THURSDAY, . AUGUSTS 31, 1922. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. 5 . . . i . . I , I . . : , I ....... .... ... .,...-.... . . ... - , . ,. mmwm IT IS AMENDMOI LOST IN SENATE By James R. Vonrte rninntj Berries Staff CorrMpoTwlerjt Washington, Augf. ,31. Xefat .of Sen- tor Smoot'B sales tax amendment and loung lor a siraigui oau uuiiim iu u inai vote tne uixnunoer ponus cut iu he senate Wednesday. It Is believed nm va.a will hA r Irak tAitflv The Smoot sales tax plan, providing or a levy or one-nan or. 1 per cent on H ti n tr nrir of a 1 1 manufarturad nd imnnrtwi articles was defeated af- er a brief debate. The vote was 18 to , those supporting it being Ball, Bor- IltJSJO, uniwi, vimci tt .u0vui arren. wuuams, owanwn oa wu- 18. Senator France obtained only three htsa. in nnivirt' an o msnrfTTn nm- iAi-wx Wa aiimi iTfl t Vi a Knna iu ilia. lij a l iciuiuie v. - v . wjiuu night contribute all or part bonus to fund for educational and hospttaliza ion facilities for service men. Those ngton. Nicholson,, and France, there eing 55 votes against it. The- Bursum substitute was rejected Varying opinions continued to be ipon me Simmons amenameni airecung he secretary of the treasury to pay he bonus out of the interest collections rum Lfle- lureuiH uculs. A large number of senators were of he oDlnion that adoDtion of the pnr wit n most convincing reason or veLninic 1 1 in uiii. i ilia uuiuiu I w o.a tary of the Treasury Mellon is opposed way interfere with the activities of the foreign debt commission of which that much uncertainty exists as to when, if ever, any of the money due io ine u. 3. 1 1 ijii iuiciu suvciuuicui will be recovered. IX FKAB OF LEMON With regard to the latter suggestion. supporters of the bonus fear they may be charged wUh handing the ex-ser vice men a "lemon" if they give them a bonus bill Hpon collections of a my thical or uncertain nature. Fear is expressed also that the house will not accept the proposal. Opposed' to these, views, there is a large number or senators who are strong supporters of the bonus and who believe the possibility of a veto has been practically if not wholly de stroyed by adoption of the amendment. It is recalled that the president's chief point against the McCumber bill has been that it made no specific rro- vision for raising the money with which the bonus was to be paid. These senators believe therefore that by di recting use of interest collection this obstacle Has ' been removed and the president will find himself in sympathy with the bill. The debate In the senate yesterday was largely on the subject of the Sim mons amendment, with senators about have on the ultimate fate of the bill. Senator New scored the action of the majority In agreeing to the Simmons amendment. He declared the proceeds of the Interest collection in which loans must be used for the redemption of liberty bonds and other. obligations, in curred by the U. S. la .financing the war. Replying to New, Senator Lodge said Hotchkiss Passes Up 15 Gallons of Good Cherry Wine Prohibition Just isn't in Southern California, believes Clarence Hotch kiss, United States marshal, who has just returned from- attending the annual convention of the Span ish War Veterans at Ljos Angeles, where he was elected junior vice commander. At Hollywood the marshal was introduced to -a movie star. "How'i the bootlegging business in Hollywood?" he asked. "Oh. it doesn't bother me," blithe ly replied the star. "I get mine from my grocer." A rancher, according to another story that Hotchkiss telle, makes remarkable cherry wine. Being a hospitable man, he was going to present Hotchkiss with about 15 gallons of it. "But I cannot have that in my room," protested the marshal, "I am a federal official, and It wouldn't do for me to have any thing like that around." '"Oh. that's all righC" assured the affable rancher. "I supply it to all the federal officials around here." there was no restriction placed upon the interest collections and nothing in the law which required the money to be used for liberty bond redemption. He said he favored a direct tax for raising the money for the bonus and believed that either the sales tax or some other method of direct, taxation should have been adopted for this purpose. Senator Simmons decried the effort of the anti-bonus senators to make it appear that adoption of his amend ment would give the president addi tional reasons for vetoing the bill. He declared that, on the contrary the amendment would overcome the objec tion which the president has to a bonus measure which was not properly financed, and said the incorporation of his amendment into the bill would give the president ample reasons for ap proving it. Half of Out-Over ; Detroit, Or., Lands Good for -Forestry Approximately one-half of the 7000 acres of cut-over land in the vicinity of Detroit, Ore., is suitable for forestry purposes, and will be considered by the forest service in future land ex changes, says Ryle Teed, forest ex aminer, who has just inspected the logged off lands of the Hammond com pany. Reproduction is slow in coming in around Detroit, according to Teed, be cause of the intense heat created in the first slash burnings after logging, destroying the seed in the soil on the steep mountainsides. Bushes and maple, have acquired a foothold, how ever, and a forest cover will eventually follow. In the valleys which the for est service will not: consider in ex changing land, a fine young growth has appeared. Independent Filing Time Ends Sept. 27 Salem, Aug. 31. Independent can didates who intend to submit their names before the voters in the Novem ber election must file their declara tion of intentions not later than Sep tember . 27, according to Secretary of State Kozer? Political organizations which Intend to place candidates in the field for the November contest must do so on or before September 12. . JUGO-SLAVS AND mums-- NEAR CLASH OF ARMS By Ralph H. Timer United New SUff Correspondent London. Aug. JL Both Jugo-Slavs and Italians are -reported to have massed troops along the Austrian fron tier. Advices here express fear that the slightest provocation or move on either side will lead to an advance across the border. The United News is informed by a London displomatie source that Italy has made informal advances to France, sounding her out as to whether, if Italy supports the French reparation policy, France would support at least not oppose Italian occupation of Aus tria. The foreign office does not confirm this report, though it has the earmarks of authenticity and indicates the deli cate situation In southern Europe. SITUATION 13 TE5 8E It ts apparent that European chan eellories are nervous over the situation. Confidential advices reaching London reflect an atmosphere of intrigue. Diplomats agree that the situation TMTierin in Austria is now acute overshadowing the reparations dispute the trouble in the Near East and other imbroglios. Authoritive opinion is that the col lapse of Austria would precipitate a Balkan crisis involving Hungary, Cse- cho-Slovakia. Jugo-Slavia, probably Italy and possibly France. Vienna, it is pointed out, geographi cally, politically and economically has in the past dominated the BalKans, ana whoever controls Austria controls Cen tral Europe. . Vienna is the center of Central Eu rope's railway and navigation routes, and of almost the entire economic life of the Balkans. Headquarters of most of the traders of Southern Europe are at Vienna. - GERM AX SCHEME BECALLEB German attempts to dominate the Balkans through Austria, it is re called, previously caused trouble. Sim ilar reasons now inspire neighbors to obtain control themselves, or to resist similar efforts by others. Internal troubles In Austria,' possibly entailing bolsheviam and anarchism, lead to the belief that Hungary would force Czecho-Slovafc!a to act also. This is expected to cause Jugo-Slavia to aid the Czechs. Italy's ambition to con trol the Balkans, combined with her present strong nationalist spirit and her ill feeling toward Jugo-Slavia mieht cause Italy to aid Hungary. France and Rumania are doubtful factors, though both are interested and unlikely to remain passive. It is de clared, here that no matter what nap- pens. Great Britain will not interfere, but will morally stiffen her growing tendency to Isolation from the affairs of the continent. TURKS THREATENING TO CUT OFF" PART OF GREEK ARMY (By United News) London, Aug. 31.-Turkish troops are continuing their advance toward Brussa. the northern base of the Greek army in Asia Minor. The Turks threaten to cut off part of the Greek forces, which are retreating under the onslaught of numerically superior en emies. AUSTRIA 8E2TDS AFPEAI. TO LEAGUE OF HATIOTTS Vienna, Aug. 31. Austria haajftir warded an appeal to the League; of Nations at Geneva, asking for speedy help in the crisis that is facing here. By. the time the proposed discussions and investigations have been concluded, the papal states, Austria's downfall wlir have occurred. ! Annual Home Coming Sale Opening Tomorrow, Sept. 1 32 Reduced New Pianos IS er more a montn 5 Reduced New Grands 14 or more a month 16ReducedNewPlayers til or noire a nonth 3 Reduced Reproducing Upright Pianos 2 Reduced Reproducing Grand Pianos 33 Used Upright Pianos Si.W or more a month HEW UPRIGHT PIA3TOS REDUCED Monarch, oak Monarch, mohogany... Win ton, walmit ...... Monarch, walnut ..... Howard, mahogany. ... "Win ton, mahogany.... Arion, mahogany Arion, walnut Monarch, mahogany... Hamilton Arion, cir. walnut Howard, mahogany Portland, ant mah Portland- ctr. wal Howard, walnut.. Gaylord, mahogany. Portland, walnut. . . , Portland, ant. mah. Singer, mahogany Hamilton, mahogany... Singer, oak Singer, mahogany... Gaylord, oak Haines Bros., mah.. Haines Bros., mah..,.. Haselton, mahogany.... Behnlng. mahogany. . Hamilton, mahogany.. Haines Bros., au9 .. . . Re hning, walnut Benning. man Behnlns, colo; $295 j$375 $395 :E:$425 ::::$450 ;i$475 $575 $14.00 Ail A Month I J I Kedveed to IMS cash or 114 a month. 71 if a at w V II I I i month. Grand no formerly an spright. FEW GRA3TD PIAXOS REDUCED Baldwin Art Mahogany... .(1156 Ellington Small Grand 975 Hamilton small grand 875 Howard Small Grand 695 Howard Reproducing 1(J50 The Reproducing Piano brings artists performances to your home, to your club unlimited recitals by the world's leading pianists. . SEW PLATER PIAIfOS ' REDUCED : Monarch, mahogany. Winton, walnut...... Monarch, walnut Modeilo, mahogany... DEMONSTRATION PLATEBS Portland, mahogany. . . . Gaylord. walnut........ Modeilo, walnut Gaylord. mahogany - 3TEW PLATER PIANOS Modeilo,. mahogany Portland, mahogany.... Modeilo; walnut... Portland, oak Hamilton, mahogany.... Howard, mahogany .... Hamilton, walnut....... Ampieo Reproducing Piano in mahogany... Franklin Amplco. . . . . . . )$395 LATEBS $475 Airos $575 $m $875 SEW AITD TJ8ED PlASUS REDUCED Willard, walnut ... Hall & Sons, ebony. Kingsbury, oak Kensington, walnut Smith & Barnes, oak. . . Kimball, ebony Dfknar. ebony Schaeffer. oak Chase J3ro8., walnut.... Hazelton Bros., mah... Monarch, walnut Kim ball, walnut. ...... Howard, oak Howard, mahogany.... Delmar, mahogany Franklin, mahogany.... Kimball, mahogany. . . . The Portland, walnut.. Franklin, mahogany.... Howard, walnut Hamilton, mahogany... Arion, cir. wal Hazelton Bros , Portland, walnut. . . , Haines Bros., mah . . , Haines E;-os., mah.... Haselton Bros. mah.. Hammond, mahogany. Behnlng. mahogany... Haines, manogany Haselton. mahogany Halnee Bros mah... IT..!!..... UMUUUIU, W .UlUfc.,. . . . ::$195 $265if $295 $345 $395 ;;:$435 $495 ;:;$575 REDUCED TERMS OF PAYMENT I fS, lift AND MORE A MONTH Fre DeUTcry Wltaia 1M MilM SeTeata Flor rati 1 i ! Beginning Here Next Wednesday, September. 6 Our Tenth Birthday Sale It is to be a super-sale in every .sense of the word--greater than any special occasion here since the new Lipman-Wolfe store was opened ten years ago. cJ' Merchandise cfcl MoTt()iJy" In a Sale Tomorrow 700 Yards of Navy Blue French Serge $1.59 This the All-Wool Serge in the 42-Inchk Width We bought this all-vrool serge before the recent advance in the price of wool and now it goes into special selling at a price 'way below present valuation. The finest of dye, and in a finish especially suitable for one piece dresses and children's garments. 300 Yards All-Wool Poplin at $1.69 This beautiful fabric in a complete assortment of the new Fall colors. Every yard all-wool every yard perfect and a price that's much less than regular. On the Second Floor Lipman, Wolfe Co. More Vacation Trips Yet to Be Taken and 200 Georgette and Crepe de Chine Blouses Ready to Go at $4.95 Dainty blouses here that would just "love" to mate the Labor Day jaunt with you and why shouldn't they go when their entire expense for that trip and many, many others will total just $4.95? Over-blouses and ruck-in blouses trimmed with filet, baby Irish and Venetian Iaces and choice of white, flesh tint and bisque. Blouses of crepe de chine and georgette sizes 1 6 to 44. See them in our windows. On the Third Floor Llpmaa, Wolfe A Co. -and all For the Hast Vacation Days of Summer Khaki Outing Garments Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's Women's khaki coats sizes 34 to 44 $3, $5 khaki shirts are priced at .... $2.45 khaki middies are selling at. . $2.35 khaki breeches are $2.45 to $3.75 khaki knickers are $2.95 to $3.75 khaki skirts-24 to 34 waist $4.25 khaki hats are priced at $ 1 .00 Children's khaki breeches are priced at $2.25 Children's khaki coats are priced at. . . . $3.00 Children's khaki middies are priced at $2.00 Children's khaki bloomersj are priced at $1.75 Children's khaki hats are priced at 95c Children's khaki play suits are priced at $3.25 Women's Tweed Suits Are $28.50 These the three-piece suits so practical for vacation wear. Each suit consists of skirt, knickers and coat snappy, belted models of durable tweeds, tailored into sturdy garments that wfll give service for many seasons. ? On the Foerth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. ; ; 1 Clearing Hammocks, Cots and Folding Chairs Straight Reduction of One-third During This Sale (Some Soiled) Just 21 Cretonne Chair Pads Very Specially Priced at 98c V On the Fifth Floor Llpmaa, Wolfe & Co. Everything in the Basement for Cash Everything for Less Children's Elastic Gingham Dresses Ribbed School Hose For Girls 7 to 14 3 Prs. $1 Excellent quality elastic ribbed hose for the school children. Double heels and toes and choice of black, white and brown. They're especially priced at 35c a pair or three pairs for $1. Sizes 514 to 10. Ia the Basement. Men's Wool-Mixed Medium-Weight Hose at $1.25 School girls need plenty of dresses and these washable gingham dresses are just the thing. Pleasing checked patterns, with collars 'and cuffs in contrasting shades. They're finished with sashes. In the Basement. Women's Full-Cut Khaki Breeches 39c Pair Good grade hose of medium weight. Wool mixed sox that are extremely serviceable. Gray, natural, white and oxford in sizes 92 to 12. Men will deem it economy to purchase a full iupply of these hose. In the Basement. at $1.98 Full-cut breeches that are thoroughly rein forced. Lace-knee and knicker styles in sizes , 26 to 34, waist measure. Just the thing for hiking or camping and especially desirable since the price is so low. In the Basement. A New Shipment of Untrimmed Satin Hats at $1.95- We've just received more of those popular satin shapes and tomorrow they go at $1.95. The last tone we announced these .desirable im trimmed hats we sold them all in very short tim so you'd best be here early. New Felt Hats at $2.98 ' New styles new colors and all priced so specially they're truly ."bargains. The sale here tornorrbwi .V ' In the Eeemosr Basement LIfB, Wolfe Co. 't In the Sale of School Needs r ! . t. x .... Hand-Elmbroidered Jersey ecial at $4.95 Dresses Sc Practical little garments for school and "dress-up" wear dresses that are so prettily trimmed and so neat ly finished one could scarcely believe they'd be priced so low $4.95. And listen to this they're hand embroidered on the skirt and waist Slip-over style with round neck and short sleeves and finished with narrow string belts. ; Girls' School Coats Special at. ,$14.95 Girls' Gingham Dresses Special . .$2.75 Girls' Wool Serge Bloomers, Pair. $2.95 Girls' Wool Middies Special at. .$3.95 Glrle Section On the Fonrth Floor. i and Getting Boys . Ready for School All-Wool Two-Knicker Suits Special at $9.95 Suits that will give the boys wonderful service complete satisfaction. 1 hey re all-wool and every suit priced astonishingly low, quality considered. Snappy new styles -and the fabrics and patterns just what the boys demand. Every suit with two pairs of trousers- and the price $9.95. T ;. ' Boys Sweaters $4S$, $5, $6.45 . . .$7.45 Boys School Blouses Special at . . . . . 89c Boys' All-Wool Caps Special at . . .$1.29 i Boy s English Raincoats Are No$595 Boys' Corduroy Trousers at , Pair $2.45 Boys Section On the Fifth Floor. . BASEMENT Boys' Corduroy Suits in Middie Style-$2.98 Momers of the little fellows from 3 to 8 years will fbd in this selling opportunity that's unrivaled.- Middie suits of stout corduroy well-made -suits in blue and brown jaunty little suits that have wonderful wear in them. f t- Wool Serge Sailor Suits $4.45 Snappy JLittle Suits" at a Special Price - '01irer 5T8t nd "Middie style sailor suUs ' for the boys Zxz to 8 years. They r trimmed with white ' and gold braidand every suit perfectly' made. ' 1 Boys Wool 4ts $2.98 . A Good Selection of School Colors Wool sweaters- big. 3 wann ooes and ; an extra "special 1 price tomorrow. They're in the slip-on style and there's choice of "a large assortment of . school colors. Sizes for th boys of 6 to 14 years. x ; . ... ' v, In the Ectmnj Baeement Llpataa, Welfe Cm,, , STORE USES NO C01ARAT1VE PRICESTHEY ARE MISLEADING AND.. OFTEN UNTRUE o?eqsco i A 1