SITUATIONS WAirrEI----g.IALE 251 ; EXPERIENCED east accountant auditor and mcnl office nta, government and corpora- tion training put seven rtrn; Ugfeast refer - Mm; ie opes: tan position Aug. 15. DaatM position offering advancement 0170, Journal. ;.r Walnut A0o5. . :t: -j-.-- -'. DENTAL student disabled ex -soldier, wishes position .after caool. evenings. Sundays, den tal office, laboswtory, driving private auto; will I iiiinsiili r anything? wfraccs iurcusbed. Mar ray. East 6247. ------ -FAPERHANG1NG 1 30 ' CENTS A ROLL; PAINTING AND TINTING REASONABLE. BPLENDffi WOKE' QU1CKXT AND CLEAN LT don. .EAST SIDE.: TA BOS Qltti WEST SIDE, BROADWAT' 262. MARRIED man vuit.lum work. Can take ' , charge if desired i experienced in dairy, stock, bay and. grain. Only permanent place considered. Reference. O. Comntea,- 4081 Water at, "Portland. ' - ' -. "'; ALTO OWNERS attention 1 Have your car wverhauledJ Jt think, 85c. per hourv Call At my hom I MV 735 E. Lincoln, corner I th. 1 Cuarentee my 'work. ' 1 10U.NO man: 22 wish work' in garage or rap. aaop; driving end auto rep. exp. Cab reborn and fit ptas. ' Jack Gardner. Bdwy. E807. , - 1 - ' - HOUSE WIRING : - Let me give you an estimate on yosxr wiring before Jetting your antneb lAccniiort Elec trician, Walnut 5691. . i HAXIE A LE V HAM, CONTRACT PAINTEBS Painting, tinting, halsemining, fa all - ita branches. Kaleomining and enamelling peei--lty. Phooa East 5804. :'-,;- YOUNG man. aenaral office experience references, desire position with firm wher -there. n chance . lor advancement. , , Journal. ' PAINTING, wood finishing; lasting material used ; prompt, aeat service. ' Estimate free. Kenwood 0S83. , HOUSE painted $4CF95; rooma tinted $1- 5. Strictly -rare lead aad oO aei; work prompt' ly attended to. Empire 0122. CARPENTER Eetimatee aaa on reoair work: aereeae mads aad carace boiii- Shop 17 Hawthorne. Tabor 12 0. ' PAIN T ING. peperhaoatac and tlntiDt ; pricw reasonable: work anaranteed. Shop HQS Hawthorne e. Tabor 1722. ' PAINTING All work guaranteed; eetimatee eoeerinUy giTen; - kaiitomimng, decorating. Atwater 4470. feUILT-IN . futorea, cupboarda and Utcbea ' taoiea, garage ouilt ana garage ooora to order. -QaU East S88. 1 i PAIN TEE " wanta work, first daae msxie Xinislwtrt city refenscea, W .uo per ay. ast 87T, Apt. is. - ! WANTED Work with 2 H -ton .truck, with - lumber roils; wiU la any place, raona vai nnt 21Z "tlCAVATING. grading, general team work. oy day er eontract. wooaiawa loaa. S1TUATTONS reMALE. 2S4 t.tnT imm Paaadena with good education. tlx a nnrae: aseaka the French langBage. r tv. n mm onnMi in Briratei (amiiy or Mm for inralid: relerencea nee emery; Able to giTe beet of references. 265 14th at. TRUSTWOaTHT, elderly lady, iood cook, honaakeeoer. take charge of home, adulta. out of town, reaaonable wagee; reference gireu. iferences . . Krperii P-22Z. JournaL triwnrn rm rJ nt. house. Bzperienced. Excellent reference. fclnnoana wonts, jrnoae Atwater 9598. Mrs. Aumsn. 487 Taylor. XJift me help do your hooseoleaningi; a auddle- aawd woman capabia of aomg a oar wora. Call Tabor SS26 SXPERtSNCED, trostworthy avdy tantt houne . oVisning, WBshlnA or other work. .'Good work. arnaranteed. Wamnt ogoa lady mnnta nharae of A small one - floor H. EL asartmeat hon&e. i lira. Ada FnUen. 402 Sd St. Apfc 8-A. LADT wishes work by day or hour in apt. or flat"" west aide; can give gooa reierence. Q-218. Journal. EXPERIENCED laundrasa wUl call for lauu '. dry; yours washed separately. Atwater 8038. ! EXPERIENCED woman wauta work by day. Main 5708, Koem 2. ' A PIANO teacher. Jady. experienced, .81 a aa hour. at tout home or hers. V8LQ , COLORED woman wanta laundry work to take : home. Cafl for, and deliver. E. 8143. Rm. 1 ; (E LIABLE woman wants home i more than, . wages, for winter or permanentf plain peo i pie. F-154. JoumaL ) ! RELIABLE housekeeper wanU work for one or more men. 232 First. Room 24. i Lace curtains hand laundered, 12 TEARS EXPERIENCE. Kaa IT 8198. J LAIN 2848. LADT WANTS DAT WORK. ROOM 1. . . CEAMh'l'KESS want work In family by day; reasonable. Bawy. 4 iu. i lUtDY wislies day work, best references. 45e ' per hour and car fare. Walnut 4800. 1 WOMAN wants house cleaning or other work by hr. or day; reliable; ref. Ant 828-50. WANTED Position s bousekeie: , by widow, in mnall apartment noose. t-A-ao. journal. ! MIDDLE AGED-; woman would cook and keep house for-one or more mm. c-xpo, j wrumA. TOUNG lady dasires work, any kind. . cook. journal. -LADT srishas position as assisUnt ii doctor's or dentfet s ottlce. jonroai. jRESHINGLING My taric and ma work both right. E. tTO. teiXTHTi-!.nH work. Dractical nursingT ehildren ironing. Main 8888. rbom 404. IADY with 8-year-old boy wishes domestic position. Walnut 00S4. TEACHER wanta rural grade school. Address Teacher. 228 E. 18th at. Portland, Or. WOMAN wants work by4day. Walnut 0790. WOMAN yanU day work. Main 6 2Tr ' DRESSMAKING LADT wMhes sewing by the day 253 at borne; Call even- Dress making and alteration $ Ings after 6. Mam 105 . FAN CY work, children's wear, plain sewing. ladies' dressea, Olose 7 :80 p. m.) Rose Dreaa inaking Parlors, 188 10th st. Main HEMSTITCHING, ny color. Bci Room 403 Raleigh bidg.. 827 Washingtai at Bdwy. 742. ' ' ' (TT it. h.ln t the ehildrasv ready tor school. dressea. etc. tuiokry and neatly made. Prioae reasonaota aast m ir DRESSMAKING and children a clothes made neaUy and auiektr for 33 3 day. Call Cellwood 0778. COATS a specialty by expert. Making and ra- Mnd.ltn( Tisor 1UQ. : f HEMSTITCHING. 6 atralghi white Mall eraers. tiorotny snop, iuu bUa. EXPERIENCED dressmaker by I day: refer- . ences. Airs. Hansen, xtreaaway ivvh i. AiEMSTlTCHING white. 8c per yard straight Button, 4 Plaiting fihop. B09 Royal bldg. DRESS MASlN'G by toe day. 1 7' pertence.. Mrs. Clew. a Atwster 4194; " NURSES " I 257 PRACTICAL nursa will oar far invalid or keeo baas for widower. CIS. preferred. Broadway oT. NURSE, graduate 'masseuse, gives i electric treat' Wieata, v tt-e-f eweats. vioiet ray, pen. CAREFUL nurse, wish 9 year' ej experience, wants mental patient in ner noroe. r al. 8834. CONVALESCENT horn tor pabenta. Special care given to diets, cast 1 1 PRACTICAL nurse will take jail .kinds of , case. Tabor 8289. JiPRSE wiU care for rpatienu in her own hoi leirm Die locaaon. : hoot o 1 FOR RENT FURNISHED- ROOMS 300 VIWT.T FiniNISHED NEW HOUSE ' Large furtitshed double pariiar suite, $28. month; free electric light, phoe, etc ; con Teaieat te bath: 2 .bed if necessary; you'll Hk living 5 at this nice, cleans new plaoa. 867-E. ASH ST. NEAR 13TH. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13th st. at VVaahinsrtoo Brick structure, center of Port land's business and social acUviues: respect able, spothess rooms. $5 week; $1 a day up; with private bath, fd a uay. CALL at T. M. C A. fur free list of moderate i priced rooms for yeung man in ell parts ' ef the dty, including rooms in Central . T M. C A., telephone ia each room,. shower bath, lab faeffities, " . r'1 p Maxwell ;Hall -&St'. Famished sleeping raoras. shower bath, ataam teat-hot and cold water; $4 a week and up. KEW BOTAL HOTEL, 108. 4th st. bet Wsahingtou and Stark, rooma - $3 "per week and up; transient trade- aolici ted; under whit management. HOTEL, MEDFORD. 120 N. St, cor. pusaa. Hot and 00M water, wee ap; room with private bath. $6.50: special sagnmer rste. ONE large front room, auitaol for two, with i board: we ixong outance. isi Faat 3884. : - M - v ' ? 4oa vo men or -girhv singl aad double .' - rooms, home and kitchen privilegea. 743 Ijnvwjoy near 23d. Mate 2760. - . t - ' I - - - THE BAB TON - ,- :-- Clean, fra-nished rooms, $2.56 per wx. "end say; also light h QU5es evra ng. 486 Alder t BLEEPING .rooms $$.SO and ap; - bath and telephone.! 294-Grand Ave. . s FURNISHED ROOMS i . PRIVATE FAMILY ' 301 f. It ROOMS and sleeping porch nicely furnished; heat water nd bath included. Breakfast if ifw. desared: eVoee to car oa east sad. 3174 K. Invsid. Tab. 620. ; - JL TOUNG girl vnshea room asate, very rea . eoabi rent . East, 1894. - FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ' PRIVATE FAMILY 301 LOVELT room .wita aioore. newly targe cjoeet. tmtOMem rornaee beat; srmabla 2 men; eraDrina; TSSBoyt. Main 2t4. Jioo AU1. CX3MFOKTABLK toosa fog cenUemaa; aodcra, bath adioininc: Be other roomers: fi mtn- nte' walk to Meier eV Frank's, west aide. Mais 921. 328 Hoatn Broadway. IflNEXX faraiaiied. Oust noma with lovely new. hot and cold water. A-l beds: utoet. elose to bmnnea center and Lincoln high. 821 12th, -eoe. t-lT. atatn 4831. ; - 8 BOOMS, kitcheoette, newly furnished, . to adult earoioyed: 839. tedadea aaa. eiec. water and clean linen each week; alw . nice room with poard for iady. Walnat 6607. TTTRNI3HED sleeping; rooma for rent. Main 8212.' : 4S Market at, ; Phone ' NOB HILL ... Beautiful furnished room in ' a refined home,- aery reasonable. 223 21st . st cornet Coeejoy. Atwater 08S5. , i ROOM in new . west side bangalowi good car service ; - beemtifnlly rornished; hardwood noon; privilege: of getting own breakfast; 82A per month. Atwater 3889. -- 1 LAHGK, nsodern front steeping room, foil and bed ; cioee in and best of surroundings. 88.25 per week each for two or -82.75 each for three. 84 N. 17th st ATTRACTIVE FRONT ROOM ANT) ALCOVE, SUITABLE 'FOR TWO, NICELY FTJRi XISHED. ALSO SINGLE ROOM. ; 414 MAR KET., CORNER OF 11TH. BOOM AND GARAGE; HAWTHORNE DIS TRICT. EAST 8441. ' HAWTHORNE DISTRICT . Larga furnished room and kitchen, pantry1 and closet. Heat, lisht and ga. Keaxonable rent. 240 E. i50th. L LIGHT, clean: aad comfortable 818. 815, 310. Phone and bat- 1?e: deairaMe loca tion. 2 blocks to cars, near sohools, 751 E. Couch. Phone- East 0533. EXCEPT ION ALL I nice, large, light room in exclusive home, 8 closets, fireplace, private bath, suitable lor 2 or jt ; smaller room. 4 N. 21st St.. cor. Everett. 2 LARGER well furnished corner rooma, re fined home; bath,- heat, phone f walking di tanca, gentlemen: references. 858 Larrahee, near Broadway ; bridge. 'East 4908. WELL furnished front sitting room and alcove bedroom vritb lavatory next to bath and phone. Instantaneous hot water; walking dia- 88 Lacretaa at. Atwater 8889. LARGE room for 2. also room for 1. gen tleman preferred; garage available! 320 E. 41st at. NICE largo ataam heated room, modem con veniences. X or 2 adults, kitchen privilege, near Montgomery Ward. References exchanged, 831 Thnrmsn, apt. 8. j. BEAUTIFL'L-front room m new colonial bun galow, modern conveniences, half block to car, just tne noma for a business girl; reason.' stale. 842 E. 84th st. Sell. 4057. ONE sleeping room in private family; use of parlor, . phone, bath; cooking privileges; waiaing aiatanee, aiu. 100 uin st. r.. 2163. ONE rm, and kitchenette suitable for la dies; serwrwte entrance ; teacher preiered; walking dutanoe. Portland Heights, - Shatxnck or LMtia scnooi. is-vx. journal. FRONT room In new bungalow; single or two persona Breakfast u aeaired. irarage. Kea sonable. 622 E. 85th at.. Bear Clinton. NICE, clean, light room, suitable for two. also smaller room, electric lights, bath, tela- phone. Bast 137, walking distance, COMFORTABLE fnmished rooms for gentle men; close in. 205 East First at, N. Phone East 2288. LARGE pleasant front room, suitable for 2. Electric lights, phone, near bath. Walking distance. 84 M. lTta st. ONE large airy room in private family; walk- utg rtistannei ozo Aiverett st, Phone xtrdy. IBVINGTON Z elegantly furnished connect ing rooms. Ideal for 2 men or msn wanting room and office combined. East 4073. COMFORTABaE room for gentleman, bath adjoining, heat, walking , distance, east side. 821 E. Davis st. ' , NICELY furnished bedroom; also one connect ing bedroom, and sleeping porch; modern, ex etnsive. Irvlngfon home. Phone East 0832. ATTRACTIVE transient rooms lor rent, break fast if deaued: west aid, walking distance. 820 11th St., cor. Clay. , PLEASANT sleeping room, furnished nicely. for gentleman max wisnea a sic place rea sonable. 451 10th st 8. ONE sleeping 'room in private family, use of parlor, pnone. ete. xtata. walking distance, 610. 166 E. 12th. E. 2163. FURNISHED room, suitable for two; half block from central library. 208 11th. BIO front room, furnished, suitable for 1 or Z. 768 Moyt. W. B. Phone Main 7030. COZT room, close to bath; furnace heat; nice home; 810 month. Tabor 5936. NICELT furnished room, near Reed eollege. 6(480 41st St. S. E. BIG front room, furnished, suitable for 1 or a. 753 Moyt, W. B. Phone Main 7030. NEAT,, eoanfoc table room, private bath, fur . nace heat, reasonable rent. Main 4761. ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortonia Hotel Broadway off Washington. Broadway 1180. Portland's high elass downtown residential hotel We give you the comforts of home. Amerieaa and European plan. Bates reason able. HOTEL HEREFORD T5 H0TT. MAIN 8805. . Exolusive residential: special summer rates; our meals speak for our popularity. YOUNG lady in suburban home desires lady employed, to share expense: no rent Bdwy. 4800. EXCLUSIVE residential hotel; -rate $45 to $50. 794 Lovejoy. Main 8619. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 TOUNG nun to room aad board, small con genial family of young people; plana. Main 0698. ' LARGE tront room, suitabl for two, preferably ladies, in small private family. Choice resi dence location, horn privileges, abundance of fruit Tabor 6957. ! NICELT furnished, west side. 6 1 min. walk; rrom -Meier & sTanx, wrtn or without board. 390 H Broadway. WANTED Children to board in private 'home; very best of care, prices right. A suburban home. Empire 0566. WANTED -Children to board and room in private home; best of care given. Phone Walnut 8954. WILL hoard small chpd 4 to 7 years $20 per month; child's sewing free. Mrs. Kincaid. 6730 57th are. S. E. NICELY furnished 8-rm. light apt aad S sleeping room; elect lights; reasonable rent S50 Thunnan st near 25th. ''-! GOOD room and board for woman or young iady employed; reasonable. Clou in on car line Too Commercial t BOOM and board for 2 refined gentlemen, in private home, piano and Victrola. Main 6637. 792 Marshall at, i WILL board and room baby or small child reasonable. Mother's care; references. Aut 619-56. : . - i ONE room snd board, in Swedish family; Swedish gentleman preferred. 912 E. Alder, Tabor 5633. - i BOOM, board, laundry and mending in horn with young couple for refined gentleman, $10.50 per week. Tabor 4489. . . - ; WILL give good room and board In my home. 10 sun. nd from town. 541 Deacon. Call Sellwood 1502. ONE nice laige room for one or two ladies, with board. No other roomers. 2 blocks to 2 cartinea. Irrington district East B878; FURNISHED room and board, clos in. hot and cold water, nice, dean. 332 10th st Main 6381. " i ' " i F1BST CLASS board and room ia private. modern, congenial horn; suitabl for 1 or 2, Phon-Main 0303. - BOOM and 2 meals for 1 or 2 gentlemen, or young couple both employed. 350 E. 9th N. Just off Broadway. East 8172. BOOM AND FIRST-CLASS TABLE BOARD IN PRIVATE HOME. 692 E. 20TH AND ASH.' EAST 1301. WANTED 4 or 5 men or boys to board and room near Jefferson high.- 1240, Michi. gas. WsL 2012. - LOVELT. large, front room with alcove and deset suitable for 3, with . board reaaock- able. Main 7681. ; ; FOB RENT 2 rooms with board, 4804 $24 it 8- E. Phone Aut 638-82. FIRST floor room, with good board and beau - privilege to lady employed. WsL 6607. GOOD sleeping room for working board if desired; cheap. East 0116. GOOD HOME AND MOTHER'S CARE FOB SMALL; CHILD. CAUL TABOB 6137.' !-i ROOM with board if desired; walking distance, west aid. - 891 Davis. -'' Bdwy. 8048. f i GOOD borne. . boating, evrimmins. for boy. 33 per week. M-21S, Journal WANT to board little- girl, school age best of ear m modem nom. walnut 2362. FOR room and board ia private family call walnut sues. NICELT fumebed front rooeaa with or with out sJ. Hog eoaveruences, kUja 6094. FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY ' 303 BEST OP ROOM AND BOARD CHEAP, HOME PRIVILEGES A NO ENTIHOH MEJfT; CLOSE IS. JVST WHAT SOU- ARE LOOKING FOB. f EAST 8578. j ATTRACTIVE BOOMS,- EXCELLENT ' BOARD. IN ilTJIET HOME. TERSONS OF REFINEMENT ONLT. 7 IRV1NU. MAIN 14. ' . - IBVINGTOX Large, airy sooaa aad eacellant :- table - board, ' eongeniai atmosphere; piano; suitable -for 2 gt-fiUtmea or 2 ladies; also. soite of rooms. 684 Wasco. East 4879. A REAL HOME. ONGEXIAL, MODERN. WITH MOTHER lANI SON. EXCELLENT COOKING. BOMB COMFORTS, LARGE 4 WINDOW BOOM. 380 MO. WAIKCT o92. CHILDREN to board. beauUful countsy home. near, school, rinse in, $14 monthly. - For ParticQlars writ Peaceful Acres Farm, route 1, boi 142-A. HiUsboro. - - - JUST WHAT TOTJ WANT j BEST ROOM AND BOARD FOB TOTJNG LADY; CLOSE IN; COME AND BEE-THEM. , v WALNUT 1285. WANTED- A couple of respectable young men to room and board: rates reasonable. Private home. Piano and Tietzoia. Main 557. 72 Marshall st. J - BOOM and board in a inca home. just , what you're looking for; good meals and clean bed; nice Sunday dinners; for a gentleman; in pre rata heme. Walnut 4845. ' . i FOR AGED "invalids, chronic or eonraleacent petienta. pleasant home anrrootwiinsa. with health-bnildlnc diet and treatment personal ear of. physician; reasonable rates. East 8538. CHILD to room and board; room and. break fast mother if desired, Sell. 408o. , TWO young men or mas aad wife to room and board; private borne; walking distance, esst side. East 21S. - Do not call Sunday; references. - WANTED Children to board; will give them mother's ears; good : school aad churches near: reasonable. Address 9521 60th ave. S .E.. or phone Ant. 818-18. ' : DESIRABLE room with sleeping porch. Ex eallsnt board for 1 or 2 gentle men. with home privileges. Worth your time to investj- gate. East 2461. ; ; LARGE, airy well furnished room suitable for 2, all home privilege, close to 2 schools, reasonable rent and good location.. Tabor 4035. HATE very pleasant room with board in private family of two adults, for gentleman: no other roomers. Walking dwtancei Prio rea aonable. Call Main 1349. I WOULD like A or 2 children to board in good country home ; best of care ; will take daily to beach if desired. Write Mrs. Hoffman, Oak Grove poetoftice. Oak Grove, Or. . MODERN 2-room front apt., sink, hot and cold vatar, heat, tight bath and phone; reasonable. 431 6th at Atwater 2605. 1 " " ' 'i HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 RENT NOT RAISED IN WINTER 820 mo. Get settled now in good, com fortable 1 and 2 rm. h, k. apt, - No raise in winter and excellent beat, plenty - h. and e. water. eL, free phone. Just what exnp. per son wants. Desirable neighborhood and walk ing dist. Delmonta. 167 Stoat, 1 blk. S. of 20th and Wash. 313.50 PER MO. Very desirable, large singl h. k. ; strictly clean' and no trash; comfort ably furnished; suitable for desirable working women or men. Everything furnished bat the gas. Must p seen to be appreciated. Walk ing dist. 'Delmonta. 167 Stout 1 blk. & of 20th and Wash. ONE LARGE ROOM FOR HOUSEKEEPING, (2.85 WEEK. NEWLY FURNISHED, IN NEW HOUSE. BATH LIGHTS. PHONE FREE. 867 EAST ASH ST. NEAR 13TH 38.50 WEEK Two housekeeping rooms; free water, electricity, phone; walking distance; also 2 H. K. attic rooms, $2.50 week. 68 E: 10th st S. $8 AND UP per month, also weekly rates; newly furnished h, k. and sleeping rooma, 1 block from Shattnck school; children taken If parents are considerate. 405 W. Park. TWO or 3 H. K. rm, or 1 bed room, light,' clean, airy, water, light and . phone fur nished, gas range; walking distance, 889 Grand ave. N. Phono East 6000. THE MARTHA Newly furn. 1 and 2 room h. k. ; also alesp- lng rms. &4 n. 2?a. Main 2141. FU&S 1SHED H- K. rooms, water, phone aad light furnished, cor. E. 9th and Wash. ; walking distance of west side. East 6885. TWO LARGE ! FURNISHED H.rK. ROOMS, CLOSE IN EAST SIDE. HEAT, LIGHTS,' GAS FURNISHED. EAST 8006. 1 ROOM furnished h. k. apta,, clean and light You furnish gsa and heat; close in. 390 Jefferson st. 2-BOOM furnished h. k. spu., elean and light. You furnish gas and heat, clos in. 390 Jefferson st CLEAN bed, elean floor, dean wails ; Sunny erest 1-2-8 outside h. k. rms., gas, .elee.. laun. rm., reasonable. 186 Sherman. - TWO H. K. rooms, light water, garage and phone. $15. 600 Commercial St., sear Rus sell. TWO large rooms turhtaned for housekeeping. 585 Commercial st., nesr Emanuel hos pital. TWO light houseaeeping rooms, electric lights. phone, bath, one on 2d floor, on on 3d; very reasonable. 405 12th st 3 H. K. ROOMS, 2 bads, dose, at; West aid; $7.50 week. Atwater 2168. FOR RENT 11. K. rooms and sleeping rms. Call, Brwy. 2804. NICE furnished front h. k. rooms, $5.50 week. 815 Msrket sti, cor 6th. SINGLE and also 3 -room housekeeping apt Laundry room, 414 Mill st SUNNYSIDE. vacant Aug. 15. 3 elean. light rooms, private entrance. Phone East 8146. COSY 2-room apt, 3d floor near bath. 501 Harrison above 14th. Auto 518-13.. . NICE front h. k. rooms on beautiful Park st ; reasonable rent 826 Park at. Main 1592. FRONT housekeeping room with kitchenette; modem conveniences. 870 6th st LARGE, very clean 2 room front- apt. vary fine. 841 11th st K. rooms. $2 per week and up. 681 Hood at. 1 H. K. BOOMS with kitchenette, $3 to $4 a week; everything furnished. Main 7853. 1 TRUNK transferred 50c, additional trunks 25c each, downtown districts. Bdwy. 2445. FURNISHED h. k. rooms. East 1698. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 305 TWO rooms, sun room and kitchenette and some furnitar for sale. E. 2299.- HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 3-ROOM furnished suite fox housekeeping, clos in. walking datance. 510 Clay at Atwater 1855. 3 ROOM furnished H. K, apts.. with bath. lights., water and phone; private entrance, $80 per month. Adults only. Main 4 709. ONE 2-BOOM FRONT APT.. LARGE. LIGHT ROOMS; REASONABLE RENT. 193 17TH AND 1 A X LOJv, A 1 V A Talxv 1344. NICE - CLEAN FRONT RM. FOR YOUNG WORKING PEOPLE. 47 2 YAMHILL ST. BETWEEN 13TH & 14TH. 2 BOOMS AND KITCHENETTE. HAW THORNE DISTRICT. ADULTS. EAST 8441. - ' ' TWO bice housekeeping rooms. Call 414 Flint t Take BW car to Wbeder, 2 blocks north; walking distance. East 7167. FURNISHED II. K. WEEK AND UP; 824 V FIRST ST. B7 BOOM. $1.50 PES ELECTRIC LIGHTS. 33 $6 NEWLY furnished 1. 2 r. suites beautiful home. Main 8940. 940 Corbett Investigate. - . THREE outside, completely furnished house keeping' rooms, dose in, walking distance. 352 Boss st East 80S4. 2 BEAUTIFUL furnished newly decorated H. K. rooms: free lights, phona, heat .Call Bdwy. 6620. 652 Kearney st ONE 3 rocm first floor, also room and kiteh enette for H. K. 635 E. Morrison. TWO furnished h. a. rooms. $12 and $16 per month. 674 E, Salmon. 4 NICE rooms, completely furnished; very reasonable rent 658 Ouimby st ' 2-HOOM housekeeping apartment 211 Hal sey at cor. Larrabe. Phoae East 2336. 50o CLAT, aear 14th;, clean, furnished, h. k. rooms, cheap. FOUR partly furnished h. k. rooms, $14. 412 Vsneouver ave. - ( - TWO elan, front housekeeping rooms, fur ate&ed. 2 adulta. 876 Hawthorne, cor. 29th. TWO oomfortable rooms, well furnished, dowu stairs. $16 per month. 507 MiatiWppt TgL SINGLE! housekeeping roosn. furniohad, wsJk tag distanee. 498 Taylor at. FRONT. furnished room in hospital district or light housekeeping. Broadway 8628. .- ; - 2 H, K. BOOMS, furnished completely; Waik , - tag distance; adnita. 11 E. 14 th N. - j TWO ,iurnbed H. K- rooms with private . bath. 68 E. 19tfc at N;; cor. Davis. - THREE large, light eiea- rooms, iiihti. pheae, private beth; for adulta 675 K. Main. T THBEE clean -furaisbed - houseaeeping ream i 625 Tnurman t Tel Walmu 6183 XW'O - furnished H. JE..,, phoae, bath, hght claaa. Bzfvala Tabor 6743. v FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 SUNNYSIDE - larg rooms, one carpeted, Jbe linoleum; hot and eold water, electric hitm, gas, Cheap to right party. tabor 8692. - TOUNG coiniie to share private heaBe in Woodlawa district Phone. elertrlcitg, ran. bath. : Thia place will give yon a chanc to save money. No objection to baby. ' I' bone Walnut 8516. " A JVICE bonsekeeping room, everything fnrnxthed -iree, x large tront room apt., z; walking dueaaee. - Call Monday, Wednesday and Friday, bet 11 and 4. SO Fourth st FURNISHED H: K. apt t priTato family. PhoDe East 8S64. ,, t - LARGE room and kitchenette, also nice single room. 315 monthly; hot water always for bath and laundry; Nob Hill district; walking distance. - 5& Flanders at - - .. ' ; NICELT f famished housekeeping room in clean. - nomelike place, close in. en suite or single; reasonable went. 171, E. 13th at rnooe rast 418a. GOOD siogi h. k. rooms oa second floor, or S or 4 for family. Rent ehean. Bath room, hot water, bath and telephone. 491 i Everett. Bttwy. 6132. S-ROOM arjartORnts wiUJ sleeping porehes; weal fornlahexi. Phone, fight and water. Reasonable rent. Rose City car. 783 Pacific st., or call East 9282. $8 PER MO. aad tip, sleeping and house keeping rooms,' newly furnished and clean. 405 West Park. Come see them. 1 bUt, Shat- tuca seftoot. NEATLY famished H. K. rooms, large closets ' ana 2 windows. In private home. booa location. 391 KtKseU at Hoosa on block east of Union ave East 1749. 830 3 MODERN furnished h. k. rooms, in cluding bath, tight hast, fuel, hot and eold water; adnita. 848 Haig st Sen. 1000. ONE Urge 1 front room and kitchenette; also aingle H. K. rooxa; fnmaoe heat, light and Phone included, reaaocahle. 464 E. Oak st. between 8tfa and 8th. Adults. East 3657. LARGE, cool front na. - beautifully fur.. spotlessly clean, hornet for one or two employed women. Also 2 rm. H. K. apt., close in. 474 Clay st. Atw. 4194. LARGE FURNISHED sleeping room, on 1st floor: also furnished H. K. apt. on 2d floor, 3 blocks each of Sunny- siqe ana nawtnorne car. Tabor 9300. SEE THESE TODAT 2 nice H. K rooms, sirszle or ea suit, with garage. 604 Holly it, between 14th and Hawtnorne ave. East 2722. THREE completely furnished housekeeping rooms in nice home. Adults. Walnut 3041. 1 block from Alberta ear. 1089 E. 15th N. TWO NICELT FURNISHED HOUSSV jaju!.r-iu xtuoais wita fireplace, elose In. IBVINGTON 2-rm. h. k., with hot and oold water, rurnace neat, everrtning nice 'and clean. 1 Hook to Imngtan school. E. 1441 441 E. 18-i st, N. 32.75 WEEK, furnished n. k. rooms, lights and bath included, west side walking dis tance, 645 M First and 215 Mill st., comer r irst. NEAR Jefferson Hi, 3 nice rooms, newly fur nished to ooupie employed; 830 includes gas, light si, tel.. water and clean linen each week. Was. 6607. 2 ROOM cheerful housekeeping apt., with sleeping room for 8; could care for small child if parents axe employed. T51 Kearney st. Ate. 1ZD3. $32.50. 3 connecting rooms, large kitchen, bathroom: free phone, cookinu gas and light; every convenience. 956 Williams ave., phone WTainut 7165. " TWO light, clean rooms with nice sleeping porch, $20 a month, tight and water in cluded. Nice yard, 66 E. 22d at. between Stark and Oak. TWO nice large housekeeping rooms $18: 2 smaller ones $16. Place for1 car. Bdwy. 17634. 863 N. 16th. WILL sub rent nicely furnished 2-room apt for month or longer; dose in. East aide. 254 E. 3d st, N. 2 NICE, light, clean rooms, phone, water and bath, to man and wife; no children. 180 East 7th st N. Phone Esst 7916. TWO cleain, furnished housekeeping rooms; a pleasant place to live. 620 E. Morrison, cor. 16th st. $ AND 4 rooms, furnished or not South Port land, 10 minutes' walk, carline 2 blocks; cheap rent. 826 4th. st Atwater 3672. ROOM and board, private family, man and wife or young people preferred. Walnut i 4136. Kirby at - . i CLEAN, well furnished housekeeping room for employed lady or gentleman; light, bath and phone free; walking distance. 102 E. 18th. ONE housekeeping room with kitchenette; also nice light clean basement room. Atw. 1502. ONE 2-room fur. H. K. apt. ; also 3-rocau apt partly furnished, near school; children welcome. Space for parking car. Maiiij 4866. 8 LARGE, new, dean H. K. rooms with pri vate bath; close in; no children. East 8469. 29 K. 18th N, FOR RENT 2 furnished h. k. rooms, .light water, phone free; no children; dose in bn carline. 694 Clinton st Sellwood 0614. TWO nice clean rooms, furnace best, furnish everything except gag for cooking. 263 Knott st. East 6481. LIGHT, airy 3 roomed furnished flat;' adults, one block from car. Wat 2696. 1095 E. ISth N. LIGHT and clean,- front rooms on H. A. ear line; well furnished; very driirable neighbor hood, 292 E. 32nd st ONE 2-room fur. H. K. apt.; also 3-room apt. partly furnished, near school; children wd eome: space for parking car.. Main 4366. FOR KENT 2 and 8 nicely tarnished rooma, 592 Vi 4th at. Phone Atwater 3262. Call or phone after 6 evenings. 4 NICELT furnished modern H. K. rooms, Dutch kitchen, 8 blacks from car. Adults. Tabor 0898. NICELT furnished housekeeping room. light and heat, walking distanc, $4.50 par week. 660 Third st TWO housekeeping rms.. hot and eold water. nic aad eleaa; also 1 alp. rm: : reasonable rates; doa la; basement rm. 191 Park at IN private home, 3-room furnished apt, 1 singl room; no other roomers. Aut 514-23. 467 N. 2$d at HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $6 mo. light, gas and , water. 777 Jefferson st Atwater 1039. . " $25 i MONTH, 6 rooms over store furnished, 1 ' for housekeeping; dose in east side. An- ply Empire theatre, 289 Grand ave. FURNISHED housekeeping rooma elose in. 450 Larrahee st. East 2925. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, 413 East Pine at - APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 FURNISHED apartments for rent near Jef ferson high school., 242 Killinksworth ave. Walnut 5892. BERKELEY APTS Front 2 and 8 room furnished apta.' 89 Trinity Place. Bdwy. 6151. THE LAN DORS f 299 itriti Bixusarr Furnished 2-room apartment Glen Court 2 and 3 room Apta: doss in. Main 1961. Cor. Park, and Taylor. ONE. 2 and 3 rooms, $16. $20 and $25. in cluding neat, lignt, not an ,ooid water. Bdwy. 4292. Jennings apts.. 248 hk N. 17th. THE NICKOLS 3 room apt, also 4-r. apt with 2 bedrooms, private baths, phone. ' 856 E. 8th st. W. Walnut 4971. CLEAN bed. clean floor, dean walls; Sunny crest, Si ewtsid rms.. bath; newly firs, gas, elect. $82i50. 1R-Sherman. FOB BENT Completely furnished 5-room apt CaU Walnut 2138J or 1191 E. 13th. N. Mrs. Meyers. TWO room furnished apts.. walking distance. Tvs r-verett st. Atwater BY1. 2 AND 3 APT., ground floor, MiU-. after 1 o'clock. 865 E. LOVELT furnished, modem 3-room apt beau- xu m yarn, ua. anss. car, tua Missouri ave. 3-ROOM apartment neat and "pteesaat; close to etr.1 io siitt sve. f SA3 MARCO. S. 8TH AND COUCH. 8 JAM! MOD. APT.. WK. OB MO. EAST 199: SINGLE and . 2i. -room apta.. everythiag has new; neasouaoia. aa montgomery. - SPECIAL rooan turn, apt., bow $10, The Jeftery., eor. atusseu aaa B,erty. rJut 1394. NEW. nicely furnished gas heated apta. Walnut 5662. 788 Michigan ave. . 2-BOOM apta., cieaA, reasonable, near school. - S5 1 uesmm ave. rsant walnut 1 5. : ADAMS APARTMENTS Modern 3 rm. apt, furnished. 403 Jefferson. XWO and 3 room furnished apartaaeots, Har rison tonn, aps sis it BEADT today, 2 rooma private bath. K. 18th, walkTog distance. 200 THE ALBERT Karcished apt.- steam -heat. - private oatn.- bw MMsasippi are. UNION AVE. and . aUUingsworth, furnished apt- $21.50; - all eompiet; coacret bidg. 4-KOOM furnished anartmeot dean. - fcving." - East - 9758. --' 71 E. 1 TRUNK transferred 60c. addioonal trunks 25c -each, dtfwulown elistrrtoa, Bdwy. 244$. ELEGANT $ rooms, new furniture, ciot ia. East 42T6. Walkiag disUnea, . FOR RENT APAR rMENTS FURNISHED 307 THESE ABE EXTRA GOOD ' MODERN FURNISHED 3 RM. APT.' -40. MO. Al 8t A 4 RM. N Fv'R ; 847.30. - EQUIPPED FOB TWO TO 5 PERSONS EACH. FIRST CLASS JANITOR SERVICES GCARASTEED. EVERT " CONVENIENCE Ia I0UK . ' COMIVKT. ' Walking distanc from liininnas (Est- TonH SO br living bar ever any otoer ptae of sasa caliber. . ' .- The Columbian i 11 TH" AJfD. COLUMBIA STREETS COMPLETELY i FURNISHED APARTMENT 43 EAST 16TH STREET, N. IBVINGTON . Living room, i dining room, two bedrooms, tiled bathroom, sleeping porch, front balcony, targe private basement with- ft 1 man, wash taays, fruit -cieaot, etc.; private back o t ranee; very large rooms; bug closets; nr psace; 6 months, $65 per month, including pmona. piano. Janitor eervice; adults. aaa ith-waooner CO.. btocis. mot NOB HILL, APARTMENTS i fi - - o vjruann ow 1 once uuuumf, live uwn, - wawnuuv . vice; two and three-room apartments, fur nsshed and unfurnished : iznmaculaLeiv dean; t:io lawn and flowers, garages in taon. Atwater 6267. NEW WESCOTT COURT APT 8. . E. TH AT WEIDLEB, 1 . AS otviri rooeaa: km fiviaa roeans. 'bed- raoms, bateoniea, ivory finish, hardwood floors,? answer natoa, eiectno ranges, ma nogs ny ; nw xdture. l SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS . OWNER WILL SUBLET 4 room apt, hardwood floor, beautifully decorated and furnished. Call Mr. Gustail, Bdwy. 4975. THE DEZENDORF APTS. : 208 16tfa. sear Taylor. Atwater 0128. ' Osmpletely furnished 5-room apta,. all cotside rooms, no obiectioo to children, transj- eerts and tonrista. WEST SIDE Furnished or unfurnished 5? room apartments: water, lights, phone free; front lower, $4; wpper, $3. N and S ear to door. Cor. Gtiaan and 15th. 114 N. 15th. Broadway .5689. . T $45 WEST SIDE APT. $4S 1 4 large outside rooms, with two Bice closets, me bath. Good furnishings, Heat and water furnished. . : SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. THE JACKSON . 1 : 3 room apta., $30 to $40; modem brick hldg.. nrivate bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, phone; 1 S-minute walk to city. East 2848. Rose City car. 51 Union ave. N. TWO large airy rooms, private entrtuiee, bath I and toilet dose in. Also larg sleeping room ffflr 2 or 4 high school students and 1 vmaller sleeping room, 2 blocks from Lincoln high. 843 W. 10th. Atwater 8359. 1 . i THE ALAMO APTS. f Lovely, light warm sunny 3 room apt.. newly tinted and enameled, steam heat, private bath, disappearing bed. built-in buffet; ; rent 3-40. 494 Market. ; ' " ETNA APARTMENTS s ! 8 rooms, dressing room and bath, hardwood floors, whit enamel, free electric washer and mangle. East 3782. SINGLE and double modern housekeeping apta.. ' all new furniture, $20 and : $30. Also sleeping rooms, $4. 195 21st W. Broadway 814. THE DENNISON APTS. : 1027 54 Belmont st., 2 and 3 -room apta.; private bath and phone. On Sunnyside and let. Tabor cartings. Call Tabor 0846. King Albert Apts.; 2 and 3 rooms, furnished or nnfumtuhed. tile bath, elevator. 1 1th at Montgomery. Main 359. I FIreoroof building, modern, 2. 3 and 4. rm. apta.; single run.; elevator service. Atw. 3597. ALTAMONT APTS-, 804 COLLEGE ! 3 rooms, private bath, nicely furnished, newly tinted, $47.50; also 4 rooms, private bath, $52.50. Main 6375. SAN MARCO, E. 8TH AND COUCH, 3 RM. MOD. APT., WE. OB MO. EAST. 1990. , HANTHORN APARTMENTS Corner 3 room furnished apt.. 2 disap pearing beds. Close to business center, 251 J;2tli. BEAUTIFUL 6 room apartment in the j heart of Irrington. Lovely grounds and garage included. Apply Metzger-Parker company, 269 Oak st WILL sublet 4-room apt. in Irvingtou for beautifully . fur 8731. ! Sept : hardwood . floors. Bashed; references. tjall E. THKEE room, private bath, 825. 2 rooms. i private bath, $22.50, including phone. Water, garbage. East 7737 mornings. 1HE VIOTOBLVN; 4 rm. fur. and unfur. apta., bath, clean, close in; v-ry reasonable. 428" Columbia, near 11th. Atw. 2277, i McKINLET APTS. 3-room apartment and bath, both outside and court spts. East 3100. " BJELLAND APARTMENT : 645 -Lovejoy street. One 3-room apt.i $40; no 2 room spt., $30 i THE LUZERNE APTS. 2 room modem apta., comer, briok bidg., neasonable rent; walking distance. 263 ' HaiL i IDAHO APARTMENTS : 2 and 3-room nicely furnished, moderate prices,, west side. 389 6th st. i WELLINGTON COURT APARTMENTS 2-room furnished spt., $35: 4 rooms, $45. BROADWAY 1245. THE EDENHOLM ! 834 6th st. modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments- Private hatha Kent re asonable- AL1CB COURT 2 and 3 large rms.. 2 beds. fireplace, pnv. batn, tel.. o ana : uv. Cor. E. 8th. end East 3566, - HAD DON HAia liXH AND HALL S rooms, kitchenette, bath, hdw. floors, pri vate balconies, $35 up. Mar hall 1160. THE STANFIELD Modem 2-room apt., light heat phone dean. cool. cozy. $23. Mam 7892. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 REASONABLE RENT i Eight 2 and 3-room apartments aU newly re finish ad. Each contains private bathroom, laundry tray, gas range, gas - water heater. linoleum ' on floor. Walking distanc and con venient to Hawthorne car. Open for Inspec tion Sunday 2 to 6. 335 E. 6th at. corner Milt. ' . $70 WAGONER APARTMENTS $70 715 WATNE ST., NEAB KING Her. is the cheaoest and beat apartment; li larse. light outside rooms, all on on floor; close in and still; fine residence district; heat and water. Adults only. : ' SMITH-WAGON ER CO., STOUxv atAUtv. The Artierican Modem 4 and 6 room apartments. 21st and Johnson. Broadway 3360. IONIAN COURT. 18TH AND COUCH 4 rm. modem front comer apt, 1 blk. off Wash, st: .Adnita Bdwy. 2761. MODEKN 8 : room apt, ivory woodwork. breakfast nook. so x nasn. St., cor. 83d. '. . ARBOR COURT 14TH AND COLUMBIA Beautiful 3-room apartment aeasoname. Adults. References. THE WEIST. 69 N. 23D. ; Finest 9 room and -3 bath apartment in tie cHv. ! "- WELLINGTON COURT APTS. (-room apt. good, condition: oajy a dioccs irom Wash ington at; rent $4Q. ' Broadway 1245. HANTHORN APARTMENTS Front 3-room nnfnrnished apt Close . to business center. 251 12th. TWO and four room suites $10 sad $22 per no. Atwatey 1457. 5-KOOM modem apartment $35. 2582. I CaU, Main rTjmFURMSHED i 309 3 BOOMS 2-, includinc light, water, phoue; clean. 740 Minnesota ave. Walnut 6554. 4-BOM flat, furnished, $18 per month; also 2- rooms, furnished for housekepinf. : 682 E. Taylor. IX) CR rooms and bath upstairs, partly fur nished, hot and cold water and electric aighja included. $20 a aaonth. 833 MaUory ave- -1" . 3 BOOM nicely furnished flat alt outside rooms, near Broadway and Williams ave., east: aide.' 329 Wheeler st NEWLY finished is ivory, good location 4 rms., $35 and $45, adulta. For key caH 290 Fargo, near Williams ave. East 8395. 4 BOOMS, hi block adults; $30 month. Williams , avezw car; 262 Psge street "SICKLY furnished 5 room modem Cat, 230 i Alberta near Jefferson high. ; 8 BOOM apt; large light room. No children- 402 Park at Pohne, bath. 4 OB 2-room suite, $20 and $22; 1 $10 per r'' month, CaH Atwater 1457. MODERN 3 room flats, upper and tower, nicely furnished, dose tn. $80. 550' Mill at LIGHT, clean, nicely furnished 3-room flat porch, private entrance. 104 E. 18th,' $5' BOOM lower flat ia good condition, , 54T t 6th at, west side; piano. ' Tabor 6963. FIVE rooms, private bath, phone,, water asd garbage. $304 East 7T37. mornings 1 15 2 ROOMS, famished, bath, electricity and gaa Automatic 533-16. : 1 FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 MODERN 5-rm. lower flat xmfurnished, vacant - -Aug.: 20th-, desirahle locstion. latjuire 17 1 JE. Main st. Tabor (860. ;: ir -- -.4 : r-- :--- FOR RENT FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 28TH AND EAST STARK STS. , . Attractiv 4-room Oaf -built-in ' buffet, dis appearing bed. gas range, gas water beater. hjMMemm farnice, rem $35. 4 GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 100T Teon hldg. ! - - MOUNT TABOR , Flat fnr rent newly varnished and -tinted; 5 large rooma., E Morriaca aad 69th at CaH Tabor 1727. ' " : - 5-ROOM modem flat 606 Madison st, "ue piace and furnace, gas rang and hot water heater, $40. Metager-Parkor Company. 265 Oak st ' ' ' MODERN 6 -room flat, 839 East Ross st. newly tinted. $30. Metager-Parker ; Coxot pany 265 Oak st. ' " . - ' UPPER FLAT. 4- rooms. 3 naiumisbed, kilch- em fanuahad- batsu caraae. 1201 Eerby St.. teeoad block north of KUlingsworth. - 7 -ROOM upper flat. 6th and Harrison, gas. electricity, fireplace. k Herman Mueller. 426 lAtmbermen bidg. . , --- BOUJIUT -aAditiian. madam- A er 6 . upper flat, furnace, eleaa, fine district, elose in. 264 E. 2d at N.. corner Mnltaoman. GOOD modern 5-rooia flat,, furnace, firpiac, gas range, in a good district. 253 E. 17th st Call Walnut 2996. J. ' '- '' ' .! $85 6 BOOMS, elegant finish. Fin district Water beater, gaxaag and Water. iO K. 3 BOOMS and bath $25 a month, including water. 423 Montgomery at Fred S. Wit- nasa, SOS Panama bidg. BEAUTIFUL 6-rm. flat. hraw. floors. , aticUy modern, perfect eendition. adults. $50, m trnir 74 E. 29th. st N. East 6070. FOB BENT, two 4 room nniuxtuAhad flats. Call Esst 2040. Monday. - ' ' 5 ROOM flat for rent. 681 First, near Arthur. Telephone Auto. 521-51. j FOR RENT Unfurnished flat, 6 rooms. 1109 Hawthorn gv., $25 per month. 4-ROOM modern flat and sleeping porch, ga rage. Adulta. 886 Belmont. Bdwy. 2190. 4 ROOMS, modern, fireplace, etc, 330. R. J. McGuire. 545 Union. -East 5407. : 4 ROOM unfurnished flat; heat, water, . and garbage. ' 894 Fargo, near Union av. : FOUK.and. five room heated flat. West aide preferred. Main 4767. ' ; HOUSES FURNISHED 311 I HAVE 2 furnished modern bungalows for rent of, 3 rooms each. 1 has large rooms with laigs attic; also fireplace, $45, The other has small rooma with fireplace, $35. Both are clean. Have nice yards good neigh hood. Adults only. Call 22 E- 4 4 to. St. 2 blocks ncrth of Hawthorne ave. : : WE CAN rent your house and sell : your fur Hitur quick. CsHt A. J. Orieman. J. A. Wickman Co. , Realtors 801-04 Bd. of Trade. Bdwy. 6794. CLEAN dose in furnished house, 3 bedrooms and bath above, 3 rooms and hall below; rent reasonable to right party. ! Owner will be on premises Sunday, Aug. 13. 609 K Stark st between 15th and 16th. Phone East 9915. $15 PER MONTH For rent furnished, small shingled cabin on, hillside, walking distance west- side. - 1 large and 3 small rooms, electric lights and gas, permanent people with references only. See owner ww days, 812 Plstt bidg. FOB RENT, by owner. Sept 1, part of a beautifully furnished house, living r.. dining r., kitchen and bedroom. To quiet responsible couple, or not more than 3 adults. E-2S4. Journal. i $17.50 SMALL COTTAGE $17.50 3 rooms, bath and cellar, electric and gas. Good lot : ! SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH" FOR KENT 5-room enodera bungalow fur nished; will lease for 1 year to responsible tenant; near high school: adults only. 966 Vancouver ave. 6-ROOM house at 861 KUlingswqrth, Pied mont; piano, garage, near Jefferson high school; for the school year 860 per month. PARTLT furnished 6 room house . for rent; close In. $38. Celt evenings 8-8 East 8716. FOB RENT 8 room furnished house, laundry tray-. bath room, gas stove, electric lights. 210 Hall et ' FOR KENT Furnished or unfurnished 6 r. modern house; best furnace; reasonable to right party if lease. 1182 E. 17th st N. HOUSE for rant of 5 rooms and piano. 1123 ' Vernon1 ave. FIVE room house, all on oa floor. Completely furnished. 5509 38th ave. Auto. 635-28. FOR RENT Nice home, furnished, at 1384 Montana ave. FOB RENT Small house, partly furnished; $20. 6J Powell st Brooklyn car. 3-ROOM furnished, modem eottag. 2 blocks from car1; meals next door if desired; adulta only. Prion 14-J, Oak Grove. NEAT furnished 3 room house for rent Gas and ' electricity. $15. 1492 Minnesota sve. FOR RENT 6-room furnished side. Phone Atwater 647. house, west SMALL furnished house for rent; Walnut 8698. adults only. FURNISHED three room house with garage. Auto 641-61. 6-ROOM house. 326 822 E.. 9th st E. 9th., $26. inQUire 6-ROOM. well furnished, home -at 955 E. Clinton street Sellwood 8984, $60. 5-BOOM house Sunnyside $35; no children, references 1004 E. Main. FOR RENT 5 room furnished house. No. 55 E. 87th st Call Sell. 8159. MODEKN 5-room bungalow; 955 Vancouver ave. adulta only. 5 ROOM furnished nouse, with or without garage. Inquire st 412 Holladay ave. HOUSES 'UNFURNISHED 312 10 ROOM modem house, 596 Market st drive, 50. Fred S. Williams, 806 Panama bidg. WILL lease large new home in Irving ton dis trict to reliable party; rent $120 a month. Bdwy. 7308. " $20 MONTH 6-room furnish), on carlin. modern hotts (can 5824 83d at Wai- nut 8469. y B ROOM house $30 and S or 6-room flat $40: light, dean, fin district; doa in. 284 East 2d. st, N.. orner Mnitnoman ave. 1 ROOM unfurnished cottage. Want who wis oar for furnace. Bdwy. 4633. - 6S5 Kearney. YORK EXPRESS A TRANS. CO. Trunks, baggsge, furniture moving.; Office, 22d and Thunnan. Bdwy. 7688. - FOR BENT 5-room downstairs. Inquire, tight gas. house, 690 5th .st; 688 5th at Electric MOVING. $2 FEB HOUB AND UP Fireproof storage 15 days free. Lone Distance Hauling. ' Broadway 2445. WE MOVE furniture. 2 men, for $2 per hour. Long distance hauling, 80 days' free storage.: Main 6290.- - -. WKST. SIDE. 6-room house, good condition close in; walking distance.' 691 H Wash-; ington, 1 8th. MODERN 5 room house, sleeping porch and garage, paved st. fruit and berries. $40. 4920 33d ave. S B. t-PIANO MOVING $3, furnitnre $2.50 per Crown Transfer Co., East 6047. FURNITURE MOVING $2 PER HOUB. 2 MEN; PIANO $2 AND UP; LARGE 2 H TON TRUCK. EAST 604T. I GOOD 6 room bouse, hardwood floors, steam hi at fireplace, srsrage, 694 Overton -u MODEBJi 8 rooxa bouse, 5 bedrooms, ou corn ner. H block to school. Close in. 329 On ham ave. 5 BOOM house, 6 hlka. from carline. Fruity berriea. Bam for garage. $25 per month. 261 K. 59th and Hasmlo: ' 4 BOOM house, gas, not modern. No small boys. Inquire 660 Kerby st '; : ( THKEE and 5 rooms, clean asd welt fur-nfc-hed, garages. 854 4 -1st st : 5 BOOM house at 7306 Rochester at Call Ant 628-02, r 7-ROOM residence, 804 E. 80th st. en Wood stock carline, $30 month. Sellwood 0789 FOR BENT Linn too road, 4 garage, light Atwater 8846. VE MOVE your furniture, 6 room $10. Ex- - perienced men. Main BOD8 IBVINGTON home, large, modern, f nmiahed or onfurniafaecL K- 7911. 718 - Burnside. 7 r., S bed r.. furnace. fins-J place, wash trays, etc Good location. THREE room house and garage. 8 2d at Near Kendall station. $11. East 6537. : 6-ROOM house , for rent $20 month. 1234 Hawthorne ave. " i FOB BENT Bose dty bungalow, corner Bis-i kiyou and 51st Ante 820-13. i LARGE house, near car and acbool. dose in, with fruit Tabor 1067. - i ' h- 6-BOOM house, open Sunday; gas range, .Water heater. $80 E. 64th st Tabor 8970. $20 BENT and interest and $2000, I -rooan bouse yours; take Ford. Mam 4561.. - 6-KOOM semi-modern, -fine condition, lots. $20 month. Ant 629 2 S. 6-ROOM hoaae, completely furnished, - newly ; tinted,' dose in. 591 E. Ash st - S-KOOM unfurnished bouse, 19 Buchtei ave., or E. 31st st East 6715. GOOD : 6-room bouse, , balh, furnace. Key 87 E.: 17th, mornings. - 'leet-i WALKING distance, modern 8-room house, east side, desirable district 834 Halsey.' TOUR diowe of 2 homes. Call Tabor 21 o. SEVEN room modem -bungalow, fieii., 2026. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 b-KOOMS. 11(19 I'ine at ........ 6-rooao. 672 Sixth at . ....p;.. 3 -rooms, 344 No. 19th. st , . 9-rooms 601 Mountain Wv. ....... 1 -rooms. 750 East Salmon at ..... $7$ 25 f 15 86 SO a-roenu,' C4 t.. nth st. !. ..20 , ACETZGER PARKER COilPAST i. , : sXealtors, 269 Oak St. " Bdwy.' 6355 SPRINKLERED Wlkl30Ci - en trackage. I Star year goods, with us. Let as 4e year nsnsi and packing. ' : ' -i CLAT 8. M0BSS. VSC Bdwy. '3470. ' ' - 454 GMaan at HOUSE and acre for rent 5 room plastered house, plumbing. Tights and telephone, 1 acre, all in berriea and garden, on Aioerra st and X 8th. for rent or lea, or ov, respectireiy. from owner. 1121- Alberta st. NICE, clean, modern, 4 room upper' residence r flat large lot lawn, rosea, fruit. 826. Open today. 264 E. 45th at. 100 It. north of Haw. thorn ave. Tabor 8224 or Main 6091.' UNFURNISHED bouse,; flat or apta., 4, 5. 9 rooms, close in. West aide, by. xueaoay. 115 Colnmbia hldg. At Leave deecription. once. - i : . .' ' y FOB RENJT Sept. 1. 6 -room house, furnished, i inluding piano and garage. $46 -per month, within walking distance of - Jefferson high school; best ear service: adult.' -424 Wygant, 11 -RM. house. '3 nna fur. for ant rest unfur. ' 2 gaa stoves, rurnace, on carlm. yard, fruit and -flowers. 146 K. 26th. ' -; - NEW- 5. room bungsiow. fumao. fireplace, built-in bath wrth , shower; eombioaUon range. 661 E. lst at. N. i FOB LEASE 8 room house. $ lota, garage; rosea, : all kinds of fruit T walnut tree. WUl be on premises today. 841 Gomg at 6-ROOM modem ' residence, sleeping porch, ga- . t. . KA MAk , 6 s.4tn. 8th, Apt. 8. Boa City. Mrs. Shaver, 90 K. ELEGANT Isrg bungalow. E. 21 0th and Kaott st. : rent S0 : will be shown by appointment. Fred K. Williams. 6Q6 Panama Blag. MODEKN S room bouse; walking distanc; no small enudran. 63 East 7U st,, near Oak. f 6-KOOM bungalow near Peninsula school, new ptpeless furnace, at 84200. - Wslnnt -g988. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 7-HOOM strictly modern home on 7th and Kuqtt at; hot water neat ti. w. r. saw. floors, fireplace, all hard wood ""finish on in side; will lease $55 per month. . I McGEE DENNIS, !. "We sell the earth." , TTniim ave N. -'- Wslnut 6684. MUST sen by Monday my beautifully furnished 6-room apt, new mahogany and walnut, best Axminster, rugs, Hobart M. Cable piano, floor lamp, etc.: 2 rooms rented pay expense of spt Apt can be leased, rent reasonable. Apt 22. 295 12th st.. or eall Main 8216. 12 ROOM fumiiihed housekeeping rooms, good furniture, modem. Bent $30. $89- down, balance easy. Sea Mr. Williams, 227 i Washington street FOB BiLEr BeauUful oak furniture 'in 6 ' room bouse; for quick sale $225. and home for rent $30. 244 Blsndena st WM car." FIVE rocm flat for rent Beautiful furniture for sale. reasonaWe rent. West aide, walk ing distance. Call Main 8916. FOR SALE Furniture of 10 h. k. rooms, house for rent; ill health, sacrifice for cash. Main 8502. 605 Front st ! FURNITURE OF 9 ROOM FLAT, SELL OB TRADE? NICE HOME, WITH INCOME. NO DEALERS. MAIN 9325. 5 KOOMi house for rent and furniture lor. sale. Walnut 8378. ' ' MODERN flat 6 rooms, reasonable rent; furni ture for sale. Main 5653. - - -i 5 RM. MOD. bungalow for rent, furniture for sslel 193 Halsey, near Bdwy. bridge. FOB SALE! Fumitur of 5-room nous. house for rent 414 Harrison st 5 ROOM! bouse and garage; furniture (pr sale. 6227 68th st S. E, STORES AND HALLS 314 A STORE on Union sve. with 4 living rooms is resr for $35 mouth; the building 1 also for sale. : I . .. McGEK At U?aia. We aU the earth." 969 Union ave. N. Walnut 6664. i k-iuti ktlti.OING (Corner building store and 20 rooms, west side. 100 ner mo.: 6 yearn lease; pnvuasw 7 . , , , w aiiiieranu. i DUying or exienwuix -- 165 H 4th t. Main 5275. - STOKE, suitable for barber, shoemaker, lunch room, near nasebau para aaa rail Broadway 6697. ' ' ' ' un-r.D-ct ... ah at DHWStB 2d o i v, i . i. . T. , . and SO: excellent location. " m's. a43--Aider st. STOKE room, east side, lor rent, cneap. - a aire I 204 Atoms- .. - "r. vuu...v-. Phone Walnut 1668. ' " LIGHT airy room on 2d floor at4 3 14 E 3d st Suitable ror ngut aPiuiw"- w rent. East. 8768. STORE fixtures and flat Whitwood Court Walnut 6183. HALL for rent for dancing teacher Tie 13th st qwy. 2POQ.- v rnn E1T Union .avenue Store, ti. J. Ate" Guire.' 640 union, x-ast ovvi.-. FOR desirable space In tueprooi wsrabeuae phona Broadway ails. OFFICES DESK ROOM 315 ONE to S room furnished oflice, up-to-date in all its furn innings, tilil jov 9 to 1Z a. m. week days. Telephone Bdwy. 7901. '-' ' tntrra OTt nFFTfTES - CORNER SECOND AND ALDEB STREETS PUBLIC MAK.a.lkf oiAuua RMITH-W AGON ER CO.. BTOCK EXCH. FREE phone, desk room, $5 month. 283 "4 Yamhill St.. room 17. SUMMER RESORTS 316 . c t iitr Tn rant a , roomed furnished ducdwu . . .. A . , uu .- cottage. witn oatn,, etecwcivr .t.r to mr week or will sail very reason- able. Terms. Frank Billington. 1501 Asenver av.. Portland. Or. -walnut i. BflftM anttaaa. from Aug. 15 : larg new tonthouces, completely furnished. For Par ticulars writ tOUU.n uajrara. svi" Oregon. I ' COTTAGE at Cannon ori month from Aug. Beach by the week 16. Miners, Bdwy, 0464. j ' ' ' rrw-t- hw.i,h himukMntai rooms at Sea- aide. $7 a -week. Write Mrs. H. Cohan, Seaside, 928 4th av. .' ! V1KH1TTAN BEACH New eottage right by ocean. Ala 1 room apartment Tabor 22o; FOR RENT Nye Beaeh cottage, Wttlnnt l37ft Phona TWIN ROCKS New 3-room furnished oot- r..a niaalv laeated. Walnut 4895. CANNON BEACH Newly equipped tents Xk 20, water. 'etc East- 48 a, SEASIDE Fourtoom furnished cottage, 12tl and Weed, 1668 E. 11th at N. Wdln 178$ ROCKAWAY Furnished cottage for - rent. near oceaa. rnone a.ass vj. COTTAGE for rent last 2 week in Aug. and tent nouses. - au av FOR tents cottages, beach camps, write or nhonei Classic Bidge House. Nehalem, OrT COTTAGE for rent at Salt Air. Tsbor 1527, TO LEASE- WAREHOUSES 317 " AtLsT HAVE AT -ONCE t We have dlent wanting 50x109 or more of warehouse space to west aid warehous district with railroad siding, not to exceed 2 Vie pes square foot - t - -s ' WILLIAM F. MEBBY f. Soa Title sY, Trust Bidg. BUSINESS PROPERTY 318 Long Lease -East Broadway liunr, vrair laearioB bv tak ing a' long tim ground leas. We efier elioic location, close- to Broadway bridge, at attractive figur.- InveatUate. WILLIAM P. MXRBT, . 802 Title as Trust Bidg,' BL'NGALOW tent in nice yard with bouse Privileges. 742 Lovejoy. - Maia 276Q. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 WANTED Boom and board, private gang, East axle, elderly lady and eon. U-7 2, Jour nal. ' ' '" :' - FLATS 359 AN unfurnished flat or bouse, 6 to ft rooms, by Sept 1, on west. sid. No children. Phou Auto. 525-20. , WANTED 4 or 5 - room Cat, aaf urnished. doc in. Giv prio and lodtioo. . G-18S, Jeamali ' : WANTED 8 room snite, 8 . adulta, evrry ttung ! f UTnuihed. R 14 6, Journal. HOUSES 361 t'lVE room unfurnished bungalow m. Rose City 1'srk by. Sept 10. BefMeaeea. Tabor B004. ' CLEAN, modern untarnished 6 room bungs low with garage. Beat not to sxceed 940. East 8904. - . ..v WANTED TO RENT HOUSES 361 .WANTED .TO KENT . s ' Modern t story bouse. iiut bav 4 or 5 Deuroecaa, West uda er m trvtnjrna or - relhnrst. Not over $60. Call Udwy. or iMlwy. 6011. LIST jour houses and iiau with ua for rent w bar many dairy calls for them la all part of the etty. f ., fAKRlSH, WlTnXXS; CO,. - ' ; 232 Stark st T - Main 1644.' FURNISHED snodem borne from peopl wtu er prretate ear el home more tha money ' poruuderation. , - W alaut 7267 or addrvwa R- 817, Journal. ' ' . ' ' WANTED TO rent a B or 4 r. house; fur aished .. ox naxtlv I fumlshedf must fce m- aonahle; good distrt-t W-139, Journal. PABTLT furnished r 4 or 5 room house, rage. Sept i; doa in; -ooupte. W-145, Journal. -' -. ( - i: WANTED by responsible iarty. 3 or 4 rwuu, snodem house. B adulta, on or before Sept 1st- K-47. JsunuL- . ' - ' ' ' REAtj ESTATE--FOR SALE BEACH PROPERTY 400 OCEAN PARK. Noifth Reach. 3:room cottage', new.' 60x100 lot,i85Q: snap. Kelt 2740. - ; i -APARTMENTS AND FLAT. PROPERTY ' 403 4 -FLAT building vaeU located ea casi aide: ao repeir neededt income eaa. be sncreascd to: net 15 ( .; ( - '- - , HENBT TJ, GpDDABD, REALTOR ' 243 Stark St. t Bdwy. 78$ l.1 LOTS ' 403 I. '2001400 ' J - ' , ; - $1400--PAKKROSB " - -. - - t4 DOWIJ $14 MONTH" Cleared, ready fur plowing, rich silt sand, suitable for celery, enioas. berriea, truck gard- ' ening. This is wonoertut garden land: should more than, make reur payments, oo buildiitg restrictions.' low couaty tax. no street Improve ments to pay,' outside city limits, north of Sandy blvd, and carin. grade and high school, only a few tracts-left fa this new addition. Parkroae branch ofSc open every day. Take BnT ik"IJjkro ev' " n t --v i. U HARTMAN COM PANT. - .' ? 8 Chamber of Cera. Bidg. '-;' ' 1 . J Broaeway 6084. ' fl2S0 , AND 2n 1 S ACRE! AND HALT ' . PARK ROSE - $14 down. $14 month, interest IncludeO at o Per cent, a few (trees, ' balance all . cleared, rich garden land, great for berries and garden, good view, north f Bandy blvd. and varline. Parkroa branch. Orifice open every day. Take Rose City Park-Parfcroee oar to end ef line. Tabor 2904. - . , . t :, J. L. HARTMAN COM PA NT, . . e vnaroner I W Commerce bklg. ,. a - iiway-6034. , - 4N ST. J6h.NS LINBi ' XI 00, on Ainsworth and is WAT OUT Corner let 80s Omaha ave,, pric $328. $1M0 cash, $10 monthly, A wonderful value, Se Dwyeer with -. ,: - 1 i ; ; .- . : . T82 CWam. of tVm. IjOW "TAXVS - " all city won veniencbs ? Located just outside city limits in Clackamas Co., handy to car, Te fare to First and Alder sta. We .are exclusive: agents for th few - remaining- lota sndl are authorized ta elona tliem out at: reducerl nrioes at terms of only. : 10 down, balanc 2 per month. Prices . from $800 up. finest of garden soil:- . a.1 l i bit, U)tt A LU, KKALTOKS. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bklg. - PR 25 . ' , - ,: . Two - blocks Tabor Car. : Terms Month- . On XL ' Alder. 10 ft- aasl nf RSJi - ml facing north, - Also ! lot en E, Stark, 256 ft. east of 84 th. f soma north. 'Sewer and pared ats. Price $525. terms. Tabor 5196. - , lOOxlioo CORNER V, . On Macadam at: hewer all paid. $100 cash. $15 monthly. Prtoa $900. er will divide. 62d at aad 86th atre.; 2 blocka to Mt Scott JonnsonLPodson Co. 688 N. W. Bank atldg. - Alain 8787. Half Acre $675 T Clos in on 'Powell Valley road, no dty taxes. Bnll Rnn water, halt cleared, In-airt ! easy terms;) entire acr only'gizno: big snap. J. G. Bainey, 517 Abingtcu bidg. , Bdwy. 6269. ''I'' OfEBLOOK Overlooking the Wilamett River - Restricted : district assurina- rood homes. fine streets, sidewalks and curb. We are . exclusive agents far th remaining lots and : can give attracttve; prices and terms. Priced' from $800 up,;, f i BITTER,a.6W!E CO, REALTORS. .' 201-2-8-5-7 tf"rd of Trade Bidg. $00t $5 CASH " " y $10 monthly; 2( blocks to car; se war a6l sfdswalka included to price. J& Sixth, near Portland boulevard, j , f ' JohnsotlDods6n Co : 088 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main S787. v Builders BOUSES COafPLETiED PROMPTLY Our construction and workmanship together -with liberal financial assistance will pleas you. Soldier bonus accepted. REIMEK9 A JFOLIVKTTE. SH. Z64. " ' '. $650r $50 CASH - Wast aide comet, 85x100; good for small -business; on car And paved street; atdewaiki . aad ewer all paid. .. ,: .."-:- --L, ;. - Johnson-Dodson Co. 688 H. W. Bank Bidg. - Main 8787. i0 DOWN;, $6 FEB MONTH Buy this fin 60x1 4a ft lot, located fun outsids dty Bmits, !7o car far) 20 ruinnte sr vio. finest of garden aoil, A chane to get way from the reat and apply on . your own home. Total Prie only $300. . BITTER, LOWE $ CO, REALTORS,' . ' 201-2-8-6-7 EBoard of Trade Bidg. $6ou -$iod cash $16 iiON-fUH Corner K. 8 Ota and MaU; 89tb paved; sidewalks, curbs aad aewcr all paid; 2 blocks to ear. Baal valu. ' -.j, ,T. ' :;.. JohnsoriDodson Co. 688 N. W. Bank Hldg. . Mala $787. ".' JoKING IaLAMKUA $100 On car lW, In festricted district . $600 to 1600 cash, f 10 t monthly. See today from branch office, 16thj and Shaver. Auto, 28-4. JohnsonDddson Co, ' 688 N. W. Bank Bidg. . Main $787. TO THOSE WHO WOULD BUILD : ; W personally work oa your honsa. It give you aa estimate. Irwin V Son, Walnut 2998. - j " 1 1 1 tiott $50 CASH : $io monthly! sidewalks, curbs gad aewar In i ad paid; oa Wygant aear JJenver j . , -n JohnsoiiDodon Co 688 N. W. Bank bidg. : ' Main 8767. CORNER LOT 50x100, upper and lower J.- room flat; furnace, fireplace, sleeping pow tfl floor in bath, double garage; - blocks -from Broadway bridge. Nets Io Quire 265 McMlIlen st ' Phone East 4594. " $$50 ROSE CITY DISTBIC7 FttH ais.kt $ blocks from Bendy, nice location, pretty shd tree, cement walk and aurb; sy terms. See Royal, 1835 Sandy Hivu. ! - r 1700 HALF CASH 160x100. 61st And Divisioa sta. fin build ing site.. Tabor I 0797.. 2422 East 61H tst Owiirs FOR SALE Northeast corner Greenwood and Gladstone ave., at very low price, call rt 275 Yamhill at. ar pbon Main $194. C. E Kavambekaa. J 1 ' $260 63D STi BOSS CITT DISTRICT Kiee 60x100. aaaossmeaia paid: sacrifice for Jess than half cost Tabor 4808. HAVE several -view lots oa Portland HatghU, Would .build resideno to suit boysr. Easy term. Atwater 8428. ' - $10 DOWN, $10 (monthly, a interest for 2 years, lOOxlOOj outside dty car. City water. East ; 2 87; ; FOR SALE Two-kH or six Iota, nous awl , garag; all kinds ef fruit easy terma L L. Burnett. 1016 Maryland are. ; .- - 76x100 Small bans, fruit and berria. just. euund eity limit,-oa paved East Stark t, 6750 cash. Mrs, $ haver, 90 East 8th st -FOB SALfel Fine, lot 80x100, Capitoi Hill. Call 2158 WiUemette blvd. 2. GOOD lota aear Beed eouege, cheap. John Pain, wot apaionna; xtiag. LOTS, Alberta cast, $650. B..J, McGuue. 845 Union. East 407. "'''' ARLINGTON . HEIGHTS bargsin, $1800 lot for $1000. 60x75.ABdwy. 6390. . LOT in Roe City.! dear, cheap for cash, CaU :',U30 E. 17th -Nt .,'" I---V-- - " f$00 BCYsAoraet lot, near car; xeeptionl bargain. Atwater 0826, "' $250-63n Si!. ROSE CITY DIST. . - Nice 66x100. asta.Cjna,d. Tabor 6539. , : 60x100, 23D ST.. Bear Yerk.' PortlanaT'F. C HnsnrV 7 1 1 Dryad. Wash. IBVINGTON By pwuer, 50x100 eoi Vii lith at SlAAOou. Aiaia $13$. corner, V ICE (3 iMoont $5 . rt" - r