TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1922. 17 THE OREGON "DAILY JOURNAL; -PORTLAND, OREGON LIVESTOCK 701 18 MONTHS' old Jersey bull, 2 cow. 1 fJ 1 month, other 8 coining fresh; dtns 200 and 200 Whit, Letborn chickens. Address Jin: Ida BuTia. Vto iem, Oat field road, Mmn BMr end Concord M,'Ona City turn CHOICE O. I. C. eq with litters, others to lino soon; also choice feeder sheets. S choice reiter-d young; heavy -milking Hohrt-m C-Ow, Journal. piaa for hAl.K - Two breed son and 14 pigs, lw U M. Weidmen. 1 mil south td Oswego, ea Btoi ford road. ' ' FOB SALS Ob leus of hone. Walnut --- 1808. "'- - - ' : POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 tYlB flaT.IC frw at M-H-ahoiiiu. caueitf 75 to 100 hs ns.' 54 feet sanitary rooot ban. S Urea galvanised mash troughs, a boot 1 lO feet of 6-ft. galvanised wire fence- ea cedar pest and 2x4a, Call at 62 SO 44th St. &. E-. corner or ojki i. wmwx: j WRITE, wire or pboae us your wante in a. a .White Leghorn; satisfaction guaranteed. Poultry Producers Exchange, 0 E. Dart at, Portland, or. 100 WHITE LEGHORN htm. 1 year eld; pick then (or 0c or the bunch fur 60c 949 n. 64th st N. tOlt 8ALK Purebred R. I. R. bona. $1.50 each. Phone Atwater ztxo. PETSt POCS, BIRDS, ETC. 703 ROSE CITY CATTERY .The Home of Sunburst Offers Tor sals to en- tire catterv. including Sunburst and T of tie beat bred Persians en the Fneifle coast for l 00. Sunbnni' triat- in(s last spring alone floO. Good ros-wi for selling. UBsirntHix, 1250 B. Morrison st. Tabor 7274. Headquarters for Knempfers Birdoleo and tjanary xugnoeua. Main 6888. 224 Tans hill St FCYR RERVinK A recist-red Toggenberg buck, homiest. 795 Keniiworth . Call evemnrs. bu. 1912. FORCED sale: choice St. Andreasburg Roller singers at 001 Becooa st, a., near uurcuu. Atwater 1039. HAVE Collie puppies for sale. Home Sunday and era. alter o:au p. m. vwiitr iiiw, Baersmtnto St., Portland, Ore. FOX TERRIER pupa for sale, 10 weeks old. not pedigreed. Bat real line pups; bum, xv . female, S7.QQ. wmwt case. TWO pair Golden pheasants for sale at 820 the pair. HE. 74th st X. Call Tabor 0BT6, SO REWARD eooceniuig lost all-white Eng lish setter dog, lemon ears, iac Appr. w Conoord bids. Mim 7fi8t, Ant. eio-i, PEDIGREED " Boston Terrier male puppy - i. 1 8AA W I".-.. prize winnmi wncx tow smvm 6w airedaLe puppies Fob sale cheap; 240 E. 8th it. THOROUGHBRED 1-year-old male Airedale dog for sale. East ease FOR SALE Bo al Siamese kittens, cheap to a good none. mihi FOR BALE BrindJ English bulldog, fine speeiman, n raonins oia. n. wu. no. AIREDALE and hound papa for sale. $5 each. walnut oa?. tWO brindle pit bull, joale. price 812.B0. CANARY birds and cages for aale cheap. leaving city. B04 tn st, b. js. BRINDLB pit buU pups, ehaap to good hotaa. aaa is. iu sa. PET roookey and parrott for sal cheap. 3T! Rodney are., corner Knott. THOROUGHBRED Asseneaa pit bull terriM p apples. l 83 yoster road. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 A Real UsedCar Sale We need th space and' Most snore our large Stock of gars at ones; every car has been re cused ja price. Too following is a partial list PC stocB en nana: Was . Now 1821 A a burn Sedan . ...82000 81800 18 1 Dodge Toartog , 400 250 1820 Col, "A" ...... ., J200 800 1817 Chalmers ...... .T. .. 680 ' 400 1880 Btuts Touring 1250 2000 1817 Packard. T-paaa. . 1850 1100 iI Orerland 275 150 We vfll consider any trade er terras srithin reason. Ho brokerage charged. Qmnning & Treece 103 X. Broadway Bdwy, 1718. ' XTB SELL CABS FOB LESS 1817 Tord bog, fenders 8125 1817 Ford touring 150 1818 Ford touring 185 1820 Ford touring, starter, extras.... 340 1820 Ford sedan, starter, extras , 485 1917 Saxon 4 roadster, starter , 135 I 1818 Saxon 6 chummy, cords 246 Jl Dodge touring 200 1819 Dodge touring 480 1817 Buiek 6 touring . 875 1918 Buick 4 touring, overhauled 385 '1920 Buick touring, overhauled. . , . . . 625 VTtANSOJTS USED CAB EXO. Grand eve. and B. Main St. MSLrYEREB IRECTED STAINED 10x18.. 85f Other prices in proportion. Bast 8888. 288 Wefciiec. 1821 CHEVROLET touring. " Thtg car is bound to give satlsf action; in fin shape in ery respect. CaU Aut. 384-60- Let ma ' how t to terms. 1810 CHEVROLET "4 80" louring, new top, good tires, good condition; 8275, terms. L. T. BILUJiGSLEY MOTOR CO. ' Hawthornei Are. at 8th. tlast 0729. CHBVBOLBT touring; if yon want a good ear, cheap, see say late model ; in Crafc-etass con dition: liberal Unas to responsible parts-. Call Ant. 884-60 today. 1120 FORD sedan. . 2 new Mason cords and t new Bad Top-FWi tires and a good spare, for 8485: mechanically perfect, with good paint. Bdwy. 2488. - FORD tonxing. 1818 model, new tires all around, fine condition; will aaeriftae; con sider terms. Phone owner. East 8564. Bradl & Oppel Reliable Auto Painters. Broadway IS 80. 18th and Alder. KEU TOUK1.XU. fine shape, good rubber; eoroe and make an offer. May ton sewn at X0 Uregon. Alt for Mr. Veale. 192 CHEVROLET M tonrtng: will gnsr antee car to be in first-class condition; must sell at ones, easy terras. Ttoor a 33 3 1U21 FOUD roadster with steel inclosed back. Al shape; terms. Mr. fielaon. Bdwy. 4572..: t ' MAXWELL light delivery, ready to go to work: j 9TS down, balance easy terras. Pacific Mo ;SJsr ., araegviy nx gTanacre. 1920 CHEVROLET, ' la excellent condition. tires su gooa; leaving town. Oask or terms. rJellwood 2018. FORD ROADSTEa - 890 Aider st.. If yen want a bargain. Terms. 1822 CHEVROLET touring car, has been pTC vamy ewnea; rn -a wwwirmiieii pn areei snnst bo eeen to be appreciated. Tabor 77 81 1922 CHEVROLET tonnng. kmks and rnns iiao new car; erv um extfw mui nswa as ' - K.QA T 1920 FORD COUPE. S good tires, meehani oally A-l; beat buy; in town; only 941. MM MMM. Tl.lI. Oils 92S OTERLASD touring, 95 per cent, new; terms, iiv uown. susvas wasy iwruaa. s-a- eifto Motor Jo.. Broaaway at rung era. 1919 FORD touring with lota of extras. 895 aueiL balance easy terms. Soft. 0739. MAXWELL rdstx.. lata atodel. A.-1 abApe,"at 8278. Half cash, easy balance. Beat 0884. FOa SALE- Overland model 88. f36, U - ween only.- eash. Tabor tT 8 S. - 1921, FOSD touring, apeeUoaseter, spotlight, good eesditioo, tet ms. Sell wood 1642. 11T RKO six. nteehanreally good, loess fine. Buy treat owner. Taper 8S87. FOR SALE -1620 rauUter. oal wiiuioa Be- air. Kind. o N. Broadway. 1921 FORD EOAD3TER, good ruboer, and good shape; Broadway 24S8. - 1821 FOED coupe, in fine condition, $is5. warnnt zsbt 1926 CHEVROLET touring; has good paint in a-i eonoioon. isoor usi 9 PASS, ear for sale, 885i. er niU Undo fug s 19 (tot, Uil feeawood V788. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE SOO Talbot & Casey, Inc. v.,. vrnso cab bargains . ETerv one of these earn 'gig more than vert the sooner. . See thenu. Tora your eld ear in on n better one aad pay the difference. Easy terms. Wo wUitjst rash difference on your csr on any of the following or give easy terras on 191 S Hudson goner touring, new paint. ear aU O. fe., really good $O0 1919 Oakland touring. 5 wire wheels. . good tiros, motor and rear end completely overhauled - - s 1919 Dot touring, 2 new cords. This car is a little dandy 250 tOin Ti4t. rimM- tMri.r eood tires. new paint, rmetor in fine condition 92 3 1918 Overland touring, good rubber, car looks good, motor O. K. ...... . 275 1919 Dort touring: this car aU good... 295 1918 Chevrolet touring 138 RMhnflt Rma nuAttar new nsint and top. Thia is a real 'buy at 150 slemlahskae 4w-v1 lloht- tnie nearly new tires and a dandy car 100 loit lv.nVHn tmrrinr. motor overhauled. tires good, a wonderful family car 275 tnm U.ve.!) snnrlne. This car food tarouxtemt from tires up 150 Model 90. 1918 Overland touring, in good condition tnrougnout. "res and aU . . 225 j 1912 Apperson touring, has good tires, i motor; a gifttst 100 1920 Nash fl-cyL roadster, $150 worth of extras, car perfect condition 750 REMEMBER Open Sunday 9 to 5 Every evening tin 8:30. Cars Traded. Easy Terms. Taibot & Casey, Inc. East Ankeny and Grand Are. East 8118. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO MP ANT SALES SEASON Don't think we are just spending money , lo sxivertise our money goes to tell, you of REAL PRICE REDUCTIONS- Our used cars mmt be sold. Our new prices are RIGHT We try sl wsys to keep them BELOW THE MAR KET It' is our aim to etll the TROTH ABOUT ANT CAR WE SELL. We don't camouflage ur cars we don't sell you "ears as good as new" no used car is that. But we do sell you BETTER TRANSPORTA TION AND AT A 'LESSER PBICB THAN CAN BE OBTAINED ELSE WHERE. "ALWATS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES." COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY TWO LOCATIONS Msm plant. 21st. at Washington, Phone Broadway 6244. Broadway branch 29-30 Broadway. We have ears to take you from, one 'Place to the other. THE FENDER MAN f. M. DURHAM takes the kinks out whOe yon watt; repair? radiators and bodies; Liberty radiator cores for all types of ears in stock. BDWY. 8214. 80 N. 11th St. near Bnrnaide. CHEVROLET late model. This oar is in excellent condition. Has had good care. Small payment will handle. Balance easy monthly payments. East 5224 or Empire 1858. ' CYLINDERS reamed, new seasoned gray iron pistons furnished at a great reduction, on vv vmrw oKuy. v an ana get oar prices ana inspect stock. Northwest Welding 4c Supply rM u a en. - ' 8250 7 Dodge roadster or delivery. Dodge roadster or delivery. BBALET, GRAHAM A CHILD. INC. lltn st. at Burnstde 1818 OVERLAND Country Club, with wire wheel. 5 good tires; 9190, terms. L. T. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO. Hawthorne Ave. at 8th. East 0720. Auto Painting " ing. leaf work and arristia designing: 27 ears a painter. East 1198. 847 William are. STUDE BAKER 4-cyL touring, original paint, looks fine, runs good; terms, $90 down, bal ance 10 months. Paeifio Motor Co., Broadway NEW CHEVROLET CARS. ALL MODELS. LUKVKOLET PARTS AND SERVICE L. T, BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO. Hawthorne Ave. at 8th. East 0720. AUTO MODERN SLEEPER Autoa reconstructed to sleepers; oar system dole not weaken or disfigure the body. B. B. Body Sc Top Works, 845 Williams. East 1108. CASH 1931, terms; Ford touring car, lots of extras; all in first class shape. Don't miss this one. The price is a (ive-tway. .Call Mr. waiburt. East essx 1820 CHEVROLET light delivery, with panel Doay, gooa condition: gsao. terms. L. Y. BILLISGSLET MOTOR CO Hawthorne Ave. at 8th. Esst 6720. 1920 CHEVROLET touring. 8 good tiros, new paint, looks and runs' good: terms,- 990 down, balance 10 months. Pscifio Motor Co., Broadway at Flanders. Ford Coupe; Like new. Am leaving city Irrtd must sacri fice my rar before Sept. 1." Wslnut 2202. BUICK light six touring, many extras, going at 8495, easy ris. L. Y. BILLL-GSLET MOTOR CO. Hawthorne Ave, at 8th. East 0720. NEED some cash and will sell my 1920 Over land Baby "Tom" roadster for S273. Car is in fine condition. Call Mr. Gildea, Broad way 31121. DODGE TOURING - ' tn fine running shape. Take it away for 8150; quirk action: need the money. Phone AtlO, . . . a . . . HAVE a Dodee tourinjt car I miut m'.1 nri will take 8125 -down, balance of 8200 in smsil monthly payments. Call Broadway 3121 sa r. uuuva. NATIONAL SIX. a real auto, new paint, ele ..". tir- funs like a sewing machine; 8200 down, balance easy, or will trade. Pa- piw myru'r vQ., orosqwiy at r Ispqera. Auto Tops .TrVSZl salmon St.. oervgea 01a icq orwaviy FINE new o-petngar auu to trade. Wilt take piano or real estate tn part payment; or what have yon? 101 10th street. 1922 CHEVROLET, a good as new. $450. Must seU today. Call Eggera, Broadway 338, or come to 60 S. Broadaay. OVERLAND 90 1919 .New top. repainted, vary good tiros; gain pries- xerma. eso Alder st. 1820" FORD itjadstar, lota of pep aad iooks reed; worth more but wQ ecu for $850. CaR Walnut 4189. or oaH at 778 Union k. -jam' Mm.- M a i.sii si 'yjgJwyV " ' '"."lil nly fwn 8T500- mileg; win take Ford in trade. Tarjor nesw. FORD TRCCX 8X50, good engine, paint "and rub&er; very good tlimber; terms. Tabor LATE model Font toring, in good mechaniesl condition, price ' 8S0O cash, terms $316. Main a-24. 1820 OAKLAND, 5 pass.- in Al eondi'tion'; must go. leaving town. Phone East 4492. Bl'O tiregon sr. J. u. Mft ary. 1920 FORD tearing, with all the extras; has to be seen to bo T-neiated, CaU Bread way 2488. OAKLAND LIGHT 6IX Meohanieaily right. Vwkn $k naw 5 good ores, is, . oaw araer at. If 22 410 CHEVROLET toortng. m lees tie 2004 miles; wiU take Ford eg Chevrolet 00 trade. CaB owner. Bell. 07.39. LATE saodel 490 Chevrolet touring, rood ooo titio, pcind f Bswk lai o4 mr 1918 FORD 1920 CHEVROLET, ehcp, raa miXM, 1&2 FOKX tottriac. ood eoaditiost nd mod W-aa-s. MV.A ill SSI I a WW a4 ..'. 1-1 tiira , tovraaj-y vamiw ava UT.asiTa, ltlUUV a 9 iU6T seU 1 921 Chevrolet touring ear-by Sept. JL : Tabeg s97. AUTOMOBILESLe-FOR SALE 800 USED CABS GOING FAiT THIS IS AX EVENT INSTEAD r ,. OF A SALE Here is an offer that yon can't afford to ntiss. The pnees are cut to bottom. Ten or twaive months to pay. . $100 DOWN 1919 Fori toskringv Al. 1920 Ford touring, lots of extras. 81919 Chevrolet, $490. overhauled. 191T Grant, new top and curtains. 1918 Oakland toaring; top shape. 1916 Overland, model SO, touring. 1916 Dodge touring. $150 DOWN 1914 Stearns Knight tearing. 1920 Ford sedan, repainted. 1S20 Ford coupe, very good. 1918 Paige 5-pass., repainted. 1915 Dodge roadster, top shape. 1917 Dodge touring. , $200 DOWN 1918 Hop touring, rebuilt. 1917 National chummy. 1919 Hop touring. 1920 Gardner touring. $300 DOWN 1920 Hup tooting, like new. 1919 NsuonaX 7 -pass., 6-oj. With this small payment down anyone can own an automobile. Pay balance in 12 monthly pay ments. Think this over. MANLET AUTP CO., Burnside at Eleventh Hupmobfle Distributors. Ask; for Mr. Arbuckie PORTLANDS LARGEST USED FORD MARKET On Sixth Street Between Main and, Salmon. SOME OF THE REASONS WHY THE ROBINSON-SMITH COMPANY tell the highest number of used Fords. SEDANS 1921 sedsn. nearly new 8550 Sedan, 8485 1921 coupe, diss wheels ............ $515 1U22 Couoe. run 1500 miles 3583 Coupe 800 1920 coupe, A-l condtnon 475 . TrilTBIV-fl 1922 touring 342S l2il touring, dean, rims, starter sail 1920 touring, good buy 345 101 H toorirtf reneintori - 1B5 1917 tonrine 175 Hudson speedster ........1275 Stearns-Knigbt tearing C00 nuaifA l r. no 1820 roadster $260 1919 roadster, repainted' 275 1918 roadster, starter. dm. rims ..... 215 DELIVERIES 1920 delivery, starter $375 1920 panel delivery, starter 375 TRUCKS 1020 Ford track, pneumatic tires $300 1920 Ford truck 400 ia-' true, new, $100 discount Top and windshield ..$173 ynone Mam liou. UNIVERSAL AUTO ' EXCHANGE 1916 Fine shape, new top , $185 1917 Rims good, new paint 200 1918 Fine shape 225 1919 A snap , ,. 295 nzu Lisa new 825 1921 Some ear ,. 393 ROADSTERS 1918 A sure snap $245 ii uem. uei. Box............. 2tjS 1920 Starter, new top ..825 AN OLD TIMER, RUNS GOOD $135 1920 sedan $550 1920 sedan 475 IV. truck body, fine shape $65 -Ford bug cheap Dodge, looks and pons good . . $00 UNIVERSAL ACTO EXCHANGE 181-3-5 Grand, at Yamhill. East 0471. See Del Wright Durant Demonstrator One of those classy. 4 eyl. tearing cars you have heard so much about.. This car is in eiegsnt eonamon, ana just nicely broken in. Will give a substantial reduction and Innx. etsy terms. - This is a rare . chance to save uie iirst years depreciation, and trouble of ore ring in a new car. See Mr. Randall Pacific Motor Co., Broadway at Flanders. M. B. FISCH Kadmters, fenders, bodies, hoods, tanks, repaired end a- mortelea; sut sheet mats I work a specialty. 105-07 N. 15th St Pbone Broadwsy 8299. HEADQUARTERS FOR USED CHANDLER We were formerly Chandler distributors and have several used Chandlers of different models at prices from $350 to 3550. all of which have been rebuSt and are the beet buys in town. GASH TERMS OB TRADE Bdwy. 2668. 350 Bomaide. Bdwy. 2668 THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME Must have money by Sept 1 , will sell my Stanley swaraeT at a price wmcn you will aa mit makes it the best bargain on the market. First man to place a depusit gets it. East 7 882 atter 6 p. m. STUBEBAKER SPECIAL SIX 1922 MODEL Like new, mileage 2400. sold with full new ear gusrantee ana service. Trade in accepted. will give terms. uu oeu. ziua or Bdwy. 131. axn tsn " ' Good 6 -pass. Ben touring, halt rice 10 equal pajujcutfl. BRA LET, GRAHAM A CHILD. INC. 11th st. at BMrnside- $ 150 ONLY $ 150 One of those good 1815 Ford toarinr ears. top, rubber and appearaaoe good. This little maenme is ready lor service. UtU PinartL ti. ot3 OVERLAND MODEL 4 1921 Original factory finish, can't be told from new; 5 good tires. Alemito greasing. system. Terms. 530 Alder A REAL BUY 1920 Monroe, with 4 new cord tires, bumper tront ana rear; wmostueia deflectors, spotlights. niotomecer: rennssned and meonanicaliy O. K. see tms car at oau Alder st. 1921 I MIDGE RAAnsTVft Rebmlf, re finished. $695. BRA LET. GRAHAM A CHILD. INC- irajt at nurnsiae WILL SELL my -King for $2o0. in good condition and good rubber tires. Car eaa be seen at 105 X. 11th St., or call Bdwy. W, f o. $50 $50 Ford roadster or del., balance easy. BBALET. GRAHAM Ac CHILD, INC. im su at xiurnauie 1920 FO&D roadster, stArter, Haasler sbociZ ilwiuuiKicr, loot Loroitle; szu, terms. L. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO. Hawthorne Ave, at 8th. East 0730. IXN'T FAIL TO SEE THIS ST-TVav '" Biggest bargain in town; - will sacra (ice fee !: siav aown, Dsjance easy. OsR owner, Sell 8867. T WE PUT steel teeth In your old nrni - crankshaft turning, cylinder grinding. H. B. eiacx a saacauo oaop. esa Aider at. Broad- vy . e . . 31sa tn Vnif r C nw axave ; eMresvWg au a umi wraaa m to make bed. g FosrUveiy wtu not weaken te pay, -wii.in. ."wm wuhms avw. - 1931' FORD SEDAN five wire wheals, dock -and siasiliiieMj.i, 1 aeod bar: tin. MniHu owe num. vveta vmnama are. WE TEAR 'EM UP ana seal tae pieces. Fort- - 1 . u.. - . . . - . . . - w an. w ivn ins - o.. eex auoer. esssx FORD EriATlKTir.K Has starter Week; is in fiae ahapo tnresigaj- m; ,iOti. wnu. rauu. cjass vooe. 1917 BUICK 6 tooring. rebuilt, good tires new top.' Portland Buick Repair Co.. l$th T .Overland engine, Al condition 1 nn w tie 1 nrintm . nfuajMl Phm. ' Dcneu. FORD touring, snotor good. too. pmraeauy new urea, ten karaaWL lAnrasea. Albina avw. tnbea. $1&. Star MAXWELL ROADSTER " Bsady to rve acsMone 'real servleev i$l FORD" ,150" . TABWH POS -tiii .sedan, isz; wire wheels: in parfawt x-gTirfaWMi. ptvu. 11 KtHslS mil e . 1920 FORD SEDAN; wUl trade , for FosQ 1817 FpED tooring good shape, fxiQ 29 1922 DODGE for sal or wiU trade tor Ford. SX7.hu.. flit - T 1918 FORD toarsng. by owner, good ahaML extras. $195 Vtalrrat 3073 after 6 i. BUT A FOR? used or new' good ui'- aawausr 178.;. But. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE SOO Used .Fords Used Fords No difference what kind of a FORD ear you are looking for er at what price, or term it wul pay you BIG to see XausuT at iasei, tno. -BEFORE BUYING, Tuns tn' your old ford en a better need one 11 easy terms on. balance. We win pay rash difference en vour lutsn or Coupe on a Touring or BoerfUter. We luve, 55 Used Ford, including : TRUCKS BUGS SEDANS COUPES TOURINGS ROADSTERS They are all good end srJced at their real values. SEE OCR STOCX BEFORE tOtJ BUT Open Sundays 9 to 5. .-- Evenihgs till 8 JO. Talbot & Casey, Inc. East Ankeny and Grand Ave. East 8118. Here is a list of fine buys m good need cars and we have others not Hated so the anan who wants a GOOD used automobile at a reason able price can find exactly what he is looking for. Sold on easy terms. If yon want to know where to obtain highest value in used cars ask those who have bought of Mitchell. Lewis Stavar Co. 1910 White touring $ 150 1919 Ford touring 260 1921 Scrippt-Booth sedan... 1295 1920 Dodge touring 450 1917 Chalmers touring .... 350 1917 Hudson speedster .... 893 1919 Mitchell touring 750 120 Mitchell touring .... 950 1917 Ford roadster 185 1820 Buick touring ...... 950 1918 Liberty touring .... 495 1920 Mitchell light 6 996 1918 Stats Chib roadster.. 1295 1915 Mitchell Club roadster 575 1916 Packard touring . 975 Open Sundays and Evenings. Our reputation of over 40 years in the Northwest is your ganaran teo ef satisfaction. Broadway at Everett, Portland. Oregon. WHERE ITS HANDY HUGHSON'g FORD CORNER BROADWAY AT DAVIS WE LEAD OTHER FOLLOW 100 per rent Hnghson's service means day gnd night service in the finest equipped and best located shoo in Portland. Here is an institution whoso reputation is Tour assurance of a satis re deal. Join oar list of satisfied customers and it will be a pleasure to own a cord. 25 USED CABS FOB LESS 25 Some $50 down, balance easy. Open Evenings and Sundays WILLIAM L. HUGMSON COMPANY Authorized Ford Dealer. 60 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 0821. Radiator ' Specialists Bodv . and fender 1 pairing, top and paint ing. Burness Auto Works 12th and Everett. LATE 1920 Fori sedan, starter, dem. rims. speedometer, dash light, window curtains, good tires, spare tire with eover. $500. terms. L. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO. TTawthorne Ave. at 8th. East 0720. - a vi it n A Xi1 A TV A. W-.es. iw . DVUUU1 -a- weXni wi i J ainw wtMalBi-asy TYnsw lessTsm r CW 10.1 VUlaUU 0"A jesjajs- . than 100 milef. A new car at used car prieav Bdwy. S68. 80 Barnside. BAwy. 3B68. A-l mechanicaUy, repainted. $125 down; price $290. BBALET, GRAHAM CHILD. INO. 11th st at Burnside 1920 CHEVROLET Has hsd splendid eare and looks like new. I will guarantee and sell for $140 down and give monthly payments on balance. Phone East 9564. USED TOPS Ton ring, roadster, bug, truck tope. Several to pick from, B. B. Body A Too Works, S45 Williams. 1920 FORD touring, starter, 2 sew tires. speedometer, foot throttle: list, terras. L. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO. Hawthorne Ave. at 8th. East 0720. DOLLED UP 6-CYL. ROADbTER Msny extras, $400. . BRA LEY, GRAHAM A CHILD, INC. 11th st at Burnside Ford Touring . Fair runner, license, will run, bargain for $110. Call Ant B3P-BQ 181B CHEVROLET "490" touring, good tires, good condition: $225, easy terms. L. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO. Hawthorne Ave. at 8th. East 0720. A GOOD BIG CAR AT A SMALL PRICE A 1917 Beo touring ear, good condition and ready to travel. Call East 8827 fey an appoint ment - DODGE TOURING. $300 Car in first class, servieeabls condition. BBALET, GRAHAM A CHILD, INC. 11th st at Burnside 1917 FOED touring. Hastier shocks, $ tires aTl round: $185. term a L. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO. Hawthorne Ave. at 8th. East 0720. CH4T-MERS demonstrator, cord tires, with para- and spotlight excellent condition. $800; terms. Maxwell Motor Sales Corpora tion. East 0581. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 2tt TON TRUCK, with 2 season guaranteed contract Thia is an exceptional proposi tion for reliable party. Truck and contract 81600, reasonable terms. 475 Morrison st Bdwy. 8606. Pierce Arrow, White, Wiather, Indians. GMCf end mnn f.nt Pnone Bdwy. 2891. Eveaingn, East $14. SEW Maxwell sWia 21x4 tires, with eustosn-wuat delivery wooy. S700 Formerly listed at 81220. Maxw4 Motor Bales Corporation. East 0531. FOB" TRADE 2 ton Beo J track for 1 ton Ford truck, worm drive. OaH at Earl Sealers, Keslae Lane gnd -Fourth Plain road. Vancouver, wasn. FORD 1-ton track, lata model, cord tires, es press body, ready for work, license; aU In first class shape mechanically. CaR Mr. Senter, ttawy. diss, MACK 2 H and 2 Vs -ton. in lomber. log- ginc and dump sixes, guaranteed 'same as new. mono Jensen. , jsowy. ve. ings. Bas 2148 WANTED Heavy track and trailers. 4 mile . lest haul. m-sdim road. $4.54 per thoasaad fiwtT Phone East 0698. er write G. H. Me- V ' ' A. Ott Wtm 2 V asaV . ml . " tLs9Bsail, -E . f w4e, 2-TON Piee-Arrow truck, looks and rmn. ; lite new; wm snrnnre) sec 42000; eeav- ghter antoeaoMie la trade, wtta easy 1B20 TRUCK: and nedy eah, overhauled. 325: wiU take in Bdwy. 9321. C. C. Boy . STERLING, just like new, 1922 license; most - any price. Phone Jerisen- Bdwy. 0691. Evenings, East 2148. - j" ' .'-- PENBf 1-ton in excellent shape. Thi can be had dirt aheap..-- Phone Jsnssn. Bdwy. 691. Evenings. East 2148. 1 2-TON . TRUCK, wood rack, lust as good as new; gees at $406. Call 461 Haw. ave. d vZHii truck foe aie. ue.v Xumt belX TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 4-TOar CM. C on cord tUns.,....t SOO 1 H-toei Maxwell with cab and wind shield . 256 J 1-ton Ford with can e4 windshield... 230 1-tcn RepuMe with express body and a windshield, , . . , . f., , 700 2 H-tcci Republic, late model, overhauled 1450 S -ton Republic, late model, overhauled 2000 ROBERTS MOTOR CAB CO, Park aad Everett its. Fordson Tractor For use. same as new. 1 Has been overhauled. New parts where needed. A real buy at $825. Some terms. Talbot & Casey, Inc. Authorised Ford Dealers. East Ankeny and Grand Ave. East 8118, NEW ltt-2-TOM Standard transport truck. This truck, including inclosed cab and stake body, regularly retails st 82700. We will sell with stand ard new truck warranty at half sacrifice or $1$50. Pneumatic tire ' equipment aU around. Bit ALE Y. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC. 11th and Burnside Sts. FORDSON tractor, ploughs, disc, and harrows. Ploughed lees than 60 a. $475. 831 E. Everett, East 6709. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 803 BARGAINS IN USED AND REBUILT ABLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. EASY TERMS As Low as $40 Down. MOTORCYCLE A SUPPLY CO. Id at Taylor. Main 7889. HAR LEY-DA VTDSON SERVICE CENTER USED MOTORCYCLES All Makes Liberal Terms Used Parts 10-75 9 discount EAST BIDE MOTORCYCLE CO, 44-46 Grand sve. Distributors for ACE BKADTNft-STA.VDARD CLrTTELAHD FOB MOTORCYCLES OR BICYCLES. NEW 0B USED SEE US. Goods right prices right, terms right INDIAN MOTORCYCLE & BICYCLE CO.. zob Tniro sc. 1P19 HAN LEY motorcycle, newly painted, A-l meeh. condition, tandem and speedo meter; price $100; terms to suit Call eves. rear or tsa nanay roaa. 1919 EXCELSIOR motorcycle and sidecar. ..... m a i wi..--v f 11,1 AKIMlMUWm .1- AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 HOYT ST. GARAGE, 446 Hoyt Broadway 6456. General auto repairing. Sunaco serv- ice station: free crank case service. CYLINDERS rebored. $2.o0 each, in most can, without removing; work guaraniaeo. Walnut 2852. 148 Killingswerth. AUTOS repaired at your home or mine, with guarantee. Tabor 5083. AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 NEW CARS FOR RENT Without drivers; roadsters and touring ears. H. H. Rebstock, 64 4ts st, cor. Pine, Bdwy. 5898. AUTOS FOB HIRE WITHOUT DRIVEB3 CITY GARAGE 182 12th St Broadway 840. GARAGES AND PARKING 801 LIGHT car wanted as part payment on suS urban home or acreage, Q. C, Do rue r, Walugs, Or., Oswego 801. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 CASH PAID FOR FORDS Why trade your old car on a new ene, when we will give yen its vgue tn cashf Thee) do your shopping with the cash. Cash counts. T. McDonald. 191 Grand ava. East 6819. CARS wanted to wreck; parts for aU cars for lest. S. fc 8. Auto Wrecking Co.. 15th and Aider. Broadway B3B WILL nay CASH FOR- FORDS, CHEVRO LETS AND OVERLAND FOURS. 10 GRAND AVE., N., cer. East Burnside. WANTED To 'bny good Used Eord or will trade phonograph and furniture. Call after 6 p. m. 1891 E. 6th st N. CASH for Ford coupe, must' have by Sat- urdsy. Phono East 437B. BEST Ford for $50, want to make bug. Con dition no object G-196. Journal. RADIO TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH 875 SELL or trade for good radio apparatus, eom piete f. C 8. coarse electrical engineering, 8 volumes, full leather, $17.50; 10. volumes Hawkins Electrical . Guides, $5. or both for $20. 81 East Portland Blvd. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 ELECT RIO FIXTURES at wholesale; 1 -light chain. 70c; S-Ught fixtures, 88.76t porch lights. B0e; we do eleetrie wiring. Beliabie Electric 542 Union ave. No. Aut 810 44. East 8686. Electric Motors nought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Baectrte Works. 418 Burn. tie, cor. 10th. Broadway 8474. I HAVE an the writing thatal have done for the last 1 2 years ; there is enough for a book. I will dispose of It to anyone that would want to handle it in that way. F. D. Archer. Med ford hotel. BABTLETT pears 81 per box, orchard run, band picked. End of 52d St., S. E., at foot of hill, south of Erroll Heights. Bring con tainers. BABTLETT pears, $1 box: blackb'erriesT 81.60 crate, delivered.. Orders taken for prunes, 60 lb. Will pack for shipping. Phono orders Main 4125. . REPAIRED combination range heatey, gas and wood ranges, all look like new. Price"! you can't beat 2 stoves for the price of one. Brooklyn 'Stove Shop. 563 Powell. - BLACKBERRIES, cor. E. Clay and 77th st Pick them yourself, any day but Sunday, at 64c crate, 3c pound. PURE apple eider vinegar for pickling, 45c per gal Call Johnson Cider Co., 247 Ysm hDJ st Main 4248. FOR SALE, library table, dining table and chairs and davenport, all In good condition, lata 835-63. FOR SALE, Gravenstein apples. For quick sale Baitlett pears at your own price; bring a nee uaii at ibis js. Mormot . PERFECTION portable gas oven, 2 burners, glass front and Perfect Gem oven, came as new, hall prtoe. 41 Grand nve, uit 4896. DUCK SHOOTING preserve, best ea Sauries island, St Helena highway to Rooky Point; aaa lor niupp, pnauyi owij. PEACHES for eanning, liarUett pears, orchard run, $1 box. Bring buxea. Custis Fruit ranch, 1 mueoast or Monta villa, Base Line rd. SEWING machine, $5, Wheeler A Wilson toilor machine. 812. Main 8041. 864 8t FOB SALE Used 1 -piece sink, also toilet wrUi low-down tank, ch.sp. Tabor 0568. MODERN ess range.' side 'oven, all good dition. ViD sell ones. 171 N. 21st at fasBPTPg blvd.. i bis text to Oregon Humane Society. FOB, SALE Check protector, m fine aond- .tien. Price $6. 235 Stark st -PEARS for sale. East 57 th and Pine ate. near Stark. Tabor 2916. WINCHESTER 25 85 caL, dandy deer gun. $22.50. Pbone Tabor 6702. BARTLETT pean. $1.50 par nog. Phone Sell- wood avaa. LADY'S Hodson seal ooat will sell for half :- , t V K.h .. . price. qg " w - - LADIES' eoata. suits, dresses. a home xceiic", ,.,,v,, .p.,, FOB BENT Eleeuw vacuum , eleanera. Tec a day. sreBvered. Wain tit 1259. DELICIOUS eaing eppiat 4e a pound. Taher ' ' 7848. - - - ' - BXED beby carrvars. almost now, -Knap at $30. laoer n GET your' furnace properly cleaned and over- rmuxen; ww s wmw, - wwiw, as. hps, BABY reed oaxrisge for eea XTmr till SCREENS, snirsors. furniture repairing, catti- . un. Wat mm ItST YELLOW BANTAM SWEET CORN Taoor vv.s - - MONARCH co-4 and wood range, good as new. $50. 865 K. 26th t, near Mill. BLACKBERRIES and apples fog sale. Phone - Seiiwood 3118, - ----- - - CRABAPPLES. 8e per lb.; BaxUelApeara. $1 per box. o - avra ct, b. SAFE Half piioe. 8-634. ieur-nl. BASTLfclsfT'ai 1' eTSX FOR SALEllSCELLANEOUS 900 Showcases MADE TO ORDER Buy. Sell. Bent or Trade New an Cssh MmmCIm el Soda gmntains, Typewriters Newman's Trading ? Co. - 1 " mt-.4 Vs A 1J www aTT " amaajt-sf extra IWgmUnglTJH Broadway 7llff Auto, 2 7-4 ft, 65-83. a Read; and" f Remerriber A Mn'f Elgin Watch. 90-Year Case. 10-95. Lady's Eigin Wrist Watch, cut til ill. 8 5. j-, Keystone j-i, V 7 Jewelry, Co- . V 274 Washington at Fourth SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM MscWnes sold for level No agents employed. Guaranteed awed ma-, ohinss eheep. Parte and reparrlng for aB antes bUrkinse rented. as.M kill IS 3d, near Taylor St. Pipe Stopped ? Frozen ? "Desolvo- deans sewer drain pipes In 20 minutes. Generates 280 degrees heat Poor it in, out she goes. 75e postpaid. Write today. FLEMING PLUMBING SUPPLY HOUSE 292 Washington St. Portland, Or. SHOWCASES NEW. USED AND MADE TO ORDER. BUT, cell, ex change Cash Bogistera, Scales, Fountains end miscellaneous store flx- BOXES TRADING CO.. 129 1st st Brosdwsy 7438. LEAKY ROOF. EHt Very aggravating, tn- . m. ivwj . auxxf very (tianuoi, t i. Why not a eoanfprtable snd penna roof f We repair. , BUBBEH-BOSD ejuvenate all kinds ot warped, cracked. aeed. nent end reinvenata weather-beaten, deteriorated and disinteerated. old, leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Phone Broadway 89S8. WANTED 6 cars. We win paint 6 cars, any make, any color, for $37.50. for advertising purposes; no slouch job goes, on these cars, A written guarantee and a mighty nice piece of work. CaU early; don't have to leave car here, but book for it; come and see our work; you will be astonished. East 4578, Detroit Anto Painting Co., 426 E. Morrison. WE SAVE YOU MONEY Boose wiring, Bgbting fixtures, Nw electrical repairing. suppUea. Third Street Electric Store, 224 m 8d at. near Salman. Mala 5055. CEDAR CHESTS Direct from factory to your borne. Tartnesses arid port Orford cedar; tail- copper trim mings; is test designs. Write tor catalogue. J. W. UiUGlNH BON. 1913-16-18 B. OLIBAN TABOB SOS. CARPET CLEANING . . . 1 I . 1 MK . 'tt..,M ,11. IUS nvriu tio.iicu, m,.mm. i.. ... made over. Feathers renovated 40 -lb. Cotton Mattresses. $6.50. Fluff rugs woven from old carpets. n . PIVNEER MATTKltaS A- 11 (.Alirs 1. ri.KiNIV'K WORKS 1072 E. Lincoln St Tsbor 7002. NEW furniture th. price of used. We are making room tor the famous Cutler line ef desks, for which we have secured the agency. Typewriters, mimeocraphs, adding machines, safes and safe cabinets, all priced for quick sale, D. C. Wax. 24-26 N. Fifth. Broad way 2739. Excelsior Furnaces PIPE' AND PIPELESS FURNACE REPAIRING IRVLVGTON HEIGHTS FURNACE CO. 909 Prescott sr., pet E. 2th and 30th Ant. 820-58 Wslnut 8472 SAPES Fire end burglar proof ssfss; new and emnihand, at right priecai bought sold and exchanged; easy term if dseirsd NORR1S SAFE LOCK OO. 105 Second st Broadway 7043. WE HAVE the largest stock ef used sewing msehinee In the cite. Compare prices, we rent ana pair. 172 Sd. near Yamhill. "' VAN-Ci ' BABTLETT FEAtta. 1 Peaches, ennapples and Gravenstein applet, vinegar and cider. We sell our own pears, right from orchard. All prices are the low est 1108 Hawthorne, near 87th. Open till 7 p, m. ' FUR TRIMMINGS Colls rs, .cuffs Furs re etyted, repaired to order. THE FUR SHOP 405 Morrison Bdwy. 4022 THE JOURNAL has 14 braecolite . lamp fix tores, complete snd In good order, oatryiai any lamp VP to 200-watt, (or sale. Come and see them at Tbe Oregon Journal bid., - ask for George N. Hsmtlton. Snpt D SEWING MAUULNBi.1. Easy terms. Latest cms. a tnca. Hepairtnc, BenVd 1 $3 mo. Motors. Par's. 6TORB 166 W ST PARE. MARMHAYX.T21. Twvmsi windows, mouldincs. mQlwoik. screen doors, rooimg arm nmw ww- - new our odd stock of sash and doom tor prices. D. B. Scully Co., downtown lumber store. 171 Front bet Morrieon and TamhiU. Main 4213. AUTOMOBILES, LAUBCHE3. MOTOB- CTCLES or boats are separate clssrifiesr tlons; a large HsUsc will be tound under these different classifications. ' SEE' THE VULCAN camp bed for campinc and touring; finest camp bed made : suitable for spare rooms or sleeping porch. 41 Grand sve. East 4896. - CASH registers and eompuBitz scales bought sold, exchanged and repaired; Portlsnd Cssh Racist ee A Scales Exchange. 226 Stark st. between 1st and 2d ate. Broadway . 7534. ELECTRIC fixtures, ever heard of. 8a suooBea. lowest Drieea Send fee big illustrated bu Jean to Stanley Luts. Chamber ot Commerce bldg.. Fortiana. yr. 10 DROPHEAD sewing maerunes with attach ments, 820 each; portable electric is rhino for rent: sewing machine cleaned ' sod re paired. E. R. Stcen. 152 Grand ave,, E. 2359 t cSrtetnv CnimtX GETS both feet fao4 iat Dr. Eato Commerce bide. Broadway 4253. . .K;P5:,,.Wir4" CHIROPODISTS a BUSINESS CARDS 45 8 Eifn ROSE CITY -PBl-VTERYi U 249 Washington, bet 2d and 3d. DIE BOLD SAFES, new snd second hand; spe cial prices. Pacific Bctle gt Supply Co.. 48 Front st Brosawsy 1988. SAVE $2 to $10 on your, trunk; buy direct ffmra maker. THE BAGGAGE SHOP. 283 8d St CHOICE BerUett pears, apples and potatoes, reasonable. CaU 78 E. 16th. between Stark tnd Oak. Phone East 0858. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 A REAL BARGAIN Conn C melody saxo phone, used, but in good playing condition, complete with ease, lyre strap and reeds. $76 will buy this instrument Cash or easy terms. BUSH IA.VB PIANO CO.. Broadway at AMer. PIANO TUNING AND PHONOGRAPH RE P AIRING, any make. All work guaran- SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st Bdwy. 6576. SOME real bargains in new and slightly used piano eat sale this week at SOCLE BROS., i 160 10th at Wear Morrison. - DECKER - PLAYER AND ROLLS, ' UDJ. Tenms give. ... , . .. 6EIBERUNG-LUCAS UVSIQ - 125-4tA-et.' i - - BEVEBAL used phonogrtphs, Victor, Bruns wick, Columbia and Path, at bargain price. SOULS BROS., 166 10th st ' LARGS cabinet grand Burr ham phonograph with lot of records, cost $a00. Trad far automobile or diamond, 436 Glenn ave, Tsbor 7376. '--V ft, .,-' - ' - J. A a FISHER, $800; food candiUon. Terms taven. - - - - T - . -', BSmEBXO-t.0CA8 sCUBIff CO ' -,- ; 12$ 4tlt t - '"-ff STEGEB grand piano, nearly new, wortlt'$OO0, $550 cash take it this week. T-801. Jour- nai. PIANOS moved, $3, grouad door. W ork done try experts ana gnaract ea. . tjaa Broadway 207. A Use Trans, ex etorag do., 104 N. Ul. SALE used upright ptsnos, ll5. $216. 265. etc. . sin aan o, - or fomestta, Lipman. Wolfe A Co.. 6th and Wssbington etc. Special summer rat on .rested insnos $4 per snentn. T vneerunr rent appnea ea pnrenase. HAROLD B. GILBERT. 107 West Psrk. $2.60 BENTS phonograph with late record. Empire Transfer, lta llta. tuiwy. Q1S5 MY good Barns-Meyer grand ptaao. mabog any, $550. Atwater 1989; - PIANO WANTED-r-Wia pay 2125 eashi must De oanrsin. aivaw T 190.. PHONOGRAPH repainng, springs 20 up; parts . wholesale and retail. 0,8 wasn. tvrwy. Z044. PIANO WA-XTED- iCsAO Lit Ud be cheap. Bdwy, bi7$. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 ild t?ASH $5. $4 OB MORE MONTHLY - is ail yon need pay if you buy your piane ef the Scfawaa Piano Ca besides, ywm then bny at their 25 to 40 per cent lower prices. $425 Peerless Piano Ox. htrg wprisjfct. .$195 645 Marshall ce WendeU nprlght ..... 195 8476- Hal! at sk Davis npriaht . . . ..... 233 3500 F. C. FischeT Urge upright ... 266 3900 Bteinway ct Son's upright ...... $950 Tnempsoa player piano ......... fbl $1059 Singer player piano . 9'M tut icntn t.. st wasn. ana tuavv $29. 836. 865. S8S at e casn. 1 er more meatary. . Schwan Piane Co,, 10th and Stark. ' i 75 buys small T-octsve upright pteno. 8 93 buys United makers square piane. V 8145 burs $4 25 Emerson upright piano, $195 bays $450 Halle Davis piano. This week at Security Storage Otv. 103 10th St. Cor. Stern Bt TICTOR horn . . . : ...4 h Edison evHnder. raenrrler and 25 - records II Vfctor vi, oak a.........,....-.... few Bnnaswick t ..9................... 75 Columbia E, new 22 Widdicwmb , 26 Victrola XL mahogany lie Sonora Nocturne 149 ' Phonograph Dept ' - LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 UNIVERSAL eombtnaxiou ' range, overstaffed living room set w slant dining room set wal nut and ivory bedroom furniture. ragsitalXsize wardrobe trunk. Walnut 5389. - LARGE mahogany dresser, brass bed Spring. silk floss mattress, chairs, pillows, Wilton rug and other furniture. 1169 Moore st. north Killinesworth ave. FUMED oak buffet $12; Morris chair. 610; 9x12 Congoieum rug.- $10. - 806 Oregon st. k-aet loa. FOR SALETWO bed complete, oU beat ing stove, 4 oak porch chair. 101 East 41st st N. Phone Tsbor 3811 LIBRARY tables, hall tree, buffet ruga, etc Reasonable. 964 Vancouver sve. FOR SALE Automatic rapid electric cook stove. Ant 642-51. WOOD and coal range, .sanitary couch, beds and other furniture. Tabor 1197. FURNITURE moved; 2 men for $2 an hourT Main 6290. FOR SALE -MACHINERY 903 M0T0B3. AIR COMPRESSORS MACHINERY Electrical Installations. B. E, DAVIS ELECTRIC CO.. " -- ' T5 Front St. Cor. Oak. Ant 622-49.' .LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 BEST houseboat en Willamette river, 5 rooms ' on fine float a- bargain for $2000 cash. Terms or trade $2200. Will take well located city lot or good use.l Ford or both aa part payment 438 Chamber of Commerce. Tabor 8668, Broadway 6653. FOR.SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 905 ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REBUILT-" 86 to 75 per cent below manufacturer's Prices: TERMS $5 rash snd $5 monthly if desired. LATE MODELS RENTED. 8 months 8T.50 up. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 831 Washington St Broadway 74 91. BEBUIET typewriters, all kinds, tor sale, rent exchange We arc exclusive distributors ef Corona portable, $60 complete with carry ing ease. Supplies and re pair for all makes. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 24 fifth st Broad way i top. WILL' exchange cordwood for late model underwood or Remington typewriter. 609 Buchanan bldg. REPAIRING e specialty, estimates, rentals; buy. seU. ex.; ad. machines repaired. Type writer lor peeti on Co.. 819 Stork. Bdwy. 7649. SWAPS 92S WILL TRADE two lots at Hockey Beach. Or.. near the railroad station, for a FordJ no junk wanted. See owner. 275 Yamhill at. Columbia River Fish DepoO WANTED MISCITJJLANEOUS 950 . SECOND BAND CLOTHING BUYER MEYER THE TAILOR pay more for see- end-hand suits, shoes, overcoats. We call day er evening. - Atwatar 12. w or st. near 3d. THE CLOCK HOSPITAL Call Brosdwsy 4619 and have your eld Clock, made like new, . We call for and deliver. o wasmngton St. - DIAMONDS and gold bou'gnt. reliable estimates. G. Cramer. T13 Selling bldg. I PAT highest, prices for -essed furniture, me first Main 4197. Jij.'.i.i "lu f'i - pn . m. mi 15 WASiltu J Hand wneei chair, state price on card. A. L. Chase, 635 tcreonwood sve. SAFE Give phone and price. B-628. Journal. Tabor 7$ 14-will buy old carpet. WANTED FURNITURE 952 WB WANT Your mad fnrniture. We nar the EAST SIDE FURNITURE STORE 271 Rnwll gt - East 6387. I HAVE some choice vacant lota that I win exchange for furniture, or what nave you? G. M. Cobb, Bdwy. 3298. WANTED FURNITURE 952 'Bear J Ewl Furniture Co. We -rant your used furmtore. pets and pianos. We pay the highest cash pnees, lpq-iea FixtoT 8T. CsJU Main 4037. M ; Re S EATER Bny the best as well as cheaper grades of sen rmd-hsnd rurniture. 286 Grand ave. East 9817. PERSONALS 975 PICKWICK STAGES. INC BY AUTOMOBILE TQ BAN FRANCISCO DAILY, 817,56 SEATTLE, DAILY, $5.60. ROUND TRIP $10.60. THE BOLLAM AGENCY. 122 THIRD ST.. ' PHONE BDWT. 0026. ABE TOU GOING TRAVELING t - Gold letter initials put on your bags, suit cases, trunks, automobiles, while you wait, by my transfer method; cannot be washed off. Call East 0849. Mr. Johnson. TOM I have entered the Oregon State eol lege of Chiropractic. 6th and Osk sts., be cause I found that it is the best OMreprectie College in th state. The student spirit is wonderful. JIM. ns ARCH specialists. EsUb. 8 years. Exam, free. Blue Mouse Theatre bldg., 11th at Wash. ABSOLUTE painless, SO-mkiutef treatments. Chiropractic, electro and hydropathy, die tetic snd massage. Pbon Main 6 781. Dr. J. a.ibva vrsiiecw, e w ottfp ec tsine Diqg. DO NOT throw your wttca away, 1 will re ' pair snd gusrantee any '. wataL 2 yeans prices reasonable; 20 yean" ex perl en tn. liarry Brown. 171 1st et. near TamhUl. SUPERFLUOUS hau,' motes, blackheads. pia pies, -large perse removed, expert operator. (Dipkrmas Boston, , Chicago, State Medical Board). 801 Broadway bldg. Main 5109. 20-MINUTE treatments, chiropractic, electric . and hydropathy, dietetics and mssaage. Ab solutely psinlass. Dr. 1. Allen Wallace. 210 Ban t Lsbc brag. Phono Main 6761. JXHX DIET! EAT WHAT YOt.WANTi ""' MME. I-E MAIBE THE PERFECT FLESH REBUCER1 ' 424 Columbia St Phone Main 4337 - JAZZ PIANO Beginners. 10 lesson, gusr - an teed; practice rooms. "Js"- Parker. 516 Eiler bldg . Washington street st 4th. 21 TREATMENTS Electric, chiropractic. with Swedish mussga phone 629-61. 419 Selling bldg. PAINT your gutomobiie sow; save money this , month; better work and better price. See no. 442 Hswthorno. East 1630. : isUPERFLUOUS HaDs. motes, wart. Usnon. by 10 ncedie method. - Trial free. Joel srrmey, warn mma mm im. wiaa. sssin Dentistry r wU- PAIN. Your "TEETH 8L4.EF" while wo work. I Mnnra CensaitsUon tree, stdwy, 4983. LaWyer 44 B.urHtes PMC. 4 6th st "SWEDISH MASSAGE .: T BROADWAY" 7091. ' HOURS 1 TO 9 P. M. MINERAL tveatment. massage, 1 to 6 p. m., T mio a p. m. 883 YsmhUL Atwater 1222. STEAM baths, massage.- Dr. Elna tax Panares bldg. Bdwy. 7089. Aonnscn, ? . eat aImerican beauty ' cake" ask toub gboceb. - IProf essional arid; Business Directory scoorbion rtKATtnei CUT. SEAM.- hem xtleas akin ' f of 7 Set hemstitching r etc; mail .'order so Belted. Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co..' 85 6th. ' BUItDIHO FLAW 1 TJI 1MQ 1U0 STOCK sJEaUUNB $12 rWMlWsint m. Others to svatoy, Broadwey S049. - : ;.- . - a K.'sIKtU). U LKWIS BLDO. - - -- ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN Of long experience hae spare tune fog, Slrt ef work. M-1&4. Journal. 69 fROFCSSIONALf AND EUX3. DaRZCTCItY ' BUH4K BOOK iiAVls 4 MoLMAN. LNii, 1o m et. bT3 book snanufactuieis. A-1S, atdwy. 714a. -',v; 4 4MllvOWOOI2T ' M li 0. FLklCiiJLB if-oot1, troubi temtf ttrhmDy corrected; lady aiicta.t 412 Moo anbkl.. Main b762. - - - - . OOAL UNO WOOD $425 PER LOAD, $45 .. TWO-LOAD LOTS " 16-lnch fir blocks and slab, run partly dry. r jnr-sce or beater. . OBEGOM FUEL CO.. WOODLAWN 4162. IX TWfVfjOAn ' LOT ei.SlMl.A . uvananiLs,!! ia tvapa V xt 16-iu. Block and Blab.seil - WssVtf srfMi. mas ,m. r--r per load. - . mm .t.. NATIONAL WT!ici. t EAST 2042. C0AL .AtrSTJRAldAM-ANO' Y-fAH - mm. . vr. - uoi oevw E9andklv25.NeaM hm tn hm bm hm W 4 FT. COUNTRY lab. ear run. excelleut f of in hecAers ami rangaa. $5.75 peg cords medium heavy Sd. . . Oid growth fir cordwood. bone dry. 88.BO vi-iwi growTJi.Tir sjT.zo. Bast legs. Box? Wood $4 Per Load Tkrv . nA - .. . FuHon Wood Co. Main 4178. FOUR-FOOT heavy ouavry' slsb.' $6. per 00 . A-s fir, old growth, -$8 per cord: teeenA-eM-wta. ev mZ. n.i. .-a i . . 7-- - - wr a - s-M wi e-u osk. $10 per cord. Mem 8241. - m. WO(M tPECtAL sjALll S eia-e. cnw ee.ow coru. """" -vwi ism, acwater into. WOOD f .u" - ss, wwhi sit . A v AJ62- m . y u per cord, or 28.04) fee 9 cords ot more; 4- 0. 87-50 two cord or mora, Pwoock Fuel Co.. fast 9588. Dry Boxwood Mam 8. wl GHOWTkFlRM nxmd growth, c.k. amall edginga. Uuh and Bick Spring eoU rammer prices. Holladsy Fuel Co.. Esst 7921. ' DR.Y BJfc2v and slab, 85 per load; psrtly nnr6904. ' IOr IUK 18-in alab. S 0; m uk.V koxwoudl -.1.-lnil tok, $4 load, bargain, d-ft slab, ,0.00. No. 1 ned. I7S Uiii-mmI lvaa W''M'kwood. ideal kindling, $4.26 and" $4: vZ'ZT S' toed. Call ? 'ait1fb-J ? Pt' Wd; .partly nnr8804. ro r n - 15 nlNGys load, $8 double. 4-ft' blk. and -slsb.- Walnnt 1IH ul. oV . B0aaUaOl8-5 wood $5.50 "and - 66.60. Ptwnu, En- .see - F1HST GROWTH FIB, $4 coril ITom. lL. ' pwisia tttto-t , - . ? 6e guarantee to teach you to" denceer -rfM5U.-Z0J, onr'- Broadway ehool. Broadway at Main. Frofeesional tn strttctors. Auto. 618-89.. T,; OKRTIST9) S5v,B- E- WRIGHT Bsnadwme tvis Dentistry ilk. A W lirtUV B A AA. . "a a . V , vty 72 TV UUUUIOI 9' WO PAIN. -TKKTH BUCKF" whUe we wovk. BO. CAT RB HOmt M08rITAt HOSE CITY VkTkRlNABx'kOnPliAU Esst 1647. B. 7TH AT GRANT. Ant 219-63 CLIOTNieiAN2 - BOUSE . Wiring $4.00 " pec roosn, pkxa $8.26 fog each posh button switch. Thia meludW all material gnd U- fsctlon ruarsnteed. Phone Walnut 70 9 1. Fiury 9M9I 3B 96 utioa ' " - OREGON FLUFF BUG OU " " Fluff ruga made from aid earpstsi rag ruga reveal carpets -leaned. - - - ; 1984 E. STAhsl. TABOK 7814. MISBUfAAS .1 AM is. HARDWOOD floor in your home st aasae price we charge contractors. Tsbor 7666. MAT CttAWl-IQ, BLOCK tWO , FOB expert cleaning and blocking cf hats, at . very , reasonable prices bring them to the Hst Shap, 231 Washington, her. 2d snd 8t WU8IQ cowpootwa HATO your POEMS set to music Uniel IT Wilson Mnste Studio, 803 TUford bldg. esmarveiava LASSES AT "a- SAVING Thousands ef mtisfled pa- tmaa m laali'M in mm. frw - - . - - mm WM. M- J r ciency and fair dealing 1- ssss. in yasra. tnaa, w. fiMAwnmm. . ena if , , WMMSW .... ... Mwa, Mviivivq, HI. Goodmsn. AasoclgU Optometrist Ms'in 2124. WH-r uniiwv Glasses in gold filled frames, fitted to your eye- with' modern instra- . mm m.w h f,.wj uuuuie vtvion sisasea st great mving; glasses in aU stylesi UK. g. A. KUBWITZ. Optometrist, 228 li BETTER f lasses for lea money at Geo. Bnben stein', the veteran optician. Eyes tested, (lasses fitted, broken lent duplicated. JUa sensble prtees. 226 Mcrrteotf st ' FAtwTiwqTiirrtwQ, Mrim-, 1JJ' H." lElUUUouse and'aign ne and aaga piT'ini. p UPtwa. 46taTTl7to. Rr-nangina nam r .611. . PATKItT ATTOBW6V8 TT7 C, 8. GOLDHRBU. pstents,adamrsA' ce7 rlgbte. 48Q W erce-t-T bids FHV8IOIANS 1SL B. A P . Breadwar ilide-. Office Practice Only. PR. E. B. FROMM, aoute end ehronlo diseases specialty. 3-6 Ansky bldg. Main 894 6. IP! RKPillRIMa DPIPSnlpTl SLUnaisia AMD iTisn vimaa UivVj, US fir rises cei all kinds plumbing supplies; U( ws fiew-s ea -ene Inetsllstisas Aih-ma Pi... Co.. 611 Union eve. ns. liueseit East 4xs6. PBIWTIWO, EWaWAVIWa, BINDING Prinlno . w, baltes - a co. a Tinting First at Osk- Bdwy. 4641 EXPERT " tinting, paintiaa.' paper bans right stde up. Low price. Wdin. 1484, THK IBWlNrHODSOii UlUVi.NI "' 687 Wsahtogtoa, Brosdwsy 2144. A-l 3 6. HOOP RKPAIRIN6) feOOyS ""reahing)eif and .repaired and covered witn iwoimg paper, sasm tons. SANITARIUM BEUJEVIEW BEST CUKE AND INVALID AND CON VALESCENT MOME Staadinc in Its em beauufnl acre of ground of shade tree. KaoeUent home cooking and the beet of care. Patients can be treated under their own doctor ear. . For terms, apply to Mupertntendent, - Lenta, Oregon. Foateg and bpring roads, Fitec Ante, fl-f . MBETMITAb WORK Multnomah Sheetmetal ' Works Koctt-c.- ewtt-iing. spouttag, obMng. gew. . ersl repelrtng. phone stdwy. 92. X. Asn, 2HQ4I R8RAIRIHO - AW Bepair Shop. 133 H 4 til First Class Shoemaker. - BPEOIAtTT MAWyFAOTURIWO) ; METAL spinning and specialty manufactuviag ' of aU sands. Patent developed. Kauffmen ' Btsarnfacenrin Co., 288 Union ave. EL 2345. TKAmlsra, TWABIHa. EXOAVATlWa TaaMING, GHADiNU AAU AAC,f A'liiiT WOODLAW4 47. . .. - TRAW8FKR 389 8706498 ALWAYS flCK Tills ts to 1 MUlsKHoLl) UUUUi KPaVIAIUo r sHe-age. pacatng. nsppthg and movangt liars and ante venej peciat rate to ail pointa, C. 4J. piCkt TBAJiirEM 4k 8 TOR AG H CO.. 22 end Pin sts. - Broadway 29t, a-19ku! Oretron Transfer Co. 474 ettlsea st - - Broadway 1221. ' DRA1AGB 8TORAGSS . f Four WsTchouce on Terminal lraclrs. auCDUCED FREIGHT- rata, to all poln . . howsehald goods, Facine Cotst Foruai4M Cm 8U and iaoyt 2suadway luS. ,