TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1922, THE OREGON- DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON 17' VIRGINIA . ; REMOVED IAS COMPETITOR: IN NEWTOWN CUT IN BUTTER I'- IS ; TUESDAY DAIRY TRADE " Better. Eggs. 'Cheese, v , . Cgbe Ex. .Select . .Flats. Fertlaad ,. 48 Me - ; ste 8a Fraaelseo ...41 S7t liv Chicago ......... .S4 18V4e Tfew York ....... l4V,e 44e 1"4 Seattle 40e sse .'sie Xes Aageles ...... 43c 8b .-"",, . While there fa still a surplus of tb bet' tar anality creamery batter her at thim lima. tee market' position fa ta leu Henn. and a cut ot about 3 a pound fa aattctpeted for the trgd within, tb Beit hours., .-Monday' sharp decline in the California trade created adverse - sentiment ta the cube market aad arltb aa accumulation of offgrade stall sera for a number of dan put. some effect haa at last been shown upon the better claea offerings. Seattle iatenata appear to be of the same opinion aa local trader and for that reason the5 decline ta the price fa expected at any - time. - -'-' The eat In-the eric, of butterfst will Ukry bo either -tbe eame: aP that in butter or le u uie day, - , print stock hae cat bees moving freely sine the previous advance. f Those desiring special information regarding any market should wnt the Market Editor, Oregon Journal, inclosing stamp for reply. 'EGO SITUATION IJTCLTirED SLOW i Market for eggs k IncUaed to show a slightly easier ton although no change in curreat prices' indicate. Tbe re aaa pees a digpo aitioa among ih trad generally ta kt wi- pue cieaaea up. CHICKE1T MARKET IS STILL SLOW Chicken market continues to reflect a verjr . tat com. cut wita toa exception ot necvy. welaht bens no further price chance is iodi cated.. Suppfh of chickens are again quite linerai. , BERRY MARKETS SHOW STRONG Somewhat better feeling was indicated ia the berry trade, with loganberries aronnd 41. S3 91-40. blackberries 43.0 2. 35, raspberries 3Z.Z M currants 53.UV0Z-2O per crate. O3U0X PRICE IS BEISO SHADED " Price of Walla Walla onion is being shaded bee While tbe general Quotation is aronnd 82.25. sale are being mad as low aa 41. TS 0 2.00 in lot and area- 41.50 biuioMs be bees reported. . ' POTATO SITUATION EASING OFF Generally easier situation fa showing in the potato market .throughout tbe country and local quotations are brios shaded fractionally. Horn crown stock ia showing increased supplies, but the ojjality is not yet food enough to seriously compel ants outsme siuii. BRIEF ITOTES PRODUCE TBADE Cnee market ia a trlfl slower. Cantaloup prices e.r about 2Se crat off. Toraatoea are 6 & 14 box lower. Peacb market lust about steady, with nomi nal moecmaat. Apricots ar fractionally easier for small fruit. Brisk fic price opened at aim as last year. Banana price are beinc susded generally. Country killed cajras slov for anything ? ept strictly toss. Dressed bos eoBtiau in. smaQ supply and wanted. SHIFFEBS' WEATHER WOTICE Weather bureau advised Tuesday : Protect shipments dudng 'the next 8S hours acainst the' following maximum temnratures: troing north to Baattle. TO degrees p northeast ia Epekan. va degrees; east to tsaker. If A d srees. and south to Ashland. 92 degree.' Maxi .Atiw tempera tur at Portland tomorrow about -'i - . - . , ,. PORTLAND WHOLESALE PRICES These are tb prices rstetlen pay ,nu aflers, except as ouiarwis noted:' BUTTEK Selling price, box lota: Cream- cry prices Prints, extras, 44o for plain wrap, pen; eubes, extras, 47Oe pes lb.; dairy, bttring price, 32 S Me lb. 1 . BUTTER FAT Portland delivery basis: Ko. 1 rati, 47: No, 3. 4c; Ma, X son, 45 ' for A aradV. CHEESK Selling: Tillamook. triplets, 38m &So; loung America, 2H 03Oct Ores on triplets, 2SJ24. Buying price, f. ev b. Tillamook: Triplets, 2 On; young Americas and loeahoraa, 27c. Belling price : - Block Swiss, fancy, 8182o; iimburger, 24e3oe; cream brick, 22 34c. IG i Buying price. From street: Cup rent receipts. Western Oregon. 19 9 30 par degeai Eaatera Oregon,. 18s per doxen; bea? : Series, 22 23c per dosen. Selling price. Or dinary candled, 27e per dosen; select, 28 029 dusea; pullet, S3o dosen. E(i38 -Aasociation selling prices? Select, 31c: brown, AOs; firsts, 27c; pullets., 26e; racks, 22c per dosea. . LIVB POXJLTOX SeHittg price: Heavy - ben. 31e per lb: light hens. 12 H 1 8c: broilers. Rocks. 2023e; other broilers. 19 20 per lb.; eld roosters, 10c Wrsl s-ruru end Vegetable FBESH EKC1TS Oranges, 49.09 919.00 bex; baaanaa, t4IVe lb.: lemons, 4T.00 & .SO ease: grapefruit. Florida. ( -1 : California, 48.00 W 7. B0; peaches, 4100 ,t4.7-: cherries, Lambert, 1215: oaeta- , . . . . , jsx n i " , i n xt. . sovpee, a. i w wswviuiuwj 9 iu. , apricots, is.evliz.za ersu; tee erei melons, 3 He lb.; honey dew melons, 2 V c -BERRIES Currants. 42.0092.24: n berries, 82.00 3-25 crate; loganberries. 41.2511.50: blaekeapa, $2.00 3.25; berries, 42.00 2 23 per erate. DRIED FRUITS Dates Dromedary, 4T.4A: fig, white. 4S,508.75 per box; prunes, 40s and 60. 60-lb. box. 14o tb.; 60s aad 50s, 14e lb. ONIONS Selling price to retailers: ' Ww yeUow Denver, (3.50; Wall Walla, 41.75 2.25 ; garlic, 15c lb.; green onion. 40c dosea bunches. POTATOES Selling price to retailers: Ore gon fancy, 11.50 (a J 00 per cental; buying price, country, 51.00 1.25; sweet potatoes, 2.66J.O0 crate; new potatoes, JSH (MS lb. ' VEGKTABI-K3 Beets, 50 0 40e dosen tmnche; cabbage, 2 8s par lb.; lettuce, 81.00 01.25 erate: carrots, ' 50 9 AOe dosee " . benches tomatoes, Oregon. 41.00 1.2 S; California 43.50 SKJ.SS lug; honcradiaa, loc Ib-i arachokes, 0o51-0TTf dosea; eaoli : flower, ( crate: celery, 41.00 1.35 -ir desea; rhubarb, 8 4 lb.; apiaaeb, local, - 41.00 . box; summer squash, 5c ; eora. 40 dosen. - APPUta-rNew crop, 52 00 0 4.00 boa. COUNTRY MEATS Selling pricast Con try hogs, 18c: heavy stuff .less; veal, top about s te 100 &.). 18 018M U.j kun staff tea: lamba. - 18a lb. SMOKED ! MEATS Rams, 81036c lb.; breakfast bacon, 8444c lb. - yirriMl HOUSE 51 EATS Btsec beef. 14 015410 lb.: heifers. 130 lb.; cow. 13c lb.; lames, uzm in; ewe, a vera a io-; bosV ! lb. : ? -J 1ABJ-Ktti rendered. J8e lb. J tierc pasu. cgeiKMina, it BCAM2 Brasn wtUte, S.T8; large white, 48.T3; pink, 37.00; baus, 10.50; -bayou, 44.75 ; Ted, $.T5. . . unvtWKn 34.00 ease. RICE Japan, So. 1. 4s; Ebte Rose, f rb.; New Oriaans ead, 4 Ha. COFFExv--Soasted. ,H m 33 He lb.; ta ' eaeka r dreaas. SALT Coar, balf groond," 100a. 415.50 mi Kn SIT 61: table dairy. 60a. 827.40: bales, 48.50 04.00; fancy table and dairy, 334.50: lUBtP. 520.OO to., ; gnaiawaui. 88 83:. fraii aad berry. T.70; , yrilew P, 47.14; beet granulated. 37.50; extra C, 47.30; golden C, 37.20. CAKNEO MlLiv Tails. 54.&0; bahy sis. 34.48 ease: taxie, 9.a ea. ; ' son. ITllrKEBS In buit 14 lb. fctITWlF.nt as as SHa lb.: almaada. S4 HOURLY DUE r1 29e lb-: fOibert. 20 22 lb.; peaaate. 10 016 lb. . pecans, 3O0 33e lb.; Braaila. 14 0 22e tb. ebetauta, Japanese, 2 0 14 tb. - s-ise n wimtrisw - FRESH TiHH Chinook, f rasb. 1 2e ; halibut. 14 014 m. black aad, 014 beakat kippered, cod, 4i.K: UBS eed. 7 08 I.; -seat. 10 lb.; stargeoa, 20e b,i eaad, dressed. To ba.: roe shad. 10 lb. uisim twin. it- gw.f uiymyaa, 3.00 pee gaOoa. 41-40 etaart; eas large. .sv awsewf mil, qhvb. . Haa. Wsd aad Hide - HOPS-1921 erop. nominal. 15 B.i HlDta-Ct skin. 102 V aoa.e IB.; greea awe. W s4tu. m is, INTELLIGENT PRODUCE . MARKETING Tort will get higher return for yeur - producse If' you will use our new ma(h- yda before shipping any product ta : . gnjrkt. - : Wrtt 17 at fyaee 3J"e trtn Pleased Tftl Tea Hew Ruby s Co., 169 Front St. J FORTJLAKD. OR- " - Mr ZTtZ&t Aaw DAGUET permit. eawcCw By Htbii H. Cokea LoBn berried s,nd raspberries are d- vancina; in price with , decreasing: sup plies available in the market. . While aa yet tbe maximum price on Yamhill Street haa riei n further rise . at wholesale wlU ewentually af fect alM there. ?': ;-is'; ? - '" Tomatoes are now vit plentiful, with a further lowerine; of prices. Bales are beinr mad at 10c to 15c a pound generally. " Butter prices are due to show a drop, therefore be careful abeut buytn;. t Green corn t droppins; very slowly in price. Quality is not quite as good as it might be. , r j,. - Celery quality la Improving- and the price Is slightly lower with increasing StOCkS.' y ." 1 - ' ' Home grown peachea are bennlng to appear and quality Is favorable.. 1 Betail prices senraHy "show: ' Batter Freaks creamery, 4S 958c. Tisn SalmoB, 2O0S&O halibut, 25e; black cod. 13c s . i Eccs 30iS5e doaen. Flour Best loaal patent, 42.18 92.23 per 49-lb. sack. i- Potatoes Jfew. 5c lb. Onions it per lb. Yamhill street p rice Carrots, Be bunch; atrins beans, 810c pound; peas. 10c pound; cabbage, 4c pound; cauliflower. 30c bead; let tuce. 5 910c head; new patatoea, 6c pound. Hon? Comb.. S5e: Quart, 5c: pint. 38& ggs Public market. ' it 32c; prirate 8ttawberries Beat Oregon strawberries, T 4c J box; raspoemes. joc; eurrania, xuc wi; kkzanbcriea. It; wild bUct berries, 225c Cantaloupe Fancy stock. 5 He. COTTOH SHORTS COYEB 1HB FBICES THES 4JO 1QWEB New Tort, July 2 B. A 1 though th aotten market mad a shew of steadiness at tb open ing today and at on time showed advance of 16 to 18 points over the previous close, u upturn wis - apparently a matter of reducing short interests than of sny returning bull eou fidetwe, and after th first half hour th mar ket began to ease off rapidly. Before midday the reactioa had desainped into a violent break, hit-h fnroed nricee of f about 98 t 27 BoitttS under the pre Turns close. It was 'apparent from th action of th market that the bull hare yielded ta claims that the crop prl'-e made fonrideTable improvement in ' th last montb aad to sow. In bttr eoaditioa tlisn inanv f the recent pnsata xapsttg baft W- This view of tb eas received some color today fsBta-th abeeno of any impartaat rain in th astra cotton belt, whr precipita tion haa been expessir, iq tb tact two weeks sua lorcc so somewnei eooter wcarner Hi the Southwest and Dosaibls showers in Western Texas. ' It teemed to be tbe impression that other private crop re porta due this week will b in fin with th on issued yesterday, which showed gn improvement of S.S poijita ever last month, and the trade has ens to believ that th next government report will show absut IIIHUSK UHRfOTUUfBU Th etton market eeatinaed weak during tb greater part of th session today. After th opening selling was encountered, but in th late afternoon a rally occurred and tb mar set closed steady I u n uointa higher, with the exception of th July option, which mmm w wu sras iu srvi9ua cms. Prices reported by pverbtck Cooke eentr SJ. Rose. 2123 2118 2101 2093 2140 January March . , . . May . July October . . . December . . 2133 New York spot market 2185: steedr. I4rrpool cotton market rinsed 20 pointe op. DAIBT PEOBDCB OF THE COAST sen rranejse) maraet Saa Francisco. July 25 (IT. p.) Butter, extras 41c; prime first, 4 Qe; first, 39e. ' Kgge Extra. ST 54 e; extra fimta, 28 He; fiast. 24o; extra, puUeta, 2o; undersixed pul let. 17 ic. r ' " 7. : . ' t3ie.e California flat, fancy, 31 He; firsts. 18c " r. ' ' Lea aneetes IHarkag vLoa Angelas, uly ? 5. Hotter, .48 lb. Eggs Extras, 2Sc; ease count, 27c; pal lets, 23c - ' Poultry Hans, Tg; broUert, t0 37c; iryers, xe in. , settle aaarket Beattle, July 25. Egg : Sfleet reach, 28c. rilkirr, city eminery, bbcj one, 0C. Cheese, Pregou tripfcte, 28c; young Aatec- mmt www. WOOI. TARIFF DISCUSSED IS BOSTOX WOOL MARKET Boston, Jul f 4. Th,r was more discus sion of th tariff o wool tbta trading (a that yuipi ou tiis local wool eaaragt tooay. 1 us finer grades were still ia demand and prices were exceedingly firm a those grade. 1 Tb momentary, laear of interest ia the ceesser grades was evidenced by tbe indifference to uw oiienng of BoaaeaeriBt wool and tag ends by tt govcrnaxeni for Wnjch ther a;eas hut two otos. The- foreign markets wer reported firm. w 1U H'.i" CMeage Dairy Freda Chicago, July 25.- (t W. S.) Butter Beceipt S,82S tubs. Creamery, extra. 82Hc: extra first, 81 84c; fiesta, 280 81 He; packing stock, 23249. Egz Receipts 17,82 T case. Miscellan eous.. 18HlBe: ordinary firsts. 17H0 lti firsts, 9 0 2Oe.- estm, 21,41 cbcpks, 17et, dirties.! lTttllUt. ' . Cheese Twins, new, 13 H 0 10 H e; daisies. isnioc; iours amencas, ivnistie! Lenghesns, 18 H 0 SOe; brisk, 180 14 He. Lire poultry Turkeys, 2 5e: chickens, g2c; sprinxa, . 13027s; ntegtsss, Unci , 14 021c; ducia, 820. Liverpool Cettea Easier Liverpool. July 83. Cotton: LixnUad ds- mand for spot at opening.. - Prices easier. Sales 5000 bale. American middling fair, 414.65; good middling, 419-40; full middling. 418.85; middling, 413.20; low, f 12.70; good etdiasry, 411,0; erdiaary. 41140. KaTal jBterg 4 Market Kw Tork, July 2 Turpentine 8 van nan. 31.84 0 1.14 H ; w York, 411. Basin 6Tfipb, 53c; Jfew York, f6,65f Chleage Fotate Market w Chicago, July 23- (L H. 8 Potato Reenpts 134 Tears. Virginia East, 48.45 0 3.40; cam., sacked. 41.45 0 J.6fr; Early Obio, ft.uvfii.ev, i Saa Fraaeisea Cask Orala Saa Francisco, July 25. (TJ. p.)e-Bar ley Spot feed, pee cental, ff.1T H 0 41.23 m ahiman 81.25 61.35. pesab barley eioaed aooa. 41.23 H bid- vaicuei graia Bags, spot, xosy id ige. MiaBeapoils.palath Flax Mienespolts, July 26 F'ax, October, 92 84 H? SrtTnbr. 43-42; July, 49.471 track. 42 7HS-48H; arrtre, 42.46 H. ' Dulatu, July 26-FUx. July 42.44; Sea. tember, 42.44 '; October, fj.34; track. S3.es; arnre. x.4i. MOHAfR KominaL 2O0 3ae sa, 81JEEP PELT 9 Loes dry aeita. lT01Se; snort pelts, ata y P se-f son; naie goaa pelts, 10 TOjaaors bsus- go en ,s wra, WO0LWillaautI vailev. coarse. IS SOe; medium, 33033 lb,: fin, 3T04O ).; Eaatera Orvgnei-Hibe, J 0 40 lb. TALLOW ANO dRxUr-HK4V J. WJnsy, ; DO, a, ; grease in. CASCAR4 BARK 122 peel, fg: 1J1 bMl 741 Swa Bsi 9 arrwrba. 4WlasU 4g Itt- KOPK Eiaal. 0ae; HWiM. Ilal I Re ner . W1F. KATLSwSase Briea. 44 beat. , WHITE LEAD lOO-rk beg, 12 He lb. LINSEED OIL iaw, bbiT, 41.14j kettb boUea, bWe, 41-12; paw, , 4i-23 Z essss. i.j iiuw. tiASOl4E Do fcbbk t :l eaesa, 4Hf rVLtPESTI3nt-alloa eaa. .T aal . LtHnawe and SMamee Latest carload lambee aeiee by sahMfaeea. eea, eaoutwa ispieesnuag L a ib. mail ) ia direct gaiee t retaiiar a4 tael rLOOBIMOt Btgb. Urn., :- Pre, IIS lw.. v.W.je 14 m. a R. ..454.0 .Pw l.e HMSH: 1 ?-: t;cxux.-st; Hi 4 No. a aad bet STJB0 ; DBOP SIDlNOt y8 No. 2 and bet 8 0 BOARDS ND SHIPLAPt 1x8 at . ,1M DIMENSION: . 2x4 12-14 t.- SMALL TIMRERg; -4x4 12-1 afa .. . . 2I.P4 - LATH: 4 ft. No. 15t, .... 4 5 A sbiexlee I.M ': 22.14 33.00 SO. J4.40 J7.50 15,59 d.9 - Total aalet by 47 aui Opaa, High. Lew. 311? 2133 2085 3110 2128 2083 2994 2102 2050 3114 2134 2093 2133 215 2087 2132 8160 3080 f. 173,092 f(t! VIRGINIA CROP OF APPLES LIGHT : Be si smew H. Becans of the ,erx limited crea ef apples ia th far snath and especially in those sec tions whieh grow tbe Tail Kcwtoww, aar hopeful aituatioa In regard ta the prac ia indi cated fog th seating ero 1 the Ud gea- ersliy. - , - Latest isiiMifa from ; irglnla as t tbe effeet that th output of Xewtowna wiQ be eemparativedly limited thia aaaaea. As that state ia th chief competitor of tbe Pacific Northwest Newtown, the small crop will- natu rally aw aa aid to marketing the borne pro act. There is aa evea create crop of apples indi cated ia the Pacific Northwest tbaa bad been suggested even a couple of week ago. - Eea in tbe Willamette valley, where the crop was reported "sho," the outlook fa aow fairly coed. In tb immediate vicinity of Portland aa excellent production is looked for, while in ta xxooa stiver ana xaosi wcuoas to ewp win be fully up to early expectation. ; I the Rogue Biver and Umpaat valleya the' crop fa fully normal. 4 Takima bad a normal crop; while Wcnatchc indicate its greatest eatput So contracting by Eastern iBteraste fa reported in Spitsenbargs, but . tbe price has not bees) mad public. . FOTJLTBT PRODrCEHS AFFOFST C03I3IITTEE TO SELECT HEAD Th board of director of the Pacific Poul try Frodueers rote4 at a reesa meeting to faave the selection of a manager to nil tbe plac ef C. I X'psoa, up to a committee, (be present arraagementa with r P. C. Schroeder, ia chaxge, to continue until the office) fa filled. Tb matter ot muni- vacancies in vne ooara or directors . will be scferred to the naamberahip ia th venous districts far , recommendations. 3fEF SYJTDICATE QFFERiarO S TAKES BY LOCAL BOSD HOUSES Seres! of tb local bond tMiuse bar par ticipated ia the new syndicate offering of the Viwiaia-Carolina Chemical company 13 year sinking fund convertible gold bends. The Boaos aro ixnng oneaeti nn yw 7.73 per oeat. They will be issued ia d aumiaatioa of 4100, f 500 and 51000. AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Chios oe Hot W1. 00 Chieaco. July 25. (L si. 81 Hears Re ceipts, 23,000, 10 to 15c lower. Bulk, 58.43 010.45; tops. 41100; heavyweight, 510.16 WlU. 40; medium weignt. ii.igio., lightweight, 510.84 040-84'. light" light; 41040 010.90; heavy pecking sows, smooth, 44-35 0 9.00: packing sows, rough, 17.50 0 8.30; pigs, 3O.7301O.1O. Cattb BeeeipU. 8000, slow, steady. Beef steers, choice an t prime. .ft in. Hi JSmed Inm and good. $7.60 0 38: good aad cboiee, 48.75 010.30; common and medium. 34-45 0 8.74. "Butcher cattle.' heifers. 45.15 0 5.85: eews, 53.9008.15; bulla, 34-25 6.00; can. ner ana euttexs, aow ana ncireve, v -. v . v 3 90; cajinrr steers, 43 50 5.25; veal calves (light and bandyweigbt), 94-500 9.60. " Sheep Receipts. 18,000, steady. Lambs (84 lbs. down), 411.50 0 12.85; lambs, cull nd common, 47.09011.25; yearUng wethen, 48.00 10.83; . ewea. 43 00 7. 25; ewes, culls sod common, 52.0003.75: breeding ewe. 35.00011.60; feeder lambs.' 411.50 0 12.25. Ssattto Hog 912.8S Seattle., July 25. Cattle, receipts, 884; market week. Prim steers, 4.7-50 to 8.00; common to" good 48.00 (S 7.00 : medium, 47.00 to 87.60; best cow and heifers, 85.50 and 58.00; common to good 84.00 0 5.00; me dium to choice, 85.00 0 0.00; prime light calves, 57.00 to $8.00: beery calves, 34.OO& 3.00; bulls, $3.00 0 4.00. Sheep, receipts, none. Market weak. Tear lings. 58-50 t 8 00; wethers, 45.PO5.00; ewes, 42.00 0 5.00; prim lamb. (9.00 te 10.00; valley lambs. 5.P0 to 4-0f. Hogs, receipt, none. Markgt strong. Prime lights, 412-0001285: sough heane. 58.00 to b.00: amooto- hearies. 310.09 to 811.50; pigs, 811.00 to 812.09. San Franclaoe Hos S12.BO San Francisco, July 25. -Cttie: Grass fed steers. No. 1. tif Te; second quality, 5H8He; cows and heifers, 4 H 04 f4e; calves, light, $ 0 9c: calves, begvy, I 0 7c. Sheep Lamb. 10 H 011 He; wethers, 6H 07e; ewes, 3 0 fa. Hoe Hard grain, weight, 340.1 7 5. 12 lac; over 800, JO He. " Deoeer Hoe 9 S0 Denver,' July 25. rt,TI. P.) Cattle' re eeipte, 400; market steady; steers, 37.OO0 9 00; cow and Iteifers, 35.00 0 8,00; stockera and feeders, 45,00 4.25; bulla, 52.5004.50: calves, 34.00 7. 60. Hog receipt " 1700; market 10020 higher. Top, 410.50; bulk. 55-60 010.45. dheep roceipn ' 400 ; market unchanged. Lambs, 511.60 012.23; ewes, 45.7500,35. Omaha Hog, 910.SO South Omaha, July 25. Cattle receipts, 5000; killing clasxe general steady; early top for 1800 ponad steers, 110 25: stackers aad feeders, dull. Hogs JoceipU 15,080; early sale heavy; butcher etnmg; closing dullj bids 15 0 25 lower; bulk haary, mixed aad packing grades, 38.00 0 9.00; medium ad .ttfbt, 59.00 0 ,0.25: early top. 10.50. Sheep receipts, 13.000; mostly 83c lower; top wee tern lambs 512.00; early sales feeding lambs. 511-60. Kansas pity Hogs S10.8B Kansas City. July 25. 1 1. W.. &. Cattle Receipts 14,000; dull. Steer. 47.00 0 9.75-; cows and heifer. "34.00 08-10; stoekers and feeders. 45.50 8.00: calve. 47.008.50. Hogs ReceipU 10,000. market dulL Bulk of sales, 610.15010.45; top; 310.55; heavies. 310.00 ( 10.20: lights, 510.250 10.55; me dium. 410.16 010 50. e' ' Sheep Receipts 5000. market dull, lambs 412.00 012.50; ewes,. 46.00 0 7.00, POTATOES ALOSG THE COAST San Francisco Market Saa Francisco, July 25. (U. P.) Onions aiew sv yellows, per cwt.. 51-50 01.46; green onion. 31.00 1.23. . Potatoes New. 1 H 2c; sweets. 6c Seattle Market Seattle. July 25. Oniws, CgUfornis, 2 He. Potatoes, Yakima Genu, Si; locals, 20 peg ton, Le nele Market Los Angela, July 25- IL . S.) Pota toes Nice stock, best sacked. 1.15 0 1.40. Jfew yofk Pf tter aa4 Eg f New Tork, July 25-r-(L N. S.-y gutter Easier. eamery extra 35 0 If Ho: creamery firsts, 31 H 86 He; creamery higher scor ing, 86 H 0 87 H o; state dairy tubs, 290 14 H i renovated extras, 81 0 82a. T Cheeae Market easy. State whole milk spe cials, flats, 210 84c; do fancy, 30 He;' Wia consia whole milk. ' fancy Town America, 30H 031; state, akims, spaciaU. 16 lac . Eggs Market unsettled. Nearby white, faa ey 44c; nearby brown, fancy, 82 088c; ex tra. 21023c hBlk-er-The nominal wholesale eric is 43.24 per- cwt., delivered is New Tork. Official quota uona discoounaad. New Targ Foltry Market New Tors, July 2.-e-(L N. 8.) Dressed poultry as eraex Cjtuet. rollers. sseydZe; 17 j 80c; turkura. 8wi5; g., lj 016s; ducks, 30 025a, Lire pouiur Market euiet. Chickens, 28 080c; turkey, 20 0 85c; ducks, 20 023c; fowls. 20060c; roosters. 13c; geese, 110 17c. , . 5"w Tork Weal aad Hides New Tork, July 25. L N, S.-Woc4 Market quiet. Lteaasatia fleece, XX Ohio. 84 087e; do pulled, scoured basis, 5Oc0 61.ee; do Texas, secured basis, 8&43.M. Hides Market steady, ' aativ steers, J,8e; vitiw siswta, - sac Siw Trt Fotata Market Kw York. Julr. 2S rL N. 8.1- tees (ia balk, barrel or bagl ; aaarket easy; eey white, f 1.24 0 8,40 j I Boutbaras, 1.60 - Kew Tork-Leadoa Saves ""-i-ls New Tore. July 26. Commereiall be stt Vmuten, ajalj 2.rB9 tilw, ft4 lower . r. S. Steal DlTldad . ' Kew Tork. July 25. (L Jf, S ) Th Uaaed Steel eorporatias today declared tbe usual satrly dietdead f 1 H peg eea a ta semsirai gaeea ae a t fersed, . ...,"'.- -Ifvaraaat Wbeat Market Liverpool, July 35 Wheat Opea Close - Sevtaasbar .....lOSHd 1924H4 Oaia Hd - Jul , 1122H a Id Deceesber 1623 k 4 IH4 , Spot wbe4 AustraUaa wbeat. Its 2d. up 2d: N 1 Maaitoea. 12 tad, dowu. 4. Cora. Amerieea sauted, Ss 84, dawa Jd. Flat uaehaaged. Oats, Aeseneaa capped, 2 Is ed. - Broom kali says export buau Saturday aad Monday est wasted g( 2,009,090 kasbai t SL50.avg .ra nm. ; , -xjiaas. v" - Wear Wbesvt DeUTsrwd : - Gddnedale, Wash., Jaly 35. Wht fa near being .delivered at the warehoose. - The bt, Je4. are-verMBBy . Z9 tWl t Ui4 acre. . . WHEAT TRADING TCE3BAT WHEAT BIDS : y "-:- Tar Bid. Rise. Ago. Hard whit 91.99 i 1.15 sort wait ijiw Walt clab 1J7 Hard wlaUr J Ml ITortkera sptipg . JAf Red) Walla . 1 1.11 le LI1 le 1.03 la 1.4 1 1.94 . NOHTHWE8T OR ADS' RECEIPTS : CpmpUad by the Merchant Exebaage. :.ara- Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oats. Penland, Tues 12 8 tear ago. . . Seaxon to dat) Vear ago . , Taooma. Mas. Tear ago . 141 594 " 28.1 840 30 34 341 44 4 18 i - 14 104 ! 10 7 T3 3 2 101 I 23 61 4 34 14 I 4 'i li -. 4 14 T3 91 qeasoa to x ear age . . Seattle, ale. Tear ago . . Seesne to dat Ver ago . , ' Wheat trad eoatiaus fe plgy f ggm of hid gad seek with th prieg list. Th world wa bullish gt th Tuesday opening, sbowiag complete reverse t seBtimeat fer th day. Fotrsiga iaterest ia th Pacific Northwest rcp fa agaia sboeripg with tbe resulting snail 94 ia buying activity at country points. Ooaatry bids foe spot dab ' ware generally around 81.12 per bushel tidewater delivery basis Tuesday moraiag although some busi ness was reported s bigb as 11-13. Hev err, activity fa aot yt ry broaouaced. bUller appear to b catching tiieir breath I regssd to th purchase of blustsa wheat Because of tb dry season with th resulting "pinch" ef graia, there will be much larger per cent of strong Turkey this lessee Uiaa aarmsl gad to sosn gxtent this will take the plac of blues tern ia patent flours. ' Neverthe less th fery dry season ba curtaOed produc tion of blue, teas most beeaos it to in th spring wheat sections where the bulk ef the better class btucsteat fa grown that tb crop fa actually short. This therefor would in dicate that after all bluaston will eommaad a very stiff, premium above other milling wheats. Market fer bay is rather mixed with, little oemanu Tor Mover even ant exceueas uuauu Alfalfa firm aad tar 1 a steady tone for both galley and Eaatera Oregon timothy. Market for straw ha aot yet opened but the trade figure upo 9s 18 price at Portland. WHEAT Cash buying price, tidewater Uck delivery: Clab. 41.12 01.1 bushel) ordinary blues tern. 51-25; Big Bend bluettq, 51.2601.40: Turkey rsd. 51.1301.14l red Itussian . S1.0BA l.ie ssl busbeL ' FflH Selling price, mill doog: Patent,. 47.76 08-00; Willamette vsliey bread. 46.19 0.2f: local straight. IS.aO; bakers-- hard white, 47.80: bakers' bluestem, 7 .40; bakers' &aatr. AS.SQ oar bbl.: graham. 4 3. SO; whole wheat, 47.00; rye, 44.89 peg bbl. -Price fog city delivery, isa extra; guourpaa, sue cxu. HAT Buvin mice: Willamette timothy. fancy 419.00020.00; Eaatera Oregon tim othy, 421. 0Q 0 23-00 per ton: ciov, 9,7-vu straw.' 48.00; alfalfa, 1.59 0 ll.oo; gram bay 414.50 017.09 per ton. y glS.tasy If.ou per toa, fitln SACKS Nominal. No. 1 Calcutta, 19 He for bw crap (dejiTery. fomesus cags. 9 ri eacn. MILLfiTCFFS MiU run at mill, sacked, ton lot.-447.90; carload lota. 437.09; mid dlings, 450.09 per ton. ''. OATS r Par toa. buying pries; Feed, 334. SO : millinc. 335.00. BARLET Buiiog price: Feed, 828.00; brewing. 428.50. PEEnSTlTFFS V. O. B. mills: .Railed barley. 434,00 0 37.00: whole baric j. 334.00 0 85.00; alfalfa meaL 439.69; coeoanut meal. 42990 098.99; cracked cera, ef.uu 098.90; whole eora; 131.99084-40. ' Msrehaats excagng bids: WHEAT July August Sept. Raid ahiu ......... 109 109 109 Soft white 107 107 10T Whit club 107 107 10T Hard winter 10T 107 107 Northera snriB .... 107 107 107 Red r Walla ... 104 194 104 Ha 8 White 8800 880 9299 BARLEY - ; ?! rr - cob . Ms, 3 esstern ......3009 2876 8971 Slack Taken Out Of Wheat Market By Expert Houses Chicago, July 85. A better ton to tb wheat market developed today. Buying by KasteCB houses ggainat export business ou the bisak "took- tb alack our of th market nd tbereaftef there scwle pa the part of loeajshorte to cover. There - Was some hedging preesur i gndeDee, bat ft was aot so heiVy si of late. Seaboard reported an other activ, day fee exporters, but that busi aass Would probably belles thaa vestarday Primary receipt were beery a 8,414.000 buihala. Caah wheat premium la the local market arere stronger. Kaasaa City reported cash wbeat aaebaeged Be 2 hagbcr sad Minne apolis aachanged to le higher. Local ehippera aad exporters bidding strong pries (or loaded wheat, but aot so anxious fag wheat for more dsf erred shipment. C tang of wbeat hi etited ia West Kortb Dakota. Dry weathag complaints are being received from Canada. Cora was inclined io drag. There was bqukiatiou ta evidence early, wbile buying sever was light. Late the trad was largely fat the way of absagiag. Bailing of September against purchases of December. Crop news goaUBue fsrorabie. Receipt ceatioued of good' Volum. offering to arrive were heavier. Cash eora ia good dgBULad an4 premium wsr strongly held. OaU failed to exhibit much aetfcnw. There was pressure cat the market from cash house, white short were the best buyer. Cash eats gcsnaad was only fair, Previnoos caster. Commisaioa bouses wsr sliaf , ' white support was Uauted. The wheat market closed uaehsaged to 2e higher. July, 41-10: September, 11.07 H 0 H;Dmbe, 41-09 H. - Com closed H 0 He lower; July, 41ie; September, 62 H 0 He; December, 58 0 Oe. m Oats unchanged to H lower, July. 81 He; September. lkei December, 3 6 H c. rd cfosU" 0020s lower, llibs, lf 6 20 lower. Chicago rang by ITsited Press: ' WHEAT ' Onen. High. Low. CIo IP fnly.,.., September December. 106 H HI 07 , i08 18H 148H 7i t , 109 1B5 109 CORN 81 63- 1 81 . I 8 M N- 88 2 1 4 m 81H 8SH 6H 1143 1M S1O0 l 84 A 81 A September.!' December. , July. . . . . September. December., juiy.. .. September. July...... September. July , , , lcwsiber., July,. . . . . steatber.. OATS 81 H 61 H 834 84 H LARD. 114T 114T 81H 43H 1143 1143 il3 14 IT RI ii89 ii?2 Hot t m w.. RARLgX; 84 DRT C00PII T ABB AWAITS STAPLE mniVKS Hew Tork, fur 3Ti4ea aa the dry goods market base appear te be swtmg saora dafiait new a to tb eeaditioa of tb saw staple before makfhg extensiv comBiiUneDts. Trading era quiet ia tb standard prut cloths today but price showed littte ebauge. There vu seaae bidding ia gvideac sr-had below current awcatioa but this brought email re speaaa. - Export taaairfa for a fair Quantity ef N-Tlirrt kTt prices firm ia tbose eoa sirarlinnA " Mils sad sateeaa were ia some aVeaaaad. Tire fabrics wr duJL while trading waa daae ta lawns aad poplins. - Inactivity ta Tokoham, waa reflected ia the eaw aiik saaekata eritb; a slightly .softer trend for coarse waiea rnsnsaes ia oa- Jyrled jrreit sad Beaas New Jerk. J1' 23. (L N. 8.) Beaas Market easy. Marrow, ebmre. 69.60- sea, choice, 89.7 5 red dary. ebotee. 69.2$. lned fruit Market firaa. A price, choice to extra fancy, 27 0 63 He; spptea, evaperated. yrn to fancy. 17 H 018 He; yewaes, 80s U 60,7 12 4k 01 He; 4 80s to ,100s, T 12is; paarhea, ochote to extra fancy. 12 H 0 30c; seedicat ratuaa, sBlphar bfastcsjed, 11 02OH. -. :. i : Bttssi Aire Wba Raeete Ayna, Jaly 25.Whs-..i 4agut 11.25 H; dowa 4i ; Sepurabcr aaaae. L ora aad aau atichasgad ; ffaa fa tewer; westber uasetUed,. . ... . ...... APPLE CROP CATTLE TRADING TCESDAT riTESTOCR; TRADB I Hoy. Strs. Laaibs, Fertlaad ....... $18.9 f 8.44 41134 Chicaa-o 1L99 - , ISAi Omaha 14A4 14Ji 12.44 DBTr ......... 18A JH UJi Saa FrmncUeo . . 18.44 ' 1M 1 Lit Kaasas City ... 18U5 ,f ( . I2U4 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RtW I . Ho. CatUe. Calves. Sheep. Cera. Toesdsy . . 35 39 ... 18 S Week age.... 562 ... 8 3 weeks a..i 111 ... ... - 4f ; S 4 weake ago... 7 64 ... 491 4 Tear ago...,. ... 144 2l . 5 yeses sgo. ., v . n -KsBwripa m 8 year a...; .40 83 ... 8 4 gears a:., 350 160 309 - f . Tbasw fa a doubting the jick tppeerssee ef the cattle market at North Portland, l Hops r eeastdered ateedy ad there t good tea Baa rally iadicated foe aheep sad famba. Rua fat Tuesday included but three ears, but then Wit s bberal rryer froas Moaday. ' Ia the cattle sHeys North Portland trade has been unable io clean up its offerings. Leftover stock at the opening of th Tuesday market in cluded around 89 loads of stuff ia this division slop. While most of thes included poce quel ity' thin steer gad cows, there was eome father Sped she stuff among the stab) stuff. - Tuesday's opening, therefore, reflected this condition. Cher eoaliaoee a limited call for prime staff, but H take only aery fr toad U satisfy this demand. . To mare or ilea ex tent this isdUfcrenee to really good St" fa due to tb oveeabundaace oi off grade settle which are pressing for sale St almost spy pnea. Geseral cattle market rgaga: Cbcie steers T.50 0 8.9 Medium to good steers 0.73 0 7.50 IT,ir in saadium steara B.I 8 Of ' 8.75 t'ommon to tail steers ...... f.OOH .f 8.50 0 4 60 6UO0 4.60 4-00 0 5.00 3.00 0 4 09 ; 8.00 0 .09 ' S.00 0 4.00 6.90 0 5.59 4 00 0 6.00 7.60 0 8-00 T.OO0 7.30 8.00 0 7 00 Choice cows and heifers ...... Medium to good cows, herfem Fab to medium cows, heifers. . Common o fair cows, beifers. , Cannem buu ....... Choice tders Fair to good feeders 1 Choice dairy calve . Prim light calves . . . Medium light calveg Heavy dairy calves 4 00 0 8.00 Tee Lamb Aiw hish Wbfl th former list oq sheep end la Bibs was unchanged but steady at tb Tuesday North, rcrtiaap, opening, tuers were puenug oi pnm, east af the mountain stuff- A near quotation covexine each efferinsa ia therefore inserted ia today's report, with aa extreme of 311. Thg termer top at f tu covers prmy ii is matte val ley offerings. General heep sad lamb ranee: Prime east mountain fambs . . . 510.00 0 11. OQ Choice valley fambs. ....... . 9 00 0 10.00 Medium valley lamba ...... 8.09 0 8-09 Commoo valley Umb . . . . 8.00 0 S.ba CuU spring lambs 8.00 0 6.00 Heavy7 yearlings : 6.50 . 7.50 Light yearlings 6.500 8.50 Heavy wethers J. 00 0 5.59 Light wethaas 6.600 6.50 Ewe 2.00 6.00 I Swing Trade Steady Sain showed s steady trade at North Port- la ad Tuesday morning with only a nominal volume of wagon stuff available aad bo car loads reported ia th allays. General top for sucu ofirnng ss nuotrn: General hog market tang: Di ni,, . r v in nan OA ... . . . . , 4i m.vc s-wh Smooth haary. 230-100 lbs... 10.30011.00 Smooth heavy. BU0 lbs ua 9.00 (t 10. BO l .... k... r r ,a eta aa 8.94 H.60 , 1169 12.00 1 12.25 I . pigs te 3.0 ( Moaday anrneeo Sates BTJCSiaS No. Ave tbe, Price 3... 503 8.75 No. Arc. lb. iPstee 5... 686 2... 7 6. .,114 S...976 ...1017 8. ..1978 4. ..1116 8 6.00 8.85 2... 1705 ' 6.50 0. 10. 1027 4.84 4.25 .. 1065 .. $045 . . 8 . . 865 I. 89T 8.25 6.60 8.50 4.50 8.06 4. SO 7.26 8.60 6.60 5.00 S.50 7.00 7.00 6.00 f.25 4.O0 19... 933 4. .r926 ,108 . 670 .1057 .1104 .W)9f . 87 Mil .1108 91 1271 IS. 8. 34. 89. 4. 7. 4. 10. -:::- 25 4.60 T.25 1.09 6... 1094 - 5.60 825 0... 1088 16... 96 30. .. 1088 6.,. 1044 20. . . 1206 4... "687 8. . . 1041 7... 1144 7 85 8.23 T.00 7.10 8.75 6.00 f.9 5.00 7.O0 T.OO 6.90 8.50 S.75 S 2, ..1020 8... 194 COWS 492 8.3.75 890 7 4.25 830 8 4.0 975 ' 6.50 972 862 810 871 855 1042 748 6.50 56 4.00 8.25 in 1.50 8.25 SJ0 6.60 4.60 3.76 450 . 90 :io4o . 982 .1035 4.00 650 . , 2.. 14. . 5. 25 $0. 4.00 8.00 8.60 6. 8. 22... 965 6.25 900 a. , -luzo 6.19 6.10 8 60 4.00 8.75 8., . 1070 17... 1071 42... 184 2. 1160 868 899 2. . 2.. 795 4. S. . 917 .1150 . 190 , 160 ! 212 '. lit 970 3.50 CALVES 4... ?::: 8... 80.,, I::: 5::: I-- 245 4.00 1. . 1.. T.e 195 7.60 6.00 334 176 240 236 161 131 881 260 6.00 io.; 7.68 7.50 6.00 7.5 8.00 6.00 8.90 7 60 .5:: 19., .0( 00 6.80 4 60 6.50 8.25 6.. IS 108.., SI! SX... BUT 5.60 8.0 8 l.J. TT '2... 16T0 1, . . 1410 , .. 1160 1... 1890 8TAQS 8 8.75 I BTJLL3 8 9.60 8.69 8.59 8.60 l..ilH 8, ,,137 1.. ,1820 8..:ii3$ 1... 820 I'.'.'. SSS I-.. 1 t 4.14 50 S.60 -35 1 f.08 7... 4... 34... 11.,. " 31... SO,.. SO..., 18.... 80... 328 811.75 410 6.00 885 8.00 118 12-25 192 5.25 435 8.60 I4T 1160 168 12.00 235 11.60 f.60 11.75 12.00 12.00 l;tt 5... 364 120, 10? I- LAMBS 53 9.50 I 67.. 64 8 60 J 46.. f 73 10.00 1 81... 62 88 81 8 8.89 - 860 7.00 EWES 118 111 88 I 8.60 83 S.00 6.00 TEARLTNGS 8 1 3 88 7.84 7.50" fa. KTUEK3 165 f. 8.00 I l..: 163 io.,; sax e.po 1 TVwsaay Mornlag Sales If 0. At, Lbs. Price, i Ne, A. Lbs, 4.., 74 811.00 Ffic, 1... 14 4.00 j WE bTHE RS 23... 118 6 7.50 1 . BUCK SHEEP j J,,, 17 f I.0OJ C) TttitO i-l:i:-wl5 I 9..., 91? SOU 1. 18 $ 8.60 800 8.50 .80 .25 . a CO' )WR 4.00 i.0 84 8 4.' 85 4 00 CAL1 1 188 8.25 I HOtiS l.. . I::: 84... 460 275 SOU 20.,., 218 $11.89 14T. 12.00 B.04 218 801 11.78 13.98 T-8 11.54 208 12.00 11.68 11.60 20.... 248 8..,, 378 ,.., 242 12.... 22 19..,. 21 11.54 9.09 11-40 t..ii 10 11 1.88 I.... 37 j 8.09 3 f 45 llf I 78 I Saa Fraaelge Poultry Harkat Saa rtaaefaeo. July 25. (t X. B,). Paul, try Bretien. 10144 toa, 2f 2e; 1H0 14 lbs, 28 0 30c; 302 30 0 81; fryer; 32 0; yeung roosters, lb, gad pp. 40 4o; Maggy, 20 8( eolceed aid reeetam, 17 018c: Leghorn oM saosters, 14 015: Ir! bora koaa, 2H 0 lb.. 16 01Sct 8 lb, aad over, (leirrj arts cweraa awsw, SBgfSie; dacks, young. 10 20e; geese, yoang, 26 0 22e: Hv turkey, 82 055c; dreesed turkeys. re ,vt evsW''" se.r,. vy w ....... 3Toay aad yebag .New Tork. Jaly 85. L K. 8.) CaH maaey ou the floor af tb New Tork Stock Exchaaga today ruled at 4 pgr oeat; huh 4 per cent; low, 4 per cent. . ' Tim - maaey was aau. Pate were 4 04 H per eeat The anarkat fer Priaae Marcastri paper was qaiet. ' Cta saeaey fa : txada today u 1 per cent. - . .-. Steriiag Evebaag was steady with bnxi- Ug jBr giip at e.tw log ) SHO'SWEAKESS VESSEL COMES FOR FIRST OF IW CROP GRAIN First ( the vesaalf to load new crop grain ayriyed up today and berthed at the O-W. R. v flocli. She U the British ateamahlp Korsnton. 4123 tons. and wtU b loaded by Kerr, Glfford 4e Co. for the Tjnit4 Kingdom. The Ko- ranton is.zor tna ianr parr, oz au- guat and sema rpa.ir work will V done t Portland. xngaren. 8484 net tons., and bound from Newcastle to Saa Francisco' with coal, will ha due at Portland far the General - Stepishlp corporation th first part' of next week,! and will g on berth for parcel ots of grain tot ina V nitea lungaom ana . uonunen t. One parcel - ef 4a00 tons haa been booked by one firm for Ireland. Tare British steamships, two Japa nese steamships and a, Cerinsn bark, all fo tha Wottbern Grain It "Ware house company, with a total tonnage of 1M95, Vra U ttlMtt. show en the hoard at the merchant exchange for new crop. These craft ar the .Brit lab stamra Baron Folworth,Bnavon and Orient City. Japanese steaniships Tenpalaan Maxu and Kosoku alaru. and the German hark: HaraJd. . For barley loading at Ban Francisco for th - United Kingdom the Norwe gian steamship Handicap, 8037 -tons, and the British . steamship Berenger, 3027 tops.' have been fixed by Straus & Co private terms, Ecporiers are not Inclined to. rnaka publio tb names of - any new craft, although aeveral steamships have been fixed in s addi tion to those on the board for the Northern Grain e Warehouse com pany. . y.- . . - 4 -:"--.:." SOBWEGtAH SHIP TAKB8 CARGO OF l,8tl,Bfl TEXT Carrying 3,028,000 ft of lumber, valued at 865,400, th Norwegian steamship Brgtaburg of th Aslatlc- Americaa Una cleared today for Mont real. The Bratahurg waa formerly op erating in the lumber-carrying trade between Colombia rlyer points and the Orient. Th Units, of the same serv ice shifted from, the drydock yesterday to the Southern Pacific open deck, where aha will also. tak lumber ., for Montreal. The Bjorastjerne BJornson, Norwe gian, 3258 net tons, has been announced aa fixed for British Columbia loading f or Halifax or option of . New York. The charter fat la given as SIS for the Canadian port gad I12.S0 for New Tors; delivery. Tne Blomson la now beaded far Puget Sound from MoJi and will figure with August loadings. LuniDer from we rrmwesi iq Halifax and. Montreal has taken a sudden movement.. The rate quoted for Norwegians la less than the inter. coast) . liners .axe . getung foy New York tfeUvery of lumber. The pnly rata that has aot been smashed up by the war which has Pea In progress for the Bast month is on East-bound lumber,, and steamship operators are down to a low margin on that. DEL1TEBT OF SILK CARGO IR SEW TORK BREAKS RECORD Washington, ' July 25. A cargo-. ef silk was delivered in New York 14 days and t hours after it had cleared from Yokohama, du to a record breaking voyage ot th steamship Fresr ident Madison, it we ennaunced at the snippingf poara tocay. The Madison sailed from Yokohama July S, making the passage, to Seattle in 10 day and 0 rainutes. Unloading actually started before tbe vessel was made fast, 1000 bales of ' silk haying been moved from the vessel to trains wiipin six nours. WASHIITOTOIT, D. (L MA5T BUYS SBJIF pOARIf'S HODOO SHI? Washington, July z5.-Tha Foes hontaa, hoodoo ship pf the United State ahipping board, haa been sold, it was announced today, fhe purcfiaser is Edw F. pff of this ety. Th price wag net announced, - Th Pocahontaa was formerly tb crack North German L.Ioyd liner Prin cess Irene, After being chartered to the united Btates Mam steamship com: pany sh developed insistent ngin troubles that forced her into port many times, rinany en was iaia up in .Sep tember, 1921. at Gibraltar, where she haa since lain without repair. She was sou aa is ano wnere is. OCEAR RATES WEAK New York, July 2 &.!. N. a.)Ocean freight rates on grain are- weak-and ther is a falling off In quotation to the Continent today, the drop rang ing from ta cent the hundred pounds in parcels. Geperal cargo IS ylet. Board figures . are ; ; United Kingdom, 2s !g 3d; Germany, Ham burg and Bremen. ll3ioi France, Atlantic 111308. Mediterranean 18 llc; Holland, Amsterdan and' Kot- terdam, lsc. General cargo quiet. ALL ' At050 THE WATERFR03TT For San raneiaco. Wllrninarton and San Diego the steamship Admiral Par- ragut will sail front terminal N at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. 1he steam schooners Flavel and ; o, I Hal- The Acme f Joy - ; i .':. . i. ..... -.. ... i- i ' ' , .' : A Peerless GAS-firesI BoileF : The 70 FRONT STREET Tides at Astoria Wedaesday , . HishWaUr Low Water 1 :87 a. m. 3-3 ft 1 I :S9 a. an. -14 ft. t ;i n. m. S-S ft. . :49 p- rn, - L ft. c are taking lumber for San Frair cusco at Tongue Point. Tha motorahin Babinda is tilscharg- ing general cargo from California at Suite's dock. -T ' The steamship Cap Romaine la dls- eharglng general cargo, from the At lantic side at terminal No. 1. Hudolntt ' Bostrom Has Meat go. pointed third assistant engineer ef the Naweco freighter Brush, - He succeeds Louis tscniegei who will return to tus noma in Corvauia. . .-- ; i . i. i . i i. ' -v & TWO JAFASE8B STOWAWAYS Marshfleld. T)r- July .15. Captain Ohna. of the Japanese' steamer Ori- dfne Mtru. reported to Peputy Cus toms Inspector Clark that tie uaa found two stowaway Japanese boys had hidden In the coal bunkers after getting on th vessel at xoKonams and had been there for nearly a month. AT W0R-PS PORTS ' Aateria, July 33, -Sailed at 8 a, m., steemsr Celilo, for Bga Pedro via Saa Fran cisco. Sailed at 8 A B. at-, steamer Wapama, foe Sa isaicfaco. Arrived at 8:05. steamer Flavel. from San Pedro. Arrived at a. as., steamer Halce, from Baa Pedro. ' Left up at midnight. British steamer .oraion, - Aateria, July S 4. Arrived at 12:18 p, aa., BrltUb steamer Resaatoa. froaa Maroraa. Ar. rived at 2:25 Bad left up at 4 P- Ba., steamer Cape Rotdaia, f rent Bahimore ad way porta, flailed at 3 p. m., Noiweciaa stemr S rats berg, for Montreal. Arrived at 9 and faft up at 10:80 p. sa steamer . Steel Banger, from Ksw fork. San Pedro. July 34. -Arrived, . stesmer Floridfaa, from Portland, tor New Tork and Boston. Arrived, eteem .Richmond, from Portland. Arrived and vailed, steamer Senator, froaa Portland, fer Saa Diego. Sailed, steamer Bessemer City, fsoaa Betimes, for Honolulu rtta Sea Franefaeo. Baav IHego. ory 34. arrlvwd. sritlsa steamer Canadfaa Observer, from Astoria. . Belliaghaaa, July 24. Sailed at 8 p. as., steam Ohioaa, frost wew Tork and way porta, fog Portland. Coo Bay, July 24. Sailed.' steamer Ad mini Goodrich, from Portland, for Earek nd , wy porta. - . " ' ' Tatooeh. July 24. Psmsd la, steamer Or leans, from New Orleans via Portland. ' Taooraa. July 24. Arrived, steamer Robin Gray,: from New Verb i Portland. - . Vancouver. July 24. Areired. British steamer Uoagqligu Prince, froaa Orient,, f ps Portland. New York, July 24. Arrived, steamer Lib erator, from Portland. Arrived, steaiuer Julia Luekenbach, from Portland. Sailed, steamer Lena Luc ken bach, for Portland. - Leith. July 38. Arrived. Preach steamer St. Louis, from Portland. - . UTerpooL Julf 23. Arrived. Brltfab steamer Benrinnes. from Portland. r Cork. July 16. Arrived, British ltisf Cae OrtessLj front PorUgad. x ' ; . s ' :-By.UnIersaI Service! ' Sa Frsacisoo, July 4. .Arrived. "Dorothy Alexander., from Saa Pdego. at 11:30 , !-; Brunswick,: from t-fm Angeles. St 1:0 P. ! Dilworth, from IWaila. at 3 P. a-t Labraa, from Lo Angeles. t 3 p. m.; Vanguard, from West port. t'al.. at : 8:45. p. St.; Rgfmond. from Willapa Harbor, at 8:4 p. m-; Broad Arrow, from Swatow, st 9:15 p. at-j Virgin ian, from Portland. 7 :8t) P- m. I b-atherin. from Port Saa Luis, st 9:10 p. m.: Lsma Stewart, from SUl. at 10 p. sa. Sailed. Komulua, ' f or " Taeoma, st 4:60 p. la. gi ruits wick, for Fort Bragg, at 8:56 p. pi ; Japaa s Durban Maru, for New YTk' lf :? Pi m.; V, n guard, fog Lot Angelas, gt 4:35 u. mil.; Sooth Coast,' fee Creecenj City, gt 8:6 p. m. Saa' Francisco, July SS.-r-Arrirals, b'or wagiap steamer Ramus, from Columbia river, at 1:1 a. ra. steamer oprt Angrlea, Jrom Mukilteo, t 7 :80 , r-7 schooapr Fort Lara mie, front Mukilteo, st 7:50 s. m. t steamer Humboldt, front Log Anpelea, gt 85 a. at. ; Steamer K. I. Lackenbsch, from Anaeortes, at 6:16 s. xu-j If. S. Boobyajla, from PertlsBd. at 8:40 s. m. Sailed. Steamer Johanna Smith. for Coo. Pay. St 12:96 S- m.; steamer Harry l-ucxeuoacu, lor xniiaaaipuia, ar iu:u a. m. ; steamer West Hgrea, for Baltimore, at 4 :45 - ta.; Stesmer i-a puxvmaa, for Portland, at 4:20 a. m.; Steamer port Angelea, u Los Aageles, at 7:66 a. as. , ' ' -u ?QSIT?0S of VfsSF.LpI ; i Radio- reports by Federal Telegrapa giv, th poalUoa pf the fbUowipg resssU at 9 p. u. forbar Linda, kverttt for Sen Pedro, H6 mile from Sasj' Pedro, .Sf.n4eH." p,rt ''t pnrii uiilf from Oleum. P. Hj Buck, Pore Uoeta for UsTiota, 11 miles North or Gariota. ' - Bohemian Club, San Pranctseo for RoBOlUlU, 822 miles from Saa Franelioo. Oleum. San lage lo Vaoturs, 180 mil ffom Vsntura.' : J- 'i Lymaa Stewfrt, Ktehmond Psgeb for pisuja, 60 miles from Oteum. . j.t-. ' " ' By baval Radio. - E4 Ktagsfar. Point Wslfa for Saa Fwacfaco, 610 miles from San Francisco. Northwesterp. Ketchikan for SegUle, 40 pxilas south of jSevmoug Nayowa i Sandon Hall, booth Africa for Port Town. send, via Ceon. ff mile front foint Town. send. , - , ' pMWaP Wbeatlaad Montana, Seattle for MoJL 299 Utiles from Beatil. T , 4 eginley. Yokobgaia for Seattle. 9973 mils from Seattle. . ' . Standard Arrow, Shanghai for Saa Francisco, 2922 miles from San Francisco. t Wast Kader, Portland for Yokohama. 2681 mile from Columbia river. -?rtidnt Jefferson. Seat4 for ' Tokohama, B 80 mite from Seattle. - ' Admiral N'ieholson, Kctcbikaa f of Kodfak, passed Cape Omaoey. r -- ' -ar-f . aanr, port Holler for Unafaska, 30 mRe from Inalaska. , - Almeda left Stevens Creek for Valdes. Admiral Watson, Seattle . fog Ketchikan, 48 miles from Ketcbikaa, -' Rainier, Pert Angeles far Ran Francisco, 60 miles from Port Angeles. . . , f PTE AMEB WITH POHTLARD FOLK LANDS AT GOTHESTBCRG "Th Swedish-American line steamer Drottnlngholm. which sailed from New York July 16; fUled to capacity lnvll classes, arrived gt Gothenburg Mpnday nighC . : .' --. About 15 passengers from Portland sailed with this steamer, gmong them Mrs. Irene Grant, tha linguist for Udell Clarke, tb SwedislteAraerlcait line's general agent for Oregon. ; v-j, ' ; Mrs. Grant's mission ia t study eon? ditions in Northern Europe, and also to m&ke csytgin arrngementp fog the Oregon Boosters' excursion which ? is No Chores! No Smoke ! No Peerless Paicif being arrsnged by L.MU 4 Clarke, and will leave foy a pleasure trip t th North European countries In Msy next yaar. : News pf the Pgr I prhii, duty xsta Steel Rangey. Aantcw tetvr, frost Few Fork. seaersL , . . , Cape ttomai. American stesmer, from BalU- ssor asKf way posts, geacraJL . . - korsatoa, British steamer, free Vluroraa. ballast. . .. Brash, Amgrtoaa steamer, frost New York aad way porta, geaeral. Veassfa t Areve Prolm - Date. Cape Romans-.,-, . . , ..New Turk ,f. July 25 BteM Hanger ........ w- tort . . . .Jul, 20 Mongolian Priao .Settle 2T : 8 1 ti igati v Maooaaa aiaru .,t,,se.ttJ ,.,uiy Rae Ci'v .......... Saa Fran. . , .July V Poreet King ,,..,,, San- Praa ...July S E. H. WeyTi;; .San Fran, , i . .July 2 Hobil City Seattle July 80 Senator .......... .Saa iMego-Way. July 81 The P. Beal ........ New Tork ; , , . July 3 1 Katrine Lackeobeeb ..Philadelphia ..Aug. 1 Wimui ,.,,,.,, Prsn , ,', .An. 1 Romulus ....... T aroma . , , , Aug. 2 - :-. j VesMlg t Peaart '' -' -'" Ttm sis i . .. ' For " Dst.e. ' Brash ......... .'.New Tork , , . .July ' Walter vLocSeobcb.. .New York .. i .July 'J A dm,. Farragut , . i t . Saa Diego-Wsy J n .y 2 Cape Romaia .New Tork ...Ju.y $4 Ohioaa ..New Tee .. ,Juiy V T Georsina Botph ...... San Etaa. ... .July 81 KaociUe tSy ,.,..Yew Tork V.. .July 8 Babinda ...........Ban Fedr ...July 36 Ibuksisn Uar Kobe .......July 80 Rote City , , , . , ga Free . . . . Ju.y 1 Alemnoa ......... .eat f oast ...Aug. 1 .-Vessels-. ft.-c Berth. ' Admiral Perm cut .......Terminal he. 2 Babinda , , ... Y, . . ... Supple nraau .. i ............... .Terminal re, - Cane Bomaia , .Terminal ba. 1. av-say muiH , . . . ... . . . .... cmvpiwh pf iaaoe , t ... -. lr1iock Flaee , . .-. Tongue Pu f;orwina . Rolph ... Conch Hale . Tongue t't. Hannawa ................ Peninsula I br. la Ibuktesa sfaru ..... Columbia City Korsntea ........ O-W. Tknek lultaoaub f,i,,ti ....... . . .St Helens Oliioau Asiotia Ryufuka Marq ..... ...... . .. A'turia Steel. Ranger Termtnal No. 1 TJUboet , , . .. . . . . t. , ..... . .Bainler VValter Luck.nbach j w asaj bass pw, PAILY; RIVIEB READING!, Fire Terwa, ill it it si m Cmatill, . . Albany , .. Salem . . ., Oregon. City TsT 20 n 16 8 1 i.i 4-0 t-9 I a -. ! 0 0. to S0.00 0.00 "IS i ii i is' oio.eo ;i portiapd iT)FUi8. BIYEIl FORECAST m,. VCHl.m.tt. Birae at Port la ad will ro maia pearly stationery during the tt three days except as affected bf b W- ' . -; .ii. 1 u ' I ' 1" J: ' t '-.'' . FEDERAL RESERVE STATEMENT' . SHOWS MORE tiOLH-UELD Further gains of S9.500.009 in gold, sod of 81 2.300.900' la tote! cash reserves, accom panied by eduction pf 131.800.000 federal reserve note ejrcufatipa gad s in crease of 917,800.000 in totgl deposits, are shown in the federal rrssrv board , wHy bank atetement issued at th lae ef businees July 19. Dfaoounted bills bald by tbg reserve banks aliost sb ltet tog Ug wet pt 418. 500,000, goeeptgpees purcftgted in ope msr ket fell pit 48.700,0110, and United S securities J4.9OO,00O. TUs e)SB re flect tersely dereldpmBt-t the hsw Tpr beak. Govaramant deposit werg 848.600. Q00 larger, white members' feserr and other de posits werg 110,809.008 less lUsa fb Ffs before. . -J,- . - ', .. ...... Eastern Cash Orala Mtonespotht, i"y f f ,J,,.v - ark northern, 314 1 H 0 1.5 1 ; b S, . llf 5 H J b'o. 3 1-83 H if 1.4 fc I S friorthernT'Sl-STH 01.48. ;. , dark tj.su is i. a orp J1' f. iii.it rk? 'rkv "cwriae.5-sVlxa; 67' 57' 4- OataeV I White 29 0 4? He. ; Winnipeg? July 25 Caabjwbeet: K. I northern, 4185 V, I No. 8, l:80Hf b o. 8. 41.21 H ; r.o, - f LDSHri rJ. .. No. 8, 3He; fed7He; trgok, 81-82H. CbicgoJuIr B6.--Csb .wbt: b?. 2 Ml IdltiAl.liUi' fco. 8, 41.O1H0 19 H: " I hard, 81. Ig 1.1 5; .;. liaei.llH: No. 3 31-09 H 01-18: No, vbastri 12 U i No.' 8. 8109 0 1.09 H ; No. 1 mixed, ii.i; no, 2, i.iti.ii. Vwl.ll Com No. 1 mixed. Si He: 47. 2. V 4is o, , Of H 04. .j iw 1 ,w 1 't.avM Califoriiiri Labor 1 . ..! 1- . . T - 1 IritaKlamatlxStTik ' Salem, Or., July 25. C. H. Gram;., Oregon labor commissioner, probably will b supported by WiUtanv-TJrniey, deputy Uibpr commissionerj for CalU frnia4U Mr ampioyif ment agenclea to send men to Klamathi Falls, without Indicating aa their cm ployment tlckata tbat Klamath Fall . (S su-lka district, V, Urray mad peraa IsvsgHrae (ion at Klamath Falls and gubsequentiz fonferred wUn OfSffi. , i ,. , ' i Wjicn ith strlk first go, undor wF Gram ordered that the employment Slips designats Klaanatb Falle-a strike territory. LLtr th employers, hold ng that the strike was of a technical pature only, protested gad Gram with drew his order. ' :-' ;"-'';'-; Ashes ! ic Co. Broadway 6401 I