MONDAY, JULY 17, 1022, ' FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 NEWLY furnished room, hot water hua,- bsth. . - phone. home privileges, excellent hem cook Intr clow la. east aide. 1 him. from car; gentlemen or mrrlcd -couple, employed. pr farrcd. 586 K. Ash. Es&t 8355. ROOM AND BOARD. HOME PBITILEGES, USB OF PIANO: WALKffO DBTANCK. K93H AVIS ST., .NEAR 19TH. . . PHONE BUWT. 14Q3. j -.- v.- FOR AGED invalid, ebronlc or . eousaleseent patients, - pleasant, bona surrontwringa, with beitb-buildinat . diet and - treatment persona caTe of physician: reasonable rates.-- K. 8535. GOOD BOOM ' WO- BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY. NICELY FURNISHED, HOME PRIVILEGES. COOD HOMB FOB GENTLE MAN. EXCEL. CAR SERVICE TAB.. 8176. A LOVELY room with sleeping porch, in an . attractive home, with 2 meala. Tabor 8769. ' FOR BEST IN BEAUTIFUL. MODERN BUNGALOW, BOOM WITH SLEEPING PORCH. SUITABLE FOB TWOj HEALS Vf DESIRED. TABOR 8424. - : BEE THIS BEST OF ROOM AND BOARD (t)B 2. PLEASANT HOME. 7 MIN WALK TO HEART OF (ITT. EAST 1880. ri' i - . ... , . -. . . Nice borne for those who board and room, cn Irringtoa far; not a boarding boose; a real f home. 246 Fact th at. N. WANTED 1 or mare elderly peopl to loom, board and car for; good home and kind treatment. Tabor 416T. NICELY fumuiied, 8-wirulow room, next, to bath; ' clean, congenial, modern home. bom privileges; 2 gentlemen preferred; $30 . per' month each. Walnut - 6892. ROOM AND BOARD FOR YOUNG MAN ; WELL FURNISHED; GOOD DISTRICT; REAL HOME TO RIGHT PARTY; CLOSE IX, WOODLAWN 1286. TWO young men or man and wife to room ' and board : nitrate home ; walking distance, eaat aidr. East 9218., 'Da not call Sunday; referenoea. . - , LARGE front room with board for two, 865 per month. For one. 335. Cloae in; a horoe. Eaat 8498. ; , ROOM and board in private family. 330 a month. 121 E. 11th. Phone- Eaat 2522. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 - $4 TO . 35 WEEK If you appreciate large. airy, absolutely clean housekeeping suites, completely furnished, mTeatigate. Sate car fare. 288 hi 3d at., near Jefferson. Si. 50 TO $4.50 per week, 1 and 2 room . apartments, clean and cool, gas, electric lights, "hot and, cold water, free phone.. 663 ; H0" t.. ar Arthur at. SINGLE ajl double h.k. . rooms, irory wood : work, irary and mahogany furniture, erery- thing new; beautiful bldg. ; White Temple district. 364 12th at. ' , NICE, clean single H. K. rooms; bath, laundry : privileges; walking distance; $8 and $10 rr month. 4Uo Vancourer are. Call Eaat 621. $18.50 NEWLY furnisbed, redecorated large room, kitchenette; hot . and cold, water, steam heat, gas; electricity.. Atwater 3768. 1. 3 AND 3 ROOM nicely furnished house keeping apartments; clean, modern; close in; kdiilta only. Call 340 Hwilo st. SINGLE basement h. k. rooms. $3.50 week; on room and kitchenette. $6 week. 18S 14th st HOUSEKEEPING rooms with kitchenette. $3.50. White Temple district. Main 7853. 2 LARGE nicety furnished outside rooms oa - first floor. 746 Irving. Main 7444. FURNISHED 2 and 8 room h. k. apt., ground floor. 635 E. Morrison. 2 AND 3 room furnished apartments; newly tinted; good location. 404 Park St. CLOSE in double H. K. rooms, $12 to $15 .month. 16 K. 6th W., cor. Bnrreide. 2 ROOMS, newly tinted, light, airy, groun3 floor. 32512th at. - TWO large conn acting rooms, clean, modern and reasonable. 312 Clay st. JEWLI kslsomined, furnisbed h. k. . rooms, $3. $4 week.; 173 N. 17th St.. west sidea HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 EXCEPTIONALLY clean, cooi. airy furnished or unfurnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms, ideal location. 768 Park are., close to city park. Main 4278. SMALL 2 ROOM H. K. APT. IN BASE MEXT. COOIi AND CONVENIENT. VERY REASONABLE. ( 607 CLAY ST. ATWATER ' 3602. . t . . ... -. NOB HILL very large nicety "turn, room with dressing room, private bath, suitable for 8 or 4; also small room with private entrance. Nice lawn. 84 N. 21st at cor. Everett, ..IVW nice light housekeeping rooms, 317 per mo. water and lignts included; nice yard. n c.sst zza st rnone r.sst euzrj. - THREE clean housekeeping rooms, bath an J . pantry; separate entrance; : more like flat f. 247 Vm Halsey st bet. Benton and Rosa. No children. tst B989 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, REASONABLE; GAS, BATH. PHONE. CLOSE IN. WALKING DISTANCE, i EAST 7172. , . TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, electric v lights, phone and bath free; cool porch and ' Trard, near "Hawthorne car, walking distance. 810 9th at 8. ' MODERN 8 R. H K. APT. 8 DOORS FROM M. V. CARLINE. AT $25. PHONE TA BOR 0475 OR CALL 148 E. 72D ST. N. ' TWO clean, airy connecting furnished house keeping rooms. Porch, yard, sink, electric lights. Pboa, East 6111. Walking dints nee. hht E. Momson at 18tn.- $2Q. Adults only. IHREE furnished housekeeping rooma $5 per ' week. 498 Vancouver sve., 1 block from ' Williams see, car. NICELY furnished housekeeping room, with sleeping porch, $4.50 per week. 582 E. 6th at S. Sell. 3816. THREE furnished II. K. rooms, $18 month. Walking distance. 887 College st. near W. park. Main 3154; TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT. ATWATER 2493. 266 HAR- RISON.- ; , L ROOM' and kitchenette, heat, lights, water. " - gas included ; auitabl for lady; desirable io- rauou; no chUdren; close In. Kast 7631. BASEMENT, kitchen, with Bleeping room, suit abia lor men; $3 per weak; eiectrie light : ami gas free. Bdwy. 1064. 666 Hoyt W- XURNISHED double bouaekeepiag room, rea sonable; water in sink in rooms; 1 with private entrance. 421 H 6th st. At 605. : ONE furnished housekeeping room suitable for 1 person; light, water and bath free. 267 - Knott; 310 u month; East 1748. TWO large, light, well furnished h. k. rooms; also 1 nice separata .aleepinc room. Horn privileges. East 4963. A REAL home , for buaiaeaa people, well fur mshed and clean; also private garage. : 414 Market t. corner 1 1 th. NICELY furniiued h-k. aad kitchenette; also sleeping room; every eonveaience; quiet re- n i . Hiviu j:-.. . . , . l'"V UIW.IICB. i09 rtOjTt A BEAUTIFUL torn, room with kitchenette fr .4ght h k- in strictly modem home; close in. w. a. 497 Harrisoa it-, near 14th. MODERN 3 R. H. K. APT., S DOORS FROM M. V. CARUXK. AT $25. PHOKB JA- Jtu ti jn VALaj iaa jg.- 731 ST. N. LARGE, light, well-turn Uhed housekeeping room; bath adjoining; eparate.ntranc. 10 . NEAT, aihgle, ateaxa heated H. K. rooms. $3.50 per week. 445 Columbia.. Others at S0 13th st : TWO newly papered, furnished or nnfuruiahed rooma, private entrance, west side, Atwater 8760. - . j - . LOVELY" 2-room apt. well furnished, doss in, besuiifnl lawn and shade trees: no fhildrea. Sellwood 1068." .". WORKING woman alone wilt share well fur Bisaed flat, .close ia, with - two girls or couple at very reasonable figure. Eaat 2082. . FOR RENT 4 cleaa, rooma, furnished, oa first floor; also 2 nio rooma for light housekeeping; private hpmo. Walnut 4545. TWO a.K. rooma. brass bed, mahogany- far ' . man, ivory breakfast set, private home. ' " ' $20 Per month. Walnut 4375. S'O Albina av! THREE aic furnished H, K.. rooma newly - papered; adalta,. $20 month, 6 4- Front " eotnT Meade. -" - - - - - - NICELT furnished room ia. refined koma, close in. 215 14th at - ' , THREE aafornished hsusekeepua rooms with light and water. 469 E. 12th at East 9373. MCR rh-an TTr-ir, r sTking riliUll-e7 402 Ross, feast 9319. faJNGLB housekeeping rooms, furnished. 482 : 3 NEATLY furnished lisbt housekeeping rooma, .- 40 Ivy at Pboae East 8891. 2 AND lND HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS. MAIN 8S9: . 888 12TH 6X , . . " --'L- . " '. a ww w" !. . 'v. . 1. " a NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, walking dis- lancet t vvi " t " jtg t. X ICE 2-room apartment and I sing room for rent eheap. 684 Giisan at Atwater 0197. ONE large sangl hall roeaa soi table for 2, ' isie and elesa.. 190 N. 1 7th at . t LARGE clean. H. H. room, eiectria luba. 32.78 , 8051 Third at - PLEASANT, dean 'famished aumaekeevtai -' W downstairs. 3 S. Morrison, cor. 16th. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS . FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 TWO housekeeping rooms, neatly furnished and - clean, shower bath attune: tw blocks of Laureihurst park, cent very reasonable; adult. ladies preferred. .-. - 1060 -jv Washington St Tsbor 8882. - - SPOTLESSLY clean, beautifully iun.t large front room, with cooking privileges; als 2 rooms and kitchenette with aa allowance en rent for little -hght work. '474 Clay. AV water 4104. --' .- - j '- $2.50 WEEK, furnished Bottsekeepfn' rooms; lights and bath included; place for laundry; Bo objection to child i walking distsnc. west sida 545 1 First at. 2 BOOMS. PARTLY" FURNISHED. CLEAN. PORCHES. BASEMENT AND YARD. WALKING DISTANCE. INQUIRE At 12 E 12TH. ' HOUSEKEEPING rooma. J room with kitca - enette, $12 per month.) -Also 1 room. (2.50 per week. 553 Hood St.. cot. Lincoln. Phone Main 8834. V" 2 FURXISHEDt HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. CLOSE IS'; GAS. WATER. AND PHONE. $20 PER JiONTH. SOS E. PINE. PHONE EAST 6913. - AN ATTRACTIVE 2-roem housekeeping apart. sent in private home, large front room ; also kitchen and dining room combined ; good loca tion. 36 E. Couoh, near 80th. East 698 POSITIVELY clean, 3 rooms, hall, closet, gss range, good ruga, linoleum in kitrHen; nice location, good neighborhood, oocy, reasonable, sear school. 690 K. 10th 8. Sell. 1898. It K-. 1 SLEEPING BOOM. CLOSE IN; CONVENIENT. NEAR MULTNOMAH CLUB; REASONABLE. -ATWATKH 8218. 554 TAYLOR. - v ONE nice large, airy room, suitable for mar ried couple; home privileges, home cooking. Phone East 9978. 673 Clackamas at., cor. 19th N.. close to Broadway and Irvington car. NICELY FURNISHED H. K. BOOM; VERY CLOSE IN; GOOD LOCATION.' CALL MARSHALL 4173. TWO large rooms, only $20 monthly; single rooma $15 monthly; hot water always for bath and laundry. Nice quiet place. . 655 Flanders st- TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WITH WATER. LIGHT AND PHONE. EAST 4720. THREE unfurnished h. k. rooms, with dress ing room and lp. porch, bath, gas and phone. Between E. 7th and K. 8 th. ' $ 1 5 per month. East 5227. 44 7 B Sherman. $25 NOB HILL 2-ROOM APARTMENT, ALL FURNISHED. WITH OR WITHOUT H. K. PRIVILEGES: PRIVATE FAMILY. 738 IRVING, ATWATER 3746. TWO newly renovated, unfurnished or partly furnished rma., for either H. K. or sleeping; Aiodera, every convenience; reasonable; walk ing diM: adults. East 0348. 083 E. Stark. TW O fine fur. housekeeping rooms on first floor; also single rooms tor rent cheap; gas, hot water, bath and phone; nice yard. 491 Everett st. Bdwy. 6132. NICE clean furnished 3 -room housekeepinc suite, phone, etc.; close to BW and BT cars; easy walking distance, reasonable rent. "jeiepnone tst 3041 TWO housekeeping rooms, $13 a month; 2 Erervthina furnished- inehidinz aaa. bath and phone. 172 Monroe. Walnut 5695. TWO upper front H. K. rooms, $16 month; free lights, water, phone: also 2 cool oleas- snt attio H. K. lor bachelor, $12. No. 68 APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 THIS JACKSOM 3-rm. epts.. 30 to 4; modern brvk hld.. private bath, steam beat, hot and cold water, phone; 16-minute walk to city. Eaat 248. Rose City car. 51 Vk Union ave. M. SHEFFIELD APARTMENT3 uvrnctt WILL SUBLET 4 room apt. hardwood floor, beautifully decorated and furnished. Call Mr. GoataXf. Bdwy. 4975. ' MCELY furnished apt. alao sleeping rooms, newly renovated, nice, cool and clean, walk ing distance, $15, $17. $23; including light, hot and cold water and heat Phone East 8381. TWO and 3 room furnished apartments, 5 floors, brick building, elevator service, im maculately clean; a nice home for nice people; $32 to $46 per month, week days only. At water 0267. KingAi be rt Apartments . 2 and 8 rooma, furnished or unfurnished, til bath, elevator. 11th at Montgomery. Main 859. SAN MARCO. E. 8TH AND COUCH. 3 KM. MOD. APT., WK. OR MO. EAST 1990. DRICKSTOV APT 14 a nth t apt, liring room, bath, kitchenette, large uiuuis room aoore tne ground, 9S month, in eluding phone and Heht; also 3-roorn apt GODFREY COURT. 600 Vancouver Ave, 8 room, clean, modem apartment, adults, near Bdwy. bridge. East 841. art Apartments ' a -room rurmshed apt. private bath, walking distance. 605 Jefferson st Main 5435. GARFIELD APTS-, HOUSE OF COMFORT Clean, pleasant, modern apartment; aleeping porches, built-ina, . hardwood floors ; summer rates. 361" Failing- at Walnut 4662. Leeds Apartments Fireproof buiWing, modem. 2, 8 and 4 room apta.; single ran.; elevator service. Mar. 8597. WELLINGTON rnrRT s rrn 2 rooms, newly furnished, modern and in first class shape, claee in, walking distance; rent $85. Broadway 1245. THE XICKOL8 3 and 3-room apta.. fur nished or unfurnished, private hatha, phone, garage; children taken. Woodlawn .497 L 856 E. 6th N. . X 1 lis AUtfU LovWy furnished $ ra. apt, steam heat uvi imiis oatn; disappearing nee; built in buffet; newly done over. 494 Market TtAnirtr.c idibts Furnished and unfurnished apta. Atwater 2961. HANTHORN APARTMENTS Completely furnished, $ room apt, 2 dis- appesnng oeos, close in. 2ol 12th st TWO 2-room apta.. one single room and on sleeping room, for rent Eugeno Apartment, Th-iom sparments, west glds. close in. Marshall 187A. afil ttk mt TS1. 4v S. a aaul a HJilCtJl VUUit :- Tp;aoeik Cor. Park and Taylor. Main 1961. ALTAMONT APT., 304 COLLEGE 4 rooms and private bath, newly tinted and nicely furnished. . $52.50. Mais 6375. ALICE COURT 2 and 8 large rma., 2 beds. fireplace, priv. bath, tsL. $45 and $50. Cor. E. 8th and Bnrnrride. East 8366- S-ROOM well furnished apartment $45. for refined people; ao objection to Stildren. 412 E. 9th at, N.. - Broadway, ear. WELLINGTON COURT APT 8. 8-room furnished apartment. $27.50. Bdwy. 134$. 3-ROOM famished apartmeat with private bath; lisht. water and phone free; 830. 882 E. Ash. ' - THE STAN FIELD Modern 2-room ' apt, light beat, phona. Clean, cool, cosy, 323, Main 7392. $33 MONTH. -room furnished front apart- wnsaM 4- ) Ka-rtei akaa, liawk-a. yattrai ram ataa trance. 402 H Third at MODERN 1 sad 2 room with kitchenette; summer rates.-. Broadway 4292. . Jennings APtS.. Z43fc .wU Stt THE EDEXHOLM - - - S346th at , modera 3 aad S room furnished apartmenta. Private baths. Rent reasonable. CUMBERLAND APTS. 8-room tunusbed apt, all outside rooms, new rugs, well furnuhed, walking dutaoc. West r-ars ana sjoramoat, 2-roont rornahed . apt.: newly renovated. aj seoui stseet. llAtIHl' Hll.l. i-:rU 'ivli UsT rooms, kitchenette, bath, hdw. floors, prf- aasooaaea, s up. atarsoaU 1160; X AND 2 room f urnisbed apt, for lisht houset Hawthorne . East 0825. , THE OKDERLEIGH, 82 GRAND cttveaodraaoaB, renovated; aood -.I It -" - wiimw imMB, VKOOil modern, furnished apt til Kearney Bear 2 2d. Main . 1 563.. . """ - wus, tow summer rates. WAUNITA APT. IL rooms, aleeping; Iran- . jn. OBa 1 amnio. t V. U tm- Pt- bow $10. The Jefiery. eor. Russell sod Kerby. East I94 ftDtL. l2 1.ftOr till MuiinWA v i j . . . f . wmnzrwxm D$a(. rTJV7aurr rr w- i , . . FURNUHED U- K. rooms aad apartmenta. aB light aad airy. 109 18th st NleiAr - 8 ROOMS. ELECT,, GAS. PHONE. ." i R. J. McGUIRE, 645 CSfONV g ti"- $2 8. 50 SUN XTCKiST. ems., hath, newt; fure.. redecorated; gas, electricity. At 3763, 2- - AND 3-room furnished apt. 1092 u Hawthorn sv..? Apfc A Tabor 4224 : THE ALBERT Furnished apt, ateam heail private bath. 640 kftsa tJ3PiPPi ev.- "witmati Td"" -U,t 2 H0M furnished apt. llamsoa Court. 6th SAN MARCO. E. 8TH AND COUCHf. ' KM. MOD. APT.. , WE. Oa:rkaSr IMfc FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 MODERN J& roots apartment, licht, bath, pr vate telepbono and as ml laundry? newly painted and papered, -ail new furniture and rmrs; reasonanle rent. 1W t'roKSy - St blocks from east end .Broadway bridge, : APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED - 308 WELLINGTON . COURT . APTS. beaatitfully decorated and enameled, - steam heated; only X Mocks frosa Wathington at. Beat $45. Bdwy. 1245. - -" ThevAmerican i - Modern - aad-. room apartmaents. - 2 1st and Jobnaoa. Broadway 3360. LARGE apartment oa carline. near carbarna. Call Wdla. 3220. 985 Albina ave. J-90. Journal. ; '? ' " . THE VICTORIAN 4 loom. fur. and nnfur. epts.. bath, clean, close in: very reasonable. 428 Columbia near 11th. Atwater 227T. 5 ROOM modem apC, $35. Main day. Main 4566 after Sunday. 2582 Sua- 3-ROOM unfurabhed apartment, 1092 Haw thorne ave. Tabor 4224. VERY DESIRABLE 6 BOOM sfARTMESI 55 E-' YarahiU. Eaat Zo2. THE WEIST N. 28 D. FLATS FURNISHED 309 $50 -MODERN furnished flat,4 choice 1 locality, all in white enamel. 1085 Hawthorne av. Tabor 8104. 4 ROOMS first floor private bath, private en tra nee. 531 Rhone at., cor. Uilwaukie. Sell. 1719. VERY desirable, 7 room, furnished flat, 7 hioolra. frm Morrison, aa carhne. 349 6th St.. or pnone awy. ios. 5 BOOM, upper, clean, heated list, $45. 126 a. aoo. cor. inm 3-ROOM flat .with sleeping porch, walking dis tance, to man and wife. 367 Vancouver ave. UPPER FLAT, partly furnished, gas. elec- tricity; adults only. 43 om. Atw iz.'g. 3-ROOM nicely furniolied Cat. private bath, close in. 689 E. Alder. East 7820. FURNISHED 4 room flat. Atwater 1896.- 1 .' 293 11th st FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 7 ROOM flat, modern, at (35. with gas and 'wood stove if desired. Inquire after 5 p. ra.. 700 E. 15th st. I 4 ROOM modern flat. 772 Osage ave.. one block aoutn zoo. ana wasniBgwn axa,, west side; sdults. Main 8988. 5-ROOM flat close in.. 644 Williams ave.. $25. . i Owner. 363 Monroe st 4 BOOM upper, with garage. 762 Vancouver ave. Adults. $25. East 2195. FOR RENT Modern 5 room lower fist, Call East 8877. HOUSES FURNISHED 3 1 1 SIX room modern bungalow, completely fur nished, baby grand piano, lawn, flowers and earage, to responsible adults for summer month. 1002 E. 17th st N., bet Wygant and Going. FOR RENT 5 -room -modern cottage, fur nished, garage, 2 blocks from car, $35 per mo. Mt. Scott car to Fremont Fremont Realty Co., 5919 72d st 8. E. Ant 614-40. FURNISHED, clean, 5 -room cottage and ga rage. 1487 Mallory sve. Take Vancouver or Woodlawn car, 2 blocks west Woodlawn school. Adults. 4-ROOM furnished cottage, modern,. $25 a month. Inquire at 121 Stanton: st, near Mississippi. FOR RENT 5-room furnished bungalow, 1141 Iron st Take Richmond ear, get off st 38th. 1 block from ear.- WILL rent beautitful 6-nxsu modern home furnished complete till Sept 1 to married couple for $25 month; no children. E. 8935. $50 FURNISHED home, exceptionally nest; en am. finish, furnace, cheerful surroundings, close in. Tsbor 8f04. 1085 Hawthorne ave. FOR RENT 8-rocgn furnished bungalow; electric stove. Main 8668. A PARTLY furnished 5-room house for rent, $25. 634 Ellis sve. CLEAN, modern 5-room bungalow completely furnished, piano. $30. Wdln. 2362. 6-ROOM modern house, nice location, on east side. Main 8264. 6-ROOM cottage, E. 45th near Hawthorne; shed for anto. Bdwy. 6442 or SeU. 3652. 4-ROOM furnished house, garage. 766 Cleve- land sve. Williams ave. car to Beech. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 SPRINKXEREI) WAREHOUSE oa: rrsckaga Store your goods with us. Let us da your moving and packing. CLAY & MORSE. INC. Bdwy. 8470. 484 GUssn st .Furniture Moving Plane-, moved, $3 up. 80-day free storags on all. crated HH. goods. Let us estimate your work. ATLAS TRANSFER STORAGM CO., Broaaway 1207. BEAUTIFUL Hawthorne home of 11 well furnished rooms, 7 Bleeping rooms, to lease Monday, only $73 per month. i o phona calls. RALPH HARRIS CO. s 316 Cham, of Com. 7 BOOM modern Rose City home with garage on 4 7th at, rent $50. Will lease; adults only. Key at 2 93 Union ave.. corner East Clay. , L- S. TRANSFER CO.. 8 room house moved for $5. Local and kmc distance hauling trucks, $1.50 sad $2 per hour. . Phone Main 6192. FOR RENT 8-room bouse in LaureUiurst. 42d near Burnside st: garage, $75 per month. Will give lease tor year or mora to responsible party. Broadway 4143. MOVING. $2 PER HOUR AND UP Fireproof storage 15 days free. ELK TRANSFER CO. Phone BDWY. 2448. FURNITURE moving $2 per hour. 2 men; piano $2 and ap; large 2 -ton truest East 5047. PIANO MOVING a, furniture $2.60 hour; 2 men, large padded Tans. ill Crown Transfer Co., East 2504. WHEN moving crty or country, -get the best at lowest prices. Green sraaa. t-o.. 1261. 202 Alder st BEAUTIFUL modern bungalow, 6 rooms, hard wood floors, fireplace; garage;, reasonable. Pbone iJnpir-OU83. FOR RENT Unfurnished 7 ' room bungalow with garage, on paved street, $40 per month. wainuv 4d2 WE MOVE furniture of S-4-5-room house for $8. For further information. Main 6290. 7 ROOM house, garage, dos in, east side, $40 per month. Call Aut 646-81. 5 ROOM house, Vancouver ave. and Holland st, $25 per month; garage- Walnut 6958. FOR RENT $ room modera bungalow, $30 per month. Call Automatic 620-88. WE MOVE your furniture. 5 rooms $10. Ex . perienced men. . Main 6059. $25 5 ROOM clean cottage, dose in, walk- inc distance. ' Call eve. East 831Q. FOR RENT Modern 5-room bungalow, 1071 E. 28th st. N. Wdln. 1967. East 8564. WE SPECIALIZE In piano and furniture moving; 18 days free storags. Bdwy. 43U3. 5 BOOM modern. 328. Aut 628-14. HOUSES FOR RENT- FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 8-ROOM house for rent with furniture for . sate, 7 blocks from Meieif Frank a. Phone Main 1T18. ' - I STORES AND HALLS 314 FOR, RENT 12x60 store room location for small business of sny- kind; good opening for shoe repair. Call Automatic 620-Sa. j NICE new store for rent brick building. 35 th and Hawthorne ave.; good business location. Call at opposite corner. Tsbor 6878. FOR 1 desirable apace la nrepnmt warehouse phone Broadway 3715. - ' OFFICES DESK ROOM 315 VERY choice office for rent $ 8 5 i furniture leas or for sale. 3 Mala 4oa SESK ROOM, ire phone, $10 per month; modern office. 81$ Artisans bldg. - , SUMMER RESORTS " 316 tuR RENT At Rbckaway Beach 4 room cot tage; eiectrie lights and water: 1 stock front postofi tea. Apply 414 Gaatesbenv av.; Portr isnd. Kn. - MODERN apartaaenu near, board, walk, fox sea i fin, monthly or shorter. . Everythiiiir rur- aiahed, Reasonabi rates. - Mrs. W. - H. E land.- Seasioe, Or. - - ' -: - - TWIN liOCKS Two 4-recaa cottages, coav- - Bletely famished excent . On set rids. Phoue East 1217. , - LOX0 BEACH, WASH. -8-room house with jwajung- water snd sink; ocean front, corner. - Phone Main 2S38. - - CANNON BEACH cottage. 6 rooms. July aad Augrast; sear postouic aad bench. . Walnut 024 8, CANNON BEACH Exclusive tent bouses. For , particulars. C L, Wingard, 653 Moniaoa St., Port'snd, ' Or. ' - CANNON BKACH cottage. Mrs. A. Cos. . Eoola P. O., Clatsop Co, Or. FOR RENT SUMMER RESORTS 316 ISABELLA BEACH HOUSE - RKiSlDE. OREOOS - .... ' r Room and board for . ladies, rates $12 per For reservaoona ante atias ueaarart Ryan. 824 Ftmt at.. Seaside. Or. ' CAN NON BEACH Newly equipped tenta. water, etc J. llendrickioa, 2li Um. 487$. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS 350 WANTED By neat young au room in pri vate family; - Americanized Jewish pre ferred.' References if desired. Address B. S. Pries. Caxletoa botcL or . yhoa sad leave Dumber. v . . HOUSES 361 WE caa rent your place and sell your fomi I tore quick. CaH Mr. Orlunan. Bdwy. 6794. 801 Board of Trade bide. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE APARTMENTS 'AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 WEST SIDE FTjATS iXEAR HOSPITAL .Owner losing!, must sell, . Near 23d at. rooms down. 5 rooms' up: very best construction, almost new, strictly modern, double fireplace, finest grade floors, large rooms, hot water plant, extra large full cement basement garage; best Nob-Hill dist A beautiful home and investment 'It's a bargain, terms. No liens or mortgage Phona today. Bdwy. 6011 or East" 6503. - , T. O. BIRD. 52 Cham, of Cominerc. lots! 403 Lad ds Addition A SURE WINNER Nice Lots for $1000. 2d Mortgage Privileges Builders and bonus men. wake up INVESTIGATE. Time ia linJited oa this proposition. Remember, this beau tiful addition is only 20 minutes' aalk to city hall. Restrictions do not forbid a duplex house or bungalow. SEE Mr, Delahunty Ledd Eatate Co. 246 Stark st Broadway 5754. Evening, Tabor 7045. TWO-ACRE TRACT $1693 $20 DOWN $20 MONTH About 1 acre in trees, facing street, which makes an ideal building site, bats nee all cleared. Rich silt land, no rocks, great for garden or to raise chickens. ' This tract outside city lim its, north of Sandy bird. Low county tax, no street improvements to pay, no building restric tions 20 is the total monthly payment in terest included at 6 i. See this and 45 otier tracts of all sizes from 1 acre up. Park-rose branch office open every dayi Take Rosa City Park-Parkrose car, go to end of line." J. L. HARTMAN CO. 8 Chamber : of Commerce Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. TWO-ACHE TRACT $1410 $15 DOWN $16 MONTH PARKROSE, outside city limits, -rm Sandy blvd. This tract north of Sandy blvd. and 5c carline. in the last unit of Parkrose; Just plat ted. This tract all cleared, rich silt land, no rocks or gravel, great for garden and berries, no building restrictions, low county tax, - no street assessments to pay. Parkrose branch office open every day. Take Rose City Park Parkros car. go to end of line. Tabor 2904. J". L. HARTMAN CO. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. HOMES If, KJLER3 WHY NOT BUILD It Is leas expensive. W are Inter. f csted in how well we can build, not bow much w can get for building. Sea as before buying or building. Robnett & McCIure BUILDER S. 802 Conch bida. .. Jsroadway 6874. Talk about a good buy I A big piece of ground within walking distance of Rosa City Park car,, and school ; Bull Bun water and graded streets. This is just outside th city umits, wners you it have no city taxes or sissns tnents to pay. Beautiful shade, trees on some of these tracts. Pay $18 s month. bee me today. Wm. Beehm, 268 E. 51st st Phona larjor i3U. $750 $100 CASH $10 monthly, east front; 2 blocks to Irv ington car, facing school: paved street, side walks, curbs and sewer in. and paid; is real value. Bee at once. - JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. CLOSE-IN LOTS - E. 18th and Pine sts.. SOiIOO ft lota, im provements ia and paid. This ia a rare oppor tunity to buy a homes! ts dose in. Be them today. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT ft TRUST CO. Bdwy. 943. 284 Oak St PIEDMONT -For sale. 60x100 lot. East front, restricted district,, dose to park, schools and library. 8750 cash. T-164. Journal. GOOD corner lot for sale. Has small house. . rardan all planted and water. Reason for selling, going East 1000 Holmaa St. cor. 83d N. ALAMEDA PARK. 8. E. -corner 29th snd - Jarrett: sewer, sidewalk paid; $450. 'Call Tabor 6441. V . ALAMEDA PARK, 50 feet, E. 28th." facing north; $1200. Tsbor 6441. FOR SALE 1 or 8 lots, 3 blocks from car line". Tabor 945. - . . 40x100 lot for sale. $850 or reasonable terms. Walnut 8901. 14th st,. near Alberta, TWO LOTS south face: E. 80th and Wetdler, $850. Owner. East 8358; no agents. HOUSES 404 200 Down!! IT CAN'T BE DONE? OH. YESI I will build a 4. 6 or 6 room home. with A-l material and workmanship. For . particulars phone - LAWSON. Main T516. .WAYERLY HEIGHTS Vacant beautiful, modem, 7-room Califor nia bungalow, hardwood floors, beautiful wood work, furnace, concrete- basement; big front and glassed in back porch. - Pric $4800, $500 cash, balance less than rent. Saw owner, 905 Francis sve. 7 ROOM house, full basement. A sen. bear ing fruit paved street, beautiful home; im mediate, possession, $5500; terms to suit 4 roem house, not unite complete, $1400, easy terms. Owner. 6657 82d at S. of M. S. ear. Call Sunday a. m. or phone Aut 617- 40 before 8 a. m. or eve. , , : EASY TERMS 5 attractive new bungalows. 85th aad Clin ton; Well buflt and beautifully finished, aB built-in, hardwood floors, plat glass windows, breakfast . nooks, . garage. Prices 84600. sauuu. idzuu. . stake a small payment- down and own. your home. Builder, Sellwood 2859. SmT ROOM; BUNGALOW 6 room ooserete block bungalow, lot lOOx ISO, fruit and berries. Modera: close to carline and school; for only $3400, $300 to 35O0 cash, balance monthly. Broadway 4288. ONE ot th beat homes ia ReUwood. M block from car, on BidweR; 5 rooms downstairs. 8 op; double garage; fin lawn and roses. $5800. . One 4-room bungalow with sleeping porch, in Westmoreland. $2800; improvements all ia and paid. GRTNDROD. I486 MUwauki. SeBwood 40241 WALKING DISTANCE - Fine home, , douche constructed throughout Reception hall, larga living and dining' rooms; fireplace, bookcases. . buffet den, hardwood floors, breakfast room, 4 bedrooma, 3 toils ta, garage. Owner. East 2997, morniags. MOVE RIGHT- JN 6-ruosB cottar ou Albina eve., near Pen- nark, saved street: Frm liSlA. terms $380 cash, balanc like rent. .. - CROS3LEY ft ABBOTT, 283 - Stxrk st. . Bdwy. 1188. LAURELHURST Six rooms.' sip. ooroh. garage: all builtin featurea, blk. from carline. Jbaet 3 2056. Owner. LI-ROOM: nous, good investment for rooming aooae. 148 E. 16 th at near E. ilarnm st Owner, East 8J80. NEW. atxracav. 6 room baagalow, sua and attic: Alameda Pan. earner K. satfe and bkidmore. Ceil owner. East 8389. . SELLWOOD. b porch, doobl garare, 1 block ta ear. blocks to par, $4000.' 625 BtdweQ. ' $2650 $400 down. 6 - robca ; bungalow. year old, fuS basement, attractive place ia Irvington park. 1286 E. 24th N. OWNER 7 room new house leaving for Eu ros: best bargain in city. Terma. W mi- la vrn or Vancouver car. 397 Holland, nr. Union. FOR - 6AIJ& Rivenud , atom, at Jennings Lodge, by owner.' Automatic 611-68, 6 ROOM XM toUtn with 2 lot, eorner d ' Madidon, No. 260 . 60th. Snap. " REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 LaurtisenStevenson Schneider Co., Inc. Modem 5-room bungalow with some furni ture, on Prescott St. $3700, $300 down and $35 a mouth. '. , ",v.a.." r, . Brand new modern 6 -room brmgalow. Rose City Park district. 84OO0; $750 down and $23 a month. . ' - Modera 5 -room bungalow on E. Salmon rt $3950.- - Th above "ads" are aamples of the won derful buys we have. We have Homes ia every part of the City and if you desire to buy or sen let us serve you. - - ? . - "Attention, Buddies" Let us 'handle your State Bonus Loan. An members of this firm are Overseas Vete- LaurtisenStevenson : Schneider Co., Inc. 226 Alder st Main 8615. ROSE CITY PARK . LAURELHURST ALAMEDA OR IRVINGTON If you are going to buy in any of these dis tricts you owe it to yourself to get in touch with us. We confine our efforts exclusively to the sale of property in the: best east side districts. No rlintionv positively.. A.C. TEEPE GO. SFA &USA.N ST AT 40TR Cf V AT 59TH 95S6f VA JTABOg 3433 Laurelhurst office open evenings. A REAL NICE HOME BUNGALOW for wife and me. Yes, it's 5 room and has all the new. up-to-date builtins, hdw. floors, furnace, full cement close in. Easy terms. All street im provements are in. Let us show you ' this charming- place. Call Mr. Cole, with MRS. SNOW 320 Lumbermens Bldg. Bdwy. 4664. MUST BE SOLI) THIS WEEK 6 room strictly modern home; imo. all in and paid, hdw. floors, furnace, fireplace, pan eled walls, beamed ceiling, tapestry paper, fine garage, cement driveway; fine location, close in, for $5250; terms. Brand new house. Alberta dist, , close in; H block to car: 4 rooms, strictly modern in every way; $750 down, good terras 4 room brand, new house, hdw. floors, fink- place, full lot, bookcases, $3400; $350 down. 30 month, including interest rms won t last, so hurry. McGEB & DENNIS. 9C9 Union Ave. N. Walnut 5684 ONLY $5300 PIEDMONT DIST A new 6 room bungalow, large airy rooms, located on one of the prettiest streets in Portland, wide pavement with parking in center; large stone fireplace; garage - to match house, alley in back. This is different from anything you have seen; odd. but attractive. Don't look at this unless you want to buy, for seeing it is wanting it 474' Ains worth ave. Owner, Tabor 4368. FTNB NEW HOME $350 DOWN t Beautiful hardwood floors, fireplace, splen- . did furnace, garage, paved street erery- trong-lnand paid: total nrice otilr 35350. Her is your chance to obtain a lovely home in high-class Hawthorne district on practi- cally rent-like terms. 359 K. 54th at X Hawthorn, carline. TaW ART A NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW OWNER COMPEIM) TO bet.i. $5300, $2300 cash, balance mortgage; laAe urins ana uining rooms witn rTrench doors bfc- tween, iirepiace, ouut-ins, old ivory finish peiry paper, miut-in uutch kitchen; 2 niae hght bedrooms; cement porch, cement base ment International furnace, laundry trays. wvaw . ... ii icTisBWD carune. JohnsonDodson Co; 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. - , Main 37ST, 42 TWENTY-FIRST ST. N. House and lot (50x100' ft) at a very reasonabi price. JOHN BAIN, Owner. 607 Spalding Bldg. .- EAST WASHINGTON esah and $20 and interest par month, walking distance from Morrison atreet bridge: 6 rooma and reception hall; well built finished natural wood snd tapestry paper; full cement basement, furnace, shrubbery, on cherry tree; nred street, near school and church; west of JohnsonDodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank. Bldg. Main 8787 9L5 EAST DONT DELAY ME MU8T SACRrFTnE rv wi-ivrir Hawthorns room bungalow, near ear and ta st, strictly modern, hardwood iub, commnanon range and hot " roi go. com see; make offer; 81000 nf? in2 "sonol terms. Broadway " v - A aTWOP Qf. - DIVISION STREET BUXCATnu; 60x100 or lOnrina if ; j . 1 . . . , ucsucu, Tt room T??ftZ tP'l P' Inside; new punt outsad; fuU basement, plumbing, fur- JolinsonaDodson Co. genk Bldg. Main 3787. BCED SALE ., BETTI-E AN ESTATE 82P,: -AJneda s RegenU Iriv VieW locarinn ml.n t $8000, clos. in, eksraTdeC'e nm cottag. ' . ; " 303 Cherry st, CHAS. RINGLER A CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bMs FOR SALE Br mw K . doi. fr1 bTrrTeaTn' -C010 tor yourself. . A barsain fnV00?..80? . SuHabla for .mail . " su. jam r. Blocs', aad south of Alberta ear. on- E. 18th V 4"R5?M BW,d?I house. Dutch kHoheo. bath. nrT niT oawnent seww in, cement watta, lla-ht, gas, water; close in, good diatrS. rbJdrT' PWmanu. 604 3150 DOWN Newly renovaterf m4w -J.. 7-room cottars in Rmiin, z,, : Ur;r.t TOoTeaky S Mndright awsy. M. G. Gnffin. 506 ABB pU LO0KLVG FOR A HOME if" suy, su or trade. I can get anything anv- ""w yo or imua it for you oa your lot - . . -. J3 "eiora you tie youraetf aa MARIAN AMIZICH. 306 N. .t. $700 KENTON $700 room ana Sleeping porch; garage, 60x100. Iseonw iiJ'sn (k'i;?i wumiuu aiui interstate. Sua dsy 6 to 8. Owner. . " ' " 6-O-H LOOK . Tntbunj ffteplac. Dutch kftcnenV hath, laundry tray. fuU basement Lots of fruit and . . 100 DOWN, $20 PER MONTH Z ' A am saw 8 room house, good DiamMne- a,nXl,?:2Db,2Ckto Kenfoocar. Ir. $1100. Can R. B. Carey. Walnut 2766 A ba ituajjy Modera bungalow. 2 room and th furnished.. ,;FuU cement basTment furnac, fiuit trees; lot 40x120. block to car. - Owner. 6721 Woodstock are7 HOUSE PLANS . " 104 designs. $10 to $15. or specially d slgeod at reasonable fa. " L, R. BAILEY ft CO.. 924 N. W. Bank Bldr, IRVING TON 7 rooms and bath; will tax medium priced car aad cash.- , Evening V.., NEW 4 rooaa house. , sera. $1200; aear car line, outside city. . Will take .n East 8257. -- -- -l - "- 6 BOOU aiodera borne, fun cement basement ornar lot 60x100. $4730. 632 . Ub wA Sa J. W. 0CONNELL CO., 318 STOCK EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 8661, NEW larxa 5 .room high class bnngaiow-. aut parlor, breaifsn Book. large attic, fireplaces garage: terms. East I-aureiharst Tabor 2700. M?TKRN 5-roora . cettage. restricted district, 850O cash, balance easy, 433 . Ninth st. Phone East 8430. - - - - FOR SALE Horns ia St Johna, first- class coaditioB. garage, poultry bouse. Take good sail 721 Oswego st $2625 4, ROOM aw bungalow; R. C. P.; extra large; $350. v Broadway 7429. Broad. way 4794,- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 494 House bargains , 5 rooma, large attio can have 2 extra rooma, new buntralow, full basement double coaatrao tKsn. J bias, M V. car. $4300. . Good terms, or $300 down -with soldier's bonus. 5 room modern bungalow, neat and clean, gsragv. chicken house, fnut. berries, flower; lot 76x10O; $3100; $400 down. $30 month. Jft room modern bungalow, furnace; fire place, nice built-ina, paved- street: 50x100 ft: 72nd st N. $3800. Good terms. 4 room modera bungalow, attio, tot 1 Oftx 00 ft, chicken house, fruit. $3200. ,: 8700 down. - , : .: -' 8 room new ooncalow. nice bath and baUV ms. $250. 30O down. . 4 -room new modera bungalow lav WoJPUawn, $28,u. $3K down..' 5 room modern cottar in good repair, fruit, berries; close to car and Willamette blvd. $3.00. $500 down. u r -':-v 4 room new modern bungalow yust fin. ished. K. 10th st ,N. $2835. -8850 down, bal easy.' . H suom modern house, f furnace, fireplace. E. 12th at bet Morrison and Ankeaey. $3600. Terma. -R. M. GATEWOOf CO.. 165 1, 4t St .' STOP PAYING BENT . , v $100 DOWN ' - Will move you into i k-.. '. : anyone af. these $2150 -Plastered email bungalow, plumbing, oa acre. Bal. $35 per mo. . $1590 5 room plastered cottage and two lota, bal. $25 per mo. $ "8d0 Double earage. built to Bra In, baL $19 per mouth. . $1290 -NEW 4 room unfinished bungalow, balance $23 -per month. vl.tP " 630 Chamber Commerce." ' No Phone. IRVINGTON A REAL HOME -Corner lot. facing east; large firing rooms, dining room, den, breakfast room, piste lass windows and doors; full basement, laundry room and fruit closet; furnace, set in pit; 4 large bedrooms; built-in wardrobes, piste mirror doors snd drawing room for each; 2 .com plete -bath rooms, built-in Pembrok tabs and pedestal baaine; hardwood floors throughout. quartered oak In living and dining rooma and den: wired for electric rang and gas; all built-in feature; large double garage, just completed. Price $12,000. Will consider part payment or trade foe vacant property. Consult O. Eisenschmidt, Benson .hotel, any day from ins 7-room bungalow style borne. 4 down, 8 snd bath up; dandy garage, only $3000, $1009 will oanaie. n room modern cottage, close to 8 cars, improvements all in. paid, only $400 down. o&iance jo montn. f 5 rooms, bath and pantry, lot 60x250, garage, improvements in paid, $3200,' $500 uown:. nuance easy; don't fail to see these. C. D..; Clayton 28th and Giisan. - East Sfas. ONLY $5800 NEW, NEW Yes, it's all new, A new design, a new kind of s California bungalow. ; Yes, it's more attractive than anything you ha v. sen. See it and you will be lovesick for one like it On Giisan street between 47th and 49th streets. For sale by owner, designer and builder. WiB build on your own lot anywhere. . Tabor 4368. 4 ROOM BUNGALOW Modern, eloa to Eaatmorelaad. $2400. Will take car. lot or eon tract of sale for first payment. Look into this. ,: Ralphv Harris, . ' 316 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy.5654. t EASY PAYMENTS 5 room bungalow, in best part of Rose City Park. Choice shrubbery, roses, etc.: large basement attic,, living and dining' room both large; fireplace , I urnace, drapes, curtains, etc Price only $5000. . . - - Jonnson-Dodsoh Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. NEW 6 ROOM BUNGALOW- SMALL PAYMENT DOWN EASY TERMS Strictly modern bungalow and well worth your time to investigate; not built by a eon tractor but by th day as an investment Call I'.ast 8698. BY OWNER, $4600 Large 6 room strictly modern boos, with large cement basement breakfast room, bath, laundry trays, larga attic, recreation room ha full rile pool table, fireplace, double garare, lot 50x165. ft, oa paved road, 36 rain.' ride from heart of city. Phone Empire 0238. BY fJwNElV New. modern 4-room double constructed bungalow, breakfast nook and garage; terma 987 . 82d st N. Broad way snd Alberta cars.- ' ACREAGE 405 : $1230 ACRE' AND HALF PARKROSE . $13 DOWN. $13 MONTH, interest included st , a few trees, balance aR cleared, rich garden Isnd, great for berries and garden, good view, north of Sandy blvd. and carline. Park rose Branch Office, end of carline. Open every day. Take Rosa City Fark-Parkrose ear. Tabor 2904. . - J. I HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids, ' Bdwy. 6034. Level Acres On mile to main highway, at Tigard, 10 loreiy acres nail cleared. 1 acre in strawberries. young orcnara oi assorted rruit 4-room house, nam ior ).z neao, enicksn nous ana nog pen good well, creek through place. Pric for quick sale $3600: must bar half cash: no trade considered. You must act quick, East suso. BUNNY SLOPE ACREAGE 5" acre tracts, within mD limit of Portland, good soil,, good road: '$100 to $300 per acre, 860 to $100 down, bal . ance $10 per month; no interest to pay.' 8. B. Guataff., 400, Henry bids. Bdwy. 4975. FOR SALE 6 acres land. 1U stowed. $44 cleared. 75 fruit trees, apples, peara, prune. Quince, cherries, walnut and 24 stocks of grapes; 1660 strawberry plants; 8 room boos with small basement, good barn, woodshed, smoke house, hand pomp , and wood already cut rnM 5Z7UO. paid cash. Address Mr. Steve Baloagh, Oreneo, Or., Box No. 75. No mulne. on Sunday. 92 A., about 60 a. good crop, balanc tim- oer ana naexure: J . room noose, mnat water, bath and toilet, good bam, 2 erks througri place lor irrigation; personal property: AOrses. cows. stealer, chickens: all ma chinery necessary to run place, ineindina- 1-8 interest ia thresher. Term $12,000, H down. naianc to suit jsox swx, Bneridaa, or. 10 ACRES. 8 acres ia cultivation, all kinds ot fruit and berries. . good a room boos with 2 nrspiaossi barn, chicken bouse; oa good rock road only j. aulea trom lUUsborov Prjeo $5000 dear., ar Darmeuts. Mirbt consider good city property. Morns, with uiuerstup Htewarr, 165 4tb st Boom 21. FOR BALE By owner. T acres, on good road, in thickly t settled community, near sehoal ana. it K. ststion ; room bouse, wittt pantry and porches, barn. . cellar, fruit A dandy some l or eoreeoooy. rae sssoo: tai Address Box 232. B. 8. VanconveT, Wash. 10 ACRES NEAR CORBETT ' AND COLUMBIA HIGHWAY . 6 'cleared, orchard, snult hous. bam. chick- houae, rocked road; $8200; terms. .. -. 3. C. CORBIN CO.. 805-45-7 Lewis Bids;. 22. ACRES. 2 miles Estacada, excellent soil. running water. ou cords umber, small house; $1600. $400 cash, easy payment. Owner. 66ST 8 2d st M. 8. car,-Sunday a. , or Aut 617-49 before a a. at or . -- - CHICKEN ranch for sal. 6 acres, 12 miles from center of Poruahd: fair Imiidlnes: drilled well; chicken, cow, heifer, etc, $8300. Rt. o. Box uregon sjrty. w. BARGAIN in acre tract Mdtaomah, Owner, VI) I wucox hidg. FOR SALE 5, 10 aad 2 acres. 10 . atila from Port Jan d. Tabor wm.- , - SUBURBAN HOMES 406 OWNER recently widowed, selling, fin cmlti- : ratea- z-acre Bome, oae-uura so aernea aad fruit rood a-roona brick house, st msdsai street. Bull Run water, electrte Bcbta, gas. garage, 1 .mile from city linou near Gilbert station. , $4000. $ 120ft cash. Tabor 2984. TTET. suburban home sit, almost 8 all onder enitivatton, soaa rina bottom laaaL lhrm epringa, sail from Tigard; only tew feet -Off pared nigaway; svasv. asao easn. easy terms oa balance. O. O. filetten. Realtor, 41 By. Exe. bldg. Bodwy. 8400, Main J852. - . CHICKEN RANCH Finest small chicken tanea in th city, new 7-room boas, modera chicken bouse for lOOu hens. This saw mast bw sold. Uoed terms. Thre blocks f asm and of Waodatoeb car. 6921 69th are. S- K. " .- BY OWNER. 4 room modem bungalow at Island station, Oregon City ear; fine river new, a lots, xarden and barnea. Wia .tak small ear as pare payment A, L Funk, Mll saukie. . Ptoa Miiwaukie 96-W- REAL ESTATE TOR SALE SUBURBAN HOMES 406 , A SNAP ia SUBURBAN HOME " acres witbin 10 minutes drive to the business district of Portland: good S-raom house, wonderful tw. ground is rollinc. not steep. Pric $6000 or will take soma trad. Call Mr. Dur bin, with MRS. SNOW. - BDWY. 4664. 820 Lumbermen bldg. , Oik GROVE UOMIC - 14. acres extra Vlo4ce land, fruit aata, w-roea. lute gardes ftowera, 7 room modem bungalow, gaa. else, lirhta. modera plumbing; 5?nrv,.J!MJ U,io' Oregon Cily Koe. $8000. $l;fu down. bal. assy, or take house p to $50fO or less as first psyment. R. M. GATEWOOD A 195W th Bt. MUST sell .this week. Park Rose, fin horn: furniahed or . nf.mi.h.i . 8676. ' . . Tabor FARMS 407 Farms, Farms, . Farms W bava them, any sise. any, price and anywhere you want them. Ou terras or for trad. A word to th wis is suf ftctent. ; You will never bava a better chance than now. Quick Sales Co. 402 Conch bldg. - Auto. 51 1-09. 45 Acres. Beautiru! view of Columbia river, 43 miles out. 8 miles from river, highway and R. R. , od ,roontrT oad, settled community; ctose to school. Beat of soil for clover, fruit, bernee, poUtoes. inuts or grain: no rocks. Spnnf water. 20 per cent cash, balance long Oma. You can't beat R for pric. quality or location. We take yott up by auto. JOHN A. ME1SXER. 821 Gasco Bldg. FOR SALE 200-acre farm. Rogue river val ley. Oregon. 5 miles N, E- Gold- HU1 on Crater Lake highway; J 60 fenced, 100 iu cul tivation. 60 ra wheat. !16 in full bearing Spits apple snd pears, balance in alfalfa and other crops; silo and other buildings, 2 wells. -run-""' water, outside range, consolidated schools; correspondence solicited. D. C. Wilson, Gold Hill, Or. FORSALE 160 seres. 92 acres water in high state of cultivation: alfalfa, clover, train, pota toes: good buildings: 2 mile, from railroad station; pric $11,500, terms. Deschutes Valley Realty Co.. Redmond. Or. FOR SALE Oh of tb finest dairy ranches in Tillamook county. Oregon, on easy terma Apply to or address W. W. Conder, owner. Corvallis. Or., Rout 1. for inform- tlon. i ' HAXTO", Colorado, .heat and corn ranch, 240 acres: want residence equities, house contracts. What bars you? M., 706 E. 66th st N.-' i FOR SALE . 120 sere place. $80O worth of improve ments, 28 head of stock cattle, all for $2000. Address of owner, L J. Reed, Leland. Or. FOR SALE Or trade, by owner. 80 acres ST miles out for acreage clos in.' PhoneN TSPOr 91B4. 84 ACRE stock ranch, with smsB impro' 4 menu, in Lincoln Co.. $15 an acre. Easy terma. Box 26. Sodaville. Or. TIMBER LANDS 411 CEDAR POLES. PILING WANTED O. V. GAMBLE. Couch Bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 What '.We Want W ' want to trad a good car and some good securities for a good equity around $400O, in a borne' worth from $6000 to $7000. either in Lsurelhum. Ross City, Irrington or Piedmont dist We also hsve soma good income prop erty in Portland to trade for good farms In the valley near Portland. Quick Sales Co. ' 402 Coach Bldg.. Aut 811-09. 6 ACRES adjoining - Newherg. all in . cultivation, clos to public and high schools; sidewalk, city water, electric lights; fruit' tress and berries; 8 room plastered house, fruit trees, - chicken - house; price $4000, mortgage $1400; trad equity for ham in Portland, clear. Soa.Mr. Gibson, with MetzgerParker Co. 269 Oak st , Broadway 6355 27 V4 ACRES, in California: 15 in cultivation, ean rais anything; good barn, small house, unfinished: $1600 worth oak wood; 10 miles to HoilisUr, 8 miles to good town. 1 H to 8. P. depot; rural delivery; good road. Trade for any income property or residence in Port land. See owner. 454 Belmont East 7889, EXCHANGES Brimr roar exchances to us. W hav what you want for what you bava JOHN U. KROG CUM F AM I, 411-12-18 Wilcox Bide. Broadway 187B. ; 14 ACRES. 13 acres ia cultivation, 1 acre raspberries, new o room bungalow, garage, right at eiectrie station. 45 minutes out, price 85008; want 6 or S room bungalow, Morris, with juiuerariip 4fc Dtewart, ioo m sen st, room 31. Iklk' . AT THIS LOT. If yoa are interested ia a lot with i twautifnl view.' look at lot 9. block 131 Ros City Park, snd mak me an offer. Will exchange for Oakland, Cal., property, G-1ZZ. . Journal. COWLITZ CO- WASH. 160 acres. 9 seres cultivated ; good hous and outbuildings; sarins water: for sal or tarda, city property, or- smaller place dos in. A. F. Weaa, 147 Beech at A MODERN 9-room hous located in Flor- nc oa tb coast of Oregon. Will .bring emd inonnia if ooeratsd as a hotel. ' Will exchaaaw for lota or bouse equity, etc. East 8692. ' BRING YOUR TRADES TO THE . IRADE ARTIST ' ' AT W. O'CONNEII. CO.. 216 STOCK EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 8661. WILL TRADE 5-room plastered house, lOOx 100. Fruia trees -and berates, valued at 2500. frae of ineumbranc. dos la. 1oT 6 or 7-room modern house up to . $8500. Must be close in, 604 Bnchanaa bldg. 640 ACRES, grain cr stock ranch. Eastern Or egon; pric 8360O. clear ana some cssn, ior acreage, atoms, witn auuarsnip at otewart. 165 H 4tn st, room 21. PROPERTY EXCHANGE 6PSCIAL18T" GORDON ROSS. Broadway 6178. " 634 Henry Bldg. TO EXCHANGE for furniture, bonds,, stocks - or hous equity, suxxvu corner sot. vaiu 8500. East 6086. - 160 ACRES. 9 Bullion ft timber, trade for boa in aay rood district or acres. East 8592. 40 ACRES unimproved land, well located. xcheBf for boos equity, xtqwy. nous. REAL ESTATE t. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 EXCHANGE For al or trade, nice 8 room - buna-slow, plastered, built-ina, fuU cement basement, eiectrie lights, etc-; fruit, berries, loses, two 35x100 lota, 1 blk." from carline good location, in St Johns. Price 83700, SleOO with piano and furniture. $4800.. 634 E. Richmond "st, evenings only. Or writ. IY1R SALE OR TRADE 1 Gearhart knitting machine, used only a lew noun; also about 2 H lbs. yarn. - Would tak a good Singer, New Uom or any 1st ask of sewing ma chine, - -For information writ to- Mrs. Robert Bsbbitt, Banks, Or.. Rout B. box 4ga, FOR SALE OR TRADE -Farm 11 acres, for Portland property, ail ia bearing- fruit; - fair buiklmgs -sad gooa rosas, mu to city school- Mill Plain road, Rt 4. Box 62. Van- Wash., or w-iB. journal. - WAfnTD REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 BUMMER OR WINTER, HOT OR COLD I seO East Sid property. List your house sad . tots with .as.-- . -:,: 4 Grand a-v. N., cor. E. Anbeay; - YOU HAVE FLAT . : VS HAVE "BUYERS WATTING East and West Side Let's est torethsr. They're gold tf priced right. Bdwy. 6011. T. O. jsiru. Cftam. or commerce. - f WHY TTE CP TOUR PROPERTY f - , W eaa sell it for yoa la a short tim Bring ta roar propositions for quick aoUoa. J. W. O GONNL CO., - . 211 Stock Erch, bMg. Main 8861.' HAVE customer with cash for lot ia Irvincton Park, not ever 4 block from car. r with sewer and sidewalk in. Ralph Harris Co., 816 Chamber of Cctameree. Bdwy. 6664. IRVINGTON Want bargain, 100x100. for all cash. Civ location and price. 8-601, Journsl. I WANT vaosnt business lot la good neigh- aaraoou; pric not, to xcea $8880. HUM psrtH-uiars.. G-124, .Journal.. . , , ... WANTI3-lREAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 WANTED Any else homes- that can 'be sold on easy terms. Ralph Harris Co., 816 Cham ber of Commerce, Bdwy . 6654 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES. CARAGESv ETC 800 ; Confectionery Store Very'aeaty rery clean and pric very reasonable ; m ' heart of city; rent- $50. Can hav leas. This ia a eery attrac tive little . piece; extra fin fixture. Fnc only $1300. Might take . light car or cheap lot if clear aa part, bal .anew cash. -,W have many other 8 tores and busi ness chances to offer you. . Quick Sa5es Co 402 Couch Bldg. Aut 61108. $1000 Grocery, cash-and-carry, doing rood buine; lo living rooms, 8 furnished, balanc rented : clean stock, good f tares; low rent, lease. $60t rash. . own terms on balsocs. First tim -offered for sale. $1326-4iroeerjr. darxly lncstion, doing good cash business: 3 furnlrhed living vocnw; rent $20, lung leas; brick ba tiding; sickness reason for selling. Morris, with ' O. O. RLETTKN. Realtor, 415 Railway Exchange Bldg". tOpen Sunday, 111 ta 1 ) GOOD GROCERT BUY $80O--New brick build :ng, furnace best, near school, good elesn stock; living rooms in connection, phone Broadway 4664. $873 RESTAURAXT snd lunch counter, lo. cated ou busy street; good equipment; low rer.t; furnished living room. $173 cash, terms on balance. Morris, with , O. O. 8LETTEX. Realtor. 415 Railway Exchange Bldg. (Open Sunday. 10 to 1.) FOR SALE ELECTRIC BAKERY s Well equipped: doing big business; choice transfer location; cheso rent, with lease. Phone Broadway 4664. C1NFECTKNERV Light, groceries. cigar and soft drinks; clean, open front snd en of the best location, on east side; doing a good business; 6 living rooms upstairs; terma if de sired. Call 386 E. Burnside for further in formation. - HARDWARE stork, over $3650. Will invoice snd discount $450 on wholesale pric. or sell in lump for $3200. Get in business now when owner must sell snd prices sre down. Part cash or good paper and terma. Owner. Write MN-77. Journal. STOCK, of merchandise, excellent location, 2$ miles out- on P. R. ft L. at Barton station; large bnilding. 2-year lease; sell st invoice, shout 1 20011. $1000 Hamlet 6667 82d st Automatic 617-40 before 8 a. m. or evening. , F6rSALE Well established and equipped drugless physician's office. Offering Vb vslue. Must leave on account of health. Fin practice Giltedge. Address 120T BorthwirJu Phone Wdln. 4715. ON account of losing my wife, 1 am forced to sell my store snd furniture st Multnomah. This, is s fine opportunity for the right parties. Phone Atwater 8919. SMALL grocery at invoice. 7 living rooms, close in, furniture for sale, separate if de sired, $45 to $50 sales daily; about. $2200; terms. E. 7389. 454 Belmont CAUTION. BUYERS Before ciosinc a dealof so-called interest in established real eatat business, get advice of Portland Realty Beard, 421 Oregon bldg.' Pbon Broadway 1902. A 8 MALL hiqh class rooming house, 8 rooms, in good locality, shows very good net; $850, $400 cash, bs lanes very easy terma, 60S B wetland hide. CONFECTIONERY and grocery for sal by owner, located next to theatre; must sell this week -en account of other bruin ass. Phon Wslnut 4533. . BRASS and aluminum foundry building and all equipment that is needed for same; will sacrifice on your own .terms. Ready to run. 505 8 wetland bldg. . CONFECTIONER Y, , soda fountain: cigars, candy, fruit; everything: good, business. 68 Broadway. Phone Broadway 3365. By owner. PHOTO STUDIO, owner sick, ground floor, old established business: a bargain. Call Main 7428. ask for Mr. Winters. 854 Aldi-r. FOR SALE On No. 3 American' sawmill. equipped, fir and hardwood timber, cheep if tnken at once. Box 81, Sandy, Or. CASH market in Eastern Oregon. Would eon. aider trade. Writ P. O. Box 408, Herm- iaton, Or. ;" ' - - E. K BEHLING ft GST. Largest Business Brokers in BEATTLB, . WASHlMtiTON. . . Printing for Less Ryder Printing Co. Mala 6686. 192 8d st- DRY GOODS stoT for sale. Owner has other business, must sell. 834 Union ave. N. FOR SALE Make an offer, clean business, soft drinks snd lunch. 210 Park, st i PARTNER to Uke H interest in old estab lished fuel yard. .Call 481 Hawthorn av. BEAUTY-PARLOR and'ehildren's hair cutting. naif or ail. - jvuers mag. S-CHAIR BARBER SHOP for sals, good loc ' tion. -629 First at FOR SALE, grocery store, oaah and carry, good business. Answer K-89, Journal. HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FOR SALE 602 16 ROOMS Besutifully furnished, som bard- wood floors, lovely living quarters for owner: a good income snd a real home. Call Bdwy, 4684, . HERE IS A BARGAIN " Oa account of sickness in fsmllr will aaa rific my rooming bouse to a cash, buyer. No agents. Apply to Mrs. E. Adams. 87 H Kilpstrick st. - f " , HOTEL FOR RALE IS rooms, all on one floor; food net In, corns: right on Washington st, lust -west of Broadway; 81500 will .handle, balanc easy. Be Mr. Gokey. or Nswton. 218 Ry. Ex. bldg. 13 H. K. ROOMS, good lease; ivory wood work, new mahoaann and ivorr fn ml sura- Can net .6176. Beautiful building. No base ment , rooms. Clos in W. S. Baoaabl pric and payments. 191 Park. 4 8-ROOM HOTEL, larg extra lot, new doubl garsse: businaaa Jn, full awrna: 26 ml 1m from Portland; good location snd income for right party. CU Woodlawn 834. -- - BARGAIN $500 will handle furniture 10 rooms, some h. k.: excellent location. Call owner. Main- 6180. ' LEASE 7 3-room apt., furnished, high elaas nets oo ; oo, next 2 days, Broadway T808, or Atwater 8321. 14-ROOM rooming house; slso soft drink plac. pnon uain 4 826. ' FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 oVfl tlAn "" IKAA at RA L' a 4 AAA " A Ut TTa f 88 f VW, g U"W, gfl 4fW 4B uv V 4411 u V tj W 8PECIALIZK la small atortgag loaaa, Low rate 1 e ary paymrnts u daslraa. , 4uick action -.Small building loan. '- aecond avorttages sad contracta, ''avCw6WyC isC 881 Chamber of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 6870. PRIVATE funds, to lend on spprswsd eity real esut in any amount from 8500 up; prompt servic and reasonable rates. Pra ExpoaitioR Realty Office, 200 Henry bldAv, ask for Mr. Denyes. MONEY to loan oa diaatoads and iwelry t coa- fidential service, goveramant Seemed sad ' bonded brokers. Zell Bros, ft Ch, 283 Wash. ingtoa st Bdwy. 673$. MONEY TO LOAN, any amount, on improved ProDerty or. chattels. . Real eatat sold: all deals made quickly. IX P. Myers. 814 Chasa. ber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 8296. 81000 $1500 $2000 $2300 $3000 no liEUii. w. sr. loaning our money. - I-osns atdrkhr closed- , V. H. PESHON. 9i Chsm. of Com. "Md'y. BUILDLNG leso oe "dty and suburb. proa- rry; money aavancea aa work progreaaeav W. G. Beck, : 215-216 Failing bids, MaU $407. . MORTGAGE loans on city and suburban prop erties ; sellers' contracts and mortgages aa rntiatad. CowUshaw, 28 Cham, of Com,, Bdwy. 6182. : . HAVE $800 to loan for. 3 years at 8 per ' cent oa dty , reaideac property. ., W'ilson. Bdwy.' 8363. HAVE $2000 to loan at 7 per cent Ralph nsrtu CO.. Broadway 6664. 216 Chamhar ' ei commerce wit- 57,500, lilVIDE, $1000, $2000, ' 2566". $3000. $4000. $6000. i 10 OHO v.rm East 7604. .. " SEE OREGON BT, ft MORTGAGE CO'ili Lumber Exehane bldg. $100 TO $2500; quick action. A, H. B.a. a s ts wqrnws st. rooms" l v ana 1 1. MONEY to lend oa real property. Harry K. Hall. 801 P. B. Bank bid. Bdwy. 2018. t Continue) a rortewwig Pans) - f i I H V i tr. t