" TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1922. . i THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,, OREGON. AUTOMOBILES -FOR SALE BOO Better Cars for Legs .. " -' Money ' " - - , ; - ' . ''. j Ton will be pleased with the . ajK . pearsnca and ' coadition. oi our Crtd , Fords. - . ' . - Too trill be pleased still mora with, ; the prices. v Read the" Following . and Compare - '1921 Sejlea.-new rlres R aioana,.-1 ejeau upholstery s and espe--- - : , eilly , Bam ear in every re spect i $525 : 1921 Sedan, line order, speed-- " - ometer, shacks . tM 525 ,1920 Sedan, a lata one; excellent conditio, good appearance. 75 . 1020 Hedaa. -speedometer, shock absorber, dome light, very - good Urea, good appearance. 47$ - 1920 Sedan., early, completely - - overhauled in mr shop .. 425 Lata .1821 Coup, cord tire, lot -of equipment excellent ia every way ......... . . . ' 82S - '1921 Com, no eirraa bat ia liaa ' -order ... V ........ . - . . 485 . .' 1921 Coupe, overhauled - in ;xr " " shop ,.a75 . 192 Touring, starter, detu. rims. ' spotlight . . . ... .... ... - - . 385 f 1921 Touring, starter, dam. riinW . first-class ra every wspeet. 38S .1921 Touring, starter, Tepainted. -" shocks, motor overhauled ia ' oar -shop .......... -. . SB 5 - 1921 Touring, good ndittaa . ; - .extra 356 1920 Touring. - oversiied -Urea, K ? speedometer ....... ii... 343 '1919 Touring, stsrter block, epeedunietcr, fine tire ... 260 : 1921 Roadster; speedometer, fina urea ................. 323 .1921 Roadster, shock absorbers . 3-5 1921 le livery, starter, demr rims, ' .if panel body, like new , . . 420 fl018 DA panel body, fine shape. 20ft Express delivery, all ready $ go. ..40 i . ' - """" .- v .-Too win find these r to ba ex . aetly a repre-wnted, . that'; i, good stable ear ready for usage. Terms If Desired Do-noing Motor Co., Inc, E. Sd and Broadway, Bast 0303, Used Car Buyers It will be to fear idnnttn to note our excellent offering in good wed an. , Owing to aa enormous business since the arrival of cur new model Buicks ' we are offering a ifne.Tariety 61 makes ' and models in good used - automobile which we are desirous of doting out within three days.-- 1920 Buiek fix, touring (guaranteed). J 919 Buick six, tearing '(wire wheels, 1920 Oakland, sedan. 1922 Ford, aedan. . 1920 Ford, coupe-. 1017 Bnick. touring. 1921 Itadae, -touring. ' 1I21 Ford, tounus- 1921 MaxweU. , .. Jt . "... ; Thes can tVe alt well equipped td in fine, mehanieal conditMn. V Howard Automobile Co. 12th & Alder Sta. Bdwy. 1130 (Sands. j Phone Bdwy.' 1183-K) Open all -day SuDday. USED CARS 1920 Scripps-Booth eoupe, new paint, cord tires, real winter ear, at a bargain. -v 1918 Ford coupe.. 1917 Cadillae ..... .....1350 . . 760 1919 Nashv B pas., original fin '. isb, cord tires, 90 daya' eerrice .................. TTf 1919 Nash, 4 pass., a real bar- '. gam for 585 1921 'Ford coupe, wire wbiel, original finish, A-l eouditaoD, " ar real bargain. .:- 4, 1921 Essex, a ."Teal: bargain, lota of extras, the best bay in - Portland ..850 Portland Motor Car Co. 10th and BurnsUa. . Bwadway 0521. RADIATOR SPECIALISTS Body and fender re pairing, tops and paint- im. BCRNESS ATJTO WORKS, 12 th and BrereU. THE FENDER MAN 7. B. DURHAM takaa the kinks ant whfla yoo wait; repairs radiatDts and bodies: liberty radiator ebres for all typee of aara in ataek. BDWY. 821.4. B0 N. 11th at,, near Barnaida. JHaRLEY - DAVIDSON 3 -speed. electrically - eouipped. tandem seat, apaedometer, etc. ; 1175. terms. Ll . BILLINOSLBT MOTOR M Hawthorne ave. at-8th at. East 0T20 WHKVROLET Ufa model. This car la ,a exeellaBt eaaditiou. Uaa had mi Snail payment wQl handle. Balance ran monthly , payments. East 5224 or Empire 1H88. . lAuto Painting fE?t lBCV-ieai worn anu imsec amciung; 37 years a painter. isast 11 UK. 847 Williams are. JWB POT" steel teeth, tn your old flywaeei; l eraaaanair nuramg. cyunoer gnaaing. H. & Stack's Machine Shop. 534 Alder at.. Broad ay 9881. . 3!lsgiriarB Vnite .01 w ae yout Wicvirttii a vui wui -eu nt to I nuts., a bed. PoattiTely will not weaken t&e car. Hwaaaon. 7t - wilitatna at. 192V FORD touring, starter, good tires, good ceouiuoD. fszo. -terms. -L. Y. BILLINGSLET MOTOR CO. . I Hawthorn, ave. at th st. East O720 CSED TOPS ' 'i Touring, roadster, bog, truck tops. Several rte pick tram. a. at. Bony Tec Works, 845 wiuiams, OWNER BOUGHT A DURAXT BRISCOE I touring, 3 new cord tires, A-L repair. 1922 Ikeuae, 3830; terms to suit. aVuiusula -Ga rage. Smmre 1248. AUTO MODEBS SISPEB Autos reconstructed to sleepers: u' system does not Weaken or disfigure the body. jt. B. tBody Top Worts, 34 Wflltama. Eat 1198. klVERLAsiD roadster, excellent condition B i ires, a near, a oenfi,, spouignt; Jki. paiat; fU-3 4-CVL. HCIOK. driTen ooly 20Vu ssoaMT atiH has 10 months' free service and srusrw lantee; terms to reliable' party. Walnut 8118. ityWNKR must sell late Ford seiiau wuaj lot of extras. Tenaa, or mittt take light car as nart payment. Aut.. 633-68. '. 1920 HUDSOM SCPER . overhauled, 3 cord are, oar in itrst . ciasa abap. Will - taka lighUr car ia trade. 1 240 Grand ave. A iu sargaia. msil totn utunnc with cord . 1 . ' . 1 " '4 1"' - IJ . 1 IL urea ana lots er exiraa. aoia.ja s. m Isetp, so den't fail to see it. Terms. Sell 0739. la.'l DODGE tuuritg. W ao!pUoal imuuU, tion: 8 almost- new cord tares, nimhuk spotlight and other extras. Walnut 61 1 a . i.. iTNK new 5-paasenger aula' to trade. WiU take Diano or real aetata ta nart mnnt- or what have you "i01 10th street. . 1(20 Ford touring, atorur, aew tires, motor, overhauled,. 30. fie caw at 39 .isaad sr. ' - . . ill'ST sell -mi 1918 t'nevrolet louriiur. all. in A-l shape, paint and tires fits, class, don't mist this buy. CaH Mr. Walbert East $iZ. 1321 STUDEBAKEB Special eiix at a. trarcaia;. ' exoeileat: coodiBoa, - tail East 8879. '" '" - --4 LATiK model. Ford coupe, latest eauiumentlTa bareatin. Walnut 312. 21 OAKLAND light 6. a good ear,,, zeaanaabla. ;ofa 43d S. of Tsoor 8323. FOR SALE 1914 l-eerieae S-4 8: make efet : R. L. Shartcyi ' P'aone East 6tS. ' . . 1922 IJBERTr Sli. like aew, at a great d'i v.Mt. fell-Fait 8t. - iUiT FOKU tounus, caeap., Bdwy. 24ss'. '- AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE feOO . -Murphy's Bargains 20 'Maxwell Touring This i the double unit model and is fefuv Wied and new top. new tins), all ready to go: take Ford rf trade and give liberal terms on baL : ua brokerage; 8175 down, bal. easy. , '20 Chevrolet. Touring 8150 down. bal. snoathly: nefinjshed and nua and loeka like new; eoow and try it; soma extras. - , , .-. '19. Cadillac Touring TbJa ii the ' snort model, etx wire wheels and six cord tires and snany extras bumper atop oa rear; spotlight automatic rain swipe, windshield shade, tools, and if you want speed and the standard of the worra see trus vasw, ilisfc Price 81550, with 8550 down, bat. 10 months; no brokerage, and wilt fake car ia trade, . 718 Buick Touring at th. low Dries of CS25. with 8200 down. ball Monthly; take car ia trade and this car has new oversize tinea all over; new paint and has been rebuilt, alt ready to do what any new one- will do end- duu t cost muco money. Late Hup Touring Here ia thm Hun. come and get this and do your stuff; they always go and no trip, in too hard ou the Hup.. This on is rebuilt -and we will reiinish it any color yea like; have low price of 8495, . with 8173 uowB. pai. easy. -Take Ford in trade." 1- ' Late Dodge. Touring THU PKOPr.K'S CHOICE ETERTOXE LIKES THIS DODGE, THIS 18 THE t-ATK MODEL 1 AND HAS SO JaB EXTKAJ. BUSS FIXE ASD LOOKS i LIKE NEW. rOYfK 1ST) RE MOrtH-isfd ; low o rice of 84 85 with 8185 down, baL easy; take Ford with starter in trade; no, brokerage charge. If you hare nsitstr that you don't like, bring it to me and We will trade, . We are the most liberal traders in Portland: will sire cash difference or take it Open Sundays, or phone Auto. 51S-87. 16th and Aider sts. Murphy Motor Company PORTLAND'S LAROE9T USED FOBP MARKET Oo Sixth Street -betweeo Main and 1 Salmon.: - c '- SOME OF . THB REASONS WHY THE BOBDJSOJf-SMITH CXfMPAJix" -sell the highest number of used Frda, SEDAJiS 1921 aedan, nearly sew .. . . COCPES 1 921 coupe, disc wheels ......... Coupe ....... ... ..... 190 coupe. A-l eondftioB ........ ' " . V TOCRIXG 1922 touring ............ IV. 1020 touring, dens. rims,atarfef . -1920 touring, good buy . .a . . . 1918 touring, repainted ......... 1917 touring ......... . ...... - Hudson speedster ................. Stearos-Knight touring ROADSTERS 1 1920 roadster i . ..... 1919 roadster, repainted . . 1918 roadster, starter, 'dem. rims . . - DELIVERIES - 1920 deHrery. starter .. .8550: . .3518 . . 300 . 47, .3423 i 350 . 49 . . 198 , '. 1 78 .1275 . 800 .1280 . 275 .2 J 5 . 3873 ivv paner aeurery, suzxer . 4. ... TRUCKS 875 1920 Ford truck, pneumatic tiiea $S00 1920 Ford true 400 BCO - Top and windshield ........ i . . . . . .'. 8175 80 USED FORDS TO PICK FROM. Phone slain. IlOOi. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY CLEAN UP SALS WE HAVE VERT GREATLY -SEDUCED OUR ;USD CAR PRICES : v . The policy of this house is to offer you better values than you can find elsewhere. Compare our offerings with any other. It U. by comparisons only -1 "that you will be able to appreciate the real bargains we hare. This house has been doing business for oyer seventeen years. . It does a ' legitimate business. ' This is a . legiti mate sale we are conducting, and you hate the right to yely upon anything you are toM by us. " "ALWAYS THE BESI CARS' AT THE LOWEST PRICES'" COVET MOTOR CAB COMPANY TWO ' LOCATIONS Main' Plant, 21st and Washington sta. Phone Broadway 6244 Broadway Branch, 28-80 K. Broadway We hare cars to take you from one -, place to the other. Hudson cabriolet Stereoa coupe, 4 pass . . . . Hudson sedan, 7 pass .81423 . 1300 -, 1000 . 750 70 , . 650 1918 Harmon, 7 pass ...... 1917 Wtoton, 7 pass. ....... . Ford coupe - - ill. E. ' ATJTO CO., li).th;.aifi WashifHtton atv" pEtlTlSRETi ERECTED STAINED 10x18. 855. Other prices ia f . proportion. East 8880, 2m Wejdler. BUICK 1821. e-eyiittder, in splendid eoridi - tioa, equipped with 8 oversssa cord tires. Paragon dsso-wheela, 2 bnuipera. spot light, motometer and other extras.- This ear is a splendid buy at 5900. Tanas to. Tellable parts. Walnut 11H. - - 4Studelba'ker-4 Starter and 5 tires; 8190 cash, . Broadway 3340 after 5 p. m. 1 971 tLDSMOBII.E FOUR TOCRIXG This car is in first class condition and looks fina; baa ta) good cord tires; will sell at a oargain aim give easy lerms. jbasa ihk. CHEVROLET touring, m. excellent condition. good rubber; will sacrifice for 3250; email payment down, balance, easy. Call owner. Wal nut 6625. . 1919 BUICK light six, A-l mechanically, wire wheels, 8 cord tires, bumper, spotlight, windshield ' wings, matometer; brand new; 1st class paint; ar resl bay. Walnut 2599. FORD touring." 191K," perlci condition, "new top, almost new ajrea; 4 reel ear 3225, smalt payment down,, balance monthly. Auto matic 612-37. ; V ' f FORD roaxtater. 1922 body, fenders, top and curtains. Cannot be told frosn new. Rest f the cay ia equally as food conditio . ' Pnca --o casn. avasa aeot j BEAT THIS IF TOU CAX A .1921 touring, loaded with txtraa, look like ft new one. . Don't delay oa- this hayfaja. .u asr. i imwi evenings, rsst poa 1 . 1920 499 tUEVKOLET. complete! consnietelx over. hauled, m aoed eoadiUon. aool tirM.' tmkm like new. Very low pnc. ,Cn ar range terms. tSettwood ZOltk 181 FOSD sou ring, .-good tire, extra, 'runs good, $225. Easy terms. - - . L. Y. BIXLIXUSLEY MOTOR CO. Hawthorne ave. at 8th at. - ' j. -East 0720 WK TEAR "E34-CP aaa sou OM-pieces. Port is nd Asta VVeecking Co.. 931 Alder, near IT tit. Broadway 5354. Uaa orders filled. J921 FORD aedan, special plush upholstery, wcra - wheal, hit . axtrss;t you, cannot afford to mis it Broadway 488. r OHD touiutg, 1918,. deffioaatahie- rims, oat ural goad, wheel, spotlight and - ather ex tras, $S5 eash,- balance easy. ; Aut, 612-87. FORD touriAg. 19S1. " new 1922 body and tartar, demountable rims; Unas, : 93 50. 824 et, aear Foster raad. . .:" l; . CHEVROLET, 1922 mode, like new; bargain ; " Amsil cash payment with easy -balance. Apt 4. Lucille Codrt 226 N. 30th7' 1917 INCLOSED Luaier. xuust ie3 thi -sneatB. Will take $429 with laaU payment; c-oc&xier lot or car. in tr;l. Milwaukie 99J. - - 1919 IXJIX-iE touriaa. first class abape, C450. Will take Fwd ta trade.- 340 Grand are. 1923 BUICK . chaas for cash.-. , 317 aid post office bldg. - vj l2t FORU touring, good condirka and good tires; soma terms if desired. ; Wahuiit 2887. ikUK 6. 1st saodeli cb4Pgt. 1st unainniH, J-216, ivnrBtl . - 1917 BUICK tiXirirg, excellent, eoadiuoa, f ia. fmish. $4ffA. - Walnut 8599. 1S21 MASVVKi.L fe-urirg, xrf"'rfit o-rd tio. $j6i. - CU Mr. Baacuai at Buy. 1130. L3J AUTOMOBILES FOT 5ALE 800 CieanUp Sale. Here is an afford ta aisja. offer that, yarn eant The prtoeg are cut to bottom. -Text, or twelra atoatha to pay. . ' . 1100 DOWS " . - 1920 Font touring! tot of e-rtraa. l? " 1918 .Chevrolet 490, overhauled. 1917 Grant, aew top and curtains. 1918 Oakland soaring, top shape. . , - 1916 Overland, model 80, touring. -1918 Dodge touring. . - 3150 DOWTt - . 19 20 Ford sedan, repainted. 1920 Ford coupe, very good. - ' 1918 Paige 5 -paw., rvpsinted- 1916 Hup. model X; naff, said. V 19-18 (podge roadster, top shape. 1917 Ttodge touring. - 1918 Vehe touring, first-class. 1917 Apperson.-4-paje., chummy. ' ' 3209 DOW3f . I ; " ' . 1 Bl 8 Hap touring, rebuilt., ' 1917 National chuafmy.f 1919 Hup touring. - 1921 Ford sedan, like aew.' 1920 Gardner touring. " . 3300 DOWX ' ; S . . J. : ( ... . : . i ,"-v. i . ' 120 Hup taurine, like Dee. s 1921 Hup touring, about new. f 1919 National -pass., 6-cyl. t . With thia small payment does anyone can owa aa automobile. Pay balaneaT In 13 ' monthly -pay-meats.- Think this ever. "Manley'Auto Co, : Bumside at Elereatiu ... , Hupaiobile Distributor. i ft Ask for Air. Arbuckle. es, Dodges4, Dodges ROADSTERS, TOURINGS' i ALWAYS REBUILT if BABY OVERLAND SEDAN, 3595 Latest model wine wheel and curd Urea. DODGR 3KDAH. 3606 Wire wheeis, reiinistied, rebuilt. ' 1921 FORD SEDAN 0-: Oord tires, A-l mechanically. 5565. 1921 FORD ROADSTER Demountable ribs,' shocks. $335. .1921 DODGE ROADSTER ,1 ' Needs nothing, $600 '" 1918 MAXWELL TOURIXG CAR Refiniahed. $65 - 1918 RED TOCBiNG, $7a . 1100, Balance is 5 saonttnV Pymots 1921 VELIB S PASS. Rebuilt, refinished. $873. 1920 FORD TOURING, 3335 Your Old Car in Trade - ' .f .- 1917 BTTICK TOURIXG WeQ Preserved, $475. - " OVERLAXD 90, $290 - Lightweight S iasa. family car. 1921 DODGE ROADSTER Rebuilt and guaranteed, $725. B HALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC. 11th St., at Bnrnside i UNIVERSAL AUTO EXCHANGE FORDS FORDS FORDS TBT THEM BEFORE YOU BUT THEM 1916 New top, dandy shape ........3185 1917 New paint, good shape $213 1919 Lota of extras, snap .......... $295 1920 Starter, like new $345 1920 Chassis, overhauled .....,-..: .$230 1021 Touring, a goad buy ." . $395 1918 Roadster, dem-, fine shape. ..... (250 1913 Roadster, delivery box $265 192tt Sedan. A dandy buy $530 1920 Truck, express body, cord tires, perfect shape, touring ia change. ' " Dandy Dodge- touring, cheap. Chevrolet, a dandy , car- ...$135 King bug, at your own price. Rao- 6. fine shape -250 Stewart truck, a good buy .... 325 -our Ford in -exchange. . . Open All Day Sunday and EVehings , J81-3-5 Gtaad at Yamhill St. East 471. gee Del .Wright UNIVERSAL AtTTO EXCHANGE. VRAN80N. 240 GRAND AVE. -1 .'.'-- 1917 Ford bug, fendere . .', . i .8135 1917 Baby Saxon, good shaped. . 195 1817 Baby Grand Chevrolet bug 185 1917 Fort touring ..... t,.. . , 175 1918 Ford touring 180 1920 Ford touring, new tires.! starter. . . 340 1920 Ford touring, starter.. 350 1921 Ford touring, like new. 385 1920 Ford sedan, renainted i. 485 1918 Chevrolet touring. A-l. shape. ...J 213 1919 Chevrolet touring, overhauled . . . v-.c 4tf 5 1919 Chevrolet express , , ; 225 1918 Saxon Chummy, cord tires 225 J?!! Hup, Model N, overhanled 450 1917 Buick 6, touring ..TFT. at375 1919 Dodge touring, like aew, 450 ; (80 ears to pick from) T 5 VhANSOX'S USED CAR "EXCHANGE, 240 Grand Ave.. Corner East Main.- . Phone East 4370. CSED- FORD 'CLEAN-UP SALE, Authoriaed Ford Dealer. Every car we have is a good buy. and a square deal to-ejery buyer. 1921 Ford touring.' new 1922 body, new starter and battery $425 1920 Ford touring, starter 295 1920 Ford touring, starter 825 1920 Ford touring, starter 3S5 1917 Ford touring, good shape 160 1917 Ford touring, new top 195 1918 Ford touring, fine shape 195 1919 Ford truck chassis, license . 225 Dodge touring 375 ARMENTROCT-WICKE MOTOR CO., 8 2d and Foster Roadj Automatic 638-46. 1 COLE COUPE the most beautiful coupe In Portland ; drives only , slightly,; never off the pavement; a genuine bargain for one de siring a high class and attrecti fear. North- I? and Aider, - Broad way 14UO. - COLE AERO EIGHT, a wonderful car. com , fortawe and easy riding, mechanically per fect; extra tire.- easy tenuis. See it; ride in it. Northwest Auto Co., 18th and Alder. Broad way 1460. 1920 FORD TOTIRlSfi SVi - - Will sell ray 1920 Ford touring car, , ta Call Mr. Gildea. Bdwy. 3121. 7 1917 FORD- touring, Hassle r sliocks. band Klaxon, 3 tires: 3190. terms. L Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR X'U Hawthorne ave: at Sth st. East 0720 DORT demonstrator, cord tires, A-l ahane'- wuiw.AuiQ CO.. eornar 18th and Alder. Broadway 1460. FORD touring, 3195; ."half cash; thoroughly overhauled; run a0- looks almost like aew many valuable extras. -. 1008 Raleigh. T" " 1917 0.4KUVT1 irv Fine, nearly aew cord lim j . lriL804d8,,nt Pny- .."i'8 $250. iCaU FOR ALEy by owner. Oakland 6. umJiJ coaditioB. bargain, 3450.- 427 wwi. 1 " " " ' 1 " ' "' .... ao i-4su iu m eord roadster;, in good mechanical condition; gobd tires, tot of axtraa. Today at City ' Auto Itar. 490 CHEVROLET1 touncg. (au model. In -eellent eonditioa; -av real,- bargain for Ih. price. Auto. 334-. 1922 CHEVRUIT 480 touring: will guar antes ear to be in fisst-elaaa nHii-. TT7. H at onee. easy tsrtns. Tabar 5935 ' T Bradl a Oppel b.h a . 1-a. . iM -a ...... : iteliabia ' Aato Painters. , 18 th and A Wee. Jtreaaway 1460. 4 -CYLINDER, 5-passebger StudebaXe? 3 - tires. aeif4taa-rer. m voaA .-rii.i ' - Z7C7r Call Mr. Bate, East 0302. - 1918 CHEVROLET 49, $22$ L .Y. BILLlNGSUsV Ifawthome ave. at 8tb st. East "o 7 9 A LAtE aotodel '490 Cherrolct touting, goad rc . . . I i"a ana very .. terms." Tabor 5983. -.T Auto Topiurm Sslmen st, aetweea 8th end kt roadway. : . ." ..... PAIGE .i Gtenbrook Cftoaei. car look and "raws as good a aew. Price $1000. WiU give term to resporaibte party. Walnut 8201. GOOD Staaebaker, 7 passeager. ecaap, if taken ia three days... Will trade na coed lot. K. jso unwi ave. 1921 FORD roadster, exeeiient ' cxiouiuoii. onia ..da.' Ki.. ....... .. FORD loadstar aod eaaaptna; outfit rebored and reucw. iwi'g '"m' . ri.no ave. 1919 FORD tearing, ahocks; fiaa shape. Braal way 24 , . ' 19K0 l'y ' cunpe, slmotot 192l.zaode! anil - 8475 if taken at once. Bciwx. 848. STANLEY steamer, price for quick sale, demoa--teata by aupesn'awat 1-108, 4oarMi. FGF.D tuunns, lull, . d t' $li; us-s. Call alter o p. m. 130' X. 13th st AUTO MOE ILES -FOR SALE 80d BCT'OXr! OF OUR REBCICT CARS , AND SAVE TH DiFFEKEXCK ,- Here ate e a few fine ue8 ean"1rakea fa trade oa new Velie Six and Peetlesa "8" ears. The prices will surprise you and terms eaa be arranged to meet with your requirements. 1918 Dodge touring, fine ear. 1915 Dodge touring, new tires. 1919 Oldsmobil Six touring, snap. 1919 Old "mobile Six sedan, fine condition. 1920 OltUmobiVe tourintfe only $550, 1919 Paige touring, looks like aew. ' .1920 1 Vehe Six touring, fine oar. "1919 ! Mitchell Six touring, repainted. .1917 Maxwell touring, only $175. 1918 i Overland "4" touring, low price. 1918 ; Chevrolet Baby Grand, sndy $275. MANY OTHERS OPEN EVEXTXGS W. R. DELAY MOTOR COMPANY ,- Distributors Velie and Peerless. A Safe Place to Buy. f . Broadway, at Bum-ride. . Phone Broadway 812i;.' WHY HELP PAY the high overhead of expensive downtown stores when you can buy as good used auto mobile a.t 530 Alder t- where rents ire low and cats sue carefully selected ajsd inspected before offering for sale? RD ROADSTER ' FORD BUG FORD- TOURINGS - FORD SEDAN- . 't CBEVBOLETS '' -" . MAXWELLS -i.v, OVERLANDS - -h BUICK BUG I - BU1CK8 OAKLAND - OLDSMOBILE WILLYS-KNIGHT STERNS-KNIGHT DODGE DELIVERY BEO - SPEED WAGON V ! MANY OTHERS. - C. BJeasdaSe TIRM3. NO BROKERAGE r 530 Alder St. Broadwar 152. ' ' .3150 and Under, USED CARS. , TERMS U9KD CARS. CARS TRADED. 10 ItS Packard touring, good tires. This is kc real buy $150 1912 Apperson touring top, tires and body good, motor perfect . .... 100 1918 Maxwell touring, all good, ready to - " run away (license) 150 1918 Cher, touring, a dandy car. ...... 150 Reo, rebuilt roadster, good top. paint, up holstering, motor perfect 150 1916 light 4 Studebaker bug, lie, good tires, a dandy car J00 Sea These Cars East 8118. Open evenings 8:30; Sunday 9 to 3. FORDS FORDS CSED CARS . Don't wait Buy that used ear now, on the. lowest market ever -known on uSed Ford Look over our assortment of used fca'ra and you will find thext of extra value and priced right li'0 Ford touring A. .$865 920 Ford touring -." 325 1920 Ford roadster 375 1920 Ford chassis 225 1921 Chevrolet touring 450 1918 Ford-conpp ., 375 191$ Ford delivery. 210 !" TERM -Just a little down, balance easy. :- . k - ' Open Day and Night i- See Mr., Veale, ' 320 Oregon St. . East 4492. 1922 CHEVROLET touring, in excellent con ditMsa throughout, some terms, $473. ; V--TALBOT & CASEY. INC., : : East Ankeny and Grand Ave. V t 8118. " tjpen evenings 8:3Q; Sunday to 5. . 1922 FORD' SEDAN 't . Nearly new Ford sedan, only run 2850 miles, mock absorbers, speedometer, spotlight, rear view mirror, dash light, etc. privately owned. Brie. 4850. Tabor 185. 2 'f ALLEN-GOODSELL MOTOR CO., t 5-v "The House of Service.'! . . 12r.h snd Kt.,1. 1S21 Ford sedan A. . . .$525 , . .. 600 850 515 . ... . 850 ...875 ... 325 . ; . 240 , . . 295 1.. 200 1920 Ford aedan 1918 Ford sedan 192 1 Ford coupe- ...... 1918 Ford coupe . . .-. .'. 1921 Ford touring 1920 Ford touring 1919 Ford touring 1920 Ford roadster . 1918 Ford roadster (box) .....vt.. . TERMS. ' . Open Sunday 9 to 1. 1 Many others to -choose from. ALLEN-GOODSELL, MOTOR CO.. , "The House of Service." 12th and Stark. Authorised Ford sad Lincola Dealers, im.BeFISCH Radiators. - fenders, eodiea. aoods, - taaka, repaired and r modeled ; cuto sheet metal work' a specialty. Jl)-f H. 13th rt. Phone Broadway 2299. MUST sell at ouce, brand hew 4 -passenger 6 cyiinder i coupe, well known nuke, cost 82495; sacrificing for $1750. WiU state Per sonalty yeaaona far selling o cheap. -T-HIX, :i tu t-tLA.M-ii.cn umvAiuki f This car Vwks just like new and ia in fin mecaaaicl condition ; haa 3 wire wheels and 5 tire; a bargain;, will sell on easy term. Phone East 1962. ' IF YOC want to get a good Ford, we have all models. We buy for cash, that means jou get mora "for your money. Twin Two Motor Co., Iuo., 609 Wash, st at 19th. Bdwy. 2488.- ' ' . MUST sell my late model Oakland six touring car, ia that finest condition, new Urea, spot light and other extra. Take $450 and give some terms if desired. Call Mr. Gildea, Broadway 8121. .,. ' 1922 CHEVROLET TOURING Owner leaving city will sell nearly new car at liberal- discount and aire terms. Phone r avast uot4. NEW CHEVROLET CARS. ALL MODELS ,. i:rir,vMi.r.i rims A.Mf HKttvitE ' Ia. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO. Hawthorne iave. at 8th Ft. East 0720 iTv i . SNAP . ! Late '18 Studebaker for sale or trad, is ia good condition, has good, tires, one new spare. mam eoer HIGH GRADE 6 cylinder sport roadster, brand ' new, popular make, factory guarantee and serric given. lAt price $1728, my price 31260. Terms if desired. U-151, Journal. ISSi I'ORD coope, oversize tires and extras; i a dandy bay; looks - sad runs like aew. Bdwy. 2488. - '; 1918 FORD touring, for sale; very reaaoaabl. WilUemwider terms. -East 8564.'- -. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 TRUCK SALE AH kinds of truck, big trucks and little trucks, -heavy duty trucks and light delivery . trucks; alt kinds at bodies and makes; -all at bargain prices; terms if wanted. Northwest Aato Co.. eor. lfeth sad Alder. Broadwty 1460. DEN BY, I tm, just liks isew, liceBia on cab, will be sold -at a very uw price this week. Phon Jensen. Bdw. O601, eve.. Atw. 0183. TRUCK BAKiiAiN Take wood oc coal in trade, lij-ion Federal. $985; eab and body. Aut 312-37. - BTERUXG. 1922. license and mechanically right Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 0691, Eva.. Atwatef 0183. FOR SALE 1H toa Republie truck in A-l . eonditioa, ftnfy weed ft months. A bargain. Call Atwater 4165 after 6 P. a. -., kLkCS, 24 "ton. Hoe a new, license aud all i complete, truck 6 month old. Phone Jea sea. Broadway 69. Eva.. Atwater 0183. FORD 1 too, eoxoe and ge it, $160. lbon Jeusen Bdw. i69I, eve., Atw. V18, 1920 FORD, raek. (ox sale cii&p. . cU Lait fcbSS. WANTED fardson tractor and- plow: aiut be bargain. Aut. 633-6. r DIAMOND T 1 H-toa. trade- for fuel cr tight ear. 0 K. Broadcay. I RKFliLIO truck, K f;5t. Aulr TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 l-YON FORD, lata aaedrL with eab and -windshield ... ..$25fl 14 -sm Maxwell, late model, with cab and W .i ,.ViSMishSsU 1 . ..... 9 50 2-ton Reo, la good rantdng order...... 250 4-tonGMC, good cord tires, overhauled. V 100 feiftoa Republic, with complete eaptiiaa : body, practically new. tires , , , . . ... . 373 1-toa Republic, lata model, goad ewrd tires, - j express body,' top, wiadshieid. . . . . 800 2 -to Republic, overhanled eonptetely and guaranteed nearly aew tires... 1450 S-soa, Standard, in excellent condition. . 1750 . ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO., - i Park and Everett Sts. -: k ! CHEAP TKUCix At almost your own price and terms. Fed eral 3i, Indiana SMH Republic 34, benby White 5 ton, Perte- wood twiy. license, .. M.; C, 2 ton Winther. , gome of these are oka new. but make your Offer and jrou might nave one ot tun. pnona Jensen, ti roadway 0691. eve.. Arwater 0183. BlvO 'speed wagoa, absolutely the beet trans portation unit on -the market at the pace. The Reo always gets there and back: easy on tinss; economical to operate. Northwest Auto tou. corner lwta and Alder. Terras. Ik -TON White truck, gooa conaition, $400, or win seu engine separate. a 1st st MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 803 BARGAINS IN USED AND REBUILT BARLEY -DAVID SON U0TOBCY0UKS. -EASY TERMS As Low as $40 Dowa. MOTORCYCLE $4 at Taylor. SUPPLY CO. - Maia 7889, EAELEY-DAVrDSON SERVICE CENTER USED MOTORCYCLES All Makes Line rat Terms' Used Pan 10-75 discount EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. -44-46 Grand sve. ! .. Distributors for ACTS READING -STANDARD CLEVELAND FOB MOTORCYCI-ES OR BICYCLES, ' KEW Un tSEK US. ' Goods right, prices, right, terms right -INDIAN MOTORCYCLE BICYCLE CO., ! 209 Third St - AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 CYLINDERS rebored, $250 -eacti. in - most cars, without removing; work guaranteed. Walnut 2352. 143 KilljmrswortK AUTOS" repaired at your home or mine, with guarantee. Tabor 5063. AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 ALTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS CITY GARAGE . a. . " 782 12th St . Broadway -840. H. S BENNETT CARS FOB HIRE W'Trf OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, 3D AND TAYLOR. MAW 1687. NEW cars for rent without driver; roadsters and touring cars. H. H. Rebstcck, 4th and Piae, opp. Multnomah hotel. . AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 " CASH PXjD FOR FORDS - Why trade your eld cat eu new ana, when we will give yira its value ta eaabt Tbea do your shopping with the cash. Cash eeuata. T. McDonald. 191 Grand ave. East 6319. I WANT the bast Ford $75 cash will buy. Apply at 2011 Sandy blvd., bet 6 and 7 p: Bl. No dealer. 5 PASSENGER Ro, looks and run like new. Will trade for lot ioIrvingtun, Laurelhurst or Kose City. Bdwy. 3251 CAtiS wanted to wrecK ; parts" for all, cars "for nesa ct. k a. rvu t r iwuus vo. mm su Aider. Broadway 636. TRADE equity in tt room modern house for oar. 801 N. Central ave. EOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 FUR TRIMMINGS Collars, cuffs Furs se styled, repaired to order. THE FUR SHOP 405 Morrison Bdwy. 4022 DOORS windows, moulding, toillwork, glass, screen doors, roofing and hotbed sash. See Our! odd stock of sash and doors for prices. D, M? Scully Co., downtown lumber store, 171 Front, bet Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4213. BARTLETT PEARS fl to $1.35 per box. very choice fruit; hare 400 boxes. Come now for bargain, bring containers. H. W. Strong, Powell Valley road, near Gresham. ' - -. JitAPIDAYTON GASOLINE PUMPS ANt TANKS , Also secondhand outfits, Tour owa terms wit din reason. Address T. J. Stamp, 625 E. Salmon st., Portland. CYXJN DERS reamed, new seasoned gray iron pistons fu'niislled at a great reduction, on 50 cars only. Call and- get our prices and inspect stock. Northwest. Welding A Supply Co.fr 88 First st THE JOURNAL Uaa 14 brsscolite lamp tlx- aires, complete and in good order, carrying sayi-lamp up to 200-wstt for sale. Come and ?e them at The Oregon Journal bldg., ask orvGeorEe N. Hamilton, Supt rl'llflf SEWING MACUUIa, h. g s I s Hp Kasy terms- Latest ele -si s m i & e jn tnca. Repairing. Rent d ar e 5 . s $3 mo. Motors. Par's. STORE 1 n WEST PARK. MARSHALL 721. CASH registers, and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register & Scales Exchange, 226 Stark st. between 1st and 2d Bts. Broadway 7534. , ELECTRIC fixtures, supulles, lowest prices elver heard of. Send for lug illustrated bul letin to Stanley Lata, Chamber of Commerce bldg.. ' Portland, Or. ' AUTOMOBILES. LAUNCHES. MOTOR , CYCLES or boats are - separate ckuuifica tioas; a large listlna will be found tinder the duflerent ciassiiicauons. Nelson Ladder Works 26f SECOSD ST. PHONE MAIN 8266. LADDERS FOR ALL PURPOSKB SEE THE VULCAN camp bed for camping .and touring; finest camp bed made; suitable for spare rooms or sleeping porch, 41 Grand ave East 4896. i - . ELECTRIC fixtures for o rooms. $1$; big uelectioa ether fixtures. 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Broadway 42B3. "V h ' ; 85 ORIENTAL PEARLS $5 Lengths 18 to 30 inches, 3 shades. Gradu ated ot one size, cast i Vok SALE A bungalow player piano. Equity 400 ,-$140 worth of rausi rolls, for $100 cash. Box.161 wooastock. M. M. Williams. FtS'E canning tomatoes, . 2 cent lb," -528 : tColnmbia blvd. Next Oregon Humane o- SO-"" BOSICITY PRINTEBY S3. 20 240 "Washington, bet 2d and 3d. PEARS and" apple, cheap;' bring "containers, a 4 Ui and Schiller at Sellwood 3966. Big rea nam. SAVE. 322. 50 and" get gray and white en aaseled Wedgewood range for 375 laew) , Mrmi B. P. MacLapd. fot of MUes st i GA9 RANGE, Budd Jieater, mattress, gardeo ' nrase ; su lysswuMiiy uvw, , juuu. or . xue. 1 50S E. 10th St. W. FIN15 blackberries, cor. E. tay and 77th st.' : Pick yourself any. day except , Bnnday at $1. per crag, cc Tier IP. "plEBOLD SAFES, new and second haed; spe T cmi psMseAf--Pacific. Scale Sc Supply Co., M rront st - uroeoway xgo.o LET me make you beautiful overstuffed daveu- 4Hrta ana toairs in my spare urns. 847 E. Stack. East os. FOE, SALE Hand stump puller. aU comnlete. Hi V. Harris, Route 6. Box 93 L. Vaneou ver, w isn. CHILD'S Bed and mattress. First class coudi- ttoue-very nice, siw. wainut 0764. 50 TlCTROlA records- and one Radian ti ire. TENT for sale, 10x12, good eonditioa; Will sell cheap, nasi who BARTLETT pears :: bring containers. 208 E. r 47th st. N. ". .. ALMOST new child'- highebair, go-cart and bathtub. Tsbor 8636 BABTLETT pears, $1.50 per cox. phone Sell- '-awod 8945.. ' " ,-,.T--. WOiCEN AND GHlLtj Good, lookiag fall gar ments; bargain; buy naw. Tabor 2825. . LAX'lES' coats, suits, dresses,- ia "a heme eirellent values for fall. Tabor 2825. GRAVENSTEIN apples, windfalls, fioa for eoOEing, Zo a poano. -fa opt ueaz. GREEN. GAGE plums, 3c lb. 5$7 B. .Sth GREEN "STRING BEANS FOR RENT Electne vacaaxa eleaxtera, . 7s Uy. dehvered. Walnut 1289. T j RE1 baby carnage, almost new. -' Snap at GET your furnace properly cleaned ami eve. WnMr don't wait Call Leonard. TE. lanR BAB.Y reed carriage for sale, . xa , very itwd FOB good Yellow Bantam : sweet corn, call Tabor 8768. . - WAST beta-a T....aifle.-v-Aitte ams autfit. tent Bdwy. 7161, or aut :i-4. SAFE Half priceTB-624.' Journal. . LATE cutjfis ptsais. J.d per l90, 4 its . jar Itiil.- Waleat SSSsi. . FOR SALE -?,yr5CFXLAN"EOU3 SOO FOR SALE One Xo. S4S ' Brasmec motor-drivea eom mc sill 4 H. P. alternating current motor - aad ptms, romSsauoa - ail "attached. Abov xa use less than a month and in A-l condition. Regular pries $223. -Wilt sacrifice for cash,' at 8133. Bill Fleming THK SPORTING GOODS MAS" , 292; Washington at 5th. Broadway 4125 " - " - Portland,' Or. :- . 1 Read and Kemember Men a Ehtru Watch. 50-Year 3saa,', i-;f-Lady's igia Wrist Wstch. ra ta 311-- i Keystone r-r Jewelry Co. v7 V S7 ' Washington ' at Fourth -SEW1NQ MACHINE" EMPORIUM U..K1M. Mlrf A IMS! - Na employed. Uoeranteed ased xaa ehine cheap, larts end repairing for aH makes. Ms mines rem hub um. . . . .- . -- 190 3d, near Taylor St CABPET CLEANING . " 9x12 rugs steam cleaned, $1.25. Mattresses made ever. Feathers renovated. 40 -lb. Oottoa Maureases, $6.50. . Fluff ruas travea from old carpets, PIONEER MATTRESS AND CARPET CLEANING W0EKS 1072 E. Iiacila St. Tsbor 7902. showcasbb niw, Used and mads to ORDER. BUY. sell, ex change Cask Reg-scar. Scales, Fountain sod miscellaneous tor tix tnna flee as first BOXER TRADING CO.. 129 1st t Broadway 73a a CEDAR CHESTS lBwe$ tram faetary to year aoaee. Tennessee aod port -Urfeed eedart 'sostd- copper tna asiagsj latest designs. Wrr for cataaxu. J. W. HU4U1MS BOM. 1912-16-18 B. GLI8AN . - TABOR 80S. ADVLBTISING Coiiection of bulb at oae third of the regular Price, Send $1.23 and addresses of flower lovers aad we will send Jffm Shi collection; ot tulips, hyacinths, aar ciu and crocus 4 hulba at a value of $4 parcel post prepsid, "' Americaa-HoUa nd Bulb Co., BeUinghSnt.- Wgsh. WB SAVsl TOB MONEY" Hons, wiring. lighting futures, std electrieai tepairing, supplies. , Third Street Eleotrw Store, 224 Ja Sd it, near Balmoa. ' Main 5053. i LEAKY ROOF, EH f Very aggravating, in. deed. Why not eomtoitsble nd perma nent rooff We repair, JRUBEH-BONp acd rejuvenate til kinds warped, j racked, weather-beaten,, deteriorated and disintegrated, old, leaky roofi . work guaranteed. Phone Broadway 6988. - HUNTERS. TAKE NOTICE WE RENT SHOTGUNS- AND RIFLES HAVE YOU A GtJN FOlf SALE OR TRADE? " NEWMAN'S GUN STORE 128 1st Near Alder. Bdwy. 7161. -$37:50 LETTER' FILE 3S7.50 A- high glade 4 -drawer sectional file, con structed of heavy steel, for less than the price of wood. We buy, sell and rent office furni ture, adding machines, typewriter, etc D. O. Wax. 24-26 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739. ' SAFES Fir aad burglar proof safes; aV and secondhand, at right prices: bought sold and exchanged; easy tarsal if desired. ' MORRIS SAF8 LOCK CO. 105 Second t . Broadway 7043. ELECTRIC towel air dry machine, very . little tued and in first class condition; can b bought at a bargain from Mr. Ham ilton, -supt, Journal bldg. WB HAVE the .Urges toek of used sewing machine la the city. I Compar priocs, W rent and re pair. 172 3d, near YamhiU. IB ron, pus oa. pm m HUMew., . weterorbof. artistic roof ; red or green shia. jes, Sji roc fepairiaa; sse Epos, Walnut ELECTRIC aflXTUBJES at waolesalei 1 -ha lit tat A-Hoht flxrnvaa. 63.73: aoreb Bghts, 90e; we do electne wiring. Reliabit ETeetrio, 542' 4JaioA 4, No. Aut 310-44, East 8686. ' - - -Electric Motors Bought -sold, rented aad repaired. Walker BrectriQ- Works. Bura sie, cor. lUta. Broadway 8874. 10 DPOPHEAD sewiag saactuaes with attach ments, $20 each; portable electric machine for rent; sewing machines (cleaned and" i paired. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand are., K. 2339 MUSICAL, INSTRUMENTS 901 $10 CASH $5. $6 OR MORE MONTHLY is all you need pay if you buy your pisno of the Schwaa Pia.no Co., besides, you then my at their 25 to 40 per cent lower prices. $425 Peerless Pisno Co., large upright. ."$195 $450 Marshall & Wendell upright . .-. . . 195 $475.HaBet A Davis upright 233 50O F,& C- Fischer Urge upright ... 263 0W Steinway A Son's upright 395 $950 Thompson player piano , . 395 $1050 Ringer player piano ........... 593 101 Tenth St., at Wash, and 8tark. $20,- $36, $65, $85 secures phonographs at $3 cash. .$8 or store' monthly. - . V.Sch wan Piano Co.. 10th and Stark. V $ , 5 buys small 7-octave upright piano, $ 65Juys United makers' iKjuare -piano." -$145 buys $425 Emerson upright piano." $195 buya $450 HaUet tc Davis piano. -This week at Security Storage Co., toa loyi st.,- Cor. Stark St VICTOR recorder awl 85 18 Viator VI. oak Brunswick Y . . .". . . 80 -7 5 Columbia E, aew . . . . 73 V'ictrola XI, inahoiany" wioaieamo ...... 85 , 110 !-' . 40 LTPMAN. - WOLFE ft CO PIANO TUNING - anH paonagatpb repairing v ' vYorV-tiuaranteed ., .o ', SEIBERL1NU LUCAS MSHV CO.: i 125 4th st : Broadway 6376 -t; Cn-Tvi" rucu ts a tt s-v-t- . PHONOGRAPHS AND' RECORDS ' ' NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE 128 First near Aider. Bdwy. 7161. tiELNWAJ,.-ta STYIJS, $La5, TEitMB SErBER!4XG-LUCASlftFSIQ CO, 123 4thst. "-t-- WANTS D Sweet toned taauel A4L cash,' Tf bargain. CaH Broadway 1548 before 6 P- at -.i - . . . .- SALE used upright pianos, $195, $215, 265, etc, $10 cash, $5, $6 or ,$8 month. Lipman. Wolfe 4k Co., 6th and Washington ts. IT DOESN'T pay to be- too cheap. Get a - orouerh? reuaired Diana if aemd hand. HAROLD S. GILBERT, .107 WEST PARK. DECKER & SON IN flayer. . 1 'G-LUCAB- 1 1X5 4th st $195, with ' runs. SED3ERLING musk; co. Spcil summer rat oa rented piaaoa $4 per month. 7 months' rent applied oa pntchase. HAROLD V GILBERT. 10T Westt Park. PIANO- WANTED Good used 'piano;' must be a bargain. Broadway 6576.- - PHONOGRAPH repairing, spnags 2ue up; parts waoieaaie ana retail, sts wasu. eawy. 2u4. PIANO wairted for dance hall; must be cheap. r PHOXOGIBAPir REPAIRING RATES REASONABLE, EAST 7172 PIANO for rent, $3.60 per. month. Broad way 2565. 148- 13th t PIANO wanted. yy cash. Broadway 6576. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 . fTOBAGB RAIJI - , , K)CT-TO BB SACRIFICED FOB J ; WAREHOUSE AND LOAN CHARGES -7800 aaaara. feet floor spaca xTtled - with high grade furaitur of every ktaS! aad deaeriptioBrt smtiaae eunoa, etc.. vwoa, , pho eo ra ph. violin, saeaasa eleaaata, electrie pads aad black. la, . dishe. cut glass, xoasatea hall etocks. - -' WiitpO and orieatal rugs, refnsera toxa, sewmg '. SBachhlM, autoBioblla and truck tue. wire wheels and parts, aeriau and snany ataeg axuclsa tea aaotenins to mentina. "' aECTJRTTY ST0RAGB TRASS-'- i . , ' TR oa, s - - 4B at Fiaa Sta, Opposite Maltaoxaah BataL . CHAMBERS fire-ess cooker. .Gas range, good as aew, $68. Eant T491. FUBNlTtfBE for i rbom bouse: rugs, car ' pets, ete. Tabor 6162.' Cri Monday. : BAN M ARY eaiuch aad pea, almost aew, $10. rf i r - - r " - -y -j-r - il Fl KXiri'KK moved; 'i ,aita I at i an hour, ii... a tik - - - - ,, i pii i i HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 Jreat Bargains in . - .Overstuffed Davenports and Suites Ovefstuffedt tapestry davenport ""' -' with 8 spring tilted cushions. ' a truly woaderful bargam - at. $68.75 " Sam davenport with arm chair - and rocker to. snatch. - at ..$137.50," . A strikingly handsome 8-pieee over- , , ; . stuffed suite wah SDnng filled - rush ions and- upholstered ia pret ty taui-e itiour; priced for this sal only . . , . . . . ,$169.5 Tlavenwon Otily offered at ..... $ 79.SO - Terms to suit, - your own convenience. MISH FURNITURE CO, '. 188-190 1ST ST. COSY EMPRESS heater, fieut oil stova, break-fa-t table, sanitary couch, pad aud mattress; grant chair and atand, suit case, set o( 0 handsome bound volumes "Messages sad Papers of PiwsadentV also standard Dictionary of Facts, a valuable aooyalopedia. Paotw Wdla. 3632. -.:'"' - "" - jsjTMMONS ateel ,bea bea pnug.nw-,tress, $16; overstuffed rocker, $40; Reliable gas range, $10; beating stove, '$3; extension table, 4 kitchen chairs,. 93. Apply 88 Cali fornia at t OR SALE, davenport ; $20; bedroom rug, $6;oak bed, spring, mattress, $20; phoao grnh'. bOO. tf sold tonight. - Tabor 0SOO. Ql'EKN ANNE dining table and chair, solid brass bed, complete . water power washer, porch swing and chair.' T E. Lombard -st FOR SALE- MACHINERY 903 MOTORS. AIR COMPRESSORS"" . - . MACHINERY ' "TEleetrical Installations. ' ( B. E. DAVIS ELECTRIC CO.. 73 Front St, Cor. Oak. Aut 628-49. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 004 FURNISHED 4 room houseboat, with bath, mrg covered woodfloat. all modern- con eniences. Very . reasonable " No. 8 Oregoa Yacht etna. Sellwootl 3955. ' , FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 905 ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REBUILT 85 to 75 per cent below manufacturer' price! TERMS $3 rash and $5 monthly it desired. LATE MODELS RENTED. H months $7.30 up. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 831 Washington SV Broadway 7481. REBUILT typewriters, all kiadv for sale, reut exchange, f Wa are exclusive distributor of Corona portable. $50 eomulete, with carry ing ease. Snnnlies.and reuair InrlU niku. Oregoa Typewriter Co.. 94 riXth t Rroad- buy, sell, esi; ad. machines repaired. - Type wntor Iarpeetton Co.; 318 Stark. Bdwy. T 54 9. SWAPS 92S GOOD store bldg. and lot, to small toWa near Portland, have $60O equity, balaaee $10 monthly, at 6 per cent; trade for good car or anything I can use. C-l 81, Journal. FOBD touring body for light express body! will give or take difference. . Slingerlaaa, 460 E. Paris st $750 HOUSE EQUITY for light ear. WiS .consider 1921 Ford. Broadway 6500 bs- iween a- ana 7 , p, m. e SWAP 20 acre of land, not far from Golden dale; Wash., for good auto, . What liaT you i i oa 7 Hussell st, SMALL Elgin wrfet AvatA. trade for repeat- Miwtfuu. puffy. lt f . ALMOST new Vulcan ga range tor oak table " and chairs. Aut. 682-83. - ' WAITOMISCEANEOUS 950 SECOND HAND CLOTHING BUYER MF.YER THE TAILOR pays mora far see. ond-haod subs, sboee overcoats. VV call day or evening. Atwater 1229 or 83$ Madison t. near 3d. BROADWAY 7 635 EXPERT, TAILORING Highest price for used clothing. 484 Wash. Ington. corner 14thV Wa call any time. WANTED--Old aewspatwr" aad 'magaiiues. We buy them. Broadway 3698. DIAMONDS and gold boognx, reliable G. Cramer. 713 Selling bldg. WANT auotgua or tent Bdwy. 7T6 rifle. Auto camp outfit 1 or Auto. 627-46. 1 PAY. highest prices for used furniture, . - Z . . , . : , , r. -r See WrANTED-e-Wardrobe trunk, in good condition'; iu pay reasonaoie .mount. Atwater ZV3H, WANT wardrobe trunk, first ciasa condition. SAFE Give phone and price. B-623. Journal. yABOR 7314 WILL BUY OLD . CARPET jf WANTED rTJRNlTURE '952 Owl Furniture Co. " Near Momsoa. We want your used furniture, stoves, car pets ma piauos. vre pay ana xugne easu prices. 166-166 FIRST ST. Call Maia 4627. M. R. SEATER" Bays the beat as well as cheaper grades of aee Ond-hand rnrnirurg. 286 Grand ave. tAt 9817. WE WANT Tour used fnmiture. We pa th price, EAST STUB FCBXITURB STORE 271 Rrasell st .East 5387. PERSONALS 975 PICKWICK-STAGES. INC. BY AUTOMOBII.? Tfl- AWFRANCISCO DAILY. $17.50. SEATTLE. DAILY, $5.50. ROUND TRIP $10.50.! THB BOLLAM AGENCY, . 122 -THIRD ST., PHONE BDWY 0026. ATTENTION HUNTERS -J specialize in Uk ing you ia and, u4y hunting fields licensed guides, fun etniiptaent 14 miles below Merlin. 2 miles? below Galice. Rogue river. Makayres- erraHisM. vt. av. enrps, Merlin, Jr. DO NOT throe your WLtcn .w.v 1 iii pair and guaraatee any watel. 2 years; prices reasonable; iio years' experience. Hacrj Browa, 171 1st st... Dear YamhiU. . (SUPERFLUOUS hair, mole, black heads. pinS ," "" ronovea. expert; operator. (DinJomas Boston. CbJcaea. n.f. Mt:t Boardl. 801 Broadway bldg. Main BlOaT WHY DIET? EAT WHAT YOC WANtT" THE PERFECT FLESH REDCSB 424 Columbia St. . Phone Mala 4337 JAZZ " F1AN O Begraneia. 10 lessons, guar. anteed; practioe. rooms. "Jazas" -Parker 316 EUers bldg.. Washington street at 4th - f 1 TREATMENTS Electne, chiropractic -with SwedUh massage.- -Phon 61'9-61. 419 Bellint bldg. -. - - - t PAINT your automobile ow; save money thi month; better work and better price.- See us. 462- Hawthorne; East 1830. SUPERFLUOUS BA1R. moles, wart, removed by 10 acedia method. , Trial free. . Joeie Finley, 614 Bush A Lane bldg. Main '6368 Dentistry zJ&&iJt? PA1W. gear "j KtSTrt suttr- wtuie we work. I nnniOM. fomuitaUou tree. Bdwy. aaWyer 4wA avicarrtie bldg.. t4 tb st STEAM baths, massage. Dr.' EIn feorewMMh 6t)8 Panama bldg. Bdwy., 7086. MINERAL treatment, masaage. 1 to 5 p m., 7 to 9 P. rn. 885 YamhilL Atwater 1312, SWEDISH MASSAGE lr BBOADWXY 7091. HOURS 1 TO 9 f . , "EAT AMERICAN BEAUTY, CAKE ASK lUUtt uitucr.ii. Professional and Business Directory ACOORDION KEAYIM CUT, BEAM, - hem. ' aaehina cleat akirt.fo 75c; hexost itching, etc.; mail ordera so. Hcited. Eastera Novelty Mfg. Co.. 83 H 6th. ARTfFIOIAL LIMBS EXPERT iitUiiC and repainagT V rite for la- formatkm. . K. GKRIjACH, 4(18 Wash, st, Room SOSvf AUTO TRUCK WOOOMWt AUTO TRUCK Woodaaa in stock or mads to : your order.' .-"' .' . WILLAMETTE GAS ENGINE WORKS. - - 861 East Bnrnside. - BUILDINQ PtAN . r$ AKIC 100 f VC SJES1GNS ITi arsWasA a gi nd ' ap. aJtaars ' - Broadway 2 (Ml. 1 ta ..arose. - O. M. AKKRS. 804 LEWIS BLDG. BLANK BOOK MAKER - DAVIS A HOLMAK, INC., iui Xa at. btaei - book xaanufsetarers. -313. xtdwy, 714S. CHIROvODI8TS lxt O. O. FLEICHEle Foot trouble sciea- ttfteslhT corrected : lady 312 Mor- airta, as. tu COfVCRETE WORK C-KXT wur aU kinds ouaa by day at eoutrset Ail walk tim class. Cast J8SS. J". A, Bauer. , . .. CKECTCnY Oat UNO WOOD 4as PER LOAD, $4.25 ... : TWO-LOAD LOTS - lsJnh hi k. , .1.1. -. a. .. j"J" joraaea or beater. y"r'' nr.i. co.. woonLAWN 4i. , -, IN- TWO-LOAD IX1TS 7 S4 2S-'lM- Block and Blab . A fit uata- fur- i??.3 fr. 1- aaea ar beater. per load. NATtOXAV iBUCU. ' J.-'VlT DRT 8LABWOOD - gkaax gul. SO Cords Oak-Wood An'i bidaer. A-l grade - Oa highway. : - nt " ' ai-i it. 'journal. . ' 1 t1-PSr HaW'ear"rua. xelleat"fot m"tatohe,,",aDd 0,015 growth fir cerdwood, hone dry. $8 per cord; aecond rmwQi fir $f. 'East 7483. COAL AUSTRALIAN AND ITAH , ' ' AfM l,s!l. lUI 'V: A taw H.kal . ------ - ii win vwm auqi .svusiy - oK. 810 Ber eniri Xf.ir. ton ?.0J atlet first growth fir, 1 ta. 8.60 a- wa )9. W IW aS OOIMS OT BlOia 2 ii i 1 1 -w. , jtma vaof. Dry Boxwood Main 633s. - Ji55" 'a ar boxwood. 33.Z5 and 84i Vt SS a ' B pe d. CaU Doaat, rl.R- second' growth oak, sm.n 4L7"J oca opnngs coai, tumtnsr prices. Holladav Fuel f !,-.. vooi hick "ia SO. B x. Ka rM a a. m.. it ' Vn ''fS Per load.' psrUy lab. Wclnut 1941 tmot mit , lfffj, $6.69, Phona Empiral475. msJ'-1"' ood$5:BO-auu .: $6.50. Pboce Empire 14 78. ,r",a to t0 W i dance' or ar? n?JUr moary- Kingtera Broadway Btf4TI8T UK. 13. E. WRIGHT aird Floor RslelaB Bdlg.. Corner ta . - aad Washiagtow Sta. sroauway 7819. Dentlstrv ilk. A. W 'kk-Kktr"". 861 H Washiaatoa Ht KG PAIN. -TESTH BLKKP" whri wj. DOa. CAT AH 9) HOWE HOrITAL Boste UfV VkTsiklNAlt mospIial:""' Ksst 1847. B. TTH AT GRANT. Aut 2 19-61 KLs-CTIOiAW9 ' 410U6E , wirinst $4.00 peV - room, plus $3.25 for each push buttoa switch. This includes all maurisj nd 1. faetipn guarapteed. Phone Walnut 7098. . ftuaa ftWOt) AND rta a BUOS ORKr.OI! ITT 1'S'V xjf-n - - Fluff gags made from old carpets: rag rug! woven: carpets cleaned. . v 1964 K. STARK. TABQK t$l 4.- , T wlpvot Ftoows - HARDWOOD floor in your hoina'st saiaa ' price we charge contractors. Tabor 7858. ' i-ANP8-AK OARPHiq Irvington, . Laurelhurst' Landscape .-Company General garden work. ' Call us up for graas cutting-- special monthly rates. v Tabor 8698 amato oowpoaiwa HAVE your POEMS set to musio. Daniel iC ; Witsoa Music Studio. 802 'illford bldg - SJU6-Q ttHOOtl a WO TEAOHSRS MODERN pia, no iessons; . reasonable. CaH East 712 GLASSES AT A SAVING: Thousand of MtisriaJ' p. troos can testify to our effi ciency and fair dealing iu the last 20 years. Chat. W. Goodman, 209 Morrison, bet 1st and Front 1f. a.mn.t Goodmi Associate Optometrist Main 2134. WHY PAY MORKt nu.. i . . .. . .. . SgrT'to your , eye with modern in.tn.. w-- meet, as low at $2.60; double vision " !?TI all styles; - satisfaction guarantied. ; . DR E. A. HURWITZ,: Optometrist, 223 1st iJET'FKB glasses for less money at Geo. Itubea stein's. th vsteraa onticiaa. k t-.-A .uj Wk.. t . ., . . . " ...n.'.a 111, bu, wv.ni Kin U UpilClU soaabie prises. 226 Morrison st PAiKTiwa. tintiivq. fPiama as- ssttitxju, nous ana Nga patntUM vmZ TabaTws? ff . 7taT - 'j. . TTOBIIKVS C 8. GtlLbSEkG, .patents, tradenarss. cooi rights. 4 30 Worceterblda. 7T' rWV8ICIAWS Dlt xt A. PHlLtlPkt Broadway Mid. Oftice Practice only. DR. K. B. FROMM. ieute and chrtmio diseases specialty. 808 Alisky blda. QV HPB ItEPAIWIfltt PI PES ?r? r exparta: tip, a hop, gta Waaa.;. PLUMBIHtk AMD STEAM FtTTIMM 1aW prices aa all kind plumbing suppUeTrTel ' as figure, oa you Installation. Albert Plumb, COvy-Hl Oatoa ava. W.. ar. ItusselL East 42s. f ftHHTIW EWORAVIWQ, stlMDHnq Printfffitr F- w- baltes a cd."" gOlaa-lfflgBtrrt at Oak. Bdwy. -4641. EXPERT xiatiaa. paiutioa. i nmi siae pp. - uem price. vruin. - sees. i in uiwi.vinuii war4N( 1367 Westungtoq. roawy 3144. A-128. ...... -t i.jv. luiui.i ROOr REPAIRINO BOOKS resliiugled amt repaired and covered . with roofing paper. - Main 1683. SANITARIUM k SANITAIUUM -KtSTtTKE AND INVALID AND CON. VAL4S8CEXT MO ME " Standing in its owa beautiful 6 abrs - of ground of "shade trees. ExceUeat hum. . ' - cooking and the best of care. Patient . , can b. treated under their owe doctor ' care,-'. For terms, apply to Superintendent; - Lents, Oregoa. Fotf and Spring roads, ' Pbuu Aato. 6 V 93. SHCETMETAt, WORK Multnomah Sheetmetai - Works - i ". - KoeftBg. gutteTioc, spouting, tobbtna. " eval repsirlng. I' hone Bo wy. pi. if 4 Aa. 8PEOI8tTV WAWUrAOTUWIWO METAL spinning Sad specialty xaaaufsctnriag of all kind, - Patent developed. Kauffaaa Manufacturing Co.. 288 Cnioa ave. R. 3145. '.TEAMINts, ORADINO, EX0AVATINB TEAMING, G-tiLU A1 A, AteA TA lLA tiiiuilM a a.ar M aa T y ' WOtiDLAWsi 4738. TRANSFER AMD STORAOB TRANSFER, STORAGE AND - , . . WAREHULSLNG . '- W traasfef and store merchandise - and household goods of sQ kinds. If you: hv a storage or transfer ptobless af say kind, we want , to figure wiu you. . Brick buliding. Low fir risa,; v Call Mr. Spinaiag. Laat- AMERICAN WAREHOUSE k SALES CO. . - 415 K. Ash BL . AX.WA1S PICK TUh. BLor UOUSEilOLlI GOUDB bPECtALld r Starag, peeking, shipuiog sad aaonag ; aors aad . aota - vas( -special rste to aU points., U O. PICK ' KAAo as STOUAG8 CO.. it and Pius sis. Broadway 59U, A-1990. Oregon Transfer Co. - 474 Ufcsaa st - - - Brosdwsy IJHSL, DKAXAUB ISTOUAGk; . - Four Warehouse ea Terminal Tracks. - JfEDUCKD FREIGHT rate ta all point o - hou-ehoSd fooda . Ptcifia Cosst FufWatit j C0 btb as4 Hoyt Broadway T0 4