MONDAY, AUGUST 28, FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN - V , REAL ESTATE 601 OWN lOUB OWS BOU5 BX FATING s ; ' T,ntw;EST' V, - HORTGAGX LOANS ' '- "' -i' Py for year noma ,-...-.-. '--,7 like others pay rent:.' by ur . V" ; ' MONTHLY PATHEST FLAK 6' Also straight- taortfsf at distort - WESTERN BOND AND ... . r MORTGAGE XMPA?iT, ' ' PORTLAND. OREGON. Bdwy. $464 , . : 4 La st at Oak. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADB ON " . Automobiles iFiTBNTTTJBE. PI AN O 8, HOITSEHOt t ANYTHING OF VALUE-- BBCTB, .-. . rry usually left in YOUR POSSESSION,. I Also Salary Leans ITO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTTS WlTHOUr BECVKI1X- IT luura ril MKNTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OB ON FURNITURE OH AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ABB TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAT THEM IIP. ADVANCE XO0 MORS MONEY 1IF NECES8AKI, AU IW V-an un 1ST SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO tSUIT I LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. 806-807 DEKTJM BLDG.. SO AIQ, WASH. SALARY LOANS SALARY ... WK LOAN MONET I to salaried end workinsnnen OS their Itea, Utn reasonable, easy pwatra. NO SECURITY NO INDORAKR r.Tl ,w1 fniHtleiti ear modern I lending methods. All business confidential. SIS Fsiu inc MnfldlBC. lfnvirT sjvi t stale tnrl m 1AnaliAld snnda aw ant Iensndise placed is atoras vita us at a reftUar bank rate. f -r. SECURITY BTOBAOS BTKHfll" VU. -. etn ana fine c. Opposite Multnomah hotel " ,, I WE LOAM domi oa aatomojal, Granainf Pbono Broaaway B7 1Q. SE IITCCV IDA ta. prouwy. . MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 CASH paid for mortgages end sellers contracts on real estate la wHuwm' - wv vn EL E. Noble, 818 UawmtM Dia. WILL bny email eellera" contracts er seeond mortgages, uoraon. eat tn. oyviom. MONEY WANTED 651 I MONET wanted, food security, km time. 7 4j interest, interest pajeoie prompuy vwwa a year. Agents need not apply." Dee ouv financial agent it ail tn at. WANT loan of$8500 from private" party, 7 ?. .-.rc- nava near 18000 noma. Wil- I OP Main 1168. ' - $1500 ON IMP. ACHE, CLOSE IN It X MeGUIBB, 64 UNION AYE, B. .6407, . . ' f ..... . . ir SlUOU, 1UU. IJDUU reeuunoe loaoa. mi- man Moeller, xs tairaPenaena pwa. BSE OREGON INT. at UOBTGAGB OO-. 21 tALUAUfi OkW. ITRST mertirwe oonUaota for aale at dii- count. uau li enry oraav : HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 ' ' CROWN STABLES ' TO A SALE -Haraee at ail ortoea and of all tmds and naea. lt 9 oaa nmiiy cows, harnesa of all kinds, new and second hand. We make our cttra harness and all cheaper than can be - found elsewhere. eyeryttunc uaranteed aa represented. .- Phil . Buetter, Bisnager, Z8a Front. 0 HEAJ of horses and mares veisbins from 1200 to 170O lbsvi arain fed and in good ahape; aereral sood cbeaei horses to aeil at nar- ealns; trial allowed. KEYSTONE STABLES 81 Water ". west side. FAR If nn-LEURKTS NEW AND SECOND HAND SPECIAL PRICES - F. E., E3HEN SHADE. 860-30O E. MORRISON ST. i 10 T BADE Heavy pair of ''mares for Bhi car, one pau youna muies roc inn of seii. Dtitb out Sunday, miU west aid Daton mill, 1 2 miles from La Center. L. L. Kood, Hall. vash. FARM WAGONS - - - - One and J horse, all kinds. Front and Vain. Ob dock. KEYSTONE Stable, banes tor aala or him or sold on communion, wagons aaa jtrniw, B81 water sr. w. a. avw. aoio. TEAM. 6 and 6 years. 2800 lbs.. : with usmess. louz Tuaiaun aye. unai al lowed. SMALL farm teaut tor Mir, encap. " Tabor EE A Li BARGAINS Horses, harness and wag ons of all kinds, gag K. Btn. laKO-LB. team,' wagon, narneas. good Jersey cow, cheap. Terms. Tabor 7287. DOUBLE team, $3 oay; single team. 81.60 pay. D4 ront su Main a ana. . HORSES for sale, 40 N. First. Bdwy. 8667. - LIVESTOCK 701 CHOICE O. L C. sows with Utters, others to farrow soon: also chore, feeder sfcoata. 6 choice registered yennc heavy-milking Holstein cows. journal. PIGS FOB fcALE Two brood sows : and 14 cioa. by L. M. Wetdman, 1 miKi spiul) ol OeT(9,. mi Staf ford road.- ' - - i FRESH Jersey cow. 4 gals, milk a day. 7 a. m., 7 p. n. come mux ner. iwo js. ,8urk st. eor. 78th. - . " ' 6 " OAL. Jersey cow, nice', young 4-rtar-oki iersey cow, registered -year-oia JtT- t row, 1 blk. east Oak Grove station. sey A TOUNG fresh. Jersey-HoUtein. raililuf i gsi. per oay. J. young jsoi&teia, miising 6 gal. per day. 420 8 2d at near Division. I RESH Jersey-family sow for aala and ethers to com fresh soon. Call 887 Wt at. or TWO fresh , sows with calf , ' 6 more will be . TEAM, wagon and barnta for aala, Coma nd see nym worm. vm r.fnpir, aeeo. GENTLE Jersey enw, trfviug 3 gallons of rich milk, cneap. - PIO jverpy at. MII-K GOAT FOR SALE: Phono Tabor 092'S. TEN fine type betters, ccrmng. ' 2 bred to reaistered Holstein bait P-ftB, Jowrnsi. FUR SALE 2 fresh family cows. Call Sun , day, KuaaeB at 8 GOATS for sale. cheap. Call 610-66 Ant. FRESH COW for sale. Atwater 4497. ' s- POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 ;FOR SALS CHEAP Henhouse, eaapeity Tl - to ivv nena, oa reel sanixary rooH pan, 2 large galvanised mash, trouabs.' about 110 fett of 6'ff. galvaniaed; wire fence oa cedar posts and 2x4a. Call at 6239 44U at. B. corner of 63d are. Woodstock car. PULLETS For uuiek sal we are offerinar 1IO White Leahoru Dulleta. Tancred attain. 8a aaontli. eld. at av reduced price. T GaU at our store or . poooe ua. a'oruasa oeeo. wo., tso - a rout. aiatn 404O. JO WHITE LEGHUBN puBU" bom Atr3 natch. Sl.xo eaco. SO at Marcs). 61 each; Black Minorca pullets. 6 months old. $1.60 eaeh. ' 863 Oohoeo are, SeBwood Garden. WHITE LEGHORN . Conoord strain, oulleta o mo.: ajao ciucc lead. 1U n. .of wire reaco and lumoer for iors so0 : must sell. leavrnt; city Tuesday. 157 ;& W'iBchH at. .TWO Mir Golden Pbeasanta for sale at 828) tna pair. , aut at. . Can Tabor :t)R SALE-5-200 F Tite Leghorn pulSS dim ataron strain t. eoa r., Twtn st. H. PETSt DOGS. BIRDS'ETC. 703 VO& SEKVICK A -regUtored Tocgeaberg buck, hornless. T8S. Kaiulworth aia. Call trvssings. Sell. 1812j bora Mouer ainaera -at 661 fiaaeead ' - -Atwater 1U3. ' HAVE Colli puppies for aalft. ' Home Sunday ? and ve. after 6:89. p. ra. Atwawr 2166. uacramento ex.. f ortiana, fjra FOX TERRIER pupa for sale, 10 weeks oIL not DecK creed, but real flni mna: aula. s.lo- . ireate, e f ..v, - - m sinuti,. ; alREDALE and hound pups tot sale. 86 each. Walnut 63 24. - fWO brindle pit bulls. ll.lwa 4 o n pries 612.50. VIBUIIBV OOot, 1 HRKDALE PUPPIES FOB SALE CHEAT! 6 A A wa aa.l a. sx-XV XaUS OUX BwV CANABY birdi and iat tax ttU 'bsamta' .ewa-aw ga w-atvawt Sswa w- r , . 1922. PETg t DOGS, BITPS, ETC 703 WOSB Clf Y CATTERY The Home of Sunburst Offer far sale the as, tire eaUary. rneladiaa Snnbnnt and t of the beat bred Peraiaoa os the Pacific ' coast for fl40. Stusbnst'a aast incs last serins aiona 160. Good raasone - tor arB'T. - LAKRT FITRMAN. ' I0 E. Morrisoa St. Tabor 7374, - - Beadonartera for aUeaapfers Bltdelene aad Canary Highballs. -- . pkt imnt AST supplies Msin 688. 324 T am hill gt. PET, kf ddk ALL KINDS Airedale. eoUie, ahepherd puppms, canary aincera, parrots, (uineatpica ad piroona. Bit assortment of doc foods and remedies, rorb- land Seed io.. lfsu tTont. asani . t HAVE 1 model Q Orerlaad and 1 model oa . urenana. bout w jravam mnnwi. Toor ehMce, 1T6. Broadway 11 SsiL. Ask lor fiuens. fiEGISTEBED, fuie pediareed Ena-lisl ba3 ejoi puppies ror saw. . sqauy tv wse B. Takemoto, Milwaukie, Ori fit. t, Sox 4T4. on j. tr.' aveu nisee. . -p PET monkey and parreU ' for aala' cheap. "S 51 Bodngy are., corner Knot. ' TfiOROCGHBREI "Aaierkcjia 'pit boll temer puppies. 8128 Foster road. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 00 i A! Real . UsedCar Sale We need the space and aaost more on? Ursa stock of ears at once; every car has bees) re duced la price. Tea fallowiac is a partial list of stock on hand: . Ws New .,$2600 $1500 . . 400 260 . , 1200 . eoo . . 650 400 . . 2250 2000 ism lioo .. 3T5 ISO 1921 Auburn Sedaa ... 1816 Dodca TonrtnK .. 120 Cole "8" ...... 101T Chalmers I 1920 Stilts Tourinc ... If IT Packard, -paaa.. , 191 pTerlr-ad ....... We win consider any trade sr terms -arithlal reason. No brokerate charged. Oranning & Treece 102 N. Broadway Bdwy. J723- ' WE SELL CABS FOB LESS " 117 Ford bus, fender. ........ ...$12S 101T Ford toorina .. 160 1918 Ford tourinc 186 1820 Font touring, starter, extra.... 840 1020 Ford sedan, starter, extras. ..... 485 1917 Saxon 4 roadster, atarter 136 1918 Saxon 6 chummy, cords 245 1916 Dad re touring , 200 1918 Dons touring 450 1917 Baiek 6 touring , . S75 1918 Baiek 4 touring-, overhauled.... S65 920 Buick touring-, overhauled...... 625 YBANSON'S USED CAB EXC Grand are. and E. Mala at. " roBD cleabaNce: SALE We need room and moat sacrifice all used Fords now In stock. 6 1920 Ford touring ears with starter. - 8 1917 Ford touringt fine ahape. 2 1918 Ford touring, extra. 2 1918 Fard roadster. .3 1919 Ford 1-toa track chassis; .bargain. All of these Fords are bargains and are in fine shape and have good tires. Look them over before too. buy. Bemesnbcr you S dealing with an au thorised Ford dealer and saa set real easy terras. ARMENTROTJT-vYICgJ MOTOR CO.. 8 2d and Foster road. Aut. 888-46. OVEBLAND MODEL. FOUR 1921 Baby 4 Overland, run less than 8060 miles. Looks and runs like new; tires, finish god nphobtery perfect. SEE this car before i a i . , n . . uy. base on goou lenma. Walnut 4802. , $280 FORD TOURING ' $78 down;1 balance easy. VValaut 403. HUDSON SUPER TOURINO- This "ear looks fine and i m firstdass raeenarueai conaittou and naa coed tares; wlH eell w way terxni. Phone' Broad wsy "7 18 1922 ESSEX TOURING This car just liks) new, will giro service) and a guarantee. ' If you are) looking- for a snappy lit Us car sea this o; will taU on easy terms. East 1982. DORT touring, 1921 model, just like new,, never off tha pavement. 1923 license, cord titres, service and guaranty; easy terms. North west Auta Co., eot, 18th and Alder. Bdwy. S AAA .' is T .:, ' . COMET," I Vi -to truck, this ts A dandy, ele- ctrte s tartar and lignts, in aosolutely A-l condition, a bargain for cash, but could ar range some terms. Jfi at B. Uarsge, 400 1st. Msin 4348. 1921 DODGE ROADSTER Rebuilt, re finished, $695. BBALET. GRAliAM A CHILD. INC., 11th st. at Bumside. REO BIG 6, dandy for heavy duty of stage, low ODeratlnsT cost: real car at a bar gain. . Northwest Auto Co., cor. 18th and Alder. Broadway 1460. 1921 F. B. CHEVROLET touring, runs and -looks as good as new,. 8800. Terms to reeponsiMo party-, is. A- Atockatoadaw. Wal nut 8201. $50860 - ' Ford roadster or del., balance easy. ' BRA LET, GRAHAM A. CHILD. INC., iitn st. at eurnsnie. OVERLAND 86 4 model, sew tire; first class mechanically. Price only 880ft. Term. Northwest Auto Co,, cor. 18th and AhierJ nroaaway ioi. sir. arro. 1921 . CHEVTtDLin: tourrag.- This cor ts 1 Si A A a -a a.; . 1 iw -1 A INIWO W fLlW mm lil aWMwwli U IItt m.av. IU -ery rrspect. CftU Aut 3S4-0. Lt mp now it. w jrjq. x9Jr urn r raw. - - DODGE TOURING. 8800 Car in first class, serviceable condition. BBALET, GRAHAM CHILD, INC.. 1 1th st? at Bumside. &EO SPEEPWAGQN Canopy top, in good condition;. a real tmok at a bargain price; don't miss this opportunity. Northwest Auto L-o . cor. 18ta and Aider sts. iwvy. Main STUDEBAEER Bpeeial 6. 1919. cord tires. extras: ear la food conditio a. 8Q6V; Urtna. Broadway 1762. Oregon Motor,, Inc. 521 1914 STUTZ OADSTERr-82S5. This ear is in food condition aad has food tires; will sell at 100 down, balance li per montn. mono gnwy. Ills. CHEVROLET touring: if you want good ear, heap,w see my lata model; In . first-class condition: liberal terms ta responsible party Can Ant. 634-60 today. 1920 CHANDLER, sport model. 6 wire) avhees ana urea ana many ocner extras. 7v Thai is just Hke new; will maks easy tena of paymeoi. ajau wainnt ei BradI & Oppel Reliable ' ' ' Ante- Painters. 18th and Alder. Broadway 1460. U3X CHEVROLET ! 4fJ touring; wiU guar antee ear to be in fixst-clsss condition ; must . 1 1 . ..... v. kak MAXWELL light delivery, ready to so to work; $75 down, toelaaca- easy tersaa. Pacifie Mo tor Co., Broaaway at r landers. 192ft CHEVROLET, in excellent , aondltfon. tares; ail cooa; leaving town, nana jnoDcx. ajasa or terma. . eauvwn suae. kpORD tousinf.' motor good, ana man" too. prMgeaaynew tires, tubea, flJt Bur 1917 BUICK touring, rebuilt, good tires. ... v.mam ai.; aaa 7 - v . 1922 OVERLAND touring. 83 per cent new; terms. isw am, aaiaoce oasy tavasa.. . A'a, cmc aaagr ta, oroaawty aa rianoera. , 1920 FORD COUPE, 6 good tires, mecham- nui, a-ii w mj ua wa,. aaiy st(e, CHEY 490 boa-, will trade for aaotorevcto and CHET. 490 bug. wiU trad far motorcycle and 322 or 1 1 1920 FOUO touring with all tha' axjtcas. luoaa . ejiw ram aw ww. P..y. a,a. 1818 FORD ' touring, new. paint, juet over- nauieo. snwj, is. LATE 1920 ooupe. . lata of extras, a good way, - liwi a wTgr. mvw wasa. at. ax 19th. 181$ FORD touring with kits of extras. $36 - down, balanoe a tma - awn. At n way, ixwc it over, sua waan. at. at 19th. MAXWELL rdsu.: lets model. A-l -shape, mi FOR S ALE O aeriaad modat 63, $135. this wctk vn&, mil - IMPT 1921. rtlRD 'touring, speedometer, 'spotlight, 191 7-REO aix. asacharneally good. Inakm fTT - ovj irom owner. aaoor oevi. SAXON toanaf r to trad for araall track. u. B. I Wini, hwub, r. XiiO FOSu 'acuaa; a tr4a' I fixi ov AUTOMOSILES--FOR SALE 0O - WTXXTS OVERLAND PACITIO CO. ---.Snadeafst LSavia . ; .;J . ; " USED CARS THAT ARE RIGHT ' After yon have read every ad in ; this paper com back to this ana and ' -"T r swipe re it with -ail tha rest. Tow. l l woa't find any that are priced cheaper . or that are in better - sbapa than tha . (oOowins' hst; , , f -. ; : THINK 1 " - t ' - " ' I .ate series Overland sedan$ 750 : ' Late Aenea Overiaad xour- r lags 425 . 1917 Overland Continental 6.. 275 191 5 Overland roadster ..... . 275 1917 model 90, food sbapa.,, 250- ' 1917 Overland 85-4 tourvnf . . 860" ' 1918 Ford tonrinc .,.,....- SOO I'' . 191T" Ford touring 176 1918 Chevroiet baby grand. . 500 1917 Telie touring 275,.. 1916 Overland roadster .... 155 i ,9 18 90 Overland Chummy. - roadster .. . $50,. -, 191 90 tearing . . . ... 8SO Lete Willirs-Knigiit sedan. .... 1660 , Lata Dodge sedan. A-l condi- .:: ' tion ...... ........ 1050 v ! 9 sedan 0 118 Good Maxwell ........ If 5 1918 Willys-Knight touring.... 750 1$1 Olds 8 tourina , 160 -Small payment down, EZ terms on balance. If you ire looking for a food nscd - car ft Is to your advantage and you MUST compare the .above list with every ad in this paper. ' WILLY8 -OVERLAND PACIFIC COHPANT. Broadway 8583. T , Open ereninss. . . Radiator Specialists Body and fender re pairing, tops and, paint ins. - ' Burness Auto Works 12th and Everett. I HAVE a FORD COUPE. 1921, that has - beea re finished, with 4 now tires, epeado metar, shock aheorbera, visor. I reoaatly spent 385 to overhaul it. - WiU give terms. Walnut 4602. $265 1920 Ford, open express delivery. Ton can't beat this car of tha price. Small down payment, easy terma. Walnut 4692. THE FENDER MAN 7. E. DURHAM takes tha ' kinks oat while you wai; repairs radiators and hod lea: Liberty radiator cores for all types at care in etoek. BDWY.' 821A, 80 N. 11th st,, near Bnrnalda. f'"v $12$ ' 1916 Fond touring, rubber and chassis food; $60 down, balance easy. Walnut 4602. OYERLAKD. MODEL, A-l mechanically, repainted, $125 down; price $280. BBALET, GRAHAM CHILD, INC.. titn at. at narnsiaa. CHEVROLET lata model. . This ear is in excellent condition. Has bad food care Small taarment will handle. Balance aaay monthly payments. - East "8224 or Empir $50 660 Good 5-pesa. Beo touring, balance 10 equal payments. BRA LEY, GRAHAM A CHILD, INC.. 11th st at Bumside. CTLINDElvS reamsd, new seasoned mi iron pistons furafehed at a great reduction, on 50 ears only. Call and set ear prices and inspect etoek. Northwest Veldinf Supply w.. ea first et. Auto Painting ZZpSStiSZ tat, leaf work and arttstic designing; a 7 year i . . . , , na ' a , -. 1 1 : a painter. r,t. aa gq. nil w imusi, stv. monthly (ayroU soes with it; consider right car. jaiunaaa saa iiauw. -u ana ism- ion sc. DOLLED UP -CYU ROADSTER Many extras, $400. -" t BBALET. GRAHAM et CHILD. INC.. 11th st" at Bumside. STUDEBAKER 4-cyL touring, origiusi paint, looks fine, runs food; terms, $90 down, bal ance 10 months. .Pacific Motor Co.. Broadway ab a1 laociers. AUTO MODERN SLEEPER1 " Autos racohatraetad to alee pen; our system does not weaken or disfigure tha body. B. B. Body eV Top Works.46 Williams. East 1188. 1920 CHEVROLET tourlnx. $ good tires, new paint, looks and runs food; terms, $90 down, balance 10 months. Pacific Motor Co., .Broaaway at r i a no era. T Ford Coupe '.-'. Like new. Am leaviaf city and must sacri- llee my car efore Bept. I. Walnut 3203. DODGE TOURING - In fine running ahape. Take it away tor iui . ii it: a acuuai avew tow ammey, a Aoue jensen. pqwy. bi; eva.. Kest Z148. PAIGE- Good car for your - raeatioa "trip: spotlight, " food tires, mechanically ' O. K. Easy terms. 'Northwest Auto Co.. cor. 18th and Alder.. Bdwy. 14 go. NATIONAL, SIX. a real auto, jaew paint, ele gant tires, runs like a sewing machine: $200 down, balance, easy, or will trade. Pa- ckic aiotoT- w, prosaway at tiapders. avAv outwa wmcibii' w -cun - uces, . pamper .a -.1 . rruf- j ; . . iiia v5 www. i um ssc as an itae angpe, a bargain at ' $775 J terms to reliable party. Walnut 6118. Asters Tnne BecoTennf and. repairing aaaA a wii res aorta Die prices. xa Salmon at.. r between atn ana stroaaway. FINE new.. S-paaseaaer auto to trade.. Will take oiano or real estate in part payment: or what have yon t 161 iota street. ESSEX Only run 37B0O miles; will take Ford ta trade. Tabor 4.f. 1921 FORD tourisf, Orst1 class mechanteally, mas' DiMdaai 11X8 .Ask tar air. Kan. 1921' FORD panel delivery, demountable rims . and starter; used tour mantns, is uka new; bargain. uwaer. ize, bast amnm st. 1922 CHEVROLET touring ear, has been pri vately owned; ta A-l condition: food tires: must bo seen to be spfrreciated. Tabor 7781. 1920 BrfCK six touring, first class condition. 6 cord tires, 77 a. .Broaaway 1190. Ait lor jar. rtaaeum. i FORD roadster. 1920 model, new badv" , food tares,- owaac leaving town. must be sold. 554 rourtn sc., west aide. FOR SALE 1917 Franklin, food ' condition, new i tires, U aecessoriea. 698 B. 8th st. N FORD TRUCK $150, good nsine, paint and mMm,' Mr, arand rtimKv- VbIia, 1 A . 1918 CHEVROLET roadster, with new tirea. aonca aosorDer. oaowia- -aa arna suape.. easy seu. -svia LATE model Ford touring, jn food mechanical ooadiuon. pnea oo eaan. terms $316. Main 2824.- . FORD nclivaZy."$ besnd 'nsw tlraa. $100 lor auick sale. ja. a. uarace, 400 1st st. Main 4848. - 1922 490 CHEVROLET touring, ran lese than -, 2000 nailee; will take Ford or Chevrolet aa traae, uui owner.-oeu. via?. DODGE touring. 1918; eotd Urea, looks and ,t. iaia , r . j . w v ., . iim - . . , 1 avretoa stotois. inc., bii wasmnfton. LATE aaodel 490 Glierrolet. toarmg, good con- cation, priced tor obbc( aala and -aery easy Rim. a wivt v w Uanianuv. avoa cwubdb, prlceu tor qnScfc sale, 3276. Bdwy. A7$2fTSas. 1920 CHEVROLET, chaaa. raa'8000 miTea. Bin crooarya ax. 1920 FORD touring, good eonditioa aad coed tirea: soma terms if deaired. Wei aut 98 6 T. 1920 CHSVBOLET touring; baa food ia A-l condition. Tabor T78L BEST running Ford ia . town, $115 caah. Fnoao East 1802. J . - . 77 FORD, rebuilt, . fine ' ahape.' ' wail - trade ' for pwa; gunii, xirwm n w uiara ava. FOR SALE- Classy bug, food shape. 2036 E. Ankeny at.'- - -. - ' ' - - - 1N F,art lTlS -'; ."8' MUST sail 1921 Chevrolat touoni Bei 1. ' Tsbor 8897. - by k PASS, csr for aale. $360, cwiillia4a tor -adty let Call Setiwood efS. ' ----- . -. ISSlj FORDaupa. 840. Zabac7761 THE OREGON DAILY , JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. AUTOMOSnXS FOR SALE 600 Hers is a Bat of fine buys la food weed- cars and we baa others aot listed so tha waaa wao wants a ' GOOD -weed aatoaaotala at a reason ' -able pvteo can find eaaetlr what ha is looking for.' Sold oa easy terms.. If you want ta know wnere to obtain hisheet value in naed ears ask those - 'who have boujht of MitchcU. Lewis . - 8Uvar Co, . .. vet -. 7 191 WhlU touriaf 1919 Ferd touriac 1921 Scripsa-Booth sedan... 129S 1920. Dodge touring ....... 460 1917 Chalmers tourina ... 860 1917 Hudsea speedstev . , . , 893 1919 Mitcaea teorras . , . i. T60 1920 Mitchell teorinf . . . 960 1917 Ford roadster ...... 183 1920 Buick tooriaf ...... 950 191 8 -liberty 6 tourinsr , . . .- 495 1926 MitehaB light V95 ' 1918 Btuta Club roadster. . 1295 1918 MrtohcB C3ab roaewtev 676 191$ Packard - touriaf .... 976- - Open Sundays and EveninfV - : Oar reputation of ever 40 'years in the Northwest is yosu fanaraa tea wf satisfaction. . Broadway at Everett. Portland, Oregon. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY SALES SEASON Don't think we -era just spending money to sdvertise our money goes to tell yon of BEAL PllICE REDUC TIONS. Out used cars must be sold. Our new prices are BIGHT We try al ways to keep them BELOW THE MAR SLET It' ia our aim to etll the TRUTH ABOUT ANT CAR WE SELL. We don't camouflage ay car don't sea you "cars as food as new" no used car is that. But wa do sell you BETTER TRANSPORTA TION AND AT A LESSER PRICE THAN CAN BE OBTAINED ELSE WHERE. ."ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES." COYExMOTOR CAR CO MP ANT TWO LOCATIONS Mam plant, 21st. at Washington, Phone Broadway 6244.. Broadway branch 28-30 Broadway. We have" ears to take you from ona place to the -other. FORD SEDAN 1921, with speedometer, newly refinhhed. Privately owned. Has had the best of care. Terms, or trade for Ford touring only. Walnut 4602. ".Ma B.FISCH Hadlstora, tenders, bodies, boods, tanks, repaired and re modeled i auto sbeet metal work specialty. 106-07 N. IBta st. Panne Broadway 3299. FORD TOURINO. 1921. with demenntsble wheels, speedometer, food tires, top and body. Looks and runs excellent. Terms. Walnut 4602. CADILLAC, type 66, a" beautiful 6-psssenger earj mechanically perfect; 6 cord tires; every equipment, including plate flaw curtains, velour upholstery ia rear, phaeton type tonneau, almost same aa enclosed ear. Privately owned. A very unusual snap, $975. Term to respon gible party. Main 1564. FORD TOURINO 1920, la) excellent shape; 5 down, balance easy terms. Call Walnut 4802. 1920 FORD tonrtnf ear. Want to tell this car today.' Have taken food care of it. Good tirea. Will give you some terms. Tabor 6642. " THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME Must have money by Sept 1, will sell my Stanley steamer ft a price which you will ad mit miha - tna beat bararaia oa the market. First- man to place a deposit fleta it. East 7852 after 6 p. ra. STUDEBAKER SPECIAL SIX . 1922 MODEL like new, mileage 2480, sold with fun new ear guarantee and service. Trsde in accepted. Will five tonus. " Call Sstt. 27 95 or Bdwy. 2731. CASE FOR SALE OR TRADE , 1 have a 4-paaa. sport model Cssa par. in splendid condition, which I -will sell or trade for small eottage or close-in acreage. Call 285 Stark st- or phone Broadway 7368. 1922 FORD coupe, 6 new cord tirea, K disk aiMU. - ooBDifl naaaimr aoaca amwona. Himner. sootlisht. automatic windshield wiper, sunshade and many other extras; terms to reliable party. Call Walnut 6118. rrfl-irr, taps & ' Toaring. roadster, bug. truck tops. Several to pick from. B. B. Body A Top Works, 845 Williams. ' ' . Ford Touring Fair runner, lie use. will run, a bargain for Sim, aait est. . 1920 FORB sedan.' z new Mason cords And 2 new Red Top riss tires sna a foou spare, for $4951 mecbanksUy perfect, with good paint. , Bdwy. S-J50 Dodge roadster or delivery. B HALEY. GRAHAM A CHILD. INC., 1 1 IU St. ai, Durmiue. deeaonstratorJ cord tires, with . - ..J mnliha vejllnt MniKtinn $800; terms. Maxwell Motor Sales Corpora .i v. asat H"M jmiw WK PUT Uil teU m ymr eld Xlvj " STa. - -UA walwvJ.w.. U fJTwl tlaVl"w 1 t Wr swiisfj, ssf i-a eawawa as a ismuiaj. -MT .BUI v Sleep in Your Car ZJU make a beat. Ponrttvoly wtU not weaken taa car. Bwaasen. 706 H Wliuaans ava. ttl TEAR "EM UP ana seU toe plecea. Port land Auto Wrecking Co., 531 Alder, near 17th!" Broaaway 6384. Mail orders rilled. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES, 801 2 NEW 82x4 Bilvertowa oords. $21 each. 1084 Arnold St. aad S, 34th. near Dt- ratoa st. 33x4 SILVERTOWN CORDS - 820.00. 24x4 SILVERTOWN OORDS 621.80. New and cuarsjrteed, 89a ki. ctay Pt. FOR SALE Complete set of Chevrolet springs chesp. tnt-. - ----- - r BTROMBERG aarburetor, latest 8-adjustment model (L-. Tabor 1242 Monday eveninf. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 S TON TBUCst. with 2 season guaranteed isrmbnaet. ' This ia aa exceptioasl . propoai- tioa for reSaoie parts. Troek and contract 61500, rvsaonable tanas. 4 la jaerneon st. BdwyJ 8606 CHEAP TRUCKS Fierao Arrow, .naue, n jbuwi, imnsiia. GMC. and many others. Phone . ITVBTV .. Bdwy. 0691. - ETenincs. East 2148 NEW" Maxwell chassis. 31x4 tires, 'with new. ' assvosav-ouat oetiva-r7 awu. tit wna Formerly listed at $1225. Maxwell Me tor Bales corporaooa. atast oaax- FOB TRADE-r-2 ton Bea J truck for $ ton Ford truck, worse drive. Can at Ead Ceeleye, Nealas Lsaa and Fuxta Plain road, Vancouver. Wash, f y MACK. 2 kad 2 K-toa. in lumbar, - log - fisf aad dump aises, guaranteed same as tssw. , Phena Jensen, rMwy. e 91. Evea- Jnga, Eaaiits. t HAVE a 12 2 H. P. tractor, U first class - eoaditioa. which I aanst sett. Worn desaoa stration and tnspaction st 2 Piristoa. ft, ear. .484. Fhene Sell 0277. - WANTED Heavy trucks and trailers, 4 mile - lof haoL manadsm road. $4.50 per thou sand (eat Phone East .0692 or writa C H. McLean, 499 E. 7th st N, - -2-TON. Pier-Arrow " true. "" leoks and rune like new; wiii sacrifice for 620UO; eon sider antoeaobila fa trade, wtta easy terms oa rsaas swser, ast 17s. STERLING., just liie new. 1922 license; moat . any price. Pheaa Jsasea. Bdwy. 0881. wvearnas, Kast Zl8 iENBT 1-taa in excellent ahape. Thia can be bad dirt cheap. Phone Jesses. ... Bdwy. 9691. Evewtr.ra. gsst 8148. 1'-' 2-TON ' TS.UCC " wood ' ra.viu ' fust "as ' aoed a saw: oea at $400. CAU 481 Haav. ava. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 Fordson Tractor For rase, naa aa new. Has beea wrerhauled. Kew parts where needed. " A real buy-at 3325. Soma terms. -' . - " - .- -C: - Talbot & Casey, Inc. Authorised Ford Dealers, East Aakeny aad Grand Ava. . East 118. . NEW 1 yi -2-TON Standard transport truck. This ' truck, including inclosed cab and stake body, regularly - retails at ' 85700. Ws will sell with stand- - ard new truck warranty at half ' . sacrifice or 81350, - Pneumatic turn V'- - eqsnaust all eennad. - -. BRALET. GRAHAM A CHTLD, i INC.. - - , 11th and Surasida Sts. 1920 1-XJRD truck tor sale cneap. - Call Kast B833. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 803 BARGAINS IN rwvfi, ANY REBUILT SLsJaLSY-lVIDapN . MOTORCiCLEA, EAST TERMS - -. As Low gs $4w Lwwa. MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY CO. 84 at Taylor. . Main 7889. HART.KT-DAVTDgON SERVICE CENTER . i 4 T USED ' MOTORCYCLES , All Makes LloerU Terms Used Parts 10-75 discount EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. -4 4-40 -Grand ava Distributora for . ACE READING-STANDARD -CLEVELAND , FOB MOTORCYCLES OR BICYCLES, NEW OR USED SEE US. Goods right, prices right, terms right. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE aV BICYCLE CO.. 209 Third St. SECOND-HAND Harley-Davidson motorcycle. in food condition; make me an offer; going away, must seU. Call Gordon Wiltshire. .1727 Division st. .' AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 UOYT ST. GARAGE, 440 Hoyt. Broadway 6456. General auto repairing. Sunaco serv ice . a tat ion ; free crank case service. CYLINDERS rebored, 62.50 each, in moat ears., without removing; Work guaranteed. Walnut 2852. 143 KiHingvworth. AUTOS repaired at your home or mine, with , guarantee. Tabor 5063. AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 NEW CARS FOR RENT Without drivers; roadsters and touring "f- H. H. Rebstock, 64 4th at. cor. Pine. Bdwy. 5593. AUTOS FOR H1RB WITHOUT DRIVERS CITY GARAGE 182 12th St Broadway 840. GARAGES AND PARKING 801 Ws?$1 Bt portable garage or small building 325 wiU buy; state sise and full particulars first letter. A-l 95. JournaL LIGHT car wanted as part payment-on" sub urban home or s create. G. C, Homer, Walnga, Or., Oswego 801. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 Cash path mi, rApn, Why trade your old ear on a new sao. when we wiU give you its value tn eaahf Then 4 f?HLboPI"nf .wlth ah. Cash eonnta. T. McDonald, 191 Grand ava East 6819. CARS wanted to wreck; parU for all cars for J" a- Anto Wreckinf Co.. 15th and Alder. Broadway 686. WANTED FORD touring, ?25 down, 815 "per mo. ; must be in food condition. 622 Jefferson st CASH forFord coupe, must have by Saturday. Phone East 4 376. RADIO TELEPHONE-1- TELEGRAPH 87S SELL or .trade for food radio apparatus, com pieto I. C S. couraa electrical enfinaering. 8 rolumes full leather, $17.50; 10 volurnea aJk"i,,Ectr1c?L aide- 5. or'botn f 820- 31 East Portland Blvd. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 WE RAVE -rnrt linvr. Hrsase wiring, hghUng fixtnrea, i;i'1;ct.rloJ arpsiring. suppUaa. ,'u"i ftreet fctoetrio Btore, 22 li 3d at., near 8almoa. Min 6033. SAFES Firs snd burglar proof safes; new snd secondhand, at right prices: bought, sold and exchanged: .easy tanas tf desired. NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO. 186 Second st Broadway 7048, WB RAYS tha largest stock at used sewiaa machines in the city. Compels prices. We rent end re pair. . 173 3d. near Tambiil. . FANCY BARTLt PEARS. Peaches, crabapyles and Gravenstein apples, vineear and eider. We sell our own pears. right from orchard. All prices are the low est. 1108 Hawthorns, near 37th. Open till 7 p. m, THE JOURNAL. Has 14 braacotite lamp fix tares, complete snd In food order, carrying any lamp ap to 200-watt. fox sale. Coma and sea them st The Oregon Journal bidg.,' ask for George N. Hamilton, Snpt aSEWl.MA MACUlNJStk aaay tarma Latest alar tncs. Repairina. Renwd 83 mo. Motors. Para STORE 166 WEST PARS. MARSHALL 721. DOORS windows, mouldings, millwork, glass. screen doors, roofing and notbed sash. Sea our odd stock of sash and doors for prices, D. B. Scully Co.. 'downtown lumber store, 171 Front, bet Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4218. ELECTRIC FIXTURES at whole-ale; 1 -light chain. 70c; 3-light fixtures, 63.75 porch Brbts, 90c; we do clectrio wiring- Reliable Electric. 642 Union ava. No. Aut 810-44, East 8686, Electric Motors Boufbt, sold, rented and repslrsd. Walker Electrto Works. 418 Bnra sie, eor. lUta. Broadway 5674. I HAVE all the writing that I have dona for the last 12 years: there is enoucn for a book. .1 will dispose of it to anyone that would want to handle it in that way. V. p. Archer, Mea- Terd betel. COMBINATION range feeder, . fa, and wood ranges repaired and looks like new. . Prices you can't beat 2 stores (or the price of ona. Brooklyn Btova Shop, 568 Powell. BLACKBERRIES, cor. E. Claj snd 77th st Pick them yourself, any day but Sunday, at 54c crate, 8c pound. PURR apple cider vinegar- for pickling. 4 5c per fat Call Johnson Cider Co., 247 Taxa- mu st. - siain FOR SALE One1 3 -strand natural wavy switch, dark brown : also one .3 -strand wed switch, both real hair. Tabor 8040. PEACHES for canning, Bartlett pears, orchard run, $1 box, Bring boxes. Cuatis Fruit ranca, mile east ot M on ta villa. Base Line rd. SEWING machine, $5. Wheeler A Wilson tailor machine, 312. Mam 8Q41. 654 3d. FOR SALE Used 1 -piece sink, also toilet witn low-flown tana, cneap. Tabor 6568. MODERN gas range, aide oven, all food coa dition. Will aeil cheap." ' 171 N. 21st at FINE cannuif tomatoes 2e lb. 529 Colum bis bird., next to Oregon Hnmana Society. FOR SALE--Chack protector, in. Una condi tion. Price $6. 235 Stark st PEARS for s near Stark. le. East 57th and Pina sts.. Tabor 2915. ' - EV IN RUDE motor, food' i price. ' 709 Harvard et. a new; name your near Ft. .-' A " , f ONE auto knitting -machine e-wiiu cylinder for heavy knitting vara. G-218, Journal. BARTLETT pears, 31.50 per pox, f bona Seil- wood 8945s. ' ' ' LADY'S Hndsoa aeai caaC aiil aeli for half price. ISO atn et. LADIES' seats, suits, dresses. . in a bama- excetient values for faB. Tabor 2825. GREEN STRING BEANS , PHOJilS VlAl,?iUT 1188.' vacuum eleaaaaa. - 76a - T ey!denvered. Walnut 16$?T.' DELICIOUS eatinf appleat 4 a pound.. Tai 7548. ' "- - RgFn baby carriare.aiiaest ai.av,. 330. - Tabor 6736. Saap at BIG UuBganaa plums, $e Ha. E. 27th S. PhoneTfeast 1341. . SIMPLEX topewriter,. uitar-iUier, arit f rind er. B. 1318. - GET your furnace property r leaned aad over - hauladr don't wait Call Leonard. EV 7603. BABT reed carriage lor sale. Very food con dition. $25. CaR East 555v" SCREENS, nsirrors. furniture" repairing, cabs aet work, ate. Walnut 148T.TT ','rT EAFE Half priea. B-6 2 4. Journal. a BARTLEXT PEA Its. PHONJC ,'.7-6 6." FOR SALE- AUSCELLANSOUS 900 SEWINQ ilACHINE EMPORIUM ssaehiaen stud for less! Na sBpsoyed. tauarantwad wsed saa hima -eseaa. 1-arta asm mall lea fee an aika , llai hiaaa raatad. 190 3d, nearylorSt. Pipe Stopped? Frbsen? -Pesolvo" deana sewer drain pipea la 20 minutes. Generates 2S0 decrees beat Pour t in, out aba goes. 75c postpaid. Write today. FLEMING PLUMBING SUPPLY HOUSE 29S Washington fit. Portland. Or. SHOWCASB3 NEW, USED AND MADB TQ ORDER. BUY. sell, ea ehanga Cash Resistors; Scales, Fountains and naiacella neons store fis tnrea, See as first - BOXER TRADING CO., 129 1st st Brosdwsyr749A LEAET . ROOF, EH! Very agrravatma. In deed. Why not a comfortable and perma nent roof? We repair, RUBBER-BOND and reravenata all kinds of warped, cracked. weather-beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated, out. leacy roofs, wont fuarantoao. - anons Broadway 5958. '- . LARGE stock of U test stagers,: Kew Homes. Whites and alt other makes, slightly .used; lower than tha lowest; liberal allowance for your aid ma chine fn exchange on-a new Since? any kind. WE. RENT AND REPAIR, - SINGER STORE. - f 198 4th at. near Taylor. Mafn 6888. WANTED cars. We will paint can, any make, any color, for 8S7 50, for advertising purposes; no slouch job foes on these cars.. A written guarantee and a mighty nice piece of work. - Call early; don't have to leave ear bare, but book for Hi come and see eur work; you will be astonished. Eaat 4578. Detroit Auto Painting Co., 425 E. Momson. - CEDAR CHESTS Direct from factory to year noma Tenneaaea and Port Orford eedar; solid aopner tsisa- latest daatcaa. Write for catalosue. J. W. H1UU1NS a eRIN 1912-16-18 E. OLISAN TABOR 868. CARPET CLEANING 9x12 rugs steam cleaned, $1.29. Mattresses made over. Feathers renovated. 40 -lb. OoUoa Mattresses, $6.50. Fluff ruga woven from old carpets. PIONEER MATTRESS AND CARPET " CLEANING WORKS 1072 E. Lincoln-St Tabor 7902. NEW furniture toe price of used. We are making room for tbe famous Cutler line of desks, for which wa have secured .the agency. Typewriters, mimeographs, sdding machines, safes and safe cabinets, all priced for quick sale. It. C Wax. 24-20 N, Fifth. Broad way 2739. - . ' Excelsior Furnaces PIPE AND PD7ELESS FURNACE REPAIRING IRVTNGTON HEIGHTS FURNACE CO. 909 Prescott st, bet- E. 2th and 80th Aut 820-68 Walnut 8472 ADVERTISING collection of bulba at one third of the regular price. Send $1.25 and 6 addresses -of flower lovers and . we will send yea this collection of tulips, hyacinths, aar eisuc and crocus 1& puibs at a value of 34 parcel post prepaid. American-Holla od Bulb Co.. Bellingham, Wash, . FUR TRIMMINGS Collars, cuffs- Furs Te stified. ' repaired to order. THE FUR SHOP 405 Morrison Bdwy. 4022 ' - - WOOD AND COAL ' Old growth fir, for furnace or heater; body and pole oak. dry or green; prompt deliveries, Broadway 1255. ' AUTOMOBILES. LAD Bi CUES, MOTOB CTCLES or boats are separate classifica tions; a largo IlsUpg will be fanad under these different clsssifications. . ' : ; Nelson Ladder Works 267 SECOND ST. - PHONE MAIN 8266. LADDERS FOB ALL PURPOSES SEE THE VULCAN camp bed for camping and touring; finest camp bed made: suitable for spare rooms or sleeping porch. 41 Grand are. East 4896. CASH registers and computing scales bought sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Racist sr A Scales Exchange, 226 Stark st, between 1st and 2d "eta Broadway 7584. ELECTRIC futures, auppnea, lowest prices ever: heard of. Send for bis; illustrated bul letin to Stanley Lota, Chamber of Commerce bldf .. Portland, Or. - FOR SALE CHEAP 5 dozen fruit jars, 1 sanitary conch and mattress, 1 clothes wringer, smsB jriece inlaid linoleum, 1 10-gsi. crock. T-800. Journal. 10 DBOPHEAD sewing suelskei with attach ments, $20 each: portable elertrio machine fur rent; sewing machines cleaned snd re ralred. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand ave.. E. 2359 GIRL'S delft blue tissua einghaat dress, m . saline trimmed; very food medal; rise 14-16; never beea worn. Tsbor 7823. .. ELECTRIO ' Tixtaues for 6 .rooms, 115; big selection other fixtures. 207 Odimber of Commerce bldf.. Broadway 425$. 5 BUSINESS CARDS g eTn ROSE CITT PRINTERT eP A eaSly 249 Washington, bet 2d and 3d. PEARS and apples, cneap; bnnf containers. 24th and Bcheller at Deilwood 8966. Bif red bsrn. - - - - DIEBOLD SAFES, new snd second band; spe cial prices,"' Pacific Scale A Supply Co.. 48 Front st Broadway 1968. ' SAVE $2 to $10 on your trunk; buy direct from maker. THE BAGGAGE SHOP, 288 3d St CHOICE Bartlett pears, apples and potatoes, reasonable. Call 73 E. loth, between Stork and Oak. Phone East 0858, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 PIANO TUNING AND PHONOGRAPH RE PAIRING, any make. All v work guaran bted. ' SEIBERLING-LUCAS -MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st - , Bdwy. 6576. LARGE cabinet fraud Burrham phonograph with tot of recortU, east $300. Trade for automobile or diamond. . 430 Glenn ave. Tabor 7876. ----'. J. A C. FISHER, $200: food condition. Terms given. -.- - v. ' v -SEJBEBLTNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st. SALE used upright pianos, $195. $218. 265. etc, $10 cash, $5, $6 or $8 month. Lipman. Wolfe A Co.. 6th and Washington sts. DECKER T PLAYER AND ROLLS. T183. - Tenme civea. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., v - 125 4th St. 2 GRAND pianos of America's' -eery best ar tistic mskes, at almost your own price and terms. 812 Worcester bldf., 8d nd Oak sts. IT DOESN'T pay to be too cheat). Get a rvrnnerlv venail rly repaired piano. If second band. HAROLD p. 1, idi want lAKR. GRAND piana $1850; brand new $750; take upright part pay, valance terms. This is one of the best grands made. 312 Worcester bldf. HOBART M. CABLES. 2 brand new ones, sold less than cheap atencil pianos up . town; terma. 812 Worcester bldf., 3d and Oak... 40 PIANOS, uprights and frauds; also- pis vers, 8100 up, terms. Brokeraga Co., 812 Wor cester bidg., Sd and Oak sts. - - STEGER - $550. f rand piano, : nearly new, worth C4h takes it: this week. -1,801, Journal. $1050 -GENUINE Melville-Clark player piano, wonderful instrument. 8276: me nat: terms. -812 Worcester bidg,, 3d snd Oak, Special summer rata oa rented pianos fa pes "month. 7 :months' rent applied oa purchase. HAROLD tt GILBERT, 107 Weett Park. $550 SMITH A BARNES," late. $225; terma. 812 Worcester bid.. 3d and" Oak sts. $575 MARSHALL A WENDELL piano, late. plain.' 8250, terms. 812 Woroester bidg. $550 BEHR BROS., piano, fine. $185. Worcester bidg.. 8d and Oak sts. -. 212 $550 KOHLER & CHASE piano, latest, 3225, terms. 812 Woreeeter bids., 3d and Dak. $576 KOHLER A CAMPBELL piano, 3178, - terms. 318 "Worcester bjdg.. 3d and Oak. $775 FARRAND player xaaBo. eual to new. 3385; terms to suit 312 Worcester bldf. $600 8HONINGER paino, brand new nprighto. 1 perfect. 8365 tevms. 812 Worcester bide. WANTED Sweet-toned piano, cash if bar ; fain. Call Bdwy. 1548 before 5 p. m. UNIVERSAL; RANGhT for sale; A rockers. 1 library table. - Walnut 4961. $2.50 RENTS phonograph with lata records. Ernpira Transfer.. 148 11th. Bdwy. 0155. $600 ESTEY. utest Una, 8300. terms, . 312 Woroester pldg., 34 and Oak ata. MY aoud Saras-Meyer grand piano. , snahof- . . m a A - , . . , n a - r - $650" VERS A POND, food nnrifht, ... $180. terms. 312 Woroester bldf. only PIANO WANTED WiU pay 3125 cash; be bargain. Atwater Ji $650 PACKARD, $263; equal to new, terms, h 812 Worcester bldf., 3d and Oak. PHONOGRAPH repainnc, epnnga -20c" ap; parts wholesale and retail. 648 Wash. Bdwy. 2044. 6 GOOD, upright pianos, your choice $125 each. 312 Woroester bMf.. 3d and Oak. PIANO -WANTED Cash for Used piaaoi must ctj cttrratrj, i.a vs-j . ai a. .4 $550 ELLINGTON piano, latest like a new ana, $250: terms. 812 W'oroastor bldst i a MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 601 $10 CASH 35. $6 OR MORE MO,THLT is all yon need pay tf yea buy year pmna of tha- Schwaa Piano Co.. peaides. yon then buy st their 23 to 40 per cent lower pnfea. 114X im.wm Bmuht. . 8 1 9 5 645a'Marakall Weadeil uoricht ..... 195 34T5 Ballet A Davia aacisht . 236 850O F. 4s C Fischer Urge upright ... 265 $904) SteinwayA Son's upriflrt ,.... S 95 $950 Thompson player piano .....' ff $1050 Binaer player piano "J5 101 Tenth St, at Wash, and Stark. $20. $36, $65, $85 aecurea pbxaiofrapat t $5 cash, 83 g mora monthly. Schwaa Pis no Co.. 10th and Stork, f 75 buys small T-actava upright, piano. $ 8$ auys United makers, equara piano. 8148 buys $425avKuiersaa aprigbt piana. 6195 buys $450 Ballet A Daais piano, - Thia week at" Security Btoraoa OOk, ; 103 10th gt. Cor. Stark St VIClOR porn .,,..,,,.,"$ luluoa cylindar, rsrairdar and $9 . -'. Jf Victor VI. oak .......,.,.,,...,, 80 Braaswick 7 ........ r . t 75 Columbia E, new . 78 Widdieamb .... , , , .............. 86 Victroia XI snahofaey 119 Bonora Nocturne .,....,..,..,..,., 4 Phonograph Dept . , " LTPMAN. - -WOLFE .- ' ' OO. $500 HAMILTON piano, $200. line condition, terma. 312 Worcester bldf., 8d and Oak. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 UNIVERSAL -combination -range, overstuffed linns room set walnut dining room set, wal nut and ivory bedroom furniture, rucs.full&ize wsrdrobe trunk. Wslnut 5389. LARGE mahofany dresser, brass bad springa, silk floss manrass, chairs, pillows, Wilton rug and ether furniture. - 1169 Moore at, north Killincsworth- sve. - ' t CHAMBERS firetssa cooker." Gas range, food -. aa new. $66. East 7431. FURNITURE noved; 2 nun foe $2 an hour. Main p2t0 ' ' , 1 FOR SALE MACHINERY 903 motorsTai impressobs iLavxii.-Aa . -, ' r Electrical Installstionc, B. K. DAVIS ELECTRIC Oa; ' ft Front St. Cor. Osk. Ant 621-49. LAUNCHES AND rXOATS 904 BEST houseboat on Willamette river. 5 rooms aa fine float, a bargain for $2000 cash, terms or trsde ; $2200 wiU take well located city lot or rood used Fosrl or both sa part payment 486 Chamber of Commerce. Tabor 8668, Broadway 6858. FOR SALE OR RENT , TYPEWRITERS - 90S ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REBUILT 85 ta 75 per cent below manufacturer's prices: TERMS $3 rash and $3 monthly if deaired. LATE MODELS ; RENTED. S months $7.60 up r , WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 821 Washington St . Broadway 7481. REBUILT type writers, all' kinds, tor sale, rent - exchange. Wa are exclusive distributors of Corona portable, .850 -complete with carry ing ease. - Supplies and repairs far all toakaa, Oregon" Typewriter Co., 84 Sifth at" Broad way .lew. WILL cxehanca cordaood , for lata TEodel Underwood or Remington typewrites, 609 nwnanan Diaf. REPAIRING a specialty, estimates, rentals ; buy. sell. ex. ; ad. machines repaired. Type writer Inspection. On., 818 Stork. Bdwy. 7549. SWAPS 92S VILL TRADE two lota at Roekejf Beach. Or., - hear the railroad station for a Ford; no junk wanted. See owner. 2 7 5 Yamhill at, Columbia River FiahDepot $750 HOUSE EQUITY estor light ear. Will consider 1931 Ford, Roadway 6600 be tween 6 and 7 p. - m. t TWO shotguns for sale cheap or awap for steel traps. - What have youf 8-177, Jour- 1161 A COUNTERS. 6 to' 10 ft. $5. Ruud heater, bicycle, fine canning . pears, Bdwy. 4219. u i arving. 4 H. P. New Wsv aasoline encine. with Bosch magneto, $85 cash, or will trade for any-titing 1 can use. pox 66. Molalla, W. WILL trade 2 50x100 lots tn good disteicta for 1022 model Henderson de Luxa motor cycle. Phone Tabor Uwner. " DETROIT fas range, Ruud water neater, china closet, foe upholstered davenport -. Bdwy. 2555. i . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 950 SECOND HAND. CLOTHING BUYER MEYER THE- TAILOR psyc mora for see-end-hand suits, shoes, overcoats. We call day er eveninf: Atwater 1228 or 258 Madison st, near 84' - THE CLOCK HOSPITAL Can Broadway '4616) aad have your old ciock made use new. - we oau lor and. denyar 4ut tvssmngton et. I WANT a quantity of okl or fresh manure delivered at Bellwood. Phoua fieUvood 1030 or call 235 Stark st DIAMONDS aad gold bougnt, reliable estimates. G. Cramer. 713 Belling bide ' I PAY,. highest prices for used furniture. Sea me first Main 4197, SAFE- Give phone ana price. B-623. Journal. TABOR 7816 WILL BUY OLD CARPET". WANTED FURNITURE 952 Ur-fit HINT '.' Tour used furniture. Wo pay tha price. ' EAST SIDE FURNITURE STOKR 271 Russell ft- East 6887, I HAVE some choice vacant lots that I will exenange tor tumtture, or want, Hare yoaf C. M. Cobb, Bdwy. 8298. - ' WAhiTElJinrtWrrURE 952 Owl Furniture Co. Mcav Wa want your used furniture, stoves, car pets and pianos. We pay tha highest cask prices. 166-168 FIB8T ST. Call Main 4627. ;.M R.;S EATER Boy the be aa well as rbeaper grades af asar pnd-haad mrnlture. 286 Grand ave. East 9817. PERSONALS 975 PICKWICK STAGES. INC, BY ' AUTOMOBILE TO SAN FRANCISCO DAILY, 817.60.' .SEATTLE, DAILY, $5.60. " BOUND TBIP $10.50. v THE BOLLAM AGENCY. . , lAi THinn st "PHONE BDWT. 0026. JAZZ PIANO ' PLAYING 1 1,I.83U.S If BiSSkpiNERa OR- ADVANCED -The only ttnethod in existence toaehinf p to- the-miuuiotie yi&f of popular songs ia real ra and jazs form. Fall terra now open. - WATERMAN PIANO SCHOOL, 813 Columbia bidg., over Bivpli Theatre. American; Beauty Cake Ask Your Qrocer Wai. 3332:i 1372 Union ARB YOU GOING TRAVELING I ' ' Gold letter initials put pa your bass, suit- casestrunks. aatomobilaa, while you wait, by my transfer method; . cannot be wsshed off. Call East 0849. Mr. Johnson. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eatob's A Kelly's pa miens CHIROPODISTS -and ARCH special lata. Eatab. 8 years. Ersoa. free. niue mouse 'laeatre owf., llta at Wash. ABSOLUTE painless. 39-minute -. trestments. Chiropractic, electro aftd hydrops thy,- die tetics snd massage. Phone-Main 6791. Dr. t. Alien Wallace. 310 Bttfh Lena bldf. DO NOT throw- year watco away. I will r - pair aad ' guarantee aay watot - 2 years ; prises reasons ble; 20 years' expeneaea. Harry Brawn, 171 1st St.. near Yamhill SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, black heads, pim- - pies,, large pons) removed, ' expert operates. Diplomas Boston, Chicago. - State Medical Board). 801-Broadway bMf. Main 5109. 80-MINUTE treatments, chiropractic, akctric and hydropathy, dietetics and suMfa. Ab solutely painless. Dr. J. - Allen Wallace.- 210 Bush A Lane bldf.- Phono Main 6761. WHY DIET? EAT WHAT YOU1 WANT1 " -' MMB. LK MAIRE ' " THE PERFECT FLESH REDUCER f - - 424 Columbia St Phone Main 488T i rtan v netiaaan, lessons, guar anteed; practice vuoms. - -Jaas -. Parker. 616 Eilevs bidg.. Wssaiacton street at 4th. $1 TREATMENTS Electric; . ebiropractia" ' -with Swedish maasaga . Phone $2 9-6 L. 41 9 geilinf bldf. -t --.- - - - -- PAINT your automobile now; save money this snoaia, wuri wora, ana Better price. - See 462 Hawthorne. East 1680. - SUPERFLUOUS BAlh, moles, waru, (amoved by 19 aeedie method. Trial free. . Josta Finiey. 614 Bush A Lane bide. Main 6368. r.M-l4-e.r DR. A. W. kVkN't UCUU9I.1Y 951 H Waabinirtoa at. NO PAIN. Tour TEfcTH BLEEP" while we work. I swsa Censultapou tree. Bdwy. 4883. sLaWyer. 404 aVuriUes bidg.. 84 6tnet BWEDIBH M Art SAGE BROADWAY 7 0 9 L HOCKS 1 TO 9 f.'M. MINERAL treatment, loassager 1 to 6 p. m., 7 to a p. aa. aaa ismxim. atwater-isaa. MAN desires ride to Frisco. - C&' Thompson, STEAM baths, maasase. Dr. Lias borenaco, "rr.o iun vsaa v eva "r.i. AliF.UIi'.AN BEAUTY lirf Asa. IVbS bavvau, . . 17 PROFESSIONAL AND CU-INZSS a,COORPK PtCOTlWO CUT. SEAM, bans, stosehiae meax asurt . foe 75a: nemetitehiaa. ate.: mail orders so Beited. Eastera. Novelty Mf. Co.. 85 Sst. 6th. UltOINa PLAN 8 Dl AnJ6 " si TUCK al;iUGNA $1$ Ir " and 'ap., Others to crOat, ; ; ' Broadway 2w4. - ' , - tt at aim. 8t4 LaiWia BL1XA -'..i 8L8MK sOOK MXKIRI LlVbi" muUiaN. laC "ioOo" biank' book saaaufsoturera. ' A-818. Bdwy. 7148. - .f 'S. '"' CHtrtOWOOIfTa - hil 6. O. FLETCHER Aoof trouble sc.eo Ufbally corrected: lady aeiwtsnt 812 MoT faa bldf.. Main 8768. COAL AND WOOD 34.25 PER LOAD w v-waw . w 1 9 ' la-fnca fir blocks n4 "b run partlj dry. for furnaea or heater. OREGON FUEL CO4 WOODLAWN 4182. ' -'sv .-.if V TWO-LOAD LOTS IT' ? GUARANTEED 1 H CORDS S4.2.,i JBiock and Blah CA aei BOxad. Fins lor fur- T.ea Per load. naea at heater. pea loud. NATIONAL tn-'aiL tXJL EASI 2941. COAL , AC8TRALJAN AND UTAH . . ' ' . ACE FUEL CO. EAST 6400 Enandk..l,J5.NoaM hm hm hra hn- hm hmn . FT. COUNTRY alab, car run, exoeUeat for ' " in heaters and rangea, 35.76 par oordi snadium. heavy , - Old growth, fj, cordwood, pons dry. $8 par cord; second growth fir $7. East 74 88. FOUR FOOT heavy country - slab, $6, pet cord; A-l , ftr, old growth. $8 "per 'cord; . esoond growth hr, $7 per cord; pale and body ask. 310. per cord. - Main 6241. -" ' WOOD SPECIAL SALE . ..Dry 4 foot country slab $6.60 a eord; near; 18 inch. Mock and slabs mixed 86.60 cord. oumner wood Sard. Atwater 2665. WOOD for sale; first growth fir. 16 in. $8.50 - per cord, or $8.00 for 2 oorda or more: 4 Vr wo?,-.8 fi0, T.60 two cords or mora. Peacock Fuel Co.. East 9588.' Dry Boxwood Main 6538. OLD GROWTit' FIR. second frowth,' oak. nail edginfs, tTtoh and Rick Springs eoat summer prices. Holladay Fuel Co.. East 7321. ' DRY BLOCK aad alab, 65 per load; partly , dry, $4.26, ar tww loads tot $8. Call Wal- fttCB sUo. 3$.4tl; t)if DRV boxwood. eal",,i, lo,UL ". 4-ft slab. 26.80. No. 1 cord. $7.26, Beilwood 1769. DBvL5 ood, ideal kindling, $3.25 and $4: w.-uS? i-Vt Mb- l ; ? 5 load. Call VR7 BfOCK and slab. $5 per ed; partly flrr A- 1M. was Wvawaa, LJl. aV at a i,:,t. , nut 6904. . $$ SINGLE load, ( double. 4-ftl blk." and -slab. Wslnut 1945. Bdwy. 2543. FIRST GROWTH FIB. $8 - a eord. - oorc ' K eVesl Wa Intat liAO 7 ' '" a prj, A-l FIRST frowth fir $8 per cwC de livered. Bdwy. 874 E.' BOaaV?2OIl,v.'B?' - WCMi- $ 6C"a w w. w ... uona ampira 1ST a. BianiHA . i 1 TW euarantea to Uach you to dance "or ,aDL lrou "oncy- -- BiBf ler-s Broadway sctiool. Broadway at Main, . Professional 4n- strnctors.. Auto, - 618-89. V . 9187)178 DRa B. E. WRIGHT .laird Floor Raleign Hdlf.. Ooraex 8ta v V-'-:-'. aad Waabincton Nta, i Broadway 7 it 19. " DeritletVv 1U" A." W. kki:Sk,' ' lCn tlStry 861 H Wsshtogtoa St NO PAIN. TEeTH BLEEP" while we work. POO. CT- AND HOf82 HOSPITAt ' " bOSE ClTfVltraiMlN HOSPtlAL. East 1647. K. 7TM AT GRANT. Aut 219-62 EtjEOTBIOlAW HOUSE wiring 34.09 pet - room, plus 83 25 fbf each posh button switch. This includes all material and la bor. Estimarine fna RilU faction cutrsnfeed. phone Walnut 7099. FWUPW BUOt AMD ftAO HUOS " OREGON FLUFF RUO ' CO. " . - Fluff ruga mads ftom 14 carpets; tsf rags wevtni carpets cleaned. ,-" t964K7 8'IAitK, TABlt 7814. ' MAWOsVOOp rtOQWf 1 HARDWOOD floors in your home et " same Price we ha raw contractors. Tabor 7666. MU6IO OOMPO6IN01 - .' HAVE your POEMS Mt w music banlel kC Wilson Marie Btadio, $u TUfard bldf. QtTOaaETWI6T8 GLASSES AT A SAVING " '. . ' Tnoansnda of satisflej ps tmns can testify to oar effi-; etency and r fair 1 dealinf in wa seat years, fjuaa, W. Goodman. 209 Morrison, bet --1st and Front. ' -Tie aimul 1 Goodman. Associate Optometrist Main 2124. i - , . . WHT PAT MOREf -- Ghusea in fold filled frames, fitted ta your syea with modem Inatvn. merits, as low as $3.60: double viain flames at a great as ring; flsssea ta ail styles: satisfaction guararjt.-d. DR. E. A. HURWITZ. Optometrlrt. 228 BETTER f lasses for Mas snonsy S3 (lap, Ruben tela'a, tha veteran opUoian. Kyas tasted, flaasee. fitted, broken lenses duplicated, ; Baa aonsble prices. ' 226 Morrison at-1 ;- PAIWTIWO. TIWTIWO, PAfaiWej C, H. 'iERRIL, bouse and aifa painting p Kf 2111 svw n,iiw, . eoa jy, - f iux. Ta FATCNT ATTOBWgyf If 1 m lui,l.,l . ' 1 1 i v. m. uvMuoaau, patenta, uaaemargs. coos, rights. 4 Weceatebldsr sHY$10IANS DR. It A PlllLLlPn, Broadway Bide . Office Practice Only. DR. E. B. FROMM. acuta aad chronlo diaeasei a specialty. $08 Alisky bldf. Main B946. flPK BEPAIRIfia PJPOC Repaired by errit: "-' a-ipeonov), 272 Wash. PLUssnima AMD 6Tt A FITTIWO LOW poca -ea all kinds plusabtaf aupplesTTei as figure oa soar Installations. Alberta Plumb. Co.. 617 Unloaava N., nr. MuaseU. Bast 42. PBIMTtWO, t-WOWAVIWO. fslrsOtNO Prinfintr r- w- ltes co. ; arrini,ing First at Oak. Bdwy. 4641. EXPERT tinting, painting, paper boni rifht ride pp. Lew prtca. Wdin. 1484. v the IrwIn-hUdsoN ' coMpANi 637 Waahincton. Broadway 8144. A-l it 6. .' ROOt f4EPAIrlisJO ROOFS reshingled and repaired and covered wttn rooawigK. paper. aaain inpg. z 8ANITAPIUM BEST CUKE AND INVALID AND CON . VALEaCKM'r HMMK 1 . Ktaadlnf in ata owa beautiful 6 seres . of ground of shade trees. Excellent home : aaakinf aad the beat of care. Patients can be treated wader their own doctors earn. For terms, apply to Superintendent. Lenta, Oregon. Foster snd byring reada, Phone Anto. $168. ,v v ;.:;-'-- OHKETWrTAt wyOftK Multnomah Sheetmctal 'm ..Works f Becftof, futterinf. apoattnf,' Jobbtng. fea, era! repatrtng. - Phone Bdwy. 92. 2a Asa. . 8WOK Rf-PAIWIWa - Rifbt Shoe Repair Shop. 183 ,4th, ' First Class Shoemaker. - PCOIAtTY MAWUPAeTWRIWO) METAL spuiiuitg -aad specialty maaufactiiriaf of . all kinds. Patents developed.- Kauffraaa Mar 'ctnriog Co., 286 Unioa ave. E. 25. TgAMIHfO, OWAPIWO, KXeAVATIWa TEAMING. UH.S.D1&U AAU AA.CA VAiLJ,U. ' WOODLAWN 4786. - . . '"''" - " tANBrKrTAtsO 6TOBAOK ALWAVS PICK j star X10taE110t.D UOOAMl br'AClALla r atorage, pacluag. sbippiaf aad moving; twess aaa auto, isost special ratee to asi pointo. liM I'iUir, TRAAbc.U B 1X1 RAG M OO 2d" sad Pins sts. Broadway 6s6, A-lWo! OregonTransf eiCo," ml tatisan at " - ':':" Broadway 1261. DRA I AGE f-.-.j-: BTOHAUE -. ' Four Warehouses en Terminal 'i racks. .- ZTUCED FREIGHT rate to ad pe,iu. m, bewseaold goods. Pacuie Coant Furaawiauu iCe-. 9th and Hoyt, B read way IwS.