TIIH OHEGON. DAILY -JOURNAL, PORTLAND OREGON. TEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1022. 18 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE' 405 OVER ACRES, 3 mites from eity Hants; elnaa to station aad ' school; , Creshara icinita-i. reeked road; aHjmdmr ' cultivation; 1 aeres wd raispberries, 1, acre Mnvbftria. Kirnalavss. M kxaps,; bearing orchard ; room house, barn 4 . SO. chfekenbouse 10x40. Inctaded with, ' plce: Hone, wagon; plow, harwr. eul . tivator. crop. chickens, ate. - Prtea lor everything $350O; cash pey merit.- : Consider small place mar some BtU town to $2508. " - AT OHEGON CITY '1 acre, 1 miles from center of town, 1 mils to school; all in garden sad trait; rocked road; 4 room plsa stored home, with -electrie lights; ftnft; chicken hoose, ea- pacity 104 cbvUni; ether buildings., Price $2200; terms. Photo at office. . 80x110 feet Just" outside city limits.; west side; til under CTiltjvatioa: 10 young fruit tree; 5 room plastered house with bathroom. Price $2750 clear. Will pot in $8900 cash for, 40 acres or leas im proved west of mountains and. within SO mile efc Portland. ' ; 10 acres, Marion county, between 8a--- leas and Turner; 2 miles from town and station Crocked road: good soil; all culti vated: in well settled community. Prion $1500 clear. Consider Portland house to' $3000. ACRE TRACTS CITT PONVENIENCES On the west side; good soil, no rock or gravel ; close . to etoetric station. Be commutation fare; good car service; Port : land gas. electric lights and city water on property. Offered far below ralue on eay terms. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR. Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. HAKE YOUR HOME IS CALM AS J Big acre tracts, each facing on macad amized street; Bull Bun water piped to each tract; situated lust outside city but with prac tically all city j conveniences ; only 5 minuted walk from Beaumont car. See it now. 42p sr., just norm ot rremont. omau wmtqi down and $10 to $15 per month. For ad pointment call Broadway 757. II. H. CONFBEY. REALTOR. RITETR, LOWE A CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. .$25 DOWN WATER, GAS AXD ELECTRICITY -8850 Fine soil, clou to car' and pavement, best lecauon for suburban home. - Boone & CBearwater Bdwy. 5817. 512 Couch bid IS ACRES I Close In, west aide, all cleared except small fir grove in one corner,; 1 8-min. car ride on Oregon Electric; 400 feet to public school), city water, gas and electric lights. This place ' is way below value at $500 an acre; good rock road on two,' sides. Investigate this if you Want close-la acreage'. Bdwy. 2571. Portland Home Co. ' 63 3 Railway Exchange Bldg. NOW. IS THE TIME To invest in acreage, .9 miles from eourt . house. Metsger section, close to electric sta tion, every foot in cultivation ; good schools.; lies perfect; 2 acres, $1000; 4H acresi $1800; 10 acres. $3500; 20 acres. $6500. 1 Terms. See Rippey or Williams, 610-11 McKay Mdg. Broadway 7229. BEAHTIFUL 3 ACRE TRACT " feeing on Sandy bird., near Park rose; all cleared. This is a rare bargain in a high class building site. Price $3750, -$500 down, bsl. monthly. Boone & Clearwater ' Bdwy. 5317. 512 Couch bldg. " THIS SOLVES YOUR PROBLEM An independent Bring on 12 acres, with 8 acres bearing prdnes. Estimated crop this year $1500, besides family orchard, berries, walnuts and other crops; 6 room house. tiara and outbuildings; ' mile off pavement and electric station. Price $6500. easy terms. John A. Meissner, 821 Gasco bldg. Sacrifice Sale - Four acres near Sandy road, neatly all in cultivation, 2 acres in spuds: small house, some furniture: gas and electricity available. Owner leaving state, cause for offering at $1650; half what adjoining property is- held at. S. P. Osburn. 610 McKsy bldg. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 $350, A Bargain, $3CkQ AIT. TABOR VILLA $350 handles, this beautiful and well ar ranged 5 large, light and airy room bunga . low. Double const, and built solid ; dandy . sleeping porch, large kitchen, finished in white and full of builtins. Inlaid linoleum K. and B. Will -sell gaa range and large water heater, all connected up, cheap; Al plumbing. Full basement, with wash trays, gas plate,' fruit cupboard and work bench. Full size corner lot and double garage; street improvements and sewer in and paid; one double blk. to good car serrice and local trade center,- 2 blks public school and bandy to Catholic school. Terms, same as rent. Owner, 80 E. 76th st. N. MV car. THE, BEST BUY OF THE SEASON 1 acre, all under cultivation, on main line ' t 8. P. at Clackamas. 1 1 miles from Portland 4 miles from Oregon City, 1 block frosa 82d at. highway and next, to school, 2 blocks to s;P. O.. 1 .block to 2 stores, churches, garage, blacksmith shop. The house is a 5 -room shin gled bungalow, bam. 2 chicken bouses, garage, all lighted with electricity, big woodshed, ce ment walks and brand new pump, excellent wa ter. cherries, applies, strawberries (500 new plants) , raspberries 25 chickens, 1 young grand Jersey cow, 1919 Ford roadster, all for $2800; $1500 cash, balance $25 per month 7 ; no agents. See owner. H. P. Kribbs. Clackamas, Or. 2 ACRES PARKROSE 3 $300 down. baL like rent. Sow is your chance to get a nice little suburban home, close to car and pavement; finest . nit soil. Price only $2500. Boone & Clearwater 511-13 Couch Bide Bdwy. 5317. MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKER Just a pretty home on the highway! Six .acres ot rich soil, fine orchard of cherries, "pears and loganberries ; nice 5-room ' bungalow, fine spring water piped to the door; all in eultiva- tion. tine electric and bus eervice. Only - $5750. t I have many other beautiful sub- nrbsn homes from $2500 to $7500 each. J. B. Holbrook. Realtor, 214-215 Panama building. TOU WILL LIKE THIS I wish to sell well improved 3 - acres st flgard; 8 bearing walnut tree, fruit trees, good 4 room bouse, priT. water system, elec , barn, garage and fruit rm ; reck road, near high way; $5000; mortgage $2000. Owner. 305 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5622. Chicken Ranch Finest small ranch in city, beautiful 7 room hnue. equipped for 1000 hens; 3 blocks end Wocdock car. 5921 6th sve. 4 -ROOM bungalow and I acre; gas, water. electric lights; hard surface road; 3 Mocks to pavement: 30 assorted fruit trees, al) bearing; all kinds of berries; large chicken house. Phone Auto. 646-13 ' $2100 NEW bungalow, with nook, bath, gas water heater, shades, screens, linoleum. r0 4,Jott:. "y terms. Must sell. See McVInre. 500 Concord bldg. FARMS 407 FOR SALE OR RENT Ninety acre farm. Vt mile .east nf Di.n. : Tllle. oa the Mt. Hood road, 40 acres in!. csiuijoira, ow acres m pasture and timber: good 6 room house, large bam, good well and ' springs: Apply on premises. J. T. Friel Sr -herrrvffl. Or. . - 'j OR SALE By owner: 40 acres, 8 in eulti-l vaooo, orchard. 3 acres potatoes, balance; timber; soma buildings; 1 team horses, wsgoni nuggy. plow, harrow and cultivator, a feii ..cmckena: price $2700 cash, or $3000, Hi rash, with terms. Write or see Robert Babittj Hsstks. 'Or.; R. a. Bar 43-A. 7l FARM of 20 acres. 6-rsa. bungalow. 10 acre us munwo, sail Twsiure, nog proof wi fenced. 2 cows and (all farm innl.iu,i.. rasa, of good furniture. My equity is $3000 awr aauw or sraqe. wuai nave you. S388. 25 ACRES 1500 ' ' Lvel. rlrtt soil. Bin road, daily siaiU t-lepbone. 4 . miles electric station. 1 0 acrei . neevy oorowooo aunoer. aj cii down. C s, ete,. sijw bsawiisHB Plug. DANDY aero homo near school, half mile to electric; ail leva!, all cultivated: nauxd. fwn. nurmi wmw, w , avmr terms. it. Crittenden, Hubbard. ; Or, 30 ACRES -land, all in crops, all kinds rif - buildings and stock. IS tons at hay, $75001 Half cash. Address Andrew Main, R-l, B-12jL JLNTON E desiring a good home and stock ranch , to mountains. 8 miles from m asn. $2 a. goad land, fine hunting and fishing; for in- xorosauoa write box 115. waMport. Or. - EOR .fcALK 14 acne, 12-year-old walnut grove; crop this year $25 per acre: $100 . per acre cash, balance terms; will take part m traoe. r req nournen, unencian,' vr. . FARM. ACREAGE. SPECIALISE -To boy. sell, exchange See B. HOARD. 501 .Stock Exchange bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 F 22 ACRES. 23 miles from Portland. 1)4 sniles from coed town. 2 acres cultivated. -j balance heavy timber; -15 acres can be i 1 rated when cleared, good soil, creek, j we 50O cords of wood. - bearing -orchard, i 4 -room house, bam, chicken hoose. per--; ' acratl property bene., cow, harness, buggy. 1 plow, harrow, bousehold furniture. Bed. ! tables. 13 chairs, ranee, neater, cooking tensile, etc. Price $1600. $500 cash, i balance very easy terms. Inspected by ! Hunter. . , : ; . - ...- - i " . t 41 AjeHE8. M25 miles south of Portland, f 3 is miles from good town: 20 acres ! cultivated; 18 acres timber. 2 acres as : sorted bearing orchard, lots of berries, I good 10-room bouse, large barn, chicken i hoose. workshop, smoke boose. Woodshed. ' 1 Price- $3800, including crop, stock and 'equipment; easy - terms. Inspected, by : Banter. 3 -.. , - - - i- . . . . . : 20 ACRES, south df Canby, bos to high school, woven wire fences, T acres ' cultivated. 13 acres pasture, no- waste land, exceptionally- good soil, bearing or chard, aU rural conveniences, attractive, : plastered bungalow f with fireplace, good ; barn, garage, largo chicken house, 300 ca pacity, smoke hoose, wagon shad, other . buildings ; personal piupcity. 2 cows, cream separator, large incubator, farm : machinery, crops,' etc A very attractive i place. Price $4250, terms. AT NEWBERG, OREGON SO Acres en rocked road, 4 miles out, V mile to school, all cultivated, creek, 4 acres bearing prunes, other fruit. 7 i room house, garage, good barn, chicken house, woodshed, -. milk house, personal property young team, chickens, S good . Jersey cow,, 2 registered, machinery, crops, et. Prlee( $7000.. Terms. Con sider larger, farm of 60 or 80 acres up to $4750. 20 ACRES. Clackamas county; 24 miles norhteaat of Portland; good road, all under cultivation V good loam soil ; one-half mile to school and church, buildings. Price $3000. clear. Consider city house of same value. John Ferguson. Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland Stocked and Equipped Close In Farm 48 acres "ot the best loam soil, well drained, 23 ft- high state of cultivation, more easily cleared, seeded down to pas ture; timber for-domestic use, fine spring , stream- thru place, 5 room house, barn, and all necessary, .outbuildings, large fam ily, orchard and some prunes, heavy farm ' team, wagon, harness, necessary farm .im plement. 3 a. potatoes, hay in bam, only - miles from good Pacific highway town. Thickly settled community, with all rural advantages. Price S4 20O. Liberal terms. K No. 186. Thompson, IWan Lee 3D AND MAIN STS-, VANC. WASH. SMALL FARMS 1 6 1 acres choice level land, 10 acres in cultivation, 4 acres old stumps, 2 acres timber; 5-room house, barn, chicken house, fruit ; 1 1 miles out, good road, at railway statiors electric line; S4500, terms. It) -acres level land, in cultivation: 8H acres loganberries, 8 and 4 room house, birn, outbuildings, near railway station at Donald; $2350, terms. Take Ford anto as part. , 15 acrta""in cultivation, good buildings' of all kinds, fully stocked snd equipped. pAc Canby; $570O; good, easy terms. Take city home as part. W. M. (iATEWOOD & CO . 165 V, 4th st. WlefrfU FORCED TO SELL- V A real farm, Douglas county, $25 per acre. 760 acres ; over 600 acres under plow; 8 room .house, has hot and cold water, complete plumbing. 3 barns, one machine shop and stock shed, fine water, cement water tanks to each buildmc. excellent pear and prune land, prune orchard practically adjoining this land valued at $200 an acre. This is sacrificed and will stand in vestigation. Must be sold, no trade, about Vt cash. ' CHRIS JOHNSON CO., Realtors, 605 JlcKsy Bldg., Broadway 7201. Stocked and Equipped INCOME FROM THE START 23 acres, good 6 room house, large bam, 3 Urge .ahicken houses, garage, gravity water system . from springs piped to buildings, fruit and berries galore; no gravel or -rock; 44 miles from Portland, on macadam road; 4 miles from paved highway: 6 fine cows, 4 heifers, all implements and blacksmith outfit. Every thing goes for $5000. Sea Rippey or Wil liams, 61 O il McKay bldg. Broadway 7220. 25 Acres 43 miles out, 3 miles from,, river, highway, and R. B. ; on.' good county road: settled com munity, close to school; best of soil for clover, fruit, berries, potatoes, nuts orlgrain; no rdrk. spring water; 20 per cent cash, balance longJ time. You can t beat it tor pnee, quality, or location. We take you up by auto. JOHN A. MEISSSER, 821 Gasco bldg. A REAL BUY 20 acre chicken apd berry ranch, located near Bay. City, Or., with up-to-date, modern bungalow, elec. lights, running water in house, bath and all city conveniences; horses, chickens and equipment; strawberries, loganberries and grain in. 'If you are looking .for a real coun try home, don't pass this up; $7725 will handle this. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. VALLEY farm lands at Onaiaska. Wash. Pro- ductive. silly, clay loam, not gravelly, level, well watered, convenient markets, road", etc. 20 acres up, $15 to $50. Small pavments and $10 to $15 monthly. Steady nearby employ ment assured purchasers. Salesman. Onalaka. or write Graham Land Co.. 1008 American Bank bldg., Seattle, Wash. FOR RENT FARMS 408 ONE of the finest dairy farms, over 300 acres, Sn Northwest; fields in high state of i cultivation, large modern buildings, corn and roots can be arranged for. 022 1. Journal. X ' . HOMESTEADS 410 160 RELINQUISHMENT near Grants Psm. $2000v spent on same; good clearing and garden: equipment; cow; buildings and house hold goods; en S. P. By.; 80 rods to station; $4000; cord wood timber. $900. Quick sac rifice. 301 Oorbett Bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 HAVE good 30 acre farm., new buildings, run ning spring water. Win sell on easy terms or trsde for good grocery or home in Portland. : T. P. KELLY. 306 HENRY BLDG. Phone Bdwy. 6622 WEST SIDE APARTMENT HOUSE : Ground 100x100. present income about $260; could be increased $100 more. Would consider acreage oc small farm for part. John A. Meissner, 821 Gasco bldg. FIVE room cottage, lot 100x150, good barn, chicken house, garden, fruit, . spring water, for Portland improved property. W ill pay cash difference. H, S. Bosecrans, Troutdale.' Or. 1 10O ACRES FOR INCOME PROPERTY 137 ACRES FOR GOOD RESIDENCE. HOUSE EQUITY FOR SMALL AUTO STORE AND FLAT FOR RESIDENCE PHONE MR. BIERT. SELLWOOD 4010 NICE little 5 rm. house, modern, lot 50x137. nice fruit trees, will trade for a good room ing house on West Side. Usst be a good place or I don't want it. T. P. Kelly, 306 Henry bldg. Phone Bdwy. 5622. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE ' Beautiful 7-rocm boose, 4 Iota, chicken house 18x120. brooder 16x30; 500 chickens, cow. Phone 616-61. t. LARUE 6, room house, with 3 lots, 19 bear ing fruit trees, garage and -etucKen house: will; trade for smaller honse or acreage. F. R. Kenton. 2d st. and M-S car. Aut. 626-75. 5-ROOM house and 4 lots, price $4000; want about 5 acres. 8 -room Irrington i home. $8000; want acreage or small farm. C Cole, 426 Lumbermen bklg. ( 28 : ACRES for exchange or seU cheap. Will take improved city property and some cash. This is improved farm and close in. Act quick. Bdwy MQ3. 616 Henry bklg. j ; WE tiate good farina and "ainall acreages to exebssjge fos busrnesa of ' any kind. - We also have farm to exchange for city property. STEWART fc MORRIS. 202 McKay bidg. A CHOICE 231 acre VaJley farm for Portland, Or., iacome; value $30,000. C M. Critten- den, Hubbard. Or. - $750 Houssl equity to trade tor car of equal value. Balance $25 per month. 614 De kum bldg.. Bdwy. 6500. " PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST A. GORDON BOSS. Broadway SITS,--" 24 Henry Bldg. MY EQUITY era good lot for car or what have youl ; David E. Edgerton, 624 Henry bldg. Brrodway 6173. . FURNISHED -arssrtinent with . 100x100 iL groond., to trade for good nooses-' 20TT-!7 van nootearr'St. - WANT earvsTor equity ua 1 acre, wills 2-room nouse -at aievsger, w. K. 8483. VACANT lota, for house equities anywhere in twmro mww Vl 1 1 "GOOD ArTO FOR vnt-A. it. - ! GOLDENBEftG. Tg23 Abingten fcldax BLMNESS Ntwberg. for Portland houscl asilll m Ae FOR TRADE for farm sacome property. Own ers only. 828 Elk St., Belltngnam. Wash. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 120 ACRES, all fa cultivation, fenced and orosa fenced.1' macadam on each, side of pfesea; - good barn and emfbnifct ings. located near town in- Willamette . ' valley, price $12,OeO. Want ' bom, ts Portland to $60O0,- balance, long time. . 80 acres, 20 miles from Portland; 0 aereg in cultivation, balance pasture and timber; good bousw, i barn and outbuild ings, stock. and equipped. $L2,O00. Take -Portland property to ; $ 70O0, .balance 10 years, per cent. ! C. E. WGGOT, 212 Railway Ex. Bldg. . Bdwy 67. LOOS THIS TJP ..- Want - to trade a . good B room buncalow. located In the Sellwoed district, for half an aero to one sen with, .soma buildings. Want it ioe to oar. outside, city-lunita. Consult us if you want to trade. We can match yon. See Stephens, with ? -L 732 Cham, of Com. A Going Stock Ranch 14 A acres. 390 colt.. G barns, 2 nooses, large creek, springs, implements and machinery. No incumbrance, $50 per a. . Want city in come to $100,000.' Will par cash, difference or assume.'' , JOHN A. MEISSNER, 281 Gaseo bMg. HAWTHORNE MSTBICT r CORN EH All improvements in and paid; near reser voir ; surrounded by good homes. Will take auto as first payment; $10 monthly and inter est on balance. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. 'BsjA Bldg, 4 Maia!ftT8T. HERE'S a chance to get a nice little farm with good buildings, dose to station, nice neighborhood. Will take good 5-paas. ear and some cash as first payment and your owar tune on the balance. T. P. KBIX1V306 HENHT BEDG. rin-ne Bdwy. 6622 " 56 ACRE8, stocked and equipped. 50 acres in cultivation, baL pasture and timber. 1 Va miles from town, good buildings, fins soil, all lays fine. ". Will exchange for house in Port land la full value. 325 Exchange bldg, 2d and Stark. i ACRE, new small bungalow and garage; water, gas and electricity, close in to ear line, only 20 minutes out; small payment handles, or trade equity for city property or rooming..' house. Call Broadway 80O3. 616 Henry bldg. . BRING YOUH TRADES TO THIS ' , TRADE ARTIST - ; at J. VT. O'CONSELI. CO.. 215 STOCK ETCH. BLDG. MAIN 8061. SO ACRE ranch. 12 miles from Portland, on paved highway, good house, barn, partly cleared, all crops. 3' cows. 8 pigs, chickens, farm tools; take houe up to $4000. Sutter, Z4S JS, K roadway. ast 821S 60 ACRE coast farm. 85 acres bottom land. cleared; large house and barn, silo.; good lo cation; appraised value $8000; will take $3000 trade, $8100 federal loan, terms on balance. W. Cobb, owner. Silets, Or. - . -FOR SALE 40 aerej,- $1200. Will take ear or any thing 1 can use. Balance easy. Some cleared, rest easily cleared: 6 miles from railroad.' Call or wxite 4535 Bgth at. S. JS. SEE MY EXTENSIVE EXCHANGE LIST K. HOARD. 501 Stock Exchange bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 ' REAL ESTATE 4JUES OT DECROF . . ... FORCED TO SELL on account of sickness. 53-acre fins ranch, about' 8 miles from Portland, 3 from Beaverton, V from electric station, on good graveled road; 40 in cultivation and in crop, balance pasture, some timber, lies fine, best of soil, fine creek running through place, family orchard of assorted fruits; fair 6 -room house, good - large bam. chicken house, hog house,' granary and work shop; 3 good work horses, 5 good dairy cows, 3 heifers, 4 calves. 1 brood sow, 4 pigs, soma chickens, all farm 'machinery, crop and feed goes with place; ready to move onto and go to work making money. ' We' nave personally inspected this place , and know there is nothing better -to be had. for the price asked. Price $15,000. Terms. Will take good 6 or- 7 room house in Port 4 land er improved acreage and some cash . as first payment, balance good y texmsv C. J.VCuIlison Real ; Estate Co. . . REALTORS. 205 H Morrison st. Sell or Exchange $5500; 80 acres near Eagle Creek; nearly Vi .in cul., aood land, family orchard, nearly new 5 room'Tiungalow, spring water piped to bouse: consider -city property. $5800 : 80 acres near Battle Ground. Wash.. 25 acres in cult., more nearly cleared, all good land, running water, family orchard, fair bklga. Consider -city property. , $10,000; 10 acres on Sandy roadj, modem 9 room-house, , fruit, nuts, berries. This is a beautiful close in home. S. P. Osburn. 610 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. . Nothing Better 180-acre first class ranch, about 24 miles from Portland, 4 " from good valley town, on s good graveled reads, 100 acres' in crop, balance in pasture, some good timber, tunning water: lies fine, best of soiL good buildings, plenty of them; well stocked and equipped. This is a poor year for the farmer, but even at that, by the looks of the crop on this place, it should bring , the owner at least $5000 or $6000 this year. Nothing better for the imoney asked. 'f. Price $50,000. Free of encum- ;,fcrnce- ' '' Will take high class residence . property and assume a reasonable mount. ' C. J. Cullison Real ' Estate Co REALTORS. 205 V- Morrison st. . , , . . 5. ACRES 12-year-old orchard; 3 hours by rail or auto from Port land, also water transportation ; crop estimated 2000 to 2500 boxes: sac rifice pries. $6000. Crop should net 25 per cent of this price. Will ex change for city property snd as Bume. or accept small property or equity, with terms on balance. B-604. Journal. FOR SALE or exchange, a choice 5-acre tract all level rich., soil, sera and half logan berries, half acre strawberries, small house, 4 rooms, frame barn, chicken house; half mile to electric station, store and school. Would take : house ns. Portland or sell on terms, around $2000. C. M. Crittenden. Hubbard, Or. M ILL SELL or trade any 1 acre place in Hills boro for anto up to $1100 -value: place has 6-r. house, chicken bouse and other bldgs. Plenty fruit, berries and somo walnuts; 330OO, some terms cm baL Address P. O. Box No 1, Hillsbore, Or. ' '-v FOB SALE OR TRADE -" 180 acres,, 320 acres. Ill acres of land for -town or country property, coast property preferred. Address C. H, Cummings, Centao ville. Idaho. " " ' 1 ' " FOR SALE or trade. 16 acres at Long Beach. Wash., suitable for cranberries; for sale or what have you to trade T Inquire 1 7 3 SL at Main 0648. ' " - - -.'-- 1 WANTED--REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 4S0 WANTED Modem houses in Rise City. Alameda, : Irrington or Laurelhurst that from 1 $500 to $1000 win handle. W. , A. Bennett, 3 IT-Henry Mdg. Bdwy.- 8251. t WANTED R. C or Hawthorn bungalows. that small -pajenent down and soldier's loan will hasKlie. ,202 Failing bldg. - Broadway 15641. ' -- ; ' - .-' WANTED -tiood homo in "Rose City or Haw- , thorae district; $1000 cash to handle. 1 QUICK ACTION IF A GOOD .BUY. i Broadway 483T. "Ask for Mr. Fisher. - WANTED Beat hoaao $500 all cash win pay -foe. any location, no sgent. Address Dave Morsbaeh. . 54 Madison." . i "WANTED 4-5 rm. bungalow, something nifty. int ois. - Have buyer with $2000 eash. Pnee set ever $2706. Bdwy. 1364. WHY WORRY I ' Cost aeri or trado anything, anywhere. C W. S&Tgrstnp.f 165 4- Fovrrth street. ----- WANTED -One or two good building sots oo pared street, in food dtstzic. P-56. Joor- ; Gont districts, buyers waitmav Bdwy. 011. T; O. IRD, B2 Oun. of fJosa . 1 HAVE clients fee Rose City lota if Wrgais. - Main 3TST. v , - ' ,( - , WANTED REAL, ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 NEWCOMERS CROWDING ? INTO 4"JR BEAUTIFUL CITT-J-Waot ; homes. You have them. We'll. SKLA. THEM, i Personal attention, taaeeduuto action. ' Wo inspect,' appraise and photon ' graph? all property within 24 hours. WE i SPEND THOUSANDS OF HOLLARS ad vertising and are in trwh with tho ma jority of HOME SEEKERS: 80 ener getic salesmen with aotos. No charge ex cept the standard commission of 5 per cent in ; tho event of a aatiaf actory sale. We protect the interest of -out-of-town owners. ? WE WRITE fire- inntraoeo. Sea . FRANK I McGCIRE, tT To Bell Your Homo, .-. ' '; Abingtoor BMg. Bdwy. 7171.' Third bet Washington and Stark. - WANT at once, direct from owner, modem home, any good east side district not too tar cot. Garage preferred. . Also prefer essy terms. Can raise all cash, if bargain; $2400 to $4O0 value. P-11S, Journal. TRANSIENT HOTEL Hotel," 24 room, 3-year lease. $50,-rent Kail road town. $200 wtU handle or consider leasing. Coma in see) me. 407 McKay bldg. or call Atwater 3321 evening. CLIKNT wants bargain in 4 or 5 room house, on , easy payments. Peninsula district pre ferred. Main 6287. R. HOARD, 501 Stock Ex Bldg. WANTED From owner, 5, 6 or T, room bouse, in good district. Give best price, terms and location. Can, pay cash. C-811. Journal. . : - WANTED Small lot in Rose City. Larfrel hurst, lit . Tabor or Hawthorne district. F. R. Fenton, 92d at. and M-S car. Aut. 626-75. WANT acreage and lots. C. Cole, 426 Lvun- nermens oiog. ,1 ACREAGE 455 WE HAVE BUYERS fpr suburban homes and acreage. List yod property- with us for results. Personal attention. See Hurd, with Hgf.l.TOBS 732 Cham, of Com. HAVE cash buyers waiting for small acreage, and suburban - homes. C. W. Millership, 165 Vi 4th st. Main 5275. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 WILL trade $11,000 genL mdse. store in good valley town 89 miles from Portland, for good stock farm close in. No agents. P 118. Journal. 30 ACRES, good house. 15 miles from Port land, on good highway. Address - letters "E. A. B.." care 284 Willis blvd.. Portland. Or. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, GARAGES, ETC. 500 A MONEY' MAKE'S. Soft drink and confectionery and light lunch; two living rooms; rent is only $40 per mo.; doing a business of $16 to $18 per day; stock and fixtures worth the price asked, $650, only $400 down. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Cham, of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 7581. UAitAUK business tor sale, uoing a nice busi- netis, on the Colombia, highway; established in one of the best buildings of its kind in the state. Will sell or lease building; merchandise and equipment based on present market prices. Good car agency goes witH the business. FX-151. Journal. I NEED good, steady, industrious and thor 1 oughly reliable man to join me in good, going business; no selling; business well established. If you can fill the requirements and willing to invest $475, will give you equal half interest. 314 STOCK EXCH. BLDG. DELICATESSEN, , good residential district, fixtures $70O; will invoice stock; living quarters in rear; clearing better than $200 monthly; good lease; will accept terms or good ear as part payment, H. F. Kimble Co., 822 (vssco bldg. CONFECTIONERY and light grocery, doing fine business and located at point where hundreds of passengers get on and off cars daily. . Living rooms above; rent for all $25 monthly. BIG SNAP AT $2000. R. M. GATEWOOD A. CO., 165 4th St. Cigar Stand $850 Comer location, on busy street, do ing better than $25 a day; niee fixtures, clean stock. A real bargain. Work fasti Universal Sales, 485 Railway Exchange. DANDY suburban grocery with living rooms; doing better than $40 per day; no deliv ery; neat, clean stocky price of fixtures $575;' invoice stock. i MULTNOMAH" INVESTMENT CO.. 814 Stock Exchange Bldg. CONFECTIONERY and light grocery, doing fine business and located at point where hundreds of passengers get . on and off cars daily. Living rooms above, rent for all, $25 monthly. Big snap st $2000. R.. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 4th St. RESTAURANT BARGAIN $350 Lady is sick and must sell a won derful buy: good business, nice location snd good equipment UNIVERSAL SALES 435 Railway Exchange. AUTO PAINT SHOP Partner wanted by first-class auto painter: experience not necessary; painter will teach business and guarantee $200 per month. $300 wilL handle. H F. Kimble Co.. 822 Gasco bldg. A PARTNER WANTED Handy man can buy equal interest with a good mechanic in a nicely . located auto busi ness; want interested help; draw $175 month; $450 required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE. 10 miles from Portland: doing good business, confectionery, soft drink, ice cream, poolha.ll, barber shop, '5 living roomr well furnished: sent $40, lease; lots of fruit, on Pacific highway. See owner, Tigard, Or. WANT partner in small manufacturing busi ness: need interested help more than money; equal half interest. $475. MULTNOMAH INVESTMENT CO.. 314 Stock Exchange Bldg. FOR SALE Restaurant. Just right for man and wife; $1100. some cash and terms:, a long lease, located in -central stage .depot; doing good business. MOst sell a tones. , Mr. Applegate, smeed hotel, Eugene, Or. FLED and produce business, cream station: doing good volume. Fine ooDortunitv for live experienced man. Requires about $4000. Apply m person. Al . Conrad, Silverton, Oregon. HAVE 2 meat markets, best location on Yam hill market, doing big business. Other inter ests compels me to sell. C. W. Millership, 165 H 4th st. Main 5275. GOOD paying restaurant for sale; good loca tion: sell tor what it .cost owner; must sell immediately, 'account ill health. Write Box 176.- Bandon. Or GARAjGE 100x100, went side, 70-car storage, high class trade; $3500 will handle. Room 511, Railway Exchange. - A PARTNER WANTED A wood and coal business; fine location and busy; a small investment reqiured. Boom 401 Dekum bklg. $ 150 RESTAURANT $150 A real bargain, well equipped; 5-yr. lease: deposit on lease; rent all paid; am forced to tell. - See owner, 207 Conch bldg. CAUTION. BUYERS Betore caostng a deal of so-called interest fat established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 4S1 Oregon bldg. Phono Broadway 1902. GENERAL merchandise stock of about $16, ' 000. fixtures ,$2000, in good farming - val ley: 11 sawmills tributary; a very profitable business. Wilson' Mer. Co., Glendale, Or. VULCANIZING and Ore store, one of the beat businesses, of its kind in tho state; stock and equipment based on present market prices; will invoice around 60O. LX-222. Journal. BUTTER Oft FISH MARKET $250, store, lease and fixtures, near public markets: 2 refrigerators; $100 rent month. Ryder Realty Co.. 192' 3d st. Main 5636. Printing for jLess, Kyder Printing Co. Main $836. 12 3d st. & ROOMS, sleeping porches, furniture for sale net $45 a month; 2 apartments on . east side, good location. Isast T3. 454 Belmont st. CORNER, 40x1 0O. good place for apartments er flats. I oo kusmu st. cor. uoss. 17 1 Knott st. Fatten hotel. - GROCERY .WITH LIVING ROOM East side, doing good business, price $1030. $14 Stock Exchango. $200 CASH or terms. Little, confectionery. can add groceries,' fight lunch, to good advantage. 1421 N. W. Bank bldg.- FOR SALE One -of the best compositions for - lubricating oils oa the market. A money maker. R-l 82, J carnal. FOst SALE Fine an op. established business; reduced stock to $20; rent or sell equip, ssont. No agents. . See owner, 270 Alberta st. CONFECTIONERY and restaurant for sale, doing $5o as day business; sell at reason able price. Call Bdwy. 168. ' ' FOR. SALE Cloanins;.. s.nd .pressing, shop, cheap if taken at once; furruzbed living MS nomnB w. rTXiNiNfl sad tailoring eetabhshsaent. good location, low 'rant; also American pressing sasssest. ss. - JTXK located csAh-and-carry. soft dftnks. - candy and cigars; good opportunity for man snd wife. 435 Williams,, Ess 752,3. FINE business, -soeessorsea and tires, sell or trade. What novo oT 01v oSdUi. E. BUSINESS OPPORTUNTTTES -- STORES. GARAGES, ETC. 500 city: buav street! doing $60 daily. Well equipped: half cash. Own terms on balance, best of resusons for . : selling. 300-Kestaurant and lunch counter, fae- tory district; good fixtures: 2 Hr ..' fng rooms; rent $25. Sickness reav s .1 son for setting; can arrange srnie terms. , - ; MORRIS, with Ot O. SLETTEN. Realtor. . ' 41S Railway Exchange Bldg. $150M-r-RESTACllANT. Located heart of CIGAR STORE On aieeonnt of sickness one of best located downtown cigar stands in city is offered for salo at actual value. $20OO rash required, never offered for aalo before, and exelusivo with SIMS, 610 HENRY BLDG. $ 700-s-GRoOERY. dandy comer location. . Good business; 2 living rooms, low - rent. Sickness reason for selling. $ 1050- Cnx-ery, confectionery snd light - lunch, comer location, doing good . business, 2 living rooms, $600 cash. 1 balance easy. MORRIS, with O. O. SLETTEN, Realtor. 41 5 Railway Exchange Bldg. CREDITORS say to sell. Well established wholesale barber supply business in Spo kane: doing wholesale and retail;- fine oppor tunity iior Me right party to step into well established business; store open for inspection. Sealed bids received with 10 certified check subject, to acceptance or rejection on or before September 15. i"or information address Spo ksne Merchants' association,' Spokane, Wash $1750 BUYS HALF INTEREST ' A safe investment with service. Wholesale and retail wood and coal business holding one of tho Isest if not the best contract in Port land. You are buying a long established busi ness and associated with an experienced man. For full particulars see ARTHUR L. SCOTT 330 Cham., ot Ccm. Broadway 8668. A SUBURBAN GROCERY In a growing district; will sell store and 4 room house on 50x100 lot on corner; $2000 required: profits over $200 month. Room 401. Dekum ssldg. HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES AND ' APARTMENTS FOR SALE 502 Rierdon- Realty Co. 636 PITTOCK BLOCK A wonderful buy in a first class little transient hotel, center of busi ness district, strictly modern, clean, furnishings are of the very best and as good as new ; 5 7 rooms, many witih private bath; 4-year . lease; do ing a wonderful business and $1,6, 000 talks. Never on market before. WASH. ST. HOTEL Modern corner1 brick bldg., of . over 70 rooms; fine ground floor lobby; furnishintrs are good; lease for 5 years. Price $25,000. Will mnJce good -161111 to right parties. Rierdon Realty Co. REALTORS 636 Pittock Block. 11 rooms, boarding house, fine fur niture, close in. $1100; $600 cash. 16 rooms, 8 2s H. K. ; fine location, good furniture, $1600. Terms. 33 rooms, all sleeping; fine loca tion ; shows good income. 14 H. K. rooms, close in, west side; only $800. Co. 43 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 6653. Hotels', Apt. Houses, Rooming' Houses ALL SIZES ALL PRICES $300 DOWN AND CP. BIG PLACES LITTLE PLACES. ANYTHING YOU W7ANT. X Bruce Qoddard 501 2 COUCH BLDG. Established Since 1905. Bargains, Your Terms 25 rooms, brick building; lease, $75. Make often 10 rooms, h. k., net $125; lease. Price $2250. 8 rooms h. k.. White Temple. Make offer. WM. A. HUGHES CO., 218 By. Eich. Bldg. Broadway 6808. 50 rooms lease, in heart of hotel district: rooms full every day; $350 NET INCOME monthly; steam heated; $500O will handle. Full price $7 500. j David E. Edgerton Bdwy. 5i73. 624 Henry Bldg. WORKING MAN'S HOTEL 26 rooms, dining room, all furnUhed; rent $38. Price $1250. See Lamb, with g 732 Chamber of Commerce. $200 NET monthly income, nice home and liv ing, 11-room hoagding house, block from Good Samaritan: always full; easy, to handle; cood furniture: lease: mother's ill health makes change necessary; can show books and verify figures: for price ana terms, owner. At water 0416. ' THOMSON & THOMSON REALTORS Acknowledged Leading Hotel end Apartment House Broken. TO BUY OR SELL. SEE US 620 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4880. H. W.. OSBOKNE CO.. REALTORS ask you to investigate this. 3 2 -room apart- your caxh returned in 30 days if dissatisfied. '-43:: Chamber of Commerce. 22 ROOilS, all H, K., rent only bO. Stove .heat, nets about $120 and your own. apart ment. West side. Special price; about $To00 down. THOMPSON THOMPSON. REALTORS. 620 Henry Bide. RARE OPPORTUNITY Owner will sacrifice 16 H. K. rooms, mod-,r-t rent- desirable location, good furniture. splendid returns, reasonable price, terms; good reason lor selling.. i jownaaaie at. cor. Taylor st- 86 ROOMS. IL K., corner brick, close in, rent $85; very clean and good furniture. All fuB.; nets over $250. For quick sale $3500; only $1700 handles. Bdwy. 8003. 616. Henry bldg. ; 64 BOOMS. 1 and 2 room apts. Nets $850 and Isetter. Brick, close in. Chance to make some none'. Owner leaving city. $7500 full price. $5000 handles. Bdwy. 8O03. 616 Henry Mag. 8 H. K. ROOMS $373 $225 cash, rent $30: fine place for man and wif; west side. McFAREaNP. REALTOR. FAILING BLDG. 18 BOOMS, H. K-. 2s and 3s, private baths. rent $100, lease. Very, good furniture and rugs: clean place, only $2850, and $1500 handles. Bdwy. 8003. 616 Henry bldg. WHITE TEMPLE 10 rooms and 2 kitchenettes, fully furnished for H. K Rent $60: $800 handles. MRS. RECTOR. BDWY. 4833. NINE nxnu on Broadway. Neat and clean. Cleaning $50 a month. Price $550. 814 Stock Exchange Wdg. ' 18 BOOMS H, K. SlSOO--TERMS Very ctean and good furniture close in. A good bnjr. fall , Bdwy. QQ3. 16 Hgnry bldg. FOR SALE Small hotel, by owner; will giro gooa ignaa.- nroaqwiy zjza. FOR SALE -Apartment bouse. 24 H. K., close in. By owner. Phone Atwater 0082. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 " HAVE THE CASH -; - x - For a good grocery. Must bo priced right and large enough for 2 men. Give foil particulars in first- letter. - A-185, Journal. r CASH AND PROPERTY Have a client with - a first class business property all leased. Price- S30.0OO. Can pat balance in .cash UT to $40,000 for a good general store anyvrhere in Washington or Ore gon. Rock, 408 Conch Mdg. MEAT MARKET sad grocery store, good lo ss tinea oa East Side, new building and new fixtures; very good trades $4000 takes it. D-272. JoomaL ; " WANTED to buy in with- auto painter and learoif trade; somo experience; from owner. S-lTS, journal. WANT rooming houses as wo have cash buy- trs. Also some good exenaages for tsent. STEWART aV MORRIS. .202 McKay Bid. APARTMENTS WANTED . 551 HAVE CLIENT WAITING 40 to 50 moms,' wv&t cidOj, prefer stovo beat. Must have seaae. See Mr. Young. 1 ST. CHARLES HEALTY CO.. 2V uornsoa ss. - FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 OWN YOUR OWN HOME B( PAYING UE RENT MORTGAGE LOANS 1 to 15 years : LARGE OR EMAIL DWELLINGS APARTMENTS FLATS "BUSINESS . PROPEBTIES Low Interest Rales Prompt Service . INSTALLMENT OB STRAIGHT Unlimited Funds Immedistely Available PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY Of OREGON WORTHWESTERN BANfe BLDO. CITY LOANS1 I KO COMMISSION. - On improved piovioitj or tor improvement pUf jjuaaa, Tlia bast and easiest method of paying a loss our monthly payment plan. $82.26 par month for $6 months, or - $21.24 per month foe 6 months, or $15.17 per month (or 96 months, pays a loan of $1000 and intorsot. Loans of other amounts in, same psoportloa. Repayment Priviiegea. EQUITABLE SAVINGS as LOAN ASS-JI 243 Stark st Portland, Or. - ' MORTGAGE LOANS $500 to $50,000 on City Property WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF SMALL LOANS $400. $600. $500. $1000 Plenty of capital. Can pa st one if good title is furnished. GEO, T. MOORE CO.. 100T Yeon Bldg. " . v. ' RESIDENCE LOANS We have local private funds for immediate loans on improved city property - at current rates, in amounts from $500 to $10,000. Keep TOUr inrjrf- nirmant. in (Im... !u ' - Hawk, loan department, with ritsjxa i- mm.i ikf: Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171 $250, $400. $500, $700, $850. $1000 and "'. a.vw iucb, quics iruoo, money on band. Pay off any part any time. 630 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 6370. $1000 $1500 $2000 S2500 $3000 NO DELAY. We are loaning1 our own money. Loans quickly closed. F. H. DESHON. 1007 Spalding bldg. BUILDING loans on city snd suburban prop erty; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 Failing bldg. Main 3407. $8000 ON RESIDENCE property, prefer Al berta district. McGce Sl Dennis, 969 Union ive. Walnut 5684. $200, $400, $500, $750. $1000 AND UP; low rates, quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan on improved property, any amount, current rate, quick action. Call Broadway 4837, ask for Mr. Fisher. SEE OREGON INV. ft MORTGAGE CO.. 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. $100 TO $2500; qulea aeuon. A. H. Bel, 231 H Morrison st., rooms 10 and 11. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE ON Automobiles FURNITURE. PI A N O 8, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS OR ANYTHING OF VALUE SECUR ITY USUALLY LEFT Ki YOUR POSSESSION. Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OB ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY THEM UP. ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN PAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) $06-807 DEKUM BLDG.. 8D AND WASH. BROADWAY 5867. HONEY TO LOAN Money losned on bousehold goods or mer ehandise placed in storage with us at a regular bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE tc STRANSFKas CO. 4th and Pine at. Opposite Multnomah hotel mone xsroaaway ana SALARY LOAN S SALARY WE LOAN MONEY to salaried and workingmen on their personal notes. Rstes reasonable, essy psyments. NO SECURITY NO INDORSEE Call snd investigate our "modern money lending methods. All business confidential. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY . (Licensed) 218 Tailing Building. WE LOAN money on automobile. Grarming & Treece. 102 N. Broadway. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 CASH paid tor mortgages and sellers contracts on real estate! in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. 816 Lombermens bldg. WILL buy small sellers' contracts or second mortgages. Gordon. 631 Ch. of Com, bldg. MONEY WANTED 651 INVESTORS Have a proposition of exceptional merit where a large return . is assured on the invest ment. To those who have made money with me in the past and new friends I offer oppor tunity jf investing from $ 1 00 up. Fullest in vestigation courted. Cloodyesr Pitts 504 Exchange building, 2d and Stark. Bdwy. 3988. WANT to borrow $1600, first tnortgage, for 5 years, on 7-room modem house in, Rose City Perk district. R. K. Morse. 633 Northwestern Bank bldg. ' IF YOU are looking to place your money on good realty Security, have second mortgage, monthly payments; will give liberal dficouat. A-231, Journal. " $1500 WANTED on modern, well located, suburban home, 2 4 acres; value, $4000. See A. K. Hill. 426 Lnmbermens bMg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 210 EXCHANGE BLDG. HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 40 HEAD of horses, part of them Working here in the city. Some of the prices: Span of mules, weight 2850 lbs., with hesvy breeching harness, $175. Span of bays, horse and mare, weight 2950 lbs.. $150. Span of young geldings, . weight 2900 . lbs.1, free of blemishes, $175. 6 head of young farm chunks, weight 1450 lbs., around $125 each. New and used harness at reduced prices. G. K. Howitt,- Front snd Columbia sts. CROWN STABLES ' FOR SALE Horses st all prices snd of all kinds and sizes. Have 3 , good family cows, harness of all kinds, new and second band. We make our own harness and all cheaper than can be found elsewhere. Everything guaranteed as represented. Phil SueUter, manager. 285 Front. . FARM IMPLEMENTS NEW AND SECOND HAND SPECIAL PRICES P. E. ESBENSHADE, 860-366 K. MORRISON ST. FOR SALE Fine saddle horse. 6 years old fifteen hands, two inches high. Price $200 snd two Jersey registered mala calves, price $75 each. Sunnytields Farm, Sunnyside Road, Clackamas county. . . KEYSTONE Stables, horses for sale or hire or sold on commission., W'sgons and harness, 381 Wster st. W. S. Atw. 3815. FOR SALE Cheap, good sound horse. East 0340. DAN HAL for sale cheap'; good bike cart and track harness. 275 14th st. REAL BARGAINS Horse, harness and wag ons ot all kinds. . 2t jast etn at. SHETLAND ponies for sale cheap. AddressJ 1703 First St.: HiHsboro. Or. T DOUBLE! team, $3 day; single team, $1.30 day. 846 Front ft. Main 2208. LIVESTOCK 701 irmn sravrrr.v m t ui. ,hs - rn Osburn . road and Saady. R. 2 box 208. Troutdate. Or. - FOR 8 ALE Fresh Jersey-Holstein, with heifer calf, $50. Oscar Cash, Sunnyside, Clark- Or It, j, not ao. TWO extra Jersey cow cheap. Seo them bo forw baying; one block south S. P. depot. Milwankie. HV Smith - - CALVES and beet caUia wanted. Phone At- water 2178. ,.. -----; BARGAIN" Jemey-HolrfWin oow, fresh 4 days with third calf. 17 E. St arte, cor. 78 th. TEN fine typo hellers, coming. 2 bred ts tssgtstverea uovsrem owl. -, journal. WAN TED Beef . real sua nogs. s. Tabor 7833. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 FOR SALE 200 parebred S. C. White Leg liora pullets. 4 months old. (ran traprwated bens lajing 294 eggs. $1 25 each. E. L. Bwutn.-ao w. nroadway.- Broadway OB 21 SEVEN thoroughbred velvet R. L Red aay mg hens, with fine Owen Farms roaster, $1. 12 pullets. 5H and 8 mouths old. $. Aut, 640-83. 6133 85th St. S. , E. WHITEWASH in 10-gai. arsw-4op cans for $ I at Northwest W eldina; Supply Co., 88 First st. - i ., - - - 0O PLYMOUTH ROCK pulleta for sale. R. . oox-xzo. aa ana Mapte sts. FOR SALE White Leghorn hens, nsaoa- w u cast siiis. WHITE LEGHORN bens aad Isrga pullets. L. V. Halit. 205 B. 23d St. N. -' WHITE LEGHORN pullets. Uywg, $1 aad ai ao eacn. Tssor es)7 PETS; DOGS, BIRDS, ETC. 703 Bull Terriers . AT , STUD . AND FOR 8AXJB ; - I" PLAZA ' A K. 0. 281208. the sensational Engdsh Bull Terrier ,. aiT s www ssk-w - 'i - TT v , aoak .1 t , . Vat w. a. s. ivooh, ue narmswano snaiKas any American Bull .Terrier ALLADIN DANDT U. K. C 110600. Toung registered stud dogs and bitches ISr sale. For particulars address or call Dr. J H. Held. 853-5 Morgan bldg. -Main 8398. Aut. 634-23. NEW BIRD BOOK "Care. Feeding and Breeding of Canaries, gives a volume of real information. Also tells how and what to use to overcome disease and trouble. Worth a dollar to any owner of a canary. Postpaid, 80c. Routledge Bird. Pet b animal Co i-ortisnd. PUREBRED Airedale puppies for sale cheap. i r.ast otn st. s BOBTAIL Shepherd pui for sale reasonable. 273 14th st. THO HOC G-tBKED 1'omeraroan SsiU pup pies. Aut. 636-41. 8324 65th st. S. E. POINTER pups; just right for training this season, $5. Call -Aut. 618-T57. 'FOR SALE Boston terrier puppies. 915 loon sve. walnut 44 94. THOROUGHBRED American pit boll temat puppies. 8123 Foster road AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 He Bought a3 Studebaker . 'OO Overland. Repainted. For any one wanting a small car at a small prios this car is the one for you. THE STUDEBAKEK CORPORATION OF AMERICA USED CAR DEPARTMENT Broadway 2731. 341 Bumside St. Bit; CUT IN USED FORDS ARMENTBOUT-WICKE MOTOR CO. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS. 82d snd Foster Road. Automatic 688-46. 1920 Ford touring- .....$335 1920 Ford touring 825 T02O Ford touring ,.-.275 1918 Ford- roadster 193 1918 Ford roadster 195 1917 Ford touring 135 1917 Ford touring 185 TRUCK BARGAINS 1920 Ford truck chassis, tins shape... $195 1919 Ford truck chassis 175 Sell on terms of 12 monthly installments. He Bought a Studebaker '19 Maxwell touring. KeHntshed. Car is in best of condition in every re spect f , ' THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA USED CAR. DEPARTMENT Broadway 2731. 841 Bumside St. : SEE THESE CARS BEFORE YOU BUI Some Remarkable Values in Used Cars. 1920 Lexington. 1920 Chalmers. 1919 Olds six. 1916 Packard twin. 1920 Oakland coupe. 1919 Chevrolet touring. 1921 Ford roadster. These cars are all in fine condition and tho prices are right. i Lawson Auto Co. 354 E. BROADWAY EAST 2680 He Bought Another Studebaker '21 Special Six Studebaker sedan. In perfect condition in every respect. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA USED CAR DEPARTMENT Broadway 273L 341 Bumside St. Case Bargain .1920 Csae touring. This car hag been re bored. New pistons, rings and i wrist pins, newly painted. This car cost $8000 new and is in perfect mechani cal condition. Must sacrifice to make quick sale. Price $875. Will giro rea sonable terms. Call Walnut 2615. He Bought a . Studebaker '19 Ford sedan refinished like new. THE STUDEBAKER COSPORATION OF AMERICA USED CAR DEPARTMENT Broadwsy 2731. 341 Bumside rt BARGAIN$106 DOWN Bring $100 and ride horns in lata modal Chevrolet touring refiraished. set seat covers snd good tires and one extra tools sad some extras, spotlight. Full price is $265. 16th and Alder sts. MUKI'ttl MUXUS w. 'He Bought a Studebaker' 20 Buick. 7 passenger ' touring. Sen : this car if you want - a 7 passenger touring. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA, : Broadway 2731. , 341 Bumsido St. MAXWELL R0AD8TER ; Liks new, all 1922 mechanical features, cord tires. $575. a B HALEY. GRAHAM A; CHILD. INC.. 11th street at Bumside. 1919 BUICK -SIX H-45 Buick for sale, ear in first class con dition, has spotlight. - stop signal, wind def.. motornreter, license, and S cord tires. ' Price $625. Call"Tsbor 1860. 1920 FORD COUPE : ! New motor and tires, $475. i BRALET, GRAHAM Ac CHILD. INC.. I 11th street at Bumside. WE PUT steel teeta as your old flyoueeli crankshaft turning, cylinder (rinding. H, B. Black's Msehios Shop. 534 Alder St.. Broad- way 38S1. 1917 FORD touring, Hassler shocks, band i Klaxon. 8 4 .tires. $190, terms. I Y. BILX4NG8LEY MOTOR CO. Hawthorne Ave. at 8th St. , East 0720. 1918 CHEVROLET 490 touring, privately driven aad in good running condition; will sacrifice in order to sell this week. Terms to suit. Sellwood g01. ACCOUNT of sickness need money, compelled i to sacrifice 83 Overland- touring, good run ning order, ior $135, worth $SOO. Can sea car at Ber find's Grocery store. 735 first SC. corner Porter. - " - -" , ' 1921 Ford sedsa.. This .ear is a real buy. i Win wheels, good tires, shock absorbers, speedometer, la o lock steering wheel, seat coven. ' Don't miss this one. . Call East 8362. Mr. Wslberfc t tires? will take ChevToiet or Ford aa first nayment. einmi. owx CHEVROLET, 1922 model, like bow; bargeia; iaraau easn aaysaeuc vug easy peaancek aw 1 Lucille Court. 228r N. 20Ui. 1920 FORD coupe, all extras,- looks well, spien Tehd miming order, $47. ..: 81$ E. Oak. East 9562 Kmni ..... . . ib44 I'UEmni.ET toKrinv . like nw. uu. i tira 'and extras, 9459.. terms if desired. Tabor sm i ! A T r- a . HrrVtf-U- SZTV (. nml nw4ituul 1921 FORD coupe, runs line gad looks goo i Wslnult $$13 , - - 'AUTOMOBILESJL-FOR SALE SOO ,COVEY'3 USED CAR CLEANUP k i .... .. ..V 1 isl Sunday. August 13th. fa the start of a REAL SACRIFICE SALE. a very: complete assort ment of cars, Boat of them small. ! d medlura priced machines. Practically all have been, oeernaaled. ' repainted, and equipped with good - tires. j . i "AD SUCH A PESIRABLB TPS5J?K CsED AITTOMOBILES T?3 OFFER TO THE PUBLia AN D W E HAVE CUT OCR PRICE VERY MATERIALLY. W.i won" partial ust. together with prices, sea the Sunday end Monday Oregoniane, ' Tuesdsy Journal and Wednesday Telegram. Bring this nst with. you. Ask for tho oars by our House Numbers. REMEMBER, wo have two Stares, one at 28-80 North Broadway, and the main plant at 21st at Washing ton. , . . "ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES" COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY Open Bunds yi and Night. USEDCARS 1920 Scripps. Booth coups, new paint. cossV tires, a real winter car, at a bargain. 1918 Ford coups ...$350 191T Cadillao 750 1919 Nash, 5 pass., original fin ish, cord tires, 90 days' servios JI7B 1919 Xssh, 4 gain for . pass.," a real bar- 68$ 1921 Nash sport model, only no 4325 miles, A-l paint, guar anteed like new. ........ .1100 T921 Essex, a real bargain, lota of extras, tho best buy in Portland . . 850 1919 Baby Grand Chevromt , se dan. . new paint 62S Portland Motor Car Co. 10th and Bumside. Broadway 0521. Studebaker '20 Auburn Beauty Six, very fins condition. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA USED CAR DEPARTMENT Broadway 2731. 841 Bumside St, CHEVROLET CHEVROLET- CHEVROLET 1918 Chevrolet ehaaaia. (tarter $143 191-t) Chevrolet delivery, beautiful panel body, starter, look, like new.. 273 FRANCIS' MOTOR CAR COMPANY Grand Avenue and Hawthorne East 8770 He Bought a Studebaker 18 Dodge Touring, like new. This car is a bargain. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Broadway 2731. 341 Bunda St 1022 . FORD, fully equipped, sposdom.. spot light, shocks, foot throttle, extra tire, rim, good rubber; run only 8000 on pavement; $475. Owner leaving city. 63T Jefferson. Main 2112. He Bought a Studebaker 21 Ford. Coupe THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA, Broadway 2731. 841 Burt da SL BUICK D 45. New paint, good robber, motor first class, bas now pistons, rings and pins; battery new; $425. Must be seen to be ap preciated, 80 days service free. Burke's garage. 72d st. near 55th are. Aut. 620-80. 1918 DODGE touring car In good condition, ' good rubber and good paint. Will sell for ' $395. Some terms. Mr. Bates. East 0302. 1920 FORD TOURING. $33$ YOUR OLD CAR IN TRADE. BRALET, GRAHAM A CHILD. .INC.. - 11th street at Bumside. . ALMOST NEW LIBERTY SIX TOURINO ONLY $650. TERMS : PHONE OWNER. EAST 9564. ' 1917 BUICK TOURING Well preserved, $475. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC. lltn uu at nurnsjide. Auto Painting ZTUZ ing, leaf work- aad artistic designing; 27 years a painter. East 1199. 847 Williams avey LATE 1920 CHEVROLET FINE CONDITION SACRIFICE AND GIVE TERMS PHONE EAST 9564 1918 R-EO touring ear. $76. $100 balanos la monthly payments. BRALET, GRAHAM It CHILD, INC. ' 11th St. at Bumsido. AUTO MODERN SLEEPER Autos reconstructed to sleepers; our system does' not weaken or disfigure tho body. B. B. Body at Top Works, 345 Williams. Esst 1198. OVERLAND 90. $350. lightweight. 6 family car. BRALEY. GHAHAM sV CHILD. ISO. 11th St. at-Bumside. 1920 CHEVROLET touring 490. good coodi tion, good tires. $350. Terms. L. Y. BILLLVG8LET MOTOR CO. Hawthorne Ave. at 8th" SL East 0T20. 1821 FORD COUPE, in best mechanical condition, good tires snd lots ot extras. Must sell this week. At very low price. Terms, Sellwood 2016. OVERLAND, Model 83. 1918. steel pane! de Mvery car. in good condition. Pries $100 cash. Also on. 2-eealed .hack. Price Plume Tigard -751. .' A. I . Keller. 1920 CHEVROLET light delivery, aood condi tion, good tires, $350. Terms. L. Y. BILLING8LEY MOTOR CO. Hawthorns Are. st 8tb 8L Esst 0720. " nnnr. Efl I tOtK? Ert DODGES Always rebuilt snd torn up. BRALEY. GRAHAM A CHILD. INC. lltn Bt- at ourniiae. 1920 PAIGE LITTLE . This car is : bargain. Price $675. Small down pay ment, easy terms on balance. E. A. Dock-, steader. walnut uvi. MUST sell my Studebaker six, new rubber. iew top. Price $500. terms. Phono Sell. 8418 evenings after 4:30 or Sunday- 0OO fWMM mt FORD touring. $225; half caab; thoroughly - orernameu; runs a 'ri , 1 u lAnfi Raleieh. IBBTfr . n...ro ' " - WILL SELL my 1922 model 490 Chevrolet iirmonatrstor at a sior u mm, t -woonMbl. party. tag Walnut 8612. SAVE $90 on Chevrolet demonstrator, run le naa lvuu hum. smuw w . aaH voumelf. My nu. va-m. wvi. iini I. TRADE say Ford sedan for aay model Fotvlnono Bdwy. 1872. Ask for Mr. Wagg. - ' " "' ' " ' "'""' 1918 SAXON touring, good ahaps; will trade for Ford. 24Q' Grand are. 1920 FORD, touring; will seerifioe this weea. FORD BUG. top, good rubber, quick mS, , $149.80. - Call Tabor 472$. ' :' FOR SALE 1914 Peerless 8-48: make offer. ' R. L. h hartley. Phono Esst $603. i$2l BXUTl URA'D Cos vroletr a good buy. . Call Wstnut.61 lot darmorastratton. 1920 FORD coupe, late ssodeJ., ahock, sou of Traasoa s. x w . . 1 . iv -p. extras, omy as wmj.-jios. 1921 yOW coupe, dated Juno 4, 1821, over sira tirea, tots of extrssv Call Bdwy. 3488 tOonUausd sat Following rat) - - Si A. 1 F I