FRIDAY, : AUGUST OS OREGON DAILY AU PORTLAND, OREGON. ID A A1X JUUiu FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS i FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED L PRIVATE FAMILV 306 VERT attract!, rms.. whit emmei. small tu plate, -for parties employed cheaper than can b had on west side; easy- walking dis tance; l;blk. R. C and Grand ave,.: 415 Ji. 3 BOOM rait fur housekeeping. pnn en traitct, first floor,, electrie light, telephone; between Brooklyn and Woodstock earlines; cheap rent. T E. zot st , LARGE front h. . room, $4.50 a. week; 1 basement h k room, c switabte : for gone "or . two, 32.50 a week; .11 nice- and clean. 4)4 Colombia at.. Miin 9390, '--- - - :-" TWO room, .very reasonable, single rooms, f 12.50 to $18 monthly. Hot water al ways tat baths and - lanndrys eiectrio bell to rooms. 655 Flanders st - ' " FOB KENT .' - - Newly furniebed h. k rooms, walking dis tuee; rates reasonable. -- 64 w. uth rr. -v 2 CLEAN, lignt ftwnLhed it K; rooms, $18 per month: also large front room with kitchenette, free light, bath and ptwne; erase in. 370 Colombia at. Main 8757. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 NOB HILL. APARTMENTS . ... . . n- , 778 Glisan St. ' . 1 - Brick- bunding,, five floors. elevator service; two and three-room apartments, furnished- and 1 : -1- 1 . i 1 - . - ! . . , . T. .. and flowers, garage in connection.. Atwater READY SEPTEMBER 1 - -4 ROOMS.- FURNISHED, 847.50. 4 ROOMS. CORNER. $5S. 3 BOOMS, GROUND FLOOR, $45. Beautifully clean, modern and equipped for 2 to 5 persons. THE COLUMBIAN. 11th and Cotambia.- GARFIELD APTS. THE HOUSE OF COMFORT Commodious epts. witii - sleeping porches, built-ins. private bath, hardwood floors, aw T.ilahU, V, w 4m 1i. 4nw tif. rtrii- 361 FaiHng at Walnut 4882. JCSX FURNISHED NOW &KADX Two room auite. S 50' wcei; oax with aleepine porch, $4.50; 40 ier cent cheaper than other places; homelike; a place jou'll like U lire in. 582 Bart -6th South. -Sell 881. NEW WESTCOTT COURT APTS. E. 8TH AT WEIOLEB All outside rootna, large lirint rooms, bed rootna, baicouiea, ioxT finish, h a wood Qoora, ahower-bauja, elsctno raocea, mUioganr fur niture. , TUB ALAIO AlTS. FBirnisned S rm. front apt., $45; back. $40. AH with private hatha, disappearing beds, steam heat; back apt.; 3 beda, suitable tor 8, newly done in white enamel 484 Market at TUB DEZENDOKF APTS. 303 10th, sear Taylor. AtwatCT 0138. ' Completely farniahed 5-rooro apta., all entaide rooms, no objection to children, transi ents and tourists. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS OWNER. WILL SUBLET . 4 room apt. hardwood floor, beantifnUj decorated and furnished. Call Mr. Gostaff, Bdwy. 4875. - . SAN MARCO. E. 8TH AND COUCH, 3 Bit M0U APT.. WK. OB MO. EAST 1980. THE STANFIELD Modern 2 room apt, light, heat, ySoa $23, winter rate. Main 7893. $43 WEST SIDE $43 4 large rooms with 2 closets, - nice bath, COoA fnrnishings; heat and water furnished. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. STERLING APTS. 1578 E. Glissu and 1 60th. Rent 8 room apt $23 1 furnish Cght and water. Also uniurnished flat. 4 rooms. $18f modern. - King Albert Apts." 2 and 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, tile bath, elerator. 11th at Montgomery. Main 0359. ALICE COURT ' K. 8th and Bornaide, 8 room mod. apt. 2 beds, fireplace, priv. tel. and bath. East 8566. THE- EDKNHOLM 834 5th at modem 2. and 8 room furnished apartments. Private baths. Sent reasonable. inc distance.' 700 Everett at. Atwater 3716. WELLINGTON COURT APARTMENTS , 2 -room furnished apt, $85: 4 rooms, $45. , BROADWAY 1245. Olen Court Cor. Park and Taylor. 2 and 8 room Apta.; close ir Main 1861. .THE LUZERNE -APTS. 2 room modern apts.. corner,- brick "bide, reasonable .'rent; walking distance. 263 Hall. MODERN $-rm;v ai. lorn.-; jii dppering beds, prirate bath, hot and caid water, phone. Sell. 8168. 523 E. 16th at f SUXNYCREST $25, 8 outside ima.. bath, newly frn.. redeooiated; steam ; heat. aa, etec 186 Sherman. ... ' - -3-KOOM furnished apartment, f all 1103 H Hawthorne are. Apt. E. Phona Tabor 7334. HADDON HALL, 11TH AND HALL. S rooms, kitchenette, bath, hdw. floors, pri- rste balconies. 583 up.. Atwater xitw. FURNISHED 2, 3 and 4-roora apta.', $18 and $35 per month; walkina distance. Main R934. 60S Btnst. nnir-Ri.trr iPTft . 2 and 8-rm. furn. apta., also 4-ra, basev ment. apt, 39 Trinity Place, nawy. oiai ROSE CITS 3-rocut apt, with garage; adults Only. . nmn ov ... S-ROOM furnished aparunenta, Har- nson vocltk ov-w . p.. X TRUNK Uansfered 50c additional trunks 5C eaCB, qownwwn ujsmca. uuwy, w THE ALBRET Furnished apt, steam heat, private bath. 840 H Missiasippt are. KjgtS and 2 room apta.. everything hie newi reasonable. 273 Montgomery. KPKC1AL 2 rocam lurv apt. now 1 10. The Jeftery. cor- itnsseU and Kerby.' East 1584. " " ADAMS APARTMENTS : Modern 3 rm. apt, furnished. 403 Jefferson. 2 KOOM apta, newly fur., heat, light, phone, bath privileges. $20. 205 N. 28d t 2-ROOiI apta., clean, reasonable; near school. . 581 Dekum v. Walnut 1150 HEADY today. 2-room apt. private bath. walking distance-, newiy imru. j.. jam. LOVELY 4 room corner, oioe location for teacher. 200 -E. 18th, cor. Taylor. tNION AVE. and aiilhugsworth, furnished ' apt. $21.50; U eomplete; concrete bldg. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 30$J The-. American Modern 4 and $ room apartmenta. 21rt and Johnson. Broadway 8360. THE MUST, o n. Finest 8 room and 2 bath apartment in the- dty. ? ROSE CITY PARK light, airy rooms, aod ern eonveniencea, garage; .adults, $36. Tabor $940. FLATS- FURNISHED 309 THE FAUSTINA - A modern nous of flats, west aide, does la, newly finished cheerful 4 rooms and bath; a pleasant i hose; references. -464 Bill it, near 13th. FOUR rooms, bath, sleeping porch, piano, light, water, phons free; adults. 781 Overtook blvd. - Walnut 0485. - " vj ' - -" FOR RENT $38. Furnished fiat, 3 rooms and bath, lights. '.water, garbarge. - Adults. -T -Belnjowt at - " ' - - -v- --v - WELL furnished 4-roont tlat,$40; also g ; rage. 766 Vancoqver ave. Valnut 1853. DESIRABLE 4 room furnished flat, phone, laws, garage if wanted. Walnnt 1205.- LOWER flat, 4 rms. nicely Jurnuhcd, 104 E. - 18th. at. v - - -- FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 & rooms. 606 Msdiaon street.". 40 6 rooms, 6i! Madison street,.. ........ $40 5-rooms. 830 H East Ross street. . . . . .,$30 METZUEB-PARKER COMPANY. Realtors 368 Oak Ftreet. - rtdwy. B355. ti't'tt ft room uac luuurnisnea, amy diks, from grade and high school, $20. Call after 4 BOOM! modejn flat, T73 Osago ave., 1 btk. south of 23t and Washington,: Main 8988 or Bdwy. .7833. U A I. LA DAY" addition,, modern S or C room flat, sleeping porch, linoleum.' furnace, close h. 263 Mt E. Sd at N-. cor. Multnomah. -5 kOOil nnfurnished flat, with basement and - bath, for rent at 1061 4 K. tjlh at jSV near A ioerta St.. 830 per month."" WEST SIDE 3 -light pleasant rooms, waiaing dtstanee. partly furnished if desired; adults. 85. Columbia at. . ; 3 KOOil furnished apt., new. near JeCfeoon - high, : 1185 Minneeots, STe."- - - 5-KOOM. lower Cat, $30, ' 424 8taatonai. East 1868. -- --.X iT -:. HOUSES -FURNISHED 311 MODERN furnished cottage to rent, with or ; . without children. East 1502. 5-ROOH house, good yexdT 1123 Vernon ava, B Wocrs N. Albert ear. i 7 ROOM furnished bouse, center of east side, Vaiking distance. R. C, csr.- Main 6111." ' 7-ROOM fumuihed midern house. $45. Aut v $22-44. :. i2, tk nnh.$k . -k FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED 311 SCEXIO IX1DGS COTTAGE 824 Heighu terrace, S and 4 rooms, sleep ing -porch, fin' view mountains- and ejty, . 20 minutes' walk to heart of city. Hall st car on Morrison to 13th st. 2 blocks west; see to ap preciate; reduced rents for wtater; tub- and shower pain; nont miss n. l'J.n:iNT jiMntrv Kon.a ml Gresham. acres, orchard, bernea, etc.; beautiful 8 room ruridenee. aleepmg porches; every modern convenienca and well furnishecL- Will lease to responsible party tf desired. - KBIDER ELaUNGTOX,, Greahgrn. ---,,--. - -Phone 2841 f FURNISHED i room house, t lather sta timi, garage,' barn, chicken ran and garden, 6 months or 1 year lease; $30 per month. Call between 1 or 4 p. n. mtjiisb. Yia RENT 5 RM. FURN. COTTAGE. $2 Cor. 95th and 60th ave.. Mt Scott car. For partii-ulars, 128 First, between Akter nd Washington. Bdwy. 7161 or Ant. 637-46. FURNISHED house, Mt Taboc diitnet, large yard and fruit, ctoso: to car ; nd school; rent $3.5. Tahor 264 T. - --'-' '--: - - - HOUSESUNlOniNlSHED ;312 PRINnXEBED WAREHOUSE on trackage. Stora your goods with ua. kt us do you moving,' gntt jwckangr!' . CLAY 8. MOBSB. INC. Bdwy. 8470. 484 Oil at 5-rooms. 344 No. 19th street ..... . .$18.00 H-rooran, 1169-East Pine street, i... j 75.00 5-room, 572 Sixth street 25.00 . METZGER-PARKER COfMPAXY, . Real Cm s 269 Oak rtreet. Bdwy. 8355. Ki KcixT in.nonu hitngaloW: E 20 ,N. AND KNOTT 8TS.1 LARGE YARD, AR- x:r. twiiv vnntM mtTRL ENI'E; KENT $80, FRKD a WILLIAMS. 506 PANAMA BLDG. NICE, clean 3 room bungalow, with or without furniture, to permanent tensnts; kitchen range, for sale. 764 Height ave.: Walnnt 7083 Vi".n v i T) r- a j s. TB i K-Z Trunks, baggage, furniture moving. $1.50 and $2 per hour. Broadway 7688. MOVING, $2 PER HOUR AND Cl Slreptoof storage IS days free. Long TH.tam- Hauling. ' Broadway 2448. MODERN 4 rooms and bath, with sleeping porch, furnace, gaa range. Adults. Inquire 1136 East 12th st N. Alberta car. WEST SIDE TWO 6-ROOM FLATS. 591 WASHINGTON. 5 MINUTES' WALK TO TOWN. WE MOVE furniture, 2 men, tor $2 per hour. Long custancn hauling, 30 days' free atoraga. Main 62 0. 10-ROOM. MODERN HOUSE, 96 MARKET ST. DRIVE. RENT 50. FRED S. WILLIAMS. 506 PANAMA BLDG. rT&vn uovrua a t fnmtture f.2.50 ner hour 2 men. large padded vana. Call Crown j ransi er vo., xmsl v . WHEN movins, call East 6449. Crating, packing, shipping, long distance., by hour or contract. FURNITURE MOVING $2 PER HOUR. 2 MEN: PIANO $2 AND UP; LARGE '; 2 TON TRUCK. EAST 5047. FOR RENT New double house, first floor un furnished, upper floor furnished. 1193 10th t N. . 5 ROOMS." BltRTem, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-ms. $4,5. 4219 27th sve. S. E. Tabor 6476. MODERN, 5-roam bungalow with garage, also piano. Richmond' district. Kent S3 a. Phone Sea 2906. FOR RE3JT 5-room house with- ail modern improvements Call Atwater qft67 6 ROOM houae. rent $25. 1246 9th at Key .next door. THREE-ROOM house, near Jefferson high .school; nice lot, fruit. Broadway 5157. 5-ROOM modecn house with garage, $32.50. 1186 E. First St.. N. i. WE specialize in piano and moving. 15 -days free storage. Bdwy. 1207. 6-EOOJI house. E. 39th st, 1 block to street ear, $45. Tabor 7853. 3 ROOM nnfurnished house. Reed college dis trict Phone East 3158. HOUSE nd-. lcre gromnd in Monta villa dist-88, including water. East 1681. 6 -ROOM riverside home at Jeianings Lodge; private beech. Phone Ant. 511-68. WE MOVE furniture for $2.59 an hour; 2 men. Main 8059. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 9 ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale. All amid oak and ivory: a giveaway at $1050; owner leaving city; Nob Hill diet Fine location'. Owner.-283 N. 24th. 10 ROOM house for rent, jsdl f unoished ; 6 bed. " rooms, for (sale with gas ranges, all connect- eg m. proaoway ciaz. - a r.erett-t- 4 ROOM house for rent, $16; furniture for sale;' close in, E. 6th. Call 454 E. Bel mont. East 7389. 7 ROOM Tioufe for rent, furniture for sale, price only $75: rent $37.50; has some in come. 218 By, Exch. bldg. Bdwy. 8808. i FURNITURE for sale, house far rent. 414 Harrison st - ' FOR RENT Steam heated flat, furniture for sale; also-looms for rent Ant 644-74. $100 CASH. 8 rooms. $800. R. J. Mc Guire, 546 Union. East 5407. 4 ROOM furnished tlat for rent, furniture for sale, Atwater 1806. 293 11th st $185 BtlS furniture of 6 room cottage; house rents $12.50. 424 E. Couch. STORES AND HAULS 314 FOR desirable apace in nrepraot warehouse phone Broadway 871$. DESIRABLE corner store, 6ta and, .Pine, and inside store, 814 Pine. STORE and basement far rent at 454 Burn aide St. Phone Brosdway 5006. OFFICES DESK ROOM 315 DESK ROOM FOR RENT With lis of phone. Will attend calls and forward mail when out of city. 1106-8 Board of Trade bldg. SUMMER RESORT 316 3-ROOM futnMhed cottage, on Cchitnbia high way, 35 miles out; suitable for- 2 adults: an ideal place- for rent and quiet, yet not lonely; can be seen by appointment; reference required. Tabor 8887. TWl3f ROCKS beach cottage, near store, depot and ocean: lights and 'water. REASONABLE RENT after Anig. 20. Phone Automatic 641-81. MANZANITA BEACH 5-room cottage; all modern conveniences, wonderful ocean view; weather still delightful in September; re duced rate. $40 per month. PhonejSelL 18 27. MANHATTAN BEACH Special rates on new cottages right by ocean. Abo 1 room annex. Tabor 2230. - CANNON BEACH Newly equipped teste, 18z 20. water, ete. Eart 4873. FOR- tents, ecttages, beach camps, write ot ft phone Clasaie Ridge House, Nehalem, Or. EAYIEW, WASH., 4 rm. cotts.. near ocean. every convenience. Mt CANNON BEACH Newly equipped tents, 18x go. water, etc. East 48T3. ' BUSINESS PROPERTY 318 Square Feet ALL OR PART We have the shore loft speoe suitable for high 'class wholesale or jobbing business. In heart of retail section. Fine offices, , passenger and freight -elevators, - king ; lease, low rental. . .-'.-. wrrT.Tixr v 803 TITLE a TRUST BLTMS. LEAVING TOWN!" BUSY? ' We are m a pool Don t handle yoor rentals and eoUeetlons on crty property at s nominal COSt. i ' '. "-":"',- LINDEI m NELSON 718 Wilcox Brag. Broadway T702. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 WORKING woman wants good homo for two girls foe board and room for company be fore school starts: ages 13 and 8, - Will sep arate. V-1 7 7, Journal. WANTED Board and loom fog man, wife and . 11-year-old boy, in private faaitf; giv eosa plete details. P. O. bog 11O0. APARTMENTS 357 WANTED By Sept. 1. 3 er 4 room far nished tlat or apartment. ,ws aide pre ferred: - mnM be naodern and seasonable: no children. - CaH Broadway 1878 Croa aw as. to 4 p. Pt- - - "'.--. 4 WANTED TO RENT HOUSES 361 WANTED 4 room modern hoase. - SepC 1 ; - no children: $ adults: does- to cathna, not too far oot; East aide; Wiil bay Uter if terms right 8-184. JouvnaL t . WANTED To rent nnfttrnMhed house or lower flat, 4. C or more rooms. Mast be cheap, . Wiil pay months' rent in advance. Near carBne. No children.: Phose East 9581. MUST have at CJice a modern bouse, not lam than $ rooms.? in distnef contingent to Mies, ve, car. - Walnnt 6224, t i 'A ft -1 Alii Day Friday ' UNTIL 1 1 P. M. Until 1 1 P M. Tonight and until 2 lM. Tornorrow The Journal will give away: to our Want Ad patrons coupons good for a loaf of Delicious Federal Bakery Bread You have your choice of White, Raisin, Rye, Whole Wheat or Cracked Wheat. Coupons are redeemable at either Federal Bakery Store 289 Washing--ton street or 146 Third street. To secure one of these fine loaves all you have to do is to bring in a cash classified ad for any number of publications that include the big Sunday JournaL C - ' - ' K Your 2-Line Journal Want Ad Costs 20 Cents the Bread Is Free! IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE USE JOURNAL WANT ADS The Journal Business Office Is Open from 8 a. m. to 1 1 p m. REAL ESTATEFOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY ' 401 3 Stores and Oarage $5350$ 176? Cash Besides 4 room "apartment, with 2 .bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, cabinet kitch en with breakfast nook, white enamel "bath, pres ent income $50 per month from 2 stores, other store occupied by present owner. Entire prop erty will bring in $100 per month. Ground Kpace 68x90, situated in R. C. on Sandy blvd. For a home with income it can't be beat. Office open today. DAVID HAitP. Manager R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. office 1160 Sandy blvd. at 39th, - Aut. 320-01 APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 WEST SIDY; FLAT Walking dist. 4 family flat, excellent con dition, big income; hot water heat; 12th at Owner must sell. Bdwy;, 6011. T. O. BIRD. 526 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE 11 or 23 room apt, good furni ture, furnace heat. . See owner, 375 Taylor St., West Park. DUPLEX FLAT, MODERN Walking dist., excellent condition, corner lot, only $5500; easy terms. See. T. O. BIRD. 526 Chsm. of Com. y LOTS 403 ROSE CITY PARK CORNERS $600 EACH The S. E. cor. of 55th and the 9, W. COT. of 56th and Hancock. Everything in but paving. These are priced right and won't last long. BITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-2-3-J-7 Board of Trade bHk. IRVINGTON DISTRICT $1100 Near 10th and Thompson, $250 less than present market value. Owner has given us instructions to "sell at once." This lot is not on a high 'bank ; in fact, it is level with the sidewalk. -- RITTER,- LOWE- & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. Builders HOUSES COMPLETED PROMPTLY Our construction and workmanship together with liberal financial assistance will please yon. Soldier bonus accepted. KEIMERS A JOLlVtSTTE, Sellwood 2964. -100x100 CORNER ROSE CITY PARK ' Beantitfnl earner with all improvements in. Attractive surroundings. .- Only a abort dis tance from Sandy blvd. Let us show you. BITTER. LOWE A CO..- 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. - LADD'S ADDITION -.-': - ;: $140 ' Let us how yotrHhis dandy buy on Larch at. in Ladd'a Add. It's priced cheap for Quick sale." - HITTER, LOWE & CO., , SOl-2-3-5-7 Board"of Trade bldg. ONE OF THE BEST BUYS IN LEURELHURST - Wonderful . location on Flanders st. near Floral ave. High class residential section. A sacrifice, at only $15O0 Don't delay. , BITTER. LOWE & CO.. 261-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. - "SPECIAL LOT BARGAINS , EASTMOREtUAND, 50100. $700. V WAVERLY HT8-. near Woodward, $750..; WOODSTOCK. 100x100, near car, $4t). RYDER REALTY CO., 183 3d st. Main 5536, Eve. Sell. 2T49. 5 V. " AN OPPORTUNITY , to get near the new prwpoAd hiih school and park; JOllxlOO- comer oa S7th and TUia mook. v Every Improvement in and. paid. Priced at $3300 for a cinick sale. ' . t ." t RITTER, LOWB CO., i . ? - "201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bWg. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN . Two well" improved totSi on paved street, double ear line. Lauralhurst 227 la Washing ton st Room .312 FOR SALE, 2 lota,, corner 82d and Powell's - valley nL,-8. E.;"good foeatiem for garage, tore.. Price $2000.. Add. 6218. Powell Val ley rri. S- K- ALAMEDA PARK, on Bryce aval, S't ft f roth, taring norths g 1200, Tabor 644 1. $50.D0WN, balsBee $10 per month buys sore lot. - 73d and Foetes road. Call owner. Bdwy. 6500, frerweeii 8 end 7 in, to. - 45x20O FEET, improvements ail in, near grade and high school. Aut, 627-73. 1 Totlay and Tomorrow COUPONS FOR BREAD GOOD UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 gOMRSEKKERg WHY NOT BUILD f It Is less : expansive. We are- fetter. rated in how wU we can butid. not how much war ean get for building. See oa before-buying or building. Robnett & McClure BUILDBRS, OS Coach bldg. Utoadwsy 687. Real Bargains 4 lots in Good Morning addition, near Auto park; all liens paid. Total price $750 cash. 50x100 on Gay st. near Aiosworth. Price $100; $10 down, $10 per month. No i interest. Liens 8180. 50x100 -on 81st near Fremont Price $210. Liens about $85. Terms, $10 down, $10 per month. SEE GEORGE MATHERS' 58 East Ainsworth Ave. Walnut 4306. Glltner Park - Facing on 5JM st. just outside city limits, near 8c carlirk and near school;- city con veniences: nice, level tracts,' covered with beau tiful native fir trees; -build your own log cabin, or cut your winter supply of wood off each tract. This is a fine location for close in suburban homes; no restrictions; low taxes. It me show you Glltner Park today. Austin Underdahl, 509 McKay bldg., Broadway 7390, evenings 632-56. LOT bargains, Irvington district. Broadway 7521, Auto. 813-14. HOUSES 404 $5 in Cash Prizes, ' WILL BE AWARDED TO TFlfc PERONS WRITING THE BEST LET TERS SETTING 'FORTH THE AD VANTAGES AND BENEFITS ' OF HOM3 OWNERSHIP; $25 FOR FIRST PRIZE, $15 FOR SECOND, $10 FOR THIRD. WINNING LETTERS WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE McGUIRB SYSTEM. MAIL LETTERS TO FRANK L. McGUTHE. AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER 212 ABINGTON BLD. BDWY. 7171. : i ; ; - HERB IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY 6-acre tract, nearly all in cultivation, about 1 aero assorted orchard, half acre berries, gentle sloping hill, fine soil, no rock, .own water system, just outside city limits, paved road; 4 -room house. 2 large barnsT chickefrhense. water -, piped all . buildings, 10 minutes' walk to Estacada car; -for 'sale at - $5000 on very easy terms, or exchange for boos in Port tend; now harry. JL M. DERR. REALTOR. 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. Atwater 2245. $5000 ROSE CITY PARK A new 5 room bungalow with hard wood floors, f ireplaee, all baSt-ins, cabi net kitchen, breakfast nook and every thing; cement basement, wash trays. Fin ished in ivory and white enamel. Full lot with - city improvements in and paid. -Price only $5000, with $500 down, balance like rent BCMHELI. BUMMELL 274 Stark St. Bdwy. 6729. 89th and Sandy Blvd. Auto. 820-80. ' . BuyiFrom Owner e t - New ' bungalow with garage in Overlook; have it finished to suit yourself. Walnut 4713. $300 CASH, balance same as rent, buys my 6 room boose, close in. Albina dist; water, gas, hghts, bath, only $2000. Sutter, 34$ E. Broadway. East' 9213. ' BEAUTIFUL 4-room .bungalow, garage, large . fowl hoare which ean be made to pay- for place, let 100 ft. front Investigate; big bar gain. Call 1 1 20 E. SM st. N. $300 CASH. TOTAL PRICE $1950 - BAL $25 PER MO.. INC. INT. . - New 3 rm. bungalow, large eorner lot, ga rage. University Park- Owner. Bdwy. 2505, - - ... 83O00 FURNISHED "Modern, 4 ma; near Laurelhurst, H block MV ear. $300 down. 110 East 57th, N. Main-2220. - - U.: NEW modern 4 room bungalow, good location. - $2800; small payment down, balance hke lent owner, watnnt toss IF YOB ire going to build or make altera tions. . - Either contract or percentage. 21 yeam rgnawi. cicm-uiwl saoor zuy fi ROOM cottage. 01 , E. 8tkr at. $2250; terms feast 691 , evenings. $4250, SNAl', S-room. 2 story, anodern house and garage-. 821 K. 42L North. Tabor?549. NEW 6 room house and garage. $91 E. 40th st. NV "Walnut 8526. . -n 1 . Saturday FROM 7:30 A. M. UNTIL 2 P. M. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Houses 404 . PICK THIS UP 33150 6 room cottage on 7 2d st, 1 block to car, on paved street. Lot 75x90. All kinds of fruit. $350 cash will handle, balance $25 per month and int. See Mr. Delahunty : ' . 246 Stark St Broadway 5754. Re Tabor ,7045. ONE of Hose City Park's most beautiful modern, 5 room bungalows, on 39th st : this house has a living room, dining, room, Dutch kitchen, den. one bed room; bath and toilet cn the ground floor, the attic is plastered and plenty of room ' for two bedrooms, hardwood floors, all conceivable built-ins, furnaco and tire place, on full 50x100 foot lot. Vt block from the Rose City Park car and 5 blocks from grammar school. It is not often that you have an opportunity to buy a homo like this for $5750 on farms. LAURJTSEN, STEVENSON. SCHNEIDER . CO.. INC. The Three Ex-Service Men 228 Alder St. Suito 9 Main 8615 LAURELHURST OWNER MOVING FROM PORTLAND MUST SACRIFICE, An unusual opportunity to buy a real home, honestly built and of so much class and dis tinction. Ideally located near the park, lot 60x160 and paved alley. ItH be a down right pleasure to show youi Probably never again such an opportuni- as this one. The owner is losing over $3000. LAURELHURST OFFICE. A. G. Teepe Co., 39th and Glisan. Tabor 3433 or Tabor 9580. 87 ROOMS, an H. K., close in, W. S. : rent $92; nets $150; $2000 cash will handle. Holly Realty Co. 436 Chamber of Ccmm. Bdwy. 6653 LAURELHURST DUTCH COLONIAL $10,500. , Built by present owner for home. A reel c banning noma witn an arrangement that spells comfort. Highest Quality of workman ship and matte rials used. Irge corner lot, double . garage. Investigate this. Laurelhurst Office. 39th and Ghsan. Tabor 8433 or Tabor 9386. $4250 PIEDMONT 8 rooms, furnace, fireplace. . bunt-ins. ce ment basement, garage, nice yard with shrub bery and fruit trees, corner lot; streets, paved and Improvements vaid. - Terms, 3. R. HAIGHT FOB. REAL ESTATE 351 ANKENY Bdwy. 2045. KENTON BUNGALOW of 5 rooms and sleeping porch; imp. all in and paid; garage; restricted district. George F. Crow, owner, 801 Mississippi ave. Walnut 1201. t a r-Drr ur'naT T? IT tflrv ' 1 1 " 1 CHARMING LOCATION. SNAPPY BUNGA LOW AND 6 ROOMS ON ONE FLOOR. CLOSE TO PARK. A BARGAIN AT $7000. TABOR 2045 EVENINGS. $30O BUYS my equity in 5 room bouse and lot 59.6x180; lots of fruit. Total (true $2000. Bsliinc $25 per month, inducting interest Owner, 614 Dekum bldg. Broadway 6oWQ, between o ana i p. m. PRETTY 5-roora bungalow, . completely furn ished. One' attic and full cement basement, handy to carline for quick sale only $4750. Tabor e-783, ATTRACTIVE modern bungalow, 3 rooms and bath, full cement basement, furn see. trait, mt 40x120, half block to car. Prke rea sonable. Owner. 0721 Woodstock. BY OWNER, 4 room bens, alee, lights, lot (iioo, s I rait noes. i grape - vims, 'hemes, all in bearing storehouse, chicken run and woodsbed. race S14QO. e 11 wood S8S7. $350 $150 DOWN, $6 monthly; lot 50x100 - ft-, house 16x24; just outeide city hmita, near street car line. 103d and 57th ava. Camp ben. ... ... .. "... . , -; ..... 4 -ROOM house, with fruit trees, large lot, close to school ; about 10 blocks south of Tremoot station; 2d house eas( of 7 2d St., on. sooth side of Utopia it- ViHX not allow tu. to build yon a .home- that r-f- wiH - erut your every want: drawings in. eluded. K. F. Schildon. r ISast 4581. BY OWNER, 4 room honse. 3 garages, 100 ft. from mala Lenta, 9234 Fester rd. ";; 6 ROOM house, 404 San-Bafael at., near : Union m.t near store and car. .. East 6867. - fi H iiil REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 t CHARMING HOME $500 DOWI k . You really must see this tttrsct- ivs home. It has- many entirely origi nal and interesting features. It is thoroughly modern in every sense of the word; 5 large sunny rooms and glassed in sleeping porch. 2 toilets, 2 lava tories, besides other modern plumbing, very pleasing ontlook with view of river, half block from Willamette boulevard, about 2 blocks N. of Kill ingaworth; will make terms to suit you. Will sell home and wonderfully artistic and elegant furnishings if J desired at. very great bargain. Call X Walnut 0648. ROSE CITY $3250 XOTTfEW While this is not a new home, it is modern and exceptionally well built. Hardwood floors, attract.! r r i iwilu.. ..t. . i . ' bUliard room in basement; garage; lots of fruit, beautiful lawn.' Aiattractivo investment prop- ' , A. G. TEEPE CO. . Laurelhurst Office. 39th and GUsan. ' Tabor 8433. Rose City Office, 40th and Sandy. Tabor 9586. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS SACRIFICE $6o00, 31250 will handle, modern 7 room house, sleeping -porch cement basement, fire place, double set plumbing, hdw. floors through out; beautiful lighting system, French doors, fine garage, attractive grounds, commands a wonderful , view of the city and mountains; everything that could be desired in a' home. TJ n exceptional bargain and one that will be sold this week., HEYTING k HITTER, ". OflO.OAO XT'- Hi mi a.yei-a,wo J7 mlLIIIgf TWlg, BUILDER has just finUhed 5 lovely bomeal on ready to mora into. These homes are right up to date, garages furnaces, all the builtins, hardwood floors, fixtures and shades, cement floored basement, piste glass windows prices from $4800 to $5400, including avery thing. very easy terms, Richmond car to 35th st Builder, ReHwood 2869. 1016 Brooklyn at. 86000 IRVING TON BUNGALOW ' Thi' 'ery attractive home, best of loca- nV 7 rooms, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, built-in .buffet- and bocasesTnnent base ornt, 'laundry trays, garage, large lot Terms, ihi fe an -exceptionally good buy. . R. HAIGHT FOR REAL MTlTr .' $51 ANKENY. Bdwv 204S HAWTWrmvn nit 6 rooms snd bath; newly painted outside nfw ftn1h inside, new light fixtures. Lot 50x .i?lirw.'!rs- frait and shrubbery; garage. $3700. $790 cash. . VT. JohnsonDodson Co. 033 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mam 378 T. $4500 SACRIFICE 6 ALE LEAVING ' - STATE 5 large rooms, furnished, new gas range, fireplace, furnace. Paved street, garage, every, thing free from debt, is way below value. Hurry, see L- L. Jenks, 69th and Sandy blvd. r-: $4300 bos city ' ! v-;:;: s; r -5 rooms and aletping porch, breakfast nook, oak floors,- white enamel, furnace, fireplace, garage 3800 wiU handle this neat little placi 1. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE Ml Ankeny. Bdwy. 2045. wuj unnrow t, v. , . ' , $3400 living and dining room, hdw, floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, with lot of bnHtina, 2 bedrooms, cement basement and laundry tuba.. Walnnt $438. 888 Al berta street - SELLWOOD OWNER MUST BELE . ' rpom- honse. excellent con- dition. fireplace. 60x100, garage, paved street. $30: $750 essh, lelanaeS? .TlBS LET owner show yon a splendid 6-room house - for sale er for rent, -1 block to street ear on paved street, large ground, fruit trees, walk ing distance to school. $500 cash, balance like rent Tabor 7853. - . $18505 ROOMS, basement, fruit trees! ' rases, gas, electricity1, cement walk, m K, iv. close to station and grocery store. 20 -im SBi. -- ecotb owfl-r, Atwater so To. 8-ROOM,. modem house; full basement, fruit, garage, water light and gas; lot 66x105. BY OWN ER 5 room boose, lot 50x140, nice lawn, frait,! berries and walnats, pear WU- tamette oivq. jmptre f, Ti lv . room, new, modern House, with new furniture Will Sell cheap for rath 158 Floral ave.'"" j LOT. car or sales contract and soma cash on good 7" room house, dote to car end school Owner. Walnut 0913. . - o &ELL your property eaacsly for . cash, ao matter where locate!, partic. free. Seal Est, Salesman, Box 583. Jrrasser, Wash. FOR SALS $150 down, modern 5 room bungalow, total price $2750. Ant. C32-95. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 .. . FRANK U McGLIRS sajs: . . ' TTTTST fi aa rings - in Portland Real Estate I - - . .. "It's perfectly safe and will bring yon big returns before the - ' j : " , - "1 925 EXPOSITION " '- " "Portland Heat- Estate valuea, - based - on the steady, solid growth, of the city, are the best in our history i - j- i : ' "VALUES ARE" BOUND TO tN . ' -i- CREASE t M .-r- "BUT YOUR HOME NOW before, the fan rush begmst ! . . , V2000 HOMES FOB SALE- ; " ' . - . -t " "Photographs and fori information are oa display in our great "PUBLIC SHOW KOOM I ' ... :'T1J. HELP. Y0nTVAKE YOUK-TXIWN PAYMENT IF NECESSARY."' OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 0 TELEPHONE BDWY. 7171 99 Salesmen with Autos r j " tjndtTplicated bargain $ 450 cash will handle, this htrge 4 room mod. ern bnsgaiow type home ' in AL--, BERTA.- Entire price is $3450 ' OWNER doesn't want to have : It vacant must be sold right awayl to get it at the low terms he is ask ing! Nice, !eorner lot with - paved street, cement sidewalk and sewer ail ire and paid foes Failing st. - -DISTINCTIVE IRVINGTON NEW $4990 It will be-hard for- you to find a ' better planned bungalow than this! All of those tittle : finishing tone lies that mean so much! 5 room large ' combination living and dining room across the rront wttn Immense win dows old ivory; "tapestry; hardwood floor ideally- equipped whit Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook; fireplace: furnace ; pergola cement porch; full - lot with beautiful trees ; street pared. Can be handled oo very easy termat SPECIAL HOSE CITY : $5450 VACANT I Beautiful 7 room bunga low, complete in every detail; very - sanitary floor plan: floors are oak; finished in ivory and tapestry: mas sive buflt-in features; 4 bedrooms, two of which are downstairs; coy break fast pook off whits Butch kitchen; dandy full cement basement with fur nace; on E, 65th st. Can arrange terms, .. . . m. $5050 DitaLinctive new Hawthorne bungalow - on paved street . with all Improve , x roents paid; vacant! Immediate oc . enpaney! 5 immaculate rooms; large living room with big fireplace and bookcaes; massive buffet in dining room:, ivory and tapestry; hardwood floors; 2 bedrooms with lots of closet space a feature that is appreciated " by avery hornet eeper; recese tub in bath: can be handled on reasonable terms. - East 45th st. $400 DOWN. TAKES IT r (2890 Walking distance in Central E. Port land, on EL Clay street, with all im provements in and all paid for. Neat, comfortable 8 room modern cottage; ' WIDOW. FACES FORECLOSURE Must be sold quickly. SEE THIS TODAY. MUST SELL AT ONCE! READ THIS! SACRIFICE SALE! $8390 EASY TERMS 1 I will sacrifice my beautiful Hawthorne home because my business calls me ' out of state! Typical California bgngalo w - - miiuan ally attractive Hoes; 5 rooms, liv ing room, dining room, built-in buf fet : dandy, convenient white kitchen; 2 bedrooms: honse in splendid condi tion, being just newlykahomined and decorated rooms are all large, light and airy; large 50x100 lot with nice s, garden, fruit, flowers and a beautiful . green lawn; garage; ALL IMPROVE" MENTS ARE IN. AND PAID! E. 4 2d st. just m blki. to car. i THIS WON'T LAST -.". $3490 On Monroe street, near Williams ave.. ' on paved street, dose to schooC stores, etc., is this very substantial, modern 6 room house, all up-to-date eosrven . iencas ;, double tenndry trays: garage; just SEVEN MINUTES TO THE POST OFFICE! Can be handled on ' very easy terms. CLOSE XN B. PORTLAND $2990 AND reasonable terms.- Here's a substantial, modern 6 room bouse on ' E. Madison st, easy walking distance ."to town; on paved street with evvry .thing paid; 2. hrvatories, built-in con veniences: S3 .bedrooms, Put yoiir rent in on a home. ' HEART OF SCNXYSIDK -$2990 $500 down! Balance easy terms! Now this is a real snap in a cosy corner home on E. Salmon street, 1 blk. to S. S. school, tut stores, etc; street paved; 6 nicely arranged rooms with plenty of air and light. .Will make yon a pleasant home. . WEST SIDE OF RIVER ' $2250 VERY SMALL DOWN - PAYMENT and rest easier than rent! This is a , cosy little 3 room cottage- on carline, nicely situated among the beantiful cool trees of southern Portland; 1 bedroom and white enamel bath; con venient kitchen; garage. Corbett st. WOODSTOCK BUNGALOW $850 down and small monthly payments; entire price being only $1990, for - this dandy S room modern bungalow close to Error Hts. carline; has bath, 2 bedrooms, full lot, garage; a pretty little home. Piatt at. SACRIFICE SALE S $355 Downi-x Fruit and Berries $1890 $355 down! . 'Here's a - neat, sub stantial, comfortable 7 room - modem home,-just 2 bike, to Mt. Scott car on 89 th are. 4 bedrooms, den. This must be sold. - Owner, is asking so very little down and small monthly terms on rest. Garage.1 -, $1390 $300 down and $15 per month. . v ' with interest at ,6 per cent, which is less than vou'd pay-for rent; a . coxy 8 room cottage only - M block to ear; garage, Jots of fruit, berries, . ion Winona st. in Woodlswn. ASK TO SEE THIS NOW .? .- ' $590 Down $283? The prettiest, homiest new bungalow - in Peninsula, that cheerful ' district - of happy homes! iVery artistic lines, ' designed just like an apartment; liv- ing room and dining room combined; Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms; white . enamel bath; exterior is very pretty i with iu massive pillared porch and long French front door. We'd like to have yen see tMv Boston ave. DANDY KENTON BUNGALOW! $2625 Have you $400 to invest; in Happi- l . ness that will repay yon in lifelong returns? "Then see this beautiful t . little 6 room Kenton bungalosF after the tint payment you'll just have to pay rent. Has sleeping porch, nice built-in conveniences. Xhia is an-exceptional tittle-home at an ex ceedingly low price. Minnesota ave. Walking distance $4490 In heart of Central E. Portland, on :. E. . 2th street, which is paved, and ' -. " ' , one of the main xendential atreeu on the east side, is this comfortable, . .. " -practical 6 room modem home ; just ' -j. a few minutes' brisk walk to town; An j - epportsmity to -cut down rent and i carfare 1 Can arrange terms. -v - HEAL MT. SCOTT- HOME -' ' $210$ $800 down and $25 per month. In- . . :, eluding interest that's all yon have to pay to own this very cozy neat Mt, Scott . 5 room modem bungalow on 80x106 earner lot, just 1 blk. - to ear. White enamei 'bath; bnilt , ins: 2 nice bedrooms, etc. - Oa E. 84th st $300 DOWN! SELLWOOD $3750-- $800 down and terms on balance very . ' easy. This is a gned substantial at " tractive modem bungalow design heme : of 6 rooms IN HEART OF SELL - WOOD. - living room with pretty fire place and. built-in bookcases; large, ..'-:.:. convenient kitchen with big pantry; 3 bedrooms and -white -enamel hath: - full lot with fruit. Sherrett at -. $1750 $500 don For this, pretty 4 room , - " nscdevn Mt-: Scott bungalow;' built-in .- '.,- cowvenieneea j - living- room, : Dutch - kitchen and 2 sunny bedrooms; white - enamel bats. S7tb are, - tlTSO $250 down and $20 per menth, irith - interest at 6 per cent, which is easier than renting! -Comfortable 6 room . L , modem bom on THE WEST SIDE; - oo Corbett st, pared street and ail improvemertti in and paid ; on Fulton ear. - . - ; - - ;. . -' $1390 $260 down and $13 per month for this cosy little pergola bungalow in -' Rose City Park. Has . 2 cheerful ' rooaaev in good condition, brand new; .. just the place for a happy bride, - E. ' , 86 tn St.. - - - :- : -'' EE '; !- - - - V . 'I V' 'M'' . - ? FRANK sMeGXraB."rJ":.-:-'ii:; T. Bwr-Tew;Hcnefi'':4 - ''i"i '' - . ; Realtor - . Abingtoa bldg. -'. --.f -. Bdwy, 7171. Sd at. bet. Wash, and Stark, iv, There is an opening en oar sales force for a saleaman with car, .-. ;. '. REAL ESTATEFOR SALE -HOUSES 404 6 Rooms on One Floor. ' , On a -'.'.'100x100 Lot - On 88th St. just a few steps from Sand blvd : One ef the prettiest lawns with - choice flowers and alirare, alse bearing - fruit trees, east front living room 18x24 - - with massive fireplace, dining - room I218, oak floors, all rooms are large with tots of bailt-ina, area in the bail; complete : cabinet kitchea, full cement . basement with laundry, fnmace and cod- . ' Crete fruit room, garage, hard-surface paid, dose to -school and ears, a boat 4 ' blocks from new high school and play grounds. Price $6750: terms, DAVIIVHARP. Manarer - ' It. T. STREET S, Sandy Blvd. Office ' 1180 Samly Bivik at auto. A. 820-4 HERE YOTJ ARE , l - 2H COOK AVE.. BARC,ALV HUNTER, LOOK IT OVER. 7-rorrm- 2-btory house in the very beet ; .of condition and Weally loeated. entranoe hall, hving room, dining room and a moot - complete kitchea first floor; 8 dandy bedrooms and sewing room, bath.' second ' floor; full basement, furnace, trays, nice .lawn. H block to Williams ave,: '10 enin uws by car to heart -of the city; imp. laid; no mtg. ; prvee $4200,. en. terms. You should see this at- one.. C. M. I'EKR, REALTOR. 121 TA. W, Bank bldg. Atwater S245, .Und up Heated . Laurelhurst; Sacrifice. - $6750 5 rm. and good attic, hard- - wood floors throughout, full cement - basement, garage, furnace, eloctno. range and 6 cords wood included. . -Certainly the best buy in Laurel- ., - hurt-t, but ' you must hurry. Tabor 2045. ! - v "- ., " . ' - A DANDY, two story, T room bouse on the edge of beautiful Walnut lark. ' ' This . aoow has a ' living room, dining - room, kitchen, 1 bedroom, batu and toilet - on the first Door,: 3 aplendiJ bedrooms - on the second flolcr, on a 50x100 foot ' lot, just t-ne block, from Union avenue. . and 8 blocks from rnnmst school, for, this week only $3600. " ' LAUKITSEN, STEVENSON, SCHNEHJEB a .. -. CO., INC. . ..; ': - The Three Ex-Service Men ,; ' 226 Alder St.. Suite ,.' .. Main 861$ HOLLOW TILE BUNGALOW 7T 5 large, rooms with fireplace, concrete foun dation and basement, 4 ef an-acre of ground. 7 2d at Place is in very run down condition and needs the se rYiiees of a bandy man, but look at the price. $2600. A few hundred dollars and a man's time will make a $4500 proposition out of this. See Kertsoo, with - g T iiiii.i 733 Cham.-' of Com. Are Yoii Going to Than' ytra : want the most for your money. We draw your plans, arrange ; ' financial aid and make it possible for you to build on small payments and save yon money. Houses under construction. ALfiOHN INVESTMENT CO.. 16 Panama bldg. - . -. . - . Bdwy. S7. MODERN.' five room bungalow, 10O feet . off Hawthorne avenue; this house has a v; i large front porch, living room, dining a room, kitchen, two bedrooms with bath ft , and toilet between, has all-the latest-built-ins, furnace and. fireplace.- garage. ;' Kewers, sidewalks and hard surface afreet. "- -This place must be sold this Nteek at $3800. jwish only $70O down. .. iauritsen; s"enson. sohneujeb-' . The Three Ex-Service Men .226 Alder St, Suite . , Main 8615 . $4000 LET" us show yon this attractive bafts-slow home of 6 rooms and bath, - all on one floor.; S bedrooms. Dutch f kitchen, built-in buffet, fireplace, ce ment basement, cement porch; an -exceptional -good looking home tit first class construction; 76x100 lot, with -fir and dogwood trees, also fruit nrees; garage; terms. v J. A; Wickniari Co. REALTORS ' 801-4 Board" of Trade bldg. Bdwy. 679T Wavisrly Heights- - , - Bungalow ' $3650 $850 CASH 'HEAL SNAP - 5 rooms: very . comfortable and well -. ap pointed; furnace; Dutch kitchen; paneled din ing room, cement garage, pavement, all clear; 82d sr. . . , BYDER "REALTY CO.. 192 8d st- ' Main 5536. Evenings Sellwood 2749 $4150 WITH $300 DOWN r Adjoining IRVINGTON. we have g new 5 room bungakw with everr imagmabla built. in feature: fireplace, Dutch kitchen breakfast -nook,- hardwood floors, flooiwd attie, cement basement, laundry trays and everything.. Full tot. Double constructed throughout. " Best ' buy in the city. . - KUMMELL eV BUMMELL 274 SUrk St, . Bdwy. 6729. 89th and Sandy Blvd. Auto. - 820-60. FIVE BOOST, modem horn,' famished, base ment, 50x100 lot, 8 blocks from 2 eariinea; restricted district, between Irvington and Al berta, furniture nearly new. Not classy bat consistent with people ..of ordinary means ; -$8200, $1100 cash, or wi3 accept light car up to $500 as part of first payment; $85 monthly. U-152, JournaL ' $375 CASH fJV . Easy Bent Terms '. - 6 room honse, vsoant, hardwood ' (loon, Dutah, kitchen, breakfast nook, full' cement basement,; trays, near Franklin high and grade schools; 2 blocks Hawthorne car. I r CITY HOMES DEPT. 'BITTER, LOWE V CO., REALTORS, . 201-3-3-8-7 Board of Trade bldg. , .... T J 4 IS ... ... "". i" $2400' CHICKEN RANCH 240O "- -j y r i au f . frait trees, lot of berries, chicken' bouse and , .wAA47a soi, cum. id bcdooi ana. car. $500 cash. $25 per month. . , . - - JofcnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg! -Msip 8787, S Beautiful Rooms 'ON PAVED STREET - ' - builtins. Urge plate glass ; windows, , fireplace. Doexcees, aanoy garage, cement nrlveway, 60x100 lot If you want something new, rnrrmA . . S.. M : -. , , here. Inquire 1 fe24 E. Gllf an. - Only ;;S300 Down- - New 4 room modern bungalow, baa break fast room, shower bath, cement basement trays. inmace, line garage, lot aux-ioo; 7 fruit trees, all imp. in and paid: $8500, bat. $30 month, including int. East 8933. e $2000 ON PAVED STREET $2000 .' - x 4 room modem borne. 1 block to car. rnnn V lot $500 cash, "$25 monthly. . . - JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank BWg: Main 8787. WE WILL DO TUIS . Sell your borne Jn the next 10 days if the . price, to reasonable.-' - -, -J. U. VUAYT?i, Kant 803 S. ; OWNER has new beautiful & room Col. bua - galow, sun' rem. atuc, with beat and light, garage, east face, Cor. 26th and bkidmore. E. 8280. HOUSB PLANS - 100 deaiens.. $10 to $15. er specially de signed at reasonable fee, L. R. BAILEY CO.. 924 IT. W. Bank BWg. $700 CASH - New 4 -room bungalow, garage, fireplace, full basement completely furnished, on 3d st. N., Alameda; pr ce $320O. E. 8892. FOR SALE or trade, 7 room modern house. lot 100x100; also two vacant sou lOOxlOO each, Baeos place. West 29th and Columbia sts.. Vancouver, v asn. FOR ALE -2 new 4-room bungalows; jiut completed. Inanire at 1028 Ev -Alder, Phone Tabor 0748. y . SNAP 3 room bouse. 2 lota, corner, garage' and chicken bouse . for sale cheap for caso. enly. Tabor 6783. VI-UJ Vi n 1 1 ill MMIirilAl. llll ' ment, furnace' end bath. Inquire 411 E. Wash, or 143 Grand are,-- - '- - BY OWNER. 6 rooms, light, bath, gas. Souoe Trait ; -psvea st. . ssain. B HOOii honse, Isrge lot. 39th st; move ruut in; easy terms, zwner. sapor laaa. TUENlSHtn IRVINGTON HOJIE. 85S00 ' B J - Mc;UIKE, 548 Union. K 5407. 2-RKM hose, 40x100 lot: ckickeu hi u-s. all fenced. $45Q. i. . Brawn, S09 4th st, 253 CHAPMAN, near Main. Make n'-ittl terms. Ward, owner, 4 0T Spalding bH Continued on Foiiewmg Psgsi