TUESDAY,, AUGUST .15, 1922. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON, a1 200 BIKE EARNING MONET QCICXLT i hal l at HnMf irhaal at. this greet bnsines cotrcgc. the training school for sum us. Omum include esnnptoxnetarr. stenas raphy, tanking, - bookkeprns. print secre tariat Writ el phon Mut 690 fo fie eaUlcejuaL ' Fonrth near Morrison; i Portland. ' "W Put Basin Into You ; . ' Then You Into Business" A Business CoUg of Distinction (Formerly link's Business College) TO for bHg.. 407 Morrison. B iwj. 5083 STUDY MA8SAGB Prep? gu for sanitarium work, phyeisisn aasfctant r private practice Hydretherai-y is also taught Portland School of Massage. Inc. 414-15 Stark Exchange; bklg. MOLER BiRBKR COLLEGE will teach joa tit, trad ti etziit weeks; receive seme pay while learnbia; positions secured. Writ, cr call far catalogue. 284 Bo maid rt. MAURICE BROWSE ritrnt m dramatic art play writing, production end rehearsal new pea to undent, For term and particulars. pium, airs. n,inii. bast Sires DECKER BUSINESS COLXG Aiisky Bids., 9t and Momson. OPEN THE TEAK BOUND HEN, woman, Wn barber trade; vrase while learamc Oimdb Harrier Colleee. 23S Mid- bion at. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Telegraph Institute. 434 Railway Eichaneo bids. ly acd night e kisses. HELP WANTED MALE 201 MEN WANTED 8TBIKB COBDITJONS TOE SERVICE At E4TI BOAD: MACHINISTS BLACKSMITHS CAB IK8PECTOB3 BOILERMAKERS . PIPE FITTERS f CAS REPAIRERS CAB BUILDERS CARPENTERS ROUNDHOUSE LAB0EEHS ADEQUATE PROVISIONS HAVJS BEEN made for tbs full protection op EE W EMPLOYES. THE SAM AS OLD EH- PLOYES WHO REMAINED LOTALLT AT WORK. APPLICANTS SHOULD APPLE AT SOUTHERN PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT BTJv BSAU. BOOM T. IS MARKET STREET. SAN FRANCISCO (OPEN 8' A. M. Ifjj 8 P. 11 DAILY. EXCLUDING SUNPAYS). pB Asf .op the." FQLtQwrara office as : SUPERINTENDENT " (PORTLAND UNION STATION). SAN FRANCISCO (THIRD STREET STATION). OAKLAND PIER. BAKEBSFTELD, LOS ANGELES; ASSIST ANT SUPERINTENDENTS SPARES, NET.. A'D ROSEBUBQ, OB.; SUPERIN TENDRNT MOTIVE POWER. SACRAMENTO AND LOS ANGELES. T. H. DTEB, GENERAL 'MANAGER. SOUTHERN PACiriO COM? ANT. j WANTED I WANTED! WANTED! BT FRANK L. McGUIRE SALESMEN WITH CAR. TODAT. Maka big money selling real es tate; no experience aeeded ; ail prop arty furBBhed; we oIsm ail deals. We pay you your coraaiisstoB the day your deal is closed. Learn in our of fioa. Maka thouaaads f dollars par year. Your splendid ehasca to get into real eaUte businass. associated with a llTe, progreaaive, reliable, old establiahed firs. W, offer yau erary ppportimity to aiake good. Portland on the rerga of one of th, great est real estate actlritiee la fear enure history. Take adranug, of it Call J. T. Knappenberg, with PRANK L, McGUIRE, Abmgtaa Bkig. Bdwy. 7 J 71 Third St. "Bet. Wash, and Stark. - . --- ".-".J.J 041i&QjUA.l : AiUCti 1 tsTssrajsM, must START WORK IMMEDIATELY tMR PART. LAND AND OREGON TERRITORY. WHITER O" THIS AD WILL POT YOU TflOK Ot'GHLY ON LINK AND WORK. WILL PHOVE TO TOUR SATISFACTION YOUR COMMISSIONS WILL RUN FROM $13 TO S25 PER DAT. BEAD AD CAREFULLY IT MEANS JUST WHAT IT STATUS. GlYK TELEPHONE NUMBER AND STREEtTaD I'KKSH. N 180, JOIHNAU 1 MEN and women to Uke orders for babe v. ii uerery. tlBSlJersI eaa .stake mow than $100 per ak SenJ f.. particulars. High Mount Poultry Ranch. 21 CHEVROLET HAl.Eau all" Wanted to work on straight cemmusfcm down payment on demonstration required, ply sales manager. Field Motor' Car Co.. basis; Ap 34th ana. wun, m WTM'krMT'W'TirtjK v-ivri.-r. Oak, $3.50 a cord. srcwa a g a. - j r r, A - V.V 1 r ga fTX. ASSOCIATED FUEL CO., " Buchanan bids. SALESMAN with ear ta work aouairy aeUing a necemty toy every nome; a MNendid propo sition and i bis money for bastion. CaU i S to 12 a. m. 304 Failing blag. WOCI4) Uk, contract in euttias eardwaed if ' gootr timber. Cuttiag mast b, paid fdf be- i". wqwi irewmi. w-aojr. Journal. SALESMEN, if yon m a biuil.r. want work, call 9 to 1.0. room SOS Cpiamoa weaKh bids. I I to iavaat. praipacta of $1000 per moath BOY wanted to driva special delivery, most w . "WW Co., EXPERIENCED daim ED dairvHaaa' dbm HtA 1mm mmm em. 1 11 Han rti " . r. , on highway. MAN and wife to camp an beautiful cmS near city and pick blackberries on aharaa. a-liv, journal. PARTNER ta otssuM Blast work I aaull tnveataent; saak, Iroat $ te $10 a day. 0 Swtlaed bS7 i EXPERIENCED ms caadler; must bava ref. enc: Bevmanaat ponoo to right fmxij. CARPENTER wort and naiatias wanted" ia Mcaang tag Jiaturopatb Uaauneata, Bdwy. ' EXPERIENCED cabinet saaaes. Apply West- Vi WAN TED At ones, man tor2eni vuleaauiing aad TetreadiBf. Cal! 433 Hawthorn . HEADQtABTEiiS for cooks and lotcnea htlra! 43 la N. 2d. Bdwp. 2338. EDUCATIONAL 7T H HELP WANTED MALE 201 , WANTED BT ' ' GBXAT 30RTHEBS i -'. ' 1 RAILWAY. MACHINISTS ' BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS EHXETMETAL WORKERS COACH CARPENTERS - CAB REPAIRERS ELECTRICIANS WELDERS AT WAGES AUTHORIZED BT UNITED STATES LABOR BOARD, TO REPLACE MEN BOW ON STRIKE AGAINST DECISION OF UNITED STATES LABOR BOARD. APPLT AT NEAREST SHOP OB DIVISION SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. ERSE TRANSPORTATION. M. P. OODD. 214 .CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING. 4 SHOPMEN WANTED THB SPOKANE. PORTLAND 4 SEATTLB RAILWAY COMPANY HAS POSITIONS OPEN AT PORTLAND. -OREGON. AMD YANCOUTEB. WASHINGTON. FOB A LIMITED NUMBER OF SKILLED MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS TINSMITHS PASSENGER CAB BEFA1CBBS APPLT AT BOOK 810 PITTOCK BLOCK HUNDREDS of trained auto men needed right now in California ; greatest shortag, auto motive industry ha ever knows; learn easy and quick by N. A. S. practical shop training system. Writ, today for FREE 72-page illus trated book of facta. National Automotive, 818 S. Figueroa. Los Angeles. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 TWO waitresses for hotel. $55,. room and board; free fare. Call Kkinner ak White, 33 N. 2d. Broadway 3205. Ttus wuasn 8 FKotKC'itvic division, city af Portland, etfeea Ma rmm to all gsatten pertaiaiag to tnsr wclfar, aad pote boo of women aad gin: xatei visas cc a fine ttai. S14 Werecater Udf.v 4 aad Vas ata, Paoa, M roadway 741S. WANTED Woman or siri for general house -work, preferably on, who wishes to go home nights. Call at Oregon Packing Co., E. Bth and Alder sts. WANTED August 20, elderly lady as iiouso keeper for widower aad S cbiidrea; 5-7-11; no outside work, ' good home, Swedish pra- lerred. jonn anooerg, ioiton. llr. WOMAN for general housework, aigood home M : L . ... , . L. " I . 1 I tor nBb pm l . j . oimuL ruiutM referenca. Pbon, between 8:30 and 0 p. m. Tabor ST 3". WANTED Owls to learn beauty culture: ht Th, White School of thorouarhly tauaht Beauty Culture, Betty Jane Hair Shop, room 4U1 Kaliegh pnuamg. Kroadway 3599 LADIES can average $1 pa hour sailing high class preparation, full or part tima. 022 Morgan bids. AbX GiRU ta na at a tnond. apply ta to Safvstion Army Rasea, mom. Maytaif aad AWzandet ata. Phono Mala S40. D-M aac WAITED Thoro ugtdy compateat housed keeper -tor out of town; no objections to ess small child. Phoex Empire 8128. WAN" TED A sirf ta work in grocery ' atom, room and board and small wage, i Call 471 E. Harrison. East Tl$. . WANT woman ta do aisUikapOns work. . CaB ' at 803 1st st. ' WANTED Tuung girl to help with house'. work. Atwater 2842, 442 3d at- EXPERIENCED Chocolate dipper, Apply at Vol s Cbecolatos. 049 ad St. WANTED Srt to dok konseworkj: must Him ccunren. a-bob, t spot aost. EXPERIENCED candier; tAva referenca iaTeT' R-08. JoaroaL WANTED A Jady to work in ema3 bakery oa Sunday. U-64, Jonrnal. REGG atiortkjtad taught pnvateiy by expert Broadway 4110. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 203 HOP "picker" wanted for "bell Hop Yard, SaJeBx Or., about twenty day, finest nicking: rag. iUr at 31 East 13th at: earn prepared ta buy ticket ta Linsley foreceu fclectric) ; ail usual accommodLUons farnisaed. . . HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 205 ATTENTION; HOP "PICKERS I We will b at room 4.1S Coiamnaweelth bids., corner of Oih. Ankirttp and Burnside it., oa Angus IS and It. to raciaur and aula ar rangemcat for tranpdrtatjim ta. tha Mitoma hopyard. Independence. Or.; 117 arna of taa firwat hepa la the valley. Ueod aaapiaa grounds, teat, table, bench, straw aad ,awed wood fornishad; unra aad nstaaraat on tn, (rotuaas. v nmn arraagea lor a apa rial train. Come prep red to bnjr tiekat. Para, round trip. (343. oao.var (2.42. If yon wuh to drie dawn a casli depoalt will be required as andene of food faith at th tima of reciatrauoR. which will be returned, to you. Pickinc wiU becUla about Aoxust 28. Faaai4e only. Offiea npa t a, m. V t p. a. HOP FICKRS wanted at J. W. Searcy's bop yard. Forest Grora, Or. ISA acre of hop, food clean aop abed, water piped oa s rounds, straw arid camp a&ovea fnreibed free; good grocery store; food dace hail near camp; eabiaa are built to accommodate 3 ar mora perzora, o m&ke np your parties accordingly. It will bo aeceasary to (my your transporta tion tickets and make eamp arraacements at oar PortUad office. 232 Pittock bids. 16th and Wadhincton ata. If - yam wish .to driva a eaa deposit will be repaired which wiU be refujuted after you haw picked two day. t'ick ins will becin about Sept. 1. Pkotw) Broadway 1090. ak for Mr. Oglesby. ' Hop Pickers -Wanted Want aboat 800 hop picker. Tea yards. Some on Willamette rier. For particular apply to HENRrL. BENTS Aurora, Or. HOPPICKEBS WASTED I win be at the St. Charles hotel Saturday. 19th and 20th of Ausust, to register picker. 50 acres good bops; tents, wood, water fur nished. Com, prepared to boy your trans portation to Dayton, which is $2 round trip. The price of picking, is $1 per hundred, and 20c for hand bonus if you stay till job is fini'hed. Merlin Harding, Dayton, Or. EXPERIENCED, help wanted. Portland L na il ry Co., Union ve. and E. Mill t. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENTS 206 GOOD OPPORTUNITY for saan with J458 and erric in garag, buainei ; aaore work than can hancue; want partner. mut ,o WANTED. Partner for a,Ube bueiness. at 229 Salmon st. Call SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 PA PER HANGING SO CENTS A ROLL; PAINTING AND TINTING REASONABLE. SPLENDID WORK QUICKLY AND CLEAN LY done. EAST, SIDE, TABOR 0133; WEST SIDE. BROADWAY 2682. MARRIED man wanes farm work. Can. Uke charge if desired; experienced la dairy, stock, hay and gram. Only permanent place considered. Reference. N. O. Comptoa. 1081 Water tU. Portland. M A R Fi I K D man, no children; wih place on ranch near city, or would car, for country heme. Best references. Years' experience and tine teamster. Phone Walnut 0641. O-180, Journal. AUTO OWNERS attention! Ha your csr oterhauled. Just think, 86c. per hour. Call ttt my homo at 435 IS. Lincoln, comer 7th. I guarantee my work. ! HOUSE WIRING Let me give you an estimate on your wiring before letting your contract Licensed Elee trician. Walnut 5691. HAXIE A LENHAU. CONTRACT PAINTERS Painting, tinting, k also mining, in all its branch,. Kalsoinining and enamellinf a speci alty. Phone East 0804. CARPENTER--E tuna tea giren on repair work; screens made1 and gsrsges built Shop 1867 Hawthorne. Tabor I860. PA1XTINO, paperhangtng and tinting; priee raasouable; work guaranteed. Shop 1305 Hawthorne are. Tsbor 1722. PAINTING All work, guaranteed; estimates cheerfully given; kaliomining, decorating. Atwater 4470. BUILT-IN fixtures, cupboards and kitchen tables, garages built and, garage doors made to order. Call East 9387 PAINTER wants work, first class inside fine. her; city references, wage $6,0O per day. Ee 8767. Apt 18. FIHST-C'LA8 chef cook, pastry and meats; will guarantee raulu. . Can hand!, larga or small place. City re(crepecs. Tabor 6418. SHUiGLlNG We BemiSr In feabingUac; eaa do your job better and tare you: money. Estimate free. East 1938. . WASTED 200 cords or mora ol pol, wood to rut, with plac, to bach. W. H. Starar. 414 N. 8d St., Portland. PAINT YOUR HOUSE; LEAD AND OIU KAI-SOMI3HNG CHjiAP. 25 YEARS' EX PERIENCE. 62 S 46tH. POSITION wanted by stationary anginaer; ex perienced with ('or lis engine and can do lath, and shaper work. C-813. Journal. FIRST CLASS painter and finisher, $8, 8 ur. East 8298, Apt 12. A 1 CAKPENTER .builds and remodels cheap by contract- Walnut 012 6. CElIEN'f foundatiuns. houses raised, cement work of sll kinds, reasonable. Atwater 3385. I wtLL cut grass and weeds on lots. East 1582. 1 CARPENTER and rooting man. The man that youvare looking for. Walnut 8084. PAPER HANGINU. PAINTTNO. TINTING. BEPAIR WORK. SELLWOOD 3908. BASEMENT5. grading, genera! teaming; con- tract or day work. Awt 622-35. CKME.NT work of ii kinds, and garages. 1 hsre mixer. Call Tabor 070. TINKER Gutter and tumac, work doe rea sonable ; satisfaction guarssteed. Wal. 5598. SHINGLER. 12 years experience; all wark sbsointely guaranteed. Walnut 0907. BRICKLAYER, A-l mechanic; fireplace a aicialty. Phone Ant 319-39. W ILL exchange Page roadster for concrete work, or sell dirt cheap. Call Tabor 9890. PAINTING and tinting, firat-elaaa work, sonabie. Seilwood 2124. CARPENTER A-l BUILDER OF HOMES; JOBBING. TABOR 3328. PAFERI)iP and kalsomining, inside painting, at reduced rate. Call Tabor 6258. V"! VV UeCORMACK. cement contractor. 2 owe-half tack mixers. Seilwood 1880. PLUMBING done very reasonable by th baas er by th lob. East . PAINTING. TINTING. ALL BRANCHES.! REASONABLE. V AtL BHDS. WdlB. 3330. YOUNG married mB wishes clerieal position; best references. S-57. Journal. CARPENTER.' nd eoBtractor,' jobbing, aoy- thing IB tl building hne. Phone E. S6i0. CEMENT VOHt. guaranteed, all kinds. Karl Battee et V.Q-, CEMENT walk., floors, drive . and garage. Broadway 1245. KOOFS repaired nd painted; titi and peper roofs covered with hot pitch. Tabor 0929. CARPENTERS Repair work done by , day or contract CaU East 9884. - HARDWOOD FLOORS by day or contract References. 1490jRodney eve. Wdln. 6632. CONCRETE work, first class Sauahor and nower mixer. Auto. 320-62. PALNTING and tinting, good work, roaaonabie; hare tools- Walnut 6086. WANT steady work; not bird; small wages ; bey years to keep. n.ast gim. IF YOU want rejlungling don reasonable, call Atwater 1072. YOUNG MAN must hv work; wut of money. 52S Clay before 2 p. m. CARPENTER will build your bungalow or make repair risht Tabor 8374. FOB excavating and sradins- Tahor 9063. SITUATIONS FEMALE 254 EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady want honse claing, washing or other work. Good work, guaranteed. Walnot 6305. - . LADY wishes homework in Eastmoreland dis- trtct SeBwcod 8399. LADY wWiies positioB i ' a companion or "take care of children. D-253. JonmaL EXPERIENCED woman wants, day work. Main 6708. Room 3. evenins. EXPERIENCED jaaitres wants work ia evw nings. Seilwood 3878. FURNISHED FLAT Cios in 8 erv.Jtnt' 830, S09 Mewtgemeiy C LADT" WANTS "PAT WORK. MA-Ef 2S4S. BOOM 1. ' ' LADY WANTS "DAT WORK. ATWATER 8342. ROOM 8. f LACE CURTAINS HAND LatNDrED 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST 0190, WOMAN wants house cltnning or "other work by hr. or day; reliable: ref. Ant 326-80. : LADY itll 8-yMr-old bqs Wishes aVrtpestie paeitfaei. Walnnt O084. - DRESSMAKING 256 LET ws help got the children ready far aehoot, dnesaea, etc. quickly and awatly aaado. Prieaa T-onpre. sast a taw tor arrangevnenta. W ANTED UreMuak "iTo ' Larrabee. Kat 8519. - EXPERIENCED 'aressmaker oji "flayr rnee. Mr. Hansen, Broadway 0077. rlr- UKMSTITCHlNt, white. per raiid atraisat, Rtxtnn ok Piarsaas Shop, 509- Iteval bids. 256 ATTENTION, LADI&3! l-ook smart and distinctive- II T, your clothea tarta- from original design at th, Eooacgay ah op.' 578 Wash, at, Bdwy. 4185. FANCY' walk, cBfldaM'a wwar. ' plaiai 'iemc. - Bsdiaa dreasaa. Cleaa T:S0 B.S. wiakmg Parlors, 186 loth at. Mi 141 HEMSTITCHING, aay ealor. 6a Roan 403 RaJaigA U0, i I WaiaiwgTfW at, lwy. 8742. . DRESSMAKING by tha day. 10 years ax- perience. Mifav Clew. Atwster 41 ELTlERLY womaa wishes general housework. East 8248. to 18 Wednesday morning. HEMSTITCHrXG. 6e " isijht. whitaMaU order. Derotiy Shop. 1008 Bdwy. bids. NURSES 257 PRACTICAL nurse will can for iaiaud or elderly; aalght consider hmitekreptas. Broad way 5876. NURSE, graduate masseuse, girea alsctrio treat mcnta, Vit-o-Ket sweat, riolet ray. RelL 29S9. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 13 Uth at. at Washington Brick structure, center of Port land's business and social aeti Titles; respact able, apotleas rooms, $S weak; $1 a day up; with prirste bath, $2 a cap. - CALL at, T. M, CC A. for Ire, list of moderate priced rooaua tor young men in all parts of th, city, including room in Central Y. M. C. A., telephone is each room, shower bath, club facflitie. FOR young men or girls. Single and double rooms, home aad kitchen pririlefea, 742 Lorejoy Bear 23d. Main 2780. THE BARTON Clean, famlaned rooms $3. SO per wk. aad up; also- light housekeeping- 45 Alder st SLEEPING roams $3.50 aad up; telephone. 129 Grand Are. bath and FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 LOVELY room wiyt alcove, newly deoorated, large closet, firrplsc and furnace heat; suitabla 2 men; walkipf disUac; Nob Hiii. 788 Hoyt Mala 2964. COMFORTABLE room for senUemaa; modern, bath adjoining; bo other roomers; S min utes walk to Maier m Frank's, west aid. Main 3291. 322 H South Broadway. NOB HILL Beautiful tarnished room to a refined home, rery reaaooabla. 223 21st t, corner Lorejoy. ' Atwstar 0885. liOOif la new west aide bungalow; serrice : beautifully f uraished : good car hardwood floors.; privilege of getting own breakfast $20 per m on tru Atwater 3980. LARGE, modern front sleeping room, full and bed; close in and best of surroundings, $3.25 per week etch lor two ox 2.75 each for three. 84 N. 17th it. -, ATTRACTIVE FRONT ROOM AND ALCOVE. SUITABLE FOR TWO, NICELY FUR NISHED. ALSO SINGLE ROOM. 414 MAR KET.. COHNER OF 11TH. ROOM AND GARAGE : HAWTHORNE DIS TRICT. EAST 8441. FINELY furnished front rooms with lovely view, hot and cold water, A-l beds,' Quiet, cloe, to business corner and Lincoln high. 321 12th, comer Clay. Main 4831. FURNISHED sleeping rooms for rent. Main 5218. 455 Market St. Phone FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, in mod ern private home, breakfast if desired, or light housekeeping. 1038 E. 27th SU N. Walnut 6761. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Large furnished room and kitchen, pantry aad elcaet. Heat, lisht and gas. Reasonable rent 24 0 E. 50th.. 2 LARGE, well furnished corner roams, re fined home; hath, haat, phone; walking dis tance, gentlemen ; references. gas Larrsbee, near Broadway bridge. East 4906. LOVELY ROOM IN STRICTLY MODERN HOME. NICELY FURNISHED; 2 WIN DOWS; LADY PREFEBRED; WALKING DIST. BENT REASONABLE. ATW. 0812. WELL furnished front sitting room and alcove badroem with lavatory next to bath and phone. Instantaneous hot water; walking dis tance. M mcratia at. Atwater 8689. 2 ROOMS and, aleeoina norch nicely furnished: heat, water and bath included. Breakfast rt desired; close to. car on cast side. ll Mi. Burruud. Tab. 5208. LA ROB room far 2, also roam for 1, gen tleman preferred i Saras available, 820 K. 4 1st St. I NICE large tea.m heated room, modern con t:'t vriIeBes, i"or" S adults, kitchen privilege, near nonigomery vvara. JMiercnoea excuangeo. 981 Thnrman, apt. S. ' BEAUTIFUL front room in nw'H colonial un- galow, modern con venia noes, half block to car, just th, nana for a business girl; reason able. 542 E. 34th st Sell. 4057. ONE' sleeping" room in private family f us of parlor, phone, bath,; cooking privileges; walking .distance, $10. 168 E. 12th sr. E. 2163. ONE rm. and kitchaastti suitable for la dies ; separate eBtraaoe; teacher r referee; walking diitaace. Portland Heights. Shsttuck or Ladd school. L-88, Journal. FRONT room in new bungalow, singl, or two persons. Breakfast if . desired. Garage. Be sonable. 522 E. 35th St.. near Clintori, . NICE, clesn, tight room, suitabl. for two, also smaller room, electric lights, bath, tele- phone. K8t 1537. walking distance. CLEAN. nicely furnished room ; also front room, .double bed; lovely location, walking distance.' 280 E. 6th at East 3146. COMFORTABLE furnished rooms for gentle men; clos in. 205 East First st N. Phone Eatt 22 3S. . LARGS pleasant, front room, suitabl for 2, Electric lights, phone", near bath. Walking eostance. si , iits it NICELY furnished 8 r. light pt and 1 sleep ing room, else, lights, reasonable: rent. 550 ThurmsB.' near 25th. ONE large airy room ia private family; walk ing distance. 628 Everett st Phone Brdy. 077. 1RV1NGTDN 2 elegantly furnished connect- ing rooms. Ideal for 2 men or man wanting room and office combined. East 407 3. SJCELY furnished bedroom; also one eonaect ing bedroom aad steeping porch; modern, ex. elusive. Irving-ton home. Phone East 0632. ATTRACTIVE transient rooms for rent, break . fast if desired.; west side, walking distance. Sgo l tin sc., cor. rjiay. NEAT, ctsmfortable room, private bath, fur- paee neat, reaaonanie rent. Main 47 61. ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortonia Hotel Broadway off Washington, Broadway 1J80. Portland's high class downtown residential houL We, give you the comforts' of home. American and European plan. Rates reason able HOTEL" HEREFORD ! TS5 HOYT. , MAIN 830S. Exclusive residential; special suosmer rates; oar meala speak for our popularity. EXCLUSIVE residential hotel; rate $45 ta $50. 794 Lovejey. Main 8619. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 WANTED Children to board in private home; very best of care, priee right A aufeurban home. Empire 0556. - WANTED Children to board and room in private home; best of care given. Phone Walnut 3954. j ROOM and board for ' 2 refined gentlemen, in private hom. piano and Victxoia, Main 5687. T92 Marshall st , WILL board and room baby er small child reasons We. Mother s'e re; reference. Aut 619-56. OXE room and board, in, Swedish family; Swedish gentleman preferred. 012 EL Alder. Tabor 5633. ROOM and beard for married couple or 2 persons.: room together, $33 par month. Phono Sea 36711. - lLARGE front room suitable fey two.' with Board: walking distance. 167 E. 34. K. East 3884. , . OX rl large front room, suitable for two, with beard; walking distance. 107 E. 3d N. East 3384. - " . - , - ROOM, board, laundry end. mending in home with ' young couple - lor - refined seaUemau. 810.5O per weefc Tkbor 4489. - - FURNISHED rooms and beard, close in, hot anseojej weir xuea neaa, gas iOth st, ROOM andJ 2 meals lor 1 or gentlemen, or - young eenpl both eraploywi. 380 E, 0th. N. Just "off Broadway. Eat 8172.-- ' ' ROOM AND FIRST-CLASS TABLE BOABD PRIVATE HOME, , 92 K. 30TH AND ASHL EAST 1207. J - : , " L0VELT, Jr front room with aicov od eloeet. suitabla for.t, with bArd rcaseav rnhie. .Main 7681. I FIRST Guar room, with good hod and home pnTileee to may employed. Wal 0607. GOOD sleeping ' ma for working saan. board if desired; cheap. East 0110. - ROOM th beard U desired; welkins Ai'tm. - west aid. 591 K Daeis. Bdwy. 8048 WANT to board litu, siri, eehaol age; best or cave vn aroaern noene. walnut 3302. WILL ear for mttia girl, age 1 to 3 year. - 892 t,red sve. N. Phono Fast I0T. FOR room iand board an private iaiuily call Walnut S063. t DRESSMAKING FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 CHILDREN to hoar. BoauUful aowntry Thome. nea ehool, doa in, $14 ntonthly. For paruralars writ, Poaeafal Acree Farm, route 1. bog 14 2-A, Hmbor. - ' J WANTED A eoupia at rwapoctabl, yeans anon ' to naom end rjoani? m Mmukk Pvvwat, bom. Piano and Yictrola, Main 5637. 792 BOOM: and board in a uica bom juit what you're iooking for; good nsoala and eUaa bad; aaoa Sunday dinners; far a gentiexQSB ; ia prtvata- hom,. Walnut 4545. tOR AGEUJ invalid. 'chronic or" eonvaleooent patiants. pleaaaiit home snrTeundinga. with heaithr building diet and treatment personal car or pnyareian; reaoonabJa rate. Ut rt- CHTLD to room and board; room and braak faat mother if dasired. Sail. 408S. TWO youas men or max, and wtfa to room am ooara; private nome; waunng cuavaaw,. aast ssde. East 0215, Do Pot call Sunday; WANTED Children to board: will give them mother's car,: good school and churches near; reasonable. Address 0621 60th av. SIS., or phone Ant. S18-1B. DESIRABLE7" room with sleeping porch, Ex- 1U1 kn. w4 t . - . .1 hem privilege. Worts your tima ta invaati- LARGE, tirr w21: fuFBisbd room itAbW for a t au avau x a w xsv w,csa, ewcya. ayrw Bg-- utrwaa, reasonable rent and good location. Tabes 1UBP HAVE very pleasant room with board ia private family of two adults, for gentleman; B0 ether roomer. Walking distaaca, Prsco ran. ii aaio ibid. COMFORTABLE room for 1 or 2 gwiiieavaas, with board, in modem hom,: noma rtnvi legos; walking distaaca, west aide; rata reasna able. Main 8953. WOULD lika 1 or 2 c&Udrea to board in good country home: host of car,; will take daily to baaah if desiiwd. Write Mrs. Hoffman, Oak Grove postofficc. Oak Grove, Or. YOUNG man to room and board, small eon o6jryiial family of young people ; piano. Main BOARD and room, suitabla for 1 or 3, in modern, congenial, private home. Walking distance. Phono Main 0805. LARGE front room, suitabla for two, preferably ladlM in am,!! nn..i. VaMrtlv f1!.; -. dene location, hom privileges, abundance of ii uiu aaoor quo I BEST OF ROOM AND BOARD CHEAP; HOME PRIVILEGES AND ENV1BON- . ' , . v v u . i - - a. . j m i r, LOOKING FOR. EAST 8576. ATTRACtlVE ROOMS. EXCELLENT BOARD, IN QUIET HOME. PERSONS OF REFINEMENT ONLY. 760 IRVING. MAIN 8145. , GOOD1 HOME AND MOTHER'S CARE "TOR - SMALL CHILD. CALL TABOB 9 1ST. NICELY furnished, west side. 5 mitt, walk .from Meier efc Frank, with of without board, NICELY. furnishod float rooasa with or with- ou poaru. noma eoaveniaBces. Main coaa. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 RENT NOT RAISED-IN WINTER $20 mo. Get settled now in good, cem fortabla 1 and 2 rm. h. k. apt. No raisa in winter and excellent hast, plant h. and a. water, el., free pkone. J rut what amp. per son wants. Desirabl aeishborbood and walk ins disk. DelmoBte. 167 Stout, 1 bis. S. of 20th and Wash. TWO tar 8 H. X. rm., or 1 bed room, light, clean, airy, water, light and phono fur nished, gas range; walking dkrtanct. 381 t.rana gve. m. Phono East 6000 $30 PER MONTH 2 rm. Dt-. newlv fo. niahed, heat, light and phone; water In Kitcnen; l Dl. to snattuck school; ground floor. 405 West Park. $3.50 PER WK. Furnished if K. room for man or woman, heat, ljeht. bath, phone, free; iewly furnished. 405 Wast Pars. 3-ROOU furnished apt, all newly tinted, all outside rooms, nicely furnished. 202 hi Morris t ' .. J . THE MARTHA " " Newly fum. 1 and 2 room h. k. ; also alaaav log rml. 64 H. 23d. Main 2141. TWO 'room nicely furnished for housekeepins': also on sleeping room. Oali t 181 Skid more at.. 3 -block from Miaaisirppi cariin. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, water,' phon, nd light furnished, cor. E. 9th and Wash.; nLnLiicg oi west sine. n.ast osso. two large furnished h. k. rooms. close in east side. heat. lights, oas furnished. east 8008. CLEAX "bed, clean floor, clean walls; Sunnj crest. 1-2-3 outsid h, k. rmg., gag.' alec,' laun. itn. , reasonable. 186 Sherman. ONE and 2 h. k, rooms, clean and neat; waJk- ing- distance. 421A lt Morrison. Bates 83.75 to 86; under new management H. K. OOMS, hiudy to market; front roord rouia be used as offioo. 204 H 4th st BEAUTIFUL 2 room front apt; very cleaa; ' 2 beds; suitable for people. 841 11th st FRONT housekeeping room with kitchenette; modern conveniences. 870 0th st. H. K. ROOMS with kitcpenette, $3 to $4 a wees ; - everything furnished. Main 7853. 1 TRUNK transferred 50c. additional trunks 28c each, downtown districts. Bdwy. 2445. FOR RENT H. K. room nd sleeping tan. Call Bdwy. 2804.' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 FOR RENT 2 furnished h. k. rooms, light wster, phone free; no children; close in on carline. 504 Clinton st Seilwood 0614. TWO a ice clean rooms, furnace beat furnish everything except gas lor eooking; 203 anwt St., san aam LIGHT, iry 3 roomed furnished flat; dults. one block from car. Wat 2896, 1095 E. GHT and clean front room oa H A. car line; well furnished; very desirable neighbor- od 19 V. 99nl . hood FOR RENT 2 and 3 nicely furnished rooms. 5,924 4th st. Phone Atwater 3262. Call na nknSia a 4v 4t ewiR' ' 4 NICELY furnished modern 1L El rooms. Duterh kitchen, 3 blocks from car. Adults. Tabor W898. IN private home, 3-room furnished apt, 1 single room; no other roomers. Aut 514-23 467 N 23d st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $S mo. t jghi ' gt snd water. 777 Jefferson st Atwater i oa . $25 M!0NTH, 5 rooms over store furnished. 1 for housekeepins; close in east aide. Ap ply Empire theatre, 289 Grand are. 3-ROOM furnished suite for housekeeping, close in, walking distance. 610 Clay at Atwater 1855. S ROOM furnished H. K. apt., with hath, light, water and phone; private entrance. $30 per month. Adults only. Main 4 709. ONE 2-ROOM FRONT APT.. LARGE, LIGHT ROOMS: REASONABLE RENT. 193 1TTH A-1 TAxLOH. ATW ATe-st 1944. TWO eooms famished for housekeeping, 490 E. 17 th between Division and Clinton, adults, i Seilwood 2265. 'ICE CLEAN FRONT RM. FOR YOUNG WORKING PEOPLE. 4Tii YAMHILL ST. BETWEEN, 13TH A 14TH 3 ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE, ' HA W THOiRNE DISTRICT. ADULTS. EAST B, 1, FURNISHED H. K. ROOM, $1.50 PER WEEK AND UP; ELECTRIC LIGHTS. 324 Vh FIRST ST. 2 BEAUTIFUL furnished - newly decorated H. K. rooms; free lights, phone, heat. CaU Bdwy. W630. 352 Kearney t LARGE, clean, auiet front room for 1 or 2 gentemen. 691 E. Oak st Phone East 7391 TWO fcouwkeeping rooms, bath, light ' aad gas furnished, $3.50 per week. 172 Monroe. Tel. walnut 0695. LARGE living room sud kitchen, gas rangav Kghtu heat, telephone, well furnished, clean and cosy, adult. . SeUwoed 168. - SINGLE "and double' h. k." room. ' newly pa peiod. reasonable rent, adult only. $41 HarvTson." corner Broadway, Main 0116. 2 'LABjQE .modern front h. k. rooms, . first ONE 3 (oom first floor, also room aad kiUh- eneta, for 11. sv. sis, is. Morrison. TWO furnished h. a. rooms, $12 and "Til per snonth. 074 EU Salmon. 4 Nlcas rooms, completely lunaislied; .very 2-ROOM housekeeping apartment 211 Hsi- sey at cor. Larraa,. pnone Eaat 2386. l)S TiLAi', 'near' 1 4th; clean. !uruttaed."E7T - rnoma. eheap. -FOUR partly furnished h, a. rooms, $14. 4x2 TWO " cian, r front heasekeeping raoata, fuT nrshed, 2 adnlta. 375 Hawthorn,, cor. 29th. TWO oomfortabla rooms, well furnished, down etair. 616 per month. 507 Mississippi ave, SINGLE housekeeping rocsn, furnished, walk ing dL'tance. 492 Taylor at. - 2 H. fit!' ROOMS, fuiwshcd completely; wsik- a s;KK. . S . it m -V ' in '..1 , ... m i . in TWO (furnished H. E. room with private bath.' 63 E. 19th st N., eor, Lwia. FOR RENT HOUSKEPlNG ROOMS -ITjlWlSHED AND IJNlJRNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 3UNNYSll5ir 2 terra room, as carpeted, una linoleum; bat and void water, stectnc Ught, sas. Cheap to ngrm party. Tabor 3Z. N'lCE housekeepins room,' every thins furnished fseo. $13: S lars front 'a apt. $25; walking eKatancav CaU Monday, Wwlnosday and Friday, bet 11 and 4. 550 Fourth at. FTISISHED H. K. apt. in. nrirata tamnw. Phono East vbS6. - . 2-ROQM apartments' wita sleeping porchos; wefi furniahed. Phone, Kghts and water. Reason bi rent Bcoo Cit gar. 133 Pacific St.. or eau aast 0337. NEATLY furnished H. E. raoms, larga aloseu and S windows, In ntirato htsno. Good location. 391 Russell at, Hoaua oaa block east of Union sen. Et 1740. ' - $30 3 MODER! fumUhod h. k. rooms, in cluding bath,, light, heat, fual. Dot and eoid waur; aouita. B4S rlaic sr. rn. iw. ONE lace front room and kitchenette; alio aiagia H. K. roam: faraaco haat, tisht and phcoe inalwdad, nsasonabia, 404 E. Oak at. between Bth and 0th. Adults. Jbast a aac i.iur.u rUaxTsHED aloaping roam, an 1st floor; also furnished H. K. apt on 2d floor, S blocks each ef Sunny side and Hawthorn ear. Tabor 9500. SEE THKSK TODAY" 3 nica H. K. room, single or an suit, with garage. 604 Hcsly St., bttwae 141 and Hawthorn are. East 2722. , THHEB completely furniahod bouaekeeeiins roams in aieo homo. Adult. Walnut 8041. 1 block from Alberts, car. 1080 B. 15th N. FRONT BOOM. FURNISHED FOB LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING: IN HOSPITAL D13- TRIUT. BROADWAY 3628, IRVlNGTO!S 2-rm. h. k.. with hot and cold water, furnace beat, ,vrythias nio and cleaa, 1 block ta Irvingtoo school. K. 1441. 441 E. 13th St. N $2.75 WEEK, furnished n. k. rooms, light and bath included, west side, walking dis tance. 545 ia First and 215 Mill st. corner first. NEAR Jeffemoa Hi, S sue roomsnswly fur nished to eoupia employed; $30 include sas, lights, teL, water and clear, line each week. Wal. 0007. THREE fine unfurnished rooms for house- keepins; all aaodarn oonveaiencea; will part ly furniah if deaired; convenient to carliae; pleasant location. Tabor 1018. NICELY furnished housekeeping room in clean, homelike place, aloe in, en suit or tingle; reasonable rent, 171 E. 13th st. Phono East 3185. 2 ROOM cheerful bausekeepins spt. with deeping room for 3 ; eould car for smalt child if parent are employed. 751 Kearney St. AtW. 1Z9S bathroom; free phone, cooking sas and light; every convenience. 050 William are., phone Walnut 7165. THREE clean furnished housekeeping rooms. 825 Thnrman at Walnut 6183. CLEAN, cheery two front room housekeep ing apt; walking distance. 393 Grand ave. 3. B. 0930. TWO light, clean rooms with nice sleeping porch, 320 month, light and water in cluded. Nio yard. 66 E. 23d at between. Stark and Oak. 2 NICELY furnished h. " k. room with' run ning water, furnace beat electric light and phone, welkins distance. 175 N. -d 7th. Bdwy. 3240. " SEMI-BASEMENT APT.. DESIRABLE. NOB MILL. CLOSE IN. 632 DAVIS. BDWY. 3443. LOVELY front room alcove kitchenette for lady, $12 per mo. 823 6th at, 15-minute walk, free phone. Atwater 1534. NICE furnished front room and sleeping porch, complete for hatrtekeeping, $5 per week. 412 10th st bet Harrison and Hail, walking distance. . ' $13 2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, private entrance; walking distance; water, light bath. Also garage tor small car. east M A East 1SJ 126. MODERN 2-room front apt!, sink, bet and cold water, heat, light bath, aad phone; rea- aonaoi. tfvs ata sc. ntwater 2000. TWO? nice large- housekeeping rooms $18; 2 srasUer ones, $16. .Place for car. Bdwy. 763.- 363 IT. 16th. ONE large singl h. t. room, running water, gas range, west aide, walking distance; also nice basement h. k. room. Main 4366.' WILL sub rest nicely turnishecT 2-room apt far month or longer; close in. East aid. 264 E. 3d st., N. 2 NICE, Uzht, oigaa .a-ooms, phone, water and bath, to man and -wife; no children. ISO East 7th st N. Phon East 7915. TWO cleaa, furnished hotuekeeping rooms; a Pleasant place to live. 020 E- Morrison , cor. 16th at 3 AND 4 rooms, furnished or not. South port land, 10 minutes' walk, 1 carline 2 blocks; cheap rent 326 4th. st Atwater 8672. ROOM and board, private family , man "and wife or young peopl preferred. Walnut 4130. mroy st ONE 2-room fur. H. K. net: also 3 apt partly furnished, near school; children welcome. Space fur parking ear. Min 4866. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS OWNER WILL SUBLET 4 room apt', hardwood floor, beautifully deoorated and furnished. Call Mr. Gustaff, Bdwy. 4T5, ALTAMONT APTS.. 804- COLLEGE S '. rooms, private, bath, nicely furnished, newly tinted, $47.60; also 4 rooms, private bath. $52.60. Main 6873. . SINGLE and double modern housekeeping apt,, sll new furniture. 520 and. $30. Also sleeping rooms, $4- 195 21st W. Broadway 8014 King Albert Apts. 3 snd rooms, furnished er unfurnished, til bath, elevator. Uth st Montgomery. Main 388. SAN MARCO. E. BTH AND COUCH. 3 RM. MOD. APT.. WE OR MO. EAST 199 NICE and mean. 1 and 3-room housekeeping apartments; light, phon. hot and cold water, laundry privileges; walking distance; $9 and SI 8 month. 406 Vancouver ave. East 8621 THREE rooms, private bath,' $28. 8 rooms, private bath, $22.60, including Phon, water, saroaae. r--at 1 i s r morning. THE VICTORIAN 4 rm. fur. and unfur. apts., bath, clean, close in; eery reasonable. v ihiiiii:, near nut Arvaier 221 f. - THE LC2ERXEV APTS. 2 .room modern apt., center, brick bids., reasonable rent; walking distance. 263 Hall. WELLINGTON COURT APARTMENTS '" 2-room furnished spt, $35; 4 rooms, 34$. MU1VH1I im THE EDENHOLM ' 836 Eth-t, modern S and 3-room furnished apartments. Private baths. Rent re s sonable ALICE COURT 2 and 3 large rat, S beds, fireplace, prir. bath, tel., $46 and 360. Cor. B. 8th and Burnside.j East 3600. THE 8 TAN FIELD Modem 2-room . apt, light, ' heat, phone clean, cool, coxy, $23. Main 7393. FURNISHED apartment for rant near Jet, ferson faish school. 242 KilHnkswarth av. Walnut 6882. ' . ' OPDfrtTVV i III, a s.sr v.! ... s s a . Front 2 and 8 room furnished apta, 89 Tfthity Place. Bdwy. 6161. Qlen Court 2 and S room Apt.; close in. Main 1961. Cor. Park and Taylor. CLEAN' bed, clean" floor, clean walls; Sunny, crest, S outside ran., bath; newly furtt gas, elect ssz.ao. IBS anemia TWO rooms with kitchenette, steam heat, not and cold water, walsins distance. Broadway 4202. Jennings Apt., 245 N. 17th. CLEAN, convenient apta. snd sleeping rooms. $3.50 S week. S-ast 9207. TWO rooi furnished" apt.. walkjngT dWtaac. 7ta Everett at. Atwater 3716. v SAN MARCO, . 8TH AND COUCH, S RM. MOD. APT.. WK. OR MO. EAST 1090. SINGLE and' 3 room apt.. , very thins like naiiiiaiiie. r ran tf mncrj. ePECIAL 2 room "turt apt," now 610. The JeMery. oor. Russell and Kerb v. Eat 1694, 2-ROOM apta., clean, reasonable, near aehoaC eel ueaam ave. i rnw, wiavt nay ADsMS APARTMENTS Modern S rm. apt, furnished. 408 Jefferson. THE ALBERT urniii4 apt, steam nasi, J private bath. 840 Vj Miasissippi ave. : - FURNISHED 2. 8 or 4 room apartments. - wearing distanee. 808 8th st Msin 8934. TWO rooms, bath, private entrance, winking satanfe. wm s- - -r 2 AND 8-ROOM furnished apanreeaks. gar vvsea Court 394 Fifth st HARRISON ST. APTS-, $94 Fifth st " Main 6148.. ' UNION AVE. and KQhngawonb, foxnished apt., au onpimi tvarnie in. 1 TRUNK transferred (Oe, additional tru tits . 2 5a eh. dovmtuww drrtrites. Bdwy. 2445. 2 AND I room, nicely f urnuhed. ' moderate - uricea. wast aidev 389 flth at. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 SEW WESCOTT COURT APT. ! 1 SS. Bi.S4 WilVI - i AQ outado aamasi. tars hciaa Mint b roeeua. halfontas. rear finish. hjdweod lie?. shower baths, electrv rans. msnoaaai tuc- atunv. TIK DXiCENDOSJF APTS. 108 16th, near Taylor. Atwater 0128. n Osannlasoly tnrniahod S-room apt,, all ewssid raoma, a ohjocison w ghitlya, tianas- ni ana igairea. FOR i BENT Ccnpl.tly Ivtraishod S Joom apt Call Walnut 21S, OS 1191 E. 13th N. Mr. Meyara. ' " 1 ! APARTMENTS- v UNFURNISHED 308 The AmerIc4Mi Modern 4 and t roam apartmnU. Slat and Johnson. - Broadway 31S0, MtHERK S " room apt. rr; woodwork. braakfaa nook,, SS4 E Wash, at. ooe. 3Sd 3 ROOM west eid, apt fiat, wail beds, range. "wanting distance, ssu. tan morauw. Vini f IS. ARBOR COURT 14TH AND COLUMBIA Beautiful Sraonx apartment , Reason bi. A 1 D.WU 1 AVH1W. nvifll Vininsnjs. . THE WE18T. T28D. Fines t room and bath aparuaant Is too city. WELLINGTON COURT APTS. 4 -room apt! send eondiooB oriy B a lacks team Wssh- ing at; raat $40. Broadway 1246. FLATS FURNISHED 309 LIGHT, clean, nicely furnish 3-raoea flat poren. private eatreaoe. so xfa . 3 ROOMS, porch, hght water, phn. S5. T4Q Mianetota are. vvamui aaa. FIVE; rooms, irit bath, phone, wU and garbage. $80. East TI37, morning. 4-ROOM suite.' $23 po month, or 2-roo, nit, sis per mentn. Atwater nm. rOR REN.T Fruisie4 roomflat East 03 43. FOR RENT FaJTS-v-UNFURNISHED 310 5JTH 11 EAST HT1HE STS AUracUv 4 room flat built-in buffet, dis- appearino bed, gas fasge. (U wstar better, linoleum, furnace, rent S5. MtiU. T. 1IUUK8 tu, jpor ins mug. 7-ROOM upper fiat 5th" and Harrison, Saa. electricity v fireplace. Herman Mo, lie. 426 mmmuM Plug. GOOD modern 3-rniwja flat, furnace, firtpleoa. gas ranse, in a soud sUitriCv, l 6- lTlh st. uau Walnut 2990. 186446 ROOMS. eUsaat fiBtsh. ' Fins district Water heater, set beg and wster. 10 E. 3 ROOMS Sud bath' $23 a month, including water. 423 Montgomery st Fred fl. w ti ns ms. noa Fanams bids. BEAUTIFUL "S-rm. fUt. hrdw. noor. aUctiy modern, perfect condition, aduiu. sou, - ire; 74 K. 29th. st N. Kast SOTn 5 ROOM flat for rent 681 First, sea AfUuu. Telephone Auto. 631-81. " FOR I RENT Unfurnished Oat. 0 'rooms. 1109 Hawthorne ave., 32a per montB. 6 RM." modern flat $36. adiflte, 104 E. 18th 8-rm. flat T75 Vancouver av. Bdwy. 2190 4 ROOM unfurnished flat: haat water and rba. 894 Farvo. near Union ave. UPPER FLAT, 589 Pewairlrt. 15 p mo. Brooklyn car. HOUSES-FURNISHED r 31 1 FOB SENT S reasn furnished house, laundry tray, bath room, sa stove. ,ictna pshte. 210 nail et FIVE' rotualiouse, all en one floor. Completely furnished. 8509 88th gve. Ante. 08S-K8. 5 ROOM furnished house, eory of B. Tib- bete and 2 3d st, si sin o FOR RENT Furnished '5-goom oottage, piano included. 486 Boa st FOUR." nice clean 'room, cioaa'io asbeci 64 fTv 1 Ol t T I HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 SPR IK SX EH ED WARIHOUS. ' an trackage Star yaur seeds with , Lot as do your moving ant pacgins, . ,. CLAT ft, MOB SB, INC. BdWT. S4T0. 484 Gnaa at. FOrIrENT Sept 1, 8-voom hus", furnished. lnipoing piano ana garage. par awnui, wit hid walkins-' diatanc af . Jsffron bigb school; best csr lervic ; ans.. vvygant. 5-ROOM ' bungalow near Peninsula school, new pipeleas furnace, at $4800. Walnut 2968. 10 ROOM aaodsm hous." 690 Market at drive. SOP. r red o. w uiiasss, quo rswas piua. WILL lease large, a home in Irvington dia trict to reUabl party: rent $1 a.aaanth. Bdwyj 7808. 1 ROOM unfurnished" eettage."" Want man who wiB cars lor furaac. (51 Kearnsy. Bwy. bss. YORK EXPRESS sk TRANS. CO. Trunks. bgssa, furaitura moving. 3160 and 13 per hour, crocawar MOVING, 33 PER HOUR AND" UB j witwnroof stance l a nan rase. Lang Distance Haunni.' " Broadway 3445. WE MOVE furniture. 2 "ma, for 12 per hour. Long distanos ssulinj, SO dayi' tree storage. main asvo. JI SIM M . . ... WT-ST SIDE, 6 -room bouse, seed eoaditioa; close in ; walking diatanc. 691 H Wash- lirgwn. ien.ii. TIANO MOVrNQ" furnitura 33.50 per hour; 2 men. Urge, padded rans. Call Crown Transfer Co.. East 6067. FURNITURE" MOVING 82 PER HOVR," 3 MEN : PIANO $2 AND UP LARGE 2 H TON TRUCK. EAST MODERN 0 r. bungalow, good location; "adults; references. Rant rstaeaabl. Call St 1002 K Oath M. MODERN S room house, 5 bedrooms, ou eor- lier. i oioca 10 kuow. mw, to. mw jtm- hira ave. 4 BOOH house, gas, not ntodera, ' 3? boy Inquire OOP Kerby st 5-R00M hous. auiall faBily; reason sbls oeuwooa ovwi. THREE snd 6 -ruoms, clean' and well fur nished, leas garage, .664 H 1st t FOB ' BENT Liantou road, 4 room kouse. garage, ltgnt Atwater aso IRVINGTON hoot, large, moderaT furnished or nnfumished. K lll. WE MOVE furniture lor $2,50 an OWi" 2 men. Main 0USW. f-ROOM modern house, 40. 380 E. Eighth, oomar Harrison. 380 EAST 6th, cor. Harrison, 7 room modem hous. $40. WALKING diste, wodarn ( room hoioae, east side, desirable district -$3 Halaey. HOUSES FOR RENT- FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 GOOD 10 room house for "rent, wiTu bedroonta upstair all furnished for roomers, 2 room rented; 3 sas ranges piped into bowse. 1 feed cook range in kitchen connected with hot water;! bath xoom and gas; rent $35,75 par months part of furniture for sale, Bdwy, 132.! el ssvereu. 7T-HOOM strictly modern home an 7tk and , Knott at: hot wster heat IL W. F. hdw. floors;! firrplaec, all hardwood finish on in side J will leas 335 per month. , i T McGEE DENNIS, -i f "W sell the earth." 060 Union ave. N. Walnut 8684. FOR SALE Gas rang, kitchen cabinet oak sMepeara, awisg mmm ana enauw, oeu ana other j furniture, reasonably prised. Tabor 3560.1 293 E. S2d at IF YOU are looking for a plaeo to live and send yoor kiddie to eehooi and atill maka vnwr rent free, see this. No reasonable offer refnseo. cast az 400 WICKER furnitur aad d mouths rent - vor saw; lav es.ii , ueiencv ,u per ween; elom in. WelVweod 8740. , . . . clone in. vciiwuwi w-ww. l.uOfiU fist fa, seat 325: "furniture for sale. 3350; S room rented st $27.50, 430 V jMimonr. at. n. FTVi: rotra flat for rent " Leautiful furiiitur toy iaala. teasonabla rent West "side, wslki ins distance. Call Main 8916. S ROOM" house dd garas; iumlture for sal, 8227 88th st 8. E. - STORES AND HALLS 314 A STORE en Union ave. with 4 living room in rear for 135 saanth; the baildms st also "h ' McGEE 4V DENNIS. - ; , , 1 : ' "W aaU the earth.'' 060 Union eve. . Walnut 6684. tiAlO LOOK WHO'S HERE 45.00 ; Antomobiia snorag sad lots 'of It; 80,000 n. ft floor snace: coneret bids., steam heat Night and day service. - 380 Flint st, S blocks from east eon or proaawny onoae. - - MERRILL- al'TOMOTlVB SKRYICBV STORE roosa, ast aide, " fas -rent,' chiT quir ko stoma st, car. Fhone i walnut lens. LIGHT airy room on 2d floor at 43 nt E.'Sd t Auir,.l for Karat wsajtoiarewiriSL' t Usaasi rent feast Bras. STORE room to rent est 734 and 8ad blvd. tali' isiwi iaue. v FOR BENT Union avenue store. R, , Mc uuive, umon. r.ast sstii. EOS" desirabla spar la tisapeoof ws roll ones . pnaae Broadway S7A0. FOU RENT SUMMia RESORTS - - 31 6 SEAStDES sajtem eottAgo with hot 'and cold water, aioctne, fcsnmz bail, pioch traat vWOca. Broadway 8682. r ' UNKO.N tJtCit-i-Srtwiy oautppad t4" I04 , 2H ware, a. 8w. AU9I - .. COTf AGE ' "rWt W I ' U n"l. "an! tent Socasa. CtU at 0481 or Atwater 07 77. a OR tea la, oottase." "beach eamps, writ, af unopw mee mas ions, naim, vir. ' BUSINESS FROPEHTY ' Vai BUNGALOW tank in sua yard isith Lauso privuogea, TH loeajoy. stem STOW. a4 W ANTED TO RENT T" APARTMENTS 357 WOULD like a comfortable ream and k itch, a. etta for housekeeping far t winter monthi; mst .ba brich bldov aiatn in and seeaonsbl rent. B-sus, Jounul. FLATS 359 WAh TED 4 or 3 room ' fiat, - unurnlshed, Mitmm in. (Jlu iirto snS lan.,ilB (l.llil Xouraal. - J ' . MISCELLANEOUS 362 WOULD like to rent desk space' lnground - iiooe oriice. 111 Mr. yrkert xsawy. IB. 9. J REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 T BOSB C1TI PAIUC SECOND MORTGAGE TERMS - : , TERMS 9 DOWN ,$$ FEB WEWE " Sewer. Sidewalk, Curbs and Wster, ' S W. 6 n4 KlickiUt as- sum 1168, - 8465. N. E. ear. 84th st oo4 Klickitat, sasum H35, . ; Ask for rips Pl$t Bee City Park Branch Of flea: 43th and bandy bird., Opaa Every Day i. L. HA HTM AN COMFANY Cpamher of Com. Vudg, Brc4ay 6014. 1171 Alameds Drirs, BekiimSBt, sear 8 Itn a tenet $385 88th at. 50 ft S. of KekltV -f $665 38th st, bat, Framoot and Klickitsi. Bass City Psrk Brsach OfOe. 46th and Sandy Bird. Open Every pay. J. Is HABTMAN COMPANY. S Chamber of Com. Bids, Broadway 6034. Closing Out LOTS IN LADD'S ADDITION CHOICE ONES FOB 31000 AND UT AU ImprercmanU Paid . 2d Mortgage Privilege Only 10 peg eaat sash rwaqired. - Kemember this fine addition ia anlp 20 minutes' walk from courthouse. See Mr; De.ahunty Lead EsUta Ca.. 240 Stark. St Eve. Tabor 7040. - Bdwy. 6764. ALMOST 2 AOREtV 61606 PARK ROSE 315 DOWN, $16 MONTH, total payment, interest included St pet cent, partly cleared, belanee in trees, beautiful building sit, rich sasden land, no soaks, na buildinf restrictions. Yen eaa build a little aback her, outsid city limits, aesth of Sandy Blvd. aad carline. Park- ' reaa branch office at end ef cariin. Take -Bssa Qty Park Park rase ear. Tabor 904. J. L. HARTMAH COMPANY. Broadway 0034. ' f ' Chaatbes. of Cetameree Wds. . i " ' ' ""'iftyy TAXES J "IL 11 ALL CTTT CONVENltNCEK Ixksated joat outside city in Clackamas county, hsndy to car. To fare- to First and Alder sis. W are exclusive rente for the few remaining Jots and are authorised ta clos them oat at reduced prices at term of only 10. a-n, balance-. 2 per month. . Prices from ' (300 up, finest ef garden soil. RITTEB, IvOWE CO- REALTORS 201-2-3-5 7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDQ. 1 lTOMESBEE gS ''.'-'. 'WHI EOT BPILDt t ts expeasiva. . We are taiao. ft4 ha how Weil we n buld. not how mush we en get ter kuUding. ' Sea pa betes bwying aw buUalna- Robnctt z McCIure BrTTT.nKltn 99 esaWOsrawn SOTO. WAY OUT OW 8f. ifilTNl'TJNE ' " Comer lot 601 OA. sa ilnnsMJi mnA llai. hs. area., priee $325. $100 cash, $10 monthly. ev wBuuarius vaiuo. ph irwyr, wtUl mmmmmm. iHtkrvwwswves. 13 Chamber of Cwmmeme $30 DOWN. $ "ft t65TH ' Hhm this fin. IA.11S 1. I 1 , I , "f w,,vv v, inisisa jus, outstda cits' limits. 7c carfare. 20 minute emsa. iipsat of gtMia soil, a chtace to get away rem the rant and apply on four own home. Total price only 8300. BITTER. LOWE dv CO.. REALTORS 201-2-8 5 T BOARD Off TRADE BUM". IRVINGTON DISTRICT Corner. 8812.60. 8100 sash. 816 manfhl' en paved it, near school. 2 ghort blocks to Irvington car; nw district This is -under market valu. Bee at one. johnson-Dodson Co 633 1, W. Baa BMtg. Mam 87 8T. Builders HOUSES COMPLETED PROMPTLY flu swancSmtftiAa ssuf wsrkM..,ki.. , . W.. . with liberal financial aaaistgnc wijj picas yovj.. Soldier benns seeepted. " ; giaitMC.no e juuiTErTS. pen. ZB04. ' 1 . . A" J. . J... ' . . A . .i.m u. a mm i . $50 CASH. 610- MOTHLt " DU.lk. . . -I 1 ,, i , . a. block to Union av. car. near Pertland hied. - Price 800. Johnson-Dodson Co. 083 W. W. Bank BIdg. Maka ST8T. 'w6RkrNG!itANvS CHANCE I BOSS CITY DISTRIOT ' Fun-ixd let on SOth with baaemsnt du( Snd MBit lumber en srotxnd. This is an - eellent buy at only $625. Half cash. BITTER, LOWB ek UO., REALTORS , S01-2-3-6-f BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. $800 SUXSTSIDE" On E. Tsylos near K. 45th: all tmnmea menu In sad paid; 3 blocks to csr. - JohnsonDodson Co. 083 V. W. Bank Bids. Main 8T3T. FOE SALE- NorUisast corner Greeaweod and Gladstone av., at very low price. Call at ' 2T6 Yamhill st, or phone Main 6194. C E.. avavawirjeaa. WEST SIDE, eloee In. building site, $600 and p; $200 cash, balance like reatl isa peeved 4.1 walking d ist ace, Has owner, 313 rlatt bids., week day. FOB SALE 2 lots 1 black fron 1 block from business aeater. oa line sal ii Sellwaod. owner, eeo ivnn J 1500 frat4tii . sMstst dsdtv SBir lmsit Tmshawns a? exearp Rannsf. ON GARFIELD; fifty feet north of Ainswortlt Term. .Owner. Wtlnnt 4728. 2" GOOD fota near Reed eoOege, cheap, TSk Baia. 60T Spalding bids. - . HOUSES 404 5-ROOM bungalow oa 40xl26-feot earner lot with double sang;' 3 bloeka from aehoot . 8300 down and 625 month.. Lanritaaav, Stewotson-Sclmeider Caw sas,. 226 Aider at,. ssain aeia. 14AWTH6RNB lTBtcft,.T EVIlst "it!.' iv II o. o suwuiea-B: B room aaoaana buna-alerw. All improvaments in and paid- Close to aehooL $8750. Taraaa, Owner, Ur. Hunt, Atwater pass. -itOOl nous" on 2 dOxlOO-foet lots, with 'alt kinds of fruit tree: 1 block from stswetcer. 4 block from Vernon eehooL $600 dawn and balance at ser cent Lauri Uen-8 tv,noe- Sehneider Co.. Inc., 320 AMer st Main 6616. Jr.l'l-.lt T ,.. 1. t. . ".JL. f,v, mmn ..I " , t .wm, wiwia bnnss low, hardwood , floor, fireplace, wood work white enameled. Price 62900. Balance $26 per snonth. including int Call wwaer, ... . i it. - M K n A - S1V leWn Pltl.. Siwy. wvv. 62100 Kooms, jot soxtoo, large gaeaga. chicken bou, em paeed street, close to new park. St Jobs district. 9860 cash, bat $-3 per menth, including Int CsJJ eaaer. Bdwy, 600, 814 lekm bldgv -' .- - (Continued an Fottowlno Pans) l