.9 SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1922. CEREAL SHIPMENTS EXCEED ALL PREVIOUS RECORDS ERMAN FINANCIAL- TROUBLES ARE MAIN FACTOR Or TUB OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND.4 OREGON. WEATHER FORCES CHEESE ADVANCE SATtTHDAY DAISY TRADE Better, F-fff t, ' Cheese, enb ex. selects. flats. Portland - .V. ... ,S6Ve ,6e KaarraicitM 3to market Chleaco.... ' ; ... v 1ttV XewYor .....ISHe.v' 44e 88a l Afli ,...e ... Seattle 4Sc . I7e Me wrnar to Om continued dry wtfttt, neeo eitating heavy buying -of (m4 fey daivrmvn, Tiilsmeek cheese advanced 1 Saturday, st Tillamook, sccording to sdviee received from : that point. The new price on tripttt. t ev b. Tillimoot, M jew aa cu - miiwna .w Tetmd iwilfWV 27. ; - . Che seen hop thtfth new prfe will enable frmrs 'to keep up tn milk flow by heavy feeding, Uw filling the market demande fur Tttlutsok PfntacUM, which to date 40OO boxes tiehind last TT. - A. AM ttKtr Oneioi cheese i ffcU4 by th ' latest sdvsnc ia TUlaok. snd Monday " morning will iho th urn advance in pnc. PortJamt butter market ia in good bapa, - vrythin cleaning up. ' ' ' Egg market 1 firm pciny on fancy tuff. : - : :.. .: Fernm desiring information' recsfding any market should writ th Msrkst Editor, Oregoel Journal, inclosing lUnp (o tapir- OAOUCT CAVED FHCIT PRICES ADYAWCE California fruit eanner quotad opening fruit prices en th 1922 paek to wholesalers today at slightly advanced figure over present apt prices. This nnn that spot price will be rained at one accordingly. The trade did not generally expect 1922 prices ta be (ticker, in fact it was loosing for lower price. The dvnee does not inclada ait tinea, bat as it covers tha most popular fruit, such as peacbea. aprisota and pears, tt caa almost be considered general. BERRT MART WEH SUPPLIED Portland market did pet go begging for berrias during tha day. in tact there war more on band thaa could be coiiurad. Aa a remit, pncea dropped off a Stile, POriTRT MART I1T GOOD SHAPE Demand continue brisk for fancy heavy hip. t'ricna are firm. Ob house indicated that ft migbt offer 24e on Monday for seary DRESSED MEATS WOVIlfO WEU LireMed meats are moving well. iteceipts . are tight, ' so that, arwytning coning ia is dispesad ot aoickly.- Prices are firm, - BRIEF' PRODUCE TRADE JfOTES . Kirat honey dews of tne season, arrived. Sold at S per boa. laott like lairs apricot crop at The 1 telle. bales made at 2.75 tor 4 -basket crates. Watermelon market firm. Cantaloup market eery traggisn. Salea made as low as $1.75. iireryUung OTcrripe. SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE Weather bureaa adrised Saturday -ProUct ' shipments during tha next 8tt boors against the following mazimom temperatures: going north to Seattle. 7 U decrees; northeast to Spckane. 95 degrees; east to Baker, 80 de grees, and south to Ashland, US degrees. Max. mom tempera tura at J'ordand tomorrow, .about 7 degrees. DAIRY PRODUCE OF THE COAST San rranaisow Market San Francisco. July 8. No market today. Cas Anaaiaa Market Los Angelea, July L N. 8.) Batter. 4ir. Eggs Extras, SI He; ease eotint 28e; pul lets, zae. Poultry Hen?. C2e;. fcroifcra. 28 80c; frjrrs, 35cr ' -" i aattla Market 8eattl,July . Kgga lianch. 3738e; pnltets, Jim23e. . BxttutVitf creamery. 42e;. brtcka, a sc.. ' Cbeeee Oregon triplets, S3c; Xoung Asaer icas. 24e. -- , - .j,. . i- POTATOES AtOHtt THECOAST ' ; 8a PranetseeT Market San 'PranciBeOi. July -8.-r-tf"T.V Unions, yellow, per tut,' 1.00 & green ftens. SI OO fill 45 " Potatoes, river." fancy; 3.50f Idahe- Waahington NetUd Gains, $2.00 2. 2: -Jtnas. $2.28 i 2.75;, w J2.O02;7; aweeta. $.00ft 0. . eatUa Market T Z. : Seattle, July . Unions tlifornia. (2.00 " 2.ftO. Potatawa Yakima Ueasj ( S SF.O Oi local. t'tl.OW. - S ' i ' - " - Eastern Cash Grain Minneapolis. July "8. Cash- Wheat So. 1 dark Northern, $1.84 4.44 H j do No. 3. I1.J1H Wl.ilH : do MO, 8. $1.28 1.88 H ; No. 1- Northern. Sl.-Sit S 1.91 H : do No, S. 1.2a i 1.8 ; o. 1 dark &ar4 Montana, $1.24. . ' ....j ... . , Winnipeg, July 8. Cash Wheat No. l Northern. 18; do No, it. S1.S14; do No, 3. $1.184: do No. 4. $1.0fl4 I do No, . ; do. No. 6, 801e; teed, o4c; track. $1.82 . . - Chicago, July Csah Wheat No. 3 Red. $1.14; No. 3. $l.lSei.iB ; No. 1 Hard. $1.15: No. 2, $.18. . Corn Not S mixed. 8 04 H : Ne. i yellow. "84tt; -Net 88ttSS: No. 2 White. IIHe. V lta No. a mixed. 4c: 40, 3 White. 87 Wo. 8, 84H8Me.. ' Retail berry prices took a Bllsrht J cline en th TamblU atrt ptibllo mar ket durine the) day, - In kaptna: with the lower pricos which hava ban rtil Ins in th wholeaJ market jtor aev ra! dars. Th berry soasoa is here in fall awing-. It ha been breuffht en suddenly fey '- ibm continuad warn waather. " Indioationa are that tha aea aon will-be extremely, ahort thia year. A$ vw predicted several days ago, the retail eggr price aijvanctrl I cent, 'Local hothouse tomatoes were more plentiful, but the price is still too h'"b tor the averas eonsvmer. -Freeh vesetables are plentiful, most et them aallinir at around 5c per bunch. New cahbatre price to lowered to 3c per pound, and new potatoes to Sc : Retail pnees generally show ; Ksg 27 ft 30c dosen. . Bnttier Freab creamery, 4S08Oe. . i Ftst Salmon. 2e; balibat. 8rfe; black cod. 15c. - . v tTour Beet local patent. $2.15 2.25 per 4-lb. sack.. . Potatoeai Curbanks, 8U7S2.ftO peraaek: aew, 4 lb. . Onions 6a per pound, ; Tsmhill street prices: - , . " Vegetablea--Carrota. Be (ranch ; turnips. Be, pound ; aspsiegus, 80s pound; string beans, 100 12 He pound; peas, Oe pound; cabbage. 8c pound; cauliflower, 3Se head; -eUuee, 10c head: new potstoea. 33 pound. - Honey Comb, 25o quart. 63; pint, 8Sc Poultry Heavy hens. 7 2 So; light hens, 2428c tags Publie market. 2T 9 30c; private stores. 2730e per doeen. Strawberries Best 'Oregon strawberries Se box; raspbefiriea. 9c; currants, 10 box; lo ganberries, sc; blaekoape, 1 tc v - Cantaloupes Feney stock, 10 01 fie eaeh. PORTLAND FAR III : LEAD OF SOUND SATFRDAT WHEAT BIDS Hard white t. ... Reft white ...... White cln Hare winter jrortBernicpiiflf, R4 Walla ...... Bat. 1 IT 450 . 4 40 80 IS - JS . . e ; - 4 eo ... 21 . 2 104 I 11 1 8 ft '' e 10 - 4 i 2 - . 67 ... 18 18 60 1 M, ' 8 fOBTIiiXQ WHOLECAliE PRICE These are ' the prices retailers pay whole Skiers, except as otherwise noted: BUTTILK Selling pnoa. box loUi Creasv arp prices Prints, ertraa. 48s for plain wra pent cubes, extras, 33 0 86)elb.; dairy, buy ing price. 22 23 He lb, BUTTEHf'AT Portland deUvery basis: N. 1 gtade. 43 44c; No, 8, 40c; Ne. 1 soua, 4 is tor "A" gTade, premium being paid by soma. CHEESE Selling: TUlaaBook, triplets. 28 H 2c: 1'oung Americaa. 2 tt 30c; Oregon triplet. 0 & 28c. Buying prices f. et b- Tillamook. Triplet, 2c; Young Americas nd lungborns, 27e lb. SeUinr price: Block Swiss, fancy, 8132qj Ijmbrger,. 3ft2oe; etesra brick, 22 24c. . EGGS Buying price. Front street: Cur rent reeerpta. Western Oregon. 20a per deaaa; Eastern Oregon. 18c per dosen; henneries, 22 j 24c per dozen. ..Selling price: Ordinary fV o,- JS? P ooaen; select, 30e doa.; pui ieto, 23 24c dox. ; " .Eti"8 AssocistJon selling prices: Select, doxen Wn' 26c; tlnt- 85e pulleta. 24e per LIVE Jftm.TBrSJW.. . rr 2o lb.; old rooaters, lOe, Fresh Pruiu W Vtaetabla FRESH FBDITS Oranges. $6.00 9 10.00 box; bananas, tt .10c toTrienions. $7:75 it i. frtftlt Florida, $0.50 11.50: California 11 . " - T w nhl ,i'L. Charms, Royaal Anne. 10c; Bing. l18e; eaauloupes, $1.75 2.00: rn5oS- $tt 4e lb. u. e. f2Tr?S"ro,rrt,I winlmette vaV V'', crate; eurranu, $1.50 a ,J,K't.,Jataa. Pmeedary. 87.60 1 ss.ou s.TS pr 784b. beg; BTtlllM 4(i. mA SA. KA Iw . . . ? and eiselb." ' tu ONIONS Selling nrice te retailera. rea, white. $l.T; garlic. 6 9)8 Jb.: craea nicna 40e dosen bunches? POTATOES belling price to retailers: Ore ton fancy $1.50 1.75 per central; buying VtUi, TABLES- Beets, 50 60e dosen "un.eVes; eabbaga, te per lb.; lattace. $1.50 W2.50 erate; carrots, Vo 0 60 d bunehJ. ; toea. T.xas, $2 00 2.75 crTte; bortei 15o lb.; artichokes, t0e $1.00 per per dosen ; rhubarb. 8 O 4e lb. : solnaeh. local: - APPLES -ICTtr. fetfIU eft. etui ' eat. fancy. A tier. $2.78 0 8.00: choice. . 'o.. w., es.uwwx.uv noa. Meat : CUl-.NTUI MEAT&Bemne nH.Mi r. try nogs, 15tt16e: heavy stuff, leasr TeaJ. tops (about 80 to 10O lbs.). 18 tt 14e lb.: '". KM. jsmoo, w 2iSQ ID. SMOKED MEATS VI. m. USH. iw . breakfast bacon. 2545e lb. ' rAbiu.nu ttJJCBIS jar.A 13 Steer beef. l&ttteieo lb.; heifers. 14 tte 4b.: cows, 14c lb.; Isfnos. 1522o lb.; ewes, 1517o lb.; hogs. 16ttlfe lb. LARD rKetU rendered. 17 Ho lb.; tUtea vwji . CTgpwnn, lac , v P&rtlksd. Tear ago Season to ir ago . . . . . Tacoma. Fr , . . Tear- ago - . . Season to data.'. Year' ago Seattle, Fn . . . . Tear age . . , Season to date. . Year age Portland has Just eloaed her banner tWee year, according to a report prepares ana. sugs loin tT rrct Clark of the Mer. ehaats' Exahange. Cereal export from this port exceeded ail Mhe year sy aimow xv,- AAA .. . 1. t.. UW.VVU PWH ' - i The report snows that during ine eereat year from JnJy 1. l.si, to June 0, aw. B7.sas.u4i sunneis text - in pm. . ereat iherease evee- the pteetena nign ; watar mark of tlta 1SZU-Z aeeaon waa aura or the bumner wheat crort which the Northwest produced last year. The previous year'a ship ment rkmraa are 48.025.634 bushels. . Eurooe'tooK tne greater poraon 01 tee wheat. 25.399.478 bushels going to Oon inent noinu. The Orient came second, tak ing 7,784.402 buahals. The Orient trade tne previous year was only nsv.zsz oasneis. Partiand also left Pucet Sound way bthind in total wheat shipasents, 35,848,780 bnsbela mine from this sort as against 8.650,403 front the Sound. ,- W Sound, however, leads in flour sbipmeuti. sending out a.U7 3,x Darreie nliut . 2 OfiO 20 from this Dort. Businesa in tne easn wneat, marset xor the day was dull. Market appeared to be off tittle, general price Being aroune si. a. Oecrbeck A Cooke Co. reported today Seaboard exporters were very bearish on wheat at the close yesterday on the foreign economical and financial situation. Germany . cancelled millions of bushels of cheat beueac aome time sao for July. August and Benumber sninment. it nas sue eanceiiee erasidersble bog products purcbased tome time aso. t nis. leads to seensnBesa among most local operators, A few of tha etrongeat honee are rmuisn ana are baying on aa Drees. WHEAT Cash buying erica, tidewater track deliver: Club. 81.14 per bushel; ordi nary braeuem. 81,85; Uiff Bend bluesieui $1.60t Turkey red, $1.17; red Russian, $1.12 91.18 per bu. rLOUrt Helling price, mill door: - patent. 17.75 8. 00: Willamette vallev brands. 86.10 sZ5: local straight. SB. SO: bakers' bard white. $7.80: bakers' bluestem. 87.60: bakers1 pastry, $5.00 per bbl.; graham, $6.80; whole wheat, 87.00; rye. 8S.80 per bbl. Price for city delivery. 18e extra: suburban, 20e extra. HAT Buying price: Willamette timothy. fancr. 820.00 21.00: Eastern Oregon tim othy, $22. Ou 9 23.00 per ton; alorer, $14.00; straw, $ .uo; auaiia, SiO.ou; cneat, ;o.vu par ton. okaix hacks Nominal. e. l Calcutta. lOtt&tlle for nsw croo delivery. Domestie bags, lie each. MiLLBTwrrs tiit run at mui. aacked. ton lots, 887.00; carioad. lota, $$7.00; middlings. 5S0.OU per ton. oats Par ton. banns' pneet read, $84.50: millinr. $5.00. BAKUii Buying pnea: reea. szb.oo: Brewing, S28.BO. FEEDSTUFFS T. O. B. mula: Rolled bar. ley. 886.00 9 37.00; whole barley. $84.00 6 85.00: alfalfa meal, $29.00; cocoanut meal, $29.00 0 30.00: cracked corn. 337.00 38.00: whole core, $35.00 936.00. Mercbtnts' exchange bids: WHEAT w Tork. Batter and Egirs Kew Tort. July t. t .N. h!.)-Butter Market easier. Creamery extras. 87 ee 88 tie: creamery firsts. 84 86 tt c; creamery higher -ri!-K. m wovnri awe uairy. tuna, stf m SSc: ladela fresh extras. 31 S 82c. - Cheese Msrkrt (irra. Btate wbole ; milk sperial flaU. 21 22r: state everaea rne. 20tte; atete Uer grades, 182tte; Wis consin whole milk fancy Vouna Americas. 21 m 21 tte; . state skims, specials, - "J6 tt ) 16e. L Eggs Market irregular. - waak.' Nearbrf "ni, ram-y, tr; nearby brown, fancy, 88 m 3$e; extra. 80 9 81 ttc; firsts, 34tte26ttc Milk The nominal wbolesala price is 83.25 per cwt.. delirered . at Kvm Vork. Oificl nueutaons discontinued. Chicago Dairy Prodsre " CKieaga. Jnry 8 (L Jf S.1 Batter Tie reipta. 15.937 tuba. No market baturdsy during July and Aaguat. Eggs Rereipta. 14,267 eases. ,Ke market Saturday durine July and Ant - i tjieese Twins, new, 19 tt 41 ltte: daisies. !19He; koung Americas. 20g20tt; brick. 1718c. jAe. IHrultry Turkeya. ' 35c; --i chickens, eite, oroiian., roostara, ittle lS21e: dueka. 21c - .- - Uyerpool Wheat Market (Reported by Orerberk Cook Co.) Livaroool. July 8. Wheat: .i " ' Open .... Close Leaa July .10s8ttd 10a 7H 2d Sept. ..10s 81d. 10.3ttd 18 . KaTal Stores Market . New-Tor. July 8. Turpentine -Savannah. 81.10 tt 1.13 tt; New Tork. 81.22. RmdntAvstuuili, $4.60; . New Tot. " , , r hire en ; Potato : KTarkat ' -Chicago, July 8. f I. N.- S.) Potatoes iceceipca, ee cam; aans coomere. ti.za per faarv . -.- - ' SVlFT&COr.IPAI,Y Fourth Street Market ' " PO BTUUTD, OREGOX Will pay you top market .prices for .your . . Dressed Hogs and Calves prompt Remittances ' BEANS Small white. $8.75: tana mhit 8.75; pink, $7.00; lisaaa, $10.50; bayou. tv.ts; rro, a o. 14.. HONEY n Caaa. $5.0. . KICK Japan, No. 1, Sc; blue Rosa, 6 lb.; New Orleena, bead, 6 He. COFFEE Boasted. 11 tt S3 U a lb. la sacks or aroma. SALT Coarse, half ground. 100a. 813.6ft ton; 60s. 317.85; Uble dairy, 60s. 827.60, news, 4.v0.v; tancy table end dairy; eav.au; ramp, . ton, m St'GiS Cube. $8.35; fruit and ber 87.40; yellow D, 86.80; beet granulated. $7.20; extra. O, (7.00; golden C. .S0. CANNED UllJi T.ns, $4.$0 baby gig. eo sse; aegie, v.sa case. SODA CRACKEH In bulk II, lit. ' NUTS Walnuts, -32 34et almonds. 24(9 37tt: filberts. 20e lb.: ceaauta. lLtt as 12e lb,; pecans. 82e Jb. ; Braxila, 18020 lb.; coestnuta, spaneae, as a zee in. rm and Sheirnan FRESH FISH Chinook, fresh. 1 8 9 SOct halibut. 14 916 Rkt black sod. 910e IK: basket kippered cod. $2.00; ling cod. '7 9 8 H. ; sole, luc lb. ; sturgeon, soe lb.; abad, dressed, 7e lb.; roe abad. 10s lb. OX8TEKS Eastern. S4.&U gallon: Olympm. 68 per gallon, $1.40 Quart; eras, large. s.ou ooxea; small, sx.su doaen. Heps, Weoi and Hides HOPS .1021 crop, nominal. 15 lb. , HIDES Calf skin. 10c lb.; kips. Se lb,; green brdea. 4H ".; aaiteo, oe lb. MOHAIR Nominal. 20 0 80c lb. SHEEP PELTS Lena dry pelts. 17 918: short pelta, S tt 98 lh-: long aair seat pelts. 12c in. i snort nair goat peua, see aaca. WOOtr Willamette y eaUey. eaans. 20 80c: medium. 82 983 lb.; One. 87940 In,, Eastern Oregon-Idaho, 80 9 40s lb. TALLOW AND UEKASE No. I UBow. Se; No. 9, 4e; crease, 8e lb. CASCABA BARK. 1823 peal. 5; grape toot, se w. . f , San Fraaclsee Penltry Market San Francisco, July 8. (tJ. P. ) BroOere, 1 te 1 lbs.. 27 2c: 1 tt to 1 tt. 2S St 10c: 2 to 2 14. 82 9 88e; fryer. 83 985e; young rooeLers. S lbs and up. 48 94TC; colored old roosters, 17 918c; Legnora Ola roosters. 14 , . - v s. o i m i , a .a 20c; 3 lbs and over, S29t4e; large 'colored bens. 2SrBle: docks, yenna, 20 9 22c: geese, xoung. 20a22er lire turkeys. 8235e dressed turkeys, 36 g 40c; squabs, fcvs fancy, ' - s - Xew Tork Potato Market New Tork. July 8. (T- If. S.) Potatoea tin bulk, barrel or bag) Market firmer. Nearby white. 82.00 9 4.00; Southerns, $4.50 INTELLIGENT PRODUCE MARKETING You will gret big-tier returns Tor year produce if you wtll use- our new meth t ds before shipping any product to market. : ' -. Tfrtte ft at Onte tve Win Be Pleated fro Tell Tea Hew Raby s Co., 1C0 Front St. POSTJ-ASJD. OTi, yew Tork Pealtry Market New .Tork. July 8. -(1- W. S. PreMed poultry Market weak. - Broil r, 2 8 9 4 ; fowls. 179 80c; turkey. 2$ 52e; ducks. 12eiee: geese, 1 Wise. . : Live poultry Market firm. ' Broilers, 36 9 rrosten, 16c; ducks, 18 ISP 37c; geese. 119 Sew Tork Wool and Hides New Tork. July 8. (L- N. S.) Wool- Market quiet. Domestic fleece, XX Ohm. 84 47e; . do pulled, scoured basis. SOetiS Sl-OOTsdo Texas, scoured basis. 5et$1.2U arrritorr staple, scoured bssia. 95c (a) $1.1 5. Hides Market firm. Native steers, 17 He Dranded steera, X4 ay ISO . ' Minneapolis Wheat OpUont : MlaneaDolia. July 8. Wheat: -.-j ', J-iS '.. t J :iK OrS tea."T:h;Croav July Its l Setrtember .............. 120tt 11 tt December .............. 118 tt 117 tt ; WIalpf Wheat 0Uob it VTinaiDCC July 8. Wheat: .. i i . Open. tin Jwiy 127 laAtt October . 11714 116tt December ; 114 112 tt jew ir e ear ana teffee i New York. July 8. (U. P. 1 Sugar firmer raw. !.f0 5.05; fefiaed, firmer; grnnulated, . AA . Ceffae--N 7 ' P-io, spot, , 10 ?ic; Ke. 4 santoa, mj pit. Tesr BU Xet$ Ar 61.14 le ' $i.t 1.18 - le : 1.18 1.13 le ' ' 1.13 1.11 le 5. M 1.11 le 1.M 1-tt - 1 tl NORTHWEST GRAIN RECK1PTSS (Compiled by the Merobanta' Exehaaee) 4!ARaV Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oat. H7. 27 A dati.'sOS 4 3 21 1 - 10 Hard whits .... Soft white . . . . . Whits club ... Hard winter . . . Northern spring ' -. Bed WsU No. 2 white feed ' , . . . , OATS July. .61,14 . 1.13 . 1.12 t 1.18 . 1.12 . 1.08 Angut. $1.18 l.ll 1.11 111 1.08 .835.00 $3200 PRICES MOVEMENT SLOW IN LIVESTOCK AMERICA"?? LITE STOCK Chtaete Mesa. 811.00 Chicago, JU, (I. N. 8.1 Hoe He- ceipia auu; ma net strong to ive nigner. Bulk, t.2By ll.OO: top. $11.00; .heavy weight. $ 10.5V (a 10.80; medium weight. $10,709 11. 0; light lights, S10.lt) & 10. UO; heavy packing aowa. smooth. S8.90Ce9.65: packing sows, rough. $8.009 9.00; pigs, $9.25 S1W.13. Cattle Keceipts 800. Sheep Keeelpta 7000. . . Omaha Hess 810.80 South Omaha. ; July 8. Hoes Raeelnta 6000. market steady to strong. Bulk, heavy mixed and packing grades. 89.00 99.78: eood hogs., $9.73010.40; bulk,. $9.00010.40; top, $10.50. Cattle Receipts '6000. market, compared with-week ago: Beer steer. 40 0 75c higher: she stock, 609 81.00 higher: bulk cow. $5.23 5.10: balk heifers. $6.6008.85: bulls, full 25c higher. Veal. 60c 9 $1.00 higher: top, $10.00; stock en and feeder unchanged. Sheep Receipts 1000. market, comnered with week ago: Lamb and yearUnga. 50 0 75e higher; sheep. 5O9$1.00 higher: feed ers, mostly 50c higher.. He Seattle Ha Market Seattle) July 8. Hogs Iteceipts, none. Itttle Keeeipts $23; nwrket steady. Prim steers, $8.25 8.50; common to toed, I3.UU 7.00; medium to choice, $7.50 9 8.33; best cows and heifers, $.0O 0 8.50; common te goad.- I4.OVMI.OS,; medium to choice, $6.00 OO; prime light caiTes, tt.00 8 7.0li; calves. $4.0O 0 6.00; bulla. $8.099 8-60; ean nerx, 82.0093.O0. :K. ' Kheep Keceipts, none. : . Denver Hoes $10JK0 Denver, July 8. .(U. P.) Cattle Receipts 500; market unchanged. Steers, $7,00 0 9.25; eows'snd heifers. $4.75 08.60; stockers and feeders, $5.33 0 6.00; bulls, $2.50 0 4.60: calves. $8.00 011.00. Hog Receipt 2930r market 160 IB lower. Top. $10.60; bulk, $9.23010.60. Sheep Beceipta 888; market unchanged. Lambs, $12.75 13.25; ewes, $5.7506.35. . San Frsnclas Megs $12.00 San Francisco, Jnly 8. TJ. P.) Cattle Grass fed steers. No. , 1. 6 tt 9 7e; second Quality, 5 tt 06tt eons and heifers, 4tt0 6c: calves, light. 8 0 9c; calves, henry, 607e. Sheen Lambs. 10 tt 9 11 tt e; wethers. 6tt07e; ewe. 8 0 4c Hot Hard amin, wsifht 109-171. He; over 800, 10c - - : - Kansas OHy Hess 610.70 Kansas City. July 8 Cattle Receipts 800; market steady.: Steers, .68.00 0 9.76; cows and heifers. $5.80 0 9.7$: stackers and feeders. $7.5008.25; calves. $7.7509.0. Bote Receipts 800; market active. , Balk Sf sale. $10.45 010.66; top. $16.70. . Sheep Receipt none; market steady. SATURDAY HOG TRADE Portland Chleag-e -Omaha , Dearer Kansas City Tose. ......Steady ' ......it hlcher ......Steady 160 lee lower -.f...ArtlY6 San Kraaeitco ...BUadjr PHre, I1JJ6 1146 166 166 16.76 ' POBTLAND I.TTEfsrOCK RCH Hoes. Cattle. Cslvea, Sheen. Saturday. ... 656 Weak aso, . .. 1245 t weeks sgO;1523, weeks ago . . .... Tear . tan .''.,.. . 2 year ago.. 27 8 years ago. . 809 4 years ago. 480 18 . , . . 109 . 12 84 ... 843 18 7 ... ... 17 ... ... 1832 7 103 ..... 282 6 66 120 "6 144 9 74 10 No early mdrnfng sales were made Saturday en the North Portland bog - market. Six hundred and fifty-six bead srriver. of which 631 head, or fire can, were a direct shipment. Market was Quoted a nominally steady, Creaeral boa market ranee: Prim tight ,.... ...,$11.60012.00 Smooth heavy, 2 S 0-3 00 Iba. . 11.00 011.25 imeetk heavy, $96 lbs, sod up 10.00 011.00 Kougb heavy 8.00 0 9.50 at ptgt ll.OUWll.TJ eades inan .............. 12.O012.S3 Stags 5.00 8.00 Cattle Mmnt Slow Saturday t lwaya a poor day in the cattle market. - Na movement - was reported in the cattle alleys, as nobedy wanted to buy stock and then be at the expense o holding it over Sunday. Market appears to b on a nominal basia. On hundred ' and slxty-Uire bead Arrived overnight. General cattle market ranze: Choice steers ............. 3 Medium te good steers ...... Fair to medium steers ...... Common to fair ateers ...... Choice cow snd heifer ..... Medium te good cows, heifers. . Fir to medium cow, heifers. Common to fat cows, belt era. Caaners ................. Bulls Cboiee feeders ............ Fair to good feeders Choice dairy calves ........ Prime light calve Medium light calve Meaty dairy calves . She Salts Made Only business for the day was done in the cheep and iamb alleys. Ssles isnces indi cnted that the market was steady. ventral sneep a' id iamb range If w Tork. dn!y aWDeallnct oa the esrfc- tultirt today felt the effect of the ' German . tltaatIoa so lets thaa thete op the stork oxehaaa-e. Stand- ard OU of Indiana, harlna; had the iara-est rise f ' anything- recently, natu- rally was the tnest sensiOv. 5 It felt away to lie, a decline of nearly six points " from y e sttrdar't high. Tpwtrd the elese the stork had a tlifht rally. Other oils raored la sympathy with the Indiana, shares, standard ou er Ken tucky, .Fenslaad and Cities Serriee Bankers - shares s: all west i lower. It eosld hardly be said that the elwer tehedale of fssollne prlcri which the 8 tap da rd of Indiana proposes to Initi ate next week had any effect for, a annenneed, it r was merely passing on to the eonsnmer the, saria; which will. come to the oil companies from the 3 sly t reds etloa in frelg-ht Tstet. A - Despite the condoned circulation Of anfarorahle report ren-ardinr the salt water ? sit nation in Mexico, the Mexi can Seaboard Usaea did better. - Anoir the motors, the new Wllljs corporation first, preferred wat bid ap sharply. Packard Motors stocks were stronger, especially the preferred, which sold at 87 as against the' last prerlons transaction of 84. Other motors were little changed. Goidwyn Fletsret had a tlifht farther adraace. Ia - the ' rnlnlns; e-ronp, Boston and Montana had a little nptarn. Bonds were only slifhtly chasfed, as a rnie. 7.75 0 7.000 6.000 4.00 0 6.25 0 5.20 0 4.50 3.50 2.00 0 8.60 0 6.00 0 4.O0 0 8.30 9 8.OO0 7.50 0 6.00 (9 8.50 7.75 7.00 6.00 6.7S 6.36 5.23 4.60 3.50 4.60 5.60 6.00 9.00 8.50 8.00 7.60 Chciee snrinr lambs Medium, spring lambs , Common spring lamb Cull zpriat lsmb Heavy year tin s Light yearling Heavy wether ...... Iiut wethers ...... Ewe , . , .810.00 010.50 9.OO01O.OO 6.00 0 9.00 5.OO0 7.00 0 6.OO0 5.00 0 6.00 0 2.00 0 0.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 7.00 5.00 Friday, Afternoon Sales No. ... 2. . , 21.., 1... 1.., Av. lbs. . 790 $ 866 $ 945 770 660 010 STEERS Price 1 No. 3.50 I 2 COWS 4.50 8.75 4.00 4.00 8.50 HEIFERS Av. lbs. , . 685 8 I::: 870 990 1068 820 Pries 4.35 6.00" 4.00 3.73 2.76 84.. 3. . 1.. 12. . 8. . 23.. 25.. 13.. 23., 566 8 8.50 I CALVES -' 90 $ 8.00 1... HOGS 120 $ 9.00 225 165 810 410 200 223 220 216 70 68 140 $11.50 11.85 ' 11.25 8.50 "11.60 11.50 11.50 11.50 LAMBS $10.35 a aa . EWES 1.. 20. , 2. . 4., 18., 2. . 21.. 2., 270 232 120 193 195 70 !25 I 5.00 11.60 11.60 11.85 11.55 11.00 11. SO 66 4.00 I 11. COTTOX PRICES BREAK" RAt.lT FAILS TO;-STEADT MARKET New Tork. Jnly 8. The cotton market was affected along with the German request for a rooratorium. This news rem in in the halt hour of trading, led te general liquidation and a sharp break in price. A rally occurred rust at the close under buying understood to be for arcoant of Japanese interest, but the market ended with a net decline of 18 to S4 nointa. .- '" There were everntaht - baying orders around the ring at the opening this morning, based on the mors nn me roes rsperts of boil weevil damage in the Sooth and a fear that the un settled showery weather prospect would stimu late insect activity. Tne opening waa steady at an advance a! 3 te 1 1 points in euenee. bat the advance met a seed deal of scattered, realising for ' over the week end. while there may also hkr been scan Selling on the unfavorable imm-tai news from tr- many and a feeling that the reports of boll weevil - damage - present and prospective being exaggerated. . This caused reactions to about lat Bight's closing prices and. gave the market -rather an irregular appearance. The outstanding interest has ;-been considerably re duced since the middle of last -month.- : People whs bought on the government report sf last Monday sr supposed to have pretty well evened up snd the market ia now subject to tne news cross nay se oay. Ptor-Sished by Overbeck ek Board f Trad building. Cook eesapany, Open. - i Hirh. t Low Jan. .... 2225 f 222i 2170 Mar. .. 2212 ' 221S i. 2l3d May 2168 2190 2140 July. 226 2209. 2235 Oet.6V4.22T3 , 223 8238 Dec. v. 250 -2237 2210 New Tork spot market 3275. . Liverpool eotten dosed 20 aa. . " Close. -2197 SIA3 2159 224H 2243 2223 " MlaneapoMs-Dalnth Flnt f Minneapolis. July 8. (L St. S.1 Flax July, 62.65; September, $2.55; October. $2.50 tt: track. $2.630 2.68; arrive, $2.63 2.155- iHiruth. July $. F!as Jalv. 2.S: m temNer. $2.54 tt : track, $2.69 2.60 tt 1 arrive, ,..a. No. Av. Lb. 92... 68 6... ISO 1... 120 2... 160 M 6.00 I " BUCKS 165 8 2.00 ' Saturday Mam In LAMBS' Price. J No. 810.60 I EWEg $ 8.50 1. YEARLINGS $ 7.00 I 1. WETHERS $ 5.00 80 $10.23 108 8 3.00 Sale 6. Av. Lt. 64 Price. $ 6.00 56 $ 1.00 110 $ 8.00 Wheat Trade Weak; Heavy Buying Does Nottop Decline Chieago, July 8. The wheat market was Weak arid despite th hestir commission house buying On the breaks the decline could not be stayed. The Germln financial situation, with reports of re sailing by that country tweaus Of the unfavorable exchange rate, seemed to demoralise long and encouraged bear presaure. Selling by export rnteresta created the belief that cancellations with the other aide had been v,ut through.- The country sold new wheet heavily to. arrive on overnight bids and this led to hedging pressure In greater volume thaa of 1st. . . A sTaashopper sear was attempted front the Northwest and a report that the Bock Island railroad had stopped country loading because of the strike had little effect aa a market ' factor. Cash wheat premiums held fires. Mil line demand for wheat was quiet. but -exporters were trying to secure offers of big lots of hard winter wheat. - In Minneapolis cash wheat premiums were l sc up on de mand from mui. The market closed 1 tt 9 2c lower; July. $1.1201. 12tt; September $1.10 tt 01.' itt S December. $1.18 tt 0 1.13 tt. Corn suffered s sharp decline. Germany was reported , re-selling corn, and tin encour aged liquidation and bear pressure. Support was not so good aa of late. Weather waa gen erally favorable and some ahowers wen fore cast for -Northern Illinois, where they are badly needed. Country offemngs to arrive were of good volume. Shipping demand was good. The market closed ltt02ttc lower. Jaly, 61 tte: September, 64 tt 0 64 tte: December, 84 tt 9 04 c. Oat followed th trend of other grains. Liquidation and ahort eeiling was encouraged by rasa lea hy Germany. Domestie shipping demand was fair front the South but the East Is taking little oats. On the decline, heavy sales of oats were mad for abipment un. The market eloaed Itt 01 tte lower. Jnly, 84 se:' Seotember. 87c: December. 40c Provisions were lower on liquidation snd short aelling. Cash interest bought on the Break. Germany as reported offering to resell product. Lead closed 23 0 30e lower and ribs 32 tt 9 55c lower. Rang of Chicago price as furnished by tha Chtted Pies: . j : - . WHEAT Open. High Jnly ..... bepa , , . . DS .r. July , . . . .. Sept, . . D?, July Sept. Dec July Sept. , July Sept. .. UStt 113tt 112tt- 112H ltt"r 118 54 CORN . 63 Stt 66 tt 66 tt 05 tt 5 tt UilB 35 tt 38 tt 41V - LARD 1095 109S 1123 1122 - RIBS IlOO - 1102 1090 1100 Low. 112 HOtt 112 Close. 113 HOtt 118tt 85 tt . 38tt 4ltt; 61 tt 61 tt 3tt 64 tt 63 tt 64 tt 84 H 84 tt 86 37 46 46 1077 1077 107T 1080 1060 1060 1055 1660 - -Dried Trait and Beans New Tork. July 8. (L N. S.) Bean Market quiet. Marrow, choice. $9.50; pi choice. 810.50: red kidney.; choice, 39.25. - Dried .fruit Market steady. Apricots, choice to ; extra fancy. 27 033 tte; apple. evaporated, prune to fancy. 17 1 IS He prunes. SO to 60. 12 tt 18 tte: do. 80 to 100a, TlHe; peaches, choice to extra fancy. . 18 0 39c; seeoiea niauaa, 18 tt 0 gH. . : - . ... -. Ifew Tork.liosdoa SUrer New Tork. July 8. (L K. 8.) cisl bar ailver: Domestie. unchanged SB Si a. Imam, at a hieber. et 71 XLf : London. July S. Bar silver.' tt d higher at ssttft. : f , : - : .' 3rw Tork Cottonseed Oil New tork. ' July - Cottonseed Od July, 810.T5 9 lo.ne; , aucnst, .: io.7U0io.is September. 810-07 0 lo. 7 : -October. Slo.i: 9 10.13; December, $8.68 0 8.71; January. $9.66 0 8.S. - San Francisco Cask Barley ' fU PvanetacA. Jb'.t 8. IU. P.) Barley Spot feed per etX, $a.lS tt 0 1.17 tt : shipping. tl.se 9 ! . ... ' ... WALL STREET STOCK QUOTATIONS Recmrted by Owrback ek Cook Co.. Beard of Trad BalhBna -' - - : " ' Baleal IN 810t High, 1 Low. t Close. MARK SINKS TQ NEWlli POINT Ssles. J" "8 tock Hie h Low. 200Adms et ExpretiS. ....Advance Rum , . do pfd . . . . .... Agr Chem . , . . . 100 do pfd . . . . Ajax Rubber . . .... Alaska Gold . . . 1200IAlska, Juuceu. BQOiAuied Cbera ... Allii-Charnurs . do pfd Am Beet Sugar . Am. Bosch ' . . , . Am Can Co . . do pfd . . . . JOOiAm Car A Fur . do pfd Am Cot OU do pfd . . . . Am Drug srnd . Am Hide It L . do pfd . . . . Am Ice Ant Intl Corp . Am Unseed . . . do pfd Am Loco . . . . . do pfd Am, Sat Bexor . Am Ship & Com Am Smelter . . . do pfd . . . . Am Snnff .... Am Steel Fdy . Am Sugar ..... do nfd .... Am Sumatra . . . Am Tel it Tel. Am Tob do B Am Wool- . . i . . do pfd ...... Am W p pfd. . . Am Zinc . . . . . Anaconda . . . . . Assd Oil Atchison ........ do pfd Atl Coast Line.. Atl Unit & W I Baldwin Loco . . do pfd ...... Balto A Ohio .. do pfd BarnscM Cop . . Beth Steel B. . . Booth Fish SlOOjB B T . . i .(Butts C. cfc Z.. 200iButt A Sup ,. 1 000 i Bums Bro . . . JOaddo Oil .... iCa! Packing . . . 1400 Cal Pet .. . . . . . do pfd ...... 800 Can Pac . . . . . . 600Cen Lcsther 800 300 1O0 10700 100 10O 100 300 300 800 e 4 1200 "700 7 OO IOO 200 400 800 000 200 1600 200 270 1500 700 b66 2500 8100 100 200 900 o3tt 4 ,ltt 69 tt 50 tt 45 tt 4ttt 61 162 120 28 H 3tt 69 tt 105 tt 42 tt 112tt 10tt 62 tt 98 134 36 40 120 tt 142tt io 18 63 tt ioi'tt 90 S7tt 115tt 51H 62 tt 34 tt 76tt '28 " " -2fi ' " 132 "6234 .64 'itt 69 49tt 45 " 41 tt 49 tt 162 120 26 tt 13 Vi 69 104 tt 41 tt 112tt 19 60 tt 98 134 36 tt 89 tt 120tt 142 S9tt 17 tt 52 101 89 tt 87 tt 113tt Close. 49tt 62 tt 34 tt 75 tt "26 tt '28V4 130 62 tt 17tt 48tt 39 4, 15 tt Itt 68 49-tt 05 tt 45 41 49tt 105tt leitt 120 2tt 63 5tt 13H 68 tt 104 41 tt -83tt 54 112tt 117 6tt 18tt 60 tt US 133 3 ttW 'Tt 105 40 120tt 11 I37H 89 107tt 29 tt 17 tt 53 111 1014 .89 108tt 87 UStt .111 800Ges Asphalt ... 67 , - dOOlGoedrich . . . tt l400GlicUien Paints 16 ' SOOiGranby . . .V. 20 tt f 4O0iGt. No Ore ... 39 tt SSOOfUt. Jo pfd- , SOtt . lOOHJreene Canane) 81,, BOOjOult 3 Steel.A i 5 . . . , . Gieo Allien ..,.-K,,.r. ; 600iHouton Oil 78 i SOOJHupp Motor I9H 100 Ills Cent ... 106 100; Inspire lion s ..... 4itt ,. . ..lot A C H.f.. . . . . . 1001 do pfd. .,,... 88 SOOiInterboro ..,.. :tt do pfd. dOOjlnt f.'aJlahaa tt .jlnt Bare. ...... . . . , . 200 lnt Mer Marine. . 18 tt llOOf do pfd. ...... 78 tt 200I fnt Ntoket- ..v.. ltt 1 300Iat Paper , . .... 80 tt '.....( do ptd. .......... . 400ilnnacibie Oil .. 14 tt 900: Island UU , 1 , . . . . (Jewel Tea ...... . . . . . 600 a. U southern . .1 26tt loo 1 do pi a .... . . .1 bt : 400Klly-tipgfld ..., 49 tt SSOOIEenneeott .' . . ... .1 So ISOOKeystone Tire ...i 16tt 24vOLck Bleel .. ..i 16 tt .... .ILee Tire ....... 600 Lehigh Vet 65 AOOlLorillanl t ....... Il 53 600 Loew Thsstro .1 16 tt SOOitr Ja N . .113 tt ' ' SOOiMsxwelt Motor A) 67 tt 800 do B i.......l XS . ....May htorea ..... 4400Mex Pet ....... lOOiillaml ......... l200Mid States Oil. . . 310iMidvai 8teel .. 13O0iM K. T W L.. 1001 do pfd W 1. 100 1 Meet. Power IDOOialout Ward e... 1200;Mo Pac . lloo( do pid . . . .. . . 190U,Marlaod OU . lOOIMartin ek Perry. 9U0Natl Knanul ... ., 100.atl Lead .. . . . . 400, Nevada Cons ... 7900Nw Haven .... . 100Norfolk as W ... 800Nor Pee ....... 800Novs Scotia 8tl. .....(N Y Air Brake.. 880ON Y Central .. . 800Nor Amn ...... 1400Okls Prod ref .. I Ontario SUver , . . 400Ontario A W . . , . 300Oti steel . . . . . .... .Pciflc DT ... . 300)Pac Gaa A El. . . lOOOiPunta Alegre ... 9 1 00; l'aeuic Oil 8800 1700 3700 100 1000 Pt i'su-Amn do x . . . Pennsylvania .. Peoples Oa Per Marquett e00Pure Oti .... 2000PhUBps Pete , 2 00 1 Pierce-Arrow . . ouU; fierce ou 4M 1000 000 700 100 3600 300 8200k:. 3500 6000 8001 20O Cerro d Pasco. Chandler Motor .. Chi A N-W Chjto. Ot, W . . . do pfd. Chili Cop. Chino M. St. P. . . . 0. M. St. P. pfd. Coco Cola C. A O. Colo. F. A I. IOO1C0I0 Southern 500 100; 3400 800 ' 500 2900 lOOl 2100 1001 200 300 200! 1500! '800 000 600 "200 600 1900 100 8500 Col. Gas A Elee. Columbia Graph. . Con. Gas ...... Cons. Cigar do pfd, ContL Can ....... Cities Sve Bsnkersj Com Prod. .... do pfd. .... Cosden Oil C -B, I. A P. . , do "A" pfd. , do "B" pfd. Crucible ...... do pfd 1400 Cuba-Cane .... 2100 . do pfd. .... 300;Cuban Am Sugar Del. A Hudson Dome Mines. . . Del. A Leek.. Davison Chem. Endicott Jobneoa.4- 80 tt Erie , lfl'A do 1st ptd. Elec. Stor. Bty Famous Plyiers F M A S do pfd. .... Fisk Tire ... . Gen Cuter . . . Gen Elee .... Gen Motor . . . do 6 5 pfd. 66 140 tt 38tt 87 tt 71 77 9 21 tt 22 tt 30 tt 28 tt 44 tt 724d 31 48 tt 88 tt . 4tt 120 2tt V . . . 189 tt 87 tt 86 tt 70 75 tt 1 8tt 21 hi 22 tt 29 tt 27 tt 43 ' 69 tt 8 81 48 H 87 tt 4 tt 118H 103 "49 ' 44 tt 84 5i 'iitt ' i e tt 8Ctt 24 tt "80 " ' 128 47 24 V 44 tt ' 82 tt 'ion 16 78 tt 168. 14 102 tt ii'tt 48 tt 84 tt '72tt 'iett 35 tt 24 . . 1 . . 30 1274 46 tt 80 let H 23 tt 44 S1H '66tt 15 tt 77 tt 168 14 tt 50 62 34 tt 75 tt 7 26 tt 7tt 1H0 11 tt 7S 62 tt 94 laott 37tt 38 tt 70 73 H Stt 21 tt 22 tt 29 tt 27tt 43 tt 70 67 tt 31 484 . 87tt 4tt 1J8H 32 71 67 22 1024 114 48 S 93 80 tt 73 89 16H 35H 24 125 29 tt 128 45i 79H ltt 23 H 44 81tt 12tt 49 154 77 tt 168 14 tt 81 Pitt A W V. . . PeanBes BteeL . . Pr Steel Car. Pullman . ...... Ray Cona Reading . . .... Remington . . . . Keplofle Steel ..'. Republic I A S. . do pfd ,'. Rep. Motors Roysl Dutch OU. . Ry Stl Springs. . . SUnd OU Ky ... Sears-Roebuck , . . Shattuck, Arts . . Shell TAT Sinclair . . . , . . Stand OU Ind. . . . Stand OU N J. . . 300;8loB-Shef . . . . . 1700Soa Pao ....... 2500jSou Ky 570OStd OU Cal 800St L A 8 F. . . . . . . . IStromberg Csrb. 10O 600 800 100 ' 406 600 200 300 1200 200 'MOO 2300 10400 400 8600 2300 1200 1300) 300 4300 8700 Chi 8tudebakr , Swift A Co Tann Cop A Teas OU . . Texas Pac . do C A O Tob Prods . Tran ConO Oil,; Union Oil Del 6Stt v 16 v , 20 tt 39 1 31 , 76 !. 75 18 -i 108 - 4k 5 38" s'e stt ia'tt 72tt 14tt 49tt 14 tt ! Mr- as 1 d ttl r 47 hi S tti 76ttl Stocks Hirh ) Low, j Clcae- 65tt 38tt ltt 29 . 38 19tt 31 79 . 68 78 IS 107 tt 40 9 . Stt 100 tt ltt , 78 ltt 49 . 85 14 tt tt 47 83 tt 16tt 7tt Uth ! r . 64ttt 4tt 162 1641 16 lxOHilSO SelaMuft ''Tl.. 29 IStt 84 tt 17tt 40 7 a 22 tt 22 W 63 43 aitt 68 99 ' 17 80 08tt 76tt 80 76 94 tt 64 tt Stt 7tt 25tt 12 tt 6tt 69 tt 48 57 7tt 66 44 83 82 tt 29tt 48 tt 18 tt 7tt 64 96tt Stt 76tt 121 16tt 73 SJtt 31 tt 70 tt 90 10 tt 67 101 85 tt 76 tt 10 tt 40 tt 82 tt HOtt 188tt 44 90 34 tt 104 tt 28 tt 47 ISItt lOltt 10 tt 47 38H 37tt 78 tt 15tt 22 tt 149 tt ; 37. 141 61 31 67 65 tt 61 tt 106 tt 40 tt 98 tt 121 tt 68 tt tin 07 44 tt 12 IStt tltt 21 76 20 tt 60 tt 4tt 91 59 tt lltt 48 tt 42 tt 41tt 2S 157 48 H IStt tt 21 2300Cnion Pac lOOfCnited AUey ... SOOrCnited Itrug 300 1 United Fd Prod. XOOil nited Fruit . . , 200j Union B A P.... 400!A SCI Pyrs... 4600. Ltd Retail 8 tore 2001U 8 Ind Alcohol. 1000U 8 Rubber .... do 1st pfd. . , . U 8 Smelting. . . 4100IU S Steel ..... 1001- do pfd ...... 8001Ctak Copper,, . , Va Chem . s . . do Tifd '1 . . . . . 1000 'Vanadium. Steal -. . eOOIVivandou .v.-i.. 700 Wabash 1700 do A pfd ... .... do R pfd . . . .... Well Fargo .... 2O0 Western Pac . . 200, do pfd . . . .. , . , . . Western Union 1 . . . . . Westiaahous A-1 400 Wstghs E A M, . 1300jWet Md ...... .... I White Motors . . , 400 WUlya-Overland . 100 do pfd , .... Wilson Packing . , . Wis Cent .... Woolworth ...;', 400 Worth Pump 800 W A L E ..... .... White ! Oil . 4 . . , . . . . White Eagle Oil 163 tt 160 28ttt tt 13ttl 18tt 34 tt 84 IStti 17tt 40tt 40 tt 71. 71 23 22 22 tt 2 tt 65 tt 65 tt 43 tt 42 tt 82 tt 82 H 64 tt 62 100 100 17ttfl7 81 tt 30 108 tt 108 tt : 77tt 76tt 30 tt $0tt 96tt Mtt 65 64 tt Stt Stt 'iitt 'iitt 12tt ltt eN a 70 1 70 49 48 58 tt 57 73tt 70H 66 tt 64 tt 44 tt 48 tt 83 88 83 82 tt 30 tt 29 tt 61tt 49tt 19 tt 16 tt 8 S 64 64 87H 86tt tt .8tt 77 77 'iett "ie'tt" 76 75 S6 85 tt 82 81 tt 73 70 tt 91tt 1 58H 7V p , a ,e V . i . . , . i . . 77 tt 76 tt 'sStt 32 tt 115 HOtt 183 183tt 45 tt .45 90 tt 0 26 34 tt 108 tt 104 tt 29tt 28 tt isi" isitt 101 101 tt 47tt 46tt 20 tt 28tt 28 tt 27 tt 79 784 16 16 tt 22 tt 22 tt 14 Itt 1140 tt 87 87 74 74' Stt 8 141 tt 141 tt I 61 tt 61 82 tt 81 H 1 67 tt 664 66tt 86tt 63 6Ltt - a 9tt 08tt 122 122 4tt 4 - e 4 ' 46 I 48 12 V12 13tt 12tt S3 tt tltt '. 'rdtt "So'tt 60 tt 60 tt "b a - e -- e 5tt 68 tt 12 lltt '. tt 43 tt 48tt ! 48tt -48H 14 tt 14 otal weekly stock sale 8.038,200. Total weekly bond sales 867,887,000. Total sale stocks 889,000. Total sales bouds $6,779,009. NEW YpftK BOND TRANSACTIONS Repeated by The Joornal'a Wall Street' Bjrssq Hew Tork,-Jnly 8.The featsre of today's bond market was the decline of the French g-OTernitient 8t to around 161 from their final price got 103 ea the preeedlnr day.. This fraf 'directly dne to the continued weakness of French exchange and the general ap prehension over "the German financial situation. French ' 7tb held their t rosnd. The rest jrf the foreign ex. teraal fronp nlso felt the effect of the lower rates in thi exchange market and there Were fraetlohnl losses la sneh is Sacs as the Belgian 74 and th Den mark 6s, Ualled KlBgUnm beads were anite firm, althongh toward the -close the 1$7. loan trot below 164 again. -. Ia the domestie onarter of tbe llt the Consolidated Gat .convertible 7s had a natural drop la sympathy with the reaction la ;the company's stotk. Chile Copper iSs' were soft. Thera was ultn heavy baylsK of the Atlantic Fruit Tt at 48, a small gala oyer Frf. day's saotatloBS. The railway bonds were steady j and showed no dispotl. Ilea i react except fractionally In a fw Instances. Liberty bonds were heaefly dealt; la aad were steady. .The Hew Tork market for Canadlaa pro, Inetal bends this week was steady. The Ontario ds of MM were 164 bid, offered at 16U The st of 1$6 were 16 1H bid, offered at 102, and the ds elltS were 166 bid. offered st 167H The Manitoba Ss of 192t were Vt hid. offered at 10 the 6s of 1838 were 161H bid, offered at 161, sad the ds of i46 were 16 bid,, offered at ioevx. New Tork.' Jnly Followine is an official list ot sli bond ttded fa on the New York stock exchange today, with, prices and sale up to and Including -the does of the market. Total sales Soday were . S7.21I.0O0. sgaintt $21,168,000 yesterday, $4,306,000 a week ago. $7,831,000 a year ago snd $4,717,000 two years ago. '. i From January I to date. $2,438,632,000. gainst $1,563,184,006 a year ago, and $2, 001,436,000 two year ago. ; . LIBERTY BONDS , tin $10001 , ) High Sale, I Low. i tUos. 107iLib. 8tt ..... 10030il0O24;iO024 2'Ub. 1st 4. . . . . 10036 10036110086 2-Lib ' 2d-4. . , 10010 UOOlOjlOOlO 80 Lib. . 1st 4tts. .. 10086ilOO24'lOO3O ULrb. Jat 4 tts tea 10020tl0020!10020 470'Lib 24 4tt. ... 1001ll0008il0010 IjLib. 24 -4 tt reg- 1OO1OI10002S10002 452 I jb. d 4ttl. . . 10eiK,t001210013 14 Lib. 3d tta reg, ieO08;10OO2llOAO4 64 7 Lib, 4th 4tt... 10OSllOO22ilOO26 12'r.tb. 4th 4 tt, rg!l0O20:ift014!lO014 9BVse. 4tts ..... 1 0052jlOOM 10052 Bales. 1N31OV0 1 High. Low. Close. 27Vie 44 reg. 4 21 .27 21 1 15 FOREIGN BONDS Argentine 7. Belgium 7tt.... do 8 , . .. . . do f 6a '.-,.. , Bordeau- 6a ICopenhagen 6 tt I 7S. , tOllit. Prague lii.yona ns 7 r.ti- e- , . i or, ft ,1" U . - - , . 10 Bio de Jan 8a etfal 23 do-8s etfs .. . 41Soiasoos 6s . , , . 88ao Paulo 8a. ... 29tDept of Seine 7s terns certfa - . . Danish 8 A. . do 8s B. D of Can 6tt ntejlOl do 6 '26 do 5s-'53. ii-,, do 5 '81.... DEI ret 6 '47 do ret 6 '63 French Gov 8., Imp Jp 24 4tt 8 89 110) JOi 47 38 A , 421 54 1 f I - 4. ...A Va . . eoiuenraant n 501 do rtfs Ss. 131 Netherlands rets 6s! ; pBI.-torwsy, 8 .i i ,.. lSjHwedes 6 . .... lHoUvia 8s' ...i. IlChile 8s '28..ii. 6 do 8s '41. . . . 41 do 8s ctfs '46 1 5 ICxechoslOvekia. 8a. .... 2 Uruguay 8 2 Queensland 7s. . 9 do 6 etfs... - 31 Swiss 8 .. . . ... 7 R G d Sul 6s.. ; ' llSso Wuio 8. . i. lOjtKGHl Stt '22 9 do- Stt '29,. 41 do tt 82.. ; 48;US Of B 8. .... SiWof MX A,.,, 84l do 4s.. i.... NEW TOfeK. 4'N X City 4 '57 10032100Oil0030 100 tt 107 10S JOOtt 84 02 tt 90 88 SStt 100 tt 100 tt 8ltt 101 tt 70 tt 91 110 109 H 2 1 Ad EX col tr 3AJa Bub Ss. 4s. 79 106 H BJ.H,WAT AND MISCKtXANEOUS BONDS 79 t 79 lOOttllOOtt 108 tt LOStt S5ttl 95 tt 2 m i 92tt 101 ttjlOl tt 6AmAgrChB 7tt(103tt 1 1 do 1st evt 6s. 6lAm gmelt 1st Ss . 431ABV - SABef 6. lAm TAT est . 8 do-eol tr 6s.., 10 do col as ... II Ant Wr Ps 6 " SiAJurUnMsrevt C lAr re 4 tt .v.. 28 AT ASF gen 4. . 5 do cvt 4 IfAUAC AirL 5s B ; - 2!A Ot !,: s 61 do 7s . ... . , 8IACLLANeol tr. ! 63SAU Fruit evt 1 106 163 tt lOOtt 84 Pi" 88 tt 83 100 tt 100 tt loJ5 JO 90 Mi no , 109 tt 101 96 tt 98 98 tt 85 tt 95 tt 102 100 52 tt 77 tt HOtt 96 4. HOtt 101 . 101 tt 108 K 103tt 96 lo a lOStt 101 118tt 100 tt isi 108 tt 108tt 108 108 46 BONDS SStt I 99 tt! 99 tt 09 tt Stt Stt 9iv Stt 102 tt 10O 02 tt 77 U Htt nstt 96 tt tlOtt 102 tt 101 101 tt 103 tt loatt 96 104 tt 109 - 101 tt 118tt lOOtt 101 108 tt lOStt I04tt Iftftt 58 tt 46tt 100 106 tt 105 4 100 tt ? 83 tt 83 100 100 tt Sltt 101 tt 70 tt 80 tt 109 109 1004 99 tt 8tt 98 tt Stt 93 101 100 82 tt 77 tt tofttt 9ftt 96 tt HOtt 102 , 101 - iei 108 tt lOStt 96 104 tt lOStt 101 tt 116tt 100 tt 101 1084 1084.1 lOBtt 108 58 4tt 95 tt 924 litis 1U, 96 tt Itt 87 tt eott SOtt 83 tt tt $tt 684 107 tt 84 -40 114 87 tt Itt 87 tt 90 tt 90 tt Stt I 88 . 8tt 884 107 tt SStt i SStt 114 74 Itt 87 tt Ott 9014 Stt 88 tt Stt 684 107tt Stt 40 8iAU Ref 6tta . II do Jb ha . ... .lOjAtlas Pwdr IttS lioh 5iit AOs Ttvda ref 6a .... 21 do evt 4tt .. 6 Pi - de gold 4s . . . . 2K do 4PLEAWV 21 - do 4s T V. hi no Stt awn. Barndalt As A. . - Pt , do eta B .. . . , )lBeth Stl ret 6s . 6 d p fa b , : 31 do 0s ....... llBrsden Copper 6 2iBkln, Ed. 6 B., Si do 6 U.'. ... 2 MKT 7s TO etf st - 1BR A P'eon 4tts ,' ejo . . . IjCaa Gen El 6. & Can or 7. ... 21 do deb 6 tt 12 Can. Pao 4 Per TiCR Bra. El la, .-. 4 iCewt of Ge, By Sa. ' ItCent Lesih ken 61 2Cn Pssa list 151 do 1st ret 4.. IbiCerre u l"a c ssi 108ttll03tt103tt two la ii' is 103 J10S, lOOttawott - itu at v cvt . . . : 15 do gen 4 tt M 4 do evt 4tt .. SOS CB A tl J 4tt. 4 da f Ss..... 5lC B A Q 4s IU : 16IC A K I 6.., IfChi G Wert 4 ' lkjl St V 4s) 25 do evt :tt. . liiKio . rit 4 14 A. 21 do cvt 6 sat B 2 . d - 4. ...... 10j do deb 4. . . . . 1C A N W ta 6. " AiChi llv 6.,.... 34;C R 1 A P rfg 4t4 SlChl IT Sta 4HS. .1 OlChi A W I eon 4sf luott 8tt SStt 82 tt 1tt SS 91tt lo 1U4. , 93 90 tt 8. 99 tt 101 tt 95 . nott 93 tt P lOltt iii J10O tt o T 96 tt U0O ST 1 alls VI liv 94 tt 89 tt 88 tt iottitott 6 Chile Cop evt - 7i 801 do eni tr 6 1 iCCCA 8 L G M 4si 20iCle La Traa Stt 2jColo at B ret si 1 6 2 12 66 1 6 2 4 1 8 10 1 1 16 (Cot G A K 6., no os sta. , . Comp-Tab-KeC 64 Con CI of Md 6 Con Gaa evt 7. . Corn Prod s f 51 100 101 SO 0tt 78tt tt 68 tt 74 tt 81 63 105 I 81 1 2tt 74 106 92 ottt 103 tt 89 OStt 96 tt 93 tt 88 119tt kiub C S en db 71 de a sta. . . . Cub Ant Bus Ss ICnb R R 6. Comb t a x 'os Del A H est ss. do Stts .... Dels A Had ret. 4 do 7s iDea- A R U rfg 5sl , 3i Detroit Edi rfg 6 IiDatrott U R 4tti ;12 iKupont d K 7tt 6 Dunu Lt A P 6s 12 B G AF evt Ttt 7 Eri Gca lien 4s. 8 do prior lies 4 1 do evt 4 A,. 13 do evt A B . . 12 ' do cvt 4 D . . 12 Fttk Robber 8 . . 8Fla K Coast 4tt lliFnn In D db 7 ttsl t2Gn El deb Oa,. S de deb. Stta .. eiGdyr TAR 8a '41 4 do 8s '31 ... 4Gr Tr of Can 6s 20 Gt Nor 7s i 47Gt Nor Stt ! SOIHnmhl Oil 7 tts liHkVl 1st eon 4 tt 15 Hoi Am Lin 6. 46 H A U Sdj In 6 20 Houston Belt 6 10 111 Cant Stt - 18 do rfg 4 -.. . 8 Ql Cent. 4 . .. 1 III Stl deb 4 tts 8 Ind Stl 5 2 Interb Met 4tt 1 do Tr Co etf 88 Inrb R T ref 6s 5 Inter GN 6 nt., . 16) do adl 6. ... 6 Intr Pap 5s B.. 12 Intr M At sf 6." 2 Iowa Cent rfg 4a. lKCPtSAMem 4a - 8Kaa C Sou 6. Z0 oo in ss 6tt 2tt 82 tt 79tt 68 91 tt 104 t; 90 s 8tt 99 tt lOltt 95 tt 3tt a ioix lis 100 tt 78tt 96 994 97 tt Pitt 90 tt ltd 44 87 tt be) 66 86 83 91 tt 96 tt 101 tt 904 llltt 4Stt 102 81 tt 107 tt 103 Stt 63 64 tt 68 tt 63tt 57 106 tt Ottt 97 106 tt 29 116 103 103 lOfttt 101 tt 100 85 tt 89 02 tt 93 101 884 82 tt 92 101 IStt tt 64 tt 53 tt 86 tt 7 444 79 894 71tt tlOtttt -SOtt eo tt 73 tt 9tt tt 74 tt 80 tt 63 .. 106 81 Ottt 2tt 74 163 tt 91 tt Sltt 108 tt 89 93 tt 95 tt 96 tt 88 17 tt 99 tt 80 SJtt 10-ttflOstt UKan U Ter 1st 4sl K8 i 5IXllr Sr T 8s. llKeokAD Moin 8s1 7 Lack Steei 6s. . I ii SAW 2d 6 21U BAMS deb 4 251 do deb 4i 3DVof Peon 4 tts 3 Lit A Myers 5. 3 Long I deb 8s. 1 do deb -... sir. A -n 7 . . . 6 L A N Stts lOiMan Ry con 4s . a M a W A C 6s 12lMr Bt Ry eon 6sl HMsrt OU 8s .... 17 do 7tts .... 7 do 8 -wr. . . 1 Mid Steel ct 6 11 Mil Gas A L4 4 4 MAStX. 1st rfg 4sl . 9 do rfg b ... . 2 MStPASSM 8tt 4 U K A T 1st 4s. do 4s B ..... , 1 do 5s A 5 do sdj 6 A. , 1 do 6 C... .. 2 Mo Pc Tit 6 84 do 6s . . . . . . 20 do sen 4s . . . 9 Mont P Co 1st 6s 16 Nat Tube 5s 7 B E TAT 1st $sA . 7 N O A N E 4 ttsl I N O Terra 4 2 N O TAM ine -6s! MI C,eon 4 22 do deb 6 21 de cot 7s 20 NTS! A HR 4s 167 do 6s . . . . , 2INTC A L db 4i 81.1 T Dk Co 4s 221N TOI1H1 I P Co perta 4. llNTNH A H del . 21 do deb 4 SiNTRy rf Ateecfs 22) do snt 6s t e efs I S I Tel gen 4 tts IB do ref as. , . 9 N T W A B 4 tts 101N A W RR eon 4s . 1N A Vf drvl 4 I K Am Edi 6s. 8 Nor Oh Tr A Lt6s 22 Nor Pac 6s B 22 do pr In 4s 7 do gen 8s ; 6!f. W Bell Tel 7s -2 Ont LA P 5 20'Or A CU lU5s ;,140 Rw AS ootrdsl llOSLlst con gtd 61 91 do rfg 4s 90iO-W R K A N 4. 2lPae O A El 6s. 16Pe TAT 5 ret 8 1 Packard Mat Sa . S Pan Am P A T 7 OfParis !JdRR6 etf 4 Pa R R 7t. I . SI da S '. . . , 1 do gold -6tts ' 11 Per Msrq rfg 5s 5 Philip By 4. . . ' 4IP C C A S I. 5s A SIPub Ser of N J 5 s . 8IProd A Ref Ss war 4-1 Reading gen 4a lOStt 90 89 tt 83 tt. 5 92 0 96 tt 81 tt 90 tt 108 105 tt ett 97 tt 87 tt 101 tt UStt 1254 r!9 02 47 46 102 tt 804 68 83 67tt Stt 96 tt 94 4tt Ott 10O - 7tt 824 77tt 71 tt 844 1054 105 tt 88 96 64tt 93 tt 96 tt 1101 tt lltt 46tt 103 81 tt 107tt 102 tt 08 tt 54 tt 64 SStt 68 tt 57 1054 91 tt 96 tt 106 tt 29 H5tt 102 102 tt 109 tt 101 tt 100 85 tt 88 tt 62 93 101 SStt , 82 tt 2 H.01 13tt 12 68 64 tt 52 86 tt 96 44 tt T6 89 71tt K3 5 16 2 1 11 28 R K A W 1st 4 si ool tr 4. Roc Brown iron 7s St I. Iron Ut. A South gen 6. , do ref 4s. ..-.' St u A a rrpri itta, 4 - a . -.. do ; 6 er B . SLA S Padj 61 do iuo Ss. do gen 5 lOOtt 81 tt 58 88 '4 88 tt 94 lOS 66 tt 02 tt 99 91 tt 93 tt 106 tt 89 62 tt 107 6 ttJ 101 88tt 104 tt ; 92 82- 1 tt 92 tt 107 tt 101 tt 79 tt 110 101 tt 108 tt 96 S24 06 tt 84 tt 116 844 78tt 66 7 7H 82tt U 6 ' 80 9 ttVb . V 94 8 S hi n Is 4s ;F 2 do eon 4 f 1 IS Lit 6. " 6!f4 A A A-P 1st 4sl 22 S A I rff 4s 11. do adl 11 do con 6 .... 2 Sino Oil Stt.., 6 do cvt 7tt . . - S3 do 7i reots... . , 1 n P R S 7. . . .-. 8ISoa Bell TATS 23 da ert a ... 62 do rfg 4s. .... 20 Son Ky con 6s, , : 89 ' do - gen -.., $6 do tts ..... 8 S O Cal del: 7. 10 84 At rfg 4a. t 6jTidwt Ofl C 6 ttt o; i rt tnty ktcl HTnb v rods i ... 10'Titl, A W '4s. 128!Un Pg A Pap 01 . 2 Ca Ps .. . $2 do 1st 4 .. . 6 . eo crt 4i ... 6 do ref 4a .. . . s it s s rep s etf R IT ft Rnb 7ttA. - dsn; - a Rnh s. . tSlf: J 'Steel s-f V 14Va-Caro C 7 It At do 7 tt !iti Rr 6 8 V A S W ens 6 : - 12!Wahash 1st -5 - SiWrnr Sua Bf Ts; tiWat E '22. . . J(l ttcvt Md 4s., . SlWct, Pae 5. . . 15W V 6tt ..... 79 73 tt -2 tt 56 424 2r 60 tt 98 104 tt Stt 7tt 6 Itt 6tt 6 68 ' 10 10S. 64 tt 103tt 10O 108 tt lltt TT 108. 6 Stt SStt Stt 106 tt 0 10 8tt 1054 Stt 81 tt lOt tt leitt 64 tt 110 108 tt 90 69 tt 83 tt. 95 2 tt 81 tt 90 tt 108 105 tt 8tt 97 tt 87 tt 101 115 y 125 89 92 -47 46 102 tt SOtt 67 tt 88 67 93tt 96 tt 09 tt 64 96 tt tt 7tt 834 77 tt 71 ' 844 105 tt 103 88 94 tt 87tt 7 109 tt 81tt 68 38 tt SStt 94 104 H 55 tt 82 tt 90 914 95 106tt 88 62 tt 106 tt 98 tt 1100 tt SStt 104 tt 92 , 61 tt 1 tt 1 tt 107 tt 101 tt 78 . 110 1014 108 tt 95 tt '824 6tt 84 tt 118 tt 84 tt 78tt 66 . 7 97tt 82 tt ; 71 tt 854 784 '-" 9 tt 984 7 73 tt 82 tt 86 414 26 f SO SOtt 104 tt 99 . 7 6 rl tt 89 tt 9Stt 87 tt 100 Idti 64 tt 103 tt l-oo 103 tt 71 tt 96 tt lOStt 4tt Stt 88tt 3tt lOXtt 894 SOtt b2tt h2 7tt 08 9ltt 104 . 104 95 90 tt Pbtt. 99 tt ilt'ltt so nott Stt 99 . 101 X its lOOtt 78tt 90 tt 99 tt 97tt VI 1 iltett tt STtt 88 iOtttt 11 d 80 tt 60 tt 734 09 tt 63 tt 74 tt 80 tt t3 103 81 sltt 02 tt 74 105tt 91 tt 81 tt loatt 89 r. 93tt 95 tt 95 tt lit ioo , $6 85tt 106 tt 85 93 tt 96 tt lOltt 90tt llltt 40 tt 103 Sltt 107 tt 102 tt 88 tt 165 . 64 ' 68 tt 53 tt 67 , 105tt 91tt 86 tt 106 tt 29 115 tt 102 tt 103 1094 lOltt 100 85 tt 89 a ,. 101 88tt 82 tt 92-. 101 12tt 12 68 tt 64 tt 52 86 tt 96 tt 44 tt 79 89 44a ,71.tt 108 tt 90 89 tt. 83 tt 85 924 - By Stosrt. P. West !' ' ." XV- II SIm... Vam Va.I, V,.l. 4-V. 111. A inim MIT T(AIRUirU. CUWIBIUinn I'll a moratorium acknowledged .th inability to wvvjw.x-- was meet th ns i install- t - 7WN - ' ment et tee indemnity if tl- 1 - U unexpectedly. It '.. had been clear enough j foreshadowed t for a v "N v I fortnight pal '' ."..y - l steady decUne in th i t j i Gennan mark and tha -c -, "1 heavy cellin ot French fjnoa, NavertheieM V.- 'V - V K. . HU.IIMM.,t " V4 . 1 .1.. .ui .-.. J a W .ll atrAAt'a hu.l r-- ' 1 -i. , v.a ... ',.t ' wwn ail tne snntu. German mark sank to. a new sow a. Fititi broke t tt cent as agsit wnera iney jcv off Friday:' f .16. Where they stood lut wJtBSSSswmsSntSBBs HtJIX atwjr et"- a... i t A Af tna disarm It Mar project, snd 9.37, the highrot th yr acle.i more sensiUve wian on snr day so far. Tre went down t 101, against Friday's ; doa of i',' Ralhyar haret Aftssted ,;' ;w : The German troubles, not prerlouily much noticed in the security market, becam tha evershadowina factor today. ouru o" quits weak after a deehne which set in toon remainder of. the two-hour session, .The sell- tag waa not urgent, put "u a S,7 of profeasiomtl support and no outside public to halo out it had a confide rable effect upon price. Th deeline wss psrticularly lirp tn the isst hour, when tne teener , ot tu uw felt away anywhere from a point i to three , . . . , IMJ .1mI, If . H A . . aKaPAS were equally affected with th industrial. Th wool explanation im iw iaw,w '- desire bf th trading element to be elaar f the markets over Sunday on the chance that there might he unfslvorabl new from Germany by Monday mornisgk But the ease with which stock went down showed bow entirely pro fessional operationr on the buying aid had been earlier ia the week, K , :new incorporations Salem. tr., July H. Articles ef Incorpora tion wer filed with th state corporation oe prttttnt her Friday hy th Porcelain Jacket ' Crown company of Portland, capitalised t 8100,000. Th incorporator sr J. si. Rose, M. A. BoUtnger and A. H. Reea. I , Articlea were else tiled try tha Mend Motor Seme company ot Bend, capitalised at $ie. 000. J. C. Vandevert, H, IX 8uliva snd at. -H, Sharford are th Incorporator. - Kaselutions of dissolution were fUed by the Ulobe, Nehaln Pailio ttatiwsy company and the - North west ra Turpentine company, both of Portia od. .'..... Xew Tork Bank Ststemeat Nsw Tork. July 8. (L N, S.) Bok Statement: . .,-;.. Averager ' . .. I ' - Leans, decrease I '' f, 681,000 Demand depoaita, decrease .... 100. 867.000 Tiro deposit, increase : 76.628.000 Reserye. deoreas 8,917,970 Aetuai: . . .. " . i- - Loan, aeerees ,.$ 48,830.000 Demand deposits, decrease .... 98.466.000 Tim deposit, ineeeaas ...... , 19.022.000 Reserr. lnereas . 21,040,000 . ':.;,; " q ' : - Ferelga Exchange Market ' hew Tork, July 8. (U. P. ) Forelm t- ehanra opened irregular. . Sterling, : $4.45 tt . up ttj Franc, .0791 tt. off .0004 tt I lire. OOrtl'tt -0001; marks. .0019 tt. off Foreign exetiane closed stead v. 1 t.Hn $4.44 tt. unchanged, francs, .0782. Off ,0014; lire, .0441. off .0006; Belgian francs. .0762 tt, off .0000 ttl marks, .0019, oft .0002 tt; Danish kronen, .3160, off .000. 964 Sltt 90 tt 108 105 tt 60 tt 97 tt 87 tt 10-1 116 . 125tt 89 92 47 ! 46 102 tt : 804 67 tt ! 88 ! 674 i 95tt 6tt Ott 64 ' 96 tt I 99 tt 1 7tt 82 tt ! 77tt ! 71 tt i 844 106tt 105 tt i 88 ;44 87 tt ' 7 .; 1094 81 tt, , SB - UStt 88 tt 94 104 tt 554 2tt 0 Itt 95tt 1064 88 tt 62 tt iott 86 tt 101 . SStt 104 tt 93 Sltt Itt r2tt 107 tt 101 tt 78tt 110 101 tt tOStt ; 90 I 63'tt i 96 tt ! 844 118tt - 84 tt I 78tt f 66 . 7tt I 83 tt i 73 854 ; 80 1 - a tt i 4 19 -734 82 tt. 150. 41 86"; 60 : -1 ! 89 -104 tt ; 94 '; 7' i 96 Itt I Stt ; 95 tt ! Ttt lOOtt low 64 tt 08 tt ioo 103 tt 71 tt 97 1034 95 95 tt KStt 95tt 108 tt 90 ttt loatt 5tt St -OHtt 101 tt 100 tt 64 90 tt 110 I92tt02tt 84 lOStt 96 tt 81 . tt 101 H io tt S4 96 tt 110 BA5K Clearing Mon. , . . Bslanees Mon. . . . . Clearing Tuea. . . Balance Tuea,.,, I'leannge weo Balances Claaringa Balances Clearing Balance Clearings Ha lance Wed Thurs, . Thur. . Friday. . Friday. , Set. . . . Sat. STATEMEXT OF Portland Bank 1922 . . ,0.16.14l 1.534.689 Holidy HolitUy: 6.809,978 1,330.896 6.182.418 1.016.9M5 S.174.303 58,311 5,02.0 IS 1,162.076 28.285.059 , 6.026,009 . Tsesms Banks transaction! . . , - San Pranclsos Bank Saturday . . , ....... ; $33,600,000 Seattle Bank"- .;'; - Saturday. . . . : .'a S.S49 61 1 Balances Saturday l. 961,031 Oakland Banks i Clearings Ssturdsy .$ 2,488.300 Le Bneelss Bank Clearing Saturday .$16,364,471 Clearitura week . . Balances week Saturday' COAST 1921 liolfiUy Holiday 6.621,832 a.lN9.A74 4.226, 7H 587.912 4.480.K41 I 60S, fit ,15l'.397 i 654,447 4,443,2l ' 1 768.0O E2.876.40O 6.888.686 , .$ 3,509.000 Clearings Clearings FOREIGN EXCHAX6E BATES 'Corrected daily by the foraien'exrhanve d. - pmruuenx ei toe usina otates i.Tiont nsns. yuouuon, peiow isseerit tn pouna sterling), are quoted on th basia of 100 unite foreign eurrency. - - --.- . - . opeotag aomiBAl rata an Sank transaction: Draft.. Cabl. ,r. Par ' Checks. ' Ttaesicrs. Value. London Lbs. sterling. $ 4.44 ttt Parts r no. Belgium Fr no Berlin-3-Maik j Genoe-Lire. . . Athens Drachma " - - Copenhagen ' Kroner . , Cbritiania Kroner ..... Stockholm . Kroner . . . . . Hongkong- Currency i.. Japan Yen Bbangbas Tsels 7.08 5 7.8 .19 tt 4.47 tt ; S.00 J1.S7 16.81 ' 23.87 ;' 88.80 47.75 78.50 4.454 7.84 ' 7.40 . ltt . 4.46 S.02 1 21.62 1 16.36.!. 23.83 88.7 47.90 78.80 t 4.869 10.30 '16.80 X 28.8 1'" "5 1080 0.70 , 26.70 26.70 Cknadiaa dollar disoount 1 tt per eest. B08T0IT . COPPER STOCKS 1 (Beported by Ovrbck-Cooke Co.) .Bid . Ask Arfk com Utt Ott Adventure 66 '- 00 Ahmk, 61 66 AOooe. , 2tt .26 Arcadian Stt Bingham. 14 34. 18 CalAAris 61 . 61 tt CalAHee 270 279 New Corn 184 ltt Centennial 10 tt 12 Cop Rg. 43 tt 44 -Dar Daly. 7tt - 8 E Butte, 10 tt lltt Franklin.. 3 3tt Hancock. 2 4 ' 8 tt Helvetia:' Itt v 1 tt Isi Creek 108 109 tt Keewanaw '2 tt 2 tt Bid. Nining.. 8tt N lek. 20 O D O. . 26 Oa'la Msg 84 STitouin. Mng 4$ iUrr lAk Lake Cop La Ball. Mas Con Mohawk. May O 0" Maaon Tal Stt , 4 tt .Itt '4tt '..i-- 5 - Xtt No. Butts 13 tt lal Roy. 28 Ho Lah . Hupp Bos. 8 Mcb. do pfd Bu Cop . Tris Con , rTuoitt , , Utah Con U 8 Min do nfd. 47 Utah Apex C tt Ventura 324 .... Winona . Wolr . . RVyandott l5o titan .47 .It 26 4tt 1 tt S3 40 Itt ft 60 . 10 Asked. , -a so 26 , ss : - 45tt IS 24 46 1 tt ,8tt 24tt s' 4tt Itt 70 . Stt 41 . 47 tt -2 7 33 - 2 . 14 12 tt 60 20 tlH :rft! SlftOOl' High jem Cloe I 8S tt I tt 3tt 107 107 167 68 I 68 i ' t OSttl tt 6tt I 92 I A i ft'- I 81 81 i $1 ' OIL -ISSUER SOtt 20 tt 20 tt , tt - e4 tt 4 94 94 7tt S7 67 tt 114 112 H3 . 23, 22 22 tt 394 294 294 JUS llOH 1104 96 96 tt 95 tt 440 - 437ttl440 llWest Shore 4 SiWitghs El 7 2W ALE ret 4tt BIWIlsoa 1st 0s. . II ds cvt 6 . . 2 1 Wis Cent gen ,4s 700iAngiAm Oil lOOjAtlio Lobn , . . . 15 Buckeye P I;.,. 100k;l tut Oil. . . 275 Imp OU of Can.'. 4600,Inti Pet. Co Ltd. 2SIPrairi P D 244os o ind ; -700)8 O M nWi . - 190)8 O N T ; . . . . 0VERBECK& COOKE COMPANY Stocks. Donds, Cotton. Grain, Cic. 316-317 Board of Trad Baildinj DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES to New; York- and Chicsa Membcrt Cblcagri Board of Trade CORRESPONDENT Or. LOGAN & UllX All -