The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 06, 1922, Page 13, Image 13

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    JULY 5 6,
C--, r
u U
'T"7TTTT- ,-"7-4
on special lines of Silks,
Wash Goods, Laces, Trim
mings, Neckwear, Gloves,
Hosiery, Muslin underw'r.
Prices .
on . aH odd lines, broken
lots, xenmants, tc- in all
departments during the
July Clearance Sale.
: r
- : i v
"Vashinjton, 'July t "WjLSHXNG
7Tin th high rate of the tariff ; on
ag-rtcutt'aral product ralsa' rJteajp up
farnr prices , and , thus benefit tb
firmer T Or will the high rate merely
fool the farmer and do him no good,
because so many tana products, like
wheat, 'are produced with a surplus
that Is exported, jaritn Teaalt that the
price la fixed by the aurplua in the
loreijn aaarket? -
These -qaeetkma made-the issue for a
day of fenclnr In , the' openlag- debate
on the ; arricuitural -schedule between
Chairman McCumber of the finance
committee and Senator rarld I. Walsh
.- Massachusetts, who Iel the assault
on behalf of the-- minority, i Walsh a
7 eerted that the purpose of the Republic
: cans is to tell the farmer that the rates
1.; are protective, and at the same time to
tell the workers of the cities that the
tariff on farm products has not added
: to the price. ' ' . -
V Senator McCumber denied that he
as confronted .with that kind of a
dilemma,. He said he would not con
tendthat when the farmer receives
more for the fruits of ht labor some
body does not pay the increase. The
results will be different with different
products, ho said. In the case of esr
and milk and articles in which there la
only a small "spread between the cost
of production and the selling1 price, the
tariff will be added to the price. In
other things, where there is a large
"spread. the tariff will notcut much
figure, he asserted.
As to wheat, he said ha believed the
tariff will be effective in the years of
short corps, when the farmerehould be
able to receive the full benefit of the
duty of 30 cents a bushel. In years of
large .- crops, the Republican ' leader
thought, the farmer may get not more
than half the benefit.
Admitting that the laboring man in
the cities is going to pay a higher
price in at least som instances, he
ought to be willing to dd bo. said Mc
F Cumber, because he is fecetvinr for-an
hour's work five or 10 tiroes what the
farmer gets for equal labor. The ef
fort he la making is to grant better
pay for the labor on the farm, he said.
"X have the greatest sympathy: for
the worker In the city," -said IdeCum
ber. I am not unmindful 'of the con
tainer of whom the senator: from Mass
achusetts talks, who is so much Inter
, ested in thi tarif f MIL But every
man who get up at 4 o'clock in the
morning to do the chores and milk the
cews,-nd every good wifo who gets up
at half past three to get breakfast, and
every little lrl in tattered skirt and
bare feet who hunts a stray eRg to
make up a dozer so-she can buy stock-
ings for the winter is also interested in
this tariff.-.
' McCwnber said he wants the tariff
. to be an "equalizer." and one of the
greatest Inequalities is in what the
. farmer gets for his labor and what the
: jnan in the city gets.
jWalsh declared that the high rates
oqf farm products hit the consumer 1
the present bill as never .before, be
, cause they threaten to increase the nU
' ready high cost of living, and leave him
. no escape from the things he must
have In. order to sustain Uf. ; j
: McCumber said that it, 'the' wjnaumar;
were to pay. in the cost of. bread all. the
tariff that Is put on wheat It Would
. amount to J1.S0 a year on 200 pounds
of flour, and the man in the city, in re
turn for a good job at wages many
times what the farmer receives, ought
to be willing to pay a penny very tWo
days to help out the farmer.
Eussell Br (Higher
To Preach Twice
: At White Temple
- '-' , , n,yr r , i. .
The Rev. Russell Brougher of Los
Angeles wDl fill for the last two Sun
days in July the pulpit of the White
Temple, from which his father, the
Rev. James Whltcomb Brougher,
preached for many- years. The Rev.
Brougher' Sr. left here in 1910 for Los
Angeles, where he . Is still preaching.
His son arrived in the city Wednesday.
Tho younger Brougher will go from
here- to Taootna - in ; August ' and will
preach there In ' tha. Baptist church,
Prom there he- will go to Salt Lake to
assume the pastorate -f. Xmmamiel
Baptist church. He accompanied by
his wife, formerly Miss Celeste Foulkes
of Portland, and they are guests at the
David Foulkes home-
Part of the stay in Oregon will be
" spent at Gearhart, where the Brough
er have bad a summer home . for II
years. Mrs. J. W. Brougher and J. W.
Brougher Jn will join them there.
Willard Brewer Is
;Plaoed in Forest
f Map Department
Willard Brewer has been trans
ferred from the geological survey to
th section of maps and surveys' of
the- forest service, and" will Instruct
.young men doing topographic work on
special maps for the forest service,
lie will also, lay .out geodetic -control
for special map projects.
Brewer is now In the Cascade -national
forest, assisting in laying out
the control for . a laSre area to be
mapped in preparation, for, a timber
cruise. Egron Bnrklund la assisting
Brewer in drafting work i
?- J ' ' - - ' r
J BIHraaAtSB CASB heakp t
"' Salem, Jnly 4- FubUe Service Com
missioners H. A. Corey and T. Kerrigan-were
In La Grande .Wednesday,
officiating as arbiters in a controversy
between the George "Palraer' Lumber
company) andh Oregon "Washington,
-railroad company -rMwerVr demurrage
charges aggregating approximately
16000 "-- " -
i " " " -:;
The municipal laving plant was the
only bidder Wednesday - on the Im
provement of ast 50th street, from
the south lino of tot fw block 2 V Rose
City Park, to the north line of lot X.
block,. 22. in - the same ' addition. The
city engineer's estimate on this' work
was $S?S, and the bid -was for SS09.T5.
This also waa- the ttme' for opening
bids ob - epnsi ruction of the Mayieson
aveAue sewer system, "but no bids were
received., - . - , - .
Ex tr aordinary ppportinityi to Saye on Slimmer Apparel and Honie Needs
jpsisaTtsSSBaja?srawalaaaae ' " - -: --.- , ,.7V( ! - - - .aMBaBaaBajwamBBaaaBa?a
Jhrading Stamps
will b given on all charge acv
counts .if ' paid in 'full by 'the
10th of each, months
Galatea Middies
At t$2.98 (
Second Floor--Extra special offering for I Fri
day. Women's and Misses' Galatea .Middy
Blouses in light and heavy weights. Yoke'and
laced front styles. . White with serge or flan
nel collars, trimmed with white braid. Sizes
12 years to '44 bust. Priced for our QQ
Qearance Sale at only. . . .. tl5ea70
Second Floor Wonderful values in "this! sale
of Skirts. Smart styles for sport and street
wear. Crepe Knit, Satin, Taffeta, Flannel,
Pongee and Wool Crepe. Solid colors, checks
and stripes. Excellent assortment of 5'7XQ
the best shades. Sizes 26 up to 30 D i IO
Take a Bathing Suit Along
I On That Vacation Trip!
-Wool Bathing Suits in a great
variety of styles and colors. . Extra
values. Prices range $1.49 to $10.95
Separata Slips, full assortment of
sizes. Prices range $5.00 to $ 1 0.00
Garment Salons, iSecond Floor
Women's Sport Sweaters
In a Special Clearance Offering : ' .
Second , Floor Vacation days ' are Sweater- days, r The sport "i ,
outfit requires at least one smart Sweater for morning and I
evening wear. In this sale- you may choose from several L,
models in tuxedo and regulation "coat styles. Fancy weaves, f '
variety of colors,' including light and dark; blue, tan, red, rose.
-Sizes 32, 34 and 36 only.: Drop in and look them over. J
July Oeararice Sale of Furniture
f-.-j- - '-af1"
Davenport Tables
Mahogany Finish
We have a number of bigh-grade Davenport
Tables which will be closed out at big savinsrs.
-i-Regular $58.00 3 Davenport Tables $34.75
Regular. $68.00 Davenport Tables $34.00
Regular ; $70.00 Davenport Tables $33.00
Regular $93.00 Davenport Tables $4X50
Regular- $08.00 Davenport Tables $5,3.50
... I HO''' HP. TT Wt W- TfvTW 8 ! W 1 tii 1 . .. "'
Outing Suits
Second Floorn-Women's Corduroyi Outing Suits
with breeches.' ; Pinch-back coats with patch
pockets. Sizes 40, 42 and 44 only in this Q- (
lot. Priced, foir oor Clearance Sale at only
Wool Khaki Onting Salts, long coat with CIA
skirt. Sizes $6 to 44. Clearance Sale at uJLU
Wool Sport Softs of black-and-white checked
serge. Shorty belted jackets with breeches. Q" f
3 only. Sizes ;4Q, 42, 44. Clearance' Sale atii-U ,
. Outing 'Coats
$3.98, $5.00
Women's and Misses' Sport and Outing Coats
of good grade!, flannel Short, pinch-back models.
3 coats size 321 size 34 3 size 36 1 size 3$
1 size 401 j size 42. Also "Duxbak" Norfolk
Coats 1 size 34-r-2 size 3(5 1 size 38 and "Dux
bak Skirts 1 size 25 waist 2 size 263 size
27 2 size 30? 3. size 82 1 size734. J0 QQ
These are priced for our Clearance at DOeaCr
Wool Khaki Riding Coats 2 size 341 size 36
1 size 42 4 size 44 1 Corduroy Outing Coat
size 34 Two-piece Outing Dresses of light weight
khaki. 2 size 38 2 size 44 1 size 42. Wool
Khaki Coats,! 2 size 40 1 size S3 1 size 341
size 42 1 size 44. Odd lines priced for
the Clearance Sale at only; . . ....... . DJ
OUR SHOWING of Bathing Suits and acces
sories) is the most complete ; in the city.
New Suita in Wool, Silk-and-Wool, Surf Satin
and Cotton. One and two-piece styles many
have the latest bodice tops with scalloped and
plaited skirts. Also Separate Slips of Surf
Satin Poplin and Taffeta. Plain "or fancy
styles with sashes and embroidery designs.
Tights in Cotton and Wool, bodice tops, V or
round necks.; Full selection' of all the newest
colors and combinations. Inspection invited.
-New Wool Capes in" all the newest
colors. Priced $10.00 and $10.50
Cotton Bathing Suits' for women
aind children. Priced $1.39 to $5.00
choes, Water Wings, Caps, etc.
A Semi-Annual Merchandising- Events that never fails to attract
. widespread attention. . The July Clearance Sal of Fnrnitqre offers
f exeeptionarsaving on the very pieces you will need for that new home!
t ; Mibgaiiy Library Tableis
; In Period Designs
$38.00 Library Table, 26x42 inch top with' drawerspecial at S25.0O
$75.00 Library 'Table,' 28x48 inch with drawer priced special S45.0Q
$75.00 Library Table, 28x44 inch top 2 drawers cane shelf $42.50
$58.00 Library Table, 27x42 inch top 1, drawer cane shelf at $38.75
$55)0 Library Table, 27x47 inch top Vdrawer cane shelf at $45.00
$704)0 Library Table, 28x48 inch top 2 drawers special at $56.00
$770 Library . Table, 23x48 inch top-2 drawers, one shelfat $65.00
Jacobean Oak Library Tables
; ".t. T"ij " At Special Clearance Prices
-l$32.50 and $36.50 Library Table, 26x42 inch to with drawer' $23.50
$5200 Library Table, 28x48 inch top with drawers special at $29.50
$68.00 Library Table, 30x52 inch top with drawers special at $34.00
Mahogany ! Wall Tables, Console j Entire stock of mahogany and
Tables End i Tables and Tilt-Top gilt - frame Mirrors in ,the July
Tables , on sale "special at off. J Clcsrance Sale special at' price.
' 1' Furniture Department, Fourth Floor
1 -'i
Second Floor No better time
than right now to replenish your
supply of undies for the simmer
season. Night Gowns, Chemise
and Bloomers on sale at splendid
savings. ' Take advantage.
$1.50 Chemise
of , excellent quality nainsook
material. . Lace r trimmed " and
tailored styles. Odd lines. Sizes
36 to 44. Priced special QQ.
for July Clearance Sale OiC
Women's Night Gowns in at
tractive styles. Made up in ex
tra quality materials.. Orchid,
pink and rose. Priced; " "JA
for Clearance at only; DXeUl
Women's Bloomers
at 79e
made up in flesh color nain
sook material. Cut in generous,
full sizes and reinforced. Sizes
25, 2? and 29. Spe- TTQ
,cial for Clearance Sale I
V2 Price
Princess Slips and Gowns of
fine grade muslin and nainsook.
Regular $1.49 to $2.98 garments
on sale at only 75c to $1.49
Children's' Bloomers of white
crepe. Sizes 8, 10 and "f Q
12. Clearance Sale price
Children's Bloomers of pink
Batiste and white Muslin. Odd
lines. - Sizes 8r 10, 12. JQ
Clearance Sale, the pair lu
Save on Household. Supplies
The July Clearance Sale now in progress presents
' numerous opportunities to
Bleached Sheets size 2x2 yards.
Good firm quality, one of the best
standard makes. Spe- (j"! AQ
cial for Clearance Sale at OXeTtO
Unbleached Mnslin, 40 inches wide.
These are of fine .quality. OA
Special for Clearance only
Unbleached Table Damask in attrac
tive patterns. Limited quan- QQ
tity. Clearance Sale special JOs
Sale of Traveling Needs
.. Suit Cases and Bags ; -
At Substantial Savings v
3rd Floor Quality luggages-made to stand up' under? the
hardest kind of usage. Why pay full price for that Bag or
Suit Case with such a sale in progress ? Bead below and save!
Suit Gasfes $5.95
Matting Suit Cases, 24 inches long and 7 inches deep.
Bound on all .edges, 2 straps all around case, handle sewed
and riveted on, cloth lined with pocket in top. ?Q QK
Extra fine values. July Clearance Sale price' only iDOVO
YbungMan -
bay home neeas tor Lns.
Pillow Slips, size 42x35 inches. Get a
full supply. ,. Special for the Qg
. - July Clearance Sale, each
Wash Cloths of good qual- flfl
ity. Special, the dozen DXeUU
Linen Bed Spreads with bolster to
match. Size for bed.' Scalloped
edges. These selWin the regular
way at $80.00. Priced fl0 ff
for Clearance Sale at D-l.XeUU
I. V
Suit Cases $10 : ,
Genuine Leather Suit Cases made
from 24 oz. stock. 24 inches lone
and .7 inches deep. 6 rivets in cor
ners, 2 straps all ' around, ring
handles. Brown only. 42 "I Is Hfl
' Clearance Sale price DXUeUU
Bags $8.95
Leather Traveling Bags, 16 and 18
' inch. Leather lined, pockets, : lift
catches; inside lock. Brown, black
and cordovan. Extraj-CQXlpr
- value" Priced special at50e7tj
y - a,
Kernels CT Wheat
2 Pkrjrs. 45c .
a' delicious,, wholesome break
fast dish. Crown brand. AfZ g
Special at 2 packages for Xt)L
Jewel Shortening, Q
Friday, 8 cans for OiefJl
Van Camp's Beans take T a
good supply on" that out- OCA
ing trip. No. 2 cans, 2 f oriJ v
We Give S. & n. Sumps
j Slodel Grocery
, V . Fourth Floor
the "Chance of a life-time to
than yoa are asked to pay for the ordinary kinds. A Sal of
Smart! Summer Suits
OMPARE these Suits with
V- $27.50 to $30 !r WeU let
and value. Special purqnase shipment just in zoo xoung
Men's Suits high-class
best makers of. young men's clothes. Smart, up-to-date models
in the latest novelty, cuts, 2 and
classy- patterns-particularly -ln
weight fabrics just right for
autumn wear. Sizes 32 to 88,
Sale of Boys' Wash Suits
At $1.98 and $2.98
Msin Floor Oddlines' Children's Wash 'Suits priced ior quick
selling. Oliver Twist and Middy styles. - Made up in ginghams,
chambrays and other serviceable materials. Regular $2.95
Wash Suits priced special at $1.98$35 grade priced $2.93
Boys' Khtyd Knickers at $1,65
r .Boys' Blouses 39c :
Boys' Knickers made tip in
good quality khaki: material.
Cut full and well made. All
sizes' 6 to 17. Spe- ff(f
cial Clearance Sale tD JLeUtT
Boys' Sweaters in' the popu
lar , slip-on style ' for beach,
camp and outipg wear. Vari
ous colors. Priced 451 QCT
i'fnr ( tinUM :M (u
Clearance -Sale DJLUtJ
Men's Madras Union Snits
Sr. Tii Rati Anting
MUinery Cleariance
Sport arid Dress Hats
Regular Values
This Sale will be especially interesting to
women who are getting- ready for : the beach
and who feel the need of an inexpensive hat for
the trip. Splendid - selection vof mid
models front our own stock and 100 fresh new
hats just m by express;';; None worth less than
$7.50. White, light shades and combinations.
Values range to $180. ! Priced special $3.89
IfHllinery Salons,
Clearance ot Corsets
All odd lines and discontinued -models must be
closed oat at once. . Get yonr share of the savings.' "-J
B. & Ji Corsets
$2.50:' i
Second Floor Elastic top model with :
medium length - skirt, v j Of -excellent
quality pink coutil striped with pink
satin. Sizes range from 22 - up to
30. Regular $4U0 values. J0 Cfl
Clearance Sale, special fat OaWeOU
$5.00 Corsets
this model is' similar to one de
scribed ' above. Made up in Pekin 7
striped, material, rather long" skirt,
elastic gore ; at bottom : back. Sizes
38 to 34 only, t Regular QO QC
$5X0 Corsets - special , at 0tmVO
bay Quality Qothes for less
others shown about town at
you be the judge as to quality
garments from one of New York s
. 3 button effects.
the - fancy mixtures.
summer and early Q Q flfl
Clearance Sale only O A7eU U
Small lot of Boys' Blouses in
the Clearance Sale at a special
' low price. ' Best of materials.
Regular 60c grade. On QQ a
sale Friday at only Ue7U
Boys' Straw Hats. Regular
$10 and $2 grade. CI 1 fi
Clearance Sale price i7XeXa
iioys' asuv j ana o"i cir
xi Xfi ut Hart nniv
Clearance Sale special at $1.39
mrtA immmU wmvu nofal a SC.
.Up to $18.50
- summer
Second Floor J ?