TIIUT.-DAY, 1C22. 1 0 L IwAL, 4. A X-Ji a-. xJ AUTO'"rC',:LE3 FC S. LH f?0 used fords! rSEX FORDS! TBUT Tors USED TOED FHOM AH AUTHORIZED. FORD DMU.H" JEJUSTTOOia ' - CABS- TRADED , ' OPEN . EVES. TTLL 8:30. scxhats 8 TO ., ." -; tourings ' ' '' It:, storter, fine eonditiav. . v. ..... 8359 1916. extra, good body. ......... i . . 145 1822. dent wheels, stsrtsr, extra- food , tire .......................... 485 1921, dio. Tuaa. starter, good through- . oat 425 1919. rood rubber and aU. ......... . 285 1919. excellent condition ........... 2S0 1922. dam. ma, starter, real good.... 425 COUPES AND SEDANS " ! 19S9 sedan, now punt... ... 650 1921 eedaiv new punt, (sod rubber and" alt . .-.. ........... ... ., . .... -678 1929 redan, overhauled - . . . . .. . ... 475 121 coupe, new paint and O., K.- t awry war i.e.. ,.... 30 -" , CHASSIS 118. genet rubber, abocka . . 1920, ann good f . . . . . - . . . 165 23 DELIVERIES AND TRUCKS I0l. pane delivery JS5 1922 .tracks pneumatic tires, nearly " cab aad platform body .......... 429 1924 track, roadster hod? foe cab aad . platform body, inst tha thing- tarn mod; ha 3 new cord tiraa . 850 1929 track chassis, pneumatic- -tires, . oewrhaaled .................... . I 192 stem daiivury, extra rood., 450 . BUGS ' A real patch.' body and an......... 325 i Also we here new bug bodies. Can Banks yam any price bug yon, want W can fix you tip cm any kind of Ford. If yew don't -want a new Ford- trad your old ana on. a better toad aotv. :v , , .. . , WE DO OUR OffK APPRAISING , "TALBOT at CASEV, INC. ,. . Eut Anktn; and Graad Ave." East 8118 i TOUR OPPOBTUNITX ... : ' TO BUT A GOOD CAE CHEAP.., 'All wad eats remaining in eur atock room from -Snaday aaiaa will ba anbstaatiaUy marked daw and aoid on term witnin tha raacbt of aayooa who can afford to ma a ear. NORTHWEST OAKLAND CO.. ' ; 844-MS Barnsida at.. ; (Jnat waat a. Broadway). , He Bought a Studebaker , ' '29 Case, apart model," pinkin 'leather. Cav la a very aporty 4-paaa. : . Pnoa av ry reaannabl. - - 8TCDEBAKKR COBP. OF AMEEICA. Uaed Car lint.. S41 Baraaida St. Bdwy. 0610. , Near Broadway. Reo Camping Auto A hodse complete, kitchen, bedroom, ob aenahiin room and pantry; ideal ear for tour. 1st; you're always at homo eompleta ea real speed wacoa eh aula .Price. 9904. - " -. . BRA LET. UBAHAM CHILD TKtt, :' 119 Bnrnaide. Bdwy, 8281. 5 He Bought Another 'I:- -"Studebaker .'-!. ''" '21 Studebaker L-8 coapa. ideal ear tor a doctor. STUDEBAKER CORP. OF AMERICA, Used Car Dept. 34 Burnside at , Bdwy. 0 51 6, Kear Broadway. . MODEL. 65 Cadillac. 8 touring, -Just com pietaly orer hauled, rood paint, top and ap holaterini. ft , wonderful family oar. I most sacrifice this (cod ear for quick deal. Terms ia desired. 190 Onion ava. .-.-r- - He fought a ', :r' Studebaker Z?xf ' ' 1922 Buick. 5pasa. -,T tonrtnf. bTand : aew, paper til! on rannlna boarda. '. BTTjDKBAKER COW: OS" AMERICA. Ueed Car Dcpt 841 Boranda St .; Bdwy. .0818. ,, .H m -s-. .Kaay Broadway, i; Auto PalntingtSTS ina. leaf work aad artlatic deaignine: 2T yeara a palntea. Eaat 1198. 847 Williams ava. ' laT GRANT SIX. Looks Eke, rune like, new; 8 almost aew cords, other two in good shape. Will taka 9450; a-good little car. 6404 29th aee. B. E. - . - ' 1918 BCICK TOCRDfO . i- Fha car, $760 . " BRALEY. KOAM CHIXD, TNO. Bnrmiihltlltli. ' LATE 1929 Ford sedaa: looks aad tons tike j aew can.: "The raina will soon ba here. If yoa want a closed car. cat thl one, . Bdwy. 11-80. Aa- frf Mr. Bincam. ' - - - - - - . a 1922 '400 CHEVROXiET TOURING , ' Car la good condition, good tires, curtains open with deors, 1923 license, etc.; very easy terms. - Tsbor 6985. - - ' Sleeo iii Vour C&t TZ buxC beS. Fostttraly' will aot wei car. Swaasoa. 708 H WUHama Te 1929 FORD touring, starter, demountable xima. speedometer and spotlight; car ia ex. caQeat shape. Sacrifice for 8326. easy terms. Phono ewner, Wdln. 9625. ' 1920 OLDS light truck, with, eapreee body; I- cord tires. ' l525:-termt, , ' - . Tr.thnrn ara, at 8th. East 9T29. iiru'K . a Tor-RIXU CAR -i . 940O " KSAIJCT. GRAHAM aV CHILD. rsa- ;- Bnrnslda at llta. . j ' , 11 ADTO i 'MODERJt SLEEPER .Aatot reconstructed to sleepers; our srstem does Bot weaken or dWieore the body. B. . B. Body at Top Works. 845 Williams, hast 1198. " Fully equipped, f Caa be had for almost one ball tha price a are car. .. &.b t at. xt.iu.nm. ".s". - WE PUT steel teach ra yout old flywheel; crankshaft turning, cylinder grinding. H. B. Black's Hif1-1" .Shop, 884 Alder st, Brottt- way- 8i. ' Overland 99. new tiraa, car completely re .buitt and ia excellent condition. Sea thie aae. I Radiator Repairing . . m iwv. in xrmtM v i i Q. H B.BOQ7 OS ivu 1920 DODGhi' tounng. in excellent shape throachoat -'Will, consider terms, fnona owner, wria FORD bug ia good condition, 4 new tiraa and - tubes; can Be aeaa as aa.a n- aa, If a bargain. MUST aaerifice my Huosoa to make payments en no dm; 83v. terms, .van aim a a. T49 Union are. N. FORD coupe.- 1920 model; nica ahape; soma buy foe 8130. Bdwy. 2488. Ask for Wi. r.ama. Viiilll avian. 1820 motiel. cord Urea: uer feet mechanically; price 8475; libexai terms to- responsible party. pm sn. st-t as l tn. SNAPPT Oeerland racer, bug, will gi ery aood tarma ana- sarrtiica) ior autcar aeaa. aaw Uomn era. CHALMERS , model 353, ia good condi- tioa; nut sell or trade lor agnt roadmr. Tsbor 4Q24.--Aot; aiB-aT. . 1821 FORD ROADSTER, -Excellent ahape r mast sail todays,. Bdwy: 1 0. Ask for Mr. Bauewra. EXCHANGE for furniture or lot. or aeS good car. ran only 4000 mUee, fine coa dition. Ant. sro-TO. - - 1913 il AX WELL touring., with a daady run - ning meter; will sacrifice for. 8128 cash or lli on terms, eeu. --ma. - 7" A SXAP Pair light Six. In Al condition for sale Or trade, logniro at isortn rart -oft Bqraskiei, C'8& Kactas oil poiuii on your car. . Xoi win oa surprweq. wimw STCTZ roaUoter for sale.' (230 gaod tires, t ' r extra, in axwd ccndi don. Call Waimit 8099. STUDEBAKER big 4, T-pasi. touring, lata '19 modcV 1175.- Terms. 150 Unioa-aTO. 1921 CHEVROLET toarina. diae wheels, pec feet cooiitiott ; . will eaenriee. Bdwy. 94 a. FORD touring wasted fur an simaat Richmond piano. Vt al. 051 UC'DEL: N HatpmohCe tonrinsr. wonderful soap Ji-W OJi-i -v ah niy C'-r"Ofct contract oa a aew Ford at a diaccant 1 aone East 355. AUTO 'C'ITS rcfsxc f?1 New Low Prices On Good Used Car's is ; Her is tho finaat stack of oaad ear la the city and at tba lowett pirn. Tha maa wita 15tt, $2QQ, , $300 and en up to 91000 to lav vast is aa aatomobUo will bad what b wants ia a pood ' aavd car and -Terf low prices. Hera ara jnat a -law arlrctiowa fxom our stack: 1920 Jordan. T-pasa. ..... .9X959. 1 930 Crow-Elkhart . ... ...... 923 ' 1921 Ford Sedan, lota of a- traa r 7(M 1919 Ford Toarmc ....... 20 1021 Dort Taarinr . ...... ' 809 118 Bnscoe Toarin- S25 1915 Btou Boad&ter 1259 ' 1920 Oakiand Toanne; . . 600 181S Briacoa ' Tonrias . ... 2T5 1921 KitcheU Toarinc w... 1650 1919 Studebaker Roadster 275 11 MitcbeU Sedan 12&0 181S Orerland ....-.... 4a .1914 Packard Twin Bat. 1075 '-And asaay - others-Faarda, Max- weLa. Dodeea. iocdana. ate. AU at low price and oa easy tecata. J Open Sundaya . From 19 ta S. - Broadway at Everett. Forty Tear' in tha Northwest. USED CABS AU. MAKES ' 1915 Good tires, runs fma....i...t 19S 1920 iood shape ................ 295 1921 Fine shape ... ..........,... 93 1S21 Coupe: many etraa. ......... . 573 1921 Cole 8. like aew. ............. 1475 1918 Maxwell, snap. ........... t . 155 Kins 8; lik lindmg: it. . .... .. .... 995 King bo, a dandy. ................ 120 CbeTroiet toanac ...... ....... 119 Ford, trtjrk body, pnaaaatia tires. . . . . . 895 rota traes. snap. . . . . .. . . . 175 lappert Stewart track barrain . ...... . 885 Win take soar car ' aa part payment on any oi we aooa cars, ; UNIVEBSAIi: AUTO EXCHANGE 181-3-3 Grand, at Yamhill St East 0171. Sea Dal Wiigat. :. . He Bought a" , ; Studebaker. 1920 Cola toarias-. Hka tww. all reRn. iahed: looks bka -43000 aortk al anao moWle: 91200. . 8TUDEBASLa COBP. OF AMERICA ITaed Cat Dept. ' 84 X Barnsida St Bdwy. 0416. " Near Broadway. : - DELIVERED v ERECTED . 1 STAINED I 10x16, 855. OUier prices ia . 'Preportioa,. -'- EaU 9364. 28 Waaler. He Bought Another ; "Studebaker '21 Special 6 Stadebaker sedaa, joat refinLthed. ererythina like a new ear. STUDEBAKER CORP. OF AMERICA. V Used Car Dept. 841 Boraside at Bdwy. 0814. Near Broadway. 'FORD COUPS - . Tou shook! see this eewr Haaalar - ahaeka. speedometer, foot throttle, cutout aotematio windshield ' cleaner. Stewart vacaam aystena. Stromberg carburetor, starter of coarse. 850 pains j 00, iy. a. 4o. ";He Bought Another 11 ;;l:Studebaker . 1920 Stadebaker chummy roadster. perfect condition, v- STUDEBAKER CORP. OF AMERICA."" Used Car Dept. 841 Bnraside at Bdwy. 0616. , : Near Broadway. 4921 CADILLAC 4-passenger, good as new; extra equipment; a bargain . at 3280O. Oregon Lexington Co.. 632 Morrison. Bdwy, 6878. He Bought a i Studebaker . ' .1 Oakland an extra, wire wheels ' : STUDEBAKER CORP. OF AMERICA. Used Car DepU 841 Bnraside -St Bdwy. 0616. - Near Broadway. CHEVROLET TOURING Law model, with electric self starter. Will sacrifice for 8175. : Phone East 9544. Nash Z Passenger - - Touring, 1920 model.' ma 2308 miles, with complete extras, perfect condition throughout. Wanted a quick sale at 897.5. Phone 518. 46. - 248 First st ' " 1 9 20 CHEVROLET TOTJREfG ; Excellent eocdition throughout WiU give bargain price, easy terms. Last 9664. 1921 CHEVROLET baby grand, oompietely overhauled and tn, excallent mechanical ctm uition. WQl consider smaller car aa part pay ment and giro reasonable term on balance. Sea- 2016.-.W... - . ' V 1921 VELXE SIX touring, one of the fiBMt little ears in Portland, looks and rune hkei aew, A snap for eameonev 8350 down, bal ance easy payment. Sea: car today at W. Delay Motor Co., Broadway and Burnside at j,;,, 1919 OVERLAND u o-.-v ' Model 90. touring, muat eee car to realize .the bargain. 8350. . w BRALET, GRAHAM CHILD. DSCL,' ' Bnrnsid at 11th. THE FIRST MAX - with $300 to pay down can drive away my 1921 Jordan sport ear. Eouipped -with wire wheels and new cord tires. It yoa are look- ing (or a real car see thie one. East 8879. BY1R SALE mfat.r, fin. .h.T.W-Bl condiUen. Make ma aa offer. G. U. JOBB Broadway 631 9. BABY GRAND Chevrolet, early 1919; offered ntty owner, tor times sale, mvu; terms. L. X. BILLINGSLEX MOTOR CO. " Hawthorne avc. at 6th. East 0720. SUNG 8, in first clasa mechanical condition, wire wneeis. Take reaaonaoie otter. Ti STATES AUTO A TRUCK. CO. 48V Bnrnslda. KING 8. ia first class mechanical oondiiioav . wire wheeK . Take reasonable offer. Terms. - STATES AUTO A TRUCK CO., su trarnsM. COLE 8 TOURING Perfect 1 mechanical : eoodiUon, fine rubber all -around. 8550. asy terms. , Cau At- water voo. FORD aedaa, 1920 model,' cord tuea. " perfect - mecnanjeatly ; 647a; liberal terms to re- sponsioia party. u wsau. St.. at IPtn. 1820 490 CHEVROLET touring, in excellenl eoDditioa. This car baa. new tires and tooka like tww. Caab or terma. Sell 2018. v GKANT 8 " BOAUSTiB d This is a snap for qnick sate, 8375. AMer at. Broadway 1852. . eso 19 2 J FORD tonriag. aa good awhank-al coa,- ditioa. Has nearly new tirna, seat eat for a' j. rnerm Caav 2354. -. : 5 passu fine condition, for quick sale. 8890. 580 Alder st Broadway 1S52. 192 CHEVROLET touring, just broke in. run aeaa tnaa aooo miles, at a ff t1 dis count. Phone East 2152. BUICK KOALSTEa Goed tire; row fine, 82S o. 530 Aider sr. rs roao way istrs. 16 BCICK 4 touring, new block, motor ana rears a-'i eerbanled. Extra good Urea, A dandy family car. 9239. Phone East 2355. " Fine car tor servioa or deb very. 8189.v 830 Aner sc. Breaaway iaz. X1. v m aoou nuuunv ctwaiuoo lor f'yij, or axeaaaaw rer pectabia garag. Call at 482 nonney NEW CHEVKOIiiT tounng, run 2fl30 jaOes; cord tirt will arrifi-e. Oeyf, 330 AMer. LX. iASO.t stwfti,i.r. utt w. tllt.1, eay terma to rssvunairla party. Wcia.' S46L , AUTC" BOrNSON45MITH CO.. USLD CAB MARKET. " . ' .: .-; : : ,XH AND IfAIN BIS.'. - , Eiearn's Knight chummy, 4, Al - condition ..i...$800 Chaimera Hot : Spot touring, bar- : sam ....... .ai...... . ...... . ITt Saaoai touring .... . ... . . . ... 225 Sudebaker. panel delivery .... . 165 " FORDS. FORDS. . FOEDS. - 1917 Panel. debTery. aew Urea., 6175 - 1914 Track, bargain ........ 133 .1915 Expreas. embattled . . . . 145., 11 Roadster, ahocka ....... - -2a 11 Toaxins, Al shape ...... 104 1920 Tooriug. starter 323 1920 Toaring. repainted ....... 375. . ' 924 . Tounng.- extras ....... . - 94 1920 Coupe, rebuilt ......... 493 -1921 Coupe, like aew ...i... S23 . 192 Seaaai. repaiatart ...,..,., 55 r 1920 Sedaa. extra 1920" Truck, good body and cab. new tires ................ 425 i .'. ' - : - : . JtOBINfeOX-SVITM CO..- ' OPEN 8UM-ATS SIXTH AN1 AtAU bT3- ' CO YET MOTOR CAR CO. USED i ; car pouct ; We doat gxtarantee oar teed ears : to be like new. . We don't guarantee ' yn are batna soawtbing free from ; trouble; we deal guanDteed yoa will! get exceasiTe tire sad gas mileage. NOT AT ALL. BUT WE DO BACK, EVERT STATEMENT WE MAKE REGARDING ANY CAR WE SELL. WE ATTEMPT TO HAVE YCKJ : . KNOW EXACTLT ' WHAT TOU ABS BCTlNti. Wa want to ba hon est, with you, ALWAYS THE BEST . CARS AT . THE LOWEST PRICES'" COVET M0T0S CAR CO.. ' - TWO LOCATIONS ' Main plant. Slat and. Wasthagteo. Phone Bdwy. 6244. Broadway branch- 28-80 Broadway. . We hare cars as take yon from - oae bcaacl .to. tha .other. . . . - V He Bought a Studebaker 90 Orerland, Tory fine condition, 8325. STUDEBAKER CORP. OF AMERICA. Used Car Dept. 341 Bnraside St Bdwy. 0616. . Near Broadway. . AUES-iiOflMIXJL, MOTOR CO., 12tb and SUrk. ' ' ' -- - The Hoasa of Serrica 1920 toaring ... . . $825 1921 toaring , 875 1920 roadster ................ . 923 1920 aadaa ...................... 325 1921 sedaa . . . . -. ................. 575 . Good delixery. Idany others to chose from. . ALLEN-GOODSEIJLi MOTOR CO;. 12th and Stark. t y. ' ABthonsed Ford Dealers.' He Bought a ' Studebaker " ' Maxwell touring, very good car. for 200; another for 87 5v , STUDEBAKER- CORP. OF AMERICA. Used Car Dept. 341 Btrmside St Bdwy. 0616. i Nesx Broadway. I HAVE OVER 49 CARS OF ALL MAKES i AND MODELS TO SELECT FROM. ALL AT SACRIFICE v PRICES FOB QUICK DEALS. tERMS lb DESIRED. .. Watts.1 Auto Broker 169 UNIUS ATE.: EAST al9T. - - - BRING TOUR MECHANIC - " and look at my 1921 Stadebaker Special Six. I claim it it aa rood aa a sew one in every respect and will guarantee it - The looks will please yoa aad the price will surprise you. Any terms withia reason will be acceptable. East 6879. PEERLESS 8.. model 1920. 7-pass. Just painted, tost overhauled; looks and runs like new; 4 aew cord tires; lota of extras; Tory easy terms, t Would trade for emaR light ear or Bght sedan.: Owner, 210 Oregoav Bldg., Bdwy. ! 1658. :' BARGAIN FORD DELITERT BARGAIN This is the finest Ford delivery in town. Baa a special built body; body cost mora than we ask tor the ear. la fuse mechanical ceaditioa; baa all good tires. A bargain, on easy terms. Phone East 1902. " - DODGE TOCBXSO t 1 - . . . ... - ... Lata 1910, with wire wheels and Dumper, spotlight, etc, $550 cash or terms. Mr. Gate, East 9302. ..1919 BCICK 'BARGAIN Mr 1919 Buick for sate. All rebuilt, has 8 nearly, new eord , tires, - wire wheels, wind da flee tors, spotlight, motometer, 2 bumpers, license and other extras. . Car is now in paint snop. Bee lt'tM get my price, 'labor-1850. WANT amaU light late model sedsa or 5. pas, touring ear. Will pay cash and 7 pass. 1918 Studebaker or 7-paes 1920 Peer less. . Both ia first-class condition. , Phone Bdwy. 1658. ' , STUDEBAKER 6, model 1918, 7 -pass. This car baa had the best of care. Just over hauled;, runs like aew; good tires: fine top. 8450; easy terms. - Would trade for small light ear or light sedan. Owner. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1638. .. .- 1921 BUICK LIGHT SIX - , - Most sell at once my lata 1921- B trick six touring car, with several hundred dauara worth of extras, toaka and runa like aew. - Take low prtoe and give terms. Call Mr. xiildea or Mr. Kerr at Bdwy. 3121. ' " . Notice! ' Repairing radiators is aot a sideline with us. It's ear- business. Radiator Service Co.. Hawtberaa at Union and E. Broadway at Boas. 490 CHEVROLET, open body delivery, ear looks and runs like new. Have no- use for car and will - sell vary reasonable and give terma.. This la a snap for aomeoaav v Tabor 89.35. . ,- - - i ": 1921 LIGHT SIX : Late model Velio 5-paaa., cord tires, aew tp. pearanca and performs like new, 8675. BBALEY, jliitAHAM CHILD. IXC. xurnsiue at 1 itn. OLI3 light 6, 1920, Juat overhauled, runs like new,, by i privet, party; 6 cord tires, spotlight and accessories... 3725; 8200 eaah terma, i Will take Ford roadster. Call alter 5:30 p.! ay. D. P. Myers, Walnut 43 . 1 taOft . aTTjarsV "frirrrnvrt . m-avaaer iuau.l lUUIU.tU ' , This car is ia good mechanical condition and has lots of extras; all good cord tires. A bar. RjLx?li Bd baUnca ' , Urms. as mwssw aw w Jm 9 A a O 1912-FORD touring, Haaaler ahocka, good condition. 8185. -. L. X. B1LLLNGSLET MOTOR CO. " ' Hawthorne ave. at 8th. ilmut 9730 Cimt l l- aif tVAl!Ho This ear can' be used for delivery or 12 passenger bus; fine mechanical ahape, 5373. LATE 1921 Ford sedaa, aew tirea and extras! looks and runs like new; will demonstrate at any time; terms 95 respooaiaie party. DODGE toaring. Haaaler shock -' absorber' ' ' - -.. awf new ruooer, fine condition; dirt cheap if taken thie week. 150 Unioa ave. : ' .... J " FORD BUG . . . Boach magneto, generator, battery, snotlisrit, speedometer and .ether extras, 3350. 630 oreaoway ie& REO TOURING. 3 1 00 uowst, lata model, refiniahed1, balance 3180 -; BRALET, GRAHAM A OH1LD. INa ' oHriaja. ax nut BUICK light 8 touring D 45. newly painted. beeaaa and aod raaVri niu Jice and will give terms, 150 Unioa ave. sacruio LIBERTY light 6 touring, newly painted aad overhauled, just the eazaa aa new; will sac rlflre. 150 Cmoe are. FORD SEDAN - 1922 ? Looks like new. Price right. 530 AWet at. Broadway l852. - - ' - 1923 CHEVROLET tounng, only rual900 mfles; wiU sacrifice. 8ee me before buy. rng a new ear. Terms. ' Sell. 856. ; 1829 CHANDLER Chummy, in exceliest co dition. - Will aacrific for quick deal and terms to reepoBslble party. 889 Behnent '"xtr-Tltr .4 LnicarvAi-n '. Fine mecbaaieal rendition, call and look it v o :r .hot e. ntlwy. jav. . ,.t OVERLAND roarer, needs small amount 'of tuning; Just the thing for that fiatua ruin- 'trnticr. 1 i-n KI-rvir.w Trti-nt-.. i . . . , . fc,. . ui, 1 J " A wonderful bay at 8350. Call Atwater 0575. -- ..; it. .,. . AuttF Ton"5 ff!t,0, Ba arin rtUtU tUSit reasonable, prices, 825 Salmon st. between' 8th and Broadway. 1820 CSEYS-GLKT, new um, run miles. Ca3 at ET3 P?i-!fcn at. 7000 1821 lu:u rvma.-uir, T... :t-r t; Hhjs and runs Ui hjcw. 60 MaBiunjcu.s & GUARANTEED USED CARS : THEY SAT1SCX Model N Hup. overhauled, repainted ... 8 500 l2t Haa.aualiita, eeenuit, watnted . . . Sa4 1920 Hup tounng, late 1920 model. 875 1018 Doriaa readatei firat elass ...... BOO 1918 Dodne aeuring, like new...... 5O0 1920-21 Dodge tounng. Rne...i.... 650 lbl7 Dodsa sedan, aire wheels ...... 67 9 1920 Furrd coupe with extras. ..... r 475 lb- Furd sedan, beat of eondiUoa... 530 1921 Gardaer, about. aew ..,...... 7O0 1914. Ipowwa litxie ,"- aaaa. . . . 650 1618 Grant ft. oaernaxiled . ...... 250 1919 Chevrolet, Just overheated . . . . . 250 19IS Overland, rebuilt, repaioiad . . . . . 800 1918 Sataoaal . aJl.ttsa claw 1150 1914 Stearns-Knight 4. overhauled.. 300 Olds 4 -ton track. Ivka new... 675 . i - Sold . oa, easy ktenst; law brokerage. U MASLET AUTf CO.. , Burnsw at Eleventh. -,v Unpmohila DtstribaXora. TRUCKS AND" TRACTORS 602 1-TON Ford, with covered express body, r . - ap aad wind shield ........... .8 800 3a -ton Republic, oa pueumatic tires, .... . good, axpresa. body and electric S lifbU .. . . . Vj. ... i , 1 -ton Republic, eab body and wind. -aiaeM ; Sewru cuahloa wheals-, bvte ' . , moael 81100 8 14 -ton Republic, hi to . modal, with new , ; tire; e verba tiled and guamatead- . S2006 y.' -a . BOBEBTS MOTOR CAR CO. Park and Everett ats. FEDERAL TRUCK BARGAINS " 3H chaastt, Jiew 12 -kik urea. - This truck is like new; no raasosabla offer ra fu.etl This won't last long. 1 , lWtoa Diamoad T ehaatjaad eab, 1921 model: new tires. This ia the beet buy la Ongeew. Tour offer may be ear pnea. - V I ltt-ton FederaL . . . I 8 H-ton Federal. 8950. I . Lea trailers. - i: .: V 1 v Sea Mr .Wood, WILLIAM U HUGHSON CO.. Broadway and Davis St Bdwy. 821. ' 11 Ton Dodge Bros. i TRUCK-' - . Express Type -Bods v.-. 8709 " BRALET. GRAHAM & CHTLD. INtt. Barrotde at 11th - I Tonv Dodge Bros r ' ' , ''' TRUCK " v -. : Express type - body. " ' e. ' ' 1 . 8500 . s- - 530 Alder at ' Broadway 18B2i DODGE panel delivery, ! good condition. 8400; . good buy. ! STATES AUTO TRUCK-CO." 430 Bnmgide. REPUBLIC 2 H-ton track, 'covered body. This car baa been run ana 8 months. .: WiU sacrifice. Terms to responsible party. , 150 Unioa ava. - - . 1 H AND one 2 hi Kleiber truck, almost new. ; iiu sen on easy terms. 1 STATES AUTO A TRUCK CO. 430 Burnside. RUN 6000 MILES -- ' SELDEN 2-TON TRUCK ' - - -81200 CALL BROADWAY 7281. ASK FOR BOYLE. 2-T0N .Republic, 1922 license, good rubber and equipped with lumber rolls; good eab. wind shield and beats; for sale cheap; make me an oner. call walnut OIH. I HAVE 2 Day Elder - truck, late models; one 2 4 aad oaa 8 H ton, capacity. . Forced sale, with terms if desired. 150 Union ave. WHITE K-ton, 8109 cash; in good running uroer. oo you want ill . - . Phono Jensen, Bdwy. 0691. eve At water 0188 - . REO SPEEDWAGON Fine- condition, must sell at once. . AMer st r Broadway 1653.. 830 1-TON 1918 Commerce truck with express . : rroay. eora . tire ; engine ana Brakes over- hanled. Walnut 2852. GMC ONE-ton fiat body and license, 8450 . and it a yours. . ;- v .. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. '0691. are Atwater 0183 1919 BABY GRAND Chevrolet truck. Win sacrifice this car for -quick sale. 8350. : 150 Union are, .i FEDERAL 8 hi -ton. worm drive, new Kelly tires ana reauy, to go, f o. -Phonei Jensen, Bdwy. 0691, ere Atwater 0183 TWO 2-toa Tteo trucks, good running order. prices ngux, xJiax, i-o ONE 2-ton. truck, good aa new, 3400. Call 4 a 1 - Hawthorne ave.' MACK logging truck, guaranteed same as new. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 0691. eve. Atwater 0183. TRADE or sale, 4 wheel trailer, 2 ton, $125. j " B Jacy. 15th -Kauff man ata., Vancouver. ONE chain-drive Mack; 1 chain-drive White, i'lH snd 3 tons. Atwater 3040. I MQTORCYCUSICYCLES 803 - BARGAINS IN USED AND REBUILT i HAitLE Y-DAV XDSOM MOTORCYCLES. i , '" EAST TERMS .- - As Low as $40 Down. " MOTORCYCLE A SUPPLY CO. 3d at Taylor. ! Main 7889. HAELET-DAVtD30N SIEVICE CENTER d USED MOTORCYCLES - .' All Mskes Lloernl Terms ' ' ..v.--'" - Used Parts 10-75 fa discount .. '. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLB CO, , - r . 44-46 Grand are. ' ...-.- Distributors for ' y - AC81 READING-STANDARD CLrTVELAND , FOR MOTORCYCLES OR BICYCLES. . NEW OB USEDSEE US. Goods right, - prices right, terms -right -INDIAN MOTORCYCLE A BlUiCLE CO.. . 209 Third St. IWK Excelsior electric, with side ear. The best motorejcle in town- for the money. iit. io union ave. FOR i SALE 192 ; Brigga-Stratten . . motor : scooter; never been used; cost 8172. sell for 3123 cash. C-89, Journal. GOOD .bargain for sale, good 1922 Chevrolet track, slightly used. Terms if required. .. Ap ply at roe reuy st.' FOR SALE Motmxycle, Indian Scout, tei ..aii wis 4 r. aai a. . CLEVELAND raotoreycle) mechanically A-l. 375. 150 Union ave. -- , ., 1 AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 . STORAGE $ NEW BUILDING f i Kinnear Bros.; Ford Garage. ' " " EXPERT FORD REPAIRING 290 Union Ave. Bet Hawthorne and Clay St HARRY M. KINNEAR WM, C. KINNEAR. CYLINDERS re bo red, 82.50 each, in most cars , without removing: work guaranteed. Wal nut 2352. - 143 KOlmgsworth. - - ----- PARTNER WANTED, auto repair shop; doing $400 and up each, month. Phone Eaat 7439. Williams. - JUST opened. Standard service station and re pair shop, -work guaranteed. Unioa and Hancock. Sinclair A Goodrich. AUTOS repaired at your hfene or mine, witt guarantee. Ta!r 1148 or Tabor 5063. AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS. FOR- HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Cni GARAGE ' 182 72tb -St ; Broadway 840. ii. B BENNETT CARS FOR HIRE WITH". OTiT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. TWO FORDS 'to rent without drivers. Colum bia Highway garage. Tabor 6801. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 CASH PAID . FQB..LATB MODEL - f " LIGHT AUTO ; 6305 ALDER STREET. CAST TOO SELL T0CB CAST I can. Have Wasting list of buvara. : Watts,v Auto Broker Union Ave. and Belmont - - "'-East 6197. T - CASH PAID FORaFORDS ' Whr trade roar aid car oa a whan we wilt giva you its value ia eashf Then dx year shopping- with the cash. Cash counts. T. McDonald. 191 Grand ave. East 6319. - W ILL. TRADE a 2-ton Denby track for light touring ear of late model. - Writs Stella Jefferias, Rt 2, McMiBnville. Or. . - WANTED Xonr Ford or light roadster ia ex cfaange for my Chalmers 6 touring, in good condtTjon. Tabor 4024; 618-57. EiUIITY ia new T room thoroughly modern borne in highly restricted clow-in dvtnet. for good late model ear. : Phone East 2760. 1 & ACRES, near Milwaume. for late mode! lirhe car; prefer Dodge, value 88O0. u9 E. kiorrlwn st. .. - W ILL pay top cash poc-e for any model Ford - TWIN TWO MOTOR CO. 609 Washington St. near 19th. WANT Cbevrote or Ford, wvja startj-r pre icr Inr-g to 4 55 Kawtjiome ev. WILL ca.i for any giiod l,riL y - ,'i.nu, fen a Washington su -a- bee li.x.i FCil AC iuiiwii'.l 3 I wiS ray cash, for late model cars of popular make, stke or any number. If you have left roar car with ansae hra to aell, so aad- get. it. Bring it here and get tha caab in your hand. Want the following makes: Hoicks, Dodges, ords. Maxwells. CXievroieta. Okis fours, open or - dosed. We are always open day or evenings and we pay cash. Phone Auto. 513-4T. Call lth and Alder st. MiBrtii aiuiva tAuirs.n i WILL pay cash for Cberrulet and Ford; lata models preferred.- " -. L. Y- BILLINGSLET MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne avr. at 8th, : n -' East 072O. FOR S AiEMJSOElXANEOUS 90O - OAK KEGS AXD BARRELS For packing berries, cherries and ether modltlea fiemaiwtine . . . .wl-nghl eaat Free from all odor or sap. Also fir kegs and wrreis lor packing mincemeat, ntcaueei (in feet, aiivee. Can, powdered milk. Let as handle your order. We guarantee truaiity. serviee, satisfaction., LAYTON COOPERAGS CO.. - - Main eJioce. 327 Water at. i'octlsnd.. Or. CARPET CLEANING SEFITTING. E ELATING. RESIZIXG, ETC 9x12 rugs steam cleaned. 31.2.5. Mattresses made over. Feathers renovated. -AU kinds of new matixesees for sale. Fluff rues : wevea from old carpets. Furniture upholstered nad repaired. . PIONEER MATTRESS AND CARPET - CLEANING. WOKK3 1072 E. Lfncolti st - Tabor T02. . Electric Fixtures ' Buy direct - from- factory showroom ; flntat selections, all styles; art Vs : coma and sea samples, yon are wider ao oMigatioa to boy. STANLEY tUTJb, ,: 207 CHAMBER OF CUJaUkUtCS IILDOv -d ami cMaefc ata -- atreeetwer aKaft. SHOWCASBS KTfW, USED AND MADE TO OHDEB. BUT, sell, ex chante Cash Registers. Scsles. Fountslzn snd miscellaneous store fix. . tures. See ua Itrst, - BOXER TRADING CO., 129 1st st. Broadway 7438. SAV TOUR WTFB ' Send your wet wash to the Snowflake laan dry. Clothes washed snow white ta separate eompartmente. THURbDAT. FBinAT AND SATURDAY 15 LBS. FOR 60 CENTS. 4 CENTS each additional pound. Valuable pre miums iven. Phone East1 8433. ; ". : " HAVE 50-gai. combinaUon Bowser gsa and ofi wheel tank, cost new S!i0; also 60-sL oil .tank with pump, one portable oil tank complete with motor, hose and 160-lb. tank; one electric drill, cost new- 390: will sea indi vidually or together or will trade- for good light automobile. . Call Atwater 2358. Estate Comas ting of city ; and farm ' property, ap? praised at 928,000, to ba sold to bagaest bidden Sealed bids; good terms. - AB or any part See G.: W. Cochran, 307 S. Jersey St. SAFES Firs snd burglar proof safes: new and secondhand, at right prices; bought, sold :and exc&angsd; easy torma .it desired. . " .- t: NORRI3 SAFE ek LOCK CO. 105 Second at " -'' Broadway 7945. Electric Motors1 Bongbt, sold, rented and repetred WaUer Eleetrio Works. 418 Bura- eie, cor. Itftn. ' Broadway 6674. DOORS, windows,, mouldings, mill work, i glass screen doors, roofing and hotbed aash, '.-See our odd stock of sash and doors for prices; D. B. Scully Co., downtown lumber store. 171 Front, bet Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4213. THE JOURNAL has l braacolite law.p fix tares, complete and in good order, carrying any lamp up to 200-watt. for .sale. Coma aad see them at The Oregon Journal bldg-, ask for George N. Hamilton. Sunt --- fill sfir f SEWING MACUUHJK b J Ip.ii y O Easy terms. Lstostea OH I s I fc f gf tncs. Repairing. Kent 4 M sm . 63 mo. Matora. Par s, STORE 1 M WEST PARK. MARSHALL 721. A VKRY fine upright, exhibited at Baa Fran cisco expos-tioo, 1915, for a nit !e caa be bad at 30O, or if all cash. $270. Tins . biggest money's worth ever offered. Sea re sale dept Eilers, 2d floor, Eileni Music bldg. i -'Marion Butter FRESH DAILY AT COO E. DAVIS A. T. McCAULET SEE THE VULCAN camp bed for camping . and touring; finest camp bed mads; suitable for spare room or steeping porch. - 41 Grand ave.: East 4896." .. f ' .. - ' Nelson Ijadder Works , 267 SECOND ST, S PHONB MAIN 9266 'GH-T LADDERS FOR, CHERRY PICKING i ELECTRIC FIXTURES at wholesale; 1-aght .-xiw, erxigufc iiiiuiw, .a. 1 e ; pores Hghte. 90c; we do eiectrie wirtnr. fa-fcJ Electric, Union at Knsselk. East 8686. v 10 DROPHEAD Sevang macniMS with atticb ' ments, $20 each; portable eiectrie i.-ir for rent; sewing machines cleaned and re paired. E. R. 8 teen, 152 Grand ave., K. 2358 AUTfiMOBlLES, - LAUNCHES. , . MOTOBe - C1CLES or boats are separate rlaeaifi ca tion.; a large Hailne will ba ttnaad uxkder thsss different elaaeificatioEa. -v : LOOSE; RAISINS 8necial tbia. week. 23 fb. box $4: 815.78 per 100 lbs. ' Cowley's Grocery, 218 Fourth. FEED your baby pure goat milk, from Port land Goat Dairy, and sea it arrow. Deliv ered to any part of the city. Call Tsbor 0307. ONE Wedgewood 6 bole Book stove, like new. - 915; l 'wood and? eosi heater, like new. $20. Tabor 2155. - J i DIEBOLD SAFES, new- and second hand; spe ' eial price. Pacific Scale A Supply Co., 48 Front st Broadway 1966. ELECTRIC, fixture for 5 rooms. 813; big selection other fixtures. 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Broadway 4258. , - , - BUSINESS CARDS S5T " BOSS C1T ritlNTEatY, Vaf iC 249 Washington, bet 2d anu 3d. LATEST Rotary Whit machine, woodwork and maehinery ia - excellent conditioB- only 827.50. 171 Park at M. 7507. ? . i- FOR SALE Fine Bing and Oregon cherries. So lbs 49 E. KBpatrick. Kenton. 8 block from ear. '' '-- '' - J RUGS washed on yout uoor with Hamitton . Beach electric carpet washer; alas vacuum cleaning dona East 4046. - -v , - - COLUMBIA Gralottola and records, formerly $150. will set! for 875. Phone mornings between 9 and 11- Sellwood 1936-. ; $ 5 ORIENTAL PEARLS $5 "" lengths 18 to 30 inches. 8 rhadsa. Gradu- ated or one siee. East 7145. " BLEACHED, laundered 100 lb. Hour sacks, $1.20 dor,, mail orders add 15c for-postage and insurance. Snowflake Laundry. 480 Belmont UNIVERSAL light plant, capacity SO lighU; . -run only 6 weeks; condition. guaranteed; bargain. R. F. Shaw, Cornelius. Orc RASPBERRIES, loganberries, black caps. Pick - taem yourssu. n. t ia st. near oivuion. Tsbpr 1847. VICTROLA; inuit sell; no half way decent offer refused. Salmon. Aak for Mr. Childers, 472 100-POUND inside sugar sacks, bleached, 85e -dosen; add - 15c poetaga aad insurance. Snowflake Laundry, 480 Belmont CHERRIES, 8. 4 cante on tree, and berries. A. 8. Hesv Killinrrworth, near 67 th. FOR SALE Woodsaw, ' Grand ave. N. witb linen wa, 746. OFFICE SAFE Good ks. new, -cheap.' B-173. Journal, GAS FLOOR furnace for-sale, $39, 8039 87th sve. 8. E. LADIES' GOOD LOOKING CLOTHES Used bargsms; come end look. Tsbor 2825. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. 75s a day, delivered. Walnut 1259. GET your furnace properly cleaned and over. - hauled: don't wart -'Call Leonard. E. 7608. RADIO snd medicine cabinets. - screens, mir rors, cabinet work, etc. Walnot 14 67. COUNTERS 5 to 13 4t each, for anj sur ptwe. 621 Irving. Bdwy. 2078. BLACK cherries for sale, bo a pound. labor BLACK cherassv 4e en tha trsa. - Broadway. Aat 817-44. 1253 E. HOOVER eleetne carpel aweepen for rent, De livered. Call Bdwy. 3652, FOR SALE. $0 foot , good grocery helTinvf Call walnnt pain.' BLACK REPUBLICAN cherries 5a lb. a tree. 1974 Holgste st Take WW car to 87th. CHERRIES, 4 e a-pound, on trees. Fnone Walnut 5(. - WOOD saw for taie, fine condition, cheap; also goon xraqe. lspor mi a. XltErtoo cherries 5c on trees; bnnr tamers. 2221 E. Hoyt, near M. V. depot LIKE NEW, V ttlcad gas range. 20. Aut, 628-S3... . - ; . - FOR SALE Veiour ctuuiion, . 3 yard kins. labor 4f. A . ' " 1.. 1 ' i . Ulllllll II FOR SALK MJregon Biack chsme &c A pound picketL IP K. baa, near Mtark BLACK sshemea 8e o Ui trea, 10b3 Tiiia- BtOOK. FOR SALE Ice box; also beveled French pls'a g-ss ra:mr, oval shape, ra-t 24 T. v..TitL'it Li. r c?.eai. Asm. 612-7. CHE tS 'l h TO si feALi 160 1". 47TH ST. N biiiNGLi.5 for fii8 at Couch si. dov. SaWlNO .lACHINH Maenires sold for less I No agents aH for tli make-v . Hirhinf tsnattxt F httmm. 4J.AHV 190 3d, .near Taylor St. - CEDAR CHESTS Direct tsosa factory to- yuar aeaae. Teen uses '"fx Orford - eedar; sand copper trua aags sataat aesiras. Write lor ealatogue. 1412-16-18 E. GLI.k; TABOR 09. THE FUR SHOP " ' K. X- BETNES . Ftee fare at iowaat prtoea. Heasodeling. cleaning, ator. age. Attead te . yoor - far wast bow sad save money. AKwrxeovi. Bdwy. 4022. OKilCE FUHNITUBE. TIPEVVRITERS" Lars stock of aew and used deaka, tables, chairs and files. Used typewriter., adding macniiMa. BMBesTaphs, cbeelt . wntera, sates JiKt eele eabmeta. Prieee lowest wa Pacific iJ i.Wt.rBt offie furniture. TA C Wsft. 2426 S. Fifth. Broadway 2739. - WB SAVE TOU MONET Hoxtsa wiring, fighting firwrea. '! dectneal repainna, suppkaa. Third Street Eleetne tstor,-. 224 a) 3d at. near aWisasa, v - , Uaia 84i) , . LEAKY ROOF, KH? f ery aggra-vating. indeed.'- War not a comfortable snd perma nent roof f We repais. .RUBBER-BOND and rejuveoat all - kinds of warped, cracked, weather-beaten, deteriorated aad diaiategrated. eld. leaky roofs; work - ' guaranteed. Phuns Broadway 5958.. - .- -' - . - WB HAVK the mrsest stock of used sewiac saachiaea to the city. ' Compare prices. We rewt and re pair. 1T-2 80. aaat isBtlul.. '. " REBUILT1 "WELDING OUTFITS Prom 535 up. Inveatigata our exchange rre tem. . Northwest Wekbaa; 4s Supply Co. 68 First at-. Portland. Or. CASH registers and computing scales bought. sold, exchanged an repaired, Portland tasb Register- eV Scales Exchange, 226 Stark su. between 1st and 3d sta. Broadway 7634. MID-SUMMER SALE SCHWAN PIANO CO. bew. Used rUnoa, Players. Phonographs. Geo. 8teck A Co., upright... 8 600 now $2 4S Smith A Barnes, Wight.,.. $ 430 now 3265 i A Barnes, upright.... 3 450now ssoa A Co-upright ....... " now $263 sr. upright .8 500 now $2 3 wrt. upright ....... ..8 459 bow $275 utey t Fischer, .-uu wi , i. ... ....... , . . a ft a Scboeninger, , upright ......$ 475 now $293 Pianiststa. BUrer ..vi.i..8 780 aow $293 Thompson, player .; I ...... 6 5f2;l Thempson. player . .. . . . 8 950 new $495 Siaaer, pUyer ...l-ilOSO aew 8595 Thoarason, player r......6 959now$5S Ballet A Dai. player. 9 9O0 now tbli Steward, phonograph i 3 3aew6 7.6 Grafonola. pnonegrajih :....$ 86 Bow 3 20.00 Sonora, phonograph . . ; 05 now S y Stradivara, phonograph ; . i . 8 b aow 9 45.69 j Grafonola, cab. pheao.. . .8 90 now $ 45.00' Brunswick., cab. phono. ... $149 now f 90.00 Stradivara. ' cab. phoae. , . ,$165 now $ 9 5.00 Sonora, cab. phono...,,. .1175 now M 35 "0 Brunswick, cab. phono.7. ,.$260 now $190.00 Victrola, cab. phono. .8850 aow 8215.O0 Terms $5, $10 Cash. 8, 36 or More Monthly. 103 10TH ST.. AT WASH. AND STARK. . Security Storage Cat Cosing out for Caab H. Bord A Co.. upright, . . ,.$275 now $ T5 Mesart. upright ....... $350now$J00 Prentiss Piano Co. ......... $850 bow $143 HaUet A Daris, upright, . , $375 bow $195 Gerold A Co., upright. .. . .. .$375 bow $318 1 Kensington, upright ... .v. $426 now 6J46 101 10TH ST.. COR. STARK. - 'l USED PIANO SALE -' . - ' ' Every used piano in stock has been re duced to a prico that should, move them- this month. Terms girea. , ., ,-..,-., ., m'm.m STEINWAY. old style i ............ -5 CHJCKERINO ... 123 JEWETT, old stylo ........ ....,.,. NEW ENGLAND, mabogaay ease ...... 173 ASCHENRACH. mahoarany case, plain. .,,1 86 STIXn.qRTTRV n.hn.i nua ... 225 SCHIU.rNO. oak ease-............-. 230 MANSFIELD. amaU size . . ........... 150 CAMBRIDGE.maaogany case ....... . .' 263 EMERSON, mahogany case .......... . 275 And ethers.- - Bee tnetn. -: 8EIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO- 125 4th st - ' 7 LTPMAN, WOLI-'E A CO. PIANO SALE Near nnrlobt rnanos on sale now at 8293, 8878, 8425, 8473, $578, etc ; New grand, pianos en sals now at 5875. $795 3875, 8975. 31050. ate, New plaver pianos on sale now at $393. 8425. $495. $575. $67 6. ate. - ' - - Renroauciaa manoa. new aad used. . 8675. 8695, 3975, $1050, 81350, etc -II yoa ao not want to psy caan. nay ao, so, 810 or more s month. Free delivery within 100 milee. Seventh floor. ' .! ' Corner nttn aad wasnington ata. - TICTOR horn - ... . . ... . : , . ;$ 10 Edison cylinder, recoroer ana yscoras i b Victor VI, oak 80 Brunswick, 7-lnch .........-...... - J Columbia E, .nsw .......... ....... 73 Widdicomb . . B5 Victrola XI. mabogaay ' . ....... ... 110 Soaora- Nocturne .................. 140 Sonora Baby". Grand 183 Phonograph Dept. - -- 7 i LTPMAN, WOLFE A CO. " SOME BARGAINS IN PHONOGRAPHS - Slightly used Sonora; wonderful bargain. New Columbia, cabinet," only ........ 6. 00 Slightly used Victor cabinet i . . . . . i . $96. 0O Columbia, 975.0O ejsodel .......... $45.00 Another Columbia, - mahogany case. . . . $50.00 SOCLE BROS , 188 10th St.. bet Morrison snd Yamhill VICTROLA S st bargain. We . bave quits a - few used Vfctrolas, soma of which have only beam need a few months, st a big re duction. Prices range from $20 Bp. Each one guaranteed as new-. .; Terms siven. .:-.. BEaBKBLlNG LUCAS MCBIO W., . "' x5 4th at VlOLlN complete witb everything needed ' for sue Btuoent ana lessons iree aurrns vacation. Special sate only $86 and the lees e la bo rata models only $22. Pay $1 a week aad get a tine start in mune aunnr una sain. , uiers. mala iloor tilers alnsic bide. BABT GRAN Db Midsummer special at $4 95, 5610.4785 and up. Your old upright taken in part pay men t W e also - ha ve a nae- out square grand for only 865. - '- , liEED-FBENCH PIANO MFG. CO. 12th and Washington. "Broadway 0750. A VERT, fine uprigbt. exhibited at San Fran- oteo expenaoa, ills, lor quica aaie caa be had at 3SOO,- or if all eaah, $270.:: This is biggest money's worth , ever offered. Sea re sale dept. Eilers, 2d floor, Eilers if line bldg. A LOVELY Fischer upright, old style case but fine action and tone for $192.. ' Caab or term. HEED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO. 12th and Washington,. 'Broadway 0760 Special aummer rata on rapted pianos 84 per month. 1 months' rent sppnea oa pnrcnase. : HAROLD 8. GILBERT. 107 Westt Park. PIANOS moved, $3. ground floor. Work done by experts snd sua ran teed. Call Broadway 107. Atlas T rans at otorage co.. i n. otn. IT DOESNT pay to be too cheap. . Cat a properly repaired piano if second bead. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 107 WEST PARK. CABINET phoaogrepb for -sale (new), $85 Some terms. . Call Bdwy. 4414. or saa ba seen at 15 1 Ss S. 17tn at,, cor. Irving st ' " ' SPEC1ALTT BARGAIN SALE On pianos and pbonogTspha, at 409 TJuina ava. N. - 1 -' - ' - - PHONOGRAPH repairing, apnnga 20e ap; parts wbolesaie ana retail, aea wasn. Bdwy. 2044 VICTROLA, sue 16. cheap for caab. ' Walnut 3340. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 602 v " STORAGX BALat . ' tvOOrm TO BE BACniFtCETt roa vVABEHOUSE AND LOAJf . CHARGES 7500 sqnsre feet floor space fTOed wth hiah grade furniture of every- kind sad description: antique, - curios, etc. piaaea, phonearapha, violin, vacuum cleaners, . ekeetria pads and blaaketa, . duhea, ant fiasa, masxivs, ball -clocks. Wutsa snd aratal ruga, refrirrra. ton, eewmg machines. . sutomebue snd track tirea, wire wheels and parts,, eaiious aad many other article tea numerous to menteaa. - . ; - , EECUBm STORAGE A TXA5S- -'; , . .... FEB CO, 4th at Pine St. " . fppoaua asmltnoiaab Hotel. , ' FOR SALE Brand aew library set. furniture, sewing machine and $100 Lange eambiaa- tion gas. wood or coal rang eheap; must be vnld soon: am leaving city. Cab after 7 p. m. 663 E. 17tb at. Soutlu BARGAIN ia fine large assortment ef' dishes, bookcaaea, chairs, mattrejwea. Oriental rugs, pTCtnres, etc. East 4448. 6S2 E. 21st N. OCCIDENTAL combiaatioa range, walnut din. ina room set, Bring and- bedroom f urcittrre, nga, full sixa wardrobe trunk. - Walnut 8389. OAK dining table,' 6 chairs, '$33. ; Purcbaseu liy. r. .mm v w. - - .. . VICTROLA; nswt il no haif way decent oif-r refused. ' Aut for Mr. CluiOers, 412 Salmon. FG ft .SALE, leauer Dareripori. bed aie. 93J Montana are., cor. bkiduiore. - High Grade Overstuffed Furniture i,- . - . AT ABOUT 50c OX THE DOLLAR, -5i Tour Credit is Good. - No Interest. . -Beg. $85 tape-try , everstuted N : " dSTenport. Iwosa cuahwus, . . apenal .8 45.00. " - Sec. tapestry, overstuffed dv- .-.. - enport well constructed, at -only .......... ...TT. 65.00 See $125 velear davenport,': . -full apring. construction, at " -- ; -. :-". 'only -..,-,",..-.'.....-".'. 67.50" -. Beg. .8143 relour high grade - davennort, full webUing base, i m, t.. oar v-rica ;..i. 85.00 - . Bee 8523 3-ptece suite oa- - aisting of Davenport, chair . :. and rocker covered in tlie.' v . ' beet brocaded mohair. - far " quick rale 805.09 . . Beg. 322S davenport; -chair, and t. :., - . rocker, scad mahogany, cane . , insert. re4nnf covered aad - ,j. J '-j S eatra piiiowx; a wecdertal - ; buy for eeiy . . . ...... ,- 138-09 v - -'. Bee. 643 genuin battber ever. stuffed rockers; cur price . 38.00 And ethers too numerous to menucu. .. at about 60c an the .dollar. " i ' ?. - COHN BROS." DIRECTOR - . - ' . Jobbers and Retailers. ' , ' -; 351 Oak St.-. . - Bet Broadway "and Park,, r SPECIAL THIS WEEK , - sUmmoaa 2-in. peat bed. steel spring and sTt cotton mattress, $18; ivory enamel chif fotuere, 88.95, - witb ' French plat mirror, $12.60; ivory enameled drawers, large plau mirrers, $13.50; 4-lb. '-, silk i.Tloaa matteeae. $14.50. - A lot of ether bis barsaina: Kiback S Funuture Store, 54 II hams ere. HAVING sold my store J am forced to sell lay . fiirattnr. 5 rooms, all fum iture. dishes. bedilinj and eve ryUiin goes; 3150 caah takes. It : Phono istiv, or caa.pe ,seaa .a juuii? Bomab, Or. . -. : .' - - OAK Princes dresser, $17 X partor pool tab!, $18;- Crernoa cabinet grapbophone,' $50; dresser and Hand. $16: lady s wnuag deak. $18. 4821 63d st 8.- E. .- ' TOR SALE MACHTNSRY S03 " MOTOR'S AND COMPRESSOUi : : . MACHIN L1-. Y ' . i . -Electrical InsUlutions. v j , f j ' , B E, DAVIS SJLECTRiG CO.', T5 Trot 1 st, car. Oak. Ant 525-49; LAUNCHES AND COATS S04 : 310 ' - a - BARGAIN. FURNISHED .. -'-ev' Classiest Bnuseboat on the river. . wonderfully constructed. Best hard la Wood floors. - - AU -built-his. Ex f W penaiv fixtures. - FumUurev of vtha ' - best' witb table . rouae box. etc Moored at-present sdjouiiug Port.. Isnd's loreliest homes. - Owner ; leaving for East Arrin Johasoa Co., Realtors. 605 Mc Kay bldg. Bdwy. 7201. - FOR - SALE Liv minnows. . , Howsy. Boa nouse, cmon ave. ana coramou iwnin. FOR SALE OR RENT , " TYPEWRITERS ' 'SOS ALL MAKES GUARANTEED BEBCILT " ftx ... fi m, Mtit- Swlnie . wiamilarcurer S prices; TERMS $5 cash -and 36 monrhiy'-f desired. LATE MODELS BENT ED v g 9 mouths $7.50 up. i - "V WHULtSALE XI"JSWetJin.B-W., - -,: 881 .Washington St - Broadway 7481. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, tor sale, rant. exchange. We are exclusive distributor of CoroRa portable. $54 complete with-carry in. it... Hnnnriaa, aeia vauaira xae au. maaca. Oregon Typewntar Co 94 . Fifth at "Broad way 11BU. - , -; - REPAIRING a specialty, tnaates. rentals; buy. sell, ex.; ad. machines repaired, . Tjv writer Inspection Co.. 312 SUrk.-Bdwy. 7549. 4, SWAPS "925 I HAVB $140 equity ia 50x100 Irvingum toe, ' N. K. corner 15th aad eaiiin ata. ; prica-ef tbia lot. including my equity, is $1000: . all improvetaenta in and paid Utv or exchanga for piano or pUoocigrapb, Call for Mr. VLbor, inspire 2 164 CHfc.VxUJUfc.r tounng, run li,iUO mnea; apoa - light and bumper; ready to get WtU trade for diamond, equity , ia ho ma ; or raaj, - estate. rtoom i I . atiaer notei. ADJOINING ALAMEDT Bell for cash or trade for light mot lot, my $588 equity in a 5 room buhralow.-- No agents. Walnut 6206 FOR SALE or trade for a' car 1 and some ah. Let. 60x100, new boose. Call Aut 647-43 ererunrs. .v.,.,,; , - HAVE $1350 ' grand Knaba piaao, almost aew; win exchange Tor- lata model aatomo bile or real estate. Call Main 8754. y HAVS 1918 Stadebaker aedaa, perfect eoadiy thing of equal value. - Call Atwater 235ft. 40 ACRES, unimproved, ia Clvkimss cousur. lor su. -i8, journal. ' WAED iscEiiJjutous so T""SECONET HAND CIXITHIXG" BTTYER ' MEYER THE TAILOR pays more for sew and-baad suits, shoes, overcoats. We call day or evening.! Atwater 1229 or 253 J Madison St., near sa. DIAMONDS aad gold anua-ni. reliabla rati ms tea. U. CraTner. 713 rjrUing blag. WANTED 2-ton raspberries st 9e pound ds- nvered. r-16, JournaL . OFFICE SaFE Asm vault door, K-174, JoumaL WANTED, double flattop desk to rent or to use for -storage in Selling bldgw V-40, jennaa. . : - r TABOR 7814 WILL BUI OLD CARPET. : , e- - WANTEDMUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WANTED Beat piano $100 -can buy.l 951 Phone Oregon City. 6S0J. WANTED FURNITURE 952 Owl Furniture Cov s We want your used fumttura. stoves, gar pets and pianos. We' pay tba b(batt cash prices. 166-168 FIRST ST. Call MaiB 4627 M. R. SEATER Buys tna beat aa weS as -rueapee grades of sea. end-hand rurntrure. 2S6 Grand ave. East 917 STEIN'S SALVAGE HOUSE T Call Main 2801 and get cash for furniture. junk, etc PERSONALS 975 SAN FRANCISCO, $17.50 BT PICKWICK TWIN SIX PACKARD, . ... WONDERFUL TRIP. - REGULAR SCHEDULE. ACT0 TRIP TO SEATTLE, $5.50. i BOUND TRIP. 110.50 - M. BOLLAM S. S. AGENCT. t 122 THIRD STREET. PHONE BROADWAY 0026. SOMETHING NEW I KEEP TOUNGI . Com out to ta Abernathr dance ball. 4400 ft floor, apace. Dance a very Saturday Bigbt, Camp all night sad Sunday. . FUhmg, sis orswtia. a Mi .nlas east of Oregon City, Bee signs on road. - - r.-: t?:-Stamps' and Coins Bought and sold. Opea Snndava; .-Coin h- Ms Sttmp tc Coin Co.. 94 N. 16tb St. - " WHY DIET? EAT WHAT' YOU WANT I MME.'LE MA IRE, GLANWLAR THERAPTJ TH rxt'OX BtUttlKI 424 Corumbia St - Phone Main 4337. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles,, blackheads, pim ples, large paras removed., expert - operator. (Diploma Boston, Chicago. State Medical Board), 801 Broadway puis, slain 6109. ? I Beginners or advanced; guaranteed; ' summer rate, $L0 week: total $15. ' Practice rooms tree..- Parker Plane School, 614 r-'ie i tKig., wasn. at., as 4'h. DO NOT threw you watch away. I will re pair and guarantee any watob - 3 . years: frioaa ressonaiiie; years' experience. Harry Brown, 171 1st at. Bear TsmhtU. LEAVING for San Fcanciaco, maa and wife in saw, jHwmif aranuns, lis, - vamp ant IX Of-trra. eel. ts i.ui sw 3 E.ELEN E. JONES, JUt. 1007, marcel waving, nair uyeuis, x, wtm mj oing ; special at- tention to sralp trestments. 712 Bdwy.- bldg. PR. MARIE FUNN. 3b0 Firat at, dregless , pBysactan. eiecxno xreauaenu I or xteuxiua. rneuasaugna, 'ca'.gi, iu acne ana pains. SUPERFLUOUS Ha Iiv. mom. warts, removed by 10 needle method. Trial free. Jome rrnley, 61 amsn -as ane bide. UtiB 636S ns1-439r 1 Lit. A.- W. Ki.EN. 08nXla.ry S31te Wuhortntt bO PAIN. Yenr TlJiTH a-r" wnue we work. TRY the treatment of the weii known Vader eure given at 8S5 Tambill. - Office hours 1 to f T- m , 7 w p. m. juiwiu 1322. . CHIHOFRACTIC ; C: Hooae ealbi made , aaywhere i by iterated ttbystcian. Call Tabor alow tor appomfangnt, 8 -ra w-toosiutatioB tree. Bdwy. 4ij3. LaWyCl fcecnmics bldg.. 04 eta O. w c SAvj S t'8! '; k...-iJS, con-t.,.aujn, Theufrfa caa. lr. h " ' n'i. 6'-" b Sl.llSJ .M-lvMui, BROADWAY 70L ItuLlii 1 TO 9 JP. 1L o:-T Vti I. TH CtiiilOPKAca.': WAT HKLI-N 1HCK BABB, graduate f I'a mer School of ClurorraetJc Located in Por- iai'J snee 1913. Wui snee epecsl rates uun.-.g July and . August . Positively no uuonuuua over the phoaa. - 417 Ahky bier - " $1 t. boto feet t'-ar l ea st I-r. A Kelly's paiaie-s cHL0PiLlST S ARCH steetaHts. Eo'SKiixbed 8 yts. Em-.i. free. boe Mouse 1 .ea(ra bldg.. formeiijr Glwba bkia.. HUt at Wash. -J 1 "',:;- V. Professional and Business Directory CtT. SEAM, bam, aiacume p.eat aain for 75c; bcautuchmg, etc.; mail otuers an. Kcited. Kavrern Novelty Mfg. Co.. bSHSin. ART COOPS CMIW8 Fiarwo Oi.Lvt8 talea oa ail 'art u; Ids piwij specialty of etrM firtoft. 493 . aakingtsa St Broadway 83 31. . , -awTiriotnt tinsaa atalPslUT Utung and repairing. Write for ia- tonaatton. . - ".- W. E. GkalJlCH. 408 Wash, at,' Koom 8". , gjrftsm, book mAKtmrn - -- - -; LaVM A iOL.lA.v7'."3r 1 0 b 2d at. b.a;,s beak manutacrwrers. A-61a. atuay. 114. BWILPIivQ PtT3 "iiv" b l UCiTX and . . , Othari to order. Broadway 204 9, JO. M. AKKRS, bl4 LEWI HUM. Vu O. (X FLElCUtli ioot troulle . ttficaltj corrected; lady AnisUnt. bit Aior. tea bm . Slain 7X. coat tS WOOS 345 PERl-OAD, 54,2 TWO-LOAD LOTS - " , 18-btcb fir blocks and slab, run partly dry. for furnace or heater. URKtjQN FUEL CO.. WOODLAWrf 4102. T Boxwood, $4" Pfo. 1 fir., oak, aUh wood, range wood; 8 -mils ocUvery ; pcrnipt servic. ' . MULTNOMAH FUEL CO.. aiam 94u sue iliv.t 4 S"? " Slab tPA i WTrawa; ikte. for fur. iHfeW par load,-'.-....'.- .s'.nacw ar-naatart '' " - per load. 1 4-FT. DRY SLABWUOIX 33.60 CORD, v NATIONAL FUEL CU. EAST K04L Box VoodsS4 Per Lead Dry- sad Green Mlabwood. - Frirtoa Wood- Co. Main 4178. NO. 1 OLD, GROWTH Cordwomi, $7.50; bevw country slab, $5.50 and $Af3: sk $9.30., Utah, and Hark fcriring roak, Summer ' pweee. - -Fst' 7931. HoUaday Fuel Co. . FOR SALE SlaUwood, block wood. No, l'fir . and pole, oak cordwood. sawdust, cut fuel -and. coal. S, 4t K. : graen -trading stsw-w. Halmsa Frel Co..."94 6tb st- Bdwy. 6j5. country aiab, , car run. $J.50; Old amvHJfe ta'MtitlaiwI Mtoi" huM 87.50 per eord. Has 74e6. - NO 1 GREEN and ary fir $f.50 per eordw ., heavy green country also, $5.73 body and. poie oaa ee.ow per cord.. Main 6341. NICE 16-in. alab. $3".6o; big "likf ' WwV.vf .1 H-io. thick,- $4 toad, barrain. 4-ft. aUb," 33. 60. Wo, 1 eord. 67.2a. ' eUwoi t 7 fePE'Cai. !fo Ju.Vtry"boi,ocd;,"i.i;3,"a,,tt.i T S.at saleaeaW . s.8 a.A- W ' a A at aa a " . . -.1 Ifnf- Wavtmir. SftdVtr AS &nGtE U-8btl, ta Wbtc, 4-ft. biiw knd . . aXaai ha w. 8W S A r . vi a aaerxa alah. Walnnt 1945. 1 Bdwy. 2345, GET" 4M11 trift stn rt V fisv a r.i K- ..t L KQ.-l arrrk-rtsa ' JJU L 1 L ' ' '. , . e s w. aamraav, vug,, nntfj HWUUJ slabwood. Utah coal Est175 9 riRSTGROWTH fir ' $J.30 " ! co.irM"oore BOXWOOD 88.30. pUner wood $550 u.i5'. f Bone Columbia 1476. .UifS0"1 ?.4o per cord Vail BKNTIST9 PR. B. Ea WRIGHT Third Floor Kalelgft Bdlg., Corosr 6U f . -r and Washington ata. ' preaaway 7ai. M1 tl IV -..L-.U Ht O" KII. w - . - -. ,1 i-IV . i W WHllfl we WOT. HilKC 1 mtv vrrtmvi'u) m iviirfTT-" Bast 1647. U. 7TH A' GMANT. Aut. Mls-63 KtKOTHIOIWaf , ' u,j4iau trona at aim. ; : sweaperj repaired for 32. Homes wired $3.ii5 per wm guns a tor each pub, button awltcti. 'i ni includee alt material and labor. Terma, Estimating free. Satiafantinw scteed. Panne Walnut 7093. FturF Buo8 sup nnm uo,9 .. OREGON . FLUFF ECO CO . - Fraff ruga made frees, old carpet; rag 'rus weren; carpet cleaned. I 1884 K. S1AKK. TABOR TS14. ' HUT WOKI HAT CLEANBD. BLOCKED. Heason. SirtkaJ aUt pnoas. BaUHactioa guaraa teed. t The beat equipped plant in . the city. ' BOIALHAT WUKhJi, V23 ltt, ay. Salmon, ' . Mata 707. ', B4U9tO OOIW(0iaia J, . your POEMS set to music. " Daniel VC Wilson Maw Studio, 6Qa 'f liferd bi.19. "U8tt 90HOOH MHO TEACHtWS A. LAWbUN. 20 years' expenance; piano lessons et your borne 61. Aut 4t-l. a-ress iTttisrs vTO tiLAa.ES" " " Taouaanos of eattafla m. inui. , . . .. ..... y w. vwr av wk; snu uir naaung 111 - tha- last 29 year. Cr.nnie ua. Coa. W. Ooodman, UO llAnfu). ka 1 a. . nM Itm-n. Dr. Samuel Goodman, Aasoctsto Optician. . Mill 2124. - WTPAi.' MOKiii GlSsla gold-filled frame fitted to your eye, 62-aO; double-vtnon glasses at sow sricaa: ' satiafsetioa suaraeteeit lr. " A. IS. - Hurwtt. optometrist; - a . a 1 .t at. ... . ... Kfc- , . ... . -' . , . .... - BETTER gU- for tots money st Geo. l u uo . stain's, the veteran optician. Eyes letted, glasses fitted, broken lenses duplicated, ba sonsble prices. 224 Morrison st a6isiTiaja, TtwTiwa, riwimta l. IsIRHlL, house ana sign painting, pa per-banging - and tinting, 447. E. .37th, Tabor 2611. ,-- ..... FSTtWT STTOWeUVS ; U, 8. GOLDREliU. patents, tradsmatk. copy , right. 430 Worcester bldg. - . ' aMV3IOIANS DR. K. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway Bldg., -Office, Practice Only. - DR. E. B. FROilM, acuta and-chronic diseases a specialty. - 308 Aliky bkig. M.n S94. , pips REPAiRina DIDP6 Kepaired by exixi , rlrSaJ PipaStaop, zTi Hn xrt. - ptumnwtt fo OTtaat piTTiwa LOW prices oa all amds plombuig auipiir: let - ws fignre oa your installation. Alberta Plumb. Co., 617 Union ave. N.. nr. Bosaeli. Last 42o6. PBIHTIHq. tWQBAWIWQ, BtWPIwa betMlieiiv F. W. BALTES dt C, lit Printing at Oak. Buy. 1169. 6li-bft. EXPERT "uaum. Pu?ting. pspsr bu'ug right ride "P. Low price. Wd.n. 1464. T lHK lHlN"nOD80N COMl'AN If 887 Washington. Broadway 8144. A-l 25. ' ROOF stVPAININd liOOFS reahiagled and repaired and covered - with roofing paper. Main 1683, SHEETMgTAU WORK Multnomah Sheetcsc id 'iZ;-Zj Works " . KootTng. guttering, spouting. Jobbing, g-n. aval Tenatrtna. Pnonr Bdwy. 92. 22 Aa, f rs, . 1 w uaautacriisiaA . . - ,rt.v'n. . . w. ...... SPECIALTY manufacturing by aV Hied t,. aiianics; pates U aeveioped. - Kaufloiaa M.g, XO. , .-v.. -. v r . ui.a iBiai.a' sveavAVi . 1 TiiAiiLG,GH:tLiNG A-J k. ACA V A 1 IA tr. '. WOODLAWi 4H.-- TBAW6f 16 8HO 6TOWAOK ALVAla ink. llsi buf no i. bt-i iUL.il OOODS BPEC1ALUST-Ktorsge, packing Shipping and moving; borse- and ante vatu; special rates to ail points. CVO. PICli. TUANStk.il STORAOB to. Sd and line at. - Broadway A-l .'i. '.'t-OregonTrcnsfsr Co. - 474 Gluan st. rtroadwsy 1VSL OKAi AOK " cn'ostAGa) Four Uareliposes en Terminal 'i rarrc ETTIifJCED FREIGiiT rae to all pun, .4 o houeaoid g-wxia. Pac-sfTc fjoa-t Fjrviai(i.u Co., bib snd Holt Bruadsray 103. - : -1 , V V