The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 15, 1922, Page 15, Image 15

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    TUESDAY, AUGUST 15,., 1922.
i !
Batter Errs Cheese
' Csbe Extra Selects I Flat
Porflasr . .. se $ i Je
&aa Fraaelseo... 44e tlH: ttHc
Kiw Twk ..4... tiHs Me I
Chicago . . 83 Vie 2V4
Seattle 88e Zte
Lei Asreles !!
Th. cut of 2a la the nriee of batter: and Se
is the butterfat market at the opening of the
Tuesday trade lu Men wicm hero lor a
kut 10 dan. la fact, the extent of Us. de
cline we not as liberal aa conditions : iuatif led.
at least in butter. The greater cot in the
price of fat than in the manufactured product
indicated the real imim el the current tfc-
Ballon. i
The near price places bast print la parch
ment wrsoDers at 44s a nonad. but there' m
till greater differential than norms!; between
prints end cube. Beat eentrabsed extras are
now quoted to 88c a . pound or 6e below the
points, while so-called country cube extras are
generally at 36c a pound.
The price of butterfat now stands at 43s
tor Portland delivery, with No. 1 zone at 42a
per pound. The usual discounts see shewn
for No. fat for various deliveries.
Tbaae desiring speeisl information regarding
any Bunn, anouui write tee jtaraet sailor.
Oregon Journal, enclosing stamp, for reply.
Trade fat the ess market is. active, but re-.
porta indicate tne sale ot considerable pullet
com storage stocg aa frean good wnen ouxed
with' current arrival. General prices are un
changed for the dsy. ,
Mors active tone ia allowing- for ehiekena
m tfie Front street trade -with light bens show
ing' a fractional rise althoush heavy stuff ia so
chanced. In fact there is too much differen
tial between the lie lit and heavy stuff.
Demand for cheese continues good, but prices
are unchanged both at Tillamook and Port
land. Carl Baberlaeh. sales represents tlv of
the Tillamook association was in the city yes
terday and reports demand still in excess of
upply. -V
Because of the presence here of considerable
ripe and overripe stock, tomato prices ruled
front 80 to 65e a box generally along the street,
although the bulk ol the sale were around
40 0 60c a box.
Farther advance is ahowa la - the price of
country killed oaires along the street, with
sales up to 1 5c a pound for extreme tops.
Hogs continue in very small supply, with ex
treme prices available.
Cantaloupe prices are steady.
apples- selling from SO to 7 So for early
vtrietiea;, alow at that.
Peach trade Is steady around $1 generally
for tops; some a fraction shove this.
Potatoes are about steady.
Egg plant ia a drug on the market; salee
aa low as 5c pound.
Trade in gariio is nominal, with sales down
to 10 0 12c
Pickling onions ate net plentiful; salsa at
Market for honey is Quiet; prices are gen
erally lower.
. Protect shipments during the next 86 hours
against the following maxima temperatures:
going north to Seattle, 68 degrees; northeast
to Spokane. 7 degrees ; east to Baker, 78 de
grees, and south to Ashland. 80 degrees. Maxi
"l? temperature at Portland tomorrow about
72 degrees.
These are the prices . retailers pay wbole
salers, except as otherwises -noted:
t nuiium-aiuuil price. , box lots ; cream
. ery price Prints, extras. 44c; for plain wrap
per; cube, extras. 86 0 38c per lb.; dairy
buying price, 22 022 He lb.
BUTTERPAT Portland delivery basis; No.
1 grade. 44e: So. i, ile; No. 1 rone, 42c
. for "A" grade.
CHEESE Selling: Tillamook, tripleta
58H 2c: Young America, 29H0SOc;
Oregon tripleta, 23 0 24c. Burins mice, f a.
b. Tillamook: Triplets, 26c; Young Americas
and lenghorns 27c. Selling price: Block
nwus, lanry.i at izc; Lun burger. 24 028c
cream brick, ; 22 24c.
KGGs Buying price. Front atreet: Cur
rent receipts. Western Oregon, 22c per
uosew; eastern uregon. zuc per oosen; Hen
neries, 25c per dosen; selling price, select, 80c
per doaen; pu.lets. 25c per dosen.
EGOS Association selling prices: Select,
29c; brown, 20c; firsts. 27e; pullets, 25c;
pewee. 16e; ch racks, 20c cloaen.
LIVE FOCLTRX Selling price: Heavy
hens, 22c per lb.; light hens. 144: broilers.
Bocks. 21022c; other broilers, 200314 per
lb.; old roosters, 10c.
Fresh Fruits and Vegetable
FRESH FRUITS Oranges, $5.60 11.00
, box; bananas, 9Hc lb.; temons, 37.00 0
8.50 esse ; grapefruit. Florida. t ) ;
California. ,$7.00 7. 50; peaches. 75c0
- $1.18; esnUJoupea, $1.000$. 0;Vetermion,
'lH l4e lb.; apricots.) $2.25 crate;, ice
cream melons. So lb. ; honey dew melons, be;
casabas, 3 H o lb.
BERRIES Raspberries. 82.50 per crate;
blackberries, $8.23; strawberries, S 8.25.
DRIED FRUITS Dates. $4.50 6 00 figs.
white, $8.60S.73 per box ; prunes. 40s
and 60s 50-lb. box, 14c lb.; 30s and 60s.
13c lb.
ON'IOXS Selling price to retailers: Walla
Walla, $1.25 1.35; gsnic, 12015 lb,;
sreen onions. 30c per dosen bunches.
POTATOES Selling price to retailers: Or
egon fancy, $2.00 3.00 per cental; sweet po
tatoes. $2.50 crate; new potatoes, $2,006)
2.23 per cental. i
V EG ETABLES-t Beets, 40o par dosen
bunches; cabbage. 2 H 0 So per lb.; leUece,
$1.75 2.00 crate; carrots. 40c per doxea
bunches; tomatoes. Oregon. 50 75c; Walls.
Walla, $1.00 per lug; horse radish, 15o
lb.; artichokee. f ) t $1.00 per dozen; eauli
nower. ) per crate; celery, 7 5c J. 00
per dosen ; summer aquaih, 8c; corn, 20a
APPLES New crop. 30e$l. I
COUNTRY MEATS SeUing prices: Coun
try hogs, 17 17 He: heavy atuff less; veal,
tops (about 80 -to 100 lbs.). 14 H 15a lb.;
heavy stuff leas; lambs, lfto lb.
SMOKED MEATS- Ha sis, 28 S S5e lib.:
breakfast bacon. 23 04 5c. !
1415Hc lb.; heifers, line lb.; cows, ij
lb.; lamb. 18?20o lb.; ewes, 10 Clio jib.;
bora, 16 H 17e Jb. . !
LARB Kettle rendered. 18e lb.; Ueree
basis, compound. 14 He.
stfOCaVva 1 "
BEANS Small white. $8.75; Urge white,
$8.78; pink, $7.00; llmaa, $10.50; baron,
$6.73; red, $6.75.
HONEY-New $4,800 3.30.
IUCE-Japan, No. 1. 6e; Blue Rose. ft
lb.; New Orleans heed, 6Hc
COPrEE Koasted. 21H 0634 e IV; ia
sacks or drama.
(oarae half groom 100a. $18.30
ton; 50s, 317.85; table dairy. 80a, $27j50;
bales. $4.60 0 4.00; fancy Uble and dairy.
$34.50: ramp, $36-58. T
SLUAK Cube, $8,73: fruit and beerv.
$7.80; yellow D. $7.20: best gratralafted.
$7.60: extra C. $7.40; golden C. $7.30. i
CANNED MILK Tail. $4.50; baby sine:
$4.40 esse: Eagle, $9.8 ease.
SODA CRAJKERS In bulk. 14e lb,
. Nxtta -Walnwta. 33 0 35c lb.; slxaends, 24
?fe lb.; Gilberts, 20 Iff 22c lb,; peanuts 10
b-" Pecans, 800830 lb.; Bnuile, IS
083e !. eheetants, Japenese. 23024a la,
- "teh end Sne-HMi
FRESH FISH Chinook, freak. 160! 8e;
hsUbat, 15017e fb,; black cod. 9 010c IK
basket kippered (cod. $2.00: ling end. 7 08c
in., wa, m ia, sustgeon, son lev: scad
retard. 7e lb.; rae shed, 10a lb.
The Savinar Co; lite.
m Troat SU . Portlaad. iOt.
, Ton will rt hlrher return for your
produce U yon will use our new metit
rds before abippia: any product to
9arKvt. c... : t -: ., Ji .
. Write Ve a oee i
g gVX.T&vvpmML taTeil Tea Bow
Ruby & Co., 169 Front SL
:; ' Br Hr H. Cwk6 '
Coasttmor who shop on the pub
lic market will fet stuns If they
don't look eat for aoraa very extreme
prices are In effect there on arioua
article. Because of the high prices
occasionally allowed by the tcarket
master, rnany of me cornmlaalon men
who rent stalls ask the extreme 'price
and complain because they cannot se
cure more.' In fact, some of them are
asking; such extreme prices that trade
Is being; driven from the market.
Consumers who fall ip get their to
ma toes at this time are likely to lose
out. Owing; to the rains, much of the
stock will soon be era cited, resulting;
In damage. . Good stocks will therefore
advance in price while much of the
cracked stock will be worthless. .
j Crabapples are arriving- In fair sup
ply with the price around $1.25 per
peach box to $3 for reg-ular apple box
sire. Quality excellent.
Lest we forge t, the price of butter
is down 2c a pound at wholesale. De
mand, your reduction from the re
Retail prices generally show:
Vt-nfcijm. VthIi emam. 46 63 81s.
Fish Saimoni 30 023c; halibut, 26e; black
cod. 15c
F.ees i 23 0 33c dosen.
Flour Beat local patent, 82.13 02 23 per
4B-n. sack.
Potatoes New, 4 0 5e In.
Onions S04e per lb.
Tamhill street titvm Parrots. 5e bunch:
string beans, 6 0 6c pound; peas. 13 018c
pound; cabbage, 4c pound; cauliflower, aoc
head; lettuce. 6 010c head; new potatoes,
S St 4b nound.
Corn Green, 20 0 80c dosen: Golden Ban
tam, 40 V 4 5e doaen.
Honey Comb, 26c; Quart, 60e: pint. 8Be.
Eggs Public market, 27 0 32c; private
store. 30 035c dosen.
Poultry Light hens, 22e lb.; heavy hens,
over 4 lbs. 26c; fryers. 30c lb.; broilers.
35c lb.
Strawberries Best Oregon strawberries. 13
016e lb.; raspberries, 13c; loganberries, 8c ;
wild black berries, 20 9 25c.
CantsUw -STaney stock. 8 013c.
September Wheat
Sells Below One
Dollar in Chicago
Chicago, Aug. 15. September wheat sold
below 81 per bushel shortly after midday, and
all futures sold at the lowaat prices on the
crop. These prices era the lowest since No
vember a year ago. A steadier feeling existed
early aa the result of profit taking by short
and a little investment buying by locals who
believed a rally due. However, when the
market reached a moderate advance there waa
wheat put out largely against purchases in
Winnipeg, and as soon' sa the demand waa
filled up by these offerings prices broke
rapidly, stop-loo selling accelerating the de
cline. At 09 He for September further short
covering developed and the decline was cheeked
for the time being. Minneapolis reported cash
wheat Be lower for eld and unchanged for new,
while Kansas City cash wheat was off 3e.
Local premium were unchanged. Foreign
exchange suffered further weakness. Milling
demand for wheat waa euiet. Exporter took
180.000 bushels of wheet out of this market.
Corn reacted with wheat, but good support
waa uncovered around the previoua closing
level. There waa good buying early, largely
for short account and offerings war light.
Some long com came out on the gnarket when
wheat broke. Reports from important sections
tell of com firing because of the intense heat
and insufficient moisture, and this waa the
bull factor. Exporters took 250.000 bushels
of corn out of this market.
Oats were influenced -by the trend of corn
and local buying induced by this factor gave
n. rkt . etaadv tone. Minneapolis re-
. .aa shinnina demand for cash oats
there, and local handlers sold 100.000 bushels
to exporter. : ?:
Provisions were dult An easier tone waa
noted early, but the firmness in corn ceased
some buying later. - - '
Wheat rauiea sue in mm uj -taking
by shorts. The market closed un
changed to H lower; Sept., 81. .00 H to ;
Dec 8t.01H to : May. si.on to i.ui.
Corn closed v to 1 c nigner; bctm... o-
to He; Dec. 384 to He and May. 36 H
to e. v
Oats were to He higher; Sept, 80 He
rw. it u .n.! Mm S7c i
Lard closed unchanged te 10c higher and
ribs unchanged.
Chicago range
the United Press:
of prices ss reported by
High. Low. Close.
10IH H 100H
102H 1004 101H
107H 105 H 106 H
59 57H S84
54 5$ $34
57 5C 66
80 H 30 H 80 H
83 H 324 88 H
87 H 86 H 87 H
70 H r694 70
71 H 70 H 70 H
53 62 52 H
1072 J 065 1070
10R2 1073 1075
86 H
70 H
Sent, . 1065
Oct. . 1075
Sept ,
Corrected daily by the foreign exchange de
nartmtnt af the United States National bank.
Quotations below (except the pound sterling) .
are quoted on tne basis ot iu unite loreign
Opening nominal - rates on bank transac
Draft Cable Par
Checks, Transfers. Value.
Lbs. sterling.. $ 4.45 H $ 4.46 H $ 4.-66
Paris Francs
Berlin Marks.
Genoa Lire . . .
Drachmas . . .
7.86 H
4.54 H
Kroner 21.49
Kroner 17.29
Kroner .
Japan Yen
Canadian dollar discount 1 and 3 per cent.
Boston. Aug. 1 5 Summer street's" chief
interest today waa speculation regarding the
senate's vote on the tariff bill, which. is set
for Saturday. Meantime the. market continued
firm, with prices unchanged and the demand
light. The banc 1 strength ef this market can
be estimated when one realise that prices are
lousy practically on the aaae level ss they
were ia June, end this ia tan face of aa ex
traordinarily dulb sumiaeT.
There continues to be some demand for
three-eighth and quarter Meed et prices the
saw as wey nav seen the pest, fortnight.
Lebanon Cannery Resamet Work
Lebanon. Asg. 18. The cannery, after be
ing partially closed for several weeks, opened
with fall force Monday en evergreen black
berries. A large number ef people are in the
fields and woods ga the ring the fruit.
OTSTERS Eastern, $4,36 gal; Olympie,
$8.00 per gaSon, $1.40 quart; ersbs. large.
$3 80
small. $2.30 dosen.
HOPS 1821 ereo, nominsl. tee lb.
HLDEo Calf tains, 13 018c lb.: kips.
01Oe lb.; grsea hides, 0Se lb.: salted. 7 0
e Tb. ' . .
MAHAIR Nominal. 2O032e lb.
SHEEP PELTS Long dry peris, 18 020c;
short pelts, 90 Me ,1b, j tone hair goat pelts,
16 012 in.; short hair gent pelts. 29050c
WOOL Willswiftt valley, coarse. 20 0
80c: medium, 80 033c lb,; fine, 8O035e lb.;
Eastern Orege-Idah, 30 0 40c lb.
BHe; e, X. 4 H 0 6e; gTease, 3 H 0
: CASCARA BARK 1922 peel. Se; 1921
peel. 7e Ik.; grape root, 6e Tn. .
. .,, . Rope, Paint, Olf
ROPE Sisal, ll 0 16c; Manila. 16 H 0
18c per In.
- WIRE NArLS-i-Bas price, $4 teg.
'.!' WHPTr! IJtAD lttO-ihv keg. 12 He IK.
' UNSKED Oil. Raw, beta.. $1.10: kettle
hoiled, bbt $ H 2 ; raw.' oases, $1.26 ; Vastest,
eases. 31.23 gallon, i
GASOLlifE Iron 26e; ases S$c
per gallon.
. Tnrpentins 8-ganoa cans. I1.T1 gal.
onion markets
Sty Miennn M.
hliabt imnroreaient in the
sttaatioa tt sheering at- primary points al
though trade is still anmewhst unsettled as
result e eonaested transtxirtation eonditieBS.
. . Reports from Walla Walla indicate that
holdings rn that valley are not mere than 73
te 100 carloads : not a very aonsidemsl volume
ia riaw of the eeaeon's eendittona. Naturally
tnia has strengthened tnn backbone of tea
market and shippers are now asking aronne
35c per cental f. a. h. WaUa Walla aa com
pared with pre nous suet aa low as 50 0 0
aar awntaL
' Reports front the Fast Indicate that some of
the Walls Walla stock nee bMn received. At
Chicago tt is quoted atoned Sl.TS 03.23 ss
compered vntn sales svoond 81.SO fee
of the Stockton. CaL offarinaa
A surrey of the Willamette valley onion
situation will be made by various interest
Wednesday and Thursday with a view of se
curing some line on probable production. In
Om mantissa resorts indicate that wtaila the
ereo win be somewhat below a year ago. late
rains hsve done considerable good.
Jobbing markets report:
W ash in gtoei 8 applies, including holdovers.
liberal. Demand and movement moderate,
market unsettled. Sales direct to retailers,
Waabingtona, lOO-lb. feck, yellow varieties.
large, fine quality and condition. 33.00 9
8.60: S Danish valencies, crates. 11.80 1.73
Virginias, bushel baskets and hampers, yellow
varieties, rood condition, 7 6c 0 81.00, few
engnuy signer, poorer low aa sve per DO.
. Baltimore Demand and movement mod'
erate, market steady. Panneyivaniaa. lOO-lb.
sacks. Tellow varieties No. 1. 32.35-2.80.
Beaton 120 esses Spanish imports, via N.
T. city by boat - arrived. SumtUea as ode rate.
Demand and movement slow, market dull, lit
tle change in prices. Massachusetts. 100-lb.
.sacks Tellow Globes, No. 1, beat, medium sites,
mosuy S2.75. soma null nss 2.oomz.2
Spanish Valencvas. cases $4.30 0 5.00, three
tiers. 33.00 0 3.50. crates. 8125 01.50
Chicago Three Brwniah importa arrived,
20 cars on track including broken. ; Snpsliea
liberal. Demand and movement light, market
vest naanmgtona. walla Willi section.
100-lb. sacks Tellow varieties, 81.7502.23.
moauy iz.tto. t aiirornxaa. Stockton secuoa
100-lb. sacks Tallow varieties, beat mostly
New Tork Supplies moderate. Early demand
limited and movement light, market ateady.
taw sales. w lorka. O ranee Conatv. lOO-lb.
sacks Tellow varieties. No. 1. beat 82.25 0
z oo. Jted varieties. No. 1. 31-76 0 2.OO. Eaat
oboes Virginia, bushel hampers Xellsw varie
ties. P.O. j, saosuy 75 (9 Boc.
Philadelphia No car en track
Nearby New Jersey stock supplying market.
Pittsburg 11 cars on track including bro-
gen. supplies moderate. ijemand and move
ment alow, market drill. Washinatons. 100-lb.
sack Tellow tilobes. No. 1 mostly 32.26. tew
S2.55; lowaa. 100-lb. sacks XaUow vsneaes.
Aft i, mostly $2.25.
nouncement of
the war finance corporation
concerning advances
agreed upon lor grain
growers explains that the Oregon Wheat
Growers' Cooperative association baa already
arranges to iinanee au requirements through
private Dancing channels in Oregon, and be
cause of tola self-help ao provision is made
lor ssustsnce to growers in that atate.
Tentative approval was given for the use
ef an amount up to $2,000,000 by the
Washington Grower sseocisuoo, $1,500,000
i or laano, au equal sum lor Montana
$5,000,000 for North Dakota. On the same
day the cotton grower of Mississippi were
promised $7,000,000 to assist in marketing.
ana xne total advances lor the coming season
for aid hi eroO marketing reached 3104.'
While the loaning nowers of the war finance
Corporation were renewed this sear for onl
anotner year, under tne theory that It. would
not longer bs needed, congress is believed
likely to legislate to carry the wort" beyond
that time, either along the lines recommended
by the managing director. Eugene Meyer Jr..
for permanent operation under the federal
reserve system, or by renewal of the present
pian until congress can give tn subject more
carartu study.
Infected Fruit
Handlers to Be
Given a Jolt
Growers and dealers who continue to handle
infected fruit must expect to be prosecuted,
according to the Oregon state horticulture laws.
Rigid inspection of the markets in Multnomah
county during the past four year has not
given results as expected by the county, fruit
inspector. C. N. Walker. In "the past four
years tne rruit waa condemned end destroyed.
Present condition of the markets indicate
that this penalty is not severe enough to stop
the handling of infected fruit. It has served
to inform the dealers of the state law in
handling fruit. We feel that all g sowers and
dealers have had an opportunity to inform
themselves of the law and therefore there will
be no hesitancy in asking heavy fines.
The following is a copy ef the Oregon state
horticulture law covering the sale of infected
fruit which will be inforced:
Packing, etc.. or Delivering for Shipment
iniectea jrruit, etc., a Misdemeanor Every
person who packs or prepares for shipment to
any point within the state, or who delivers
or causes to be delivered to sny express agent
or railroad agent, or other person, or to any
transportation company or corporation, for ship
ment to any point without the state, any
Irult or Traits, either Insert, cured or dried,
that ia infected with insect pests or disease
injurious to trees, shrubs, plants, fruits, or
vegetaeiea, is guilty ot a misdemeanor. (I.
1889, p. 98. see. 6: B. & C. sec 4195
L. O. fl. sen S500
Penalty for Violating Provisions of Act Any
person, firm or corporauon violating any of
the provisions of this act shall be deemed
guilty of s misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall be punched by a fine of ant lea
than- $25 nor more than $100. (L. 1899,
p. no, sec ?; B. at C. sec. 4196; i U. I;
sec 3501.) r
New Tork, Aug. IS. There were favorable
features tn today s news which restricted sell
ing, but -no Important buying in the cotton
market which is evidently still apprehensive aa
to the effects of gradually increasing new
crop receipts.
The better , news pertaining to the labor
situation was the principal factor of the cot
ton market today, tt outweighed any un
favorable influence from the London confer
ence, on reparations and led to a fairly aub
stantial advance which was maintained. UP to
the eloao. The market ended steady with
price nearly st the beet of the day and
showing a net gain of 32 to 41 points,
Prices reported by Ovcrbeek as Cooks Co. :
High. Low.
. 1033
January ..
March . . ...
May ......
3050 2000
2050 2002
2041 2001
17 1993
2061 2020
2032 2012
(October .
Kew York -Cotton seed on
Xew Tork, Aug. 1 5. Cottoaseed oil Ang
us. 39.6809.88; Sept.. $9.74 09.80; Oct..'
$8 88 08.93; Nee.. $7 92 0 7.94; Dec.
$7.88: Jan.. $7.84 07.83: Feb.. tTSO
7.85; March, $7.88 0 7.80.
Liverpool Cettoa Easier
UvernoeL Aae. 13. ML W. R
Limited spot demand. Price easier ; rales.
6000 bales. American saiddKnaa fair. IS 4K-
fall middling. 12.38; middlings, 12 28; good
middlings, 12.48; low saiddiinga. 11.78; good
ordinary. 10.98; -ordinary, 10.43. Futures
opened quiet.
'ew Yark-Loaeoa SUver
New Tork. Aug. I. (L "Jt. S.I Com
mercial bar saver, domestic, uneaaaged. et
9Hc; foreign. He higher, at 68c
London. Aug, 18. (L N. &.) Bar stiver
He higher, st 85L
' Hew Tork Sagar and Coffee
New Tor. lat.i IS (TT s I
Dullr raw. 33.36: refined, dull: granulated
$ i . , . . ,
Ooflee Ne. 7 Rio snot. It Sl,. v- a
Santos, 14H014HC. w T
-. Caieare Potato Xarket
Chicago, Aug. 13. (t N. a.1 Potatoes
Becexpta. 76 cars. New Jenev oobblem. II 4Q
SS1.65; Minnesota early Ona. 9O0$Llft,
B!4 Are.
Hard, white .....
Soft watte
White clak
Hard, winter ..
Kerthera spring
Red Walls, .....
...... .$1.8$ ILlf
1.68 1.11
i.M iai
14 1.19
Uti 1.19
ur .
Compiled by the Merchants Exchange.
Wheat Barley Fir. Ceru Oat Hay
Portland. Tues. 76
Year ago 189
Season o date. 1597
Tear ago. ..$767
Teoeaia, Men.. 40
Tear ago. . . 65
Season to date. 670
Tear ago. . . 967
Seattle, Men. . . 5
Tear ago. . . 33
Season te date. 837
Tear ago... 601
3 8 .,.
45 T76 162
63 $17 60
5 S
2 S S
4 117 60
27 147 30
S ...
S 3
1 S02 155
ti 237 103
67 2$1
82 m
52 230
35 193
Conditions are very unsatisfactory in the
wheat trade at the moment, foreign and do
mestic markets slike showing decided sing
rishaess. although prices are somewhat mixed.
Locally there is ao snap whatever to the
buying. Exporter are generally reported tn
tho, market for Hmlted supplies a round $1.08
per bushef, the low mark for the season to
date, although bids ss high as $1.10
encountered for club in a very limited way
Foreign sitnation appears to have gone from
bad to worse. British interests continue to
hammer values with no special desire at the
moment to purchase even at lower figures.
The monetary situation abroad appears to be
the big problem, slthouarh at the
there ia ao doubt that the strike situation
is having a depiesiing effect upon country
Liverpool cottons opened Id to 1U1 lower
ana ciosec wito a act ices ef 1H to 1 Hd.
ss eomparea wkb stonaay s rrnajs.
Not only ass there been nraettoally ne
c sains on tne pan eg foreign wheat interests
to take ; note ot sunrme here curnnn recent
days, but even the Orient has disappeared
irons tn sneraes tor noar. inainnes are alow
tn coming.
Grain bags ooatlirae to weaken and are
being offered acre as low as 10e each for
WHSAT Buying price, tidewater track de
livery: Club. $1.08 01.09 per bnahei: ordinary
bluestem. $1.25; Big Bend blueetem,
ilju: Trser red. red xtus-
sian. ei.uo.
u room hell cabled:
( nited Kingdom The aitustion in wheat
eontinuas heavy with a alow demand anil buy.
era very cautious. Offers of wheat are liberal
especially winter and Mamtobas.
argentine Foreign demand for wneat is
very slow and locals sold la sympathy with the
decline in America. Corn demand is very dis
appointing. Total quantities of wheat afloat
to fiurono amounts to g,uuu,uuu Dusnest
sgatnat 4, 500.000 bushels last week, a de
crease of 8.500.000 bushels in ona week.
FLOUR Selling price, mm door: Patent,
37.60: Willamette valley brands. 85.70 0
5.85: local straight. 85.80: bakers' hard
white. 37.40: bskers' blueetem. $7.20; bakers'
pastry, $5.90 per bbi. ; graham, $6.40; whole
wheat, $6.60; rye, $6.80 per bbL Price for
city delivery. 15e extra: suburban. 20c extra.
HAT Buying price: Wills metre timothy.
fancy, $20; Eastern Oregon timothy, $22.00
per ton; clover, $17.00018.00: straw.
$8.00; a.falfa, 1S.3U 5.ou; grain nay.
117 00 18.00 per ton.
GRAIN SACKS Nominal, No, 1 Calcutta,
10 010 He for new crop delivery. Domestic
has. LO He each.
MILLSTUFFS MU1 run at mill, sacked.
ton lots, 833; carload lots, $29; middlings,
soo per ten.
OATS Per ton. buying price : reed.
$38.00: muling. 886.50
BARLET Buying price: Feed. 827.50;
brewing, $29.50 080.00.
FEEDSTUFFS F. O. B. mills: Rolled bar
ley. 886.OO0S7.OO: whole barley. 834.00 0
83.00; alfalfa meal, 52S.OO; cooosnut meal.
2B.0oasso.0O: erscked corn. 87.ove
88.00: whole corn, $83.90086.00.
Merchants Exchange bids:
Aug. Sept
Hard White .$ 1.0S $ 1.06
Soft White ... , 1.06 1.06
White Club t 1.06 1.00
Hard Winter 1.06 1.06
Northern Spring 1.04 1.04
tied walla l.oi l.oi
No. 2 E. T. shipment . . .
.$28.50 $28.50
No oats or barley bids.
New Tork. Aug. 15. Judging by the small
orders, the narrow price range and the delay
to the mails, those from the West, the dry
goods market has resolved Itself into a wait?
lag market, with a wary eye. however, on se
tivitie in tb cotton market. Traders teem
to think tiist reel action cannot bs expected
until the coal and rail strikes are out of the
way. Commitments, therefore, are email. Tne
standard prints held ateady again' today, the
is nzxeua being quo tea at sc. tne
inch 68x72s st 9 H c The price range was
eontmeo to c sdvance.
The trading in raw silks was again mod
erate, and Yokohama reported a quiet market,
with prospects for further calm for a few day
at least.
Chicago Hogs 310.2S
Chicago. Aug. 13. (L N. 8.) Hogs
Receipts 21.000; market, lights. 10 to 25e
lower; others steady to strong. Bulk, $8,00 0
1.0.10; top, $10.25; heavyweight, $8,45 0
9.65: medium weight. $9.10 e 10.15: light
weight, $9.60 010.25; light lights. $9,60 0
10.20: heavy peeking sews, smooth. 37.60 &
8.40: peeking sows, rough. 87.26 0 7.75.'
pigs. $9.25 010.15.
came neeeipts even, marvel ateauy te
10c higher. Top. $10.76. Beef steers, choice
snd prime, $10.23 010.85; medium and
good. $8.10010.23; good and choice. $9.10
010.50; common and medium. $6,40 0
9.10. Butcher cattle, heifers, 83.000 9.00;
cows, $8.9008.35; bulla, 33.7306.50.
Canners and cutters, cows and heifers, $8.30
03.70; canner steer. 33.15 0 5.00; . veal
calves (light and handyweight) , $11,000
12.00: feeder steers. $5.4007.7$: stocker
steers, $4.75 07.60; stocker cows and heif
ers, $3.50 0 5.50.
Sheep Receipts 13,000, market steady;
fat lambs strong to higher. Lambs. 84 lbs.
down. 811.75 012.85; Ismbs, culls snd com
mon, $8.50011.50; yearling wethers, $8.60
011.00; ewes, 33.60 07.63; ewes, culls
snd common, $2.00 04.00: breeding ewes.
$6.00011.25; feeder lambs.- $11,000
Sen Francisco Hees 81 S-SO
San Francisco. Aug. If. IV. P.)
Cattle Cows snd heifers. 4H044e: calve.
bant, 8 0 8c; calves, heavy, 5 0 7c Sheep
Lambs, 10HllHc Hogs Hard grain,
weight 100-175. 12Hc; over 300. 10Hc
Denver Hoo b.7d
Denver, Aug. 16. Cattle Receipts 960.
market steady. Steers. S7.OO0 9.OO: cows
and heifers. $4.50 0 7.50: ssspkers snd feed
ers. $4.73 07.40; bulls. $2.5004.00; calves.
$6.00(0 .W.
Hogs Receipts 1250. market steady to
lower. .Top, 89.75; bulk, $7.7309.35.
Hneep fteeetpts none, market . steady.
Lambs, $11.00012.2$; ewes, $5.00 0 6 60.
Kansas City Moos $9.63
Kansas City. Aug. IS. (L N. S.1 Cat
tle Receipts, 17,000; active. Steers, $7.00
01O.45; cows sad heifers. $5.00 0 9.00:
stockera snd feeders. 35.00 0 7.68: aires.
$8,00 49.75.
Hoza Krceuita. SOOO: dalL Bulk of sales
89.OO0S.5O; tops. 8S.65; heanaa. $9,00 0
60; light, 39.26 0 9.66; mediant. $9,100
Sheep ' Reeipta SOOO; active. Lambs,
lll.SO012.3O; wethers. $7.23; swe. $6.00
07.90. i . , ,
Westti Mao S7S.SS ' :
Seattle, Aug. 13. (L N. 8.1 Hen Re
ceipts. 7: maraet steady; prime lights.
812.73013.85: rough heaviee. 88.U0 s 9.0 :
smooth heaviea. $11.00013.30; stags, 33.00
tyj.vv; pigs.
Cattle Receipt. 25: market steads: vtrtmo
steers. $7.73 0 8.28; medium to choice. $6,00
0 7.00 common to good. $4.0008.00; best
cow and heifers. 33.50 .; prime calves.
ge.ooaye.vv; onus, ss.ooees.oe. .
S&eep rttcelptn. pel; marsrvt steady: Prime
lambs. $10 00 011.00; valley lambs, $9,00 0
m oo; yearnngs, s.wu g .; wctAen, fo.uu
ay r.vv. .
Bout Oman, Aug 15. ir nj. B.1 Cat
tle Receipts 6300: market: corn fed beef
steady to ., 13e higher: other credos
steady; she stock steady to 13e keweri bulls
weal calves steady; stockera and feeders
Hogs - Hoecipte 9600; sctivo. Bulk, mixed
and packing svsdea, -37.65 0 8.50; Jmlk aae
diuni and light butrbera. $8.7329.25; top.
Bbaep 1 1 aeoerpta 13.000: ' msrVet: Tmhe
strong to 2 So higher; top," $12.50; best west
erns. .$12.75; sheep and feeders steady; year
ling, $16.06; wetners, $3.69; light feeding
lambs, S12.0O,
Hosra, Steers. Lambs,
Pertlaad XJL S
CWcaro i$j$ lsxt
osjaka M( H.7
Kansas City .... 9.6S l$.(e M
Saa Fraaelseo... lsM 1L4S
Dearer ..... t,7S 9.66 fj$
Pfl8TTJsTn. T.tvffffVnrr rv '
- M Hers. Cattle. Calves. Sheen. Cars.
'wsj ... ... see IT
Week age .... 73 380 ... ... 11
? Wk i-- 27 - a
4 Weeks sgo. 562 3
Tear ago ... 114 1
f Tears ago. ... 25 ... 484 4
t Tears ago. $0 - 20 780 7
I ears age. 476 1ST 13 213 .
Practically ell the carload lots ef H restock
Chat came to North Portland Tuesday. 17 of
Mesa, were for the account ef shippers. This,
oaeretora, left tn trade la a nominal postetoa.
There wss-a (ood run of hogs in the North
Portland alleys, with a total ef 1333 head.
at all of these went direct to killer. Seem.
ungly the strike situation has alarmed killers
end they are rushing their pnrehaaea. This
wsa reflected in the purchase her Monday
of huge supplies of hog by a Seattle packer
who refnses to do business at Portland unless
eompeuee to Dy eirenmstaneea.
I Nominal trading Tuesday was at steady price.
General hog market tango:
Prime light
Smooth heavy, 2S0-80O Tbs
Smooth heavy. 800 lea. up. ,
Kongo, heavy ...........
Fat pigs
Feeder pigs
. .313.00 0 18.28
.. T1.OO012.OO
. . L0.O0 011.00
. . 7.00 0 9.00
, . 12.30 013.06
. . 11.60 0 13.80
Ne Cattle Arrtvs
. 6-00 0 9.00
No cattle arrived in the North Portland
alleys Tuesday and ao sales were shewn early
tn tne day. Market waa considered en
nominal basis, with former prices, continued.
- trenersi cattle marxe range:
Choice steers . $
Mediant to good steers ......
Fair to medium steers
Commas te fair steers ......
Caoiee cows and heifer ....
Medium to good euws heifers . .
Fair to medium eewe heifers. . ,
to fair eaws-heafers. .
Canners .................
Chotee feeders . . . .
Fair as reed f seders
Cardee dairy ealvas .
i Prime light calves
Medium light calves
Hoary dairy- calves .
Sheep Also Nominal
While there was a small run in the sheep
aHd Iamb alley at North Portland Tuesday,
arrivals were on contract to killers and there
fore did not enter the open market. General
conditions considered nominally steady.
General sheep snd lamb range:
Prim east mountain Jambs. .310.00
UDoiaa valley iambs
Medium valley lambs
Common valley lambs
Call lambs ,
Hsavy yearlings . . .
Light jeering
Heavy wethers . . . .
Light wethers
7.7$ 0
7.28 0 7.75
6.28 0 T.36
4.30 0 S.28
6.75 0 S.3B
4.75 0
4.00 0
S.60 0
3.00 0
3,00 0
6.00 0
8.00 0
6.30 0
9.00 6 9.50
. . 8.00 0 9.00
. . 6.00 0 8.00
. . 6.00 0 6.00
.. 6.000 7.00
. . 7.00 0 8 00
.. S.60 0 6.00
. . 6.00 0 7.00
. . 2.00 0 8.00
Afternoon Sales
. Ave. lbs. Price No. Ave. lbs. Price
2... 1075 $ 6.00 12... 755 $ 00
10... 914 6.00 3.. .1080 3.23
8... 018 6.73 2... 965 8.15
6... S55 6.15 2... 775 8. IS
11... 748 6.15 2. ..1055 6.23
18... 112 6.25 2. ..1020 6.50
8... ,1056 6.00 2... 820 6.00
27..1100 7.23m 27... 978 7.60
22... 1075 7.15 8. ..1080 6.00
3... 1275 6.00 10... 1074 7.00
18... 1161 7.50 8. ..1087- 7.30
8... 1075 7.50 4...1190 7.0
19... 1230 7.40 23... 1033 3.00
IS... 1118 S.75 2... 850 4.00
6... 920 6.00 8. ..1055 6.73
30... 1112 6.50 22. ..1020 1.25
18 863 5.50 6... 948 6.50
21 1030 6.75 . 6 336 4.00
' 9 632 4.00 f 2 1125 6.00
8 1080 5.00 23... 809 5.30
$0... 9?8 ,7.25 8... 790 8.50
14... 1182. 7.00 8... 926 6.23
8... 1286 6.00 8. ..1106 5.50
22... 1042 6 23 2... 20 6.23
4. . . 983 4.50 i
2... 1060 $ 4.00 8. ..1186 $ 4.00
4... 887 6.00 2... 1052 8.50
6... 67T 4.76 2... 993 2.25
2 1070 8.50 8... 690 8.50
7r..1001 8.50 3.t. 600 4.00
3..'. 661 4.00 5... 672 4.00
10 880 4.75 . 9 948 4.75
6... 986 4.76 16... 971 6.75
2. . . 1190 4.0O 5... 990 5.25
25... 975 5.35 82... 820 5.00
2... 920 4.25 2... 895 2.50
4... 1075 4.60 3... 690 4.00
18 963 5.50 3 916 3.00
3 1030 5.00 2... 695 4.00
4 940 6.25 2. ..1100 3.00
14... 900 4.25 14... 988 4.75
9... 997 5.00 S...1021 5.00
6...1045 6.00 2. ..1035 8.50
2... 1105 2.50 ... 786 4.00
6. . . 646 , 4.00
6 210 $ 9.00 1... 200 $ 6.50
1... 220 4.00 1... 160 6.50
2... 883 Ji.00 1... 180 8.00
1... 110 3.00 8... 250 8.00
1... 230 8.50 9... 201 8.00
23... 228 8.00 1... 210 8.50
1... 1380 S 8 00 1...1300 8 3.30
1... 1420 3.60 1 1570 4.00
8... 1006 4.00 1... 970 3.78
1 . . . 830 3.00
1... 360 $,4.50 1... 1810 $ 4.80
2... 883 $ $.60 I 2... $70 $ 6.00
31... 158 $18.00 3... 330 $12.25
1... 410 10.00 1... 200 13.00
1... 390 9,00 9... 94 12.50
2... 610 8.50 27... 119 12.50
80... 105 12.50 2. ..'125 12.25
40... 100 12.50 12... 92 12.50
3... 124 12.60 ' 1... 190 12.50
1... 550 8.60 4... 125 12.50
10... 171 18.00 8..-. 163 13.00
6... 88 810 00 I 7-8... 73 3 9.80
2T4... 98 $ 8.25 1 81... 97 8 8.00 !
245. . . 90 8.00 I
228... 102 $ 6.60 1
Tuesday Morning Sales
- mim;h .
No. Ave. Wa Price, i No. Ave. lbs.
10... 180 $12.75 1 10... 208
Xew Tork Batter aad Errs
New Tork. Ana. IB. IT N s I imi,
nfarket active. c reamer ' t,,i Ba u SS
S3 He: creamery first. SaUCIiKe: rmia.
ery higher scoring,- 35 0 37c; state dairy tubs.
i m sec: ladela freah extras, 28 H 0 29c
t Cheese Market quiet. State whole milk
rpecial flats, 20 H 0 21 He; average fancy run.
13 H 0 20c; lower grade. 15 019c; Wisconsin
wool milk, fancy Young Americas. S0s4n:
slate skims, specials, 15 015 He
Egge Market firm. Nearbr white, fane v.
63 062c; nearby brown, fancy. S3 0S8e;
extras. 29 0 81c: firsts, 24 026c
Milk The nominal wholesale price is $2.69
per cwt. delivered ia New Tork. Official quo
tations discontinued.
. Chi cay o Dairy Prod ace
Chicago. Aug. 1$. (L N. S. Butter
Receipt 13.976 tnhe; creamery, extra. 83 He:
extra firsts. 31 0 32 He; firsts. 28 H 0 30c:
pecking stock, 28 0 24c
Eggi Reoerpts, 17.836 eases; mtsceDaae-
ous, 21 21 He; ordinary firsts, 1902Oe;
firsts. 22 0 22Hc; extra storage. 23 0 23 He;
checks, 16 016c; dirties, 16 017c
L'husio Twxon. new. 18 Viet dassiaa. IRsi
Tonng - Americas. 19 He: loaahorna. imi
20c; brick. 18018HC
J-iv poultry Turkeys. 25e: ehiekena. 17c:
springs, J4H 027e; roosteas. He; geese, 20c;
Ttwtx w vs,.M.
"New Tork Ane. IS. II X: a 1 IU.L
Market easy. Marrow, choice, $9.260 9.60:
Sidney, choice, $8.90 0 8.00.
Dried Fruits Msrkrt firm. - Awieava rJutlea
to, extra fancy, 26 0 Slot apples, evaporated,
prime to fancy, 17 019 He; pranes, 0tt to
30, 12 018 He: do 60s to 100s77 13c:
peaches, choice to extra fancy, 12 H 019c;
seedless raisins, choice to fancy, sulphur
blotched, 18H0SOHC a
- am isemiiai en i .m ., ee,
3Tew Tork Poultry Xarket
Kew Terk. Ana. 15 IC w 8 1 Tin.., , it
Poultry Market frrmar. CmVkena. 9 V tt k .
fowls, 18 0 80e; turkeys, 23 0 $Be:. ducks, 20
Z5e; geese, IB 0 18c
Live Poultry Market fins. Rrailera eg as
SSe; fowls. 23 0 25c: turkevs. sofitaSe:
roasters.: lSe; docks. 22024c; gseee, 130
lw J-1X A. , - - ....
" - '. 1 1 " " Ifi x
Rain Helps Late Petatoee
Bortna. Ana. 1 8. The rain was a fbae thine
for lato . potatoes here, r . Tory fettle damage
was ojoae to grain, aa saa. or it. bait a
thjaaaed and tbe remainder was well stacked.
Kerr, Clifford ft Co., announce the
fixture of the Norwegian steamship
XMcto. m tons, for September load
ins; at Portlanj for the United Klnc
doza for orders. Too Dlcto is now at
VancoitTer, B. C, where she arrived
on August 7 from Matansas. The char4
ter of the Norweeiaa steamship will
bring-.the Kerr, Gifford boats up toi
three, for spot loadtns- The- British
steamship Korsurton will so en berth
Friday and the Norwegian steamship
Niels Nielsen Is now in the river and
will be ready to load the latter part of
the week.
Two British bottoms, the Baron Pol-)
worth and the Benavon are ready to
load new season STain for .the North-j
ern Grain and Warehouse company
and will probably ret away before the
first of September. Parcel lot ship
ments hare taken care. of the first half
of the month ef Ausdst, the heaviest
shipment being; made - on the Swede
motorshlp Yntreren which cleared with
close to 6000 long- tens. The HanoawaJ
for the Orient, carried $600 tons of
For- the first time in the history ot
the Amerioan lumber industry the ex
port trade of the Pacific northwest
exceeded similar business ot tne soutn
ern pine rearion- during;- the first six
months of. the current year. (
In that period Washing-ton, Oregon
and British Columbia shipped 624,367,-
409 feet of lumber overseas as against
315.192.637 feet for the southern pine
recien. the fir movement bavins; been
98 , per cent greater man pttcn pine
exports. I
Export and aornestie cargo snip
ments of lumber from the Pacific
northwest the first half of 1922 to4
taled 1.598,857.150 feet, aa compared
with 738,159,036 feet for the same pe-
riod in 1921, an increase of lis Si pe
Of all the overseas purchases of Pa
clflc northwest lumber, Japan showi
the largegt increase, with a sain o
219 tier cent for the first half o:
this year compared with the first halt
of 1921. The total Japanese pur-i
chases to July 1, was 381.019.667 feet;
For the same period a year ago tne
Japanese bought 90.850.8S4 feet. j
Other export markets wnicn snoweq
substantially increased buying- over the
previous year were : Australia witn a
gain of 242 per cent; Europe, 22 1-5
ner cent, and China, Zl per cent.
In the domestic cargo market tne
North. Atlantic coast shipments for the
first half of this year ran 238.952.376
feet, which waa 27,000,000 feet more
than was shipped during the entire
year: of 1921. and an increase of 154Mi
per cent over the first six monuis oi
that year.
California water shipments increased
103 Vt per cent the first six months of
this year compared witn tne first nan
of last year, the comparative lumber
footage being 703,578,510 feet as against.
47.01489 feet . t
William J. LoVe, vice president of the
Emergency Fleet corporation, has re-
turned to New Tork from a trip tej
England and Germany. Contracts were
negotiated with the North German
Lloyd and agencies established. Pai
clfic coast shipping men .look to this
move as an Important development in
American shipping interests, partlcuj
larly as It affects the Panama canal
routes. i
Love has made no detailed statement
of the contracts entered into with the
German company, but admitted that
the text of the contracts would be made
public before the first of September, j
The vice president of the Emergency1
Fleet did express himself as pleased
with the advent of American shipping
abroad. He looks for earnest competi
tion from the British and Scandinavian:
companies. The contracts entered Into
with the Germans will affect the South)
American trade on both the east and!
west coasts.
Hoquiam, Wash., Aug. 15. The
schooner King Cyrus, grounded on a
spit near the entrance of Orays Har
bor July 17, is now a total wreck. The!
port side has been battered so badly
by the seas that the timbers have been;
broken, to pieces, and it is considered
only a matter of days until the ship
disintegrates. Only ' the foremast is
left, the others have been broken off.;
The foremast Js leaning over and Is
nearly 'touching the water. Virtually
everything of value had been salvaged
MACHINISTS .70 cents per hour r .
BOILERMAKERS .70 to 70 cenU per hour I
PASSENGER! CAR MEN. . .70 cenU per hour. .
FROGHT MEN....... 63 cenU per hour .
HELPERSg all clases i .47 tnts per hour
1 Mechanics ancl helpers are allowed time and one-half for time worked
in excess of eight hours per dar. ,
Young men who desire to learn these trades a will be employed and
tiren an opportunity to do so.
- . A strike now exists on the Northern Pacific Rail ways ' i
Apply to Any
Northern Pacific .Railway at Tacbma, Wash.
".Tides st Astoria Wednesday !
: Hlfh water, . Low water. '
T5 p. rn- $.S ft- 1M a. tn. , ft
:53 p. m. .S ft ll:tl p. m. 1.9 ft.
Seaside Hish water 9 tnia. earlier.
Seaside Low Water 21 tnin, earlier.
I - - . .
from the ship when the first storm
struck her last Thursday.
Hoquiam, Wash., 15. Steamer
Ay aha Mam, which arrived Sundsy
evening from Kobe,. Japan, is now
berthed at the Bishop dolphins taking
on a cargo of Japanese squares from
tie Schafer mill st Montesano. '
The Hakuahlka Mara, which arrived
Saturday evening-; is, loading a similar
cargo at the same mlu.
. j The steamer Svea arrived from San
Francisco Monday afternoon- and Is
now loading at the Wilson mill for the
same port.
i The motorshlp "William : Donovan
reached port late last evening and
moved to the Donovan mill for a cargo
for San Pedro.
! New Tork, Aug. 15. (I. JJ. . S-)
Ocean freight rates are quiet. Ton
nage offerings are Irregular and there
Is a downward tendency: Board quo
tations today are : United Kingdom. 2s
f2s3d: Germany. Hamburg and
Bremen. 10 12c; France, Atlantic, 18
tc: Mediterranean. 17tb1$c: Hol
land, Rotterdam and Amsterdam, iea
12c. General cargo, dull tonnage j sup
ply active.
Lieutenant N. M. Pegman. IT. S. N.,
in charge of the local branch of the
hydrographlc office, makes public the
following report from the master of the
British steamship Benavon: l ne mas
ter of the S. S. Benavon (British)
called at this office to report having
spoken the Chinese Junk "Amoy" of
Shanghai, in latitude 44 degrees 13
minutes north and longitude 167 degrees
Zl minutes east, on the 80th of July.
of this year. She .was bound for van
couver. B. C, and at that time was
40 days out of Shanghai.- Her master
and chief officer are Europeans.
! Bandon. Aug. IS. A 5 horsepower
full Diesel engine has lust been in
stalled In the dredger here, owned by
Alex McCleod.
n.yl, MMTts from North Heed give th
posiUon Of IBS lOUOWiug veaseia si o p. m-,
- Lyman Stewart, Kicnmena iseecn . tor uws,
B20 mile from Oleum.
Fred Baxter. Saa Padre for Vancouver, 800
miles from San Pedro. ,
V. B. Lt, xtose snenorsa m iiusmms oay.
Br Federal Radio:
President Wilson. Yokohama for Saa Fran
cisco, 1411 miles west of Ssn Francisco. ,
Lyman Stewart, Bicameral rieeca lor oleosa.
320 miles from Oleum.
: La Purisima. Martinas for Portland, 237
miles from Portland.
i Horace X. Baxter, Everett tor sen rraneiaco,
104 miles north of San Francisco.
I Katrine Lucfcenbaeh. Seattle for Saa Fran
cisco. HO muss north of 8n Francisco,
i Elk Ridge. Saa Pedro for Yokohama. 299
miles from Ssn Pedro,
i Bohemian Club San Pedro tot Manila. 424
miles fmm Ren - PiHk
i President Cleveland. San Francisco for
Hongkong, 873 mile west of Ssa Francisco.
. naval nasie .
: Starr, at Perrrvillo. -
Steamship President . Madison. Seattle, for
Xokohama, S482 miles from Beattie.
i Edmore. Kobe, for Vancouver. 1845 miles
from Vancouver.
Broad Arrow. San Francisco, for Osaka,
2190 miles west Ssa Francisco. i
i Aigonauin. San Pedro, for Woosung, 2274
miles from Ran Pedro,
Ackniral Nicholson. Bethel, for Seattle, off
Cape Newenham.
: Yorba Linda, San Pedro, for Toknyama,
1550 miles Tokuysma,
' Empire Arrow. Ssa Francisco, for Hong
kong, 2548 miles west Ssa Francisco.
Redwood, Hoonah, for Squaw Harbor, 481
miles front Hoonah.
: Lyman Stewart, Richmond Beach, ; for
Oleum, 620 mile from Oleum.
Fred Baxter, San Pedro, for Vancouver,
860 miles from Ssn Pedro.
U. & Lightship Rose, anchored in Tillamook
, DU worth, Seattle,,, for Ssn Francisco, 70
miles from Seattle.
Ernest H. Meyers, San Francisco, for Port
land, 160 mile south Columbia river.
. Celilo, Everett, for Saa Francisco. 362 miles
north San Francisco.
With passengers and freight from
San Francisco, the steamship ' Rose
City arrived up late Tuesday after
noon. The steamship Senator of the Ad
miral line is scheduled to sail Wednes
day morning at 10 o'clock from ter
minal No. 2 for San Diego and way.
(Mrs. .Amy Brant, stewardess ot the
steamer Georgtane, entertained her
mother, Mrs. Alena Maule, at luncheon
Monday, the occasion being the fifty
fourth birthday of Mrs. Maule. Miss
Margaret Maule assisted In entertain
ing the mater.
I Tfc
he steamship Wabash of the Naws-
cb line is discharging general cargo at
terminal No. 2.
New Gladstoae Meat Market Opens
Gladstone. Aug. IB. The Glads too meat
market, owned by A. D. Paddock, local busi
ness man. and druggist, opened today under
the management of J. C. Saulsbury. former
butcher of Willamette, who baa taken a lease
upon the. building and outfit, and will be as
sisted by W. F. Swigert, well known local
butcher. The market has been conducted for
the past two or three month by- A J. Cramer
of SeUwood, who has returned to that locality.
BLAtisjivii I ris, . . . . . . 70
SHEET METAL WORKERS. ..... . . . .70
ELECTRICIANS .... . .Y. . . . , 70
FIREMEN .... . . ...... .
Roundhouse or Shops or Superintendent
News of the Port
. - Arrivals Aeeust S"
' La Pnrisints, Jtmeneaa Steamer, frets Saa
Pedro,- oil. , - -. , -
Andrea, P. Leckenhach, American stasaee
from Kew Tork and way porta, general.
Rose City..: Americas- steamer, . frees Saa
VVeather at Rrvoj-'a sSewtlt
Korth Head, Aug. . 1 5. Conditions at the
geonta of the rivet .st noon, sea smooth; wind
south, seven miles; weather cloudy. , . .
Bailt; river readings
S a. ss.. Paeifio Time
Rtve ify I Teas.
Umatilla . .1 2$ 0 . j-0 . 1 10 . 001 7$ I $4 "
Albany.... 20 1.4 O.JiO.OO 75 81
Salem ... 29 1.2 OiO.OO It S .
Oregon City 13 3.2 -S.41O.00 t . ...
Portland . 16 1 4.81-4. 0. 18 73 67
'e.v.'s.. . . i. .1 in ' i li p
The WUlameUe river at Pert! and will te
main nearly stationary during the next three
days, except aa affected by the tide. .
San Fraaciseo, Aug. 14. Arrived: ltd!
a, m., Paelfie, frees. Leg Aageles; 11:80 a s,.
Avalen, from Los; Angeleai 3 pw ta Rath
Alexander, from Lee Angeles: 1:4 S p. aa. An.
aiston City, from New Tork; 3:15 fx so.. De
pere, fromValparaiea; S p. a.'. Saa. Jacinto. '
from Loa Angeles; 4 45 p. mi. motorehtp
BoobyaBa. from Astoria, Sailed: 1:40 a. xe,.
Everett, for Seattle; 9 a, m., Frank G. Dram,
for Gaviota; 2 :20 p. as.. Fort Bragg, for Lee
Angeles; 8.10 p. aa.. Mississippi, for Puge
Sound; 4:10 p. sa., Helen a, for Grays Harfcoe.
San Fraocisoo. Ang. 16. L N. a ) Ar
rived today, Norwegian steamer Begulus, Saa
Antonio,-Chile, 6 a. as,; Humboldt, Las An
geles, 6:80 . BS. ; H. B. Leveiey. Lee An
geles, 6:40 a. m.; SAtrina Lnckenbeeb, Pert
Townsend, 6:50 a. as.; Horse X. Baxter, E- '
esstt. 7 a. m. : Davenport, Columbia river, 7
a. m-: Mukilteo, Los Angeles, 7 s. xa,L M. S,
Mount Baker. Mobile, 7:89 a ss, Jehaa
Poulaea. tlumbia river, 8 a. av ; Dorothy
Alexander. S a. as.
SaUinge today. Prank O. Dram. Gaviota.
1:45 a. as.: 1 Segundn. Port Walla, :3S
Vsesess se Amee ;
Vessels-- From- llarn
Georgian Melsk . -, . . Ran Fran ,..Ana. IS
Rosmer ... ........ Newport .....Aug. IS
Babiada ...r. ...... Sea Fran. ...Aug. IS
Romulus . ......... Taceana ....'.Aug. IS
WUlposo.,. ......... Baltimore -....Ang. 17
w,uu a. v-. s a
Siberian Prince . . , . . Beattie ... . Aug. IS
Admiral Goodrich . ...S. F.-way ...Aug. IS
Ubaoiuhs V.w v.rt: a... la
Boren ............ .Eureka ......Aug. 19
Chailamba .........San Fran.' lu 9A
Bimaloer .....San Fran. ...Ang. 21
Chsttenooga City ...Baltimore ...Aug. 31
Admiral Fsrragut ....S. Diego-Way.. Aug. 21
Dakota x-. V,.w a. eo
Loch Katrine. Hull ...... . 1 Aug, 24 '
wsan te Ppert .
Vessels' For Date.
Senator 8. Diego-Way., Aug. IS -
Andrea Lucfcenbaeh ... New Tork... Ang. IS
Rose City ........Saa Fran ...Aug. IS
Birmingham City . ....New Terk... .Ang. 18
Romulus ........... Wst Coast. ..Aug. IS
Lurline .Honolulu ....Aug. 19
Georgina Ralph S. F.-Way....An. IS
(Ihattaooaaa CUtw Near VMr . - oe, .
Tiger ...New Tork ....Ang. 2
WjUPp10 ...-.....New Terk ...Ang, 21.
Siberian Prince Europe .....Aug. 21
Veeselt In Pert
Andrea F. Lockenhaeh . .... Tsrmlnal No. 1
jsroa rwswu ., Peninsula I-br.
Rniltin . . .
Birmingham City .".".V. "...,.. . Astoria'
lanauiaa inventor aUatern-Westens
?alav . . . . w,. . .
Daky Putnam V8t. Helena
Iteflance ... at u.t
E. H. Meyer Coueh
j. !. Lindsuer . .Warrenton
Hawaaaa Southern Pacific deck
TK,r"t2".. ... . . O-W. Doek
r Purisima . ... . v. ......... . Will bridge
NieU Niebmn' , . .. Temmal No, 4
Rose City Ainswerth.
Eantiem . Rainier
Henasoe . - ... ..
West O'Bowa i "Portland Floor Mills
Lee anesisa. Market
Iia AsiwIm 1m l a f sr. m..
toss N.wm stock, best locals, l.l0i.8o;
Saa Franciara. in,, l s it n
yellow, $1,40 0 1.65 cwA: sreen onions. ILll
0 1.B0. - T r-
Potetoes Salinas, new. lH02e lb,
Seettls Market
R.ttl. In, is it XJ s i
Walla Walla, lH02e. '
s-owwee xaxinaa Oema. 40 ( 45 ; local 2a,
. . t-os nneetes ssartet :
Los Angeles, Aug. IB. Butter. 48a -
Eggs Extraa. IlUe: e. '
pullete, 23 He V ' ,
r-ouitry HemV--17e; broilers, 23 02Bei
fryers, 26c. ; . .
' sas FrwMNsea : sterkt
RaVn 1IVanaiBUeem In. 1 K 4 ST emaa
Extrm' prim ft,aU' 41-Vic; firmtm. SSe.
IT il at Filin vlAlAoi - - . H. . MX aa an e .
extrt, pttlFta, 34; twim P1m, 14 V, .
firstt. 18c ' 7 "a
ftjaakMTaS iris Tr iaT en an .
lect r-vjch, 80; pixllcU. 23$92S.
C tie ftBsv liroMrnn Mnlavtm . a ,
leas. 34c .
Kew Tork Wool mmi Hides
New Tork. Anav Ulii m a i m ,
Market firm. Dontsstie Fleece XX Ohio
$41.00066.00; do Pulled Scoured beala.
0c(f $1.00; do Texas, scoured basis. SOesS
territory staples, 81. 1001. $8.
t. ' . wwis, nanvo steers, ansa
020c; branded steers. 17 He. '
Liverpool Wheat Market '
Liverpool, Ang. 16. Wheat:
Onen. CSitmm. :
September ........ 97 Hd 9s7d JHd
jLfeoemoor aae a Bs4 u a 1 u -
cents per hour
cents per hour
cents per hour
aVriou rates
.Various rates ' .