;o: DAILY - y .A w J. V t. rm- -w, - t . v 11 SEBUM EAR DECLARES BAPTIST SPEAKER No : one can say .for certain how I close upon us the end of the world is, declared Dr. William B. - Riley, In addressing the Bible fundamentals conference, at .th White Temple Fri day night but It is close. tr. lUley took : the stand that the prophecies of Micah are being: ful- filled, literally, and that- all those things which were to take place before the end of the world are now .taking place. The' next to look,' for is the second coming of Christ, and that is near, he declared. -. With . the coming of Christ, he stated, peace will fall upon the world. He said: . ''Concerning" the last days, the, fol lowing features Impress the Bible stu- - dent: The mockery of unbelief, scorn for the second coming of Christ, denial of the authority of " scripture. - false : prophets, disobedience, -lawlessness, war, famine, . pestilence, earthquake. and. so forth. "It must be conceded that there is a remarkable fulfilling- of these prophetic - utterances at this present time. t v "This text tells us that prosperity will attend that final peace that comes with Christ-J Every man will stt un der his own vine and fig tree, social- lets will be surprised -to. .learn that their lream of an ideal state "was brought about by the very man Jesus whose name they scorned. . They: will also be surprised to see that all per sonal possessions are ,. not dispensed with. . but properly apportioned and personally . enjoyed. , . ," - . - Dr. Riley Will speak Sunday at 11 a. "m.' on "Evolution, a Menace to h.a ucatlon" : at 3 p. m., "Evolution, a Menace to Christianity S p. nw "Ev olution, a Menace to Good ,,. Govern ment. After the last lecture he will leave for Vancouver, B. C. ; AlaskanAcceptsS Child of Portland Nurse as His Own : Seattle. July 15. (U. P.W'If the child is mine; want eventually to get custody and rear it as it should be reared.' Thus declared John C. Lowe, Alaska ' business man, after he had signed an agreement in Superior J uag Boya J. Tallman's court yesterday admitting his jiarenthood-of the baby boy for the sake of whose name Miss Louise Bod- j rickson. Portland and Seattle nurse, r had recourse to the courts. : .upon the conclusion of tne testimony i Judge- Tallman , adjudged .Lowe the 1 father of the child. It then appeared , that a settlement had been reached ut . of o.ourt bv the terms of which Iowe 18 to pay. Miss Dedricksoh $4800 In install- menu covering -a penou ut kou years. Miss Dedrickson's testimony was to the effect that Lowd, while she was his night nurse, forced hi attentions upon vhr under threat of making a report against ner to me jnoapiw unonu. i Lowe declared ne naa veason to-De-i ; Heve Miss Dedricfcson is married and brought suit under her maiden name. ftShe denied this on the stand..'. , &demniy Of $12,500,000 Is MadebyReichsbank Paris, July 15. (I. N. S.) Germany : ha paid the 0,000,000 gold marks in- ' stallment of . indemnity due todav. I Germany, in her note to the inter-al- ' lied reparations commission' three days j Inflratfu) that M1 flitlt Ih I n no v Installment nf money to . pay today s installment OI indemnRy. she would, injure her fl- - Tiatlat DOB it Ion if she did So. -The French . represenUtlVe made it .plain to Germany, that she must pay up, no matter, what the consequences were.- . The 60,000.000 gold marks ($12,500,- 000) was paid in gold through "the relchabanK. Husband Held for His Wife's Murder; - 'Holdup1 Alleged . Ran , Francisco. ; July -15. (U. .P. Charged with complicity in his -wife's I staying. Henry Wilkens was arrested late yesterday at neawooa uiiy. airs. Wilkens was shot and killed by an automobile bandithere May 30 While j ridtn with her husbsnd. - rwu-iainr. tn arrest Wilkens Was made 1 n an aUesred confession by Arthur I n; an uegw w..... jj f' 1 Castor that he and his brother Walter v. hlrM hv Wllktnn to hold ua thi to nA that .liirtnar . 'the . holdun I a shot was fired.- Arthur Castor,- ac cording . to ' the ... report of - the confes sion, did not knew who fired the shot but said he did not.-; St. Johns : Road .to Be Ready Wednesday Vancouver, Wash July 15. Paving j of the St. Johns Toad wtU be finished next rveanesaay, sam i-ouoir uieium-1 Schwara. A crew 1 men js u worn wrecking the old Minnehaha, brldjte I which - is' to be replaced by a new j structure. Timbers and planking from I , hriilm will be hauled to the countv i "tifcw - " 1 rA fr.i thjt f .nf weutw I Knee 3 avnu bhmw vi .u .iciur. hut thriKA whft 1 k. . I those Who t ajCUaUe9 av " ee p - want the wood will be compelled to cut it ujx - . - - - - - Foreman P. Wall of Dubois Camp Killed Vancouver j Wash j- July IS. Word was received here Friday, that Phil Walt, 'foreman of the Dubois camp, six miles from Stevenson, received fatal- injuries at 10- o'clock. Friday, dying on .the way .-to the hospital at Stevenson Word of the accident was received by George Dubois, one of the milt owners. Wall. was about S5 and had been in the1 employ of ths com pany for some time. He was married. Walt was crushed wfien loga fell from a car en him. - ' , . - . . " . --"TOCBIST CAR WE0ECKEH-. ' Vancouver. " Wash:, - July 15. A car, driven - by C F. CieSand of Seattle, who. : with, his wife, was on his way -sooUu- wa wrecked . by Sv truck -near the Baker schoolhouse on the Faeiflc highway Thursday, .night. . According tor Cleland the truck, turned Into, the main highway from a cross road, striking ., hi car Bquareiv The truck driver was not Identified.: Assassination' of". Rathenau . Is Hard Blow.Says Sohau i. ..... ' The aaaasainatlon of Rathenau., the Crerrnan XfbcraV waa, on of the hard est blows that could b struck at the foundations of stability and' recon struction in Germany, and all ct Eu rope, for that matter stated Xr-XAi ward 1. Schaub of Northwestern uni- ve-milir - nt Kwamfrton. TTLi. who -. anok j before the f.; City r lub ; IMdajr: I. Schaub Is teaching in Portland, for the University of Oregon summer school. "Rathenaa, he told, the club, wa not Interested In the causes behind the I war. - Be was interested in helping the world to recover ; He 4 continually worked for and hoped for American I participation in reconstruction. FORDNEY SAYS BIG BILLS WILL PASS Aberdeen. Wash July 15. When the house of representatives reconvenes, the tariff bill and the bonus bill "will be passed, according to ., Congressman 3. W.-Fordney of Michigan, chairman of the powerful ways and means com mittee, who is hereto look after bus! ness and visit relatives. - Fordney will be here for three weeks and will be in demand : all the time for talks before, clubs and other or ganlaations. . lie says bis decision to retire at the end of his term, made a short time ago, is. una!. ;. He scouts the state. merits of aorne ? Eastern ' newspapers who have declared that fear of defeat is his chief reason, . -- . I have many friends In both par ties," he said, "and no one will oppose me If I. want to Tun again, but at my- age I see no further honors for me in public life. I have had a great experience in congress and I have not one regret. It has been a great edu cational force with me. ; Pordcey discussed many topics, among them the case Of Russia, which he says will not be recognized While under the present form , of 1 govern ment. " -U i. : MARRIAGE LICENSES IS6TJED Vancouver, Wash., July IS The tol lowing marriage licenses were issued here Friday t Cleo . Payne, 31, and Blanche Nicholson, 18, Vancouver, Vernon R. Hayes, ? 17, and Beatrice Harrison. IS. Yachts, jGr.J; William T. Iedbury, 28, and Thelma U. Mafaoffey, 15. Troutdale, Or. t Ernest R. UndhaL 25. and Isabella A. Payne, 18, Portland ; AiDert t. oates, 88, The Danes, and Alice E. Butterworth, 26, KeLso, Wash. , Arva M. Undstrom, 28, and Marie Pe- terson, 34, Portland : Harry H. Martin, 123, and Caroline Hindley, 22, Portland Alex C.v Carlson, 34, and ; Heiga A. Kringelhed 33, Colton, Or. BUILDING PERMITS Btiu&us permits bs-Jfd Jllj 11, 1822, for muu ina mo: L.; Badcr. erect ri1rB. B85 Third atreet. Dtwe& (..runt ana saernua Kieea Bouaer, U SimansoB, $8000. - Coeh Until rgiiuniM. . tvoir nnuwiw 2a4 Miuria tnt. betWMB Fint sd Beeond strpftn; buUder, D. Qnrrin Mfg. k.. $1500. iTUe,r jtwrna WHsht tmd Msrcost tru; builders R. f. Kiuppn, so. Paul C Murphy, arct rasKieim, lzin K"Ti ( ouit. tietireea l't tM esa nraets; ouiioct. B, B, BnnnwS, 8400O. Rv B. chUttr. rect riideno,l 07 Gar fiM mtuvin bMwm Alberts and Humsar treats ;bnflden W. D.J, Sfriucen, $3700. f F. D. Eheleb, rw;t residence, 1404 Greelej atreet, betweea PorUand blvd. ul Dfkum a nue: builder, same, 250. 1 " , k ',-.r!r. mnet reoeiice. - i n r,. lSth street. V between ToJraaa; ana .. Tukoni cmitaer, vr. vst ew. ' Ia H. waiiaee, erect rtaarae. .m- meTciai street, between- Jarre and Aituwortn; httiM.r W IS f'arJ. S4000. ney, erect resaenee, izm Ht street, between Alnrworth ui liolman; builder. w. a. ttrl. saauu.- i - K. L. Barton, erect maldenee, Bmlta are- trae. between Osweo and Mohawk; stufcttr, John Bley erect storm sad otTicea, B4l Morrison, between Broadway and Park street Imildtr. S. I1. BimU.! 11000. ' ' Oregoa Jtox Jc ' Mle. Co. , repair dry kiln, Mic&dim. between John, and Bichaxtison; builder, .am. l50o. Joeephine Hiracb. erect bakery, 821 K. Bel ot, Wtweea R lith and K. 12th; blldr, Rhnhnlm. 113.500. - G."' J, -Bieaert, erert residence, 182T Pe ninsula. aTerau, between liuot and Housnton; builder, same, 2008. , Mrs. A.-Ct Hlalbraitll. erect reeidence, 1169 Lombard atrewt, betweea Alma aad Ida: build er. ame . S250O. , Charlef cm&boiRB. erect reaiaenre, 13 7 u 26th at. N.. betweea Libert and HishUnd; builder, "me, Jissuu.; Ma A. tairaiui. eren reaiaence. 1300 28th it. N., between Libert? and Highland; builder., ane, S000.J . - Ram ?8bckelford. erect tmeMeB, 1S4T OentraL between Mohawk aad AUesbeay at.; buiWer, !ai, J250O . - Utto iuac, erect reaiaenee, tvi vann, ee- tween Milwaakie and 16 til atreet ; builder. M II. Nienan. S420O. : Gastar Keuman, ereet residence. 1847 Gar field arenne. betweea Highland and Portland bird. ; builder, f Ji Tracer Moore. Horean. erect residence. C18-81S Oreenh atreet between E. 25U and K. 26th ta N. : tmilder M. N. Hitchcock. $4500. Willamette Tribe K 6. Improved Order of Ben ilen, erect lodre, Hawthorne arnu, be- itweea ta sna -l via. suwtai mumt, u. js. Heathman S5O.O00 I- t. N.. between JCHekitat and Freaeat atreeta; builder. H Fminra, fso. B. 11. Hak Erect reeaeaee 7 B r outer 0U Sad bad eta : builder. Tnad, .; betweea same; SISOO. Georze r. Klfh Kepair resldenee. : 661 Halsey erreet, . between lit and lSUn ata; builder, '. U. Duncan: $lSw. J. A. Denaia Kreet raeMeeie. 145S At- bina aTe., between Bryant and Saratoga; build er, aame: siSttO. -..4-.-.v . J. A. lenma End iwUdenee, 1468 Alblsa are., between Bryant and BSrato(a;j builder, ame; S2200. . B. - K. acuta Krert feaidenea. sss 57th at., between btantoa and fiiaklirea ata; builder; nun; SS5oe. - - - - .- Victor Peterson Frect reatdenee. 884 WaM. ler tt. between 2Tth and liHtH ata. bnlldae Hasn Bra. ; Miwt; - ... - , .. vru t er, oan iorecren: S4suv. - jwuaiiwwBiai. m Repair xorea ana ilTJtlTt atn , k. w. Herron Krect . residene. TIB K. - 8ta at, between kitcktut and rreaaeat bnildar. PacWie Kda. Co.: ssuoo. .' wdaaa Grter Kreetr reaidenoe,. 1M4 At, ih. h... t. i i . lanuc er., etweea Hoisian an bin lilrr M .w Kikl.,- iiinu 1., 1 7.. iutil; H. Koeoite Enrrt reildeoc, 1380 Laddins ton Court, between K. 41t and IC. 41i at v baiiler, t. N. Joerna; 84oo. . " . - - I. . Stoke Kreet reaideaee, 1441' Be thorne, betweea E. it and B. .d tai bander. VVirkjnaa Bldg. Ge.: 88500. A. V. Poikman fcrert eeeidence. S048 BBth are., between fiotb and 8 lit wta; bUUdec. Gordon Mtf. Co.; 18UO. . .er. A. V. roUrman tract netdene,' 6033 68th ., betweea 80th and, 8 lav ata.; builder. Gordon Mtav Co,: 81SUO.; - . V- Ienia Knert Erect reaideaee. 7TT MleMraa ate... between BoeoH and iVcmont ata; baiider yinance Herriee tn.; 89S4U. . ZJiteJ Statistics marriages. Birtbs. Dcztbs. MARRIAGE LICENSES Adward M. B. Hansen, 24. street, aad Irene. Ustssaotv 34 aaon at. : 3422 K. Slat 18) at Sat- Wasson M.. Parker, legul, Taseeweer. B. C, and Ticlet l. Lord, lecai. Farngwt tt. VVEDDINO TitlTiNu itu auiwktaVKKa . e ith at co., ai 1 stoma DIVORCES FILED CLAl EN Barliara against Alexander Val- demar Clansen. XEAL Clara Alay" acsi-t TJeorse Lewis Steal. O.SM AN Kiss aKa-ntf Harry O-man. Si A HKHAU Laura St. aiainst Beajamia G. Alsnhasa - ' ' to OFFICE ROOMS FOR;RENT in the JOURNAL ; BUILDINC . CORSEfl EHOADVYAY A!i3 ' . ' YAMHILL: . f Suite of, 3 rooms on third floor, east light. Ideal for Dentist. SEE f,!H. HAMILTON OF BllIJJLMCr FLUFF RUGS ata da from year ; oM ' worn-out save nan tne - prtca er new rue Bend yorrr rf and woolen elota - aiail lrdera . Seed 1 for Booklet T " Stsam Oieaned IIAt NORTHWEST RUO CO. . i Baft S6SO iaa Cast th a. SPECIAL NOTICES 101 IN THB DISTRICT COtTRT OP TUB UJ ITKD .BTATES FOR, TES DISTRICT . OB" OREGON - ' ! UNITED STATES OJ" AMERICA. J - j . f ' "... Ubalant.) i ? One Handred Slnety-Two f Cases) 1 ' of Adulterated Minced Clams ) t PUBLIC NOTICB- . IS MERRRT that on tfl 12th da of Jul. 1S22. One nmKtred NlnetJ-tWo ease or adoiterated elama uoelea . m part oa eaea can a follow; Royal Club Brand ' Minoed Clan. Vet Cnn. tent On Ponnd. Three Ounces, Packed for LAns at to., fortiana, Urettra, were . ar rested sad taken : into the poaaeaaion of -' sad now are in thev noaaesaion of the United Btatcs aiamhil for the district of Orecoa. mif- enaat to a warrant and prooe duly iasoed by the - clerk of the United, State dattrirt eoott for the district of Orea-on, ia a auit for eondeaination and forfeiture entitled "Unit ed States of America, libelant.; n. One Hun dred Kinete-two Case nf AdnltanteH Vlivul Clam" brought tinder the prortsiens of Seo. xk en 01 in 100a ana uinn m imrniMi Jannary SO. 1908; that all persons ciaaauns any riaht, title or interest in and to- the said cases atoreaata are Hereby notified to appear o or before the TU day of August. lS22.i.'mi Portland, tteearon. to ahow m. if an be, why the aame should not be decreed against and forfeited to the UDited atatea a rinlt. sled aad mubraaded food. . .. . CLARENCE R. HOTCinrraa 1. United States., Marshal foe tne District J of - Oregoik,-... ft. ; ilLAV STRftst . Assistant TTnlted State - Attorney. Attornei for Libelant. -'-.-, ;" . MstETING ' rjOTiasr So -v ATTENTION, TOTARJESi Reirular meetinc Abd tla Atef Temple- NOi 117,. Dil Q. , K. K will be Jield on July 1$ St tk nu. on the fifth floor of the Pythian bid. ..All yo ; tariea are breed to be neeseriiL' O-lv ilmpertaat bnsinesa .VtsitQie ' Votarie are v.lmm. ' bv der of the Royal Visier. . ; JHAD, I CRAVES Becretam - BOCK ISLAND CLUB wUl airs its aeeond pwoio and dance Monday, July 19, at Bock Island park. Toa are invited. The etan of fers you free nee of its bathhouse, park, base bail field, plsytcrottnd. Take Oregon City ears to Island station, walk i tim -M 3SMBLEM JEWELRT a apewaHy: buttons pins, charma Jaeger Bros., Hl-lgg th tt CARDS OF THANKS - w lisM to taank onr many friends for tneir anna sraroatn and neanMfni rtrmt efferincs ia ilie bereaTemenf of oar bekwed wifa, mother and aister. Mr. R. O. Holaiev Ada Bells Holmes, Richard O. Hoimes ir Harriet E. Holmes, Mr. W. O. Millicsn. Mr. Loins Payne. - ( (. - WE WISH to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation to the friends who so kind.y assisted u during tb recent loss of our be loved son. Also for the many beautiful flow- Mr. and Mrs. C. I Differibscher. - DEATH NOTICES 103 MATTINGLT At her late residence. 269 14th street, jujy Annie Ksenardson - Mst- singly, wif of John P. SlatUngly, mother of Annie M. and ConstancS II. Watttnirl-f. Mr. G. Todd snd Mrs. Bessie M. Snow. Notice of funeral ItWr,' - - .- . , -. . h lUSltTJSSEX Jabr 14. at ths Ute rrsidenre, nsx if use oa sr. nay jural, sued 0 years, wife of Harold Rasmaesen and mother Mrs, Beatrice Dwyer of Portland. The re main are at Finlav mMtuan UAi...n at Fifth. 'Sottce of funeeal hereafter. ; HATHlof-Jttlr Is. "at the late; residence. "'"i s. 0. , naries rj aged Tear, luuband of Catiierin 1 1 siti,in The remains are at Finley- mortual-r , Mont tomery at Fifth. jVotioe of funeral hereafter. SMITH In thia July 14. Mrr"Oharles Smith, sred S4 years. lata f S4S vtw street. Fnneral notice later. Remains at the residential parlors of Miller At Traeey. ' FUNERAL NOTICES -s ifll TAKGA In this city, Ju' 14, Joseob" 'Vara-. aged 18 years, eon at Mr. inH tin Targa, brother of Heiea, . Julia, Anna and Louie Versa. The funeral armies will 4v bald from the Unity Presbyterian church Mon day. July 17, at 3:30 p. m. FAeads mrited. Interment at Bos City cemetery. Arrakge menta in charge of the at RiAm rnn.nl XJirectors, inc. 'SEILL tJuiy 14. John i. O'XeUl, beloved . bnahand of Mr Sri. n'Km f f r James H. Lemons and the lata Dan O'Neill. The funeral aerrices will be held at the Cinarch of the Madeleine, fcast 24d st N'. and Siskiyou; Jfowisy. JnJT IT. at f a .. Friend axetln- i"e eemexery. .- ,ite- maina ara at the home, 491 East 15th at- N". K. teller CXk, direetnr. S SHOEMAKER J-uly ii. at Ocean Lake, W.' m Robert O., aged 18 rears, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. . Shoemaker rxt brother of GteB W Joeephine aad Floeanr Shoemaker of No. 4449 2d st, S. . The rastMrln wul b held Monday. July aLv ToTvS at lha above iwideivw Vm..- Trted. The remain ara at Finair sarbmr. Montgomery at Fifth. T. :, PALMERJulr 11, .at' La Grand nT, Oeorpe. aged 7 Tears, husband of Emma tuner. Commitment mTirm ... 1. u today (Saturday) at 19:30 a. at at the directors.- Son. - FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 A IX KjEUVvv-uKiai a. , uusuifHSZS A. D. Kenworthy & Co. 80 S2d Wt tl. at ,.,i . - Finiey's Mortuarv trrmnovrRT at nrTH.-MiivJ. at BU et. Hro.iw.y- rSVlT AWn! iSS7 R.T.Bymes A twl WIULIAM8 AVg. - WALnT-t rT;V w. A4. .4.CLcitA.-l.u ' ! K,'. -.j ..a ... v01 OX 1U ' tor. . d st Clay aeaa .tact 0US KZ7 TODAY h.' " 1 'iSaJi FUNERAL DIRECTORS 108 ; Fisstsral Directors CTn Fasaiif bet Ifce Fnr" 414 15. Aider rt I' hone Kaet St " Edward Holm&n - & Son J - TH1KD ASU BAUCWf MAIN 6tt -'v. i Snook Vhea!don . JTUNEKAL. DUCTUK8 -. ? , St CX'c.SUKl TO ' -V ' 8ELHD51 AT 8TU XAfiOB J8 Lerch, Undertaker EAST EUEVENTH AS It HAWTHUSXB a '- PHONE gA8T 91 HI. x ' MekNlkK A KU-KKli raneai parun wits aS to pnraey el a bone, lata and aerect ata. r-Booe proegwny i. antn. ftXl-S8. THE PORTLAXO JfOHTTJABT. Morriaae at i-tu. wen wu, croadwa; U43U, , MONUMEJVTS 108 J OTTO SCHUMANN MARBL& WCCKStl qcaxity rnMceiAis FLORISTS 107 MartinS:For25es Company S4 VrABUIMUTOM T MAIN 209 riB r low eh 3 run ILL OCUAKIONH AK TlSTiCALLlf . AKUAMUJ1 S.-- MAIM gr 7709 Smith's Flower Shop r ' "Portland's Pro rewire riortsr riowei for Ail Occasions fata T21S. V. CL Lake, Mgr., 6tn and A Met LOST AND FOUND 108 THB FOLLOWING articles were found oa . tne ears of the P. R. L. at P. Co. July 132 umbrellas, S lunch j boxes, S parses, 1 pin. 1 ha. 2 riandbacs. il shirt. 2 books, 3 packsares, 1 shore, 1 sweater,, tin shears. 1 pr. tennis shoe. 1 belt. 1 pipe. 1 ey shade. Owners may obtain aame upon proper identi fication at 1st and Alder street station. LOST--Surtease. Friday. July 7. betweea Win lock and Spray, containing some ealnsbls thins. Finder please notify Mrs.. James Ueador, Bpray, Or. Liberal reward. LOST Keys oa chain, betweea . 82d aad s town. Reward. " C. L. WEJTEB. Tabor 2878. . 240 E. 82d rt. LOMT Two 30x3 H tires on rims, betweea Portland and Marmot, Saturday renins. Call Tabor 4T5S; reward. . : . - FOUND Article at Bets, florista, Williaims and Cook area. Owner may bare by proper oescrtntion. - ! BETWEEN Portland and Hood River on Co- Mmbia bishway, lur neckpiece. iiewara. 11 SO Esst Flanders st. Tlpot S8S. LOST Thursday erenina, K. 28 th at. Finder 087.' Reward. eameo brooch, near pieaae phone aat LOST July 8, packaee contiinins 1 i shoe. on Broadway car. CsB Walnut 4530. FOUND Airedale dog. Owner may hare same by payina bill. Main 8816. LOST Gold cuff link. .with, small diamond. Kewartl. uawy. aa, SlOO REWARD Ixist July 3. rinz with. diamonds; 1 missing. Tabor 2010. LOST -Between , McJiilleu and Broadway bnOge, Laetern star pin. jLt 303. LUST German police do, ieniaie. Call Aulo- matte 818-48. Reward. LrO.1T Boston bull terrier aninrerins to name of Jerry. Can Sellwood 1228. Mrs. Tuah. LOST Spits -dog. Answers to nam of Benny. LOST Small black cooker spaniel dog; Ions ears. Walnut 1415. Reward. LOST Whits and black Fox Terrier. Answers Peasy. Tabor 28S. EDUCATIONAL 200 BEGIN EARN IN (1 MONEI QCICKLT Enroll for day or aummer achool at tM treat bnstness college, the training school foe eocceaa Courses include comptometer ktaaoa rapliy. banking, bookkeeping, prirata atcr tariat. Vinu or phone Mala AWO tat In, ataiosna ! ... ;t - , ; -- Voortn near atorrms, Portland. alOLJiK BAtLBJvrt Cvl-i-BAilS WUl teacS yoa tn trade in eight week; reeeire some pay while learning; positions secured. Writ or call roe catalogue. e stnrnsiaa st. 1 DECKER BUSINESS COLLkGE Alisky Bids.. 3d and Morrison QPN THE YEAR BOUND i MKN , women, leant oaxoer trade; wages whUa ; ssannas. vrasoa sttMt WMUacs XSa Mad wn sa KsUwsy Telegraph institute. 484 Kattwaj saanaaga mug. uey ana ugnt HELP WANTED MALE 1 201 TEAMSTERS - and : THINNERS Take your camping out- t : fit and go at once to DUFUR ORCHARD CO. Dufur, Or. . WANTED - ' I ' Sho'pmen -for California and lfevada COMPETENT BOILERMAKER ANT HELPERS. MACHINISTS AND WELDERS FOR RAIROAD HERVICE' IN CALIFORNIA ANI KETADA TOP WAGES, WITH T1MK AND A HALF FOR OYER EIGHT HOURS. PERMANENT tWORK FOR ME WHO 1UKB GOOD. - FREE TRANSPORTATION AND TRAYELTNO EXPENSES FROM PORTTA-D. AFPLT AT S0 F1TTOCK BLOCK. WANTED-r-Beliafcia cnntr to do aoma building and cement work and accept '.a food res, lotas pay. Phone 313-20. " ". WANTED 26 loganberry pickers, 1 mQe east nf MiiwaukJa. on Lake Grorsv - Phase) 46-J, MilwanMe. Or. Panl Boat. " - " TWO neat appearins young aiea orer 21 to take orders ia PorUand; experience nnniria eary. ; Boom 488, 18a 8d at. . "WANTED EXPERIENCED EAVEDS.' AP-KM- PLI fOEILtSD WOOLEN MILLS.; PIRE 1. -.-.-...,. PARTN'ER ia eeiaaUshed - wsodsaw biWues; plenty wockf asual -investment; make from Si to $10 a day. 805 B wetland bids. SOLICITOR- wanted wiiA car for lesnins aad prosing. cRS I'oiou ae.: 1?. WANTED -A carpenter to figure labor on 4 room bnneatow. Tabor 488. WANTEITwo carpenter alter : 4 a'cloek ; Psrardsy. at 6S8 Es.- 25th . south. SHKK1 .METAL King - Co. worker .wanted. - Gunther- FLOOEliAN, it)l ISOi. 9 a. ' a.. . Taylor Street targr! HELP WANTED MALE 20 WES: WASTED Far sei lc a railroad anaelilnbAa boOermik- era, blarksanlths. eiectnenan. abestanetal wora- ers, coppersmiths, unnert, car iBspectora. oar repairers. v . tTnder afrfre eotHfltlnn heat esnlalned Irf Chairman Bea W. Hooper of the United States railroad laoor noard la ata statement 01 jsur seadias a loiiowat . - - .... In this eaaa tha ennfBet Is not between the employer and the oppressed employee. The people of- this country, throngh an -acta of eoncreav signed by President Wilson, estab lished a -tribunal to decide such dlf outes ore wares and workins conditions, which are snb- mitted to it in a proper saanner. It is toe decision of this tribunal aeainst wbiclk the ahoD craiu ara striking. , , , .; "ReasrdlesB of an onesBon of the rifht of tne aaea to stxike. tne aaen was tax to strikers' places are merely acceotini the wsaes aad working conditions prescribed by a o ernment tribunal and are perforsains a public aerrice. They are not acceptinc tne wages and working conditions which an employer ia try ins to impose. - - For this reason, public senti ment and full fonranrat pnnt will protect the men who remain in their potitioa and J new men ahe mar com la," Adevmate proThdons kawa been msde for the full protection . or all new employ, toe ansae aa old employes who hare remained loyally at work. - Applicants sboold apply to the office of the soperiatendent at Portland Union sta tion), or to the aasiatent aupartntnadeat , at Boeeborc . .. 7. H. DTKB, ' General afanaaer Southern Pacific! Company. .THE HERS HEATING PLANT is the acme of luxury and the beauty of It is that" the Hess burner keep the gas bills down so that the gas fuel costs no more than wood or coai. va need three salesmen wita cats. 804 Oak St. - ' v. - AGENTS to eli and appoint agents la every town In Oregon and Washington, Good man , waJf car. 622 Morgan prospects lor man waif car. bids. 1 NKKU one young man ta learn th business - aad prepare for eoUeetiac positioa ; rapid ad- Tncmat and good pay. nooin, 4ZH, io 4 sa st. - - HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 tUS" WOalc.tK PKOlJSUilVJt DIVISION city of fort land, offers it errlce to aJt matten pertainiog to the WeUar and rrotee tiou of women and stria; kntaraew oonlldea- 1 Worcester bids M B4 Vit Phone Broadway 742a. LADT wanted to obtain memberstiis for club, experienced organiser preferred but not necessary if you haa . urge acquaintance in Portland: -A-lv reference wanted: Terr at- tracare- positioa and coed pay ,if you work. wmu uwmwi www i.iu,. WANT ED Experienced bemstitchina opera tor, on who eaa do dreasmakins for eut of town; gire phone er atreet number. aX-118. journal. - ... WANTED An elderiT woman to keep h for father and son. ' io small childrm. German, refined. Most be aged to farm life. cs.-ri. Journal. - . -.. - ANY GIRL in need of a fnend. apply to the Saltation Army Rescue Home. Mayfair and atexsnuer eta PBon Main B4SO. 1-M ear. WANTED Gins to . leara beauty cultnre thorongbJy tauant. Betty Jane Heir ikin. room sot neieign piag., nawy. .opvw WANTED EXPERIENCED WKAVEHSi APPlI rUKTiANlr WUOLE.l EMPIRE Q616, . WANTED -Housekeeper betweea 45 and 65 years, ana who wants a home: no hanl.wnrir .A . " ' I.I I r or run parncniarn write ia-icii, Journal. UNINCUMBERED middle-aged housekeeper for elderly gentlemen ia small town. Call at aoo iia it. ior lniormauoa. TRIMMERS and manaffera for siillinenr d. pertinents for ; out of town positions. ' Blair staas jO., soyai Diagi WANTED Businea woman pply 602 Ftrt Between u arm o p. m. - . GREGG shorthand taught prirately by expert Broadwsy 4118. WANT High school girl to help with work. 119 ijaa ei .t ouxv. - PRACTICAL nurse for case at 0k Grora. inquire aaa scnnyief at. mono East 8129. WOMAN to do house work at Oak Grore. Inquire SB a Bchnyler at. Phone East 8129 WANTED Girl 1 for general housework; no waMiing. call walnut 4124. WANTED iliddie , aged competent bouse- keeper, (cod home. - Walnut 4633. HEADQUARTERS for cooks and kitchan help. ata n. aa. ztrosaway zsas. , HELP WANTED -MALE AND FEMALE 205 RASPBERRT nicker wanted at once. Tent. wood and store free; going price aiala. Take Bull Kua ear 1st and Alder, 26c far to Brun- net ata., 2 blka west oo flection Line Bd. Uretham Or.. Bt. A. Box 278, MALE or female organisers wanted : make big rnoaey. Lnitad Brotherhood of American Laborers, a . fraternal and benerolent Snioa. siSDokttm bids. - - HELP WANTED WITH. INVESTMENTS 206 IF you h a few dollars and want ta aak nig money. I bars it and need sou: some- thing pew in tea cream ; a bis seller. Order raaoy to drlirer. . Giro raferenca and phone nnmoer. a-119, journal. """" - WANTED DENTIST Recent graduate: real propositioa. CaS at SON AUsty iHdg. Main 4)949. SITUATIONS WANTED-i-MALE 251 LXPER1ENCSD Janitor and watchman want work. jooa reference. - Tenor 8779. xiv ifi ia i , a i mecunic, itrepisoea a apecialty Ph. Auto. 81tM bet 8-7 J. aL EXCAVATING, grading, ganeral team wock. ny oay pr cDDUKtnooaiawa aosa. PAPER HANGINU.;: FATNTINO. f-Twg'111wJ BEPAIR WORK. B ELL WOOD g so a FAINTING, tin Una, poer!ng. . etc. fain work, c or esttmate eaa i Tsbor 7882. BOOF8 RESHTNGLED A ePECLiLXT ; PVw 94, TrlB-riata ; wt a sj yg" tjii 41 UWU, r ing. WsWttt 13. PLUMBING dona yery reona01 by tha haui Vf vm. FAINTING. TINTING. ALL Tf?..J" REASONABLE. VAIIV BROW. . Wdln. Aaaa mina: " , , wto j. naa SCREENS sssdeso ri; old aeraea aoontsd window repaired. East S3 94. . HARDWOOD tB"bir day or eoo tract jBetereaciab , Uln. 832. SHINGLER, 12 '-.years experience t all .work absolutely gusranareo. w sinut 49i)7 trf-ST har work. Let me cut weeds on your w. jntomsoc 828-28. - EXCAVATING General teeming. Atwater 1 80S. ALL-ROUND gardener and nandy-man wanu work : rei. mmnam. JOnrnaL BASEMENTS, gradias, ganersl teaming; edS tract of day work. Ant. 622-85. rCa axcaTauna and grsdg. Tabor 906A, ' ' 5iTUAjicN3 vA?nnr. lle zsi PAP.R HANGING S-i CKNTS A COLL. ! ?AI-VT1N,i AND TINTINO BEASONAKLR. i ftJ?11 WORK QCICKLT AND CLEAN- I K AST SIDK. TABOR 013S. ""f eug. BDWT. E6S2. PAINTING - Fsperln. .tiatine. work guaranteed. O. E. SUDERSTROM. Selheood 14SS. PAP ERHAN-RKR , Tinting, inside finish, first daas work at rea- sonaote pnoes. Tabor 80 0. CARP ENTER Eatlmates giTen on repair work: ! screens mad . and garages r built. ' Boon, PAINTING, paumuiai, plster patehtng Let mo mass sour old, . atouaa . an. - Eaa ptre i3..-.-: . . t- -, - PAINTING, paperhanrljig and tinting: priees inmawi wot cuarsnieev uop ; ssa Hawthorn sea. Tsbor 1722. -- - BHINGLING W idkuIu oa lMh!m!i' eaa do your Job better and says you money. OFumates tree. Jt iI1. . g-usiTlOM 'wanted as head f Janitor or gea- erai repair man . tor real estate company. ruuw mi aw, ram , arnota Hotel. ATJTO aaechariio wants work in South America or atianas; aaa sss tooia; bast tatexeaces. ZX-63, Journal . . I tiAIiL Cheep - Charley, the basement man j Tabor ,0084 tiira aaa your work, or we I both Jose money. 13 SOUR PIANO IN TTJNEf CONSt'LT WALTES SOEBT Lt O VAO X sUsato- aV T XkWa 1 fli a ami- ti a s .t I v'i a afa,i a- iA. ' 4 TagUw U 4. j "t 'rrp . V1T, -r - r 1 PtlKTLiAND." OR. and moving- house. Wdln. 804. CEMENT WOBJi Satisfacuoa guaxaaUed, Wdln. 0241. - PAINTING AND TINTING WORE.' CCAR ANTKED. atwater 1418. . PLL'MBINa In all iu branchea. 2ft years' penance, tail Main CTtl. GEO. DE LANO. first-clas ahinsler., CaS Tsbor 6233. '-- . , - " "4 - -, &OOFS, repaired and painted; tin and paper - roofs covered -with mhelturn Tabor S2. CEMENT foundations, houses raised, cement worn- or an ainqs. reasonable. Mar. S3 63. SITUATIONS- FEMALE - "254 EMPLOYERS. TAsIB NOTICg rnt h-lu" call Banare Deal Emn. A.n sl.a llnAHnmi.h hi.1 Uiln 17'JT wato wiu - man aonocu aMiiaa rtan mr. t; erai of tice work, more for experience thaa "p uu ao(. aza-ss. WANTED Position, prefentblo fai country. 1 usee a trl s years, will take' bar with 1 ma ou Kast Zd. near Btenhens st. HOMS cenmng done. Work cuaranteed: -fruit no a quart; , eegatablaa. So. Mrs. , w. C. rincn, aat, rzi-BU, tA.fritij!sci.D lady wants houeecleaninc or . ... " Ci,a- - ' acenarm writing tangnt. Ctl Marshal vsi. UlKt. l, will assist with housework ttw.- to 2; no waarung. zs untsee. - DRESSMAKING 256 xu.joiiibiii.iu, nj whui, c, . aujotn sua Kaleich nld..,. sai WastUaetoa st. Bdwy. S742. HEMSTITCHING, any color, 7o yard, while yon wait. Buttons. 2QS A Inky bldg. SEWING by day; experienced; references; (3 anu canar. r-none eeiiwooa- netta. HEMSTITCHING white, tc per yard straight. cotton at r-iaiong poop, nog Royal olds. DREijisMAKING, reasonable, 122 4.2th. U. comer waaninston. pnona Bdwy. SS7J9. EXPERT dressmaking-. and . tailoring. Hat maae to oraer. Call East 60S2. NURSES 257 XTRSE WD1 care for , patients in her own I ' home. Desirable location. Tabor 8783. FOR RENT - ' FURNISHED ROOMS 300 CALL at X. iL C A. for - free list of ! inoderats priced rooms for young men "in all parts 01 - tne city. Including fooma,- at Central T.. M. CL A, telephone ,ia each room;. ' shower- baths, crab facilities. L HOTEL NETHERLANDS, 128 lith t,. at .-t-. ki.u . ... . . pctblr spotless rooma,84 week; 81 a day upr wita private batu, $2 a day. THE BARTCOT Clean furishd rooass, 82. SO per wk. and up; also ngnt nouseteepins. 4 a Aider st, "HTLLCREST HOTEL. J33WASHINGTON Room with or without bath; modern. Bates " weea: or aiorita. .. FURNISHED rooms, clos in; hot and cold - water, nice, clean, aaa xutn. - Main 8881, 82.75 WK ... ... mj '' : , rr- ing dtstaneet autside rooms. 218 Mill CLKAN modern rooms; bot and cold water; 33. CO week up. 563 H Washington. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 2.80 AND VP per week, good furnished room and 2 -room apartment. You are welcoms, yea. See Mrs. - Atko, 1 08 H Fourth st.( te- tween oiara ana vvasmngton. - KICE FRONT SLEEPINd BOOM. CLOSE IN: TWO CARLJSES; KKASONABLE. 86S THUKMAN ST. BROADWAY 8788. vi.u M4i.i soo r urt xaittiHi. tuntiii PORCH. VEBT CLOSE IN. EN JOT HOME ijir e. NICE room, adjoining hath, in 5 room bun galow, o mm., M block walk trora Z car- cne. Also garage. - Breakfast if desired. 881 S. sum St. call BeU 3915. - IN REFINED r HOME. NICEt Tl ' FTJRn" BOOM FOB..' RESPECTABLE GENTLE- MAN: HOMB CONVENIENCES; CLOSE XJt. EAST 7226. 128 E. 18TH. . . LARGE, front room with sleeping perch: ori te entrance; breakfast if deiredL, for. 3 young men or ladles; walking distance. ut stll Holladay. ' -NICELY furnished room, all modern eeniences; kitchen , erirlle:- Nnh. TTIH Ai. trtct; walking disUnce; reaaoaabl. , 788 Irr- ni bt. stain viko. - CLOSE tS, very desirsbls roomrtor' or .2; breakfast And aH bom comforts at reason able rate. 489 Clay at. Main 2228. CLEAN cool room, large clothe closet. ' bath. H00 yl2Jl(lA-IPJ?9li CHDUr, REASON a in, for gentlemen: raaaonabia. B. BEST CARE. MAIN 82. nknH, Ima i unrni ac r., ueac nuowr. arsone) i Eaut .a839.-:; . : , . :- . ........ j MODERN room, furnace, electric lights, tele- I phone, hot and 1 cold water; garage. 834 t Hoffman ava, 3 block .from Grant and I nroauway. atwater usia. CORNER room ta nice noma, facing park, ell conTemeDcee. cioa . in. eenEJaman . rmtv TWO FRONT FURNISHED ROOMS WITH i . PORCH. PHONE, GAS. ELECTRICITI," ouw MUA1VUMEK1. MAKnrlALL 1521. FOR BENT -LABGE. WEIJ FURNISHED ?OM GARAGE, IN FINS ROSE CTTY PARK. HOME ON BANDY, FHONB iasuk . . i...- i NICE, clean baaemest sleeping room, 88 'per ! month; 2 small attw sleeping room.' SSI each per month. Easy, walking distance; bath. prion ana elect, llgat, 14W iBtn at. I. MR lr.fJT nirrpT mnT pnAi rti ' 1 ivt.-r,:rtyS ir. YSTirfi: ,SJ". . lull? - DESIRED. 151S BKt.VOST TlHr.ll at4a I TK11.0''1 BOOS W0EBB.t!S ?a CLEAN, cheery, nicely fumr hed rooms, 1 block: j - - - - . J . I from Itawthome car:. tlO nt Sis 254 E. 28d St. S.. East 6088. 1 NICE, large front room, carline, horu prirt- nut 8244. " . -'i - - "w Diner nwaen, to two lame, w mi. Ft RNI&HED ROOMS ' IN CLEAN, MOD- eo. jb-t -jii jjai o ui, ; . CLEAN, well furnished tront sleeping room. ins, floor. windows., 1 block tat U' ..H. mruwi so per wees; g ?. z 1st at. TWO larg pleasant leemn m.,i tit .tl 320 per month. Ft bath and photi. Closa I hUi 853 N. 21t Mia 4078. I Vt-KX cloee m, 3 rooms, with running water! and aink - 88 per week; also ainela mnu. arnwr hsb.' - oow orn St. MODERN . sleeping room . in pnrate jiome. walains rtvJt .; r i tea; 707 ! Flander. EXCEPTIONALLY KICE ROOM. ' CENtBiC 812 AND 814 MONTH. WIDOW'S ! HOME. 418 BROADWAY. ROOM with or without board, to ona or two girls. : !8..ua- naisey, a etocs from 2Bth st car. - -- ONE slaepina sworn. wailung distaao.. " 408 ! B. wrosdwsy. - TY1 newiy iummua Sleeping rooiii. pri- ij.. " .A.. . ... 1 - j 1 1 1 j AIRY attracts front room in modern home, dose in. borne pririlegee. East 5534. LARGE front room in private, family in Pied- moot mtnct in per montn. woodiawa 187. FRONT ROOM, LARGE. WELL FURNISHED . ' . V ........ ... . ...... . l-W-'lDlir.W USE PIANO. PORCH; MODERN. 827 tj I LARGE, well i'uitiuued rooms, tnoueru, ciuee in. pop rirgrt riciwy. i y - - NICK lit'nt room,, sunabie for one or two par' ties, ctosm in. s uuna atwater ia. FC'l TENT PRIVATE FAMILY 301 A COMFORTABLE SIEPIXti BOOM WITU i.tLA.nK PKI-II.KiES- lAPD'S Alll TION. RFASONABLB RENT TO EIGHT rasi i. tASf 41T, 4 12 PER MONTH, front -cltan small sleeping ". uu sownwwa, ( iiKO ., oe reea Sth lad Mimdnt. Inr auMi .MwliM fJ'rX, ftlRMSHED ROOM IN REFINED , OMEV NO OTHER BOOMERS. GOOD J)CATIOX. GARAGE. GENTLEMAN PRa 1 . tjALfa avAST B142. ON E LA E 6 E FRONT SLEEP1NU RX)31 ON MAIN 2870. ' - ,r W A rV 1 laV K17 A f 4 1 vrw riilCff IX! ROOM AND BOARD 302 , Nortonia Hotel Broadwa off "Washlnrtnn. - HmAm- 11 an : r-orwana a ' niga class downtown reatdeataU ..we. ,v i.w ut vomforte 01 aenei Assertcaa and Europe a plan. Rate reaaonatx. ... ' HOTEL HREORD : 1SS HO IT. - ; Kill sans Zxclusira residential: special rummer rates; our meals speak for our popularity.- . LXCI.L iilVK residenual hotel: rate 84J to ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 a a a,. " ww 1 tl,i clean. ooauil. modara home, with . 1 yrami ass ner monta aaea. walnut men preferred! S0 per moatb each. I KEULT" I tihona hm. uiu.J w . --j! oj cum in, east side 1 but. from ears senttemen or married couple, emp sred, pre- ic-rmi, 199 t U. Kat SB 5 a. BOOM AND BOARD, HOMB PRIVILEGES, aeFS" J?P,1u-nO- WLKUfQ DISTANCE, Jt Hf.? STW KEAR 18TH. , PHONE 'AGED toralida, ehronlo or cooeateaoent v-J, t.nt,' faant home surroundings, with health-buildin diet inH iruti 1 .OWli I'Jd board In private PRSfroiT ...""HED.HOMB I " w-w paawca. lan. ll I 1MX1M Ull bottd or hoaaeajMtniHe nrirUo. . -" - v-.,, uiguciD aOfflfL win ins t.lr. n . 1 .4 1. ; 1 . " . . ntciLii lurawied front room to one or. two SenUrmen. Cloee in. lawtricfAd dutrlt . . 1 ' - - rage and board if desired. Clerical or ala. pigtt preierreq. xanor 134Q. - A LOVELTrooiB with sleeping porch.' In an . utRoiTt nome. wita 2 aneaia. Tahnr STftu FOB BENT IN BEADTIFfTL, MODERN I roKl'H, BllTABLK FOR TWOS MEALS IF i 'i . ' ' ' I uu tilLJj HUMiS bwekt HOME I.Ak;k Aini KWJliBl.llAJJlJii run 1 OR 3 f3ENTLE5lEN. BOARD IF : DESIUED. rnu.in aiw. rao iKil.NU BT, I s 1 SEE THIS BEST OF ROOM AND BOAltn STIB.. 2. PLF1VT W XI IT. itu WALK TO HEART OF CITT. EAST 188W , v HOLLADATf ADDlfiON' ' " ' ." Nice borne for those who board nd nn a Irrington r; not a boarding iiouss: a zeal borne. 246 East th st. N ... ... WASTfilJ I or more elderly patrols to ooaro ana ear ror: mooa hnt.. anna tresunent. 'raoor 41UT: TWO young men or man and wife to room aad board: DTirste home: walking east side. East 8218. Do not call Bunday; BOARD and room," 'bom prlrfjeca 803 -uob .gv. ivim , uaraaa. Vt A TED Man and wi fe employtd, or two enable, close in, Irrington district.. . .wMu mini room, nate rea- B06 1 iiiiuiuo. jast x 1 o: ii Ijxwr V " 1 . - "ii - i ;. nwat m modem boms; fin iwuai oreaaiaac w aestreo. If you want n .PPreciuT room pe aura 821 12th t. ee tnese I BEAUTIFUL aire room m... i..-ui. I a a,4v,Tlln?.er H. Ii ru aabla t81 W. Park st. Main 6952. - , WANTED A ccaiple of respectabla youns men to room and board: rate reasonable. ITaarshaa stf J Maia 6837. WlLA. room and board gi,L ',g- a BOOM. BREAKFAST AJTli lnvvrn t-Ao t MAN: PRrvATJB nuB j I tar i ir ii.hd.ii, , . , . , broad- fcE-H. "d jrooat foe 3 men who will room together, twin beds; eood bi .JJ IS? room; 8 per week. Grand ae. a W. naoo JSt itet '"S wlUl ",wr fr two, S home. . . . aa,. : i:iom in! East 0498. '-Vi-- .. CHILDREN IN COUNTRT. CIiSBi TV i -" a BEFINED ' ladies.', who .t .' airy room. . 2 hu . Hill district Pr'MaTn SaV00 nfxvir . ia n ..v. ' -4-... i -., . i ii T v.r.ilT Z?Z"" "" 'or i or I avjmji. poara, is unary and mending in Z with, youns , couple for reflRed ceaUeman lo.a0 per week. Tabor 4489. rrT?. BOARD, , room and washing for 2 men ia nX fsmily t in Kentun. 7.S0UrU,week Tat each. .174 W. WincheU st. W AN i fcu Hmail child, girl praiartwo, to board and room in Small lamiiy: socd care. Tabor 7S88.-- ... WANTED To -board Z refined middJe-agea 8nUema whft wiU apprecUte fopd cooking anu Bmnv. . main vvfi. - - . GOOD board andrnom, 38 week; bom priu leaes. cloas in. west aid.-: ;8 29 Mentgoaae rj. Main B87P. i CLEAN attic rooms with good board.' ttt ur , week 828 -W. BroadwiyT ? PLEASANT room in good dirtrkt, with, board? . ". "nn. "Sin To8i FL'BNISHED room wttli breskfaat and"dinT aao gsrage to rent, 4888 7 2d ct. s !r BOO MU with board if pralerredr nr.d.r ,1,:- 881 San Rafael rt. Phone K.t aaro Phone East 83711. ana ooara tor working man and mil on carline. 786 Cnmialat; mw''. 1 ROOM and large- nonATh.- -ii Tabor 4085. - . . ' BOOM and board la prirate Umilv! tan". month. 121 K. 11th.- phona Fast 2S22. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHFO . . m 34 TO 85 WEEK If youaonreci. ' l.rr airy, absolutelr clean hiui,in. ...i. . - . - e cempleuly furnished, inraatigate. . i n fare. m xt. o j . .. . " fci near jetiersotl. f and double Kk. room, ircry. wood- L. ry and mahogany rfurnitur, eeery- l : teautifal bldg.r Whit- Tempi oistnct. so 12th at. . . . NIClS, clean single It K? rooms:' hath ' 1.n.t pnrileges; .walking distance s . t nn per mania. 4Uo sncouTer are. Call East 8821, lliatu wxi-r V i-i.-i - . . f ' KM ... .l "r-C"iaT?tr AND ROOM nicely fufnlslied hot wu,w J . . J . V. K 1 1 n , H 1HMBIJ1 CLEAN, well" furnisbed 1 and 2 room apart- menu. - ti93 -E. Msdisrm. East 8911 LARUE nicely furnished outside room oo iiOTi. inmz. - aiatn -7a . . Ft'KNlSiiKD h.k. rixim lor oaeheior' ngui downtown; eeasonabi.c.2(l4 V 4tb "at. AT 800 AND 603 Front st. 1 an4 SxoobI p vMcmjy. jaain -pof.. 2 4XP room f'umiabed apartment-; aewly tinted; good location. 404 Park st. EWLY kalwruined. furaiihed h, k. " raoms. ... . 4 wee. 178 N. -17th -at..- west side. iiK'ELY furnfaiied siniil H, iL rooms nLou" s, electricity. 475 Main at "um' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED rKlVAIE FAMILY 308 JINGLE beusekeepiha . rooms. liimikd. 492 l ayicr iu 2 AND 3 liOUSEKKLPi.NG BOOMS Msiv 8S9. B8 1 XI 11 3 NlCELlVfurni-ued. 1L K. room, walklne 'alZ tanoe. Broadwsy 2043 70 NV 1 s.LHd1' HOU5E.KEa.FlNO room war f.mt ehildren welemne.s 821 N. lit& t. TWO Jarge front roonu, plenty of light and air. t jeireraon, aiaia 1383. . , ' :, .1 AND 2 room Xurniahad houukeepinr lttOO East Main. apt 2 LARGE, modern front A. A, room' witii garage. 24 9 13th . NICE 2 -room apartment and 1 amu w. "i " . , A . . . . , . "Vf 1UT rent chep. ti84 GiiMa t Atwtr oior ON 14 Jar4 atngi ball room am tats. 'A nice and clears Jw . 17th at LA RGB cw a 82.75 IL week. H. room, eiec-trie 80S Third at. llChU, Fen nrNT FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 305 iwu housekeeping roama. neatly furnbiied ami eJesn.-shower, bath,, phone; two blocits of laureiburet park, rent yry reanab'; adults. d'Pnw4' 1088 E. Washington . TWO newly resceated, unfurnished or partly fumolied rooms, for either housekeeping or sleeping; modern,; ery convenience;, rmaon b: w'kinijsUiK; adult.. Ut voo. S E. Star. . . MCELY furnished houwkef-oieg room. 31 S . montJi. ErerTtliina-furniilivd. Walking ii tanee. Free aaa. beet phone and uahj. Call Monday. Wednesday ami tt i t . - and 4 p. m.. ,o 4th at. - ; SI"J")TLESSLT .clean, beautifully " fura.. Urge - front room, with cooking prirUeges; also 2 roomi ud kitclienett with. n allowanca on rent for litti aaht work. 474 Clar.. At- water 4184. . '- MODERN R. H. K.-APT. 3 TXVORS FROM y- CARXJNK. AT 325. PHONE TA BOR 0478 OR CALL 148 E. T2D 6T. N. ONE and S HV K. and aleeptng rooms, hou-e aewly done i-in t- tapestry paper. ea tne, larr closets, every conrenienre. Waiting -ati-tance. Select neighborhood. 738 Hoyt. It X.r BOOM. NEWtT PAPEHED AND CLEANED IV EVFMV Ukspkct.. Ct i- - TV. KICK YAHD AND FLOWERS. BDW I. 1778. 181 16TH N. FCTtNISHED H. K. ROOM9 FOB BENT. Ill Ji. 13TU ST. EAST 2617. 32.50 WEEK, furaished liouskeeilng lights and bath -included, place tor laundry; DO Objection to child: watkfne iliitinM not sida 545 H First St. ROOMS, PARTLY FURNISHED, CLKAN. PORCHES. ; BASEMKXT ivn Tim WALKING DISTANCE. lVOl:iRK AT 12a E. 12TH. - - HOUSEKEEPING room. room with kitch- enette. 812 per month. Also 1 room. ii) Of wfk-., 8 Hood st., cor, Lincoln. Phon Main 3P34. 2 eURNISHED HOC8EKEEP1NG Ii)M1. CLOSE IV: G.4 WATfTfl ivn TSn1v I.- '29FKR MONTH. 80S E. FINE. PHONE AN ATTUACTIVE S-rootn liousekeeping airf Sient in rtriTBt bnma. hri lm unnm , kitchen nd dining room, combined : good 'lova- uon. van m. i .uon. near sotn. Eut ao POSITIVELY clean. 3 room, ball, closet, gas ioosfcou. good neighborliood, - eoay, reason a ble, near achool, 8t0 K. 10th 8. Ben. 189$. IC-K., 1 BLEEPCJG BOiOiL1 CLOSE I.N : CONYENIENT, NEAR MC I.T.N UM All rT I : J . b L' 1 . A.'lTlT 1. I..' i ..... " b4 AYLOR. ' ' SjiiS. PJl,SEKNISHED LIGHT HOfSEKEFP JO ROOMS IN MODEKN HOME, WHITS TWO --room apta,, 1 room, with kitchenette; . also 1 sleepmg room; all large ouUid room on first floor; garag it 'deairad, - tiu K. Coach, East 4976 , O.N'lJ nwe large, airy room, aul table for mar ried couple: home privileires, homt cooking. f5??Kst 8878. - 873 Ciackemss at. cor. mm ciose to Broadway and Irrington car. ,i3Tr?5S,HEI K. K. ROOM; VERY 'I!rE;? '"aihed h. k. rooms, single and t double, ga range, running water eleotno IlghU. phone, 83.SU ' a week: nice lrir, EXCEPTIONALLY NICE 2 BM. H. K " APT' - FRIVATK ENTRANCE, EtKC.. GAS, BATH. PHONE. 8CUMFH wiTE-a wiill OWa HOME. CENTRAL ATWATER 0849. TWO large rooms, only 120 monthly; amgie . room SIS monthly; hot water always fur bath and laundry. Nicao.aiet place. Coo Flanders St. - - . . : .,. ." . - FIRST floor of my home, 3 large rooms, new. ly kalsommed, everything furnished; rent reaasdable: nice neinhborhooJ ' . SI 4 v.. ih m Brooklyn car. - -., . J,-,. TWO T7NFTTRNISHED ' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WITH WATER I.'lllUT avu PHONE. EA8T 4720. - , THREE unfurntehed Iu k. room a, with draw ing room and alp. porch, bath, , gas and' phone. ,- Between E. 7 th and E. 8 th 815 per month. --East 6227. 44 7 K. -Sherman. TWO houtekeeisng room,-' ii a montii; 3 front housekeeping - rooms, 15 a month; Ererything furnished, includiua eaa. bath nl phone.- 172 Monroev Walnut o893. TWO upper Ireot H. K. room, 318 .month; - free lights, water, phone; also 2 eool plese- it itftart.. io 8MAiL2 " BOOM ' II. ' APt. t.N " BAKE- M K.N T. COOL AND CONVENIENT VKliY JEASONABLE, 01 CLAY BT. ATWATER ROB HILL eery large nicely furn. room with -dressing room prist bsth, suitable for 3 t?, ', lso toon with priTate entranca Nica lawn.- 84 N. 21st st. cor. Krcrett. "WO sic Mght nonaekeeplng moraa. (IT per "iv 'iisn w mnuaeo ; nlr yard. 08 Eaet 82d St. Phone East u 020 - lUi(i.b taa liousekeeping tooma, bth nl pantry; separata entranre; mnM tk. 247 H Halsey- tt. bet, Bentoa and Boss, No children. East.. 8 8 it. .Tt fr7 ' FURSlSHkiJ UOl'aKKiuklPINtA' EOOM, EA8-NABLE; f f,A8, JJATIL KEI'.V411 JN WALKING DISTANCE. TW(l: TurnlsheU housekeejing rooms, electrio lights. Phone and bath free: ennl i.k . yard, near Hawthorns , car, walklne distance. 8108thet. B. - ::.-. -( " u""t', TWO FURNTsHED JIOtrkkKEEPING nfiofi FOR RENT. ATlVSTltS oioT. ai ,V.L3 bison. ; - v - ' - BA8EMENT. kitchen, with sleepuig room, suiu ibli (or nurl.t n. i. and gas free. Bdwy. 1084. 888 Hoyt st! FURNISHED double - housekeeping room, rea-.- (enable; water in sink in rooms; 1 with private entrance. 4 2 Us 8th at. At. 2fl05. ONE furniahed ouaekeepiug room suitable for r 1..P??S; eht' ,'er. ma bath free. SB7 Knott; 310 a month. East 17i. . TWO large. Usht. well urnished"hT k. rom4 'o 1 aiceaeparete sleeyiag room. Horn pririleges. , Erst 4983.. A. REAL Home for ' business people'.' well fur . nuhed and clean; io prirat garage, 414 Market st., comer llth. - , NICELY furnished b.lu and kitchenette; also v tleeping room ;- erery conrenieBw: uit re fined place; walking ditance. 788 Hoyt 4' BiaCTlFrL iurn. room with kitchen. u .for Jgbt h.k. ia strictly modern home; close in. w. . 49 T Harrison t.. near lath . LAItGK, light, J weU-furnisiied r bouaekeeoinr . r.n, oaut aojouiing; aeparats entranr. lu E. 20Ui st. K.- 81)51. -' NEAT, single, steam lies ted It K. room. 38.59 per week, 448 Columbia. Other at gOtf -ISth . - s - - -- . a PLEASANT KEEPING KOO: MS IX PRIVATE HOjSe. WDLN. 8S88. 8 FUHNISHUD It. K. IlOOilS. KCN.V1VG . WATER.. FREE -PHONE AND LIGiiT 476 CLAY. APPLY MONDAY. , ' TWO bewly capered, burnished or uuf uniTihTTl rooms, private entrance, west side, Atwur 3790.-. j ; :. . ' " ' -. - . ! jt -jt w juiwHumi u. . nwiai, path, ga, - electria. Garage. - Adulta only. Genaaa preferred. 854 Clackamas. , r. j , j ... : 1 J ff , 1 I THREE well furnished' rooms in modern iiouia" Lght. wtar aal phona 874 K. Msdisou. Tbor 1838. , - . 8-ROOil apartment... -tric light, gaa, ruu nitig water, phone,, walking distance, 313 178 . SerentTi at. corl Ysrohill. LOVELY 2 -room apt., wail furnUird, cloae in. ' btau-.ifut lawn and shads trees; no children. - Bellwood 1088. v FL'RNISHED I10CSEKEEli.N:G ' APTS..1V - PRIVATE HOME; HEAT, LIGHT AND PHONE. t0 E, BUBNolDB. WOKKLSU woman alone-Will tbare' wall fur- nialied flat, clot -in, , with, two girls or couple at eery reasonabie figure. Ksat y02. FOR BENT 4 clean rooms, furniahed. on . firrt floor ; also 2 nice rooms tnr light houaekeerMng; prirate home. . Walnut 434-V -TWO II- K. rooms, bra bed, mliony ur- niture, iory breakfast set. ifrirat home, 320 per month. Walnut 4875, 87 Albins a r. ' THREE nice' furntiilied IL K. louma tie-aTy papered: adults,, J2t' month, 894 .Front, comer Mode. .- ' NICEL Y f umfc hed -room . ia ' rr fined cloee fn. 213 14th at. ' - haane. THREE unfurnished houaMwplng rcomt w-.ifi U a lit nd water. 409 K. I2th st. Esst 98 73. NICE elesa room, rea wmabl, walking diatsaoe. 402 Bosa Eft 9370. APARTRTENTS FURNISHED 307 S ROOMS. KI.ECT.. GAS ELECT.. GAS, PHONE, 335 It. J. McGCIME, 545 CMOS 1 ' 3 AND- 8 ROOM apart mania, prirat baiii. rent reasonable. 81) E. 12th t. f!t 780. " IDAHO APARTMENTS '. " -Two and 3 mv nicely furnished. 89 tb st. 4250 Sl'NNYCitEST, 3 run., bath, rw;y furn., redecorswd; gas, elertricity. At. 8 7.- AND & room fnraished au. lli.lj Apt. A.. TalKr 4224. Ilawtiiom ae.. THE ALBERT Kurnwutd apt., itun ht, private bath, . 040' MiwitTpt ere (Continued on Ftiiewlnf f-umi