THE OREGON DAILY JOU RNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. 21 THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1922. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 EAN. light, com. lettable sleeping roomT. $12, $15, 118: may he used for light; lKkecptcz; desirable location; 2 mki Irom j ntaviiia carline, 751 15. Couch, near 3-a. st 0533. SIRABLE. furnished front iron with eon- nivttiir K ( Vi n iH t hnm in MM or n; uh of kitchen. 169 E. 28 th u Sua tde or Mt Tabor cr. MFORTABLE room for gentleman; modem. bath adjoining; no other roomers; 6 miu--' walk to Meier & Frank's, west aide. in 3291. 822 1 South Broadway. NEATLY furn. corner rontu, for gentlemen; I dose in; modern conveniences; good car nee; $4.50 and (3.2 5 per week. 2oj : ton are. 2M. fc-ast 81B2. i KLL furnished rooms, modern home privi es;; nice, clean and reasonable, west sine, kins distance. Mtt. Johnston,- Atwater 193s. 4 Market St.. cor. 14th t. ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortonaa Hotel Broadway off Washington. Broadway 1190. Portland ! high class downtown residential jcX. Ws giv. you the comfort of home, lerican and European plan. Bat reason- HOTEL HEREFORD Tim HOYT. MAIS 8805. Exclusive residential: special summer rat is; r meals speak for our popularity. KCLOSIVE residential hotel; rate $45 U $50. 794 Lorejcy. Mam BS1D ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 IILDREN to board, beautiful country home, j near aenooi, cjose in. i mummy. " , 1 J.. . . I . . Vrn. . T t A ucuiars write iniTiiu " " - i box 142-A, Hillsboro. IDOW wishes to room and board 2 gentle men in nice home. a:l conveniences ana m privileges; near 2 cars. Phone aluut sa - R AGEIJ invalids, rnronlc or convalescent ' naH.nt nlea.anr home surrounding, with . ilth-building diet and treatment personal cara : IHiysician; reascnabiO rates. oo. ; ANTED One child to board, $15 per j month; mother's tare. Aut. 64 2-4. j t 1IVATE home for girU grammar w.-hool ac ; j each child will receive mother s care an'i , irung; near achoo!, library ana ennrcnes. Iwood 2203. 1 NTED Four or five men or boys to t board and room, near Jefferson high. 1240 ; chigan are. Walnnt 2012 j CELY furniiheu room and t.rd in i ii- j vilegea ejtended; no other roomers; busi es girl preferred. Tahor 733. f TRACT1YE ROOM IN WIDOW'S MOD- ; ERN FT. AT ; GOOD BOARD. PLEASANT. ' P.ROl' N D I SiJH : WALKINGS DISTANCE. 1H DAVIS. BDWV. b04. , j LARGE, cltan. sunny robins. alo 1 smgie room: excellent home cooking: suitable for iployed couple or single people employed. 0 IS. Broadway. East 24 IS. VO young men or man and wif to room and board; private home: walking distance. t aide. East 0218. Do not cail fcundaj ; erencea. KIM AND BOARD FOR TolNG LADY TEACHER: WALKING DIST. THOMPSON. FFERSON. SHAVER. HOMESTEAD AND XIOT SCHOOLS. WALNUT 12SS. WIDJW would like a few boarders, good am and all comforts of home: walking dis- nce, on west side, cloee to hospital. Call at 13 Northrup st. ILL board and room 1 or 2 children, school age, reasonable. Bdwy. lOoo. ICE largrt rrom t.-r 2 working people, lovely home and excellent meals; every home com- rt and couveruence; reasonable. Call East M8. ANTED Children to board and room in private home; best of care gTVeu. Phone alnut 3954. ICE, larga room, suitable for 2 ladies, gvxid board. ni other roomers. 2 block to Broad- ky and Irvington cars. East 5S78. Ccr th ami Hancock. HM AND BOARD. 8 MIN. WALK TO HEART OF CJTY. 2 LARGE RMS F4U ;F-.NTl.F.MEN IN' EACH. FIREPL. IN ONE RONT ROOM. SIT. RATES. BDWY. 2333. iMFORTABLE FRONT ROOM IN GOOD HOME. BETWEEN JEFFERSON HIGH XD W00DLAWN SCHOOL; TWO MEALS DESIRED. WALNUT 6464. EST OF ROOM AND BOARD CHEAP; HOME PRIVILEGES AND EN IKON - ENT; CLOSB IN- JI'8T WHAT VOL" ARE OKING Rill. tASI .(. ARGE FCRN1SHED ROOM. WITH BOARD. SUITABLE FOR MAN AND WIFE OR WO TEACHERS; NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH. ABOR 2335. OOM WITH BEST OK HOME COOKING. HOME PRIVILEGED WALKING 1 US ANCE. 235 E. 15Tlr"COR. MALN. EAST 993. SEE THIS TODAY LOVELY LARGE CORNER RM. TOR 2; OOD BED. BEST OF BOARD; 7 MIN. AI.K TO CITY. EAST lbSO. EAUTIl'ULLY furnished room, with board. in small private family, locate! in one ol ortland'a best districts; reasonable: home hivileges. Tabor 6957. OARD AND ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY. PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS. SUITABLE OR STUDENTS. CLOSE TO BUSINESS ENTER. MAIN 2074. ICE HOME, best care, girt school age; no other children; near S. S. school. .Reasonable. abor 6186. ARGE furnished room, with heard, suitable for man or wife or 2 ladies, near k ranKlin gh. Tahor 2335. OR STULENTS or young men employed. single or double room, pleasant surroundings. alkmg distance. -285 14th . Main 2533. IIKV. m modern home, haa 1 large front room near ,S. P. shotm: piano, phone and .Uh. 64 K. 16th st. S. Sellwood 3465. WO LARGE SLEEPING ROOMS. WELL VENTILATED; BOARD IK DESIRED. 7 MARSHALL BDWY. 3355. ANTED, gixls of school age to care for. al.o small children afternoon or evening Giad- one P. O. Box 405 ILL board and room 1 or 2 boys, school age. near Franklin 11 'gh and Richmond school. 373 E Grant. OOM an4 hoard, just like home ; home cook ing aua conveniences; ladies and gents. all East S24 8 or 50 E. 12th st. N. LEASANT front room with board for 1 or gentlemen, home privileges; accessible to ft. Johns, Kenton and Portland. Wal. 6656. ONGENIAL gentleman to room and board. $7.60 week; piano; widows home; close in. ain 069S. OOM AND FIRST CLASS TABLE BOARD IN PRIVATE HOilL. 2 E. 20TH AND SSH. EAST 12t7. OEElNii girl, fchivol children or a baby; good care and rare home. t413 45th st OOM and board for 3 gentlemen, family of 3 adults, home cooking. 1ST E. 42d st. H1LD to board, good home, near R. C. chool: best reteeencea. 5 Kaat iSPUi, N. OARD and room, beat of home cooking, $9 per week. Tabor 2. 10ME for boys 6 and 8 near Kellogg school. 6911 43d are. S. E. ICE, clean, cheerful rooms with or with on t board. 13 K, Broadway Ka.t 484. ICE front room along with bomecooked metis. 205 N. 21st at F HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 22.50 TWO fnmiabed H. K. doim, brick building. 1 block from car. 563 Irving. or. 1 Tth. Modern conTeniences. Phone Bdwy. sea. fsTEAMHEATEP. hot and cold water, newlj turn,. H Js.. and sing. ran. , indry. rm. si: r"o.s np. sannyereet. ISO Sherman. 3 WEEK." ausgl h. k. room, oua or woman. Mean; furnace Heat, elect.. Data, phone. OS W. Park st. WO LARGE FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS. CLOSE IN KST SlflK HKAT I.1CHTS lajtUKJlSHEll, KAST Flt 3. $5, COME and inapect the newly fur ni&bed. immaculate, h. k. roonte. near Hoi- rnan achooL Main 8040. 040 Corbett. 2 AND 3 h. k. rooms, reasonable. 423 Pacifta at., corner 6th: near Decul college. f"-t 8494. fc.lGHT houaekeeping and aleeping. every coa- Tenience. Atwater 4 1 T.V trO NartlHa at. IONS trunk tran-fe.-T-vl 50e ; additional tranka 35e men: dowi.i. n., diatricta. Bdwy. 244 5. XWO aingle bastu."!.: if. K. rooms. (3 and Per week. lo -1 14th at. 5ne SMALL H. K. room, wutabk tor bachelor. sn lltn tt MCE clean hooeekeeping room with kitchen- ette, 4.60 a wee. 12 Clay. lTLRNISHED h. k. apta. 1, 3 and 3-rm. apto. r J aaa up per weeat. 37QH K. rtoe . pN'E SriTK b. k. room. aleeping room. Halo 82i3. ;lWO large, clean, front houaektjng rooms. Main liia. - FtTRXISHED. dean housekeeping room. FTRXISHED roojna for rent at iUX HiB- euoca are. 'noM w axant FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 WEST SIDE location. large 2 room fur nished apt; well ventilated: in f-rt cias condition; good heat furnished for winter; elec tricity, hot and cold water and laundry privi leges; prefer employe-! couple: easy walking dh-t&nce; reasonable rent Del Monte, 167 Stout, 1 block souta of 20th and Wash. NICK and clean, 1 and - room housekeeping. aiairtmenta, phone, light, water, laundry privilege, walking distance, $9 to $16 per munth. 406 Vancouver eve. Kant 3621. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 305 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, walking dit Eas.t ysej. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 ONE large, light, pleasant room with kitchen ette, west aide, walking distance. 546 Yaia hi!i. between 1 litfi and 17th. 2 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; KENT REASONABLE. MAIN 8510. t CLEAN 2 -room iuraished apartment, with bath; use uf pcrces, yard and Ua&einen: : adults. 671 Gant,enbein are. VA car ta Fargo at NEATLY furnished J7. K re room, larse cioset" i and 2 wrndows. In private home; furnace heat; good location 3ll' Kusseti st. Houe 1 bi.k east of Cr.ion ave. Ja lili. EVERYTHING new. masirs. mahoganj furni ture, beautiful fl tors, new gas range, fire place, steam heat, hot and cold wau-r, $6 per wek. 433 Markeut-, cur. 12th. 3 NICE clean rooraj, hail, bath, closet in room; use of porch, lawn; no other roomers; electricity phone and hath free; reasunaii.e. Adults. Walnut 3873 evening. 2 Oil 3 CLEAN, i umiortah", Tui. IT K. roums. private home. 2H blrcka from car. Good location. 1)30 E. Couch, near 3utn. T conif.r'b!e IT! Kl basenimt r.m1. fnrnishefl. r.::e lorarinn. lawn. cas. Rti.k. (prtn'' lights tree. ZG4 L. 6th. I1hone Nellvro.l 1109. J 1 - WES 1 SIDE, g round f I! Urge. clean, fully furnished H. K. roims, lawn. 2 porches, electric liEiits free; walking dUtince. 134 Porter. Sell woe 1 110!t. NICLLY furnished, 4 rooms, fireplace, dean. mrxiem. west aide, walking distance, near 2 high scaouls; rent $40 per month, includ lng phone. Atwater 3022 or 445 5th st. ONE 3 ROOM Fl'KN. U. K, APT.. OSE 2 ROOM CNFIKN U. K APT, NEAR RCHOOI.. SlITABLE FOR TEACHER. NEAR 2 CARLINES. TABIill CiSOli. 1-ROOM and 2-room housekeeping apartments. $4.25 and $3.50. Main 3-sTT. 447 Fifth street THREE room., newly furnished, housekeeping apt., clean and a:ry: wukmg distance; rent reasonable. Phcne East 00ol. 57 Vancouver, near Kn -tt. FRONT APT., first floor, 2 large, well furn iahed room and kitchenette: A l location. N carfare. Light, heat and phone tree. 653 GlLsan. Bdwy. 3D35. 2-RooM houiekeep:ng apartnienta witii slef-p-iiig porches: well furnished. Phone, light and water; reasonable rent; I!oe City car. 733 l'a.-:fir sr. or call East f'J32. L- RGl; 2 - ROOM lT iTT; FIR.ST FIXOR. FIREPLACE, RUNNING WATER, WELL FURNISHED: PORCH, I-AWNyAND SHADE TREES. ADULTS SELLVTOOP 10Gi. TVO housekeeping rooms suitable for bachelor. 2 34 Adams it- Ea..t 92 2 5. TWO clean, front h. k. rooms; also room on ground floor; running wa'er; reasonable for Quiet people; across the street from Y. M. C. A. 830 Tayior. Atwster 1675. 3 LARGE ro.-vnis, 3 or 4 ieoile ; 2-room suite, 1 room and kitchenette, modern, nicely fur nished and clean ; near school and hoepital. 7 3 0 Hoyt, near 23d. sUSnY, clem 2 rm. apt. hot and cold water private bath, large pautry,ri cloaet. wood rang?, gas plate, semi-basement, close in, west side. $25 a month. 191 Park st. STRICTLY clean, bright., eheenul apu.. all m white; all conveniences, veranda, lawn, garaKe. 228 E. 20th. 2 bias, north of Haw t'lorne ate.. East 72S7. UNE lare. light, airy housekeeping room, $3 per week, including bath, phone, ilght and gas; eay walking distance. 120 ISth st. N. Phone Broadway 1025. If. K. ROOMS. 310 10th st. between Co lumbia and Clay. THREE partly furnished h. k. rooms, abso lutely clean, private bath, close in. no chil dren East 8469. 29 E. 18th st. N" $2.75 WEEK, furnished housekeeping rooms, lights and bath included, west side, walking distance. 545 V-a 1st and 215 Mill St., cor. 1st. NEWLY furnashed housekeeping rooms, fur nace heat; walking distance. 5 23 East Stephens. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, fur nace heat; walking distance. 523 East Stephens. 8 LARGE well furnished rooms, lower floor. moderate rent, large porch, fite new; adults cnly. Phone Atwater 2703. TWO furnished II. K. rooms upstairs, adjoining bath. 400 East 17th bet. Division and Chnton. Sell. 2265. TWO clean unfurnished housekeeping rooms, electric lights, running water, gas; cluee In. 173 E. 7th, corner Tamhill. NICE 3 room H. K. Apt., private bath and phone; 3 blocks from Columbia park, south of Lombard st. 100 S Huron st. Empire 07S4. 1 LARGE room, suitable for housekeeping or sleeping room. 004 Holly St., Ladd addi tion. 1 block off 16th ft. 292 E. 32D ST 2 rooms furnuhed. gas, lieht. heat; very neat and clean; on H. A. car line. THREE nice clean housekeeping rooms near J. H. school, pertly or wholly furrushed , as desired 1004 Commercial st. Walnut 5T24. Hi E turnished houaekeeping rooms, over store, cheap rent- lnijuira Empire Theatre, 2S9 Grand ave FL UN 1SUED housekeeping rooms, private bath, electric l.ghts, furnace heat, large yard, very desirable. 551 Rodney ave., cor. Knott st. APT. 3 rooms, first floor, well furnished, light, sunny and desirable; reasonable rent, to per manent people: no children Main 4436. 4 FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 2 blocks from Peninsula school. 1557 Vincent. Walnut 209 S. 1 AND 2 NICE housekeeping suite, clean, gas. water, light and phone; nice location; rea sonable rent: close in. Call at 835 Fifth at. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Teacher furnished room and kitchenette, separate entrance. $10. 812 Piatt bldg. TWO nice fumiehea rooms. Ughta furnished and gas for laundry; nice yard; west aide; walking distance. 54 4 Flanders. MODERN 3 R. H. K. APT.. 8 DOORS FROM MV CARLINE, AT $25. PHONE TABOR 04T5 OR CALL 148 K. 72D ST. N. ON L 2 room e;H. and rntry, suitable -for large family. Place for an automobile free of charge. 12 N. 22d at. ' 2 LARGE, well furnished h. k. rooms, heat, light, phone and laundry privileges. 284 E 6th ft N. Phone Eat 49H2. THREE furnished rooms for housekeeping, cheap rent. Children ander school age ao- ce;ted. 587 K. 20th r. TWO furnished housekeeping toon (450. Larrabee at. E. 2025. 2 blocks from E. Broadway. 3 CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms up stairs, near Williams ave. car. 267 Knott st Price 25. Kart 1748. $3 WEEK, single h. k. room, man or woman. clean; furnace heat, elect, bath, phone. 405 W. Park at ONE targe, light, pleasant roon with kitchen ette, west fide, walking distance. 543 Yam- hill. between 16th and 1 7th. 2-ROOM ciite, light sod clean, H blocks P. of Hawthorne ave. Free liji-t phone and bath. Walking distance. Adnlta. 310 East 9th. 2 FURNISHED h. k. rooms. 4 74 E. Wash. ft. East 6885. 2 LA&GE housekeeping rooms on first floor. Call Bdwy. 4438. Children welcome. DESIRABLE. FURNISHED APT.. 3 ROOMS. ADULTS. 585 YAMHILL. MATS 4415. CLKAN suite 2 rooms, hot, cold water, bath. 22.50 per mo. 58 N. 17th ft I H. K. ROOMS naturalised or partly fur nished. 412 Vancoaver aTe. Eajt 6667. TWO very nice targe lurauhert bouaeksepinc rooms. 24 O E. 60th ft. Hawthorne dm. TOR RENT Single heneekeepiaa; room, newly furnished; walking distance. 364 12th ft TWO large housekeeping rooms, phone, light. fink. ea and heat. 31 T per month. 337 Ivy. Ft'RNlSHJp II- K. rooms, close in. chean rent, e.ctrte Mghts. 2534 Washington at CLEAN", eery desirable hi it and sleeping rooms at 22 X4th st. MODERN -roam apt, waJuag dutaavce. adulu. Call Atwater t'S.e. THREE nice clean looms furnished for heiue keepipg. close in. 754 Albina ave. WEST SIDE Nicely fnmiahed H. K. rooms, reasonable. 412 10th ft. Wt iking distance. 3 OR THREE H- K. room in private hootel modern eonTeniepcee. Walnit 3338. THREE furnished H. K. raoma; gaa, bath, alear school; $20 auoath. 692 r roatt FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 CLEAN furnished 2 and 3V-H- K- suite, with rink and bath connected: "a bo tingle H. K. room, tail Sun. ail day. Other days morn ings t'r up. 431 K. Ash. near Seventh. TWO slep:ng rooms or light housekeeping mi. , lor rent; furnace heat. 147 N. 2 1st at. i Miin 1821. NICELY fur. 3 rm. trout apt., spotlessly clean, close in, weft side; also 3 rm. basement art. with rent reduced for little, light work. 474 Clay. Atwater 4194. TWO II. K. rooms ior rent: hot water heat, gas, electric liguts. $20 a month. Call East 543. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 M' DERN 3 BOOM FUUMSHED APT. $45 MONTH. 4 ROOMS N roRN'EU $55 MONTH. NONE RETTEK IN PORTLAND. EQUIPPED FOR TWO TO FIVE PERSONS. LARGE. LIGHT, WARM. CONVENIENT, CLEAN". The Columbian Eleventh and Columbia St. NEW WESTCOTT COURT APTS. E. sTH AT WEIDLER A!t outside rooms, large bring rooms, feed- ; rrom. balconies, ivory finish, hardwood floors. ( ? batxjj, electric miies, . uixiioany fur ! n;:ure. j 1 HE ALAMO Al'TS I N'rwly furruii-.ed 3-rm. fn.nt apt-s., dnne in white enamel : strain heat; tirirate bath: dis- i a; it-arnig beii; ai-a unfurnished suitable 1 ffr 2 ; r-nt $37.50 to $4.:.. sjr)4 Market ft. SAN MARCO. E. 8TH AND COUCH, 3 RM. MOD. APT.. W1L OR MO. EAST 1990. Kimsg Albert Apts. 2 and 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, tile bath, elevator. 11th at Montgomery. Main 035!) DAVENPORT AFTs 2 and 3-nKm furmslx-d c:l. with private hath ; aito single hLrtiaekecpn;g roui. Maiu 5435. Leeds Apartments Firepfi'if building. ml,rn. 2. 3 :r.d 4 rm sp. ; -init!.' rni5. ; ei'-vati-r i-.-rv;;-p. A"v 3 . i - I ALICE COURT E. Sh and Burn.a.ic. 3 ror.m mod. apt.. 2 heis. firev.ifcre, pnv. tel. and bath. Ean 3506. : THE EDENHOLM 334 5th st. modern 2 and 3 room furnished apartments Private baths. Rent reasonable. Qlen Court Cor. Park and Taylor. 2 and 3 room Arts. ; ciose ir Main 1961. COTTAGES, apartments. al?o 30 rooms, to lease, furnished or unfurnished. Apply 252 Gibbs st. HADDON HALL. 1 1 TH AND HALL 3 rooms, kitchenette, bails, hdw. floors, pri vate balconies, $35 up. Atwater lltiii. 2 ROOMS, including tui heat, hot and cold water, walking distance, 522 .V anil $25. Bdwy. 4292. Jennings Apt .. 245 'j N 17t.h. HAWTHORNE Al'TS 2 and 3 rm. ait-.; -team heat, electric tights. ga. ranges. $25. Amur 1.92. SUNYCREST $25. 3 outside rami, bath, newly furnished, redecorate.!, ate&ia heat, gas, electricity. 1-1 Sherman. 3 ROOM apa.rtmei.t, clean. light, airv, wen furuisheii, modern couveniei:ctj . adu.'-s only. Phone East 0S5S MODERN 3 room apt., turn.; 2 disi; pearl ng beds private bath, hot and cXrl water. phone. Sell. 31HS. 523 K 1 Rth s t, NICE attractive imalcrn aiurtments. 2. 3 and 4 rooms; nw ma i::.geucnt , mcien: in every re.'pect. Mam 3TU5. j 2-ROOM furnish-1 tront apt. 5 minutes e walk to Yamhill market, $24 per mouth. 300 5th st. I 3-ROOM fumislied apt. with bath, including phone, garbage, private r.trance. $J5. In- qui re at 619 Ciatsp ave. t-eil. car. FURNISHED 2, 3 and 4 rw.m apts., $13 and $25 per month; walking distance. Main &34. 5H! 5th gt. , 3-ROOM stricy Dilern, private bath, with or without garag. T27 Vi iliiwaukie st. 1'hone Seliwood 1711. ' 2 AND 3-room furnished apts.; walking dis tance. 706 1Cvrrettt:Ajwat:er3J SINGLE and 2 room apts., everything like new; reasonable. 272 Montgomery. bPECIAL 2 room tun. apt-, now $10. The Jeftery. cor. Russeil and Kerby. East 1594. 1 TIU'NK transferred 50c. additiinal trunks 25c eacli. downtown district. Bdwy. 2445. ADAMS apartments Modem 2 rm. apt., furnished. 403 Jefferson. 2-ROOM apt., clean, reasonable; Dear achooL 551 Dekum ave. Walnut 1150. 1HK ALBERT Furnished apt., steam heat, private hath. S40Va Mississippi ave. NEWLY furuiihod, 2-roi.m apt. $50. E. 34S1 FUKNISHED, uniuruiahed cottages, also 30 to leae or rent. Apply 252 Gibhs. UNION AVE. and E-ililngsworth. f Ornish ed apt.. (21.50; all complete; concrete bldg. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 The Ammsrican Modem 4 and 5 room, apartments. Jlt and Johnson. Broadway 33G0. t24 to $26 i C-poom apt., witli tathroom, laundry tray, breakfast nook, s.a. t tnra, witter lit-ater. eari age and Trater. CnU Tabor " Ttfir 7 p m. THE WEIST, 69 N. 23 L). Finest 9 rooiu and 2 bath apartment in the city. FLATS FURNISHED 309 THE FAUSTINA A modern house of fiata, west side, close in. newly finished, cheerful 4 rooms and bath; a pleasant home; references, 404 Hail st. near 13 th. IRVrXiiTON On car line; two large rooms and kitchenette; on ground floor; cenpletely furnished, large yard, porch etc., $40; in cludes light3, phone, water; suitable for two adults. East 4 384. WEST SIDE, 3 light. p!eaant rooms, walk ing distance; furnished if desired, adult. 505 Columbia. 3 ROOMS, jrivate bath. $25; 2 rooms, pri vate hath. $22. East 7 73 7 mornings. 2-ROOM apt and lower flat ftreet. 71 N. 2 1st $45 NEATLY" furnished :iat 10t,5 Haw thorne ave. Tabor 81(11, WELL furnished 4 -room fi-tt, $40; alio gar age. TOO Vancouver ave. Walnut 1953. MODERN 5-rooru flat for rent, furniture for sale. East 532 3-ROOM furnished apt. 740 Minnesota ave, $-S-5s-inclndes light, water, heat. Wal. 6554. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 4 ROOM modern flat, 772 Osage ave., 1 blk. snuth of 23d and Washington. Main S9&8 or Bdwy. 7S33. FOL'R ROOM uuturnuhed flats. 2d floor, has gas. electricity. 310 per mo. On Russell st. Phone Tahor 05 71. HOLLADAT ADDITION, modern 5 or ti-room flat, sleeping porch, linoleum, furnace, clobe in. 22Vi E. 2d st N.. cor. Multnomah. 5-ROOM flat, modern in every particular, newly decorated $50. Adnlta only. Inquire 74 E 2Pth N. Phone East 5070. 4 -ROOM unfurnished flat, heat and hot i furnished. 394 Fargo rear Union ave FOR RENT 8-rm. modem flat North 19th st. $35: adults. Hdwy. 3670. CLKAN. 5 r. flat, near Couru school, fura. for bate cheap. 746 W Johnson. DESIRABLE 5-room modern fiat, adults only. 300 Graham avenue. HOUSES FURNISHED 311 NICE home. Walnnt Park district 1159 Rod ney, corner Eillingswerth. First floor 5 rooms, large porch, strictly private; furnace, fireplace, wash trays, garage. Nice lawn and roses. Available Monday, Aug. 28. Well turn tahed. including Kimball piano. FURNISHED cottage, 4 acre in crop, on Hawthorne carline, near high school and public school. 3019 E. 65th at E. 0821. Call before 11 a. m. FOR RENT Furnished 7 room house. 3 room unfinished, clean and modern, near school in Mt Scott district, $30 per month. Phone Main S541. 4-ROOM furnished house for rent, close to S. P. ear ahops. Call Sell. 1940 before 8 P. LOVELY 4 room furnished bungalow, m Lei Tersity Park district Apply Metxger-Parker company. 4-ROOM cottage. 1164 Raymond or 60th ave. 8. E., near 39th t NICELY furnished modem 4 -room house, edit able for small family. Aut 638-36. 4-ROOM house, partly furnished. $13 month, Caul 4711 52d t. 8. E. Antot 614-9S. S-ROOM modem house, fruit trees. 325 month. t 1295 Kelly. Atwater 2398. 4 ROOMS, lower floor, water, light. $35, with earage $40. 325 E. 44th st HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 WE specialise in piano and funjtvre oaoving. IS -days free ftorege. Bdwy. 120T. n aui iauuf tor e fiour, Alain sods FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 PPRINKJLEHED Ui'KlBOCSK on Stor your goods ith ua. Let oa do your morisg a ad packung. CLAT S. MORSE. IXC. Bdw-r. 9479. 464 GHsan at. ATTENTION. RENTERS Are you srort enough to do a little pioneer ing and make yoor rent money buy yonr home? acre tract, just outside city limits, small payment gets possesion. Walnut 2S98 cr sea me at 155 Grand are. ELEGANT 10-ROOM BfNGALOW; E. 2(TH N. AND KNOTT STS. : UKGE YARD, GARAGE AND EVERY MODERN CONVENI ENCK: KENT $80- S WILLIAMS.-, 5Qg PANAMA BLDG. WILL give iuuse rent and pay cash difference to fam'.iy who will boar. I msti and boy 7 yean old. 35 E. 53d X . Clt. of Coach. Tabor 50S9. YORK EXPRESS & TRANS. CO. Trunks, baggage, furniture moving. $1.50 and $2 per hour Broadway 7H8S. MOVING, $2 PER, HOUR AND UP Fireproof storage 3 S days free. Long Distance Haniing. Broadway 2448. WE MOVE furniture. 2 men, tor $2 per hour. Long distance hauling. 30 days' free storage. Main 6290. PLANO MOVING $3. furniture $2.50 per hour; 2 men. lare padded vans. Call Crown Transfer Co.. East 5t47, WHEN movmg. caU East 6440. Crating. pacaing, shipping, long distance, by hoar or contract- FURnTtI RE MOVING S2 PKIfHOUR. 2 MEN: PIANO $2 ANT) UP; LARGE 2 Vj TON TRUCK. EAST 5047. f - V. HEN MOVING, city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Trans. Co., Main 1 201. 2 02 H Alder ft. DESIRABLE district. modern. eight rm house; walking distance; rocniers pay. 33 4 Haisey. 10 ROOM MODERN" HOUSE, 596 MARKET ST DRIVE. RENT $50. URFD S WILLIAMS 506 PANAMA BLDG 0-IiOOM with bath, garage, modern except furnace, 1 blk. from school. Call Auto, fl 1 7-1:9 3525 4ith st. g. E. ATTRACTIVE 5 rm. mod duplex, white 1 work. buiit-iris, i.dw. Tier-. tirej.Uce, fur- rsco, garage, s.i": adult : ret. E. i.iyior. STRICTLY modern, new 7 room house Adults only $75. Inquire 4 E. N. Phone East 5070 LINNTON road. 5 bungalow - garage, op posite aviation field. Atwa'er 3 34 6. FOR RENT 4 room house. 4 Falling street, s 1 5 . 0 ". Phone Walnut 895'!. TOR RENT. 6-room bungalow. $.T0; babies or aduits. 512 Alberta, Kt. Walnut 0634. 4 ROOMS said bath, very clean, electric lights and gas. $20. Inquire 1U49 Corbett st- MOIiERN 6-r.Km hjuse and garage. 215 W. Richmond su FOR RENT House with garage. Call after 5 p- ni 159 E M'th. st. N !5 -ROOM house; inquire at No. 374 East Cth, ! ssout.h. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 1 HE COMPLETE furnishings of 4 room mod ern a;.. 8 months oid and best condition. Must sacrifice: everything you need in y-ur heme. The apt. it for r-nt if you want it. In quire janiu.r, Ionian Court Apts., lSth and Couch sis. i I'-Komm i:-jiit for rent, furniture for t-ale: tak g -s,l car; also 8-rooai h'u-e f-r rent i clrvse b ; take bcth places and have good in come: coed neighbors, dose to school and ! 451 Belmont. E. 73K9. i . STORES AND HALLS 314 FRONT SPACE. 8x34. suit We for business ; de-irab location. 211 -j 3d, near Taylor. j VQR desirable fpac in ureproof warehouM 1 phone Broadway 3715. j j OFFICES DESK ROOM 315 TWO ROOMS, suitable for doctor or dentUt Raleigh bldg.. Sixth and Washington st. DESK ROOM, with telephone and stenographic services. Phone Bdwy. 3715. SUMMER RESORTS 316 AT ROCKAWAY bea-.h, new 2 room buuta low apartment, nicely furnished for 4 peo ple; also new house, furnished for 8 people. j closa to beach and store. H C. Bernard, 40t E. 3tH st. ti. Taper I 2 2 . i'OU tent5, ccttase. beach camps, writa or phone Classic H idss House, Nehaiem, Or. CANNON BEACH Newly equipped tents, I8x 20 , -water, etg. East 4 873. 3-ROOM house at .Seaside f-or rent during .September. Wdln. 2614. ; CANNON BKACH W-wly eQuipped tents. I3x ; -'O, water, etc. tast 4a 73. 1 I BUSINESS PROPERTY 318 i SKE THE PLANS OF THIS APT. HO' SE Will pive 1 U-year lease. 49 apt?., private batiis, drfsins moms, entrant' hails, kitchens and din ins: al ct..js with eacl) apt.; Uardwxxi flrvors : hr'-ughout ; steam heated; oil burning fur niico. Ciiansres will be anade to suit tr-cant: good location, tvest 6Jde. H-lo5. Jaiin:ai. LEAVLNO TUWSI BUSY? We are m a position to handle your rentals and collections on city property at a nominal cost LINDEY & NELSON 715 WU--01 tiidg, itrcadway 7702. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 YoCNG couple with bsby want hoard and room. 2 rooms preferred. Phone Ripiev, Main 4O40. HOUSES 361 AN h west couple would like to take care of a home for someone who is going away for the Winter months. Phone Atwater 2259 m.:ninis or between 8 and 9 p. m. WANT to rent, near Portland, hi acre or more with good 4 or ft room house. Wish to keep chickens. F. E. Lafler, Hubbard ,Or. 2. 3 OK 4 ROOM furnished hou--ie. with gar age and place for chickens. F-167. Journal. I MISCELLANEOUS 362 OFFICE, central location; one where can j sare reception room preferable. Clean; business. B-621, Journal. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 4 FAMILY FLAT 5 rooms each; each flat has furnace, fire place, laundry' trays, cement basement, attic; building very large; near Washington trt. at 21st. Price $12,500; $6000 cash, interest 6 per cent Owner leaving city. Johnson-Dadson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. LOTS 403 Fine Building Lots In the Irrington district, from $550 to $1100; most of these can be bought on easy terms- Property is very active in this local ity and these prices cannot hold for long. If you wish to avail yonraelTes of them call East 7211. HAWTHORNE Corner: $1050. $100 cash, $10 monthly; all improvements in and paid: surrounded by good homes : fair view. This price and term are good for a few days only. Johoson-Dodson Co. 633 JT. W. Bank Bldg. f Main 3787. BUILDERS, ATTENTION We hare 3 lots that would make fine building si tee that we can eeil at $350 each. Make us a cash offer on the three. Owner out of city and must sell. OTTO & HARBJJON. 413 Cham of Com Bldg. Bdwy. 6388. WEST SLOPE MT. TABOB E. 68TH. NEAR HAWTHORNE Choice west front lot on E. 58th st. 45 ft north of Hawthorne, all imp in and paid, bearing fruit trees. HENDERSON BANKUS CO. 228 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4784 Builders HOUSES COMPLETED PROMPTLY Oar conatraetion and workmanship together with liberal financial assistance will please yon. Soldier bono accepted. REQfERS JOLrVETfK, feellwood S64. ROSE CITY PARK. $"775 BELOW THE HILL 60x100 lot on E. 39th st. north of Sandy, all imp- paid. HEN-DEBSOS-BAXKTS CO. ' 228 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4764 LA UK FT .HintS T LOT. $1030 Level lot on LaurW hurst ave., near EL 4 2d st, ail imp. paid. This lot if 140 feet deep. HENDERSON BANKL 8 CO. - - e xxenry isiag. xsawy. l e-v FOR 8ALE. 2 Jot, corner 2d and Powell's valley ra., S. E. ; food location for garage, store. Price $2900. Add. 62 18 Powell Val- ley rd. a B. HALF ACRE in Miiwaukie, Or., acroea from grammar' school, hearing fruit. Will sacri fice fog cnaha See owner, 700 Spokane) ave. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 $200 X. side of 62d are., S46 ft. W. of 60th ft. $419 W. fide of 3th ft. 152 ft. touti of Holgate. $349 W. side of 25th st, 250 south of Ainsworth. $478 N. E. comer ef 36th and Webster. $550 E. aide of ?5th st, 130 fu N. of Sandy. $600 W. side of Mobile. 7 5 ft- N. of Bryant. $050 W. aide of Mobile. 100 ft. N". cf Buf falo. $620 S. E corner ef Ainsworth and Omaha. $6S8 S. W. corner 39th ave. and 5th st. StaO S. E. corner of 25th and worth. $1000 E. side of Albina. 50 f N. of Hol land. These prices include all bonded assessment. See Dwyer with 732 CharBb-r of r'mrafrrt;. Everybody LOOK NOW AT Westmrao d 4. Wattil. before our holdings are jid out. This most tir sirable" heme (!itn.-t ift e rs Ti u isu aj o ; tj o r u -ni lie to tiie hrv?nesi?ekt'r or inrest-or. Fvily .tp. proTeJ, lo'jr rncr-s, pa.-v Tnyir;ents. Stcuii-J mrt- Sff Mr. raure"ii I.flfJ 1 IZatttU" 'o. Brt-mdwy :?,' 4. L'-Hi St-arfc St, BE IM'KPFNM'NT BIT IX UDr ADUITIOX Lou for flOOO Only . ffw more at this pri.-c. All im proTemrnts in tad paid. You tin walk to the Court U'u.-e in L' mimit. BITI-HEKS TAKi: NOTirE Nat & completed bungalow m the district for &-aJe. - D MOUKJAGK PRIVU.KGE Ktrirtions du n it forbid & tlu;lex hoiu or bunfia.ovr. SKE Mil. I FI,A TM N'i V. with I.AI'f) I '.ST A T K 'A ' , - i I Stark St. Bdwy 57.'.l Hs., T;- r 704 " 112 Acres, 113 Acres ALL. KINDS OF FRUIT ; TV.iild our ii"UJt? in thL l autif'.-l pUre:J witliin walkins di&taure tj Ktvl r liecf m.j:1 ' trolf Jinks and close to car: j'aved road in j front; Bull Kan water, r'h-s; larse tracts. ' ail kinds of fruit on no me ; a:iils. rar5- ' peacUes, prunes, plums, gra.;-, bern ; Try ' rich soil,; prioes ui; nearly 4 jears j to ly. See us tniiny. COMTE & KOHI-3IAN. Bdwy. 350. 1 4 I t-l 8-20-12 Spaldinc Bids. ! Largest Acreage uK.liTiuvn ISfDfTra in Portland. HOMEEEKETt WHY NOT BUILDT It !f lesa expensive. We ate Inter ested in how well we can build, not bow ranch we caa get for buildinc flee ns before baying or building. Robnett & McClure BTJTLDSRS. V2 Cones bide. uoadway 0S7. Lots $11 M Weekly! You'll never get ahead payine the rent man t your hard earned money. Buy this fc f-0x 100 lot, ciose to bis: hod and car, Bull , Hun water, ga-s; fc-'d neighborhood ; insuie lots ; 2r0 to $260. Pay only $1 a -week. If you will buy two Iota I wiil c:ve you credit ffv i htmber to build a little house. See ire tda-. ; Mr. Flynn. 4 18 tfpaldinc bld3g. Eveninkis, ; phone East 3257. j ON Jr ki:m NT TUEET J 62xir0: $1250, $100 cah. ?10 month- j ly; block to lrrineton car, 4 bl-vks ta : school, 4 blocks to new city pa.rk. Ail im- i proTements m and paid. JohnonDodso!ni Co. (?33 N. W. Bank Bids. Main 3 7S7 HOUSES 404 BEAUTIFUL BEAUMoNT This is a magnificent comer 100x100. just one block from car, fine lawn. flower and frnit; largo living room, dining room, music room and kitchen on first fir.or: f:ur fine light airy bedrooms and bath on second; large finished attic, full basement, good furnace and automatic water heeter; also a fine garage; I am leaving city and want to sell quick Price $8500, which is $1500 below what it is worth; if you want a real home, then see this. Shown by appointment only. Address owner, P. O. Rex 14 2. Portland ROSE CITY $ 5"5 0 0 Near new city park, east front, modern every vray, beveled p'.ate glass windows, fireplace, full cement basement, fplendid furnace, garage. Rose City finest lawn : terms. A. O. TEEPK CO.. Rose City Office, 40th and Sandr. Ta''.ir f5. Laurelhurrt iff ice. 30th and Glisan, Tahor 343 3 . BUILDER selling four splendid, new bungalows, all the buiit-ins hdw, floors .cement flowed basement, cement porches, fireplaces, guraes. plate glass windows, shades and fixtures. These are . wonderful little houses, wav under prices. $4300 to $5400. easy terms. Take Richmond car to 35th street Houses are close to cor ner 35th and Clinton. Builder. Sell. 259. $2000 ON PAVED STREET $2000 4-rtom modem cottage on peved street: beautiful lot, 1 block to car; $5U0 cash. $30 monthly. JohnsoiniDodson Co. 633 N. XV. Baiik bldg. Tain 37S7. ' VACANT KENTON BUNGALOW of 5 rooms and sleeping rxirch. fireplace and ail built ins, improvements all in and paid, garage. Will consider light car arid fcr my equity. I am the owner and will meet vou on the premises to show same. Phone Geo. F. Crow. Walnut 1201. 6 ROOM house, 50x100 lot. near park: street improvements all in and paid for: full basement, fireplace: newly papered and painted ou the inside Price S3S00; terms to snit For particulars, see FISHER REALTY CO., 515 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 4026. $5750 IRVINGTON bungalow, near school and car line; 50x100 lot: everything modern and in fine condition: newly painted through out; built 6 years ago; first time on market. A real value. When will it be convenient for you to tee it. Phone Coid Sengutake Jr., Broadway 6701. FIVE room tmngalow, h. w. floors, biultins. floor furnace, Dutch kitchen and cement, basement lot 50x100, street imp. all in and paid, garage and concrete driveway; Windsor Hts. add. Price $4 500, $500 cash, bah easy Owner 2818 E. 4 0tl st Tabor 4 24 2. $1000 $300 down. 4 room house on BRUi ave.. 1 block from carline. Easy payments. J. W. O'CONNELL CO . 215 Stock Exchange bldg. Main S661. FOUR room. j.-artiaUy finished bungalow, com bination living and dining, room : on paved ftreet and carline; $1780. ill consider trade on finished bunjalow and assilaie. Call Wal mit 2116. Address 1501). Elmore st MONTANA AVE HOME Of 7 rooms, modem conveniences, full lot, fruit, pavement and sewers paid. Price only $3000. with $500 down, or take light car as part of first payment George F. Crow, with Albert Harala. 801 Miss, ave. Walnut 1201. $2900 1 ROOM new bungalow; fireplace, basement, wash trays. Irvington Park: Sac rifice. $400. $30 month. Broadway 742 9, Broadway 4794. $1400, $200 DOWN Cozy little 4-room bungalow, completely furnished, 3 blocks to car; must be sold by Saturday. Edwin G. Wilson, builder, 5621 Woodstock ave. WE build rood homes reasonable, and get out the drawing therefor; investigate our prices and reference before you build; alterations. East 4 531. A DANDY little place, 8 rooms, good furni ture, close in; rent $33; price only $050. Call 227 V Washington t. room 312. Mrs. Steinmetz. FOR SALE $3150, $300 to $500 down. 5- room cottage; large attic. A-l condition, 7 fruit trees, 2 blocks to school, 1 block to Mon tavilla carline; by owner, 81 k. i bta st, n. A TITLE Insurance Policy rs a guarantee at the title to your home. When you buy your home nave the title insured. Better be safe than sorry. Title A Trust company. OWNER has beautiful Bungalow. 6 large rooms, targe attic, garage, strictly modern, part cash, easy term. Aut 321-68. PRETTY 5 room bungalow, full attic and base ment in Mt. Tahor district, only 8 blocks from school. $4250: term. Tabor 57S5. S RMS. and breakfast nook, near Laureihurst. H blk. MV ear. $3000. $300 down, bal rent. Owner, 110 E. 57th y. Main 2220. FOR SALE- A snap. Four room house and bath la North Irvington: $2600, easy terms. M -Clare Schmanch P.. 806 By. Ex. bldg. EVERT parchsser of real estate should have his title insured. Better be safe than sorry. Title tt Trust compe-ny. MODERN 9-room house, let 100x100. located on corner, one block from Woodstock car. Easy terms. $3500. Phone Aut 618-80. WHEN yoa pur chase your nome have the title lswurad. Get a Title Insurance Policy. Title Treat company. GOING away; save $400 oa pretty 6 r. mod. home; S shady lots. $2700. Senna turn. ano 6 cords wood. A. fin-73. $300 CASH $ r. snod. hose. Prioe $3000-, AlcFaxiaad. Bdwy. T672, Failing Bloc. " "Vs. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 FTiANK L. McGUrRE says: "LVYEST your sTang in Portland Real EsUte! "It's perfectly safe and will brine you big returns before the '1925 EXPOSITION. "Portland's Real Estate value based o the steady, solid growth of the city, are the beaj. in our history! 'VALUES ABE BOUND TO INCREAS?! "BUY YOPR HOME NOW before thje all ruih begins ! '2OO0 HOMES FOR SALE "Photcsgraiihs and full information are on display in our great "PUBLIC SHOW nOOMl "I'LL HELP YOU MAKS YOUR- DOWN PAYMENT IF NECESSARY. " OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS T'N'TIL 9. TELEPHONE BDWY- 7171. 90 Salesmen with Autos. $30!0 On 106x100 in Ro'e City Park, bungalow bargain that defies com lTit;on; 5 roivm that are exception ally large. 1 ght and airy, fireplaoe, all sorts of built in convenience. 2 airy sleepv rtXms, hardwood floor. There is rwim in atUo for 3 additional rooms. See this for one of the real bargains in Ro e City Park. E. 73d t-treet $1990 $450 down! 100x100 with dandy new 4-rm. bungalow; living rm.. stained; 2 sunny bedrooms, very convenient nhite enamel I-utrh kitchen, breakfast ook, prct'y glass.-"! in sun porch, dllble CJtsf. can prow all of jour nu vegetables here; clone to car! .I'.ist think of the easy payment snd a'traeav-iie-s t.f this rrvsy home! E. ''Ui !'.. in Mount Scott LOOK AT THIS Hardwood lloors and all! $2090 and very easy terms! Here's a won derful bunitalow. It is one of the hisses, find-i in our office! Avail yourself of the opportunity NOW to secure tips beautiful, rustio 5-room ramtiling bungalow; very pretty Irving room with big fireplace; artistic dining 1 room with niasMve buffet; hardwood j fl.cT-s; Irutch kitchen; 2 bedrooms and white enamel bath; full lot; ga rage; 2 blks. to carline. E. Alder st i Call Bdwy. 7171 any time until 9 I P- m. i $2G50 a:id just think of the terms, for this very cosy Montavilla bungalow fur-riis-hed. too! 4 rnonis, just as con venient as an apartment, only it's nicer: living and dining rooms com bined; fireplace and pretty buffet; white enamel .Dutch kitchen: . 2 bedrooms ami bath : full lot with nice lawn; f liners. $4 50 down and easy monthly terms. No liens against it E. Aider st $4090 S500 down. A truly beautiful bunga low, ci ntaining in its 5 room every thing neo'ssary for complete house keetiine: living room with fireplace, h'lilt in buffet, ivory finish, mirror !oor: white I lurch, kitchen; full ce ment basement with furnace; ?tcve and ranee included: starage, 1 blk. to car and walking distance to Jefferson high. G rand ave. $4 750 Completely furnished 5-room modern bungalow in Hawthorne district; liv ing ana dining rooms across the front; built in buffet and ideal Dutch kitch en; 2 bedrooms and dandy bath with fine white enamel plumbing: every thing is in fir-5t class condition; you will have to move fast if you want this. E. 4 4 th st. Can arrange term . YOUR WINTER FUEL $3250 Just look at this for value in a pretty 6 room modern Alberta semi bungalow home; 3 bedrooms, bath, laundry trays in basement: garage: price includes 2 cords of wood. 1 ton briequets. etc. I'sn be had on very easy terms. E. 2 4 th st. $2990 $50O down takes this big home special in Waverly-Richmond. Dandy 7-rooin m.-xiern heme for a large family on full lot on 42d ave. Eliminate pay ing rent; invest it for yourself. Has 4 cheerful bedrooms, built in feature, fclesping porch; one of the biggest bar gains in our entire office; no liens against it We'll lielp you with the $500 down if you haven't all of it. $3S50 can give small down payment and easy ni'.nthly ttrnis on the balance for this new, nifty Ro"-e City bungalow of 4 rooms, very clever lines; hardwood floors; built ins; fireplace; white Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; 2 bedrooms : see this to appreciate it Prescott street. $3490 Where can .vou find a nicer bungalow than this brand new exquisite on in Mount Scott district: has 4 rooms, unusually artistic colonial style: ivory and tapestry: clever built ins: two bedrooms and bath; breakfast nook: attic: full cement basement; $500 ra.h will handle and $20 per month including interest on the balance. 51st street $4250 Easy terms. Introducing Hie most beautiful bungalow in Kenton! 5 rooms: dainty gray shingled, smiling bungalow with everything conceivable in it: hardwood floors; built ins; fire t.lace; garage: full lot; 1H blks. lo car. E. Buffalo street. $4 390 at $500 down. This artistic, practically new bungalow in Hawthorne is a won derful buy at this price. We'd like to have you come down and see for yourself; 5' rooms with everything; tapestry; hardwood floors; built ins; bookcases and buffet: Dutch kitchen; laundry trays ; 2 cheery bedrooms. AH ftreet improvement re in and paid f-r. E. 4 5th street, a snap. $4790 W ho wouldn't want a beautiful bunga low like this one in .heart of Rose City Park, practically new, ideally ar ranged: low. rambling California lines? 5 rooms; hardwood floors; fireplace; furnace: built in features: old ivory woodwork throughout; all improve ments are in and paid. E. 55th it; terms. Come in and look over our display of homes for sale! You'll be surprised how far your money will go. I'll help you make your first payment if necessary. Open Sundays and eve nings for your convenience. See FRANK L. McGUIRB Realtor, To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Broadway 7171. 3d st. bet Washington and Stark. This is the biggest Home Selling month in our history! Your "Home is Herel" Come in and select -it NOW I BY OWNER 5-ROOM, modern bungalow, near Peninsula park; large living room, oak floors, book cages, chin closets Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cooler, wood lift, laundry tray and full basement Walnut 2381 or call at 1293 Campbell ave; house :at 1454 Missouri ave. E. L. King. ROSE CITY SPECIAL $3800 $1000 down. 4-room modern bunga low with hardwood floors, furnace snd fireplace, practically new and one-half block from Sandv blvd. J. W. O'CONNELL CO . 215 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 8661. IRVINGTON New 6 room bnngalow, large attic, hard wood floor?, decorated throughout, costly plumbing, material and workmanship the very best 621 E. 22d at N. E. Nelson, owner and builder. CaU Auto. 312-29. $4250 PIEDMONT CORNER If you want to get located near a high school we have just what you are looking for: 7 rooms, whits enamel, furnace, fire place, garage, yard with fruit trees, streets paved and improvement paid. J. B, HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE 351 ANKENY. BROADWAY 2045. NEW BUNGALOW IN IRVINGTON $500 Down This is an exceptionally well constructsd ttricfy modern home with furnace and garage. Monthly terms like rent Do pot delay inquir ing about this place, as the price will move it in a abort time. East 8696. FINE bungalow of $ large cheerful rooms. full basement, furnace and beautiful lot on 83d st, X block from Montavilla car. Only intra. very easy terms. Tatter eoia IB.YINGTOX $4 600. new 6-room bungalow, best location, eery modern, the best bargain in Irvington, $700 daws. Bdwy. 6636. East 3692, evenings ' ACRE HAWTHORNE CAR Small house, garage. $150 fruit yearly; $164)0. $400 cash. Owner, Aut. 622-73. HAWTHORNE district, 6 room modern bun--galow. fareplace, furnace and garage, fruit trees. Phone Tabor 1094. NEW 4-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fire place, hall, furnace, everything built in, a complete home: garage. Some terms. 832 E. 1 5th st N. Owner on premise. BUY FROM OWNER Modern 6 room bung-alow, ideal home, In Overlook dist ; $500 down. $40 a month, or win accept bonus. Mrs. Casaday. 432 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 6387. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 HoSy Smoke! k THIS IS CHEAP ' : - $3000 bay a modern 4-room hore. rToee in, imps, ail paid, fine pipe furnace. tirepUce. rkwe to achool and car, cement beaeraarv and buii tins. Will sacrifice my equity $1130 for $600. Must be fold thit week- 'Will .con sider light car. THIS IS WORTH BtTxTNG $1900, 4-room. modem bouse, fireplace, 50x100 lot, fruit tree. Uwn, flower., ber ries, partly furnuhed. eHily $360 down. . flood terms. LOOKING FOR A BEAD BUT? $1550 buys a 3-rpcen honse on Alberta 50xllKi lot bath and toilet, elect, fireplace, fruit end berries. This won't last at tlii price. This house is partly furnished. $500 down, good terms. HERE ARE SOME BRAND NEW ' $350 buys a 4-rooin. modern, new house with attic, laundry trays, cement basement, good furniace, hdw. floors, breakfast nook, in Alameda, dist $500 down, good terms., all clear. ANOTHER NEW ONE $4350 burs a - 5-room. brand new. extra fine bungalow. 50x100 lot. cement baaenient laundry trays, furnace, hdw. floors, I lurch kitchen, breakfast nook. $1000 down. bi. good terms. This is real bargain. ANOTHER NEW ONE $4 650 Juy a strictly modern, 6 rm, home, 50x100 loTto an alley, all imp. in and paid, hdw. floors, breakfast nook and everything. This is a well built house in every resiKKt and won't last long at this price. HERE'S ANOTHER NEW ONE $3500 for a new 4-room. modern house, corner lot, psved st This is some snap. Only $500 down, balance good terms. You'll hare to hurry. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS $5250 buys a strictly modern, wonderful home, furnace, hdw. floors, all huiltins. . imp. in and paid, 50x100 lot. fine lawn and flowers, garage. If you are looking for a. real home come out and see this. Good terms. We have hundred of listings of houses and farms tliat have been personally appraised and inspected by us. Our prices are right. Call and see us. McGEE & DENNIS "We Sell the Earth'' 969 Union ave N. Walnut 6684. EASTMORELAND 5- room bungalow, just completed, large floored attic, neat as can be, very modern, oak floors, fireplace, attractive fixture, com plete built-in kitchen, full basement, furnace; it is A buy. Only $5500; terms. ' ROSE CITY 6- room bungalow, on 4 5th st. , block of Sandy: 5 large rooms first floor, oue finished in attic; also large storage room ; oak floors, fiveplace, a most convenient kitchen r large basement, furnace, double garage. It is ft buy at $6500. 280 COOK AVE. JUST OFF OF WILLIAMS AYE. 7 - room modern 2-story house, in the very best of condition, well built, double constructed, full basement, furnace, 10 minute t6 heart cf the city: a snap at $4200; vacant Key at office. Name your own term in reason. C. M. DEER, 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. "Atwater 2243. SS0 In Cash Prizes WILL BE AWARDED TO THE PEKSONS WRITING THE FKST LETTERS SETTING FORTH THE ADVANTAGES AND BENEFITS OF HOME OWNERSHIP; $29 FOR FIRST PRIZE. $13 FOR SECOND, $10 FOK THIRD. WIN.NLNG LET TERS WILL BE PUBLISHED IN The McGL'lKE SYSTEM. MAIL LETTERS TO FRANK L. Mc GtTKK. AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER. 212 ABINGTON HLDG., BDWY. 7171. XEWLYWED BUNGALOW $300 down, $25 monthly, moves yon Into brand new bungalow. Large combination liv ing and dining room, coxy bedroom, the cutest little built-in kitchen yon ever saw. Tapestry wallpaper. $185 new range, nifty fixtures, window screens complete. Large lot 60x164. R. C. Park line. See Kertson. with PSwULB) (SE&MAEJ CAT 732 Cham, of Com. LAURELHTRST BARGAIN Owner losing $3000; must aell at once; one of the most beautiful bungalows in Laurel hurst, on Oak street, exceptionally large lot; for real classy design and honest construction there is nothing to equal it in Laureihurst Take it for granted; here you will find every thing of the best one could possibly put into a home; investigate. A. G. TEEPE CO., Laureihurst Office. 39th and Glisan, Tabor 3483. Rose City Office. 4 0th and Sandy, Tabor 95S6. NEW BUNGALOW 7 ROOMS Family trouble causes price to be cut to $4000. on easy terms. Ruilt for a home; hardwood floors, large basement; 1 block to car and 3 blocks to school. Mr. Parker, 505 ArtUan bldg., Broadway at Oak. Phone Broad way 4231. SNAP HAWTHORNE SNAP I tlOOO Below Value j PRICE NOW $3150 $1650 CASH J Seeing is buying this cosy 6-room modern j bungalow in excellent location; has fireplace, Dutch kitchen, excellent floor plan, full ce- weut oaaemenc ana wasn trays. words win not express th excellent ralue here. You will just hare to see it R. L. McGREW. REALTOR. 1089 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8892. Iff Winter Conies Here is a dandy brand new 6-room bungalow finished in dainty up-to-date style with Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, papered walls, hardwood floors, fireplace, 2 bedrooms down stairs, large attic, fine basement with wash trays, full lot and garage. All for $4750; on easy terms. For appointment call East 7211. Brand New Cozy Home 6-room dainty little home in the Irvington district; hardwood floors, fireplace, papered walls, Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, 2 bed rooms downstairs, large attic, nice base ment with wash tray. All the modern built in. $4150, $500 cash and monthly pay ment. East 7211. WALKING DISTANCE REED COLLEGE 8 -room home and garage, living and dining rooms finished soft grey and tapestry paper, white kitchen, 2 bedroom and bath down stairs. 8 bedrooms and room for bath upstairs; $5300; easy terms. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. Modern Bungalow 8 rooms, all xm ona floor, furnace, fire place, cement basement, trays, concrete ga rage, attic, beautiful lawn and flowers ; 2 short block to car. $8450. Must have $1260 down, balance $25 month. E. 8935. RICHMOND SPECIAL" $3700 $1000 down. 7 room double con structed home: has fine large porch, large rooms, with large closets. This place cannot be beat for the price. J. W. O'CONNELL CO. 216 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 8661 BY OWNER For sale at a very low price, 6 room mod ern bungalow, pared street, full basement, or will exchange for smaller house with two lots or small acevage near city limits. My place located at 161 Pace st , 2 blocks from Missis sippi car line, 1 block south of Kuaselli Call after o p. m. ROSE CITY PARK Corner 63d rt and Sandy bled. A real heme, hardwood floor, fireplace, bail tins, large rooms. 3 downstairs, 3 and bath, alts sleep ing porch upstairs: basement, laundry tuba, furnace, beautiful shrubbery, large porch, cor ner lot A real bargain, easy terms. 1633 Sandy blvd. $3000. LAURELHURST DISTRICT $360 CASH . $ rooms furnished, a dandy buy, 4 block Off Gliaaa St. 67th st Let us show yea today. RALPH HA&RIb' CO. $16 Chamber of Covavnerre. Broadway 6654 DOUBLE BUNGALOW SO CTH PORTLAND 8 rooms each, finished in fray, full base ments; furnace in one. W'hittaker st, near Corbett; price $8300, $2000 cash. JohnsonDodson ' Co. 83 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 878$. TITLE insurance eaves saw and money be es ua no abstract is rjujred. Tula A Tru-t exjupany. $4150 HAWTHORNE dw.. ; modem 6 room bungalow : all large rooms, is. w. noon; fireplace; all improvement in and paid: good terms; beet buy in th dist Broadway 6589, East 3802 ever. in gs. . " HAWf HORXB Bt-N'GALdw. 44200 Modern, 6-room bungalow, fireplace, carsge, bar tals by owner, 1262 E. Hamaoa sb REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Is, vj 7-ROOM 2-story house In Mt Tahor, with a hall, living room, dining room, kitchen and 1 bedroom downstair. 3 bed roomi upetairs : 1 block from streetcar and 3 blocks from school. Selling pnee for this week only $4 500. One of Mt Scott' finest home, con . sifting of 9 rooms, at follows: Hall, living room, din'ng room, kitchen fad 2 bedrooms downstairs, 4 bedroom up stairs full cement basement, with fur nace, laundry trays and stationary tuba. It is aura a dandy for $5250. 3 room house with bath and toilet, on POxlOO-foot lot 1 block from Mt Scott car and 4 blocks from school. Must be fold this week, $1250. on term. 4 room hou-e on 4 acre ground at Capitol Hill. This little home ia com pletely furnished inside and out and we have been Instructed by the owner to fell it within the next 3 days for $1100 on terms. If none of the above places appeal tn you. we have a number of other in all parts of the city. We have something here to satisfy every homelover'a desire, and if you will call at our office and let us know what you would like we will without a doubt be able to show just t what you want Everything ebe being euual, give ex service men the preference. LAURITSEN-8TEVENSON-SCHNEIDER CO.. INC.. 226 Alder St (Suite 9). Main 8613. Homes Built. to Suit, "Your Income In tny part of the city. Plan drawn, estimate cheerfully cHen and -financial and secured. Coma in and talk it orer. A. L. Bohn In v. Co. 216 Panama Bldg. Broadway 6157. BEAUTIFUL corner, 80x120 and alley, prac tically new bungalow, combination living and dming room, bath room and kitchen, outside and inside entrance to basement and fruit room. Hot water heat, furnace, garden, fruit and ber ries. Iron hammock frame and clothes pole. Paved street $2500, $1200 cash or place mortgage for $1200. $400 cash, balance con tract 4-Roora bungalow, bath and basement, lot 60x125. pretty place, $2300, $615 cash, bal. $17 per month, including int Possession in 10 days. Other houses for sale and rent FRED V. SPEAR 5520 I5h st. 8. K. Ant 191B $5650 HAWTHORE $5650 ULTRA MODERN BUNGALOW See this branrl new 5-room bungalow. 1 block from Hawthorne ave. : finished (n ivory and tapestry paper and located on 60x100 Sot: has attractive fireplace,- oak floors throughout ; buffet, living and dining rooms acro-w front with French doors between: Dutch kitchen with tile drain board; tiled bath, base tab, separate enclosed shower; content basement, concrete front perch, furnace and garage; prioe $3650; $1300 cash will handle. You would really ex pect to pay $6500 for such an attractive home. R. U McGREW. REALTOR. 10S9 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8892. $500 DOWN Modem new bungalow,! with fireplace, oak floors, dandy built ins. breakfast nook. Dutch -kitchen, 2 bedrooms, cedar closets, fine bath, concrete ba-sement, wash trays, 50x100 lot, 2 ahnrt blocks to carline, doubly constructed Ihroiighnutanrt excellently finished : located at 746'OBERLIN ST., near HAVEN. Price $3600, monthly payment like rent. Call KMrlKB 12 74 evenings. FOR SALE By owner and builder, ti room Colonial bungalow, double living rooms, tapestry papered, fireplace and built-in buf fet, large kitchen, all built-lns; large bedroom, toilet connected on bark porch; two large bed rooms upstairs, bath and toilet: full cement basement furnace awd wash trays; this bouse is completely finished' iu- old Ivory ; latest elec trie fixtures.; 4 blocks fromt f rammer school. 7 blocks from Franklin : high; close to Division st 461 East 4 7th st ; price ts reasonable, come and see it. Phone 617-30. IRVINGTON DITRICT New 5 room bungalow with breakfast nook and attic: strictly modern: corner lot, et front, ail improvements in and paid; 1 block to Irvington car and school. $6300fv.8OO cash, balance .easy monthly payments, 6 per cent interest; real value. See at once. JohnsonDo'dson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldf. - 'Main 8787. IRVLNGTON 7 ROOM BUNGALOW'' $6500 One of Portland's best builders has just completed a strictly modern 7 room bungalow, complete with everything one could possibly put into a real classy home and exceptionally Well built Terms. A. O. TEEPE CO.. " 40th and Sandy Tabor 9 586. 89th and Glisan Tabor 8 4 93. Only $30 Down New 4 room modern bungalow,' has break fast room, shower bath, cement basement, trays, furnace, fine garage, lot 60il00. 7' fruit trees, all improvement in and paid; $3300, balance $30 month, including in terest. East 8935. HAWTHORNE CARLINE 6 room house with new paint inside and out, new light fixtures. 50x159 lot with fruit and flowers; garage, 2 blocks to brick school; $3700, $700 cash; easy monthly payment. JolhnsonDodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. BARGATT4 6 room house, electric lights, gas. wster, new linoleums on th floor snd gss range go with the place. All kind of bearing fruit trees, berries, flowers, lswn. shrubbery, garage. aOOx 100 corner lot. close in, not in Mt Scott, only $200 down, $20 a month, 6 per cent 504 BUCHANAN BLDG. BARGAIN NEAR PIEDMONT BARNS 6 rooms and attic, on paved street, furnace, oak floors, ivory finish, nice electrio fixtures, breakfast nook. This is brand new. Price $4300, easy terms.. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE 851 ANKENY. BROADWAY 2045. $1400 CLOSE TO CAR $1400 8 room plastered house, 100x100 lot, 1 block to car, clore to school; $250 cash. $20 monthly; interest included. JohnonDodson Co. 683 V. W: Bank bldg. Main 8787. REAL, SNAP $ 1 50 down will handle a 3 room bouse, electric, light, gas, water, all kinds of trait trees, berries, flowers, clot in, corner lot, $20 a month ' 6 per cent. 504 BUCHANAN BLDG. .. AN ABSTRACT of title ts not' a guarantee of your title; it is merely history of your title. A Title . Insurance Policy is a guarantee of your title. Therefore, when yoa buy property get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required. Title fc Trust company. $2350 $300 down. 4-room home io Albina, close to car snd school, on Jot 60x 100, easy terms. J. W. O'CONNELL CO. 21 Stock Exchange bldg. Main $!. LOOK BARGAIN $2250 $350 DOWN 6-room bungalow, 971 E. 36th at..- strictly modern, 50x100 lot, $350 down; take light ear. Bdwy. 4 7 8. ' FOR SALE, by owner, modern 6-roosa bun galow; fireplace, futnece. cement basement, built-ins, paved streets,, fruit trees, alley, good district: pries $4500. Walnut 6836 or 896 Kerby ft: no agents wanted. 3 ROOMS. $1650 f Nice 50x100 lot paved street,' house aeads some repairs. 81 Alberta st ; only $150 cash balance 20 per month. See owner at 801 Mississippi ave. Phone Walnut 1201. WE HAVE sire say examined the title tn your property sad can isrue you a TRle Insurance Policy without delay. Title A Trust company. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUlLft " or make alteration. Either contract or per eentag. 21 years in Portland. References. Tabor 2U. BEAUTIFUL 6 room modern bungalow, hwd. floor, full basement, large lot, paved street, all imp. paid: block Montavilia ear; $4000, Owner, lit t. vtn sc. . GET title insurance instsod or an abstreot, II ia quicker and cheaper and you an abee nitcly protected against error., TitU aV Trust ccasptny. 10-ROOM tuiuse, not quite finish? take car for parte payment. 6489 Foster toad. Ante. 641-Q1. - ' TALK about bargain. 640 Madison, $2760 total priee; 6 rooms: walking distanca. 6-ROOM houfre in Hawthorne gurnet, for cash. Tabor 424. - ConUnued on Followlnt Pat)