THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, . PORTLAND, OREGON. TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, . 1922. REALTY MARKETS '"'NFTWS OP World-wide news-gathering facilities The Journal a - . , ., ..-commanding position In ths dissemination'- of latest news fnwi- wvl" w-v';' from the highways and byways of universal interest, i Tho I JfJJ! v OrJL13 Journal news reports are complete and they are up-to-the The Journal covers the real estate field !n its territory and In other important centers completely. It Is an authoritative source of vital information regarding all transactions and developments in the realty market. . tage Screen Momtp io J' I 150 Guests Meet Distinguished Visitors By Belea Hstebieoa MORE than 150 guests called dar ing the afternoon today at the " horn of Mrs. Wallace rMcCamant, in ;King street, to greet Mrs. Calvin Cool ldge; wife of the vice-president of the United States, and Mrs. Frank W. Stearns, who ts a" member of the otri ' cial party which is touring the West. Late summer flowers in lovely baskets and other arrangements added much i to the charm of the rooms t for the occasion, many of. the flowers having been sent by friends of the hostess m ' compliment to the distinguished visi- tors. At the tea table during the afternoon v those who presided were: Mrs. WU--tlam M. Ladd, Mrs. Charles F. Beebe. 'Mrs. William C. Alvord. Mrs. Ralph W. Wilbur, Mrs. William I. Brewster, Mr. Robert L. Donald, Mn E L. i Brown and Mrs. Roger B. Sinnott. Assisting about the rooms were: Mrs. Edward D. Klngsley. Mrs. Ernest F. Tucker, Mrs. J. C. Robinson, Mrs. 4 Charles F. Swigert. Mrs. C. W. Wil , Hams and Mrs. Frederick H. Strong. '-"Assisting about tile tea table In leervlng were the Misses Anna Wheeler, Kathryn Donald. Elizabeth Hailey, 'Kathleen Brown, Sally Hart, Harriet 4 Thompson. Elsa Young and Mabel i Wlthyoombe. The Vice-president and Mrs. Coolidge were guests of honor Monday evening U t dinner at the home of Mr. and i Mrs. Ernest W. Hardy in Irvlngton. imnd a number of other social as well y as public functions were arranged in their honor during their stay in the city. ! Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Teal were "'hosts Monday to a group Of distm J guished visitors in Portland, who came ;with the delegation of the American Bar association. ' The party included f Lord Shaw of Dunfermline, who re presented the English and Scottish bar ..t.,u.. o , tv, convention, his ! daughter, the Honorable Mrs. aughn Thompson. Judge John W. Davis. i former ambassador to the Court of St. . t-.,i nA thoir nnhew, ? Junes, iura. Lft'o .1,-v ....... r . Mr. Prescott. Thsy entertained at 1 luncheon at one of the highway chalets. "a tour of the city and later at dinner )tt the Teal residence. Beside the dis - 'tinguished visitors the dinner guests f Included, Judge and Mrs. Charles H. i Carey, president of the Oregon Bar ? association ; Mr. and Mrs Roger MacVeagh, and Mrs. George T. Willett. . i k. f. pittock entertained wtth aftarnoon tea at her home, Friday. , honoring her. mother. Mrs. A. M. Lead- t better of Santa Barbara,, on the occa- l sion of her 82d birthday. A number of friends of her mother were invited in ? her honor, about 36 guests calling dur- in? the tea hour. A color scheme of i yellow and green was used . rooms and on the serving table, which I was centered -with a large birthday ' cake decorated with 2 candles. ... i I Miss Irene Hegeman. daughter of . Colonel and Mrs. H. A. Hegeman. will WerUin. at luncheon Thursday in 4 honor of Miss Gertrude Hemrik, of i peoria. 111., houseguest of Mrs. J. N. f Oswald. Covers will be placed for Mesdames J. N. Oswald. Arthur H. iWntf Qur I. Boyden, H. A. Hegeman "S Susses Gertrude Helnrik, Made line Connors. Irene Kennedy, Vivian - c Spooner. Delores Hegeman and the 'hostess. . . . An enjoyable Picnic took place , in Ithe gardens of Mrs. J. H. Kistler J Wednesday. .Fifty guests were prwent. members of Sumner Women s Relief . Corps and. Sumner post. Mrs. Knuw - is now senior-vice-president of the corts. Her mother was a charter mem .ibeTof the corps and for many years -lone of Us most active members until ,;her health failed. ' Miss Nadine and Susanne Caswell, No. 651 Irving street, will be hostesses et a convention tea Thursday from 8 . 6 Oclock. They will be f-ed by ' members of the Page committee for the - Epcopal convention but have asked theST friends and all persons inter . .welling the entertainment to attend without the formality of a written invitation. " . .... iTM.-AmTin mil brother. MISS AnntiK! - - Mr Leon Feldstetn. left Monday for - ?a notor trip through California Miss -. Feldstein will remain for an extended i visit with relatives in Los Angeles, San " Francisco, and Sacramento. Tpon her f . m k. .fonmrianied by her .. return oire ' T -cousin. Mies Rose Horn, from Los .'i Angeles. ... a v. v. Southard and - son were recent guests of Mrs. William tlV Hawksley. of No. 1198 Powell Valley road. Mr. Southard was a , t former resident of Portlnd and Js now editor of the Leader of Council. Idaho. Mrs. Elfrleda Gangser will leave ' Portland Wednesday for a six weeks sojourn in California. She will visit - ,lln Captain M. O. Anderson in San 5 Francisco and then go to' Los Angeles for & visit wtthher nieces. ' I ' Miss Helert Marshall, who with her ! sister. Miss Edith Marshall, has been 'the house guest of her aunt. Mrs. C. D. IBruun at Weverley Country club for Vthe summer, will leave for her home In .Berkeley Saturday. Mrs Rosa Ewinsr Gearhart enter- s talned with two luncheons recently In - honor of her mother, Mrs. Carrie Say- " vlor, who la leavlnir for San Francisco next month to spend the winter. i ... Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Haynes. Miss " I Dora Haynes and S. Allen Crysler 'motored to Sea view. Washington, from f Seattle, and are spending a week with ; Mr. and Mrs. George Hotchkiss Street. Mrs. C. R. Webber, daughter Helen ' ''and Louise, accompanied by Miss Inez ' . Fairchild and Miss Lucille McKay of ... Taeoma, motored to Cannon beach, for the week end. Miss Lenna Jeffery, Baulding. Ohio, : who has for 10 days been the guest . ef her uncle. Jefferson. Myers, returned . tto her home MonSa.y evening over the Canadian Pacific. Hairs Will Vanish After This Treatment fToilet Helps) You can keep your arms, neck or face free from hair or fuss by the occasional use of plain del atone and In using it you need have no fear of marring or Injuring the skin. A thick paste ts mad by mixing soma of the powdered delatone with water. --Then -spread a the hairs and after 2 or 3 minutes nab off wa&a the skin and all traces of hair have vanished." Be careful, however t get real delatone. - MARIE RICH, who ii closmg an interesting engagement this week at The Oaks with Armstrong's Baby Doll Revue in "Sa tires of 1922." 5s -J f 1 'A " T i i 5. Lending charm and graciousness to the i productions of Edward Armstrong this season at Oaks park auditorium haSi been the work of Marie Rich, a winsome little player direct from two seasons with Kolb and Dill. Miaa Rich comes into musical com edy naturally, as her father, Frank Rich, has long been known as a di rector of light burlesque and extrava ganza. Her appearance under the Arftistrong banner has been notable in I the . versatility of her specialties. This week in "Frolics of 1322" Bhe ap pears in an Irish offering, "I'm Glad He's Irish," which is beiny well re ceived. Iparls, Aug. 15. An unusual trim ming for one of the early autumn hats is; a combination of the two favorite decorations, ostrich feathers and coque. A hat on which the combination was used retained the wide brim so much like this Summer. The brim was cin namon felt, the Tarn o'-Shanter crown of taffeta In the same shade. Stand ing upright around the base of the crown were little pompons of cinnamon ostrich alternating with wisps of coque. London, Aug. 15. One of the most novel uses yet discovered for ribbon was In the trimming of a puce pink taffeta gown. The gown itself was the usual full skirt topped by a plain, fairly snug bodice, and it had a rounded neckline and no sleeves.; What saved itjfrom being like many another gown was the girdle. This consisted of loops of soft satin ribbon some eight inches wide in tones of geranium, sealing wax aid garnet. The. ribbon fell in loose loops all round the low waist-line, the loops being about a foot long. NO.W760. Brilliant Colors Decorate the Summer Mode. For th airl fmm J A r e silk jersey makes an- excellent semi, sports frock for country wear. The surplice closing, dropped , shoulder line and bell sleeves are emphasised by several lines of oordinet stitching In VlVid KMunt rnlora .ilk Is one of the most important notes "" season ane is rtrmly estao lislted as a permanent and fully ap proved fabric It is particularly good for warm VMthsr olnthM W.n.. 1 has great possibilities for tailoring- and uu none oi tne aiseomlort -or cloth laorics. (CepyrigM, 1J2, bj Tegse.1 Ksw Teri) PRECIPITATION IS HE ATT Ridgefield, Wash.. Aug. 15. This section of the country experienced sev eral downpours of rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning Monday eve ning. ; The precipitation was extremely neavy. , ; - .... tt -, I . V Film De Romance of South Sea Br T. A. c. : A handful of rose pearls, one dainty bit of femininity and a large brawny fist mix delightfully in "The Man Unconquerable, starring jack Holt, now playing at the Rivolt It's well worth seeing. There's none of this South Sea soft stuff in the picture, although the action centers in Bintang, one of those alleged dreamy isles of the South Seas. There isn't a property moon, stock ukelele. nor a fadeout featuring soft palm fronds and other soft things in any reel Of it. Jack Holt, as Robert Kendall, is sum moned from New York to run the pearl fishing business founded by his uncle, Silas Ladd. On his way out he meets Rita, the daughter of Rinaldo, a fiery Spaniard, who has been the pearling competitor of Kendall's late uncle. - Among the things that Ladd did not take with him when he essayed the great adventure was Nils Kilsson, a hefty bit of South Sea bravado and scum, played by Clarence Burton, who leads a selected gang of toughs in poaching in the Rinaldo company's wa ters. Rinaldo protests to the lazy and crooked French governor, played by Willard Louis, to put a stop to Nils son's practices, but In vain, for the simple reason that the governor is in cahoots with Nilsson In poaching and smuggling. , Kendall arrives on the scene and sets out to show who's boss. The first thing to do in this. lawless land is make law. The fist and the machine gun replace another brand of constitu tion, and in controlling things Kendall has some merry scraps with Nilsson and his gang. Of a lively series of adventures one is fatal to old Rinaldo, Rita's father, and the pearls, which were Rlnaldo's, are stolen. Kendall is suspected of the theft and murder. But Kendall re fuses to be downed. In fact, he ef fects the arrest of the real murderers. But the title of the picture is all wrong. Holt isn't 'The Man Uncon querable" not so that i you could notice it. The girl, Rita, gets him in the end. CLUB NOTES Special interest attaches to the lunch eon meeting of the Business and Pro fessional Woman's club to be neia Wednesday at 12:10 when the speaker will be Dr. Glenn Levin Swlffgett. Dr. Swlgeert is in charge of commer cial education of the United States bureau of education. He was edu cated in the United States and Europe. He was formerly a mem ber of the committee on education of the national foreign trade council, and. the United States chamber of com merce, and- a member of the United States group committee on Guatemala, Colombia and Uruguay international high commission. He organised the second pan-American scientific con gress and prepared the printed reports and proceedings of this congress, 11 volumes, in four languages. E. G. Crawford, first vice-president of the United States National bank will be chairman of the day and -the vice president. Miss Bertha McCarthy. will preside. A cordial invitation Is ex tended to business men arid educators. Plates will be 75 cents. Reservations should be made at once by calling Broadway 4080. Central W. C. T. U. will give a "sil ver tea" Wednesday afternoon from t to 6 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh, 1101 First street. Mem bers will take the South Portland car to Hamilton avenue, go west to First street. Members of other unions and all friends of the W. C. T. U. are in vited to enjoy a cup of tea and a social hour. Rev. Daniel Bryant of the East Side Baptist church, who has recently been making some personal investiga tions of social condition in Portland, will be present and discuss some prob lems in which both the churches and the W. C. T. U. are vitally interested. The Women's Economic club of Eve ning Star Grange is giving a picnic at the home of Mrs. Josephine Pickard, No. 1927 Division street, Wednesday. There will be a basket lunch served at noon. All members cordially invited. sra swat. Qualities you you'll find Golden West surpasses in ithe Qualities you most 5 desire;, A-4 Willard Mack Underworld Skit Vivid By C. L. S. THE underworld, with its sordid, mysterious phases of crime, is viv idly portrayed by the Willard Mack playlet. "Kick In. at th Pantages theatre this week. Those who have obtained fleeting glimpses of that por tion rot the world which thrives on nocturnal adventures and dark deeds, and whose ethical code is the law under which the players In real life operate, will get a post-graduate course by viewing this masterful presentation by J the Mack company. The machinations, plots, conspiracies and the artful man ner of their consummation, together with character impersonations which are not overdrawn, give an adequate idea of it all. The plot concerns the efforts of a reformed crook and his wife to remain in the straight and narrow path, but who are compelled to revert to type to shield another. Willard Mack, author of the play, did not take the leading role at Monday's performance because of his illness. A substitute was used to good advantage, however. The au thor's wife assumes an important part In the sketch. The Jarvls revue, featuring four at tractive girls and two men. is a strong contender for high honors on the pro gram. The slngtng is especially good and there is a rollicking vein of farce comedy running through the act. Another talented company is the Caledonian four, who are all their ra cial designation implies. In costume and song they reflect the distinctive ness of the Scots. Their act is round ly applauded. Honors are about evenly divided by a mother and her two daughters. The Cranes, adept at song, comedy work and pantomime, are an appreciated ad dition to the program. One girl is named Alpha and the other Delta, but their Greek, designations only go to enhance the cleverness of their act. Rapid-fire juggling features the opening vaudeville act. The Belmont boys are a speedy aggregation and they get the audience in good humor for the other treats in store. The animated Fables possess ' their usual humor, and the Pathe News pictures are of topical Interest PARES AND RESORTS OAKS AMUSEMENT PARK wmunett rirtr. Can tt First tad Alder. Bt thine. dtneinc, pienien. Armstrong Baby Doll Rctus at 8 and 9 p. m. 1 WIXDEMUTH WUlamstto ftor. Ltunefcat or Brooklyn can. Swimminc, dancing daily. COLUMBIA BEACH Columbia rirer. Van couver cart. Conceuieni, swimminc. picnici, danciat daily. TACDEVIIXB PANTAGES Broadway at Aldar. Hi eh claas vanderiu and photoplay faataraa. Aftar nooa aad Tnin. Procram ebanses Mon day afternoon. HIPPODROME Direction Aekermao tt Har- ria. Broadway -at TamhilL VaudaTiU and Alice lAk, in "Kiaaea." 1 p.m. to 11 p. m. Delifhtfn) Eiiht comedy. PHOTOPLAYS HEDLJO Broadway at Taylor. Harold Uoyd la "uraaama a Boy. 1 1 a. a. to 11 p. m. Snperlatircly funny. EIVOLI Waahincton at Park. Jack Holt, in "Tba Man Lncorujuerable. 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. South Sea melodrama. , - rxuE MOUSE 11th at- Washington. "Tba Man From Hall a River." 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. Melodramatic romance. COLCMBIA -Sixth near 'Washington. "Red Hot Romance. 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. Soarktinl eomedr. MAJESTIC Washington at Park. ""The Wall Flower." 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. Clerer drama. LIBERTY. Broadway at Stark. "Hurrteanea 11 a.m. Ie 11 p.m. Stirring ro mance. CIRCLE Fourth near Waihincton. Ana Forrest in Lore a Boomerang." 11 a. m. to 4 o clock to following morning. Summer Comfort: . Cantilever Shoes Hot weather tests human resist ance. We have learned to take al most every precaution to make the strain of summer bearable we eat cooling foods, wear light clothes and straw hats and neglect what is s most important, comfortable foot-wear. Warm days make the feet swell and perspire. Few shoes can stand this test of comfort. If you change now to Cantilever Shoes you will find great relief in their perfect ease. '. In Cantilever Shoes the body re lazes, walking is no longer an ef fort, you feel cooler. Cantilever Shoes are made on lasts designed from the: natural outline of the foot. The normal inner -sole line, and the slightly tilted heel, en courage easy carriage without un due strain at any point. These are good-looking shoes. i There is ample toe room, and such freedom do thtr feet enjoy from the flexible shank of Can tilever Shoes that muscles and cords grow strong' from exercise and fallen arches -are corrected. - Try Cantilever Shoes for summer comfort. You will become an all-year-round enthusiast. I Made on trim lines, of fine leath ers and white Egyptian canvas. j FOR MEN AND WOMEN Cantilever Shoe Store 3S3 Alder &U, : Medical B!dg. , ! -v PORTLAND. OREGON If HAT v 1 V HERB I n. r- ''it rs onare In Honors of "Hip ' Bill MONKEYS that do everything there ia to do but talk, and incidentally give a very presentable burlesque of a vaudeville show, are featured this week st the Hippodrome theatre in -an act called! "A Monkey Hippodrome." presented by Mr. Everest, who is never seen or even heard. There Is a juggler, tight -rope walker who really walks on a pole aerial acrobats and tumblers. There is an or chestra, which supplies much of the comedy ' and some very uncertain mel ody. Irish melody and jokes that fairly glitter, they are so green, send Larry Rellly over the footlights with a flour ish and twinkle, Larry, me la"d, who is billed ss Ireland's Sweetest Singer. , Torrano, the child accordionist, aside from a consideration of her playing, arouses the curiosity and makes one wonder if she really Is a child and Just how old she is and why and where and how she go the name Torrano. Tor rano has an accordion every bit as big as the one Pietro used to haul around with him. and to an untrained ear she seemed to play It every bit as well. Sonia's escorts in an act billed. Sonia & Kscortsi plessurable pastimes, are very clever acrobats and know Just what they are doing, but it is Sonia herself and her smile that put this act above the ordinary. Mitchell's Jasa Maniacs, songs, steps, fun, do Juet what they are billed to do and live up to their professional name. There are two carefully groomed negro men, on black face comedian, made up like Al Jolson, in spite of a natural advantage not in Al's favor, and typical "high brown lady, who plays, dances and sings. The program includes a full movie with Alice Lake featured in "Kisses," a news reel and a reel showing the Shrine convention in California. Oswego. Walupra lodge, A. F. and A. Mt, organised last February by Oswego members of Milwaukte lodge and new members from the Oswego district ad which has since been meeting under a dispensation from the grand lodge. will be i constituted Wednesday night at a big meeting in the Odd Fellows hall. Quests of honor will be grand lodge - officers of Ore gon and visiting Masonnlc brothers from Milwaukte, Oregon City and Port land. The original Oswego lodge some years ago was moved to Mflwau kle because a larger number of Masons lived In that locality. ' Mrs. Anna Brown, worthy Wgh priestess of Oregon Shrine. White Shrine of Jerusalem, with her officers are planning the annual picnic Sat urday at Peninsula park. AU members and their friends are invtled to come and bring lunch. and cup. Coffee and cream will be furnished by the com mittee in charge; special features In the afternoon and dancing in the even ing will furnish entertainment. Good Morning! Wasn't that a welcome change to get that long-needed rain? Tou were interested in the re duction made in the price of ii-, but are you aware that for heating your house we set a sep arate meter, so that we can bill yoa that gas at a special, lower rate? This shows the Lorain Oven heat Control. You set the disc at whatever temperature you desire. When the heat reaches that de gree, the control automatically shuts off the gas and keeps it at the exact degree you desire. In this modern oven of the Reliable gas ranges you can place--your entire meal. 'set the disc of the Lorain control . ac the desired degree. light the oven and go away. When you come home your meal is done. If you are late it is ready to - serve just the same without be ing overcooked. w : The Gas Co. is more interested in Satisfied Customers than in selling appliances and therefore sells only-ujhe Best there is at tiae most moderate margin com patible with business sense. 1 Husband loves hot cakes? But you have to smoke up the kitch en? Our .Vulcan cake griddles make no smoke. ,A revelation. i Our steam-pressure cookers are wonderful money savers. Cheaper cuts of beef cooked as vender as the finest cuts. - Even old touzrh hen aa tender mm a. Droiier. , MonKej FRATERNAL mm r 'k; V Mrs- IKxMy By TBoratoa W. Barget A lent time ago I was forced to decide That worry aad anger are closely allied. H0ty Fx. REDDT FOX had been missed at home. He should have been there shortly after daylight, or even before. Mrs. Reddy had" the four young Foxes to look after- and she needed Reddy's help. You know they were big enough now to get their first lessons tn the Great World and to - be taught how to hunt for their own food. Of coarse they were inclined to be venturesome, They did not yet know the dangers of the Great World. They couldn't understand why they shouldn't go where they pleased. So when they were away from their old home tn the Old Pasture they needed close watching. And to watch two of them and keep them out of mischief was about all Mrs. Reddy felt she could do. So when Reddy was late Mrs. Reddy became provoked. Those young Foxes were teasing to go hunting for grass hoppers down on the Green Meadows. Mrs. Reddy 'had hard work to keep them quiet. "We'll go just as soon as your fa ther gets home." said she. "He should be here now. I don't understand why he isn't Now lie down and be quiet until he comes." The four Foxes did as they were told, for they had been taught to tnind. But they were hungry and they Just couldn't keep still. Jolly, round, bright Mr. Sun climbed higher and higher tn the blue, blue sky. and still their father did not return. Mrs. Reddy became worried. Never once since those children were born had Reddy stayed away like this. Something must have happened to him. What could have happened to him she hadn't the slightest idea. This wasn't the hunting or trapping season and she could think of no one of the Green Forest people smart enough to catch Reddy. By and by she decided that they could wait no longer. Those young Foxes must be fed. She took one long last look over. toward the Green Forest, then led her lively children down on the Green Meadows to hunt for grasshoppers and Meadow Mice. Then for a while she had no time to think about Reddy ; she had other worries. Those lively young Foxes re quired every bit of her attention. First one and then, another would wander too far away and would have to be brought back and scolded. It seemed to her that they never would get their fill of grasshoppers. But at last their little stomachs were full and they were quite ready to ko back to the home in the Old Pasture for a nap. It was late in the morning and jolly, round, bright Mr. Sun was high in the blue, blue sky. Sre saw at once that Reddy Fox had not returned and again he began to be worried. While the four young Foxes lay curled up for a nap she kept her eyes wide open and tried to think what ' could have happened to Reddy. She was far too worried to take a nap herself. Suddenly, far in the distance, she heard a sound that caused her to sit Briquets One lady 'conceived a clever plan of saving all her paper sacks, into which her husband with the Briquet tongs puts as many Briquets as the sack will hold. When he is away she can replenish the furnace by simply placing a few of the filled bags on the fire. Every woman delights in a beautiful kitchen. But there is only one real piece of furniture in the kitchen and that is the Range. The quality of the Range is what gives tone to the kitchen. Its appearance is what makes or spoils a kitchen. If you have an old-style or worn-out range that makes yon hate to cook, (when It could be a pleasure), let the Gas Co. know and trade It in for what it is worth. For small homes where com fort and no chores are desired. w have a Floor Furnace, 1H times as large as any other floor furnace. This will NOT heat a whole house, but will nicely heat two average rooms. COTTAGE FLOOE FrBJTACE WW The simmerer burner on your range is there to save money, . so you will be pleased and a gas booster. . It will keep your food cooking after it comes to a boil and uses only one fifth ef what a giant burner burns, and less than a third of what the average burner uses. Always cover the vessel. That saves gas., too. " -i W, If your range Isn't working right, don't giaroe the gas. Let us fix it i for you. No charge . for expert to call to see If he can improve your service. Call Main 0e : and ask for Service Iept. . .. I.. .... . .'i ...... Portland Gas Coke Co. TORIES I J--; Is Provoked up with her sharp black ears stretched as widely open as possible. She knew that sound. There was no mistaking it ; it was the voice of Bowser the Hound, it was far away and faint, but she knew just where it came from. It cam from over near Farmer Brown's house. She cocked her head to one side that she might hear better. "Wow:' wow, wow. wow!" came Bow eer's" voice. She knew Instantly ' what Bowser was saying. He was saying "Fox, fox, fox, fox 1" And she knew that he had his nose on a fresh trail. "We'll go just as soon as your father gets home," said &he. A ! sudden suspicion caused Mrs. Reddy to stop worrying. Instead of worrying she became provoked. She became very much provoked. "Reddy has been fooling around Farmer Brown's henhouse," thought she. "He knew better than to do that. Now liowser the Hound Is after him and there is no knowing what may happen He ihad no business to take such a chance.' I do hope he wtll have sense enough not to come this way." j By Taoratoa W. Bargets (.opyngni, iv., ny j. t. mirgeosi The next story : "The Young Foxes uet i a wesson. Wish we could return to the oeace- ful war days again. Lansing State Journal. Almost Uabelierable You can hardrv realize ths wonderful im provement to your skin and complexion your mirror will reveal to you after ssingGouraadiOricntal Cream for the first time, 5atf 15c for Trial Siam inCKO. T. HOPKINS de SOU ITewTorfc Published every Tuesday saaaaaaSaaaaaaiaaaaspA Chilly Mornings will soon make a little heat nec essary, when you don't want to light a furnace. That's when the wonderful Radiantfire is so Ideal. Costs less than a 2c stamp for- half an hour's use. Gives heat immediately, you don't have to wait half an hour. That's just why Gas beats all other ways of heating, be it space, water or food. te rabiahtmbje If you want to save . your clothes i and money, you need a Washetr. An electric washer, yes. Sut . it should "be gas heatedi Why lift the hot water and "break your back." when the proper washer has a gas burner under it? By the way, we have two r three copper tub Almetal Wash ers, used slightly, made to sell at 1185. Tou can have these at half price. GAS BCBER rSBEE THE ; WASHES The new Hot-plates on high legs are quite an Improvement over the old style,. We display these on our lower floor, near the telephone room. Now is the time to buy that Radiantfire and figure on that gas lurnace. I ' V " w V I Police to Aid Fall Opening of Theatre npHB Portland police department -""- in int rvame or ut u. is a wnaie or a motion picture. And Manager; Fred W. Teufel of the Blue Mouse theatre so thoroughly agrees with the department that he will open the fall and winter season at the popu lar film house with this feature, start ing Saturday. Policemen will parade in recognition of the picture- and after a march through the business district will be entertained at the Blue Mouse. Thev wilt enjoy all the earmarks of an event in amusement circles, for the fall sea son is to be opened In earnest. An tone Stechel and the Blue Mouse or chestra will be in place in the orches tra pit and Harry Q. Mills will preside at the organ. Additional features, in keepings with the tone of the big picture, will be offered. Incidentally, the Blue Mouse theatres at Seattle and Tacoma will also open their fall seasons with the same picture, starting Saturday In each case. - From the basement to the tip of the top story, the whole structure of Port land will know that the Blue Mouse is on the map Saturday and If any Indi vidual misses the full import of thst fact Manager Teufel will have a spe cial committee ready to wait upon the errant one with a message of motion picture moment. Teufel has made extensive plans for launching the new season, which will bring to the Blue Mouse some of the biggest of the year's picture products. He has arranged numerous stunts for heralding the first of the pictures. Pla cards of unusual design will appear throughout the city and the massed patronage of police, with the conse quent parade of blue coats, will be an unusual affair. The city will be floods ed with miniature newspapers called "The Midnight Star," Saturday eve ning. MARRIAGE J-ICEX8ES Chehalle. Wash.. Aug. 15. The Lewis county audttor Issued marriage li censes yesterday to John Powlak and Eva Kukucka. Tenlno : Henry White and Ruby Onderson, Chehalis. AMUSEMENTS HEILIG awa. at Tarter. n. Mais 1000 it cumij TODAY, TONIGHT CONTINUOUS II A. M. to II P. M. arol .n i(Q)C is GRANDMA'S BOY . HIS C.pART FIRST 3 FEATURE Together with aaaal fcierh-clasa HEILIO PROGRAMME POPULAR PRICES (Including War Tax) AFTERNOONS T0 6 -- 25c EVENINGS AFTER 6 35c CHUBBE5 UKDEE U 104 a. . SCGCESTIOIT K ,- 1AV0ID CROWDS AT RiGHTI a COME II? APTERjrOOir e Thirty Acres, of Tn OPEK DAILY Skating, Swimming,. Pfenlcs, Games, Paatimca, Sports LAST WEEK OF ARMSTRONG BABT DOLLS RETTJE , -frolics op mr Kow Playing Today at I, Tonight at t WEDNESDAY, CHILDREN'S DAY, Every Boy aad Girl Admitted Tree to Armstrong Dolls Show 6tx-Cest Pare Prom Pint aad Alder America' Ore tart AutharAetor WILLARD MAOK In Hia Pint and iJreatast hucoea. "KICK IN' CALCDONIAN you ORANg SISTERS THRCK tlUMORTI -y THE JABVIS REVUC With Willard Jarria and Boa Beeres kOnUnuavs Shew 1 It P. aa. NEW BILL TtfOAV ALICE LAKE in KISSES M HIAirt MONK CVS A MONKEY HIPPODROME" CHILDREN ALWAYS 10 ADULTS AFTERNOONS tOe, EVES, tt MkM) iJidli rest musio t twwn-tiKr.oj - WELCOME SUMMER PRIOEt The CIRCLE THEATRE ' fesrth at Watklagtoa wita o dock the followta morpJnat