MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1922. 14 THE. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 GOOD room and fimt-cissa table board for 2 men, -2 in room;-net water, furnace heat; Home privileges. 1105 & Yamhill, eor. 87, 1 Mock S. 8. car. Tabor 8835. ' - ATTKXCrnrEXT FTNIHFD ROOMS. WITH UK W T BOARD: WALKING DISTANCE. NORTHBUP. MAIN 8816. BOOM, board, mandry ted mending la boma with young couple for refined gentleman, S10i59 per week. Tabe)r4489. ' . WANTED A couple of - respectable loaoi men to room and board; rate reasonable. Private home. FSane and ViCro Main. 6637. 7921 Marshall at. , A f TRACTIVE BOOMS. EXCELLENT BOAHD IN QUIET HOME. PERSONS OF REFINEMENT ON LI". 768 IRVING. MAIN 8 1 46. GOOD HOME ASK MOTHER'S CARE FOB SMALL CHILD. CAUL, TABOR 9137. ONE large room with, board; mi table for "young couple, both employed; $30 each per mo. i on Willamette blvd.. wonderful new. Walnct-6261. " t - ' PRIVATE home . for small children 1 Vt to 4 Tears of age; will be given be. ol cares refenncea tarnished. Phone Tabor 7416. YEB"Y pleasant- room with board for young surrpundings. Near car line; garage, street Walnut 4136. Kerby CLEAN, sunny rooms, good table board, boma privileges, piano, garage. 710 E. Broadway. East 24 IS. TWO young men or nu. ana was wt and board; private home: walking distance, east-ride. East 8218. Io not caU Sunday; -references. NICELY fur room with board, steam heat, hot and cold water, very desirable for one or two-gentleman. Near Jefferson high. Good car wrrice. Walnut 0568. NICELY fnr. room in pri home for busi ness men who wish quiet nome-nae i iu- phere. Breakfast and evening meaL Walking dis. I K Lr;ri ii hm.i. a E. 0226. f jvt. inuueu. ' . ' J - ' Kef. required. E-VJOYAHLE. rrfimd htme for gentleman in priTate 'family, with real home cooking: all privileges extended: close in; goou car aerrice. Sellwood 24 90. COMFORTABLE room lor 1 or 2 gentlemen. with board, in modern home; home pnri legea; walking distance, west side; rates reaaon anla. Main 8952. BOARD and room, suitable for 1 or 2. in modern, congenial, private borne. Walking distance. Phone Main 0305. BEST OF ROOM AND BOARD CHEAP; HOME PRIVILEGES AND ENVIRON MENT; CLOSE IN. JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING" FOR. EAST 8576. ROOM and board for lady or gentlemen, rery comfortable. All home privileges, near car; 2 blocks from Montarilla school. 74th and Stark. Tabor 6696. BEJT of care to little girl, for companion o say little girl. $20 per month; Lliott school district. 62tS Uantenbein ave., near Stan- ton at. CHILDREN to board, beautiful country home, ear school, close in. $14 monthly. For particulars write Peaceful Acres Farm, route 1, bor 142-A. Hillsboro. FOR ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMUiY- CALL WALNCT 2063. F0S. AUED inselids, cnronlc or . convalescent patients, pleamuit home surroundings, with heklth-building diet and treatment personal ear, of physician; reasonable, rates. Eaat 8535. WKJj give board and care to mie girl. ,7r -..rSfi-fr0 5., r : - I LARGE, light, well heated room, with home cooking. Prices reasonable. Close in. walk- t ing distance. 201 East 1st N. Last 9-83. ( ROOM and board for 2 or 3 gentlemen; alo garage. . 0-0 r.. Aaaeny. ah nurae ccm- forg. t YOpNG man -to room and board, . null, con genial family of young people; piano. Main 06M8. ' ; FURNISHED rooms and board, close in, hot said cold water, nice. dean. 332 10th t. Main 63S1. BOARD and room for 1 or 2 gentlemen, in private family. $8 per week ; pleasant sur roundings. Mam -074. 305 V, 14th at. WANTED Two children to elderly lady. Call Sellavobd care 'for 02 3 9. by J - . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 TWO LARffE FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS, CLOSE IV EAST SIDE,. HEAT. LIGHTS. GA"B FURNISHED. EAST 8006. ONE. 2 and S-room furnished apts., clean outside rooms, bath and laundry privileges: convenient location. 246 '.j . Russell. Phone E. 0785. STEAM-HEATED, h. and c. water, newly furn. h. k. and sleeping this., 1'9i. rm., $12 mo. un, Hunnyrrest, 4 86 .Sherroan. THE MARTH.A Newly furn. 1 and 2 room h. k. : also aleeo- Ing rms. 54 N. 23d. Main 2141. : ONE and 2 h. k. rooms, clean and neat; walk- : ing distance. 421 E Morrison. Rates ) $3. (. to $0; under new management. 1 ?AND '-IUM tM furnished - apartments, every thing furnished but gas; walkiug distance-. Main - 8H3. FURNISHED housekeeping ro"ms for rent; ;: ' 'reasonable prices. 144 E. Water sr.. CLEAN h. k and sleeping rooms. 320 W. t - IBroadway, near Clay: attic rocans for boys. 1 i TRUNK transfered 50c. additional trunks '25c each, downtown districts. Rdwy. -'443. j-'j NICE housekeei.ung room,! with kitrhenette, Irleian and modem. $4.f.O a week. 312 Clay., e BEAUTIFUL 2 room front apts.. 2 beds, suit f able for 3 people. 341 11th st. , SINGLE front housekeeping room. The Mani . tou. 261 18 th st V H.- K. ROOMS, handy to niaiket; front room k-ould be used as office. 204 "4 4t.h st tR RENT H K. Call Bdwy.! 2804. rooms, and sleeping rms. 1 SMALL H. K. 4T Uth st. room, suitable for bachelor. FTTRNIKHED h'uvkeeping rcms, walking distance. East, 1693. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 MODERN 2-ronm front apt. ink. lint and , icold water, heat, lisht. bath and phone; rea " 'able. 421 'Va 6th st. Atwater 26Q5. ONE large single h. k. room, running water, gas range, west aide, walking distance: also Hire basement h. k. room. : Main 4366. FpR KENT 2 and 3 iiK-esly inmished rooms 592 Va 4th st Phone Atwater 326. Cali cr phone after 6 evenings. 2j UNFURNISHED housekeepiug rooms and 1 ' furnished sleeping room, in private family; nt children : rent reasonable. 671 E. Stark.' FOR RENT Sunny frontf room use kitchen, borne privileges: suitable two ladies em Plfyed. Sellwood 1816. CLEAN furnished rooms, Jight. gas. bath, phone: reasonable rent 2 blocks from car; v iking distance. 175 Meade. Atwater 2414. LARGE living room and kitchen, gas range, ; light, heat, telephone, well furnished, clean and coay. adults. Sellwood lXtSS. bINGLE and double hT E rooms, newly pa . pered, reasonable rent, adults only. 341 Harrison, corner Broadway. I Main 6115. TWO light clean iurnished h. k. rooms, one block - from carline; good location. 309 N. 22d, Bdwy. 2928. a CLEAN houeekeepuig rooms furnished; walk- ius uHuoce; west SKie, smiaete for 1 or 2 bachelors. Main 6542. or, call 434 4th st ONE LARGE, light, cleans iurn. H, K. room, . clot, bath, elec, phone. $15; adulta only; rlose fa. Sellwood 0121. ; . THREE nicely -furnished h. k. rooms, newly , papered; adults; $20 month. 694 Front st, corner Meade, 23 SOB HILL. : : for housekeeping water 8746, room, apt, ail furnished with private family. At- FVRN1SHED 2 room apt. hot and cold : water, suitable for 3 people; fine location. 681 Hoyt. near 2Ath. 2 LARGE modern front , h. k. rooms, first floor, with gars re. 249 13th at s. - S it K- ROOMS" furnished completely; vralk- ing distance; adults. 11 E 14th st N. THvb completely tarnished housekeeping rooms - walking distance. Maim 2879. 444 3d at TWO comfortable rocm-s, weil farmshed dowu staira. $16 per month. -607 Mississippi ave. FURNISHED H. K. roonu. $3 and up. 258 & ; Washington at ---'';" -3-KOOM flat, $3 per wcek.-amgle room $1.75 '346 Front, near MarkeL GVE large front H. K. room. Phone, eleetrie and bath. 651 East Mcrrisoo. ROOMS and kiteaenerte. $22.50. 9081. East 50th and Lincoln. Tabor X SINGLE housekeeping room, rent reajoeaiie. : 631 Hoyt, near SOth-i j ON F. 3 room first -floor; also. room, and kitchen ette for H. K SS K. Merrisoa. 2 AND 8 reoaa losety ho sekeepina; apta. 234 R. 20th St. very reasonable. Yt 2299. 5 LARGE, well furnislied H, K. reams. Walk- . 1 ing qisutnee. r.ast eea.. " . HOUSEKEEPING rooms - aiutahle for .work ing girls. 3SS 12th st . Main JS89. FOR RENT ' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS : FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED y PRIVATE FAMILY - 306 VERY ' attractive nui., white enamel, small tu plate, tor parties, 'employed; cheaper than can be had on west; side; cany -walking dis tance; l bik. R. C, and Grand are. 415 . oneh. : ' . . 3- ROOM tuite far housekeeping. priate en trance, fin floor, electric lights, telephone ; betweew . Brooklyn and Woodstock earlinea; cheap rent.-' 687 E. 26tlr at. - ' - - : LARGE front b. c room, 4.oO a week; 1 basement n. k room, suitable for" one or two, $2.20 a week; ail nice and 'clean. 414 Columbia at.. Main 8390. . - $ 152 FTKN ISHBD H. K. rooms. private entrance; walking diatance; water, light, bath. Alao garage for small car. ' 344 East 2d N- East .1326. 1 . ' ' - TWO room. very reasonable, alngle room. 312.50 to 918 monthly. Hot water al ways for baths and laundry; electric Delia to rooms. 653 Flanders st. NEATLY famished H. K. roonu. large closets and 2 windows, in private home; faroaee beat; good location. 391 Russell at. House one block east of Union ave. East 1T40. SEE THESE TODAY 2 nice H. K. roomav siagle or en suite, with ramie. 604 Holly it, between 14th and Hawthorne ave. East 2722. 2 OR S CLEAN, comfortable fnr. H. K. rooms, prirato home, 2 V blocks from car. rood location. 98 6 . Coach, near 30th. East 0688. FOR RENT Newly fnrnianed h. k rooms, t;iice; rate reasonable. 884 W. 1STH ST. alking dia- ONE aingi housekeeping room, free . ; heat, light and gas; use bath and phone. Call Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. $14. 550 4th st. ' ' 2 NICE h. k. rma. and pantry, closet, front basement, hot and cold water, gas meter; good and clean, close in, alao 1 aingte h. k. or sip, ran basement, rent cheap. 191 Park. THREE fine - unfurnished rooms for house keeping; alf modern conveniences: will part ly furnish if desired; convenient to carline; ly furnish if desired ; con-eni. pleasant location. Tabor 118 CLEAN 2 . rocan furnished apartment, wHTf"! . I bath; use of porches, yard and basement; adults, 671 Gauunbein ave. WA car to Cargo ct. NEAR Jefferson high. Furnished housekeep ing room, private bath and separate en trance, block from streetcars: desirable. Call after Sunday. 1037 Cleveland ave. 2 H. K. ROOMS. 310 10th st, between Co lumbia and Clay. 2 ROOMS well furnishes, adjoining bath room; use of piano, living room and kitchen; mod ern, 5 min. from M. & F. ; employed men or women. 531 V, Couch. Broadway 6610. NICELY furni&heo bousekeeping room in clean, homelike place, close in, ea suite or single; reasonable rent, 171 E. 18th st. Phone East 8185. THREE clean furnished housekeeping room, 625 Tburman st. Walnut 6183. CLEAN, cheery two front room housekeep ing apt.; walking distance. 893 Grand ave. 8. E. 0820. CLOSE In, nicely fur. 2 room front apt., spot lessly clean and homey; also 3 room base ment apt., with rent reduced for little light wcrk. 4 74 Clay. Atwater 4194. - 2 NICELY furnished h. k. rooms with run ning water, furnace heat, electric right and phone, walking distance. 175 N. 17 til. Bdwy. 3240. SEMI-BASEMENT APT.. DESIRABLE. NOB MILL CLOSE TX KS'l' nivis RmVT MILL. CLOSE IN. 3443. 2-KOOM housekeeping apartments with sleeping porches; well furnished. Phone, lights and avster. Reasonable rent. Rose City car. 733 J'sclfie St.. or call East 9232. 2 CLEAN, light, furnished H. K. rooms. $18 jer month; also large front room with kitchenette, free fight, bath and phone; close in. 370 Columbia st. Main 2757. 3 RMS.. NEWLY and artistically furnished, w' tte enamel, cheaper than can be had on west side; easy walking distance. 1 bik. R. C. and Grand ave. 415 East Couch. LOVELY front room alcove kitchenette for lady. $12 per mo. 623 6th at., 15-minute walk, frea phone. Atwater 1634. NICE furnished front room and sleeping porch, complete lor housekeeping, $5 per week. 412 10th st bet Harrison and Hall, walking distance. ' TWO nice rooms; sleeping porch, if deal d; lovely view; Portland Hts. ; 1! in family; breakfast optional; modern, 20 mimutes. to down town. Main 8027; free phone. . ONE large, light pleasant room wth kitchen ette; West side. waUting distance. 54 6 Yam iiill, between 16th sad 17th. FIRST floor of my home, 3 large rooms, pan try, newly ralsomined, everything furnished; nice neighborhood. 614 E. 6th S. Brook lyn car. . IRVINGTON -J nicely furnished frout h. k. rooms: furnace heat, everything free except gss; children welcome. Price $25 mo. Foist 1441. 441 E. 13th et N. T)VO front room suite h. k., clean; gas, water, light plume, nice location; rent reasonable. 335 5th st , LA KGE i rm. It ET first floor, fireplace. running water, well furnished; porch, lawn and shade trees. Adnlt.. Sell. 1068. WILL give housekeeping privileges, nice home, near Franklin high and Creston achool. Aut. 646-85. i 2 ROOM cheerful housekeeping apts.. with sleeping room for 3; could care for small child if parents are employed. 751 KVarney st ONE 2 ROOM FRONT APT.. LARUE, LIGHT ROOMS : REASONABLE RENT. 103 17TH AND TAYLOR. ATWATER 1344. 2 IS(XIS AND KITCHENETTE. HAW THORNE DISTRICT. ADULTS EAST 8441. HAWTHORNE district. Urge nice clean room, nn pnvsce aiirnen. pantry and closet: furnished. . 240 E. Both st. LOVELY LARGE H K. ROOM. CLOSE IN. GAS. BATH, PHONE AND HEAT FUR N1SHED, REASONABLE. EAST 7172 3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, furnace heat very nice place-. Walnut 8041 map, r- j 15th north, block f mm Alberta car. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 NICE snd clean. 1 and 2 -room housekeeping apartments; light, phone, hot and cold water, laundry privileges; walking distance; $9 and $18 month. 406 Vancouver ave. Eiatt 3621. STERLING APTS. 1578 Vi E. tiltsan and 60th. Rent 8 room apt $23; furnish light and water. Also unfurnished flat, 4 rooms, $18; modern.' , Leeds Apartments Fireproof- building, modern, 2. 3 and 4 ran. 'i1"-. rms.; elevator serwe. Atw. 3597. 3-KtOM furnished apartment, $25 a month including lights, water, telephone and gar bage. 740 Minnesota ave. Wamut 6554. THE EDENHOLM 334 5 tli at modern 2 and 3 room furnished apartments. -Private baths. Rent reasonable THE ORDERLEIGH. 82 Grand ave. Attract ive modern, well arranged suit. mwIv - """'-- i".'g "tun; very reasonable. AND 3 -room furnished apartmenta; walk ing aistance. 706 Everett at Atwater S T 1 WELLINGTON COURT APARTMENTS " 2-room furnished apt, $33; 4 rooms. $45 BROADWAY 1245. Olen Court Cor. Park and Taylor S and 8 room Aots.: close in. Main 1861. TWO rooms with kitchenette, steam beat, hot and cold water, walking distance. Broadway Jennings, prs., l-a 4k in. I i ta. THE LUZERNE APTS. 2 room modern apts., corner, brick bldg. Tea eiable rent; walking dtstance. 268 Hall. MODERN 8-rm. apt tnrn. ; 3 dnappearing beds, private bath, hot and cold water. vmh-.c. g 11. 0100, o-a r-. 10m sc. SUNYCREST $25, 3 ouUxie laix., bath, newly furn.. redecorated; steam beat. xaa. ALICE- COURT ! 2 and 8 rm priv. hath, phone $43 and .; si rn it mooern. r.ast adnel. 3-KOOM furnished- apartment Call .liaTS Hawthorne, ave. Apt E. Phone Tabor ooe. 3 AND S-ROOM fumiihed apartments. Har- nson voun, aw tirai st. j 1 TRUNK Uanafered fiOc: addirio-,1 .!,: ?5e each, downtown disricts. Rdwv. 2445. THE ALBRET Fumialied -apt. . .team beat Pfl'.W s. tg. t-W -ef isTllBBISsfMp SAN MARCO. . 8TH ANu COUCH. 8 RAC MOD. APT.. WK. OB MO. Aai AST 199ft, SINGLE and '2 room ara like new; reeao able. 8T Montcomrry. - SPECIAL room rurv. apt. now lo. The Jeftery. cer. K saeil and Kerby. Eaat 1584. 2-EOOM apta.. Clean, reasonable, near schooL 551 rVkurn kve. Phone Walnut 1 ISO, ADAM 3 APARTMENTS Modern 3 rm. apt, famished. 403 Jefferson. Trsiox AVE. fcalnilrettn-, furnish .4 co piete; concrete blda. apt. $21.5: S -AND 3 room. rarely rurnisned. niodarata rest aide. $8 6th at V'-- CLEAN S". furn., ligiit rooms; only reJiahie ? Kaat, Stn t . 1712. Plie FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 LARGE BEAUTIFX'C CORNER ROOM, FTRN18HEI MODERN" APT. $55 MONTH - ALRO ONE Olf ; ROOMS FOR $49 MOXTK, ' The Columbian : llth and Commbiai etreeta PORTLAND'SMOST POPrLAK AND BEST KEPT APT. HOl'SE. SOB HILL APARTMENTS f. 778CHnan - . Brick building, five floors, elevator eer-vic; two and three-room apartments, furnished and nnfuraiahed: immacu lately clean; vfe lawn and flowers. rages . in connection. Atwater . SKW WESCOTT COCRT APT E. 8T1I AT WE IDLER All' outside rooms, arg living rooraa. bed moms, balconies, ivoiy finish, hardwood floors, shower baths, electne ranges, 'mahogany fur niture - . " liiK DfcZENPORF APTS. 208 16th. near Taylor. Atwater 0128. Completely furnished 8-room apjs., all cnbdda rooms, bo objection to children, trana- enta and tonnsts. cUlEFKlELD APARTMENTS 1 OWNER WILL SUBLET 4 room apt. hardwood floor, beautifully decorated and furnished. Call Mr. Gustaff, Bdwy. 4875. - , - j King Albert Apts. 2 and S rooms, furnished or nnfurrrtehed, tile bath, elevator. 1 1th at Montgomery. Main 358. SAN MARCO, E. STH AND COUCH. S BM. MOD. AP?., WK. OB MO. EAST 1890. THESTANFIELD Modern 2 room apt., light, beat, phone $23. winter .rate. Main 7392. SAVE CARFARE: 1 or Z rm. apt. nice and clean. 432 2d at- Atwater 4426. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 ..The American Modern 4 and S room apartments. 21t and Johnson. Broadway 3360 THE WEIST, Finest 9 room and the city. 69 N 23D. 2 bath apartment in ARBOR COURT 14TH AND COLUMBIA Beautiful 3 room apartment. Reasonable. Adults. References. LORENZO APTS., 327 Salmon St. Main 8678. Unfurnished 2 room apt., water, light, phone, 1 bik. Central library. FLATS FURNISHED 309 THE FAUSTINA A modern house of flats, west aide, close in, newly finished, cheerful 4 rooms and bath; a pleasant home; references. 464 Hall st., near 13th. FOR RENT- 5 room lower flat, nicely fur nished, close in on .west aide. Call Sunday, 10 to 4. wt 145 N. Stat. 2 AND S rooia furnished flats, clean, con venient, rloee in. 344 Benton st. 4 ROOM furnkhed flat, phone, garage, lawn, priv. entrance. Walnut 1205. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 UPPER 3 room flat unfurnished, only 2 blks. from grade and hajh school, $20. Call after 5 p. m. East 2484. - 7 ROOMS, walking distance; gas range and water heater; good basement; adult.. At waur 1445. 4 ROOM modern flat 772 Osage ave.. 1 bik. south of 23d and Washington. Main 8988 or Bdwy. 7833. 5-ROOM month. upper flat 589 Powell. $15 a ' Brooklyn car. Call after 5 p. m. HOUSES FURNISHED 311 JUST what you have been looking for. 5 room ; cottage furnished. Close te car, store and school; just east of Laurelhurst, and only $25. J. B. Holbrook. Realtor. 214-15 Panama ' bldg. . I Fop RENT 5 room neat clean, modern fur- aished cottage, garage, 14 87 Mallory ave.. 2 blks. west of -Woodlawn school. Take I Woodlawn or Vancouver car. Adults only MODERN 1502. furniahed 6 room house. East HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 SPRIXRLERED WAREHOUSE on trackage. Store your goods with ua. , Let us do your moving and packing. CLAY S. MORSE. INC. Bdwy. 8470. 454 Onsen at WILL lease my - new home to reliable party. Large living room, dining room, den, 2 bath rooms, breakfast room. 4 large bedrooms, built-in wardrobes, etc.. ihardwood floors, tapestry paper. Rent about $100 monthly. Broadway 7308. ELEGANT 10-RcVlM BUNGAUlW. E 20 N. AND KNOTT STH. ; LARGE YARD, JAR AGE AND EVERY MODERN CONVENI ENCE; RENT $. FRED 8. WILLIAMS. 506 PANAMA BLDG. YORK EXPRES8 & TRANS. CO. Trunks, baggage, furniture moving. $1.50 and $2 per hour. Broadway 7688. 8 ROOM house in Laurelhurst. 4 sleeping rooms, 2 baths, fireplace, hardwood floor, garage. Walnut 1187. MOVING. $2 PER HOUR AND CP Fireproof storage 5 days free. Long Distance Hauling. Broadway 244$. WE MOVE furniture. 2 men, for $2 per hour. Long distance hauling, 30 days' free storage. Main 0290. 10-ROOM, MODERN- HOUffe. 696 MARKET ST. DRIVE. RENT $50. FRED H. WILLIAMS. 56 PANAMA BLDG. MODER- 4 rooms and hath, with sleeping porch, furnace, gas range. Inquire 1186 E. 1 2th st N. Alberta car. PIANO MOVING $3. furniture $2.50 per hour; 2 men, large padded vans. CaU Crown Transfer Co., East 504 7. FURNITURE MOVINi $2 PER HOUR, 2 MEN; PIANO $2 AND UP; LARGE 2 Vi TON TRUCK. EAST 5047. WILL leaj-e 6 rm. modern home, no beys, gar age, sleeping porch. r.M. 49th st. Rose City Park. Mrs. Shaver. DO E. 8th ft IRVINGTON HEIGHTS New 5 room- bunga low, all built-in.? 824 East 18th st N. Pbone Broadway 6924. or East 5840. 6-ROOM modem house, furnace, built-ina, etc.. combination rnge in kitchen. Aut 329-64. 843 E. 10th N. 4-ROOM house, gas;, good location: no small boys. Inquire b-60 Eerby. FOR RENT 5 Williams are. room house, modern. 354 FOR RENT 8. room unfurnished house; also one housekeeping room. Mawi 54 35. 5-ROOM house for rent If interested call at E. 36th and Stark sts. 6-ROOM house. $40, with garage $4 6 674 K. Btark. y K. 11 Tli ST. near . Washington, 5- room bonne for rent ; 6-ROOM riverside home at Jennings Lodge. 1 Private beach. Phone 511-68. UNFURNISHED 7 room bouse; also .7 room house; furniture for sale. Walrmt 5764. WE MOVE furniture for $2.50 an boor; 2 .men. Main 8059. WALKING distance, modern 8 room house, east aide, desirable district 334 Hslsey. IRVINGTON Large modem home, partly fur nished, 310Q per month. East 7911. 8S0 EAST 8th, cor. Harrison., 7 room modern . . A A. House, ttv. 5-ROOM. modern house with Varage, paved st.; near scttor.I,$4t. 48'JO 33d ave. S. E 5-ROOM house, modern. 848 Williams ave. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 PIEDMONT 7-rootn anod. bouse, garage, fur- nace. f ireplaesy,-. everything firat-class; rent $43: aeu lurmrure without renting. 1169 Moore st KiUingswortb. 9 ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale. All solid oak and ivory; a giveaway at $1050; owner leaving city; Mob mil dut Fine location, owner, -jpa z,tn, GOOD 7 -room boose for rent; furniture for sale; ready to move, into... Phone Atwater 2692. ' ' - -' - ' - WEST SIDE- modern 6 room flat for rent Furniture for sale. $275. Bent $30. Main 8553. -' - 6-rm. FLAT toe rent, furniture for sale. pay expensee. 148 11th. Bdwy. 2988. FOB RENT 7: room hoase. part or all fur- I nttnre for sale. i3 Market t r URN rTURE fot sale in 6 rooin bosiae; all in vu,. " . - . . I I. II II, 11 III ood condition, house for rent Ant. 514-23. STORES AND I HALLS ' 314 roa desirable smce tn tireproat wanshoaae phone Broadway $71$ SUMMER RESORTS 316 4-ROOM cottsae at He view bo rrard. baiance ef se-son.' East 4499 ROCKAWAT Cottage Phone East 0982. foe rent new ocean. CANNON BEACH 'Newly equipped aenta. 1SX 20. water, etc Eat - 4873. .--TWIN ROCKS Hewitt cottage 4 roonu. com" pietely ramisneg. evcept linen. East 1217 FUR tent", eouagee, . beacn camps, write or - phone (. Jasmr i Kioge Mouse, isehatem. err. TENT beuara for rent at Seaside. -.- water 4481 or Atwater 0777- - . Cafl At TORRENT SUMMER RESORTS 316 1 r IVn TIFiril t-nthnni- at Tnlffvana rark redneed rates. C L. Wings rd. Cannon Beach. Or. ' ; , SEASIDE Ha-ubetn '-room bungalow r, prom enade, geprember $100. Today, Walnut Z404; Main 4789. Monday. " BUSINESS PROPERTY 318 7000 Square Feet We hare 70O0 square feet . of choice Loft, apace for high class, whoiesale concern. Pass enger . and - freight elevator. Right in heart of J downtown retail section. Will lease At about 60c per annum oer square ft Ior sxnia; Period. - WIIAM P. MERRY 802 Title 4 Trust B!d. LONG LEASE EAST BROADWAY Insnre your location by taking a long time ground lease. Wa offer choice loca tion, " cloae to Broadway bridge, at attractive figure. Investigate. WILLIAM P. MERRY. 802 TiW as Trast Bids. , WANTED TO RENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 YOUNG-, married couple wants room and. board for six month, in exciutnso for ivory and mahogany furniture of S-room flat. Call even ings 445 E. Coach, near 7th. HOUSES 361 AMERICAN with 4 children wants 4 to 6 room house not over $2000. terms. What have youf -Leave terms, location and phone Phone East 7824. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 1 401 INCOME property comprising grocery store, meat ,mAet and barber shop with modern 7-rooni apartment on second floor, for $So00, showing gross income of $1800 per year. Broadway 1531. - BETTER THAN BONDS Have established business which will pay large returns on capital invested. For partic ulars, call T. E. Dodaon, Main 3787. APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 WEST SIDE FLAT Walking distance, . 4 family flat, excellent condition, big income, hot water plant 12 th bt. Come, se. T O. BIRD, 526 CHAM. OF COM DUPLEX FLAT MODERN Broadway bridge, walking distance, excel lent condition, cornier lot; only $7500. easy terms. See T. O. BIRD. 526 CHAM. OF COM. LOTS 403 NO WONDER Everybody is Talking Ladd's I am Belling nice, level lots for $1000, with second mortgage privilese. all im provement paid. WAKE UP, MR. BUILDER! Restrictions In Ladd's addition do not forbid a duplex' house of bunga low. A good profit awaits you. Re member, this beautiful addition is only about 20 minutes' walk from court house. See Mr. Deflahunty . With Ladif Estate Co., 24 Stark St Bdwy. 5754. Res. Tabor 7045. 200x400 $1 4 00 PA RK ROSE $14 DOWN $14 MONTH Cleared, ready for plowing, rich silt land, suitable for celery, onions, berries, truck gar dening. This is wonderful land; should more than make your payments. No building re strictions, low county tax. no improvements to lay, outside city limits, north of Sandy blvd. and carline. grade and high school- Only a few tracts left in this new addition. Parkrose Branch office open every day. t Take, Rose City Park-Park rose car. go to end of line. J. U HART MAN CO. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids;.' Bdwy. 6034. ONE ACRE $885 $10 DOWN $10 MONTH PARKROSE. corner tract, some trees, bal ance all cleared, rich garden land? no rocks, north of Sandy Mvd. and carline. outside city limits, low county tas; no street assessments to pay; $10 is the total monthly payment and includes interest at BCc. Parkrose Branch Office at end of carline. Take Rose City Park-Parkrose car. Tabor 2904. J. I.. HARTMAN CO. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. BOMESBrKITR" WBT NOT BUILD? It fa less expensive. We are Inter ested in how wrU we can build, no bow much we can get for building. See ne before buying or building. Robnett & McCIure BUILDERS. 80S Cowcb bldg. Broadway 6874. WORKING MAN'S CHANCE 76xlOO. in Mnrrymead. for sale, cheap; garage, cement runway, ne les ana uearm fruit trees: all improvements in ami i - Price $2100, $100 down. $10 per mouth and lnt.wri win harwlle. isecona mongnfre unn- leaw if desired. Phone Sellwood 1934 for further Information. ACRE $540 $54 DOWN $10 MONTHLY FVonrina- on E. 71st st. 8 Mock north of Sandy blvd graded street and city water; no restrictions. HENDF.RSON-BANn.LS :v.. 228 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. HOUSES COMPLETED PROMPTLY tiur construction and workmanship together with liberal financial assistance will please you. Soldier boui accepted. KKIMKKS A JOLIVKTTK. Setlw jd 2964. WXST SLOPE MT. TABOR . 1750 Easy Terms. .-.0100 lot with all imp. iri and paid; view of city; easy terras. .,' HE.Ml!.ItaO-DA-SIl.a IV., 228 Henry Bldg. Bdwy-. 4754 $1000. ALL improvements in and included in this figure; see lot on Garfield, fifty feet north of Ainsworth. Terms, Owner, -Wal nut 4728. ROSE CITY PARK. $750 Twice 50x100 lot. on E. 68th st. 2 blks. north of Sandy, east front several fir trees. HENDERSON-BA'KCS CO., 228 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754 FOR SALE By owner, lot 50 by 126, west slope of Mt Tabor, facing west, unobstructed view of city. Tabor 1238. XAURELHURST LOT. $1175 50x100 lot. south ot Glisan at, on 4 2d St., near Burnside; a gooff buy at $1175. HENBERSOX-BANKKS CO.. f.' 228 Henry Bid. Bdwy. 4754. $650 EACH. 3 good bldg. lots. 26th- ave. near i43d at, Richmond dist; terms to auit J. H McMahon. 2507 East 43d., eor in vision 1UARTER block, close in on Portland Heights, overlook mar city: aauvv. one louixn lesa than surrounding property. Owner, East 8721. IRVINGTON PARK. 8. E. comer 28th and Jarrett. sewer, sidewalks, paid.-$400. Ta bor 6441. . , - -. - -- DO YOU wan, a sice lot for less than Vi coat? Near Frank-n high; good snrrouadings, Z 127. Journal TWO LOTS on Ninth and Kiliinesworth. 18 ' bearing fruit trees; fault alone worth the 1 J ,.! LAURELHURST corner lot, , . - Pine at. izqu. iua neimont HOUSES 404 A SPLENDID bay from owner, new 6 room -Amna-aiow. hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen. fall cement basement, beautiful fixtures, book case, pipe furnace, For appointment, -call rMtwy. t netween ana e p. m. $3200 FOR. a $4000 home; owned by an estate and most be closed without delay. 6 room on F Main St Rents for $45 per montn. A good mvesunen iwtwy. naaB. t 8592 evening. - ' " - - TWO 5 room bungaiowa in the Hawthorne dia-t-ict, one $3300. terms; the other one $3 BOO. terms. Lam itaaai-Stevenaun-acbneiner, Inc.. 226 Aider at Main 8615. : 8 ROOM nonae. paved at. lot 50x112. This r b below cost nt $1299. $25 cash, or will "take licbt ear snd some 'cash; baL easy. Empire 0176 evening , .--.--'-:.-,?;-,...'- BY OWNER 5 room bancs low. hardwood floora. $3500. U23E.ltbN. WaL 6692. FAMILY snrnatbed. nonae, t lUOU down. baL payable f en rents. 263 Page st - . .. o-K(HM home on paved street, Oailiuiit- ad diuon, . Vtalnnt 8l4s,, .. 1 , - REAL ESTATE-FOR SALE HOUSES 404 BEAUTIFUL LITTLE RryGALOY t; NEATLY AND COMPLETELY j FURNISHED "i '3 rooms, modern. in every detail, tripled wtta gas tor cocking and beat iag, tenders, bath, fireplace, ime kitchen with aS the - biulf-ina, laun ory tray, bed room: also disappearing .. ttrd in the living room; everything gees, fally equipped, ready for housekeep ing; good corner lot fine location, in Tremont Park : honest reliable person can have the finest kind of terms with a small payment down. Mr. Homeless - aman, do not hesirate to come in and let ns show you this "fine Uttle home already to welcome you right in; shown atay; by appointment. See. ;i E., W. Hughes SS07 JOURNAL BLDG. MAIN 2858 ROSE CITT PARK Verv attractive, morfem 5 bunslOW . hardwood flnora. f ireoI- furnace, full basement, splendid. 50x JO Jot, garage, paved street, hi, blocks to car ; nice shrubbery, etc. This is first class. Price $5250; convenient terms. " 1 1 CROSSLEY ABBOTT, ' 283 Stark- St -Bdwy. 1188. WESTMORELAND BARGAIN New 7-rocni bungalow, just completed, 5 roonu downstairs. 2 ur all eieonKnn.llv t - lllltp Mutt VnnHnnra ,.,r... 1 C, . " " ...-t,. .uuueum imuncc, uuiiei. breaktai!t nook and laundry room ; wired for electric ranee and water heater; verv best .light futures: tile bath, built-in -tub. with shower, pedestal lavatory: white oak floors jn 5 rooms; all walls papered, tapestry; full width red cemeart porch, full cement basement 30x4 2: furnace, etc. ; located within 2 blocks of golf course. Call at 1330 E. 20th at and see owner, e ' ROSE. CITY BUNGALOW $4750 $1000 cash, balance monthly: 5 larger rooms and den or music room, large at tic, fireplace, furnace, full basement; beau tiful shrubbery. Must be sold quickly. Owner leaving. Jofonson-Oodson Co. 633 NW. Bank bldg. ' Main 3787 $3sm $35 $35' HERE IS A GOOD ONE 7 rooms in fine condition, modern, garage, paved street, convenient to Kenton avid Vancouver carlines. Easy terms. A sacrifice for large cash payment. For appointment call Bdwy. 0779. 7 ROOM BUNGALOW $4500 $1500 cash, $40 including inter-' est monthly; fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, garaee, beautiful lawn and flowers. 50x100 lot; street pavedj 1 & block from jivuisioa car. l0!hiniS0n00dS0Sl CO. t 633 X W. Bank bldg. Main 3787 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $5300 for a fine. new. modern 5 room, with heavy hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, attic, the latest light fixtures, full concrete basement let 5-0x100. This is a bargain. Investigate. . F. L. Bflanchard REALTOR 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Bdwy. 68rr9 , $250 WILL HANDLE 1 i block from carline. cn 100x100 lot; 3 rooms. Dutch kitchen, plastered house, nicely arranged: large woodshed, chicken house and runss garden; price $1400. 8250 down, $15 monchly and 6 per cent interest Jo!hinsonDodon Co. 633 N-W. Bank Mdg. Main 3787 BY OWNER 5-room bungalow. Dutch kitchen, fkxred at tic and half basement, nice lawn, small chicken house and run. 2 blocks from Joseph Kellogg school, walking distance Franklin high. 4 blocks from Hawthorne carline. For uuick sale, $2600; $40 down, balance like rent 3545 66th st. 1 block south of Powell Vallev $50 IN CASH PRIZES. Will be awarded to the nersona writing th. best letters setting forth the advantages and benefits of home ownership? or frt ti-t prizes $15 for second. $10 for third. Winning letters will be published in the McGuire Sys tem. Mail letters to Frank L. McGuire. America's Largest Home Seller 212 Abington bldg. Broadway 7171. RICHMOND 6 ROOMS 87T.0 CASH SUmi-buucalow, hardwood floors, furnace. firerHace, paved street, near car and school. furnished or unfurnished, paymenta like rent; owner must sell. Broadway 6011. T. O. BIRD. 526 Chamber of Commerce hide. 4 ROOM BUNGALOW )n- 220O $500 cash, bal. easy terms: has good basement; street improvements; I block to car. Tremont sta. Ralph Harris Co. 316 Cliamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654 REAL BUY 4-room plastered house, gas, water, lights. fruit trees, berries, close in, near car and school; not in- Mt Scott; $150 down, $15 month, 6 9c.: price 1SOO. 504 BUCHANAN BLDG. WAVERLY district beautiful new colonial bungalow, floored attic, all built-inss cement basement, wash trays. fto-nace. fireplace, breakfast nook, automatic iot water heater. eleccrie range, bnoleum, improvements paid; $7 50 cash, rest in rental. E. 34th. Sell wood 4057. 6 ROOMS $2600 $500 CASH SOxttiO; paved st;. close to Irvingt.on car; 6 room; fruit; gar age: no mortgage; a close-in home. jh Harris Co. 16 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654 ALBERTA 4 ROOMS $1300 L block to car. comfortable home for man of moderate m-&r, full lot and garden; owner must sell: $500 cash, balance $15 monthly. B-roadw.iy 6011. T. O. BIRD. 526 CH. OF -COM. Brvangton Sacrifice 4i0 $1000 CASH "unlisted 5 room bungalow, oak' floors, hniiS-ins, fireplace, full basement, furnace; close-in aiid near report. East 2961. owner. REAL SNAP 4j-room plastered house, gas, water, electri ritv. cement basement fruit trees, berries: close to school and car; $200 down, $15 a month, 6; price $1600. ' 504 BUCHANAN BLDG. 8-BOOii house and 3 nice lots, chicken house, . berries: lias lit! his. water, gas. patent toilet; Wop car. Price $1250, $300 cash, bal ance $24 per month. D. J. CONNOR. 6003 9 2d st S. B. Auto. 626-75. ST. JOHN'S BARGAIN $2850. $250 down. $20 and int. per mo.. 1 block to school and park; modern 4 -room bungalow, well built, concrete basement cement floor, 50x149 ft Jot 819 Smith ave. . near St Johns ave. Phone iaoor aa.e. 5 ROOM house. 80-100 foot lot, lota of fruit; 1 block from Alberta, ear, 4 blocks from Vernon school. $2600; $500 down. Laurit sen Stevenson-Schneider, - Inc. 226 Alder at Main 8615. " FOA SALE New 6 room bungalow, concrete basement, fireplace, full plumbing, break fast- nook and lull cuut-ins; price ais, $5W down, balance easy. Phone "Broadway 2760. CaU room 424 Fliedner bidg. 5 ROOM noose, 40x125 foot lot, with doable enraae: 1 block from Mnnta villa car, 2 blks. from achool. $3250; $500 down and $25 a month. lun Wen-stevenson Bcnneiaer, inc., 226 Alder st Main 8615. PEOPLE LEAVING PORTLAND gttlOO $560 cash; 100x100: 4 rooms, bui It-ins. garage for 2 cars: plenty fruit; a beautiful plane. Go look. 458 K. 88th st Si. at Tillamook. No agents. Palmer. A ROOM furnished house, 2 blocks from Mt Kcocr car. 4 blocks from grammar school. $154)0: $300 down. Laariisen-Stevenson- Schneider. Inc., 226 Alder st. Main- 8613. SIX ROOM HOUSE. NEAR. LINCOLNTHKJH SCHOOL AND CAR. BARGAIN WITH EASY TERMS. APPLY OWNER. B-647. JOCRNAU 6-ROOM house and SOxlOO comer lot on beautiful Ainsworth are.; only $5Q0 down, balance. $30 per month including interest st per cent 411 Ainsworth ave. OWNER baa new beasnurul 5 room CoL bun galow, son rora, attic, with beat and light garage, east lace, tor, ota ana OKiamore. E. 3280. ' ' -. -HOCSK PLAN a ... 100 designs. $10 to $14. or specially de sign ed at reasonable fee. : L. K. BAILEY . CO.. 924 N. VT. Bank Bldg. 4-ROOM house, lot 53xl0". in Irvtegtan, close tv achool and ,car. ... Price $2000. East 367. -- - . - i --ROOM bnngalew. $5000. . Da tub kitchen. large attic. floored ; full cement baseasent; garage; 1: o i-aiiwi. s en iaoor umv. GOOD 4 room baodem bongaie with I0)x . 125, fruit, bam. chicken nonee; saall par- meet down. wom 14-j, Muwaukie. FOR SAUENei yrankBn high, ionr room traneatc -with built-in bed; all kinds of rroux.. 01.9 i it o. xu. - - 4 ROOMS 3 lots, fruit, oarden. terms. 6. 1176 Delaware ave. $2800, LOT 50x100 and eauify in 5 room modern '.- bonse. -nI20 1 '. . K. .' ---. U' VOL' W ANT A HOME IN KENiLWOJiTJbf. , StUiHUUU. IU(U. t . .. ,r ...... REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 PICK THIS UP - 9 -room cottage on 72d at. 1 ' block to ear. on paved afreet Lot 75x90, All kinds of fruit $3541 cash will handle, balance $33 per month and tat See - , Mr. Delahunty 84S Stark St " Bdwy. 5754. eRea. Tabor 7045. $275 CASH Balance $23 per month, including T per cent interest, bays a coxy S-roona borne, toll basement, gas range, electric lights, water, etc.; garaee, cement runway, cement sidewalks ; fruit berries and abundance of vegetables; near car and school. Price for quick sale $1350. Are You Going to 1 Build? Then yon want the most for your money. We draw yoer plans, arrange financial aid and make it possible for you to build on small payments and save you money. Houses under construction. ALBOHN LNYETMEN.T CO.. 216 Panama bldg. Bdwy. 6157. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS Tibbetts and 30th sts,, 5 room modern bungalow,, fireplace, furnace. 40x100 lot paved street, fine view, good neighborhood; S40OO: easy term-. Hard to find homes like this for that money. CROSSLEY ABBOTT. 28S Stark St Bdwy. 1188. $3200 HARDWOOD FLOORS AND FIREPLACE 5 room modem bungalow with hardwood floors except in kitchen which has inlaid lin oleum; Dutch kitchen, large rooms and good light full basement, unfinished attic that would make 2 large rooms; $3200, terms. son-Dodson Co. 633 N-W. Bank bldg. Main 3787 $1750 BARGAIN $1750 5-room house, good plumbing, paved street electricity, gas, good lot Price only $1750 if sold this week. 1375. nifty smaU house on Mississippi 66x133. fine garden. Easy terms, payments quarterly. 202 Failing bldg. $20O0 PAVED STREET- IMPROVEMENTS PAID 4 room house with bath, toilet, gas and electricity. This is cn a comer, in a good district. This must be seen to realize the bargain offered. Some fruit; close to school and ear; $2000, $500 down. $25 monthly. JolhnsonDodson Co. 633 N-W. Bank bldg. Main 3787 Easy Money ' 3 room house, garage, Cas, water, 50 xlOO, lot; rents for $12. SO per month; 3 blocks from car and school. Price, $600. give terms. Owner, 388 E. Pine. WORTH 8EEING . One of choicest brand new S-room bunga-' lows, Hawthorne district; improved street; cement porch, plate glass windows, oak floors, fireplace, tile batli and sink, exceptional num ber builtina. furnace, laundry trays; garage and drive; linoleum, shades, electric fixtures. Inspection invited. 351 E. 52d at. Hawthorne car. $3200 NEW FURNISHED BUNGALOW Yon can move right in : 4 rooms, modern and nicely furnished ; Dutch kitchen, half basement, laundry trays. Has one of best views in city, near park and carline. JofsnsonDodson Co. 633 N-W. Bank bldg. Main 3787 $4200Ternas or Cash Attractive, modem, 5-room bungalow with bath, 45x119 lot garage, flowers and fruit; large living room with fireplace, dining room with bull tin buffet 2 bedrooms and white enameled Dutch kitchen; 1 block to car. By owner. Tabor 3601. 5 ROOM bungalow. $3000. $250 cash ; close to car, half block of pavement: lots oL fruit, A good working man's home; close to Brooklyn shops. ' Ralph Harris -o. 316 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654 Vrw-O1 OPPORTUNITY I am ordered to sell 5 room bungalow on 50x100 lot. with double gsrage; new,, un rated. Located at 1102 B. ,21st st N Fur niture can be bought. Submit offer to Wm. A Hughes Co., 218 By. Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 6808. BY OWNER k hmit. 2 lots, nice fruit freer, bam and garage, nice nfizbbcrhood: 3 blocks Joseph Kellogg school; warning pistence rr...ui. ... $2900 $300 down. 11. uke rent 3609 66nd street. 1 block south Towell Valley road. 1 oni'TY in LAURELHURST: large splendidly arranged rooms and large attic, tile bath and work ta-ile. oax floors throughout garage nd..fTx'at drive: a genuine bargain, and only $1000 cash re- qnired. Broadway 1531. ; S. E. CORNER E. 28TH AND KLICKITAT Win build you a modern a room uiumu, double constructed, witn garage ana lurnace. for $4700; $500 down. 4 momn. mciuaing 7 per cent lnt rsmaiier uv" i i. ru. - soldier bonus. East S6. JVEAT and clean 5 room house, white enamel plumbing, French doors between dining and living rooms, old ivory finish; near Franklin high 2 blocks to car, $1800. Terms. 8415 Foster Road. 5-ROOM house, 1-3 acre ground, all in garden. Price $1500 $250 cash, balance monthly: paymenta. D. 3. O'CONNOR 6003 92c! at S. E. Auto 626-75. OWNER offers a splendid 7 room house for S825.0 if taken in four days: full basement large sleeping porch; assessments paid to date: on car line. Terms if desired. 6111 41st st S. E. BIGHT in the heart of Irrington on 18th st an extra large bungalow 36x48 feet high and sightly, oak floors thronnhout: cannot be built for the price asked; shown by appoint ment only. Broadway 1531. 5-ROOM modem bungalow, 2 rooms for house keeping, garage, paved street, all paid; Al berta and Woodlawn car. Owner, 467 Rose lawn ave. $2400. $500 down and terms. Walnut 0680. - FOR SALF, Wilsbire home; story and a half, 5 rooms on first floor, apace for 2 large rooms n seond floor; hardwood floor, unusu ally fine built-ins ; lot 105x125; many- trees; furnace, etc. Aut. 817-52. FOR SALE BY OWNER Eight-room modem boose on , ridge east of Reed college; fine view, block from car. Phone 631-82. NEAR FRANKLIN high achool. 6 roonu. den, sleeping porch. 91x200, all kinds trait. 3 blocks to Hawthorn. ' car. by owner. 2606 68th at, 800 ft south Division. Tab. 0170. $1850 3 ROOMS, basement, , fruit trees, rosea, gas, electricity, cement walk, no bath; close to station and grocery store, 30 minutes out. Ml Scott Owner. Atwater 1675, TO BUY OR SELL A HOME bet J. W. O'CONNELL CO- . -215 Stock Ex eh. Bldg. . Main 8661. ' HAW'TUORNK district, 6-room modem bun galow, furnace, fireplace, garage, fruit; lot, 50x110; pared st, good neighborhood. No agents. 408 E. S8tb St Tabor 1094. - THE BEST BUY IN PORTLAND A modern 5-rootn bnngalew for only 8310O en very easy terms; why pay rent!, Broad- ay 1531 BUILT UPON HONOR Charming 8-room rt ceo bungalow, mater iaas and cv)nstrnct4on, above pnuciaot Phone East 1351. . - ' ' . COME TODAY i , 4-r. new and modem priced low, reasonable terms. 767 E. 64th N. - LAITRELHURST Attractive bungalow of 7 rooms, nearly completed. Ladlngton Conrt,. bet 41st snd Fir. JsB owner, l abor $$55. IJ5AYING- Ross City bungalow, furnace, ga rage; $3400. $2000 esab. - Owner. Tabor 2444. - ' ;'- - " '-. - - oKLX. your property onscxly for eaab, no matter where located, partie. free. Real Est Salesman, Box 682. Proas er. Wash. - iHT una bungalow; your choice of two . . j , A .1 . I paven streeis. . n i .v. .r.i,. ua i --,. IF r TOC -WANT A , HOME IN K1X1NG3- L WORTH. PHONK 8ELL. 401O. FOR SALE SmaU boose and funiitiir.; mar NEW bunga low, lot 100x100; most aalL $1600. - Phone 80 W. M-wmnkie. - : ' JJMJO 7 ROOM, 3 sots. 60x100 eacb; tiitV , Ammm. Walnut 90u- REAL ESTATEFOR SALE.-- - ACREAGE 405 TOCR lOIJEN OPPORTUNm , EDGE OF THE CITY - Garden land. $ av, tract, city water, running water, carline stops at tract, good roadway ngnt at paved street, no bnp-onnenta, good buildinc site, cheap carfare,- good aervice. city advantages. Price, S2000, anas terms. S per cent discount for ail cash, bo trade. A bargain to close an estate, t- . R. U YOKE. 1136 N.W. Bank bldg. MaIn"41T9. Sacrifice Sale Fcur acres near SaSdy road, nearly all in cultivation. . 2 . acres in spuds ; small bouse, some furniture; area ami electricity available. Owner leaving state, oanee for offering at $1650: half -what adjoining property held ac . p. Itstmrnj McKay blrtg. LOOK at thia acre tract, all iu fruit, nice 3 room house; city water, garage.- chicken boose; just eat of city limits, $2250-. terms can be arranged to suit purchaser. P- J. O'CONNOR, 6003 923 rt. S. E. , Ant 626-75. FOR SAl.K- My owner, 3 H acres, with ber ries and 4 room bouse, eleetrie lights, saa, hot and ccld Ball Run water and bath; jut off paved road. ; 1 miles east of Crystal Lake parkv Milwaukee; . half mile to eleetrie one; $3200 cash. Phone MRwaukie 28X. FIVE, ten - or twenty acres, close to paved roads, forty-five minutes from Portland; nice' level land: sacrifice price $70 per acre; very small payment down, balance to suit Owner East 9721. ; MARK THIS Acre, smaU house, garage, $1600; cash $400, Owner. Aut 622-73. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 A REAL SACRIFICE 20 ACRES $2850 $500 CASH 16 miles out mile to electric stat; in high class district, new 4 room bouse, concrete foundation, large woodshed, poultry house, etc. ; large spring and well, about 6 acres cleared, bal. brush pasture;: must be sold to settle es tate, see Hurd, With HCiaM.TO-tfc4 732 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. $4000 OWNER, a widow, sacrificing fine o-room nnck house with 2 acres good- cul tivated land, 1 mile to pity limits, on hard sun ace. street, near station: city water, elec tric lights, gas, good basement, garage. Terms. Tabor 2984. i - LOT 100x150. outside city limits. $430. half cash, balance terms without interest; timber, wood, lumber, barn, garage, woven wire eorralls. Ask for Trobee. at Dammeier rancn on 8 2d st S. E.. 1 mile south Kendall station. Or, trade for Ford. AT MULTNOMAH, close to station, an at tractive four-room bungalow, on beautiful grounds: will be' sacrificed st $2650; easy terms. Main 7623. FARMS 407 82 ACRES 2 H miles of town, 46 acres in cultivation, of which 10 acres are in 4 -year-old prunes, 6 acres in com, balance in bay. the balance of farm pasture and timber, running water, 2 story house, bam 34x44, room to tie 14 cows, holds GO tons of hay, water piped to house and bam, including 8 cows, 1 bull. 4 bogs, tractor, plows, harrow, cream separator, 3 horses, 2 wagons, harness, and small tools. Price only $9000. $3000 cash, balance terms at 6 per cent W. E. Kidder. Carlton. Or. WHO WANTS 6 -acre dairy farm, bam, cows. machinery, water, hay, good 6 room house, near 82d at? $6500, terms. . Also 20 acre dairy farm, Sunnyside- dis trict, 5-room house, team, implements; $6500, terms. Other dairy or chicken farms. MRS. M. A. JOHNSON. REALTOR. Milwankie. - Phone 14-J. 160 ACRES, grass and dairy land. $1200. 8 , years time, 5 per cent; clay loam soil, near two cities and state highway to be pared; the best buy of the year; owner, has injured feet and cannot use land and you can trade in a light truck cn same, G. E. Kcphart, Pujrallup, Wrash. FOR SALE OR RENT Ninety sore farm,. y mile east of Cherry ville, on the Mt. Hood road, 40 acres in cultivation, 50 acres in pasture- and limber: good 5 room house, large bam, good well and springs. Ajiply on premises. J. T. Friel Sr.. CherryvTlle. Or. WHY pay $150 to $200 per acre for land in Yamhill county, about 37 miles from Port land, when yon can buy 260 acres for $50 per sore, all good soil, with about 100 acres in cultivation, and on reasonable terms. Address FRANK P. HEMBREE. Owner. Carltort, Oregon. FOR SALE 14 acres, 12 -year-old walnut grove: crop this year $250 per acre: $100 per acre Cash, balance terms: will take part in trade. Fred Hour-hen, Sheridan, Or. FOR SALE 19 acre ranch for dairy and chickens, good house and 2 barm, 1 h miles from Cottage Grove, on gravel road. H. L. Rogers. Cottage Grove, Or. DANDY 5 acre home near school, half mile to electric; all level, alt cultivated; house, bam, chicken bouse, $1500; some terms. C. M. Crittenden. Habbard, Or. FARM. ACREAGE. SPECIALIST i To buy, sell, exchange See R. HOARD. 501 Stock Exchange bMg. FOR RENT FARMS 408 Dairy Farii- For Rent One of finest dairy farms in Clarke county, Wrash.. 310 acres, about 45 minutes by auto mobile from Portland Pacific highway, except 1 mile, modern house, a dairy barns, silo and outbuildings; com and 'roots for ailo can be purchased by renter. Farm ready for 75 to 100 cows and 200 hogs. ' 515 ABINGTON BUILDING, . Portland. Or. FOR RENT, sale or trade. 27 acres at Cornelius; improved; close to paved high way and electric road. See owner, J. . Nelson, 183H First, st FOR REST, sale or trade, 27 acres at Cor nelius: improved, close to paved highway and electric road; see owner. J. Nelson, 183 First st. , TIMBER LANDS 411 FOR' SALE Choice tract of old growth fir saw timber, close to transportation. Terms, 512 Couch bldg., Portland, Or. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 EIGHT MILLION FEET Umber. 4 miles from C-oluinhls river. - 640 acres. Lane county, 2 miles from rail road. 160 acres, two million feet timber. 2 miles from railroad. 160 acres wheat .land, 4 miles from Cen terrille, Wash., all clear. Any br all for Portland property; will as sume. BDWY. 4975 MONDAY OR AFTER Anything You Want Farms of any size and any . price and anywhere you want them, on eaay terms or we will give yen , trade. Quick Sales Company 402 Couch bide Ant 611-08. FOR SALE 40 acres. $120A. WjU take car or any thing I can use. Balance eaay. - Some cleared. L rest easily cleared; 6 miles from railroad. Call or wrrce '" noui -sx. n. BRING YOUR TRADES TO THJB TRADE ARTIST AT -3. W. ONNEU. CO., SIS STOCK EXCa BLDO. MAIN 81. PRETTY 4 room modern bungalow. 100x126, fruit barn, chicken noose. .Trade on larger house in or near Sellwood. lira M. A. John son, Milwankie. Phone 14-J. s IF YOUfl property Is priced right 1 can sell it or trade rt for wna-t yon want - D. Jl i O'CONNOR, 6003 92d sfc S. B.t ' Ant 626-75 2 hk ACRES. Ients. new houe. garage, water. gas, electricity. 1 4 acres berries, fruit for city property. Bell wood 1 o 9 1 . 4 ACRES improved at Bonita Station, Ore. Elec Trade for house in city and. assume. Btratton. 217 Abtngtrm A CHOICE 281 acre valley farm for Portland. Or., income; valne $30,000. C kf. Critten den. Hnbbara. or. TRADE 2 acres, near Tigard for lot iu Pied- ntont or ajnm park, J. A. Ksmue, bcU- W004 1141 PROPERTY EXCHANGE 8PECILI wtiwn KUBa. Broadway 6178. ! 624 Henry Bldg. OWNER wiU trade ' for s flrstrclass lai in North Bend, o., bug. Apply Ben Cale. 71 K. 22d st 2 ACRES, Lenta, new house, garage, water. gas, electricity. H acre berries, fruit, for city pmycity. eeintoaa yaai FOR TRADE for farm income property. Own ers only. 8 2 - Elk St. Belt ingham. Wash. SEE MY EXTENSIVS EXCHANGE CI&1 K. HOARD.. 601 Btoch a 'cba are bklat MY AUTO FOR YOUR LOT. 222 ABINOTON BLDG. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 House. Lot; Furniture $90r ' BY OWNER. " - ' ' , 251 . 77TH T., N AT HAMKAtXX $500 FaH'ITY in ' 6-room bouse. 50x100 corner lot - accetit liuht machine np to $300 mine as down pajouma.. :f 411- AjnaworUt svs. REAL ESTATE TOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 ' 19 ACBE3 12-year-old orchard. S boars by rait or auto from PorV ' land, saw water transportation; crop estimated 20OO to 2500 boxes: sac' nflce price $6000. Crop should net 23 per cent ef this price. WUl ex change for city property and-, as sume, or accent small cm r r or 4uivj, vua terms on B-604. Journal. . FOR SALE or exchange, s choice 5 acre treat sli level rich oU, sere and half lognn- bernea. f sere strawberries, small house, 'i 4 rooms, frame barn, i chicken house ; half mile to electric station, store and school. Would take house in Portland or sell on tnMna , J I'lAAii -i wa- . . At : 96 A.. YAMHILL Co.. 5 mi. It K. and highway, 30 a. imp.; 20 a. mixed orchard. 40 a. piling. baL pasture; buildings, imple ments .crop, horses, cows. 50O hens. Pries $7000. My equity $2300: sale or exchange. Bal. contract P-138. Journal. FINE 60 acre ranch. 65 cultivated. 25 nas . tare, fine buildings, hot and -cold water aye bra, good fences, fine road. 3 miles to town, hay, feed and tools. Will take 1 or 2 bouses in valley or good car aa part payment Route 3. Box 17. Junction Cltv. Or. Equity in a 60x125 lot snd house with 4 large rooms downstairs, upstairs en finished: irapr.rementa paid for; near Irvingtoo; 1 block, .from Union ave. Dandy ear aervice. Terms wit bout interest- Conn and see it for s real boy. Phone Ant 310-S3. 160 ACRES timber and mineral land in Sks mania county. Wash.; will trade for small home ia Portland, or will take small ptjmeot down and easy terms oft balance. J. W. O'CONNELL CO. 215 Wt4;k Exg, Bldg. Main 8661 82 ACRES unimproved land. 1590 cords tim ber. 1 H m. electric and Pac. highway: 40 minutes out Price $4500. Take lot car or cash to $500 for my equity of $1000. Bat $8500. 5 yr. coot P-139. Journal. A-l 60-A. FARM in Spokane valley, on state highway: cucumbers, alfalfa: wheat bernea. modern bidgs.; fine home; terms or trade. Cost property, $21,000. Owner, O. L. Paret Opportunity. Wash.. R. I. FOR SALE or trade for city property 40 acres good land, all in cultivation: stock, crop and good machinery, $11,500. Route 3 Box 121. Battle Ground. Wash. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 House Wanted near Woodstock Car Party wants home near the Wood-, stock carline and close to school. Will put in 1920 Ford car and pay balance cash. Must be worth the money. See Mr. Brown, with the ' - ' Quick Sales Company 402 Couch Bldg. AtftiJll-OO. WAN T ED 4 or 5-room bungalow, modern, furnished, on my terms; small payment, bal ance ! year, 6 per cent. P-.140, Journal. WANTED 6-room new Bungalow; will pay H cash; prefer to deal with owner. U-198. Journal. WHY WORRX I Can aell or trade anything, anywhere. C W. Millerslitp, 1 65 H Fourth street WANTED One or two good building lota on paved street, in good district P-66. Jour- nal. Acreage 455 ONE or 2 acres, east side, close to citj lim- it j ?e , mo. V M,.l,l. f ,. -1 tienlars, etc., in first letter; N-1 64 , Journal. j FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 if WANT to rent from 25 'to 30 acres of wood and pasture land, about 15 or 20 - miles from Portland. S. A. Nadrow, Portland, Or. Rt 2. Box 107 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, GARAGES. ETC. 500 CREDITORS say to sell. Well established whclesale barber supply business in Spo kane: doing wholesale and retail ; fine oppor tunity for the right party to step into well established business; atore'open for Inspection. Sealed bids received with 10! certified check subject to acceptance or rejection on or before September 1 5. For information address Spo kana Merchants' association. Spoksne, Wash.- A MECHANIC'S and garage man's best opprnv tunity. Nothing betfsr In citv. Bills all paid up cleat). My partner's half intercut is of fered very, cheap for cash. Storage pays good margin over rent. We have good customers. Fine white brick building. 60x1 OO. Fine chance for 2 mechanics to take whole if de sired. Its the cleanest proposition in the city. Phone Tabor 2 885. call the boss. INVENTION ' $125 for Canadian nghta to invention. U. 8. patent lias just been allowed. Coming development in the United States will add to value of Canadian rights. Invention ia great improvement on article now in com mon use. Can be manufactured on large or small scale and sold for a few dollars each. P. O. Box 3873. Portland. Or. GROCERY STORES. ALL KINDS. ALL. SIZES. ALL PRICES. Look over our list before buying. MERRICK ec CO.. REALTORS. 804 Panama bldg. Bdwy. 6942. Confectionery Old established taurines. WUl sacrifice $500 if taken within 10 days. 215 1.4 N. JERSEY ST.. ST. JOHN8 ON Af.fXlUNT of husband's death must sell Dunbar popcorn machine, in perfect eondi-' ticn. Will sell cheap for cash. For informa tion write 509 West Locust st. Centralis, Wash. , BETTER THAN BONDS Have established business which will pay -Urge returns n capital invested. For partic nlara. call T. K. Dodson. Main 8787. MEAT MARKET and grocery store, good lo cation on Eaat Side, new building and near fixtures; very good trade; $4000 takes M. D 272. Journal. FINE opening for. man with $900 to go into business for himself; can clear $50 to $75 weekly. - Extensive demand, repeater; full value given for investment A-l 89, Journal. IF YOU are in the ma ret to buy or aell fro- r. eery stores, res tan rants or rooming bouses, call and see Morris, with O. O. Hletten. realtor, "; 415 By. Exch. bldg. Bdwy. 3400. , FOR SALE, half interest in gasoline wood saw, - $3O0. rash $125, terms, or $400 all cash. Call at 889 23d st, N., evenings, or phone At water 1917. CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing a deal ot so-called interest in established real estate btiarneaa, get advice of Portland Realty Board, 4Z1 Oregon niag. r-none oroaaway jaw-. FOR SALE The only np-tu-date restaurant inw Reedsport, doing a fine business." Write Edward Ness, Rcedsport, Or. Price $1250 , I $1000 GROCERY, choice location, good fix tures, clean stock, 2 partly furnished living rocma; some terms. O. O. Sletten, Realtor, casn. i 415 Ry- Exch. bldg. 1 f. . .. 750 STREETCAR barn lunch counter, etc.". tobacco, drinka, ices, laundry agency; open daylight Address "Cash." V-820, Jonmsl. FOR SALE Bakery, dairy and egg market; two can handle.. See owner, 8th and Main, Vancouver, Wash. $2500 CA8H boys cigar stand, pool snd card room; 4 bis saw mills working day and night W. A. Wood. St Helens. Or. ..-.- . ... I. !-.., . nrt will. DXiOl issi.i. - -- - . -- many unusual attractive advanUs ; shown vi WT USKSiiuunik V. I ' J . "-" y AN UP-TO-DATE equipped battery 'and elec triral service station handling standard make of battery. K-198, Journal. j - CORNER, 40x100, good place for apartment' or flat. 166 Russell st cor. Ross. CaU 17 Knott at Farren hotel. WILL aell reasonable firstrclaaa grocery atone; store doing a good cash business; with liv ing room: rent $25. 680 Union see. N. r-irivlVd and nreaaina shoo. Hoffman nreaa. nice bosineea. good location, tor Ml be low cost East 7849. Printing for Less Kyder Prtntlng Co. Main 663Q. 188 841 a. WELL locsted locksmith snd aenersl repair shop. For particulars, write B-648. Joornal. FINE busineas, accessories snd tires, sell of trade. What have yon I 6018 82d B. K. GROCERY store, good mooey-maker. See owner, n-S, r er nag- sbl JV-BW. ICE CHE AM, candy, cigars light groceries and news. , 31-187. Jonrnat" CASH grocery store won & Jiving rooms for - sale or trade by owner. T-17 1. Joornal. , HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSES AND - APARTMENTS FOR SALE SO FOR SALE 1 8 rm. nonae on Washington, - good toestion, price $1800, $1000 cajh bsb-te ns.f Phone Bdwy. 3289.' . . . 18 BOOKS H. K. $1600 TERMsT ' Vera elaan snd a ood furniture, ekxae iw. a good e y. Call Bdwy. 8008. 016 H-mry bHg. FOR SALE Apartment 'bouse. 24 H. aC - cloae in. ' By owner, mono Atwater 098a. ROOMING noose for sals; will take light car as firs fmyveeirt Atwater 82 18.- iCenunuad no Fniawan ,ro). t' -. !:i i n; ii m -I I ?