c; .zGo:r DAILY JULY C, l CIEilOMGOE MILL DESTROYED; ! LOSS IS $40,000 I The"' plant of the Cameron-Horue I Iumbr company at Alxnes. about three f" rr.Ue northeast of the Bull Ran prop f erly t the Portland JUttirijr.-.UgnV I Fowtr. company, wu completely-; de 1 eiroyed by fire Wednesday afternoon I "w ith a loss of - approximately 940,000. f A Ccordinif to J. E. . Cameron, head of W company, the loss s partially covered by Insurance and. the mill, will te rebuilt immediately. ' ,'- . " Orlffin of the fire had not "been de termined at boor today, Cameron stat ed bur is presumed to have resulted from cinders blown from nearby slash ing; fires. The mill bad been : closed down for the Fourth of July holidays and the fire in the neighborhood were beini watched by Fire Warden Charles I-aron-?'.-, -. ''--' " ' About 90 men employed by the Cam eron-Hoffna Lumber company vera thrown- out of work, by -the fie...iOf t2dals of the wmpany vers ' notified by Larson late Wednesday and left im mediately for the scene of the fire. Cameron stated today the small fires in the vicinity were under control and that th rr w wo itppMwn t danger to atandinir timber. - The'' compaSjy 'wm about 70.000,000 feet of fir timber ad joining the mill property. ' Reports received today from Banks by officials of the Murphy Timber cempany indicated that fires in that Vicinity were well under control and that immense areas of -standing tim ber in the vicinity were'ln no danger of destruction.! Plans would begin im mediately for $he erection of a new null at Banks on the site of the $250,000 plant destroyed Tuesday, It was stated. i The . Murphy Vmtirwas completed about ; four- years ; ko and was elec trically equipped, throughout. About 150 men were thrown out of employ ment by: the fire and logging operations also win t held up temporarily. Origin of the fire had not been determined to day, according to officials of the com pany. JThe loss was partially-covered by insurance. , -V -Secretary Denby Guest at Three Tokio Functions Tokio, July 6. I. N. S.) Three im . port ant affairs marked the entertain- ment today of Secretary of the Navy - Benby and members of the Annapolis cUass of 1881. The governor tendered : ft luncheon, a garden party was given ; tils afternoon by Ambassador Shjde fcara and a- brilliant dinner will' be -Tjtven at the embassy tonight.'' I It was announced today that Ad miral Strauss will entertain .the party at a luncheon on the flagship -Huron at Nagasaki,- after which thefsecre r tary will leave on a visit of inspec tion. The party will leave Nagasaki . en ,the transport Logan homeward bound on July II. Financial. Report , ui Cemetery Shows Healthy Condition U Steady Improvement In the finan cial condition, of Riverview Cemetery association la shown la the secre , tary'e report for the first six months . of , the year, issued today. 'Additions : to, the perpetual maintenance fund of !lhe cemetery since January 1 aggre gate 8203.45. according to the report. The funds have been invested In long term securities by trustees pf the 'asso ciation; -., , --.j r From su' bank overdraft of $263 on 'January 1 the trustees have built up weiue. iniwiw oi eai, nicer paying ally current expenses, reducing bank ., borrewtng from $1000 to $250 and , paying SO per cent of the proceeds irom ins sale or cemetery lots to the maintenance fund. During the pre 'cedlng year the maintenance fund had been depicted to meet running expenses. f The secretary's statement showed' tmuseo plotted lots to the value of $200,000, besides' 200 acre's of nnplotted Uhd fronting on the Willamette river nd ether - acreage atone Macadam road. (A meeting of the trustees was raiiea lor s -.30 p. m.- today in the of fice of C Henri Labbe, president of the association. ir Afler it, had been 'under water for 17 years a pump in a Montana silver nine, was cleaned and put In service again as though It had stormed for only a few hours. Three Men Fatally Scalded by Blowing Up oi Steam Pipe ... - . i ' n'li" i it ; .. Uncoln, July ? -Z. 'T. S.) Three men' are dying., three were ' so badly scalded they are not expected to re cover, and -several, others were pain fully burned early today J when s large steam pipe burst In the: plant of the Fremont Creamery company at Crete, f eb. . - - - f i-Tne dying are' Merle .Gwlnn,; Steve Blouse? and X0UI3 Smart. ,r -.;' The pipe burst lfl a room in' which workers were changing their clothing preparatory for work.-: The rush of steam literally cooked everyone- in the Defense Counsel For Ward Scores . In Judge's: White Plains, N: T., July 1T J. S.) The -defense in the case of Walter 3. Ward, the young millionaire charged with thef" murder of C3renc4'Peters, former saOor, worX ym adTtuitag this afternoon when Supreme Court Justice Morschaoser sisned an order directing District Attorney Frederick "B. Weeks of Westchester ' county ito ; show cause why the murder Indictment against Ward should not be dismissed. ; The order is returnable at 10 o'clock Saturday morning before Supreme Court Justice A. H. R. Seeger in New burgh, N-- Y. -. Chicago Carmen To Vote on Strike Chicago. July 6. -I. N. 8.) Strike ballots are being printed today and will be' sent out to the 16,000 employes of the Chicago eutface lines. . Leaders of the Amalgamated Assocfatlon ' of Street and Electric Railway Employes predicted -hat the men would - vote overwhelmingly r to . strike in protest against a 25 per cent wage reduction ordered by the company. ' - r irn :v top TROP a THoksEN'S I J FLUFPYs jMARSH MALLOW atop a cup of hot chocolate and watch it melt and dissolve at once. THO-MSEN'S are always tender and light. Order from your grocer, druggist or confectioner, in bulk, the economical way. Keep them fresh in a Mason jar. Sold also In small tins. ruurrv (One of Thomsen'a Quality Candies) Made in Portland by ' PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. SPECIAL SALE U, S. ARMY TENTS ! -1 11 vT$3&itotr& ?.J4'fc F 8-Gver.e;t Khaki Conical r sia retl TfcM uu r rips, tears, moid "SlASFT CP3"CAL TEXTS ieHiui4yuKi uitirsi-ciass V, B. ABXT PYRAMIDAL TEXTS, ' - Slightly vsed : In first laas ' " condition). :: 14-ounce genuine -army khaki dock tents, eise ft. square, has 3H-ft-wall ; ventilator with canvas hood ' on top, can be opened o closed:' also sod cloth around bottom - of walls, which are the special features or this wonderful "tent ; complete with rones and snd elrt rv.t It s government $65. Our C ' ff Price, special. vi.... I diO.UU ' 14-ounce genuine army khaki durk tents, sise 1 ft In diameterT lift ; high la center, 3-ft. wall and eod . flaps : ventilator with canvas hood can be raised or lowered, are the -special' features f thee wonderful tents 5 mplete with poles, -ropes and sod IOaps. Cost U. S. govefn" special ...... w IV ? WAXl TEXTS . i Reaio-nablf FrJced tent Itt and. weight.; breech.. - t nl" 7ho Pck tables, cots, roattreeses. anirts. oreecAes. iahct anything for the hiker's r campers comfort - rite tor Oar Free Catalogs . ' Matt Orders FDled - " '- v - - ARMY AND NAVY STORE ;-? -: Tkird Street rre :... -. . (The Orlrisal Arsiy asd avy Store ef Portland.) FMVEL BEACH RESORTS Oreroa: Finest Beach Resort k 1 M HOTEL SEASIDE JV . "' '' " t ?..r': . ' SEASIDE, OREGON ' ; ' G O.Madison Mr. li, - " ) UJI Hiih..j"' V rj? -if . '' wi -i r-- i I Unexcelled Service ThroTrgnontAnterican Tlan $5 JO Per Day Up Shclbttme Station, North Beach, Wru Famous for its service and comfort. Home cooked meals, dams, crabs and other sea foods. - In eight and sound of the ocean. Quiet an restful. Rates only $3.50 te $4 a .day.: Special rates to families. - Big fireplace driftwa fires. Buy your tickets te Shelburne Station. Address XH&. T. J. HOABJS, PrvP 8eariw, Wats. J. Ocean and Lake" THE YEAR RQOXD Lake Lytle Hotel opeTau. Good roads, ample auto accommodations, S. P. Station near HoteL Largest and most modern hotel at Tillamook beach Write or phone to Julia M. Parker, Lake 'Lytle Hotel, Rockaway, Oregon. The Beacon Hotel SCA81Dg, OREOON .--VV- Leceted at 738 "Biw3f. - conovte fcuiM boi nter, strictly Btodern.- WRITE FOR RESERVATIONS. I . .MRS. MAE HelNTIRg, Pres. SEASIDE, OREQOW I. Nelson's Tent City CIom to beach. Furnished tent for hgbt hoesekeepins. Come, join the hppy sad contented ftmllr of esmpers tt NELSON'S TENT CITY. Fine errto low ntos. Aedrea W. W. NELSON, esaiee. Oregon cum Inii SEASIDE. ORCQON - On bordwHt fmeini the eesen. Beeatifttl Sirdeiu.. Ideal hoswoke orroundiiiga. Now PEN. Write fo rt snd Teaartstieni. Address MISS EMILY OEMANN ee MRS. Mf . !. REES, Seetide, Oreteo. Ideal Tent City SEASIDE,' OREOON Third ctreet, bHrwen - Broadway sad Ocetnway. iirnishef hoUMkeapins tents, equipped complete, i Wood, water eod lisfat free. A block from eosas. For teserra Hons address MRS. A. ' EHRCN8TROM. teaside. Or. HOTEL ECOLA . OANNOSJ SAOM Under new -eoaiuiceraent end enJaraad. with diniae room- oTarlookins the oesea. ftatea . very, reasonable. . " .. x -". SHAW KOFELDT. Owners The Gables Hotel Twe blocks from Beach, an -board walk. Small bnt exelttnira. . For pcopla wee enjoy a disuhctiTe place. , Modem, larze Hving room with li replace. Phoaa or write, " ' MR8. M. C. OENSMAN SEATXEW. WASH. V I ail Ha. m The Elmore Hotel ROCKAWAY, ORISON , Without question the asoat homelike hotel on the Tillamook Beachea, Meals and bed the very best, hot sad cold water in all rooms, rate raasonahl. 4.. J. KRESS, Prop. ; Rookaway, SEASIDE, ORE. fook Cottages Two-room, furnished, electricity, foe, v showers end hath. L. F. MoNEIL R. O, BOX SSS 100 I AVENUE MOUNTAIN RESORTS 5 MOFFETTS HOT. SPRINGS V i .3 ' ' More and more people nanxe fae-eora- !4 aualitiea til MeA SlMnl Math. Here yoa can' take nw onthur aid dehchtful aoery in the heart of the Cascade Mountains, sad can obtain the advsntaces ft . our wonderful mineral bath as well.- Our baths are always; open. - - k-: LOCATION - treated, in 8kaman(a' t'ounty, WaabiBctoo. meat the Cascade Rapids of the mighty Columbia, inside tl "Century Dnr," near the Bridse ef toe Uods. t the real pleasure center jsa-the Columbia. ROUTES CDokane.: PorUaad As Seattle kmt from Portland er Spokane te Cascades. Waah.. where an- soto state saeet ail trains and take yea direct to the Sprinsa free ante from ttstlofi te Hotels - . : . r -v ' -L BY AUTO By ann via the CetttnUs Birer Hifhwayrte Cascade Locks, Orecoa. fsrry to SUyeason. Wh., only fire miles from the Smtecs.' By auto via the Srercreen Hihway oe the north hank of the Columbia river. peraBnlins the 8. -P. S. te Cascades. Wash. BATES Board and room by the week. 22.00i b the daT. S2.fi0i ainala haths. fiee! ams hatha, 33.00. Amexicae plan. i ' an eommwnieatieasi MOFFaTT NOT wfilNOS. Moffette t. 0 Washlngtoa w,i iitl ito)iiiUiriiriBa5siu ft. BOZANTVlIIMVERN Bozanta conducted! on the American plan, is a beaatifal Swiss Chalet surrounded by many modern cottaeea eat the shore of Hayden Lake, 40 sailer from Spokane. Contains snnd lobby, two great fireplace, attractive, room with or without bath, eharmias dinmc room, with tables supplied by the choicest productions of eTer-bloomin- orchards and sardena. If you Iots eolf. tennis, rowms, dancing, swimmtns, lishins or motorins. come te this runny summeriaad of Amerie. For rates or reservation write ezanta Tarern. Hsreee Lake, loehe. XBAJTSPOBTATIOir TBASSPOKtATIOJT Bete Perused, Me. t Bestow. New Terkd r Mleeelet4e. BeiUmeee. Sea OleeKJJ ues enessM. su preneuee. rwesiees eestsie. vaneeuver, a. . NORTH ATLARTtO WESTERN SS. X.r . i WEST BOUNO i . FoTtbad. Me. Boston. New Terk. ' fUb. Bsltimere. Charlestae SS. WABASH ....... Jon IS July 1 ...... July S. COLO HARBOR. .July 1S July 1S, July f 0 ...... IS. BLOB TRIANGLE. July S Auf. 1 Aus. : ...... .EAST BOUNO FROM PORTLAND se-oeie Harbor att. v t 7 a.ate TFtanele Sept. is. Anises ...Sep. IS S. Brush SS. Wasesh . ...Juiy 1S Aus. W iei Third (Befricemlor etwee) ' - THE ADMIRAL LINE, Pscifie Cess Aefrt . Street m Pheee - Breeewey .. S4S1 - :t t 'I,I'mISbs Arc You doing to Earopm? , Or the Orient? 6if AroanJ the World?: Why not get experienced and accu rate Information from ooe who taaa traweled extensively for the benefit 9f his patron T ' s ' , ' Secare Steamthr Betervatieaf twi Ticket rreae DORSEY B.SLIITH BtAXAGSB JOUltNAL TRAVEL BUREAU $$ BK.pAIWAT, POBTXA3TD. OB, ' - ' - Phome HarsaaO. It7 I r'1. -. FBgWafid Park Lots . MANHATTAN BEAOH. ORKOON 7 Kskit reecbeel by train ee seta. Fine view Ints. Prices low. ' Owe yoer m bene by the TiUemees; enmtr' Mi share. I : hnw secured eachanTe eweershie of His h land Park addioee and will be (lad tw civs full mionsattoa sheet tanse sisnmbie- Kmsv- Address. . . Mr.' Asee WeidW' Muetiattee ' Beach. Oreeen Seinses rise SSX. Neeth Riser. New Vera, ; MAJESTIC 56.000 TONS .-HOMERIC. 35,000 TONS i - New sauuel Bteenaw te Jeie - OLYMPIC 46,439 TONS ' " In Weekly SelHoee te CHERBOURO AND SOUTHAMPTON MISCTXIAXEOCS TO' OHNBOWBVVTMAMSiTON MAJESTIO ....v.. July Jury X Ave. SS OLVMNO . Jul, II m.11 uL HOMERIO .July S3 Au.1 Beet. TO LIVERPOOL VIA QUEENSTOWN BALTTO July S Au Sep, g OEORIO ...V.i.wJl1R Aea.1t .SeeC'B AORIATtO .. .... Juiy EE Aw. Ses4. ee vck,i ....... .juit ze ave.se sese. as i TO AZORES. SI BR ALTAR. .NAPLES ANO CNOA ARABIC j .b.,...........Jwty B Aea.ES 6RETIO ..;..... .Aee. Sept. SS : - Tts PLTMOWTH, CHERBOURO AND BLAND KROONLAND LA PLAN O FINLAND .... ANTWERP , . ,.eury Aee.1S see. IS t4ifis Aesie ecft.ZS ..JeiySB Ave. SB SsC SO ..Ana. B Best.. D OoL T I:erz2airi Esin3 iv njnevnv vim r.v wrw I n nntf . CHERBOURO . " MANCHURIA ...i.J-ly I I. BBepLIS ST. PAUL. : . . ... . Jety IX Aue.ee Bee, ta MONOOLIA l July SB Ave. SO Oe. 4 4NiNNeKHOAe ..AeeV.'B See. B OeL 11 . IntertiatleHsf Btereentne Marine Ce. fEO SHseetere 1300,000 Teas ' Local aeent ee ernnany efflee. C P naif, Wnsw.-Si Seeeed A see ue, -Be. ewie, bveaa. : Pneee Mats 01 1 3. -. HAZELVOOD , SUPREME VARIETY The Ideal Vacation Candy - An assortment of delicious choc olates and Home-made Specials, ranging; in, price from $1.25 to $6.25 per box.' ; 5 , The Hazelwood v . 388 Washington Broadway Hazelwood 127 Broadway Multnomah Falls Hazelwood A delightful place to have Breakfast or light luncheons any time durirn? the day. , Also High Class Confections, Soft Drinks and Cigars. . Situated at Multnomah Falls, on , Colnrabia River Highway , MISCt.XJLXEOrS LAKE LYTLE - LOTS . View lots facing; ocean. Ocean Crest lots with view of both ocean and Lake Lytle from $200 to $600. ? Own a summer home by the sea.? I have lots at Lake Lytle Beads' addition and Sea view. For prices and terms, ad dress F. P. Miller, Rockaway, or call at office of Lake Lytle or Rockaway. t MOUNTAIN RESORTS . . e . ' 1 t,i ; TftAvew' v aierroN btabb .'"J.-.- RELIANCE MT. HOOD STAAES tAT frUaad st T: Af M. Deiiy iend 3e st 8:T5 -P. M-': on 'Saturdays ouiyi from STAGE DEPOT. Park sad TamhiU Sts.. for Arrah Wanne. Welches. Tssmeya. Btododea lyon sad GoTermnent Camp. Bemad trip fare Portland to Welehe. .33.: ' to Imk Wanna, Tawney or Jtbedodendrna, 3 8. 00 ; to Gov. Camp. 3S.A0. Return limit Sept. 30th. information. Reeerratiems and Tickets - at BTAOg DEPOT, Park and TajnhUl Bu. pboee Usin S 0 1 1. ktake reserTstions in sdraecsC - ?: TAWNEY-S MOUNTAIN HOMK s , - ' i 4 On ' the Sahncs rirer. near Mil' Boed ; home' eooktns; pleasswt surroumtins- rned eniefcm on Sundays. Aa ideal plaee for year vsoetioa.' Lers iadirideal bunlows lor these who prefer them. Daily ante stase st Auto TsrminaL Park sad TsmhUL .. P. H. TAWNET, Pros., Welch P. O Ore. Government Camp Hotel Spend yea vaeettoa st the base of UL Hoed. Kxeeilest scoommodattons, good eats, woodertui scenery, saooataia r m bine -en ideal piece (or test. sere tUon and eaJoymeaL . Rhododendron Inn , f - :- t. O. BHODOOEMDBON " SOUTH SLOPE OP; MT. HOOD - Oreton' most beautiful mewoiUia resort. First class meal. 4us uorss. remaisi poei, esnee prnnuet eremnda. treat streams. Beautiful tsaasser boa for sal er fee- rent. 34 per day, 331 par week. For daily teas eaU State dfmt Main Soil or E. IBS. For laeenattons cell er write MRS. E. FRANXETTI, Bwedoeen- WW Oregon By Motor Stage , LOW : Summer Rates NOW IN EFFECT To ST. nELENS ...,...$1.00 - Rossad trip .. ........$1.85 To RAINIER .$1.50 Round Trip . .$2.75 Tt CLATSKAN1E ..,...$1.90 ' Round Trip $3.50 To ASTORIA $2.75 Round Trip $4.75 To SEASIDE $30 t Round Trip ..........$5.75 SIX TRIPS DAILY . ALSO To'MuItnomah Falls.. . . .$1.10 Round Trip .......... $2.00 To HOOD RIVER v., .. $2.25 Round Trip .... .. . . .$4.25 FIVE TRIPS DAILY , All Cars Xesve ea Scaedalt Tlme : From Stag Depet, Park aad Tarahin Streets Phose Jal 8u Columbia Stages " A Jalef f,' Stian';. HOTE1VS: HOTEL OSBURN : EUOENE, OREOON Plan year auto trip to stay QTerniaht ' at Eusene. One ef the bote is of which Ore coa has seed cause to be proud. - Strictly modern. Bis lobby. Cool and roomy diorng room: unexcelled cuisine. Headquarters for tourist for ta VIcKensi rirer resorts. - . THAXSPORTATIOX' . TBA3TSPOBTAT103T Special. Trdiii- -r i, . TO Tillamook County Beaches : ; SATURDAY - ; AFTERNOOISf 1 July 8-15-22-29. - Returns Sunday, July 916.23-30 : $4.50 for the Round Trip . .ELECTRIC AND. STEAM TRAINS . ; Going Via 4th' Street . r - , Retornlng .1:35 P.JL LvJ Portland Union Station ' Ar- 10:35 P. M. 1 :40 P. M Portland, 4th St. at Stark 10:30 P.M. :55P.M Ar. Rockaway ' Lv .4:59 P. M. 7:50 P. Ar.- Tillamook Lv. 4:00 P.M. Steam train connection leaves Portland Union Station . 1:00 P. M East Morrison St. Station-1:08 P. M. Regular Daily Train: i Leaves Portland Union Station 8:50 A. M.; City Station, 4th Street at Stark, 8:55 A. M. Steam train connection leaves Union Station 8:10 A. M.; E. Morrison St. Station 8:18 A. M. - "baggage - All checked baggage is handled on steam train from Portland 8:10 A. M. daily and lrf)0 P. M. on Saturdays. For further particulars, ask agents. " ' f- f' , SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES John M. Scott, ' : General Passenger Agent. ; HOTEL IMARI0N . SALEM, OREOON Fust, a aie drire from Portsuid. Com ip end - take Bunday dinner with us. Brins ywar viatins friends with yea 9 see Orecon's pictaresque snd thriving nd beautiful capital city. For reserra tfoa. sddrem A. N. PIEROE, Marv Salem, Oregon HOTEL ALBANY ALBANY, OREOON "Tom Portland to Albany aad retuns t hist a nice drive. Show friend wife end rear visitors from the East the beautiful Willamette' valley. Try our famous 8 un lay , chicken dinner. A high class strictly Bodera hotel. ' B. R. WESTBROOK, Prop. f " te- te4e- uesM,A : reiesa.iori won. , Serful view, every', meesm aesnforL- WrKe -er new rates see- -eeekM. MRS. O. W. J. REOKERS, White Salmea. Wash. Phone TS-VL. Casey's CANNON BEACH Stage . ; . -. MEETS .ALL TRAINS - for reserratjooe. write " " R. W. OASEV . ' SEASIDE BRUQ eo, Seeslde. Oreeen ? WARREN HOTEL, OasneA Beach. Oreeen : a hi 1. 1 i . -1. i j m , , Seaside-ASTOIUA-North Beach Sir, Georgiana Lvse Daily: (except Fri. and Sat.) 8 :30 A. M. -Leaves SATURDAY 12 Noon -s . " - - (No Stops-i-Direct to Astoria ,1 (Direct Connection for North Beach) , Str. MADELINE Sat Only 8:30 A: M. 7 NIGHT SERVICE Lvs. daily, except Sunday, 7:30 P. M. -Fare $1.85 one ; way $3.00 : season round trip ' : " ?.?-;A ' Boats'Tnake direct-connections for- ": S '. , . Seaside, -Gearhart and North Beach.-- i - , ALDErVsTOCK BROADWAY 6344 The Harkins Tran sportation Co. a. ' MT. HOOD HOTEL ; - MOOD IVEN. ORESON Oetower of the kit. Hood Oewetryv with. It maesitaia dim bine. Hid berries aad ffsw fishvn - Plan year trip to stay here eve ninL Ne fads or frills. Vat fseseiies per Uoas of strictly fresh food weU eeoked sad well served. Lanes, airy reams, eomfortabl beds, moderate rte. O. A. BELL, Pres. V BONNEVILLK. OREBOI .--th. Ke tourist she!( Iseve Orecsa without enjoy, las a aahaee diaaec. We make a seeeistty saheoB disatetev - H yew eve a seed Judc. of Seed cwkln.. yew-win ee plee,ie. pos sm cml dinner parttes phone . reeei isttawa by hmc distance pboae. We else serve hreskfwt aad mndbeooe. . ,. :. i . , MRS. N. . TYNELt, Hsrtm, Beenrrllle. Ori TBA3riFOBTATX63T 0mm STEAMSNIP ssiX' IKIflH SI siaaisiie arte treat Stuvrielpei Beck Ne. ' TVESBAT. JULT 1 tTl net avers Taeeeey , Tkesesf ls ' - ' -- Per ' - r . -, r- BAN PNANOMOO - , ' SANBiAoj SPVOIAL-NOVNB T1 ' ' EXCURSION PARES. .- i..: MEALS SND BEBTN INCLVBEB Sa - FTaBdsse;'., .Vsr .Sfe.ee Vim AnseVa ........ .ST4.ee su Imp sst.se TTOKET OPPtCB ' tet SO ST. COS. STARK . PMONC BROAOWAV 6AS1 Persbhally Ti HJ S3rT .ewSv TV' -e : fe , ." T IA I i "II -117 it I . D . i II li Conducted Tour dJk sL sLJs Jsi tUs L-ai S127.00 WITH LOWER BERTH $"1 tZ A WITH .iUefj3 tTPPER BERTH Including All Expense '- 1U3r& tars, sleeping' ear berths, ateals m train to aixl from the Park, aut trails portatisrn, rooms aad meals in beet hotel throvgh Perk. JULY Stli-1 SO ,.-,, 'V.s." ,.t"; - Travel and Wonderland ITINERARY SATURDAY e- July 8 Leave Portland S:00 p. an. via UtU Pacific. ! - SUNDAY --- -July 9 On Train sA roate to Park. ' i j V ! , i MONDAY - e july 101 7i30 s. na rrive West Yellow.tone. . U : . ' " ' '11:55 a. arriv Old FaithfuL Short stopovers as rent st Mammoth v i a. ' - Paint Pots snd Fountain Cevsear. . TUESDAY --v July 11 2iOO p. m., leave Old Faithful. . ... , -, v SrOO p. sou, nrriw) Yellowstone) Lakew Shert etopewer aaa rout at .Thumb . .: ' : 1- rlj Smtion.yS. ; .WEDNESDAY . July 12 , 10.-00 a. m-, leave Yellow.tonB Lak wU Artist Point. . . . , , " 12:00 noon, aiTfvw Grand Canyon. s. - THURSDAY - July5" 13 1 11S p. nv, leaver Grand Canyon. ' 'J J ' ', I : : i ..4A& p. nv, arrive Mammoth Hot springs, j Short stopovers en route at ....-i ' : .i-j"., r'-f- Duaraven Pass and Tajwer; Falls-. - FRIDAY -.V. July 14 ' UO p. nu, leave IrUmntoth Sprm.. . - . 5:01 p. bl, arriv West Yellowstone. ' Short stopover en route st NorrU fjfm'zip Basin. - ' 1 . t , ""' ' ' " . , 7iC0 p. m., leave West,YeUowston vis Ua(oi Psctfie. -. " ' . t SATURDAY July 15 On trsin ee route lsomeT . , SUNDAY . "e July, It, 7i30 a. arrive Portland. " J ' rL " -.. . - ......... :, ; . .. " . " . x. .' ::. v .1 -. .,: - 'i . r:. .-: It ,'. fv a t . ' . . Besutlf ally Jllustrsted booklet describing th Park.' and any further Wornutioa, esB b ehtaiaed of ; r EARL D.SWALKER, District Passenger Agent . eAmerican Express Travel Department Sixth and Oak Streets, Portland, Oregon.' Phcne Broadway 5060. .Make Ybiir Recervations Nor.