t 12 HID OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1922. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 - STOBAGE- $6 .NEW BUILDING ' j Kinnrar Bros., Ford Garage. ' I ' EXPERT FOIU RKPAIKLVG 20 Chion At. Bet. linrthonw end Clay St. HARRY M. K1SN EAR VM. C. KIN NEAR. CYLINDERS Kbored. $2.10 each, in most an I without tnomn: work guaranteed. Wal nut 2352. 143 Killragaworth. , . - f " AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 1 - AUTOS FOB. HIRE" With nr .without drivers. Day or night service- j Coachman Oarage - ; Remember Our Number- . nfcl.---5--v- ' Broadway 869 "! 1TTT AT COUCH. BHOADWAT S696. YOUNG MAX, bow employment leaves him I at tessure the morning of one day and after . noon of the next, would like em ploy iner t tor " iieuilf ami high-grade 6-pessenger car drWni '"private parriee in city by day, week or south. fUr. Coo. East 7737. lAUTOS FOR KIRK WITHOUT DRIVERS F CITY GARAGE .1 18 12th St. Broadway 840. -it' 8 BENNETT CABS FOB HIRE VVITH-.-r OCT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. 8D 'iND TAYLOH. MAIN 1687. " GARAGES AND PARKING 807 ARAGB lor rent, $4 a month. 254 Claeka- ' ansa at. foR RENT A private garage. 2 let and I Johnson. Walnut 5603. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 , 1 CASH FOB AUTOMOBILES ? I will pay cash for late model cars ot popu- tar maka, one or, any number. If yon hare left your car with some firm to sell, go and let it. Bring it here and get the cash in fm band. Want the following makes : Jitucka, Dodges. Uords, Maxwell. Chevrolet, " UtafemTs. open or closed. We are alwaya ." Apes, day or e enings.. and we pay cash. rbone A at. 51 S- I. Cell 16th and Alder sta. MURPHY MOTOR COMPANY r'ILL take cheap car a first payment on lot mar Irrinirtnn car. 2 V blocks to school ; idewsiks, curbs, in and paid; 19 minute from ashingten street. JohnsonDodson Co. 181 N. W. Bank Bide. Main 3787. CASH PAID FOR LATE MODEL. LIGHT AUTO 530 ALDF.B STBKKT. X OAN-USE YOUR FORD. SIAXWEU., f" CHEVROLET OB DODGE A3 PAST PAY--MEN'X ON Mi" .NEW 1923 MAXWELL. L CALX. MAIN 6782. as 1 VTVn a C A T'TO a mrt nevment on a j modem 5 room bungalow ; this home baa id! the conveniences that would go toward mak - 4ns; a home cozy and comfortable, located but ' Q block.-from a good school in the Haw.home tnstnot t or particulars pnone jiasi. ioi CAN'T tou sell your cab? I can. Have waiting list of buyers. - Watts, Auto Broker ftrnion Ato. and Belmont. East Ci7. CASH PAID FOB FOBDS Whr trade rour old ear on a new one. hrhen ws will aire you its Talus in eashf Then -: 4do your shopping with the cash. Cash counts. tTTMePonald. 191 Grand are. East 6319. ' hYILL trade new Mandol grafonola with reo T ords, Tahied at $175, and pay cash differ Uce of $75 for good Ford touring ear or jt'ord roadater. 80 Grand ays. N. PRIVATE party will pay cash for late model Ford or Chevrolet; must be in good condi- Kn and a bargain. 489 East 39th at. Pnone iEast 6109. OCKA X front lot north of Seaside, fine riew, lake, fishinjc: lot 50x150. cost $650: trade Tor ear, Maxwell preferred. Phone Oak Hj-roT In- ' WILL pay cash for Chevrolet and Fords. U I, B1LLINGSLET MOTOB CO., Hawthorne are, at 8th. East 0720. WIIX TRADE a 2 ton Denby truck for light touring ear of late model. . Write Stella Jefferies, Bt 2. McMinnTille. Or. $SOO -WORTH Portland corporation stock (or Bgnt autov u. aMcJcner, ox jo. iota tLIGHT touring oar for clear lot and balance f- cash, or will aooept oar as first 'payment jand help yon build.. Tabor 8868 eTgnings. AITTO or -$200 cash first payment on 6 room i j houses E. Glisan, garage, auey. payement; 'immediate possession. Walnut 8923. CAB WANTED in exchange . for., some good. - young, gentle work horses.' Route 1, Box 1.65. Orchards, Wash, . 1 " "WANTED Your JPord or light roadster in exchange for my Chalmers 6 tonring. Come to 294 B. 82d today. Tabor 4024. LSADIO equipment to trade for Ford road- , . star. Dug or enema, juast utsv. sk-ius. Journal. EUCITY in new 7 room thoroughly modern K home; ka highly restricted close-in district, for good" late model ear. Phone East 2760. CARS wanted to wreck; parts for all cars for - less. , S. ea S. Auto Wrecking Co.. 15th and Alder. Broadway 636. WILL pay CASH FOR FORDS. CHEVROLETS ANEt-OYERLAND FOURS. 10 GRAND ATE N., cor. East Burn side. WIL27 fay top cash price for any model Ford TWIN TWO MOTOR OO 609 Washington St, near 19th. Wi N'T 13 plats Toll storage battery. East 4853. . WANTED to buy a 3 or 4 h. n. itxn intw. cam , xaoor B47. H2 E. 38th t N. t WANTED Franklin sedan: will trade Frank- ha touring. Tabor 1809. WANTED Late Buick 4; exchange 17 tour- - ing; cash balance. WILL pay cash for any good ' Ford. Williams, 609 Washington st See RADIO TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH 875 "RADIO SETS" . AND PARTS at; L. KNIGHT & CO.. 449 WASHINGTON ST PHONE BROADWAY laV RADIO MAG AN VOX New $46 Maganrax: terms; 815 down. (10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. ; FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 .ATBST type $25 YtctroU, like new, $18.50; $10 dowzu $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Ma cnine Co.. aoO Alder. - . "WANTED TWO FIRST-CIASf ACTOMO--BrLE BODY BUILDERS. UN ITERS AL BODY CORPORATION. 900 SANDY. ; $85 6 ft oak floor cigar case, $52. New- min, 128 First, near Alder. LUMBER, brick, steam cotl pipe, goad for hothouse. Phone Atwater 8040. "BOLL TOP desk and chair $20; Vulcan gas store, in good order, $10.- 8904 63d st JQTOODSAW for sale, fine condition, cheap. Tabor 8479. - . ONE 5 ft floor showcase for sale today. Res sonable. 556 Union. HROYAL: ANNE, Black W.'S. Republican cherries. 1034 Hoigate. off at 34th st ,DDCK lake. Sauries Island, good cabin, by - eubo, $150 season. F-l 1 6. Journal "OFFICE safe- OoosV as new, cheap. E-17S, Journal. LAI laFlSOOD LOOKING CLOTHES trmrA bareame; come and look. Tabor 2825. . FOB RENT Electric vacuum cteanera. 75c day, delirred. Walnut 1259. GET your furnace properly cleaned and orer hsuled; don't wsit Call Leonard. E. 7608. , SLADIO and medicine cabinets, screena. mir rors, cabinet work, etc. Walnut 1487. f. A WAL1VTENT, 12x14. or larger; also-. ' " large fly. Phone Empire 3oQ. Stirtday. ! HOUSE wiring, call Broadway 4253, for low- l est prices and best materials. - volt storage battery. Good eonditianl " eheega Maip 1041. , ' APARTMENT radio furnace, in good condition! I 146 E. 26th, bet Belmont and Morrison, , stACTCS OIL. a ' polish that's better. Our -customers know why. Wiinui 4295. FOR SALE 'Davenport and bed. K. Davis, near 62d. TSli TuARGB Graphophone, almost new, 60 records, 88$, Walnut 0229. , FRUIT Jars for sale, elaseea. - 248 11th st rai.. Qta., pints. ."tHINGLES for sale at Couch at dock. i USED Fox pipe furnace, complete. "Lsefa Bros.. , gNAP- Brand "new 3A FaHrasn camera, good lens; takes good pictures. Brosdwar 2910. i ! DROPHEAD sewing machine, $12.30. 174 14ta st near it rerun. . It quart Natiooat Pnsssure Cooker at about naif price. VaU Auto. 824-13. ' XfOCTOR'S compressed air tank and applKatora. '' Call evenings after Sunday. 1275; E. Taylor. fcET of 10 books, "Mental Efficiency." Bar- csln. $4 complete. P-67. Journal. . h WING machines for rent, 2 months, S3. Empire Transfer, 424 Jeff dm, Bdwy 185. FOR SALE, .foil set of sheet metal tools. eVIS - - East 11th st. Sunday and after 6 a. m. FOB. EALE$18 go cart. Moire top, fine ' she!. Call Walnut 491. - I loa T.sIJ4 Large wavy reed boggy. Tfebor FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 Prospective Builders . ATTENTION! Lumber! Lumber! WE ABE SXtUNO OUT Robert Dollar s stock of Monarch Mil at North - " Portia Bd. Tore million ft. lumber from 2x2 to 12x12. Bead us your bat for estimate. A complete stock shiplap. 1-tn. material, rustic, ceiling, , aiding, abort celling, siding and floor ing. . ; . . ....... 120.00 per M 60 ship ladders . (fine for basements), at each . ...... .$5.0 Carload SBisceUaneoaa hardwoods and mold tags at a great earing. Shingles, "AH-A -Star." per M. $3.33 Shingles, std. 6-in. clear butt, per M . S2.00 Carload of 1 H lath, per M. . 5.00 PlumbSngl Plumbing! Purchased from V. 6 i gorern'raent - E. F. C. Corporation: Bath tabs, wash trays, "sinks, lamtories. high and low tank toilets, pipe and fittings. 20.00O ft TJ. S. wall radiators, suitable for steam or hot water, at, per foot 35c Beary N. P. shower baths with cur tains ... 15 00 Heayy finished solid brass shower baths wiUi curtains ". j ........ $12.00 Shower heads $2.50 up Kew 1 or P. tram, each . . $1.60 New traps, each $1.75 S trap at 25c more. Carload new standard pipe at wholesale. Carload concrete pipe and fittings at 10 per cent off list. S-piece bath room set. comp. with nickel plated fittings $65.00 30-gal. rireted. guaranteed 85 lbs. pressure boilers, each .$10.00 1 Sx60 1-pc. wash sinks, comp. with fit tings, each . . . -. $15.00 . Elcin X. P. bath fittings, set $4.00 Basin cocks, dozen $9.00 A Complete Stock of Plumbing Supplies at a Great Saying. WE BELL TO AX TONE Doors, Sash, Hardware 6,000 new doors, from- .... 10,000 windows . . . 7,000 window sash. "according to .$1 . .$1 . .$ size. 00 up 25 up 75 up 00 up 4-lt 6-It. . .$1. 1,000 French doors, 10-lt. each 15-lt.. each 6.00 . . . .$ 10.00 1.000 front doors, each .$4.50 to $ 10. OO 15.00 500 uiiia drs. alaaed. nr. 18 00 to $ 50 wheelbarrows, each $ Builders' Hardware. Locks and Hinges, lights. French Sash. Barn Sash. Porch Sash, 3.00 Sky- 9 Carload Roofing. Manufactured by Certain Teed Products Co. (Double sanded or smooth surface. 1 Ply. per roll of 108 so., ft. ,..$1.00 2 ply, per roil of 108 so., ft. $1.35 3 ply. per roll of 108 sq. ft $1.80 Heavy slate roofing, red or green, weight 80 lbs., guaranteed for 10 years, per roll. .$3.00 Black sheeting paper. 500 so., ft- in roll. par roll $1.35 Rosin sized sheeting. 600 sq. ft-, in roll. per roll .T $ .75 Bine plaster board, 250 ft. In roll.. $1.50 Plaster wall board. 48 in.x6 ft.. 7 ft. 8 ft-. 9 ft., 10 ft, 12 ft length, per sq. ft$ .04 H A mi wood wall board, aama lengths, per square foot $ -04 2-inch mesh, square foot lc 1 -inch mesh, square foot 2o FIELD FENCE AND LAWN FENCE. U-inch garden hose, square foot.-... 8c 2 H -inch fire hose, square foot lOo up PLATE GLASS AND MIRRORS. Complete stock of new fir and hardwood moldings. Prompt delivery with our own trucks. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mail your (iHiuines to DOLAN WRECKING & CONSTRUCTION CO. E. 8 th and Belmont sts., Portland. Oregon. Phone East 6110. (Mail Orders Solicited.) Pipe Stopped? Frozen? "DesolTo" cleans sewer drain pipes in 20 minutes. Generates 280 degrees hest Pout it in, out she goes. 75e postpaid. Write today. FLEMING PLUMBING SUPPLY HOUSE 292 Washington St. Portland. Or. nitrniRNU FRESIAB Beautiful house plants boating white trnmiwb-shaned blossoms lasting two or three months. By mail. 4 for 25 cents. P. M. Hacking. 88 S. Brandforte are., Santa Orus, CaL SEWING MACHINES . ilia Slinran Whitjn New Hi Free and all other makes at your, own prices and terms; rentals $8 per month, SINGER STORE. 193 4th St Main 6888. A BEAUTIFUL Vlotrola for almost half Its east; need money urgently. If you oan't raise all cash, pay $20 deposit and remaining littfce balance at $5 per month. Ask for Mrs. ChUders, 472 Salmon st ! BARGAIN COMPLETE SOFT DRINK OUTFIT Fine 1.6-ft oak bar and back bar. Showcases, refrigerators and electrie fans. NEWMAN. 128 1st, bet Alder and Wash. NEW SEWING MACHINES Why pay more for unknown makes when you can get a guaranteed Greyhound New Home Electric, with motor, for $83? 172 3d sear Yamhill. FOR THE BEACH Edison hornless machine and 50 brand new records. $35: terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder. CAMP BED We cut auto seats for beds at pre-war prices, Wentworth Top & Body Co.. 188 Grand are. E. 6563. 8TAMPS AND COINS Bought and sold. Open Sundays. Stamp & Coin Co.. 94 N. 16th st OorejBbJs, ELF.CTRIO fixtures and supplies; lowest prices eTer beard of. Send for big illustrated bul letin to Stanley Lots. Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland, Or. ELECTRIC fixtures, supplies, lowest prices ever heard of. Send for big illustrated bul letin to Stanley Lutz. . Chamber of Commeroe hide.. Portland. Or. FOUR beach lota for price of one. Cost own er $65 each. First 865 takes an four. DAVIS, 418 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 7154. CALL Broadway 4253 and leave your address for copy of my new Overstock Clearance Sale Bulletin of Eleotrio Fixtures and Supplies. WINCHESTER PUMP gun. .12 gauge: Excel sior twin motor, 2 tool chests, some odds and ends carpenter tools, cheap. 1721 Division. CHINESE hand-embroidered satin bedspread. large size; must be seen to be appreciated. Tabor 0882. $5 ORIENTAL PEARLS $5 Lengths 18 to 80 inches; 3 shades. Gradu ated or one. size. East 7145. LARGE wicker baby buggy, value $75. Make aa offer. Will sell cheap. Also some f urui ture. 572 6th st LARGE storage batteries, $1.50 per eelL Tor radio or lighting. East 1703. 404 H E. Morrison at LLOYD'S Princess ivory reed busiy. reversible body. Come and make bid after Sunday. 714 H Missouri. SEED CORN, yellow dent grown in Clarke county. 2000 lbs. Write of phone 98. Red Ash Seed Co., Vancouver, Wash. SINGLE barrel shotgun, mraechloadiog, gauge no. a. a. oreeniieia. 41 fa turn road. Phone Atwater 0772. DIAMOND J concrete mixer for sale cheap. E. E. Young. 72d and Presoott sts., 3d house north. . i CABINET PHONOGRAPH $27.50 Dandy cabinet diso phouesTaph $27.50 ; terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder. ONE hand cheat for tools, snd 13 W. Wyan dotte ehicAens tor sale. 3630 64th at g. K. CREAM SEPARATOR 716 Columbia blvd. -Walnut 0769. Eeer, RIFLE Remington, ..'2 2 special; coat $35, $15; also Winchester 44-40. Ant 612-60. NEW Toledo counter scale, cheap; terms. 890 Belmont SECTIONAL refrigerator for 6x8x10 ft 8S0 Belmont market. GOOD 6-hole steel range for $26; water eoi 486 East Oak. 2-QCART .Meaon jars, 90e i 11th st.N. Wdhv 1768. "166$ E. FOB SALE Baby baccy, good eonditisxu 116 osa st. Ticor sssj. FINE large refrigerator bargain, "If 128 1st bet Alder end V ash. $52 NEW 13 " gauge 1912 model) ' What cheater pump saotgun. $49. ggwy. 7181 EYE GLASSES on credit at Sell Bros. Co.. 283 Wash., near 4th. FULL DRESS SUITS rented fer ell JOY. THE TAIOB, lr4 4tV - SEVERAL dosea fruit Jaj( for sale. SeUweod 3488. FOR SALE OR TRADE Reed earriace. Hkm out tim k B. u. LADY tweed suit Journal. 40. . $10. BrN, FOB. AL Aula bitter. ; Main 2324. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 SPECIAL SALE Camping and Hiking Outfits Ladies' Men's These clothes ara made of tne best of ma terials and the highest grade of tailoring, and are perfect fitting. Men's Suits Men's Norfolk suits, as abowe, in offi cers' serge, all wool, long trousers, in khaki or forest green $23.50 Ken's Norfolk suits in English gaber dine lace breeches, a wonderful suit for biking or dress 9.75 Men a all weather Crompton oorduroy suits, lace breeches, double 'at, rip proof I860 Men's Norfolk khaki suits, with fcaos breeches 675 Ladies Togs Ladies' khaki coats, Norfolk style. 13.50-$4.45 Ladies' breeches in khaki or gab ardine $2.95- 3.25- 4.45 Ladies' khaki skirts at special prices. Breeches Reinforced seat and knee, lace at knee and calf. . C. 8. Army khaki breeches $ 1.65 ARMY cotton khaki doubieseat breeches 2.25 Enli."ii whipcord breeches 8.95 English gaberdine breechps 8.95 All weather Compton corduroy breeches 4.95 A complete line of ladiea' or men's Nor folk outing coats to match. Auto and Wall TENTS These auto tents are designed for automo biles and touring parties. They are made of high grade duck in white or khaki. No poles are required, aa the tent fastens to the auto mobile top and can be set up in a few minutes; haa a three-foot back wall, What you aare in hotel bills will more than fpay the cost. 7x7 M-os. white auto tent 3-ft wall.. 8 7.95 7x9 8 -ox. white auto tent, 3-ft wall. . 8.96 7x7 -os. genuine khaki auto tent, S- ft. wall 9.60 7x9 S-oz. genuine khaki auto tent, 3- ft wall 10.95 7x7 8-or. white wail tent 3-ft wall. . 6.95 We sell any size or weight tent or tar paulins at special prices. U. S. Army Pup Tents C. 8. army shelter or pup tent Its uses are many. The lightest, most cooTenient, small tent for Boy Scouts, hunters and camp ers. It is the tent of a "thousand uses." Msde In two parts, of rainproof Khaki, and fastens together at top by buttons and buttonholes. Front and rear doora also button. Just the tent for hiking trips. Approximate size, 7x 8 'A feet Our most popular tent Reclaimed, good condition $1.65 Reclaimed, selected, perfect condition . . $2.45 Same, -bat new $2.96 Leather Puttees In wrap or spring front; made of ma hogany tan leather, peifeut fitting; four grades at $8.85. $4.85. $5.45, $6.45 U. S. Army Folding Cots Reclaimed, beary new canrae top, best of condition 8 3.50 U. S. Army officers" steel cots...... 2.45 U. a Nary silk floss mattress (re claimed) in beat condition 1.75 U. S. Navy Middies Genuine U. S. Nsry white middies, heary nary duck $ 1.95 Genuine U. S. Nary white pants, heavy nary duck 1.95 White duck middies with plaia or blue collar ana culls 2.Z5 Genuine khaki middies 2.25 Ladies' khaki shirts 2.50 Genuine U. 8. white nary pants, lace up back, bell bottoms ,$ 2.00 U. S. Army Khaki BSankets All-wool khaki blankets, large else, free from holes and tears $2.60 U. S. Artillery Bridles (Reclaimed; In first class eondttlori. Made of best grade of 'army bridge leather; cost U. S. govt $7.6U; complete with two sets of reus; special, each 82, three bridles for ft- . .$6.00 Armyand-Nayy Shoes Man's Army last shoe, double solas.. 2.95 Munson Army but ah see. Goodyear welt full leather soles 8 95 Officers Dress Mahogany Tan Shoes, solid leather heels, outsoiea. and counters, sil top arade stock .... 4.98 77. S, Navy all leather shoes 6.95 Complete line of aU leather shoes, packs, hiking and camping outfits, tents, tables. folding chairs, eta. WRITE FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUB MAIL ORDERS FILLED Always Include parcel post with remittance. IF OTJK VALUES ARB NOT TUB KIND THAT WILL, MEET ANT KIND OF OOM PETrnON ANYWHERE. RETURN THEM AT ONCE NO OBLIGATION AND WE'RE THE SAME FRIENDS, CAN WH DO BETTER? Free asto road map of Oregon or Washing ton for the asking. IF THE ARMY OB NAYT USED IT WE 6LLL IT ARMYaNDNAVY STORE COR. THIRD AND STARK STS. (This ss the original Army at Nary store et Portland.) SIBLOCO FURNACES PIPE AND PIPELESS -Radically improved principle, stmpufied method leads. "Complies tod consiructiou oost ly and less efficient Winter Fuel. . . .$34. for- the season Saving in tueJ represents In terest est snore than $400. Three type new model pipes. Duplex and Standard nine. Fipe leas, installed. $98 and $152 Beet guaran tee. Walnut 2103. L T. Woodruff. 1291 Mallory ave. LEFT on sale, a dandy Kimball upright (with player actios) , cost new $6S; elegant tone, genuine mahogany; the Hat caller with $250 cash oaa have, it ' Also excellent A. B. Chase upright only $190. See these and several ether good used pianos in resale department. Oregon Eilers Mnsie House, 237 Washington street yswt betew 6th street FOB SALE BrUgs Suatton saotor wheel for bicycler prssrucaily new, $50, Call Tabor 261 7 or write M- J. Bitter, 147 K. Tata . r FOB, $ALE Hand ssade parrot oaga, . with -tray. $6. Cell Walnut 4916. 1 FOR BALE a- strong eoloniss asT bees. , 2$I - K. 89th st - TWO oalea, five Maim 319- . T ; T N ff 1 N Togs Togs FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 IP YOU were a Grecian god and could determine ynur fate in the future, would you choose ERROR when yon could pursue WIS DOM! In our WORLD, will you throw away costly earnings when dependable gooas cost no snore? Think this over. Mr. Carpenter: Just s word! Are you! needing a handy plow, beading or matching plane, to do all your standard work? A dozen tools iff oca Stanley $8.73 Carpenters' era! slide rise; good value at . . .$2.95 A vise fa a sledge-tested ; undoubtedly the best value in general repair swivel base vie $4.65 Here is veJuel An automatic-stop car penters' bench alide vise, new; just the thing for woodwork; these vises cost regular, $13.50; we offer 8 of them at $8.95 White carpenters' spike adze; ralue at . . $3.45 Top mauls, our best grade, formerly to $1.30. now 75 AB our steel block, smooth, Jack and fore planes at the lowered prices the new market affords. A good used carpenter slick ...... $1.50 Yes, we handle the Stanley, GoodeU-Pratt. Disston. Starret, Krauter and acces sory lines at prices that satisfy. Going Campin'? Ask the tourist about LEVIN a by word to dependable, economical pur chases. 2 -hole camp stoves $1.75 4 -hole camp stoves '....... 2.0a The reinforced camp stool, sturdy. . .50 1, 2 or 3 gallon waterbage inexpensive, yet a cool supply of water .ALWAYS 1 Campkook Gasoline Stoves The LEVIN KEROSENE STOVE an ideal stove for the permanent summer camp: 1 -burner, regular $ 8.23, now..$ 6.95 2- burner, regular $11.50, now.. 8.95 3- burner, regular $14.25, now.. 10.93 Tents? Yes, any size from 5x7 to 20x30. See our tents and pricea before you buy: 8x10 Acme wall tent 8-oz....$ 8.83 10x10 Acme wall tent 8-oz.... 10.95 An ideal AUTO TEXT for camping fits any auto complete with collap aible poles. While we have them at the old price $8.57 Folding luggage carrier, for the running board $2.95 How about a .22 rifle for some sport on your outing? Used Winchester $18.50 model, for .' $9.75 A practically new rifle, .22 High-Power. $47 value, for $29.50 Just consider the convenience of ob taining exactly what you want service and delivery, .merchandise of quality, and at the same time make a genuine saving I We specialize in BUILDERS' HARD WARE and can aave you considerable. Drop in for suggestions, price snd what you need. Our courteous salesmen would consider it a pleasure to show you our Una snd give you an estimate, whether you buy or not Remember, LEVIN can fill your needs to Woodcutters' Tools. Pipe Work, or Stocks snd Dies, and Cable. If it's any thing in HARDWARE or FURNITURE, we have it! LEVIN .& FURNITURE CO. 22 E 23 25 Front St., 20246 Cor. Salmon. On This Stand for 30 YearsWe Always Treat You Fair. SOFT DRINK mixer. $10; 1 dozen water glaasea, $1.50; 2 large glass vases, $1.50: crystal set aerial and head phone, $10: 8 collars, six. 14 Vi . coat vest pants and bathing suit size 82, 8 B. V. D. suits. 1 dozen pairs socks, 1 heavy suitcase, all for $5; 3 dozen bottles anow liniment, 25o else. $3; 1 dozen bottles toothache medicine, 25e size. $1; Eastman kodak No. 130. $16.50; new dresser, $17.50: 2 new front Ford fenders, $6. 1379 Albina ave! FOR YOUR OFFICE Some used equipment at a wonderful reduo- 4-DRAWER STEEL LETTER FILES EACH $35 Overhauled truewrileia. Remington, Wood stock end Underwood, from $40 up, perfect condition. Big nne of aeesa. tames, cnairs. safes, eta We rent office equipment D. CL Wax. 24-26 N. 6th. Broadway 8788. WANTED tAx cars any make for advertis ing purposes. We will paint each one of the ears for $37.50 in any color. Sample Jobs. Corns and make arrangements to get in on this special offer. Phone East 4578. Detroit Auto Painting Co., 425, E. Morrison. Bring ad. ROYAL TYPEWRITER Royal typewriter, splendid condition, only $45; $10 down. $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. FURNISHED tent for campers, on river, Ore gon City carline ; rent $5 per week. John R. Victors, betwen Vinyard and Kaef station. Phone Oak Grove 1R. "AUTO CAMP COOK" gasoline store No. 8. used 1 week, $10; makes camping a pleas ure. Walnut 5590. R. F. D. No. 4. Port land. Or. SHINGLES DIRECT FROM MTLL Extra Star A Star. $3 per 1000. Commons, $1.75 per 1000. TAYLOR ST. DOCK. MAIN 8065. WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITER Woodstock typewriter, just like new. only $60; $10 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking M. chine Co.. '850 Alder. BARGAINS la rebuilt phonographs; every one guaranteed will reproduce aa rood as new machines. $11.60. $16. $22.60. 172 3d near Yamhill. SPLENDID 88 -note Melville - Clark player piane, mahogany esse: price only $273. reasonable terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., $60 Alder. BARGAINS in used sewing machines, all drop heads and aB guaranteed in good sewing order. $12.50. 172 3d near Yamhill. MAHOGANY dressing table, Vulcan gas range, andirons, reed baby carriage, bassinet, baby fence. 651 E. Madison et FOR SALE Baby's collapsible reed sulky with hood, and baby's white enamel crib en wheels. $10. Phone Walnut 5199. SUMMER DRESSES Linen, voiles, ging hams, hats, capes and suits; bargains. Tabor 2825. . CaNDY store, fine fixtures, good marmfas turkur outfit: must sell: will separata, 680 Washington st 10 BORE Fremont $10; Remina-ton 12 bore hammer, $15; Winchester 46-90, $10. Ben 8. Backman, 110 3d st JJOT 6 UNDERWOOD typewriter, splendid aondition. $50: $15 down. $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder. RVlIJ. TEAM. WAGON AND "HARNESS Will take bogs, baled hay or straw. Price $125. Cell Main 611X . WOOD8AW for sale, aa good as new: a bar gain for $125. Walnut 2361. 116$ E. $lst et N. . TINNER'S TOOLS Electrie pot welder, punch press, foHara. small tools, cheap.' F-l 15, Journal. CHICKERING PIANO W4 n. wMfeMmnv niamo. rsttlv $425 s Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder. AUTO tent and camp cook stove, folding cot with ease, for: "4 price. Tabor 0703. WICKER table and fiber rug, good condition. suits bis for porch. Atwater BZ71 $180 CABINET Grafonola and records. $$0. Newman. 128 First, near Alder. 2 6 -PIECE set Community silver eh sap. Initial i "L.- 6820 45tn ave. B E. - TAILOR srartiBf bench and counter table for . saie. TaQor shop Abeky bldg. lobby. FURS, lace, Enea, ladies' epparaa. SeOwood 982. 11 to 2; Sunday 1 to . WASH dresses. $3 r: made in your home car Wains t 4274. WHEEL ehair-A-1 condition, ctheap, 178. 164 W Webster st. Walnut FOB SALE Reed baby carriage and crib. good oondition. 1619 Vincent are. IS-FT. oak bar and back. bar. bergs in. 627-46 er Ant 626-82. Ant. 6-FT. CIGAR CASS.: BARGAIN NEWMAN. 128 1st bet Alder and Wash. EYE GLASSES ess rredll ax ZaB Bros. Cat ena - - -- -- FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 M. BARDE & SONS, Inc. 340-4 rr.Tot at. Portland. Or., Main 663. Guaranteed Money Savers TONS: ANGLES, PLATES, SHAPES, STEEL BARS G.ET OCR PRICKS 70 Tons New, . galvanized, corrugated: 8, 9. 10 foot lengths. SAVE MONEY BUY NOW! TRANSMISSION Pulleys, boxes, hangers, shafting, gears, pinions, SEE BARDE BEFORE BUYING. Rubber and leather. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE. Loggers' Equipment WIRE HOPE, any size, any quantity. Skoosrnm -blocks, "the block that makes for ging easy." Axes, peavies, aledges, wedges. Falling, bucking and drag SAWS. BARDE'S PRICES ARE BIGHT. Barde's Big Bargains PUMPS 20 6x5S4x6 Blake pumps, new $110 10 6x5 x Gardner pumps, new ... 110 10 6x7x6 Blake pumps, new 135 8 10x6x12 Buffalo pumps, new 210 10 10 in. American circulating double suction centrifugal pump 325 210 in. Ames circulating double-suction centrifugal pumps, new 323 10 4Hx2S4x4 How duplex pumps, new 75 2 3x2x3 Worthlngton- pumps 63x3 x3 Worthington pumps f0 1 3x2x3 Gardner pump i.... 45 3- 3x2x3 Snow pumps 45 2 3x2x3 Fairbanks-Morse pumps ... 45 4 Single-acting feed pumps; ? inch auction : 15 2 1 in. centrifugal pumps (new) . 35 8 2 hi in- centrifugal pumps (new) . 60 48 in. centrifugal pumpa (new) .... 75 84 in. centrifugal pumps (new) ; . . 83 2 5 in. centrifugal pumps (new) ... 110 2 6 in. centrifugal pumps (new) . . . 130 83x5 Typhoon belt-driven pumps J. 50 15 Double action deck pumpa 22.50 U0 Double action deck pumpa 17.50 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON PURCHASE OF TWO OR MORE 50 100-ft Presto tanks $30 50 200-ft Presto tanks $60 Guaranteed by Presto Light Co. BARDE'S BARGAINS SAVE YOU MONEY STEAM ENGINES Upright and horizontal Special prices that mean a big saving Gasoline engines Boilers (vertical snd horizontal) Steel tanks, air receivers. 300 to 1500 gaL Motors. 10-hp. to 350-hp. Compressors (all sizes). MACHINE TOOLS Lathes Shapers Planers Key sea tern Belt Threaders Milling machines Boring mills Grinders (electric and belt drive) Punches Punches and sheers (vertical and horizontal) Air hoist. Ingersoll and Dake Locomotive c rants, etc WRITE. WIRE OR PHONE YOUR ORDERS M. BARDE '& SONS, Inc. HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS. Electric Motors Bought sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electrto Works. 413 Hurn sle, cor, loth. Broadway 6674. Nelson Ladder Works ' 267 SECOND ST. PHONE MAIN 8266 LIGHT LADDERS FOR ROOF REPAIRING AND GUTTER CLEANING. A VERY fine upright, exhibited st San Fran cisco expostion, 1915. for" quick sale can be had at $800, or if all cash, $270. This is biggest money's worth ever offered. See re sale dept Eilers, 2d floor. Eilers Music bldg. WESTINGHOUSE SHOCK ABSORBERS Full set of 4 Westinghouse shock absorbers. Cost about $300. Price $85; $35 down, $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. DOORS, windows, mouldings, millwork. glass screen doors, roofing and hotbed sash. See our odd stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co., downtown lumber store. 171 Front, bet Morrison and YamhilL Main 4213. THE. JOURNAL haa 14 brascolite lamp fix tures, complete and in good order, carrying any lamp up to 200-watt for sale. Come and see them at: The Oregon Journal bldg.. aak for George N. Hamilton. Snpt OiiJnr 6EW1NO MACHINE. L Kasy terms. Latest ale j- SBH a s tncs. lieDairlna. Kent d V S w U Sb M g $3 moc Motors. Par's. STORE 166 WEST PARK. MARSHALL 721. Garages Wired Old and new houses wie-ed. meters moved, floor pings snd switches put in by licensed electrician. 1279 Belmont or Tabor 5932. RADIO MAG AN VOX New $45 Maganvox; terms; $15 down, $10 a month, Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. $50 CASH, beautiful mahogany cabinet phono- graph; atandard motor, cost $260; 2 books of records; need money. 430 Glenn are. Tabor 7376. WILL TRADE brand-new Columbia Grafonola for H or h. p. D. O. motor. TERN L. WENGER CO. Now at 244 Alder St Thor Washer , model Thor electrie washer, swing wringer type. Call Tab. 0248 or 1249 E. Main. DEER HUNTERS! WINCHESTER 25-35 caL take-down, ease and special eights. Cost $64.50, used very little. $35. Tabor 5702. WILL transfer my 2 V -months tuition at reduction to anyone wishing to eater the Behnke-Walker Business college. Can Atwater 8075. .BRUNSWICK $125 Brunswick, like new, only $70; easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3 it) Alder. A .351 Winchester automatic rifle, belt and shells. -37.50 : a .38 officers' model Colt 6 shot, belt holster and shells, $40. Tabor 1442. 48 E. 61st st, close Stark st ADDRESSOGRAPH Fine $800 electrically operated address i graph. only $125; easy terms. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co.. 350 Alder. NEARLY new tent with fly and floor for sale cheap. Bee Gus Zimmerman. 3 Mocks from station at Mifwauklo, Or 100 LB. store icebox. 6 ft eicsr floor ease. S ft eandy floor ease, bread case and fiih aqnanum. 556 Onion ave. , HlGH-GRADE pool table, bargain for $100; must sell; will accept $65.. 41 Grand ava East 4894. HALF interest in Canadian patent for $350; on account sscl miss N-143. Journal. USED Underwood typewriter, excellent eoudl- oon. 13 o, terms. Broadway 2986. BABY carriage, large Stunria luxury wicker. cheap. Phone Tatoor 2l. EYE GLASSES en credit at ZeU Bras. s Op., Z59 wasn-. sear sio. FOB BALE Black cherries 6c on trees, picked 7c. xnarnona dairy, oata ave. and loetn. FRAMED mirror 7x12 Yamhill bldg. 401 Broad war- CHILD'S bed. spring and maltiies. fine eoav- diooa. $4. wainnt 6296. - CHEAP $125 baby carnage, tact new. laae- MAN'S rood blue 1347 K. lAneote. TWO Cat-top eleaks. $8 and $12. Monday. 21$ 4U st ' MRS. JAMES HEMSTICBTNG , Moved to $01 Itwetlsnd aid. FORSALlvnSCELlJkNEOUS 900 Tent Sale Now On All New Tents Priced Up From $2.59 WS HAVE AIX. PTZES : FROM 4x6 TO 20x35. Sizes up to 10x14 nave 3 -foot waB. Sizes up to 12x18 have S tt-foot wall. Sizes up to 14x21 nave 4 -foot wall. Sizes up to 16x35 naive 6 -foot wall. AH Tents have pitch. We have these tents on sale at bar main store, 194 3d st, Portland, and at any of our branch stores Salem, Corrallis, Send. Marshfield. Medford. Bandon, Toledo all in Oregon. Just ask anyone for - the "Army Store" in these towns. Ask for one of the Oregon 1922 .Road Maps, in colors. This map is not an advertis ing medium, but ' as the note on the map states ("Created by Legislative Act") and is free for the asking. Call and get one, or ask tor one with your mail order. WE ALSO HAVE ON SALE FOR QUICK MOVEMENT - , New Army Folding Cots, NEW heavy duck covering; these cots have never been opened up are brand new.... $3. 95 TJ. 8. Army O-D Wool Blankets, at pricea up from 2.50 GiUette style Razors, nlckle-plated, " 1 blade , 25 A nrr Trent), MirrfCTa in ease: size 3 44x5 10 Army Roast Beef, 1-Ib. can .. .20 Army Issue Bacon, 12-Tb. can 2.45 NOW HERE IS HEADQUARTERS FOR YOUR AUTO TJS.N1S1 7x7 and 7x9. in white and khaki, priced up from $8.55 United Army Stores 194-190 THIRD ST., COR. TAYLOR, PORTLAND, OR. Mall Orders Filled at Once, Make All Remittances to J. T. CONWAY, PRESIDENT, "Pioneer Anmy Store Man of Oregon. My New Illustrated Descriptive Bulletin SHOWING LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ELECTRIC FIXTURES-AND SUPPLIES NOW READY Call Bdwy. 4253 OR WRITE FOR YOUR COPY fiotpoint Electric Iron SPECIAL THIS WEEK $.50 Edison Mazda Lamps (25 Watt Size) FIVE LAMPS FOR $1.00 REGULAR PRICE $1.75 Only 5 to a enstomer. "Save a Third" Stanley Lutz . , 200-7 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. SECOND FLOOR. THIRD AND- STARK STREETS. OAK KBOS AND BARRELS For packing berries, cherries and other eona modities demandlna a ae. mi-tie ht container. Free from all odor or sap. Also fir kegs and barrels for packing mincemeat pickled pigs feet, olives, fish, nowdered milk. Let us handle your order. We guarantee quality, service, satisfaction. Main office. 827 Water at. Portland. Or. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM: Machines sold for less I No agents employed. Guaranteed used ma chines cheap. Parts and repairing for all nukes. Machines rented. Main 431. 190 3d, near Taylor Ste CARPET CLEANING RFFTTTTNG. RELAYING. RESSZING. KTd 9x13 rugs steam cleaned, $4.25. Mattres made over. Feathers renovated. AD kinds of new mattresses for sale. Fluff rugs woven from old earpeta. Furniture upholstered and repaired. . ' PIONEER MATTRESS AND CARPET CLEANING WORKS 1072 E. Lincoln st Tabor 7902. BHOWCASBS NEW, USED AND MADS TO ORDER. BUY. sell, ex change Cash Beg liters. Scales, Fountains and miscellaneous store fix tures. See us first BOXER TRADING CO.. 129 1st st Broadway 7488. CEDAR CHHSTS Direct trosn factory to yaa hems. Tasznessee and Pert Oxford cedar: solid copper trtnv saangs; latest designs. Write for catalogue, J. W. HiGGLNB BON, 1912-16-18 E- GLISAN TABOR $08. THE FUR SHOP , K. C. REINER Fine fan at lowest p ripen Remodeling, cleaning, atee age. Attend to your far wants mow and save sasssey 406 Morrison. Bdwy. 4022., MRS. 8. W. HERMAN'S APPAREL . EX CHANGS We buy and Mil ladiea' and gents cloth ea We nave all kinds of new princess la see ft bndeav If yon are interested In anything that yon eaa think eg we have it Call Main 8070 and we do the rest. 352 H -354 Fin St., eon. Mia, 6 blocks south of Madison at HA Vat 50-gal.' combination Bowser gas .and oil wheel tank, east new $360; also 50-gal. ofl tank wttb pump, one portable eO tank ensnplete with motor, lines and 150-lb. tank; one electric drill, east new $90: will wsR tndi. TidneQy or t net bar or will trade far good harht autcassobile. CaR Atwater 2858. BAFB3 -Fire and burglar proof safes; at right ptn.es; sf dasBred. MORKXS SAFB es LOCK CO. 108 Second et 3reedway T048. EYE GLASSES an credit at Sell Bros. A Co.. 283 Waaik, near. 4th. ey 5 FOR SALE .IlSCELLANEOUS 900 Sale of R. R- Salvage Freight. Mdsl, Un claimed From i Ships Commencing Monday we will sen the fol lowing Bserchandise: ZOe BATHING SUITS 29e These bathing suits come in aises 3 years to S 96c CHILDREN 8 WASH SUITS 85c These - wash suite are. nude of white duck. all clean; aises 3 to 8. $1 MEN'S OVERALLS $1 .-, Heavy blue demin. sizes 88 to -44. 4e FOR SAMPLE MEN S UNDER SHIRTS These under shirts are SI to $1.25. winter weight; also medium weight shirts, some draw ers; sixes of shirts are from 84 to 44. , 7c tOS MEN o MUSLIN NIGHT SHIRTS These Btiaht abirta aia O to sa.SS : nn slightly soiled. " 1 -a JTOit LADIES' $1 KNIT VESTS These Teats are alightly soiled in shipping : es 38 to 44. 50o FOR LADIES $1.2$ VESTS These rests are real 11.25 Teats: thev sunt in sizes 38 to 44. . MEN'S BATHING SUITS 5o Sizes 42 to 46 only $2.60 - $2.15 FOB MEN'S DRESS PANTS These panta are simdy wonderful. In dark worsteds, serges, eassimeree. ' J.ia tor DHL SIZE WOOLEN BLANKETS 1000 FOUNTAIN PENS AT 19q EACH These are self-fllline fountain oena. all write good; only got soiled in shipping. aac ana duo ui.n.ieb PLATES, lc MEN'S GOODS ON SALE BALBRIGGAN fine union suits ... Men's cashmere $2.50 union suits . . Athletic union suits Big Yank work shirts Black Beauty sateen shirts ........ Two piece summer underwear MEN S SHOES . , . . .93c ...$1.39 . . . . . 63c . . .$1.00 . ..$1.00 43c At $4 yon buy a work shoe you cant dupli cate for $6. - - $4.50 special dress shoes. They are real beauties in dark brown, any size, any toe; also we guarantee every pair of shoes you buy here, $4.60 FOR MEN'S $10 and $12 PANTS These sample pants are surely wonders 66e FOR GRENADINE NECKTIES Just 200 of these grenadine ties. They are $1.60 to $1.75 neckties, but you know how it is, we make a pick-up, tell you about it, and it's up to you to buy. PAINT AT $2.15 A GALLON People, I want you to know that this paint m strictly guaranteed lead and oil; satisfaction or your money back. 50-5O solder at 23o a lb. 40-60 solder at 21c Ingot lead, in 6 lb. ingots, 7 c lb. We are headquarters for lead, solder and nanblt iWe will quote prices in ton lots. A beautiful offioe or store safe for sale at a bargain. Electric desk lamp for sale, cheap. Brass cuspidors for sale. READ THIS LIST OF BARGAINS $8.50 garden hose, molded, non-kinkable, $3.50 for 60 feet 75c boxes stationery, 25c $1.75 to $2.50 ladies' hat shapes. 25a. Lots of trimmings at 10c to 15c Sewing needles, 3 packages, 10c A box 12 skeins embroidery cotton. 18e. R. A M. white crochet cotton. 6 balls for 23e. large pots, dish pans or buckets, granite, 58c l-acues vests, z for 25c $2.95 for all wool alipon sweaters, worth to $6. Lota of buttons, at 2a a dozen. Ladies' knit bloomers, in pink only, 19c Ladies silk hoise, blk. white or cordovan, $1 pr. 1000 sheets of tissue toilet paper, 17 rolls $1. 75c ladies" strap rubbers, 89c 25 oz. glasses, 7Cc, preserves, 39e. 50c can disinfectant 15c. 5 gallon cans,-$3. 25 lb. box King's dried apples, $3 the box. Grand Union Tea Co. cane and maple syrup, $1 a gallon; regular price $2.20. 10c for a can of 25 ox. srrun. mania flavnr. We have cameras, silverware, dishes, china ou saie. , $1.50 PATH Tfrn rr.TPprna a i n Just received a lot of guaranteed hair clip pers from Germany, an importer needed the money, we let him hare it so here you are. A BUNCH OF DRUGS, PARIS GREEN AND DfUailNu STUFF FOR SALE $1.25 FOR 8URECUT RAZORS Just receiTed a shipment from Elskilstug, Sweden, a real $5 razor, all guaranteed. Thousands of other useful items on sale. Consolidated Sales Co. 226-228 Clay st. Bet 1st and 2d MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED Your Money Back if Dissatisfied Watch our Weekly Ads. U. S. Shipping Board MATERIAL FOB SALE CHEAP Attention, orchard is ts. farmers snd naintera. 40 new ladders, 14 and 28 Ifeet long, at 10c per foot 300 new oil and gaa storage tanks, 6 to 120 gallons. A large amount of iron lackers, garbage cans, pitchers and alopjars, 5 grindstones with stands, a lot of fire hose reels and rack. Enameled lavatories and hoppers (complete). A lot of double iron marine cots and single iron springs. j Call at 208 Hall st. between Front and First streets. WE SAVE YOU MONEY Hons, wiring, lighting fixtures, ai.d electrical repairing, supplies. Third Street Electrie Store. 224 ie 8d st. near Salmon. Main 6055. LEAKY ROOF, EH? Very aggravating, in deed. Why not a comfortable and perma nent roof? Wa repair. RUBBEB-BO.ND and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, cracked, weather-beaten!, deteriorated and disintegrated, old, leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Phone Broadway 5958. ; WE HAVE the largest stock ot used sewing machines in the city. Compare prices.' We rent and re pair. ,72 3d. near Yamhill. CABINET sized Columbia Grafonola. gulden oak case and 60 D. F. new records for $95 , $10down! 15 a month. Hyatt Talking Ma- chine Oo1!oowajaer. ELECTRIC FTXTCHES at wholesale: 1 -light chain. 70c; S-Hgbt fixtures. $3.75; porch HghtaTMe; we do electrie wiring Rebabl IT.lee.tr1e- I!B1nn aZ nUBBeu. Mma wwow. - . ' . ...... w wi.h .tt-Kl menta, $20 each; portable electric machine for rent; sewing machines e leaned and ye pairetL EL R. Steen. 162 Grand ave., E. 2359 Hear the New Victor, Columbia. Brunswick or Edison records. All mail orders prepaid. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. AUTOMOBILES. LAUNCHES. MOTOR CkCLES or boats are separate . elaeeif na tion.; a large llstina will be fssud nadar taese dlfterent classificatigua. LOOSE RAISINS N Special -this week. 25 lb. box $4 : $15.75 per 100 Ibs.i Cowley's Grocery. 218 Fourth. REBUILT WELDING OUTFITS From $85 up. Inveetigste our exchange sye tem. Northwest Welding at Supply Co.. 88 tnrst St. tr orttanq, rr. Wtn exchange new Edison Diamond Anbe rola and 600 fine records for piano. Hyatt ... m . are . 8C A i 11 ap Talking aiacnine o., ouv i - , FOR SALE Roll top desk and chair, surxical instruments, operating table. Viotrola and records, goose feather pillows. 620 K. loth. near Clinton. Call after 5 p. a. FOE SALE or lease, in Portland and vicinity, a number of Ball gum Tending machines. Machines are all operating. E-172. Journal. CASH registers and computing scales bought sold, exchanged and repaired. "Portland Caab Register' A Scales Exchange, 226 Stark st, . ... , o Jt ... Rwmw.v 7 S 1 A Between aoi - - - SEE THE VTJIAN camp bed tor camping . . .1 . ... luJ n,.. ...(,. .x. ana touring; V, , T for spsre roem or sieeping porch.' 41 Crsnd East 4o 100-POUND inside sugar sacks, bleached, 65e ttnnwfi.k. Tjtmrtrv 480 Belmont CALL FAULKNER for furniture irspalring and upnnsnerixia . wot w 4477 SOLID OAK roll top oaak and swivel chair, both in fine eondition; bargain price. Gall Mr. Hofer at East 6319 FINE Columbia Grafanola, cabinet aise, only $60; easy terms. Hyatt Talking Msehine Co.. 850 Alder. FEED your baby, pure goal milk, trosn Port- land Voat aaury, anr jaw n grow. aeeirv ered to any part of the city. CaR Tabor 080T. DIE BOLD SAFES, new and second hand; spe . eiai pricea, Pacifio Scale Js Supply Co.. 48 Front st Broadway 500 SOCE CtTY FRENTEBT- 14 VYasnmgwn. awe, an ana so. nrrmiil rhtsiw fee 6 $17 -lejeaa ether fixtures. 207 Commerce bldg-. Broadway 4388. DANDY toned Behr Brothers Piane only $128; $29 down, $3 a month. Hyatt Taflt- rng atacnine to. , nu amrr. nmi r IT r Uina Tins and frrasiss alienlae ee lb. 49 E. Kilpa trick. Kenton. $ klecks frei RUGS washed on yarn noor wrtn Uanulton. lleiea . earcT; crpw w cleanlrr dene. East 4046. njS-MTfEll fear sale and Irait jaaa, S$4 gene as. BARREL aessessto mixer and eenipmeait. Jlfti J. Freeiand. Bdwy. 1246. USED Peninsular range, $1$. 6113 48th at nrsain. jliusv sM-a, alSl FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 ' - Plumbing Supplies We must make room for incoming mer chandise, . . . . AH our supplies are etrietly new and fully guaranteed. Buy now and save money. Bath Tubs-Bath Tubs1 "ft. white enamel bathtubs. $26.60. Toilets Toilets Toilets Golden oak tew pattern toilet ooniplete to the floor, $21.60. , , 18x80 white enameled aini, $6.60. Gas water heaters, No. 25. double wPPer oiL $11.60. Water, gaa and sewer pipe at wWn sale prices. A. small deposit will bold your purchase until you need same. Mail orders filled and shipped promptly. Mesher Plumbing 1 , Supply Co. ' 207 3d st. near Taylor. Main B277. WHAT PLEASURE IN SINGING . V ,yoa rJit .to please daddy get "That Won derful Bab, 'Girt Chorus: "Hilo-HUee, my --- ---- erp, orep as me great blue aea and as high as ever the break- . -was near ucua girlie on daddy a knee. Price 85c. 3 for $1.00. P. "' money order. Musgrove Publishing Ob.. P. O. box 828 Portland. Or Eivr vrn-o ' -fi?T? Send your wet wash to the Snbwflake laun ary; clothes washed snowy white in separate compartments : MONDAY, TUESDAY AND CENTS' each additional pound; valuable pre- temm given. Phone East 8428. Dr5pCT importation of beautiful all-wool Chinese rugs, 90 and 10O line, left by the owner to be sold st very low prices; msny . ""d colors. Now on display at the Maricham studio, SelUng-Htrsch bldg., ICth and Washington sts. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 BIG PIANO SALE : Every Used Piano in stock REDUCED. 5 U the Last Week of these Special Prices. See these BARGAINS. Terms given: MivV-TVV5T'..Mhon C4se 235 KrVnVRVMih2B'nj' case-; small size. 150 sUNtigBtai, Mshogsny case, good con- diOon V 92S DAVIS, Ebony case 200 of5fiND' Mahsny case, a snap 176 rMRJD2B' ,5Uin Mh' esse ..,,265 fTFINNVAY old style, good condition.. 135 JEW BTT, old style, good practice piano. 90 and Others. SEIBERLLNG-LUCAS MU8IC CO.. 125 4th St Broadway 6576. m NEW LOCATION We are now in our new home at . ,. 244 ALDER ST. With ' the record you want when you want it" Give Ub a Try. VERN L. WENGER CO.' Phonographs Records. Experts in Phonograph Repairing. LEFT on sale, a dandy Kimball upright (with player action), cost new $865; elegant tone, genuine mahogany; the firat caller with $250 cash can have it Also excellent A. B. Chase t upright only $19.0. See the, and aeverall other good used pianos in resale dsisnnient ' Oregon Eflers Music House. 287 V Washington" street just below 5 th street YOUR PLAYER PIANO ought to be looked after regularly. If not it will break down before you know it and cost you more to get it in shape again. A piano should be tuned twice a year. HAROLD A. GILBERT PIANO STORE 10I ' Phone 582-84. Ask for Harold, the tuner. . A VERY fine upright, exhibited at San Fren cisco expostion, 1913. , for quick sale can be had at $300, or if all cash. $270. This is biggest money's worth, ever offered. See t sale dept Eilers, 2d floor. Eilers Music bldg. PIANO TUNING AND REFINISHING": PHO NOGRAPH REPAIRING any make; ALL WORK GUARANTEED. SEIBERLIG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St Broadway 6376. WE WILL take your old piano In exchange for a new Vietroia or Cheney Phonograph. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. I 149 6th St. I SPLENDID 88-note Melville Clark player piano, mahogany case, price only $376. reasonable terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 830 Alder. - . A BARGAIN in $160 style Cheney, nearly new; $116 (fully guaranteed), terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 148 Bth Bt . NEW PHONOGRAPH" RECORDS Hear the new Victor. Columbia. Brunswick . or Edison records: all mail orders orenadft tiyati laixing siacnine uo.. Boo Alder A" BEAUTIFUL Wellington Piano, case la peneci oonaition ; only $Z7B, .terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CQ.. 149 6th Bt BUESCHER BARITONE SAXOPHONE, ailve gold bell, $150: trnms, G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. PIANO WANTED Wffl exchange new Edison diamond Asnhemla and 500 fine records for piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 830 Aider. WE HAVE a few Phonographs we will real, including a few used records. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St FOR THE BEACH Edison hornless machine and 60 brand new records, $33. terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3n0 Alder. SOPRANO. SAXOPHONE, "York." silver, gold bell, $96. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. SAXOPHONES Conn tenor, stiver, gold bell. $90; Conn tenor, gold, $110; these are like new. See them. Millar's exchange. 811 Worcester bldg. CONN ALTO SAXOPHONE, silver, goid keys and bell, $123; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. CABINET PHONOGRAPH $27.50 Dandy cabinet disc phonograph, $27.80. terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. MARTIN C" MEL SAXOPHONE, silver, gold beTL $186: terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Bth St l $100 EDISON cylinder phonograph, with re eorder and 25 Ternrdn, in good rendition. $15. Boom 28. 649 H Williams ave. Special summer rata on reeled nisnos $4 per month. 7 months' rent applied on pnrchsse. : nAsutii a, uiuLsi, iv i TTewvs rata LATEST type $25 Yictrola. like new, $ 1 $T5ol $10 down. $3 a month.. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 830 AMer. PIANOS moved. $3, ground floor. Work done by experts and guaranteed. can Broadway 207. Atlas irans ex peerage jo-. im em. $125 Brunswick, like new, only $70; easy (ami. Hyatt Talking Msohtne Oo., $60 Alder. IT DOESN'T pay to be toe eaeap. Get a - npe.jna.rlv SMBUrefl WIBBO IX BfJLUlia OSBa HAROLD S. GILBERT. 107 WEST PARC t-, x. t" - rtH1.in.hi. nnfnatnla. emklnet aia. imlv $60, aaay terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 330 Alder. GOOD piano.' $150 eaahj 1 gas stove ariej phonograph ; a areas sr. . vsu nwuwwsa 4009. evenings. . ' DArJDY toned Behr brothers piano, only $125: $20 down. $3 a month.' Hyatt Talking Ma chine C&, 830 Alder. CABINET phooograth and reoovda, ebeap ee trade for what nave you? Taber 1918 ew Tabor $1$5. ', - " $223 MAHOGANY eabhtet Rtradtvara and 25 sMnrda. for mint eaa sale $$&. IsMatse at 428 H raOlng at. cor. K. 6th s. K. FCOS jTsaball organ, tike new. $2167lf tskesi at enoe. 298 Monigosaary sa., apt. aut 514-7L SPatCIALTY BARGAIN SALX Oa pis n as and ykusiugrapha, at 499 TJwfcan ve. H. CHICKERJNG PIANO Ftaa wiahea-anT n4aao . only $436 Hyatt Tanriag Maehlne Oa.. $$ AMer. FOR SALE Lew nitruJ aiflbhflna. . nawS class eondiUoa. with ease $. AutsesaUs $17-83. - -" ' 7 . . ' WA NTTTV Used plane foe all eaaa. C-R East 8883. W ngenay Ore model Conn troniHoae and eaMaT antesnatie II-ta ivua S. E. riAirtX In ftra eUae alaes aasasStionv kir sale gk sajC eatyy 4$M, 3wlh ay PHONOGRAPH reratirfng.aB.nnaa tOe p: parts) whcesseJeaad-resan. VTaan, jwwt, zoas. BkAitD IJ.W ll.iit.Ua at lwxneed a i a V. .rwsr all aaa sBaaa Soil. ' for g-Tn,- 'issw usees i" - - - THOMPSON player piano, eabinel and Kne aa. IsasBoa ei snnsie suaia. ef. ii" tiaeiaae. $659 HOWARD npricht. need vary utUe dark oak case; a reel buy for $100. B wayia. XYLOPHONES. Taagan, cheap. $11 Woreeata -badsT. - ; '.-.", : PHONOGRATK, vaahfxraay. aweB large icaea In. a. below east 811 Worcester bldg.: CORNET. Wandernela B flat, ailve. and. $12. 811 Wereeaaer bldg. if ANTED To buy good piano aheap bar S-6&8. Jocvnal, 'it