j f HE OREGON IDAIiIy IjOURNAL, PORTLAND.-OREGON. FRIDAY. 1 SEPTEMBER I, 1922. . 17 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 MCE, big. light ikcpiu room on first floor, bath aad naone: utrtmi verd for auto. 15 17 th, or. Kearney and 17Ut ' FURNISHED ROOMS ' PRIVATE FAMILY 30t ICLKAN,- light, comfortable sleeping woms. 112. $15. $18: w bt w4 lor light housekeeping; desuabl location; 2 Tblks from I Montaviila carnne, lil t COHCO. Br iil East 0533. ' , ' - - - : ' J ( DESIRABLE, " furnished front room with con- - nocting bati. la private horns, to on or I two young ladies employed. All home prtn iexes; an of kitchen, lit B. 26th U. oua nyside or Mt Tabor ear. ' I COMFORTABLE room for gentleman;, modern, oath adjoining: no other roomers: ft rain- lutea' walk ta Meier tc Frank, west aide. I Hun 3291. 322 H Sooth Broadway. : I 2 NEATLY urn. corner rooms; for gentlemen; to; modern convenience; good car Irwrnoe; $40 nd $3.25 per . z Cam, arc. M. Eaat el2. PLEASANT room, suitable for two. fur- Taaee beat with keisa privilege, with or I without boa" iW, dose in. Mar 3 car lines- Sellwood 3840: LAI KELHUR8T. Lovely. Uric sitting.- room. Bleening porch. next to but, With or without garage, labor V978. ATTRACTIVE BKD AND SITTING BOOM, - SUITABLE FOR TW(K XI-TELY, ,UK- XISHED. 'AlSO SINGLE RGOMv 414 MARKET.' CORN EB OF J1TH. - 2 CHOICE rooms, reasonable; one large with two bed: one with water; splendid mennia- Itioa; hot water beat: -fine location, clone. Ujj Everett. Bdwy. 3301. trip Ay, for winter, newly tinted"; large, warm room with aleove, adjoins bath, $13 for 1. $20 far 2 if taken by wo. : lovely home, large grounds. 411 Cook are, nr. Union. Ant. $88-10. I LOVELY large front room ia private residence u otoca iron miuunui car, auuauie i on or two. ' 631 E. Madison, near. 18th at. Bast 0333. , f NEAR 'LAURELHUR8T PARK Nicely furnished, light airy room, with or without ' garage. . , Phone Tabor 8455. XICE CLEAN" HOUSEKEEPING APART hest, vert reasonable. 6i4 th I ST. MAIN 2698, I Ik ICE; clean, liglit room, suitable for two. - ' also smaller room electric light, bath, tele phone, near Washington high; walking dis tance. East ': LARGE, clean rooms a good "Home-, east side, near dental colk-ge; eonveniiences; reason able .and fine location. 331 Ciand ve. X. near ?Widler. East 3839. NICELY furnished front rooi to one or two" gentlemen, all modern conveniences. garage also if desired. In fina location, rea sonabl. Tabor 1346. ' LARGE private room in private family, fur ' nare heat, adjoining bath, phone privileges; $29 for single. $25 for double; walking dis- tance. Main ,8198. .WELL FURNISHED ajteepsng room and sitting room, private lavauiir. rncs vkk w. m - -j Desirable location, walking distance. 63t Ever- .ett st. ' ' IINELT- furnished front rooms with lovsly tiew, hot and cold water. A-X beds, quiet, close to business center and Lincoln . High. 321 12th. corner Clay. Main 4831. XICE, clean, neatly furnished room, steam heat,, easy walking distance. . 2 1 3 14th. r '. . i)NB Sitrptitmsllj nice, large room, with dress ing room, 3 closet, fireplace and private bath; also' attic room, refined lne. walking distance. 84 N. -21st st, cor. Everett. . DELIGHTFCL first floor suite of sitting room - and bednxan, with connecting hoiuekeeping rooms if desired: good location, walking dis- ,'tance. 854 Everett, cor, of 17th. ; , TIS RN ISHED room for rent; ilujib.le or single beds. 1 block from Hawthorn car. -54 E. S3d st. S., cor. Madison'. East 808. ' -BOM FOR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER; WALKING DISTANCE. WAL NUT 0442. ; SLEEPING ROOM. $18: RUNNING WATER. ' HOT AND COLD; HOT WATER HEAT. CALL EAST 3481. . : NICELY furnished- room for 1 or 2 . refined gentlemen. H block to Sunnyside car. 172 E. 80th. Phone Tabor 8310. O-BXf PTTBtf i fl.M with ; largo closet Furnace beat, light, water and j phone. 293 V, Wiedler.t East mil. ; O.E large, beautifully furnished Km, fac- jng park way, lUble jor two, 330 Park st. Main 1920. ' RtJOM for rent with kitchen prii. on ' healthy ML ,Tsbor; beautiful view.'- Tabor 4433.. . FOR1 RENT, alseping room for man employed. Meals if desired. One block from Hawthorne, f cor. E. 32d st- Phono mornings. Tabor 7389. BEAUTIFUL, clean ami now, sleeping or H. K. privileges ; steam heat; front room $3.50 per Wk. 43 3 Market St. . - ' WELL furnislied front room. 15 nun. walk to P. O., west side, $16. .293 18th St. bet. leffcraou and Columbia. Main 0635. ! 1 VERY ITNE large front room,1 -3 windows, large j closet, suitable for two-. Eaat 4 002. .284 E. Sixth street norths ; " CHKIlH'CL room in private east side home, 1 close in. meals near by if desired- Phone Kas 9748. i , ' 1 LARGE furnished room with as of bath and kitchen, 254 Clackamas t Eaat 8667. WANTED 2 or 3 lady roomers, walking dis i Unce Phone East 7818. 427 Williams. furnished rooms, including modern kitchen. Adults. Tabor 6039. AINIsf large front room to let. 615 E. ' mgton st $12 a month. Vyash- N ICE large room, large closet, 1 block from carline. about 10 min. ride. East 3519. FOR RENT Nicely East 0349. .furnished rooms, $25. WELL furnished room, close in, steam heat t 307 11 til at-, apt E. Atwater U4S1. NICELY furnished room neair Jefferson high. 934 Kerby st Phen Empire 1100. TWO nice furnished rooms, 328 Wth between CIy and Market - Main 2X3S9. st-, 2 NICELY FURX ISHED. SLEEPING ROOMS, 024 SANDY. EAST 3308.. ROOM-AND BOARD 302 Norton. a Hotel -, Bradwy aff Washincton. Broadway 1180. . ' -- Portland s high class downtown residential . houl. We. give you the comforts of borne. ' Amsricta, sd European plan. Bates reason ed, i HOTEL HKhila-OHD T$ HOiT. MAIN 3303. Exalasis rsaidratUl ; special summer rataa; oar aseala epeak fev oar popwlarity- . EXCLCSIVE ' residential Wei; rates 443 ta B0. T94 Leeeiey. -Sin 8819 ' ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with board. bt small private family. located in on of 'reasonable ; horn "Portland's - best districts; privileges. Tabor 95T. BOARD AND ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY. PLEAANT SURROUNDINGS SUITABLE FOR STUDENTS. CLOSE TO BUSINESS O-EXTElt. MAIN 20T4. " ' SO0M aad board in a nice home: just what Uim'rs looking for; good meals and clean ; nice Sunday dinners; for a geatleman. . Waiaut 434S. FINK board and ma near JeffH. school: swell aeighborhaod ; rata if mora than 1 in room; hard surface st; garage. 1197 Cleveland ve. Walnut 5938. XICK front room ami bom flocking, private family, toy 1 gentleman; reference. ! 205 21st st ' aits Bunt, oest ear, gitl ecnoos age; no . etbee ehsvdreot near S. S. school. Kaasoaabs. Tabor 6166. I . FOR STUDENTS or youag men amployedT single or doable room, pleasant wnennd)iaca, walking disUnee. 2S5 14 A 1. Main 3333. WIDOW, ia modern homo, . has I large front ' room sear S. P. shop; piaao. phowa ana tb ' 684 B. 16th st, fl.' BeBwoed 46., ," -WANTED, 'girls' of school age to care fog. also? ass ail eatidrea afternoon or .evening.: Glad' '' ' y" O- Box 408. ' ,j. f. . I - " ILL board amj room 1 or 2 boys, school age. ear Fraakua High and Richmond scnouL ' 73 K- Grant : . " - BOOM and board, just kke home; hfima' Moa ; a aad eoaveniaaieeat i ladle and i gaata. A c t48 or SO E. HOi at. X. j v; PJ-EAIANT froat room with board for 1 or : 2 gaaUrwseta, horn prtvileges; ocaib! to ' 8t Johna, Kenton nd Pom land- Wei., 6656 . CONGENIAL gentle man to room and i beard, I. 41 I'i.T"- P0! widow g faeme; alas in. .-Maia -0698. - . --. - -KOONI-AND FIB ST CLAS4, TABLE BOARD IV PRIVATE MOMS. 6J2 Ja. 20TH AND ASH. . EAST 1307. -' iX)VELT larg front room fr two';' bcasS! -hot and cold water, walking , diuc, wast id. , Main 7681. .. . BOOM awd board, aingi, or dutial, modera, hot waten dose. Maia 32. .'T ."VtOkKINa girl, school children or a baby'; good eara and aica heaaa. 41413 4Tth st. BOOM" " and "board tot gentlemen.! family trf 3 adults, hoase cooking, 167 E. 42d at. CHILD to board, good, bo roe. near ' liS. "' ""eboel; beet referetacea; 4 75 Fast 36th. X. - BOARD and room, best of -Ibtosua cocking. $9 per Week. Tabor 4872. ! -. .. i. - tlOMS tor boys a4 8 (hu abiu achoeL ws eaa a- r. MCE. n, cncerful room with or wi;hut X 6 iireadw,,. , st 484877 board. FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY CHrLDREX to board, tManflful country boa. ear- school, clnas in. $14 monthly. for particulars writ Peaceful Acre farm rout I. box 142-A, Hfflsboro. ' WI1XW wishes to room and ' board 2 gentle men in nice aont, itll coovestiesioea and home pnvilegea; acar 2 cam. Phono YTalaut 088. ' . FOB AGED invalids, coroWc or eonvalescrnt patients, pleaaast "boas sorroundings, with health-building diet and Uaataocst personal oar of physician; -reesooable rates.' East 8333) PRIVATE home for girls grammar school age; "each child will receive mother's car knd training ; near school. library and ciihrcbea. oeiiwood 2203. WANTED Four or five rneo or boys to board and room, near Jffecsafj-high. 1Z40 iKnmn Mr n iiuiii '.'ti. -Ml tLI tonushed ruoas and buard ia bn- . vato homo oa aUwe city earline; all hme pnviiege extended; no other roomers; busi ness gnr! preferrrd. Tabor 738S. ATTRACTIVE BOOlf IK WIDOW'S MOD- iRN FLAT: GOOD BOARD. PLEASANT WIH I1AVI3. BDwT. 8048. 2 LARGE, clean, annny rooms, also I aihgiat room; exenent borne cooking; suitable I for employed conpia or single peop espiaired. TWO young men or man and wifa to room sad board: private home; walking distance. east uu. l V2i. iM ot call i reference. ROOil AND BOARD FOR TOPN'G LADT TsvACHEB; WALKING DJST. THOMPSOIS. Jr.trtKWI.V, SHAVER. HOUE3TEA.O tUJOT lyCHOOLB. WAX, ACT 1288 NICE targe room lor 2 weitms veoda. 'hums and eicellent asaals; srery homo fort aad convenience; reaaoaahic Cail jEast os is. WANTED Children to board and room in private horn ; best of car .siren. Phone Walnut 3934. MCE, large room, suitable, for 2 ladles, igood board, bo other roomers, 2 Hocks to Broad way and Irving-ton can. East 5873." Cor. 17th and Hancock- BOOM AND ItOA ED. 8 MIX. WALK TO HEART OF CITY, t LARGS BUS. FXR 2 GENTLEMEN IN EACH. FIBEPL. Iw XE FRONT ROOM. 81'L. RATES. BDWT. 2S33 COMFORTA3U5 FBQ"SX BOOM TN GiQOD iirixfir hptutvi' irvrvpftAv n inir AND WOODLAWX SCHOOL; TWO IF DEIRED. WALNUT $464. BEST OF ROOM AND BOARD CH HOME PRIVILEGES AND ESVI MENT; CLOSE IN. JUST WHAT YOC LOOKING FOR. EAST 8678. LARGE FURNISHED BOOM, WITH BOARD, SUITABLE FOB MAN AND WTFB OB TWO TEACHERS; NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH. no i. x f Trra I BOOM WITH BEST OF HOME COQ1 HOME PRIVILEGES; WALKING M8- TANCE. 233 E. 13TH, COR. MAIX. EAST 1993. HEB THIS TODAY LOVELY LARGE CORNER RM. FOB GOOD BED. BEST OF BOARD; 7 WALK TO CITY. EAST 1880. MIN. TWO LARGE SLEEPING ROOM 9, WELL VENTILATED: BOARD IF PESIKED. B17 MARSHALL. BDWY. 8335. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED : 304 NICE and clean. 1 ana 'J room housekeeping apartments, phone, light, water, laundry privileges; arslking distance;" $9 to $1$ -per month. 4 Wo aneouver Te. East 882 HOME COMFORTS A nice 3-rOota apart ment, furnished for housekeeping; beat, ot aad oold watex. phone, bash, parking yatd for auto. 195 N. 17th. cor. Kearaaw and lit th 22.oO TWO funushed H. K. rooms, brick uuiiuing, a oioca irom car. o4 Irving cor. 1 7th. 36G2. Modem convanianeas. Phone Bdwy. STEAMHEATED, hot and cold water. newly fum.. H. K. and sip, rma.. lndry. rmL $12 mo. up. Hunnyorest 186 Sherman CLEAN large furnished troaC- h. k. room. walking distance, adults. MarahaU a!9.-i 211 Sherman st. TWO LARGE FTRNISHEO H. C. ItrtOMS. "LOSE IN EAST BIDE. HEAT, LIGHTS. - o ( in j.-nr.i', uoi sutro. 1, 2 AND 3 h. k. rooms, reasonable. 423 Pacific st, corner Sth; near Dental' ental ct r. . every v'artma" i Uege. Ult 8494. LIGHT bousekceping and aleepiai venienee. Atwater 4173. li0 ' con - rartiUa t- ONE trunk transferred 50c: additional 25c each; downtown districts. Bdwy. ranks !445. TWO single basement H. K. rooms, $4 Per week. 188 14th.gt..- and ONE SMALL H. K- room, tuitabl for baahelor. a l 1 1 ttl St. FOR, BENT 3 " housekeeping rooms, 465 E. Ash t.. corner ,E. 8th. $25. TWO snd 8 rooms, ground floor. Dear E. 8d- and Mill. School. N IC E clean housekeeping room with kitchen ette, a .no week. 312 Clay. FUR-VSirED h. k. apt. 1. 2 and 3-rm apta. st. 32 and up t week. 370 V E. Pine; TWO large, clean. Main 1363. front r housekeeping 2 FURNISHED, clean "housekeeping 1117 E- Market Tebar 8806. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 305 3 tXFt" RNISHED rooms, walking diatJ Eal - 9567. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 308 FIVE furnished housekcepigg rooms, ever stor. 29 cheap renh . lBQture Emnira Xbetr, Grand ave. Fl-RNISIIED" H. ST. BOOMli. ELHCTRIC LIGHTS. tl.SO FEB WEEK AND UP. 324H 1ST j FL'KNl-SllLI) housekeeping rooms, pnvaSe bath, electric lights, fnrnae ht, large yaifi. very desirable, i 581 Rodney ave-. cor. Kitjott st APT. 8 rooms, first floor, wen furnished, light. sunny and desirable: reasonable rent to par- rsnent people; no children. Main 448B. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, 2 blocks from Peninsula scbooL . 1$$7 Vincent. , iVslnut 2098. ' ' jr 1 .AND 2 XICE housekeeping suit. eWa, gas. wator, tight and phona; ale location; rea onahl rent; close to. Call at 335, Fifth at. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Teacher, fwuithed room and kitchenette, separata eatraace, $10 312 Piatt bldg. ; TWO tt K. rooms tor rent; hot watar heat, I as. electric hgbu, $20 month. Call East B648. , '" . TWO aic furnished rooms, lights furnished na gss tor tannary; nir yam; wast snd; walking distance. 844 Flanders. t room am. and pantry, suitable for large family- '-Place for aa automobU free amoijjj or ctiarge. ljsa fx. axa st. 3 LARGE, well farniabed room, beat light, phono aad laundry privileges! 384 E. 8th st X. Phone East 4982. . NICELY furnished 2 H, K. rooms; elderly couple preferred: aa children; water and light; 823 per month. 1081 E. 18U st X. CLEAN, furnished races : light, srai. bath, phone: iwasaoabla? rent; 2 blocks' frpm car; walking distance. 1 T 5. Meade. Atwatey 2414. i nnce. lunuaaea rooms tor Housekeeping. cheap rent. Child ran under seaogt ag c- cootea. obt 10, 2tn st. TWO furussaed ' heuMkeeoing Larrabaa st . 22. 2 blocks Broadway. 3 ''CLEAN furnished Seosekeepiag rohi stairs, near' Wiliiams ave. car. 26,7 ma up- 3 Knot: t t'rica as. East 1748. $3 WEEK, siagl. h. a. rooaa, ma clean: favmmei aa woman, phase. elect, kwta.1 408 W. Park St. Uit irge. -light, pleaaant-frooaa with kitraen- -eua, west aide, walking distance. 546 Yi Bin, otwa lth and 17th. - I 3-Spej suite, light gad clean, j block IT w ; S-'TS0" i Fm "atkt. BMona aad bath. Milking disUn-. Adulto. 810 East 9th. VERY paaaat uiureisbed . hotiiekeepjng u a uivwaa am at aga i t.nlnatal MeU-tBaver ear, - I - - IRGE light dionsekceiHi laaiirL. l,.l.i 83 week. 308 H ad . : ' .1 MODERN Sroosa housekeening "apartment. w. t. ,na . .v-iiai. ah Arwaner 01:4. 2,-KOOiI : acartmeiita, ciaarv reasonable; near school. $31 Dskuja ava. Walwotiina. FURNISHED K k. 474 I st fast SB. 3 LARGE aossekeeping rooms oa tint fioorT f Call Bdwy. 4436. Chiktrea welcomeT DESIIU.BLE. FVBXIKHED Ipt" iKOOjis.' ADULTS. 853 YAMHILU MAIN 4418. CLEAN suit 3 rerams, hot, eoid mist. bsUt. yerr am, - w, ilia -4 , H. at. , BOOMS amuraished r partly fus " ni.hed- 412 Taweoover .. Eaet SP8T. 2 0 largw aottsskeapiag ' rooena, phone. litbX sank, gas aad beat, 8 1 T pec naopta. 1 $37 Ivy. FUBNISHEI Hi K., room, daa ia. aheap t rent, Iertrva lights. 253 "Waahinrton st CXXAN. vary deairabia A, g aadj alpia' room at 2S 14th stt- -1- -"' -XTT WEST KIDENieelyriuiBiahed H. K. room, Walkrad ifktnM f UREK fajTBiaaed H. K- rooms; gas. bath, naar avwiUl. 693 Freati MCE Ibousek, touseaeekiuig ihbi and a lee 11 taoaas o ota gt. : r-iwnuay AJi laveu fco MJULS EAP; RON- jABB L room! . $450, locks Irom E. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED I i PRIVATE FAMILY i 306 CLEAN furnkhea 2 aad 3 B- K. suite, wi mnk and bath conBeeted; also singla H.I K. rooms. Call Son. ail day. Other days mora- mg or cvck. 41 i. Ash, Bear beveoth. TWO aleeptag rooms or Eght lMmsekaepiBg rm. for rent; funuc heat. 147 N. 21st at. Mala 1121. f ! - I 1 ' 1 " it ONE large, light. Dleasant room with kitcl ette. west side, walking distance. 546 Xsm- nili, betweea 18th and ITth. ! I : , FOR RENT. 2 fnrnlahad housekeeping rooms, light, water and phone Ire; also 1 foam for bachelor; "close in en carime. ; 584 Kith; no children. 81! wood 014. I I ' ' ii ; ! I ' 2 UfinT wor-RTPwwirwTVS cnnus- KEOT . REASONABLE- ' MAIX 31. L ' J. J NEATLY furnished H. "JC room, large ckweu and 2 -wmdaws, ta priTtte home; furnacs heat; good location. IS 1 Hassan st- House 1 block "east of Lnioa a is. ' East 1740. EVERTTHIXG sew. maaaiv wsahogany fund to re. beautiful flassra, new gas range, fin place, ateam heat, bet aad cold water. Sft yer week. 48.3 Marketst, cor. 12th. j . - 3 XICE clean rooms, sail, bath, closet ia room; "use of porch, lawn; do other roomers; electricity phone and bath free; j reasonable. Adnits. Walnut 3873 evenings. j j 2 OR 3 CLEAN", comfortable fur. H; K. rooms, private home. 2 Vs blocks from car. Good location. 936 E. Couch. Bear &0th- r-ast QB98. -' basjmtnt $12.60 TWO comfortable JU. tS. rooms: furnished, nieo location, lawn. sink, electric light free. 584 E. sth. puone Sellwood 1109. v i : 21 WEST SIDK, ground flhor, 2 Urge. clean, fully furnished H. K. rooms, lawn, 2 porches, electric iighta free : walking dutaaca. 184 Porter. Sellwood 1109. NICELY furnished, 4 rooms, fireplace, clean, modem, west aide, walking distanca, I neat 2 high schools; rent $40 per mouth, iachid ing phone. Atwater 3022 or 445 Sth at. ; ONE 8 ROOM FTRN. IL K, APT., ONB 2 ROOM UNFURN. H. K. APT., XEAH SCHCKSL, SUITABLE FOR iTEACltEB. NEAR 2 CARLINK. TABOR 9506. ! ' ! r -1 V : 1 Ll-ROOM and 2-rotmt housekeepingi apsrttnents. . -a sua o.au. aaam ooii.i til ruu street. THREE rooms, sewiy famished, housekeeping apt., clean and airy; walking distance! rent reasonable. Phono East 0551. $67 Vauco-uver. near Knott . ! I FRONT APT., first floor. 2 large, Weil! fum ishad rooms and kitchenette ; A-l location. No carfare. Light, heat and phone fres.1 858 Glisan. Bdwy. 3933. i ! i 2 -ROOM haosakeepiug apartment with : slsep ing porches; well furnished. Phune, light and water; reasonable rent; Bos City car. 739 Pacific st or call East 9232. LARGE 2 - BOOM H. iv.. FIRST FLOOR. FIREPLACE. RUNNING WATER. WELL FURNISHED; PORCH. LAWN AND SHADE TREES. ADULTS. SELLWOOD 1068. , TWO housekeeping rooms suitable for bachelor. 234 Adams gfc Eut 8225. i !. I TWO clean, front a. k. rooms; also room on ground floor; running water; reasonable for quiet people; across the street from Y. M. C. A. 330 Taylor. Atwater 1675. j 3 LARGE rooms, 3 or 4 people; 2 -room suite, 1 room and kitchenette, modern, nicety fur nished and clean; near school and hospital. 736 Hoyt. near 23d. J ,J , SC3NT, clem 2 in. api. hot sad cold water private bathi large pantry. closet, ; wood range, gas plate, semi-basement. Ariose in, west side. $2.' a month. 191 Park a-. ' STRICTLY clean, bright, cheeriul apta-, U in white; all conveniences, veranda,: lawn, garage. 22S E. 20th. 2 bits, north o Haw- tnorne ave , tail -'Oi T MODERN KITCHEN, BEDROOM, DIXIXG ROOM, BATH: HANDY TO CAR, $25 PER MONTH. TABOB 0475. ; ONE large, fight, airy, housekeeping room, $5 per week, including bath, phene, light and gas; easy walking distance. Phone Broadway 1025. 120- lbtu st. X. H. K. ROOMS. 810 10th st, between" Co lumbia aad Clay. REALLY clean 3-room apartment, neatly fur niahed. wood rugs, linoleum kitchen, pantry, closet; gas range; ball aed porch, storage rooin. 890 E. 10th. Sellwood; 1896. ! ! 3 LARGE well furaisiied rooms, lower Boor, moderate rent, large porch, fine view; adults only. Phone Atwater 2503. TVO housekeeping rooms, nicely furnished, wrjth piano; also 2 rooms unfurnished. 606 . Couch. East 4976. -, FOUR partly furnished housekeeping rooms and garage. $25 months 1 block to school, children welcome. .844 T3. Sth south. E. 0944. TVVO furnished housekeeping rooms, cla $20 per month, including gas for (looking. 502 East Pine. Phone East 8913. THREE partly furnished b. rooms, abso lutely clean, private bath, close in, Vo chil dren. 'East 8469. 28 E. 18th st, N. i $2.75 WEEK, furnished housekeeping i rooms, lights and bath included, west- aide, walking distance. 545 H 1st and 215 Mill st. qor. 1st NEWLY furnsshsd housekeeping room:, fur nsce heat; walking distance. 528 East Stephens. ' TWO furnisliad H. K. rooms upstairs, adjoining bsth. 498 East 17th bet.- Division and CJinton. SeH. 2285. TWO clean unfurnished hdusekeeping rooms, electric lights, running water gas;; close In. 173 E. 7th, corner Yamhiil. NICE 3 room H, K. Apt., private bath and phone; 3 blocks from Columbia park, south of Lombard st. 1608 Huron t Empire 0784, 1 LARGE room, suitable for housekeeping or - sleeping room. 04 Holly st.. L4d addi tton, 1 block off 16th st i - i 292 E. YWS ST 2 rooms Jumishid. gas, light, heat; very neat and clean; on H. A- car line. i JCWO very nice large, I mulshed. hou.tekoiing -rooms. 240 E. 50th st, Hawtborina etist FOB REN furnighed; wm Iking -dmtanoe. 36-j i 2th et. apar miarrs-4ajRNistiEp 307 a r vr i s. V -i- .' '"5 '!, 1 : .'1 v-irjjki luruiftiiya spatriuieiji, 1145111., jitl. Qat ana cota waier nuiufttiea; no una 21 thi)drru CH Tabor 4224. Address 1012 H Haw thorn a. fceeds Apartments Fireproof building, modern, 2. 3 and 4 rm. arts. ; single mi. ; elevator service. Atir. 3597. ALICE COURT PT E. 8th aad Burn side. 8 room mod. apt, 2 beds, fireplace, priv. tol and bath. East 8586. THE EDENltoLM -. 834 Sth it modem 2 and S room furnished apartments. Private baths. Bent rejasonabl. Qlen Court Cor. Park and Taylor. 8 and 3 room sets. : close ir- Main 1961. COTTAGES, apart menu, also 30 rooms, to lease, furnished or aufur Dished. Apply 232 Gibbs rt J HADDOX HALL. 11TH ASD BALL 3 rooms, kitcheaette. bath. hdw. floors, pri vate oaiconiea. gaa pp. Atwater i nf. : 2 lttK)MS, inciuding steani he&t, hot and coid water, walking distance. $22 SO nd $25. Bdwy. 4292. Jennia-n Apt... 845 H jN. 17th, HAWTHORN E APT3. j 3 and 3 rm. arts.; steam 'heati electrW lights, gas ranges. $25. Atwater 172. i SCXNTCREST $25. 3 outaid rooms, bath,' newly famished, redecorated; ategm . heat. gas, electricity- 186 Sherman. j J 3 ROOM apartment, clean, 'tight, airy, ! well famished, medara cooTeniewcas; adults only. Phone East 0858 ; : j -: 1 MODERN 3 room apt, fsra.; $ disappear iag. beas, private bath, -hot aad cold . water. phone. Bell. S16S. 523 B. 16th ist. NICE attractiva modern apartment, ,2. 3 4 roaais; new management: moOeru m every rerect Main 8703. . ii ' S-BOOif furnished ' apt. with bath, including paone, fa rear, private eatsaaea, j, tat ire at 619 Clatsop ave. SeiL oar.- ;; !"""' i auire FURNISHED 2, 3 aad 4-room apta-j $18 3d .' per moata; waiaing oauaaoe. 8934- 8 $th V . - : 3-Bt")OM.xrictly asssra. privata bath. with. or without gar. 7XT MUwaokia jst Paooa Sellwood 1.18. vt --.' ' i' !'" -) j j THE NICJIOLS -S-eoom ;t.. also 4-rooati apt. with ' bdmees. privata baths, steam beat, phone 858 East 6Ui X. Wsihut 497 U . STERLING APTS. 3-B0OM JUTS.;- $23 and $25. 15TSH K Glaaa. 2 AND 3-room fumiahed apts. ; walking di taaea. : 706 Everett at. Atwater ;3 71 6. j (SPECIAL room ha, apt. sow $19'. f To Jeflary, ear. Basasil aad Ke East 1594. 1 TRUNK tranat erred 50c' aiTKiaal trunks 2 o each, dowmowa district. Bdwyr 443. ADAMS APARTMENTS .ModeTn 2 rm. apt., furnished. 4d$;Je THE ALBERT FurtUihed apt.; stfcam heat ynvtle MtH, gn Misassssppt aeeji i ; XEAXVj newly reoovaied apta at '4Slt Last Morrteon. fTL RXISHED, uafttrauhed xttagest also - 89 wxans to leaso or rent Appiy 253 tibb. 2-RM. apt, auitabi for cotipie or large fsmujr. '! to school. xT3 Moascoraery. CXIOS AVE. aad sUlliagswarta. i furnished apt-. $2L50j ad compiete; coadiata bsde. - 111 l""! ' : j...f.-r,..4.-.-.if.J. '- - - '- ' T.ckcts to the Hippodrome FREE : TODAY AND AH Day Friday (Today) Until 11 p. M. Saturday From 7:30 A. M. : ' With JOURNAL i, Come in and $et yours tonight while down ;own, lor step n torow j moraing on the wa to Vpork. ; They're free.! All you have to do is to insert a, cash I classified ad in.The Journal to run in the bis Sunday 1 JournaJ-f-or it c4n run more than1 one dfry, jtfst so ! that it includes The Sunday Journal. Your twb line. aa costs only Jiuc m ine . ticket Tickets lare g0qd jfor any matinee perf ordnance, next Tuesday oj" Wednesday. See Evan Buirrows Fontaine in Women Men i i; I I I The Journal office lis open every day from! a. m. until 11 p; m., Sunday included. Continuous j i telephone FOR rent m wx w-a.m. j APARTMENTS4njRNSHED 307 ' JSEW WESTCOT1T COUBr APTS. ' ! ! E. 8TH1 AT WEIDLER I i AH outside root, largo living rooms, bed rooms, balconies, ivorx ! finish, hardwood floors. 1 shower-baths, electric xangea. kiahog'aiiy fur- mtar. i. I i ' , GARFIELD APTSL - I j t THB HOUSE jOF COMPORT Large, commedioo apt.; bujlt-ins. sleeping pprches, private bath; ia medium priced homo for reiined peopla 381 Failing at. Walnut 4862. I ; "j THE ALAMO APTg. ' : Furnished 3-nn. irosit apta. , i newly dona in whit enamel; steam beat, priwst baths, dis appearing bed. $4C; 3 -room badk apti suitable f. . O - 1 4 . 1 . , I wi. 1 I LT . , (JEW. ef. JWlll. . v ... !aTi .L- iJrJi' J?Sr?P'i nrxf ait HOtt APT.. WK. pB UQ. jEAaT 1990. O Mm. nMl.l,.J n 1 1,1 .Ii-. bath, elevator. 11th! at Moatgom4ry. Main 3 59. f- DAVjNPRT APHS. I i 2 and 3-room furnished sptk witlk private bath; also singlo I housekeeping; room. Main 5433. i , i LOVELY 4-rm. 6orner, suitable for (teachers 200 E. 18th st " i f I apartmentsI unfurnished 308 WELLINGTON COt I la under new management : f rooms, newly painted and kalsomined. Phone ifurnisbed. Only 3 blocks mm asnuigtpn at.. Rent $45. Bdwy. 1245. ! .(' i . 1 1 j j j 1 ' Tfie Ainerton; Modern 4 and 5 room apartments. 31st aad Johnson. Broadway 8860. . . $24 (to $26 I I i 2-room apti, with I bsthroons. laundry tray, breakfast nook, fM itovo, wster heater, garb ago and water. Call Taborl78il after 7 p. m. L THBT- WEIST. 69 Xi 2811. : Finest 9 room and 2 bath apartment In ibo city. i ) : . T i 3-ROOM ' apartment ; nniuraislted, bath and I kitchenette, light, i heat and water; - $65 mOUUl. 1QD 11U1 Vli FLATS FURNISHED 309 THE "fAUSTIXA. A modern house of flats, west side. close ia. newly finished, cheerful 4 moats and bath pleasant home; references. ;464 Ball st; near 13 th. t JRVINGTON On ear lin; two laage rooms i and kitchenette!; onj ground Hoer; icanpsetely furnished, large lyard, " porch ietc. $40; in clude lights, phone, i water; sfaitabla for two adults. East 4384. 1 i j T15 WAY fljlE kT... with heat NEAR KING 4 nice rooms with and "water furnished: private bath, famished. Aonles. Main 8111. 3 BOOMS, private bath, $25 rooms, pn- vate bath, $221. East 7737 mornings. 2-ROOM apt. and lower flat t atreet. 1 1 37 11 N. 2 1st 1 $4 3 NEATLY, fumislied flat lpS5 Haw- tiiorae ave. Tabor S 1 04. WELL furnishedi 4-ropm flat, till' ..r- age. 766 vancouvirr ave. ivalnuj 1953. MODERN S-room flat for rent, fumitur for sal. East 8328. ! ; DESIRABLE 4 -room fur, flat, :garagei if scanted , .. - , , . ! , , . . . , . . i or j or 1 aoisits. i uxiuui m.. i 4 -ROOM modern fur. Phone Tabor 5210, flat, 1209 X. Mala. 3-ROOM furnished apt, 7401 Minnesota a., $35 includes light; water, heat. WaL 6554, ITS-4JNFLIRN1SHED 310 "715 WAYNE. ST. NEAH KING 6 room flat. ! with heat and water fur nisliad : beat residence district ;t a regnlar .home. Must have reference, i Adults. Main 6J 11. ROOM modern flat. 772 Ons are.. 1 blk. south of 23d and i Washiogtsoa. -Main 898 or Bdwy. 7833. t I I FOUR ROOM uruurtiiJied flats. 2d' floor. 1 gas, electricity, glO nT no. 90 BuasaU st Phone Tabovj Oaf 1. ! S-ROOM flat, modem in. every: particnlar, newly deoorated. gsu. Adults only, inquire itfc. 2Cth N. Vhrm F.ajt ROTO 11 COOD'uoKra f-roura flat, fiurnacel firlace, gai rang; fai -odd district. 25B E. 17th st. Cell 'WalBdt 2996 after 5 pi m. 4-ROOM unfurnished flat, heat and? hot water furnished. 394 targo near I men arc. FOB BEXTw.fm. llmoderTi at North 18th st. $85; ddalla. itdwy. 8670. CLEAN. 5-r. ,ftt, Taear Coach mhool. furn. ler sale cnearK T4C Jonqsen. j DESIRABLE i-iroom modern Eat, idulta only! 300 Graham svend. HOUSES4-FURNISHED 311 GOOD 6 rooaa j f araished house, with garage: owner wishes, to keep 1 room j and board if convenient.' a? Micnlgsn a.. Shaver st. ! i i , BROOKLYX SHOPS Modervi. 4 rooms., z beds, gas antf coal range, pared street, -garage :; 3Q. ( 8831 . 25 th. uwner. rasst sizs. i ! . f $23 MODERS 6 rocgna. partly furnished; with garage 993 C-4K3smrciaL t : " t Walnut 0187 FOR RENT tVraaaat' modem, furaished houaa to respoositna. party, $50 wer month. Walnut NEW "double "ouse. first floor AnfiimWhed; upper Itopr rurnigrieci- ivslrmt ggga MCELY furuisheA snodetm 4r-room heuse. suitr aoia f or small rsmuy. gun. ass-ga. 4-ROOM house, nartl ed. 813 monta. 4?au 4TI1 Wt, W- K eta, 614-93 1 ROOM partly iurimhed housi in central $35, 5-B001CElJ cottage ; ' no bjection ' to ehilfTreg. AVainai' 1901, 840 Kerby a. DESIRABLE heme la Irvibgton"o rent for foard rf owaevt -"3-171. jJonmaL ' LOWER "floor J. 3 rooms, garage, fwater, $80; DilT. r .ir , WK,nue ' w' " - - vaa t , . . au.. k?.1 r . sr.i. at with childrew. $3. 405. K. 44th at. 4 ROOMS, lower hror, water, Iighta, $85, with . garage 4 o. 3 Jt. 44tn at.- I MODERN scottag, 6 rooms, weil furaished! Eaat 1502.1 5-ROOM modern boose, fraiti UweaJ $25 raonLh. 1295 Kelly? AtWate 2396. j HOUSEsXuNFURhiTSHED 312 nTRICTLY saiden, new 7-weotn aouset. Adulm nlv T5. jlnanini $4 E. 21m X. Phnn. LINNTON road. 5 Mom pesrito aviation'-field. . Atwater 8346. MfiDERN 7 room house, with garage, $35. .Near S. 1 car fahooa. Faoan SeUwood 667 AT 390 TTLLAMOOK.! rocaaa, bath and ears re. Tatmx20. . WE speciaiix 'in fpsaaoj ani furt-lVarw initn Tree-worage rsqwy. .Ijwi. 1 jujom house, good comtiaon, i dans ta car and school, i $4'J BroBtA. t, Wsmnt 0913. MODERN- 6-rncav bou arsi garvsa. 215W lCichsvaad st.. i TOMORROW! Until P. M. U'--- i i ' . ! i Classified Ads Journal ana you: get your Love.' 7;30 service, r FOR RENT HOUSESUNiURNlSHED 312 PRIXKXERED WABESOUSOS oa tracJuirtx atora your good wiU us. (Let as da your muriDg SBf psrging. t CLAT & MQBSE. jrxi i I Baww. 84T. 1454 v3Haa it JUST the horn for man with family for sume one wanting to keep . boarders, fin 8-rqom bungalow in St Johns, lot 125 ft front, 100 linen fmil: .n n..n-.,al n.h..Muw lease for $33 month. : , . - UUWIUW .MMUWI.J.. T, ... STEWART & JOHJfSOX r 315 Northwestefn ELEGANT 10-ROOM BUNGA2LOW; EC 20TH X. AND KXOTT STS. : LARGE YARD. liAKAUfcl AD KVERY: MODERN CONVEX! tMB; BJS3JT $0. , i FRED S WILLIAMa. 608 PANAMA BtDG. YOBK EXPBESS T8ANS. CO. Trunks. btisse. furaitura imonng. $1-50 ana sz per nonr. Broadway (7688, MOVIXGi. $2 PER HOUR AXD LP . Firenroof storasa 16 day free. Long XHstanca Hauling. Brosdway 2448. WE MOVET furniture, 2 iii ea, tor "2 pes hooZ ' nt -rrS8110 kulio-r,- at) ctVja frM ataraga. MI Kin D-lafU." I PL4XO MOTIXG $8, furniture- $2.50 per hour; $ : x men, ; large padded vans. Cau Crown Transter Co., East 5047. W'EST SIDE i-ROOM FLAtr5934 WASH INGTON. 5 MIKUTlSS- WALK TO TOWX REASONABLE. ) WHEN moving, call East 6440. CraUnn packing. I shipping, long distance, by hour or contract FURNITURE MOVING $2 ipEk' HOUB. 2 aL&jo; ruiau s AJii) if; luAittiG 4Vt MODERN 7-room house with! furnaoe. gsrage S acre; located at" 4439 70th art. Phone 638-41 or 5741 Foster road. WHEN MOVING, city or country, get the best at lowest pace. Ureen- Iran. Co.. Alain 12S1. iti. n AKrer st DESIJSABLK dfctricL ' modern, eight -f- house: walking distance: roomers oar. 344 Halsey. " ' ' ' ' I 10-ROOM MODERN HOCSEL 509 MARKET ST. DBIVB, KENT: $5oTT FTtED 8. WTLLIAM. B06 PANAMA BTHX3. ATTRACTIVE" 5-rm." mod." duilex. white wood- worx. built-in, . hdw, floom, fireplace, fur- naca. garage; ret.; tease. Tabor 9W00. ' WE MOVE fnraifairo'for $2 jour. Msin 8059. HOUSES FOR RENT- FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 THE COMPLETE furnishings of 4-room mod ern spt, 8 months old and best condition. Most sacrifice: everything yeu need in your home. The apt it for rent if i you want it. In quire janitor, Ionian Court Apt., 18th; and Couch etc.: i ' 10 BOOM house for rent, gks and stove con- nection; part furniture for; sale; suitable for rooms; will sacrifice. Bdwy. 6132. 491 tverett. MODERN 6 -room flat, new oak tip-to-data lumiture. o-t K. ttn. corner lavis. 8-BOOM house for rent, famiture for sale. rpnt $20. 505 Williams are. f STORES AND HALLS 314 FBOXT SPACE, s 834. suitable for business; desirable location. 811 H : 3d. near Taylor. FOR desirable space In nreproot wa-rehoaa phene Breadwsy 8715. t OmCli-jESi ROOM 31 S TWO ROOMS, suitable for idoetor ox dentist. Ralergh bldg.. Sixth and Washington st. DESK room, with phone service. 305 Henry Plflg. Asa for Baldwin. DESK BOOM, with telephone and stenogsaphic wsrvicea. rnons tsttwy. BfiB. ' 'summer! resorts 3ie LAT ROCKAWAY beach, new 2 room bunga- mm U. arw-mdn. - -.1-1. -.1 , . ' -- --, , .,,u. j , v, . ,1 i.ium.. tin rew pie; alsp new house, furnished for 8 people, cRwe to beach and- stores, i B. c. Bernard. 406 E. 89th st 8. ! Tabor 1292. CANNON BEACH Newiy eiiuipped Unts, 18x 4". vwr, etc. Jiast apis. , ; -ROOM house at Seaside j for rent during September. Wdln. 2(514, BUSINESS PROPERTY '318 JSEB THE PLASJS.Olf TH& APT. HOUSE i Will give 10-year leaset ; 4 9 apt., private baths j dressing rooms, entrance hails, kitchens and dining al coves with each i apt ;. Biard wood floors throoghont; steam heated j oil bnrning fur naae. Changwa will b anado ta suit tenant; good location, west aide. U 153. JoumaL i I 1 LEA HAVING TOWN i BLiair in a posttioa ta handle you We are in a posttioa ta handle your rentals ana collecvoas on ty property at a nominal property COSX. I i LlNDEY I e N ELtSON I I Broadway 7702J 7 lip wuoox atldg. S8 WANTED TO RENT ROOMS ! AND BOARD . 3S2 BOOM and Board! with practical vageiariajn private family, by reliabip middle aged man, or will share expense of email- modern housei flat or apt and prepare my own meals: refen enees; walking diataeoe o close to car pre ferred, i Please igive j Tjarticuiars. M-169. Journal. - j i. 1 ! I YOUNG couple with baby , want board ' and room, 2 rooms- prIerrd. Msin 4.049. I t; i-r Phdne Bipiey, i HOUSES I 361 WANT to rest, near PortUuC m : are or wwrv' vim gov to keep chickens with good 4 r ii room Koe.; Wish F. K. LafTer. Hubbard j. 2. OB 4 ROOM furniahed nous, with, gar aga and place for chicken. F-18T, Journal. BEACH raOliatTY - 1 400 FOB SALE- 4 t room coUgevfurnisned:larg i. Or.i;.,.Wa)t 8071. - -T fe- . - lot. Seaside, REAL ESTATE -FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 $quaFcet;i. " J i ALL OB AftT I " ' !' iWa haw Urn i abewa,.. loft STpaew suimhl for, hwh ; eUs whtili n jer Jobbing bwasneaa, to heart eg retail section. Fine office, pgswragtr aad freight enmataws. ong ansae. '"- ktw WILLIAM 1". iMrHB-r. 4 L 80 TITLB t THU8T BIJCKt 1 " I . t -f LOTS ; 403 TWO lots ea fJervenih -sti rrees.jWiU take tas car as first eaymeat' W-163, JonrnaL TWO lots, 824 aL.i near Poweil Vaiy. $700. Easy tenia. - Owner, J 263 Divmon. I FOUB. gdyounng. sot on 91st-E- Buraude, cneap iot casa. , jvwneg, u:t aois. REAL1 KTATeJ-FQR SALE LOTS 403 ; EverySxdy 1 LOOK NOW AT Westmoreland be for aor tooMing ara sold ant, ; This most de sirable noma . ' district offers, nunsusl apportn. Bios to tb bomacceker . or iiaeestor. - Fully fan- " -. proved, low prices, easy payaienta. Bacosd mort gage privilege to builder. Sa Mr. PaUxwsen - i Broadway 6754. 1248 Stark St i ' BE IXDEPHSDEXT - ! BUI LADD ADDITION LoU for ilOfrft Only a few inters at f this price. , 1 AH iaV prOvements in and paid, j You can walk to tit B ClUUtUa TASttr -KOTlCaV Xot a eompteted bunaalow . in the district lT (TsSD MOIli'G AGE! PBTtTLEGB Restriotiona tfu not, farina duplex aoos on Dungsiow. i i. SEE MR. PELAHTJXTT, With . LAIXD ESTATE CO..' J : ! T'24 State- St Si-: v Bdwy. 6754. Bej. Tsbor T045. 12 ! A?resi, ial, ! nTXTJr8 FRTJIT Build -your horn. ,iiit this beautiful ntai within walking ; distanc jo Reed college and golf Jinks and close tor paved road in front: Bulli Butt water, ". gaSi'T larg tracts. au ainaa oi sruit I fn soma; : apple, pears. peaches, prunes." plums. grapes, berries; very rich ol;- prices $850 to nay. Sea as today. up; nearly 4 years Bdwy, 6550,- ; . 416-18-20-22 Snaldma Ride Largest Aercaga Snbcfiviaioa Seliwr in Portland. BOMBS JK!EK g K 1 iWH SOTS BUILD f ' ft i less expensive. We a tntaa feted ia how wen we eaa build, not kow much Wa aani eat for haiklina. j fie tas beor bnyiai or bufidtng. Robnett a McClure M3 Casaci lkidgawa, 687 : " ... i 3 1-7 & 11 78-1-11 7 1178 810 down. $10 xnabthlv for snUndid 41X120, I alley in- reati, nativa fir tree blocks fromi Woodstock i car. Of coarse, it m snap. ; be uwjer with 1 ! I 782 Chamber Commrca. ! IA8T BRQADWAT 1 IBUSIXESSLOT Exceptional buy on BOx 100 ton Lerrabe. just ! off Broadway. -A, real oppor- WILLIAM P. MERRY. 80i Title tt Trust Bldk. i 6 Fine i BuiMino- Lots i.in U1" Itpon district, from $55Q to $1100; most of these lean be. bought on easy terms. 1 projwrty j vejry active in , this local ity and these prise Icanaot hold for lea-. Jfiiyou wish to avail kourselves of them jcaU r """ ' . CHOICE Leiirelhurst lot," eortT Floral Ave, ! and Glisan, st; prijre 81600. i Will take M"" oown. j fhis i a snari and beanWul otto & tiarkson 418 Chambeij of Commerce, Bdwy. 688. SPECIAL LV PENINSULA DISTRICf" 50x100. Emit treeAt nriei. iyir.ti.air,.! .11 iiniJioydnaum goooj terms. I ? jonsnson-iJodson. Co; B33 X. Wj Bank Mdtd Main 8787. I'M Builders ii HOUSES COMPLlCTED PSOyPTTT Our construction i and workmanship together iwnn inmai iminciu assisiance win please .you. n (wilier Rofiuai accepxefsi ' i REIMBR8 1 At JOLIVBTTB, fsellwootl- 2884 TI feOSiTTttY PAJKK ' - i I , CORjVEBS i 1 Corner 57th and Tflamook ...... $600 Comer 88th : and! Broadway ' axon Everything in but paving. Pries includes all meuia rwiw r i ajn kiss HALF ACRE in Milwaukie. Or., across Irom i i grammar school, j bearing fruit i Wfll sacri- iice lor t-ssn. pee owner. -Two Bpotane ave. j " I' 1 ' 1 ; ' ! 'i I 11 I HI ..I M M HOUSES 404 IBVIXGTON 17875 ! I Looks like, g Very email price fori a fine. hig 8-room Irving ton home. ' with a beautiful tot 60x100. at lthi and Weidler at, i IT 13 A SMALL PRICE. It's worth much more. Just investigate and then make com-! panson; $20U0l cash will handle. Those in the ' market for a stately noma: in utvxuTUJf, at a Venap" price, will do well. to look into this, CROS8LEY tt ABBOTT, 283 Stark st- , Bdwy. 1188. 0- I, I BEAfcTnrUt. BEAUMONT This Is a rnarnifieexit corner 100x100 Juati and one block from car, j fin lawn, flowers! iniii; large dtihi mpm, aimng room, l room andl kitchen oh first floor; fourj music fine. . wjiutjiwim wm ouz oa aecoua ; iarg fuiished attic, full basement, good furnace and! large! antomatao : ayaxer neatter: also a fine garage;! I am leaving ' city and" want ta sell" uick.j rWce $S500, which i $1500 below what is is worth; j if you aft real home, then see mis. e-nowa cy apyointment only. Addreaa owner, tr- vr nox roruuq- -4- ll . SOOW LK)vK 1 AC KB i ; A new : 4-rMn bungalow, with . combinatiorj living ana cuumg rootn, .every Duiit-in featurei Dutch XiJchen, breakfast nook, floored attic cement ; basement, wash trays, etc ; gas. ; light and city I water, j Ai wonderful, little double constructea ; noma and 1 - acre M and, al fenced; and on a bare surface road; lust out side the city nmit. Really, folks, it's a real buy tor 835O0 with your term. i ; RUMMELL1 KLMMELL. ! 274 Stark ft. . . Bdwr. BT20 39th and Handy hlvd. Aut. 820-601 ! f iJTEFFEROX HIGH 1 D6wnS(!)Dowi 1 j$25lPitt MONTH ; I . j -5 room ' cottage on paved Ememon street, - near PIEDMONT C4R BARNS. All improvements j in and paid. Full plumbing. ;Prrae $1900. i a REAL ESTATE CSV. CO., 5618. 12-13 Wilcox Bldg. M T Au, ' Bdwy. , ; $4i;50 WrtH 8500 IX)WN (1 . Ad 'dining1 irvington we bate a new ana irUsr ; 5 -room bungalow with flreplaas. all built-in conrrenievieesi Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, floored ; attic, oemeat Basement, laundry trays, I hardwood, t floors, .beautiful light fix tures and best of f plumbing; full lot. beet buy in the city at price Quoted and your itermg. T J. xou can use sne soMueea loan. i RUMMELL Jc BUMMELL. ' i 274 Stark ist. i Bdwy. '672 S9th and andy bTfvd. s. At, 820-60 r "bfyd- - -'v" Ant. TRTlXGTON-f-8525owBABGAIX j Imagina buying aj modern, 9 room dwelling, located on 23d street, between Knott and Stan tan, for this small -ram; eoarptete with efficient fireplace furnace, garage, etc. - Thi i;, real buy and someone will get a bargain. Buy, this today; an iaspectlow implies Bo ohligitiim. 1 . 1 -i h A. (jTjTEEPK CO.i i . ' I Tabor 9588 or Tabor 8438. BUILDER seUing- fonr splendid, new baagakeWs, -all the builUn dw, floors .cement floored basement, cement pores, fireplace, garage, plate glass (windows, jshadas gad fix tare. These are wonderful HtUej house, way under prices. $4300 to 85400, easy terms. Take Richmond ear to S5th street, j Bouses sr dose 'to eotr ner 85th and Chntdrn- "Builder, SelL 2859. ' $3000 j LAURELHI H8T DlSTi .1 . K-1 " $350 CASH T j I $ veoras funriahedV- dandy bd, Mock., off Ghaaa -at.. 67th at. Ijet as Show -yon -today. ;. liAtJC-lt MSKtlla 4,'U,.- ' . J . SIS ; eemmeece, ysreadwa 863)4. FOB aALE-$31, $30l8 to $308 down. iS- - rooaa i cottage; larg attic. A-l eoaditien.( T fmit trwea. 3 blocks" to school, 1 bloc to MeA tarilla caTfine; by ofmer, 87 g. 78th stj X. )' . ' ELEGANT KOAE jilTTt BLKGALQW'. l" Near ' boulevard, j Beautiful bailtin. An bdw. i floorsw furnace. - AppoiaUnersi only. SelL a250i.'i- ": ! '1 - f ' '; " . - j ! . KACRinCE A BXGAJLOWJ $3b50 Wcmderful bay. i. j Colonu a. j Tervnai ignt-reom Colonial. trictlv an ita date with : furnace. Tenna -Beu. 1 J80. BY OWXEB-Eight-reom gsodera . ridgw east of Beed, exdiata. Fine riw. bhiok car, mono nax-e. -f - ) --. -. -. BEACTD7CX biusgahrw. Ess Citf Pax,l 4 . siuo. hardwood imorm. frre- nlaoe, garage. tts -drKjrs; strrictjy , nMJdern, - Urge Owner 73 E. 03d.: X. V, . j v ' ' ' .-.' '..-'. . . I PRETTY A jreoa bungalow. fa3 sttw and base. menr. maiT. -raoor oistxscx. osuy s a locks from Softool gazae; term. Taoor 5I. I .. ,,J,p,; ' ti . Il-L. tj"- V 1 ' l S WIS. ai! breakfast aocik, near Lanmlhnrst, S,v 1L1W. .1SV I M . ettrtAA - tlOjL J.- vent Owner, lie jB. 57th X. Main 222f blk "stt I"Oa SALE A snap.-. Four mora house and bath in Bona Irvingten; $2800. easy terns, McUor s Bchaa-Kh Cev. 308 By. Ex. bslg- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE'i i HOUSES 404 FRANK L. MeGUIBB aaya ' INVEST year asTinga in; Portland Seal "It'a 1 nerfeetly sate and wul bring yon? big returna before the - ; e '" - : wiaas rcpeaiTiofs-: 1 flhi.4lS llul C-r. MlnM kaH mm'STi steady, isolid growth of tfca city, are thf best u history 1 TALrES ABE BOTJXD TO - ". : . IXCBEASK1 u.. ."- "BTJT T0CB HOME K0Wwefor the lan rash begins 20d0 HOMES ! FOB SALE i I - h . t i . . Tiotogrsphs I aad full infermatkm us on ejftptey in our great ; ,- v . I "PUBLIC SHOW BOOM! . H. -'.'J i'Xi '.Mi I'LL HELP YOn MAKE YOrR DOWN sra-a.aasw-; JJS' irtn-CJUSaAitl. ' 1TIC19 OBEX fEEXINGS TjXTIX itLtitfitoji; sui, iiii.vj ' MOVE rGfIT'VfV H f4750 Completely furnished 5 rooau asdra uuagaww m, xiawumrae 0.11 net ; oiv ing and dining rooms across the front; built-in baifet and ideal Dutch kitch en; 2 1 bedrooms and; dandy bath with fine White enamel . plumbing; k-very. thing- in in first-class cowditioat you will have to asevs fast if you ! want tnia ei. 4 ! a fi . r,. amnM.tmit 14090 $500 down. ' Adjoining Piedmont A truly i beautiful bungalow, containing in its 5 . rooms everything necessary for complete ! : housekeeping; . Jiving room I with fireplace, built-in ; nuffet ivory ruusn, aurrar uoor, whit tntcn kitchen; full cesaeat baseutect. wltk fusnaea: stare - and eaa rases in. eluded: garaget one block; to car and walking distance, to jfftoa i iughj Grand are. L. J TKBMa IJESa THAI BENT ease" ti aown 1 xna u ia a., eomfaraahla 6 roam modem aubatantial bum, in Central East Portland. Easy walking distance to town I Close to high and grammar schools: baa all awnaUSn.! haxd-surfsoed (atreet; and, ether im- prevementa w. u and paid; ' JC. Ash at...' "i i i . . -i $3250 -Easy terms! I Good comfortable sub- wisnn auraauve none ; la Albcrta. Coavenient to cariin and school t semi. bungalow type, built-in I eonventenoe i 3 bedroom and white I enamel! bath. This jis a real cosy, home- 2 cords of woodland 1 ton of carbon briautU are lucinaM in nnne ' v A rti n... $3.90 $450 down I j Large comfortabl 5 worn moaem Aioerra noma M lis. 12thlltrst which is nasred- Awre 2 Mecha to cariin; neat and practicaL very leaay terms en the balance, . Be $235 $500 down! Whew ecu nL: lilr, tnis yeu should take advantaga of .it at once A i dandy 4 room-krtistic Bissaire piUard-bungalaw ia Psaia- I suia. iuving ana aimng room eombined; ! white enamel ; bath t ; nice white I Dutch i. kitchen; VACANT; 1 Immediate pos- I Ill KAatllH : I . 1 . $2250 Dandy new largo bungalow- of 8j room u mm ave,, m suiuo sot E jarg Bring roam ; fane! bedroom ; fobj cf uiauwtw leaGure; wmte najBt nata. Just ! right to start houseaeenlna iii. One block to i ear; lean ba hiadlerl an $2190 $800 downlTnraitlo 4 room ibun gaww. in a pretty grove or trees liv lng gnd dining room combined ; I vary nice; Dutch kitchen; 2 "bedrooms1 and wane enamel, oath- This ia the leoewat UttleTnoaaeeT .in Peninsula. Just $360 down and mat nr, 11 ST", ,nothlT Payments. ) ii i. 3190 $500 down I i K you want 1 itruly yuoosi nargain ta a dandy room bungalow type heme,! don't waste any time ta . aeeang thta. . In oh iwii en jfi. 7th rniinome u in beat i of cendition and spotless: bnili-iha and a twiV bethl electt aa. sn 42xj55 lot withj abundance e( i fine bearing I fruit ana perries. ,A unegardSB, eta. See UlIB I IDtUVI , t I suo Aaaioaiy X230 down; rest easier than nr I real i -oosy i room bungalow cpttjga, clos to j beautiful Fenimnla Pari" ju Peninsula dUtirict. Living room; dining; room; convenient kitco ea; jL bedroom. West CpV jetfj Come in i and Inok- nL -jri, -L . . . homes for sale I You'H be. snroriwarl n v.. yotur money win go.; H'U help you make; yonrJ ..... M iim-niwry. upu Bundaya and VMmnira f ivm,w ; ks T 1 - . . wmwiinnrv, pee jBAXK t. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. pmgton uug. I Bdwvi 71T1 en,, on. ; Him and, stark. ! LAURELHTTBHTninn IPS ' Owflir twin it ft S AAA .w..a .tu T I at the most beautiful bungalows ia Lenre 'hurst oa Oak street, exceptionallr large) lot or real elswsy design; and honest construction here is nothing to eaual it in IanMhi.n t-.i.- . . granted; here you will find everything of the r, " ewo put, into ;a norae. i Jn- li. O T EttrPBI rn Ijaurelhjirst Office, 89th, anil G i . mvrjr Jill. i Bose pit-f Office, 40th and I xaaor 9586. .1 MtL HOMESEKEEB: Just.-look ' - Bit UMfh-lb. Narfkr ilAthi .4- & 83 ' - a - ;-weai ws. s pi-iy nil ye. fa TT41P. brand new 4 room bungalow, bath, toilel. Dutch snt-rk-wa fi-ill W.ua, i T - a-t sin uv. aucv gis. ana ,oniy i. Jnt east' of Lanrelhursf. B Iroonx' cottage, race lot, hard surface street, sower ai5aid; IT'oJA "ITu. ff LS? . Li : K.v ?" """f f W the J. B; HOLBR-OOKii BEAtTO: 'iv-u ransma ztidg. bos crrx-t-$5soa Near new citv nark, utfm.ii . " VT" 7 winaowaj lunpsaee, fun s"--?,.."T"r"w "f-i luxnaca. Bose City' garage. i swrwia. Boai A. G. TEEPE CO. City Office. 40th and Sandy. 7-AureJhurat Office, $ta and G laoor S4B3 BJSAUTIFUL. Mr. Tin ATI tin This house is no shell- !.. iLi rfet; Dutch kitohen. htrge" M, , " i a isoori, a ;Del roe-ms and Sleeping- perch shore- lar, -i v.rTu .7 above jind betow. fctl siae.1 rwhTTlsaiient Ilaoo .rTA'n,-,:. . MixlSO. Price 7--srV -cwn wiu oanajft j tlg Krthwiwtern Bank! Bldg. - J M CAfk T 86500 One ex Fbirtlaiwl'a 1m k-iu . i t . . . l's best I Weta wtth j everything . , mwvtmrtm t Into a, real ; rliasy noma and one eould possibly put i A. h. TEEPB rvi " ' 40th and Ssnrfv-T.k,.'siai 89th and Glissj-4-Tabor 4I 182x140 corner: beantifei iki. wrwuens os iruu ana net tun hl. with all modern Improvements, denhu rarSM! .Jam .n hi. -i i r. . r " www I snap for v"w". a wa Johhson-Dbdson Co', t I If. Wi Bank BIdr. l . I , mrL;T 638 Main T1V TJLCAS X at ETnv SITV-i,li or a room and sleeping porrb. firanl-r- .i aa 11U to. imZZnft UTfJ& rrrr-in..04 -f eaah Hi T' wH-jt sow. owner ; sad anil rw wvpwww to snow r-TUt F F. Crew, Wslnnt 1201. i .) ... 8-OXTASfA "AVE.- HOME one Gen. r VViT rooea. aaodern 'errreniencsi tall lot. fraifcimeeaseBt and BeWrsfcLriee ow?; ggooo. wua oto d-rwa.-cTtaae Mght car a . ra.i.ve.;) . wainut 1201 7 . . . t ttK ' 1,,1 J rr 1 . . VewWM Cleae-tn, f rnTu A-l ewnst ruction, aatl. is, Bwinaan. snor suan 0OX1OO lot, fine te bb, - Waved et. I Sewer, an . aiars. .n .. 4 u r.la. .u- ' ' T VM i.ito. .wi .whb. pjua' - - '"j. r -.i- - a civ v-iww aouae, . a aanaii ravens. rrs. linns; twra.ag Xieieen, 6$ S Esiun St. jcent , V, 1400. 20? lHIW,e-CMii litile eomnletely : fnrnislied- ill bt-w. car. aw ww wis er ewxuraay. Kdwia 41. -ni-M VuiWtee Slit WrfiTT NEAB Fsanklu hich achooL; 4) room, den. urspaii: ports, -iiinu, ig kinds fruit. Mfecx to' Hawthorne oar, , by owner. I 2606. eexn ex.. woo rt. eontn jiviscn. Tsbee V170. WE build good hesnea" romvb. " pd getnt the drawings therefor-, investigate j ear prices ana . reverences eezore JWU euud; aue-mtions. East 411. v-; -i . i..-Ti- r " GOING away; aav $400 on pretty r. mod. home; X shady, a-ts. $2700. Some fam. sad $ card wood. '.W. I. '.m tl'HW... ,".. I.J ".JIM. ..' ... I.'i. naan. Sandrr REAL ESTATEfO SALE HOUSES 04 i.HolySnaOke! f HIS IS CHEAP : V 830OO bvrraii a BBdimi ' 4. room. hum, dose in.4mp,ail iald, fins pipe furuiaoa, f irejilace. close to aclurok aad car, cement basement and buUtina. Hill sacrffsc my equity of $1130 for 8600. Muat ba sold tlua week. Will con sider light earj 1 ' .-'., .1 - P TH1 IS WOBTlf BCTING l ftAA A. - .. J vrMnlkaa-a . A rwy.. -eWUl ! mUtMUCrm UVmam, tl-raw.iaa.wi 50x100 lot, fruit trees, lawn, " flowers, bar' rie. aartly fmriiisheiS. j Duly 380 down. Gootl "- ; i - . I f ' 1HKIsa FOB A BEAD BTJT i 81S50 buva a 3 .room i hense on ATberta 50x100 lot. oath and toilet, elect.,' fireplace, fruit and - beer-tee. This Won't nut at this price. This fcous la uartiy lurrjiihed. 8500 oUrwa, fo4 Upn.1.1' ' - .! ;-.. ;, I ., -"-,." -1. THERE ABB SOME BRAVD! XEW 1 83850 busa a 4-rixim aiolarn.1 new botue watt attic, laundry: itnnJ ff'emetit basement. geod rniacj hdw. floors breakfast Book, in Alasaedg, djst.1 " $500 .dorvu, good! Urtss. aU Tr.t . 1 . f r ' AXOTIXEB NEW ONB v : -$4350 buns a 8roomJ brand, new. extra fine bifagakn 80x190 lot, cemerot basement laundry u-aja. furnace, : hdw. .floors. Dutch ' kitchen; breakfast, ; nook; $ 1 000 down. bai. good twins, : irhia. big real bareatn. , . 1 $4650 buyfc a strictly modern. 5-nn. Tbcsne, - 60x100 lot ta an alley, all imp. in and paid, hdw. floors, i breaktt nook snd everything. That b a -wi built house in every respect and WeaVl-ast lone .at 1om price..;i.,... j ,; ; . . EBEfS ANOTHER KEW ONE . : 88800 Asa a new 4-room. - mixieru honse. eotrner jlot. Paved st,T Thi ia aosne snap. Only auu niewn, palanoej good: terma, j otgii nare . to -hs S ... ' l 1.-... ... ... ... :.. .- vrst "r.xSMW ww iw-irvrvo " " S52,50 bum a atrictlv modern, wonderful home, furnace, hdw. if loom all bull tin, imp, ia 1 and pant, outiioo got, fin lawn and T lowers, . 1 garage. If ou sarei looking for a real nonse'i come out and see tins. - Good term. - nave gunareiia or nsttngs at nousea ana : farms that bv been pemonally appraised and ! inspected byluv Uur price gjrd tight. -J Call and seTius. 1 -v Ii i . - -! ... ' arcGEB 4k DENNIS " ;. ! I a"W Sell the Easch" : - "i -"'t J 69 TJnlon ave X.t i Wslnnt 8684. 4 14? "Vkiirti - r ewe a s -.'-,-! II . IT llltbl: WMIWil THm fa a rtandv brand beW B-room bnngalew fTnisbed in dainty I up-to-date style with Dutch ; kitchen andj breaktast tiec. papered waua. : hardwood fleon, fireplao. bexlrooms down- I snttrs. . larges attio; :i fine - j basasaent - with wash I txaya. fulL lot amli garage. All for $4750; i on easy term. For appointment ex 11 East 7211.1 Brand Nev Ppzy Home 1 1 " J-m ' v 8-roomokintv littat home in ! tna imngtoa ; district; ' hardwood floors, fireplace, .papered i walls. Dutch kitchen and breakfast Book. 2 bed rooms downstairs, large attic, nice base- - meat -with Wash ways. AU ut;maern puut-j ins. $4150, $5O0 eaah and ;aanthly pay gfraata. - Ea taill'"-"'!" " t '" I 1 :: frioiern' " bungalow' '1 8 roomsJ aa -on onoi floor, ; furnace, fir-1 place. oamht basement, tray,: concrete ga-i rage, - atticj beautiful lawn and flower: 2 short blockS to ear., $8450t Must hsv 1250 down, balsry $251 month. K. 8985, - j I T OWXEB 4 '" For 'aalelat a very low price.; fl room mod-- . em bungabrw, paved atreet. fuQ base meat, er"; will exchange "fori smaller .bouse; with . two lots; or . email aeerag I near city limit. My place! located at' 16,1 Pig t, 8 bleck from Missis-, aippi car l,H ; block south of . BusselL Call after 5 p. m. l . z- : i - - ; . EOSB CITY FAKK ; Com 63d aa.il and Sandv blvd : f A real home, hardwood floor, fireplace' bitUtlna, large rooms. - B aownstaira, B land oath, also iep- ; 1-hkJh.i ... u. ; ing porch j upstair; basement, i laundry, tubs,: furnace, beautiful shrubbery, large porch, cor ner lot A real .-.bantam,, easy!, terms. 1839. Sandy blvdl i , f BY OtfNKR- .1 i- 5-ROOM -modem bungalow, bear Peninsula . nark : latrg . living room, oak floors., book cases, chili, closets. Dutch kitchen, breakfast ?,ook, cooler, i wood lift, laundry - trays sd! ull baseraanCl Walnut 2381 of call at 1281 Campbell are: bouse at 1454 Missouri ar. li, L. King. ! i ' - , - - ii -t- w l " j ' 1 " M ' ' " .. ij', riiTrxGTOjj'l" s ' . Xtnr 8 1 room i hungsiow. large attic. hard. wouti itoen I aecuraia uirquiuuui. wood finer, i decorate Dlumbine. -material and costly wmkmaoshio this very best,- 621 E. 23d W rv. a.i r.eien, owner and builder. Ca .Autoj $13-29. 1 1 isofjciTiGTOM vtmaiuaw -"" Xw. -Ki vooansu .f inifihed ' in irarr and, taneal try paper, break fast nook, 'attio. - furnace, firee piace, ouijt-ina, ate part oi outnet, close t car service: terms. i ' i . . i "-'--l'-J. R. tSAIGHT FOR READ ESTATE. f 331 Ankefy St.TT Bdwy. ; 2045". -t HAWTHORNE DISTRICT' BARGAIN I Moderaj bungalow, fireplace; buffet. hardV wood floors, 5 -rooms on first floor. Ilecoad floor can I be converted into I four addiuonal rooms: newly s painted inside and out. street paving paid, for, furnished ; special price $45t, terras. See.i Webttar I tx Eineaid, realtor. 401 Lewis bldg, j Phone Broadway 4735. j , h 14 ; ROOM BUNGALOW sv.al-. N - . $15f DOWN -! ;Kar Lembard. dsndy-ghapev. most; new; prwe 830001 , best get busy,! tms kind don't last. I" . , . L - RALPH HARRIS CO.. f 316 Chahbcr of Commerce. Broaaway 8854. ROOM IhouseJ' 80x100 lot, near Lanrelharst -nark : street lmDrovernents ail in and nald ani nainled ion th Inside. U Price $3500; l.ri , Uiil wWovumuw ... wy ,: -j ' . - -. terms to suit iFbr particulars, see FISHER REALTY ? CO.. 8 IS tll-M-fMe' of Co ffi mar a bldg. Bdwy. IV A i . .' BXAti JBAKG ATNj IX MT. TABOR i 4-Boom house. bethi toCet,-. gas. Rights, ce ment basement, i jail kinds berries, clos to . school, and can,! Only $250 down. Price $1800. Easy terms onl the balance. V I 504 BCGHAXAX BLDG. I - BCTGAJjDWlnreplae, tbookcgsa, ', buffet, ohina euDboards. - white enameled Dutch 1 kitchen, tiedroom and hath; .dining room ivory and" paneled. BorebeaJ lawm. . rase, gardea. aarage ; JUSOOt lor ntok .aai. 4828 81st S. B. ' j -1" lit-- ;. i ; I "" '-.."; j , S BOOMS, 11450 I . " Xire 80x100 lot, -paved atraet,4 honse Bseds some rerirs,. 81 : Alberta tt. ; only 8150 cash, balance $20 per month. Sea owner at 01 : MuajftMPTfi st. i Pbonel Wslnnt 1201. j y j 1 FIXE bungalow of 5 large cheerful i room.. full 'basement, i furnace aad beautiful lot on S 3d st... 3 tucokg from Moot vula ear: Only" $3100. J Tory easy term. i Tabor 6016. f . K A BARGAIN $1850. SOME TERMS . tine acre,, v -room noum, gas. strawoemee and a httie , furniture ; $0 annates out fa Greshams ear. Call ATitomatic 684-20. i . NEW 4-a-oom bur.gaiow,. hard wood floors, fife- fp lace, hall, furnace; everything built in, , cnmplete hone; parage; Some: term. i882 E. -15th tl N. Owner on) pyemisea. I. - i ' iET tenant pay . for .your home. Three-family - noweei 31O0O down.- Including fumitare, 4 blocks; from I Broadway, -half block William ' " are, warj'-' Esst 1318. ' "- f .j'. ' -'- !'-; ' ": BfY-FEOM OWNER Modem 6 room bun- galowj Meal home, in Overlook diet.; $500 down. $0 a month, or will accept bonus. Mr. . Cadyj 482 Cham, ipf Com. Bdwy, 8387 . ' j PIEDiMOXt DISTRICT . i ' : . Tiew, i modem.- 4-ropm double' constrncted, near car end .business, district: '80x100. east . fscing lot; tenrrs. Owner, 1200 Borthwick st. ' . I HAWTHObS'B DISTB.ICT i - I Modern hovn;. neajntux.completien,' 3 VioeV: smith of Hawthorne gw;. on S9th street; tot . 160 feet deep, j Tabor; 7078. j - j I ! ' 1 -t-lT-s "V r IT A TA at J'ATVl" X p a Ti r'1T V- " 1 ' !,,,p- 4- 4 -- IAsi u-triv i M.KJ UUAJ tlOIN jjEith it ... Pi otr Baaki alteration. - Either contract or per- centage- 2 1 : years-. 'oruand. , Belereno- Tabor S909. BEAUTIFUL room modern bungalew, .. hwd, ; Iioorj ion nasevnenv urge lot, paved street, . aQ imp J paid hM Wook Monta villa ear $4000. terms, 'Owner; 111 rS.--7 . X. ' 1 8-ROOM , house, aot nute finished; take ear- tor part peymenL f 8439 tester road. AUTO. fll-Bll, J -. ! -- j, , '... A(3aU-HA"vVTHORNB CAR, ' SaasS botg,t gsrage. $150 fruit. 31500. $400 cash, j Owner, Ant 62i ywly;! BOOM IsomteS and! 3 lotei $50 down, eay term on -banc.f -JPrica .3150 600? 2d M Mt fkoott ear.- --, 1 ' -i S-ROOM cottage, $2650, earner lot; besnesa . .location. f2, E. ' 29th et. Phone Tabor 0386 1 eveniragv. . ; Tabor 0883. f FOR SALE 4 room house, 75 by 100 feet ground, 1 8 fruit tree. $1400. A bargain. 1903 B. MM St. . i i " ; j ilAWTHORNi i district. 5 room modem hua - gslow, fke-jlsce. fmo and garage, fruit trfKS, "Phoge Tabor 1094. , - , BY OWSEB4 10-reoa house, two baths, ar- 4-ROok and ! bath, ku mished or unfurnished ; - a and elecinc light, full basement, all rnprqvement j Pd. ' I e7 Stent on. 1 HEEE & yoar jehans for a -good home.' 6- vi-rooaa bouse : ! nice lorstkm. close to cariinej ceay terms,;- Tabor 4937.-" ;-. . - - . .- -t . LOT; aouse and furniture, price 31200. Msy ' .- be Been ist- 403 Kaapy ave- - liwoid car, : ilOl bX for sale 104)3 is. 24tj gt, s- Inquire : after n o etoek. 1 ' - 1 - fUUN 1sfeDl-wingto hrtae $53d0. - Is. i. -McGrom; 545 Union, E"l 8407. ! - (Continued en rei'gwina P - ! r "-It