THURSDAY, "AUGUST .31, 1922. TIXE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. iSt u opy r . From Aitylfevjs&ahro QkfeS gift A IfeiMffld ? 1 1 X l lf X 1 1 f f ill l l l r v i i &Cr r? . KSfe if Gripping questions these fearlessly asked and fearlessly answered by such far-famed people as Lady Astor, Gifford Pinchot, Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, Barton W. Gurrie, Charles A. Selden, Douglas Fairbanks, Josephine Daskam (Bacon; No publication strikes so vigorously and understanding at the roots of the American woman's problems as The Ladies' Home Journal the mother's worry over her jazz-mad children; the club woman's ambition for civic and artistic betterment; the woman voter's energetic efforts to clean house politically; the tired home-maker's need for inspiration and entertainment. You cannot afford to miss the 194-page September issue, with its vealth of stories, articles and -helpful features. Buy it to-day before your news-dealer's supply is exhausted . TAD Y ASTOR, the American-born Peeress, strikes without fear at the Fashions of To day and describes her own wardrobe. Charles A. Selden begins a series of articles full of constructive suggestions on EDUCAT ING ILLITERATE AMERICA. Josephine Daskam Bacon gives her impres sions of the WOMEN'S CLUB FEDERA TION meeting and some of the notable fig ures 'at the Biennial. MRS. O. H. P. BELMONT writes on Women as Dictators and tells how she was ostracized by society, first because of her divorce and later her suffrage fight. GIFFORD PINCHOT, next Governor of Pennsylvania, exults that the women nomin ated him and helped him overthrow boss rule. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS takes you with him while he makes his new film, Robin Hood, and prophesies, the future of the motion pictures. BOOTH TARKING TON presents his latest one-act comedy, written especially for the Journal, which your Club may put on without charge. BARTON W. CURRIE, Editor of the Journal, writing from actual observation here and abroad, contrasts conditions in Wine-Soaked Europe and Dry America a stirring indictment of rum. FICTION, lots of it Serials by JOSEPH C LINCOLN of Cape Cod fame, and George Weston and Olaf Baker. Mr. Baker's Dusty Star is different from anything, you have ever read. Unusual short stories by such favorites as EDITH BARNARD DELANO, Roland Pertwee, Frances Noyes Hart; Sarah Addington. C T7J7HY GROW OLD? Ethel Lloyd V V Patterson in this installment exposes the secrets of the beauty parlors. FASHION pages feature the fall bride and tell you how to buy or make your autumn wardrobe. ' HOUSEHOLD pages overflow with recipes and with time and money savers. TPJT 7U ii JO. .-Jar t ... - " - ;. - - SI- -. w S. --- j' ... . - r " --- '- '.'7 - u . . . . . - - ! r fTW TO W SEPTEMBER ISSUE By Mail jSitbscripUons ; ;You csxls!lbsc,rib? throaffh "sny nws-dealer or authorized asrent or send your order direct to THE, LADIES H03IE JOURNAL PhiladelphiaT Pennsylvania - ' .... y . . . tr-'. - - 9