THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1922. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 BUY YOUR HOME TODAYI LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE ''". . PACIFIC COAST ' Orrr 1200 Photograph of Home For Mait ' . REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOCR. : ' . REQUIREMENTS MAT BE . v. ' Wb he the Horn that will meet them! Com in and look over our wondtrful nag of listing- every district all price and term. WE'LL. HELP YOU make your first OPEf AIL DAT SUNDAY V 90 Salesmen With AHtns Open Evening Until 9;00 $9250 TERMS 'A HOME WITH CHARACTER LOVF.LT ALAMEDA VIEW SITE ' A HOME CHEATED with, but on ob jective point that of fulfilling your every physical desire present and future for comfort, and yotrr inmost yetrninj for th beautiful. . Make sa iDDomtmtnt to se "this strikingly attractive Alameda home; 7 nam and spacious PnUman sleeping porch : every appointment of the finest ,that money wisely spent could procure: splendid harlwood floor, throughout; French doors and glass hardware; immnM kmU ttiat la m nr Stf It. t bomemaker: fireplaoe; sunshine living loom; cheery den or study; 2 baths, shower, etc. -A HOME OF SUN AND SPACE. Hamblett street, i KFII'TT THAT SlTtSIHCH COMFORT THAT CONVINCES $3799 PICTURESQUE? NEW ENGLISH COTTAGE BUNGALOW in HUM Ulty. 5 rooms. : Its uniqueness of design and unusual provision for your well- being will wholly delight YOU; ivory; tapestry; French doors; breakfast nook; fireplace; ' tumics; garage; EVERYTHING. Paved street in and all improvements paid. E. Ootn at. r ROSE CITY OF DREAMS $3400 CUNNING RUSTIC bungalow on 100x100 with a wonderful lot of slirnbherr: trees: flower: strawberries, etc.; 4 sunny rooms; FEATURE 18 -A large ULAaiLii BLJLar 1NG PORCH; lota of boUt-ina, E. 6th St. Terms. $500 HOWN $500 DOWN HEAHT OF IRVINGTON $5890 CANNOT BE DUPLICATED. Beauti ful 7 -room ultra modern, heart of ' excrmuve Irvrnsrton home. THAT SIMPLY MUST BE SOLD, so is reduced. Hardwood floors, deeping porch, furnace, garage; down payment CUt $1000. THIS ISkIW B1U- GEST OPPORTUNITY. E. 12th at. OWNER NEEDS MONET SER THIS HOME BARGAIN 13250 IDEAL FOR A LARGE FAMILY splendidly constructed and strictly modern large, 7-room LbNTKAL PORTLAND home, convenient to Washington High and grade sctioois Urge full width front porch, living room, dining room, convenient kitchen nmt 4 nim airr bedrooms: pared street, on carline. t.. Anxeny at. TERMS. Owner living out of city, FORCED SALE. .Oft DOWN REAL HAWTHORNE (4490 JUST THINK O? THIS. MR.' HOME SEEKER! Here's wonderful value in a dandy 6-roora. very practical. , 2 -story home; just 2 blocks to car paid for: splendidly constructed and 7 homelike built-in buffet and white . name! Dutch kitchen, 3 cost bed rooms and bath? full cement basement with stationary wash tabs. ate. cteuucua aw r i ALBERTA 300 DOWN $3590 $500 down. - THE I BUNGALOW YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR. 5 airy rooms, hardwood floors, lots of omit-m ieaturesa it nas a, iixwyiace, furnace, garage. In fact everything you d expect and more. E. 29th St., 1 block to car; paved street and .- j paid. 1 AN ALBERT A SPECIAL !, EASY TERMS ! $930 HERE'S A PRETTY 6-room bunga ' low. just newly painted and in splendid , , condition; living room, dining room with nretty built-in buffet, conven ient kitchen,' X bedrooms, store room end bath; garagej paved streef Its - blocks, to esriine. , r l-rtn st. $800 DOWN $300 DOWN riitu.tgiitDPD'ri nrVllTiTO 12190 $300 down. THIS IS INDEED A SNAP; in a cozy 4 -room substantial modern bungalow : has every conven T ieTice; 2 airy bedrooms, bath, etc Emerson at. SEE THIS FOB A SNAP. ' - NEW PENINSULA BUNGALOW B00 DOWN VACANT lAan SSOO down. PRETTIEST NEW BUNGALOW IN, PENINSULA, close to industrial plants, ' on full lot: has 4 rooms, unusually clever in design: firelpace and lota of buiit-ins. VACANT, Portsmouth are. , , $50O DOWN FRANKLIN HIGH 12990 4.100 down. PRETTY 6-room bon ' galow, 2 blocks to ear and 1 block to school, on large lot on paved street with all Improvement in and paid ; all modern conveniences. VACANT. MOVE RIGHT IN. - 53d st. KENTON $450 DOWN $3050 $450 down. JUST LIKE KENTON . - BEAUTY of 4 rooms, built-ins.. com bination living and dining room, de lightful Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms and .bath, attio for several more rooms. TO SEE THIS IS TO WANT IT. E. Farratfat st, $350 DOWN $850 DOWN $1990 $350 down.' A REAL GEM BUN GALOW of 5 rooms, massive pillared fun width front porch; living room, pretty dining room, airy white enamel Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms; barn, garage; full lot. Piatt at. Call Broadway 7171 TODAY and we'll come out and show it to yea. See ' FRANK U M'GORE - To Buy Your Home Realtor A bine ton Bldg.. -Broadway TtTl. 3d St.. bet. Washington and Stark. RALPH HARRIS' CO. REALTORS INSURORS Furnished Rose Ctty 4 room bungalow, ga rage. 50x1 00. Pretty -little- plaee. anasnally auractse nuidr, with large living room. Price. only2750. T -See this today-' Dandy modern 4 room bun gslow with two bedrooms. Sic lot with torn of fruit. No. J82 Foster at, 1 block west of Peninsula: eve.. $2450. $400 cash. $25 per mo. . See this today. 4 room bungalow,, at 491$ T 9th St. 8. H. bit lot S0ill5. Modem house' for 500 chickens. Priced right, at $2O0. wkh $500 cash. "- Iveagat this and youTl buy it. Beauti ful S room bungalow, cement basement, ana "dry: trays. fireplace. Address, as 608 45th sn, S- $2050. only $300 cash. . Msmiisai street. - . - ; . -f, - . ' ' We hara a, rramber of brand new modern bungalows which can be handled with $400 ash, Let ua write your fire and amtamo hU Insurance. V-: ; '-v. m ofeaj not pa Sundayi. Ralph Harris Co. $10 Chambe of Commerce. Bdwy. 884. - I, Must Seii ' Mr private residence,, located ia Irving. v ton Park, onawuag of 0 rooma. break : .fast nook, aleeping porch, sua room, - beautifully' fmished in genuine ma- nogany in Hving, duung and snnroom, hardwood floor; hot water beating,' alfc latest built-in. Doable garage, btg lot. ' Pno. for ourafc snle, $5950. with small - ( -i payment; baX on easy terma, . - ELI SIMiMCsOM " - SB Korran bldg. , , Main 201 S. siet. . 12 and S n. m r walnut 2a 31110 Cash . ' $750 t-roora bouse, itrrr, TmflTiiihsrT. Int Yxl00. fnrt outaid. city- limits, near Wond- - stock ear. Thaa as an excellent bwy.- Sew Mr. - rrot, 0502 48th at. . E. w call Broadway JTaoQ. 500 MeKay bldg. v : , : OUT of. town owner wi J aeH at aacnfine lou and 10. block 4. Jonasmom, 895 East TOth Bortn, Improved with mom one and bearing fruit Uwea. Make an offer. Call REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Lauritseiv Stevenson,. Schneider i Co., Inc. . , W. havW bomcav In all narta of tlM city from 41150 to $10,000 - with initial pay- men ta from $300 and ujk ".... If yoa want to diapaM of your property at pre-war prion w will be glad to serve yoo. XkmAAf Ttrtt better let Voor buddies DUwUy helt sou place your state bonus loan; all members of thin .firm are overseas veterans. ..-t... -r, -:. Lauritsen, Stevenson, Schneider; Co., Inc. 220 Alder st. Mais S615. LAURELHXTRST" , New Colonial $S00 WrtTMTvrj TW LAITRRLHURST TO COM PARE WITH THIS WONDERFUL- HOME FOR THE MONEY. Positively you. would ex pect to pay $10,000 to $12,000. extra. large rooms ana eun porcn, eesuuiui oss floors throughout, every conceivable eonven lentx. It inst couldn't be better built; all we ask is "an teeoectioD. One of tho moat beautiful locations m iurrumrsr. A. G. TKEPH 0. Rose City Office: " 40th and Sandy. Tabor 958$. Laurelhursf Office: 1 , 89th and Glisan' Tabor 8438 ROSE CITY PARK SNAP $520 Owner mark to Seattle: . must sell 8 room and sleeping porch. Ideal location, near Sandy, oa 44th at. Large Jiving room, moo- crn la every way, garage, inspect. A. G. TEEPE VO. A Rose Oity Office: " 40th and Sandy.- . Tabor 958. Laurel ha rat Office: -89th and Gliaan. Tabor 8438. New" Homes WE WILL FINANCR AND BUTLD TOt? A NEW 3. 4. 5 OR 6-ROOM HOME IN ANY PART OK THE CITY ON VERY REASON ABLE TERMS. IF YOU ARE IjOOKTNG FOR A HOME IT1 WILL PAY YOU TO COMB INLAND TALK IT OVER. Albohn Inv. Co. 21 6 Panama bldg. S ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful Bunealow, Corner Lot $5350 $50f Cash Will Handle. NO HOME IN ROSE CITY LIKE THIS FOR THE MONEY. Here Is one of those dis tinctive bungalows- you -stop to admire. Beau tiful oak floors throughout, modern bathroom. One of the most convenient kitchens Imaginable. Complete) with furnace. A. . TEEPE CO. Rose City Park Office: 40th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 9586. Laurelhurst Office: $9th and Glisan Tabor '3438. LAURELHURST New Bungalow $5750 NEAR BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST PARK. An unusually attractive 5 room bun galow and attic. Hardwood floor throughout, splendid plumbing, - living room extends entire width of house. , Price includes light, fix tures, shades, furnace and garage. Easy terms. A. G. TEEPE CO. Rose City Office; 40th and Sandy. Tabor 8586. Laurelhurst Office: 39th and Glisan. Tabor 8433. , A Real Bargain AT' $3000 AND $500 DOWN 5-room honse and garage, lot 120x100 ft. 25 bearing fruit trees, small berries and gar den, nice lawn and rose:, just real snap. BOONE-CLEARWATER 8T1-12 Conch bldg. Broadwsy 5317. LOOK LAURELHURST NEW COLONIAL BUNGALOW $6600 See this ideal bungalow,' wonderfully lo cated. NOTHING LIKE IT FOR THE MONEY. Finest oak floors throughout, tiled bath, most expensive plumbing, tiled sink, beautifully decorated; terms. A. O. TKEPF. CO. i Rose) City Office: ' 40th and Sandy. Tabor 9586. Laurelhurst Office: 80th and Glisan. Tabor 8438. READ THIS I How is this for an investment? Pay $2000 down, rent pT the balance. A new, attrac tive duplex bungalow for only $6000. Each apartment is complete with hardwood floon. fireplace, built-ins, beautiful tapestry paper, French doom, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, tiled: bath, etc. Built-in Marshall Stearns bed, etc. Can be rented for $95 monthly. Located close In, on corner lot. All assessments paid. A. G. Tecpe Co., 40th and Sandy. Tabor 9588. $600 DOWN PRICE $3750 New modern 5-room bungalow, will be com pleted in 15 days, on 83d st, N., block off paved street It's s good buy. See it today. $500 DOWN New 4-room bungalow, fireplace, full base ment sewer in and paid.. 45x115 lot; near ear. A real bargain at $2650. We can show it today. 314 Couch bldg. Broadway 6536 or E. 8592, evenings. SNAPPY NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW 6 Rooms $5750. Exceptionally attractive bungalow, located on corner lot, bekrw the hill. Ideally arranged, and splendidly constructed. Truly a home yoa will appreciate. Hardwood floors through out fireplace, all built-ins. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, furnace and garage. Easy terms. Let us show yon. A.-G. TEPPE CO., 40th and Sandy. Tabor 9586. 89th and Glisan. Tabor1 8433, ROSE CITY PARK $4650. New 5 room bungalow and garage, located below the hill, near Sandy, east front; hardwood floors, fire place, beautiful tapestry paper. French doors, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, etc. A. G. TEEPE CO, " Rose City Office: 40th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor $586. . Laurelharst - Office: - 39th and Glisan Tabor 8483. SWELL ROSE CITY BUNGALOW NEW CLOSE IN VACANT Exceptionally well built by a real builder, hardwood floors throughout, large living room across front fireplace, beautiful buffet tile bath, breakfast nook, large- attic, furnace, cor ner lot below the hill, near school and car. fast developing district A bargain. $1500 cash, reasonable terms balance. Bdwy. 6011, T. O. BIRD, 526 CHAM. OF COM. TWO NEW DOLL HOUSF.S Jnst finished, double constructed. Each baa 8 rooms, builtins, cement basements, mod ern plumbing, laundry trays, etc ; each on a 50x100 let with all improvements in and paid for, 2 blks. to -Miss. car. Priced at $2850 and $2950. with $500 down. Geo. F. Crow, with Albert Harala, 801 Vlississippi ave Wal nut izui. xtCk&v rrrv rii4TRTi?r ' 1 4-room modern bungalow, nice large porch, full rise lot flowers and garden. A - cute look ing bul place- and a good ferry. Only $2150. $300 down, balance easy. See Royal, 1833 firi xivt v.1m m '.K ' EIGHT, room house, lot 75x145. all clear. w or mm trees, nice sawn, : on carhne. class in. Will trade for 5 room bungalow In any good district. WIU assume -np, to $1000 and pay $1000 rawh. Williams, Eastern Ex changc, 227 Washington ; ,'. $1850 I H BLOCKS SANDY IrlVD. " Oosy 4 room bungalow. Urge front porch, good-slued living room, 2 bedrooms, bath, tot let, electricity, gas, nice lawn, 7 bearing fruit trees, fin - location. 1 Easy- terms. Tabor 4608. -.- - j v . 8 ELL WOOD. 5 ROOMS $1800 Pnvwd street A blacks tn ear. nmr wriwml fruit berries; any reasonable terma, 6 . no xsaaw. Bivy. fiuii siorKzay. T. O. BIRD, 826 CHAM. OF COM. ON SANDY BLVD. - 6 rooms and sewing room,- Modern borne, lot 60x10. Lot alone worth : $,2500. All . goes for $4000. $1000 down. baX $3$ month. Act Quick. East 8935. Hawthorne Bungalow Fnrnlshed: $500 cash. $3500. Don't miss it Tabor 0878. Main 8012 week day. ..-, PORTLAND HEIGHTS" Attractive 8 room house, full -Fixe basement, garage, corner lot First time offered for sale. Owner. Main 4577. T20 Pat ton road:1 100x160. ft, ROOM very modern bungalow, fine trait, west side: $8500, $90O dewn. balance $26 month, inclading interest . Do boa. 804 Prwkiing bkig. . - . - THB HOME FOR TOU Bos City Park di-trict, acre, boost smrted. only $975, $175 cash, baL, monthly. Dnbois. 804 BpaMing bldg. : . ; . - r . $20 DOWN PRICK $1800 ' 8 room bungalow, not new tmt a rood bay. In a good location. 60x160. 314 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 65 3ft. East 359g sver.ingx . . - BROADWAY TERRACE cottage, 20 min- ntss wtlg to 6th sal Morrison. Unexcelled view. Baa Laasn, 609 Hoffman $, . ' - 1 ' - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Laurelhurst Bargain r $11,500 1 This fa tlw best buy in this bw . , -. beanttfttl district: 7 rooms. etnrUy mod-., ; . vera from every, standpoint; brings room. . xausia room. , beautiful dinisl soeoi. . enameled kitchen with tile dreinboardbs. . on first floor; 3 beautiful bedrooms, -- sleeping porch and tile bath on second floor; yon conk) not build this house ' j- tat lesa than $15,000. We can ar- ;. , range terms to rait you. . 5. EVERETT PHILPOE, ShleMnaaager. , - IHeilan & Parkhill 218 Liimbermena bldg. Bdwy. 2S32. " $425 Hawthorne $425 . B roe ma and sleeping porch, flrrt-elsas bungalow, taUraeUve in design and arrange v neat, lota of btiilUns; on paved, -street,. 14 block 1 from ear. $90 will bandle.I balance terms, , or will consider lot ' on -: paved street to apply. Open Sunday. ? ROBNETT A. McCLL'HK, Realtors, - t 302 Couch Bldg, - Broadway 65?4. i. IRVINGTON 535 E- 2STH N. Attractive new bungalow borne of 7 large sunny rooms, hardwood floors throughout 1st floor, tile fireplace. French door between liv ing room and dining room, entrance- hall, tile bath, floor tub, sanitary sink with vitrolized back, inlaid linoleum ia kitchen. 2d floor has 2 fine bedrooms, toilet and lavatory, fine ball, arace. Solid cement driveway. International furnace, classy fixture, tapestry paper. Here you mil find one of toe neat construe via boraea in the city. -Open todays V' Owner and builder, J. Gordh, East 78BO. CUT OUT THE RENT I - - . READ EACH ADl n-roone fauncslow with larzs attic in good district, only $.2950;; $350 cash, balance hie rent. , 5-room cottage, on 83d st.. S blka. from ear, jooiiuo lot, 1 oix. mi pwea w onu S2250: S2&0 cash. baL 320 month. 5-room cottage, acre, ilaady placa to raise garden truck and chickens, omy jio; $150 cash, balance 1 per raontn. D. W. ALTON. TABOR 1927. 35500 ROSE CITY PARK $5500 V hieh-tilaaa bnnulow. consisting 5 extra large zooms, best of hardwood floors, artistic fireplace, with beautiful built-ins, bookcases on both sides. A real kitchen with an ideal breakfadt nook, crystal hardware, massive con crete oorch extends full front of house; heavy supporting pillars, full cement driveway -to gerage. A nomo tnac wiu siana uw wi inspection; terms. Owner, ji is. iu n s. Taoor B4UV. ' POSITIVE BARGAIN, 13750 NEW BUNGALOW- $3750 This cozy 5 room bungalow, finished in ivory and tapestry , paper, located just east of Irving-tori, on large lot, and has fireplace, oak floors, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, tile drain board and full cement basement. All improve ment in and paid- Only $3750. $800 cash to handle. Make an appointment now. R. L. McGREW, Realtor 1089 Hawthorne. . Tabor 8892 MY HOME AT A BARGAIN nan E 6TTH SI. NORTH I must dispose of my home at once. I am in the srovernment service and hate been transferred to another district. I have 5 large beautiful roomi, . English colonial, very mod ern, fine lawn. ' garage, close to school and car; fust reasonable offer geta it. Come out. look it over today. Owner. Tabor 8780. 4 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH Living room with fireplace and oak floors, cabinet kitchen. 2 large bedrooms and bath, sleeping noreh: very attractive home in good district: 1 block to car and close to . Pen insula park. Price, $3500; terms. Phone Wal nut 1609, branch otlic Album are. ana Lom bard. : JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. $0250 NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW Charming little 6 room bungalow, strictly modern. Just the cozy home for two. Located near car in PORTLAND'S MODEL HOME SECTION. Terms. Let us show you. Broad way 7567. CITY HOMES DEPT. BITTER, LOWE CO., REALTORS . 231-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid. Some Real Bargains S rooms. $1250; $150 cash. 4 rooms, $1800; $200 cash. T rooms. $1500; $400 cash, 7 rooms, paved street. $2100, terms. JOHN F. ZUBER, 1824 E. Glifan. Tabor 7547. HAWTHORNE AVENUE BARGAIN CORNER E. 84TH ST. 7 rooma and sleeping porch, fireplace and furnace: lot 60x100; several fruit trees and good garage. Price $5950, terms. This is s fine corner and the ground will increase In value for business purposes. E. M. BROWN 1122 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW Beautiful - new 7-rocen bungalow, 5 large rooms down, 2 up; finished in old ivory, tap estry paper; oak polished floors; furnace, fire place, garage; s very high-class home; $6500, $2000 cash. D- W. ALTON. TABOR 1927. SACRIFICE for cash, a three-room unfinished bungalow, with some furniture; garage in; cement basement of house, fine garden and soil. At Capital Hill, just outside city; with all city conveniences; $1150. Call Main 2965 for appointment with owner. No agents. $1300 KENTON DISTRICT $1300 4-room cottage, 3 blocks to Mississippi ear; $300 cash, balance $20 per month. JohnsonDodsofi Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 378T. 337 E. 41st it. 400 ft south of Hawthorne. 5 room bungalow, deeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-ins. All improvements in and paid. Fine neighborhood of beautiful homes. Close to school. $3750. Terms. Owner, Atwater 061.8. Res. Business Atwater sir. Htmt AN ABSTRACT of title ts not a guarantee .1.1. . 4, 1 -.:. , your title, a: Title Insurance) Policy is a guamnte of year title. 'Therefore, when you boy property get S Title Insurance Policy. No ,uf,M MMnf Mil TSV1 A. Tmat $4000 $1000 down for a 7 room home in Woodstock, tiarawooa floors, built in buffet furnace, fireplace and ga uge. Must be seen to be appreciated. J. W. O'OONNELL CO., 21 5 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 8661. BY OWNER NEW 4 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW Bungalow tn Terrace Park. AH built-ins. fireplace, h. w. Door m Irving room; lot 50x 100. Will sell reasonable, on good terms, 65 East 84 th st, north. ' - - ' ' - BEFORE BUYING SEE PIEDMONT ' Sea my listings and if they don't suit will have reputable builder erect it for yoa on one of my lots. ' - J. R. HAIGHT 881 Ankeny. Bdwy. 2045. Walnut 6260. " KENTON : : ' t have number of attractive homes m Kenton and vicinity from $1450 to $6250. - WARREN KEELER. Bank Bldg; Kenton. Walnut 6507. THE best built 5 room house in Portland, just finished; open for inspection. Takt Kenton car to Holland ctrret walk on block west Price $4500. $1000 cash. Can handle soldier's bonus. FOR SALE , - 7 room modem borne at 1034 Vancouver ave.; furnace, gas, electric rights, fireplace and garage; 5 5x1 00-foot Sacrifice to dose estate, $4600; $1800 cash, ; No agents. No infor mation ever phone.- Owner, 874 Alameda. BY OWNER, Alberta, modern bungalow; lota of fruit and berries, i A bargain, $380O. 1138 E. 39th N. Bdwy. 1460. Ask for Mr. OppeL ' ' ; ' $3150 i ROOM modern ' bungalow. Haw- thorne. Sew sod modern; improvements sll in; vacant Consider small cash payment Tabor 5718. - -- A TITLE Injurs nee Policy ts a gnarante of the title to yonr borne, When you buy yonr borne have the title insured. - Better be safe than sorry. Title eV Trnt company. BY OWNER New T room boase, oak floor; best baragin in town, going to Europe. Make me aa offer. - Terma. Inquirs 3d7 Holland, near umon. 8 ROOM bungalow, es&t front. Overlook Addi tioo, nardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, full basement Will sell completely furnished or unfurnished by owner. Walnut 3175. . MAKE OFFER on $4000 equity in new - $1000 homa. including nxangle, electric range, grapes, linolenm G-140. JoarnaL $1600 will "buy a home partly furnished; 4 rooms, garage; 40x100 lot 658 . 20th st Terms..'- . j . FOR SALE Half acre, fruit - berries 8- room boas. Call Aut 613-8?. 5123 58tb st S. R - " --. -r " S ROOMS snd sleeping porch. Bnodern. full : basement lssadry traya.- furnace. 4313 45th . 8. "E.-- - - ' ' - : ; -;i .: r-; FOR SALE 4 room modern honse with ga f; rage, near school. $2500. Horns Sandavs and evenings. 1132 K. 35th st N. - FURNITURE 5 room boose for saW. 814 , ' Oswego st - Empire 0725. ' ' - r FOR SALK 6 . room boose. 837 E. 14th st - N., Irvington rhtnct - ' NEW 4. room Boss City. $2400. y terms. CsR 400 2d. - - $3000 TAKF.S Uiis 7 room house, just rs fimshed. 640 E Madison st Owner. REAL ESTATE: FOR SALE HOUSES 404 : A HOME WITH AX INCOME IN LAD1 ADDITION " , 'tw dmiiti. built for two families: S rooms and bath in each, apartment; fire place, aarawcoa; wen, lurcace, all Dunl in conveniences, double garage. Lire in one, rent the other atutmenc The inoome ; will pay for the building. -' Price SOU Reasonable Term. 605-T Cham, of Cora; BMg- Bdwy. 414$. v Furnished House 81T00 Only $300 eaaa and balance like rent; good 4 room house and m good condition; full lot. 50x1 OO; lota of fruit and flower-; fine garden in full bloom. 1 block from - car. EVERETT PHILPOE. Salesmanager jNeilan - Parkhill ' 213 lumbermen bldg. Bdwy. 2332. - $500 DOWN $3 A MONTH 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW, FINE VIEW OF THE CITY; BUILT-IN BOOK CASES, BUFFET. CHINA CLOSET. LINEN CLOSET. FIREPLACE, FURNACE. -, LAUN DRY TRAYS, WOOD ELEVATOR, 5 FULL BASEMENT. MODERN BUILT-IN WHITE ENAMEL KITCHEN. STRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES. LOGANBERRIES GRAPES, FRUIT TREES, CHICKEN YARD. SOL DIER'S LOAN ACCEPTED. OWNER. 113 EAST 54th ST., 1 Vs BLOCKS NORTH MT. TABOR CAR. TABOR 4278. SEE IT TODAY ; $550 DOWN $550 $20 AND INTEREST New 4-room bungalow, ail street im provements In and- paid; 2 bedrooms, cozy Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, cement basement, laundry . traya; close to Hawthorne ave. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO. 512-li Wilcox Bldg. Broadway 5618. BEAUTIFLL COLONIAL HEIGHTS , EAST 23UD STREET $7000 Owner has just reduced price $500 for immediate sale. - 7 beautiful rooms and sleeping porch. Hardwood floors, 2 fireplace, furnace; 50x1 0O lot; 1 block to Hawthorne are. and car. A real heme. Mighty reason able. Let as show you. Bdwy. 75B7. Tabor 7808. CITY HOMES DEPT. BITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TO SETTLE ESTATE t You can stop that rent with $400 cash, which will buy a four-room semi-modern cottage, some fruit. Sacrifice. Price $1150. Alberts district See GriHitli or Lamb, with : 732 Chamber of Commerce. SACRIFICE TO CLOSE AN ESTATE UNIVERSITY PARK $3975. 4Sft -,h son ..). int. rest at 6 per cent, 8 room heoae, recently shingled and painted, in excellent condition: prase, abundance of fruit and berries, every imaginable shrub and flower, beautiful grounds, 83x110; corner lot; paved street; stoves, bedroom suits; other furniture in cluded in price. Owner, 1641 Olin st. cor. Lombard. Phone Empire 1824. 4 WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR S $6000, $1600 Cash, Balance Less X Than Rent g New 6 room bungalow, hardwood floor, buffet fireplace, bookcases, s nice large kitchen and nook, solid cement driveway. This will not last long, and if you are looking for a 8 room bungalow let us show you this. Alvin Johnson Co., realtors, 605 McKay bldg. Bdwy. 7201, Sunday East 2961. IRVINGTON PARK Six large well finished rooms and sleeping porch. This is a well built modern home suitable for large family. Close to school, ear, etc.; $4500, small down payment, easy terms. ' JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. HOME BUILDERS For plans, specifications, material, bills, con tracts, superintendence, financial and building advice, consult Broadway 5848. 415 Abington Bldg. BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT HOME 7 rooms and sleeping porch: 3 bedrooms snd dressing room, hardwood floors, built-ins. fireplace, cement basement and furnace: 5 Ox 100 lot, nice lawn, trees and garage. Pries ruuu; iiiiuu casn, gooa terms on paianoe. E. M. BROWN 1122 N. W. Bank BUdg. Main 2422. ON BOTH STREET ', ' NEAR MT. TABOR $2750, $500 down, balance st $80 per month, a splendid home tn a splendid dis trict on paved street, near car line, 6 rooms, full basement 3 fine, big airy bedrooms up stairs. This is a real borne and a bargain. Call Beiiwoon loau. ask jot air. rarrott. FOR SALE BY OWNR Ia business section. Williams ave.. 60x122 lot 5 room house not new), modern con veniences, good location for small business or flats. Fnce 3350O-, some cash, balance $25 per mo. 6 per cent Route 5. box S2-A, Vancouver. Wash. ' FOR SALE CHEAP, LEAVING CITY ' Nice cor., 50x100, 5 room, bath, basa tntn t. garage, chickenhouss. 3 cherries. 1 crab- apple tree. Imp. all in and paid, $3750, fur- nisnea: wiu sell unraralsnecl. part cash. 1 block to S-S car. Good district B. 4 2d anq xamnm; py owner. Tabor 6912. ROSE CTTY SNAP $8800 $1700 down for dandy bungalow in Rose City; has hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace, built-in buffet,- Dutch gitcnen ana ore&xrast nook. Garage. J. W. O'OONNELL CO., 215 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 8881. $100 DOWN will give you possesaion of this tine e-room bungalow. Ivory finish, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, cement basement fur nace, laundry trays, 20x200 lot lawn, ahrnbs and variety bearing fruits; only $100 down and soldier loan. Price $4200. 611 Buchanan bldg. WHEAT RANCH 700 acres near Condon. Or., 530 seres in cult Stocked snd equipped, $31,500, $10. 000 cash. Some trade. See Barrand, with Bt,K3t:-n..IE.H, W 214 6th st READ THIS BARGAIN Nesr East Brosdway and Williams are., two modern bouses, rented for $50 a month; lot alone worth $4000. Must raise money. $4500 tuxes everything sua yoa pay M2l taxes. Terms, owner, air, smith. Broadway 1800. ISSOO SEVEN room bouse, ground 200x200 n three streets: lots of fruit and a splendid place far- chicks, garden sad berries; a little raaca ngnt m , town, i Bee It today. -4908 Cntii st S. E., "ist south of Franklin high school. terms. 1J owner. . 6 ROOM , MODERN HOUSE $3000 4 large rooms downstairs and 2 npstatn; very convenient Full concrete basement SOx lfM lot. nw llvn. 8 fruit trees. A ml Bargain. wiu seu witu or without rarrrftore, i atn v flti. ' va- .w vr . LADD'S ADDITION Large colonial, full nan tioned basement large entrance and up stair hallv. enn porch, pass pantry, buCt-rn eniiet, oen ana giass-ineiosea porcb npstsirs; garage. i ustca efc fnone ZMst 21 7 B. WEST SIDE 5 room modern bungalow, two lobs. mH st. fine view. $3500; contract $2361. paya- i-1 ,i tr t n . u . . . , , n . . X n Vtrr f. I uiunui, wmi, auur eo w. casu .1911, R. M. GATEWQQD & CO.; 165 H 4tb St W ESTMORELAN D. by owner, sew modern 6 room bungalow, all street improvements lit- r loorea atue. east iront, tins location. Hv; some terms. uu evenings. - bast Zlst cw i JUST (Completed -at 1035 Sandy blvd . mod- ern nien cmss a room nungalow. oak floors thronghoetv tile , floors in bathroom, tile dratn board, etc For appointment call East 6665 onaay. or xsawy. quo week days. . , f 31450 FOUR rooms, toilet ess. W . u. - block from Mt Scott car; lot 80x100: fnrit. chicken run. ' gangs; $150 rdowa, balance moTitoiy; leaving city; rarsiturs far sals. 5928 65th st $29505 , ROOM bungalow. Sannvside diet. furnace, fireplace, cement basement nice ysro.; Between, iuvuhtm ana tsnnnysde ears; ownrr' kktiok, wire eext wuicav 1 SOOT oils HOME with income, modern 7-room house,' 4 lots. - roninment for 1 000 bens . ww. cheapest place in - city. $ blocks - of : end wooa'toes: canine. cn.'i a.ta are, ev E. $2650- 6-ROOM bungaiow, aleeping porch, eoamel GxiUll, bato, concrete basemeBt, garage, fin kit fruits, flowers and berries; 3 Mucks to car. oil nornanan Diog. GET title insurane instead at an abstract It is--QTiicker snd cheaper snd yori are- abeo hrtety protected i agamst errox. . Title A Trast rcracany, t S40O DOW 5 large rooms, thoroughly nTSP era bungalow, toEipietely furnished, garsgs. $3500, 77 2Q gf th ave. 3. E. 6 - ROOM -feousa with modern cvmvenieriees; - large lawn and gardens Price $5300. 1206 Atlantic - t, eot. Jeacup. rt. . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 J ' $350 TO $500 DOWN 7. - HOUSES AND BUNGALOWS ANY tfP THEM POSSESSION AT ONCE: ' ' 3--; .' . "-. ' . "."-'''."' $360 DOWN. $1750. ' Broadway ear. 6 room and garage; East Weidler at., bet. -OUi and 2Hih. sts. Good eondruon. newly tinted, new window ahadsa and eiectnc fixtures ; fan lot, full and deep basemerrt, N mortgage, just ttraigbt contract at 835 per mo, - CALL at MAIN OFFICE. - $3041 DOWN. $4200. Bote City ear. 8 rooms, hardwood floor in main rooma, fire place and built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen; nire lawn, paved street in and paid; only t block e Sandy - blvd. ' Terma $25 per month and interest at 0 H S. T. -see this place call at our ROSE CITY PARK BRANCH OFFICE. 45th and Sandy blvd. Phone A&U. Sft-lU. '60 DOWN, ' $6000. Koa Ctty Park. Just a little dream of n pines and on 46th sc. (only 1 blka. gout of Sandy .Blvd.. at f ae- ing,o rwms wits urn ana garage, naruwuou floors tn mam rooms, all kinds of built-in ef fects; also 2 dimppearing beds; wide front and aide porch; regular furnace (also gas floor fnr nace. It ia a darting -little, place, so cozy and nice; no mortgage to assume, just straight monthly payraenta of $30 and interest at 7 To sea this place call at our Kane City Park Branch Office, 45th and Sandy Blvd. Phone Ant. 326-10.,.. . $300, DOWN, 2 blks. to Hawthorn car; $6500. Seven rooms and garage, beautiful hardwood floors in all rooms on first floor, maple flours in kitchen very large living and dining room. 4 bedrooms. 2 with windows oa two sides, just like a sleeping porch: also good auie, x iirepiac in living room, also 1 in the bedroom. Comer lot.', both streets paved and paid., ibis hum is nnder-tricd 31 loo Monthly terms only $SO per month, including interest at tt tt fr. At these terma why not own a good home. A. room would -readily rent. wuicB woum neip mass- wm payments. CALL AT MAIN OFFICIO. 1. L. HAHTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Fourth and Stark Sts. , Broadway 34. . ROSE CTTY PARK BRANCH OFFIC-5 45th and Sandy Blvd. Ant. 826-10.. Walnut Park $6250 A wonderful buy in this beautiful district; 7 room modern home, includ ing hot water heat Full lot beautiful shade and shrubbery, street improve ment All in and paid. Can arrange terms to suit you. EVERETT PHILPOE, Salesmanaeer Neilan Parkhill - 219 Lnmbermens blr Bdwy. 2S32. HERE'S YOURS A BARGAIN ' i Only $3 SCO. Worth 3450O. 6 modern hnnMlnw 1, wnA t , - ,-. lwuuiuuwi. nun wood floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen. 3 bedrooms, full cement basement '"-"-"r ucuri in gooa ciose-m resi dential district. Psved streets and sewer Close to schools snd car. Look todav. loss t I mfnn o . L u c . l ... . ' v xerms, orosa- wsy J 067. Sunday snd evenings. Tabor 7608!. nuauis visors. - f RIIT,E'VS tX- REALTORS i 201.2-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' Kings Heights At 44 Macleay blvd., now under con struction. See this fine Dutch " Colonial, 7 large rooms, also sewing room; strictly modem, hot water heat super constructed tArougheut; large lot. Price $11,000. $2500 win handle, balance terms. Open Sunday. ROBNETT McCLURE. Builder and Exclusive Agents. 802 Couch Bldg. Broadway 6574. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW 2 Owner Wants Offer. REE TTTTS snnrB-unnviiu mn,tA Yottll spiM-eciate the great big living room. -""v ""r rjuiD ana aesign is SB one could hope for. No home could be Si " 77T?"""; nomeone is going to get BARGAIN. Inspect now. No obligations. A. G. TEEPE CO. Rose City Office: 40th snd Sandy Blvd Tabor 9386. Laurelhurst Office: 3ftth and Glisan Tabor 8438. TWO HOUSES FOR tiann 8500 down, balance si $30 per month. One boose is now and modern, with two bedrooms, snd rented tor $25 per month. Th other house is old but in good livable uuLtn, m s gooa aistnct not far from Penin ula park and two blocks to carline. Live in the old house and let the new house pay for ww isn-jK-nj. kjmm sen. iB3u. , Ask for Mr, Parrott NO ABSTRACT is required if you ' get a TITLE INSURANCE , POLICY Title & Trust Co. Title A Trust Bldg. 31 Kr niu-TiTAPvr - n New 4 room lmnmlfw TV,;, mw,w i. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, composition tils drain board. 2 airy bedrooms, full cement owmeiui-au imp, in ana paid. siuu cash uaouies. sea ts totiay. R- L. McGREW. Resrtr 1089 Hawthoma. Tabor 8892 WEST Rimr wnxrir. t.a ce n $5000, $1500 oMtlu easy terms on tMUnea. Ta&ww-. K.mnm Ks-iTossm htssk stwJ .Lktlai O 60x100 tteh; &U1 kinds of berriM d4 fruit. JohnsonDodson Co ;633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. CONSIDER LOCATION Piedmont crorjer. 1247 Coms-tei-rial ex.. 1 block Peninsula park, 8 blocks library and Jeff arson high, new bungalow, 7 large rooms, full cement porch snd bssement prate glass. w iiwpi anu su iruubmiB. vpen Bunoay. , bargain.- Owner. $2500 10-ROOM HOUSE $2500 5 rooms down, 6 up,' 2 se to of plumbing; Albins district, near - Mississippi car. Mighty good for home and incom or in vestment $260 will handle. - SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK IX.CBXNGJt ' ONE BLOCK TO OAR I '. i $3500 6 room 2 story modern bona with gang in basement comer lot;- improvements' sll paid. $300 win handle this. W01 take good car up to $1000; no junk. 21$ Railway exenang o tig. - nawy. obus, A TITLE Insurance Pobcy n a guarantee by a reepooaibl company that you will aot suffer v loss on sconunt sf th title to your real estates When you buy res! estate get a Title Insurance Policy No abstract required. Title tt Trust , company. ' NICE little 8-room bungalow. $0x160 lot $1400, terms. ! - Broadway 6528. Bvsainga Tabor 7102, NEW,' modern, - 4-r. California deluxe bunga low,' good - district ouuthlns. silkenivory, ensmel. polished floors, larr porch, garage full bssement; $300 down, $25 Booth. Wal- nux tv2. ABE YOU GOING TO BTTLDT ' ' See ur plans and ap-to-dst ideas. W eon hew you finance. - W. M, UMB DEN STOCK as CO. 210 Oregon Bldg. -' ' Bdwy. 1658. 3-ROOM house, toilet, gas,' lights, wauer. ball block to car, with 2 lots, good location ; $1250, $250 cash, b la nr easy. - . . , - - -. -. v. V. R. FEN TON - - - , 600$ 2d at S. E. Automatic " 626-75. WE HAVE already .examined .- the Utie tc your property and can issue you a Title Insnrs nc Policy without del vTitl Trust .company...-. . - sjj - 1 CLOSE IN IRVTNTON SEVEN ROOM . HOUSE WITH GARAGE; - EXCELLENT CONDITION. NOT STRICTLY MODERN. LOW PRICE. EAST 8521. $2300 BY OWNER $500 DOWN Discount for eavsn: modern 4-room lights, gas, paved, comer. . 1 Mock school M V car. - Bi . Svouca. FOR SALK Neat- Htt 4-room and bath, full ptambing. full basement and brand new; cr ner lot Small payment down, rest like rent 1820 Campbell t Owner. SEE this . 7-room nous; left alone; mu . sell 2 lota, trait A-l shape. 107 E. 78th st. N. MV csr. ,-,. .- , EVERY parchaiwr of real estate should bsv his title injured. - Better be safe sorry. " Titls ex Tmwt company. - WHEN you. purchaa your bom bsv th ntls lnrared. Get a Titla lasuranc Policy. Tills A Trust, company. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 -. 59-Acre''Farni - $6000 . Treated 23 mile from Portland. 3 , miles from paved highway, half mil . ron good macadam road; all good land ' about half in cuitivatioa : prscticsUy . level; two small Iraoses and barn; fin . spring water. Win sell on ease- terms or exchange fiir city property of equal . vein. ) " - EVERETT s?m0POE, SALESMANAGER NeiiaiTk Parkhill 219 Lomberraens bldg. , Bdwy. 2832. Colonial Heights -At 354 E. f-SSi stl see this prstacnlly' completed 5-room modem bungalow and " garage: strictly modern in every way; all builtins, furnace. . hardwood floors and exceptionally weB constrncted ; excellent , view.- Only 86S0O. one-half cash, balance term. Open Sunday. - ROBNETT A McCturs. Builders and Exclusive. Agents, 302 Couch Bidg. - , Broadway 63T4. ROSB CITY PARK BARGAIN . OmiM in -feted rj wMwtevr brand new 5- roon bmuralow- bsrdwond floors fireplace. well arranged kitchen, garage, full lot. Only terms. NCrfcNBACH REAL I 605-7 Cham of Com. Bldg.' Bdwy. 4148 FOUR BLOCKS NORTH OF MULTNOMAH ----- STATION Brand new buses low. double, constructed throughout fall cement , basement hardwood floors, beautiful fireplace and tile hearth, nice electric- fixtures,: breakfast nook, whit, enamel oaxa ana Kitcnen, nun nun water, gooa piumv ins. mlmAi linoleum yonr own cnoloe of fur nace, all kinds of nice built-ins. This is sa ideal pises fori a young couple. It was built oy aay taoer ana is a real nome, urouua lOOxlOO or more if desired. Priced ressonaoie. terms. For appointment Call. owner. J. B. Watkins, Main 6457.- Office. Atwater 400. -$4500 - . NEW ROOM HOME I f - Your money's worth here. - New 8 room 2 story home. . Hardwood floors, flreplscs, bookcases, buffet Dutch kitchen. 3 bedroom. cement basement; fiOxlou corner lot; con venient to car and schools. Located ia good close in restricted district near Mississippi ave. Easy terms. Will consider good lot as part payment Let us show you. . Bdwy.". 7667. Sunday and evenings. Tabor 7608. , " CITY HOMES DEPT. BITTER, LOWE 4k GO., REALTORS ' 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. ' Jefferson High ':- Modern double constructed 4-room bungalow, all street improvements 4a sad paid; 2- bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, fall basement; $2800, $500 down. $23 per month. 8TAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO. , 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. Broadway 6618. $3200 ' ; NEW 4-ROOM FURNISHED BUNGALOW Nicely . arranged, with splendid view and only 2 blocks to car; 2 bedrooms, living and dining room combined; built-in Dutch kitchen ayid breakfast nook; half basement with laun etry trays; lot 50x100: $8200. $400 cash. $20 and interact per month. .- JohnsonDodson Coe 638 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mate 8787. $5750 LAURELHURST $5750 NEAR THE PARK Hers is brand new, modern ' bungalow. Every modern convenience such ss oak floon throughout fireplace, tile bath and bass tub, furnace, garage, etc. Finished, la ivory and tapestry paper throughout You would be sorry to know that yoa bad overlooked this wnder ful buy. Terms.- - : B. L, McGREW, Realtor 1089 Hawthorne. Tabor 8892. - WILL TAKE SOLDIER LOAN " 5 room bungalow, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in buffet and bookcase, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook ; new, just finished : lot 45x95; 2 ft blocks to car, near Peninsula park. Price $4750; without bonus, $2000 cash, balance mortgage, - Johnson-Dodson Co. ; - 688 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main $787. ,A Beautiful Half Acre ONLY' $500 CASH. ' BALANCE EASY Modern 4 room bungalow, fireplace, builtins. good plumbing, gas snd electricity; positively the most wonderful garden, fruit, flowers of every description; large garage, cement . fleor; nice shade trees, on good bard at Surely a good buy and a real home. Inquire 1624 E. Glissn. - . . A BARGAIN For sals in Or rill addition, fast out aid of city limits, low taxes, 4 lots with new plastered, modern bom.- full cement basement largo sleeping porch, city water snd gas, spout SO fruit- trees, all kind of berries, chicken boos and runs, cow bora and garage; half cash, rest like rent See owner every day after Sunday. Bora, cor. 57th st snd 70th ave. FORCED SALE A beautiful 9 room modern bom, on 90s 146 grounds, fruit, nuts, fine assortment roses, etc Full, dry concrete basement; Fox furnace: 1 bedroom on mam floor. 4 bed rooms up stairs. Garage and driveway. Every thing in and paid. $6250. Practically any terms. Tabor 1442, clos to Stark st, Mt Tabor. 46 E. 61st st $250 DOWN Here' t dandy buy in nifty 4-room bunga low with nice bath and other modern fea tures; elssfy interior , finish throughout; good location., only 15 minutes out, oa west scids, convenient to car Capitol Hill district) ; $2000. $250 cash, bat .easy; w bav other borne in this district Se A. K. HILL. 426' Lumbermen Bldg. ,s ONLY DOWN Will save you $850 on $1650 bom for quick sale, 6 rooms and bath,- elec lights, baa ment fruit berries, flowers, nice lawn, i Lents, S blocks from cor. Monthly payments lower than rent ' Investigate this. I must ssU Call Atwater 2997. $4560 . WILL BUT BRAND ; NEW FTvTB ROOM STRICTLY MODERN BUNGALOW IN ROSE CITY PARK. $700 CASH B. W. SMITH, OWNER, ! BDWY. 218$. ROSE CITY PARK DUTCH COLONIAL 1 New 7 r., sip. prcb., den, til bath, fireplc snd drain boards, 8 long mirrors, j silk wallpaper. , expensive - elec fixtures: quality throughout' - Doubl garage. .- Silk drapes snd water heater. Price $9800, $3600 cash. baL $75 per month. ; 480 E. 44th N. Phone Aut 814-5$. A IRVINGTON BUNGALOW . - BUY FROM OWNER 5 room very modern bunga low with attic, 60x100 lot fruit trees and shrubs, clos to Broadway car. . Pricw $4400, oosy -. term. Phone East 6431. ' 7 ROOM HOME $3500 Tn good neighborhood. EL- Flanders Bear E. 27th; modern conveniences; streets paved, nic shrubbery; no incumbrance. ' Some terms. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR. v 248 Star St Bdwy. 7831. HOUSE, 4 rooms, pantry - and garage, some fruit trees, nesr SeUwood school on Ta eoma ave., gs and electric lights available, hous ia fairly good condition ; $1180. $73 down,' $20 per month Including interest Owner. VI B. lUth St. $4800 $900 down for . double constructed a room nam in xtos uity. 4fe DiocS from ear, on largo lot 76x100. Hard ' wood floor,, furnace and fireplace. , ' ," J. W. O'OONNELL CO., 15 Stock Exchange bMg. Main 8681. . .... BUY IN PIEDMONT v , .' So my list -. If you don't : find what you wont,, will bav it built by repots bl builder. .. J. R. HAIGHT . .-: 851 Ankeny. Bdwy, 2045. Walnut 626Q. TITLE lnsuranc is ts swaera way of hsa dling titles to real etate. Qolcker, coats less and ss sbetract required. 7 Title A Trust coapany. ONE block to car. street paved, $2850. $800 cash, oat-- reasonsoi. - a room mod era bungalow, only two yoara old,, garage, fin lawn and f towers. Owner, 70 E. 79tb st N. ' ; FOR-SALE A ansp, T room bouse: good con dition, in Sunnyside, 60x100; fruit and ber ries. $2 500 ; from owner. -69, Journal. 83500 81000 down boys dandy 6 room Sunayssda housa Call 172 E. 86th. near YamhlU. -FOR SALE Nic 5 remmed houiws, lot 100s 100; soma fruit and fin garden.- 4 blocks to city limits. E. Wbiston. Rjwebnrg. Or., Rfcjl. 5 BOOM Woodstock bungalow. 1 block from . car. near chool. Pric 6210O. CaU Wsi- aut 7894. HOUSE for : al en. leased land. 4 -rooms partly fumislied. $500 cailt, Call Main $3000 LAURELHCRSTjbangaiow. -strictly - BBUdflgn. -' tas snsnsv very sow XFTSO, oiep lively. Clew Realty. 1131 Beimcnt Ts. 3713. ROSE CITY 7 room modern hous, $4000. terms, or-loss for cash. No agent. Tab 900$. BY 0WNXH House, lot aoxi.00. oiosa in, terms. $Si E, 3d N. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES - 404 s, MIST SACIUrlCK MY HOMK : GOING EAST MAKK OFFER Ha wt home 6-room bnngamw, aoar -ear and school, near 39th. strictly modern, hardwood floors, bncieum. combins-tia range and sou ga would sell fanurnr:' ram see; I mean busi ness; $1000 cash, balancw reaaonabl terms. Broadway 6011. Tabrw 6266. JUST THINK. I ROOMS $3000 GRAHAM AVE. BIG BARGAIN : 50x150 lot, all IsnprovemenU in. t block frets Union a vs., pWndid income for invest ment poaaiWlitie: $1000 cash, bslanca hke rent; no mortgage. Broadway 6011,. -T. O. BIRD. 626 Cnamber of Commerce. . ROSE CITY . New bungalow- and everytlitng goes that mskes it strictly modern; big bargain if soW this weak; E. 40th, bkwk of Sandy. For an- pouitment Fearing, 619 Belmont 4000 BARGAIN tliOO. DOWN. 1 1 -room boose, partly fnrnashed and rented. SOx 100 lot, -fruit berries, chicken hsnoe. fenced. 12 minutes out- on Fulton -arlina. Aot. 513-57. . - 'V : SIX room sBodern house, lot 40 by 255. fnrit . and gardt-n, full - baessent- S2200. $5 down. Addres 4202 76ta st. Auto. REAL HOME $3000, $1000 cash. Ownea, f none Automaue li - I CHEAP for cash, partly built 4 room boose. ' r--4 8tn-avs." S E, JUST sompleted. 5 room strictly modern bung alow, Hswthorm dist. Owner. Tabor 6621 4 ROOM boos in Woodstock, small trees and garden; terms. A at eso-04. FOR SALE St Johns, modern bom of rooms, garage, close in. 721 Oswego at 4-ROOM modern boos for sale. $1800.Phon 640-35. $590 down. All kinds of irmt ACREAGE 405 - $1230 ' - ACRE AND HALF " ' P1RKROSR SIS DOWN. 813 MONTH, interest included 6 per cent; a few trees, bolsnes ail cleared: ncn garden load, srrest for berries, snd garden good view; north of Saadv blvd, sad cariina. Parkros- branch - effioe, end of carhne. open every Ovj. Take Ross City i' ear. Tabor 2904. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY.- - . S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. , Broadway 6034. ONE ACRE . ' - ''$865 . ' ,:-: ' $10 DOWN $10 MONTH. Psrkrose, corner tract some trees, balance all cleared ; ncn garden land, no rocks; north of Sandy blvd. sod car line, outside city limits, low county tax., as street assessments to pay. $10 is total monthly payment snd includes mterost st 6 per cent Psrkros branch office st end of cartine. Take .Ross City Park Psrkros car. : Tabor 2904.' - J. U HAHTMAN COMPANY, r - 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Broadway 6034, 1 ACRE AND BUNGALOW 3S00 'A nw snd nifty 4 room bungalow, com bination living and dining room, cabinet kitch en, ; breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms, large clothes closets;-cement bssement wash trays, floored attie. - etc : ail built-in features: finished ia whit enamel throughout ; gas. lights sad ctty water; A acre alt fenced ; on a hard surtses road, just outaid city limits: $8500, with $500 down. Ton can't best it. RUMMEL BUMMELL ; . c 274 Stark St, Bdwy. 72 89th and Sandy Blvd. Aut 820-60. WONDERFUL SMALL HOME RANCH 14 ACRES - - ' Located in Barr road, near Bandy boulevard, West of Fairview. few mile from Portland, Modern 5 room bungalow with bath, fun cement basement cement walks around the ncus. house newly painted, barn, chicken bom fam ily orchard and berries, 3 acres of tin um ber, balance under cultivation, close to school. stores sad- church ; 4 minutes' walk to street car: absolutely . the best bur in th - state. $8000. -$SOOO cash, balance on mortgage' of 6 per cent 810-11 Panama bldg.. ad and Aider sta. - Choice Acre Bargain - Sew it todays Faces oa psvwd Bssverton bigbway. inst barond Multnomah county line i st intersection of Scholia Ferry .rood. Big ; aim on it, you can't miss it Soma tracts in euluvaUon, soma in beaatlful grov. - una mis water, gas, electricity, few blocks Olsen sta tion, 98 u re, only 91200 per gcra, lerms. - J. U. KAlNglx, ' - . 817 Abington bldg. Bdwy. 6269. $250 DOWN $250 DOWN A 4 room bungalow with den. cement base ment wash trays, wonderful Dutch kitchen. fireplace, etc. ; finished in ivory and enamel throughout; furnace; vacant and in fine con dition; 60x100 lot, corner: lawn sad shade trees; city improvements ia and paid. ON BYBEE ST., near Milwauki ave. PRICE ONLY 4250, $250 down, balance $50 per month. Includes interest - RUMMEL BUMMELL 274 Stork St Bdwy. 6729. 38th and Sandy Blvd. Aut 820-60. ON CAR LINE W bav- 1.97 : sens, all .under cultiva tion. . facing macsdam road, between - two paved roads; electric light available; . $50 down and $10 monthly, - j ' 732 "Cham, -of -Com. ONE ACRE JUST OUTSIDE CITY - Facing on 7 2d near Tremoot station. Water and electricity. $10003100 cash and $10 per month. Inside acres as low as $560 $24 esah- and small monthly payments. Drive out 72d at. south of 65th, : you will se our signs. - . R, H. CONFRET, REALTOR, R1TTER, LOWE A CO., 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Tnd BWg. CALMAN H ACBE TRACTS Tb ' tract . you bav been waiting for. dtusted Just outside, city when taxes are low, facing out 42d st. Just north of Fnmont street near Beaumont carline and school. Street graded and graveled. Bull Run water touwoch tract - $110 cash and $11 per month. - , B. H. CONFRET. REALTOR. j. w." o'connel 00.; 1 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. " 6 ACRES. 4 mils north of Estacsds. 4 room hous and barn, .well and fruit trees. 8tt acres cleared. Pric $1500. D. B. MACKTB '319 Excbsnga-Bldav -' Bdwy. 6979. . A NICE LEVEL 5-ACRE TRACT Facing east on Barker rood just south of Bas Lin. K11II Run water and ss in front of tract $1975 see- ns for special terms. :- . R. H. CONFRET. REALTOR, BITTER, LOWE A CO.. 1 : 201-2-8-8-7 Board of Trad Bldg. 5 H ACRES. 8 miles tram courthouse, U ia crop snd orchard. 8 room hous. hot and cold water, bath, else, lights; splendid home. . Price only- $7500. i half cash, bsi 6 per osnt - See - Barrand. with 8TURM-EEFEK CO. 214 Frftn T. 6 ACRE BARGAIN NEAR PARK ROSE Fro of gravel, easy cleared, short walk city car, near Craig av. - Wster. g, eleetriUty obtainable. $2500r term,. Will -teka 2d mort gage under w-ldier" loan. -J. C. OORBIN CO, 805-8-7 Lewis bid J. 21 ACRES with som old buildings: on road; nic creek through place. , WUI sell to right party on ey payment for only $40 per aero. .Johnson-Dodson Co, 688 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S787. 8-ROOM hows,, gang and good chicken home, 1 re of land, ail in fruit; Just outside city limits. $2100, $500 cash, bal ane easy psyment. ; 6008 2d St Auto. 626-75. FOB SALE By owner, las thn eot price, S acres, all in cultivation. A-l oil. good posltry boas 22x91, 3 mil from Vancou verTWash.; $1800, $600 down. 6. E. H. MeMulleu, 822 N. Smith sve., St Johns. Portland. Or. " ' ' SO" MILES DOWN COLUMBIA HIGHWAT Cboios screage, doss to good payroll, river; nil suid highway transportation, very best oil. any sixe trsrtm. good -road. Can accept som trad. INTERSTATE LAND CO-I 248 Stark. LU 20 ACRES, NEAR TIGARD. $20 . Bst soil, mo waste land. Som cleared, more easy. Building. 2 . welte; ippcrtunity to get eloae-in fsrm cheap. Easy tmnts. .. J. C. CORBIN CO 303-6-7 Lewis bldg. 10 ACRES, som cleared, bsl timber,- 800 ' a Aa Bja lisis , sntllrt kmr f 111 1 rood well water, som chickens. 5 miles from 7, .. M 1.1,1, . IIBAit Miaership A Stewart, 165 V 4th st. TO BUY or sell acreag cast of 82d street ., tss.Bt. v6 get rewnlts. R H. CONFRET. REALTOR, . DITTII inurK A CO 201-2-8-8-7 Board of Trsdo Bldg 18 ACRES, 8 MIIES BEATEBTON cleared. 1 200 cords wood, all rJ Oaf re. rwingv 12, miles 4tb and WasWngtoa. $250. TJTOr. COBBIN CO.. 808-S-T Lewis feldyi '" i ACBES. 82d st Johnson creek sad Estecada car bne; rood soil, no building, low price, good rosd, fine gxrden land. Yoke. 1186 ONE to five acres nch : candy lom. near - witr limit and - highway. - Price $500 per ecre. Very easr term. Tpor 34Q4 1 ACRE, highway, river, la, view, in fact a vary beautiful homerite. Tor priom and terms auS 416 Hsery btfU. . .. - ..." i . -': 1 :; , i- i . i '--" ----- '-.,--. : :-' ".- 5: V REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE - 4CS ACRES, on macadamised read. 4 H ' , miles front good town, i mil to grad school; all cultivated, black loam i: 4 acre apple. 12 years old; acr ircaa berries, lots of strawberries ssd ' other fruit; 4-room house; barn, chicken bouse,- woodshed. Personal proportv; Good Jersey cow, 40 layinaf bens, 50' young chickens, - hous. hold furniture. Maxwell touring car drag-saw, gasoline earn, etc, , Pries for averything $1950; $90 cash, bsisBc seml-annualiy at ; Pr .osnt.-;, ss -1 - .f ; f ; Ovr 6 seres. $ mile from dty limits, close to sutica and school. Greshsm vicinity,, racked road ; all culUvatedv 1 V acre red raspberries, A acr strawberries, HimslAya. black-caps, bearing orchard; 5-room ' hou.. ; bsrn 40x60. ehk-kea bouse 18x40. Included with plsc: Horss, wagon., plow. t hornesv - cultivator, crops, chickens.' etc I "rice for every thing $$500. large cash payment Con- ' aider small plac near aom small town to $2500. , r- - , , . - $ acres. 4 miles from city Urn Its. 4 : blocks from station. 2 blocks to school; - 2 acres cultivated, balance oak sad fir timber; berries, 4-room hous. chicken hon. brooder house, i Included with : place: . 1$ cords o wood, garden and i garden tool, 20 chickens. Price $2500; - $ 1 1 340 cash, balancs . aay terms. Con sider Portlsad nous up to $3000, west ol 60tfe at ,, Acrssga inspected by Davis. On acr. H mil from electric station. Just outside city bruits, near Milwauki voad; all under cultivation. . city water; 19. bearing fruit trees; .4-room hcuse, 2 larg chicken houses, capacity 500 chick, sns; small barn. Pries $1550; $500 cash, Ask- for Mr. Nalsoa. .- - ' AT OREGON CITY '-S'U'-'i ' On set. 1 H miles from esnler of town, one mil to school, ail in garden tad fruit rocked road; 4-room plastered bouse with electric lights; gangs, chicken ' beuss, capacity 100 chickens; other build , ings. Pno $2200, term. Photos at , offic. , j.,-... - ... . .,,'.. JOHN FERGUSON,' Bssltor, : . Gerlingsr Building. i , Over BOO small place near Portland. ' 16 AcreTract- Only 18 minatea orl :'n en mA rtn, kind of soil, slope ust right; all cleared ex cept .about 1 acr which has s grove of trees. This is an ideal tract to Cut up in small tracts or, would mak a wonderful country horn for four fsmilies. ' 4 , acre each. . I reached bv auto ever tb TerwiUiger blvd, paved most' of th way; good macadam road on two sides; city water, gas, electric tight and telephone. wui sn una anyramg nxe this oa the west side -ss clos m st anything Kk th price asked $500 an acre.' Land around it is being held from $1600 up. Broadwsy 237L . Portland Home Co. 638 Railway Exchange Bldg. ' t Why Pay Rent? ' , HIGH TAXES? ' , i Only $23- down and balance $ per mnntli for one full acre, all cleared, near car. Bull Bun water and gas in front of acre; no re striction; price $850. ; s - BOONE-CLEARWATER 611-12 Cooeh bldg. - - Broadway 8817. 34 Acres CROP AND FUBNITtTRE . An In cultivation.'-16 bearing fruit trees, 12 young trees, strawberries, raspberries, goose, berries, currants, loganberries, , Himalaya ber ries; fine garden; 6-room hous with hot snd cold .water, pump bouse, gang, gasoline en gine, chicken buos. 50 bens. All lumitur for housekeeping. ;, Close ' to Oregon City.- Pric $ 2 1 0, part -cash; -'" v , . A. C. ROWLAND . . 620 Main st, Oregon City, Or.' ..-: CHOICE OF EITHER 'TRACT -v Powell Valley, r S. W. Corner 76tK $100 DOWN $20 MONTH, 125x255 feet - cornel1. -..'-; -. 155x255: feet, next to corner. ' 155x255 feat, second from comer.' -' ' This ground is -oil cleared and en msaadam Btrset; water and electricity to each tract, -, J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Gommero Bldg,' Broadway 6084. ; ' I -Acre-Tracts . SECTION USE ROAD. NEAR 8T2D ST. $100 down and $50 every three month buys; an acr. in thi beautiful addition, $950 and; up; sll in cultivation ,- good soil: city water; soma - tracts with besring raspberries, loganberries, eurraats- and strawberries, .Will build small bouse to suit pucbaers, - , . . . - . SAYLER K. SMITH. 818 RT. EXCH. BLDG." A HIGH CLASS ACRE $H)00 ' Situated on Buckley avenue just south of Powsll Valley road, covered with ; beautiful grov of nstiv trsss; gaa, city water sad elec tricity. This is your - last chance to get an acre in 'this ideal location tnd at this pric. B. H. CONFRET, REALTOR, . -BITTER. LOWE A CO., :'- 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Tnd Bldg. ' XOINLNG IRVINGTON AND ALAMEDA '" View of entira city. Clos to school: cr line through tract ' - Priced $600, up; $100 cash, $10 monthly. Branch of fie. It th and Shaver. Automatic 828-48. JohnsonDodson Co. 688 N.' Wi Bank Bldg. Main 8737. 6 ACRES Itt mil from electric. mile from S. P., K mil to school. -about 8 acres In cultivation,' 1 H acre tn potatoes, good garden, young orchard and berrie. - good 8 room house, woodshed snd a bunch of tools. Priow $1200 cash, . O. F. Klingsr, Aurora, Or., Bt. 1.. . - 5 ACRES $1600 - Just off Baa Lsn road near Barker rosd. Bull Ran water la front of - tracts. 8 US for special terms, - - B, H. -CONFRET, REALTOR, ' BITTER, LOWS A CO., 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Tnd Bldg. 8$ ACRES, clos to Amity, Yamhill county. port fenced. : runmag : water, part . eulu vated, about 100 .cards- of wood to sere, sell 'wood on place, i only $2700, a mail pay ment 1 down, belano as you sell th . wood. 226 Chamber of Commero., bldg.-, Seo chrest Bros. - 26 ACRES crsek bottom Land: -soil Olympi silt loam, deep and productive. , Pric umy $80 per acre. : : Johnson-Dodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ,, 83 ACRE8. 14 lin.ES OUT . 8100 PER ACHE ' - Racked road to highway at Oswego, 6 miles. 8 " rlesred, some timber, larr. spring, crops, small buildings. A genuine oriportnnity:- J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis bldg. UPPER PORTLAND -- HEIGHTS scr $806: level, wonderful view, all cleared, no - liens. , short distance C 0. car; terms. J. G. Roiney. 817 Abington bldg. Bdwy. 6269. '--.-' - - - TIME to BUY . -160 A. north of Willamina; spring, county road; fin for stock; price cut to $5 par acre. Term. ' 226 CHAMBER OF t COMMERCE BLDG. v SKACHRKST BROS. -Vs ACRE at Errol Heights', nearly all claoxed. - 8e carfare. My qaity,": $200. , for - light cor or cash. BaL $8 month, no Int; bo- re strict km. - Tsk your tent out and oar rent A, Peito, 60 Cook v. Walout 48. - l$i ACRES with running irar, fir and - cedar tree: 'ideal plac for summer home, 00 rood main road. Bull Run electric ; y torm. W. M. liiubdeiwtock A Co., 210 Ore gon bldg. - Broadway 1668. " - 22 ACRES. 2 miles from Eatseada, running . - water - on th plac. 4 SO cords of wood, 2 mall running stream and 1 spring, sms'I house; $1650, $400 down, rest in man ments. 227 H Washington st FIVE . improved, level . acre, on . macadam- ised atrMt orcnaid. buildrors city w ter, sa oaa b had. eioee to school sad 1 ' mitrat 'car service, 450; about- $800 cash. Rout 8. box-657. Portland, '' - 2 A : ACRES $370 ; PER ACRE . Very best soil. 8 miles from city limit ; close to Barr rosd; free fuel. ,$23 down. $10 per month buys it STRONG A CO.. 606 Cham, of Com. ACRE with msU wU built house. Water. light and gss. Se It at 48th and Ski1 mor. Chup and vary reasonable terms. K. Hill. - - HOW DOES THIS STRIKE Y0t?r 8 sere la Ross Park acre, at $400 per sen: easy terms. Sea.G. L. Bohr, 213 Knott t PHOP rsst Blew. LEAVING tb city, saenfic I scr, furnisbed - brjuse, elwctiic light. clo to ear. Tbr 8302. iiqa. -, - - - - r ;- . , , - . - WILL sen my aquity 5 M acres, bast of moU itv hmits. -mt Sid, at $500 xw. per I wr. - .'in - 1 - MOST beaatlful building kite for - fin home cre. wiwi"' --- oxr ------ - - - - . 1. 1111 rnonv . . -.. - FOR SALE 5,- 10 and 20 scr, IS sJti from yortiano- isoov ACRE and half'; with buikHns near Hult- nomsn. -3iipv, x.wt ew?.. i 01 10 at Beavertou, tenna W. t w, TVismoux, Or.