The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 08, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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    SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1922.
JUlfUStf vn
LnjrnMs of C'hmt Chore annual
turn, luMt, July
Cbastaaqna, Uladsto Per. Jnly 1-1 S.
A i rwia um aosoaucn wnrmm, Oer
aU. Jal -, , - 7 ........
Praatmariaa Enud of Oregon, annual ses
sion, CottcIJm. July 10 13.
Aaticna eosrreauaa faint, ml aad Vaxatsa
UNcMUoa, Portlex. July 1S-1.
bummer tfeaote tor Ii7iaeeniai Orrcrae.
WUiIuoh JfcaatfBcraa nark. Jul 14-21.
Tha jamenesa tnatnnte ot """. ioly
Southern Oregon EJrwu-t Laagaslailltuta.
iahlaad. July 17-2.
Ooliuaaia mint eeaferenew of Unite! Flea
trytenaa churco, roreat Uim, J air ltt-ZS.
Oregon State Hotineas aseociatioa aamHl-
Ins, Portland, J air 20-10.
Oregon Stat Editorial easoeiatte aasnul
Mtoucn. Corf OUa, July Sl-?s.
aUorgaoUed Cnurch of Jrwu Chrkt of Tatter
Par Saints campsaeetins. Portland, July 22 to
'Oregon fctate Ms plat ConrxBUon, Calais Ms
CHy. uiy 24.-2S.
. orU learns lrttate (Metnodat). rails
City Or., Jnif S4-S0,
Oregon fetpuat toang People's raaM as
rembly. C'-xuri tn C'tty, Jnly as to Angus 7.
iauTvnit Vnto ul tl . l,a. rraal c-jwucU.
d Jniy 2S-2S.
' Week. Angmt e-l.
Oregon CeaJmim liethrxiist. Camp UeaOag.
Cottage UroTe, Angus 10-20.
Oxegoa CtamtUB Kadeaeor eoancar ronf.r
ence, Columbia CHy. Augnat 2s t taepteas
ner 4 .
...ral eon-renoon at Protestant Episcopal
mnreb ot America. Portland. September e-ia.
Oregon conference of Mttbcdut chorea.
Sam. September -l 1.
Washington Stat Fair. Yakiaaa. Sept. 18-2X.
western Norwegian-Denis conference ot
llefWht rhnreb, Portland; September 20-24.
Oregtro Sua. Pair. Sept, 2-30.
.Hound-Ln, PemiieU-, Meptenber 21-13.
aiiugbta Templar, grand rosamaadery. Kose
org. Urtolwii.
Pecuic international Lteeeioefe Kxposltion.
PerUaad. Aoremper 4-11.
Mja states association. Bates. Beptenv
tftata Taaaaasw- association. Decetabtr SS-80-
Portland and riciTrtty: Tonlgtit and Bandar
fair: iMirtbweaterly witida.
Omon and Washington : Tonight and Sun
day fair; muderaca westerly winds. CONDITIONS
High prewura preTgil on th north Pacific
coast and Um the k.wrr Ohio raJIey to th.
Julf of Mnico. OTer tlie rpmaindrr of tn
ronntry the ireare is low. tbi? lowest read
me being on the northern Rocky mountain
lcpe. Precipitation haa occi'rrnl our an area
reaching from Britlih Columbia to South
I'iJcola. and at a few placea in Tennessee and
Florida. The heaTiert m in fall reported waa
1:4 4 inches at Calgary. Alberta. Cooler weather
rreaila in the north I'acinc states and the
extreme northern Rocky mountain region, and
oer gloat of the Mississippi ralley and Iake
region, while orl belt reaching from Utah
to Manitoba it is much warmer.
Relatrre humidity at Portland: Noon yes
terday. 52 per cent: 5 p. ra. yesterday, 54
ptr. cent: S a. in. today. h7 per ont.
Prtcipitation since January 1 : Total. 17 8S
mehaa. normal. 24.81 inches: deficiency. K 93
. 5- S"5-
' 5
Abilene, Texas i)2 i 74 0
Baker. Or S4 32 0
Ifc.ise. Idaho . . 82 60 0
BoOon. Mass M B4 (
Calgary. Alberta .. 48 1.44
'liu-auu. Ill HO I U I O
DenTer. Colo 84(62 1 9
le., Moinr.i. Iowa I 7 8 I 5 i O
lkxlge Ci;y. Kan j . . j 62 0
Ha.rre. Mont 82 54 .76
Honolulu. T. H. . . 82 . . I 0
Ilnrtn. i. 1 74 58 .01
Juneau. Alaska 0
Kanias lily. Mo. 7 8 64 ! 0
Knosrille. Tnn. 86 70 .06
I.os Angelas. Cal. 74 60 0
MarshfWId, Or. .-. . 42 0
Medford. Ch-: 98 . . 0
Modena. Utah . 92 88 0
New Orlestu. La ( 88 78 I 0
Sew Tort. N. T. . 80 66 0
North Head. Wash 60 82 0
North Platte. Nob 80 60 0
Oklahoma City. Okla. 76 68 0
Phoenix. Aria. 102 78 0
Plttsbnrg. Pa. 84 70 0
Portland, Or. 75 52 O
lioacburg. -Ot. 90 ft 0
St. Louis. Mo. MO 62 0
.St. Paul. Minn. 66 52 0
Salt Lake City. Utah ....... 92 " 66 0
San Diego. Cal. 70 62 0
an Krancisco, Cal 64 56 0
Seattle, Wash tt 50 0.
Spokane, Wash. 6 58 .01
Tampa, 1'ls. 88 72 .01
Taoana. Alaska 60 0
TancoaTer. B. C ........ 72 52 0
"Walla WaJla. Wash. -. 86 60 O
Vuhington, V. C 88 70 0
WUliston. N. D 74 56 .50
Yakima. Wash. 88 54
'P. M. report of preceding day.
Wire Start Fire High tension wires
cf the P. R. L. & P. company which
IH at l;8t Sixteenth and Holgate
streets Friday night started a small
prass fire which didj no damage. Traf
fic was held up on the streets until
electricians declared the wires were
eafe. "
"Stool Piffeoa" Arrested The "stool
pig-eon" was so drunk the police) didn't
recornize him. and jailed him. But that
didn't prevent Mike Shada. north- end
Under the Market
Has to be sold and I'll guarantee
ybu will think it a crime to sell
at such a low price.
Lo-wlaferet aad a small down pay
ment. Iie.6 ta a lock, buildings aad
trnproTement. 4S arre. 199 acres
rlrh bottom land, t arre bearia
prases. Balaae la hay. ajrala.
clover aad paytar. All la fla
Srane laad. 12 acres, an tiled and
ralaed. ' Feared, fine water, two
barag, small aeaae, hoir peas, gran
err. All wired wit a eleetrlelty, has
motors aad complete farming- eqaip
meat. Kejri'tered cows aad hoar. 4
aoraea. S miles from ?iorUi Tain hill.
St miles from Fortlaad oa pared
hiraway, 1H bears to get taere.
8 WUeor Broadway J76S
Important Notice
New Dock Location
Sat. and Son. Eres., Excursions
Lvg. 8:43 Returns 11:45 Sharp
Scnool Property
Old Couch achoolhouse and
rrounds. 17th and Kemrney strwets..
Bids will be received until July la,
1923. Specification at 401 Court
house, .
School Clerk and Business Sianacer.
Is years nud ta
The ililk Cure Method '
HsMkars a XTik, ParUaMI, Ora.
Hal lock & TC'.tson Radio Service
Northwestern Radio MffeV Co.
Willard P. Hawley Jr.
' Broadcasting
The Journal News
V. S. Health Bulletins
Daily Paiice Theft Report
Radio Advice and Instruction
Journal of Western Industry
Farm Bulletins
1 2 :00- 1:0O KAM. lmtroaestal and Total
iHionograpb anasic (coartaay
Keauck Co.).
1 :00- Z :00 KQT. Inetraasental and eocal
pnonograpb mustc Meoqrtesy
Bmn-iwics-Baika - Colic Oder Co.
and Hyatt).
X -.30- S:30 KQN. Inatromentai ami ocal
ptKwograpa mKw.
4:80- :aO KOO. Late instraiaental and
eocal fecoTda tcoBitdey Keed-
Freneh Co.1.
5:30 KOQ. Jnnmal baseball scores.
B:S0- 6:00 KOO. instramental and
rocnl mj".
6:00- 7:0O KQV. Ivite instramental and
Tocal music.
T:3O-,:00 KOO. journal Daily News Bul
letin serrica-
8 :0O- 8:00 KTS. Vral and Instrumental
concert of classical,, semi-classical
and ponular mnsic by
M. A. Howgrd'a oreheatra. as
sisted by Enoch Moore, cornet
snlowt. and Rnsaet Ella Beals,
Fox Trot, "Stuwibling" .. .Howard's orchestra
Piano Solo. "Polonai in Ab" ..... - Chopin
, Ruell Bllia Beab.
Waltz, "Three o Clock in the Morning"..
Howards orchestra
Cornet Solo, "The FaTorite" Hart man
Enoch Moore.
Itussel Kills Reals at the piano.
Fo Trot. "Sweet . Indiana Horns'"
Howard's orchestra
Piano Solo, "March Hounirrei.e" . . . KowaUki
Rnsell Ellis Bealv
Cornet Solo, "lly Old Kentucky Home"
- with variation) . .Masten
Fnoch Moore.
Russell Ellis Beals at the piano.
(Program aranged and presented for Wil
lard P. Hawley by W. A. McDougall of the
McDougali-Conn Music company.)
9:00-10:00GQ. Halloek A Watson ssprlca
Question and answer broadcast.
, Eery . Saturday night at this
hour. J. H. K allocs and C.
H. Watson, radio engineers. o
cwer eil questions concerning
redlo sent aither to The Jpumal
or Halloek A Watson Radio
Servlcs, 192 Park street.
Willard P. Hawlay Jr. coaeert are broad
cast -d Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 to 10
p. m. and Saturdays from 8 to 9 p. m.
bootlegffer, from being fined $250 and
sentenced to 15 days in Jail by Munic
ipal Judge Ekwa.ll Friday. The star
witness was John Bentley, who testi
fied he paid $3 for a pint of moonshine.
Patrolman Chamberlain arrested Bent
ley and jailed him for being drunk.
Fire In Woolen Mills A small fire
broke out in the dryer rooms of the
Portland Woolen Mills, Baltimore and
Crawford streets. St. Johns, shortly
after 2 o'clock this morning, but fire
men extinguished the flames with
chemicals before any damage was done.
The cause of the Tire has not yet been
Bobbed by Colored Women Two
negro women ho stopped him in the
park blocks Friday night robbed him of
$140 which they took from his inside
coat pocket. C. E. Brunton of Omaha,
Neb., reported to police. Brunton. went
through "Darktown" with police, but
he. was unable to . identify his assail
ants. FraneoBelge Society Celebrates
The Franco-Beige society is celebrat
ing today the French national holiday
at Cedarville park, Linneman station,
and attempting to raise a fund for
the benefit of blind French and Bel
gian soldiers.
ame Coafaalng Adams Brothers
Packing Co.. Inc.. meat packers, with
offices in the Panama building, has
been somewhat inconvenienced by the
going Into bankruptcy of Adams
Brothers, Inc.. lumber dealers. The
two firms have no connection except
the chance one of name.
Waldemar Seton has removed his
law office to 309 Failing building. Third
and Washington, over railroad ticket
office. Adv.
Fraak Scblegel has moved his law
office to 309 Failing building. Third
and Washington, above railroad ticket
office. Adv.
Col am Ma Staa-as -Portland - Mult
nomah Falls-Hoodr River-Th Dalles
division Leave Portland Stags Tor-
fie 7l
Novel Trirnrnings Are Interesting Features of tbe Mode
i '-(-;--'.. '-i - -.. v": - . -: v ' .--i .- : -?-; -Tiny
flat beads of red Wood, sewed close together, are the effective decora
tion of thia frock of white frostkrepe. They outline the left side opening,
the dropped shoulders and the noteworthy sleeves, as well as form a design
on the extended points of the skirt. i , f , - . ,
A much used medium for trimminar. braid, is especially good In red: on
navy biue, that striking- color combination which has received the senction of
Paris. -This twill -dres (riarht) takes advantage of the rulinsr that street
costumes, may -be a- trifle shorter- than the more formal frock, to cut its
kirt about eight, inches from the ground. : s -
t Copyright. 1822. by
mlnaJ, Park and Yamhill streets. I X
a. m. 11 :30 a. nu Z SO p. to, 4 :& P. nw
uaiiy to Hood River; and S0 i. co
daily to Hood River, except Saturday a
Sundays and holidays. 11:15 p- av
Saturdays, Sundays and hoi Ida ya ta
Hood River, lean Multnomah i Falls
frr Portland, f :20 a. nu. 11 0 a. m,
10 p.'xtL. 4:20 p. m. and J5 p. m.
daily. Direct connections with all
stages) to and from Tha Dal lea. Phono
Maia wStL-
Ta Speak at aii't aesare -The
Rev. E. Constant, pastor of Highland
Congregational church, will b the
speaker at tbe Men's Resort meeting;
Sunday at 4 p. nu Mra C. C. Tripp
will be pianist and will sing. 1 The men
will all join to one of , their popular
song services. 1 This church service u
open to all. " ; ;
Portia Bd.Arroria-Sea (Ida llvUlo
Leave Portland Stage 'i-errnlnal, Park
nnd Yamhill streets, 7 :3 ? a- nu. SUO
a nu. 11:S0 a. mi 1 p- nu, 4 :15 p. m
6 :4a p. m, and 12 i39 au m. r ally. Direct
connections at Astoria Cor Seaside and
Clatsop beach points, except on S:4S
p. m. stags from Portland. Leave As
toria for Portland 7 a. nu. 10 a. nu. IS
noon. 2 p. nw 4 p. m, 4:80 p. nu. daily
and 9 p.m. daily, except Sundays, 11 :l$
p. m. Sunday only. For further In
formation phone Columbia Stages.
Main 8611-
Shettand Posy Missing The theft of
a brown Shetland pony which took first
place in the recent floral parade, dur
ing the Rose Festival was reported to
police Friday by Mrs. L. Rowley, No.
424 East 38th street. The animal was
takt n from No. 66 East 33d street
some time during the night of July 4
or the morning of July 5. ' A halteOrbpe
and bucket left with the animal were
also stolen, which leads police to dia
card the theory that the animal broke
loose and strayed away.
Columbia Stages Portland - SL
Helena-Rainier local. Leave Portland
Statu Terminal, Park and Yamhill sta
It- a. nu for St. Helens and Rainier and
4:20 p.. m. daily nd 11:15 p. m. Sat
urday. Sundays and holidays to St
Helens only. .Leaving St. Helens. 7:30
a. in. and 1 :40' p. m. daily ; C :15 Sat
ut'ays, Sundays and holidays. Local
leaves Rainier for Portland. 12 150 p. m.
duily, except Sundays. For informa
tion phone Columbia Stage, Main
if 11. Adv.
Fire Permits Denied No permits to
burn refuse or to maintain any kind
Lof open fire will be issued in the city
until runner oraers axe jssuea oy me
fire marshal's office, according to a
ruling made this morning by Fire Mar
shal Grenfell. Increased fire . haxard
on account of the extreme dry weather
resulted in the order being Issued.
Letterearrlers to Picnic The letter
carriers will hold an all-day picnic at
Crystal Lake park Sunday. Families
and friends are Invited. There will be
a program of danclngr. races, baseball
and sports of 'Arious kinds. Lunches
and refreshments may be purchased
on the grounds. The Moose orchestra
will furnish the music
Dr. Tasman Carey to Speak Dr.
Tasman Carey of Sydney. Australia,
will speak Sunday evening at the
rooms of the Realization league, T$o.
148 13th street, on "The Unfoldment of
Portland-Salem Stage Leave Stage
Terminal, - Park and Yamhill, hourly
from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. and Owl car at
11:20 p. m. dally. Saturdaya, Pundays
and holidays, 9:30 p. nu and 11:29
p. nu Uain 811. Adv.
Str. America St. Helena via Colum
bia river. 2:30 p, ra. daily: 11:30 a. m.
Sunday. Alder street dock. Mala
8323. Adv.
Salem-MIll City Stage Leave Salem
stage terminal for' Mill City : No. 1.
7:30 a. nu: No. 3. 100 a. nu: No. 6.
Ut p. m. No. 1 conneet with east
bound train at Mill City. Jos. Ham
man. Proa Adv.
Fortland-Tlllamook Cadlllae 8tae
Stage depot. Park and Yamhill streets.
Daily at 8 :15 a. m.. 12 :30 and 1:10 p.m.
Special arrangements made for fishing
parties. Main 861L Adv.
Thed, aching feet can be relieved.
See our foot specialist for relief. X-ray
service free. Knight Shoe Co., 342 Mor
rison. Adv.
Hood River's finest eating place. The
Pheasant and Oregon Hotel dining
room, all under same mangemenL
Tbe Pbeasaat and Oregon hotel din
ing room. Hood River. A real place to
eat. Adv.
Weak Eyes Stresgthesed, No glasses.
Good Sight Institute, SOS Allsky build
ing. Adv.
The Pheasant, xfood River. Dining
room, tea room and fountain room. A
real place to eat. Adv.
8. a H. Green Stamps for Cash Hol Fuel Co., Brwy. 6358, 660-21. Adv.
Hot Lake, July 8. Arrivals at Hot
Lake sanatorium Wednesday were : -R.
C. Lorens, Cove ; Mr. : and Mrs. Alvin
Yon, New Tk) .
Peter: Ilabblt
. By Thorn to a W. Barge
Don't tnile with temptation, bat prompUy
raa away.
Who stops to fight la apt to loae. and dearly
mast be pay. -
t Peter Babbit
rr IS bad, very bad. to have nothing
In particular to do. Nothing leads
to quite so much trouble as this- If
everybody had something to do all the
time and did it, most of the trouble
in this world would vanish. Old Mr.
Temptation seldom waste time with
busy people.' Old Mr. Temptation Is
twin brother to Old Mr, Trouble.
Peter Rabbit had nothing in particu
lar to do. For that matter he seldom
does have much to do. But at this
season of the year he had less, than
usual. You see he didn't have to hunt
for food. There waa plenty to eat close
at hand. He didn't have to go more
than a few steps from the dear Old
Briar Patch to get all the sweet clover
he could possibly eat. In winter he
bad to hunt long and hard to keep' his
stomach full and that gave him little
time to get In mischief. But now It
was very different. Already his babies
were half-grown. The care of them
he had always left largely to little
Mrs. Peter anyway. So Peter was in
clined Ho roam about and peke his
wabbly little nose into other people's
business. t
It happened that just at dusk he was
passing not far from Farmer" Brown's
garden. He hadn't been in that garden
once since it was planted. Long ago
he had made up his mind to keep away
from there. But now as he was hopping-
along he suddenly thought of that
garden and began to -wonder what
waa growing in it this year.
Now. this was just the opportunity
Old Mr. Temptation had waited for.
"Run over there . and have a look,"
whispered Old Mr. Temptation.
Peter sat down. "No," said .he most
decidedly. "No, I'll keep away from
the jgarden."
"Everything must be growing fine
over there now," whispered . Old Mr.
Temptation. "It won't hurt anybody
for you to go over there and look
around. The young cabbages must be
worth' looking at now, not to mention
the lettuce and other good things
Looking at them won't hurt them. A
nice garden is always worth seeing.
You are foolish not to have a look at
It when you are so near. Run along
over there Just for a minute."
"No. said Peter again, though In
not quite so decided a way. "No, I
won't go over there."
"Why hot?" demanded ' Old Mr.
Temptation. "Tou haven't anything
Hoover, Weiser. Idaho ; W. B. Davis;
Union : J. A. Sommers. Klgin : K. M.
Andrews and Mrs. R. Allen. Oakland,
CaL ; Katberine Browell, Seattle ; Ken
neth Hauser, Portland ; Mr. and Mrs.
W. O. Orton, Union ; J. A. Elston, Cald
well, Idaho ; William Lester, Portland ;
N. A. Cornell, Seattle ; Louise M.
Brand, Pendleton ; Chester Gragg, La
Grande ; George Beemer. Meeker, Colo. ;
It E. Hltt, Hermlston ; Mrs. R. L.
Relse, Benfon City.
HEILIfJ Broadway at Taylor. "Abraham
Lincoln," spoken drama. 8:15 p. av : mav
inoa Saturday. 2:15 p. ra.
river. - Cars . at First and Alder. Bathing,
.dancing, picnics- Armstrong Baby Dolls'
' 'Kerne at 3 and e p. m.
WTNDEMUTH Willamette rirer. Launch bs
. or Brooklyn ears. Swimming, dancing daily.
PANTAGES Broadway at Alder. High elaaa
Tauderille and photoplay features. After
noon and eening. Program changes Mon
day afternoon.
HIPPODROME Direction Aekermaa A Har
ris. Broadway at TamhilL Vandarilla
and "Ace of Hearts." Continuous from 1 p.
m. to 11 p. m.
RIVOLI Washington at Park. Vera Gordon
in "Tour Best Friend." 11 a. m. to 11
p. au
BLUB MOUSE 11th at Waahington. James
OliTet Cnrwood'e "The Oiri Krom Porcu
pine." 11 a. m. to 11 p. ra.
COLUMBIA Sixth near Washington. "On
Clear Call." 11 a. m. to 11 p. m.
MAJESTIC Washington at Park, "iba Ureat
Alone." H i, a. to 11 pl a .
LI HE KTY Broadway at Stark. "My Wife'i
Relations." 11 a- m. to II p. m.
CIRCLE Fourth near Washington. Betty
' t'ompson in "The Ureen Temptation." 11
a- m. to 1 o'clock the following morning.
(Continued Frem Page Fourteen)
in ' "German . ' The subject for the Eng
lish sermon will ' be, "The Christian's
Duty to Refrain. From Uncharitably.
Judging and Condemning Other," anJ
the topic for.the German. "The Christian
as a Friend of Nature According to
His Faith, and .Life." The Sunday
school meets at 9 a. nru No evening
service.' Summer, school wilt , be held
flaUy except Saturday from 9 to 12
a. rru -
Divine Science
In the First Divine Science church.
No. 818 East Clay street near corner of
East 25th . (take Hawthorne avenue
car). Mrs. Blanch Barbor of Spokane,
Wash., will speak. Subject, "Thought,
and Where Is God?" All. other services
are omitted until September.
The pastor. Dr. MacCaughey, will oc
cupy, the' pulpit morning and evening.
In ' the morning the sacrament of the
Lord's r supper- will be., observed, and
the pastor will speak on "The PoWer
That. Sustalnw -Our Lives." There will
be special musio. In the evening the
pastor will give the second of a series
of 'four 'tO-minute' sermons on "What
Is What?" The topic for Sunday night
will be "Whit Is Christianity r Mon
day night the. fourth quarterly confer
ence - will ' be - held." with Dr. - William
Wallace -.Toungson in , the chalr. The
officers for 'the .-coming . conference
year will be elected.
. Sunnyslde Methodist church ex
tends a cordial invitation to Roman
Catholics and Protestants, Knights of
Columbus and Orangemen, and to the
public generally to bear -Dr. WtfMam
Duff speak Sunday evening on 'Ire
land the Truth About Her." The
Rely on Cuticura
To Clear Away
Shin Troubles
. t. .. . -- .
Auspices Realisation League, 148 13th
street .--The-rafoMmeat ef Co a se lee a-se-na.
Australian lecturer ; vijroroas,
witty, eloquent. Author of "Cbarscter
Keadiag aad belfAnaljii Hear Him.
I - Tlits Temptation
XoS" said he most decidedly. "No?
I'll keep away from the
In particular to do. You may as well
go over there as to go up to the Old
Orchard.' Probably you'll finf Old
Mr. Toad over there.- and you haven't
seen Old Mr. Toad for a long time.",
"I dont care." replied Peter.- "I'm
not going a step nearer the garden
than I am this minute."
"Pooh !" cried old Mr. Temptation,
"Pooh! It will do you good Just to
see the things growing there. No One
.will know you have been there, so
what Is the harm?"
Peter sat up and looked longingly
over toward that garden. Of course
Old Mr. Temptation was right. Just
looking at those plants wouldn't hurt
them. There wouldTt be the least
bit of harm in hopping around
through that garden as long as" he
didn't . touch anything. ' He would
like to see Old Mr. Toad. It was a
long time since he had seen him, and
he couldn't think of any one he' would
rather have a little gossip with. He
hopped a few steps toward, the garden
and stopped again.
"Go along, go . along !" whispered
Old Mr. Temptation. "You know you
always do enjoy a fine garden." ,
Peter shook his head, but it was
not a very decided shake. "It wouldn't
do any harm to -just peek under the
fence." thought he. "I will do that
(Copyright, 1922. by T. Wl Burgess)
The nlxt story ; "Old Mr. Temptation
Keeps Busy." ,
speaker has recently arrived from Ire
land. Dr. Gallagher has returned from
Soda Spring-s, Wash., and has pre
pared an interesting message which
he will deliver on Sunday morning,
subject, "The Four Anchors."
The Rev. E. Sutton Mace will speak
at the 11 o'clock service in the Clinton
Kelly Memorial Methodist Episcopal
church on j"We Have Found 'Him."
The soloists of this church are ex
ceptionally fine. The church Is situ
ated in a beautiful grove on Pow611
and East 40th streets. Strangers find
this a most homelike, church. The
three divisions of the Bible school
convene at 9 :45 a. m. and the Young
people's service Is at 7:15 p. m. Mr,
Mace will prea.h in the chapel at
Westmoreland on Mllwaukie and
South avenues at 8 p. m.
Rev. Christensen, Who has just re
turned from Denmark, will occupy the
pulpit " at the First Norjveglan-Dan-,
Bdwy. at Taylor
Phone Mala 1
j.ast TflMIGUT R.IR
I Will Wll I V i as
EMIhV Sua elletll rClQINAL
rwum ricuLTnn cow
Kve'a Floor $2.75 ; Balcony $2.20,
$1.65. $1.10: Gallery 85c. 65c
Today's Mat. Floor, $2.20: Bal
cony, $1.65, $H0 ; Gal., 85c, 65ci
CHAT SO. S8 . !
A car from First and 'Alder, a six
cent fare and the world is yours at
this great entertainment center every
day in the week. Bring the' kiddles
and your picnic basket -"The Oaka"
will please you with Its host of attfao
I ions and facilities.
Last two showings of "The Flapper"
today. Next week the Armstrong Baby
Dolls present "In Gay Paree." begin
ning with Sunday's matinee. 10 and 20
cents worth more. t
1IKMDCI1 natas en
. in gacerpta From Famous Operas
. Huwa-wuuowa ballet wustT
Special pictures i7 Crown In of Queen
Harriet at Laurathurat park ...
E. 2751 .
tag Stark St. : dwy. TSXS
Sammer Prices
' Broadway Pavilion
Broadway a Mala -Coolest
and meet jefilar Halt
Veyer Orekeatra Xyery Evealng
THRCIRCLE tele atre
Open from oeIoclc !n the Trvortjing
until 4 o'clock 'the following mornlnr;.
A H U s'fgH&NI X PAPK 1
tab M. E. church "both morning 'and
evening-' While in- Denmark he held
the position of Sunday school mission
ary and visited every Methodist church
there. -Wednesday evening the young
people's society will hold a debate on
the - question. "Should : the Bible ! Be
Put In ihe Public Schools of Amer
ica?" -
At " the "Vancouver ' avenue Norwegian-Danish
Methodist-church, comer
Vancouver avenue-and Skidmore street,
there will be services at 11 o'clock.
The Rev. Gustav 'A. Storaker. pastor,
will - preach on the i te xt, 'The Inner
Voice.":- At 7 :30 there ' win be Eng
lish service. The text will be "Tribu
lation." ' , -
; 9 '
Rev. Norman Kendall Tully, D. D..
will occupy the pulpit of the First
Presbyterian church at bth services.
His theme In the morning ia "Our
Christian Sabbath,- In the evening Jte
will begin a series of sermons on the
general topic, "The Life Indeed," un
der the four heads of "Salt." "Light."
"Bread" and "Water." One of these
elements will be dealt with each night.
The first In the series, which he will
preach Sunday night, la "Salt."
Dri Tully will be absent from the
the city in attendance at the annual
session of the synod of Oregon, which
meets in Corvallla during July 10-14,
and will return for the Thursday eve
ning .prayer meeting, when he will
make a report on his Impressions.
On Tuesday evening the evening
auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary
society will hold a picnic in Washing
ton park, near the Park avenue en
trance, at 6 o'clock If possible. Call
Miss Wetherell, Main 3559.
Westminster Presbyterian church
will have but one service this Sunday.
Dr. Pence will preach. He expect to
attend the session of Oregon Synod,
which convenes at Corvallls.
The Dally Vacation Bible school
closed on Friday with a total regis
tration of 120. The church is sending
six delegates to the Hillockburn Young
People' conference, July 12-18. Our
delegate are Miss Martha Montague,
Miss Edna Moulton. Miss Ruth Taylor,
Miss Dorothy Taylor, Mrs. F. W. Paris
and A. F. Bittner.,
. At -the morning service at Piedmont
Presbyterian church Rev. J. Francis
Morgan will preach on the subject.
"The Sustaining Power of .God's Pres
ence." There are no evening services
being held during the months of July
and August, but this church Is partic
ipating in the services at Peninsula
park each Sunday afternoon at 4
Each week last year nearly 2000 per
sons united with the Presbyterian
church on confession of faith. It is
not improbable that the membership
of the church wHl mount up to 1,825,
000 by the time of the next general as
sembly. The spirit of evangelism
spreading through the church is also
evidenced by the number of presby
teries, carrying out the plan of the as
sembly's committee on evangelism.
Next year 17 presbyteries,, with 757
churches, will use 24 full-time evan
gelist and 300 visiting ministers in
soul winning effort.
The total gifts to all causes this
(Vacation Made a Real
Joy With a 1
Lightest, most compact record
carrying phonograph on the
market. Weighs IS lba- plays
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Railroad Labor Board
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year amounted to" more than $47,000.
000. Of this amount over 832,000,000
was. : for congregational , expense,,
which Is $12,000,000 more than we were
giving for thia .: purpose three year
ago. In the last three years the
churches have raised and used for
their own work $25,000,000 more than
in the three preceding years. i
': - . - - . 4 ' ' ;
. Unitarian'
Mr. Eliot will speak on "Drinkwa
ter's "Abraham Lincoln Sundry at
10:30 su nu. at the Church of .Our
Father (Unitarian), Broadway, and
Yamhill.- The church school is ended
for the summer. -
United Brethren i !
Dr. G. E McDonald wilt preach at
First United f Brethren church. East
15th and Morrison streets, Sunday
morning, and the ' communion of
the . Lord's : supper, will be observed.
Dr. McDonald is the state superintend
ent of United Brethren churches. The
pastor will speak! in ( the evening on
"The Apprehended Guide.' There will
be special music at both services. -
Rev. I. V. Hawley will preach both
Sunday morning and evening- at Sec
ond United Brethren church tAlberta).
At Third United - Brethren church.
A Fertile Field of Detraction Againat Catholic
l Citizenship Is the
Because the Bishop of Ronie fthe Pope) claim the right to rule a small
strip cfland In and about Rome, therefore, say the enemies, the Pope
crave for political dominion in America and elsewhere. As If one argued
thus: "'A claims a lot on Fifth street. . But this is claiming ownership.
Therefore ' 'A' claims to own ALL Portland." However since t Popo la
but a spiritual aruide or bead of the church, why insist upon ANY terri
torial riphts? The answer is that ho may have a neutral ground on which
to do his work. . -
What I and Why Is The District of Columbia?
Is it not a strip of neutral territory set apart to be the seat or capita! of
the United States government, where president, cabinet, law-makers may
conduct national affatrs, independent of the jurisdiction, of any one stater
Over in Italy Such a Neutral Territory 1
was established 1500 year ago. The people voted for It the lawful ruler
gave consent. By them was it entrusted to the Bishop of Rome and his
successors forever, that there hejnight exercise hi spiritual function with
neutrality. Independence, liberty. " . 1 -
; Neutrality: :;4:'i4C
Not to be allied to any ONE nation, bat on equal term with all.
Independence; , '
Not forced to obey the mandates of anyone political ruler, and in this way
to compromise the Influence of the universal church. . i ..--.'
In communicating with hla Catholic spiritual children of every nation,
especieliy in time of war. . Being spiritual father to all, he must treat
all alike. ; - . . ' ' .
POPE betokening a world wide rule REFER TO HIS SPIRITUAL POSI
TION" ALONE. Our 'allegiance" to the Pope Is merely recognition of
his spiritual authority In Christian faith and morals. Catholics in America
would be the first to repudiate ecclesiastical pretensions In purely civil
matters ) the Pope himself claims NO POLITICAL AUTHORITY except
over himself and his immediate surroundings, as above detailed. .
KIND READER compare the - above FACTS with the FABLES you
have heard and then judge whether there Is anything in these FACTS
that mitigates against Catholic Citlxenshlp. But say the strife breeders,
the Catholic Hierarchy In the United States
"Have a Political Machine"
Indeed, but where is itf Only lnrthe MINDS of these agitator.--The
Catholic LAITY have- never seen anything of this machine, for they are
divided, into every shade of political opinion : should any clerks attempt to
"play politics" for personal ends, he would Quickly be requested to mind
his own "spiritual business."'
The PRIESTS themselves have never seen anything of this machine. As
citizens, they vote; why should they not? But each differently according,
to his own ideas.
The BISHOPS have never heard of this ""political machine," except from
the all-wise agitator.
Well then, the Pope himself must be running It. Of course, he must for as
SPIRITUAL head of the Catholic church in Europe, North America. South
America, Asia, Africa,. Ocean lea and the- remote) Islands, he cannot have
very much to do. except "interfere in American politics.' But since the '
Catholics in the United State would instantly resent such, interference
(the Pope's only authority being in religion, faith, moral) therefor None
Catholics must be operating this supposed "political machine,' otherwise
it is at a dead stand still. Of course . - . ,
(The Poor Pope Has Neither Army or Navy - - 1
Only a few guards as policemen around the Vatican grounds. ' But If
necessity urged, could he not, perhaps, send over a few hundred "spiritual"
(paper)- battleships, and a few thousand or million "spiritual" tin)
soldiers, to get hi "political machine" in motion and as the all-knowing
antls say "make America Cahtolic"? , -
Anti-Catholic f rlends Use th Intelligence that Almighty God ha given '
you and WITH THAT INTELLIGENCE test out the ravings of bigotry .
against the citizenship of your Catholic neighbors.
ARTICLE FIVE will appear July IS. (Country -Edition. July 17). Persons
wishing to reply to or comment upon above, or procure further Informa
tion on Catholic teaching and- its relationship to Cathollo Cltutehshlp are
cordially invited to address Drawer K, Mllwaukie, Or. -
NOTICE A , recent "reply" to articles one and two, - In the eemlngly :
official organ of the Antl-Cathoilcs has been analysed in the Catholic
Sentinel dated July 6th, 1922. ' Interested persons may consult that publica
tion, If they desire. - : t - 5, .
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Save From $1.50 to $4, Per
Cord on Your Wood Order
Ask Broadway 6353 v ; ;
U AT M A M Iblf TCI hi
S. & H. Green Stamps ' . Fifth and Stark Sta,
We offer the greatest fuel value 'for least money
Decision of the
the: pastor. RevTE. Q. "Shepherd, wUl
occupy, the pulpit at both services. At
Fourth TJnited Brethren church (Tre
mont). Rev. .H. Rosa TSvans will preach
both morning and evening. ,
Parkrose Decides
, 'On Water District
' Voter of the Parkrose district de
elded by a vote of 818 to 149. Friday, to
create a water district, throush 'which
provision will he made for the distri
bution of Bull Run water. - The, five
commissioners for the new district are
Frank Harpke, Harlan J Miller. I, W.
Palmer, A. . M." Pulleri. and Tracy . A.
Wood. Tho next tep In the project in
to havs' aurvey . made and , estimates
on the coat of a dlstrtbuHng system,
after which a bond proposition will be
ubmitted to the."roter of the district-
.. ," . ' 1
Super-power stations as designed by
a German engineer call for the use of
turbo-generators three times aa large
as the largest yet built In any country.
k XJlulj Wo
Portland, Oregon
y K .' ' V.