THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY SO, 1922. r n i - k " " - - - ' t ' ' T' ; , ' ' " . , ,- ;-;;;- LJKHJO If btistness partnershlpw XX were entered Into as recklessly as commercial -world would an rrumh Florenpe V14or Is at the Hellic tbls weeit la mum on tt romance of mirrlm. Tha Hail idnnhiM" rm duced and directed by Kins; Vldor and asaniMi mm tM nam mnnr Kitchell Webster and released by Asso ,ciatd SStliititor,i T11 i the second in JL list of film aHnu)lnn: in . t TCI AKD K PSICHCtEAN Otr THU VI 0 (.114 VIRTUOSO U & I , O jf n Japanese Fantasy II f JL m . 1 y Aly . Presented by 'iB ' D -I j ,- rCy Axmstrono;. , rff U m$fA "imV.J" Baby Dolls Rerne . M r , Matinees Daily , ft iSJ' Erenings at 9 ! K kTs 10 20 ccnts VS?Q1 I . Cmon Out Today . ' ? NsJT I n'j lV Fun, Hilarity, Recreation, ; 7 ffTa M ViU Pes, Concessions, Pastimes (icMpSu Vtff Splendid Picnic FadUtiesV i rfl Jl "' L' 1 F Matin6 Show Erery Wednesday ; ; Vi 1 IP ' jf y L Boys and Girls Under 12 Tears. i ' 1 I 'r ; l I ' Cr From Fir8t nd Alder ' i h Y X I WttH Tmm awwtay HITiHtt J I it . -AM IT"" s: be shown under th, summer policy of the- Hellie. Florence Vldor plays the role of a college girt who meets a. man under circumstances so pfosaio they are ro mantics. After a whirlwind courtship they sxe ( married. She. la a keen Chinktagr young woman and had dreamed of being: a great help to Iter huaband -of being considered by him an Intellectual equal. Instead, he 'con siders her only a woman man's rarest possession! . , . - : ' Their matrimonial craft ; rocked n the waves of disilloafonment. He was '.blind tioi the. danger he lavished lux uries and love, upon her. What more HSMnrtJI NOVEJ-TV . VAOO Y1LLL3 1 JIUIO. l t , ; I -i - Til - J P5 I ,r- ,4 ZXAVZSrToM. AXZmZRAMA had she a right toi - What more could he give her? She told himshe wanted his friendship,' and he laughed at her. He . loved her didn't that include friendship? Manager W. T. Pangle also has ar ranged for several interesting added film attractions, including a newc reel. Paths review and other subjects, as well as an accompanying musical score presented by the -; HeilJff ; orcheatra. Showings are continuous from 11 a, m. to 11 p. m., .', -- - ' . : ' - ' ' . "PANTAGES Portland vaudeville pa XT trons are familiar with the artistic productions made in the last few years by Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Douglas Jr. nd will welcome the appearance of the newest of these dance creations,, fea turing: Mrs. Douglas and her own com pany, which will headline the .new bin at the Pantages theatre commencing Monday matinee. "Danse rs Artisaue" is probably the most artistic and elab orate offering- that the Douglases have given vaudeville. r It opens with a sen sational flying ballet spectacle and pre sents a series of new numbers, hand somely costumed.' Mrs. Douglas is as sisted by Florins Froley, a captivating young dancer, and A. Cranks and, a group of clever young dancing girls." The comedy hit of the new bill will be "The Last Rehearsal," ' a melodramatic-travesty, offered by a company of Broadway farceurs, including Billy Barnes, Herbert Broske, Evelyn Dock- son and Blanche Lintx. The act shows the final rehearsal of a new play. Fred Berrens Is, first of all. a violin virtuoso, and, secondly, he is an artistic showman. Ha has a novelty called "Words and Music" and is programmed aa "the man who makes a piano talk." Parish and Peru are popular come dians. They have Just returned to America and an a tour of the Pantages with their chatter and songs. , The Homer Sisters are pretty and accomplished girls, who sing and dance. In presenting "A Vaudeville Sym phony" they have the assistanea of 3illy Kamena, also a clever artist. Pantagescope will chow chapter 7, "Robinson Crusoe," on matinees, Pathe News. Topics of 'the Day", Aesop's Fables, both matinees and evenings. TTIPPODROME Direct from New -i-AYork. where it has been featured during the past season, Joe Ba fanny's troupe of burlesque comedians, includ ing his three famous midgets, are headlining the new Hippodrome bill that opened Saturday. "Schoolroom Days' Is" the title of the number which offers eight comi cally dressed pantomime artists in funny chatter, clever dancing, a song or two and rapid- fire tumbling and acrobatics which are heartily ap plauded. uiroancea by a special curtain, plastered with absurd sayings, Quinn and Caverly keep the audience in a happy frame of mind with their town topics. Their talk and ideas Are orig inal and are given, at high speed. : Double-Jointednes oa the part of Arthur Page and the voice and pleas ing; personality of Ethel Gray make for success in. their mixture of usual vaudeville stuff . in "A Musical Com edy Breese.".;.. t , Singing and- cross-patter play an Im portant part in "Somewhat Different," with George Mack and, Mildred Deane. but their real feature , is the story telling of ; Mack, whose baby talk" brings down the house. - Day and Rita Roma open the pro gramWith "The Skaters Walt." : It is a series of Russian, dances' followed by an unusual dance, resembling ice skating. , -. t , CUAXJTAVQVX GTJABAKTEKD Central a. Wash., July " 29. Fifty local citiaens signed a guarantee for the 1933 Chautauqua to be shown in this city .next summer. The Chautau qua this year was a financial success and the program was voted ' the best ever offered in Centralis. ; . . i. Violet Hemming has been engaged to head an ail-star cast by. Pyramid Pic tures, Int.: for tho production of "When the Desert Calls." f Ray Small wood, who will, 'direct the ? pictures, tried unsuccessfully for three weeks to ascertain ': Miss llemmmg's New Tork address only to find that she not only lived in the same- apartment house in which ha makes his home but that she occupied the adjoining apart ment oa the same floor. . GREAT NEW SHOW TODAY fkii&., VAUD E VI Li Li E P H O TO PL AYS coyTfyroTTS PEnyoitMA yen i to ii y. nr. iatxt JOE BO GA N NY, TROUPE "SCHOOLROOM DA Y S " Eight ef America's greatest bsrlesene Cbmedlass PAGE GBAT, A Xasleal Comedy "Tows Topics"; MACS A 9U5, "So The Skaters Walta." - TOM-MIXtcb A Cemedy That TraveU with the Speed ef Xlght .VAUDE VI Ii Ii E PHOTO PLAYS KIDDIES " ALWAYS Adventures in Dress "Secret" Of Paris' Fame 46 SPIRIT of adventure in dress is J. the thing that holds the fashion supremacy of Paris. "American women still lack that dis regard of current vogues that has made the Frenchwoman an Irresistible io neer along hitherto untraveled paths of feminine costuming. Such - are ; impressions gained ' by Gloria' Swanson, Paramount star fol lowing a recent trip, to Europe. , Called "the best dressed woman in America. the clothes remarks of Miss Swanson add considerabe to the long standing discussion as to ' the proa and cons of the unbroken - French ' control of feminine dress. - " - "American women have a fine -sense of individuality, of adaptation. They will take a fashion, change and alter it until by the time It goes its way around the United States It is .something alto gether -different "and often - decidedly moro striking than t the original, but the American woman Is slow to orig inate.' She will not start a new vogue until she has heard that . some one high up in the social whirl has done something similar. fTounParislan.' however, is not both ered by such inhibitions. If she de cides she looks better without stock ings off they go and lf others wish to follow. It Is all right 'with her, Tha origin ot Parisian styles is by no mea'ns confined to the ; social elite. They may start with a stenographer or the wife of a- shopkeeper. . ; "In only - one part of- American- life does one, find the -Parisian flair for 'taklne a chance. r for sending out a new fashion to stand or fall before the American public.' Even the films, how ever, are out pioneering in the field of originality in dress and undoubtedly ii will be some time before the su premacy of Paris is seriously assailed." Miss Swanson Is wearing in her next picture an interesting assortment of new up-to-the-minute Parishes styles which she brought back to Hollywood direct from -the Rue de la Falx. Rothacker, Will Try To Paint the Lily In Feminine To make famous screen beauties even more beautiful Is the task as signed a Chicago chemfet. Watterson R. Rothacker has detailed this mem ber of his technical staff to do research work in the direction of the individual ity of color. Many women know that their charms attain the highest voltage when set off by feminine finery of a certain color. If this is true In real life, why not In - "reel life. The Rothacker laboratories do developing and printing for stars, such as Mary Pickford. the Talmadge sisters and Katharine Mac Donald. . . - Rothacker believes there is a delicate shade of color at which the adorable Pickford curls will be the loveliest, and that the beautiful Miss MacDonald will be the most beautiful when her cloee-ups are given a particular tint or tone. It Is his hope to establish the color personality of every screen beauty whose prints aro made in his plants. - . ..: '- , i GLADYS LUCILE GATES, little Port land miss, whose songs are an added feature bn the pro gram of entertainment at the Rivoli theatre this week. - Breeie" QTjrjrtr A CATEBLY. ewaat DUferest BOXA DUO, rTT A C TXTi MOON" 10c Free BaBooss for Kiddles a Saturday Afternoons 1 r - MARIE RICH and George Bacta, who are prominent in fun making roles with the Armstrong Baby Doll Revue, presenting "Oh Boy at Ac Oaks park auditorium this Week NEWSY BITS FOR SHOW SHOPPERS . .. - ; c: . ; . . '7-' " '. (Continued From Pace On,) ' Ackerman Sb Harris by Marcus Ixewr The first bookings made by Ackerman Harris, due to follow to Portland the last of the Doew bookings, ' should ap pear early In August, according feo all Signs. All that smacked of "DoeW" has been removed from the local house, even" the name on the electric' sign in front of the building has ; been taken down. In most- cases these earmarks have been replaced by the Ackerman Harris name or Initials. : , . George Jackson, who has been .ex ceedingly hard to keep track of lately. has Just returned from another suc cessful road trip for the Portland Uni versal Exchange. Jackson,- who was formerly manager of the local Vita- graph exchange and later In the' same position at Seattle, baa been home in Portland for several months following his : resignation, as Seattle -manager. The resignation was designed, la fact, to bring him back home and here, for several weeks, he has been closing some . . .. ..-gBg!Bg egaeawaBasaMaBSwsea 'i' . .' 'i t.t jitsssassssj '' ".fi''T, seatijgeissaes8ss888ssaBBasg ml .a :: . REMARKABLE ADDED FEATURE Gldyo Liflcile Batei - Portland's own twel V8-ycaroZd wonder-soprano appesxin four time dally . - . accompanied by - , . . Salvatore Saiitaella ., -. i j Important contracts for the UnlversaLl peoile. e Pearl, manager of ' the Baker theatre. Is extending his summer out ing atf the beach and giving his atwn tlon. to next season . In such a quiet way that the local RIalto is sadly wanting lit information about plans for the Baker Stock company. Meanwhile, Walter Gilbert, director; Selmar Jack son,, leading , man, and others of the Baker company, are enjoying an active summer working with Robert Bruce In making .motion picture scenlcs in the Oregon country. All of which recalls the fact that I A. Keating and Dan Flood of the Lyrio are just now more or. less "up In the , air" about plans for their musical comedy season, due to open early in September. . No steps have been taken toward rebuilding the condemned Lyrlo theatre building and a . new location ' may, perforce, be nought. -. " 'She' has flew the coop. This terse telegraph message to Gus A. Metsger of the Rivoli. theatre blasted the hopes for a main attraction at the Rivoli theatre some weeks .hence and demonstrated the example of artistic temperament, "She" was a, girl with a marvelous mind reading power who has attracted huge crowds in the Mid- OF TME NORTH -3- " With, r- FRANK MAYO S.Hayakawals Having a Wild Time in Japan rpOKIO. ' July . (U. P.) Seastie X Hayakawa Is -having , a hot ; ld time during his visit to his home coun try. He is getting both brickbats and, boquets, with the latter predominating. - Most of the Japanese movie fans are lavishing tributes upon him but an other group is panning him unmerci fully.; This . outfit is all het up be cause its leaders say Hayakawa has produced American pictures in which the Japanese people are misrepresented. Hayakawa is one , of the famous moving picture stars of America. H is the only Japanese who has ever at-, tained distinction in foreign filmdom.. The Japanese are Inordinate movie fans and throughout' the empire Hayaka-; wa's name is almost that of a hero. ' .. And yet. when It was announced not long ago that Hayakawa was returning to his country for a three months -visit, a small group in Tokyo, called the "Loyal Xiegion, got together and framde an antl-Sessue demonstration. - The Loyal Deglon" complained that; one ot the Japanese screen-stara pic- j tures. , 'The Cheat. "misrepresented j the Japanese people to the American 'public." V .' r'J-'- ,y-: ! "Sessue ought to be ashamed ofhim-i self, read their resolutions. Wi wlll tell him so. We will wave our flags at hlmri-wss:.i- -.1 u Hayaka wa's admirers held a bigger meeting. Sessue has nothing to be ashamed of." they resolved, i "We will tell him that. We will wave our flags at him. too. We will have more flags Then he will feel good, and be glad that he returned to visit his country." The flagmakers hope It will be a long and xruel war. die West for months. .Metsger signed the precocious child for the RlvoU through her manager and the message from the- latter - explains ' that stage people, are not always to be depended upon. In a letter the manager explained that he could see no reason why "She!, should turn up missing Inasmuch as "She" was pulling- good crowds every night. Portland will have to worry along- without "She." v - Three numbers on the, Sunday noon concert program for today at the Riv oli theatre are ; pieces brought back from Newi Tork by Salvatore Santa ella on his recent trip East They are "The Pink Lady" selections. "Reverie" and the fantasia from "The Bohemian Girl." " By request the orchestra will play "Nola. by Arndt- .Following is the entire program which will be played starting at 12 -.40 o'clock, followed by the usual picture olll: - "Marehe Slave." "Nola- (request). "The PinkTdy" selection, "Reverie." "Jolly Fellows" waits and "Bohemian Girt." . The usual picture program at the Rivoli theatre this week will be aug mented by the daily appearance .after each show of a little Portland miss, Gladys Luclle Gates, pupil of Medreda WardelL Miss Gates is possessed of a voice of unusual volume for a young ster and w tlf render a program r se lected pieces Besigned to show off her contralto capabilities to the best ad vantage. Vlo Gauntlett, who was Introduce 1 to Portland as publicity manager of the Blue Mouse theatres here, and at Tacoma and Seattle, has been earned manager of the Seattle house by John Ham rick, owner: of the chain, Gaunt lett, at least for the present, will also do the publicity seeking for the firm. He has had wld experience in -the show game and u especially as a pub licity agent, v, :v:, :rr- - J. "Colonel" G. T. Woodlaw, owner ef the Circle theatre, returned early in the week, from his motor trip through California, where his usual- vigorous health was made even more vigorous. The colonel was accompanied by Mrs. Woodlaw and friends of the fatnily on a tour of Tosemite national park and an extended visit n and around San Francisco. ' - t - Gus A. Metsger announced Saturday that he had purchased the Portland exhibition- rights for "The Masquer ader" writh Guy Bates' Post. He has also booked for ; an : earlier- showing Jack Holt 4s. -his latest picture, "The Man Unconquerable," from the story by Hamilton Smith. The scenes In the story are laid among the pearl fish eries of the South , Pacific i i "Case of idenUty" Is the next Sher lock Holmes film to be shown at the Rivoli theatre. It Is 'one of the 13 booked for showing In connectionwith the regular programs-' i ' ; " Dorothy Gish Will Be Seen With Dick 'Barthelmess Group Another member of the celebrated Griffith triumvirate of the screen has joined Inspiration pictures, which an nounces that Miss Dorothy Glsb will play opposite Richard Bartheimess in his fifth . starring vehicle, "Fury." whicbwUl be filmed as soon as The "Bond Boy, in which Barthelmess is how appearing, is - completed. This means that in Barthelmess and Miss Gish, Inspiration i pictures will have one film play, two stars of the world's greatest motion pictures. '. : ; Barthelmess and the two Gish sis ters, Ullian and Dorothy, were the trio who achieved fame under the Grif fith banner.. ; - ' This will be "Dorothy Glsh's first ap pearance under other, than the Griffith management since she entered pictures. She is famed for' her great work . in "Hearts of the World" and "Orphans of the Storm." ' ' , Mies Gisb's 'appearance before the public began at the age of 4 years when she appeared as little Willie m "East Dynne."; With her sister, Ullian. she became a- stage favorite shortly, after that when she played the- part of "Faith" tn "Her First False Step a typical melodrama of a dozen years ago.- ;'- .r-v -!-.. . : "I look forward with keenest antici pation to resuming - associations with Barthelmess, whose 'Work I admire eo greatly," said Miss Gish. ,. PLAYING A photoplay that reaches new heights of dramatic achievement. , Tha race " life in the blinding blizzard, . A vivid, thrilling . drama of love and . adventure in the frozen silences. ' y f -1