. lrawef 419S. 5 Portland, Oregon. f NOTICE to CONTRACTORS Fids will be receired from resp-inible contractors, at onr ' office in- Eusene. Orejrcii, nit later than 10 j a. ui. September 10, for construction " of addi tion t rfur Weudlins mill pond, iarolring movement "f approximately J5.000 yards "f eartii. Sork care be handled by steam shorel and trucks, by -scraiier? and tractors, or teams arid scraiiors. Olds will be reoet-ed on yardage baip. ft lump sum basis. Necessary data, -for croXraotnis will be arailable at our' office ort September 4th. Bidders will be shown . the work on th ground if they desire. Ample time to finish vojk can be allowed.. The right is reserved to reiert hit and all bid-. THE BOOTH-KELLY LI MBER ;CO. . 4". CLARK, having serered luy eonnec- tion -with the City Awning & Klia.de. coro janj', will not be. responsible for any debt. of the firm after September 1, 1022. I "WILL NOT be ref-ponsiblo -for any-debta con tracied by my wife, Zeila Grant T. 8. GB4NT. . MEETING NOTICES, j 102 HORSE RACING Vancouver, Wash. !PT. 2 3 4, Auspices - ; Vsncouver Shriners' of AFIFI TEMPLE Mu?ic by 89th Infantry Band ; LET'S GO! Season Tickets tl,f0 Single Admission 50c. EMBLEM JEWELRY a specialty: buttons, pins, charms. Jieger Bros., 131;1S3 6th st. DEATH NOTICES 103 JOHNSON At resid-m-e. near Dallas, on September 1, W. W'ynn Johnson. Ijnisband of Martha William Johnson, father of lr. lslte Johnson of Sfarsifield and Kidney Jolin son of Tacoraa. Wali.. funeral at lfeallas, tr. McMILIAN September 1. at the late resi dem e, 14S2 Ea.it Ankeny stret't. Agnes, aged S3 years, wife of Donald McMiliap. Ar rangements in charge of J. P. Finley & Son. Notice of funeral hereafter. ' GREENLEAFj September 1.. at the lati- resi dence. 125 East 17th St., Agnes "CI. Green leaf, aged !2. years. The remains are at 'Kinley's nifrrtuiry, Montgomery at 5th.; Notice of funeral hereafter. f aALOTICil In this city. September i 2. Jo. eeph. age,l 3 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. , R(eo Faiotico. ' The remains are at Fin ley s mcrtnary.- Montgomery at 5th. i Notice of funeral hereafter. ; FUNERAL NOTICES 104 SsllKKIvOCK-r At residence 271 North-18th street Atlfeuat 30. Ann Margaret -Sherlock, widour of tlie late John J ul,A.luv . i i mother of Mary A.. Catharine T.. Ann M 1 . !. T t.-1. L 1 1 a ' . " ' Joseph Veercdie of thi city. Mrs. J. J. Dono hne of I,ce Anaeles, Cal. ; Tbomas J. Sherlock Boise. Ida,, ami (lie uta Francis, and ltom Sherlock. Funeral vrOl be held from tbe late residence. Monday. Sen-ember 4. at !:" m thence to St. Patrick's church. lOtlt nd Sa- vier streers, at a a. ta., woere reoulem mass will be offered. Friends intrited. Interment u t aitary cemetery. McEntoe EUerg di rectors. , - - . j njNERAi. DIRECTORS i 10S Edward fioimati & Son THIRD AND AJafOI MAIN SOT Snook & Wtiealddn Fun eh at, difectobi ; 8ucce8s6bs to . BREEZE 4k aVNOOK BELMONT AT 85 TH. TABOR jtSZ. -r i-ferchi lindertaker EAST ELEVENTH AND HAWTHOBNB PHONB EAST 078L U OBtHT . BTliENDEBsoi,: A. D. Svenworthy & Co. w w -q w,, o. Mil, Aut flu-ai. Finlev's Mnrtii MONTGOMEBT AT FIFTH, aUR iin MILLER .t TRACET, laaepeadeat funTg dectorsv Funeral. JTSrndta SS t EU rt. Broadway 291. 801 'Winiama Ave. XnVTVM M8-!!50 Kjhjn-orwtiTth a re, Wahwit SS08 V411" EILEHS funeral peJiwT,iin -.""iS"'.!' borne, , 18U ant! Bvweia ata. Pnone Bdww. aM i . RbVVCa ' 4152- id 'at" Clay. A. R. Zeller Co.pvj - i FUNERAl; DIRECTORS 105 . rj East Side t,,f p Funeral Directors I f. c. rarsarnia. ra -That FamUj ttata Ite Prica." : J , 414 E. Alder . ' Paooa M It. ; THE POBTLA"D M0BTTJ4HT. aifcriaof ilj ll:h. wet Ada. Bdwy. 4M. ' I " MONUMENTS, 109 ioTrO SCHUMANN MARSLS t 1 QDA1JTT WSMOOIAIS -." - j 5! FLORISTS. 107 Martin&Forbes Company ; S4 WASHINGTON SX. MAIS 38f" Fl.N E flOWKM ros AIX OCCASIONS ARTISTICALLI AllBAiiGEU Smith's Flower Shop 'Portland's PracTaaalva Floriat" f iowr i or aaj uccvwua Main 7516. T. C. Lafca. Mr.. gtb ad aUw LOST AND FOUND 108 LOST Thursday aiglit. ben Pheonix Pharmacy at 67 th and Foatar and 75tU st. S E. a black handbag containing bank book, money and Jewelry. Return to Pnoenu Plutrmacy and receive reward. LOST Saturday night or Sunday morning on 3d and Taylor; a brindle Toy BoeUm bull, white faee and breaat: antwara to nanjaof Iruke; companion of little cripple boy.; CU Main 7817; will gire reward. LOST, atraysd or stolen, male hephaTd dog almut 1 year old; r will ba paid for return of dog. WilUrd V. lUwley Jr. ii. 82d st. N. Eaat 565. 40O PARTY taking! black handbag and contenU. initialed N. V. H . from machine at W. Park and Morrison st, Friday evening, phone L. J4 5n. No nuestioris akel. Reward. PARTY who found taupe umbrella, public library lavatory Inday pieaae can aui. 610-.".9. ' REWARD iot fine coffee percolator taken from American apts. Mrs. j. g. raimer. LOST OR 6TOI.EN Scotih collie 4 mc-ntbs old, around .Arbor Lodge district. Reward. Walnut 2765. ' ' LOST On Haw. ave., bundle f pillowa. Pleaae pliene Bdwy. 272. Tuetiday. - PAIR of pinch nose glasses, nam Inside. Call Auto. 821-25 for reward. EDUCATIONAL 200 NOTICE AUTOMOBILE STUDENTS TUITION TRICES ADVANtE SEPTEMBER 15TH On September 1 Bth our fall and winter prices go into effect. All courses will then be much higher. If you pa small deposit now you get tne summer rate and you can enter any time during the fall or winter. The time is short-, act now. Call today at 10 a. m aud inspect our school o send for our big 11 page "etalog. Ask for book No. 4. AHUT AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL 874 Wasno Street, Corner Union Are. BEGIN EARNING MONET QUICKLY Enroll for day or summer school at this great business college,, the training school for Success. Courses include eoraptoase'ter. stenog raphy, banking, bookkeeping, private secre tariat. Writai or pbone Main 890 for free catalogue. Fonrtb near. Morrison. Portland, HI IS fcnuw . - - ' , j 1 lira X 6 AAJV. ll l hot A Busrfias Cojlscs of DutinctioB (Formerly Link's Business College) Ti;ford - bldg.. 407 Morrison. . Bdwy. 6088 ; STUDY MASSAGE . Prepare on for sanitarium work, phydslaa assistant or private practice. Hydrotherapy is also faughf. Portland School of Massage. Inc.. 414-19; Stock Eichang bklg. MO LEU BABBEB COLLEGE will teach you the trade in eight weeks; receive some pay while learning i poeitlona secured. Wnte or call for catalogue. 284 Bumstdo st. IF YOU nka to draw, a large Commer cial Art House will show you bow to earn money in tpsire time; state age, phone and ad dress, boi, ejtc. M-187. Journal. MONSIEUR Paris, dir dents to fori (KCBERT. graduste University of t metfiod. wants few more stu class in -French. At water 3.69. DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE AliT Bldg., Sd and Morrison. OPEN THE YEAR BOUND , MISS "MATttlNGLY S Private Shorthand Inn true tion. Typewriting School Individual 2S9 14m, wes r Jetrenen. MEN, womes, learn barber trade; wagri while learning. Oregon Barber College,. 233 Mad- ison ft. " ' iidsURN , tELEBAPHY Railway Telasraph Iwctltute. 484- Railway Exchange bldg. Day and toigbt classes. HELP WANTED MALE 20 J MEN WASTED Northern Pacific Railway Co. wfB employ men at rate prescribed by tha United Staia railroad labor beard as follow: Machinist Blacksmiths . . TOe per hour . .TO per boar , . 70 per hour . ,T0 pr hour . .Various rate Sheet metaii worker EUeetriciami j : Stationary engineers Stationary firemen . . Various rata . .TO to TO Via per hour TOe pec hour 88 per hour .........47 per hour Boilermakers! I Passenger car men Freight ear Helpers, all Mechanic and helpers sre allowed time nasi cee-half fer tim worked ia treses of 8 hours per day. Young mn who desire to learn these- trade wiil be employed sua given aa opportunity to do so. A striks oe exists OB the Norther Pacta railway, j0 Apply to any roundhouse or shop or a pennicndcnti NORTHER PACIFIC BT. at Tacotna, Waaa. JtN'TED-rS1 en ta sail i orus: gnust b abkr to BroDOnitioa bay own car. Caa make a food 80 two first eiaa Ben. Apply by letter to T no, journal. CHEVROUtT salessoan wanted ta work straight nnsnsniMiion baais, down payneart on devnonntratcsr reqwrea. Apply sa,lsani Elekls Motor Car Co.. 14Ua and Alder. PA-KTNEK' art stablisned Woodiaw tiasinsasi plenty wsjrk; sans 11 investment ; front 88 to 9lv m oay. ewtuinq sat. UPHOLSTERERS wanted, steady work, tne . -W. F. Weber ak Co.. Ua saa v.ZZ A Phase 618-29. T ruetei vim r- - . j WANTED 2 woodcutters; ash 81.40 per eord. advance tees, take blanket. Totnpkia 8idin. by Patent, FS. f. A FIRST class cabinet shop lore man, a of expetterico in iiaiure una. i w Ftxrar aV BhowceJie Co.. 13th and ieffernoti. WlXTED-el siieet ateui workers. 5354. ; S87 E, Aider. - J. Ui Assua Sheet Metal Works. I ' WANTED, t a learns n. ExcaUeat oitportututy for rightt man. e Call 483 Pittoch I block. BELIABLB, niddie-aged wosnsa tat desires goou wvw. ratniw jsara wgov. MAN to help sulk and do general work est J acres. , Phone Tabor 4712. i. . PAINTER wanted for ouluac; , nrefsr gprajr- fr f if ir ., HOFMSS WAJfTSD THS BBOXAJf . JPOBTUUID 4 XATTU BAO.WAT ; QTV A xuaAjif ii hab roeiTioM rOBTLAJfD- OBJBOOB, ASiO TAXCOITTKB. WAHINVTOM. FOB A LIMITED KTJMBXB. Qt 1UCH0I8TS . BOn.tBMAKKRa TLSBMTTH PASEENGCIl CAB BKPAXBBBB BtBXKB COJTDITIO APPLT AT BOOM S40 i CXUMBEB Of COMMIBCB WAXTX3 bt GBB4T 90BTHIBJI ; ' XAAWAZ. 1UCHIIUT 1 ' POTT JtB V ft rTT,t waeasi J. U1TMXTAX. MTOBXBB COACH '! CABFKNTXB4 CAB BXFAIBXBS . XLJDCTBICIANB WKU3SBS AI WAGES AOTHOBIHD A BT DKITBD STATBS i a tABOB BOJtBD. TO BEFLACB 103I HOW OB STBTXB AGAWST PBCUU0H OF UNITED 8TATEB LABOB BOABJX APPLY J- FITZGERALD, OX DrriaioB . - SUPEBINTENDXNTS OFFICB. g-BUC TBAN SPO STATION. 328 CHAMBER OF COMMSBCB BCfiaDQia. WANTED AT ONCB LABORERS 88.80 8 HOURS TEAMSTERS 88.00 8 HOURS DRILLERS ...84.00 8 HOUBS BUCKERS . . $4.50 8 HOUBS DBY BOCK WALL MEN BOARD AND BED, 81 05-PER DAY. THREE YEARS' W0 BET GOOD CAMPS. FBEB FARE CLOSB IN. APPLY AT 828 WORCESTER BUILDING. THIRD AND OAS. SOUTHERN PACITIfJ Ca Boaca 33 - Unioa StatloB ; STRIKE CONDITIONS Waotad: Bailroad Mechanics. Helpers, all classes, Car Bepairsa ajbd Irvspactor. Ttlegraph Oorastructiosi Linemea PERMANENT poeitioa for A-l salesman with car, visiting ' garages. Will demonstrate profit. C H. WaldroB. General Delivery. WANTED st one. I; sersral ambition boys over 18 w)tk ! wheels; steady work, good pay; splendid ehane for advaneetaent If yea are i looking i foe, a yob where you can work up. here's !ywn opportunity. Apply to Mr. Loot, 233 Oak at, : Ai INTELLIGENT PERSON, either sex, may tan 8100 to $299 monthly correspoadiag for Bsp8Btri; : 15 to $2S weekly is spare time; Jtperisne ; anneceasary; bo caavmasing; gubjecta ruga ted. - Send for particulara. i Na tional Prbea Burean. Buffalo. S. T. . : I WaNTKD roe garage ia bve tawa oa paved i highway, exi lenced worksne- naanagei- a concrete : buiading, : excellent ' opportunity; sal ary and percentage. B-l 98, Journal. WANTED Middiaaged msa to fire boiler and i do, other war' w wholesale manufacturing plant; ateady poaUaoa. fair w.- sir Pefer- a-in, jtnmi, 4 crVMI h. wages, ta man as helper ta snvsil aariitarMim. U-109. Jouranl. a HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 WANTtl Woman to do chamber work and waft motee. JkeaweoQ now, tvainnr. nso. HOUBEKEEPEB rooming house or widow with . children- B-31I. Journal. ; I TWO wajttiase itor logging ensna, $63 per month. Ce-ral EtaT Oo.j 16 N. 2d at. . j WANTED Girl tor general housework ;Taust I be good cooki I Belrwood 0014. : ! I GIRL for light housework, two fa family, good home. $4 week. 44T K. 12th at. N. i ELDERLY lady for houses eerilig and car of " child 8; smalt ware. leS Dwtgbt st. I WANTED, tonu to d houiework. Tabor TOC. OREGON: DAILY JOURNAL, ; P0STLAXD,. OREGON. lAjHELP WANTEDFEKtALE 204 SO VOHEN tor IS oays lor three hwirs a i day Xrosa 1110 to ;2 :30. waitmg en table. Apreoa funushed. 40e ' an hour and nsv fare, gad ae sneej. Repaen aa -'busmen t Msnievpal ! Auditonuss I Tuesday ssonung at trees a. sn. to 'J p. m. TUB WOMEN'S PROTECTIVE DIVISION, i city ef Portland, offers its services ia all ssaUers pertaining to the welfare and nrotec tlosi cl ssesnea ssd girls; Interview rnnfirleg ti. - 614 Woscaater Udc, Sd gad Oak ata. Phcww "wedwy f 4SS. I If'OSfES wanted to work la cannery at Ta I'eeamr, preparing peara. Car far paid to and from VaneouTer. Good wage and steady werk. Beport in the morning, ready foe work, at the Oregon Packing Co. plant, th and Hill it.. Vancoa rer. Waaa. i For inionna Uo call East 8098. : LADIES, earn 115 weekly spar rim at home, I addresaina. aoailine . aauiie riiralm Smi4 flOe ailysx for moioc. aampl c&py. information. msmus, actuie uo.. 47 JSast ITtth at. New Tork. , 1 WASTED Young woman to, work in real estate off ice as partner, eld established office; 8280 ateecasary. Goad at figures and writing. Geod salary guaranteed. Be Williams, room 803 Real Estate Exchaage, 227 W asiiing lon at. WAXTED Hon pickers, good cabins, stores, weed, potatoes and besv of spring water; 81 per hundred lbs., begin Tuesday. Sept. 6. Call Phone 5565. Ha 8 through Scholia. T. M. Wagner. WANT housekeeper loir small family on ranch in Eastern Oregon; for particulars writ J. E. Gentry, Lexington, Or. GIRT wasted t d. general bousework and ! cooking, Apply in pentou. 825 Alameda Drive, comer 38th. . i ANY GIRL a need of a friend, apply ta the SalraUen Army Bcacts Home. Mayfair and Aleisnder rts. heng Main 8450. D-M car. VV' ANTED, girl to do housework; B0 cooking or wgahin; Bto lika cbildren, Cail Tabor CAPABLE girl or womau for houawwork and care of 6-year-old child during the day. Near 39th st. and 85th ave; Antomatie 781-41. Kaaist Uiass maaers na trammers for out ef town position. Biair Kaaa company. Royal building. CONGENIAL young cuuple will provide a good home and wages is exchange for light house work; high school girl preferred, Aut. 310-10. "'ANTED, a school artel for companion, in good j hosae, CaH Aut. 816-90. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 203 HOP PICKERS WANTED At Birer side (arm, near Nawberg ; especially good accomtBodatioas, with a to re on farm, pur water piped through camp grounds, free transportation from Kewberg to farm and return; good yield assure profit able packing. Register now, Ne. 888 Sherlock bldg., er uuoao Bdwy. 6842., A. i- Bay at Son, 80 HOP PICKERS Go Saturday and Sunday in truck from our offiee Free fare 10-room house, wood, water, straw and one big stove. Long run. Good hops. ' Near Newberg Free fee. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. 14 N. Second St., Or 111 5 Wilcox bldg. Hop Pickers Wanted For over hundred acres of extra fine hops on Willamette river, near Newberg; com and register, prepared to secure transportation; fare 31; making arrangements may hare boat which would land you with baggage at camp ground; usual accommodations. 600 Worcester bidg., 8d and Oak. Phone Broadway 7084. WANTED Msa and wife" or two ladies to run transient hotel in . small town; everything modern end new. 30 rooms; : dining room al ready rented. Writ fully, stating experience and wages expected. F-147. Journal. HOPPICKING at the Perkplgce hop yard will start cepr. o, ova a Box. All who are reit- istered pleat bo there on that date. H. W enger. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENTS 206 11 a . 1 1. 1 uy oullding company now oiier ating in Portland, a man who can invest $1000 to $2500, which wSJ be secured at sU trains; good earning power guaranteed. Man must come well recommended, be honest snd a willing worker. A-199, Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 25 1 MARRIED man must hare work at once: bandy at pipe fitting and plumbing : drives a car some. I am Quick to learn; some ex perience at firing boiler. Good references to honesty. K-148, Journal. STRONG country boy, la, wants work for room and board while attending Benson. Have wheel, will try anything; references given. Verne Ball, Barlow. Or. - HOUSE WIRING atire you an estimate on your wiring before letting your contract. Licensed eleo trieian. Walnut 6891. ANTEI By young man, 22. any kind of o !f work; j permanent job preferred. Call Broadway 6831., room 309 before 10 30 mornings. ANl) ALBERT. Painting, Unting, paper . kalsommmg done by the day or con- 1643 C rut.:387H N. 21st st. Bdwy. EXPERIENCED la noses pe' gardener. new Jns a specialty, old awnmade over. Phone Tabor 7813. CARPENTER -Estimates given on repair J0: screens made snd garages buiiL Shop 1847 Hiwthorne. Tabor 1240. PAINTINC peperhanging and tinting: prices v ""onsbU; work guaranteed, bhup 1383 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 17 22. PRINTER Operator wants work in or near rtmnna tor winter. Addree Box 7 A. Bearerton. Or. Route 1, UT ME figure your wiring before you elose with anyone else. Old houses are our spe- clslty. Terms on old houses. Walnut 3065. HARDWOOD floors laid oner your old ones, at very low cost Call u up for estimtae. Tabor 4718 or 7655. SHINGLING We specialise on resiling, r. e ; can do your job better and save you money. Eatimate ree. East 1923. BUILT-IN fixtures, cupboards sod kitchen tables, garage built and garage doors made to order. Call East 9384. WILLING boy wants work evenings and Sat-urday-s while attending Benson schooL Mrs. A- M. Peters. Sherwood, Or., Rt. 6. Box 65. COMPETENT bookkeeper Wants to" handle small set. Addree L. E. Eschua, 573 Haag C EXCAVATLXG and grading, concrete basement and moving Louse. Work dona promptly. Wdln. 6804. PAINTING snd tinting, first class work sonable. Sellwood 2124. TRUCK drivsr wants work; K-109. Journal. will do anythingT CARPENTERS Repair work don by day m ctioiraci. tu u,ast at. CSME.XT foundations, houses raised, cement worst 'M ail ainqs .reaaonahle. Atwater 3 565 FOR LATH 1ES CALL WALNUT 3585. PAPER HANGING, PAINTING. TINTING. R EPA IB WORK. SELLWOOD SOOfL BASEMENTS, grading, general teaming; con. tract - day work Ant, 622-35. TEAMING plowing, excavatins. etc : , dump wagons. 240 E. 8th. East 0210. KALSOMINING. palntwg aone, contract or Call Main 6 5 8 2 day work ; reasonable. PAPERHANGING, tinting, inside finish; first clan work; price reasonable. Tabor 8080. PLASTERING by day or contract. AH work guaranteed. East 6881. V. W McCORMACK. cement eon tractor, 3 ene-half sack mixers) Sellwood 168 0. ' "CEMENT WORK, guaranteed, all kinds. Karl Battee k Co.. Sellwood 0818. " CEMENT W )K ' With povierete mixer, teaaonabss. Wat C9C9. PAINT1XG. TINTING. ALL BRANCHES. KBSSO.apl. Tsiipsus.i wain. 8826. VfOOD FLOORS by da or . References. 1496 Rodney at. Wdln noi fO, EXCAVATING AND GBADING CALL, TABOB 187. EXCAVATING, grading, genersi team work, by da or contrtct, . Walnut 1683. BT AN EXPERIENCED grocery man, in u on of town. Phone Main 0413. MOUSE paaatinc. tiaUng. Intariur ....k.--guaranteed. Ant. 614-48. FOB excavating and grading. Tabor 90H3. BaUCavLAXEB, A l mechanic. ' lirepiace a specialty. Phone Auto. ; 319-89. CEMENT WORK, all kinds, sod garages; hat EXPEEIENCED stenographer will work Sept. 6 to 16; good referencea. Wamot 3094. PLUMBING done very reasonable by the sou er try the job. East 9838. i ROOFS repaired and painted; tin and 'paper - roofs covered with hot pitch. Tabor 0929 CARPENTER work waatd. Ant. 64 2-5 L SITUATIONS FEMALE 254 WANTED -To eare tor ssaail apartment house. Phone East OS25 EkTl" CURTAINS HAND-IRONED: 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE. EAST 6196. WOMAN wish work fey hour or day. Phenei eTenlngs it peaeibl. Aat. 816-36. : WOMAN wants house ckatuas or other work fey hr. or day. reliable V re . Ant. -828-60. -. "! , ' - ' ft. SnVkTlOfm-ftMALE -254 Uiii'KCTABLE widow of 40j wishes rxwUcm a housekeeper in aotbariesa hosne or- lor wrtrking eoupie. Beat, of references furnished. rxrwy. 15S4. 429 Buraslde sti A jltEFlNED, eABbl ; d reliable i middle agea woman, Ki.- A. wouia use u o uei or tompanioo in setae uuiet. rest ec table home. Personal interview desired. E-201. Journal. YOt'SG woman wkhea position on tejeplione exchange board, 4 " yrs, erienc; hotel preferred, i Aut. 642-43. EXPERIENCED, trustwoirtby lady wants house ciieauiBg. washing or other Our ; good work guaranteed. Walnut 6308. i - MODERN piano letaaas at reasocabi price. Call East. 7122. 1 DRESSMAKING 256 FANCY work, children' weak, plain sewing. JarUee' dresses. 1. m. is i n o. Rose Preeamsking' Parlors, 188 10th, Main 2161. HEMSTITCHING. color, i e. Room 403 Raleiga bids.. 32t 'VVaihingtoa st Bdwy. 8742; I - ALL KINDS of sewing; children 'a sewing mi HEMSTITCHING any eoloc 7a yd. while you wait- Burtons. Stamps. 309 Alisky bldg. rjiji-iicxr AlTtNfl reasonable. (122 12th corner Waafaington. Phone Bdwy. 6970. HEMSTITCHING white. 0c per yard atrugbu Button Is Plaiting Bhop. 609 Bnyal bklg. NURSES . 257 PRACTICAL NURSE, eonfinementa pr-'frTed. 23 6th st Room 8- r RELIABLE practical nurse rUhea maternity eases, reasonable. East S427. hR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 Ciix. t Y. M. 0. a. tor tree list of moderate priced rooms for young men la ail parts of (the city, including room ia Central Y. MJ C. A., telephone ia' each room, shower bath. club faculties. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 13 13th st., Xv-ashinirton Brick attucturn- center of Po at (Washington Brick attucttim, center 01 fort- land's business and social acoTiness respect able, spotless rooms. 5 weekj 61 . day up; with priTate . bath. 4 a w THE 'BAHTOfs Clean, furnished rooms, $250 per week and nr.- also limit nouaeseeinnK. : - - ...... ABTHC HOTEL, 1T0 11U St.. near Morri- koa- Clean gJQu mouem rooms vj u.j, or i montu a; reasonsnie rete. NICELY fur nisi led steeping: rooms, private inorae; hot, cold water, furliac heat; genUe m4n preferred. 03 N. 2 2d jst. Main 1 748. NICE, big. licht slespitig rodm on first floor. !vt.li and nhone : rjarkinz yard for auto. 1j hatii and phone : parking yard for auto. 11th. cor, Kearney ana lira. WW. iuiu .tim aot.-oartly lumisUed; cheap rent. 208 N. 23rf st. j . FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 COMFORTABLE room for gentleman ; modern. bath adjoining; no other j roomers; o min es' walk to "Meier k Frank s, west -side. Main 3291. ! 822 W Sooth Broadway. '!kKiti.t f 11 m com..r roama. for gentlemen; I close in: modem conveniences; good car sdrviee; $40 and $3.25 iper week. 283 Ufeioa ave. N. East' 6162. j PLEASANT room. Mutable for two, fur- Inace heat, with hqme pririleges. with or without board, closa i. near 3 car lines. Srllwood 2840. ., 1 LAUREIaHURST. , Lovely, lsrcc Fitting room, sleeping porch. nit to bath, with or witliout garage, labor 0978. - FINELY furnrhed front' rooms, Wvely view, I hot snd cold watel-, A-l beds. Quiet, close to business center aud Lincoln Hieli. Willi or with out meals. 321 12th, cor. Car Mam 4S31. ATTRACTIVE BED AND SITTING ROOM, ! SUITABLE FiR TTVO; NICELY "FUR NISHED. ALSO SING LB ROOM. 4,14 MARKET. CORNKK tr him 2 CHOICE : rooms, reasonable; one large witli i two beds; one with watet; splendid ventila tion; hot water beat; fine location, close, tioo Everett. Bdwy. 3"0I. j IDEAL for winter, newly tinted; large, warm I Toom with alcove, adjoins bath. 15.for 1, $20 for 2 if taken by mo. ;: lovely liomej larae gyonndS. 4 11 t ook ave. nr. 1 tiion. Art. 8J8-1Q, FURNTSHED Bleeping rooms for rent. I Slain 5313. 455 Market st. Phone 1 SEE THESE TODAY T Two h. k. rooms; light," bath, water x.nd phone: also sleeping porch. Just what you want: close in. East 016$. EoVeLY large front room in private n T one block from Hawthorns car; suit residence. 1 one suitable for ino or two. 651 E. Madston. near lsth at. East OBB. i : 1 NEAR LAUBELHURST PAKK . ' Nicely furnished, light airy room, with or without garage. Phone Tabor 84 55. Si ICE, clean, light room, suitable lor two. also smaller room, electric minis, duo. m shone, near Washington bign; waiaing ois- ance.' East 1537. ; LARGE, elean rooms ia gooo nome, east side. near dental college; conveniences: reason able and fine location. 331 Grand ave. N. hear Weidler. F-sst 3639 NICELY furnished front . room to one ft I two gentlemen, all modern conveniences, garage also if. desired. In, fine location, re. Sonable. Tabor 1346. i , tARGE private room in private family, fnr i naee hest adjoining bath, phone privileges: $2T) for single. $25 tor double; walking dis tance. Main -5196. HV ELL FURNISHED sleeping room and srtting ! room, private la-ratory. Price per mo. 822.50. Desirable location, walking distance. 650 Ever ett st ; , SINELT furnished front rooms with lovely view, j hot and coH water. A-l Ibedf. quiet, close to bu.nnes cenUr and Lincoln High. 321 12th, comer Clay. Main 4S31. ; " NICE, rliaan, neatly furnished room, steam j heat, easy walking distance. 215 14 th. iONE exceptionally nice large room, with dress i ir.g room. 3 closet, fireplace and ,private !bath; also attio room. reSned home, walking IrKstance. 4 N. 21st st. nor. Everett. iNUE large room, large closet. 1 Mock from j carBne, about 10 min.i ride. East, 2519. iDELIGH TFUL first flaor Suite of sitting room ( snd bedrc-fan, with correcting houekeping 'rooms if desired; good location, walking dis Itance. 354 Everett, cor. of 17th. i LARGE Iront room, private family, furnished, hot and cold water, phone. T53 Hjt st. Main 7tt0. ' iWRLL furnished frcnt ro.iin, 15 rain. Walk to I V O.. West Side. $15.1 292 16th at., bet. jjeff.' and Col. Main 06$5. (NEWLY papered and paioteti sleeping rooms. Close in. ou Morrosn, ueu awm uu Txiwnsdsle, Bdwy. 1007. FOlt RF'.NT Large bedroom, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen, steam Heat, hot and cold water in the room. East 090, FURNISHED roora lor rent, dible or single beds. 1 block from Hawthorne car, 254 E. 23d st, B., cor. Madison. East 6066. ROOM "FOR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER; WALKING! DISTANCE, WAL- NUT 04 4 S. NICELY furnished h. t.i rooms, piano, gas, heat, -private bath; cheap rent, 631 Rodney ate., cor. Knott. ' , ; onipt emtJoied persons: walking distance; lovely reighboriiood- 50 Ella St.. Bdwy. 8QQ4. SLEEPING ROOM. $18 RUNNING WATER, HOT AND COLD; HOtWiTE HEAT. CALL EAST 3481 NICELY furnished room jforVl or 2 refined gentlentea, block trt Suriayside car, 172 E. 3oth. ruone taoor (iv. 2-RM. FURN. ouuade opt. (ni a flat), with large closet furnace neat, ltgnt, water ana phone. 3ft3tt Windier. East S3 31. ONE large, beautifully eurnisheu room, fac ing nark way, suitable: for two, 330 Park sr. Mam io. BOOM for rent with kltche privileges, t on healthy Mt. Tabor; oegutuui new. . Taoor 44SS. : COR RENT, sleeping roo: for man. empieyed. Meals if desired. -One b t tram uawihorne, inga. Tabor 7389. eor. E. 3 2d st. Phone mo BEAUTIFUL, clean andiaew, sJeeping or H. K. pritiiegei ; ateam Lett; front room $3.60 per wk. 453 Market t. j w . -j WFXL furnished front room, 15 min. iwalk to s , P.: O.. west side, 815' 292 18th , st. bet. Jefferson aud Columbia- Main 0655. 1 ; 1 VEKI FINE large front roovxv 8 windows, large e'.o-et. suitable fr two. ; East 4962. 284 E. Sixth treet Bortti. i a ;j ; - : CH y.'KHKltl. room in prtvat east aid home. dose In. meal user by if deairsd. Phon East 9748. . - I "; : f : ".. 1 LARGE furnished room with as of bath and kitchen. 254 Clackamas sti East 6667. WANTED -2 or t lady roomers, walking d tanoo Phone -Kast TglB. 427 WUiiaraa. THRtE ' furnished room, including modern kitchen. Aduita. Tabor ;689. j ; - ; ONE large iront room to! let. 615 ii. W'aab Ingram st-, 312 a month, ' - i t i,i I , WELL fumisiied room, biose In,' steam heat. H7 lltii St.. : apt.-E. i Atwater osal. 4'UKMSHED rooat in private home,: 942 Vb Sixth st. Auto. ( 523-31. -: " ! i! .11 ' NICELY furnished room j near Jef fenoa high, 334 Kerby st Phono Empire 1 lOO. : . TWO ; nice forms bed rdoansv 323 18 th stv between Clay and Market. Main 2088. t - NE WT,T furxuehed. room, walk in ( diatane; 4 every coovenieTsc. sas 13 to. sear Ciay, BtB FOR RENT ! FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE! FAMILY 3D1 DESIRABLE, I urniiliesj mat room with oon neetins; bath, in ,priate home, to one I or two young ladies empleyed. AH home privi leges: use of kitchen, -69 E. 28U ski sam nysid or Mt. Tabor eajr. - ' j - 2, .ICELT FCBXlSHEb SLEEPING BOOMS. 624 SANDY, i EASTj 5308 i ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortofiiia Hotel i Broadway off Wsahiigtou. Broadway 1180. Portland high clasf downtown residential hotel. We give you (he eomlorta of fcofcse. American and Europcaa plan. Bate reasoo- a (he ecu f Plan. '. Hy.hEFt able. ! HOTEL UEJsEFORD TS5 HOYT. i MAIN 8S03. Exclusive residential j special summer rata; ear mesis tpeea lor oqr pepuianty. EXCLUSIt 8 reauientiajl betel; rate 343 350. T94 Loeeioy.l Main gI9. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 CHILDREN to board, fceautlful country hqme, scar achooX close in, $14 monthly. For particulars write Peacejfol At- Farm, rout 1, boa 142-A. Hlibborb. ; j WIDOW wishes to rooyn and board 2 gedtle- men in nice home; all conveniences ana iice nomei :ea; near C invalids. ct home privileges : near C car. Phone Walnut FOR AGED inealida. icnronlc or couvalescent natients. nleasanc brjsfte aueroundinaa. with health-building diet and treatment persenal care ef physician; reasonable; rates. East 5836. NICELY furnished rutm and hoard in fpri vate home oa Rose j City esrline; all home pririlegea extended; np other roomers; 6usi neas girl preferred. Tabor' 783S. ,j ATTRACTIVE BOOM1 IN WIDOW'S M0D ERN FLAT; GOOD BOARD. PLEASANT SURIiOCNDUNdS: NfALKLNG DISTANCE. 591 h DAVIS. BDyY. 8049. 2 LARGE, clean, suntiy rocuas. also 1 single room; excellent home' cupklug; suitable for employed couple - or Single people employed. 710 E. Broadway. Fast 2418. 1 g 1 i ... j i TWO young men or Jraan and wife to room and board: private tieme; walking distance, east side. East 92181 D not -call Sunday; references. NICK large room lor 12 working people lovely home and excellent ; sues Is; every home com fort and convenience;! reasonable. Call East 5618. . . ' j WANTED Children p board -and roor in private home; best i of car given. 1'iione Walnut 3954. . ; NICE, large room, suitable for " 2 ladies, (good board, no other roomers, 2 blocks to Broad way and Irving-ton cars. East 6S73. . ;Cor. 1 7th and Hanooek. f BOOM AND BOARD,; 8 MIN. WALK! TO HEART OF CITYj 2 LARGE RMS. FOR 2 GENTLEMEN IN EjACH, FIREPL. IN ONE i i-t ii AAr C r ; 'i a T g?" r 4-t, o a f'lX. rt g VZlSZ .A " V,," "1 W-A taSJU a- Vlv a. avwx,. .. i vv-. w ' ( HOME. BETWEEN: JEFFERSON HIGHjl AN1J WOODUAWJI STOOObi TWO uaaijJWiif nTe,, Fs-t 7287. it tm.Slitlt.lJ. HSl4t 1 litbt. BEST OF ROOM "AW BOARD CHFIAP HOME PRIVILE ES AND N VIRION MEXT; CLOSE IN JUS ST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. E. AST S57 LARGE Ft RNl.SHEli IlOOM, WITH BOARD . "SD-ABLE IXR (MAX AND WIFR Hit TWO TEACHERS; NBAU FBANKLIN HIGH, TABOR 2335. jT 1 ROOM W ITH BESTi tF HOME COOKING J HOME PRIMLKCES; WALKING DISJ TANCE. 235 E. 15,TH,'COR. MAIN: EAST! tT 1H3. n r- Tfll'flVfOiri.'TA n" rJ C. a. n' Taa Tii t tl f CTITfn j? t u;iorii'Ji' rjjjmti jdi '.tiki', cnf.r'i 1NG PORCH. 307 CLAY ST. MAIN 3S34. j - see t$is Today I LOVELY LARGE CORNER RM. FOR 2 GOOD BED. REST i OF BOARD", 7 i MIN WAI.K TO CITY. EAST 1SS0. "73 -- BEAUTIFULLY furaished raom. with board! in srraU rnvatc family, located m One Portland s best districts; reasonable; : horn privileges. Tabor WHi57. I - j BOARD AND ROOM, PRIVATE FAMILY! I'LEASANT SURROUNDINGS.. Sl-ITABLE A . " a I a 3 rtA r- rnuiLi. ; rvTifii MAIN 2flt4. T ttiinil . nj K. rA ! .' ! ,,..,. 1 . i...." .. 1. . . you re looking for: good meals sndicleeti bed; nice Sunday dinners r for a Keutiemari Walnut 4545. f; j FINE board and rormi near Jeff II. school; swell neighborhood i rates if mors than 1 in room; hard urfice st.: garage. j 119 Cleveland ate. Wlat 6938. ' . ROOM AND BOARD: in private family : j school teacher, young ladj, or man and wife, both wonting: gooa car ternce, oa Kerby sti Wal ii : iiu. ii,y. NICE front room arid home cooking, private family, for 1 genUemsn; references, j 203 N. 21.vt tf ji , -r i NICE HOME, -ben frare. girl school age; no other chiSdren; near S. S. school. Reasonable. Tabor S 166. - jj I j FOfe ftTUDENTS jir young men employeijl. single er double room, pleasant surroundings. walking distance. 2Sf 14Ui st. Main 2583. WANTED, girls of, sfchool rge to care for, also small children afternoon or evening. Glad stone P. O. Box 45. WILL board end roojh 1 or 2 boys, school sge, near Franklin Hufh and Richmond school 137 8 E. Grant. I RQOM and board, jilst like home; home cook 'ing and convenlenrea; ladies and gents. Call East S24 or SQ K. 12th st, ROOM WITH BElsT OF HOTlR (XIOKING. HOME PmviIJfiGES. WALKING DIS TANCE. EAST 1998. 235 EAST 15TH, COR. MAIN. i ; CHILDREN to roor and board, from $ to P good home, 5 blocks to schoL ave. Aut. 616-13. j asti siist PLEASANT front om with board foy- 1 or 2 gentlemen, home privileges; accessible to Rt. Johns, Kenton ajnd Portland. WaU 66R8J CONGENIAL gentitman to room and; boanl. -j 17.6(1 week; piano; widow home; close 111. Main 0C98. ; ' ; ; LOVELY 'large frJrTt room for two; bossd, hot and cold water, walking distance, west fide.' Main ?6I1. 1 I 8 NICE rooms, wii hall, bath TnT clbeets., I block from business center on Hawtho are. 260 K. 3othi Tabor 104". I SLEEPlNfr room, iweu iieaten. walking t&rtce : pricoe rig como and ba satisfied. 188 17th st. BOARD AND BOOM in private family, two blocks from Broadway bridge, 835 month. 360 Benton rtregt.j Men preferred. ' FURNISHTED ROOMS, board if desire. - 3bS Rosa St. East 21)83, j ! N ICELY furnished j si coping rooms, bath arid phone on same flpor, elose in. 188 1 7th gt. CLEAN. Quiet otitaide room, 2 block; from Broadway bridges 880)Ross Ik ROOM and boardj (ingle or double, (modern, Main 0323. WORKING eirl. sfchool children or a bay; good pare and ntre home. 64 IS 45n st: HOME for boys 6 jsnd 8 near Kellogg; school. 6ill 43d aye. 88. E. , - j I BOOM" and board If or 2 gentlemen. $3J Jwr month.: 121 E 11th. Phone Easjt 2522. WILL board nd rieom 1 or 2 children, school age. ivcawimoig qui : . viii, pu.j, mti. NICE, ciean. cheerful rooms with or j without board. 13 E. jtroadway. Fast 4948, HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS i FURNISHED ; 304 NICE and clean, t and W room housekeeping apartments, phone, light, water, ! laundry privilege; walking; distance; 89 to month. 4uii aneouter at, cast. HOME ' COMF'OR 1S--A nice B-roon meet, furnished for housekeeping; heat, hot and cold water, phyrae. bath, parking yard for auto. 195s N. . l'lh, cor. Kearney arid 17th. 8TEAMHEAVED, bot and eold water. ne furat, 11. K. are slpg. nns. mar 1 OR 3 clean h. k. room, furnace beat, laun dry privilege, l4ct.. phone, 1 bit Bhattnck school, j$ to $3,50 week. 405 W. park. jit. DINING room and kitchen cheap., fior lvht aertlcea in rooming house. 89 Wt Broad- way. - I i CLEAN large furnished front b k -4- room. 2293, walking diitancf, - adults. Marshal: 21 1 Sherman t j STEAMHEATED, shot and cold wxtef, neatly turn. a. k. aodl alpg. mu.. Jndry rp., $10 mo. uo, i SunnTCTnt. I fid Sherman. I 2 AND 3B OOM ' lurniihed -1 fcouiekeepihg artrs!. 'iur'i J. ban snqers - newly, paizited, per ana eoanpteteiy reno-: rated. 624 Fln $22.50 -2 ' (umish'ed h. K. moms, brick bldg..- . 1; biock from car. 663 Irving cor. lfi -860f;. ,, nablo. 423: ratal college. -i i 1 ; Modern eonteniendea. Broadway 1. 2 AND 8 b.. rooms, reason Pacific st, corner 6th; sear Aiatai East 8494. I 1 LIGHT houaekeepsna; and aeping, every so. ventenee. Atwater 41(3. Z6 Nsrtilia St.. ONE trunk, traaafgrred 60c; additional, trunks 250 each:; downtown distnete. ; Bdwy. 2445, Titown I boa st. ex FOR BENT 3 houaeaeeping is, $25. j, ' . I i i 465 K. Ash corner tt. eta. TWO snd 8 , (round floor, near school.: Et 3d and Mill, 4- clear. LOVELY 2-room j apt. and kitebeuette. and mooeirn, 86 week, i 312 Clay.i FURNISHED a. aj. apt, 1. 2 and 8 rm. apt.: $2 and tip per week. 370H El Tine t I fWO large caeaxj, front hosiseaaepuiig room. Main 1363. 2 FURNISHED, I .clean housekeeping roetas. : XI II jE. Marker, atAor 0o. RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS W6 VIM ilWI aamaT WVSa L UNFURNISHED i rooms, ' walking distance. 12 i E. 2 2d st.. 1 e)-:Tk from Ankeny ear, EKEEPi HOUS! NO ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED- ' i PRIVATE FAMILY 1306 $21 WEST.- 8IDEJ sjrerrad lToor. 2 par; clean, fully furnished H. K. roouia. lawn, 2 porches, electric lighta ifree walking distance. 184 Porter. ' Sellwood 1109. i NICELY fDrnishW. : irooms, firepUce. ln, ! modern, weatiside, Iwalkina; distance.) Bene 2 high schocte; ken 840 pea- month, ihclud- jng phone. liter 3022 or 448 6th t. ,ONTJUJtOOH FTRNiJ H. K. APT., ONE 2 ! BOOMJUTri;BN. . K. APT..?..XKAH SCHOOL. SUITASSHt FOR TEACUIEU. Nt.AK 3 t'AKUMS. TABOlt Bj 1 i 1 . 1 11 ii 1-RO0M and 2 room Housekeeping apartmenta. t.2 sag i.t.; Main 487 7. 447: tta istreet. THREE room, newly furnished, housekeeping ant., clean and airri walkine dietance : rent reason sbl. Phoue East 0551. 66T Vancouver, near Knott.' I I r-f- t FBOVT APT., first, floor. 9 large, well fura ished rooms and i kitchenette; A-l location. No carfare. Light, lhea,f and phone free.; 833 uusan, Buwy. SH3B. 2-KOOM bousekeepinei apartments with: sleen ing porghes ; Weil furnished. Phone, light and water; reasonable rent; Rose City eat. (38 Pacific St. or call East 9232. LARGE 2 -ROOMj B). K., FIRST FLO0B, FIREPLACE, IttTNNINQ WATER, W ELL FL'U.MSHED: PORCit. LAWN AND SHADE TIIEE3. ADULTS,1 SELLWOOD 1088. TWO housekeeplar rocms suitable for bacheloi8 a Auama tu. tut I - - TWO clean, front h Ik. ' rooms; also room on ground floor; running water; reasonable for quiet people; Serosa the street from Y. M. C. A. h,iO 'inylor. Atwater 1675.. 1UHEE blocks from Auditorium, lower t'oor, large, leaa housekeeping room, light, bath, phone, not and cold water, change linen, large eaol porch. .$B. 403 i Second st. $16 Second floor, iilce, , 2 -room furnished if. K. suite, also large, clean basement suite. $13.60: fur. lights free. 664 K. 6th st Sell. 1 100. ; 3 LARGE rooms, 3 osf 4 people; 2 room suite. 1 room and kitcbsaette, modem, nicely fur nished snd clean ; neag school and hospital. T66 Hoyt. near 23d. I , SUNNY, elean 2 rm. apt., hot and cold water private bath, large pantry, closet, wood range, ' ga plate, semlrb semen t, close in, west side, $23 a month. )91 Park at. , , STRICTLY clean. eigbt. elieeiful apt.. all IB U1I, aVll VC II (, r!l CMAgL. JIWB garage. 228 E. 20th 2 . btks. north of Haw- 1 MODERN KITCHEVl BEDROOM, DINING ROOM. BATH: HANDY TO CAR, $25 PER MONTH. TABOB 04T5. ONE large, light, airy housekeeping aoom, 83 per week,' including batli, phone, light and gas; easy walking dietance, 120 18th St. N. Phone Broadway 10S5. 2 H. K. BOOMS, 310 10th St., between Co lumbia ana tuy. REAt.IJf clean 3 room apartment, neatly fur nished, good rugs.il linoleum kitchen, paatry, closet; gas "range; hall and porch, storage roora. 0 E. 10th. Sellwood 189H. 3 LARGE well furnished 'rooms, lower' floor, moderate rent, large porch. Tine view; adults only. pnone Atwater zt. COMPLETEOr furnished, light and clean, newly papered bailment rooms, suitable for 2; prefer couple; lio children; outside .en trance. 553 Hoyt, cor. N. 17th U - TWO Mousekeepihg rooms, nicely furnished, wfth piano; slso 2 rooina unfurnished. ; 80S- E. Couch. East 4076.: ,. j - FIVE turnisiied Uouaekeeping rooms, over store, obeap rent. lnueire Empire Theatre, 289 Grand ate. i FURNISHED W. P ROOMS, ELECTRIC LIGHTS, $1.50 TpER 'WEEK AND UP. 324"H 1ST. - ; SETTLE for the winter in single steam heated IL K. moms, het water alwayg; i $3 up. 445 Columbia. ! . NICE large front ; liousekeeping room and kitchenette, also Jsingl room, walking dn tance. 171 . 17th st. Bdwy. 1847.- FL KNISHK1J housekeeping fooms. private bath. electric lights, furnace heat, large yard, very desirable. Do I Koctney ate., eor. Knott st. APT. 3 rooms, first ifloor. well furnished, light, sunny snd destraale; reasonable rent to per manent people; no a;niirirem Main ao. 4 FURNISHED H. Peninsula school. 209S. K. rooms, 2 blacks from 1557 Vincent. : Walnut 1 AND 2 NICE housekeeping suite, clean, gaa. water, lifcht and Jphone; nice-location; rea- sonable rent; close n. tail at aa.i ritui at. PORTLAND HEIGjHT.f Teacher, furnished room and kitchenette., separate en trance, $10. 312 PUtt bWg. TWO iice furnished rooms, lights furnished indras for Uursdry;. nice yard west side; waikg distance. 344 Fiandera. A RGB, well furnished h, .k. rooms, het. glit, phone and laundry privilege. 284 fOth st- N, Pbone East 4882. . NICELY furnUhed!2 H. K'. rooms: elderly CTMUilff preferred s no children: water and light ; 32yMjnoTiA- 1081 E. 15th St. N. NICE, newly paperod housekeeping room, fur . nao heat, elecj liclits, hot water. 4 HQ Majn st, i ' ' I TW'O IL K. rooms for rent, - hot- water heat, gas, electric lights, 2 blocks west of Laurel hurst park. 14 Ev 80th t. 3 CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms. KnoS stairs, near Williams ate. car. -HI sr. Price $25. East 1748. TWO tunii.-tlied h. k. rooms, upstairs', adjoin ing bath: adults only. 496 E. 1 7th. be tween Division and Clinton. SeH 2266. CLEAN furnished rooms; light, gaa, hath, phone; reasonable rent; 2 blocks from car; walking distance. 175 Meade. Atwater 2414. THREE furnUbed rooms for housekeeping, cheap "rent- Children under school age ao- cwtited. 587 E. 20th st : $3 WEEK, single lu k. room, msa er 'woman, clean; furnace heat, elect, bath, phone. 405 W. Park st , . ONE large, light, pleasant roosn with kitchen. eue, west side, walking distance. 646 lam hill, between 16th and 17th. , 2 -ROOM suite, light and clean, IH blocks S. of Hawthorne ate. Free light, pbone and bath. Walking distance. Adults. 310 East 0th. VERY pleasant ' unfurnished housekeeping rooms in a private home at 880 Colonial ate., near Rnseell-Sihater car. FOUR partly furnished housekeeping rooms and garage, $25 month ; 1 block - to schonl, children welcome. 344 E. 8th smith. K. 0944. TWO furnished hausekeeping roomsi elose in. $20 per month.! including gss for cooking. 1 502 Esst Pine. Plione Ks.-t K!I13. THREE partly furnished h. k. rooms, abao ktuiy clean, private bath, doe In, bo' chil dren. East 8409. j 29 K I8th it H. $2.75 WEEK, fuanished housekeeping roosasv lixhU and bath ttncluded, west side, walking distance. 643)4 1st and 215 Mill st. eor. 1st. NEWLY furnished housek eping fur East nace heat Stephens. -; walking distance, t WO clean unfurnished housekeeping rooms, electric lights, I running water, (t; clos In. 1T8 E. 7 tnj corner limhtll. EDIUM fnmrshed housekeeping, forfsmiiie large or small, close walk to public market. nqnire 826 Fourth St - Atwater 8672. CLEAN basement TTK K, room, suitable for one or two people, st Msin 8390. month,' 414 Columbia ONE large, light pleasant room with kitchen- etxa. wear. sioe. rwaixins: aistanea. aaa isu Bill, between 17th and 18U,, - ; ; THREE furnished ih. k. rooms, electric light; adults: 69 East- Bumside. : SINGLE furniKlied ii K. room, 884 GUaut t Atwater 01T. " ' 'TWO.tery bice , itrg i urn i bed bousekeeplrif rootna. 240 K 60th t; Hawthorn dist ITOR RENT Single housekeeping rooms, newly Tnmisbea: walking qistance. 3 lxtn st. MODERN 3-rooak Housekeeping apartment, walking-distance ; adults. Call Atwater OW24. 2 FUBNUiHED b. k. rooms. 474 E. t East 6883.1 ,.r,,-x- ff.,i, v t' i t, v r 1 1 1 1' t i n v iti.tt CHEAP BEN Ti 233 WA81L tuK. U, 2 LARGE housekieepiiig rooms on first floor. : Call Bdwy. 4430, Children welcome. - DESIRABLE, FCHNWHED APT.. 3 BOOMS. ADULTS, 0D TlVllktli. MAIS 410 CLEAN suit 2 roosn. , hot, cold water, bath,. i -$22.60,ef moi 22$ N. 17th st TWO room we") furriiaoed, down ataurs, $16 per nwmtn. .507 Mjeswsriipi. NICELY fnrnMhed ciean houaekeeping- rooms, walking- distanoe. 46 Union ave. N. '-'" 6 H.. - KOt m4 unturanbed , er partly ' fur rushed. 412 Vancouver ave. East 6667. TUO large housekeeping rooms, phoae, light, sink, gas and beat 317 per month. 887 Ivy. THREE furnished H.. K. rooms-; gaa, hath, near school; 320 month. 692 Front- NICE housekeeping room and sleeping room .648 SUt at. ,1.1 . FOR 11 jHrent(j KEEPING ROOKiS HOUSEKE tl Ttjicurr ar rrMt-i TtK'tctrrr 1 a wax, tui I ea viu svixisawsasae - PRIVATE FAMILY i 306 TW O' sleeplni ronmkd light hrwsskeeiiirig ran, roee ftti 4T N,, Sis s. Vaiw 188L i V.i l ONE large. ;hL' f leassnt room with kitchen. . etta, wet .id. t diking! distaad. 648 lam hill, betweenl lth lead 1,7th.. f I FOlt 'H.ENTJ 2. furaa,iid house lusuviagiruouiii. llalit. aratee ,i,a .Kn,- in. also. I reoan for baehelori ch! in or) catUni. 694 6th s no cnuorwn. I Heltwo.KI 14 I t (! I -. '. "I : 2 LIGHT )CSrlttrI() M8; BENT I BEAlsON' 4BKH i I klAlM til U .1. ' I I HI 1 I I LI I 1 I. c ihUUl.H. "ne, i irut-ii mahogany furm lure, beatttlful lloorsi inew gan tangs, fir pUce. steam. heat, laok and eoJd Water. $3 per wewn. piarkeaakj. cor, lain. ' i $ia.SoTG"iliioHbis 'L" K. "oaa rooms, fiwnlshed., mioej looaticm. lawn. UlQt sin a, wiectnef hghWi free, 664 k 1 1 J w-au :i J i ill th. Fboa mi ewuisaa. a 4 , it 1 , ; I "MODERN! 8-KOOM PUKSISHED APT. '', $45 MONTH, jtl 110tMS ON X)RNEB IX t uhvtrU; ' v-a t J-1 nivnaWtru tM ssr Wff-V Ta'is'4"..ar W8Aaka r PORTLAND. EqEIPPED FOB TWO TO ' FIVE rKBSOiN. I.ARE LIGHT. , WARM. CtixyENlKNT, CLEAN. . - TheiColtmbiaini;.-Xf;-; TTtli 'ahdl Ojumbis ista. )-".'-'; JJEW JiVESTlpOTTj COURT APT3. ! t. 8 Tit i ATHvEIDLKB I AU outside roosnsf large living rooms, bad rooms, balconies, iry finish, hardwood floors, shower-baUi4 gteatiik yiiige, aaahofsny fur niture. -j '' -"(.:' .if ' i i if i ' I !" ' - .iam" .vi ussitutu irisi TRE UOITSa OF COMFORT I-Srae. coxumodibtss siita. : kruilOtn. sleeping porches, prisate batH i aj medium priced hasn or reiinea s people .40 ti t siung SU i ntisuu )lj Failing 4862. iTHE IlLtSin ArTS. I Furnished a-ml front .. inewlv dan ini White enamel; steor deit, yjrivnte hatha, di4 1 appearing oia, 34151 3-rbom back pW, suitable "Wi. evfw.i we ssaraer. - : . " JWMW, ; H 1 H 1.1 IW, VI MU.HIUWUW, lira J I DAV lTNPnWT IPtI 1 " i 2 and SVroom i f urniiiied aota, with prltatd its. with p aj , rooui. . hath; also ialei fujt4keeJ)iHgi yooia. . Msui nook apt S7T1I 1AKD YAMHILL For rent reasonibl.! furnished," room apartticBta. j ' Call i Ett 062. Lefdsmpartaents r ireproot ouiuung, mpuera, . a am e apta.; single rms. elevator eervii'jt Atw. 8 507t 8-BOOM tarnished iapaetmeiitSigha, beat, hot ana eoiai wiert inrmsstea nq email eninrert. Call Tabor 4221 Addree 1 10U2 14 lUw- thovn ate. j ' I ' I i I ' i - '" I" I I .Tl"l-V.V,.JP" j Atiltti IjOljitil : nd Bsresidni, S roots mod. pt, beds,- firep&u-e. prin tet and hath. Esst 856i tu ia! ' vnlrvnfii !m " ' : F f 834 5th; si roedern B and 8 mora furnish sd snsjtmentsj Private, baths. Bent -Teasontbie, Qlen Poiirtl :).2&&X?A l Cor Trk and Tkrtor. I . ' Min 196 ljjj. partmentsj Prilrate. baths. Rent -Reasons b rnfMlini. anietrwenta- alsoT 80 rooms, to lesse. furnished or unfuraistied. Apvlf 2S3 Gibbs st 7 . ' j 1 ! if ! "HADliiON IALL hlTH AND HALL i . ,8 roomsi ktcrienettJ beth, bdw. floor, prl tate batoogiea, $gt iipj Atwslter 116,0 j - 2 ROOMSI including stesm belit, hot and ioki water, walking lilstamc. $22.50 and $2. Bdwy. 42!1B2. JnTiingj Apt..245H N. 17th. V , 3 ROOM I apartment, clean, light, airy, well furnishea, niodeifu ponyenierJoe; adult onli. j Phone Essj r85ij ' ' . I :- NICK aUraetltet imodern apartment, 2. 3 and 4 room.- new franngement; imodetn. in fy . ; respect. , Main i$,706;1 - " ' . "'''.' f ; .' FURNISHED 2,si n4 4-rooiijPa., $18 sid $25 per moatH: walkink distance. $1; W-ikir H j tmt. 8 Main ri4. on 9 oiri jviu . BtTaA fa,.- !..: ' I ' I - . ,1 BY BUSINriSaivm. 8 .or 4 heated rooias' for housekeeiang, aoi ipoj isr vun owl bridge distgict preterrerl. Y IT6, tournl. J-RflOM atrictlSi tnodefn, privit hath, with or-, ' without! garage. 12Tthk MUtraukia St. rhon , Sellwood j719.' I . ' , ' MODERN? 8-roesiii apt. for. ; 2 disappearing - beds, iritatet katbi hot nhone. rfellvtoo 816$. 821 and cold water, ' E. 16th st. THE NIHOLS-S-r IH., also 4 -room baths, I GBANDEIITA AFI'S j 68 iGrknd ate. : i-roem J .iihart anti. t.ttt and urt. Manager. Pha East 0208, PTfjrtitorj phone Easfc 6166, ,( '" t.Tirr.-'r a'rit.. 34 Collhae. between' 6th and 6t star Nicely fuxuiih 8 and 4 room awte. Mean iaj TUe i rti.iaN al and 8 mom luroiinm isewij unicii . : " ' . ' f . r' ' west ie, c! ini Atwater-1SJ8. 881 .water ;., p. ooi ; 8 outside rooms, '' 6th streets i,a-ri ! ,'Woa Ki' bath, $ewly lamisried. renecoratea ; wm , hW, gj eiectj Isunji. reont, 186 ghermyn, t 3 ROOl furfilehed apt. I Harrison oltrt, PUl nmfi P. : ! . i ii i " 4-ROOM apt.. 20 East . 1 hott. f East 0T8." I -j -BANNEJ APTSi. Nicely; nf nsie in busement. 4 2 room! BTEsiLtNdl' ir.XJTii 324 and $25, T j!67 8 V4? E. Gliaan. ivn l.rmm furnished, ante. : welkin .o, T TO 6 Everett vt Atwate 8716. i uuvrllli i zooan fdru. atiti. now $10. TI y.fterTiear. Masasli and Ktrby. East 184, Hvw , . . . 1 TRUNjk. transterred 8 0c, . 9K. ,m1i nnwaituwii distl e, additional truiiks tript Bdwy. 2445. ibklia APARTMENTS . . i UmUrri 2 rm. ot.! furnished. 408 Jefferson. CLEAN, tiewljf rgnotaifa apt. 'ia 'Morrisiin.i i ;j j - --! ;; ' j ' Ji . j THE AljBRETi FuMiislisd-iapt- stesm .hat, H'ritatefbath. . 8-jO Mjeriyippt te. 't Fi fi N f s flTED nm f h rn iah ed cottages; - also '30 at 421 East romis to nJWI v : , i i f apt. wiin X jiearoorns, sui.aie vmm. 's i beat, phoie.-l 8 Et 6th $ -Walnut 4971.' f. th; steam 1 ' ' - J furnisliea 19 Clsr L OOM APtS 2-WtOM japt.ii eleanl reasonable ; near achool. i - 6t Dfekuro ;. jWlnntt 1 18f) , - ' jl ! ..'l.!Li."J.J .....vL. l.. .mil. ! ': . 1'kwe tr sdwtoli 273 Morrigomcryv j s tjNtO.V IaVE. nd j BUUngsworth. furnished apt, f 21.6C jail jeompletisi eoncrete bldg. LOVELYj 4-rm, joorner, guimuse to kwu 900 Stt IS S St. i! - - ' I, ' 3. 'ARTMENtS iwiraw llifctltttrf ! 308 ! w elXInTJton !;oubt T. nniir new imaraseemehi: B rooms, newly painted arid kateotninrd. Phon iurnished. Only k ,.i 1.1? Il'.,l,ln.1nn I it ,1 ll.nt 845. WasUingtoi iviwy. i , i ti iTfiis! American MrJtern A landS roe in amrrraenta. 2fst ii Johnson. !( Bro dway 8860. " ffifcl Wei4,1: 6d ii. am B -rrrit Kneati 8 'room Bd bath apartaatn the city. 3-ROOMs apartment; unfurnished, bath and , kitcbepetta. . aghtJ heat ana wter; oj , month. 169 11th t "' ' ' ' ! '.' ". J, FIVK room flait tor rent at 460 ia Belmont' t, f funiitara for usale cheap. FlATSi-FURNlSIIED 309 FOVB A rge yoim. private bath, gaa, water! heaU. TTeryf durable.- 22.0; !( - 2 j jyoomt With fciUh, rat ejita Hlh, , rurninl ; t'o , 1 rtom ifurnl bachalor. ,:Mr. AM, i in 759, 1 ,- ' '- j a " 'j-i.a.' ' a. . : lanen sav v nunufl. t furnUrjed, very deslrabl' 316; kite for bach! 427 Third st P$on Main 758 M i ' '- ' ! - 1 ' TUB FAUSTINA TT J A mniern boos of f lata, (West aide, clos In. 1 newly fihishedt cheerful 4 toom and bt$; a pleasant! botne;! rafeiwncMJ 4i -Ball j St.. i tf "th. i ( ii- .:. IRVlNGTO.N-i-n car' linej two largw roomsi . and kitchenette; on ground fiber; ecrnpletely ' forn isbed, ; larad yard, porch etc., 340 ;i in- f elude ftghta,:,! 4oaL Waters suitable , for I two t adults. East . 4384.H ' ' : I . L0VEL? 8-4uU i pat. . Ptiai bath phon. furoM head Audits euly, 1808 llurof t r EmpJreJOf 84 WBIlHEDtIer flat 4 rooms, bath, fur- ' naee. i J, SHX-K fla thorn car. : 310 E. 85th. jTsborj 8014 8 ROoilS, pritat Eathr$25" East 7731 2 VDemaTT prt- 73 7 mornings, I S-K004 apt $ tiweti i $4jw-.neatTx; nd lowf flt 271 N. ilst ilat -1086 Haw- .1 1 I UMMFU thorue avej Tabiir 8104. -HtKla luniuiiad it 740 Minnesota eve.! $23. Jirtclufe Ifght. watet, heat Wal, 6654. " WELD ifurnwHed 44roam flat, $40; alsoi gar age, i 7 6fl Vancouver ate, Walnut 1953. ' MODE E .N 6-roorn fiat lor renty furtiitur fur sal.JEast a28, i- 4.BOOM modern fur. ' Phone Tabcri521. riaU 1208 E. Main. , JNFURN1SHED " 310! GOOD knoderu ! 6-roifm fiat furaaee, . f ireJtce, 1 ga (range i ih (nod district 25$ K. 1 7tf t. 4Tn?l Wtlrtut 2K96 afrer 6 p. m. ' ,t Foa Ki.NT-t-6-rm. modern flat, Nerth 19ta' t, $35; gdrilU. Bdwy. 3670. - ' ', t(Coitinud n FoUpwlnf J , . i i I'll , . , .i , t: .103. ..van; aaaasi aatn. - ' - ' i t" 1 - 1.; - . 1 , "i : 1 1