TIJUBSPAYr AUGUST 31. . X922. THE : OREGON AHeY JQURJfAJ : PQirrLAJNp, OKEUON, D22 WOOL DDUCERS ELECT DIXON MANAGER THURSDAY DAIRY TRADE 'Batter Ejrr GketM Cake Extra Selects Flats hud SSe S4c 0e Francisco ... 4Se SSHe He (tt SeVkc . !Ve Ie k York e S7e lie tie c S4e tie Angeles .... lee e J. IHxon of Portland, of the firm of s-Pixon company, tu unanimously sleeted -al manager of U Pacific Cooperative try Producer Wednesday afternoon by the tl of directors. Tbe ballot wa takes after application of several ess broker n dered. he election u announced fallowing a eoeet- of the producer Wednesday mirbc in tbe nou at umaooro, wim aunuiBOD w SMoeiatiofi wa considered. - The meeting uraed into a love least, However, arvo tne ncen decided not to boit the orranixa- felegatri were present irom narnon. Linn. Marino d Xanibiii counties. H Small. Mrs firunt Brows and S. 8. Ese were also elected director to fill ex- s vacancies. he numbers are said to Tf been pleased tit riGorts made br r. t ncnioeaer. dent, and to hate complimented him on his - rinrine tast too moat hi. wins he ha aged the organisation. Tha report showed -ur return to toe growers from ma lest pools than previous pools Ma rertnreea ixon succeeds C I l"ion, who resigned t two months ago. following dittieaiae. .B had been msnarer for three Tears, jeal as market today is firmer, all deal- Lsking 84c on fancy bennerr stock. utter market is unchanged, top score mow uu well and off-score butter dragging I set should write tha Market Editor, Ore- Journal, inclosing stamp lor rent. TATO MARKET IS BAD SHAPE Local potato market is dragging very hearty present. Practical! j nothing is moving ou market. I'nce are remaining steeay, ever. Local onions are selling at $1.80 Front street, while dealers' are taking al r ehu tha buicr is wiljing to nay os ia Wallas.. The price asked is $1.00 ( , but sotlung is sold at orer ii.uo ana - sick x going at 7 5c. R OF ASSORTED MELONS -I3T car of the prettiest melons ever received Portland was sootted on the track Tbwrs- mormng. Six different kuioa ol melons assorted m trie car. wcniaing tjsaaoas, ians. Honey Dean, water melons. Ice V ream Ions and CbrisUnag melons. FtTKT MARKET STILL WEAK oul try situation has net improved any in last eererai oars, ugnt next are goug 12c and an occasional sale i made at Heavies are still priced 22c lb. Hog remain at IS ( 15 c but if present ditions continue Punland will soon have a hog market. Veal is Ul! going at S Uut na fancy Teal la coming in. STALOl'FES ARE CLEANED UP antaloupe situation was much better this ming. o new caotaioajea were in. ano lers are diapostng of tnose on band a - as noasible. It is anticivated thatrfhe rket will be cleaned up by tnday afternoon saitrday morning. iCH MARKET IS STRONGER. IPeach market was stronger this nursing. trite the fact that four, car ol trbertaa reoetTea irom laaima. ane ouioerta brinarmg 85c an Front street wfcme Craw- da are somewbat bigher. lArge fancy Cnw da were sold a high as $1.00 in a small W edoeday afternoon. R1EF PRODUCE TRADE XOTES Local tcmatoeat are rather scarce; being paid for what are on the market at sent. Malaga grapes were scarce on Froat street ursdjy morning. Prices were lirnv. Togsyi still solu in baskets as logs Hare not ap- red. Leuuce to still scare and $1.25 l.M WaUrmaoos are going V,X . iirrERs wEAma sotice Weather bureau adrued Thuraday: Protect umenu during the next So faetira agamst i fwlowing maximam temperatures : Uoing irth ' to Seattle. 6 degrees; northcaat to fokase. J detrreee; east to ftafeer, oO de es, and sontri to Ashland. 5 degrjeea. alaxl- tm teacerature at Portla4 tomorrow about degree. bUTLASD -WHOLESALE PRICES These are the prteet g Bailees pay wkede- iers, except as etberwe noted; BUTTER Selling eric.-'box -Ms: Cream- h Brinas Prints, axtsas, 44e; fee plain wrap Jra. .cube. exUaa, 8TSSc per .; dairy. ylg price, 3 2 (g e per Ih. BUTTKRFAT Port-ajd delivery basts. Me. grade. 44c; No. U, 41e; Ko. X sane, 2e r "A" grwde. CHC Sell las: Tillemock. triplets. ;ie lb.; Toosg America. 280e lb.; eg est triple ta. 2314c Buying price, i. o. 1 ilia mock. Trtpleu, 26c; Juung America d levhr-ms. 27e. fieliaig prise: Block Mas, fancy. S10 32e; kjmbtft, 24 bc; leas tmck. 24 4$:c JiUtiS Buying price. Front street: Cm- jut receipts. efttera - Oregon, See per ten; Eastern Oregem, lie per doaear hea rses, 27 m de per Ooaun; seiUng poca, select, Co 34c per dozes; caadled, tlS2ei puUtta, c per dozen. " c sr a. : a 1 t-ti,- aeOiiur DdAe; lUleet. So; wiwwm. Sc: favta. Ale; pullets, 2Sc; wees, lie; cracks, sac per qugen. UVB POULTBT Selling prkre; Bean u r. .- tisk - k.u s4 hn k Seeks. 31 9 Me; other broilers. 48 efOe tc in.; eld rotate ey. c; oueaa, iiih aw FreaS rruru and Venetseiss ' . rftESH rKCTT Orasges. a10.e0 bananas. Pikt: lemons. S7.oews.ss br esse; grapefruit, Fkrtaa. 1 i : Catafoi . a. go. 10 (a B.ou ; pearnaa. g)K can- toupes. Sl. 1.25; watermeloua. 1 Ve per ; ice cream, melons, :ti lb.; eooey dew lona. Sttc: cesabas. 3s2s; BartUtt ars. 2 Si 24 e io. : seeaieaa areni. msjio ina: alagsa. lie lb. in lugs; Tokay,- S3.00 4- akes crais, -. -.. BkRKIES Blaokfctrrtss. I1.B0. LitUED Ut lia tiilM. (4.6U 3.00:fin. h:te. lAttiAU per box: l) nines. 40s fm sos ou-ii. box, aee is.; sue aaa sos. ac per is. UMMVa SeSrns price U retailcT: Walla alia. $1.251.63; garlic. 1015e per lb.: bees onions. Sue per doses bunches. POTATOES 6llig price to retailers: Or kron. fancy. $1.5 1.7$ per cental; sweet Matoes, 4 5o per lb. tltiETAHaacS . Beeta. 40c Per doles ischea: esbbage. 2 tie per IK: lettacev $1.21 b 1.7ft crate; carrots, 4Uo per Aoa. twisehai; Bsteea. Uresen. sttNlst; aenenwusa. 1 . : articsokea. i ) tl.UO per dosen. eal ower. I ner orate; eeierr. Toe 49 $1.10 rr doses; ewmaaer Mjuasb. 6c; Yellow lias- m corn. $1.00 1.15 eaek. APPLES Raw crop, ooc B $1.I; Cahfor- is Grarenateina, $2.ftU (g 3.75. Mesta COUNTRY slCAjTS selling price: Coun- S koga. IS 15 41c; heary stuff less; Teal. TO Uboat -6 to '160 lbs.). UllMc TV . S.. 4VM auax Is easPkat 1 fias wtta IK w Its, , saw w j itHi a s,- sabuvb vv SMOKED sATS llama, .-a&tsc io.. reaktast bacon. i:iie; PACKIXO UOvofi MkaTS Bteet beet. 415ee lb-: fcetfera. IS W e lb.: eowt, 1S i.; lambs. 1 8 SOo sk: ewea, 10014c is.: ega. 1 a its IS LARD Kettle rendered, lee per lb. ; beree asia, eoajpesad, 14 He. BEANS 'Small at. S8.TS: arte white. S.7S: pink. $7.00: limaa, $10.60; bayou. . 7S; red. S6.75. rttiEX see, per esaa. japan. ro. a, eci jumm atoss, se . : Xew Orleans seaoL as e. IXirFKE Koasted. SI i ft 33 me Rk: la lacks or drams. SALT Coarse, half around. 100s. lis. 04 a; AOs.- S1T.8S: table dairy. SO. $27.40; use, es.sr.eo: ;ascy lasie ana aairy. ja.oo; tump. SZ0.3O. til OAH Cube. SS.0: fruit sod bem. 7.5; yellow P, $7. OS : best granulaWi. 7.4S, ertra C. 7.J5: goldes C TU5. CaX.NEU kf II.K Tali. 14.B0: haka alas. 4.40 esse: Sagle. SS.SS see. BOPA CRACKKBS in Wlk. I4e lb. NUTS Waiamta, 24 9S4e lb.: elsaosda, Z$ I So lb. : aiberu. 20 9 ST a m.: esacsts 01S lb..- pecan. t0t2o lb.; BrssUa. It HONEY WANTED ! C0M1 OR STRAINED WHAT HAVE YOU? WRITE The Savinar Co., Inc. LlW ERbjTT ST. PORTHAXD. ORE. CLIP ESTIMATE IS CUT OA6UET BC-raJC wsntJ-S - First Ysklma Elberta peaches were received In Portland this mornins;. Four cars arrived. This Indicates that the bulk of the peaches will be hero next week. Prices are still a Httlo high, but from all appearances will be cheaper next week. The fruit re ceived today Is of excellent quality, and will hold up. wen, but the later peaches will be just as good, if not better. Now is the tim for eannlnB pears. The pear season is at its height, and If the fruit is not taken off the farm ers' hands soon, it will be too ripe to do anything with. The rain will also affect the quality to a certain extent. Fresh vegetables are still in. abund ance on the market, and prices are showing declines almost daily. Retail prices seserally saner: Hotter Fresh creamery, 40(PSle. Fish Salmon, 2uS5c; halibut. 2$c; black cod. lSe. Eggs 80 0 Sec. Flour Beet local patent, $2.00 J. IS per 4 lb. sack Potatoes New, 38e Is. Onions S 4c lb. Yamhill atreec price: Carrots, 4 c boaeh; string beans, Oc pound: peas. 1 Se lb. ; cab bac, 3 He lb.; cauliflower, S0o hesrl; lettuce, 510 head; new potatoes, 2 He lb.; celery, 1 Se bunch ; tomatoe, 5c lb. ; asparagus, Se lb. Corn linen, iiOc dosen; Golden Ban tam. 20c dosen. Honer-Comft, 25e; Quart, 66c; pint. SSe. Eggs Pnblio nacket. S2e; prirate stores. 2835c dozen. Poultry Light bens. 22e lb. ; heavy bens, orer 4 it.. 26c lb.; fryers, SOc lb.; broilers, 32c lb. : Cantaloup mi . Fence stock. 8 10c POTATOES ALO?fG THE COAST San Francisco Market San Fraaciaco, Aug. 81- I lT. P.) Onions Yellow, per cwt., $123 1.38; green onions, $1.25 C9 150. Potatoes salinas. new. 1 V, & 2c lb, Sesttl Iftarket Seattle, Aug. 81. Onions: Walla Walla. 1 m 2c. 9 Potatoes: Tain ma Gems, storage, $ 40 4 5 per tea; local 1 He Lea Angeles Market Los Angeles. Aug. 31. (I. !. S ) Pota toes Kew stock locals, sacked. $1,25 & 1.50; meetly S1.S&; poorer low as $1. 00; Northern Hirers, $l.t32.GO. DAIRY PRODUCE OF THE COAST sa FpesclKVe Market San Francisco. Aug. 31. t U. P.) Bus ter Extras, 43 He; prime firsts, 40c; firsts, 38c. Kegs Extras, S8We; extra firsts, SSe; ex tra pullets, 80c; 'undersized pullets. IS He. Cheese California fiats, fancy, 22 He; firsts, 18 He. Lee Angela SCarkst Los Angeles. Aug. SI. CL N. S.) Butter 4 5c. Eggs Extra, 37c; case eount, SSe ; pullets, 30c. Poultry Hens, SOc; broilers. 30e; fryers. SOc. Seattle Market Seattle. Aug. 31. 1 1. S. S.) Eggs: Se lect ranch. 34c: pullets. 28c. Butter: City creamery. 43c; bricks. 44c. Checse: Oregon triplets, 23fe 24c; Young ncas, - nr . w York Batter and Epfs New Tor. Aug. 81. I. X. S.) Butter Market steady to firm. Creamery, extras. 37 H &39Hc; do fusts. 32H37Hc; do higher eeorlDg. SS H W0He; sUU dairy, tuba, 28 37c: ladies, fresh extras. 2029He. Cheese Market quiet. State Whole milk. apecials. fiats. 21H S 21 ic; arerage run. -lc; lower gredee, IS 18 He. Wis consin Wnole milk, fancy Young Ameriraa, -0 (S 21c. state Skims, specials. 15 1 He. Kggs Market finm. Nearby white, fancy, 56 57c: do brown; fancy, 89645c; extra. 36&3Sc: firsts. 30!32e. Milk Tbe soaiaal wfaolesaJe price is $2.60 per cwt.. delirered in Kew York. Official quo- wuoqi aiacoatinueo. Clbcajro Dairy Piredaco Chicago, An. SI. U. S. 8.) Butter Receipts,. 61 S 7 tubs. Creamery, extra, 8 5 H c ; extra firsts, 33 84 He; firsts, 31 $ 32 He; packing stock, 234.24c. . Eggs Receipts, 81 cases. . Miscellaneous, 33 Hw 24 He; ordinary firsts. 22 He; firsts. 25 is 23 He; extra-28 28 He; cheeks, 170 17Hc; dirties, 1813Hc. Cheese -Twins, new, 18c; daiaese, 19c; Young Americas, 10 H 9 20c; kmahorns, 200 20 He; brick. 18 H 18 sc. Liee PooJtry Torkeys, - 28c; chickens. 1 9 24c; springs. 24 He; roosters, 14 He; geese, 20c; ducks, 21c San Franclsro Poultry Market San Franctsco. -Aug. 31. D. P.) Broil ers. 1 H y 1 lbs , 30S4lc; 2 to 2 H lbs . 28 Sue; fryers. 30fM2e; young roosters, 3 lbs. asd up, 84 g SSe; staggy, 23 4$ 28c; col ored old roosters, 2B(32e; Leghorn old roosters, 18 & 20c; Leghora bens, 2 H to 8 lbs., 14Isc; S lbs. and ever, 1820e: large colored hens, 2U 4BrB2c; ducks, young, lit 38c; weese, young, 2s2c: live tur keys, old, 32 35c; spring, 44 52c MIsnespoMs-DnlutB Flax Hinnespeli. Aug. 21. U X. 8.) Flax: September. 82. 1 $ H ; October, i November snd lecember, $8.12; track. 12.13 4 ; arrive,' 82.1SH- lulath. Ang. 81 -U. If. 8.) Flax: Sep tember, 83:18 H ; October, t2.lS H ; Koeen ber. S3.1Ss leceBiber. $2.11 H: track, SS.18H 2.19 H i arrive, 32 18H 2.l H. fw York Meal Marktet New York. Aug. S1.--L N. SJ-i-Copper. auiet: all positions ISHSlSKc Lead Ouiet; aU peeitietM 85.83 bid. SpelterA-tJuiet;, ail. positioBS $6.17 H 8 Xsw York Posltrr Market New York. As 31.-L M. S.) Dressed Poultry Market steady. Chickens. 26 ( Bsc; fowls, ISStSIS; -turkey, 4Jrr3Se; Sucia, Ofe 25ci geese, 18a lc. 4F . Lite Poultry Market active. Chickens. 23 ' 2Sc; fowls, 2620e; turkeys. 3S35e; ro.Ktsrs, 10c; ducks, 22 Sjf 27c; geese.. 17 w York Potato Market -New York. Aug. 81. (I. X. 8.) Ptrt toea (la bulk, barrel or sag) Market barely steady. Nearby white, St.0O2.5. O 22c lb.: ehestauts. Japaneaa. 22 034 lb. Flsk ami Shellfitb FRESH FISH t'-hmook. fresh. 11Sc; halibut. 1817e lb.; black cod. el0r lb.; basket kippered cod. 82 00; basket kippered aaimoe, $2.00; lin od, 7 a 8c lb.; soie. loc is. ; sturgees, uc in. ; rvj auppera 8 c lb. OT8TER8 Eastern. $4 60 gal; Oirnrpta, ea.vw per gallon, e I fiuart; crass, xsrge. SS.50 duxes ; small. 82.80 doaen. Hess. Mrssl ssd MUee ' HUPS leill crop, aominat. 15e is. HIllES Calf SkUll. la wis, m.; cps, 8 Sfltte : greea tudaa, 8c lb.; aaltedVtsk c per lb. 1 MUHA1K Nomial, 30 4824 ih.' SHKilP PL,TS Lss dry pelci, ls20e: abort pelts, oayioe lb.; son bair goat pelt. 1012e lb.; short sav gaat pelts, itn Oy &Ue each. WOOL Willamette valley, cosrss. 20 S) SOc; xeedrata. SS32e lb. : liae. SOOiSSc lb.; KacterB Oreewa-ldaks, $0 4 1 7s lb. TAlAAiW AXU ustALASai As 1 taSew. 8 5 He; Ms. a. 4He; grease. 3 H S 4e per lb. CASCARA BARK 1822 peel. Hi iSSl peel, 7 H tb. . srape reot, lie lb. Plops, Pslnt, Oil fcOPK sisal. 18 tSlse: Ala ails. 18 H A lbe per lb. WIRE MAILS -Base price. 34-38 keg. . WHITE LJ-l 100-10. keg, 13 H is. LINSEED OIL Raw. bbla,. $1.10; kettle boiled, ebi.. $1,131 saw. esse. 81.25; kesied. esses, 81.33 tallstv. UASOLINK Iron bbls. 3 Be; cstee, 3S per aSUos. tLkI'KMTI.MK 0 gslloa case. $1.71 sal. L ember jc. ttnisgte Lstast earusd atmber sales by tsasufscrur m, quotations upsseiitias L . mill salsa is direct sales ta retailers sad rsrhidmg aeU- FLOORING; -KigB. 14 Ne 8 . g. ..854.00 1x4 Mo. 3 sod be. 38.00 Lew. 847.09 36.00 85.00 SS.OO Avge. 351.00 36.00 riMSJit 1x8 10 SS.50 - CEII4SO? A 14 Vs. 3 tad bet. 38.00 DROP SIDING: 1x0 lis. 3 sad set 8.0 BOARDS AND SHIPLAVt 1x8 10 U 10.80 DIMESKIONS: 88.00 18.50 1T.S0 3x4 I3-U j.l... 16 . 15.S0 1S.50 1S.50 1S.50 4-0. .... SMALL TIMBERS: 4x4 12-10 n,. 21.50 LATH: ' ft Se. 1 fir,..'. ; S.S0 Stu.wHas: A shingle 7. . . , .0 1 IS Total sale by 29 Bull. 4,609.197 feet. DECLINE DUE TO FLOCK REDUCTION Wool r redaction in tbe 17eited States far. 123 will be ess ef toe iiahtaet in the history of the woo industry, and mack lighter (has was previously estimated, according ta sta tistics gathered by rarunte wool gsewerr asae ciations and eseapsled by statuticiaak and wool brokers es the Boston market. The 1832 clip waa first estimated St f 5, 000,000 lbs., but this was reduced about hear ing time to 250.800,000 lbs. Now it appears that the total via not run oer 8li,eO,0OO lbs. Thie decline is sue is s greet extent to the -25 per cent reduction ra flocks last fall. Tbe liquidation ea iambs asd ewea is 1021 was caused by the country beakers holding overdue sheep paper. This, satarslly. showed up in the production this spring. Production was also curtailed by the Mary loss ea the ranges last winter as- by the right lamb crop last spring. " ' Since Western wools hare been arriving ea the Boston market they, have been found to be considerably tighter than last year. One Oregon sheepmen, who sheared $15,000 lbs. in 1921 off of his Tnd of sheep, sheared leas than 10,000 lbs. this seaosn from the Mme band. Tbe quality, however, is better than was expected earlier in the year. R. A. Ward, manager of the Pacific Co operative Wool Growers' association, announc ed today that the president of the association. Fred W. Herron of Ashland, is shipping s earlot of pure bred Ram bouii lets into Oakland, Or., and s smeller lot to JiehaJem. Or., to assist in building tip native flocks in those districts. The shipment to Tillamook county waa composed entirely of rams. The .breeders importing this pure-bred stock axe attempting to get a finer quality of wool by building up their glocks. Trading in Grains Light on Chicago Mart; Prices Down Chicago, Aug. 81. Wheat prices were low er after a little rally early and the market again reflected the light demand euteiAe ef short covering. Outsiders refuse to buy on the advances ""and the leading longs did not give the market much support. In fact there was evidence of profit-taking en the Strang spots, the pit being well supplied with selling orders on all tbe upturns. Liverpool was H to H d up st the close. Csnadian news was bearish. A bear influence also was an Ant werp cable, saying Germany was not inter ested in wheat and that wheat afloat was hard to sell ss well ss grain on the spot. . Local ca&h prices were steady witli a good d&nend Keceinta were moderate here st 130 cars. Corn was rallied from an early break, asd there was a good cash demand, but the weak ness in wheat checked buying. Offerings from the country continue fair and receipts were larger than expected. Local arrival were estimated at 485 cars. Commission bouses sola on the advances. The weather conditions were more faTorsble. In oats the trade was lirbt wka Bo special feature except that the pit trade followed the general course of other grains. There was fair buying support at times. Beeeipts were 85 cars estimated and tbe caab aemana was fair. Provision trade was narrow, and the higher hog market did not bring in much buying support- Hog arrivals were 23.000 with prices mostly 10c higSer. Liverpool prices were a little easier. Tbe casn uaae is only fair. Range of Chicago prices as furnished by the United Press WHEAT Open. High. I-ow. Close. 101 H 10H 9H 99 H 102 1&2H OO1 101 10I. 107H 10S 106H COBN 50 50H 58 H 59 54 H 55 54 54 57 H 88 H 57 H 58 OATS 81.' 32 31 H 81 H 33 H 38S 33 .33 37 H 87- 87 37 LARD ". . .' 1020 1020 1010 1020 1025 1030 1 022 1030 BIBS 860 870 760 970 982 Sept. Dec. Msy Sept. Dec. Msy cVpt. Dec. May Sept Oct. Sept Oot. AUTO DEMAND IN SOUTH HEAVIER Atlanta. Ga., Ant. 31. Reduction in the cost of several popular priced cars has stim ulated - the demawd for automobiles here. As a result distributors are extremely busy and ene manifacturer has opened a new Iceal agency in one of the outer sections of the city. WOOL, Chicsgo. Aug. 81. Movement of wool from Montana continues to be good sod a fair amount is being received in this market from Wyomine. Several large clips still are held back In western territory, according to re ports here. , Medium grades are the more active. METALS Pittsburg, Aug. 81. Washington county. Pennsylvania, last year produced 16.606 mill! grants of radium, with a value of SI. 992, 700, according X figures made public today. STEEL Chicago, Ass. 81. Steel prices have gone up and the wage increase in the steel industry has had a beneficial influence on conditions at the plants. Pittsburg. ug. 81. Sales of Bessemer pigiron at $30 a ton Vailev, are reported. Founds ry has held at $31.50 Valley. There is very little iron in the market. Toungitown. Ohio. Aus SI. The Youngs tevm Sheet St Tube tympany has cut it open hearth operations to a 50 per cent of capacity basis. COAL Chicsgo. Aug. 31. The coal market is sctire but buying is cautious. The domestic demand w net so keeu as was ex:ected but the householders no longer worry, and deliveries for home use msy be &resd over the winter months without causing inconvenience. St. Paul. Aug. 31. Coal allotted this section is reported to be enr. ute. but officials srs unable to locate it and the anxiety over 'obtaining winter supiies has been reawakened. Pittsburg, Aug. 31. Coal is quoted on a basis ol about 8 run of mine at the mine. It is understood tile Pennsylvania , railroad i paying $4.75 and tile Baltimore & Ohio $4 50 for confiscated coal. rtuyers are scarce ovring to expectations ef lower pnees. W4KH.E.VS New York, Aug. SI The American Woolen company has withdrawn maay of its spnuc lines from tha market Lml it is expected tliat in a abort time i twui be bcoked com plete on spring good. lndevwmie nt wooli manufacturers, however, have nut buked much more than 40 per rent of enough criers to keep them ftujy occupied. TOBACCO Milwaukee. Aug. 31. Arrangements for msrketing a 30.0OO.0O. rjoswl tobacco crop are being completed by tbe grower., affiliated with the Northern Wisccuain Tutueca pool. This is the first cooperative markf ,1 is of the Wisconsin crop ever attempted. Bankers will provide $7,500,000 for financing the pool. Oil ritlsburg? Aug. 31. The price or gssolinc has been reduced 1 cent a gallon in this ter ritory. PAPER New York, Aug. 81 -I'aier maenfactsrera have advanced the prie- rf pct newsprint to SSO.per ton. Pcbliar.. ifamugheat the country are bei: g urg.a ta rush into the market at thU time; jt ot again raising tbe price te exticsne Malta. HIDES Oiicsgs, A Cg Sl. Tae bides ana lea User martat continue firm, but the latter is more activr. DRYGOODS - Viinaeapelia. Aug. S 1. -BualMss prospect sre tatoriivuig throu4ioat the erthweat- ac eoediuc to Twia City esaiaeea tesders The wfeelesal trade ta aiost drytwods tteee n larger than it was earlier in the mow tha. bhipnata sf fall asd winter merehandkts os baua 0 exceed aboas of s year ago, sad there is a densasd for iwi mediate deli very. HARDWARE Providence, Aug. SL Tk HtptetMi File company asa tsised tks trstes Of it etB&leyee 16 2-3 per seat sad tk pkutt, which has seas rwssist lies days a swsk will be pt ea faU Cms, Septesnbex . Abost 1300 employes are affected, . TO 235,0Q0,000 POUNDS LIMITED DEMAND FOR NEW FLOUR THURSDAY WHEAT BID8 Yar , Bid Lois Ar Hard waits ... ... f 1.88 Ss 11.18 ... IjSS Is 1.13 . .. 1.08 lc 1.11 ... 1.0S to JI Soft white .... WetUra white Hard winter .. Hartkera ssriar WosUfb rod , l-ea Ss ?.8 NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS (Oompiled br the Merchant Exoaasse) 4Jasr- Wheat Bar. Fir. Oats Hay PorUaad, Thursday . Tear ess See sen ta date Year sgo Tseoma, Wednesday Tear ago Season ta date Tear ago Seattle, Wednesday . Year ago ...... Soaron to date . . . . Year ago .. 8. -, . 344 1 33 1 .2788 90 243 03 382 .6280 88 41 $21 330 .. 65 .. S . 126 S 1 .1086 100 ST 4 70 90 1 1 .1884 51 215 ZT ;-8 0 18 788 852 8 2 447 23 33S 06 386 57 256 Demand for new crop flour has appeared in the local market, although it is very limited at the moment. Indications point to the Orient being a good flour buyer before many more weak. Most of the mills are working sow on old crop export orders to fill Sep tember charters. New crop bakers' flour pnees effective Sep tember 15 are from 40 to 90 cents a barrel t,.. vV. t now beine asked for old cros. This is about the customary differential, as bakers are always willing to pay a premium for tbe old flour. rmtHnni in the rash market are tin changed. Buyers sre offering $1.12 and $1.13 for wheat on which immediate delivery can be euaranteed. Otherwise the cash price is around $1.00. t. . Tk. timnthw ued cmo this year la estl .tt h. tha United States department of agriculture to be 5 per cent 15 per cent less than that of last year, primarily because of a small decrease in acreage. a sugnt reuuc tion in yield per acre is also indicated not th.t.nrfin tha fsct that seed ripened pre n.tnr.1. lut Year, but the outturn of threshing machines will de term In whether estimates of the yield made at the time of harvesting are correct. , , , Extreme heat and drought during June In the mors imnortant producing sec tion thinned many of tjie meadows. However, this condition was remedied to a considerable extent by rains the latter part of June and the first half of July when growing conditions were unusually favorable. WHEAT Buying price, tidewater track de livery: Club. $1. 12 1.13 per bushel; or dinary bluestem, $1.22; Big Bend bluestem. $1.25; Turkey red, $1.10 1.16; red Rus sian. $1.07. FLOUR Selling price, mill door: Patent, 17 8(1: Willamette valley breads. $5.70 5.85; local straight, $5.43: bakers' hard wheat, $7.20; bakers' bluestem, $7.10; bak ers' pastry. $5.90 per btL ; granam, o.u; whole wheat. $6.20; rye.- $6.80 per bbL Price for city delivery, 15c extra; suburban, yue extra. . HAY Buvine Dries: Willamette timothy. fancy, $20.00: Eastern Oregon timothy. $22.00 per ton; clover. i (.uu ts l o.o ; straw, 8 00; alfalfa. $18.30 1 8.50 ; grain hay. $17.00(8 18.00 per ton. GRAIN SACKS Nominal. No. 1 Calcutta, 10c for new crop delivery. Domestic bags, 10c each. MILLSTCFFS Mill run at mill, sacked, ton lott, $29.00: carload lota, $28.00: mid dlings, $41.00 per ton. OATS Per ton, buying prices: Feed, $34.00: milline. $39.00. BARLEY Buying price: Feed. $27.50; brewing. $29.500 80 00. FEEDSTUFFS F. O. B. mills: Rolled bar ley, $88.00; whole barley. $84.00; alfalfa meal, (30.00; coconut meal. S8.00; cracked cam. SST.00; whole com. $35. OO. Merchants' Exchange bids: WHEAT i Sent. Oct Hard white S 108 $ 1.08 Soft white 1.08 1 07 Western white 1 08 1.07 Hard winter ....I J. 0 1:05 Nor. sprins 1.07 1.05 Western red 1.02 1.01 OATS ?4d. 2 white fed $32.00 $32.00 Np. 2 gray 36.00 S6.0Q BARLEY BrcivinK $28.50 $28.50 Star-danl feed 27.50 27.00 No. 2 E. Y. shipment $28.75 $28.75 AMERICAS' LIVESTOCK PRICES Chicago Hogs $9.86 Ciiicujo. Aug. 31. 1 1. V S.I Hoes Re-oeiiit-i. 21.1100: market sirong to " 10c up. Buik. ifi 'iO (3 9.75 ; lop. 80.65: heavyweight S7.K0C 9.30; medium weight. $s.90S.10; light weight. $9.50 9. 85; light lights, $9.25 eH.ls; heavy packing bows, &mootii, i. 7.25; packing sows, rough, $6.10(9 6 60; pigs, S7.25W8.50. Cattle Receipts, 11,000; market steady. Beef steers, choice and prime. $10.50 1 1.10 j medium and good, $8.00 r 10.00 ; good and choice. $10.40 ffi 11.00: common and medium $7.00 9 50; butcher cattle, heifers, $5.00 9.00; cows. $4.00 7.50: bulls. $3.25 8.50 manners and cutters, cows and Ueifers, $2.25 & 3.75: canner steers, $3.50 & 5. OO ; veal calves -light and bandyweight) , $10.50 1& 10.75 feeder steers. $5.00 b 7.85 ; stocker steers, $4 75(8 7.65: stocker cows an4 heifers, $3.50 (S . 1.00; stocker calves, SS.50 (s 7.00. Sheep Receii-U. 14,000: market steady to 25c higher. I-ambs (84 lbs. down), $12.00 (Fld.oo; lambs, culls snd common, $a.oota ItsOO; yearling,- 9.00 U.OC ; wethers $7.00 -8.70; ewe4, $6.00 Gg 7.50 ; ewes, cull aud common, 82.00 4.00; breeding ewes. $5,50011.75; feeder lambs. $1 1.50 12.90. oanver Hess S9.2S Denver. Colo., Aug. 31 (t. P.) C tie Receipts 1100; market steady; steers. $6.00 g 7. DO i cow and heifers. 3.006.75 stockers and feeders, $3.00 & 7.25; bulls, 2..o3.25: calves. $6.U09.00. Hogs Receipts 1000: market 10 15c lugner. rop. sju.3o; nuix, I.o(ig 9.Uo. Sheep Receipt 4000; market steady lambs. $11. OOP 12.25; ewes. $3.006.25; t,eeaer lambs, esi t.iMi sa lz.oo. Kansas City Hogs $9.20 Kansas City, Aug. SI. Cattle Receipts oooo; market dull. Steers, $9.00 10.2.1 ; rows and heifers. $3.59 S 7.00; stockers and feeders, $4.5U6.73; ralves. $0.00 c 1 0.30. Hogs Receipts 30O0; market active. Bulk tf sales. ?8..59.10; top, S0.20; heavies 8.609.00; lights, $8.809.20; mediums $8.75 9.10. S)iep Receipt 2000; market steady. lauibs. $12..i0( 12. K5: ewes, $6.75. Omaha Hoes S10.20 South Omaha. Neb.. Aug. 31. (I. N. S ) . f ettle Receipts, ZBOO : beef steers strong to steady; top $10.63; bulls and veals steady; stockers snd feeders slow. Hogs Receipts. 8000; market uneven; butcher hogj suutly 15c higher; 200 to 225 1-ound butchers $8.00(9.10; extra top. $10.20: packing' grades swady; packing sows mostly ii.it. Sheep Receipts 10,000; market steady to- srrong. estem iambs, $1.75; -best lambs, . 13.-00; ewe.', $6.00. Can Franc isoe Hoes $11. BO San Francisco. Aug. 31. IV. P.) Cattle Grass fed steers No. 1. $7.00 ( 7.50 ; eec- ' nd quality, $3.75 6 75; cows and heifers. $4.75 i 5.60; calves, light 18.00 9.O0; calves, heavy. 85.0017.00. Sheep Lambs. $10. 50 1 1.50: wethers. $7.00 e 8.00; ewes, $4.00 5.00. Hogs naru xnin. weignx. iso-i7o, 411. 3U; over 300. $9.50. ' Xew York Wool and Hides New York, Aug. SI. L N. S. ) Wool Market firm. Domestic Fleece. XX Ohio. 41 &5Ac: do pulled, scoured basis. OOc 11 no - do Texas, secured basic, SOciS$1.30; terri tory staple, scoured basis, $1.10 & 1.33. Hides Market quiet Native steers, 19 He; orauuca steers, loc Sir Cent Berries Favored Salem, A a. SI. Caaajmosa tsdorsement of, the move merit for s six cent minimum price for loganberries was given by the Ma rion County Community federation at a meet ing at Monitor, near here, Tuesday night The more- for six cent loganberries was launched by growers of the Salem district st- a aseetins at Liberty, south sf bale, re ceatly. Dobesy Visits Medford Medford. Aug. 81. E. L. Doaeny and party were is Medford Sunday, but whetbwe os; basisess has sot bees disclosed. OU lessee are being accumulated ta this vicinity waieb cB for prompt drilling. Tbe Triftmis is meeting more gas sad oil a progress la drill ing is mad. They are passing through a ikas shale at about 1700 feet. . .... Car Lsiaber Shlspsd - 5 VftnuSM' rw 1m ttf Tk. Cr. i.. . Lumber and Manufacturing eeaapaay reoenUy kippsS a earieast at balm lumber to Eheboya gsa. Wisconsin. ..T-- rkievtsr Pstatn Vsrket " ' A mm 11 1 1 w t Rseevpta, ear. Nw Jersey Ccberj. Ut tel.dO; JltaoemtS Early ObAoe, L00 0 UlSi Usao Rarskv SL20U5T . CATTLE BIDDERS DESERT MARKET THURSDAY LIVESTOCK TRADE Hon Steer -Xassks Portlaad ., S1I.00 f Ji S11.8S Cklear I.S5 114 U, Oataks, 16 JO UM 1S.7 Dearer tii 7.it W-S Saa Fraaelseo.. 110 Tl , ILe8 Kansas City .. : 18J5 lt PORTLAND LIVESTOCK BTJX Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep, cars. Thursday 54 92 75 7S1 8 Week ago 111 ... . . .- 884 8 2 weeks ago. . . 20 328 TT 835 10 4 weeks ago... 173 168 S Tear ago 863 38 03 2 y!srs ago... 283 1S1 S 673 13 5 years sgo... 231 58 1 1228 IS 4 years ago... 1182 820 ... 1064 North Portland cattle market experieacst) a vrv ulnar tone at the oeeninst Ttuaredax. There were no bidders in the alleys for tares loads of stuff an the early market Calves, however, were in demand and sold out well. No pries changes were announced. General cattle market range: Choice steers T.TSf 8S5 T.3B9 7.78 Medium to good steers . . , . . Fair to medium steers . . . . . Commoa to fair steers . . . , . Cemmos cow . . . Choice cow and heifer. . . . Medium to good cows heifers . Fsir to medium cows-heifers. Commas te fail cow -setters . Canuera j , Bulls Choice feeders Fsir to good feeder ...... Choice to dairy c aires ...... Prime light calves ........ SfMtirtm liffht. calves . . Heavy dairy calves '4.00(9 6.5U No EsHi Mae Sales There wen no early hog sales at North Portland Thursday. 'rices were the earn as Wednesday, but there was every indication that earlot would fall short at least 5e of the market top of $11.00. Tea dollar asd 6 cents was bid on a few drive-iss. but the sate was not made. Thirty -eihf hogs in today's receipts were on contract. General hog market range: Prime light Smooth heavy, 230-300 lb. Smooth heavy, 800 lb. Bp. . Rougs heavy Fat pigs Feeder pig Stajt , . .810.80011.08 . 00 10 00 i aw. vw II fi! 9 10.78 8.00 4 S-OO . . 10.00 . 10.00 10.75 5.00 0 7.00 Sheen Condition Uncatno Sheep market opened the day steady at veanesnay closing urices. v uuiuuvn ' - to be good. Out of Che 751 head sxrinng eu were on contract. General sheep and lamb range: Prime east of mountain lambs. $10 80 e 3 1.00 Choice valley lambs . . , Medium valley lambs . , Common (Alley lamb . , Cull lambs Heavy yearling Light yearlings Heavy wethers Light wethers Ewe 7-00 0 8 00 0 6.00 0 2.00 0 Wadnssday Aftarnsen Sato 1.23 sv 7. 29 B.S0 6.00 S.25 8.75 8.00 fey S.50 4.00 ft 4 69 $.73 W 4 00 SOON 8.50 1.S8 9 2.50 8.00 4.0O 6.00 4? 5.50 4.00 5.00 .50 10.00 ?.0A 0.50 .00 S 0.00 .00 1 I90 6.08 8.00 5.00 0 6 0S 8.00 0 7.00 80S 8.00 7.00 5.00 No. Av. lbs Price 1 No. Ar. lbs Fries 8 993 S 5.00 1 1 1300 8 TU)0 COWS 1 1110 f 3.40 1 170 $ 2-75 3.... 903 4.00 2.... 060 8.60 8 980 4 25 1 1130 4-50 1....1110 8.75 8 028 S.78 1 . . .. 850 4.00 HOGS 0-... 223 $10.00 4.... 142 $10.00 1.... 180 11.25, 2 170 10.75 2 1C5 10.75 8 117 10.00 13 219 10 00 LAMBS 80 66 S 9.00 125 78 $10.00 57.... 72 10.00 88.... 09 8.00 25.... 73 8.00. S 81 0-00 15 72 8 0S EWES 42 123 S 5 00 S 1S3 $ 8.00 S 100 2.00 I 20 119 4.50 MIXED 6. . .. 138 8 I 00 Thursday Morning Seles HEIFER No. Av. Hi. Price . At. tfas Price 1 . . . 520 $ 6.00 i H04JS 12... 187 110.75 1... IJO Sll.6 CALVES 1... 170 S 5.00 1 30... 211 $ 8.50 . 33. . . 342 7.25 I s MIXED 13... 470 S 6.00 J LAMBS 26. .. 63 $ 8.00 ; EU'ES 20. . . 108 S 4 BO YEARLINGS' 6. . , 76 $ 7.60 POSITIONS OP YEBsELS Radio reports by Federal Telegraph give the position of tne loiiowmg vessels a o v. luiiut BO: Sierra. Everett for San Pedro, 8T miles from Everett. 1. Quinault Tseoma for San! Pedro, 84 miles south of San Francisco. Wapama. Sn FrtDcisco for Ssa Pedro, 20 mile south of San Francisco. Frank H. Buck. Avon for Port Saa Lois. 85 miles north Port San Lais. Julia I.nckenbach. San Pedro, for Ban Fraa- eisco. 83 miles south of San Fxsnotsco. Fred Baxter. San redro for Sn Fraaeitco, 165 miles south of San Fraacisco. Coturnplant. Coos Bay for Sea Fraacisco, 15 miics south of Coos Boy. Wshkeena, St Helen for Saa Pedro, 171 miles south of Columbia river. Forest King. Seattle for San Pedro, 489 miles from Seattle. San Joan, San Frsncisco for Cristobal, 8 miles south of Ssn Francisco. Kennescott Ssn Francisco for Portland, sailed 7 p. sa. rsbrea. Port San Lais for Sss Franc isce. 185 miles south of San Francises. Hartwsod. Grey Harbor fer Saa fraacisco, anchored inside Grays Harbor. Coalings, Saa Francisco for Honolulu. 1458 miles from Honolulu. (By Naval Radio) Brook dale, Seattle for Akutaa, off Scotch Cape. Hannawa, Yokohama for Kobe, 15 mile from Yokohama. West Keats. Yokohama for P sift land, 4166 milee west oi ' olumbia rtver. IresSlent MrKinley. Seattle for Yokohama, 497 miles from Seattle. Stockton, Manila for Lo Angeles, 1805 miles from Los Angeles. I.iebre, San Pedro for ToknjaiB, 2027 miles from Tokuyama. Hamer. Shanghai for San Francisco, 8570 miles from San Francisco. President Lincoln, Yokohama for Honolulu. 3220 miles west of Honolulu. Sebree, Yakutat for K a tali a, 65 miles from Controller Bar. Cordors Latouch for Seattle, 88 S anile outa ox LStoucne. Santa Inez, Cordova, 718 mile south of Cordova. Starr. Koliak for Seldovia, five mile from Seldovia. Redondo, at Esnatak. Chattanooga City. Vancouver fer Astoria, 25 miles from Vancouver. I.ibby klaine, Seattle for Keaal, 20 miles irom cteatti?. Daniel Rem. Naaaimo, B. C, far Beattlt, 73 mile from Seattle, i ALL ALOXG THE WATERFROJTT i ne steamBBip jeptna or the General WE WILL BUY 25 Fidelity Security Corps. . 10 ;reat Northwestern Livestock Units 10 King's Food I nits. .60 Morgan bids, stock. 20 Oregon Surety A Casualty. 20 Oregon Worsted Mill. 25 Pacific States Fire Insurance. WE WILL SELL 100 Dense Food. 25 J. L .aUacUaaa Redeemable Pfd. 10 Lumbermen Trust Co. 500O Mount Hood Railway e 17-. 35 Muitnomi U Ijuxeber 4k Stew Pfd. 40 Nortbwcstera Electric 7 Pfd. 60 Peninsula Lumber Pfd. 10 Peninsula Nat. Rank. 10 Portland Ga A Cok 7 Pfd. !0 P. a U P. Prisr Preference. 60 PortUsd Vasrrtabte Oil. 38 Westerd Bond A Mortgage. W BBtScrt listing an saleable meal se rurities. Prospective htveeter trill find it te their advantage to eotttalt w prSets before miking parchaaea. Dlrset rrtsrst Wire ts E. P. tfuttes, enrnar New York tytsc Kxossss. . 1 crnrvc k vn ortsirve STOCKS And BONDS i fSj Railwary Etthaaro BWf. - - I Biiwtry Ekcksi Broadway 4 list I Steamship corporation, ta loadinr fieur at Astoria for the west coast of South America. The steamer Redondo is discharging sreneral carg-o at terminal No. I. The stem shin Thomas L.. Wand has shifted ta St Helens snd wiil load lura berior San Pranciace.' The Daisy iroamaa is loading lum ber at the Eastern & Western Lum ber company. Dars. ..Aug. 81 , .Sept 1 ..Sept. I .Sept 2 .Sept S . .Sep. 3 . .Sept 3 ..Sept. 3 : .Best 3 Mississippi ...... E H. Mega- . . , Kongcsaa Mara . Tahoe , Babinds ........ Roes City Afrik Edw. Luck es bach Aatsa . , . Bordeaux . . . ,. Saa Frsa.. ,...avot , . . . Saa Fran . . , . . . Saa Fran . . . . . .Sea Fran. . . Kobe ..... ...New York.. . . , . Sea Fraa . . t Nggof . . t ::::!snran:: . . . . San Fran. . Ssn Frsa , . . . . . Mew Tork . Lipae Niebsa . . . . Reiuseeott ...... Adssirai Goodrich. Cbsttanouca City. Georgins Roaph . Dil worth .ttept. S ;.aeiw. i ..Sept, 3 . -sPt. ..iept Daisy Putnam . . . Sept. Mexican .Sept te Desert sr r Data, , Australia .... Sept. - 8 .Europe Aug. 31 , Orient . . . . .Ana. SI .Saa Eras .... Sept 1 .. Orient .' . . Sept 1 ..'West Coast.. Sept 1 .New Orleans. .Sept 3 .West Coast.. Sept . New York.. . .Sept. 4 ..Kew Orleans. . Sept. 4 . Sea Fran. . . . Sept 6 .S. F.-way. . . .Sept 5 Misaourisa . . . . Ttsaaia Mara. , Uultaoatak West OKow.... Rakay alsru. Redondo . ... Jeptha Kennecott Jacob Luckenbaeh Rose City Admiral: Goodrich ti Port Berth. Teasel Annett Rolph , Baltimore Mara , Rerun Polworth , Bonn CelUo Daisy Free sbs s . Defiance , . Iheto Huftero ,, Koran ton . . . , . Missouxiaa .... Multnomah . . . . Bakuyo Mara . Senator ....... Siskiyou Stanwood Tasmania Maru . Tenpauan Mara rhr. I,. Wand Teksftik fc West O Ruwa . . Trinidad ..... Jeptha ... Redondo Albers Peninsula Lbr. , . , North Bant Columbia City St Helen Eastern-Westers St Helens Columbia St Helen Glob . . . . Port. Flsur Mills St Helens ....... lnmaa Poulses Teijuinal No. 2 ........... Westport , ; A tori St. Helen Colnmbi . Albers .... Peninsula Lumber Oil Dock Tongue Point Astoria Terminal No. 1 UOTHER 35,000.1 j IX BONUS BOXDS TO . offered spov Eelem Aug. 3J. A ..l.icr $5,000,000 block ef state bonu. iijij, are to be offered for sale by the ban, , un uoa Tuesday. Sep tember fi. Tbe h.m , r. :a bear interest At the rata of 4 per .,,., r year. On the ssl of the first is u cf b nus bonds earlier in the year a premium of 4 17.000 was bid. In view of the iaiproviJ cond.iion of the bond mar ket since that ime the commissivn expect an even better bid on the new iuue. The firpt fire less on property covered by bpnu Ipgn w reported to tbe commissioo thi week from Clackamas county. I nder a reeest holding of the attorney general insur ance money collected on thi' fire can be u-ed in rebaihanc the damaged property. Dried Fralt and Beans New Fork, Aug. St. (I. N. S,( Itean--Market duU. Manser, choice, $il. 7 J (a 9 (f ted kidney, choice. 8.::5. Driet Fruit M 4 rket quiet. Apricot. choice to extra fancy. H 0 81e; appiee. evap orauvd. Prune to for. 17 019 He; prune-, SO to SOs 180 18 He; do 80s to 100. 7 0 j Se ; pescbse, choice to extra fancy, 1 2 u. Z lMae r mm mi 201 Railway Exchange Member Cklcays Board of Trade STOCKS BONDS 6RAIN COTTON PRIYATS LEjUED rYIKES TO E. F. Hattoii & Co. Solicit 1st slrle All IesJ Sotraiittos NEW ISSUE Dates! July 1, 1922 Denem. ?100. $500, 1000 r. Principal and Semi-Annual Interest (January and July 1) ; payable at Chemical National Bank, New York City. Hayden Lake Irrigation District was organized in 1913 under Idaho Municipal Irrigation Laws to purchase a privately owned system, whicn had been in successful operation for about. 15 years, furnishing water for domestic use as well as for irrigation purposes. - Tiiis issue of bonds is for the purpose of providing extensions and betterments and constitutes the entire bonded debt. STATISTICAL INFORMATION -f Value ef land and improvements $511,000.60 Total tonded debt (this issue only) 100,000.00 J Average value per acre v 252.34 " Average bended debt per acre 49.38 Area of district (all irrigable) .2025 acree Area now irrigated and' cultivated. . .204)0 acres Average per acre holding ; IS acre " y. st, . ! Nuaibera of owners, 115 " 9 This district is comprised of small farms, devoted to intensive cultivation of apples, pears, cherries, prunes, berries, potatoes, alfalfa, clover and grains. Dairying is an important industry. It lies about six miles from Coeur d'Alene (pop. 10,000); 35 miles from Spokane (pop. 120,000) and is accessible to shipping points on four railroads, assuring an unusual market availability for its products. . ' --'- ' " Bonds certified by Reclamation District Bond Commission of the State of Idaho Legal for Investment ef Savings Bank and Trust Funds in , Idaho and Oregon, and as security for Public Funds in Idaho Exempt From All Federal Income Taxes Price to Yield 6.25 .- WIRE ORDERS COLLECT : Ralph Schneeloch Company V" MUNICIPAL Second mgfmfmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmM TMos t Astoria, Fridar , Hlsrh Water. LowWsttr. 1 :55 a. ra, 5.4 ft ; SrSlstzn., 0.1ft I :S p. m, 7.7 ft, 3 :4 p. 2-6 ft Seasids LIl-h water (tine tniautes oariier. Seaside Low water SI minutes earlier. .' -.."'t POTT Ok MARKET PRBf A8E8 S? FOB GOVERSMEXT REPORT Kew York, Aus. 61. Further, evening apj in pxaptvsetjoa fer the government ;xJ re port tomorrow sad the labor day holiday Ws the chief trading fcataap ia the cotton market, today. . Aside irom that there wa f HtC mere Southera hedge seiUng , hers escty. - accom paaied by report 'that the Southwest was of ferius Sitot nsUoa.' freely sate rosy. Ou. the other hand, there appeared to be tittle mere trade buying sccompsnied by report of an increasing demand for cotton good in tha d ossest ie srksta sad with theae two factors about balancing sack other, fluctuation were comparatively narrow sad iriegular. There were four aw oi the privaXs snd montii crop reports with cenditioB fitrurs rsasisg from 60.20 to- OO and crop indica tions sf frosa 10.828.000 bales to 11,133.000 bales. Altogether there have been lii private condition reports, averagiug 68.0 asd 14 pri vate crop indications, averaging abcut 10.816. 000 or nearly a million bales k-j thuu tuc gserag expectation sf a month agn. The market opened teady & an advance of 7 to 18 points and aster ruletl sibUiu 22. u Hiigli Yield as well as ' Safely There are the private assurance of end yel so Corporation in favor as The following arc PUBLIC wc particularly recommend to Name ' East Bay Water Co. 6 San Joaquin Light & Power 6 Western States Gas & Electric Western States Gas & Electric Pacific Power & Light 8 Detailed circulars will Blyth. Witter, &. Co, FOURTH AND STARK, PORTLAND Broadvay 648 San Francisco Los Angeles Hayden Lake Kootenai County, Idaho Irrigation District 1F Bonds ffftTTTHl CORPOfJATlON C " ' I .- "IJ ( LsllT X ' mtmMtMmmmtfmmmsmmm t Floor LUMBERMEMS BLDO. to 22-75 'f Poeamber eontracts. (Farntthed. pT Ovrhck wk Cook po.) Moo til. Open. High,; Low. Close. January si arcs May 1 (VinW .. .... S5RB 22(55 2244' December ....' g26 8370 265 2283 Earry sxtvps PfiCkO : lElaridabors.. Or.. Aig. SI. Gsthsrins sf all the early hop crop ia tha kasity was completed Wednesday tvhsa the last f4 the earhea In the large Ckrtwright sad loweU i Aimm TIm xdekers ha this yard wltt begin work sa the late crust aioasday. Early crop was exceedingly light .: ' Xe w York-Loados. Sttror New York. Ana. SI. ft K. 8.)- rial bar silver, domestic unchanged at l$k! foreign unchanged st 80 e. lAindoa. Ausv SI.- (L Iff. 8 Bar aOysr unchanged at 86 10 d. -.- " .' -' - Sk" . . Xaral Stores Market New Tork. Aus. 81. L;N. 8.1 Tyrpes. tine Savannah. 31.10: New srk. 81-26. Roaia Savannah, - $5.07; Fork, 86-25. ; 8s Frmaelse Cash Bariey San Fraacisco. Au. SL C. P. 1 Barley Snot feed, per oU-, $1.17 H s 1.20 shwrnf 81.28 01.85. en classei of securities thai offer inocttor or instilutionpl bpyer such safety of principal and interest generous a yield as Public Utility Bonds. These bonds daily grot attractive investments. UTILITY BONDS which conservative investors; Maturity Price Yield 3-1-1942 102.00 5.85 ... 3-1 -1 952 Market 5.95 6 .2-1-J927 97.12 6.75 t .3-1-1 947 98.00 6. 1 6 8-1 -1 930 1 05.50 7.09 be furnished upon request New York Seattle Chicago - Portland Dae July 1. 1933-1942 .....w 2260 223 224 S240 32o !2si: ifli i..r -i - 2244 2223 2225