J xs FC1 SALE f 3 ID Gzllonkpi -jGas Free CCiCK J2f AVD A!SC CS ABOUT IX T' OLDfOBILE WIED CAB . idepartmen r Otdwnobile Olrismobu Oinsmobii Allen .-.-. Ixirt -i Buick ' CTerlal ' 4 eyl. tmriiK.-,. -oL touring.'. . 8 cjrL toil nr4. . . 4 cyf- touring . . . 4 cyL touring,. , 8 O l tounr.l . .' . 4 o l touring. . . $100 7. "SO 400 650 ' 559 600 425 4i' - 275 200 Elgin. 6 cyl, tnumnj. . Chevrolet 490 4 cyl. rosaster. JeHrer eMaKtebnker Buck . Maxwell eyL chummy r 4 cyl.' touring . . , 4 eyL touring. . . 20 300 . 200 140 Mitchell 41 eyL bug. ..... - Many other good bargain. ' Cash, term or trade. Open evenings ant, Sundays. . Oldsmobile Company ' . .of Oregon - Broadway Coach St. " - - V. GUARANTEE!? 18U) CAES , ' "The Man.ey Auto Co. - Kind. -: ; THEY SATIS FT - - - Hap. model X, first-class. .$ BOO 1620 Hup. roadster, eke new. . J92 Hup louring, re Built. . . . . 1917 Buck touring, mn perfect. .- 1918 Dodge . touring, cord tiro. 1919 Dodge eoedster, new tin., ' 1917 Dodg eedsn; flrst-eloa . . . 41920 Ford edn. repainted...,. 1920. Fordf sedan, like new.,... 7 r.o 60 - 500 675 4 85 tOO ' -700. 850 J 200 C - 1921'' Gardner, almost pew..;.. . w 1B1K InnMHB ! four Mnupr. 1918 NAtional We will service. -Wonderful th. 1914 Steams 4 800 700 . Olds 4. S-tpn track, like new - KLUEJUtK . .- , , :?. , 5 Our Used Cars Satisfy. HSold on easy toni., o bmkerage. - Manlev Auto Co. r.:,: ITTPMOKlt.E DISTRIBUTOR . , ' JJCRSSlPli iT KIfVESIH : Si . : , . M. ARBUCKLE. .V v Agr. C4 tax Dept.- "H. - ' BAB Q ACTS - f ; QCALTTT ACTOMOBrLIS ' Hudson Super-six auioaobCc bare : been rebuilt by us dartn the fast five ' - mii asd ofTex the sreawat ralxia te toe bad in a sed eat. !Cba i by you aee ; . son Bndaone a tit atraete ot PorUaoJ , - ; ttua ary ethr ak ef fine automobile. : v lit U the Bev avtomobile he n4 v can jniut be aold aod theM nlraUt Hud- - eon are and bay bee tot e yeaa the createat value, They carry a factory ' enrranty and days free eerriee. Jhtoea rajia lym J2J t ieS0, . -' O. U BOSS ACTOVOBTIJS CO., -' Both Store: No. 40-40 I. Broadway. - " Se. ei-17 WMliimrtow t . CSED FORDS . S2t Ford edan ...... '.-550 J920 Ford edaa), sord tire .... 475 ;: 1921 Ford coupe .. .i ' 6?5 '.1920 Ford coupe . v. , ...v450 . t 1921 Ford yoadste . . i . . . . ., J 1918 Ford" roadMar, A-J. ahP.. 250 1918 Ford Bus. - r - ' W hate other ' ood boya. A' aaU iafled oaoisr oar bicseet ,' We ttre liberal term. TWIN TWO MQTOa - CO:. WO. ' 0 W"11- St-' t l&th. Bdwy. 248S. ' rE)CAUii ... ! LstZTTASS '- - TOD" WVUU F1NI THB BEST . . ' HAJWiAlNS" -.,..,-, ' XS AJUU A1N1S - cbed CAjts . t; - -.una or fords , AT " , - TAI,BUT & CA8KT. ISiX, 1 1 IS. Ankeoy' and Grand . ' . --- JEat HUB. - JuAST TBKMS - MBS TKA1ED m - OFKH EVENINGS T1U. 8 :80 . ' . SUNDAYS 9 to i BKUTESrO - ERECTED STAINED -1- i0l. Other' price a' pioportion. " East S88S. 7 299 Weidlet v I, :.V ., 1823 CHEVROLET Tormrso Car run just 800 mile; will guarantee- and Tod get new ear' eerriee. Liberal discount nd ti term. -Fe detnopstrauoa jihooe East 8584.'- - : v 1920 chandlerTspobt uodel - . This car U is fine mechanical condition. .This car has Just ' been nfieusbed and looks lika-Bew; ha t good tires and jxlier extra. W 111 eelt at a. bargain and , air easy terms. Phone Bdwy. 7183. 1 . 20 BFICK TOCRES'O This r -is. first" class and. a trial on the hills will pro' it; re finished the latest colors, g and the low price, and easy term will please you. Take Ford or Chevrolet in trade. . 18th i and Alder sts. ."MURPHY MOTOR CO. 490 CUKTROLET. pen body deUTery. car look -and rune like new. Hare no use for Acer and will sell . very reasonable M kit "terms, r Thi 1 soap for someone. . Tabor ' '-' ' ' ; f . ' : 1921 LIGHT SIX Late model Velio -paa. cord tires. n r appearance- and perferm like new, 8925. -. - BRALET, GRAHAM A CHILD. INC. ' : Burnaide. at 11th. - " ; X921 FORD roadster, starter, demoaotabla rim, S new cord tires, spar -tire, shock, foot feed. etc.. 3S75, term. . - U r.- BILLING SLtfy MOTOR CO.. Hawthorsw Are. St Btb. - - East 0T2Q. 50 1918 HUDSON TOURING 850 -. Yhhv ear is iu farat etas mechanical condi tion and is a big bargain at this price. Will sell ou a scaa!l payment down and ie easy term ou the balance. Phone East 1962. 1921 FORD TOURING . ' 1 ""- Demountable -wheel, shock absorbers, etc. A- meabsmeaBy, 8895. BRALEY, GRAHAM CHILD. IXC, ' '; ' ' Bumide at 11th. - LATE '20 Buick 6, in fine order and practi cal iy new coudition; muse be sold at once, as. owner ' Is tearing eity. WU1 sacrifice for 8759; car can be. seen st Portland Aute Sales, corner IiOWiisdale. sad Washington, opp. 15th. Auto Painting: ender baking, de- BTcry- body letter. isg. leaf work and arttstw desumlng; 27 years painter. Ess 1 IBS. 847 Uiiiisms sw, Wl818 FORD touring, io- rery good shape, I j cludin itr,"$240. easy terms. L. X. BILLINUSLEX MtTXOS CU, : Hawthorn" At, at- 8th. East 0720. 1929 HUDSON SPEEDSTER i - Y'tnrinrh-Tirtr shecks, 5 good,cord tires, eoae pietely overhauled, hew paint A real bargain : at 8125Q; ea'T terms. Call Atwater 0575. . BABT GRAND Cberroiet early 1918. offered by wner for Quick sale 8400. terms. L. r. Billing slez motor co. . Bawtaoraar Are. at 8th. - - East 0720. 4.Zi0 CHEVLOtT touring ia A-l aueehanical eooditicB. Tliis ear , baa been nrieataly ' driea and k had the basl f cam; res sen. ble terms. - Sel gAfe?. - - . . ' .: --" BUG I BUG! - - .Model Obli. Starter, Battery; $150 - , BaAiJarr. graham v child, pec : Barnynie at 11th. 90 CHEVROLET sedan, ma only few months; - 8 ecrd tires, BUntr, autotnaoe wind shisld eleaner, mirror, etc.; esc bke new; moat sell. Very ? terms. Tabor 8935. --- - FORD SEDAN, 1921, ia fin eondkion, new - paint aew tire on rear: lots of eitrsi. I am tearing city. Mr. Bamlfk, Bdwy. 6500. STEVENii-DCRYEA J touriag, an -exceptionat buy. new oords -AU around; 8275, .180 I'nion sve. . . :. . . .- -- - - li20 PUICK roadster iu perfect ssechaniai! . coadiaon, original fhusa, good tire; extras; must sell at once.- Walnut 8118. . . 1928 HUDSON SUPER SIX Car la perfect mechanical condition ; iota of ewsrs. 48o; term., -U Atwater 0575. ilAXWELL .18: new paint and top; perfect ia ersrr war: fair rubber. Ms; terms.- Paone Empire 072SJ OMB buy. PeerW. 8150 take it- f -: - good eoodiaon. BoaieTard Gaxsce, 4 2d and ; r-snuy. : 1&20 LIBERTT. exoeiitcit aiiap; w rubber; : eoij; uirai. 011 1. swx, apv H. 1-921 F0BD ecxip. Most sell st trace. Will take Ford or Chevrolet touring, as part pay. w ept. r-Boce mBt a.m. - 1120 CiiEVKOLEr: dmirvry. -Tiik .delivery ha beea oeerhauled and will be- prv-ed right f"r quirk sale; mmtrWrDj. rielL 201 1917 FgE i b. 1 ssir iieadTlHeritte, 31I5. 40 Gnuid ate. AUTO" -TCI SALS ECO Brack roadster. H aold f Teooa"'. I W CadlHae v loeMmfc VereeptioBally . vood Ford ton. Botch jnaaactc, lots uf - extra equipment v. .-.., 50 Boick 4 tour4 )ota of powerj, ood fere.. S 75 Mitchell rhara my roadster, is jaOra Cbaadler T-pastescer. ThU car baa been 5 oierhacied; od tires. .......... COO Oldsmobile 8. ? paaeenger. in extra Jtina eocditicn. a bi snap, " CadUlae 8. Thi i A real car f Jiil: bargain . . i . . . . a . M 60ft STasb aport mode, look Uk arw, only rotf jBOOO milea. S 3tT5 Btearea-Kaisht, look pail . rna Uk at --. 12B0 Crane 0-yL yoadsm, Isna condiaoii; r --....r-j most eelj at ence: a bargain. Oakland toticrjg, ma xily 6000 buIm.i. 700 eo tpeed wagon. It jm4el S50 ' I A; iTWJMS-OjBBOaBC:-;- ?:r &;5-'-.v- C'CL - BLEASDALE SSO Alder fit. ' ..... roadway Used Car, Bargains CadiOao.' T paraetner, new paint, cord tire . . -f. ........ -$S50 : FrankUn ton ring- J R nrw paint and Urea, ia daady ihape ......... 1150 Franklin 9-A 1 puxnf H chummy. ' A-l ahapa ' . . . . . . tv. , i . . 800 Dodge aedan. bargain i new paint. 10(H ' ltods touring, dacdy bay . . . . . . 70O.: jDberrolet Rsadatef, S wire wheel . : and tire . :'. . . . V. 400 KineU AU-Tear ear, with 2 top, - -in dandy shape ............... BOO liS Cole "eiibf 1 paasenger, 3 cord tire ..... . i .......... . 450 QldsraobUe "eight", unr paint and . tires v . . i - v; 600 Islington; ."a real buy; lot of ex- . : . Braly Auto CrOniparsyl 801 Bnraaide St. at 4ta ; Bdwy.. 01. ' BUGS BUGS BUGS - Pace bug. top and fender .8 75 1917 Ford bug, " fender . . ; ..485 -I 1917 Ford bug, 1 Tair lBa4...i. c175 - - Ford bus, cost 850 . . . . ....... S65 S : ' t other can o pirk trpm. ':, 181T Ford jhoaAv. A-t bapa..: l .. 1918 Ford tonring. np ........ 225 1919 Ford roadster, atartec tjrpe., 285 ' J819 i'nrd touring, ftejr toy . . , , S5Q . 1921 Ford touring, extras ....... 425 JJ18 Cherrolet touring, snap ... 215 ' 191 i Oakland laarinp, -potat buy. 25 1918 Boick 4 tonrinc,.. ...... 36t 1917 Bniek 6 ton ring . ; '. . . . 895 1918 Olds S touring OTerhauled,. . 42S I 1K17 Hiki. BUxfrtl "A.g Teanuied , o B ANSON'S VSEI) CAB EXOKASGB. Grand Are. and East Jtiaia St. " SOHB BEaL GOOD CSED FOBJDS 1931 Touring, good abape .......... 84 10 1920 Ttg.. ww punt, tire ......... 00 1920 Trg., A-l 'shape) .,...,,..,.,. 82-5 ivik lit, snnu ............... jo 191 Trg.. best buy out ...,. 195 1$18 Roadster. demounuUsles ........ 258 Otertasdl Trg., xfjos good 0 4JlV!rotet.Trg. starter i .t. . . J. 1 120 Ford bus, like new ... I i .-". i i. . -850 Other to Cheoa From. OPEN EVENINGS AND BCNDAT. UMVEBSAI, AUTO ' EXCHANGE, - lel-3-o Grand a?.,: 3t. Vsiainli. Et 0471. ' v See tel Wright - L . v'HCPMOBITBwv; " i new cord re. un isor. . snath'eht. ' ennbbera, bumper, ne-', . tunseter. This car looks just like fT - -- ' ?; ; : ; ' 1 : PDRTIJLVD MOTOR CAB CO., lOjth and Boraad. Bdwy. 0581. USED FUBD BKOANS AND COUPES"" I C.1G HT TO CHUGS E ViUM AN D ALL. AUIC .- -! KEAU BAKUA1N8 i EAST TERSE UAK9 TRAOEP i TAEBOT . CA9ETT, INO.i s ' ! E. Ankeny and Grand . - " '- i : East bill OPEN" EYEMNG8 TUAs B S0 ; . f v i i SUNDAYS 9 to ' Don't RisS? It! ' A leaky radiator may mesa burned-out motor. Get it repaired KOW. We are spa cisUats and gusrantee yoQ satisfaction. Badi ator SerTice .Co., Hswthpm at Unioa. saw E. Broadway at Boss.' HATNEs - 2-Pasa. Bed Bpeedater. reconditioned;'' same as new; 2 extra wire wheels, 2 spare tires, 2 bumpers;' most attcactira goadstas ia the mar ket; only 81050. HAINES AGENCY, Bdwy. 1814. 529 Washington St 1920 CHEVROLET TOCRINO Best bay ta citjr. Call owner. East 9584. .' 20 BUICK ROADSTER Low pnes sad wiH take some -down, 4ml. easy; take ear in trade;- factory finish avid cord, bumper and spot fight ; extra mounted; corns and try good one. 16th sad Alder st. MURPHt MOTOR CO. 1920 HUDSON SPEEDSTER This car im ia the finest ol mechanical' aom- ditioo and looks bks new. Has Wssting&oase air sprisg and all good tires. A bargain. Will sell on easy term.. Fhons) Bdwy; 7138. 19 OAKLAND TOURING " " Light that doe aU the hila on high; new Sires in rear: needs nothing; aU ready to go. HT a look. Price 3885. With 8150 down baL easy. 16th and Alder at. MURPHT MOTOR CO. Noticl Bepairioc radiator i sot g sidellaw wits us. It' our business. ' Radistor Oct ilea Co.. Hawthorn st Union and E- Broadway at Bass, JS20 BUICK six touring; U new tires. This is on of the best model Buioks and ia in excellent eosditsoa.- i must aeu at once. Only, 830O dowa drlTea Uus car bom. 1 East STtTDEBAKER . 1818 model. 7-pass. This car has had beat of ear, lust oTerhauled; ran like new; good tires; fin 'top. 8450; easy terms. , Owner, 510 Oteaou bidg. Bdwy. Hf8 ' ; - - 1919 OVERLAND " ; " Model 0, tourinc, aa:t see ear to real is the bargain. 8400. - I ; BRALET. vRAHAiI ek'tJHTLD, EfC ' V . Burnstde st 1 1th. FRANKLIN eenea 9. a good dsDendabl ear - that, . will - take you anywhere is - cosnf ort si a Try small expens. 4 claim Uus 2s the best buy is town. Let me show you. East IF TOU sre locking for a real buy ia a Mupaoou toarug ear I bar the Is teat 1923 modeL Has been rna anlv 9 ft lift niu. ana ia in perfect coaditssn. j Tenas If desired. wvj. raw ivil. . 1921 STUDEBAKER, Rue4al six Thi. . has always had the best ef car and looks sad runs hka a aew car. If you want a real car at a bargain pric don't fail to - see this we.- swtss ee. (v. 1920 STCTZ BEAB CAT Good aa new. new Mint -now fM .11 bsuled. guaranteed. Will deeaortstnts any where, any way. 31800. Saudi. 124 Broad. OLlKi FYHiR UOITIKTI-.B Latest model Old four roadster, cord tire. "t w meodasscaiiy. guvs. BRALEY. GRAHAM CHILD, INC ' Bnmside at 1 1th. 1924 KTtlTZ KfllJ -s - - baalsd. ruarantoed. Will demonstrate any. uer muf way, siet'n. -. Bapay. 184 tkrwy. Atltn Tons Beeowrmg and ; lepairiag rtfU nasocaoi pnea. i Salmon St., aetweea eta ass siroaaway. 1921 ELGIN SIX 378 ' BRALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD, INC, BorneMe at llta. 1923 CHEVROLET touring, only ma 900 asilea. WEI sacrifice. : So tae before buy let new car. Term, Sell. 858. PAIGE, 7-paaseager touring, rubber 80 per east mechatucaliy -i; 331119 Sown. - 250 1918 FORD chassis, Bosch high term on mag net, ho spot sasBif old, wate cazuohusc Call at 227 Balmoa. 1921 FOXID. special, like stew; has gearshift, a ism te system, shock sbeorpara, etc 3393. in& m n .www..- . . : - - 1922 New Ford coupe, 8113 cash for my equity in uis car, tts tua. aat. sia-Sl MAXWELL tourirn car. $115. - 8S4 East --Otga St. Bear 31st rt K SrUDERAKER light 4 touring. A-l conditioa throughout; 8150. 150 Vnfem ave. BABY OVERLAND, model 1520. 5 good tire. 35(, terras. - tseuwooa stvj. lELiiiN 6. la;., or viZi . tr4 luc Tui-j sniaa, isroaaway til. , UTC LUTC co MrcH nPENXB rpojc tmsas - , XOU 1.LX A CiiED CA n .r;-"-' -Tea shouldn't -lookm (or Oi - Tirwd ar mly yoa sbontd be IrirlnBr 1 for A GOOD PLACE FftOll WHIOU ,i TO BCT YOCB nsed eaf. On of tba v -"--Brest wy to get tb miximuxa i PLEASURE and USE out ot . aaed., - 4i: Car i to bay it from a, dealer whom ; A: yoa know ha as intexeit m yo ot i - ooly before ha eii joa, but sites-. .-. wards. . ; fcS rfv ;R is tb ' aabitian ' f-, fi3; Cwrwjr '!; Motor Csx .Co, ; to hare yoa for i f -UcaatonM ia th futare, a wa .a present ?t-.-.-.-v --. v. ' "AtWiTg THB BEST CAH3 ; THB IXWEST PRICKS." AX -' COTXT MOTOR CABCOHPASX. 4- 1 TWO IjOCATIONS Main plant ; WarfrfBgton4 at 21t st .rs Phona Bdwy. 42tt: -. i-l ' Broadway Branca' at 28-80 Broadway. I ia earn to take yea from oae v'H. .braacAv to the other. SOBINSON-aMITH CO. 1 t ! AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS i fitXTU AND UAD1SON ST&; - 1919 Chslm era toorinr. special . . . . . .8700 1918 panel delivery, starter ..:!. ... ( lfO Alodel 90 Orerhutd, psuiel deUTery. . . . . 225 FOBDS--FOKDS-?-FOKD8 L f 191T -panel aeji-wry, ? bargaia,. J 2...8175 i5 roadster. .ra ,i .j.vw.ii .v.TS0 1920 Ford tourinc ....... 325 1J xmriiif '.uv'.j -. : ,65 JS?2 fr(J tourins, satra . 35 i!ilI"Eord tonriBg ...... r150 Jord.oupe- : 475 EorJ 0P. rebnilt . . . , . 493 J 2o? E0" dm ' .. 515 A2i 4 sedan . . , j,.. &:,c' EOBrNsoN-SMrrrT co., ; " ; :; - WB DO OCR OWN APPRAiSIXO -- -a. SIXTa.: AND- -maimsqn: -51 Si0?" -4- - 1922- LEXINGTON 8POKP 5, ! ? - .This ia a lark sport model y baa orer 8400 .worth f equipment which faeiudes ord tires. 6 win wheels; Gabriel szmbbeim. Ronid toe pomp, Crank, trunk rack, wind deflectors. exc; aia car onginauy ow lor . 3 1 V 3 ; been inw leg than 80OO miles; can hardly be told .from -new; will' sacrifice for 82200. Call WoodUwB 2815. - - s THIS man bonisht ,' Frsnklra and wants " to sen iii 7-paas., LEXINGTON, par- " : tr tire, bumper, spotlisht. driud '.- de-. . fiectoar and motometer. CaB ! u ... 4 ; : bhaut acto eoMPijrr,, ' H 801 BURN SIDE T. AT FUOBTEENTH ' ... BROADWAT 801. , ; :fKB.FISCfi: ' gtadiatora, fenders, bodies, hoods, tanks, repaired and re modeled; auto atteet metal work a specialty. - ."-i-. -- , T 105-07 n, aa n'tij Phono Broadway 2299.: ' VERT LATE MODEL CHEVROLET 'This ton ring ia -like new one and we wfQ show you real bargain at 8365; all saw tires and I extra mounted, tools and some extra; terms If you want them, lfith and ALDER -at - MURPHY MOTOR CO. i - - K vr! 1918 PAIGE BTX" Jv.f.fU One of those beautiful cars: fine tires and ready to go: will take your old eax a initial . . r r n f . ' . .. ? s BBALET, GRAHAM V CHUp, ISO. P Burnside at llth.'7- 5 UTHE FENDER M41l J. E. ACCBHAK takes the kink out wkfl you wait; cevairs racks tors and bodies:' LIberqr radiator core for all .types of car in stock. BDWT. B214. 80 N. 11th st. near Burnaide. PEERLESS 8, 1920 MODEL -' Thi 7 -pass, car i . al buy. Just oeiep hanled, just painted, 4 new cord ims. Prioe 81250, easy terms. Would consider small ear or light sedan. - Owner, 210 r Osesjon bldz. Bdwy. 1658. ."Z -..TT ! DODCES1 DODGES l' DODGES! :?. j--' ' """ Beeonditioned Rebuilt i - : ; 8200 to 8800 - it, -i. i T Boadsters Tourings V; BRALEY; GRAHAM A CHJLO, INC' i . Buruside at 1 1th. ' ''.i: FORDS BUGS TOURINGS - - -FORD -touring, in fine order, only $125. P"Ojrd bos, a bear cat on bills, only 4175. (jd be seen at Portland Auto Sates, 25 Xolrri daleJcr.rrt8r Waf hmgton- at 1 Stlu, r .' '20 TTPE OAKLAND St DAN - , One of those fine -closed car far the rainy on; cannot be told from new, SO. -BRALEY. GRAHAM A OHlIdt.. AXC ; tiurnsiae at iitn. LATE light six tour., new paint new tires. i new na.tery, pcanse; ' iooxs. runs uks new; quiet, powerful, economic, easy riding, The best birr in etty. Let me demonstrate. ,8443: .'EW M AXWELL ROADSTER Witi all 1822 mechanical features. A Bil- vwnown corns. oio. s -.4 BRALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD. INC, ' Bunwido at 11 th. Sleep in Your Car JlaTe yoar car cut. to make a bed. - Positively win not weakea JUe car.- UwsDhoo, 704 hi William av. v 1919 DODGE touring, has been tun 5000 mile.''. Looks and runs like new. A haresin if takea st once. " . ,,. . 1. Phone Tabor 8455 " -- ' i 19 17 LIGHTMITCHELL- ' complete ae i1 sotv eauioment: also csmuinr outfit, eood I rubber om start to finish, and mechanical kr perfect Can Mala ,04 07. - - ' . FOBD SEDAN ,....... 1920 Ford sedaa, baa new tires and looks sad cubs like new. , - ''-.i fhoae ETemngs. is dot sd.- i WE PUT steel teeth m your old flywneel; erankshaft turnina. cylinder srindina. H. B., Black's Machine Shup, 834. Alder it. Broad way 2081.- ' - ' - 1921 BUICK I will sen say Buick tourinc : Hsa aasat run S0O0 mile. looks -and runs like new. . r-none arsner iiw, Apt, sob. i. i AUTO MODERN SLEEPER Aatiis reeonatraeted to'- eleeoers hp int.,. does .not weaken -or '.disfigure the body. B. B. JBcxly & Top works. n Williams. ast 1 1 y S- FINE t new 5-pas&enger s,ute at. -jrhci tannic mice: win : take. Piano. ' slayer or stand. In part trade,: or what ihay youf Teres if svs x wm sw - . - '. FORD .:; ROADSTER v Ib perfect condition. Very cheap, f Lots of extras.. 247 E. 60th st S. CJblEVK4.LET . Baby Grand, practically aew irabber, new top, - A-l mei b. rurally and up holstering; a snap. 845 E. Aelly st. SeiL 2340. . " , . - FORD-SEDAN Good as new, 5 tire, must be sold at once. 530 Aider St . " fiX'DSON super 6. late 1918, in perfect re- . pair, soau. vtiu sea on small eeva pay ment and easy terms ou the balance. tfiLn. 2481.' . '-.:,. FORDS 520 AND UP CHEVKOLETS Upnolstering - 424 BELMONT ' EAST 459 1922 480 CHEVROLET TIM.' KING Car in good condition, good tires, curtains open with dear. 1922 license, etc; very easy terms. . Tabor 5835. ... - . 1919 CHEVROLET baby grand. -ood me chanical condition, 5 good tares, cash or terms. Tabor 7533. - SAVE 8200 OVerland coupe, 1922. Brand new. license and insurance: 8900. Broad way 0030. -White Gsrage. 380 Couch at. 1819 CHEVROLET 490. New top, .aew tires, 1022 license. Good mechanical con dition; 3250 cash. Tabor 7593. ; CHEVROLET, lata model, big baxsaia; small , casb payment; lone terms; mast sell at eace. Main 1095. r .... , i , - WILL sacrifice my late model Buick 6. 5-paM. - touring ear if sold at once;. -run only 60 119 mOe. Ca Mr. Bacum.--Bdwy. 1180. WE TEAR 'EM UP ana ecu toe pieces. Poctr bmd Ante Wrecking Co 881 Aider. Bear 17th.-' Broadway 654. Mail orders fUled. Radiator Repairing 3 Feader Hi. g.goay st -rop wn. asa vt imsms. is. 119s. f BEO- LIGHT DELIVERY, 8li3. -r ::j- -- 15Q TNION AVE. DANDY Mai well bug tor sale or ttuis, very sp.' AtwateT 0400. OVERLAND touring, a wonderful yijBgf for terms. ia vnion are. DODGE tuuring, A-l eoBdiuoa; 203 down. ie l-ntou are. A GOOD bug, cheap; body cost 5100. ViU , - seii qniek tor 3bO. - Aet. 33-4. - lK 1 a juneiroiei tinr., sew nres, ocense per- l iocs exmuitioe, Jie; espy terms.: lu. 70t0, JC0UR cfisnee to jet a food touria car cheap. wa. -a " j . - - " " - ESSEX roadster. $715; easy terms to rearoia ble parjy.CiH Wdia. 24fil. , LATK iswdi-1 Cl:esriiat d r- ?'.-; lit .jjr;.ir BSTu i u-. r -3 Her ia a selected l?5t of good Bd cars frc-m the bocw of reiiaoie used cars, at lowest pmres: 1921 Ford sedan, lots of extra. . , . . . 3 ei 1918 Ford touring . 200 125 Jl Ford -tounng . , , lay! lort tounng .... . . ........ 1913 Fold sedan, with starter. . , . . , . 1929 Mitchell 6 touring ......... . 1918 Bran tearing .. .......... 191s btuts club roadster .......... - B2S 425 1075 325 1150 it Maxwell tounng : ... ,. 20 1918 MitcheH r oaditer . . . . . 375 1918 fxeriand ....... .- . 350 1917 Mitchell 8 touring : .V;-"75 1 9 1 -8 tu.de baker '' roadster . -v .-. . ...... 3 2 5 1919 ilivhed sedaa . .. ..... .. 4250 1919 AUteiveU ttvunng 1 V.', . v. . T59 19I Packard 12 touring . . . . , . .... X150 and a- number of other aod 3UTS -at tuuuo ally low pnees. . 40 Tear in the yorthweat Broadway at -ETerett st USEDCARSi '1t: fell.:.. 1920 -Ford sedan, lots of ,s-''"- ? ,::'" tras ............ ,3 n50 , Cherrol-t Baby "Grand. , I. - jSOO 1910 Nash, cord . tires, . new . i?- pi" ' jint-"i...i..i,,-..,i?:T5 f "' f lOIOFraaklin ........... IOOO X H-Nash club soadste'. 70O r vi 3921 r Appersos -sedao . . . . . 250O :'.rS-.'l921 Packard' Uitja 12 100 n .!;- - -1921 isedaa ,4, .,. ... s ... v.. i i;RortSandjiiotbr : Ciiri " ' Company ;i 10th and Burnside, PorUsnd. j ; r. - JBradwayJ52,t. .rJliy 1917 CHALMERS touring, in -fine condition: good tires ; easy terms. Ant 6S3-68. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 : -f . ; FOBD TRUCKS f Late 1921. pnenmstie eort W roar," Sea rty " .mw cah .sad ts Imly; Jioan.. . .8A28. 1820, pneamstio cords, tske body "and - ' eab, liaens . ...... .......... - S50 1920. chassis, excellent, h license, cord . tires V ' - v- - j .. 60 H k -A TALBOT At CASET. INC s -,4 i6-t..Authorised .Ford - Dealers." r J (- . vWEasfc Aflkeny and .'Grand Ave. ;.--i--v; -East 118. -- - EAST :; 5TERMS. V CABS TBADED4 s; i, iVXtiii JBVEt.-tn.,iiJj o:oo. - . ' SUNDAYS t- .- 4JTOH yREPTJHTJC ta first-elsss - ( shape, on pneumatic tires. . . .... $e 400 1 sto ssLlXWSLL, wita esb. windshteld. . ,. 'C ; sjad , body . ..... ......... 250 t ytoit ' TGRDarith sb. windshield east .j. . express -body...1.J,.. .. - ... . 800 2 ioa TBArTTO. with all gMr fir. . . ;450 4n STANDABD, with fm tire snd v in noeilsnt mecaanical conditinn 47B0 ."' Rojerts MotorCar . -PARK AND EVERETT BTB. 1320 -TOJf Oldsraobil truck, starter, witli standard body. This truck is in good -condition throuhout ; baa new . cord .tire -and li cense; Sasy terms. 3560. . .A. . - i TALBOT A CASET, INC.. " ' . i' ;- East Ajikeny -aw Grand -A"- f -:.-. - '-i East 8118. ' - f-v - FEDERAL TRUCK BARGAINS - M H ten, -late model, .rebuilt, like aew, 12 4n. Grant 'tires on Eaax. You can save 0Of on this truck. 5 44 ton Fedsrst. ood eonditiou. body .and-eab: ease 75.- Diamond T; le too, -1921, -like new. Best batsaia ta Oregon., See Stone. . ; ift ; WJI. L. HCGHSON .CQ., V U Bdwy' S21.- '- Broadway and -DsTts. HEAP TRUCKS ' E Mastor.t Federal, GMC. RepubWo, WWe. Atterbury and ssany ethers. They all rnust, go at jiewly rednced prioe. .. i , - - - -Phone Jensen,-Bdwy. Sftl.t Eve. Atw. J-fJlSS; 1-TON Gary truck. This track hs a license and 1 equal to Any ton and half truck en -the market - Has dandy body wth top. cab and windOiieM, UU Tabor 118 or llil, Hawthorne." '... -' - 1020 -OLDrJ 4vi. -wib express bwdy. "Cord th-es; 8525. Terms:- , . .. a. U T. BILLINGSLET MOTOR CO f Hawthorne eve, st 8th. East 0720. FOR SALE An 18-33 CsUrpilUr eosin with - - fire-bottom Cantos steel gang plow, all-jn A-l condition ; prise is light; .will civ term. John S. Beall. phone Walnut 4ML- - J l02pillEPUBLIC. Willi', excelleiit tires nd ia ' scod running shape. Need money, so let It go la 3300 and year pick between five. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 091. Eve. Atw. 0133. FORD' 1-toa track with open express body: snd top. Used "bat 0 days. Must eeU ruick, at a bargain. j6om Urms. H'TO, Jonraal. - -- r''- -.--i--'-"-' -'?y-.. 1.--1920 I'aCKAUD, 2 ton, just like new. This can be had st a very low figure and must CO quick. -: , :-. IJione Jensen. Bdwy. Eve. Atw. ' ,ei$J '2 TON RilrCKUC.- 1022 license, wood rub- ter ana equippea witn nunoer rous; gooa cab, wtndahield and -lighr;: for sale cheap. Make mesa oiler, call walnut 021Z. REPUBLIC 2tt-toa truck, eeeetad body. Thi - ear has been ran but 8 month. Will sacrifice. ' Terms to respousihhl party. 150 Union eve. - ., Ford Truck . Ifust be sold st once;-cheap for cash, ' - 480 Alder t Broadway -3 852. 8 TtiN PsckardJ with hand dump; job offer - of aarf value win o reiuseo. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691 -Eve. Atw. 0183, 1919 BABY GRAND Cheevrolet truck. -Will saeruica uus ear for uoics sale; sao. aaO Vniun in. - - '"-- ' '7 - LUMBER truck, special, if taken at once. This -can be bad cheap..-.-:-- -. v..: Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 61. Eve. Atw. 188. 102O FORD truck, in' fine condition, 4400. ... ... HQ. tf :- . .:. ' . .. ' ' : . LATE model 1 too .truck, cheap; . oouside lint -oar a trade, -uaec 7. MACK 2 ton, s-uaranteed same aa sew. Phone Jensew, Bdwy. 691. -Eve. Atw. 4)183. MOTORCYC)Lr3ICYCLES 03 BARGAINS IN USED AND REBUILT UARLET-DATIDSON MOTORCYCLES. vr BAST TEBMS " ' A Low as 840 Dowtv. " ' IfOTOBCTCXJi SUFPLT CO. .Sd at fvjyatf . fktaht 788. HASLET -DAVIDSON SBBTICf CINTEB t'SrJ MOTORCYCLES AU Makes Liberal Terms Used Parts 10-75 discount . ... KASJ SIDE MOTORCTCLB. CO, ' L . .4-46 Grand ava. , .- . V - Distributors for ACTS REA DING-STAN DARDETELjrD FOR MOTOilCYCIJES OR B CYCLES. . NEW OR USED SEE US Goods neht prices right terms rlgbt ' INDIAN MOTORCYCLE A BICYCLE CO.. " 209 Third St 110 HARLEX-DAVIDSON motorcycle, with - side ear: is best of ooodiucn; must sen. Aut 38-46 TWlX Excelsior electric, with side car. . The beet motorcycle io 4owb for the money, 8250.-- '150 Union ave. - CLEVELAND motorcycle, - 875. - 160 X'tuon eve. XT. j AUTO REPAIR SHOPS S04 CYLINDERS eebored, 3S.50 each, in most can wiihont amoTies; work guaranteed. nt- eut 252. -14J Kfiiingsworta. '- , -..- I WILL everhaal your Ford motor for $12.50; first class work guaranteed, i P. HsweiL Ant 440-85. 4088 73d st S. K. WE BEPAI3. your car at- your home or ours, Ubest stuck on the highway doa't forsret the Eumber. Phon East 1728. AUTOS repaired at -your boose r -mute, vriih guarantee. Tabor 1144 or Tabor 5063. AUTOS FOR HIRE EOS ACI0S TOR HIRE WITHOUT DJtfVERS CITT.CARAG'E -82 I51 St Broadway 849. U. S hCSETT CAP3 FOR HaiiS WITH , OUT IHIVER& - ARMY GARAGE. 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1T. TWO Fords to rent without driver. Itighwey : Garage. Tsbor 8S0I. Columbia GARAGES AND PAHKFNG S07 si CAGii PAID FOR LATE MODEL. LIGHT AUTO 630 VALUER. STIiEE' MONET TALFjfT- j vrm pay , casa lor untax. l,-tosBOV rs; mu tw Pfvuiar maaea, ro yL"!. trmriDgS r cled sajdeht. Bnn your T to 51a Alder st, cor. 16th. Phone Aw-g, 51t.67 -. MURPHT MOT' ifM!-A NT . ' .v -A f FOR FOEXS " Why trsae your J(J car en - a new msa, whew- we mul give JS Taiae .MB ; ToB S." J.ou,t. fpif i "-t th cash. Cash counts. T. McDonid. 18..4 Grnd Te- F.st 6319. WU-Ir? 4tVcrea. U mila' south of Tilla ,m!oky t.,tT"' -tdear of debti for used car. TsbSSlV Ct"X1- tor- AUau Prx, JV ILL Jp-ay' .Km. for Chevr3s ad FosdsT 'T. BILLLN'GSLET MOTOR Ca. HawUi Am s Te. at 8th. : Kaat -0720. AjED Ford touring body., in good eon fl,fnon. Call Tom. aUr 5 p. av. Main 4lLI par CASH TOR FURD3, CHEVRO ""13 JND -O V A ULAN D FOURS. -.It GRAND AVE.. N. cor. Et Burnaide. WILL iiUY any model Ford at tU nichest cash pnre. JpJfoedway 2488 0 WtshfngtOB st " HCVMOB1LE OR DODGE ' - : Waited; priTato party:- pay cash. 1 shor 4507. IXKD wii starw-r, in gotid shape, lur IvL-U- Biocd piano. WahinV O610. . -- -' - QUTTT m . fine home in highly restricted -dmtnrt for late meoel oar. I Atwater 0485. FOR S ALIiISCELLANEOlJS 900 "THE FUR SHOP C-REINER f ' Fine furs at lowest price. Remodel. Bg. clesnutcv stor j sge. Attend ' to your fur . wsnte now sad mve money. H05 Morrison. Bdwy. 4082. 8AVE TOUR WIFE Bead your wet - wash -to the Snowfleke laun dry; clothes washed snow white in separste compartments. THCRSDAT. r FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. 15 LBS., FOR 0. CENTS: . 4 CENTS each adrtitioaal pound: vaiuable pre mmms gin-n. " phone East-- 8433. . . .MRS, -S. W. "-HERMAN'S. APPAREL .. , EXCHANGE . -- "tf ruy and sell ladies' and gents' clothing. Costumes for rent. - Chines embroidery snd Pauley shawl, antuiue jewelry. 853! Fust st Aftrin 8070. : WB HAVE the largest stock of . jssedseenag -maehiiMS-n. the -city. Compare prices. W rent snd te paix. 172 3d. Bear Yamhill. - ' bffcS. SAF5i C'aBINETS. 'TYPEWUITERtj e are now stocking Jugti-graae- steel equip- reent .st the pnes jot -nsed: used typewriter and adding machines at lowest prices in city; ibffiee furniture rented. iD. .4J. VVsjt, 24-2 N. 5th.. Broadway 2739. ' Electric .'Motors Bongat..- sold, tented and repaired. Walker JSleetrio - Works. 418 Burn. ie, ,cert IQtn. Broadway 4674. THE JOURNAL as 14 brsscalile lamp fix tures, complete snd ia good order, carrying say lamp up to 200-watt: for sale. : Come, and see them st . The Oregon Journal .-bid, ask for George N. Hamilton. Supt. - , f S S E WING MACHINE l c eHisS.I 5 iThrrra. Latest ale - - s-s I fe W tnc. Hepainng. . Ken1 d :TJM S UI & 1 53BO. i Motor. Pe s. STORE 1I WEST PARK. MARSHALL TS1. BREAKING up houekeepiag;scriice erery Jir7 - brand n aw . water heater, stair rar- pet, piano lamp. Victrola. ic chest, and 8B50 Piano, gooa s new. 1122 vtBusna, turuse for rent, near East 54th and Sandy blvd. DOORS, windows. ' moulain ss. - millwerk. :lass. . sereea doors, roof iag end hot bed ..sash.. -See ear odd stock of raau -and doors lor price. 1. B. Scully Co -downtown lumber tore. -17 1 Front bet Aforvison sad Yamhill. -Main 4213. Marion "Butter -FRESH DAII.T AT 0OO E. DAVIS - A. T. McCAULET CHERRIES Large, select Bibs. Hand , 'picked. Take SeUwood cr to end of line, walk down Oehoeo or drive tec end of East 41th W. T. O'Brien. 1809 East th. jEXECTRIC FIXTURES at wholeesle; ,1 -light " : chain. 70c; 3-Hght fixture. $3.15; porch rights, 90c: we do electric wuina. tsiubls Electric. Unidn st Russell. East 3ti80. - THREE theW'basss for meat market-e 9 foot eouarter with drawers, en -small show ease. -Westesa Fixtasw .Ac Showcase Co., 16th and Jefferson. - i. ALASKA WRECKING COMPANY All kinds ef ebtiikting , -material, lumber, pkunbing, window, doers sod furnace 'for sale. Ysrd, ad and Columhia. -Main 5107. WE HAVE a circular ssw , which can be run - off - Ford ear end - wo will' sell very m- eonable, in, first class coixiititvn. Call at 1111 Hawthorne .sye. ; Jlsbor 91.18. ' ...... ' CLOSING OUT GROCERIES 'JrVell sssorted stock of groceries at whole sale prices. - Your chance ' to buy and save money. 855 Y' am hill at, cor. Psrk St. SEE THE VXTLCAi camp bed for cam pine ana toanaa; xmen camp oea made -, suitable for .spsni roam o .sleeping porch. 41 Grand eve. - Eat 4S9g. - - ;-t - . - 10 DROPHEAD sewing machines with attach ments, 320 each; portable electrio machine for rent; sewing machines cleaned and re psired. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand, eve.. E. 3859 glfftifk UUSINESS CARDS . ACORN PRESS. 28 H TVashtefrton St - Broadway 8649. LOGANBERRY juice, pure and fresh, 81 per gallon. All kinds of kegs and barrels for ssle. - 1108 Hswthorne. Tabor 1522. . . ' VtOMEN'S wearirnr lapparel for le, ssi 86 sad 3S ?lort suits, dresses and l.i!orwi anita. Sj -priwte vty East 9299. - LOGANBERRIES .put into Juice. Bring -your berries fro as lor ' pressing and straining. 1108 Hawthorne, wear 87th. - Tabor 1522 ELECTRIC fixture for 5 rooms. 315; big - selection other fixture. . 207 -Chamber of Commerce bid.. Broadway 4258. ' gni(fh BUSLNKSS CAKDS . tfel Wilt i JtOSE CITY PRINTER Y. -JSC 34Q Washington, bet 2d ana 3d. ! C01I BIN AT ION wood, coal and 111 rum n only tyo moiiUis, Jfor eel. CU York, SeH. THOS electric washing machine. : prsettcslly . w;fr bargain. 692i Sth t, K. uat. , vuo. BABY'S ivory Bed. -in new cooditioo, ' coamteT st a sacrifice. 592 E. wtb, stf SV Esst 7903. PICK TOUR OWN LOGANBERRIES at de. w vraaav ilia iST I .Block Off !. VtfioB. -Phone Automatic 644-S3. 1 ----.: BLEACHED, laundered 100 lb. flour cecbsl x.v-au, wwa wnen na xoc ror -postage wd inaurance. Sncwflake Laundry, 48Q Belmont, LMEB0LD SAFES, new and secondhand; spW - cui, . , .lujw Dciir . et ospply Go. 48 Front st, Broadway 1989. . . FOB -high-grade furniture repairaug, upholster ing snd mattress work at small cost, call K. A. TAULKNER. Main 4477. . FAMILIES and 4eopie who . sue -particular - milx-fed chickens dressed ta . rrt.e .i- Ill . W . . FIRST-CLASS fur, lace, linen and numerous articles of lady's wardrobe. - Phone "Sell wood vpo., 11 o etznoay x to 3, CAiEURXES foe sale. Snug container nd"pTck them: 6c A. S. Seayl. 2221 .. Hoyt st M-V depot car. FEED jour baby pure goat mill, from Port .. . land Goat Dairy, and see It grow. Delir errd to any part of the city. Cell Tabor Q307. CHOICE Royal Anne To snd 2c s pound. J J. Dolsa, 1941 E. Salmon. M. T. car to 78th at Tabor 1638. , CHERRIES, 8c, 4c and 5 on tre. S. Hew. Kiilings worth, Bear 57th; ao picking Sunday. - - - - -r - .. . BLACK. REPUBLICAN clierritw 4 oents 'pa tree. . Tabor 6984. V LADIES' GOOD LOOKING CLOTHES Used bargains ; come snd look. Tabor 2 8 25. TWO good rifles wita eases, reds, -T"Tiiniriim Ant S 18-68. ONE Hoover junior. A. C. current; 1 Hoover special, slightly need. Bdwy. 9852. WINDOW scraeni. mirrors, esiinet work, etc - Celt Wain. 1487. - - r , ... LARGE PAFE Special bartrain if taken at ; once. ' Will gree terms. U-ll, Joomsi. FTlR XLENT -Electne veeuum cleaners. 75e a day, delivered. Wahint 3 259. JO MILD Doa J oh eiar, 82.25, postpaid Heitkemper. maser, m s orter. GET yoar furnace properly cleaned and over . hauled: don't wait Call Leonard. E. 760 8. 2 HOLE k itche a bealr erith coils and copper ooti water Beater.-'. East 48-52. - - - -. . SD HAND brick for sale. '. Call after 8 p. m 392 E. Stark. Apt 44. phono East OOS2. CHKHRIFS for cannUig, black Oregon, fie V0. 1203 Simpson at i. M. Dolsa. CHERRHCS, Uuyai Anne, Black' Republican, 4 In. en trees. 39 K, b5ta et 8. . s FOR SALE Bine and' Soya! Ann cberriesl ... -S819 2d st. S- E. 634-15. . . , MANNING od burner, $10. Tabor t33. coi 825 for cash LAilBERT cherries. Aut. 2T-6. 8003 Powell Talley, BX FUR SALE -Good 77 auto tent, almost new. ' r"-g're 0170. - - - . - - :: ' . -. - -. l.-jljL, ANVn i.i Cjfi:. f ,r tM, m it . 52d. comer Aiii. Taoor 7.166. : OAK KEGS AND BARRELS For packing bemea, caernea and eiber eom aodities demanding a -semi-tisbt eootainer. Free irom ail .odor- or sap. - Also fir keg sad barrels fur packing mincemeat, .pukied pigs' feet, olives,- fish, powdered mils. let handle your order. We uanhtee OjBality. terrtn, sausisetion. . LAYT0N COOPERAGE CO..- , : Maia oiuce. 321 Water st. Portland. Ox. SEWINa XJlACHINES .EMPORIUM V Meeaines sold for lesel . No ageets employed. Guaranteed ejsed "Sa ehine cheep. Parts and repaina for lil m. kam . s.K....i j.gQ'3d. neaTiofiSte "CARPET; CliEAN INQ RtyiiTiNG. RELATING, RESIZING, ETC 8x42 rut. steam elesned. 81.25. Si tt tresses made oeer. Feather renovated. -All kind ( new - mattreeses for sale. - - Fluff j-taig wo sen from old carpet. Furniture upholstered sad repsired. - . . ... PiONEEH , MATTRESS AND CABITEX t.';; CLEANKO WOKKS. - 4 1072 -E. Lincoln St. - Ant 2ST-0T. SH OTQUNS, ' R1F3UES I .- . Teats, Camping Outfit. Trunks;'-; :J -, Hesune Stoves. Electric Fsn. t Topis esd .. . ' Anything ef Vslae - ? j-r-Bouebt,, Sold and-- fcieagl, i--; .Newman's Exchange;; -128 -1st between Aider and Washrnston. ?f Bdwy. 71l, ,Aat 425-82. Aut 627-46. i Electric Fixtiices'l Bay - direet from factory sbowroam; flaest selections, -all. style: ese H : come sad- samples, you sre under no. ehtirauon to -buy. STANLEY LUT2, . . 207 CHAMBEK OJT COMMERCE' BLDU 3d and Burk st. .- Oiroadwey s5S. 6HO ft CASaS NEW. 0SEI AND MADE TO ORDER.' BOY. eelLex chanea Cash Resutenk Scsias. : Founts. us end miscellaneous store fix tures. See first. . BOXER TRADING CO..-'' : )' 129 1st t Broadway 743 ' CEDAR' CH ESTS '. Direct lrom fsctcrr to your home. Trnwn snd Fort - Urford edr; sotld . copper . trua BUpgs; latest designs. : Write for catalogue, J .....'.J- W- LOGINS SON. : 1912-18-18 E GLI8AN ' j T4 BQTt HQS: WE AVE TOTJ-AIONBT J House wiring. Hthting- fixture. i.d electrical teiieiriac appiiss, Third j Street ; fclectrse -Store, -224 iSd st. near Salmon. 8055. , LEAKY BOOF. EH? Very sgeratating. , in--deed. - Why not a comfort ble snd perms Bent roof t We repair. RUBBER-BOND snd rejuyenste all kinds ef warped, -cracked, weather-beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated, old. leaky roofs; work avanateed.- Phone uroaaway OUOB SAFES Fir and .burglar i proof safes; ' new snd aecomiBasa. at ngo price, bought, sold snd each aged; assy, terms if desired - - - - - sNORRIS SATE s X.OCK CO. 105 Second st- Urodwy 74)43. DANDY 8250 Vlctrol snd 17 records, some red seal, now offered -at unheard ef -redue-tion. 3100, to sell immediately. Owners leav ing for Missouri. See Re-Sale Department Kiu-r- Mn-ic Building. 3id floor, or phoue Broad way 5523 "itERUlLT WKlirtNG OUTFITS - From 335 up. Investigate our exchange srstern. Northwest Weldicg, A Supply Cos, SS First st, Portland. Or. ; - Nelson i-adder 'Works r 267 -SECOND ST. PBONE MAIN-S2C8 LIGHT LADDERS FOB CHERRY PICKING1 AUTOMOBILES. LAUNCHES. , JdOTOR CYCLES or boats are swperet l-lsseifiea-tioBs; a large Hni.-i will b.tuuad under these different eleasif icstioHS. - ; " ' ' Kill washed ea your ttoer wita Hamllton - ttesett electne carpet washer; also vacuum rlcamng done. - East 4Q46. . : - . CSEDTNational casn register, 1 eent4 -84.' ' 403 Merchants Trust bids. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 01 MiTl-SCMMEH. SALE SCHWAN PIANO CO. New, Used Fiasos, Players, .Pbonogrephs. Geo. Steck ek Co.. upright.. , .3 "00 now 534 5 Rrmth A Barnes, uprikt. ...3 450 bow 8265 Kstey 4c. Co., upright ..i ,3 475 bow $265 Fischer, . upright , ,-;, i . . r60 w$ 25 Sclmhei-t nnrisht . . I . . 450 now 3275 SchoeoJngez, upright . ... t.. 475nw 82951 llanisota, plsyer . .. f. . . i . 3 750 now szsaJ . luMuiseo, . Dtayer, . . . , v. . - w vw uww e " Thorn mob. plavex J. .j. . . 1 . ' i8 450 bow 3495 -SiBSW." plsyer . .. .51050 now 3505 inompson, plsyer UfUr now .-. Hallet -eV Davis, ptayer.6.. j0O0w;8575 Steward, phonograph ...t.8 ,15 wow 3 . 7.-50 Grsinnol. phonoirraph i. -..S ;3r, new 8 -ttO.Ow Sonora, phonograph , 8 455 now 3 85.00 Stradirsra. phonograph .'..$ -ft5 now $ 45.00 Grafcaola. eab. 'phono... .3 90 bow 5 65.00 Emerson, cab. phono.. ... 3160 now 3 85.00 Brunswick, cab. nhono. . . .8149 now 8 00.OO tjuadivsxa, oab. phono.. . . $165 now 8 95.00 twDors. -can. piM...4.,.iiTsmii99.vu Brunswick, cab. phono. .... S280 now 1 0. 00 Victrola. eab. pbono. . . . f .3350 sew S213.O0 Terms 85, SlO Cssh, 3, 3 or More Monthly. 103 .I0TH ST AT WASH. -AND STARK, I Security Storage Co. Cosing tint for Cash. H. Bord Jc Co., upright. .... 8275 now $ T5 Mozart opricbt ...... . .. .8S50 bow 3 100 Prentiss Pisno -Co..-. . .. J , . . 8950 new $143 Hallet Jk Davis, uprights V., 3375 now 8195 Ceroid 4 Co.,, unrieht.l .....3375 bow $215 Kensington, -upria-ht ...... $425 now 5245 - 101 10TH BT.. COR. BTAReL. . LIP MAN, WOIj;E A CO. PIANO SALE " -fie -upright pianos en sal -oow -t 8295. ssvic . es ti?i x?tk . New grand pianos on ssle now .at $675, 3870,- M7 o.-ioav, ete. - -i - New player pienos on sale now at -3895. 3425. 8495. $675, 878, ate - - .- . Reproducing pianos, fcew and used. 4oX5, $695. 3875. $1050. 81350, ete. - If you do not want to pay -cash, par $8. $8, 10 or more a month. Free dliery within 10O miles. Seventh floor. - -j . ; .1 - Corner Fifth snd Waebingtoei te. VICTOR horn ....$ 10 Edison- cylinder, recorder and records -18 Victor VI, oak . J -S0 Brunswick, - 7-inch v ... i . . ... . . . T3 lolnmbta K. new ................. -I Wjddiromb , . . ... . , . , .-85 Victrola XI, mahogany , . . 1 1 0 Sonora -Noetnrne . . -j. .140 Sonoa .Baby. Grand ...... . .. , ... ..j.. .185 l'honograpn Irept., - v - SfclPMAN, W'OLFB 'CO.- -" CLEARANCE SALE O NCSED PIANOS Price 300 end up. - including CHICKER- 1NO, -STEINWAX, HOWARD, KING SBURT, KIMBALL AND OTHERS.; Special term ttli month only, fix them and be courinced that they sr real liSreains,. ; - ; , SEISKKLING-Lt CAS MCBIO CO. ' ? 125 4th St., Bet. Wash, and -Alder Sta. ELI-X1ANT ood.' e new, plana,- piano iasno. Victxwl. stair earpet, ice eBeet bread aew water heater; breaking up housekeeping ; sacrifie everrtlrine.- 1422 Wisteria, house fori jrent -near East -64th and Sandy blvd. PIANO tuning end reuamng. phonograph .e- painnc, any make -,. - ,-: SEIBERLINULCCAS WCSIC CO. 125 4th St Bdwy. S57S. Special cummer rate on .rented piano $4 per m'" , 1 Baontns- rent appnea en pur- : chase. " ' - '.-K-,- HABOLT S GILBERT, IQT Westt Par. - PIANOS moved. A3, ground floor. Work done by experts ana graarwuieea.; sjan oroaaway 207. Atla Tran i Sturage Co.,104 N. 6th. SPECIALTY BARGAIN SALE, . On pianos end phonograph, v at 409 CnKm sv. N. - - - : -:. . - -; -. ! PLATER piano, SS-noto green -oak ease bench. - and ! rotes ot muaie. - rne iwn. ,: js Boxer, 146 iiBtet IT DOESNT pay to be toe. cheap. Get a eroperiy repaired pieno if second hand. HAROLD S GILBERT. 107 WEST PARK. FOR SALE Smith A varoe upright, 8145. Mm. .A'ermse. win ... aicoy. at. acott to Tremont ; -'-r:'" ' .' - " -' ' -'-' ' - FINE pianos for rent $4 a month- . Empire Trauisfer, 424 setrerson. - Broeaway 105. iX)Ji SALE So timer piano, s prirat pi , . !(-na-ealers.. -Tsast f?S. Party. PliONOGRAPKS foe rent with records, 52.50 a month. - Empire Transfer. Broadway 155. 8575 KOHLE3 A CAMPBELL piaae -only 3150. terms. 312 Wereester bldg. '' - -EKTNSWICK -phssaograjm, . lor sate cikeap. .-Sell. 2143. --j-- - -r- ' -- : STEIN WAY GRAND, $100 easb-i , private nartv. Walnut 1976. :- LAli'rE Grapbephefte, aimjt new, 60 racoros. SO. WlfllU PHONOGRAPH repairing, sprine 2e wp; part : : . mr.A M...1 &ft U--..1. R.l , . . , HOUSEHOLD GOODS 802 OVER5TCFFLD S Piece lin room set - walnut dminC reoa set, Uaivecal eesa- ba'.ion rants, razs, bedroom ierciture. Wslnnt 5359. -'" ilUIIET, oak library table, laetiwr ciiair. At mintcr rua ; oiner furniture. Will scd cheap. E. 5534. fTKMTL'Ku of a 3 end 4 rou Louse for sue ci.ea.sj; leaTitiz t.--i. Ascot ssrais, Bsse Hue road.. - STORAGE SALE GOODS TO BB SACTtTFICTT FOB, - WAREHOUSE AND LOAN " CHARGES T5f0 sciusre I ret floor aper fiTied with hicb grade furniture of every kind - snd description; antiques, enrios.. eto., iSaees, .pooeeerephs, violins, vacuum, . eleaner. electne. pads - end blaaket, cirfiea, -rut si,-; maesive- ta -docks,.: , W'iitoa and orieatai nag, ref nter-t-tors, - sewing -machine. automobile r and truck tires,- wire wbeel snd parts, variou and many ether article to Bumexeu ta teeatioBv VA .rv- : .-SECC3UTT ' rTORAGE. ' TBASS--. --,-.-.---:.- "FER CO.. . 4th ; st , Pin Sbv- - r:-.-S:--' -i -: - Oppoaue eialiBomih Hotel. . - - - SBsat'This? ;it Can't- - .Be.Dbnel r - jWillianiimdiiig , -1 Dining Suite ' . ... ' Solid eekr tbsmh.ssd tlwoaahp Jee- t - . beam finish; consisting ef ,4b-inch table. ' 6 -font extevjeien,-; snl- 4 -chairs with- frenu- tee teatherv slip j seats; tvvorta - SS2v60.; ; July-eale price ... ;iU-T3 . ? Term arranaed-to; snib, you. - : I-ishFurnitMmJCQ. .138-190 First St DANDY $250 Victrola aad 17 records. eea red-seal,, now offered st onheard of reduc tion. $100. t sell immediately- Owners leav ing for Missouri. See Ke-Sale- Department, Liieri Single, JJletMinaV-SXwr. r pbone vroea- way 523. . . - - i- ----- - - ' :- ONE. mahogany- davenport table.. 1 mahogany - - mantel clock, 1 t vaeuaor cleaner, "; 1 f ioor lam r. 1 '"Wilton rug.-'-OrlS, end vjther, arti--, 1143 Senate St., 1 block sooth vof Handy, blvd.. Between Tta and 3tn. Tber 794. FLAT for cent lumiUir for sale. , Cali Haia m fOR SAI-ECTINERY 903 , . 'MOTORS AND COBfPRESSOBS . '..' . MACHINERY ; i v'Vj . r Eleetricsl Installatteos.-i'. '&' s t iuvis mECTEic ico; fl1"' TS Front st. cor. Oak. ' " tAuC 525-49. DONKEY HE-iies for SSis er -txchsure for. land. Bdwy. 1226. S. A. Getter. : 201, Oregon bMg. - i - . - ' . - .-. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 HOUSEBOAT, 4 room . sad bath, ; furnitd '-'I r-.Bnd ore, osk ;oojdwpod. sawdust, cot fuel eity Water. -light and ees: lonrtsd en goodrERd ?eoal. , AH: .ti- 'a&:l?rif; '-vtt give aw xintgeie moorare. - i-OAine fteneoou e - i. run riAW -cw, m-nia-n e ronra Breswai, 1 , 1 . T - , , ... , . . with bath, hardwood floors, hot - and -eoj-t weelectric lishb ,At barsatn. Atwood 0969. . ..- v--. sH modem conveniences. ...jio, S Orcson -Yeiit C!nb. : SelL-3955. WANTED- To rent hieboat; must have iSt least S . rooms, f ami -lied; tenants dewro ta eosupy entil Oct. -1 ; w'ten answering, state mount of rent . denxndeo. H-l', .Jonrnsl." COMX)RTAKLE 2-rouuv houseboat for :xle -eheap. fall Jennings, Main 1904. - - . FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 905 ALL AkAEES GUARANTEED REBUILT 35 tn 75 per cent below, mannf acturer Js , prices: itUJls -35 easn sna so montaiy . desired. IJLTE , f MODELS RENTED, 8 months $7.5 np. - - - - - . .,- WHOLESALE TTPEWBTTER COt ; ' 321 tVasiuoeton St Broadwsy 748L BJCBTTILT typewriters, slD kinds, tor ssh, 'reut excuanse. - tve sre exclusive distributors ef . Cosoea porta bis. 830 eoasplete vwitU carry ing ease. Supplies and repair 1 for all make, Oregon Twewoter Co.. ; 84 . J jftn at ., vitraad. way 7169. vitEP AIRING a specialty, estimate, rentals; - bey, eeU,- ex. ; ad. aBechines repaired. : -Typewriter -Inspection Co., 812 Stark. Bdwy.'-734. SWAPS ' B2S BOND pteyer piano, mahogany case, good con- trUon; . wlj take light ear; part payment EaatSTt.. -- ... . ... -i . - FORD touring, good tires, spotlight etc, 1022 license. Take good lot sad pay difference Teber.6020. -. ' ; -:- - HUDSON .seal coatee to exchange for -automo bile "equipment, remui as bumpers, :SpoUiat; lso-extra tires, etc. East 2336: TRADE new .Columbia phonograph - for auto - -- mobile, bag or whs t aT you t . Tabor J a IS DISCOUNT aew Studebaker six. Can give im sjaediate delivery. Jinka.-Main 9563. 18-20 CHANDLER .tourinc for lot elosa . on esst side. -East 487. - 1918 OAKLAND 6 touring for furniture. East 7909. GAS stove to exchange for bicycle for boy. avast eooj. --:-- ,-.: .... .-- , . 100 SHARES Lower Columbia Oil ex Gas Co. . What have you f - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 050 SECOND HAND CLOTHING 1 BUYER '.-, 11KYEB THE TAYLOR cava eao. (end-Band -soits. ehoas. avereoats: We .'eail 1 esjr or evening. . Atwater i229 or 25S Madison st, sear 3d. ' - - ; . - - - DIAMONDS end gold bnugnt, reiiabl sstissstsi. s. M.mci, i to oenmg Diag. - WILL PAY CASH for imtU safe. Gl eise, ' price and sddress. V-98. Jomvisl. . WANTED Baby bassinette;, must be in good ooodition. Tabor tiSJ-i. -- TABOTt 73i4 WILL BCT"OLP -CARPET.. WANTEDFURNnURE 952 Owl Furniture Ctv Near -. AlomssB. We went roar used furniture. 1 stovM. uw- f-peto and pfewos. - We py -the bighest easn' prioe. , J66-168 FTBST ST." Call Main 4627. f . 1fV - sf IT .v trk vs fc. ' Boy fjss k ist as well m ebMM end-tistvl mrfiitiire. g6 Grand ve. Est f(17. CALL Main .2301 end set cash for furniture. ' PERSONALS , -97S GET WELT. THE 3lflBOraACTlb"wAT - iv-ij.jj trkrv nsnu - ..... - . 4gcnool of Chiror.rctic. 'luxated ta PorUand unee 1913. Will -save special sates jfarriwe July end Auruet - Positively -do informaUon over the.jphone. J417 Alisky bldg. . SOMETHING NEW I KEEP TOUNG i . ' rtn-le SVtlfr A. the . lnaensfke.-...,u L.1I 44SO it. .-flow ana- "..ifc.-. JL-cZTlr niclit Cams All vjiiht and Sanday. v, FiAins, also erswfkui. 2 jailgs eaxt cf Oregon City, u-o us njSkU. -" ATTENTION. LADIES! ' """" eloejMpa. enstie fmm .::.i r . . ... JOToaayhoji, 673 Wsaluneto si. Bdwy, J 415. - ----- --- ' - ' .: M M GETS bota feetfUed up st Dr Eaten ,a3r' Pinle CHUiOPODlSTS and ARCH epecteHvta. Jjrebliahed 8 yral Exam, free.- Blue Mouse 'Theatre bldg formerly Globe bids.; 11th at Wash. formerly .' Stamps and Coins ' Bought end sold. XVmw bwu4.n - r-..i- bia Stamp- A Coin Co., 94 N. 16th st WHY DIET? AT XVHAT -ffr? v-v i 1 MME. EE i! A FRE. "GLANDULAR TUEliAPTf -a. l x.arin.1 tlitsn BlDUlLili 2 -'3wmbia St - Phone Main 433 T. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, blackheads, mm- V pies, Ue pores- removed, expert enerat-w CDiolomaa Boston. - IDiirtn. :. m... . : Board). SOI -Bvoadwsy idg. 'Main 5109J JaZZ- Begianers er advanoed i"iarnr ril : esusuaer rate, 81.66- mk; m.i $15. Prsetice rooms free. Perkae i.u Scbool. 514 Eilers bkiy., Washi st, at 4th. - DO NOT throw your watch away, .! - wiii e. psir ana-guarantee any -watrth - 2 xasn: pnoea eeasonabJe; 20 yean expeneeee. Harry Brown. 171 Tut t. Beer TamhilL SEATTLE Private party, want few paeveB- cers: to defray expenses: - leavirue .' Vr:,i.. Main 45I. Apt . - - ... -, ' LR- MARIE KLINN. 380 Fiat at-, draglea phyadan: ejeetrie treatments for nmr,:,. rhewme tism. veiatwa. J1 -aches and pain. DJt-v x sajvkw, jarse eosBiorxsoie ear, want I - few passengers to defray exmsuea. A -rf iV) Main 9451. - i . - SUPERFLUOUS hALh, sooses, warts, removed . by 10 needle method. . Trial free., Josie Flniey. 614- bosh A Lane bldg;. Main 6S6H. lwkiti.jl-I Y S81 i Wsahington st. Mi PAIN. Your -TEETH SLKKy'wniss ere work. WOULD like to o witn. party motoring to Spokane soon.. Call Dr. Isdeil. Main 324. TRY the treatment of the eii knosn V4tr cureelvenet 3SS taaihia. Mar. 1322. MINERAL trestmt. SS5 Tamai3- Office hn. -9 to 1 p. m. For supointaient, Mar. 3522.' EXOM for two in Dodge car to Seauis thi I nnrtJAf ..msu;-..uou tree. Bdwy. 4ab3. LpSwyer 404 wini pidg.. 6tnt. MASSAGE bstbs; kon?. eooMipeuun, tjjn. l. Ka boreitsen. 50a Psnj I her, ma ns m a b,tjt BE0ADWAT 4tii.ll'"-"' Hwf-iiJi 1 X0 IF, li. ' L'' AND- EULTSS : HCCOROIO" PLETIia CUT, SEAM. hem. machine pi&t irt for -81 14: hentstitcuuig, etc.; ni l orders so. .irited. Old ftiri-i repleated, $L tdittra Novelty Xlfg. Cs. P5 1 Sth st RT GOODS CHINA PIRINO OiOili.1-: tskn tu .all ait goods;, lew -'i sj eciarty c-f china Jiring. , . 493 Wsihiiistoa st - Bro4wav-S31. - ., " AtTEROTIOWS AMD TAttOBIfiJ 3 TI'T'Q .EittSsEU anile you ;.. Sit; - casts dned end blocked neht; tstlsfsetioa, br.-no pay. - Ma:! orders ecici. Regal Cleaners.. TsilorsA Hatters, 137 N. 6th. kii'ERT titan and repairina. Unu iur iu- . tonaaOon.- a ; GERLACH. 408 Wsa. et.. Hoora 809. "j SLAW K- 'trOOK 'IWAKEetS " A1A VIS ,4- HOLAiANV LVC. 10U 2d St., Mgr. Bock msrmtsetnrers. -A-31b3. lidwy. 5 7 1 4 . 8UILOYKl Pt.AT3- 10 Siutii LjLlGN il3 ' and UD. - Otiier to -- erric Brredwsy 2049. lOV M- AKKKS. b04- LKWW BI lHi. . ? CHIROPODISTS iut J. U.' LFLETC-HKrt Foot tr&uhie" ai ttsficaHy corrected r tady aaustent. 612 Jdor gsn bids. . Mm Hj. :,4OAC A WD WOOD PER: LO AD, $ ..... . TWO-LOAD IiOIS - --- 10-lnrh fit blocks and slab, runs nsi-tJy dry. ;?,UB,: of heater. ORMki.V FUEL CO.. WOODLAWN 4102. ;CT "Box wood,il4 V , 0-; I "Or, oak,', slabweod. tense wood ; ' 3-mil lrry; iprmpt serripe. . - MULTNOMAH FUEL CO.. Main. 554Q snd - 8 1 1 9. . - - 18-in- Btock or Slab gi efp Per lrj4.- !nace er heater. per Iced. 4-lT, PHYUBWOOiJitVSH CUitll. -NATIONAL-FUEL CO. k BAST 'JOtl. DUT NO. 1 OLD FTR CORDWOOD - 37 cord in 2 cord lots; No.. 2, $5 mrd; beavyio inch block and slabs, mixed, i $5.50 eord in-a cord lots. -Atwater 2855. Box" Wood "i4''' Per Lead Slab wood. - Fulton - Vaed . Go. - . Msin 4173. tHt a A i-iS Sl&bwtwwl 1,1 v1.a v t Hmb ' fnl C. :4 tth it Bdwy. 0353 ; ia u . , , it , - . , -x-.-, - -1. . - ... . - .... n,., .i.l, IU11. , I . . o : i - ciirsvy. ---a.-aii; eevee in v. f-J . .- . . ' - 4Hd . growth tir. cord wood. ;coocL heaw rri ; T. -wr rcr1. East 745 t XTTT-r. . .. ... - ' - best slab. , KITI. ' Hot IIHV km fl. h. . ' Pent Fuel.- . . . 9v i 'jO.A'atii eordwood. hesry country prlreg. Ea?t--7921. Holisdsy Fuel Co. Nl'iIii5S snd dry fir 37.50 per cord"; he ry greei! conn try Hab. $5.75: body sud pole esk 89. BO rer cord. Mstw 6241 .....--.'I 1 . .1 emu ii i i mi July, dry boxwood, 33T25 -34;blork -and -!b, i$4.5i-rer load. rnat. Wslrrat 864 9. . - - ' siid Call - ?.JX.,d- 8 donWe-U-ft. blk. and - Mao. Wslnat 194 5. Bdwr. 2345. 1 our prices on NV l fir and -best of osk. Phone Walnut 7339-. "B.Weii'O a corl Moore DENTISTS - B. F.- W i?IfiHT tliird Floor Hsletth Kdhj., Corner tk aaio wasaingten Sta, - nroaawsy 7219. - ? Dentistry iJM. A. W. - KKEiET "WT NO PAIN TEETH SLEEP? whUe we wrs. BOa, CAT AND HORSI HOSPITAL ROSE CITY VETERINARY" liOSPliTCT" . U ..(111! ......... . . U - Est 1847. E. 7'1'H AT GltANT. aut ila-83 CLEOTRICMNg ELEOTHIG iron or eloc. 4wepets repaired for $2. '-Homes -wired $3.25 prr vooov pin $S foe esca Pnyh button switch.. Thi. Ibclaiies sil Bsterial and .- labor. Terms. Estimating enteed. "Tlmne Wlnnt 7003; "w. nao&taotioa .snsar. yttiwer BOas A HP RAO BUGS FIdff ryug made from old csrpetj; rag rug I94 E STAKK. TABOR 7314.' f ORetrTUrtC REPAIRIWa OFFICE and residence furniture repaired and . refmished. 390 E. Ash. East 85 li. 4WT WORKS HATS CLEAN ki)BUck Jill. na.ua: -i'1 prsoe. AiaOafacucn suania. teed. - The be equipped plant ib tbe . ROYALsAAT WORSS. 228 1st st,, r. blmoo. Main 707. -u---- .. - WU8IQ COB1POSINQ HAVE your POEMS set to music. ' bariKl "iiT - Wihoa MBfte -Studio, ao J 'a'Uferd Were. SHU8IC SCHOOLS AHD TE AGHERg GEORGE U GREGORY-, practical a!Tdext . peneuced teeciier ef ino. vxiiirt and cello. Pupils TVBted. Phone Atweter 3056. 'i-"-,iYSW?' r1 r- experience; puna . lessons wt your home 1. ' Aut S48-13 JfTOsswTTrSTS Aa XOiiLASSKs" . . " inousands f satisfied' -fi. OS UB testify to our em. esaacy end fair deaium in the last 2tt .year. Unra't tn. Cnas., W. Goodman, 209 Mornson. bet. 1st and Front. Dr. Ssatsnf -OoCTlraan. Associate Optician. Ataia JtlU. FaT" WHY PAY MURE 1 .tllaises ia gold-filled frames fitted -to. your ,i eyes. a.o; oouuie-Tision gtasoes at lrom nHMa aatiaf i fi.nl n.MM,.vl -Or. '4s.''- Hnrwita, eptometrsst, '21; 3 lrt st JiKTX'iHi w tor less money at lino. H u ben. . stein, the -veteran -optician. Eyea tested, glasses fitted, broken lenses duplicated, ites eonable price. 226 Momjarm at. ytltlTHIQ, TIWTIWQ, PAPEPIWQ C, It 'ltlCK.lL, iHMase end .ie-n painting, pa. - per-hansing and 'Matins ,467 ., 8710. Tsbor 2oll. ' I'AlN'i'lNG, pa perils, ntel speedy ateclianie, - day or contrset. Main 8801. ; PATENT ATTORNEYS C. S. GtlLliliEiiG, patent, trademark, cour right. 4 u Worcester bldg. PHYSICIANS Utte K. A PlilLLlPS. . : s- Broad wy Bldg., Office Practice -Only. ftPS- REPAIRIWa DIDICeiieptirsl by eriwia, ,JT r,aj PipeSbon. "7 w ss.h. LUMBINS AND 8TEAM FITTINQ LOW prices ea all kinds plumbing au;,ph-; irt -- as funuven yowrwaUations. AlbeTt l'(i mo. Co., 637 lfilon ave. . nr. Boarell.- East 425. PWINTINO, EWGBAVIWO, BtNOIMtk Printing ai ol.. JsAL'l'LS Av O.. 1-t lUiy. Tle3, 611-t.s. jfcXPERT tinting. paiBtina, rpet tuas '.- right vide -un. Low price. Wd.n. 148. THE IKWIN-HODSON IXliU'ANY -7 Wafhuieton. etroaewey 814. A-l a. - , -HOOF if.IRt EylMjl reiimgied and rejisired, and sorered with root gig paper. lstn 10 is 3. MHEETCTAt WORK Multncniah;: Sheetcietal - Works: ,- - Roofing, guttering. Spouting, Jobbing, eea. SI repairing. phn Bdwy. Vi: 228 An SPECIALTY aANUFACTUftf SJtil fcPEClALIi' maatcturing 4 citanic:; patenU developed. Co., 2fe8 Cnkm sve. Eet tl by SKtiid n e Kautlman M:g. 45. TEAMISS GRADfNS, EXCAVATINd BEAMING CtAi'lG AND AJk.CA Alicia. TRANSFER AND 8TORASE al,MAls S l'. K inf. SSik4 lluck,ilUi.Il GOODS SPiXHALiSr Storag. packing, stmring and boibii; Bets end auto ratts; specai rates to U point, -: C O. IK'S TRANoiLK A STOUAGB C-O., d end Pioe sis. Besedwsy 69, A-liii4. Oregon.Trasisfer:Co. til UU-ib .t. i - - - Brredwsy 128L Drill AGE !'-v- STiiiiAGe. Four Wrehooe en -Terminal 'I facts. SOUTHERN TRANSFER S TO a AGE CO. long ciitsnc and eemtoercial hsuiiug. . At water 304 0. - KKDUCEJi FREIGHT retes o au r. iinuiid r-w. rfte . rest FjiwartLaA Co.. J und Lwjt. Lrosdwsy 7 03. A.