The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 12, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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(J-ciil Cable to Tha jawnaTsad th ChlCMO
t' Daily Ne
J (Copyright. 19S2) '
Milan, iuiy; July 12. Fore im Mm
inter Schaaser return trotn bis mls-s'c-n
to London and Paris Is greeted
i f the Italian newspapers with Bitter
e U appointment at the lack of f eeults. ,
The projected Anglo-Italian under
tiandlng le considered- a f attune. It
fr reported here that Prime 'Minister ,
Uoyd George -wanted Italy to support
Ha Turkish policy andr. made this a ;
condition on which he would, grant
certain concession .-sked for by Italy
i-i the colony and economic field. Dr.
tchanser could not accept such a on-
clUon, end bene the practical failure
c the negotiations. . His position is
much shaken. - v- -
iTh growing: anti-Italisn feeling in
Albania is causing great f uneasiness
id Italian circles and there is talk of
en Italian naval demonstration be-,
fere the Albanian porta r , -
i Roland Rlcel, Italian amttissador to
tie United States, arrived in .Home
yesterday. It Is said that, when he
returns to the United ' States in Sep
tember he -will make the; following pro
posals regarding the liquidation of
Italy's debts: . . .,.,-v?'-'-.,' ;
i That the dollar should bs reckoned
at the rate of exchange, that time Joane
be raised and that the debt" be paid
in 100 annual Installments and that
the in Urea t on the first SO installments
bs postponed, v. .-. . ; . . ; ; , i. . .
t -V . "V-
Man Out of Prison
Oh Parole Is Held
On Mashing Charge
Fred Engle. an elevator-operator.
may be returned to the Salem peniten
tiary as a parole violator as result
ef hta alleged attempt Tuesday to
muh" pretty Edna Mao Jett, lT-yr-ld
Lincoln high school girt..,
Such was the announcement made
this morning- by Percy M. Varney, state
parole officer, who asked a postpone
ment m the trial of Engle until after
noon, that he might be in court to re-
iew the evidence. - .
Engl was sentenced to from five to
0 years on a. statutory charge, July. Jj,
Hi. He was paroled last January.
Engl is said to have called Mis Jett
f'darling- and ,-honey" on a number of
occasions, but she had hint arrested
vnen he is alleged to have attempted.
to put nis arms around her.
S ' ' kiwi MalaenweMMltBaMt -j.- .
Japtains Promoted
To'Eear Admirals
Sill ' TriMvh Tiilv'. II lit- v.
i.apiain,.n. w. zeegemeier. U. 8. & Cali
f err.!., has been promoted to a rear
fedmlralshlt bv the wiwiinti hMi
frdmiral. 12th naval district headquar
teiir announced today. Others named
rear Admirals were Captain George
!MarvH U." L S. Arltona of Par-1 fin
fleet: Captain M. T. Vogelsang, in
Miarge xrooKjyn jiavy yard. , ,
frsHmony ; Knished
Jljx Uisbarment Case
r 2 - . '
Salem. July IS. Taking of testimonv-
in the disbarment nrocMtdinar insti.
,tutd by the Stats Bar association
:a stains t Geor Estes. Portland at.
,'toraey,-wa completed by the supreme
jatt otrors noon tooay ana tne
icase takerf under advisement by the
court. . WhlPB ul ATI hlnn t
! Kstti -was chars-ad with drftiini
.clients out of sums ranging from 1200
i V '" .- .
Railwav Mail Chief
. Cancels Local Visit
Telerram that Pant Ulnil.rwin -
ond assistant' postmaster g-eneral of
me united states, in charge of the di
vision of railway mall service, had
been suddentv nailed halr n WaK4-
ton, was received Tuesday night by
the railway mall service office here.
Henderson was te have arrived in
Portland Thursday, and extensive
ptans were) Ming mad tor his enter
tainmenL . - -
' Criticized Firemen
Demand Recognition
Send. JTnfv It nunu rritii..
chargtng that the members of the Bend
volunteer fire department are 'stool
piareens for the police force, the vol
, unteers last night demanded, the resig
nation oi . uiura uouston, either in
his. capacity of fire engineer or as
police chlet A committee of the fire
men was ' named to meet, with . the
polio and fire: committee of the-city
t;Rincii ; to ' present Its viewa 'Wath
drawal of the mlnntMr u firt.vt.
looms as a probability, unless one of
ins . miiernauve aemanas is compiled
of-the advisability of a
heart to heart talk
with the. wife on the
subject of , life : insur
ance. - - '?
.-wPi .
has just- the policy
xnbst practical for your
future and protective
for hers.,
The eempaay saeet aervire
able to yea oldest la Pacifie
5ertawet.- " :
I :
Anson McCook Beard, prominent New York attorney, and his two children,; Anson Jr. and Mary Hill Beard
Tlieir mother was Rqth Hill,
Portland today on the private
Denison, Texaa; July it (V -VS." g.)
One railroad shop foreman - was shot
through the arm and through tne stom
ach and several strikebreaker were
seriously injured In .a riot, hare today
near the Missouri. 'Kansas at Tex
railroad station. - , , i0-iJ-'V
The rioting started early today when
mob of several hundred men at
tacked the strikebreakers when they
arrived on the -Kty Limited" from
Dallas escorted by : a number of rail
road guards. -. More than : a hundred
men were engaged in hand-to-hand
combat at one time. Bricks, stones,
clubs and revolvers were need in. the
battle. - .
litany of the strikebreakers were
placed In automobiles and taken to
ward Red river by members of th
mOb. . ' i :- - :'(' . .
Railroad, officials-declared the at-
surrounded th strikebreakers as they
left the train. Hundreds of men that
had gathered at the station on the -tip
that the strikebreakers were to arrive
Joined in the fighting. . -f ;
w. J. Pike, foreman or tne Missouri,
Oklahoma A Gulf railroad shops, was
the only man shot, according to re
ports, although a number of shots
were' fired. One asocial agent- in
charge of railroad guards -Was among
the men seriously beaten f r ; I :
No extra United Stat marshals will
be needed In Oregon to meet the rail
road strike situation as ; regards any
interruption of th nail service of In
terstate commerce, united states .Mar
shal Clarence Hotchkias announced this
morning, following inquiry mad' upon
th receipt of a- telegram from th
United States attorney g-eneral asking
if the situation ru such, as to need
extra marshals. w '
Hotchkiss v. at once 'conferred with
the superintendent . of railway mail
service, ; who advised - him . that - there
has been no Interruption of mails In
this district adn that he did not anti
cipate any. He. then conferred with
th superintendents of the Southern pa
cific the Union Pacific and the North
ern Pacific, wno said tney were experi
encing no difficulty In handling-inter
state commerce. ' -v---1
"If- the situation- should change, I
will then call upon th attorney general
for assistance," aMr Hotchkiss. "Bat
for several days I have been, besieged
by applicants who heard we would need
help. . if we should seed any assistance
as a result, of further v developments.
i ui appoint men wno are xuuy quau
fled and capable of handling the situa
tion, not just anyone .mw may want
a. job.- .
Minneapolis. July 12. (I. N. S.V
Governor J. A. O. Preus of Minnesota
today issued a proclamation mobilis
ing the ' peace : officers.' and officials
of : the stat to aid in the preaerva-
tlon'of law and order and take steps
to "prevent any -unlawful acts. Th
governor's proclamation- followed - the
lines drawn up In President Harding's
- .
fCaatiasad ymst Pate Oa)
slashing fires on bis property bad
anything to do. withr the -Hammand
fire. i
Definlt reports were unobtainable
from the Rock creek area where a
fire was reported as still in progress
en and near th Kerry Timber compa
ny lands, - . -
Th Hammond company reported
the fires on its property burning slowly
and that! every effort was being made
to minimise the danger from this vast
Hill Grandchildren
daughter of the late Empire BuUder, and, with their father, they reached
r Palm Beach. Xhey saw the Colambia river highway this afternoon.
burned over district before bet or
windy weather added to the haaard. -
Reports wer received front several
districts today by C C Scott, bead of
the forest patrol association, to the
effect that the fire fighting forces wer
busy "tying in many of th biases
today and that continued encircling of
th - ravaged - territory -. would - continue
until the danger had been eliminated
unless more . hot weather- or heavy
winds spread the fir out of bound.
" iSallas 0ii July .'jSL-TbaJf 'oVestGjr
situation tn7,Polk oantyt ia&oasider
ably Improved.; - .Thaflrs bav
been burning" for som inieiin h
jSilui basin ' and " on. Batd mountain
a under control and- no longer;,
cause of anxiety on the 3art of tim
ber men.. - ; r,,".
new fire, which broxe out FViday
night in the holding of the Willam
ette Valley' Lumber , company above
Black Rock, is now claiming the at
tention of the forces of District Fire,
Warden W.v V. Sullr. Already about
3009 acre of land have been, burned
over, most of which, now ever, being
logged-off ' land. As yet no damage
has been done to standing timber.
V South Bend, Wasa July 11- So far
Pacific county, one of the ..greatest
timber- bearing- counties n 4he state,
has been -very j fortunate; In- escaping
serious forest fires. ;Thr fires have
been burning in th atern nd of
the county, one near Kalpee, one near
Frances and on near McCormlck.
Twin Falls. Idaho;, i July 12.-rTh
forest fires north of bar are render
ing th atmosphere Into a thick has
in Southern Idaho. Bo thick has been
th amok that the sun .has been un
able to break through foe several days
and even In th early afternoon It - re
sembles a dull red ball of fire which
can be readily looked at without hurt
ing th .aye 4n th lease ; ..;
S "Wenatche. "Waalu, July 1L -"Thr
are no more forest fire ' to Chelan
county," aald Forest Supervisor Syl
vester here on ' his return from --Che-
flan. Th haavy smoke le now disap
pearing and with cooler weather con
ditions at Lake - Chelan ar ideal.
Tourists and week-end visitors will
find, th roads In good shape. A splen
did new highway from the station has
been built and a visitor get - a good
view of the famous Chelan river gorge
en rout. ".fr ,-:;ii'V
Cottage Grov, Or. uly JJ. Forest
fires In the vicinity, of Wild wood.
Star and Rujada have been burning
the past week making the air dens
with smoke. The J. H. Chambers saw.
mill has suffered more loss than any.
The fires ar all under control at th
present time. ....
- 1 Grande, . July 12. Th lookout
stations of the forest service in this
vicinity hav had their fficiency low
ered because of the smoke drifting In
from Use coast, making their us al
most impossible. The forests In this
section are not as dry as usual at this
time of year and bat few fires have
started.- The largest fir started
burned over about two acres of land
of little value.
Marshfleld, July 12 Chief Warden
J. at. Thomas has gon to th Panther
ridge country with men, horses and
supplies expecting a hard fight against
the forest fires in that locality, - which
has been reported as spreading and
serious. Ko other new fires are re
ported. - - .-'.;.
. Orders hav been Issued by Contmls
sioner Barbur, In charge of th bureau
of public works, that Inspectors of the
building, electrical and plumbing divis
ions must work. Saturday afternoons.
because of th congestion,- of work
awaiting Inspection.
- Tea- ninstoe from foot of 3frrio
fat bcaoUf ul ravlHo is toe s&idia f tbe
riTr. . ... -r ,.
Take boat t foot ef llormna etnet vt
BrooklTS ears.:. ..
S i -,;? ,
i , 7 -V :. i. f.;:::.::: S
" ' " in- -;
,111 III I
For their first rid over th rail lines
which their grandfather, James J. Hill
pushed Into -the great western empire
many years ago. two children, Anson
Beard Jr.; and Mary Hill Beard, ar-
rived la a special car from the South
today. -. 1 - -
; Th twos grandohudrn of the great
est raiiroad builder ins western history
were aororcpanled here by their father,
Anson- McCook Beard, attorney - and
prominent clubmaa -of New York and
St. Paul, -
Today the three visitors were whirled
over the. Columbia -river highway ac
companled by A, B. Smith of St. Paul.
passenger traffic manager, and A. D.
Charlton, general passenger agent, of
th ' . Northern Pacific railway, and
Samuel Lancaster, engineer of the
nignway construction. ;:
Tonight the party will leave for StvC
kane vr th s. p.- S. and then will
continue East over som of th rail
f whica hav become th fulfill
roent of the dream, of their forebear
Beard is not interested in any official
way with the railroads of the nation,
thej tour being made with his children
lo One of education and pleasure.
S. S. Arlsona, was drowned Tuesday
while swimming in Green lake. Seattle.
The: Sign Of
Perfect Service
Proper Glasses
t X TELL - FITTED, se-
s aft . MmfAwfahla
rnounungrs tna? Hold the
lenses m
before your
. , Lenses of the proper
' size and shape to .
-, conform t o y on r- -J,
features and give
s .you a full range of
t vision.
.Those are the '
things that
- .mean style' ."
- well as comfort
" : in your glasses.
And that means'
. i the v style, you '
"will get here.
our' own coiMPLrrg lens
- " - VMS fBEaMSSS
Optical Institute
-' , yeslgkt Specialists'
Perils sds Largest, Vest
Ttoeern, Bt Equipped Ei.
elasiv OyUeal l.thlih,
.meat. ,
201 to 211 Cortxtt Eld-.
Fifth and Morrison
Slsee ltos
l . Ckaa. A. Bsseo,
M. AV, mm UCB, AI,
J 1 V
T. E. Hotchkiss was arrested today
by Peputy constable Iruhot and Wat-
kinds on a charge of larceny by bailee
following a complaint mad by Mrs.
Lille Harmon, who -alleges ah gave
Hotchkiss S20t to Invest in mine) stock,
but which he diverted to his own use.
W. O. Lntx was arrested- in Reno,
Xev. en a chargs of larceny by bailee
and Is being held for County authorities
her. He la accused of taking; an auto
mobile on which he bad made only a
partial payment and driving- to X
vada. Constable. Ed Gloss will leave for
Reno Thursday to bring Laits back to
Portland. The, automobile was pur
chased from the Covey-. Motor com-
Petition to break the -will of Oscar
Hallengren, .who was crushed under a
load of timber while loading th -Kaian
Maru and who Is said to hav made
hie will virtually disinheriting his wife
while he was in a - dying condition as
a result of this accident, was filed in
the probate division of the circuit court
by Mrs. Lilian - May Hallengren Tues
day. , ..-. . v - . i
Mrs. -Hallemrreit alleges her husband
at - the time the will : was made - was
under the influence of opiates given
him to prolong his life, Jenni -K.
Ackerly, Jso. . 4 Willisms street, Os
sining, N. is the chief beneficiary
Under the present - .will, which leaves
her a damage claim for $7500 against
the w. J. Jones Son Stevedore com-
pany .
Vnr intlnnl fralta of ac-hntarahln.
Clifford, son of Joseph Fix. of Twin
Falls, has been awarded a scholarship
at Swarthmore college. Pa. The schol
arship carries a stipend or fuou yearly
for the four-year course.
- - CSiX"' rM rr , 4 . r- "' - '
;. X J X. y ) : ;;,
X- Associated Oil Company ;Je$"
; i ' ' Caecativ OSes Assodeisij Oil XJattSng: . -'" - l' - " ' ' :
-''- r-; ;V'-" ,,Isr ' 79 New Montgxnnery S. - "000Z " - '
Anthracite Bosses
Accept President's
: v Arbitration Proffer
Washington, July ia. L K. S.)
The first acceptance of President
Hat-fling's arbitration proposal la the
coal strlk came this afternoon from
th anthracite operators. '
v A committee of- anthracite, eperatars
called .at th Whit House and left
a long statement with -the president In
which they- accepted tbe term wbldh
h lal d ' down Monday - for arbitration
of the labor strike, '
- The operators would not make pub
lic the statement -. '
Washington. July 12. (L :tt. S.) In
terpretation of President Harding's
proposal to end the strike . of miners
will be formally . requested by the
miners, 'one of their leaders said today.
Oregon Film to Be
: Exhibited Tonight
, - u
"Hunting th Big Silence," a five-reel
picture, featuring -Irvin S. Cobb, hu
morist, is "America's greatest outdoors
-Central" Oregon,'- will be given . a
private showing at the Helllg theatre
at 1 o'clock tonight, prior to Its reg
ular exhibition. The picture was taken
by the American Lifogfaph company of
Portland. Many of the. jokes in the
picture ar said to bs on the, famous
joke maker. -
R,' Addison Stuart.
- Dies; in; Seattle
Seattle. July ll U.. P,) R Addl
son; Stuart, brother of E. A. Stuart,
president of the Carnation Milk com
pany, 'died suddenly of heart disease
early today at his home here.' His wife
has been critically ill for the last seven
month and is still Confined to her bed,
"almost iImnediateIy,,- If ifc contains
destructive 00'' compound!
Few motorists realize the damage resultmgfrom theuse of motor
oil containing destructive "sulphoV compounds. A well known v
treatise on lubrication says: ,;"The presence of "sulphbT:com
pounds makes itself apparent !y an almost immediate decom- -yr.
position of the oil when exposed to heat" " - " ; rj
Cycol ls free from these destructive tsulpho" compoundSe.
They are eliminated by the hew Hexeon Process, developed
and used solely by the Associated Oil Company
Cycol withstands engine heat retains its body -maintains the ;
essential lubricating film between moving parts helps greatly
in sustaining an "oil tight" piston seal,; Prove this by flush-; '
ing your "engine with fresh lubricating oil, hot so-called flush-
ing oils or kerosene and refilling with CycoU .
The importance of the Lubrication Chart '
- . .. - . - - - -- - ' - e. -. - --. - - - --- - - ; - V: .. " r -- - .-r
Different brands of motor oCs barv dxSerent bodies. Th safest, sorest way to gt
th bat pecforsaanc from jam saosac and arroid ezoemaiv ngin trooble da
to laeorraet tabrkatfoa to to wm tb crad of motor oil specified oo th Gyooi
117 AS JOHN D,
Moacow. July U. f I. f. & "I am
now "sharing , the world's richest Oil
markets With 'John -whose men
once chased ma around the hills of
Colorado," declared '"B11T , Shattoff,
former member of the Industrial Work
er of the World In the United States,
her today. Shattoff. one classed by
Americana as a daneefour ttatc-r, to
now-the oil king of Russia,. : ' -
"l oam i Russia during the revolu
tion and became chief ..of police - In
Petrograd during- tne struggle.- Said
. .. trrra TT V"X. , ' - - "
. . ' m ' -""S", Sfc--rfB ; o i 1 ,
Has made ' it t2ip largest selling
Tea in
Sold EveryvHere-r-Try it Today,
. A. Y. 5TEEVES, Agent, Telephone Auto. 612-32
Shaltoff. "Lattr a I becans nian
fcser ef te Siberiah ,fai!roa!3, and
sftera'ard lad the f.ihUag against the
white bands In Vkfaidia. Since then
I have been Installed as the chief of
th Xaphtha Export company, th
government - trust which . monopolises
the oil expori. . ' -
Ther has Just been I held In" thi
diy a conference of the managers of
ail the oil fields in Russia, It was
computed at this conference that. $150,
000,000. worth Of naphtha, benslne and
oils wer ready for export to Kuropean
markets durin the next nine months,
tn addition, there is about $5,000,000
ready for delivery to Near ast mar
kets. .
"But w wish to build up Russian
Industry.: and, for that reason, w re
Jus to export crude oil except when it
1 necessary as an Inducement in se
curing a market fof our oil products."
e""--s-s--s-s----a-se--. . .
Power obtained from Waterfalls will
b used, to electrify ioou kilometers of
Italian railways.-'.-.' - .. - - -
l-rt ;