The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 25, 1922, Page 15, Image 15

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- Sclcv.A.uc 2S.--"Taxea must be re
duced, tbm load most 1m redistributed.
declared Walter M. Fierce, Democratic
candidate for rovernor, In an address
here Thursday on current stats prob
' lems. ;
Pfv years Ago Oregon undertook a
bonding plan as a result of whicH thre
are oatstandlng today nearly 140,000.
000 on road bonds, etc.. besides several
millions of Irrigation bonds opon which
the state guarantees the interest for a
period of years, i -, ; -
"Oregon lias tne heaviest bonded debt
of any state In the Union, wealth and
population considered. The bonded in
debtedness of the state of New York,
with its Immense wealth and popula
tion, is only three times that of Ore
gon ; that of California only 50 per
cent greater.
"The cost of state government in
Oregon this year is more than f 15,000,
000, collected 'from a population of
only 800,000. Is it any wonder that
owners of tangible property in Oregon
feel the need for reduced taxation?
"Shame on you Walter Tooxe, for
traveling about the state as Republi
can state chairman trying to- arouse
party feeling when the farmers and
business men are struggling to find
some relief from the condition that
confronts them as a consequence of an
era of reckless spending.
"Shame on everyone who is or has
been: arousing religious hatred in an
attempt to aivide the good people of
this state at a time when they need
common action to effect lower- taxa
tion." S
(Coatbracd Fran Fas CiMu),'
temperatures were reported were-Umatilla,
9S degrees ; Salem, S3 degrees,
and Medford. a 80 degrees,
L- - xsr -aiissouBi xsj kaksas
..-.. By United Newi)
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 25. Torrid
temperatures here and -In Kansas
Thursday shattered all heat records of
the. season. .Kansas City sweltered late
in the afternoon, with the thermometer
registering 103 degrees.'
; Official thermometers at Emporia
and SaUna, Kan., registered 111 de
crees. Parsons, - Kan., reported .over
129 degrees in the sua and 108 in the
shade. " "
Reports from Topeka show that Kan
sas . has , held1 the high ' -temperature
record. f the .United States, for the
fourth day, ending Thursday.
. ; (By Cnivrsal Berrtce.)
Chicago, Augvi 25.- A.. : torrid heat
wive was broken In .Chicago last night
-when a. terrific storm swept over the
fAtv. Th temDeratnre droDDed from 91
to 8The st0rmrokro1recityar
J o'clock, while thousands of .office
"workers were leaving the business dis
' trict for their homes. - Street car traf
fic was paralysed;
- Windows were broken by the force
ipf. the wind and telephones put out of
' commission by lightning.
Scores, of bathers were caught In the
storm at the Lake ,-Michigan, .beaches.
Boating parties .had narrow escapes
and thrilling rescues were reported by
life-guarda --
The entire Middle West has been in
the grip- of a hot wave since early this
xew ttjott stoem suis awd
, IKJTJB.ESJ xoss 200,e0
Xoaisville,' Ky., Aug. 25. (I. N. S.)
One man was killed, 12 others serious
ly injured, and property toss of about
9200,000-was caused by a severe wind
and electric storm here today. George
Massey was crashed to death when an
Episcopal mission church was blown
down upon the bouse where he had
been staying.
(Oss tinned Vroot Pace Ona)
office at the time. But it didn't mat
ter who wrote it, since it was all to
go into the exchange and be divided
pro rata' among the members." -
The insurance, committee of the fire
.insurance exchange, composed of
Charles F. Mllltman, Cass Campbell
and Howard White, in a report re
cently Issued on the. school situation,
explain their side of the case. Accord
ing to the report,' the committee, at a
meetings with Directors Woodward
Elsman and Thomaa and Clerk Thomas
discussed the placing of a blanket pol
icy of $2,000,000 .for which the school
directors considered a 16-cent rate ade
quate.' since in 10 years 4 of carrying
Shower of Money I
Daaelag . Saturday , Sight aad .
Staday Afteraooa . aad XTeatag
341 Morrison St
(Columbia Beach
' K'-i, -, . -' r .
fl North Side of Street
25,' 1922.
their own insurance they had losses of
only J10.000. ' , k ; , j'
Th ; committee set about upon a
diplomatic campaign of education,'
since ft was' apparent that the board's
"conception 'of 'the insurance business
was decidedly limited.'" The commit
tee explained- to the board, according
to the report, the necessity of estab
lishing values on all of their proper
ties and . the- use of a 90 per cent co
insurance clause in Case of a blanket
policy.; Other , interviews followed, a
statement of values was secured and
the committee placed a rate of 60
cents for a three-year term as the low
est rate that could be hoped for. ;
ABEE 03T GBAInrO .jf. u
. In placing the $6,006,000 Insurance
on a blanket basis, "the question of
companies was discussed and the school
board agreed that there was no reason
why they should accept any companies
which were graded by Best less than
A-L . Because it was Saturday, it was
necessary to get fast action to secure
the necessary binders, and we, there
fore, listed aU companies with a grad
ing of A-l. divided the $6,000,000 value
approximately equally between these
companies and bound It In the office
of the nearest agent, .We decided the,
only possible way to divide this busi
ness equally among the various mem
bers of the exchange was to divide the
commission. We felt that it mattered
little what office wrote the business
so long as the companies grading A-l
were given an equal amount."
Ten days later the Holladay fire oc
curred, the day the first binders ex
pired. -
"It was impossible for us to com
municate in detail with all the Insur
ance men in Portland," said the re
port, "and prove that our method of
handling the situation was the only
wise one to have followed. A few f
our agents, learning that a large
amount of school insurance had been,
placed, immediately appointed them
selves as committees of one, two or
more to protest because they had not
received some of this insurance. Also
a violent protest arose because of a
decision to limit the policies to compa
nies grading A-l or better."
"On March 4 the board placed an'
additional $2,000,000 insurance, which
expired on May 19, when the board
had decided upon the values of its
property. In the meantime the $6,000,
000 binders had been converted into
policies. It was decided that $8,142,000
insurance would be sufficient, and since
the board was already carrying $1,500,-
OOfl at different locations, an addi
tional $642,000 was needed.
The school board instructed us to
divide this $642,000j
among all the
agents in the city
who ' were not at
that time writing policies on school
property, who were listed as B-2 or
better. This list of agents was fur
nished Clerk Thomas and he distrib
uted (tie insurance as he saw fit."
Then came the act of the board
taking the handling of the insurance
out of the hands of the exchange, and
dividing it equally among all agents.
as had all along been the Intent of
the board, but which aroused the ire
of the exchange members.
"Under date of May 31."' said the re
port, "Clerk Thomas Issued a letter
presumably to all local agents regard
less of their affiliation with the ex
change, advising them to cancel any
insurance they might then be covering
as of June 15, and write $41,000 under
the new blanket form as of this same
date. This action was taken by the
school board through Clerk Thomas
without consulting with the committee.
The forms were also printed without
giving' the committee proper opportu-
nlty ito. proofcead j tiem-u-Txv-. comply
with the board's letter. It will be nec
essary to cancel a large amount of the
$6,000,000 Issue of Insurance short rate
and possibly collect short rate pre.
miums on all of the $2000,000 Issue.
This short rate cancellation of the $S,
000,000 alone will cost the ' board ap
proximately $6500 in -addition to 'their
regular- premium had policies been
allowed to stand as Issued. J
r This seems a needless-1 waste f
money. Hdwever, we . assume the
school board knows exactly what it
wishes to. do.
MAT BE 110,00
, "The coat to the board of failing to
follow out our original plan win be
closer to $10.00 than $6500." said Mll
11 man this morning. "The $6500 is
merely a1 minimum. Brat Woodward
knew that, perfectly well when he
made this change, which was done
just before the school election.
'Tne board might be able, by send
ing a man .to San Francisco, as he
suggests, to make some negotiations,
but the companies are 'all represented
in Portland, and I can see no use, when
the board has already wasted so much
money, to go to the expense of send
ing a man to San Francisco. He can
do nothing In San Francisco that can
not be done here,
(CoatinTMd From Page One)
Harding was a belle.- Her father was
the richest 'man In Marfon, and she
herself was a leader in all the social
activities of the town, which then had
only some 7000 Inhabitants.
What a queer thing life is,' com
mented Idleman, leaning, back in his
swivel chair. "The Hardings came to
Portland to see me on their honey
moon 29 years ago, and were guests
at my house for three days. They
were a little dissatisfied with Ohio
then, and they , were looking Portland
over with a view to locating here. I
forget just why they didn't. Queer.
Isn't it? They might have stayed,
then another president would be In the
White House, and history would be
altered some." ' ;r .
Boodhouse. 111.. Aug. 25. (U. P.)
Three bombs were exploded near the
Chicago & Alton roundhouse here early
today. No one was reported injured and.
were was utue . oaxnage aone. xn
bombings followed a night of minor
outbreaks in which telegraph wires
were cut and rails greased. Several
shots were fired by railway guards.
Quality f
Special i
Sale this
week and next i
Above ,Broadway'. A
: 1 Main 1854 J j
Vancouver, Wasiu, Aug. 2S. A boy
of 14 and a glr of 16. Albla' and
Leona Vickers, while ov their way to
Hood' River, lost their money Thurs
day and were contemplating' finishing
their journey on foot when members
of the striking . shop crafts were at-
f tracted and took them to tbe Labor
temple, where a fund sufficient to pay
their way to their destination and for J
food was raised. - f-'i-' ;'
The story told by the children was
of a widowed mother with six children.
four, younger than themselves, who
was picking loganberries near Salem
and unable to earn living for them
U The two older ones started for
Hood River, where they have friends,
coming by way of Vancouver, as they
failed to make connections in Portland
and were told by their mother to. took
up acquaintances here. The friends
here, could not help them. While in
the City park discussing their troubles,
members of the shop drafts dVer heard
separate mm
(Continued from Pas One)
now moving less than 60 per cent of
the normal freight traffic of the coun
try was placed before President .Hard
ing's cabinet today, during a meeting
devoted almost entirely to a discussion
of the rail strike's nullification of the
benefits of the coal settlement.
It was officially stated, despite
claims of tip railroads to the contrary.
that the railroads have not been able
to move all the freight given a pri
ority status. This freight -which is
given the right of way on the roads
was said to comprise about 60 per
cent of the normal traffic.
Spokane, Wash., Aug. 25. While
blindfolded and with his hands tied
behind him, Alvln E. Green, car in
spector for the Great Northern, was
driven several miles in an automobile
and severely beaten by five men after
being held up while at work near Di
vision street at 1:15 o'clock Wednes
day morning, according to his report
to Great Northern officials.
Spokane, Wash., Aug. 25. Reported
proposals for separate settlements of
the shop crafts strike, considered
Wednesday at the national rail con
ference in New York, have not found
favor among either the strikers or rail
executives here.
uur men never wouia sanction a
plan of settlement that did not Include
all members now on strike," said
Chairman N. D. Teters of the Spo
kane strike organization. "Our na
tional officers are instructed to con
sent to no plan which Includes sep
arate " settlements. To assume that
they would act contrary to Instruc
tions 13 absurd.
Round- the-World
Aviators Land in
India Exhausted
Calcutta. India, Aug. 25. (I. N. &)
Captain Norman MaeMillan and "Cap-
tin Mallins, British round-the-world
aviators, who were forced down while
In a wilderness while en route from
Calcutta to Kagoon. arrived at Chitta
gong today in an exhausted condition.
They were taken to the hospital, suf
fering from exposure. Chlttagong is
220 miles east of Calcutta on the delta
of the Ganges.
Major w. T. Blake, who was In
charge of the flight when It began at
London. May 24, Is still in Calcutta
suiiering irom illness.
W. H. Hamilton of
Vancouver MDead
Vancouver. Wasbi. Aur"25. W. H.
Hamilton, funeral director, 65, died
suddenly of heart disease at 1 :30 o. m..
Thursday at his home, 11th and Colum
bia, streets. Hamilton built the funeral
parlors now occupied by W. J. Knapp,
but sold out 10 .years ago, going to
i.onvuia wnere ne established an
undertaking and furniture business.
He returned here with his family last
aiay, purcnasea tne w. W. Mc
Cready residence and in comnanv with
his son was. working it over into a
funeral establishment. His wife, three
sons, Fred W. Hamilton of Newberg.
Or., F. R. Hamilton of Klamath Falls,
Or, and E. A. Hamilton of Vancouver,
mree aaugniers, airs. Emma Meeker,
Mrs. Irma De Veny and Mrs. Marie
Smith all of Portland, survive.
Vancouver,". Washl. Aug. 26. The
following marriage licenses were issued
here Thursday: Frank Somo, 47, Port
land, and Esther Lund, 28, Minneapolis.
Minn. ; Samuel P. Parker. 43, and Vera
V. Caseberl, i2, Portland ; William B.
Kyser, 20, and Helen M. Ewlng. 21,
Vancouver. Wash.: Harold Wiseman.
20. Weiser. and Blanche Weaver, 21.
Potlatch. Idaho.' ' M
HI of odds and ends and broken sizes, bxtf our entire 1
HI line of high-grade Shoes 'reduced to $5.00. They ' I
i x Wonderful
' , - v. ' for
a v$g.00
I Sterling Shoe Co. I
li " 112 FOURTH . STREET '. "
Indian Department--
Asks Bids on Large
Tract : in Qninault
'Aberdeen. Wa&h-. Aug. 25. Bids on
a fourth big Quinault Indian reserva
tion timber unit, comprising approxi
mately 188.000,000 feet, located to town
ships 22 and1 21. north, range Tt, west,
and township 2S, north, range 9, west,
nave been called tor by the department
of - Indian . affairs, according to. an
nouncement maae nere xnuiwiy. :
The unit includes about 14,420 acres,
of which about CI 40 acres of allotted
land contains approximately 140,000.
000 feet. Separate contracts with the
owners of this allotted timber are
authorized. " '
"i The sale embraces approximately 69,
000.009 feet of cedar. 13.000,000 feet of
spruce. 86. 00J,000 feet of Douglas fir.
142,000,000 feet of hemlock, 7,000,000
feet of Amabihs fir. 1,000,000 feet of
whit pine. 310.000.000 linear feet of
cedar poles and an unestbnated
amount of Douglas fir piling.
Astoria. Aug. 25. With a pack esti
mated at about 260,000 full cases and
about 1500 tierces of mild cured salmon,
tne spring usning season closed today
at noon. " f ,
This is less than the pack of last
year, which makes It the lowest in
many seasons, but as a. whole,, the i
season has been more satisfactory than
last In that the almost two million dol
lars, paid by packers for fish, has been
distributed among gill netters, seiners,
trap operators and trollers, instead of
a large amount of money being taken
away from the atate by purse seiners.
The pack this season was saved
from greater diminution by reason of
the strong early run of Blubacks.
About sixty thousand cases of this fine
fish were packed. and about five thou
sand of steelheads. The estimated
value of the Columbia river pack this
year 'is little more than $3,500,000.
Progressive tarty
Members to Meet
Here September 5
The official call for the state con
vention of the TTogressive party"
has been issued by Norman , S. Rich
ards and George L. Cleaver, state
chairman and state secretary, respec
tively. The meeting is to be held In LI
brary hall September 5. commencing
at 10 o'clock a. m.
It is announced that all members
of the party are expected to pay $2
each as dues to the party for the com
ing year. Of this sum half will be
retained by the county organizations
and the other half will be -cent to the
treasurer of the state organization for
use in the campaign.
The call admonishes the county or
ganisations to "leave your delegate
with a free hand as to indorsement
or nominations for this campaign." '
The call admonishes the county or
ganisations to "leave your delegate
with a free hand as to Indorsement or
nominations for this campaign."
Mandamus Action
To Unseat Klamath
School Board Filed
Klamath Falls, Aug. 24. Unseating
of the county school board, acting
under appointment following adoption
In the primary election of the unit
plan of school administration, is
sought in manderaus proceedings
brought in the circuit court by five
candidates for the board, who claim
to have, received the highest number
of votes in. the school election June 19.
Tbe election was declared void by
the present board, which charged ir
legularltles. The plaintiffs claim they
are being kept from office "maliciously
and wilfully" and ask that the de
fendants be fined $500 each.
Truck Turns Over;
Driver Breaks Back
Medford. Aug.. 25. A surgical opera
tion was performed Thursday on T.
3. Card, who was injured Wednesday
near Beagle, while driving a truck
loaded with gravel for the Evans creek
road. K soft place at one side of the
road in which the wheels sank caused
the truck to turn completely over, land
ing right side up with Card still at
the wheel, but with, his back broken,
presumably from Impact with the
steering wheel.
Fugitive Captured
After Being Shot
HoqulamWash, Aug. 25. J. Gwinn,
alleged paroled prisoner from Walla
Walla, wanted by the state authorities,
was captured by Detective T. M. Qulnn
here Tuesday night. Gwtnn put up
a: battle, kicking the officer in the
groin. Qulnn then shot Gwinn through
the left foot. Qwlnn is said to be
wanted for alleged thefts during his
period' of parole. - "
SAiE 1
Roaeburg. Aug. 25.4-Peter Slaughter,
one of the men named in the warrant
sworn to by Deputy Sheriff J. W. Mur
ray, charged, with being Implicated in
the fight Wednesday between railroad
guards and six men in which Murray
was badly beaten, with a club, has
proved to the satisfaction of District
Attorney Nairn er. that Be was working
in another part of the city at the time
the fight took place.
A warrant against W. L. Moen,
charging assault with intent to kill
and five John Doe warrants have been
issued from the district attorney s of
fice. ' K '
The district attorney in a statement.
said that he greatly regretted the oc
currence "X have been and still am in
sympathy with their desire for better
wages and living conditions, said the
prosecutor, "but no matter how righte
ous their cause may be they must keep
within the law.
"They had no right to interfere with
the guards or to molest them In any
way. The guards were within their
rights and any Interference with those
rights constitutes, a felony.
Demanding that the citlsens of Hose-
burg, whether strikers, sympathisers,
Let otherwise, must maintain the peace
and dignity of the city and refrain
from law violation during the present
strike situation. Mayor Hamilton, is
sued a proclamation in Which he warns
persons inclined to violence. The mayor
has doubled the present police force.
"Two Gun" Hopkins famed for his
work as a deputy sheriff and two
others were named as special police
Oat Comes Back
With Small Snake
Around Its Neck
Vancouver, Wash.. Aug. 25. A cat
belonging to Axel Stockenberg of Lake
Shore disappeared. Four' days later
the cat staggered Home with a snake
five feet long and one Inch In diameter
wrapped tightly around its neck.
When Stockenberg tried to pull the
snake loose it constricted and almost
choked the cat to death. A. H. Dewey.
a neighbor, was called and the two
men with pliers pulled tbe snake from
the cat's neck, around which it was
wrapped four times. The snake is a
small boa constrictor, in the opinion
Of Stockenberg, who asserts that only
pure water Is used at Lake Shore, and
he has the snake, and can show me
marks around the neck of the cat in
proof of the story.
Is a treat
The meal
is not
The Original
" tT?rjf T"
Sole Diitribater, o.
Phone at 78.
eHM m
M -
hl&c PRONTO is something new a won-
jfax rierftil preparation which really opens
Saves . clogged drains. It lessens and dis-
You -' solves incrustations. grease, hair,
Plumbers' lint, etc., so frequently 'a cause , of
Bill Ktonnacnft in waste niivs- - 5
... : J : -
Citizen of Kelso -
For Name Change
In Honor of Long
Kelso,: Wash. Aug. 25. KUo will
change its name. It will be rechria-
tened by the Long-BeG Lumber com
pany, which is developing a new town
site adjoining West Kelso on the west.
; Otisens at a masa meeting Thurs
day night "unanimously voted to aban
don the present name In favor of one
to ber selected by the lumber company.
Consolidation with the new townsite
also was favored. -' '
:Longview, has been suggested. At
any rate' the word Lopg" win bo a
part of the new name, in honor of ti.
A. Long, president of the long-Bell
company. .
Ekurtneera. ar laying uV a modal
city, to Include the old and new towns.
The business center ; will , be located
Just west of -West Kelso. ; 4
Kelso, metropolis of Cowlit county.
was founded in 188 by Peter Crawford
upon his homestead and named after
his native city of Kelso, Scotland.
The mass meetina was called by Al
bert Maurer, mayor, and among those
speaking in favor of the change were
T. P. Fiskv John L." Harris, E. W. Rosa,
George Kerr and J. P.- Buford, The
change will be asked of the next legis
Oregon City, Aug. 25. At the re
quest of the- United States marshal's
office. Sheriff W. J. Wilson today will
go to Estacada to Investigate re
ported activities of the L W. W. in the
Hurley-Mason camp, which is hand
ling the construction of the new P. R,
L. & plant at Oak Grove creek.
According to the information re
ceived by the federal officials, some 60
men have quit work through the agi
tation of the "red" organizers. Two
Mexicans and another mail are de
clared to be approaching all of the
workers of the camp, attempting to
get them to abandon their work. The
walkout as yet has taken no organ
ized form, and, according to J. L.
Cary of the Estacada hotel, who is" in
touch with the situation, the affair as
yet has assumed no serious aspect.
The action on the part of the offi
cials, the sheriff indicates, is to be in
Our choicest variety.
$1.50, $3.00, $4.50 and
$5.00 per box
A daintily packed'
assortment of
Assorted Dipped Nuts .
i Dipped Oregon Strawberries
Assorted Dipped Fruits
Nougats Nong&tines
Dipped Caramels
Dipped Butterscotch
Grape-flavored Chocolate
"When you buy
Hazelwood Candy
you secure the best?
The Hazelwood
388 Washington St.
Broadway Hazel
wood 127 Broadway.
Mail Orders Given Our
Prompt Attention
Clogged Drains
" 1. X - --X
'So simple to use PRONTO: Just
shake a little down the kitchen sink
laundry and bath tubs toilets, occa
sionally, and your troubles will vanish
down fiie. wasteplpe. '
or Phone
the -.nature cf preventive ; measure
to preclude the hindrance of the work
on the "new 12.000.000 plant.", v-- "
-148 Fifth St. - '
Instant Service
l89t7(Ooie Obfi Wt Wa Fox Trot. . .By Benson Orchestral
75c (Deedle Deedle Dum Fox Trot. . . . . .By Benson Orchesrt
18920 (Hot Lips Blues -Fox Trot. ....... ...By Whitemtn's 0rch.
75c (Send Back My Honeyman Fox Trot. ... .The VirglnUns r
18923 (My Rambler Rose Fox Trot .-By Whiteman's Orch.
75c (Dancing Fool Fox Trot By Cluh Royal Orch.
Some of the Reigning Favorites ' -
18899 (StunjWine Fox Trot. "i . . . . . .Paul Whlteman's Orch.v
. 75c (Georgia Fox-Trot... .Paul Whlteman's Orch.
' i89!3(Nobody lied Fox Trot. .The Virginians-;
75c (Yankee. DoUe Blues Fox Trot. . .The Virginians
18921 (The Sneak Fox Trot. .............. .Club Royal Orch.
75c (Are You Playing Fair Fox Trot. .Zet Confrey & His Orch. ,x
Coma to our cooL wafl-vantflated, fround-floor demonstrating
rooms and hear ihasa now raeords." '
. ? ... Mail Ordr Girea Prompt AtUntion ' . ,
OTHEB STORES Saa Fraaelseo. Oaklaad, Saeramcato, Baa toff
Frcsao, Jm Aafelea tit tiDli
Daring the coming year Opportunity
vrill again be seen about at her usual
occupation of knocking at the door.
The way for the business man to
greet her is with his bank book in his
Too many, we fear, will be down the
street telling the other fellow how
much he coaW have saved.
Opportunity asks no better creden
tials than a growing savings account
at the United States National.
1 National Banla
SJif r 1 1 Mi r
Machinists n. .TO cents per bour v !
"BoOerniaketv 71 cenU per hour 1
Blacksmiths .... ...7t cents per hour
Freight car repairers S3 cents per hoar ,
Car inspectors ........... . .... 83 cents per hour '.r
- , -: Helpers, all crafts - . . .47 cents per hoar
. ngine-hoas laborers A. MUJ.,A, .33 cents per hoar -'
.These men are wanted to take the place of men who arc striking '
gainst the decision of the United States RaHroad Labor Board.
FULL PROTECTION GUARANTEED." Steady, employment and '
-- seniority rights regardless any .strike settlement, - j-.
" " - "-.:- ; : .v V .': ; ' : - ' ' '.
j- . v Apply'' - i:z f
w. j;nALbN.c
.1, .-
- 410 Wells-Fargo Bonding Portland, Oregon : . ; ' -r
A C, UOOREv'213 Oregon Eldg or. Saperintendent's Office,
I . Room 29 Union Station' '
Quantitlea cf X., Wj W. literature
have been ; distributed, tt la said, and
an attempt to collect It Is to be made.
Ground 'Floor
The Latest
Victor Dance
...v. . . .'s.
tma Stark
"JDne of the Northwest's
Great Banks"
H "W"fMlftI1ITFTeen
53 Fourth Street
Broadway. 3715