TIID CHEGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST - 6, 1922. i It" JAPANESE L1HER TO CARRY COPPER FROM THIS PORT Mandasan Maru Also Loading : 2,500,000 Feet Lumber for . Orient; Captain Likes City. --- With 290 tons of Montana copper in her hold and a larg-e shipment of lum ber, the Japanese steamship Mandasan Maru will clear the middle of the week for Japan. She is a regular trader be tween Portland and the Orient. i Captain T. Ito of the Madasan Mara la one of the most popular of the Nipponese masters calling at this port. The steamer Is owned by Mitsui A Co. and calls here regularly every three months. The captain says he is always elad to arrive in the "City of Roses and rain: He does not specify whether he Is praising the port or Jok ing about the climate. The Mandasan is shifting to the St. Johns Lumber company's mill dock to day. She is loading 2,500,000 feet Of lumber for Osaka, Negoya, Kobe and Yokohama. The steamer will complete loading August 12 at the Inman-Poul- een Lumber company. W. J. Jones A Son are loading the steamer. The Mandasan is the first of the Ori ental steamers to be affected by the -railroad strike. She loaded 200 tons of spelter at the Southern Pacific dock which was originally destined to be loaded at Seattle. On account of the delay In getting this cargo from Mon tana, the copper had to be diverted to Portland in order not to delay the steamer at Seattle. This is the first spelter to be loaded at Portland for the Orient In a number of years. OKAYS HARBOR LUMBER CARGOES 3VEAB BECOBS Aberdeen, Wash., Aug. 6. With 36 ships taking out 45,420.000 feet of lum ber during July, Grays Harbor ship- ments of forest products last month passed the total figure for 1921. which was 406,000,000 feet The total ship ments so far this year amount to 1424 965,83? feet or 60,000.000 feet less than the record yearly shipment of 1912, when 486,000,000 feet were taken out of the harbor. Five months are yet avail able to harbor shipping men for estab lishing a new record in lumber export. Of the 86 .ships clearing from the harbor during July, 24 went to CaH- fornia ports with 24,000,000 feet, 3 for the Orient with 8,725,445 feet. 7 vessels laden with 15,827.291 feet cleared for ' the East coast, and 2 went to Hawaii with 1.827.291 feet. The big freighters calling here during the month brought the total of steel ships of 2500 tons and over, calling during the year, to 81. BEAX OF PTJRSERS DOESTT KSOW JUST WHAT TO DO Harry Blanchard, dean of pursers, now on the steamer .Undine, is the owner of an automobile. What he wall do with it and how he got it are two different stories. The waterfront is Interested in how he got it. There are bluebellies" enough along the beach that will swear that there was some mistake, but Harry owns the machine. The American Legion sold a ma chine at Seaside on Thursday. Blan chard bought a share and was elected to take possession of the car by the j , other shareholders. When the Undine landed In Astoria Friday he was be- sieged : 'Give you 600." ! "Give you T700." ' And with some two bit Joids the pur " , ser was struck dumb. He is an old " timer and has barnacles on him but .when confronted with a clean bill of ' lading for a perfectly good machine i Harry summoned assistance. I3TSTBTTMEITT IS HOLD WEIGHS SHIP A"D CARGO Paris, Aug. 6. A ship with its full cargo, passengers and crew, may be weighed like a carload of merchan dise and its weight recorded within a - pound, thanks to a new invention recently brought to the attention of ' the French naval authorities. In- - stead of the boat being placed upon ..the scales, the recording instrument is placed on board in the hold of the boat. It consists of small copper Scales . fixed to an iron base. The instrument records very precisely the weight of freight placed on board, and as soon as anyone eieps aboard, it registers .the additional weight. The remarka , ble feature of the new scales la that the weight may be recorded at What ever angle the boat may list, due to displacement of cargo or rough seas, all previous experiments of this kind having; failed to give satisfactory re- - suits unless the ship was perfectly vi upright. LIKES PEE SIDE NT MADIS05 ; 7 SAILS WJTH FULL CARGO Seattle. Aug. 5. The Admiral liner . President Madison, Captain Thomas Quinn commanding cleared this morn- : ing for Oriental ports via Victoria, B. C, with every available inch of cargo pace occupied and a representative passenger list of nearly one hundred In. the cabin and double teat number -; in the steerage. The cargo, which is of 400 tons measurement and 8040 tons weight. Is composed of miscellaneous , shipments which Include lumber, steel canned goods, flour, cotton and a num- ; ber of automobiles. .The passenger list includes a num ber of American and British business men, missionaries, tourists and teach " era, the latter including Miss Julia Fisher, Seattle, daughter of O. . - Fiaber, prominent miller. The vessel ' also carries upwards of 5000 sacks of rnaiL .1 LABOR LEADER EXPLAINS CAUSE OF SHOPMEN STRIKE ' Pasco, Wean.. Aug. 5. At ; a mass meeting held in the Institutional church Thursday evening, John Williams. . general chairman of the carmen and vice president of the Federated Shop Crafts, spoke of the causes that led p to the present railroad strike and of the conditions now existlse. in an enaeavor enust tne Bympainy ot i the general public for the T strikers, ' putting forth the facts as they are 1 seen to exist by the striking shop- men. tany una Die to gain admission. stood. outside windows to listen. FORTLASD-THE DALLES RITER . SERVICE TO START 31 ON DA V EaUy service on the riverl between ' Portland and The Dalles will begin Monday morning when the! steamer I raid a, of the Harklns Transportation company, will go into service In con neetlem with the eteaxner Madeline. The Iralda will go out in command of Capt. Lyle Hosf ord and will sail from Portland Monday, Wednesday and Fri day. The Iadelme leaves oni alternate days. . - ., . NF.W JSOaT TO BE JTAHEb ; FOR SUFT F. A. WARJOER Marahfleld. Aug. 6. It is anaoanced hy the Coos Bay Lumber company that ; the new vessel Cotton Plant, purchased from the shipping board and recently brought; from the Atlantic coast, will 4 named the F. A. Warner tn honor : . TLDES AT ASTORIA, MOJTBAT High Water I Low Water :w 0 :15 a. m. 8.8 feet i 7 :0 a. m- f. feet l:l&pt m. 7.8 feet 3:15 p. m. 2-0 feet r Seaside High water rata mla txtea earlier. : " Seaside Low water 21 mlnutee earlier. ' of the general superintendent and the services he has rendered the company. EMPLOYES HATE TBIF. Montgomery ;Ward A Co.. called a marine excursion Saturday and closed shop. All employee were Invited to an excursion and basket picnic on the Blue Bird. The barge sailed from Alder street dock at :0 a. is., for Rock Island. Dancing, games and a general outing was enjoyed by all. CHEESE PLA3TT FLAJTirEB Montesano. Wash., Aug. 5- Flans for a cheese factory at Ocosta were -advanced with naming of the following committee to sign up dairymen: : John Grossman. Ocosta ; D. A. Watson, Markham; L. W. Moore, Westport. News of the Port Arrivals August 5 Admiral Goodrich, Am mean steamer. :4S a. to., front 8m Francisco via Eureka sad Coos Bay. passengers sad geeerel. Boobyalla. American motors hi p. 2 :1a a nV, from Baa Francisco, generaL Solano. American itnnw, 1 a. m., from San Pedro, ballast. Wart O'Rowa. American itauaw, 4:48 p. m., from San Francisco, carlo In transit n.mii lima - Tiflabnet Lmtrh steamer. 6 p. m.. for Batavia and way porta, lumber end general, Tho. Crowley, American stsamer, 8 p. m., for San Pedro, lumber. Daisy Mathews, American steamer, 7 p. an-, tor San Pedro, lumber, from 8t Helens. Wahksena. American steamer. 6 p. m.. for San Francisoo, lumber, from St. Helena. Astoria, Auf. 5. Sailed at 10 test night Japanese iteamer Ibeikiaxtt Ham. for Shanghai and way porta. Left BP at 11:30 last night steamer Solano. Left up at 1 a. m. ataamar West O'Rowa. Sailed at 2 a. 'm ateamar . H. Merer, for San Francisco. Sailed at 4 a. m. Dutch steamer Simaloer, far San Francisco. Arrired at 10 :3S a. m. steamer Steel Voy ager, from New Tort Tia Saa Francisco. Ar rived at 1 p. m. (turner Mobile Civ, from Facet Sound. Sailed at 5 p. m. British steamer Mongolian Prince, tor London. Km n Francisco. Ana. B. Arrived at 8 a. m. steamer Georsina Bolph, from Portland, for San Pedro. Arrired at 8 a. m. British motorsbip Loch Katrine, from Rotterdam. for Pucet Sound and Portland. RrtLon Ana 4. Arrired steamer Win. McKenney, from Portland and way porta, tor New Tort. Moji, Anc. 2. Sailed steamer Bearport, for Pacifio Coast porta. Vessei to Irrtft Data. Flattie Locks nbaeh. . . Mobile .Anc. e Willamette . v aa fTia . . . adl o Hose City Admiral Farracut . . Yngaren Henry S. Grore . . Romulus West Jearap . . . . Arizona a Mobile City Santa Rosa , Loch Katrine F. J. Lucs.ec bach. , Yncaren Wabash , Birmingham City . . . San Fran . . . Ana . . .S. Diego-way . . Aug. . 7 ...San Fran. ....Aug. 6 ...Baltimore ....An. 8 . . . Tacoma Ana. T ...Seattle ......Auc. 7 i.. Mew Xork ....Auc . . . Seattle Auc t ...Baltimore ....Auc 8 ...Hull .... Ant. 9 . . . New York. Aug.. 9 , ...San Fran. . ..Aac. 4 ...New Tore. ...Auc 10 . . . "few Orleans. .Ana 10 Vessels te Depart Veneels For Daet. Admiral Goodrich . Hannawa Annette Bolph . . . Deled Tjileboet ....... Mandasan Mara . . Units Romulus ....... Rose City F. J. Luckenbach. . Santa Rosa Mobile City Yncaren S. S.Way . ..Auc e ..Orient Auc 7 .8. F.-Pedro ...Auc T ..New York.. ...Auc T . Tapan Aug. 8 . Orient Auc 8 .Montreal ......Aus 8 .West Coast ...Auc 9 .Saa Fran ...Auc . .New York . . .Auc v.New Tore.. ...Auc 10 .New York ...Aac 13 ..Europe Aug. 12 In Port Berth. St. Helena Rainier Terminal No. 2 St. Helens , Drydock Terminal No. 4 O-W. Dock S.1P. Dock Weetport ....... iBmas-Ptmlxen ....... Tonaue Point Annette Rolph . . . A 7ft ha Mara . . . Admiral Ooodrieh Daisy Mathews . . Def iauce ....... Hannawa Koranten Mandasan Maru . Tlio. Crowley . . Tjilboet Trinidad fnita Tonrue Point Wabkeena Weetport VVapama St Helena Deioo wesiporr Orleans Westport Boobyalla ffK? Steel Ranawr .Columbia City . . . Clark-WUaon .Terminal No. 1 Astoria Solano West OTLowa Steel Toyacer O-W. R. 5T. CO. AND SHIP COMPANY WANT NEW RATES Washington. Aug. 6. (WASHING TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL) The O-W. R. & N. Co. and the San Francisco & Portland Steamship com pany have filed an argument with the interstate commerce commission in support of their ' fourth section" appli cation for permission to establish class and commodity rates via water line from San Francisco to Portland and by rail from Portland to Tacoma and Se attle to meet the rates of other steam ship lines between San Francisco and Puget Sound which are all-water lines and therefore not subject to regula tion by the commission. ' The applicants say they desire to meet the all-water rates, which will involve little additional expense, ap plying higher rates at intermediate points between Portland and the Sound cities. 'Present rates. It is explained. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 25 SlttgO Klre-room semi-buasalow, cood eon ditktn. will escbaace for small aereaa-e, imBrored. doe to oar; will seen mo to $800. $3800 B room, ctrtetty modem bnncalow, 2 lota; wiil ezchanc for small Improred acreace eloae in. near car. EDWIN" G. WILSON, Realtor. 5621 Woodstock are. 1K SALS OK TKAJLUC. 1-toa Deaby trnok. some terms,, rest trade; bent car; 1 hcht team horsea, wmcon aad aameaa; wQl take trade of anything I can n&e. X 1. Box 08A. Gates and Foster road, sear IWlroao station. Pbono Tabor 81ST. Sunday. AN EXPOSITION prise piano (1916) Francisco: oween acred back Baat aad hare no further use for it. stake offer. Call Resale Dept., 8d floor Eflers Maaae bidg. PIANO MOVING, ao mart, no trouMe; our experts lnsaro aatiafaetion. Prire S2. 50 tor first sons. Phone er eau Eiiers Delirary Dept.. Broadway 5923 Specials No. 1 N. E. 100x100 corner. Clackamas and Crosby Sts., between Broadway and Steel Bridjres. Ex cellent location for Bak ery, Laundry, Garage or Flats. Price only $3500. A n exceptional boy. Mortgage o n property formerly was $6000. No. 2 Ninth St, 60x100 ft. lot, near terminal yards. Can be purchased for less than $13,000. No. 3 S. W. Corner, 50x100, Ninth and Flanders. Trackage a most excel lent bay at $21,000. - Inside Property Dealers Realtors 12th Floor - - Yeon Bldff.l are subnormal by ' combination of le cals. reflecting water eompetltiorvhe applicants' claee rates range from IL40 per , hundred down to It eents. while the; Factna Steamship company maintains rate ranging between 80 and M cents, with a like difference In commodity rates. As an example, sugar mores under , eeramodltr rates at 45 eente leas than carload try ell water line, and at 7 cents by the O-W. rail and water line. It le explained that the applicants do not wish to establish lower leee-than-carload rates of 45 cents or less than 2S cents in carloads, and they are not asking' lower rates front San Fran cisco to Tacoma and Seattle than they are willing te apply from Portland to the Puget Sound cities, or lower rates from Puget Sound to San Francisco than they will apply between Portland and San. Francisco, the application cowering Only the distance between Portland and Tacoma or Seattle. NEW TODAY BO Albina Industrial Sites Sight in the Heart ef the City, on Larraeee Street, Hear the Broadway Bridge. Trackage, Sidewalks Sewers, Water Paved Streets LOTS Mx 111 977C FEET & J lots Mxii (toonn FEET WassUU Acreage tee te 48e Per Severe Foot Terms te Salt BUILDING ASSISTANCE rnnstrated Folder Upon Application Portland Realty & Trust Co. OWNERS tie Railway Exchange B sliding PHONE BD TTT. 1I ESTABLISHED 1892 On Tuesday Next AT THE BAKER ATJCTIOH HOTJSE We shall sell the furnishings from two private homes, including Upright Pi ano, Rugs, etc. If In need of up-to-date goods don't fail to attend this auc tion. Following is a partial list of what we will have to offer you: Upright Piano, Three Piece Sun Room Suite, in Ivory Rstten as fol lows: Davenport, Rocker and chair, also separate Rockers and Chairs in Frosted Brown finish. Overstuffed Da venports. Mahogany Duofold and Mat tress, Large Plate Mirror, Sectional Bookcases, Fumed Oak Library Tables. Chenille, Brussels and Axmlnster Rugs, Stair Carpet, Small Ruga, Mahogany Parlor Desk. Dining Room Furniture in Jacobean and Golden Oak finishes. f 1 4nn Tnvt.. rT'Halr TCllffAt ami China Cabinet, oak Hall Mirror, Drop TT&d Sewlnr Machine, very Pretty Walnut Bedroom Suite, via. : Bow foot Bed, Vanity and Chiffonier. Twin Ivory Beds, full slse beds in various finishes, all complete with Best Steel Springs, Silk Floss and Felt Mat tresses. Pillows, Dressers and Dressing Tables In Mahogany and Ivory. Thor Electric washing aaacmne in gooa or der. Gas Ranges. Utensils. Hose and many other lots. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE Tou are Invited to call tomorrow and J look over tne run list or gooas to do sold at the auction, you win una inem well worthy of your attention. auction oar tttesbat next at II A. JK. On Thursday Next WE SHALL HATE ANOTHER NICE CLEAN LOT OF HOME FURNISH INGS TO SELL. SALE AT 1 A. J. WE BUT HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB CASH OR WILL SELL FOR TOU ON COMMISSION AT TOUR HOME IF CONVENIENT, OR TOU MAT HAVE THE USE OF OUR CKKTxtALlr LOCATED AUCTION ROOMS. IF TOU REALLY WANT TO SELL, CALL MAIN M3S. ; RETAIL DEPT. In this department we sell New Goods at all times. You will find our stock up-to-date and priced right as we sell for Cash only. W. C. BAKER aad W. H. DEAN Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers Pythian Building Yamhill and West Park Streets Auction Sale AT WILSON'S 169-171 Second Street Near Morrison St. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRI Ti A V t 1ft a m. For HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, BEDDING, DISHES, STEEL and GAS RANGES, Bte. Don't fail to attend oar auctions. Ton wilt And enr SALESROOMS FULL of good, useful HOUSEFURNISHLNGS to be sold for what they will bring. Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! Our Private Sale f Departments, Offer bearers e the better claee of sroods en opportunity to eome In at their convenience and snake selections from one of the largest stocks in the city? All HIGH CLASS, UP TO DATE GOODS, such aa.OVERSTUFFBD and CANE PANEL IITIK A,-BOOK SUITES. Dark mahogany and Walnut Period mS IS SUITES. Wleae FUR. HITURIU AH kinds of BEDROOM FURNISHINGS, BOM.8IIB BUOS. Large assortment of STEEL and GAS diIri-a Etc- Etc . Don't buy Tin til you have seen our line. : We know we can save you money. "Wilson's Auction House We Fay Too Cash for gtJaed Furniture. Police in Drive on t Traffic Violators TrafXfe violators numbering 188 were haled into municipal court last week by members of Lieutenant Frank Krvin'e speed squad' la the course of the "public safety" campaign inaugur ated by police two weeks ago. In ad dition, over 200 motorists were warned but net taken to court. The speed squad is rigidly enforcing the ordinance regarding bright lights, cutting cor ners, and sigma la, matters which many motorists seem- to regard as , Incon sequential. NEW TODAY 50 2000HomesForSale SEE Frank L. McGuire TO BUT TOTJR HOME America's Largest Home Sellers. 2000 photographs of Homes For Sale are waiting for your Inspection In our new, enlarged Display Room. Every Home Has Been Personally Appraised 0 SALES3TE3T WITH AUTOS AT i xora SERVICE Some Unusually Attractive Home Values are offere din "The McGuire Column" in today's paper under the classification of Houses For Sale. Your Home Is Here SPLENDID INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES! APARTMENTS FOR SALE $110,000 WEST SIDE APARTMENT NOT LEASED Brick- apt, on corner, close in and completely furnished, con sisting of 19 3 and 10 2-room apta. Furniture and rugs in A-l condition, automatic elevator lines to each apt. This is a real buy and must be seen to be ap- Sreciated. $40,000 will handle, ross lnoome, $1600 per month. $65,000 NOT LEASED Brick apt. on corner on west side within walking distance, com pletely furnished. Has 37 two room apartments. Large, bright rooms. Kewanee heating' plant. This buy should be seen to be appreciated. $15,000 will handle. See this at once. $60,000 Brick apt, on corner, west side, 18 S, 4, 2 and 1 single. Gross in come $1000, all outside apart ments, private bathe, leased until March 1923. $25,000 will handle. $35,000 One of the most beautiful close in apartment buildings in the city of Portland. Has that homelike atmosphere you rarely if ever find. Ten apartments,, completely furnished throughout with finest of furniture, drapes, etc. bullt-ins.: rich old Ivory finish. Has two 2-room. one 3 room, five 4 -room and two 5-roont apartments. Pays $375 net per month after deducting all expenses. $10,000 will handle. APARTMENT LEASE .$5,500 Corner apt house, consisting of 11 3. 1, 2, and 3 single rooms, steam beat built ins. dressing rooms and leased until 1926. $2750 will handle. NOTE' WE SPECIALIZE IN APART MENTS AND LEASES. Sehsn. dld iHTettmeat Properties la AH - Farts ef the City ABINGTON BLDO. BDWT. 9171 KEW COLONIAL HOME : Cnr Sale a larsre bedrooms, beauti ful living room with Fun parlor, dinln? room, white enameled kitchen, break fast nook, cupboards, eewlng room, larce closets, one cedar. - Best plumb ing, hardwood floors. Everythingr up to date.-. Lr?re arrounds ri-lth fine view, river and city. Pbotte "Walaut 4367, or Walnut 1697. - " . 1 ' f " " x ft ,r ' 50 OFFICE ROOMS FORRElSm i: V in the JOURNAL BUILDING t CCFJiEA BROADWAY AKD . YAMHILL Suite of 3 rooms on third floor, east UghL Ideal for Dentist. SEE MR. HAMILTON SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING Hawthorne Estate Everyone, interested i n real estate knows about t h e recent activity b e tween Hawthorne Ave. and Belmont St., on the east side. We have made three sales within the last thirty days of the Haw thorne Estate holdings, and now offer you a whole block, bounded by East 9th, East 10th, East Yam hill and East Taylor Sts.. for $16,500, 20 per cent cash, balance in five equal annual installments at 6Vs interest: 732 Cham, of Commerce FLUFF RUGS Made from roar oM wora-eet are balf the pHee ef mow ruoa Send year race aad woolen cloths Mail Orders. Bead for Booklet ale Ruts etaara Olaened 1 9 NORTHWEST RUO OO. tart SB-SO ICS tart ttk St. MORTGAGE LOANS Business properties $. Bealdeaee loan low rates. Installment repay ments If desired. Loans promptly closed. A. H. BirreU-GUl Co. 21-t It Kort h western Bank. Bn 11 din f BUSINESS PERSONALS WEDDINGS VgrIvIrs W. G. SMITH CO.. Sll Morgan Bid. SPECIAL NOTICES 101 HELP US MENS OTTR CRIPPLED EFF1CEEXCT Ery day the library has ISO calls for readina matter tt cannot anpply. In erery department oar efficiency ia crippled, oar HVoiUiai'T for aerrice en fulfilled, We most bare more books. Wont yoa heh na. others, and yonr seif by eoing orer your rolnmes and airing as those yon caa spare. Truly yoa eoeld not do A more worta-while deed. Lea re the bucks at the Central library or at any of the branches. Thank youl THE LIBRA RT ASSOOIAllO!! BBATwtD BIDS will be reosired nntfl Friday. Ancnat 4. 11 a m.. for a stock of aportnsg goods and automobile accessories of the in rentoried raitne ef S2932.S4. All bids amst be accompanied by a certified check of 10 per cent of the amount bid. and the right ia reserved to reject any and all bids. Inrantory may be sees at $41 Pittoek block, and stock inspected by appointment. O. A. UOTE. $41 Pittoek Block, Portland. Oreg4n. BF.AT.rr BIDS will be racaired until Monday Aug. 7, 11 a at., for a stock of radio" and electrical gcWta and lixtarea of the tnreatoned raiue of $10 16. 17. We will also recaire sepa rate bids fee the .radio stock aad electneal goods and fix tares, tarantory of which may be seen at ear otfice and stock inspected by ap pointment. A certified check c 19 of the amount bid must acoompaay each bid. The right is usaiiri d to reject any er all bids. O. A Cote, 41 Pittoek block. Portland. Or. TO WHOM,, it may concern Baring disposed of sur interest in restaurant located at 409 S. Morriasa at. will not be mpeoaibia for bills contracted after Aug. 1. 1922. Gay F. Me- Cardy. HAVING sold my on half Interest ia the Pen eock rnel Co. to James Pollock. I will not be Teepenaaom aasr ntus con tract ra after Aug. 3, IZ8. W. J. . SMITH. TO WHOM It May Concern: I will not be reaponnbie- tar eebta contracted by soy wife. nut uaa. jHsron liema- MEETING NOTICES 102 PENTXSTJLA CHAPTER WO. S.A M, Maaeoia bwQding, . Bt. Joans scales ooa at T:0. Vfexosra wwli:ime. By rder E. H. 1. j. tt- mmuh, Becy. BOTAL NEIGHBORS OP AMERICA. Kar gaerite Camp Ko. 1440. meets tao but Tuesday ia Aogwat tAngue. 2, 114 Grand are. n ci.i n vcutajs, ttea. EMBLEM SB WEXBT . a spertalty; bnttaaS Brce, HUM ftte at, NEW TODAY i t r ,,..r r tVJI ereaung saaf yB' MEETING NOTICES I 102 FREE -PUBLIC DANCE Tu tajr Bight Anatist 8. at TV. O. W. ball. 128 11th St., aarea by Anchor eoeoeil No. 746, Becartty BaeeUt aaaortatloa. foe aH saeinbers ef tas ordier aad tee public Cooes, set acquainted. : Lane crowds, eaadr aussie aad Soar. Ererjroea made to feel at home. Admission free. IXVIT A TIOX COM B 't : PTBLJO iTEETINti KDXKPATRTCK COUNCIL. 222T. SECXJBXTT r. BENEFIT ASSOCIATION i Gene raj luritation to come te the big epae meetltic t Swiss baU, Bd and Jefferson, next Frtdar nlcfat. Aac 11. Cards, 600": ajood iKiaes. Dawnne, Hoca'a famous 4 pieoe erebestra. Jat the plaee to to for food time. Extra- Kemember, ail nm- beva ehnn ' h. a t th. , I.1. S1W W. O. W. baB tomorrow sight to! hear Nadonal prelate Bra. Cromwell. , Brine trout Candida t. I t TODAT. SUNDAY. AUG. 6. SPE.VD THB DAT WITH ANCHOB COUNCIL i Beantifui CrysUl Lake park, Mllwaakia. Take the children for an oating. Boatinc. swimmlBa. danc 1m. aanaa. FMri Rea'a pepnbir e-piece orchestra. Dancing- afternoon aed ereninc BometMzn dome all the time. A whlrlwiad.ef pleasure for just one day. . An old-time picuie ia a new faaliion way. Sister oooncila iarited. Admlastop to (rounds, 10c JOSEPH H. JONES. Chairman. Class I rs it sat ion Eureka council No. 204, Security Benefit association. Monday ere nine. August T, east side W. O. W. haB. E. th at Alder. National Pre late E. 3. Cromwell will be hate from Topeks.. Kan., to Initiate a bie class of can didates from councils1 all orer the atat and present beautiftll B.W Mitnnft w4,H new rltnaliatie work. A lam orchestra , will furnish moaic for dancinc. after the initiation. All members of g. B, A. urged to be present. WOODLAWN IXDGE;NO. 171, I. O. O. F., meets erery Monday erenine at 444 Dekum are.. 8 o'clock. . I. O. O. F. halL Vialtjn brothers welcome, t R. W. TAPP. Sec I.OO.F. DURING the months of July aad Aurust Rose City camp will hold only on maetinc each month, that belnc the last Mon day in each of said months. Be rianlne Sent. 1. we will meet each Monday. F. E. Smith, consuL J. ; W. Simmon, clerk. 1318 Teoo bldg. WILLAMETTE TRIBE NO. 6, Improred Order Red Men, mnets erery Monday r re nins' at wigwam, 208 H Third at. Members nrwently 1 re quested to be present. Tis ttine chiefs always welcome. Warrior's deeree. . ALVIN SIEVERS. C. of R FH'E HUNDRED party, formerly held at 174 Madison, will be at 12S 11th t, small hall, 2 p. m. Band-made prizes. CARDS OF THANKS j WE wish to express our sincere thanks ana appreciation to our many friends for their sympathy and beanuf ul floral of f erines Tecetred at the loss of our belored wife and mother. H. Itasmaseen, Fred J. Rasmussen, Arthur H. I ilamosen. ' WE WI&H to thank all our friends who so kindly assisted us in our recent bereaxe ment. also for' the beautiful floral offering. Mr. and Mrs. Jowph Aleaka. ; DEATH NOTICES 103 DODGE .-At the residence, 237 E. 46tbt et. N.. Aug. 4, Rachael Dodge, belored mother of Irrin, Thomas E., Jessie and Rachael, ail of Portland. Funeral notice later. Remain at the residential parlors of Miller A Traeey. In thia city, Aug. 4, George O. Dodge, aged 42 years, brother of Irrin, Thomas E-. Jessie and Rachael. all of Portland. Funeral notice later. Remains at the residential parlors of Miller A Tracer. , BERTRAM In this city Aug. 4 In, Thomas H. Bertram, aged 44 years, husband of Ada Bertram. Remains at the chapel of Snook A WheeldonJ Belmont at 85 th si. Notice of funeral later. - SIMMONS Aug. 4, 1922; at the residence. 719 Jersey at., Herbert S. Simmons, age 42 years, husband of Mary E. Simmons. The body ia at the parlors of the Chambers Cos. Funeral announcement will be made later.' GARRETT The remains of the late Emma C. Garrett Were forwarded Saturday, Aug. 5. by J. P. Finley A Son to Boise. Idaho, where aerrice -will be held and interment made. FUNERAL NOTICES 104 MARTIN In this city, Aug. 2. Edith Gert rude Martin, aged S3 years, 11 months and 1 day, belored wife of A G. Martin of Mil waukee, Or. ; mother of Mrs. Grace H. Cole man and Mias Doris K. Martin. The funeral will be held tomorrow (Monday). Aug. 7, at 2 o'clock p. m. from the residence funeral parlors of Walter O. Kenworthy, 1532-1534 E. 13 th st., geuwooa. raenas mntea. in terment In Mount Scott Park cemetery. TOWNSEND Aug. - 4. at the lata residence. 833 Portland bird.. Rot. John A. aeed 73 years, husband of Elizabeth Townsend and father of John G.. Aileen and E. Mary Town send of Portland and Dr. C. Ross Townsend of Amity, Or. The funeral sernce will be held Monday, Aug. 7. at 10 a. m. at Finley'a Mortuary, Montgomery at 5th, Friends inrited. Concluding serrice Mount Scott cemetery. ; DAVID Au ug. 4. at the late residence. 2S1 N. S2d sC, Sarah L., aged $8 years, wife Frank P. Darid and sister of Mrs. Ann Matcheck, Mrs. Mary Myers and J. J. Emna of Portland. The funeral aerrice will be held Monday. Aug. 7, at 2:80 p. m. at Fin ley'a Mortuary,. Montgomery at 5 th. Friends Inrited. Concluding serrice Portland crema torium. ! FREEMAN In this city, Aug. 4, Julia Ann Freeman, aged 70 years, late of 760 Oas tenbeia are., mother of Mrs. Mary F. Sauls bury of Cbowchilla, CeX ; William M and Frank A Freeman of Portland. The funeral serrice win be held Monday, Aug. 7, at 1 p. m. at Ulnjey s Morula rr, Montgomery at ath. Friends inrited. Interment prirate. BERTRAM In, this city. Aug. 4. Thomas H.. agea years. Buaoand of Ada Bertram and father of Katharine Bertram, all of Portland. The remains wQl be forwarded to Monticello, Minn., this erening, by Snook I Sc Whesldon. where funeral eerricea will be held and interment made. CONNELLY In this city. Aug. 4. Alice F. Connelly, aged 89 years. late of 1O4 0 K Salmon at, mother of Mrs. Pearl Hughes : of Portland. The funeral serrice will be held Monday. Aug. 7. at 8 :S0 b. m. at Finlev'a Mortuary, Montgomery at 5th, Friends In rited. Concluding service Rose City cemetery. JOSEPH In .this city, Aug. S. 1922, Mary Joseph, mother of Jake. Joe, Sol and Ike Joseph aad Mrs. Ida Hobba of Seattle, Wash. funeral eameea wui do held at the chapel of Edward-Holman A Son, 3d and Salmon sts.. Sunday. Aug. . 1922. at 2 p. m Interment Aharai Sholom. i QUINN Thanfuneral cortege of tae late James Quinn will leave the chanel of Mn.r jl Tracer Wcdnnsday, Aug. 9, at 8:80 a. m.. thence to St. Lawrence church. 24 and Sher man ats.. where raaaa will be offered at 9 a. m. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery. MORAS The funeral services of Frank 8. Moran.- Belored infant son of Mr. ud tin F. Moran. will be held Monday, Aug. 7. at 10 a m.. at the residence, 1847 V, Greeley. Interment Rose City cemetery. Arrangemenu in ears of Miller A Traeey. GRANT The funeral service for the late 8. Elizabeth Grant of 1241 Tdtngton court wQl be held today (Sunday) at 2 p. m. at Finley'a Mortuary, Montgomery at 5th. Friends inrited. Ocmchiding aerrice Corambua, Ohio. COLWELL The funeral service for the late WWiam H. Oolwejl of 834 Tenth at. win be held Tuesday. Aag. 8. at 8 :SU p. m. at Finley'a Mortuary. Montgomery at 5th. Friends inrited. Concluding eerrire River-Hew cemetery. BAIBD The funeral aerriees of Genevieve Baird, belored infant daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. Boy Baird, will be held Monday, Aug. (7. at 10 a. m.. at the chapel of Miller A Tracer Interment Multnomah cemetery. , HCNTINi -The funeral ternot for Uu late Lacy Archer Hnntina will be hski IWrf,. Aug. 8, a S:30 p. a. at Finley'a Mortuary, Montgomery at 5th. Friends iarited. I FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 RT Rvrtir1KW SBsiDi.vtia e M -Jr illC UtTALaealai.aU't eel WIl.t.lAMB ATH. WaUSUT s. . M- GULRASuo at. at. UMSS JiiAa.tffc.aUt OU, Ultl. i 848-38 sUiiingsworta gsa, a Wdla 8308 Mr&KTKte A ElLXRS raaera parlors witkaii .ZOZ aae pvavway as a. exjuta. as and jgrerett Sts. Jbeme BreeAwsy HtA Aeto. htl- Skewes uNDJCUTAsUAiU VU. Phone Meia 41a. Cos, ae at sjiay a.R-ZellerCo. 2 WLliameare. 'Bone au lSI THE PORTLAND IfOBTTJABT. Memeoa at AaLei wess aaua. sroaawn- rv, ' mis FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 East Side ; Funeral Directors 1 ' r C 1HJMMINU, I NO. f -Tbe ramii beta tua rrtre" ei4 m Aider wX. fboa stay 1 Edward Hotmail & Son - ' TB11U AND SAUtUS MAIM VT Snook & Wheattion JTLKEKAL. UIFBCTllle eocs :k.aaoita to HKKfc.aMS at MiUOK. . BKL.MOKT At e)tU iabUC Lerch, Undertaker CAST kXKVKNTH ASIi UAWTUUiCSa PHOSB EAST CT81. A, XX KaJiWUKTstI m. sj. US..N otf l!u"5 A. D. Kenworthy & Co. sea ezd at e. a i.ina eis-si Finiey-s Mortuary MorrnoMEBT at fifth. main 4si kilLUKH A TUAl.'Kl. mnepeooetit fooenU tli reetiosa. rnaerala (7 ana cm. . Waaninctoe at Kiia at. it roadway ZBWt. Ante, aln-ee. MONUMENTS OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WQCKSl C Qcntrrr mzmqcmls J""-. rCtlRRD aWNE STS. MOrfSCT43; FLORISTS 107 Martin & Forces Company WAHftil.NUTUM ST. MAIN UHt rise rt.uwKHM rus auu Ut UtKIMl AK VlailLAL4.X AUUANU.U MAIN) 77 O 9 Smith's Flower Shop "Portland Pmamxlrn Florter r lowers tor AU occaMona Mate TS lb. . C. LMka. Mar.. etnandAkJet LOST AND FOUND 108 THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Liht A Power Company August 4. 1922: - Music roll and stand, toy run. 1 purse. 2 pins, 1 suitcase, 1 basket. 2 pairs elores, bank book. 6 peckaees. roll twine, powder box. Owners may obtain same upon proper identification at First and Alder St. station. LOST Wednesday erening, between Trontdale snd end of Rose City oartne, Columbia hifihway bill book containing; currency, P. K. L. A P. gold note and employee" pasi card. Kinder call Emntre 1050. Reward. LOST Roll of bedding bttween Grants Pass. Or., and CanyonrUle, Auzut 1; $10 re ward. Notify R. W. Shaffer. 680 West 13th sre., fcngene, or. LOST On Yamhill street on Wednewlay. purse containing $35. Return or telephone to A A. Guiwiia at Jones Cash Store. Last Pint and Morr son, for reward. LOST A tunc! of keys. Aug. 1. with s Ger man Kilrer nlate in center, i R. G. SchleMs. 144 E. Water st. Return te the abora party and receire reward. LOST -Between Carver -and Clackamas, roll containing pair of double blankets and girl'i bathrobe and coat. Finder please phone Oswego 04. ' LOST Norwegian bear doe. 'ar&nnd o Jna . Sandy; color brawn; If tound call East 261 Tabor 5142. Reward. LOST, blue and "gold Jentteu ' sweater. Sunday, June -30. Finder call Main 7161. Harry Leeains- Kewam. LOST Black leather traveling bag on side walk Front Royal Annex Bldg. Reward East 1181 LOST Friday July 28, gold octagon shaped wrist watch on black ribbon. Valued . as keepsake. Liberal reward. 8?UL 1033 LOST, from automobile Wednesday night in city, red woolen snawi, rsiue as .: Kewaro. caw?, owoo. LOST Sunday, July 30, near falls by Oswego lake tortoise rimmed gin mm Finder call Tabor 1023. . LOST Dark tan aweater. knit in pockets, 2 rows nutwns; itmi. bcl. j. " to Bybee are, or Mllwaukie. East 7094. BRINDLB English female bail pup, strayed from 1069 Webster. Subject to fita. Re- wara. walnut LOST- Gobi. Finder Dleaso call or writ Mrs. Oaaaidy, Gordon hotel. I)ST-lmtcftM. between Monitor, Or., and C hatman's berry farm. Finder return J. F. Waymire. Route 8. Mollala. Or. to LOST Part of diamond necklace; leberal ward. Broadway 7 MONEY lost Friday in email brown ra release; liberal reward ofterea. suan LOST BY OREGONIAN CARRIER. $12. CALL M A I A boss. FOUND A tricycle, in Rose City Park dis trict. Tsnor . LOST Wrist watch. From E. C. N. Reward. Atwater zwzb. tTJnl 15th. garnet brooch. Finder pie. nbone East 5S94. Reward. LOST. Eastern Star pin, last, evening, in east .ia. rfitfnct Reward. Taber 6159. LOST Boston Bull, 2005; reward. female. ; Call Walnuq LOST I -leaf clover brooch valued as keep Reward. East 1812. - sake. LOST, $10 "In currency Wednesday afternoon downtown qismct. nerira. lumjti am. LOST One goldTcuf f link, engrared K. of C Reward. Walnut 2584. EDUCATIONAL 200 BEGIN EARXINU MON El JUICKt.T Knroil tnr day or summer scbeol at Uds mat bnvmess college- the training school fat suuiuss Courses ltviwrte comptosaetsr, stenoe rspby. banking, booaaeaptae. private sacra Urlat Write ss phone Mate e fey tea catalogue. Em koartn n-ar atornson. PerttanaV STUDY MASSAGE Prepares one for sanitarium work, phydsian assistant or ptirate practice. Hydrotherapy alio unght. Portland School of Masaage. Inc. 414-16 Stock Exchange bldg MoLE It BARBER ct'Li-isvj wiu teach yoa the trade la eight weeks: reeeirs aosse pay wmle learning; positiona secured. Write or call lor catalogue- Bnrasido sC) - BTEEN SEWING SCHOOL B leek's system of ladies tailoring and dressmaking taught; pat tents eut to measure. Phone Eaat 2359. B. 8307. 152 Grand are., near Belmont. MODERN barber eoi-ege toadies trade in 8 "weeks; tools furnished, some pay; position secured; special rate this motuh. Write er call 284 1st st J BEAUTY par.or , course evening at special aammer rates. Madam Cortia. 400 Lvkum bldg. Phone Broadway 6902. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Weikes.' farmer asst. state supc. mgr., N. W. Bank bldg. Antomatic 512-13. DECKER BUSINESS COvAXGB Alisky Bldg.. 3d aad Morriaoe. ,. - OPEN THE YEAR BOUND arwonen. learn oarnec trade: Biagee whhe rrfV a., utegea BarBM Ceaiege. 2e MaeV . LkAstit rELaCUKAa'UX i Hallway leJegrapb IwtMuie. 484 Exchange bklg. iJay aee sagbt das etaUway T.vaSinNit eiren as newaDaner and iournalisin by mail system, , Howard . Boyd, box , 422, .Beavertnn, Or. .:-- F1SK TEACHERS AGENCY, Jcarnai bls. Main 4b3S. xcaeoing posmca; tree teg. WESTERK SCHOOL OF MASSAGE ' 700 Dekum bldg. Phone Ant 6 1 2-41, HELP WANTED--MALE 201 WANTED at oneav carpenter and pa tier hanger; must be rraawaable. , 1212 . Salmon st BOY wanted to leans, trade.- Phone Broadr iy 1827. WAWTED 2 FIRST-CLASS BOOT BUHJ " ERA USIVEKSAI, BODY CORPORAj- TION, 9H SANUY. EXPERIENCED magaaine aalesman who has had experience seiiing ia business reckon ; good proposttioa. aar. r-ipr. ita railing omg. J BAKER'S helper, must be good en htati ' ana rwnv. sv, esra un vwn feni4prmerrt.' 43 H W. v2d ft. WANTED lst-elase carpentet, avoming. 870' K. I7th st N. Call Monday TALLY MAN and yard boas. load ears. etc. 3104. Pioneer KnTpwyroevrt vo.. meve l.r.r- immtn in Lane county, $3 per dAj; bosfd $1. Call Gsxdnsr. East 9767, 1 1) UmWMnMin (SI t ! IVQf UL HELP WANTED MALE 201 . KEN WANTED ' . v. CHICAGO. MII.WAr&TE a ST. PACT. KAU-WAX OOMPANX. Ueehaniea and fcelpers tat Car Pumlwael. Roundhouses and abopa. to take the plaeea of those who left serrfra ear strike acainst the deciaioai of the United Stelae Labor Board, .";-... Rates and Rnlea preacrfbed by the aataorlts of the United Statea Gorernmect will town. Apply to Dirbioe Seperlataadaet, Kastaa Mechanic er Car Foreman at . . . . If obridre. S. D. ' 1 Miles City. Monk. V - Iewietown. Mont. , . . Deer Lodre. Mans, - t Spokane, Wash. ' Tacoma. Wash. : BeUincbasatWaak. . .; . ' - - Room 4Qi ftaller BHf, Seattle. Wash.. Boom 03 T Manry Bide, Seattle, Wash. ' Boom 802 0.-W.-MUW. Depot. Brittle. Wash. ' 110 South Tenth Street. TacouxC Wash.' THE GAS FURNACE , ! More and More Popular and . I' THE HESS CAS FURNACE ' I BURNS LESS GAS ;t " than any other cas furnaces do. Fnel costs about rams as wood or coal. j I We need 3 real salesmen with cars! I HESS . FURNACE CO., 04 OAK ST. .1 4 YOUNG fellows for factory work, oat of town; steady Job, with splendid opportuni ties to steady men. Wales $3.40 8 hoars in start. Sl - j 2 blowpipe men, installation work la large factory; about aix weeks' work, 90 per hour. Office open (Sunday. - 1 ACME EMPIjOTMENT OFFICE . : 50 N. Second. '- i"E HAVE an opening In our office for a saleslady with a car. Call la person. Richanbach & Co. Suite SOB Cham, of Com, Bide, :; Broadway 414$ ' ' -; TAILORING agents make $50 to $100 a week taking orders for wonderful virgin wool $29.50 tailored to order snita or over coats. All one Dries. Protected territory. , You collect prof;ta. We ship Ci O. D. for the balance. 6x9 swatches- and advertising 1 free. Writ J. B. SIMPSON, Dap. 191. 881 W. Adams. Chicago. .. ; j HEX $5 to 815 daQy easy. Tour pay la i advance introdnoing new style guaraateed hosierr. Must wear er rsDlaced free.- No i capital or experience . required. . Just show aamples. rite orders. We deliver saa- cot- ' lect. Elegant outfit famished. All colors and ! grades.' including ailka. Mae-O-Chae Mills Co.. Dept.-8721. Cincinnati. Ohio. - TAILORING agents make $60 to $100 e week taking orders for wonderful Tirgla wool $29.50 Ullored to order suite or orer ; c-neta. All one nrice. fro tec ted territory. Tou collect profits. Ws ship C. 0. D. for tlie balance. 6x9 swatchea aad advertising free. Write J.- B. SIMPSON, Dept. 181. 831 W. Adams. Chicaco. BIG PROFITS selling S boor-Patch for tires and tubes; premanent repairs made in one minute and guaranteed to oqthre Ore or tube, saving 800 per cent orer vulcanising; tremendous demands. For. particulars and free sample, Shoot-Parch Rubber Co., Phiia- deliihla. Pa.. Dept. 47. WE .WANT an intelligent man to act as our ...inrfn Mokununia Msn with eome selling experience preferred. Yor aarninp will graduate nm 840 per weak, up, eecoro. ina to ability.- Write to ua immediately. WASHINGTON "TASTY-DROPS". COMPANY, 9 7 PC Bust building. Tacoma. Wash. urv'Mnt ftilwnr mirrors, nlate and r finlah metalware. antoa. chandeliers, bed steads, headlight: independenoe assured steady workers; $10 daily eaay without capital or1 experience; ooUHa inrnisneo.. , wnvo . ' formation. Keaneth-Deeie Laboratories; 118$ Broadway, atw tors. , - , ; WE ARE looking for high class res! estate " salesmea for erery branch of the busuwrw. Come in and .talk it orer with us. Full, office cooperation and large liatinga. Great Western Inrestment to-j,. ' . 230 Cham, of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 7881. MEN $90 weekly, easy installing new stove converter in erery home ; No wood or coal te bring in. no ashea to carry ent. no ; r,if.i .u1mL We deliver and collect. Pay you daily. Sample free. TttUijao rn Convertor 5542. Dayton. Ohio. MFG. HELP FURNISHED FREE Help of all kinds and claaaea, skilled and ; unskilled, male or female. furaiahed free. ' Write, wire or phone. - Prompt aerrice. Two offices. Portland Labor Agency. 11 Worth 2d it ' MUST sell my team of horses with wagoe and other outfit. Hare 2 years contract banking out eordwood. making $9 to $12 a day. mt sell on account of sickness. Small investment will handle. 8 04 -Buchanan bldg. NORTH AMERICAN LIFE INS. CO. of Oma- : ' ha. Neb., wanta salesmen to wnw. a Lin. Reserre Co.; good territory, liberal com-: mimiona. Address George Young state man- seer Junction CUy. Or. V ' 1 AGENTS $300 per month. , Steady pay. New atrle written guaranteed hosiery. Most wear or replaced free. Experience unnecessary Ktan tfma satisfactory. Sample free. " Jen nings Mfg. Co., Line 870. Dayton, Ohio. ' . WANTED Experienced capable aaajstant ' planing mill foremaa who is familiar . wit r; setting up both Berlin snd Stetaon-Rees plan era Give references and experience with renr application. F-lll. Joernal. . MACHINIST for mOl, 65e hour; laborers for mill yard work or construction work, 40e hour. At Toledo, Or., for Pacifio . Spruoe ,i fmnnHon Fare advanced. , See u today. - Oreron Labor Agency, No. 1 Worth 2d at SALESMAN U you want $6000 thia.year. write me. mnnq ,w - Nationally advertised. Liberal weekly adrance to producer, W. MORGAN, JIgr., EucUd, Clerelsnd, Ohio. Dept 187. 1920 WANTED Names ambitious (al. anen. over i t ;.Mt II A eorerament peaitions: commence $1$5 month; ateady work ; vetioo; Crrnmon education auffiment Answer today. KX-0. journal. - a ' jt'i U. 8. GOVERNMENT wanu neip; men, w men. ever 11. $92-$190 month, stesdy; common educaUon aufflcient Ut pes ttons freaVWrlte immediately. Franklin Institute. TJept 881 L. Rochester. I. X. WANT party capable of handling men; neea , interested help with $47$ Investment ; plenty ef work. See owner at 814 etocg aucunaaw- bldg. , . .' AGENTS $$ sn hour. Neweat kitchen tool. livery woman uses i iim. seller. Big prontt. oampw I.'""- MFG. CO.. 4 tig utrw, imjma, vmp. CANVASS'ER WANTED A young msa. good experienee aad persoeaHty. one who is ao afraid to approach people; good opening for the right man. 172 8d at i s i-v .mj ' wnmn ttaake 87 daily. Tailing . or experience unnecessary. 25e samples, outfit and particulare. brinee i 8 Mad order Specialty, Ban rrancyen. on. " . MEN WANTED to qualify for Firemea. Brake mee: experience anneceassry: tmasportaUom tn "itfcd WriuTw. Boggese. Bupt. St LouU. t " piOSEEB EMPLOYMENT CO. - STeaAmiarteta for Term. MCI and Hotel Help. SALESMAN FOR CHEHALIS on lire prapo aiSoaTManageT with autx with you. P. O. box 8T2. VancoBTCT, Wash. -WASTED. .n-rried man ior frn. rt.te CARPENTER work and painUng wan Led ia exebeaoe for Naturopath tmettneata Bdw. 6799. -'.j'r ' ' ' - WOOD cutlers. $1.75 per cord, 1st growth i!oosea fumnhed. bat net. tools. Tabor 1644. PARTNER ia eeteolUbed woodsaw business: nlenty work; email tnreetaeenti make as lie a day. Ow Swetiacd bldg. ADVERTISING eolicitera. ante bos time table, monthly ; guldesj commission. . 20S Stock v Exchange. . ' " p a BTY to take contract ' grubbing 30 arras of land For partienlars see Oregon Labor imnm. tin. 1 North 3d wt, - - ' rpenter for inside finisher. to start Wednesday. :all Tabor 0468 WANT ged heese peiriteTm. Phone Taber 892. WANTED Carpentering in exchange for dcntHtry. H-136. Journal. ' WANT responaHle man or boy te pat in spate time for room sad board. - Tabor T254. WANTED EaUrnires oa remodeling boaae by contract. t all tvxiay. 1914 K. Clay at - I WANTED A plasUrer, 1000 jerua. $3 tisedjr Wtid. I 1. t W'.H . r: v"