The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 06, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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U Wa
; ttfeprnrAt, la2, Sr JwumM'.
Washington. July 6. If the tvemo-
crats really wanted to delay lb las-
ugt - ot the pending: tariff bill, the
idopUon of a desen cloture rsles ctmkl
not prevent IL There Aremor than
1200 amendments proposed by th Re
publican mtmUr of the senate finance
Cdmmirtee, and alt the Democrats
"would have to do would be to demand
a retlcall on each amendment when the
., rot Is taken, or can for a quorum, and
tie actual time consumed to that pro-
, cess. Irrespective of incidental debate,
would postpone the final vote for at
(east two or three months.
"But Senator tJnderwood. Democratic
leader, told this correspondent today
that the Democrats hare absolutely ho
Intention of filibustering by that meth
od or any other. -He insisted that the
adoption of the cloture, rule would hurt
the Republicans more than It wtntld
help them, because by limiting the de
bate to-one hour for each -senator It
would be impossible for the bill to get
thorough consideration.
" ft men In the senate are equipped
with sumctent Information to debate a
tariff bill The. rank and file-depend
, on the eaperta to do the debating.
While much of the attack is futile, as
the Republican nave enough -rotes to
pass any bill they please, nevertheless
the record of the debate thus far Shows
that as a consequence of discussion
the Republicans hare corrected many
of their own mistakes, and in some
cases the Republican majority has
failed to support the finance commit
tee recommendation and beaten their
amendments. Twelve hundred amend
ments are still to be considered. They
did not coma from the Democrats, but
from the Republican members fef the
finance committee. Should a cloture
rule be enforced, most of these amend
ments would hare to be passed orer
wit hoot debate on their menu.
MlOClUtS 0F?Jl XOJfE ..
'Apart from the 1300 Republican
amendments, the. Democrats hare not
had a Chance to present any at alL
They naturally want the opportunity
that Is giren a minority party to make
out a case against the bUl and Justify
their votes. Indeed, the Democrats
would rather hare that chance than
see the bill defeated, foe- they figure
the- passage of the bill would be of
political value to them at th polls this
autumn. Just as th minority party has
always benefited st an' election imme
diately after the passage of a tariff
Jaw. . -
. Responsibility for the delay thus far
Is difficult to fix. The amendments
"emanated from Republican sources ;
Democrats and Republicans have con
Por oyer 60 years
wfcVe eivn skill,
care and expri
cnee to fitting of
trasses. . Satisf ac
tion &rosyantceL
en s
Toilet Soap
A very refreshinij and lasting soap.
Assorted odors large cake.
' Extra Special for
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
' July 6, 7 and 8 , .. .
3 Cakes on sale for. .25c
6 Cakes on sale for. .45c
12 Cakes on sale for . . 78c
; Nikk-Marr Perfumes and Peerless
; Velvet Quality Toilet Requisites
French Velvet Balm.; ,.'.'.
French Velvet Cream
Vanlshtnfr Peroxide Cream ..............
liquid Face Dressicc
Peerless Harmless Depilatory .
iiray WaJr Root Kestorer . . ,
Picnic Outing Supplies
Paper Plates. S-lnch
Bamboo Knits and Fork Sets
Paper Napkins
Waxed Paper
Waxed Piotr
leaaUaa PiesteSseU, Including
coansms ana ll Ktates
, Sasiforks. . . . . , . . .2 for 25 s
-V .
There is nothinf so rood for cleaninar woodwork and
all kitchen fixtures as Sink Soap. You can clean your
own carpets rith Ish-Ka-Bibble. -
I 3-Day? Specials
5 .: Plaia-Marmkmalkrwe -
5 " Xb.-:v.. ..C'.39c
5 Roasted Marsaraapws
" 3-os. Tins Marsamal. - -
lows , . . ... ; - - ..15c
zs 5H-. Tins alarshmal
s -. . lows ....... .' -r 1 9c
sumed time in debating them. The
but is not yet in shape for passage.
Even its champions will concede that
It will hy Improved by further study,
and that, the debate may be - helpful.
In fact, ,two of the most important
schedulee-rthoo on wool and coiTot
have - no s yet been touched.' Demo
cratie leaders predict 'that the Repub
licans will not venture to go before the
country i with - a -hasUJy considered
schedule on . wool and cotton, and yet
under a cloture rule the debate would
not only . be limited as ' to -sections ' or
provisions, but W each senator would
only have an hour.N This means a to
tal of Jfc hovt tor debate. r a total
of . 12 working .days at eight "hours
each. - i .
SIXTY riTOH ClOltRE . - ' , .
. ' The ' canvass today showed - that
about to senators are ready to vote
for a cloture rule. r Sixty-four are
needed to pass; as a "two. thirds vote
is required. Three, Democrat wOI
vote with the Republicans because
they favor th pending "bill. vBt
there, are at least three Republicans.
and possibly more, who will not vote
for cloture. f Developments over night
may change" the situation, of course,
but th last poll snowed an rnsnff
cient number to .pass the . rule. The
hope 'f some of -the Republicans is
that the defeat of the cloture rule may
be attributed to the Democrats, and
the .responsibility for delaying the
pleasure Imposed, upon them.
To the suggestion, that It would be
wiser for ' the Democrats to . aid the
cloture rule and hurry the tariff bill's
passage In its present form, the Dem
ocrats reply . that they feel ' It their
duty to propose certain amendments
as a . record of their effort to change
the bill before its passage; and that
If they supported cloture R would
seemas If they favored the adoption
of the bill as it Stands.
Purely as a move to hurry things
up and Cut Off unnecessary debate,
the - petltjlon for cloture may have a
good effect, ( though it would - not be
surprising If a? vote .on the rule were
postponed and a compromise agree
ment inched eventually for a more
efficient handling of the time . that
ought really to be giren to th re
mtniag:r provisions of such an Im
portant iece of legislation. -,"
mvi Olcott ooins '
lT6ur of Highways
Salem, July fc-Qownor Olcott and
Roy A. Klein. Secretary to the state
highway commission. Joined th me mi
ners of the commission Oil their tour of
the state highway system when the
party passed through Salem this morn
m. 1 - '
I.n Oratnls, July 6. While La
Grande has been sweltering tor several
days Siarkey, a small settlement IS
miles from here, trading ' center, for
ranchers with stock on' the range dur
ing th suiYimelweports frotrty nights.
: JFreewater, July . The Rev. B. C
Brewster, pastor of the Sunnyside
Methodist church, has resigned on. ac
count of 111 health and left with his
family by automobile for th qpast.
Alder Street at West Park
0 Itl.OO
SO nd S1.0Q
... ...&t
...50e and 8
..J.-.IOC Do.; S for 2S
........ j &? ; Dos, bOc
.20 Hundred ; i,5T Thousand
, . .ii9 enena -oc i s lor
L Table Cover
koh io : for 25 1
is i tomes, is .
Saaispoons.', . , . . . . .33 for 25
" .
Sinli: Soais
- v --Si.
Hand Bags
Specially Priced 1 '
Ladies' Leather ;
- Hand Bags '
1 , PriOd Special at r
$10.00 ,
0 s- -. .
Thwre 4s mot bt rftlftspectton
of electric: wlrta than there Is of In
SpectJoft of new Work, because of the
work that ha bee Installed by Itiner
ants and laymen. :
"The same conditions that caused th
death of Fireman Baldwin drop cards
on eleebrle Tithjta are to be found la
many bnildlhg installed by amateurs,
and one third -of the electric fires are
used fcr cord estensions." .
These were, sdeclaratlons today M
Electrical Inspector Going before a con
ference of a council special committee
on ts retaspectlotf i of ? electrical j wiring.
Pits Marshal GMnfeU added aotne sta-ttrtlcs-cn
electrtesl fires in-Portlknd
daHog the Jsti? P'
"itTi rssuit bf t he conference Sras that
It -was tentatlrly agreed that the po
sition of Irspector br elevators and of
reinspeettons of electric wiring be cre
ated, if thhr h be done legally un
der the tax eenservation commission
act. 'It is Wtteired that It can be -done
because of the j emergency. If it can
hot, the item Included m the
nest budget, f"
It was estimated that It would re
quire $825 to carry'th work for th
remaining five" months of the fiscal
year, but that the permit fee for the
rewiring ordered would more than off
set this cost. I
Fire Marshall" Grenf ell told th com
mittee a remspection Wmild disclose
that practically every : other building
within the Inside fire limits has defec
tive installations. He showed that 1ft
121 40 fires were due to defective wtt1
Ing. and urged that the reinsptcUoft
work be mad: continuous If it Is to
become effective. As there aro mr
than 800 elevators to be Inspected. It
was decided that the combining of this
work with electrical relnspection would
provide . sufficient work to keep one
inspector busy -all th time-.
Doubtless stirred by the motir of
"getting tn before a prohibitive or
dinance goes late effect on curb gasor
tln$ pumps, a flood of applications for
permits has descended upon th city
halL At Its session Wednesday the
council granted! nine such applications,
and two- for inside dumps. The list for
curb" pumps and Storage of gasoline In
cludes-: ' '
IT H. Bardei. 20th Vetreet. , between
Ijovejoy and Marshall C O. Kyers.
East 3?th street, between ast Caruth--
ers and East SJierman ; At. Lord. Divi
sion street, between SastCSd and East
63d streets ; Joseph Simons, 17th street,
between Kavier and Thurman ; E. O
White, lsth street, between Taylor and
Jefferson; C H. Blanchard. Powell
Vallef road, between 6?th and 6th
streets southeast; Imperial Investment
company. Fourth street., between Pine
and Oak, and also at th southeast cor-
IMadb to your
taasar ' on xour .
dwR looms of th 5
t material ob-
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
July 6. 7 and 8
Life Buoy Soap, forf face, hands and
bath; 10c cake special, three
f. . v., ...... 25c
Cuticnra Soap, ak f. .i ..... . . . ,22c
Or by the box. ; . .j. . . for 65c
Woodbury's Facial Soap 19c
Packer's Tar Soap :. . ,;20c
Resinol Soap ...... . . . . ... . ,20c
Physicians' and Surgeons' Soap, three
for ... . . ... . . . . .vi ;u . . .2Sc
$2 Bar Qnti Otgtile imported Soap
. $1.49
Kirk's Lenion Soapl L .. . .8 for 25c
Imported Lemon Soap for, ..... .25c
Genuine Lemon Juice Soap, per
cake 35c; or... .3 for $1.00
! &
Bathing Suits
'' j'' ' ' ,1.- - ; .
' We carry . complete line of the
famous JanUen and Cascade Bath
. ins; Suits. . -
Ladies' .$8.25 Men's ..$6.00
Boy a' ..,4.50 r Girts' ....$5.50
Oregon Knitting Co.'a v all-wool
T bathinsr suits . - ;
, Sixes 32 to SS...L $3.98
- Sizes 33 t 2,,r..r. $4.83
ner of Fourth and Pine Streets; V. Si
Briese. ast Alder street, between East
3d And Cast attn streets.
' J ' TWO JtATJtrTT 08
- Applicattoos Ka- been made to th
city council for pewits to operats two
naaternlty norses. in Eut Portland,
and each has been referred to Commis
ioner Bsrbur far la rest is tion and rec
stnmendatloh. One f these appMca.
Usns ts by Mrs. Eunice Elrers for a
materftity home in a , frame- building
oa Bwment street, between East Stth
and 35Ui streets ; the other is that of
Merrell nd . Xydia Rofeesrant for a
two ' story f rar bulldiair oik Pacific
street, betifeea ast Eighth and Ktntb
streets. . .
The ' Inman-Poulseft Lumber com
pany has asked the City council - to
permit it ta erect an-open shed (ra
rare for, the protection of automobiles
ot Its employrs at a location on E5ast
Second - street,? between Llacota and
Grant. !
city council has referred to Com
missioner Barbur for his recommenda
tion the application of Stark & Hock
neter for a permit to erect and rnain
talH a class VI building, to be used as
a motion picture theatre, at East 13th
street and Spokane avenue. Although
this is a business dtstHct, some of the
adjacent property owners are protest
ing. : ic-".-.-.
iThe proposal of O.'. W. Olson to es
tablish a private sanitarium fa th
frame bulldlnit at the southeast cor
ner of 22d and Marshall streets, is vig
orously opposed by a number of prop
erty owners wttnla the block. The city
council has referred the matter to the
public storks department
A peUtion sras filed stthe city hall
today asking for the extension of the
Kerby street and private property new
er system so as to connect It with the
sewer In Thompson street.
The city couactt has accepted the bid
of Clark. Kendaif A Co for the pur
chase of S8,t7&.ll worth of . dty of
ruana improvement bonds, r The
company 1 to pay par, accrued Inter,
est and a premium of $2110.
" Because of an per ent ftrotest.
the city council has abandoned all
proceedinrs far th improve aent of
icupatrick street, from Delaware ave
nue to 'Brandon street.
. . . r.
SuryjGtang at
Work Along Route
Of Tillamook Eoad
Preparatory to ultimate construction
of a rail line to Tillamook by the Hill
railroad, interests, a craw started from
the coast end of be Una Wednesday
to make a surrey through to the pres
ent terminus of the Gsles Creek A
Wilson River railroad at Agraard,
While local officials Of the HU1 In
terests refused to confirm or deny the
surrey work, it is known Osat the route
of the future extension is being gtren
careful attention. The plan Is to lay
out the routs of a permanent line so
that timber owners will know definite
ly where the road will pass and will be
able to plan their construction accord
ingly. -h . ;
Shortly after the Hill lines exercised
kn option on the Gales Creek A Wilson
Hirer road several months ago, Ralph
Budd. president, of the Great Northern,
said that the northern lines doubtless
would extend the road through to the
coast ta the future, but indicated that
such work would be several years dis
tanc . . .
1,150,000 Men ol '
Strike; Nine Million
Hours a Day Wasted
Washington, July (TJ. r.) More
than a million men and women in the
United States are out on strikes, pro
testing- against wage reductions.
Figures Wade public today by gov
ernment agencies revealed that ap
proximately 9.S00.000 hours of work
a. dsy are being lost by industries
because of walkouts.
Labor department figures show a
total of men are on strike,
including- 4 00.800 railway men.
Iabor department officials express
ui opinion that the full force of the
major walkouts Is yet to be expert
VThes out:: Bituminous miners,
srs.000 (out sjnee April 1.)
Anthracite miners, 166.000 (out since
April l.
Textile wot sets, 80,000 out since
jaaeary Ti ,
Rail shop snen. 0.0Q struck on
juiy i.
Z Minor strikes, rO.000.
Parkrose toTote
. On Water District
An election will be held at Park
rose Friday to determine If a water
district corporation shall be formed
and to elect five commissioners.
TJie Parkros community Is trying
tn install a better water serriee. The
present system. Installed by the J. I
Hartmart company. has served the
immunity for eight years, but is con
sidered no longer adequate.
Should - the proposition carry a sur
wy will k made and all data as to
coeXS will be subrairtsd to the com
munity so that the vsters will be fa
miliar with the "situation before the
bond election .U be Jtsld subsequeatly.
MegediBiiilding: .
Saa rranelaco, July X (t K. S.)
Warrants were sought today for 4t
indtvidusls. e " corporations and Sft
"John Does" en charges of conspiracy
to restrain trade in violation of the
Cart wrlght law by Anton Lattich. n
plumber, wbc a.Hered that, the, leading
building material firms and contractors
of the dty bad prevented his obtaining
materials 4u-to the-open shop firbt.
Judgs 0"Brieo! took the appUcatlon for
warrants undsr advisement.
Mexican Shot in -;
rPoplEoom Brawl
Twin Falls. Idaho, July A Francisco
Garcia. 25, -; was probably fatally
shot yesterday in an altercation with
Jose - Ramerts. another Mexican. The
dispute took: place In a local pool
room. The bullet passed through Gar
da's abdomen; causing profuse hemor
rhage. .:",.-'.
.Sparks tfrom a chimney set fire to
he roof of the home of A. Graver. Ts'a.
53 Sixth street, latsWednesday night.
sausing damage of - appreximately
X 1000 before s tha blua nn.
guished. Jo lasuranca was carried oa
mm choshi
V Oregon City. - Juty David Cau
fleld. Oregon City, s. the pew presi
dent of the Clackamaa County Plo
neers associaUoa. .following his elec
tiotr to succeed. County Judge Harvey
E. Cross a t the annual reunion Wed
nesday at the Gladstone Chautauqua.
Caufield had been - vice president : and
was advanced when Judge Cross' an.
nounced he would be unable' to longer
serrs as chluf executive due t prt
vats And official' duUes. J Mrs. -GeOrgte
jL Harding t Oregon City was chosen
vice president. E. C Hackett, secre
tary, and 6.' C. caufieid, secretary,
were reelected. . V,: - . " " i
f The meeting of the 1 association 'wa
coincident with th Pioneer ,ay sle
oration at ChautaaqOA.' Judge Ptter
H. r"Arcy of Salem was speaker ot
the day and Mrs. Edith Tester Weath
erred presided. Colonel Robert 'A.
Mifler of Portland also spoke. At
the Forum Hour program in' the, audi
torium talks were made by A dosfen
pioneer women and at. a big beef bar
beaue dinner; prepared - by - Ernest
Palmer Of Roseburg. whs came spe
cially to serve the pioneers, ether
speakers were heard. Including K. C
Hackett, John Revenue t Sandy. J.
t Carter of Oregon City" and r.
Owens Adair of Astoria. ..
; The musical program for the day
was staged by the Watteau Duo, Anna
Harrel and Boyco Baker, who have
named their act after the French
Ipainter. m the evening the huge
auditorium was filled to see "Capny
Ricks," played by the Perrtval Vivian
troupe of New York. At the $ wick
symposium a number of . Portland
newspaper Vfbmen spoke.
Today win see Electra Piatt and
Vernon Stone on both the afternoon
and evening stages, with J. C Herbs-
man lecturtng in the afternoon ana
, Earl Lmn WllHams, 'Tightlng par
son" of Chicago vice district fame, ap
pearing in the evening. Tomorrow the
campers, association will meet for pic
nic supper at oeioca. ,
r The program for Friday follows '.
. -nn .n a -Aft V I r1 A MbtallM hser.
S : to i .OO PhTiicl caHon ciam art
cUMnm'i CaantausM. ,
10:00 to 11:00 Bible hour, Bv. B. Sari
Prkw. I. I. , .
11 :00 i'oni hoar, PsrUans CAB.
(pnenm dedicated to . A. K ), jwismms
Brnvn sf the Oma iraprrtn eowrt.
S -Sft Ram dcimnHtvatioBS bw CxteBanm -
vamsent of O. A. O. -
4 00 Bueball. VolaBa v. Canbr
; S :00 Syasiioaiam. Otmtm Jtatuialista. ,
T SO Rmml reaeert, Gilvas Opm C,
brtHiant vocal mURaisiaeDt iesturkig hgat
opera is easterne.
Masons to Observe
Cornerstone Kites
centralis. Wash., Jnly Centralia
Maaona will be hosts Friday at the
laying of the cornerstone of the cltys
new Masonic temple. Jsmes sicCor
mack. newry elected grand master of
the Masonic grand . lodge, will have
charge, assisted oy otner grano om
cers.i. The new building will be dedl
cated in October.
Q, 0. P. May Mayi
Ship Subsidy BiU
- ,.
Washington, July 6. (tT. P.) Re
publican senate leaders have virtually
decided to make no effort to pass the
administration Ship subsidy bill at
this session. They will confer with
president Harding on the soldier bonus
before it comes up in the senate, hop
ing to get an agreement with him not
to veto the bill that is passed. These
decisions were made at ,a dinner given
last night by Benator Lodge, party
leader, to' a number of other leading
''I 111. 1 In I, 1
Blames Harding for
Dry Law Violation
Washington. July . TT. P. Pres
ident Harding la the "man responsfble
for the most open and flagrant viola
tion of th.e ltth amendment." Senator
Caraway, Arkansas, Democrat, charged
m a bitter denunciation of the admin
istration in the senate today. Caraway
attacked the sale of liquor on snipping
board vessels.
German President
Is Seriously HI
Berlin, July 6. President Chert it
seriously ill with an attack of gall
stones. 'Announcement was made to
day that the, president has bean fet Jbed
for the past week and that he is not
improving. Specialists are being called
in and it is feared that1 an operation
will' be necessary. .4
lone, July A .About ,10 acres nf
wheat was destroyed by fire on the A.
M.- Zlck ranch eight , miles north ot
lone .Tuesday. The fire was nsder con
trol when help -arrived frem. Ion.
It's foastsd. This
ono extra process
elves a raro end
dsSh2uI quality
Imposslblo -1&
Oosnmteed by
1 S
.vls rw iTten as.
LlrsV Langerman,
Portland Eesident
.-Many Years, Dies
Mr, fev. Laiurertnan. wife of -Fred
lansernsn, who lived most of her life
ha Portland and who ws prominent in
social and phitanthropic circles here,
died at the family residence on Port
land-Heights Wednesday evenings- ;
. She was pAuebter of the late Mr;
and Mrs. Samuel ixwettgart, Portland
pioneers, rat was one time president
of the Council Jewish Women of
the Seattle district. 1 -
Mrs. Langerwian isr surt-rved by her
husband and A son And daughter, Kew
ton and Helen., as wen as by Mr sis
ters, Mrs. Sarah Dltahermer and Mrs.
Fritsi H- Rrteeimnn Af . Portland, and
Mrs. Caio 'W.-Jsscobs of Ban Fraaciseo,
and. by te brothers. Gas and Hatty
Tjowengart t Portland. - .
BsEiQl When '
I ButH Slanis Homer
.; ; .-; ' I " ' '
Ner?Tbrk; Juty S. (t. N. S.
"Babe' Rnttt ""whacked out ' his four
teenth home run of the season in" tbs
first game ' Of the Tankee-develand
doable , header this afternoon. The
clout came la the third inning with the
bases full. Malls ' was pitch tnr i for
Cleveland. The tadlana led ua' Tanks
1 to 0 when the Bambino performed.
They work
Vegetables are twio& as
good. Salads doubly de
licious. Sauces and
dressings have a tang,
rzest and mellow flavor
that surprise you. In fact
Heinz Vinegars work
miracles with plain,
every-day foodsand
serye the same good
puipose.wxth the dain
tiest of dishes. s
i- -
' ; r Mede by Posturn
ky-' HealA"is;,wMd'Itself-
A and. depends more upon Ithe - is so exiy to digest tht even
Two Fishermen
; : Fined S50 Each'
' Two residents of The Jalle were
fined each Wbdneeday, followtef
thktr arrest ; by k paras' -wardens on
charges ot "having . over the limit of
trout and trout tinder s& rncbes, etc-cording-
ta reports. filed at the state
gam commission headquarters today.
The men were arreseed oa Badge
creek. - Another report from the aam
: KuteKutsarcrDguiihrmougKtot'toa
fl boy' niche in every girHc heart. Yet they're
vogaish enough to appeal to faothcr zexat
ofMdesslp., . ' i : Vf'- . "
Kiddies in KuteKuta cinh6p,siip an! lump
to their hearts coateat vrith turyjsScoldfrom
mother. The Dutch peg, liigh oirved
' waistband with yifcata front and back, yield
ample room for atfvebodiea Plenty of "give ,
ia foite Ktits-iiothing
' Andriomendnworrfesr ,
ftom 6turdyt closdywoven inateriaU, Seams
arestotjtlyfiewn.ACvery uiuis guarnteedr . .
t The buttons are to ktay KuteKutsareat
ence the most JtyliiS And saving of playaiits.
Yourdealetha3them.i - r -
wl veqto? playsuits v
sears MmA my TjowssmHmnmtAtm e.SnFrntiXvlAk.tmtttsmJ
. Mfis. "Caat BM 'Em" Ovsrafla, Tmora,Argoosur- SUm, ate.
firityi Kas Km dariga sanatid U. t-rV-Na. sAeAlsfaagAsnni a U tsr.,f
raruaad Xteadtaartera, tferU fUtk Street. r -r rssse Wala it
selection of proper food than
upon anything else. '
-The reason is simple the
riikt kind of food digests
promptly and Is absorbed into
the blood for building sound
' tissue; while food that digests
slowly may ferment and lead
to serious conditions. - -rV
Grape-Nuts the delicious
cereal food made from whole
wheat flour and malted barley
Theres a Reason'' for :GrliapeNut$ . :
Cereal vCiompany Inc..' Battle
friace w.s t.!4 n th srrtit rf 3Vy
Coffin, bf tufur ior aneip v-ittwut a
license. . Coffin a as fined 4-5.
Say Berlin Enable 4
' To Pa,y Eeparations
j '. . . .- ...- ;
. Bertfn. Jnly i.U P. Germsriy is
WMaUs to pay th jslj $ reparations
rnsrattmerit. acrcrdtn to-- reports today
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