u; DAY- - jounrcAL,-. fo:itland, sunday,. :;oi::aNG, JULY 1" 4. v r - AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 80O SO JfTCH ITEXDS n0!f WTfERS - IOD Bltl i I'SSD CAR . : Yon shouldn't b Iook-ise foe h used ear only w should b lookrac r for A fiOOD PLACE FROM WHICH TO BCY TOUR saed car. On of the surest way Ok maximum PLEASURE ud U8S OUT of wrf Cr is to bay it-from a dealer whom yoa know lu as interest m yos sot. . - only taten h sell you. but after- '"" wards, , " - , , - ' " It to the ambition of the Covey Vouc Car Co.' to bar jaa for a , . caHomer la th future, m veil ft at "ALWAYS THB BEST CARS THE LOWEST PRICES." AT COVEY MOTOR CAS COMPANY. TW'Q IjOCATIONS 1 - Msi plant Washmetos at Slst at ;" - Phoa Bdwy. 6244.' Broadway: Branch at 28-80 Broadway. . We bare can to take yos from one , biases' to too other. HONEST -VALUES. - In 'Rebuilt Cats ' 44-B Oakland tourlne ..... .S4-B Oakland toarinc ... 84-C Oakland toarinc ..... - 84-0 Oakland touring . .... . , 84-0 Oakland roadster ..... TOtT SCAT HATE TEEMS $454 .... ....? , . . i $9io $850 1" TO SUIT; -Northwest Oakland v- Coinpany,' 44 'Burnid (just wart of Broadway) USED FORDS BARGAINS 1915 A dandy any ............ . 1918 New tires, rona fin .A.t... 1920 New tiro, paint 1921 A-l shape J 620 A splendid buy 1930 DoL shocks, runs Una .... 1B20 Chassis ; this is different . ... . .. J.91S Rosdater. demeun tables, a Urea 1915 DeL, two bodies.. 1818 -Ton truck, rood shape Chevrolet touring, starter . . . . . 1 2 pass, bos Overland, cood shap ...... Be 6, cood shap jm- Om ton Steward track, map. . . .1225 . . 27 .. 400 ,. 410 . . 350 25o . 3 230 275 15 ,175 J28 B5t ro, 275 $75 mL0?( SA3X f AIUE.M8 . UNIVERSAL AUTO EXCHANGE. East-0471. See Bel Wright "-;rlie Bought Another Studebaker ; '21 Studebaker light 6 coup Ideal ear for a doctor. . STUDEBAKER CORP. OF AMEBIC A " Used Car Dept. 341 Bumside St. ,, Near BroadwayBroadway 618. $2000 BRAND HEW e-cyBnder Sport Boad stec Merer been ran. Popular make, all Standard parts. Tbia is on of the elaasiast roadsters in town. .Factory 'guaranteed; also - 90-day aerric. Special price 81250. with "Cooa terms. 11-140. journal. 1919 OVERLAND Model 90, touring, must see ear to realise the ha rutin. I400. . BBALET. GRAHAM CHILD, INC., . Bumside at 11th. i 490 CHEVROLET, open bpd? delivery, car looks and runa like new. Hare no use for " ear and will sell Tery reasonable and gie -terms.. This ia a anap for someone. Tabor 6935. - ; Model 34 Velie, 192! .Portland'a best buy in a liht , $925. . BBALET. RAHAM aV CHILD. INC. . ' Bnrnaide at 11th. Auto Modern Sleeper Auto reconstructed to sleepers: our system does not weaken or disfigure the body. B. B. Body it Top Works, 845 Williams. East 1198. 1920 FORD truck, with pneumatic tires, new cord tire rear. Just the thing for hauling berries, csia; terms. C T. BILLING SLET MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne Are, at 8th East 0720. tSKO CAH, good condition, good looker. . cneap lor easn, or trade lor furniture. ' sewing machine, phonograph, vacant dst. 1st payment, on small bouse; what base you got? Euruwooa ifwaz. 1912 CADILLAC, starter, $85; Warner r-tometer, cord tires '$185; ternia. Lv X. 0iLUN8LI MOTOR CO.. , Hawthorn Are. at 6th Bast 0T20. $300 'LATE '19 Ford tearing with starter; - sew top: good tires; extras; completely crer- - Baujea; pruat owner. . stain 3520. Mr. - Drake. 1918 B nick. 8 cord tires, new paint, in the Tory nest or eonamon. hu. ioo down balanc $40 per month or -will take a Ford as -rtrot payment. Joy the Tauor, 104 4rh st. . 121-MITCHELL, looks like new, runa the same, cord tree; -only $75; this ia a net Bargain. sx a. St.. at Bumaide. Bmadway 7943. 1916 DODGB touring, oversise tires, spar. - new battery, $285; easy terns L. Y. BILUNGSLET MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne Ave, at 8th East 0T20. 490 CHEVROLET sedan, run only few months': 5 -cord tins., mo tometer, automatic wind shield cleaner, mirror, etd. ; car like new; must B.U. Very easy terms. Tabor $935. ; 6TUDERAEER 7-paasenger. good condiUon; "new. paint. A real buy. $150. Will maka classy . bug. Easy tarma. 80 Grand ave.,' ' -.north. ' ' LATE 1920. Buk-k touring, in excellent con , dition, new robber, etc. for quick sal will sacrifice. 150 Union ave. MUST sell at aacriflc within few day lata 7 pass. car. In excellent condition. For $600. Terms. A a to. 688-68. $1S0 6-PASS. touring, good- tires, starter. bettery nearly new, license; "car In good winning condition. Call 1006 g. Stark st. BUICK 5-pasa. 1920 model, cord tires, fine . - -wondiaon. cheap. See car at 346 E. 40th St. -N. '. , , FORD touring, in good condition. $175 oe, or wtU "trad for anything I can use. 829 MsJis stj back door. FORD roadstec, 1920. starter, new body and . 'license, at a bargain; will take small pay ment down, balanc monthly. Aut. 618-93. LATE 1920 BUICK 6 roadster, like new; Htti maed; extras; to close estate will mo Hfoe fee $900. Tabor 6782. MAXWELL TOURING, new paint. Fht. eosU rtition meehaaieally, good tiraa, A snap 3850. - Terms. 80 Grand ave.. north. COMPLETELY overhauled Studebaker road - ster, sew paint, new top, $273. East y48 Monday. . . -. 0 ERLAND touruig, fine shape. aUrter. spot . light, snap for cash., See owner. 213 Grand av. N. 1.RD SEDAN, bargain. Many seneswriM 92 North Broadway. Tabor 7328. STOP your rear -wheel from leaking greaae. " Ourley's Ford Shop, 227 Salmon. ' A. REAik anap in a classy bug, cheap for - eash or will accept real estates Tabor 0315. 1921 Maxwell . touring. Sacrifioe. For desaon? , - atration phon Tabor 3211. bTCDEBAKEB speciiT six; will exchange for qutty in city home. Y-16S, Journal , FOR fiALE-Ford. $2io. East $788. 834, E. Burmitd. .NEW Oakland raadstef winter top $10. ' " 9482. - East BVICK 4 readier for sale or trad for tour- ng ear. kast 4111. apt. 1 after a. m. DANDY Maxwell bug fax sal or trade, wry r neap. jwKr ssiiv. 1917 FORD touring, is good ahaps $150. Phone Mais li23 room 2. 1920 CaiKV ROLET, cheap; run 7000 mile. -ValI at 87S Brooklyn at. : ' IjIS CHEVKOLET tourrns. vary sood shape--' a00. Call 1161 Mas at.. Woodstock car 120 FORD sedan, with 122 motor. New cord tires. Only $450.. Bdwy. 24S8V 1917 BUICK 6 toarinc, license, coed tires. - swo; ax rora in trade. rast 43T. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 5iiW LeeTtire and tnbe 8x4, $0. Purdes'a , tr. Oak vrov Ueaca. . 6-C.AL. Wayn pump, 280-gai. tank tingsr $30O. - 240 Grand- ave. fit- TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 -ION Maxwell truck, new rubber, in xoud . eMidiUon: will eonstder trade., or sett oa easy erm. 3 u Grand ave. N.- MAt'K dump truck. 3H or. S-teq. can be had at a sacrifice. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. Bill; evenings, arwsirr wie. idlQ TJ-TJ-t-Rr tl l.tM. tmV ffne vl. Automate 64-la 9319 Foster Kosd., TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 Wentworth & Irwin, 200 SECOND ST., COB. TATLOB. Oregon Distributors tor CMC Track - Ioan Traefca k New Britain Tractors . We . are offering the following ., .bargains m used tracks which . we belire, ar . th biggest ...j .. Values all things being eon ; aidered to be ; had in - the dtp. Never in our-19 years in bnaiuiMS hare -we been more careful or conscientious ' in the thoroughness of our repairs to nsed tracks. 3 ton. CMC. 'th motor win be -. pnt back ' in - this saachroe , . about Tuesday of this week " ; and will be ready for atspee- . turn and trial- any time after that data.: "We have - v never offered batter bargain than this track at, ...... .$1850 8 V, ton 3fG, Ion wheel base. This- truck would b eicel lent for lumber or short toga; has sees tess than tea, months work . .'..........-$1850 ' 1 1H ton CMC, regular wheel -base. o.Bipped with cab. lw- r oversisa Urea, nearly new... $1950 1 ton Whit, new tares on all four wheels ..... .1 2 Vt - ton Winther. four wheel -' drive. This truck is espec tally adapted for places where trac- . Uon is difficult. Win pull out where on la one wheel is on solid ground'...,.......-. $97,3 1 ton. K-16 OMC ' equipped with straight aide, . xpresa body, suitable for dairy or other work. This is our first opportunity to offer on of the new GMC tracks equiprwd with the "Million- Mile -Motor." W have . thotfughly inspected every unit in this machine. Done what re pairing was necessary and can . give you our absolute assurance that this truck ia right in every respect. Eanipped with sek- tarter and eleetrta lights .$1250 1 ton Republic. Continental mo- . v tor, haa Just been overhauled and motor is running ia today. New tires . . $650 ton GMC, SSiSpneumatio . tires, eompletsly equipped with an excellent standard express body, only ............... $550) 1 ton Ford, worm drive, standard express body ....... $275 WENTWORTH X TRWr. TXC. 200 SECOND ST., COR. TATLOB. Open (on Sundays from 10 a. m. to 2 P. m. ' '-, MOTOR TRUCK BARGAINS t iUmI rhiuii ..warm driva. sood condition ..............--.$ 500 S U .tnn Federal chaaaia. rebuilt. This is a bargain as. ................. loau Vw 1 V. .tan Federal chassis with Pneu- matia tires, no reasonable offer refused. Many other Bargains. Ask air burner. WILLIAM HUUHiiOJM CO. Bdwy. and Davis Bdwy. 821 2 TON FEDERAL. NEW TIRES. $85. ? WENTWORTH THWIN, INC. 200 Second, SC. Cor. Taylor. 1 TON GARY truck for sale. This truck is I sa good as any new truck. Has a dandy bodv. cab. with wind shields: also license. There is an extra body made for hauling siao- wood. This buy cannot be beat in th city at I only $550. Call Tabor 5iia. nil n-i thorne ave. : WOOD TRUCKS Just as good as you want them and just as cheap as you. want them, any six. Price or terms ithey all must go now. Last cut price now in effect. Phone Jansan, Bdwy. 691 ; evenings, Atwater 0183. FOR SALE 1 ton lata model Republic truck, pneumaoo cord eras, eoverea ooay, in ex- i oeUent condition- Will trade for city lot or I aoreag. l ivu wis s. iisonnr, nasu. Phone 893. FORD delivery, price $300; 1-ton Denby; $650; 1-ton GM0. $450; 1-too and "4 -ton T-i - V 1 at AAA V" - . .i .... Ail tract m rooa eonainon. -former Garage, 94 3 Vancouver ave. East 4136. Ford Truck Must be sold at once; cheap for. cash., 530 Alder st Broadway 1852. FOR SALE An 18-35 Caterpillar engine with five-bottom Canton steel ginc plow, all in A-l condition- price is right;- will give terms. John S. Beall, phone Walnut 3171. DODGE panel delivery, good condition, $400; good buy. . STATES AUTO TRUCK CO.. ' 430 Bumside. ONE 1 V4 -too G. M- C. truck for sal cheap. new tires and is first class order, or will consider a trad for a Ford truck. Call Broadway 0787. . WHITE dumo truck, completely overhauled. This truck in . A-l shape and must be sold st sny price this week. .1-aone Jensen. Joawy. 691; evenings, Atwater 0183, 1 AND one 2 14 Kleiber truck, almost new. Will sell on easy terms. . STATES AUTO A TRUCK CO. 430 Bumside. 10 ACRES overlooking ocean, between popu lar , .resorts: 3-room house, furniture, fire place, creek, road. etc.. for 1 or la -ton track. 7828 69th ave. 8. E. TRUCKS FOR SALE 2-ton Atterbury truck. in cood condition: will trad for a road ster or toarinc ear as fir payment. Auto. 647-45. 6619 Powell Valley road. 2 TON REPUBLIC. 1923 license, good rub ber and equipped wttti lumber rolls; food cab. windshield and tights; for . sale cheap. siaxe me an orrer. nim-ijjii. Dtuui trues. airaoH new, wrai. inn ouisk Doay; t sen on loan ; aeu tor . ro i owner. East 2358. . REPUBLIC 2Vfc-toa truck with covered top- all in cood shape: as attractive buy, on terms. 150 Union ave. REJLICSVin, 1919 model, jour pftk Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 691; ave.. Aut. 183. REPUBLIC 1 H -ton, to first clam shape, any reasonable pff er not reruseo. , faoae Jen sen, Bdwy. 691; evenings, Atwater 0183. DON'T FAIL to see this truck: -ton GilC, cannot be torn trom sew, an new rnooer; will sacrvfde on easy terms. ' Call East 178. GMC 2-TON truck, fin condition; will con- sider trade. or. sell on; easy, terms. SO Grand av. N. WORK wanted for 2 yard dump truck by hour or contract Phone Dunlap, Tabor 4477. G. M. C 1-ton, yours for $150.- Phone Jen sen, Bdwy. 691: evenings. Atwater Oisa. i MOTORCYCLES BICTCLES 803 FOR MOTORCYCLES OR BICYCLES, NEW OR CSED SEE CSV Good rixht twice right terras 1 right INDIAN MOTORCYCLE BICYCLE CO., 2i rmra st. - . 1918 HARLE-DAVIDSON motorcycle, also 18-foot Old Tewa canoe, both in fin ah pa. fully equipped: must sell. Call after Buft- day. Aato. 625-97. : HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcyel and sidecar, in first clam condition, $100. 874 Wasco st week. days. 106 K. Ith N. Sundays and Mnm ' . - w, - - . INDIAN SCOUT with tand good oondition. $150 takes it Sell wood , 1405, 80th st Sunday a. m. 392 . TZ 8-SPEED . Excehdor. A-l , conditUm, equipped. Dream tandem, $12. . Waloat 864. BICYCLE WANTED Mssi's six; must be in good condition and a bargain. : Address P. O Beat 624. TWIN Bxcelsior eiecuie. with side ear. Th best motorcyel. .in tows fr tbe mosey. $250. 150 Union avenue. - TWO Overlauds, both for $75, SS4 Rodney avi.. i , R. Johnson, FOR SALE Indiaa motorcycle and aide car. si (Hi. A snap. 14 K. Momns st GIRL'S BICYCLE. $12.50. is good condi , ties; good tirea. Tabor 187. rr.-gVRtXTli mn6ji 'mobTwiltj a,. $75. 1 SO Union avenue. k$15 BUYS goo ' double bar bicycle. Call evevona titer o. sv; u tu n. N. ALMOST sew boy's bicycle for sale, reaaon- . able- Henry . Si-nepene. Multnomah. Or. FOR SALE Bicycle, good eonditiea. 67 Che, ton at $20. FOR SALE Man's bicycle, A-l $15. Tabor 1SST. ; conditkm. suiu. hcxr'ii hicvele. mU r-rl m. eTf tTiapman after Sunday. '' " INDIAN motorcycle, rood ronditioo: anviWANT- 20 or '21 Dodae. Give reor.Me offer takes it ' 872 K rtv SIDECAR for sale, H.-D. In goad condition. Wiioam wiodea. runutwrt, Oregon. 1921 CLEVELAND, hie Mw. fuisy Muipped. - 1 1J5. . Tsbor $148. MOTORCYCLES TICYCLES 803 Rebuilt Iiarley Davidson i . Motorcycles 1 WX HAVE SOME SPECIAL ; ! Ef rSED AND REBUILT MA ! OTI1NE3 THIS WEEK as MACHINES TO OHGOSS FROM $50 TO $100 DOWN, BALv KA&X. ; SEE TH3 1922 HABXET I DAVIDSON. MOTORCYCLE j SUPPLY' CO., : Harley-Davidson Service C?entr. 209 3d C eor. Taylor. Main 7889. Columbia Bicycles. Henderson; ': j Wins Again,, r Only two motorcycles finished with perfect -real in 24 hour endurance run. at Los Ancele and they were both . . i ." Hendersons- : 'i Hendersons Operate Cheaper Than Twini 4th and Taylor Main 1191 NOW TS THB TTMB TO BUT A. . I , I MOTORCYCLE. " . Kever before have we sold good motorcycles , 1.' 1 ST7. V... U . .l.n TmIhm, Umi. dersona. Excelsiors, Beading Standards. Aces any roike you want and at prices you can I afford. BUT A MOTORCYCLE FOB $25 DOWN. BALANCE BY THE WEEK OR MONXrx, AC1S CLEVELAND READLNt OTATI 1A Bl. BAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE1 CO. 44-46 Grand ave. REAL BUYS Indian Scout, good as new, only $175. Harley sidecar, new paint, only $75. 1919 Excelsior, good shape, $100. 1918 Cleveland, rebuilt. ...... .$75 Smith wnotor wheel and bicycle. $25 j EAST TERMS Apex Bicycle Co. 457 Wilhams ave. East 1480. All Make Lineral , Terms Used Parta . 10-75 discount EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44-46 Grand av. Distributors for I . .T,r,7. r- .ii-i m-.mrtrr.Atan i n.rwn-i.-j-o --qj' WANTED To buy good second hand hi- cycle. Tabor el 87. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 T VCTT.!. overhaul your Ford motor for $12.50 first class work guaranteed. t. uoweu. Aut. 640-85. 4038 73d St. 8. E. ; WK REPAIR your car at your home or ours. when stucx os ins - nianway uqn b forget the number, Phone Esst 1729. IF TOU want an experienced mechsnte .! to work oa your car at 7 So par hour, oall Tabor 8147. 22 S. 56th N. CYLINDERS rebored. $a.60 each, in moat cars without removing; wore guarenteeo vrpoo. lawn 2352. 143 Eollingsworth. KTr-lF.HAKRR exnert. - Work - guaranteed. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS repaired at youy home or mine, with guarantee. Tabor 114Q or now sum. AUTOS FOR HIRE 8106 AUTOS FOB HIRE With or without drivers. Day or night service. Couchman Oarage Remerober Our Number Broadway 3698. 19TH AT COUCH "BROADWAY 8696. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOLT DRIVERS 182 12th St. Broadway 840. W n RRVSETT CABS FOB tUKH wiTiJ. I ASrj TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. OUT AlKIVlttUS. ami uuuaua i - ,. , wi , K ,iri Columbia Highway Uarage, la dot ssdi. GARAGES AND PARKING 807 GARAGE T vwM n half interest to honest man l'tU j ALL TOOLS, machinery and some stock Tor first-class garage; will trade for souse, lot or Toomnig house.', 76 Union ave. N. OVK STORAGE. 86 PER MONTH LOWNSDALB GARAGE. 15TH AND WASH. PRIVATE garac for rent, $5 per month, en Mwnssippi ave. and Monroe st AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 , WANTED Ford runabout or bug, small pay ment down, sam cinntxny; no dealer, oeu. 3509. No junk. ; . WILL trade security paying 7 per cent divi dends lor Xooa sv-cynnaer car. u-a a. JooroaL - - ' ' WILD exchange my Paige 6-66 for a lighter car and some cash, oee car ivj m. sth t N. Owner. ; WILL pay cash for Chevrolet or Ford. L. T. BILL1NU&UI.X svroa vv-.. jiivuuau ave. at 8th. East 0720. - ; GOOD 5 put light ear, late model; have go ing tire and vulcanizing Busmen to spsty : en same. tamer, va-m c- s-'iay wt. r LARGE ocean frost lot sear Seaside j cost $650; will trad for scot car. Phoo Oak Grove 1-R. f- VVXLL say $300 'spot eaah for beat lata model . i.'jLy c.rf .Tmm ... Sana ua .ncTuw vm. ' - I t. S. city. .- t I SMALL high class rooming house, well fur nished.'. S120O eouity.. $600. Went auto 1 or what have you? F.ast 1992. ! f ' I ! I WILL pay CASH FOR FURD- CHEVRO- LETS 'Ml UIEKLA--I' rvtiuj. aw GRAND AVE., N.. cor. East Bumside. i WANT 1922 CHEV. 490. in trade foe Stas- ley ive gooa ne-4 w. . 2 Union av. N. WANTED Roadster, good mechanical condi tion. Wul pay 31 aw. at cisaer.- syros botei. - - - . ' . WILL BCY .any model Ford at tas highast cash prw. Jsroadway 2488 U Washinctes St , WE LOAN MONEY ON AUTOS. G BANNING TKKECB. ' ' 102 N. Broadway. . WE WILL loan you money on your astom ... nil. Oranmng Js Tieeee. 102 N.Broadwa. J xviu. maAsL sood offer for Lght ear. . R-oT. HLi MOBiUi Jtt V LS 1 CU . Private party, pay cash. - Tabor 4507, cask VANThiirh-crad- autoraoiiii and sora for choice imngion so-, rm ma.. I $S0O DIAMOND riac a a discount, or trad aosvaro a w ivde. . - o. wvw . I mVK Hood lot OS 61st Bear Glisan ; aeil ok 85. ! trade for Ford sedan. Empire 0685. 13 Ford and I easn. tart ivia WANTED iKets M Ford tounac car-with : utarter. - Woodlawn 35?0. ' . i Willi chance 2 lots, near St- Joiins, It siuosbwja, vau ssaiuiM . AUTOMOBILES WANTED 650 CASH PAID FOR LATE MODEL ,. , .EIGHT AUTO S30 ALDER STREET. ,. MONET TALES - 1 will pax cash for light lata model ears: must he popular makes; roadster, tourings or closed models. Brine your ear to 814 Aider St.. cor. -16th. Phone Auto. 513-87. MTJRPHY motor OOMPaXT. I CAN rSB. TOCR FORD, MAXWELI CHEVROLET OR DODGE AS PART PAT KENT ON MT NEW 1922 MAXWELL. h- . CALL .MAIN 8782. . CAN'T TOO SELL TOCR CAU1 I 'can. "Hav waiung Bst of tmyerv. Vatts, Auto Broker Cnion ave. and Bebnont ' " East 819T. CASH PAID FOR FORDS - Why trade your old car on a nw , when we will give you its value in cash 1 Then do youc shopping with the eaah. Cash counts. T. McDonald, 191 Grand sve. East 319. LIGHT 1 ninnrrr auto wanted, am not par- : ticular as to ace but most be in good Condi tie n. Also, yos must be prepared to sell on liberal term. Call Tabor 5299. nights sod Sunday, - ' - TRADE new overstuffed . davenport with down ' 'ejiishinn: mm eh . Af irma on difference for car". DeLnxe Furnitaxa Co.. eor. Urand. ave. and Belmont st. Phone East 589Q. ' WANTED TO TRADE Radio set, valu $200. as'fmt payment on nght auto: also erystal set for sale or trade, valu $15. Cell Automatic 848-11 sftar $ p. m. 5-TCBE super-hetarodyns radio receiver, . worth 130(1 Will sell emmilet with mag- nxvox. batteries, etc., for $200, or. will trade lor rom bug. 9eO Stephens. Taoor sa WILL TRADE new Mandoi gralonola with records, valued at 3175. and pay cash du fere nee of $75 for good Ford touring car or Ford roadster. 30 Grand' ave. N. WANTED 1921 or 1922 Dodge touring car with- starter and extras ; must be in excellent condition; have two .25x1 QO-ft. lots to trade. F-9, Jenrnai. SLIGHTLY marred new Stude baker 6; big dis- . . f ir.,.. aK.au cuuui! wsib jour cr. mw vw. RADIO -TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH 875 RADIO SETS AND PARTS E. L. KNIGHT A CO.. 449 WASHINGTON ST. PHONE BROADWAY 145. A FIRST CLASS radio set. complete, with loud speaker, etc.. $100. Woodlawa 159. 70 West Church st FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 90Q Nelson Ladder Works 27 STSCOND ST. PHONE MAIN 8266 light Ladders FOR cherry picking ELECTRIC drill presi. $25. Electric table, with motor, only S3U. several pieces household goods, rug, etc Vietrola. Call 140 E. 41st M., oor. aoyt, in laaremnrga; AUTOMOBILES, LAUNCHES, MOTfR CYCLES or boats sre separata claasineV-. tiona; a larg Ustlsc will be Msaa different elassificatioBs. PIANO WANTED Will exchange new Edison Diamond Am- berola and 600, fin records for piano. Hyatt Talking M"-"" Co.. BOO Alder. WANTED Family of 5 or 6 to pick berries. F. Gilea. Troutdale car to Ventura park. - mile east of Buckley ave, mil north of Barr Road. LAMBERT CHERRIES 6c, Black Republi- can Be: pick tnem youneu. A. J. waixer, MUwaukie. 2 blocks esst of .8. P. depot, on Washmgton st LABORATORY model Edison, in William and Maxy case, like saw. Cost $295. Price $200. Easy tarma. Hyatt Talk sag Machine Co., 350 Alder. SEE THE VULCAN camp bed for camping and touring: finest camp bed mad: suitable for spar room or sleeping porch. 41 Grand sve. i cast eo. LOGANBERRIES for sale at Longanview Farm. Oswego Lake, from B to 1000 crates. Just right for canning and Juice, Call Main 22sT3, or Tabor 1986. CABINET aixed Columbia Grafociola, golden oak ease and oo u. t. new records for ISA. $10 down. $3 a month. Hyatt Talking 1U- chine Co.. goo Alder. PICK YOUR OWN LOGANBERRIES at 4o. on the vines. 3480 7 1st. 1 block off Di vision. Phone Automatic 644-83 RUGS - washed on yout floor with Hamilton Beawh electric carpet washer; also vacuum deaning done. Jast 400. iSLBlStSS CARDS fl At'VH.N PRESS, 1S 286 Washington St Broadway 5649, RASPBERRIES loganberries, blackcaps, pick them yourseu. tza St., near Division. Tsbor 184T FINE Columbia Graionola, cabinet sue, only $60. .Easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder. ELECTRIC fixtures for 5 rooms, $15; big selection otner iixtures. zut chamber Commerce bids., Broadway 4253. CHERRIES, Royal Annea 8c and 10c 194 E. Salmon. Mt Tabor car to 76th at Phone Tabor 163S. CASH registers and computing scales bought. sola, exenangea sua repaired. , 220 stark at, between 1st snd Zd sts. Broadway 7534. GAS STOVE and plate, baby high chair, fold- inc buggy; cneap tor caan. vss irring. Atwater a (an. 5(0 BCSUNtSa CARDS' -g ROSE CITX PRINTEKY. JSC 249 Washington, bet. 2d ano 3d, DIEBOLD SAFES, new and secondhand; spe cial prices,.- x-acuio scaie t supply Co., 4 8 yront St., x-roaaway i goo. . FOR hich-grad furnitur repairing, uphoUter inc and mattress work at small oust, call K. : A. TAULa.Mitt. aaais .. .-- DANDY toned Behx Brothers piano, only $165, $20 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking kxacnine 00-. ao Aider. DIAMOND ring, cost $75: will sell for $50 ' Ford front springs snd shock absorbers, $7 complete, or trade tor cow, j-bw, journal. FOR 4 SALE 50-gal. oil storage tank, brown Burgess sulky. French gray oriole, Superior gas water neater. 011a ootn ave. . O. FOR SALE New tnt used 1 week. 10x12, 12 ounce, 4 it wail. wooaiawn 1988. LADIES' GOOD LOOKING CLOTHES Used bargains; come and look. Tabor 2825 MILK " ROUTE wanted on er only. Aut 624-50. CHERRIES-r Royal Annea aad . Black Repub hcans. Amomsnc oif-po. WOOD SAW for sale or trade. 898 Cleve- laini ., NEW Hamilton-Beach sewing machui motor. complete, .Aw. .tvj. HAVE new electrie washer and wringer to ex- chanae tor prinnng. ja Jonnson. WINDOW -seceeas, mirrors, cabinet work, etc Call vuin. ii-i. -, . - BLACK REP. cherries, 5c os trees. 4 7th N.. cor. Bumsido at: 24 E. CHERRIES .for sale, 6 and 8c per pound. 2740 6 2d' at S. E. LARGS SAFE-7-Special bargain if, takes at once, wul give terms, u-ai. Journal. LAMBERT CHERRIES, 10c lb., delivered - to lots of 2Q lbs, or more. ; Tabor 88Q7 FOR RENT Electric vacuum 'clessers. T5 , - .. ' 1 O K J. uay. qgu-igw, ..m.. . . g. - " gng FIRST-CLASS taiior-made auitsT ?i W. i. West, tailor, 473 Waah. 50 'ATLD Don John ogam, 32.25, postpaid. neitaesngc-. GET .your furnace , properly deased aad over- hauleq: son t waiu s-ti ieonara. is. 7SOV LARGE wiekev baby cart . with windows; line ffmomoo j. uoj neaviw ve. VACUUM CLEANER. Torrinirton. perfect dition. $25. Tabor 4035. 270 E. 2ttth, HAI is field for-aaie $15- a ton. Villa ave. mil rat of Barker Toed.- Tabor 94)38 LAMBERT and Royal Anne cherries, 0 and 8c gez West ArgyHr av. s.enton. CAMPING CAR. It , fin - one, at half Sellwood 2828. GHtL'S bicycle, boy "a bicycle, fancy birdcage, Bkuiele. 358 Chapman, after 9 Sunday. A DANDY suit siae 36. cost $40; practically sew; $12 takes it - Aut 612-60. i MAN'S bicycl. -. fin condition, .bargain. $16. Tabor 755. - IADUSS' attractiv. wrape, capes and coats for - Summer wear: Ssed. Tabor 2S25. - - BA1HO set, $12.50; New Horn sewing eine. $7. Broadway 1995. 1UARGE Rehsbleo cs range, in perfect coadi tia; bargain at 325. Wood lawn 410. - FOR SALE 8 do. 1-qt, 1 do. 2-ot Mason lar ; Aut 616-2. . : - 3-WEEK-OLD Esdifh eoliie. maiev pup. cood ' - stock.-$7 50. 60S E. Market. ItiUIT JARS aad jelly g, cheap.,. Tabor 523. 229 E. 49th st GENILEMAN'S cutaway broadcloth, coat and vest, aisHst sew... sis 30. Last bus. FOR SAIJtISC32XANZOUS 900 United Arnay .Stores . 19 ZHZED bT.; COB- TATtXJR . . We has aha latwaat aval most erararlet stock of tents of any retail star is Portland. We are headguartees for all eamp equipment. We eavo a full hne of ramp beds, camp efunn, camp stools, earns tablea and m host of other articles that are useful around, as, camp. . 0." & STANDARD 2 9 -INCH DUCK -PRIPF-S f!S U HITK WALL TENTS TxT 8 ex., 2 foot aide wall .....,..$ C0 7x7 10 ox.. 3 foot aid wa 8.83 7xv K oa.. $ foot sid wan ......... 7x9 10 oc. 3 foot side wall ...... 8x10 8 oa.. 3 foot aide wall . . . . . : . 8x19. 19 oa. 3 foot side well ...... 10x12. 8 oa.. 3 foot side wall ...... 8.20 10.00 e.oo 11.1 11. 0 13-80 12.70 15.0 14.10 14.10 10x12, IS oa., 3 foot aid waU 10X14, 8 es., 8 foot sid wall...... 10x14. lO oa.. 3 foot side wall 10x10.. lO en., 3 foot sidcuvan . . ... 12x1 2. J on., 3 H foot aid waU l-fxl2.10 . 3 4 foot aide-' wall ... 1 7.40 2x14. 8 hav. 8 foot side wall ... 15.75 12x14. 10 ox.. 8 V4 foot side wail. ..." 1 9.50 2U, ,) foot Side wall .... . IT-ZO 2xl '10 os 34 foot side wafl . i - 12.55 12xlB.- oa.. SH foot side wall ... 19.10 12x18. 10 oa.. 3V4 foot side wall. .: 23.75 14x14. 10 eaw A foot side wall . . 23.80 14x16, 8 oa.. 4 foot side wall ... 3.50 14x16. 10 OS.. 4 foot side wall..,, . 28.00 14x18. 8 ox.. 4 foot aid waU..... 28.50 14x18. 10 oa.. 4 foot aid waU . ... . 31.00 14x21, g oc. 4 foot side wall ...... 28.00 4x21. 10 OS.-.--4 foot side wall . i 38.50 16x18. 10 oa.. 5 foot side wall - . . 38.00 sxz. IB os.. a foe side wall .... . o.vo 6x24. 10 oa. 5 foot side wall'.,. 44.00 16x30. 10 o.. S foot sid wall ..... 56.00 - ! -.-..,-.'. -1. .;- CONWAT AtJTO TENT& Will fit any car. flap aoe over-too of ear, covering entire top of car. Ton do not need poles. .' - . ' -. - " ' . S : XT, 8 ox., white 36-in. duck ........$ 7.00 7, 8 oa.. white 2 9 -in. duck 8.35 x9. 8 os.. 29-in. duck ...10.10 ... 10.85 . 12.10 7x7 10 ox, whit 29-in. duck Tx9, 10 oc, white 29-in. "duck 7x7, 8 os.. khaki 36-in, duck . 10.70 12.65 ix. o os., a oa El sw-in. dues 7x7. 10 ox., khaki. 86-in. duck.....'. 11.65 7x9, 19 ox., khaki. 36-in. duck 14.00 7X14. 10 ex., white garage tent 5 foot side walls. This tent will cover your entire car from front to back snd top to bottom. If you are going to the beach you will need this tent to protect your car from the salt air 20.00 EW SURPLUS ARMT GOODS ; ' ' .v U. H. army sew regulation pup tents heavy khaki material, consisting of 2 shelter halves per teat , .Can be need as a tent or . sleeping bag. They make a dandy play tent for tbe kiddies. Price . .12 69 Painted poles and pins for 'above set.'. ,00c S. army new haversacks, with sack ,- earner ...$1.10 U. S. army new folding cots, heavy khaki aucx. witn piuow holder ......$3.90 New heavy duck camp stools . . . 50o New heavy tduck camp chairs. 70c, S5e. U. S. army O. D. blankets, size 08x84. weigs rrom to 4m ......$2.5 New whit sailor nanta . . $1.93 New white Bailor' blouses . .82.25 United Army Stores 1 94-1 96 Third st. cor. Taylor. Portlands Oregon. , Mail Orders Filled at One Make All Remittances to J..T. CON W, AY, PRESIDENT, f Pioneer Army Store man of Oregon SAT NEIGHBOR I Are you looking for real bargains? If so, we hav them. Come Monday and sea for votrrself . All the following articles-must be sold with out reserve: . One larg refrigerator, bar and back bar. floor cases. 2 roll too desks. 2 flat too desks. Manning ens burner, electrio mixer, soda foun tain, camp outnt, snotcuns and rifle And 1000 Other : Useful Articles. , Com and cot real bargains. No Reasonable Offer ' v -Refused If you haven't the eash MATBE YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO TRADE NEWMAN'S BARGAIN STORE. 128 FIRST 8T.. BET. ALDER AND WASH. WASHBURN mandolin Si 0 ; genuine Martin mandolin $25; Hanrood diver saxophone. low pitch, B flat soprano 185; set Deacan bellsV $37.60; brass trombone snd case $6; Conn cornet $20; Lyon ow Healy silver cornet trumpet model. $72.50 ; let, fine buffet clan- neta. low pitch A and B. Albert system 15 keys, 4 rings, 4 rollers, $65; Gibson guitar, O grade, ana La case, 5110. BEN B. BACKMAN. 1 10 3d St 8EWTNG MACHINES 200 Singers, Whites. New Homes. Free and all. other makes at your own price and terms; rentals $3 per month, - SINGER, STORE. v 183 4th St , Main 6833.. ' FOR SAXJH One imported Belgian Melotto. cream separator, in perfect condition, used only 2 months; capacity .710 lbs.; satisfac tion guaranteed: orice 375. Fop fneche particulars call at or write Perry J. jorges- sen. Home Valley, Wash. DESKS, SAFE CABINETS. TYPEWRITER We are now stocking high-grade steel equip ment at the price of used: used tvoeweitr and adding machines at lowest prices in city; oTiice rurniture rented. u, -j. wax. 24-26 N. 6th., Broadway 2739. - NEW SEWING MACHINES ' 7 Why pay more for unknown make vfhen you can get a guaranteed Grayhound New Horn electric, with motor, for $35. 172 8d near Yamhill, EASTMAN vest pocket, new. $5; camera 64x84. $32.50; Eastman postcard use. $10: check protector. $: full dim coat and vest 87 or 38, broadcloth. $12.50. Ben 8. pacaman, iiv am a. "-.Stamps and Coins Bought and sold. Open Sundays. ' Colum bia Stamp & Coin Co.. 04 North 16th street. NEW PHONOGRAPH RECORDS Hear the new Victor, Colombia. Brunswick or Edison records. AH mail orders nrenaioL Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. IRRIGATED loganberries, at cor.- E. Clay and 77th st Pick yourself on Monday. Wednes day and Friday. Let ripen other days. 8,0c a crate. - - - " DRESS C IT (Tuxedo), cost $118, haa been worn once; will trade for Vietrola;' must be ra good condition; will pay some difference. J-164, Journal.' CHICKERING PIANO ; Fine mahogasy Chick ering piano, only $425. Terms. Hyatt Talking. Machine Co., 850 Aider. ; - - EV'ENRUDE. 2"4 fa. p.. 16 ft boat com- piete ouuit. usea tew tunes, tor r ordj or will sell right Afdwy. 77 74. Ask let John. Week days. - ADDRESSOGRAPH j Fin $300 electrically -operated Addresso- grapo, only iizo. txMy terms. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co.. 850 Aider. -FOR . feALE Beautiful ermine scarf and other furs, fine hnen and numenms articles Of a ' lady's wardrobe- Phone . Sell. , 0982 from 11 to 2. ROYAL ANNE, Bing and Lambert cherries ior sate, 41 is. o oth st. sear Stark. Pick yourself. FOR SALIS 25-29 Winchester carbine, haa hardly ever been used. Chess. . Phor Mais 5175! ' . - - ' ----- ' ---- FINE toned Howard piano, only $225. 325 , down, $5 a month. ; Hyatt Talking Ma- "(11IH to, 3JD AW. - COOL Shantung silk shirt strictly tailored. sate v, as.ou: aieorHM coaling (tuu com, plete 33.5. SeUwood 372. IF l'UU want rocka for building purpose, get um o. aj.se s bh foe ave. . Greener, 1363 E. 21st st BARGAINS -is used eewinc mschmcn, ail uropneaos ana aa cuaraawea is good sew, inz order, $-12.50. 172 Sel near Yamhill. BLEACHED, ' laundered 10O lb. flour sacks. ? 1 .20 do-, mail order add 15 for postace a d inmranee. Snowflake Laundry, 480 Belmont LMiASBKliiiIli3. 45c; firm your crates snd p?ek tnem at ts xsea kesther xterry Harm. t its, rtxmr ..jr. - - A FEW household goods, rags, chairs, etc, for - sale. Call 140 K. 4lst,N-. oor. Hoyt, sa Laureinursc - FOR SALE Large astiun mantel sairror. very fine. Call Sunday or svenincs. -373 E. 15th st N. 1 ROVAL ANNE cherries - and raapbemes for sale for cannuig at cierra - Vista, on th Base Lrae Toad. . NO. 12 $140 Path phonograph, with 20 rec ord, taken ta trade; wul sell, tor 7 5. J. 11. MAljllKR. Il regoB FoCR dosen Maaus ..Quart fruit jars, clean. Ytainui -ssf. - ),.- . 2 TARP AUXINS. 10x18. 10x12, chess, Mais BtG body for aai cheap. . Mamhail 8s 74. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 YOtJ'RE: BLIND - - tsSy-Jf '-ft'-VI' -'-A-.iEi;, .-i--,w'' T-..-'r' TO THE "POTENTIAL- POSSIBmTTES . - OF MONEY AN THE ISTUSG i, L C O N F I D B N C E, SERVICE. AND . :GOOD VAIXB BRING. IF YOU . HAVE NOT DEALT WITH LKVIN. . Goin' Campin'? Would you car to drop 1st We wooM : be pleased to show you th eonstroetKm. -, weave and .body of our . 8TORM-K1NG - tents, Prieas. s the same quality, poeW - tiveiy th lowest-ia this territory. Qua!-... ity. Any six from 5x7 to 20x30. Fhea, . camp chairs, stoves. Aaythmc for th' camper. Cotton has takes a 10 per cess -rase and it's goinc up. No advano i. our price yet! . Buy now. . 12x14 Acme waU tont. .... $15.46 8x10 Acme wall tent. . ....... 8.88 . We saw the , ideal AUTO 'tent for touxKts. . Get our figure before you buy. : i 1 BVENRCDB MOTOR, $35; good " r - condition, f : i v, -, . Btiilders Hardware ; We have yet to see one customer to . tell us be can buy 'fats hardware for lem - than tile estimates that come from war . BUILDERS' hardware department! AH w ask is yon bring in your list an our '. merchaddis end prsn. and LEVIN haa another r satisfied customer. Ane-thinc sv . - f mishinc hardware from ; your nails down". . to your locks, binges, or. garage bard ware. You will be surprised to see th . grade of goods and the pnee, no matter . . whether you are building a cabia or a. $25,000 horn. Iricea in . proportion. :. May w. . have - th privilege of f igunac - '. os you needs -: : i ' , - . r ' . , r ; - - - ' Do You Know? ' Tow can buy a used dragsaw to clean up your place of wood, lay up a store for th winter, for about half of what a new on costs? We have a food variety, snexpensive in price and as ideal, small investment for th ranch -or country home. ' How about a little outfit of woodcutting tools? Crosscut ssws used : in slightly damged ' hmdee, $1.75 to $3.50. Values up to $7t i Anything rn sew or iised wedges or mauls, splitting bars. We would b " pleased to figur cn your needs. . . t . Carpenter Tools-i i -.'- - . .- - ' ' -. Used lAhgdbn ' steel mitre box and -Diss ton saw. $22 value, pric. . .$13-50 i A complete tin of GoodeU mitre boaaa -. at prices that satisfy. " -v A handy block passe for service. ,.$1.25 Our high grade Jack plane, were " $4.90, sow S.65 W would be ptoased- to show you our ' line of tooia, and soma very attracUve'1 ' Do Ydtt Need a ; . . Bicycle? A used wheel, rebuilt, coaster; In first class condition, at the very low figur at.... . .$8.50 A eoupl of warehouse trucks at ....... ....T.... $6.50 and $7.50 Do you need, a soiteas. a crip, or a trunk at a steal? We are closing out th - entire line and w are disposing , of them, - at ridiculously low prices. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO..; 22123-215 Front -"20246 Cor." Salmon On.This Stand forv30 Years We Always Treat You Fair- OAK KEGR AND BARRELS ' For packing berries, cherries and other eom- mmliliM riuMiwlina - . . mft.tiffht container. Free from all odor or sap. Also fir kecs snd barrels for' p-H"f mincemeat, pickied pigs feet ollvea fi.h nowrierad milk. " Let us 'handle your order. W guarantee quality, servicer satisfaction. , T.AYTOV nnOPERAfiK CO.. . OUU office. 827 Water st. Portland. Or. DEWING MACHINE .EMPORIUM jbtschinea sold for level No scents employed.. Uuarenteed used machines- cheap. Parte and repairing for an makes. , Marhinea rented. Main 9431. . . - 190 -e3d, near Taylor St. CARPET:-CLEANING REFITTTNG. ? RELAYING. ' RESIZING. ETO. ii rug, steam eieanea. ii.ii). bhotw made over. Feathers renovated. AH kinds of new matU seats for . sale.' Fluff rugs - woven from old carpets.. : Furnifxu upholstered and PIONEER MATTRESS AND CARPET . . CLEANING WORKS. 1072 E. Lincoln St. Ant 2ST-OT. . . y. SHOTGUNS, RIFLES Tents, Camping' Outfits, Trunks.. Heating Stoves. Electric. Fans. Tools and Anything of Value ' 5 Rnneht: fl.-ilrl n -Rvrhanndj Newman's Exchange, ' 128 1st between Alder snd Washington. Bdwy. 7161-, Aut 625-82. Aut 627-46. lElectric .Fixtures Buy direct from factory showroom: finest seiecuoBS, ail styles; save n ; come and s ssmptes, you are onder no obllgatum to buy. BIAMJ.I LMIZ,. 207 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLIXl., 3d snd Stark sts, " Broadway 4253. SHOWCASES NEW. USED AND MADE TO ORDER. : BUT, eeU. ex chance Cash Beolatars. Scales, Fotmtatna and miscellaneous store fix tures. See os first V BOXER TRADING CO.. 129 1st st Broadway 7438. CEDAR CHESTS -. Direct from faetorv to voire home Tea? and - port Orford cedar; solid copper trim mings; latest designs. Writ for eatakocs. J. W. H1GGINS BON. 191216-18 E. GLISAN TABOR 808 WE SAVE TOU MONEY Hons, wiring bghring fixtures; at.d electrical repairing, supplies. ' Third Street Electric Store. 224 m 3d st. nesr Salmon. sisls 0O55, LEAKY ROOF. EHf Very- aggravating, in---U71.W wn . MABiforeeble and perma- neoi roof r. We repair, BUBBBB-BOND and rejuvenate all kind of warped, cracked. k.i,.iti riaieruwated and disntegTatea. obi ukv roofs: work ' guaranteed. Phone Broadway a3S, THE FURSHOP; Fine furs at lowest prioee. ' Remodel mx. cleaning. -' stor ca. , - "Attend to your fur wants now and save mone: t 403 Morrison. dwy s iwsDa -; ). nuinlfhnea, mill work. , Xlase, "ZZ. JWvecndTbe4 a-sfa-S. .... . y. Z.r .i .twi rloorm for wires. - Li. B .Scully Co..' downtown lumber. etoee, IT Front bet. Morrison and Tamaui. main w BARGAINS is nebuilt phonographs, every one cuaranteed. every one a oais. sKKhn; as. ood as" new machines: ail .na tionally knows makes. $12.50 to $33 172 Bd ' near lamfntl. "gHlNGlJlS DIRECT ITflOM; MILL. Extra Star A tStar, $3 per 1 100U. Commons, 31.75 per 1000. TAYLOR ST. DOCK, MAIN ; 8QS5. Stamps and Coins ' ttnnirht and Bold. Open Sundays. cotsm- wl. a,. n X. rtnin fV. 84 N. -16th SEED CORN, yellow dent, crown in fciarke eountv. 2000 lbs. Write of phoo 98. Red Ash Seed Co., VsncouveT. Was. i-ViR- RALE i-First-clam all-steel . rang. holes, wood.: coal T briquetes. 4922 T2d H. S. K.r Phane Auto.,, 636-B7. r . . t-CtCtl voodv. mounted .n anto, at a be- esia. Call Woodlawn 2361. .1168 E. 3 1st at" -N. : ' " WATER SYSTEM and motor, H. F. fcteren- sos. Powell valley, sear Gates rd., Rt box 495. Portland. ' -f - - . EYE GLASSES os credit at a Bros. s Co. 283 Wash., near 4tn. - ONE 3il0o Axminster rue, $15. ; 31916. - Scilwood FOR SALE-nSCTLLANTOUS SCO M. JBARDE & SONS; Inc. , , 24-4 Ft sot at, r- - ... HrrUand. Or Main 063. . . tSf Guaranteed - .Money Savers-' 1 0,000 TONS : ANGLES, - PLATES. SHAPES, , STEEL BARS - - ' GET OCB PRICES . - .- ' - - T Tn, New. galvanised, comic ted: 8, 9. 10 foot - lengths. '.':..." SAVE. MONEY BUT NOW! i : TR4NSMISSION ' Pulley, boxes, hangers, shsfting. resrs, pinions. BEE BARDE BEFORE B1-ILG. BELTING Rubber, , and leather. - ,s; :. OCR STOCK IS CtTSaPLBTB. Loggers; Equipment ' WIRE ROPE, anv eiae. any ouantity. ' Skooksm blocks, "the block that makes tef- . . i .... Mn ev -. :? - Axes, peanea,-sledges, wedges. Falling, bucking and drag SAWS. . BARDE S PRICES ARK miSHJ. Barde's Big Bargains . PUMPS r?;v-:; 20 6x5Kx8 Blake pumpa, new .. ,..$110 10 6x64x6 Oardner pumps, sew ... 110 196x7x6 Blake pump, new . 135 e 1 0x6x12 Buffalo pump, new . . . . 210 1010 in American esrmriatinx double- aucttus oentruucaA pumps ........ a-o 210 in. Asm circulsting doubla-auc- ; tioa eentrifoffal camDS. ns . . i . . 333 10 44x2 4k4 Dow duplex pumsa. new 73 -18x2x3 VVortningto pumps 83x34x3 WertlungtoB pumps . .... -0 1 3x2x8 isrdoer pump ,.,-..; 45 a1 8x2x3 Snow puinps 4$ 2 3x2x8 Fsirbanks-Mors pumps ... 45 4 Sinele-actinc feed .pump. - -Inch ' auction itr......-. .iit( .-li S H4 is. centrifugal "pump f newt $6 1 IS is. centrifugal pumps, (sew) 60 4 8 in. oentrifucal pump nnr) , . . . 75 34 in. centrifugal pumps (new) . . . 86 2 5 in. centrifugal pumps (new) ..llO 3 6 in. centrifugal pumps new) . .. ISO 5 3x5 Typhoon belt-drives pumps .. &0 uoudi acoos oeca pumpa ...... zz,e -Doubi actios deck pumps . . ; , 17.50 V 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON PURCHASE OF TWO PR MORB BARDB'8 BARGAINS " SAVE YOU MONEY STEAM , ENGINES C Upright and horfsoutal- -Special price that ;;V ; ,: a big saving v-;.. Miscellaneous m Gasoline engines -Boilers (vertical and horizontal) ' Steel tanks, air receivers. 800 to 1500 taL Motors.' 10-hp. to SSO-hp. i . .J -Co-npressors sll sisesl.- "'. MACHINE TOOLS "4 i , Isthes - . Shapers " 1" " Planer - " .. . . Key neater ' , - Belt Threaders ,' - ' ?:u - . Mlllrnx machine . r - ' Bovine mills ' Grinders (electric .and belt drive) . .--;'. Puncnes '. Punches and shears ( vertica! and horuootal) Air nouts ingersou and jjax . LocomotiTe cranes, etc WRITE, WIRE OR PHONE TOUR ORDERS M. BARDE & SONiSjInc. j HOUSB OF A MILLION BARGAINS. U, S. Shipping-Board' : MATERIAL FOB SALE CHEAP Attention, orchardists. farmers and painters. -40 sew ladder. 14 and 28 feet lone at 10c per foot . SOO new oil sad gas storac tanks. S to 120 gallons. i A large amount of iron lockers.- garbage cans, pitchers and slopjars, 5 grindstones with stands, a lot of fir hose - reels aad racks. Enameled lavatories and hopper (complete . A lot of double , iron marina1 cots and single Iron springs. . Call at 208 Han st. - between Front and First streets. - . - y -- ' SAVE TOUR WIFE Send your wet waah to th Snowflaka lass- dry: clothes, washed snowy white -in separate compartrn'tnts; MONDAY, TCESDAT AND WEDNESDAY. 15 LBS. FOR 70 CENTS: 4 CENTS each additional pound: valuable pns- mrams given. Phone Esst 8433. PRACTICALkVY new Hamilton Beach carpet waahinc machine : dandy for hotel or apart ment house work. Cheap.': Bcitwood $844. Monday.:.' . v REBUILT WELDING OUTFITS From $35 up. Investigata ear exehsng system. Northwest Weldinc t Supply Co., 88 First St.. Portland. Or. , . ' - LOGANBERRIES. 4e a lb. while they last Yes nick them. Off highway 900 yards. Quar ter mile . N.'. E. Ticard station, at Jackson's place. - - .- - - WICKER baby carriage; cost $65. half price and throw in first clothe. -All good. Evexy- thinc baby needs. .821 Albert st FOR SALE The last of th winter's catch of furs, inelndinc 2 beautiful Hons. Prices right: Sunday and all week at 967 N. g. 80th. REPAIRED gas aad wood ranees at . half Dries: au makes, all styles. Always ones. Brooklyn Stove Shop. 868 Powell. 4 KARAT diamond ring for sale, also small duster ring. Tabor . Sail. . 1033 : East Grant st - DOUBLE-BARREL 12-gauge German steel shotssn; stiver tnmmiugs: a snap. ; Sell- wood 3600. - ECONOMY snd Mason . jra. quart and hslf . gallon: very cheap. 762 E. 39th, Sell- wood -SOS4. ' - FINE 9x12 rug, like sew. only $40. Leather eneir, szw. ttu itv ijui nv cut, Hoyfc in baurelhurst FUEL DRESS SUITS rented for all JOY, THE- TAKR. 104 4th. EYE GLASSES oS credit at Zell Bros, m Co., 2 vvsan., near via. - c 25-36 CAL. WINCHESTER take-down with ease, nearly hew $36. Tabor 5702. ROYAU ANNE and Bine cherries for sale No. ft E. 52d. corner Ash. Tsbof T106: BLACK Repoblican cherries 60 pound on the tv. 1 074 Holgate st - - $200 WELDING, and painting outfit with . regulators ana nose, sdv rasa. isoor s9 FREE DIRT, 1675 RODNET AVR NEW bimraonds crosscut saw, Ne. 683, 0 Xt. $6.60. East V990. , . , HEMSTITCHING, machine for sal. 66 V4 6th at - Call Monday. Broadway 4435. 3 BEDSTEADS and spriac for sale. $5 aes. Vail 687 Gases t SEW Gear heart knitting machine, oriole, crib and sulky. Auto. bg-4. ' ONE electric Iran. $2.50: large electric horn. $2.0O: BMoliiw tnrcfl, lizs. 'Mir. l7i. BLACK ASTRAKAN fur ,eoat and fuU ? nine dresag-East T. . - WINCHESTER . - 1721 Itivision. gauge pumpcim TRUCK bed, 5x8. ail oak. $10. Call Murray, SET Haaaler shock sborbere, double aprinc, cood as sew, $12. Call Murray. East 6619. AIR eompveaeor. slightly - need. Call today at 1078 B. 25th N. REFRIGERATOR solid oak, 75 lb, ic ea rwnityr $40. Phone 826-59. ' " CHERRIES for aai. pick them yourself; cheap. -3d and East Stark at-Bl, Box 96. - : DARK oak dinlnC tab's and 4 chairs. Vhoae Atwater o i v. . . . COPPER coal gas water heaters, $10 aad. sf WIU install. East 4852. FANCY front door, large i claaa. fork, ptete. - Price Phone Eaet 2858. 50-GALLON gJiin task and pump tor sale. '1 barcain. East 8191. 6 B. 70tn t N. LAMBERT" eherrie for mist. 924 and . iij- HANGE - snd all water pipe aad stovepipe cheap. 6V Vi. latn st. is. xvasr B0YAL ANNE eherriaa for aai. 5231 4 7th sve. 8 E. ' MANNING bum. Atwater OS SI. FOR SALIMISCELLANEOUS TCD Prospective Builders . ATTENTION! -: Lumber! Lumber! -, wnj lor sriitTt.rvri Tr :' ' v Robert DoUar s stock of Monarch Mill at North . Portland. -- Three millMn at himhee fmm r rV ti 12x12. Send ns vnor luce far rimt. A com pie ta stock ' aliiplap, 1-ia. material, rustic. C estalinc. siding, si tort xethng. SKhng and floor- SB. .............. c .... .g-:0.OO pec 9A 50 ship- ladders (fin for basemests) . t sh - . . ; $5.00 Carload BBUnellaneAisa hapdwoo. lal ail ing-s t a great aviua. , , fhlnrle. --All-A-Star. 'nr W . . - . - S3.S3 i : Shingle. Ld. 6-in. ciear buU. per M. $2.00 i Plumbing! i Pfiumbirig! Purchaae from U. S. government E. F. X -. - - -, Corporation? ' -v. vr - . Bath rob, waah trays, rinka, Uvatoriea, high and low task toih-Cs pipe snd fittini. 20.000 ft' U. 8. waU radiators, ssutabl r for steam or hot water, at per foot. . , ... 35 Heavy N. P. mhanttr hatha with cup. , tains ... -.v..,;. $10.00) v- Heavy finished solid brass shower baths with curtains i. i . v . $12.00 - Shower beads, i ... ..w . . .. $2.50 up .Carload sew-standard pip at wholesale. Carload concrete pipe and fitting at 19 per cent oft list . ' - f' -; ' - 8-iriec bath room set . cump. with niekal-V Plated fittinc . . . . . . , . . . . $63.00 - 801. riveted, cuaranteed 80 lbs. pressure boilers, each ., . . . . . . . . , .... .-$10.00 1 8x60 1-pc wa&h sinks, con-p. with fit- tinea, each , $1 5.00 r A Compteta . Stock of PhimMog Supplies at. ". - - ' a Great Saving. -.----5 ' - WE SELL TO ANYONE. j . , ". .- Doore;SashH ' 0,000, sew ' doors, Vv- scoordinc o ' else. ' ' from 10.0OO windows ..... . .... .. $1.25 op 7,000 window sash. 4-lt ..,....$ .75 up ' : oit ........$1.00 up ;1.000 French doors, lO-K. each....$ 6,Od 15-lt. each $10.00 1,000 front doors, each.. . .34.60 to $10 00 r 60O garage dra, daaed. pr, $9.00 to $15jOO SO wheelbarrowa, each ......... $ $.00 Builders' Hardware. Xocks and Hinges, "Sky' - . .. lights, French Sash, Bars Saab, . Porcl., 8a5s.--;,. Roof irig, Plasterboard Carload Rosf inc. Manufactured by - Certain :.;:Teed Products Co. - Doubl sanded or smooth surface. 1 ply. ner roll of 108 ft ... .. . . .$1.00 ; 2 ply,- per roll of 108 sq. ft ........ $1.85 ply, per roll of 108 d. ft... $1.80 . Heavy slate roofing, red or green, weight 80 : lbs., guaranteed for 10 years, per roll. .$3.00 niaca sneeunc paper, (uw sq, Ik in roii. per roll j. , . . . . . . ........ . ..$1.88 Rosin sised aheetins-. BOO so. - ft. In roll. ' per roll ...... .. .4 ...... .--. . , -. $ .85 - Blue pisster board. 250 ft is roil., 1.00 Plaster wall board. 48 in.x6 ft. 7 f t, 8 ft. 0 ft, 10 ft. 12 ft length, per so, ft$ .044 J - A mi wood wall . board. - asm lengtb, pec, square foot .................. . .$ .03 Galvanized Pouliryiry 1. Netting '-.; . 2-neh meah. square foot i v V 2 h. 1-ineh meah. square foot " . ..; FIELD FENCE AND LAWN FENCE, H -inch garden hosa, square foot. . . .8 : , r 2 "4-inch fire hose, square foot. . . . . lOa up 1 PLATE GLASS AND MIRRORS. Complete- stock of new fir and hardwood -moWinca.-- Prompt delivery with our own : trucks. Satisfaction gusranteed.' Mail your inquinea to - POLAN WRECKING & 1 CONSTRUCTION CO. B. 8th and Belmont ata,. Portland, Orecos.. I Phone East 6110. MaU Orders SoUcited.) PIPE THAT IS PIPE! . SPECIAL FOR" THIS WEEK ONI.T. - 25.000 FEET ,-LNCH GALVANIZED-. ' . PIPB AT 6c PER FOOT. WB HAVE "JCST BOUGHT- SEV r ERAL HUNDRED THOUSAND FEET " ' 'OF 400I - USED ' BLACK AND GAI i VANIZED PIPE IN ALI SIZES UP TO 10-INCH. WB ARK SACRIFIC ING IT AT BARGAIN PRICES. 100,000 FEET 1 -INCH DRYKI7N , PIPE AT A VERT IjOW PRICE. SPE . ! CIAL FOR THIS WEEK ONLY 5 V. CENTS. - ' SEE US FIRST AND SAVB MONET. I " PIPB FITTINGS - 1 FOR ALL SIZES OF PIPB AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. , f . GOOD GALVANIZED CORRUGATED I ROOFING VERT CHEAP. AND ROOF ING .PAPER ALSO. , : i: . - PTUMBINO SCPPUES Of AXI l. 'LOGGERS. ATTENTIOPf! ,. ) LEATHER AND RUBBER BELTtNO. V ' I BOTH NEW AND USED! BAND AND 'CIRCULAR AW8. SHAFTING BOXES. ' .HANGERS, CABLE AND - EVERT. 1 THING FOB THE XXKJGING CAMP. i MANT SIZES OF HOSB. ALMOST -'.-I GIVEN AWAY.-- laARGB - ASSORTMENT OF NEW- SHEET IRON, -BLACK -AND GALVAN- .. .1ZED, . ; - - :: ... , -4. ; --- ---y -' : ' -..y- -:)-. " f MATXi ORDERS SHIPPED THB J SAME DAT RECEIVED. WB CAW AND WILL SAVB TOU MONET. ARB TOU WITH LSI v ' . ; r ZidellBerenson Co. 4 i 209-211 FRONT ST.. PORTLAND, OR. 'ATWATER )1 , - Pipe Stopped? Frozen? i-TeiolTo dean sewer drain pipes is 80 minutes. Generates 280 degrees heat- Pest it In. out sri goes. 7 oc postpaid. nn touaj. .FLEMING PLUMBING SUPPLY HOUSB 292 Washington St. Portland. Or. Bulbs .., I CALIFORNIA FRESJAS . " 'Beautiful bouse plaits beacasf whits trumpet-shaped blossoms lasting two or (hrte months. -By mail. 4 for 25 oenta. P. M. Hacking,' 88 S-' Brancifort -ave.. Santa- Cms. Cal. i - - - g BKWINU MAUUINB't. -33-. - . j sissy sens. xtee- vie v Kssy terms. Latest el - is I Ifefi tncs. Repairing. Res 4 -s. Repair! ng. Atss a ssc' Motors, .Pas. STOKE tOO WEST PARK. MARSHALL 721. l'liiulU nl . atw-Jr 50-in. high-grad drapery ana spnotswry veiooxa. u quuvdr. ST yard, $8.50.- $8.50 quality, per rsja. $2. toe, rose or mulberry. - Call, East 3140 foe an appointment. .- EXTRA fine Bing cherries- I0o; Kentish char' rim 4c- H. W. Strong. Greaham, os Powell Valley road. ':-.; Phone- Gnsaham 2161 and place order. ' 1 1 -'- '' . . - . Marion Butter - FRESH DAILT AT 600 B. DAVIS " A. T. MeCAULKT 7 R0TAL' TYPEWRITER ; r Royal typewriter.' splendid condition, only $45. -$10 down. $5 a month. Hyaat Tsik ing Machine Co.. $50 Alder. ' - " "cherries ' Royal Anne and Oragos cherries. easts on tree. Skinner 4 2d st between Bimpaos and Amsworth.' Wdln. 6738. 10 DROPHEAD sewing machines with sttach . sxenta, $20 each; portable eieetna machis for rest; sewing machines- cleaned snd re-T paired. E. B- Stees, 152 Grand sve.. E. 3859 RwrrvawicK ; 0125 Brurarwick, 1 sew, only $70. Essy rm. Hyatt slalkhit - Maohis Co., 868 Aider. ELECTRIC FtSTL'RES at wholesale: 1-hght chaJb T4c; S-ligbt fixtures. $$.75 r porch Tghtav OOc; s do electric -wirmg. Reliabl Electric. Unfam at Baaeeil, East $686. ALASKA WREl'KING COMPANY - AO kinds of buiidinc material, lumber, plumbing, windows. doors snd furnsee foe sate. Yard. Zd ana jomn-oia. aiais eaoi. WE HAVE a circular saw which run orf - of a Ford ear. whieh ia is firat-claas eon-' dirioa- T Cas a hought reaaonabla,... CaS Ta bar 9118. 1111 lwthora ave. - . HEVTXOTON TYI'E WRITER ', ' Remington typewriter, is bsV condrdos, , only 450,'. $10 down, $5 a month. , Hyatt Taiking Maehin Co.. 350 Alder. CAMP BED W est anto seats for beds at pre-war prime, Wentworth Top at Body Co., 188 Urand as. E 6568. - i'T--' : --' - - - : SPLENDID 88-sot Melville-Clark player puao, - mahogasr ease. Prtoe only $275, Beas"T- . able termxv Hyatt Talking Maciuaa Cu.. 830 Alder. - ' " . FOR' SALE Singer sewing roah:ne. ajd.-l 66, rhesp. good owidltkin. iijim ji'il'i. jsAi'B Ivr sale. $49 Wasco at , East 6053.