REAL ESTATEFOR SALE , HOUSES 404 FRANK U McGUIRE SAYS: "Portland ia grin to boid so czpoaitloa ifi 1823." , ' Never was there a better tome to invest t Vnrtl.lMt ml estate than today. REAL ESTATE VA WES ARB ADVANCING DAILY. lie pneiutui unnum -.- -recant house, for rent. Rents are not coming dawn. Now is the time to bo yoar hone, before the fall rush- - Yob wiil find mm reel home be wine in the list below. We hava many others. We can't advertise them all. Over 2009 photographs oi bomea for eale are awaiting yoor inspection in our new enlarged display room. . YOUR HOME IS HERE IT1 kelp youc make your down payment: 90 salesmen with aatoa at jour service. Office open evenings and SUNDAYS. COLONIAL BARGAIN 15750 You will hare to mote fast to get this 6-room gem in Rose City Perk. Extra large living room. un porch. French door?. 2 wonderful bedrooms and inclosed sleeping porch. A beau tiful lot with trees and shrubbery. "To be sacrificed at $5750." PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW $5250 Ideally localed on 8t Helens court, close to the car; full lot. We are offering this 6-room artistic, vine covered bungalow, furnsce and. fire plsce, sleeping porch, very prsotical floor plan, pared street, liens in cluded. WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW $5250 Very attractive 7-roora bungalow. hardwood floors, built-in buftet and white Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms and bath on the first floor, 8 bedrooms up; full cement basement, hot water nesting plant, garage; terms. Con venient to municipal golf course and Reed college. A KIDDIES' PARADISE $4000 Large 7 -room house with spacious porches, big bam, nesrly hsM acre of land, fruit trees and shade trees, sewer and sidewalk in; $190 street liens: terms 42d ft. A DJOIX INU WEST MORELAX D $3900 $500 down, balance' like rent, on Milwsnkie srenue, fscing on the car line and paved street, on extra large lot, 60x107. We sre offering s very beautiful colonial bungalow, com bination living and dining room, Dutch kitchen with convenient break fast nook, two airy bedrrxgna, white enamel plumbing, cement basement; new, vacant, immediate possession. Ton will be happy here. SOCTH OF LAURELHUBST 8850 On East Salmon street, near 3th street. 5 room attractive bungalow, white enamel plumbing, electric l.ghts and gas, paved street in snd paid for; terms. Convenient to Laureihurst park. ROSE CITY BUXGALOW 3750 5 -room modern bungalow, living room with mafsive rock fireplace; book eases, dining room built-in buffet, h..rinvw floor, whita Dutch kitchen. two light, airy bedroom., whitei enamel bath, full cement basement, wash trays, automatic gas furnace i corner lot; only $750 down. East 3d. I BCNGALOW. LARGE LOT I $2990 Here is an attractive little bungalow home on 100x100 lot, where Sou csn raise all your fruit, vegetables and flowers; combination living and dining room, white Duteu kitchen with ' breakfast nook: glassed-in sua room, two airy bedrooms, white ; enamel plumbing; double garage; very easy payments: no mortgage or street liens to assume; 3 blocks to lit. Scott PRACTICAL BUNGALOW HOME 2900 $4O0 down, only 925 a month, in cluding interest. This is an inex pensive little home. It has a home like atmosphere that is missing in many expensive homes. Comibinstion living and dining room. Dutch kitch en, 2 light, airy bedrooms; white enamel plumbing: flowers and shrubs; close to school. 64th street 81 E. HEART OF ALBERTA $2090 An attractive 5 -room bungalow, just repainted, like new. on pavement, with garage; price $3190, including all improvements. , East 12th tt Terms : E. SALMON STREET $2S0O Good 6-room house, comer lot SOx 10S. all improvements in snd Paid; living room, dining room and kitchen downstairs, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath upstairs. Easy terms, I WANT TO GO HOME" $2730 "I am up here from California to sell my home and have quirted the price for quick action, for I must return: 7-room, white enamel plumb ing, electric lights and gas: extra large lot, 66 2-3x110 feet, on Mon tana ave.. near Dekum; convenient to the Kenton district : terms. See my cgeut, Frank L. McGuire.' $250 CASH 2750 A sacrifice; newly painted 6-room house. Just reduced from $8250 to $2730; H block to Mt Scott car; four lots with worlds of fruit; chicken house cost $4 50. COZY DOLL. HOI SB 2650 Just for two; 3 rooms and attic, with a garage, on' 50x100 comer lot. Come in and see the photograph, then you will want us to show it to you immediately $500 down. Willisana id'eal'kenton bungalow $2625 Only $400- down. -balance like rent. on full lot .with liens paid; on Min nesota avenue, near Terry: a very homelike 5-room modern bungalow with sleeping porch and built-in con veniences. It is a real bargain to gel a home in this district on unusual attractive price. See our list on Benton homes before you buy. PENINSULA HOME (1890--On Newman street on 66 1-8x100 ft. 1 lot: 4-rocm. comfortable home with ! plumbing: electric lights and ess: 1 sleeping porch; $309 down, balance '. like rent. SEE FRANK U McGUIRE To Buy Tour Home America's Largest Home Seller. Tbe is an opening on 'our sales force " for a salesman with car Business 1 Good. $1400 HOME FOR YOUNG FOLKS Splendid. Titue; 3 rooms with neat built-in Dutch kitchen, toilet, gas and electricity. Lot 100x100; right-among the fits. Home for one sh appreciates a nice location; 1400. $250 down. 13 and 8f4 interest. JohnsonDodson Co. 88 N W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WALKING DISTANCE 8 room i modern house, furnacb, fireplace, paved street, walking distance Morrison and Buraside bridges. 3600. terms. B, M. GATEWOOD, CO.. 165 H 4th St. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. MUST SELL 5 rooms, oak floors, furnsce, fireplace. ravage. ' large attic, brand new, near parit. $4800. Terms. 3. tt. HAIGUT FOR REAL ESTATE 3.M Arkeny Bdwy. 2045. OWNER MUST SELL 7 room house, 100x100 lot, comer 63d ave. aad 45th st. S. E. 3 short blocks frosa Woodstock carhne and business center. 8350O. Some terms. Might accept some trade. HX 216. loarnaL BEST PART OF ROSE CITT Must leave city in. two weeks, will sen my 7 roam bouse for any reasonable offer, every thing IB excellent condition, hardwood floors, furnace and full cement basement, lots - of frwit. Auto, 828-12. ; - FOR SALE THREE HOUSES ONE 6 ROOM. ONE BOOM, ONE 7 ROOM EVERY MODERU CONVENIENCE IN A RESTRKTED DISTRICT A SACRIFICE . . CALL OWNER. WALNUT 6562 ONE of Mt l&cott a bet bargains: 5-room bungalow sad 3 -room boaie on S4xl 84-foot lot; 4 blocks to street car and T blocks from school. ' This is some anas at $3200 Laurtt ' as n-STevcnson Scbnesder Co., Inc.,' 229 A Met st Main 8616. - NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW r Cease at porch, fireplace, built-ins. living aad dining rooms hardwood floored, 3 beautifaliy tinted bedrooms; bath and b. smok, French " gray cement basement wtth trays. $3300. Small payment snd terms. 847 E. 70th at. N. A TITLE ln.faraac l"ix-y a gnanate by a spoaaiblat company that you wU sot suffer lota en account of the title to your real estate. C When ye buy .real estate get a Title Insurance .Policy. ,N abstract required, -litis Trust company.; ' 6 Room Bungalow . k AU on 1 floor. $1300, term. It's new and clasy. Hardwood floors. Plats glass windows. tutcu kitchen, cement basement. 50x100 tt lot block t car. Tab. 7547. WE, HAVE already' exsasraed -.' the nth tc - your property sod eaa issue yu a Thla Insurance Policy without dels y. Title A. Trust company. - - MODERN 7 roosa som just completed, only ' , M20O, vary easy terms.. Bdwy. 1631. r REAL ESTATE TOR SALE HOUSES 404 i $300 CASH Balance (35 per ma., including Int. boy I 3 ra. bnncalow; large bath, full basement; fruit ra.. L trays, pipelaaa furnace; 50xlS ft. lot. 3 trait tree: Bear car and school. Price 2856. Are You Going; to Build? Then ywa want the moat for your money. We draw yoar plans, arrance financial aid and nuke it possible for you to build on small payments and sera yoa money Hooses under construction. ALBOHN INVESTMENT CO. 218 Panama Bids. Bdwy. 6157. Newpuplex Fine district' A real Job of work manship. 5 rooms on each floor, each one complete and independent of the other. We can lease one part for $50 per month. . This is a bona fide bargain. For full' particulars call the builder. Broadway 6157. or call 216 Panama bldg. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW BARGAIN 4250 This home was at first held as high as (6000. There i an installment mortgage on same for $3300, placed through local loan broker so you can readily realize what an extreme bar gain this is at the price. 5 rooms and bath, breakfast nook and large attic, hdwd floors, fireplace, buffet, -Dutch kitchen, cement basement, st. imp. in and paid. J. A. Wickman Co. 801-4 Bd of Trade. Realtors NEWLYWED BUNGALOW Bunga.ow of 4 rooms and breakfast nook, one year old. concrete foundation, cement floor in basement, stationary tub: lot SOx 110. cement walks around house. Total price X240n SftOO cash. $15 monthly. Don't hestitate on this. See Kenton with (92 tiam. ' 1 I'm. INCOME HOUSE 0 large rooms in good renting district, close in on the east side between 2 cax lines. Would make 2 large flat or could be used aa apart ment. Near high fc?ni Benson school. Lot 48x100. 'Price $5000, 1000 cash, (50 n on thly. JohrssonDodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mam 8787. WHY pay rent when I will sell you 5 room house on hard surfaced street, full lot, with alley on rear and sewer; ail improvements paid; full basement and garage; 6 fme fruit trees; located 3 blocks W. of Missiippi a' e near Bkidmore st. Price 2 500, with 3 30 cash, balance Eke rent, with 6 per cent lnt l. HmirJ, 600 Williams ave. East 1298. Winnt Qgo i. . S280DJeffer6on 8 room well constructed house, on paved street. -Only $2800. Must have o5.,oohi.T. vaTATK a. TNV. CO.. O .-. . VIM. Bdwy. 5618. O 1 i- 1 O V liWA ROSE CITY 7-ROOM BUL- 7 rooms and sleeping boreh. smctly mern with built-ins, oak floors, firi' 100x100 grounds with a profusion beauti ful shrubbery; garage: 1 block from bandy bird. Price 7000. Terms. JohnsonDodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mam 3787. WAVERLEY HEIGHTS A beautiful, strictly modern 6 room house on a beautiful subtly corner lot, facing east and near to ear. House is finished in white enamel throughout. On account of sickness 1 Im Sacrificing this at J5000, but I must hsve all or nearly all cash. This is a real bargain. Come and see it. A-255. Journal ALBERTA SNAP SELL ON, EASY TERMS Attractive 5- room bungalow and garage. Full oement basement and attic. Close to school snd car. Price $3000 MERRICK & CO.. REALTORS 304 Panama bldg Broadway 6942. EASY TERMS. Four attractive new bungalows 35th and Clinton. Well built and beautifully finished, an buOtins, hardwood floors, plate glass win dows, breakfast nooks, garage: prices $4500, $5000, $5200. Small payment do , fLntl own your home. Builder. 1016 Brooklyn. NEW five room bungalow under construction; will have all the built-ins, full basement, fireplsee. on hard surface street electricity, close to r taosiui n . w trict. Will accept lot. auto or piano up to $1000. Balance 30- per month. A bargairr st $4000. Week days only. Auto. 637-65. MODEBN BUNGALOW 6 room new bungalow, nice builtins, fire place, hardwood floors, full cement basement, garage, corner lot, 50x100, on Glisan st. and M. V. cariine, $47 0O. gooa easy terms. B. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 166 4 4th St. " HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Brand new, attractive 5 -room bungalow, latest features, including nook, garage, fur nace, electric fixtures, shades, linoleum, tile bath walking distance Franklin high, open for inspection. 854 E. 52d street; Hawthorne car. Phone Sellwood 8863. OWNER LEAVING FOB CALIFORNIA Owner orders house sold at once, as he is leaving for California: 5 rooms, garage, furnace, fireplsee; on paved -St.. near cariine and school. Easy terms. Bdwy. 4288. Evenings East 640T. 100x100 Covered with fruit gardep. flowers, etc.; nest and- substantial 5 room cottage; close in district Owner most sell, sacrifice for $3000. easy terms; clear title. Set A K. Hill, 426 Lumbermen bldg. BY OWNER Attractive E. Burnsjde home, close in, fine location; hardwood floors, furnace and fire place: 8 rooms: easily changed to flats. Cash $1000. Tel. mornings E. 9436, Mrs. Bliss. BEHIND every policy of Title Insurance b deposit with the state, of Oregon to protect you against loss, yet it is cheaper than th abstract method. . Title A Trust company. 5 RM. bungalow; 1 blk. from Mt. Tabor car; lot 76x100; nice flowers and garden. Price $3200; part cash, balance $25 month with Interest qwner. Tabor 2909. WHEN you ftt a Tills insurance Policy you do not need sn abstract of title. On pre mium pays for all time litla A Trust com pany 7 ROOM MODERN home. 4 down. 3 and bath up. lawn, flowers and firrit; dandy garage, only $3000. half cash. East 8933. TITLE Insurance: is the- modern way of han dling titles to real estate. Quicker, costs less and no abstract required. Title A Trust company. i BY OWNER New 4 -room house aad garage, half block to sidewalk: in neighborhood of new tire pant. $2750; $800 cash, 50 East Watts street GET title insurance instead or an abstract It ia quicker and cheaper and yon sr. abao rately protected against error. Title tt Trust compaay TO BUY OR SELL A HOME ' J. W. O-COXXELL CO. 31 B Stock Exch. Bldg. Main 8661. ONLY 300 DOWN New bungalow, 4 rooms, nook, -floored attic, furnace. trays, cement basement. garage; imps, in end paid. East 8935. 4-KOOM bouse with bath, furnished or un fornUhed. gas and electricity, full basement, all improvements paid. 187 Stanton st. WESTMORELAND- New. 4 rooms, basement, full lot. Price $4250. easy terms. Call Bdwy. 61 ST. I $3i0 CASH, balance like rent, bays 7 roer home, modern except, beat; total price only $15. Broadway 1681. FOB, SALE -3 -room house, ' rash. Bast .terms. 1'bone Call Ray. two Iocs, some' Atwater 1118. KENTON 2300; 6 room modern home; will take a good' Ford and acme cash down, balance hke rent. Owner. Walnut 3298. 4 ROOM plastered house , lights, gas, builfe ins, 0 fruit trees, 50x100 near Kentou. Owner. Hoxh, 271 Antyle at. $3500 EASY terms, by owner, modem 4 room and i breakfast nook; ail built Ins snd firepiace. 12Q9 Minnesota ave. Walnut 5Q3 1. OWMTl k. ft room Iwuat and lot, S2S0O: terms. Aut. 623-2H. 4 ROOM, modern house, garase, fruit trees. " NEW bungalow, lot lOOiIOA; muL sell, $1300.- Phone ftv W. Mttwankie. JroR SALK-r8-rooui modern home, close in, 5 ROOM bumgaiov wear Peninsula school, view tupeleas furnace, at $4250. Walnut 2968. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE , HOUSES , 404 WHY SOT, BUILD - MOO On term, will , build on yoar lot a 5 room bnncalow With Bring roem 12ttx22; bedrooms 10ttxl2: dintnc room. Dutch kitchen, bath with atand- ard fixtures; cement basement, wash trays, hdwd. floors, tapestry paper, enamel flmeh.7 fireplace, bookcases, buffet, eleetriei light fixtures " and shades: i cement' walk around honsa; ' everything complete ready ta mora in, , or we will design home to salt, either on yoar tot or one of our own.; See Wickman. . . , 1 J. A. Wickman Co. 801-4 Board of Trade. Realtors. Just Outside City; New 4 -room modern bungalow. 1 full acre. No rock or gravel : fine soil; on hard surfaced road. $2500; full price term on part, i The Holly Realty Co. 43 S Chamb. of Com. Bdwy. 665. ROSE CITY PARK 6 .rooms and sleeping porch ; linoleum in kitchen and bath, finished in old ivery, hard wood floors. book cases, beautiful buffet, fur nace, fireplace, full basement; garage; 60x100 lot; paved 'Street, etc. Owner non-resident. Will sell cheap. Price 5800. 150 cash. JohnsbairDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mam 3787. $3200 MODERN 5 room bungalow with at tic and big center reception ban 75x100 lot. one block to M. V. car: unobstructed view, double garage; 10 bearing fruit trees: all kinds of berries, garden, etc. ; fireplace, buffet, complete bath and Dutch . kitchen ; good cement basement with L. trays; good reason for selling. $.1200 cash. Tabor 2934. Furnished Bungalows . We have several furnished .bungalows for sale, none, over $3300. Very small down payments. Ask ns. I STAR HKAL ESTATE & IXV. CO.. Bdwy. 5618. 512 Wilcox Bids. $2000 NEAT HOME; FATED STREET 4 room plastered house, bath, toilet, elec tricity, gas, some fruit; improvement all in and paid; near school and-car; good district. Terms are attractive, (300 down. $-5 month ly, including interest. JohnsonDodon Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. NEW BUNGALOW 350 DOWN 5 rooms and floored attic, full basement and double constructed, fine district, near Portland bird., price (3150. Mr. Parker. 248 Stark St.. near 3d. Phoue Bdwy. 7820. WEST SIDE COLONIAL Modem, colonial, in fine location, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, white enamel, with lots of buiit-ins, close to car service. Garage. (7800; terms. Mr. Wiles. J. R. HA1GHT FOR REAL ESTATE 851 Ankeny. Bdwy. 804 5. 250 DOWN 5 rms.. attic, bath, basement. sidewalks and sewer in; 60x100 lot, 3 blka. to car. Price 32900. $100 Soldier's Loan Fine 5 rm. finished attic, bath, basement, 100x102 lot, garage. Price $3800 or easy terms. HEYTING Sc RIDER. 202-203 Failing bldg. ROSE CITY BARGAIN New 4 room bungalow. Has fireplace, fur nace, hardwood floors and all the latest built ins. Large garage with cement runway and floor. r rice only $3800. Will accept lot as part payment MERRICK & CO.. REALTORS, 304 Panama bldg. Broadway 6942. ONLY J5800! NEW I NEW! Yes, it's all new. A new design. A new kind of a California bungalow. Yes, it's more attractive than anything you have seen. See it and you will be lovesick for one like it On Glisan st, between 47th and 49th. For sale by owner. Designers and builders will build on -your own lot' anywhere. Tab. 4368. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT HERE YOU ARE A BARGAIN , Will sacrifice my 7-room bungrfiow, 2 blocks from school and ear, close in, including furni ture and rugs, . $5000; $1200 down. If you are looking for a bargain, don't fail to see this coxy home. Will show by appointment only.. Call Mr. Harper,,-Broadway 3143. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW Nearly finished, beautiful 5 rooms and attic, complete built-ins. breakfast nook, tapestry pa per, fine fixtures, furnace, fireplace. . garage. $5750; $1000. J. R. jHAIGHT FOB REAL ESTATE 351 Ankeny. Bdwy. 2045. BY OWJER 5-roora bungalow, Dutch kitchen, floored 'at tic and half basement, nice lawn, small chicken house and run, 2 blocks from Joseph Kellogg school walking distance Franklin high, 4 blocks from Hawthorne cariine. For quick sale, $2600 : $400 down, balance like rent. 8545 66 th st, I block south of Powell Valley. 8 ROOMS IRVINGTON Owners took it on mortgage and are closing out at cost to them. $6750; $1600 down and $50 and interest. This is a large place, close to Broadway cars. Fine location. J. B. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE 351 Ankeny. Bdwy. 2045. 5-ROOM bungalow and large attic, full cement basement, fireplace, hardwood floors; half block to car and paved street; extra, good value. $3200. $1150 cash, $30 monthly. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. Cigar Stand 850, corner location, busy street, doing better than $25 s day; nice fixtures, clean stock. A real bargain. Work fast Universal Sales, 435 Railway Exrhange. ROSE CITY PARK We have some very choice homes for sale. This one is a snsp at $5000. 50x100 lot be low the bill; has fireplace, furnace and ga rage; $500 cash, balance terms. A. N. Mik kehien Co., 52d and Sandy blvd. Tabor 258(1, AN ABSTRACT of a tie u not a guarantaa of your title; it is merely a hjstory of your title. A Title Insurance Policy is a sua rant of your title. Therefore, when you buy property get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required. Title ic Trust company. MAKE SURE MONEY Buy this good 5 room bungalow, near new S. P. railway activities for quick profit Paved street, modern conveniences, rent for $35. Price $3300. R. L. Yoke. 1136 N. W. Bank Bldg. 4 Rms. and Bath ONLY S00 CASH 1 On 60x100 ft lot 2 blocks to car. John T. Zuber. 1 824 .E. Olisan. Tabor 7547. '. OWNER has new beautiful 5 room Col. bun galow, sua rom, attic, with heat and light, garage, east face. Cor. 2 6th and Skidmore, E. 3280. A TITLE Insurance Policy is a guarantee of the title to your home. When you buy your home have the title Insured. Better be safe than sorry. Title A Trnf company. 5 BOOM COTTAGE Lot 50x100, lots of fnrit, berries, lawn and flower; paved street. $100 down, bsi to suit. East 8936. BEAUTIFUL new 5 room bungalow in Irv- ington. with hardwood floors and all modern conveniences, close to school and car, only 52SO, very, easy terms. Broadway 1531. NEAR ilrvington . school. 7 -room house, ga rage, not strictly modern but in excellent condition; low price for rash or will trade for i-maller house. East 8521. - CLOSK yoar reel ectate deal without annoy ing details by using a Titie Insurance Pol icy. No abstract required. Title ' A Trust company. . ' 4-ROO H bungalow, strictly modem, fumacv, fireplace, cement basement ivory finish, 1 block from Franklin high schocl; price 2750. Tabor 5313. - HOCSfc j?LANS 100 designs. $10 to S15. or speriiTly da nigned at reasonable tea. - U R BAILEY 4b CO.. 924 !. W. Bank Bldg. BY OWNER 7 and 5 rm, bouse, good loca tion : reason for Veiling Jeevtag town; f ar- unfurnished. . Very reasonable. Tabor- 7840. T BOOMS modern with furnace, all in fine condition: 50x10 lot; improvements is asm paid. Owner. Ant. 3 17-06. -- - TITLE insure ocw saves urn and money . be cause do abstract ' is required. Title) A Trust company. - . - , r' - 4-RCOM house, piastered. $1200. a bargaia if sold at oocei, soma terms to right party. 1391 Wilbur st Phona- Walnut 8427. EVERY purchaser ot real sntsta thooJd haea . his title insured. - Better be a:a than ' Title- at Trust company. - , . THREE room furnished house; giadioiss. gar den, chickens .1176 Delaware l ava. St. Johns ear. . - . .-' ' " WHEN yow purchase your nnrne have tUe xxiim inssredJ - Get a Title losuranrw Ptdk. ( Title ' Tnrst ccmpaay.-: -.; - , r ! S. U1M1U ho- almost- new. 10(1 withn i lot; can be' i noed easiiyj Woodlawn ear i -.M block S. filbert sr, . j NEW 0 room hause and garage. 6S1 E. 40th j NKU' modem bungalow, tot, V acre or ia Taboratde; ana Tabor 2910." . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES -404 1 BRAND NEW BCNGALOW I must on Park 5 Dutch kitchen, two big airy bed rooms; $8100. $300 cash. t Missouri St New, S rooms.; all dandy big ones, es pavad street; nifty, ie the word; $3000. $400 cash. - i - . - -' We also have 4 I-room bungalow, new Bat ing bat not new bouses, which can be Ban died with from . (200 to $300, all moderately priced and easy payments. See -us for bar- Ralph Harris Co. - 816 Cham, of Cora. Broadway 5654 , : feTOP. LOOK AND LISTEN A comfortable. 4 rm. honsa with fireplace, full let and fruit trees, a real soap, $350 down. Price 2000-. A 7 -room, modern house, improvements all in and- paid, furnace, fireplace, builtins, to block to car, close in. $350 down, price $3600. A BARGAIN . A modern 5 rm, home, corner lot furnace, fireplace, wash trays, full cement basement bookcaaea, all builtia, H. W. F. hrdw firs, all improvements in. $1000 down, price $3800. McGEE DENNIS "We Sell the Earth." 069 Union Ave. N. Walnut 5684 BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME I have sold out my business and am leaving shortly -for the East and am therefor offer ing ay beautiful Inington home at a sacrifice price for quick sale. This' is a large cornet lot. large bring room and dining room, with built in effects, finely equipped kitchen, with all modern conveniences, 4 large airy bed rooms, 2 baths, sleeping porches and 2 fur nished rooms in attic: full cement basement excellent furnace. Bund heater, laundry, fruit and fuel rooms, and a doable garage. Price $14,000, $5000 cash, and easy terms on balance if desired. Snown by appointment only. Address . owner, box 142 city. - MODERN 7 room house with garage, near Jefferson high school, in Piedmont; best of furniture; all or part for sale. M-173. Journal. ACREAGE 405 ly, ACRES. 1 block from electric ata tion; 1-3 mile to school, woven wire fences, macadam road, all cultivated, 35 bearing fruit trees. lOOO Strawberry plants, good garden, grapes,' etc 7-room house, small barn, chicken house: also store building, 24x48, in good condition; good location for store or garage; in small town east of Gresham. Price 83675, clear; terms. Or consider Portland resi dence, same value, 10 ACRES, south of Portland, Linn county; all in cultivation: spring water piped to house; bearing orchard, 4 -room house, bam 20x36, chicken house, other buildmgs. included with place 3 fresh cows, calf chickena. hog, wagon, hack, harness, plow, harrow, cultivator, garden tools, cream separator, crops, household furniture, etc. Price for everything, $2000, $1000 down, balance easy terms. Consider Portland property of same value. 2 LOTS, on macadamised street: Capitol Hill, all cultivated some berries; 4 room, plaster board house with city water and gas: large chicken house, 20x40. Price (1000. $500 down. John Ferguson. Realtor, GerHnger Bldg. Over 600 Small Places Near Portland. 9 ACRES BERRIES 8 blocks from city limits of Portland, 9 acres in strawberries, orchard and other ber ries. A wonderful place, nice big house, gar age, barn, chicken house, milk house; city conveniences. Will take city home as part payment, . or sell on reasonable terms. You must see this plas to appreciate its value. INSURANCE LOANS ascsMsm es caoiunci 418 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Broadway 6889 5-ACRE tract. Johnson creek bottom land, on carhne, near 82d st pavement; good, virgin, unimproved garden land; a 'decided snap at $2000;. some terans. 10 acres in 10-mile circle on Fisher road, near Columbia river highway: excellent road, good soil, water, etc. ; partly improved; a fine buy at $4500. 20 acres for tSOOO, 18 miles south of Portland ;' good road; good house; 6 acres ber ries; fine soil, running stream, well improved and abouC all under cultivation. R. L. YOKE. 1136 N. W. Bank bldg. 2 DOWN 1 WATER, GAS AND ELECTRICITY $850 Fine soil, close to car- and pavement, best location for suburban home. Boone & Clearwater Bdwy. 6317 ( 512 Couch bldg. $25 Down 1 ACRE I miles east of city, water, gas. lights snd phone service; close to car hne and pavement; prioe J 8 50. Bdwy. 5817. BEAUTIFUL 3 ACRE TRACT fscing on Sandy blvd., near Parkrose; all cleared. This is a rare bargain in a high class building sit. Price 3750. $500 down, bat monthly. Booiie & Clearwater Bdwy. 5317. 512 Couch bldg. K MILES FROM PORTLAND .10 ACRES, all cult. 3 acres beaverdam, fme rrpek, 6-rm.. modern, plastered house, elect- light bath, toilet, inter, system. Darn, garage, team, cow, chickena. Ford delivery. $7600. Consider house up to $3500. C. W. Miller ship. 163H 4th. Main S275. 4 ACRES. OSWEGO $1650 Nearly all cleared, old orchard, best soil, Tocked read, fine view; 1 mile station; easy terms. J. C. CORBIN CO., . 305-6-T Lewis Bldg. $2500 8 y ACRES nearv Durham. 9 miles out Oregon Electric, nice 3 room house, barn, chicken bouse, well, spring; terms. - M. Nyrka. R. 1. Box 69. Oswego. HOW DOES THIS STRIKE YODT 8 acres in Rosa Park seres, at $400 'per acre; easy terms See G. L. Bohr, 313 Knott st Phons Esst 8189. 2tt ACRES of fine level valley land, in culti vation; close to electric station, school and bighwsy, .$875, terms. Tabor 2045. eves. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 GOOD LIVING . AND $$$$$$ BESIDES One acre, 4 -room house, garage, poultry house, etc!, 1300 strawberry plants logan rapberry and black berries, grapes, bearing fruit ; 1 1 cords wood, cut Located on gravel rjad, cleae to car aad school. Nine miles out Price $1900. $300 cash. $15 per no. and Interest. See Kurd, with 732 Chamber of Commerce. THE BEST BUY OF THE SEASON 1 acre, ail under cultivation, on main line of S. P. at Clackamas-, 1 1 miles from Portland, 4 miles from Oregon City, 1 block from 82d st. highway snd next to school, blocks to P. O. . 1 Mock to 2 stores, chart-flea, garage, blacksmith shop. The bouse is a 5-roora shin gled bungalow, barn. 2 chicken houses, garage, all lighted with electricity, big woodshed, ce ment walk and -brand new -pump, excellent wa ter, cherries, applie. strawberries (509 -new plants I, raspberries 25 chickens, 1 young grand Jersey caw, 1919 Ford roadster, all for $2800; $15u0 cash, balance $25 per month 7 ; no agents. See ewner. H. D. Kribbs. Clackamas. Or. Chicken Ranch Finest small rancii in city, beautiful 7 house, equipped for 1 00O bens; 3 blocks end Woodstock ear. 5921 5tb ave. FARMS -407 50 Acres $2650 1 a miles from Scappooae, 1 0 acres in cult,. S room: house, barn, good orchard. This ia a good place and tm good read, only 32 miles from Portland ; $850 cash. bal. 6 per cent int 618 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. 400 ACRES of land near Chitwood. Or.. Liiv ' cola county, for sal at 026 per acre, includ ing stock and equipment, or will trade for smaller i place in Willamette valley. Address IK Trspp. Chitwood. Or. ' - ' i DANDY' S acre bom near -school, half mile to electric; all level, aH cultivated ; house, bam. chicken bouse, 01800; some terms. iX M. Crittenden, Hubbard. Or. 30 ACRES land, ail in crops, ail kinds of bvjjdzngs and stock, I tons of hay, $7500. Half cash. Address Andrew Hein. R-l, B-12A. Canby. Or. - . :-.?.- ANYONE desiring a good noma and suck ranch in mountain. & milea from ocean, 02 a. good land, tine bunting and Itstung; ror in formttiori wrtie Bex 118. Waldport. Or, " FOB SALE 14. exes, 1 2-year-old . walnut arrsrses rop tins Tear 6330 iter acre: AIM per eera icash.': bass nee terms: will take part m traae. r rea noocnea. goenaan, vr. FARM. ACREAGE. SPECIALIST To buy. sell, exchange 8oa -B. HOARD. 01 Stock Exchange bids. 0FTO ARK5QN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 WELT. LOCATED ItAIBT FARM F 40 area, level land. 9 mites north of Portland: 2 miles from good county seat town, with high school; win fences; 27 acres in crops, 10 acres more can be cul tivated; S acres timber; bearing orchard, good 8 loom house, large barn, chicken bouse, other buildings; included with the place 8 fresh cows, team, farming im- ijemeata, cream separator, etc Price or everything (3000, terms. 40 acres, 20 miles southeast of Port land. 1 mils ta school; 20 acres in oats, vetch, potatoes and garden, balance in rood standing timber; all can be farmed when cleared; 2 acres orchard; creek; 5 . room house, new garage, bans, personal property, cow, chicken's, -baby chick, etc Price, $3400. $1000 cash, balance $200 per year. 6 per cent 12 ACRES OF PRUNES I - 72 acres, near -Camas, Waah.. 20 miles firom Portland; . H mils to school; 85 acres cultivated; $0 acres in pasture, bal ance timber; no .waste land; 12 acres bearing prunes; family orchard; spring, water piped to 7 room plastered house with plumbing, S horses, chickens, ma chinery, crops, etc Price $8500, terms. Might consider Portland honsa for part Ask for Mr. Hunter. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor GERLINGER bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland Modern House Equipped Farm Home 28-A.. with 22-A.. in high state cultivation, timber for domestic use. fine spring stream through place, all fenced and cross fenced. 12-A. Italian prunes, large family orchard of as sorted fruits, small fruits and berries of all kinds, complete light and water system; water piped ' to all bldgs.. almost new 6-room house, with full set white porcelain plumbing, built in effects, good barn, and all neces sary outbuildings, cow, heifer, all nec essary farm implements, hay in bam, big crop of prunes now on the trees, potatoes and all other crops. Best of . loam soil, no rock or gravel. Just off Pacific highway. Short distance from Vancouver. Price $10,500. This is ( an ideal home and a money maker. Liberal terms can be had. No 086. Thompson, Swan & Lee 3rd god Main Sta., Vancouver, Wash. ABB you looking for a farm: If you are. we have it 183 acres on paved highway. 14 miles from Salem, all under culti., fair bldgs. A dandy place to subdivide and the terms are sight ANOTHER ONE -16 seres at Sara. Wash.. 15 acre under culti., 25 acres slashed, balance good pasture, small house. I will sell or trade What have yowl THIS IS A GOOD ONE j 2 acres, very highly improved ' at Oak Grove; good bldgs., covered with a fine assort ment of bearing fwit; 1 blocks to station. Will consider some trade. I will trade cr sell your property If you list with us. McGEE A DENNIS "We Sell the Earth." 969 Union Ave. N. Walnut 5684. SMALL FARMS 1614 acres choice level land, 10 acres rfi cultivation. 4 acres old stumps, 2 4 acres timber; 5 room house, barn, elucken house, fruit; 11 miles out; good Toad; at railway sta tion, electric Hue; $4 500, terms. 10 acres, level land, in cultivation; thi acres loganberries, 3 and 4 room house, barn, outbuildings, near By. sta,, at Donald; $2350; terms. Take Ford auto as part 15 acres in cultivation; good buildings of all kinds, fully stocked and equipped, near Canby; $5700; good, easy terms. Take city hosse as part. R. M. GATEWOOD CO . 165 ts 4th st 25 Acres 43 miles out, S miles from river, highwsy, and R. R. ; on good county road ; settled com munity, close to school; best of sofl for clover, fruit, berries, potatoes, nuts or grain; no rock, spring water; 20 per cent cash, balance long time. You can't beat it for price, quality, or location. We take you up by auto. JOHN A. MEI8SNER, 821 Gasco bldg. A REAL BUY SO acre chicken and berry ranch, located near Bay City. Or., wtth up-to-date, modern bungalow, elec. lights, running water in house, bath and all city conveniences; horses, chickens and equipment: strawberries, loganberries and grain in. If you are looking for a reef coun try home, don't pass this up; $7725 win handle this. I GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 23( Chamt of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. 280 Acres,' Linn Co., stock ranch. 85 a. in cul.. family orcaard. 5 room house, barn, fine water, 1 good team, harness' and wagon and all farm tooiai; 1 cow, 2 heifers, 1 brood sow. 5 pigs, 20 tons hay, 75 chickens, some furniture; $1300 cash, bal. terms. , 618 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. 23 MILES FROM PORTLAND $5 acres, 40 acres in cultivation. 8 acres timber, balance pasture: 1500 cords of wood: 4 room house, some furniture ; bam : spring, on every 10 acres large creek; 8 horses, 2 cows, farm implements; $4500, terms. C. W. MILLERS HIP, 165 Vi 4th st, Main 5275 IRRIGATED RANCH JtIO acres in Crook county, Oregon, 125 seres under cultivation 85 acres pasture csn also be cultivated: free water; own ditch; 4 rm. house, large bam and corral. Snap at $38 per acre. See Bat-rand. STURM-KEFER CO.. 214 5th, cor. Salmon. i'OH SALE By owner: 40 acres, 8 in culti vation, orchard. 5 acres potatoes, balance timioer; some buildings; 1 team horses, wagon, harry, plow, harrow and cultivator, a few chickens: price (2700 cash, or $3000, cash, with terms. Write or see Robert Babitt. Backs, Or.. R. 3, Box 43-A. FARM of 20 acres. 6-rm. bungalow, 10 acres -ni cultivation, bal. pasture, hog proof wire fenced. 2 cows and all farm implements; 6 rms. of good furniture. My equity is $3000, for ssle or trsde. What have you. East 9588. FOR RENT FARMS 408 LEASE FARM 585 Acres. bottom land. H upland: 32- miles from Portland on paved highway; 4, head horses, 35 . milk cows, 30 heifers 1 2-yesr-old. 1 3-year-oid heifer. 2 bulls, chick ens, 85 tons hay, lots of straw, spuds. Dodge truck and all farm implements; sell or trade stork and implements. C. W. Millerahip. 165 Vi 4th st Main 5273. DAIRY FARM LEASE Up-to-date dairy, city limits of Oregon City, 35 cows and complete equipment for sale; guarantee sale of all milk. This is a money maker. See F. B. Madison, room 7 Beaver Mo., Oregon City. Or. ONE of the finest dairy farms, over. 300 acres, in Northwest; fields in high state of cultivation, large modern building, com snd roots can be arranged for. G-221. Journal. j HOMESTEADS 410 160 RELINQUISHMENT near Grants Psas, S200O snent on same: good clearing and garden; equipment; cow; buildings snd house head goods; on S. P. Ry. ; 80 rods to station; $400; cord wood umber. uv. wuicx sac rifice. 301 Corbctt Bldg. FOR RENT Cheap, acre of land, small bouse; one f, res. nam ear line. Inquire ZflU Seeond st. .after 6 p , m. ' EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 for Exchange or sale Soft drink and lunch room, good equip ment with lease, for tot or car. What have yea? fall ZOT t ouch bldlg. WE have good farms and small acreages to exchange, for businees of any kind. We also have farms to exchange for city property. RTWV1RT A MORRIS 202 llrEit Wider 114)0 ACRES for income property: 157 acres tor good ressdenee noose equity for small sttrjo, store and flat for residence. Phone sir. Hiery. Beilwood 40 IP. RESTAURANT FOR EXCHANGE Well equipped and tocked. doing a mice brsuness with long seas, tor car. Sew owner. sot sjoncn ntog. j750 House eqtuty to trade for car of equal varse. - isaiaBca 9.0 per noou. 14 jje, gum tWH..'BWT. ... IPEOPEKTY.. EXCHANGE SPECIALIST ' A. GORDON BOSS. ' Broadway 6170. 624 Henry Bldg. FURNISHED apartment with 100x100 ft. ground, to trad for good bouse. 2077-70 Tsaa Monten. St. 240 ACRES near Kelso. Wash.. 1 mile 'from Jugnwaj; stwov, Want rooming hooaa or residence. Jocnaon, 740 Minnesota ave. WANT car for equity iu 1 acre, with 2-rsom house at Merzger, trr. K. 8483. . tiOOD AUTO FOR YOUR LOT . GOLDEXBERG. 222 Abington bldg. TGS. TRADE for (arm income property. Own. rs only. 828 Eik at. Befhngham. Wash. MODERN 5 room house and garage for innifT honsa and extra lot. Walnut 7246. . 6iE MY EXTENSIVE EXCHANGE LIST &. HOARD. $01 Stock Exchange bide EXCHANGES-REAL ESTATE 413 I Vancouver, B. C, Property . Owner will , ere hangs equity In modem 6 room semi-bungalow in good condition, for vacant lots or small boose in Portland. For fnll information address. N-177, Journal. , CHICKENS ON tHK HIGHWAY A going business, modern plant. nearly 2000 chickens, room for 20,000; fin mod ern 6 r. house, full cement basement, gas, water and eL lights. Will trade my eQUitjr for city residence: JOHN A. ME1SSXER. 821 Gasco bldg. Apartment Site West Side, will take a good automobile and mortgage for this lot 62x100. There Is no mortgage against this property and yon can make a good deal. Owner going to California and wants car to drive. Bdwy. 2571. HERE'S a chance to get a nice little farm with good buildings, doss to station, nice neighborhood. Wily take good 9-pasa. car and some cash as first payment and your own time on the balance. i T. P. KETXT, 306 HENRY BLDG. l'd.-i.e Bdwy; 8622 BRING YOUR TRADES TO TUB . TRADE ARTIST AT J. W. O'CONNELL CO.. 218 STQCK EXCH, BLDQ. MAIN 8661. 80 ACRE ranch, 12 niilea-from Portland, on paved highway, good house, barn, partly cleared. aH crops, 3 cows, 0 pigs, chickens, farm tools; take hou-e up to 840U0. Sutter, 246 E. Broadway. East 9218. 60 ACRE coast farm. 85 acres .bottom land. cleared: large house snd barn, silo; good lo cation; appraised vaiue SOOO ; will take $3uuu trade, $3100 federal loan, terms on balance. W. Cobb, owner. Si lets. Or. 1 - FOR HALE 40 acres. $1200. Will take car or any thing I can use. Balance easy. Some cleared, rest easily cleared; 6 miles from railroad. Call or write 4635 sstn it & e. HAVB good 30 acre farm, new buildings, run ning spring water. Will sell on easy terms or trade tor good grocery or home in portiaua, T. P. KELLY. 366 HENRY BLDG. . Phone Bdwy. 6622 20 ACRES improved : will divide, sell or ex change for improved city property. These acres are close in. on county road, near car- line and pavement, rncca Tery low. isawy. 8001. 616 Henry bldlg. 10 ACRES, improved, on hard surface road. Good 6 room house, outbuildings, family orchard, 250 laying hens. Half mile Bed cars. For home in city: will assume. See Hsrper, 207-08 Couch bldg. ' FIVE room cottage, lot 10)1x160, good bam. chicken house, rat den, fruit, spring water, for Portland improved property. Will pay cash difference. H. E. Rosecrans, Trtutdale, Or. to exchange: 7 tt acres, on highwsy, 25 minutes out New 3 room house and garage, 1 acre straw berries; for home in city; what have you? See Harper. 207 Couch bldg. NICE little 6-rm. house, modem, lot 50x127, nice fruit trees, will trade! for a good room ing house on West Side. Must be a good place or I don't want it T. P. Kelly. 806 Henry bldg. Phone Bdwy. 5622. FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE Beautiful 7-room house, 4 lots, chicken bouse 18x120, brooder 16x36; 600 chickens, cow. Phone 616-81. TO EXCHANGE for improved acreage or subur ban place, 520 acres in Perkins county. South Dakota. Write Clyde Owsley, Whitney. S. D. 28 ACRES for exchange or sell cheap. Will take improved city property and some cash. This is improved farm and close in. Act quick. Bdwy. 80O3. 616 Henry bldg. TRANSIENT 21, room rooming house, trade for real es tate or contract, business district. Atwater 3321, wr Broadway 7203. Sunday. A CHOICE 231 acre valley farm for Portland. Or., income; valus $30,000. C. M, Critten den, Hubbard, Or.' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 REAL ESTATE 1 FOB SALE OR TRADE 160 acres, 820 acres. Ill acres of land for town or country property, coast property preferred. Address C. H. Ciimmings. Center viile. Idaho. FOR SALE or trade, 16 acres at Long Beach. Wash., suitable for cranberries; for eale or what hare you to trade? Inquire 173 3d st Main 0648. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 NEWCOMERS CROWDING INTO OUR BEAUTIFUL CITY wint homes. You have them. We'll SELL THEM. . Personal attention, immediate action. We inspect, appraise and photo graph all property within 24 hours. WE 6PEND THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ADVERTISING and are in touch with the majority of HOME SEEKERS; 90 en ergetic salesmen with autos. No charge except the standard commission of 5 per cent in the event of a satisfactory sale. Wa protect the interests of out-of-town owners. WE WRITE 'firs insur ance. . See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third between Wash, and Stark. I AM entitled .to the bonus loan and am go ing to build at once. Wsnt lot on improved st which I can handle with some cash and second mortgage privilege until loan ia avail able. Pnce must be right. Reply, giving price and location. Owners only. E-140, Journal. I WANT a cheap comer lot on Union ave.. south of Alberts, Will pay all cash and must be a bargain. Walnut 5684. McGEE A DENNIS "We Sell the Earth" 069 Union Ave. N. Walnut 8884. I HAVE some cash and the soldiers' bonus loan to apply on modem S room bungalow in good district. Give full particulara as to price snd present incumbrances. Owners only. D-1S2, Journal I WANT the best buy available, any good riintricr thst g.oOO .cash and rood monthly payments will handle. Give full particulars as to price, address, etc., or no attention win be paid. No agents, please. F-50. Journal. WANTED Good home hi .Rose City or Haw thorne district; 81000 cash to Handle. QUICK ACTION IF A GOOD BUY. Broadway 4 837. Ask for MrWTsher. WANTED 1-5 rm. bungalow, something nifty, in Penu. dist Have buyer with 2000 cah. Price not over $2700. Bdwy. 1264. WHY WORRY t Can sell or trade anything, anywhere. C W. Millership, 165 tt Fourth street. WANTED One or two good building lots on paved street, in good district P-56. Jour nal. HAVE clients for Irvington or Alameda lots if the price is right. Main 8787. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 30 ACRES, good house, lit mites from Port land, on good highway. Address tetters t.. A. B." care 204 Wirfis blvd., Portland. Or. WANTED To rent stocked dairy ranch on shares. Write or call at 814 West 13th st. Vsncouver, Wash, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, GARAGES. ETC. 500 GENERAL merchandise stock of about $16.- ww, in tu res i2utt, in gooa larmmg valley;- 11 sawmills tributary; m very profitable business. Ytnson afer. to., Olendale. Or, VULCAN 1ZIN; and tire store. ne of the best businesses ef its kind in the state; stock and equipment based on present market prices; will invoice around 850OO. LX-222, Journal. A CASH BUSINESS Active man able to drive an to truck can clear 8200 to $300 month; steady work (860 required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. 7 H. K. roem. Nob Hill dist : good furniture. neat and csean: rent only $30. . Full price 650; extra, good terms. Call Auto. 514-36. BEST- LITTLE RESTAURANT . in Portland for the money. Cheap rent (800 gets it. Phone Msin 5866. 7 H. K- rooms, neat and clean, all rented; rent only (80 monthly; will take car aa part payment CaR Auto. 514-86. FURNITURE repair shop, deiug good busi ness, but oa account of sickness must sell. Tsbor 851 6. . 094 Belmont st TIRE SHOP FOB 8aCe " On account sickness, at 702 . Sandy bird. Call at 451 Church st 21 ROOMS, H. K . on W. Bids, will trad for good house in any good district op- to (2300. and assume. E. 7389. 454 Belmont - Printing for Less Kydcr Printing Ut Main 663. m (4 ge. SVyuCl m n u m 11 www. wmt a. FOH BALK -Fins atiop. establiahed busmena": reduced stock tw (ZOO; Tent or sell equip: ssCTt No agenta. Bew owner. 27Q Alberta st CONFECTION EBY - and restaurant for sale, doing $50 a day business: sail at reaaoav- abi. priee- CLEANING and tailoring establishment good location, low rrnf a Ian imsnria nrsasiiig machine. 125 Russell st '- FIXE located cash-and-carry, soft drinks. . ready aad csgara; good opportunity for anas and wife. 485 Williams. East 7522. RlfW -aiNr wads .. c,rt- ' ROSE CITT FRDfTERT C 24 Washington, bet 2d and 3d. ' ' STORES. GARAGES. ETC. 500 TgENERAL MERCHANDISE STORES , l Specialize in Out-of-Town Stores. . . f 240 MILES FROM PORTLAND. -On highway, bldgs. 73x80 ft and 30x75 feet: stock about SlS.OOO: fixtures about 2000: doing around $2ttO a day: long lease;;! J - . l. rrrovTuivi' ip IV. I VOICE. 1 40 MILES FROM PORTLAND Farming community, brick bldg.. full base ment, cement floors, electno elevator, stock about 012.000; fixtures, 81500; doing around 200 a day. EVERYTHING AT INVOICE, i 31 MILES FROM PORTLAND In an estate; atacfc invoice about StSOOO; fixtures to be determined: half acre of ground; oucbuiidings ; six . hvuig rooms, farming com munity: has been doing $30,000 ta $50,000 per year. Lease; rent $35 a month. Estab lished 83 years, EVERYTHING AT IN VOICE. - . 15 MILES FROM "PORTLAND On highway, nearly new buildings, $1000 : stock and fixtures at invoice, around S2000; doing $30 a day and increasing. ! JOHN M. KROG COMPANY, 411-15-13 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 1875. t FINE DOWN , TOWN HOTEL Fifty rooms, all completely and well fur. nished. an filled every night and turning trade away. Fine down stairs lobby, long lease and very reasonable rent. This is a money maker, but am taking over a larger place and must sell this although it is making me from 3750 to $1000 per month. Price (22,000. at least $15, OOP cash. F-608. ogrnal. GROCERY STORK AVERAGING 50 DAILY Corner location. Good clean stock. Rent 50, under lease, includes 2 stores. 2 3-room and 2 2 room furnished apts. PROFIT ON LEASE $48 monthly. Price $1800. A bona fide buy that will stand thorough investiga tion, ARTHUR L. SCOTT CO.. 830 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CONFECTIONERY Located in one of the busy suburbs of Port land, doing a good business, one day's re ceipts pays the rent; my other business cslla ma east so I must sell quickly; my stock is low, my fixtures are worth all I am asking for the place. Price (1050 and will accept $550 cash from responsible party. A-254, Journal. $1750 BUYS HALF INTEREST A safe investment with service. Wholesale and retail wood and coal business holding one of the bast if not the best contract in Port land. You are buying a long established busi ness and associated with an experienced man. For full particulars see ARTHUR L. SCOTT 830 Cham, of Com. Broadway 3668. FOR SALE Well equipped woodworking plant including box factory, favorably located with best rail road facilities. Operated with electric power and ready for immediata operation. Must be sold at once. A bargain. For price and terms see Ward-Lewis Lumber Company. 738 North westera Bank bldg. Phone Msin 7322. GARAU business tor ssie doing a nice busi ness, on the Columbia highway; established in one of the best buildings of its kind in the state. Will sell or lease building: merchandise and equipment based on present market prices. Good car agency goes with the business. FX-151. JoumsL 110O Confectionery snd light lunch, bsn location, doing $35 daily; nished living rooms, reht $20; cash, easy terms on balance. O. O. 8 LETT EN, Realtor. Suite 415 Ry. Exchange Bldg. subur 2 fur $550 CONFECTIONERY t and light grocery, doing fine business snd located at point where hundreds of, passengers get on. and off cars daily. Living rooms above, rent for all, $25. monthly. Big snap at $2000. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165 tt 4th St $375 RESTAURANT $sT5 The biggest snap in Portland. Fine place for man and wife, doing fine business, nice clean place, good equipment UNIVERSAL SALES. 435 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE. 10 miles from Portland; doing good business, confectionery, soft drink, ice cream, pool hall, barber shop. 5 living rooms, well furnished; rent $40, lease; lota of fruit, on Pacific highway. See owner, Tatard. Or. A PARTNER WANTED Handy man can buy equal interest with a good mechanic, in a nicely located auto busi ness; want interested help; draw (175 month; (450 required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. 00 GROCERY $900 Cash and carry, apartment district fine stock and fixtures. Rent (25. Doing 30 a-day. You ern't best it. UNIVERSAL SALES. 435 Railway Exchange. 7 2 -BOOM apartment brick building: lease I 1926; net income $400 per month; wall trade for good car, balance cash, or wjll trade for good ranch ; one of the best deals in the city. East 7889. 454 Belmont st FOR SALE Restaurant, Just right for man and wife; $1100. some cash and terms; a long lease, located in central stage depot; doing good business. Must sell atones. Mr. Applegate. Smeed hotel, Eugene. Or. GARAGE 100x100, west side. 70 -oar storage, high class trade: (3500 will handle. Room 6Hi Railway Exchange. PARTY wanted with very little money to handle and manufacture a money making article.: A. Baumgartner, 521 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ottttvo rn t'TC IT XfATtKKT 250. store, lease and fixtures, near public markets; 2 refrigerators: $100 net month. Rvder Realty Co.. 192 8d st Main 5586. .Located in central office building, good fix tures and trade.' Room .811. Railway Ex change. A PARTNER WANTED For a sawmill- with plenty timber, on track age; profits large; $7000 handles equal ta- tcrest Room 401 Dekum bldg. MAN to finance lunch and restaurant; an experienced chef cook will do the work: you handle business. Can show you proof of my ability to produce results. Tabor 6418. GOOD paying restaurant for sale; good loca tion; sell for what it cost owner; must sell immediately, account ill health. Writs Box 176. Bandon. Or. I CAUTION. BUYERS Batore closing a deal of i so-called interest in established real eatsts business, get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Phons Broadway 1902.- HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FOR SALE 502 NOB HILL 10 rooms. beautiful furniture, fine house, lady must sell. $1000 takes this place; be sore and see this. Sea McCauley. KILLER BROS., Keel tors, ill Ry. Ex, Bldg. Bdwy. 8626. APARTMENT H0CSE 15 apts.. modern, price $6000 ;' on a-half cash, or will trade for small place. H. W. OSBORNE CO., 482 Ch. of Com. Bdwy. 6387. NOB HILL 9 rooms, fine furniture, hardwood floors. 2 baths; this is a bargain : (or someone; $450 will handle. j See MeCanley, I HILLER BROS.. Realtors, 1-211 By. Ex, Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. (200 NET monthly income, nice home and liv inc, 1 t-room boarding house, block from Good Samaritan; always full: easy to handle; good furniture: lease: mother's ill health makes change necessary; can show books snd verify figures; for price and terms, owner, At water 04 1 6. , ' ' I TjJEAR AUDITORIUM 10 room, H. K., fair furniture, rent $35, net $. will do better. This place meeds soma fixing up: Pries 9O0, (5O0 down, rhuM to resell. i EUGENE HEDGES, REALTOR. Bdwy. 804. ARTISANS BUW. EAST O308. THOMSON A THOMSON REALTORS , Acknowledged Leading Hotel and Apartment House Broken. TO BUY OR SELL. SEE US 62 Henry Bid. Bdwy. 4880. 3ft ROOMS. H. K... corner brick, close- !ln. rent isa; iwi'tirin ua s iut uium. All I foil; net -over (250. Tor quick sale $3500; only (1700 handles. . Bdwy. 8003. 616 Henry bMg. - - - LOOK HERE! -' 12 rowms. h. k close to tmblie library: rent 60; good net income; 400 cash will handle .for quiet sale, ttauaca easy, vau zta Ry Exchange bldg. Broadway 6808. (1700 FOR 14 fur, h. k. rooms, in excellent residential district. West Side. 7 ainutea watt from postoffice. N realtors. Call morn ings. Mai n 2 1 in 18 ROOMS. H. K., 2a aad 3. private baths. . rent (100, lease. Tery good furniture snd rugs; clean place, only (2 8 50. aad (1500 handles. Bdwy. 8008. 61 Henry bMg. "irtn .rifm f 1 n 111 1 r, luiiub 10 rooms and 2 kitchenettes, fully furnished for h. a.; rent (60; (800 . handles. Mrs. Rector, Hdwy. 3D KnriUINR house, it rooms, large porch: geod fumitaiw, bedding and dishes; ideal bams with vncrane: alt tor urncn saw. ivuv caso. Call Ant 519-23, 88 . 224 t LOVELY little fiat, rooms, ready to move ilnto; rent ) ( 30 ;. price reasonable. Bdwy. 4835. FOB 8 ALE Small hotel, by owner; will give good terms, bdmwij za;. FOB SALE Apartment bouse, 24 H. dose io. By ewner. - Phot Atwater 09(2. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FOR SALE 503 WHITE TEMPLE 1 8 rooms of fine furniture, clean, house, rent only $30 per month, Jetting (10 besides landlady's room; : 350 will handle. Sea McCauley. -HILLER BKOS., Realtors, 211 Ky. Ex. Bkig. Bdwy. 6:. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 PROMINENT contractor will build ,, aton building containing moving pictures, 1 stores, with offices upstairs, oa one ef beat comers in town. Want a man that can fi nance building; income will be about (400 per month. This is a dean businesa propo sition, no speculation ; money fully protected, permanent inoome. Will deal only with prior cipal. Open to the fullest investigation. NX-161. Journal. MEAT MARKET and grocery store, good lo-eation- on East Side, new building and new fixtures; very good trade; (4000 takes it D-272. Journal WANTED to buy in with auto painter and IIWB, WW, CAIICOC, , trUB DVOVft N-179, Journal. WANT rooming houses as we bars cash buy ers. Also some good exchanges for the as. HTliWAKT MOKR1S. 202 McKay Bldg. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE ' 601 OWN YOUR OWN HOME BX PAYINU LIKE RENT MORTGAGE LOANS 1 to 15 years LARGE OR SMALL DWELLINGS APARTMENTS FLATS BUSINESS PROPERTIES Low Interest Rates Prompt Service INSTALLMENT OR STRAIGHT Unlimited Funds Immediately Available PORTLAND TBTTST COMPANY OF OREGON NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDO. CITT LOAN SI NO COMMISSION. On improved property or tor improvement purpose a The best and easiest method of paying a toesj is our monthly payment plan, s 32.26 per month for 86 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months, pays 41 loan of (1000 and Interest. Loans of ctber amounts in same proportion. Repayment rrivuegea, EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSTf 343 Stark st. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS 500 to $50,000 on City Property WE MAKE A SPECIALTT OF SMALL LOANS $400. $600. $500. $1000 Plenty of capital. Can pay at one if good title is furnished. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bide $250, (400, $500. $700, $850. $1000 snt up. low rates, quick action. Money 1 hand. Pay off any part any time. 77 680 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 6870 (1000 (1500 (2000 (2500 83000 NO DELAY. We are loaning our ows money. Loans quickly closed. F. H. DE8HON. 1007 Spalding bldg. BUILDING loans on city snd suburban prop erty ; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 Failing bldg. Main 8407. 8000 ON RESIDENCE property, prefer Al- berta district. Juciiee fc Dennis. 999 Union ave. Walnut 6884. (200, $400, $500, $750, $1000 AND UP; low rates, quick action. Fred W. German Co., .732 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan on improved property, any amount current rate, quick action. Call Broadway 4837. ask for Mr. Fisher. SEE OREGON INT. MORTGAGE CO.. 310' LcaoCT s-xenange Diag. (100 TO (2500; qulcs eeaon. A. H. Belt gis atomeon st-, rooms to sna it. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY! LOANS MADE ON "Automobiles FURNITURE. PI A N O 8, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS OB ANYTHING OF VALUE SECUB ITY USUALLY LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION. Also Safiary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OB ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TBAPTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAT THEM UP. ADVANCE YOU MORE MONET IF NECESSARY. AND you CA.'v PAX la IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO 8U1T YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO, f LICENSED! 806-807 DEKUM BLDG.. 8D AND WASH BROADWAY 6857 MONEY TO LOAM mfntiOT ln.nd on household goods or me chsndiss plsced in storsge with us at a regulag bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE Jk 8TRAN8FSM CO, 4th and Pine at. . Opposite Multnomah hotel ' Phone Broadway 8715. SALARY LOANS SALABX WE THAN MONEY to salaried and workingmen on their in rsonaEi notess state reasonaiw, vmj uvmwuia NO SECURITY NO INDORSEB fall and inveatieata our modern 1 Varidl"r methods. All business confidential. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO MP AN X . (Licensed) 1 218 Failing Hufldlng. WB LOAN money on automobile. Grermillg? ic. Treece. 102 N. Broadway. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 CASH paid for mortgages and sailers' coatraeta on real estate in Washington or Oregon H. . E. Noble, (16 Lumbermen, bldg. - WILL buy small fellers' contracts or eeeosKl mortise sa. Gordon. 681 Ch. ef Com. bldg. MONEY WANTED 651 INVESTORS Have a tirooositlon of exceptional merit where a large return is sssured on the invest ' ment To those who nave made money witra roe in the past and new friends I oner oppor tunity of investing from i p. r-uiiesi in vestigation courted. lioodyear ntta on a Exchange building, 2d and Stark. Bdwy. 8988.' WANT $2000 to (8000 - on new home ia good district, Geo. C Howard, lite st, W. Bank bldg. - (2000 ON R. C. PARK bungalow. A safe loan on practically new, modern house. Bm Yoke. 1186 N. W. Bank bldg. BEE OREGON IV V. MORTGAGE CO.. 21 KXCHA1XOK BLDO. HORSES AND VEHICLES 70O CROWN STABLES FOR SALE Horses at all prices and of aH S4- . ... - u.r la ,wm4 f.milv - oowa- V., mH nf .11 kinds , new and aecond -hand. We make our own harness and all cbespeg ' than can be found elsewhere. Everything) guaranteed as represented- Phil Ststatar, manager. 2S6 Front vibu ENTfc NEW AND SECOND HAND SPECIAL PRICF-S P. E, ESB EN SHADE. 860-866 K. MORRISON ST. FOR SALE Fine saddle horse. yea r old ,. b.nit,. i. inches high. Price $200 and two Jersey regitered male calves, prirw (78 each. Sunnyfiekh) Farm. Snnnyaide Road, Clackamas county. " i pur of lilsck aeldings. 6 and 6 years eld, wwiffhine- 8100 lbs; 1 pair of umre geld ings. and 7 years bid, weighm 6800 lbs.; 1 array, marej 6 years old,' weighirK 1700 lbs. I Inquire 6B4 rsortnrup sx. 2600 LBS. span of mules, well Bros., single or double, and very gentle; also wagon and harness, for eale cheap, 1087 Frances ave. Wrwvl.tork car to 36th. ' KEYSTONE Stables, horses lor sale or hire at - sold on commission. Wagons and hernial. 881 Water st w. P. tw. -. 15 HEAD of big young work hows for sale, very cheap; trial allowed; also new wagon and harness. 381 Wstef St. cor. Montgomery. FIVE year old black mare, weight about 1490 It,.. a'w, wim u. v. . . - for cash. (81 Water st, west side. TOO many horses. ,4Imt sell. AU sizes, pnoee : from $18 np. Would trade for a Ford. Bed Bail Fuel Co., 374 E. 9th rt. -'i---.--.r-; FOR HALE-i-Cheap, good land, Jieuse. Ea VfltV. REAL, BARGAINS -Horses, harness and, wag ens of all glnoV 240 East 8th at DOUBLE team, 33 day; single teauj. (1.6 day. . 346-Front at Mala 2508.