THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; SUNDAY MORNING,. AUGUST 27, 1922. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 EAST BROAD WAX CLOSE .IN ; - Good as bow. 6 room bungalow with attic large . enough for 2 room, 60x90-foot ' lot. oath front. Thie house is practical!? is Irv- 4, . mr . ii i atu .1A intnnra 1imm nf .. ' UTniit porch hu maaadv brick pillar, large Urine wad dining rooms witl) French doors, ou floors, tiled fireplace, leaded (lata book cm and a buffet you will admire, large bedroom 12x13 with 5 window, closet with windows, bath with best of fixtures aad ba3t-ia dressing table with lam mirror, perfect cabinet kitchen with frtflt, closet,- laundry trays, good cement drive tc cutset laws with large trees, all iuiprore xcents is. and paid; price only $5250, with term, -DAVID HASP, Manager R, T. STREETS SaoVy Blvd. Off. 1150 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. A. 820-04. WONDERFUL HOME' Price $7500. $2000 Cash Waverty Eta, This beautiful mansion with its rambling porches m attractive 90x1 0O corner amid choice shrubbery, ftewsr aad fruit, has 9 de lightful roonu, music room, captivating 11 ring and dining rooms, fireplace, decant 10 -foot buffet, duns closet and bookcases, breakfast room and Dutch kitchen ;-4 charming bed rooms .snd fall bath upstairs, also larva attic Foil basement with laundry trays,, 'furnace, toilet and fruit room. This place excellently adapted to a- private sanitarium and is a bargain. Ryder Realty Co. - 192 Third St. Main BS36. Evenings Sell. 3749. ALAMEDA PARK $6400 New distinctive 4 -room bungalow at 815 Dunekley are. Large pl&te glass windows, hardwood floors, roue tile fireplace, French doors to dining room, .. Fine handy Dutch kitchen, attractive breakfast room, 2 nice bed rooms, fine bathroom, recess tub and shower, floored attic, full cement basement, 'furnace Enter garage from the house. . Price cut for quirk sale. Easy terms. Open for inspection today. fr R. 8QMERVILLE. BpWY, 2478. 4450 EASY TERMS SIX ROOMS AND DEN A rare buy for someone desiring a doee-in home. Near 24th and E. Couch, in excel lent .condition, aad someone is going to grab this in the next few days. Large Bring room with fireplace., many buflt-ina. handy kitchen, full cement' basement with laundry and furnace, garage with full cement drira. .hard surface paid. - All rooms exceptionally large, including the closets. In fact, nothing small except the pric. Office open today. DAVID HARP. Manager, R. T. Street's Sandy Bird. Office. 11 50 Sandy Blvd. at 39th. Aut 320-04. SABIN'S BLUE- RIBBON $3150-i-HONEST VALUE -S3 ISO Modern S room bungalow with floored at . tic, cement basement with furnace. Faces east, 5 0x1,00 lot, on pared street, 2 blocks Mississippi ' car. All improvements in and paid. Terms $500 down, bal. monthly. You will hara to hurry on this buy. Owner tear ing city. . W. W. SAB IN, Realtor 1032 Union Are. N. Walnut 0589. $3600 IRVINGTON PARK ADDITION New 4 room bungalow, 2 good-sise bedrooms with closets and a roomy tiring room, kitchen with built-in features and a breakfast nook, ctment basement. Very easy terms. Call at ROSE CITY PARK branch office, 45th and Sandy bird. Aut. 326 10. J. I HARTMAN CO. HOSE CITY PARK 100x100 GROUND Here is an attractive bungalow of 5 rooms and sleeping porch, has oak floors and fire pi ace. Urine room across front. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace and garage, excel lent lawn, fruit trees and shrubbery. Price $6500. Terms. , H. L. McGREW. REALTOR - 1089 Hawthorne are. Tabor 8892. I KVISUTON -ALAMEDA $500 CASH $500 $4 990 Brand new, distinctive 5-room bun galow, in fine location, all street im iirorements in and paid, large living room, -hardwood floors, largest fire place, liandy Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, 2 nice bedrooms, furnace. Will accept soldier's bonus. R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY 2478. $5250 $1000 DOWN FIVE ROOMS LOT 105x125 FEET COR. 40TH- AND FAILING STS. AH nice rooms downstairs, hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace, lots of built-ins, room for 3 good rooms - upstairs. Branch office 83d and Bryce are. Call Aut. 829-31. J. L. HARTMAN CO. IRVINGTON BARGAIN $5250 81250 DOWN New, extra well built bungalow, 5 large rooms and floored attic, plat slass windows hardwood floors, fireplace, tile drainboards in fine Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, furnace. Balance like rent. A real snap. ' R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY 2478. $300. GIVES you possession of this beautiful 7 room bungalow home on 10th st, in the Alberta district. Has bring room, dininc room, bedroom and kitchen on first floor; 8 bed chambers oa. the second floor; full ce ment basement, .furnace; cement garage and lots of fruit. Price is $3750; small monthly payments. Main 7244. -. BARGAIN IRVINGTON COLONIAL $8500 Here is a real bargain in a fine loca- tion: 3 bedrooms and steeping porch. all hardwood floors, built by owner for his own home; just the chance you liave been waiting for. R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY 2478. ON OREGON CITY CARLINE 8 room plastered residence, full cement base ment, washtrara, bath, lights, fine spring water, come fruit and berries, garage, eow barn, rhick- ' en house, one acre of land, dirt cheap. $4850. $1000 cash. baL time to suit at 8 per cent int. Thia Is a real bargain. 3. H. RICHARDS, 308 McKay BMc. ypB SALE 3 tot. ssra, 8 room hones, large bedroom 2 toilet, bath, reception hall. Urine room, dining room, kitchen, large pantry, full cement basement. 7 walnut- trees. All kinds of fruit, large and small, rosea; street and sewer in and paid. 641 Going si Owner at house, 8 days only. ONLY $2200 DON'T MISS THIS A dandy new 4 room plastered, house, ce ment base-mont, washtraya, lights, bath, lava tory, cement walks and curb, garage, lot 40x 100, fine garden, lots of berries, only 2 blocks to carline; can gire terms. i. H. RICHARDS, 308 McKay BMg. $3700 ROSE CITY PARK TERMS New, attractive, modern 9 room bungalow, double const., cement porch, hdw. floor, fire place, all built-ins. A-l plumbing.. 3 fine bed rooms, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, ''laundry trays niee 60x100 lot. Aaeta. paid. Tabor Oii FURNISHED residence, close In good dist. 4 large rooms, full basement, modern, white enameL good oak furniture, new range and heater. Everything first class - and clean. $2450. Unfurnished. $2179. $450 cash. 644 E. 10th. Dear Beacon. SW ear. OWNER MUST SELL. THIS WEES. Alberta 4 rooms, J1A00 ; 1 block to car; good home for suialr'f atoily ; full lot and garden; $o00 cash, MaL $7 5 monthly. Bdwy, eoil. tact evening. T. O. BIRD, 526 CUa ruber lof Commerce. iNKU 5-ROOM bungalow, hardwood tloors throughout;, fireplace with builv-is. built-in buffets; good light basement and attic; also sarage cement floor and double walla, lot 5 Ox 100 with 20 ft alley. 439 Simpson at. Wal nat 78S5. : - - PIEDMONT Beautiful modern bungalow; hardwood fioors, fireplace, large cheery bedrooms and .sleeping porch; full sised basement: with or without furniture- For sale by owner. WaX 4S6&. Terms. ' '. JUST FINISHED 1 : New 4 room plastered house. 3 porches, bath. 100x100, Bull Baa water, near hard surface road. Mlrwaukie. Price $1450. terms. xxl H waahtneton st,. room SIZ. aUs. Stei. t-HOOM house, large bring r room, furnace. ndwd. Uoera, nrepiace. 14 orawexa In nnen room; 3 lots, fruit trees, shrubbery, garage, $5000; no small payment. 9519 58th ave., S. E.. Aut. 39-50. owner. FINE HOME FOU-SALE BY OWNER For a man .-to. go into small dairy and chicken business; 1 acre and fern, house, bam and garage aad chicken house; all for $2 500: $&00 cash, balance $35 - me. Bdwy. 4644. BEAUTIFUL WAVERLEY HEIGHTS' 5-room modem bungalow on 32d at., Dutch Mtoneo. fnrnaosv nam ant garage; beat buy in district, $3650; $950 cash, RYDER REALTY. siatn baa a. seuwooa 374 fi-ROOM house acre, all in fruit and, berries, eloee tn. baa lights, water and gas. Price $500. $100 cash, balance $16 a moxtth D e. CCONKOR, ..' 600S 92d st. 8. E. Aut. S-75. 5-ROOM house, good basemen!. 50x100 lot. U block from oar. dose in. a nice plaoa. Price $1600. $300 cash, balance- monthly. F. B. FENTGN. 800$ 2d st. S- K. Aut. 820-75. A TITLK Insurance Policy as a anarentse of the title to your home. - When yon bnrj year name nave tne ota, ' mvnieu. settee be safe than sorry. Title as Trust company. PIEDMONT -8 mean Beer modem bnnanlDw: am amaa .nook; tiis bath. .. oak floors, boilt-ins: fall . garage. ' owner j.214 uartuid are. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 $5000 ROSE CITT PARK A new 5-room bungalow with cement ban meat, wash traya, all builtjns. fireplace-, break fast Book. Dutch, kin-ben. etc. finished in ivory and white enamel, full lot. city improve ment! all paid.. $50(1 cash and the' soldiers man; aorta of Sandy below the hill: a beau tiful BttSs ham 'folks"; investigate. $415 WITH $500 lloWN" ADJOINING IRVINGTON we hare a new aad classy S-roram bungalow with fireplace, all built-in cenvexuenoea, Dutch kitchen, . breekf aat nook, floored -attio. cement, basement; laundry traya, hardwood floors, beautiful light fixtorea and, beat of p mm bine; fall lot; best bar is the city at price cruoted and your terms; (yon can use the soldiers' loan). $5800 ROSE CTTT BEAUTY A new 5-room bungalow with furnace, fire place, all built-in effects, cabinet - kitchen, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, rtfled bath, attic, etc. ; a wonderful little home that can he BOUGHT RIGHT. See this today. $r.00 NEW LAURELHURST A 5-room bungalow with floored attic, ce ment basement.- laundry traya. every imaxin able built-in effect. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, tiled bath and best of up-to-date plumb ing, hardwood floors throughout, cement base ment and wash trays; finished in ivory and tapestry paper; full lot. large garage: city im provements paid; PRICE only $8500 on YOUR TERMS. (Near car and 5 blocks to school. ) $5509 ALAMEDA SNAP A 8-room bungalow with very large Bring room, all built-in eonreniences, cabinet kitchen, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, floored attic, full cement basement, wash trays. If "Tench doors, linoleum, gas water heater, and all window drapes,-50x100 lot, lawn, roses and shrubbery; city improvements paid. TERMS. $8500 SACRIFICE ' A. 1 0-roora house with furnace, 2 fireplaces, every built-in feature, cabinet kitchen. 2 com plete tiled baths, best of plumbing, oak floors, den, awnings and screens, sleeping porch, cor ner lot with beautiful lawn and stacks of roses and shrubbery; double garage: LOCA TION Ideal and terras easy; will consider bun galow part payment. RUMMELL RUMMELL 274 Stark at. Broadway 8729. 89th and Sandy blvd. Aut. 320-60. LAURELHUR6T DUTCH COLONIAL $10,500 THE OWNER LOSING OVER $2000 Built this for his cwn home. Best of workmanship and materials used through out. : You wili go a long way to find another home, one so well bui, so ideally arranged, and' of snrh distinction for the money. ItU be profitable for you to in vestigate. ' A. G. TEEPE CO.. Laurelhurst office : 39th and GUsaa. - Tabor 3433. Rose City Office: 40th and Sandy. Tabor 9586. ROSE CITY GAB $2750 A beautiful 8-rm. bungalow, cement base ment, laundry -r trays, splendid furnace, large breakfast nook and built-in features in kitchen; very pleasant surrounding and just a short distance from Sandy bird., easy terms. Call at our Rose City Park branch office, 4 5th & Sandy blvd. Auto. 828-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY WESTMORELAND BARGAIN New 7 room ' bungalow. Just completed, 5 rooms downstairs, 2 up. all exceptionally large; plate glass windows, wonderful fireplace, buffet, breakfast nook and laundry room; wired for electric range, and water, heater: very best light fixtures; tile bath, built-in tub with shower, pedestal lavatory; white oak floors in 5 rooms; all walls papered tapestry; full width red cement porch, full cement basement 30x42; furnace, etc ; located within 2 blocks of golf course. Call at 1330 E. 20th st. and see owner. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, $3500 $500 CASH I want you to see this attractire bunga low so that you yourself may see what splendid value you can still secure for a moderate price. Phone me personally and I will drive after you m my car. Walnut 3822. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW A beautiful home, fireplace, furnace, hard wood floors, full basement trays; all built-ins; south front: shade trees; pared street; 5 blocks to Ockley Green school; 15 minutes' walk to high school. $5200. $500 or $1000 cash down, balance monthly payments. Owner on premises. No commission to agents. 4 5 Portland boulevard west. , Hawthorne District Owner leaving city, must sell modern 6 room bungalow with' 2 large bedrooms in plastered, attic, all built-ins. fireplace. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, all improvements in and paid, $3500, terms. Owner, Tabor 0070. LOOKING FOR A SNAP STOP Road. 11 room, west side, modem house, 8 r. furnished, good as new, full cement base ment, furnace. Price $8000,- $3500 cash. Might consider some trade. Five rented for $87.60 per month. feUMMERVILLB REALTY CO.. 1038 Cham, of. Commerce bldg. $3700 $500 DOWN. $25 a month. New, Just completed, lovely 5 room bungalow, double constructed. Dutch kitchen, built-in buf fet, china closet, all finished white enamel. 1 block to car. Lovely location. A bargain. EDWIN G. WILSON, Realtor 5621 Woodstock Ave. Auto. 615-18. 3 8 lots, 2 blocks from the car; just out of dty limits; just a dandy price. $2100; $150 cash, baL $25 per month and int. BUNDY. . -618 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MODERN 10-room house, bathroom on first and second floor, built-in appliances; fine basement, electric laundry; worth $12,800. Owner will sell at $8500. One of the finest houses in Ladd's Addition. Call any time. 645 Ladd are. - MT. TABOR DISTRICT Nice comfortable 6 room house with 4 lots. in lawn and hearing fruit trees. Near school. Will accept loan. Tabor 2102. MODERN BUNGALOW 6 room new bungalow, nice built-ins, fire place, hardwood floors, full oenunt basement, garage, corner lot, 50x100. on (Jlisan at. and M-V cailine. $4750, good easy terms. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 185 H 4th St. HERE is a dandy new house on a nice corner in Rose City Park, large living room, Dutch kitchen, all built-ins. plate class, hardwood all through: -house is just being finished- could be decorated to suit. N. E. cor. 69th and Klicki tat, two blocks ncrth of Roee City car. ROSE CITY PARK Just completed, 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, French doom, strictly modern. Fox furnace, full lot with garage. - Price and terras are right 480 E. 52d st. N., 1 block south of Sandy. Open 2-5. Walnut 4841. NINE ROOM home in Walnut Park, 100x100 comer, full basement, gas, furnace, oak floors, all in excellent condition. Price $10. 500 Terms. Call Walnut 0303 for ap pointment. FOR SALE By owner, 6 room bungalow in Irrington park, between the Woedlawn and Alberta carline. modem with garage, and, sewer in. Reasonable. 1361 East 2ttth t N Call Walnut 0074. - EAST 8 th, near Alberta, modem, 4 room bungalow, Dutch kitchen. ' linoleum . and water heater, screened porch, cement wall base ment,, garage. $3456, st. imp. included. Con venient terms. Owner. Walnut 8844. REDUCED FROM $8750 Modern 6 room baacaiow. fireplace, ' fur nace, full h lament, fine garage, close te ear, eauy $8430; must hare $1250 down, baL $25 mo. East 8986. $300 BUYS my equity in 6 room house aad Jot, 69.6x180; lots of fruit Total price $2OO0. Balance $25 per month, including interest. Owner, 614 Dekuna bldg. Broadway 6500. between 8 and 7 p. m. KENTON BUNGALOW VACANT 8 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace and all built-ins. I860 Brandon st. ; unlocked Sun day 12 to 2. George F. 'Crow, owner. 801 Miiwiasppi ave. Walnut 1201. v - MONTANA AVE- HOME of 7 rooms, modern eonreniences, pavement ana sewers paid, abundance of fro it, close in. George F. Crow. 801 Mississippi are. Walnut 1201. $850 $100 DOWN $20 MO. Houseboat, .furnished, font Nevada atj- 8 zooms, large porches. Fulton oar Una. Cham, xungier, sue ttr jux. bios, isawy. 047. FOR SALE New modem bungalow, hardr wood floors, fireplace and built-ins; a fall lot; ail Snpa. in and paid for; H block from car. 1875 Vernon are. BY OWNER room house, lot 60x100, 8 fruit trees, cement basement; wash trays; 1 Mock to car line, near S. P. shops. SeH. 3480. 655 E. 17th st. So.-"- $1600 FOR my equity six room home, cornea lot. Brooklyn r Heights: 3 blocks i proposed Beacon street bridge; walking distance. 701 East Sth at $3990. $500 CASH 6 room new doubto eonstneted bungalow, hardwood floors, fur nace, built-in kitchen. 50x108 lot, : OaJl . D. Schomaeber, Bdwy. 7388. , BUNGALOW 5 r.. with i nil trine, fine condi- oeu or rent. 44, s nut 8.. & - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 A FEW OS THE MEDIUM PRICED HOUSES WB HAVE FOR SALE. IF ANY OF THESE APPEAL TO TOW GIVE US A RING AT BDWY. SOOS. AND WE WILL BB AT YOURS SERV ICE . - -T ; 8 mom modern house, well located. If yco are Interested in a goad home let us show you this place. Pric ..,....-..,. - - . -. 28 , 8 room modern house, close to ear, . line. Yon will look a long tame I - before you. beat this. Prion-..$3750 8 room modern house, just off -. , Division at,, one of the neatest bungalows yon aver saw. Price $5780 8 room bouse on Broadway, bet water beat. This is a real bar gain and worth the money. Price $4500 CORCORAN-J0NES REALTY CO., 375 Oak St. Phone Bdwy. 6006.' . ROSE CITY VALUE ' FIVBROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH 100x100 LOT On 3th at. Just a few stepe from Sandy bird. One of the prettiest lawns, with choice flowers and shrubs, also bearing fruit trees; east front; bring room 18x24, with maseire fireplace; fining room 12x18, oak tloors; ail roonu are large, with lots of builtrins, even la the hall; complete cabinet kitchen; full ce ment basement with laundry, furnace and con crete fruit room; garage; hard-surface paid; dose to school and cars, about 4 blocks from new high school and playgrounds. Priee $6750, terms. DAVID HARP.' Manager. R. T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFFICE 1150 Sandy Bird, at 39th. Aat. 320-Q4. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW Amonc native trees and great variety Of flower beds. Two city lots. Ha very finest and widest passible new, including several snow capped mountains. Hard surfaced street and all oonreniences. Close to streetcar and among good homes. This bungalow has 6 rooms, big attic and basement; furnace: fireplace; enameled woodwork ; new oak fioors. House number is 773 Talbot road. - LADD ESTATE "CO., Bdwy. 6754. 246 Stark St. HOME AND INCOME $5350 $1767 CASH Besides 4 room apartment, with 2 bedrooms, large tiring room with fireplace, cabinet kitchen with breakfast nook, white 'enamel bath; pres ent income $50 per month from two stores, other store occupied by present - owner; entire property will bring in $100 per month. Ground epace 68x90.' Situated in R. C. on Sandx blvd. For a home with income it can't be beat. Office open .today. , DAVID HARP. Manager. R. T. STREET'S SANDY BLVD. OFFICE 1150 Sandy B1tL at 89th. Aut 320-04. NEW BUNGALOW $350 DOWN Fire rooms; floored attic and full basement. This is one of the best built houses in the district. Sewer con nected. Near Portland bird. Full price only $3150. Mr. Parker, 506 Artisans bldg.. Broadway at Oak. Phone Bdwy. 4231. $1650--FCRNISHED COTTAGE 5 room cottage, electric lights, bath, com pletely furnished, lot 50x100, now rented for $25 per month; located V block from Kil lingsworth aTe. No. 1189 Gay st. 10 min utes' wsJ to Peninsula park. Price only $1650; $350 cash down. ALSO 8 ROOMS, $1660 Nice 60x100 lot, paved street, house needs some repairs. No. 81 Alberta street; only $150 caab, balance $20 per month. See owner at 801 Mississippi are., or phone Wal nut 1201. . HAWTHORNE SNAP SIX ROOM HOUSE $4500 Your chance to pick up one of the most de sirable homes in tho best part of this district. Hardwood floors French doors, fireplace, lots of built-ins. rery handy kitchen, full cement basement, laundry and furnace. All improve ments in and paid. Terms rery easy. Office cpen today. DAVID HARP, Manager. R. T. STREET'S SANDY BLVO OFFICE 1150 Sandy Bird, at 89th. Ant. 320-04. $1800 Two blocks off Fremont st., Just ontside city limits, new 3 room house with breakfast nook,, about acre tract, an ideal little home and in a. splendid location and a growing dis trict. A splendid investment on easy terms. ROSE CITY PARK branch office 45th and Sandy blvd. Aut. 828-10. 3. I HARTMAN CO. A FAMILY PROPOSITION Three brand new houses, double constructed. seeker could wish and be comfortable. It'srj like Alladdin's lamp all you hare to do is rrmk tn i,. anil w will shim von vonr dream j home. We defy anyone to build any one of these 3 houses for the price asked. (Jail for Mr. Fisher, with WILBUR F. JOUNO, INC., Broadway 4837. 224 Henry Bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT POSITIVE BARGAIN Yon should see this inwnaculate 5-room bungalow, finished in tapestry paper, natural woodwork; located on. corner lot, oak floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, large rooms, cement basement and attic, excellent location. Price $4250. terms. R. B. McGREW, REALTOR 1089 Hawthorne. Tabor 8892. $4200 IRVINGTON. HEIGHTS $4200 5 rooms, glassed-in sleeping porch, hard wood floors throughout, tapestry paper in every room, full basement, laundry trays, pipeless furnace, garage, lot 50x100; this is worth your time to just see; TERMS can, be arranged. Ask for Mr. Fisher, with WILBUR F. JOUNO, INC., Broadway 4837. 224 Henry Bldg. : LARGE, new. modern. 8 room house, bath. laundry, nearly 3 lots, fruit. Small trade. Price $6500. Pretty 4 room bungalow, 8 lots, 50x700, high state of cuiUration, fine view. .Price $2300. MRS. M. A. JOHNSON Milwaukie Phone 14-J. W READ THIS Itaantlfnl home on Alameda Drive: everybody that passes by this home admires it for its; artistic design. t ne large inanguiar snapeu comer lot with gorgeous shrubbery adds to its splendor and puts this home at the head of the list In distinctive homes. It is priced to sell. X-151. Journal. . FINEST LOCATION A real bargain, if you want something good.: new 5-room bungalow with garage, large floored; attic best material and workmanship; every-, thing up to the minute. 1080 Mailory are.: See owner next door. ' j FOR SALE 5-room modem bungalow, sta tionary wash traya, garage. 2 Royal Anne cherry trees, sidewalks in, close to car. $2500; $100 down, $20 per month, 6 interest. 654S 94th st. S. E. Owner at 8024 83th St. 8. E. ' ROSE CITY PARK Bungalow of 5 large rooms and sleeping porch, garage,' furnace, draperies and curtains go with place. $2750, if you can pay $1450 cash, balance $20 monthly, including interest Bdwy. 4288. Evenings, Walnut 3168. NEW and nifty and a genuine bargain, fine modern home of 6 rooms and glaased sleep ing porch, built by day labor; sacrifice this week .for $3985 on rery easy terms. Bdwy. 1531. BEAUTIFUL large bungalow of 6 or 7 rooms, ' in heart of Irrington, tile bath and drain boards, large tiring room, oak floors through out, fine garage and cement drive. Shown by appointment. Bdwy. 1531. HONESTLY ' built, beautiful, new bungalow with 4 Bleeping moms, oak floors, gas fur nace, camce and cement drire ; . account of I .death in family this home wis be aacrifioed; shown by sppomoneat only. Bawy. lfiSl. FINK 6-rodm bungalow, jnat being finished! double constructed, cement basement and walks, close to Peninsula park. - See owner at 94 Morgan st Monday or phone Tab. 1826.. ROSE CITY PARK Attractire 6-room home, with all modern ccsvenienrest electric range and finolf-nm. in cluded. I need the cash. Owner. Ant- 329-63. BY OWNER Income $180 month. It -room ' - boose; ideal west aide location, $10,000 m dnding furnishings. 412 10th bet Harrison and Han. Main 8443. FINE bung&low of 5 large, cheerful rooms, full basement, furnace and beautiful lot on 83d st. 8 blocks from Mcmtavilia ear. Only $3100. very easy terms. Bdwy. 1531. KENTON 5 room modem bungalow, full basement; pavement and newer -in, paid, 1 blk. to car. $3000; terms. Ida, R. OiUettav 1761 Denver are. 5-ROOM home on Alberta at, a fine home an3 'a splendid inrestment. for only $2800 on Broadway 1931; KENTON 5 rooms, modern, lot- 60x100; nice flowers and shrubs. 3 blks. to car, $1800; terms. Ma B. Gillette, 1761 Denver are. FOR SALE by the owner, new U room bunga- low and garage. 402 E. 48th at. 3s. Most City car to 46th st. 1 blocks south. 4-KOOif plastered boassv for sale at a bargain; fruit, . berries, garden. 1391 -Wilbur ; at, Watomt 8427. - - - A REAL CLASSY 5 room ho one; bargain - price: terms, 1883 E. Irving at, MV car. 7 -ROOM boose for sale eheara. near grade an3 high schools: by owner. 480S 3d are. 8. E. 6-ROOM house, good neighborhood, cheap for cash. Owner. East 279L REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 BARGAINS IN ROSE Cm PARK. HOUSES eV LOTS Call at our, Rose .City Park branch office. 45th Sandy blvd., which is open every day and erenings by appointment. Phone Auto. 2-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, . 8 Chamber of Com. Bkls .Bdwy. 8084 - - WOODLAWN NEW BUNGALOW 7 BOOMS Built for a home, Family trouble causes price to be cut from $5,600 to $4000, en terms. One block to carline r,d 3 lock to school. This is an opportunity. Act. Mr. Parker. 3J5 Artisans bMa. . Broadway at Oak. Phone Bdwy. 4231. FOR SALE 7 room house, bath toilet, elec tric lishts and gas. Let 66 2-3 by 1 10 ft. Corner, 1 block from hard surface. Close to Peninsula Lumber Co., Fenner Mfg. Co., West em Cooperage JCa Port of Portland drydock. Handy for room or boarding house. Will sell cheap at- $500 cash and balance monthly payments- Might trade for small garage. In quire Sam Teyema, 942 Amherst st.. city. $7250 IRVINGTON MODERN BUNGALOW 5 large rooms, built for a borne. White enamel, h. w. floors, plenty room in attic fine furnace and fireplace; garage; good location. Be sure and see this. . Terms if desired. See Mr. Jones, F. E. BOWMAN & CO. 210 Chamber of Com. Bldg. BARGAIN SALS' of home by owner, beginning at 10 a- m. Sunday and lasting until sold. 6 room house, full cement basement. Fruit and berries. 2 blocks from new Buck man school, 7 blocks from Washington high. No. 6 E. 18th, near Ankeny. $4000, some terms. $2600 BUYS a four room modem bungalow. Full cement basement, Vaundry trays, fire piece. Garage. Cement sidewalks, graveled street 50 ft to pared street and 4 blocks to car. 1 8 minutes' ride. Good district Phone owner, Sellwood 1 60 L $1850 $300 DOWN, $20 a month. Nice. cozy 3 room bungalow, nicely arranged, full basement Lot 87HX100. 20 nicely as sorted fruit" trees, .shrubbery, flowers, etc A real sacrifice. EDWIN G. WILSON, Realtor Auto. 615-13. 6621 Woodstock Are. ROSE CITY New, up to minute 5-room bungalow, attic floored, breakfast nook, latest fixtures and paper, tile sink drains, all built-ins, lovely buf fet with China clouts, fireplace and furnace, garage with full drive, close to Sandy, stores and schools; open by owner Sunday, 10:30 to 5:00. 4 20 E-. 40th st N. HOUSE for sale, located 217 E. 82d N.. in MontaviUa; 5 rooms, bath, pantry, full base ment fruit shrubbery, garage; lot 60x200; connected to main sewer; no incumbrance, for $3850, $1500 cash. Inquire at grocery. 133 Grand ave. East 0418. R, A. Wallis. owner. WE HAVE some very choice homes in Rose City, Laurelhurst, Hawthorne, that can be handled with small down payments or will build for you on our own lot for small down payment. See m before you buy. A. N. MIKKELSEN. Contractors & Builders, Sandy at 5 2d. Tabor 2 58 0, Eve. Tab. 5087. IRVINGTON $1000 OOWN Buys this home, 4 blocks to grammar school and Broadway car. Modem throughout 5 rooms and attic. Built with every convenience. Lavm, shrubbery and garage. Bdwy. 5231. Auto. 317-44. - $300 CASH Neat 4 room -house and bath; fireplace, wash tray, built-ins. garage, fruits, shade trees and shrubberies; lot 80x100, near school; gravel street; just outside city limits southeast Low taxes, 8c fare. Price $2500. Terms. Call owner. 609 McKay bldg. Evenings 632-56. NEW bungalow, best of construction, 5 rooms, hardwood floors, large floored attic full ce ment basement fine place, everything modern, near Franklin high school and Richmond grade school. 2" good carline. Price $4600. $600 down, balance $50 month. No agents. Call 4512 25th ave. S. E. ROSE CITY super artistio bungalow, 5 rooms, hardwood fioors, beautiful bath, artistic fire place, full basement hot water beating system, garage, beautiful lawn and flowers. Cleverest thing in Rosa City. By owner. $5800, terms. Less for cash. 741 E. 70th st N. YOUR MONEY'S -WORTH Six-room modem bouse. Dice bathroom, furn ace, full cement basement, wash trays, street improvements in and paid, clw to car, on East 35th st $4200, good terms. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO., 165 H 4th St . $350 CASH And light auto value to $400 as first pay ment on 6 room house; Piedmont district; corner; paved street; balance $2600, easy terms 6 . VAIL. 624 Henry Bldg. PERFECT DARLING Brand new, Hawthorne cbst, 5 rooms, im proved street cement porch, plate glass win dows, oak floors, numerous built-ins, fireplace, tile bath, furnace, garage. Inspection in vited. 851 E. 62d st; Hawthorne car. TWO FAMILY FLATS Close to car, on east side; renting $70 per month; first-class condition. Price $6500; $600 cash ; balance monthly. Fisher Realty Co., 515 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' Bdwy. 4026. FOR SALE BY OWNER 5 room bungalow, double constructed, built for a home;" garage, chicken house and run; berry bushes, 300 strawberry plants, fruit trees, flowers, shrubbery and garden; 100x145 deep. Most be seen to be appreciated. Aut 636-23. $1260 Nice small 4 room bungalow, several fruit trees, two grape arbors.. Lots 69x 120 and" on easy terms. Only two blocks to car. Woodstock. Edwin G. Wilson, Realtor, 6621 Woodstock are. Ant 615-18. BY OWNERa MUST SELL $3200, 7 room house, finished in ivory throughout built-ins. pared street all paid for; 1 hi blocks from Irrington car. Phone Walnut 1872. $1600 $1600 $1600 i -room resilience ana mreo Jcrai, plenty nruit. place only 3- blocks from earune. $850 cash, balance $15 month. Why pay rentl J. H. RICHARDS, 308 McKay bldg. $3200 FURNISHED will build 6-room cot tage 60xxl00 ground. 832 E. 24th st, near S. P. R. R. shops. $400 cash balance monthly. Owner, East 3223. NEAR Franklin hfh school. 6 rooms, den, sleepirlg porch. 91x200. all kinds fruit 3 blocks to Hawthorne car, by owner. 2808 58th st, 800 ft south Division. Tabor 0170. $4000 SIX room Z story modem bouse and, garage, 621 E. 42nd north, near Braxee. Tabor 7549. t 6 ROOM house, modern, $2500, basement improved street, $300 cash. Owner sick. Aut 623-28. TITLE insurance saves time and money bJ cause do aueuacs a leuuirea. Artie dt Trust company. GOING away; sare $400 on pretty 6 r. mod. home; 2 shady lots. $2700. Some furn. and 6 cords wood. A, 610-73. 8 ROOMS, sleeping porch, bath, trays, base . ment fruit; will accept small car and some cash, balance easy. Owner, Sellwood 4010. UNIQUE and convenient little, home' for 2 people, Mock from ear. All city advan tages Apply 102 E. 82d N. REAL ' BARGAIN. owner will sell $3500 equity in modem 10 room house for $2200. D-249, Journal. WHEN you purchase your home have the title insnreo. ,let a Title insurance policy. Title at Trust company. FROM OWNER, 7 room house and galfege, 3 lots 88x100, located at 208 EasjDolit; fruit and berries; $4300. East 8992. IN SALEM Modem 5 room boose, extra large lot; $1000 will handle,' balance to suit Address 455 N. 20th st. Salem. 4-ROOM modem house, 100x100 lot, -$300 cash, for 8-roont bungalow in good district Will assume. Owner. P-109. Journal. EVERY purchaser of real estate should have his title insured. - Better be safe than sorry. Title A Trust company. , - SACRIFICE ALAMEDA BUNGALOW ,$3S50 Wonderful burr. New. cnkmiaL strietlr wa to date FURNACE; terms. Call SelL 1250.4 6- ROOMS, furnace, fireplace, full basement. trays. Dowers and lawn, a fine home. 833 E. 3th at - - ' 8-ROOMED boose, unfurnished. $7500. with terms, or will sell furnished. Pnona East 9883.. ' - ' 4 ROOM, modem house, with garage, $3009; home Sundays and evenings. 1132 E. 85th st N,.: : - - - FOR SALE House and lot, $600. SeeM- Knfsht. at 93d and Oregon st $100. 6407. B. J. -Ue- G nire. 54,'i Union. BT OWNER, 4 room boose. 3 100 ft from main Lenta. 9234 Foster rd. 7-B1C boose, tront owner. onnyioda.'8336fn 50x100 Jot- A-196, Journal. 358 CHAPMAN, near Main. : Make' offer; terms. Ward, owner. 407 Spalding bldg. $800 CASH 6 r. mod. home. Price 83000. (MFrland, Bdwy, 9873. Failing- gttsVs. ' - , "A REAL-ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 $50 in Cash Prizes WOX BE AWARDED TO THE PER- fONS WRITING THE BEST LETTERS ETTINO FORTH THE ADVANTAGES AD BENEFITS OF HOME OWNER SHIP; $25 FK FIRST PRIZE, $16 FOR SECOND, $10 FOR THIRD. WIN NINO LETTERS WILL BE PUB-" LISHED IN THE McGUESB SYSTEM. MAIL LETTERS TO FRANK L. Mo GUIRE, AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER 312 ABINGTON BLDG. BDWY. 717L SEE TODAY From branch office. E. 15 th and Shaver Aut. S 28-4 8. NEW BUNGALOW 8 rooms, breakfast nook and attic, hard wood floors, furnace and -all built ins; corner lot, east fronW all improvements in and paid; 1 Block to school and Irrington car; 18 min ntes' ride from 15th and Washington. Price $8300. $1000 cash, easy monthly payments, with 6 per ; cent interest on balance. This is real value, f JohnsonDodori; Co. 633 N.W. b ank bldg. Main 8787. se MY HOME TODAY ' $6250 Beautiful Alameda Park; mnst sacrifice my home; 6 large rooms, hardwood floors fireplace, 0 handsome buffet, Jl bedrooms and sleeping porch, full cement base ment, furnace. 50x100 lot with garage. If you are in the mar- ket for a real home I can save - you money ou mine. Come and see it today. . S68 Mason st near east 29th.' Terms. Open 12 to 4 p. m. ONE OF THE PRETTIEST Modem 5 room bungalows in Rose City park, H block north of Sandy, newly paved street, best environ ment hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full basement garage. 5 Ox lOO lot $6260, terms. The of a borne that causes people to remark, "Who Uvea there?" CROSSLEY ABBOTT, 283 Stark st Bdwy. 1188. NOTICE 5-room' cottage on " Williams ave. near Failing st., lot 5Oxl20. with 20 ft alley, fruit, berries and large gar den space. We consider this an ex ceptional opportunity; price $3100, very easy terms. $ J. F. Hill 696 William ave. East 0288. LaureHiufst New Bungalow $5750 Owner Follow this description, then inspect this attractive bungalow, oak floors thoughout mod ern plumbing, set in bath tub and shower bath. Large living room, all finished in old ivory tapestry paper; large attic, cement base ment furnace and cement garage. Owner on ground from 10-4. Walnut 2268. after 6 p. m. . ROSE CITY DISTRICT NOT NEW, BUT MODERN $3850 , This comfortable bungalow with - hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace and gar age, is a good buy. Located on 70th st, block from paving. Terms. A G. TEEPE CO., Rosa City Office: 40th and Sandy. Tabor 9586. Laurelhurst office: 39th and Glisaa. Tabor 3433. 5 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW Near cor. Albina and Lombard st Com plete in 10 days. Large combination hring and dining room across front fireplace, oak floors, tapestry paper, cabinet kitchen, with breakfast nook, 2 large bedrooms, bath, large floored attic Full basement laundry trays. Phone WaL 1609; branch office: Albina ave. and Lombard st JolhtisonDodson Co. 633 N.W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON $7860 Leas than year old, built for a home, 28 ft living room, break fast nook Look today at No. 705 E. 18th st N. Price in-., eludes ' garage. A bargain. CITY HOMES DEPT. BITTER, LOWE A CO., REALTORS 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK See this new 5 room, double constructed, beautiful, modem bungalow; hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement furnace, laun dry trays, . best imported linoleum in kitchen, hangings complete throughout; 18 minutes oat nd only H block from Sandy. All improve ments in and paid. A $6000 home goes for $5500, $3100 cash, balance monthly at 6f. 848 E. 89th st north. Tabor 8107. 7 ROOMS, bath, sun room, new double structed throughout: fireplace, foil con crete basement, wash trays, good eiectrio fix tores, city water, acre, comer, sightly, north exposure, west side; Oregon Eiectrio, 20 mine, from courthouse, 15 minutes by machine. Consider light 5-pass. ear, late model, or lot In or about Walnut Park as part payment Owner, Main 5485. 7 ROOM BUNGALOW $4500; 8T500 cash. $10 monthly includ ing interest; fireplace, furnace, full cemen basement, garage, beautiful lawn and flowers; 60x100 lot; street paved; IVt blocks from Irrington car. JolhinisonDodsoini Co. 688 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. KENTON $8000 New, modem, 8 rooms and bath, furnace, full cement basement laun dry trays, built-ins. etc., lot 75x100. all improvements in and paid, WARREN KEELER, Bank bldg.. Kenton. Walnut 8507. $2350, $500 DOWN, Ash street west of Laurelhurst, 4 room plastered house, new roof and newly painted; gas, water, electricity. bath and toilet; improvements paid; one block to car line; walking distance to high and grade schools; close in, sare carfare. Main 7244. PIEDMONT residence district 1247 Com mercial st. 3 blks. Jefferson high and library, 1 blk. Peninsula Park; imps.Lnd alley; new 7 -room bungalow, full cement basement and porch; plate glass, oak floors, French doors, fire place, nook and all builtins; open Sun day; owner. 7 ROOM, 2 story, on corner lot 100x100; graded' street sidewalks, St Johns. $4000, $2000 down. 5 room modern bungalow, furnished. Arbor Lodge, $3500. $500 down. G. Hofstrand, 1882 Greeley. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT One block south of Hawthorne oar. 6 room house on 60x59 corner, 34th and E. Market $3995 $500 DOWN, EASY TERM 3 Owner. 1020 E. Market st Tabor 7888. DANDY fire-room Jiouae, fireplace, H. W. floors, builtins, fSuX furnace, concrete base ment garage and Concrete driveway; lot 50x 100: str-Mt imr all in. and neid - nricA 4rn.n "$500 cash. bal. easy. Owner 2818 E. 49th st Tabor 4242. - GOOD 6 -room house, in good neighborhood. some irait. ior ssuuu; see it at 1Z02 Dela ware ave., aftfr Sunday. afy r i iOOM $2950 4-ROOM bungalow, fireplace Imne- ton Park,. $400; sacrifice. Broadway 7429. Broadway 4794. ACREAGE 405 BEAVERTON SPECIAL la acre, 6 blocks from center of town ; 5 rooms and sleeping poreh. fire place, all buOb- Lina. bath and toilet, water and gas; nice or chard. Price $4200, terms. J.W. O'CONNELL CO. 215 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 8881 6 ACRES DANDY GARDEkf TRACT 4 H acres strawberries, rhubarb and aspara gus, strictly modem 6-room bungalow, dee. and running water; poultry houses, barn and garage; 200 chickens, cow, horse and all equipment. Because of sickness sacrifice price $6000. easy terms. MQDERN POULTRY RANCH 8 acres, located twenty minutes from boat ness district of Portland; plastered boose, with running water, electric lights, hiroass and runs for 1100 chickens;, moat be sold by the first. See Mr. Fuller, 410 Henry bide. Phone Bdwy. 4751. ' ' " SPECIAL OFFER -xeepflkmaDy choice '8-ejcre homeatto for only $1200. facing pared highway,, with city water, phone, lights, and only 2 miles eat; no. retteT soil around Portland. Owner, 826 Henr bldg., Broadway 2505; Sunday T and evenings. Main 7844.' I,y;.'i-.' - - 36 ACRES in Yamhill county 6 mi. from : state highway, good road. 3 hours by auto to Portland ; river bottom, rich soil, all is cul tivation; noose and bam; rural phone and. mail, schools, church; trpnt fishing aad every old thing. Will sell at aacnfioe. terms. 0-176, Journal. A FORCED 'to sell 10 acres improved land, 4 room- new bowse, good well and barn. Good road, a mis to paring, U miles te center of Portland. Owner, Rt,. 1, xSas 88-A. Clicks mas, Or. - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 CLOSE rjr DAIRY . 3 blocks from city iimtfa f Portland and electric station, en socked road ; all cultivated. amaQ bearing; orchard; 4 room plastered home . with bathroom! - large barn, garage, . chicken house; new milk , boose with concrete ' floor; up-to-date eauipped bottle washing machine, also . bottle; 17 high grade milk cows, 30 chickens. Ford delivery track, eonip- ' ment household furniture, etc Gross income over $600 . per month. Have lease on 60 acres ' additional land ad joining. Price for land and everything. $7600; large cash payment 8 acres, 1 miles from Greshasa, 8 blocks from electric station; reeked road; all cuiji rated; 2 acres iocso harries, hi acre raspberries, young fruit trees; new frame house, 16x24 ft Price $$700. $1500 down, balance 8 years. 6. acres, 14 miles south of center of Portland.- ' 4 blocks from electric station; good macadamised highway, dose to high and grade scheoL Price $150 per acre, very easy terms. Exceptionally good land; electric lighta available. .... ACRE TRACTS CITY CONT1WIENCTS On west side; good soil, no sock nor gravel ; close to eiectrio station. 9o com mutation fare, good ear service; Port land gas, electric lights and city water on property. Offered far below value on easy terms, . H acre at Garden Home, 8 blocks from station and school; all cultivated: new house, 18x23 ft; chicken house : city ' water, gas and electric Ugbta in street. Price $750. $ LOO down, balance $10 per month at 6f&! JOHN FERGUSON.' REALTOR, Gerlinger Bldg. Orsr 600 small places near Portland. Hazel Park Acres Powell Valley Road The most desirable close-in acre tracts the east side, being just one mile east of 8 2d st, where more homes are building than any otcer suourban district m Each tract faces on tho pared road, tho Tront hall of each tract Is in cultivation and tho back part is in pretty trees of ideal ahape and size, making it a natural park. All ready tor you to start building without any expense. xuu nun water. Price only $1250 tier acre : 10 ner cent cash, 2 per cent r" mo. Drire out today and make your selection. All will soon be sola at this attractive price. '- -' J. Q. Rainey " , 617 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 6289 BE INDEPENDENT OWN A H ACRE The money you pay for rent will buy a deed to a big tract 100x370. facing ea a 60 ft st in Caiman, the new tract that lies just outside the city limits. Drire out 4 2d st. just north of Fremont You will see our signs. Pick out tho tract yon like best then see us for price and terms. Water to each tract A plat will be mailed, upon request K. II. CONFREY. REALTOR, BITTER, LOWE A CO., 2D1-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 80 ACRES all unaer cultivation, dark loam .soil, fenced, tnile west of Currinsville station, school and store. 8 miles from Esta- eada, on graveled road and mail route, water piped in house and barnyard, good 4-room bouse, all other outbuildings; price $5500 $2000 cash, bal. Unas. Will consider stock of groceries up to $1500 if on east side with living rooms in back of building. See or write Thoa. A. Miller, Eagle Creek, Or., it 1 Box 17. r lUAcre tracts SECTION LINE ROAD. NEAR 82D ST. $100 down and $50 every three months buys an acre in this beautiful addition. $950 and up: all in cultivatiou; good soil; city water: some tracts with bearing raspberries. loganberries, currants and strawberries. Will build small houses to suit puehaera, SAYLER E. SMITH. 818 RY. EXCH. BLPQ. Acre on Pavement West side on Bearerton road, close tn: Ben station, 9o fare. City water, gas, electricity, all in cultivation, fine view, rich soil. Big snap for $1200, easy terms. J. O. Rainey. 617 Abington bldg. Bdwy. 6269. , 2H ACRES $800 The lowest priced acreage in this dis trict, with Bull Rnn water on It Just off Base Line road, near Barker road. Very easy terms. ' R. H. CONFREY, REALTOR, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-2 3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 10 ACRES 8 under cultiration, living stream, fenced, H mile to car. near . paved high- chickens; will consider auto or lot aa part payment balance easy. You can live here and work in the dty. $2500. O. O. BLETTEN, Realtor. Suite 415 Railway Exchange Bldg. Bdwy. 3400. Main 1852. Acre 1 block Dosch station, on S. P., west side; 15 minutes' ride, 8 l-8c fare: on rocked road; sidewalks, city water, gas, electricity, low taxes. $80 cash. $15 per mo. J. G. Rainey, 617 Abington bldg. Bdwy. 6269. ONE ACRE, in high state of cnltiva-' tion, facing on good road, just outside dty; $1800. Thia is a splendid tract and you owe it to yourself to see it R. H. CONFREY, REALTOR. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 9-ACRE berry and fruit farm 8 blocks outside city limits of Portland; fine buildings. Would consider dty bungalow aa part Thia would make fin place for small dairy. Otto & Harkson 41$ Chamber of Com. Bldg. Broadway 6389. Sacrifice Sale 4 acres at Fairriew, 2 acres in spuds, 1700 cabbage, very, best of garden and berry land, gas and electricity, small house, 2 stores, 2 bads, washing machine, tables, etc. near pear; good reason for offering at the low price ol leou. a. p. ostmrn. eio McKay bldg. Fine S2 Acres Bearerton district; fine bam; stocked and equipped including 7 fine sows, with milk checks of $240 per mo. Price for aU $7000. Will accept residence up to $8000. O. B. RIPPET, 610 McKay Bldg. Qresham District Ten acres, well located on good road, partly Improved, good bungalow, fine bam, chicken house, etc, on Johnson creek, near ear and school. Price $3000, easy terms. K rider A Elkiogton. Gresham. FOUR ACRES. 30 mine, out en O. E., all in .high state of cult.; 4 room house, bsm snd other buildings, ail hew, orchard, berries, grapes, etc, best of roads, near school snd stores; small payment down, baL to auit or exchange for house in good location. X-164, Joarnal. - - FOR SALE Equity of $2600 in four acres; all improved town property; T room plas tered bouse, not modem; good outbuildings ; cow. chickens, fruit Wans ' A good psupoai- tion. Good town within 30 miles of Port land, 3 blocks of highway. Must seal. Vi lli, Journal, ; PxTKNES; the one best bet This 13 . place H mile off Dared highway, mile from town, 'school and high school; 8 a. bearing- prunes, etc; crop 81500: all m cult Cowa. Schick ens, - everything except household goods goes tor $8600. hi. cash, baL 6 per cent John A. Meissner. 821 Gasco bldJg. 30 ACRES more can be had: splendid soil; i nice: good creek and well: small clear ing K. old house but comfortable, bam, ehickdk house. Washington Co. $5 miles Portland. $16011-108. Jonrnal. IF YOU ate Intareeted in a real boy in 8 acre, tract cJose to Portland, going poultry eunoaiB. . 60O 3-mpnth-old chickens, 1 acre potatoes. Vt acre beam. H acre kale, price $2700. write owner John Ariaa Aloha. Or. 160 ACRES, 6-room xwoso, outbuilding, creak aad spring, orchard, timber. 5 a. cultivated. 1 male highway. 48 miles Portland. 82500, terms or trade. list O. Kaffler, 326 E. S4th sc. - . - :- -'-" - ;: 100 A. RANCH, MUST SELL- - $40OO -Honsa, bam; fenced; apring; part te culti. orchard; not far from Willamina. good oil; terms. . 228 Chamber of Commerce bldg. pSeachrest 5 ' ACEKS right outside city limit. 7-room, modem house; bam, 10 cowa, 2 horses, nrtlk -. rente. Ford truck and all small tools. $9508. Some-terms. X-177, Journal. r , A BARGAIN - 2 ft ACRES FINE LAND ..::.. ALL IN CULTIVATION :- - s. - 1 V.- EXCELLENT LOCATION a 9n. TERMS. TABOR 3046 KTEN1SOS BARGAIN 1n one or more acre times near MuUbwa, Owns, Tabo 8688,, 405 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Edgecliff v Just outaide the city Hmits. The) Ideal place to 1m Raise berries, trait and vegetables. Soil excellent for arden purposes. - s ' Plenty Bull Bun water. TOO CAN BUY ON KASY TERMS Pay 510 Down Secure any remaining tract ' . BALANCE CASY No Interest -- ' ' . We will be' pleased to explain our method of making it easy for yen to own your own home. Yon will- say it is the most liberal ever offered to anyone wish ing to own a small tract of land. Call at the office tor farther perttcu hvrs and terms. STROWBRIDGE ESTATE CO.. Owners, 904 Spaulding Bldg. Phone Bdwy. 7224. A Record Breaking Sale of Tracts in Berry Acres 69 tracts sold within 44 days, only a few unsold. Better see us today. This acreage is within walking distance ef Rose City Park car ' and school. Just outside the city limits, wbers von '11 hara. no dty taxes or assessments to pay. Here you'll need no building or other permit Here yon Can build any kind of a bouse yea choose. Bull Hun water is piped to each tract, The streeta are graded and grav eled free of charge to you. xfig tracia, nsariy aero. $650 to $70. Easy payments. Nearly 4 years time to pay for one. Wny hnv a lot when v can' set a big piece ef land equal to 4 lots for the same price and get away from high city taxes and assessments r Call us at once. '1 '- COMTE A KCJKLMAN. Bdwy. 6550. 418-18-20-23 Spalding bldg. I Largest Lot and Acre age Subdivision Sell ers, in Portland ACREAGE- BARGAINS 10 a. 7 a. in cult 4 -room furnished bouse, good bam. outbuildings, some farm imple ments, gqod spring and well: small torts and Ford oar; on main rock road. Price $2100. - S a. good garden and berrim: 8-room house, bam and outbuildings; good spring and well: some tools and furniture; ii mi. from Oregon City. Price $2100. 8 a., 4 a. in cult, bit pasture and timber; 4-room house, good chicken house, bam and outtingsTsll kinds of fruit Pries $2000. $800 will ahandla. . STEWART A MORRIS. 202 McKay BMf Beaverdam Acreage i.$375 Per Acre . F All In Cultivation Fine beaverdam. in tracts of 6 up, on good road. Close to PamfM highway. Bi O. DILLMAN. REALTOR Foot of Elevator, phone 427.OjgonCi Or. YOVB. GOLDEN OPPORTUNE x EDGE OF THE CITT ' Garden land, 6 a. tract dty water, running water carline stops at tract ood roadway hT'.tpaved street, no Improvement. d building site, cheap carfare, ."J"i advantages, race - . r -. cent discount for all cash, no trade. A, bargain to close an .estate. , 1186 N. W. Bank'Bldg. Maia 4179. LOW PRICED ACREAGE Driro out Base lino-; toad, turn left en Rockwood road. Just eross ear tract you will, see our sign,: Priced from 3 00 $450. Pick out your location, then see CONFREY. REALTOR. RITTER, LOWE CO., 301-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. - " EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN 5 acres and 6-room Only 5 minutes' walk from the Oregon Eleo trio station: about 4 acres m bearing fruit. 3 chicken houses, about 4 u cmcaeo-a - horse, . Price, lncruaing - all equipment $4500. .Terms. MERRICK CO.. REALTORS 904 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. FOR SALE Just outside dty limit of MonroeTiVaoree rivr brftom. 8H acr- ESZmT xnSS t!hure hi school and and outouuoings, iv "." -prim, employing - force of men year sound. Price aoOoTterms. R. in. Monroe. Or. Rv Owner Will seH my equity in four acres with good 6 room hoosV with lights and plumbing to: iVmcZ newf Talu. $6000. ThU sd wo-rth $60 on down payment George B. Lopelaod, rvnrti.m atation. O. E. R. - R. . . ...... . n 1 UC 11M ..... V-11 'Y "?.Yr .... r the bia $300O buys -roou "T notion picture studio: sleeping bath toilet: 8 blocks to school, 8 blocks to car; $80O T r-r. US Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 8661 TO BUY tall acreage oast of 8 2d st RITTER. LOWE CO.. 801-2-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. W ACRES 8676, 88 DOWN . . J a monh. Acres $10 month. CM wh'ooL wStoT RoOiS: tJJT UTer CarT 1 N. W Bank bldg. jgy. saen. r CITY WATER, LGIHTS PHONE, FAVEO C1TX "g HIGHWAY 1 acre, only 3 miles out; beautiful tract i Web state cultiration; trees on border. only $750, Owner 626 Henry wag.. way 3505; Sunday snd eremngs. Main 7844. SOME I IK A Ij 1 fU can iuh , j . work in thTeity. 6 acres level, improved; m macaiamiaed atreet. bmldmgs orchard, city nJTiai can be had; no city taxes: 10 mtnutorervj.; 6600 down, balance 4.T Boete 8. Beet 657, Portland. " -8 ACRES ON PAVEMENT ea . .llaam nrtl W-taVT. llCaltal. Broadway1 2505; Sunday" and cnings. Main T844. 6 ACRE BARGAIN N EAtt t nes? C'raig are.: water, gas, electricity car, near vraia "iA, ,.w ' r,j nij. under araiiaoie. ierm. " - - soldier's loan. 62500. J. C IXJBBI.' J-l o-- Qne Acre Hieh state of eultiTaUon, lust ouUide dty KmYtoTcloto Rce. at, and Alameda rk. UftU owner. mw -" '. -..' o.ct, nn avr SIMPSON . Ocuteide dity. City "hot electridty: V4 acres to aeren Soma SS&wi'i- VttZr11. -W. BeVi bide CHICKENS, oooka, W .fj cated on Johnson creak; 700 station! about H enVt. l aom timber, bal SSwr. $200 par acre,. BJssy terma. John A. Mebmer. 821 Gaaao "og. FOR SALE 1 aero. 84 fruit treea, J W nut tteeeTberries. or. the pavement onfm Uhed hooe! $100 cash, easy teems est bal ance, 1187 ttJHingywwri.n miles east of dty limita, on hard r face road; eiectrio car moa right by plaoo. ran Tabor itwi. w?i IB ACRES all fenced; 2-room house, frame of barinp: c"h wiH.handlo. 3 Vi mibm from Molalla, Or. Wrtto Box 88. Ore- gon vii-r. . ' I - LARGE acm. 3 r. bnaas. dee. to bh- -flldo tiT work of $600. Bo quick- , .Th won't kit Main 8285. 'Hu agent. ii ACKE. 22 bearing iraia wees. , ow-h to ot: all dty oenreoieneeB available: $600; SlOOabTsiv per mo. Bdwy. 8400. Main 1853 FOR SALE Near two acres mprored, lees than five miles from' center of dty. Price. $4500 : some terms. Owner. Address Rout ft. Hex 2, a-orasiwi IMPROVED acre,' Oak GroHi very best oil; $1683; aasy terma. - S. A. Gotter. room 281 Oregon ong. FOB SALE 15.000 acres of laud in Republic of Mexico: Must seU at once, price $8 per sere, i Ben, pnmn.ti -..,. " STOP THAT RENT Attto. $13-41. ACREAGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE .403 5. Acres For $300, -- Brown's Acres : " TKlkl sTS-Jsmawfa 8 4tma41ia saswCT el M ' m ' ' ' -re" .-exe - va warn gawu Ce '$ HI I ICO" from Oregon City, will b on coacrtjU ptv meat. Road is under construe tion J part way at . present REMEMBER, it takes nlv 880 81KB cash, to purchase 8 arras of this splendid aoit , With 8 acres yon are Independent - ' S. O. DIt.T.MAN -".';' - : - - . avii T.-hx - . t n Foot of Elevator. Phone 437, Oregoa City. Or." 18 ACRES. $t SOft. good 'looaUoB. :-'-, miles 4,'amaa. Wash. 6 acres, fair 3-roont bo bouse, . - good well, lots of fnut. good loon, tion. 1700. terms. Wo are headquarters for small suburban homes for little money and easy term. , Atkinson & Porter 705 Main St.'V Vancouver, Wash, 206x400 FEET " PAKKROSE ' . . $14 DOM N $14 MONTH $1850 Rich silt garden I-land, no rork; saitabls for celery, onions, 1 asparagus the garden truck that yon acn ratie in this won derful soil should more than make your pay ' ments; tract selling fast in this new addition, new 'homes being built near; sse this - today ; no building restrictieos, low county tax;, north of Sandy blvd. aod carline. jperkroae branch office open every day take Rose ty- Park Parkrosa car. go to end of ha. Tabor 390. ' J. L. HARTMAN CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 6084. ' ; . r v FOR SALE - 100 acres 8 miles east of Canby. 8 mil re, Oiwna CAhm 99 ,1 j . , m v. m viuMim. ww nnq H . ... ri . , mA - i - - .vwa. u v Km in ewunumi, u a. easily cleared, all level, no waste, free from - II - " i'U WUV, DftTB, W1JM1- netles in bearing. t'an't buy land in tlte raw stale m the lornlv for wliat w are asking for. this farm. 830BA down. h.iano nn or before 4 yeara at 8 ner cant Im.mi . - si Vliui. a. is r , ... . .,i.F.i,. . owi. vTTSPTt i.n;,. tr. SPKriAL NEAH O E HTiril.M '" "" 10 aerea. all 1mt. r4k. - si it extra fine for loganberries; this is a dandy for eaovu, -on terms; think of, the location will yoo, and then come and see me. , Also 10 acres on mil from O K tfaflnn all clear. - lavs on two roada. land in lnr. only $1200; can give some terms. aiso Jiu acres, one mil. from O. B. station, 8 aerea clear,. baL second growth fir, land ex lr. "5" tor U kinds fruit and berries, only 81600, some terms. i J. H. RICHARDS. 808 'McKay bldg. FIVE BIO LOTS $1150 Situated just outside etiy, 100 foot frontage on new BO-foot road; Bull Rim water in front; $100 down and $10 usf month. , B.-H. CONFRET. RKALTOB, , ' RITTER. LOWE, A GO,, $01-2-8-5-7 Board, of Trade Bide. 10-ACRE SNAP ttrtmm fcn Sm41.iuI . r a" . 1.1 ... . grade and high bcnools; 4-room house, electric lights and gas;, bam, chicken and brooder house;. 2 acres loganberries, U acre straw berries, eats, vetch, corn, potatoes, peas, beaus, etc; f me. horse, cow. chickens, ducks; good fuWltttlM .11 A V. i . .1.1. 1. - - . - W.I 1 ! W, II f , mil 9 n ideal place; can be Irrigated: price $8500. - rrtvnnrtftvu .... . . .. V.UJI1 A. I , Jnamner or Commerce. . 7 1 ACRE. POWELL ALLEY ROATi About 1 mil oast of 8 2d st. vered with beautiful grove of 'native trees; just the place- for a country home. Price $1000. $100 cash. . ; B. H. CONFREY, REALTOR, RITTER, LOWE CO., i 301-3-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Highway at .Corbett . K maweaam. J KA ,. wv -a. - V V , $-MU8, 3mtaa cjn lUBvT1Ji . rich oll Tiw of rivr 4Ud mcwnUias; Unm loctiuoa for chicken ranch or biuineM. J. G. ' Rainey. 517 A bint ton bldr 4 Bdwy. 6269. v-Aia vgVO-4i fV 4Bk, V. i 73 - YmnMk ftAQ a, nawwcl -a... ' wtr, phoo. Ushttv beat of aou young or. . ohftirl and -bTi: tfarvd at a reniArkabiff Morifie for IS60 m tver; tkU i only J mi lam, nnr. Tn --- . mII at o a u . ' w a WW "t W V wAff-fll" bldg., Broadway 2505: Sunday and vsnin. 8 ACRES bearing fruit ranch, iusi outairirTf Newberg; mortgage- $300, Yon to 1953; $1000 dowB ox will trade for house and mt close in or subarb. See Mr. Willisana. EASTERN. EXCHANGE, 827 H Washington. WERT ATnm imncr At rfimt Mtyt mm ... -- - ( - I I w. . ,1, irmir, xeiepnone. owner,- Main Bs0. ' - f FOR SALE--nBy owner' Park rose acre, with he. - ' mmm. U,u . . j erw conveniences. tjait at pinmntng vhop. FOR SALE 15 acres, over half in berriext -m0"0!'0"4 nilo frem dty limiu; will divide. Phone 648-81. MUST SELL 1 acre with good 6 room housed "own. osiance easy terms. PowtU Valley road and Linn ara. t . . CHOICE acre, close, in; electridty, gaa. city 816-49 ."-r- ruw uito. $20 DOWN. $29 per month: nearly 1 H aeras: alactrieitr ! mm V ... " wi xr xv one. ACRES on 70regon City ear lino; rult and 4CREA ,rui for aaln, Itwatar 4$6; !iOOD tract of land for truck. Bdwy." 122". REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . SUBURBAN HOMES ' 406 HOME THAT PAYS FOR ITbLlF A modem 6-room bungalow, garage, chicken . T acre, a acre in rax p. bernea, 83 fruit trees, assortment of berries ; , . V " . - BTOTvuiBi ra gooo snaiie; 11 blocks outride of dty, close to school and ear. Poawinn . . tlKAA .. t-H cash. See today from branch office. -16th mI Sharer. At 828-48. i . Johnson-Dodson Co. 638 K. W. Bank Bldg. Mais 8787; nnvric mir oirs mammtam, auaft, cruca- onhoinw and runs; 1 H acres. 1 acre in rai bwrtes, 38 fruit trees, assertment of hemes fne Juim mm. 1.1. . . . ... blocka ouUide of dty, does U school and car. - , w ww, . jbov caan. nee V.'1? B,mnen ' "rf'ioo. 16th and Sharer. Aut 828-48. - Johnson-Dodson Col 633 N. W. Bank Bid. ' I- Main $787. : COME and let us show yoo the lovely bourn we have for won lh th. Mih,. v.- . -. loTdy rooms, and ; it s on a macadam road. ? with all dty conveniences; gaa. electricity, wa ter, fine neighborhood and the taxes am low: of course yon know, that R's Just the place for your children." Ask for Mr. Fisher with WILBUR F. JOUNO. INC.. '.." Broadway 4837, " 224 Henry Bldg. MODERN . BUNGALOW with aoe-thlrd . shrabbery and lawn; dty water, gas and elee-. tricity; close to car and school; has hardwood floors, furnace, fireplac. floored ttie, Dutch kitchen, breakfast room and -all built-in fea tmses. Price $4750; reasonable terms. ---! MERRICK - CO, REALTORS. -864 Panama Bldg. . Bdwy. 6942.. OREGON CITY CARIJN'KL Boburban homes,: lota and acreage. - Doable eomtrmeted 8-root hoMs. One acre, ran.', and outbnUdiaga. - For quick sale, $2600; terma, Choioo acre tract oa highway. $12l per acre, or - will divide. C. E. APPLE, phone 118-W. OAK O ROVE. - ; MULTNOMAH. , .. Only $3250.' EAST TERMS. ' 8- room, modern bungalow on about aero; bearing fruit and berries; also have several other good buy in this locality at low prices. , . MERRICK CO.. - i 804 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6943. . THE MAKING OF A SHOW PLACE - Beautifully aitaaxed, 8 a. country house, 1 3 an in. drive to Broadway aad Morrison; f run, berries, large chicken home, bam, etc; clu;e to golf and hunt dob:' will, subdivide. John A.. Mebwner, 821 Gasco BWg. ' MILWAUKEE $2200 - 5-room modem bungalow - on 50x100 l"t, extra lot $256. $800 down and balance l:h rent See Mr. Shlndler, or phone Bdwy. $2ai or Anw.. 317-44. BUNGALOW and garage, la ; acre, sell cheap - for quick sale; water, gas and alec. Oswr take. Brwy 6008. 616 Henry Bkig. ' 6-ROOM bongalow, bi.iat dty water, gj. electridty;, close to Capital Hill - iUU $3800. torma. Owuat, Ataater 187.