The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 06, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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If a All Here and If All True
If All Here and If a All True
IT DOF.SNT MATTER what 4hase of
-the day's impartial news yea are
moat interested in. for you will find it
completely and accurately "covered" to
Th Journal, be it of national- prom
inence or local importance.
THE WEATH ER -Fair tonight ana -,
Friday; northerly winds.
Maximum teas neratu res Wednesday
Portland... 8S 1 New Orleans. ;. .SS
Chicago. ........8S ( Nsw York.V..; .
Lioa Angeles..
St. Paul.
,i . .83
ON TftftlMs AND "fWJ
stands rivs CtMTI
Vm TWNn mi 1 : saraad-Claaa Vatkar'
yjx-tm av loMoCfie. rartiaad. Ontn
With Filing Time at an End at
5 o'CIock Today, It Initia-
' tive -Measures Remain to Be
Filed With State Secretary.
Salem. July . With filing time for
Initiative petitions closing at S o'clock
this afternoon only four of the 15
measures for which petitions tave been
circulated bad been completed up to
noon. The other 11 proposed measures
and amendments, it is understood here.
are still in various stages of incuba
tion with prospect for the final com
Dletion of only a few of them within
the time limit.
The four measures for which peti
tiohs have been completed and which
are thus assured a place on the No
vember ballot are : f
Single tax amendment, sponsored by
the Oregon Single Tax league, pro
viding for the taxation of .real estate
only. '
- Salmon fishing and- propagation
amendment, sponsored by G. O. Green
"of West Iyrm prohibiting the use of
seins, traps or fish wheels" for catch
ing salmon: an ; requiring that 60 per
cent of salmon spawn nust be planted
In streams from Ich taken.
State Income tax.lijponsoredj toy the
Taxpayers' League oi- Oregon,provid-
" ing for an amendment to the state
constitution permitting of the raising
of one half of the state taxes on net
Atlantic-Pacific Highway and Elec
trical Exposition amendment.' spon
sored by the . exposition committee,
under the terms of which the city of
Portland would be permitted to levy a
special tax of $1,000,000' a year for
three years for financing the worlds
fair. - . "-
In addition to these initiated meas
ures, two constitutional amendments
have been referred to the voters by the
'state legislature. One of these would
permit Man county to levy a pw'
tax with which to pay outstanding
warrants. The other would permit
linn and Benton counties, to levy spe
cial taxes to pay outstanding warrant.
Of the 11 Initiative, measures which
are still uncompleted,-at Ieat five are,
expected to tae filed before closing; time.
According to advices reaching ; the
office of Secretary of State. .iose,tv
these are: "" ' " - ' - .
Compulsory education bill, sponsored
by Ira B. Sturges, Dr. Robert C. Ells
worth and others, under the terms of
which all children between the agea of
8 and 1 years would be compelled to
attend the public school, t This meas
ure, which Is aimed at the elimination
of all private schools, would become ef
fective September 1, 19Z.
Public - service commissioners' - re
moval amendment., sponsored by the
Oregon, State Hotel Men's association,
providing for the-: abolition of the com
, mission as now constituted and the crea
tion of a new commission to be apj
pointed by ' the governor.
Telephone rate rehearing- bill, also
sponsored by the hotel men's aaaocia-
( rnnrhdi on Pg Three. Cotaan Thri
Vera Crux. July . OS. P. Twenty!;
were killed and 75 were wounaea eariy
today in a terrific battle between sol
diers and the tenants' union.
Soldiers, under orders of the dis
trict court, were sent to arrest Heron
Proal. leader of the union.
Proal resisted. Hundreds of his ad-J
herents gathered about his home and
opened fire on the detachment of 100
soldiers. '
Members of the tenants' union sang
the Internationale as they struggled
with the troops.
Most of the casualties were among
the union members.
One lieutenant and two soldiers were
killed. - ;
Proal was finally arrested.
American Sculler
- Winner at Henley
Henley. England. July . U.P.)
Walter Hoover, American sculling
champion, won his first heat in the
Diamond Sculls rowing clasaio today
when he defeated R. Tweed, the British
oarsman, by a. length and a, half in
San Francisco at Portland. 2 ;45 p. m.
Los Angeles at Seattle, 145 p. m.
Sacramento versus .Vernon at "Los
Angeles,' 2:45 'p. m. :. . '
. Salt Lake at Oakland. n. m. -
At PittabatfT- , . K. H. E.
Nw York OSO 0S WOl
ritubuiv , .....101 V01 OOO X a 1
Batterte Nahf, Smith and Snyder;' adaii.
.Cecpec and tioock. .
Brooklyn at St. s Louis, ' clear. 3 rt 5
p. m. . - ' .
- Only games today. t'.
.i'. ,"t - AMERICA?!
At Sew Xork: r-- :- . K. H. K
l-WreUnd . .... 101 w lee 10 s
loit ...... OOS J(M 04 10 II i
BattCTi i Uiil. Jtacby and O NU; Bmm
and UoKimaa. - . . -
- At Phuadelphia: '' ""R. M. X.
Cltieaso . VUO 109 201 1 4
PtMldelrU . 100 113 OOO a ft 0
Batter! achoppi Hods sad BchaJk: Bis
t. meh, . Xarrtaoa od Jarkma. . .
- . St.. Loals, at . Boston, double-header
'" postponed ; rain. . j ,
Only games today. ;
Coney Isle '
Too Moist
, For Profit
tn TiMmA Km!
' Jfew. York. July .Coney Island fas
about to o broke not because New
York is too dry., but because it ' is too
wet. No. not liquor rain. .
The 2.19 Inches of rain which has
fallen over the Fourth of July holi
days washed away about f 2,900,000
from Coney island's amusement, re
sorts. The water was too cold for
bathing, hot dogs were damp and sog
gy and roller coasters and other out
door amusement devices were dripping
with rain most of the time.
The 200,000 who ventured out to the
island were cold and wet and-simply
wouldn't loosen up. ,
ThaFs why , more than '-2000 conces
sions at Coney island are unatole to
meet their rentals which were due
Wednesday. The Coney island board
of trade has called a meeting; for Fri
day night to see if they can't prevail
on the weather, man to let up. There
is no disposition " on the part of the
landlords to blame the concession man
agers, -o
The only person at Coney ..island who
isn't grumbling is Little Eva. who
weighs 6-fu pounds net ana nates not
weather-r-and Broadway theatre man
agers, who got most of Coney's holiday
Jane was one of the rainiest months
on . record here. Only three days were
clear and July has started out to beat
that record.
Forest fires of serious proportions
have spread Into the big timber over
the summit of the Coast range In Tilla
mook county and are headed toward
the coast, according to reports re
ceived today by local timber owners.
So great has become the menace of
the forest flames that large forces of
men were being rushed to the danger
sone today in an effort to turn the
fire from one of Oregon's largest virgin
Already, about one mile of big tim
ber belonging to the Hammond Lum
ber company in the vicinity of Belding
has been destroyed and the flames have
spread hourly until officers of that
company and of the Wheeler Timber
company reared that It would .soon be
come impossible t check the flames.
Tom : ti-jatScoUffiihead of ; the for-;
est patror association an appeal came
toaay ror Tire rigntlnjr forces. Scott
said jthat half of the big timber In the
state was threat net by the Tillamook
conflagT81o&:t 4 . -
ro serious, fires in government timber
were -reported to the forest service this
morning, . but efforts are being made
to put out all the present small fires
burning. All fires are under control
throughout the district and fire crews
are being reduced.
Assistant Supervisor Foster of the
Oregon; national forest Is leaving today
to taae a look, at the Larch mountain
fire that has been .burning for more
than a month. This is in the vlclnitv
of Palmer and covers a square mile.
While the ranger has reported it ie
not burning on the edges, it is still
burning inside 'and no one has been
looking after it. ?
Southern Pacific railroad officials
had two fire trains on the Tillamookk
branch line today, to prevent destruc
tion of railroad property. The fire
crews reported that Wednesday sev
eral bridges were slightly burned and
that the forest fire had overwhelmed
several construction -aheds and other
property of the railroad. '
One fire was reported to be burning
over a four-mile length between Wede-
burg and .Cochran, but the more seri
ous angl was around Belding. The
Wheeler Lumber company reported
fires lover a 14-mlle area extending
from Timber, through Reliance, Douty,
Cochran and Belding.
The local timber owners arranged
today with the Southern Pacific com
pany to attach extra equipment to
their morning train and large forces
f fire fighters were being sent to the
district. .
The water system of the Wheeler
Lumber company was cut off for a
time Wednesday, but reports were re
ceived today that this had been re
adjusted. With the flames over the summit of
the Coast range local lumbermen -today
(Concluded an Tmf Four. Cohima Two)
Beavers to Retain
Sargent; Connolly
Goes to Des Moines
Joseph Sargent, utility Inflelder, will
d retained by the Beavers. The Port
land baseball club .announced Thurs
day that the deal with Birmingham
naa been cancelled and Sargent s serv
ices retained. .
i Bud Connolly, recruit ; third aacker,
recalled from the Tacoma club of the
Pacific International league, has been
released to the es Moines club of
the Westers leatrue. . . m. .-
The decision to retain Sargent and
farm Connolly was to allow the young
ster to gain experience.
Road to Be Built to
Mclughlui1 Park
. -.
Resolutions were passed "Wednesday
by the county commissioners express
ing intention to place a road from the
Columbia; river highway near, Dodson
station southerly to a tract of SO
acres donated to the city by Sam J.
Goman to be used as a public park.
The nam of the new "place will be
McLoughlin park. .-; Superintendent of
City Parka Keyaer and Gorman came
before the commias loners today to dis
cuss the details of the new park, which
will be maintained by the city. County
Roadmastar Eatchel waa Instructed to
draw plana foe the road , ,
Attorney General Van Winkle
Ordered to ..Act in Jackson
County Government Through
Daugherty Offers Assistance.
Salem. July ; 0. Governor Olcott to- J
day instructed"! Attorney General I. H.
Van Winkle to take charge of the
prosecution of i alleged outrages perpe
trated by "nlight mobs" in Jackson
county. While! the governor does not
directly charge the Ku.Klux Klan with
responsibility for these alleged out
rages, correspondence passing between
the executive office and United States
Attorney General Daugherty makes'
reference to "tjhe activities of the klan 1
In Oregon." j .
The action f tne governor has re
vealed the fact that no federal statute
would apply the situation In this
state after "local officers in Jackson
county have f4lled to act."
" The alleged outrages which the at
torney general is directed to investi
gate were perpetrated during March
and April antf are three in number.
On March Arthur Burr, colored,
after serving 22 days in the ' county
jail in Jackscm county, is alleged to
have been taken on to Shasta' moun
tain during tjie night, hanged three
times by the jneck, and then ordered
to leave the community.
On March 7, it is alleged, J. F.
Hale, a citlzeif of Med ford, was taken
from his home by a party of masked
men who threatened to hang him if he
did not drop p. certain civil suit and
leave Medford atoms.- It is alleged,
in connection: with this "outrage, that
Hale was handcuffed, taken into the
country and hanged: from an oak tree,
assaulted and ordered to leave the com
munity. Dn the night of April 6. it Is alleged,
Henry Johnson, with othSrs, was taken
by masked men, a rope placed about
his neck and be waa assaulted in vari
ous ways an dr accused of . the commis
sion of various Crimea.
In. his ieter directing the attorney
general to proceed 'in th alleged out
rages the governor writes: '- , :.,.
"In compliance i with the provisions
of law of the istatc of Oregon X hereby
direct you to attend in person or jbyone
of your assistants the present term of
the circuit emirt of the state of Oregon
in and for Jjackaon county ; and any
CCoaclBded en pace Klshtevn. Cotomn Oa)
Severe Injuries which -kept hep in
her bed for two - days were received
by Mrs; A. Kj Bryson. No, 1592 Sandy
boulevard, when- she was struck and
kicked in the tstomach while attempt
ing to Assist her husband, who was
engaged in a tfight with three mem as I
the result of I a - collision between two '
automobiles Tuesday night near Mo
lalla. Mrs. Bryson has been under the
care of. a physician who reports she
may have internal injuries.
Mr.- and Mrs. Bryson were -returning
from Wilholt Springs with Mrs. Bryson
driving. ' A short distance from Mo
lalla they met : an automobile driven
by Henry J. jDetloff.. No. S19t4 WU
Iiama avenue; whom Bryson alleges
was intoxicated at - the time. Bryson
reports the f approaching automobile
was swerving, from one side of the road
to the other. 4 Mrs. Bryson drew near
the edge off the road because the
bright lights of the other automobile
made it hazardous for her to approach
closer without slowing down, Bryson
said. r
Detloffs automobile struck the rear
fender of the: Bryson automobile, leav
ing the road? and turntng over on its
side. Three ' women, three men and
several children were In Detloffs au
tomobile. No one was seriously in
jured, but several were badly cut.
A physician; was called. Bryson says
he tried to get the driver of the other
automobile to accompany him to Ore
gon City, where the authorities might
Investigate and determine the responsi
bility. This i precipitated a quarrel
which brought about a fight between
Bryson and the three men. Mrs. Bryson
saw her husband was no match for
the three and! in attempting to aid him
was badly hart. - - - '
Other persons stopped the fight
Sheriff Wilson of Clackamas county
was called, but refused to make- any
arrests without warrants. Bryson waa
forced to hurry his wife back to Port
land. Brysonj reported the accident, as
is required by law, which specifies a
report must -be made to the nearest
peace officer where there are no police
within 2 Honrs, ino report had been
filed this morning by Detloff. t
Detloff said today the Bryson- car
was also uncertain in its course and
denied that f he or his': comnanicHis
started the fight. He said the trouble
was caused when Bryson attempted to
force -him to- go to Oregon Ctty. He
said he did not think he hit the, Bryson
automobile and denied knowledge of
Mrs. Bryson's serious injuries.
Bomb-Wrecks Home
. Of j'Dry' Officer
" Akron, Ohls. July ! & Two
dynamite bombs partially wrecked the
home of -Foliicie Lieutenant Frank Mc
Ouire early today. Bootleggers are be
lieved responsible, ' McGuire is leader
of a "dry sauad. ; .
Scores Injured When Fire Fol
lows Blowing Out of Fuse in
Train; Women and Children
Fight Clouds of Smoke.
New York. July 6. (U. P.) L4ttl
children were trampled, men and
women fought desperately In the dark
and more than 100 persona were over
come in a panic 35 feet below the sur
faceewnen a short circuit in the Lex
ington avenue subway caused a panic
. Children and women appeared from
the subway exits' with torn clothing
and terrified faces, indicative of ter-.
rifle struggles In the darkness.
T .1 o-Vt t a want nnt wha. 4 a aVisi.. st
t occurred and aU trains were
Firemen with ladders descended onto
the express tracks, which were even
deeper than usual at the point where
the flames started to spread.
Hospitals In the vicinity anlckly were
crowded with injured. Ambulances
dashed to and fro, those at the scene
lining up In ranks to take away per
sons overcome.
A northbound Jerome avenue express
wta leaving Grand Central station
when a fuse In the third coach blew
out. Fire extinguishers were called
into play 'by the train crew.
A thick black smoke followed, which
nearly suffocated many passengers.
Harry Yanopeki, on of the first to
be overcome, was saved after firemen
had worked ever him with pulmotora
for over an hour.
Mayor Hylan and other city officials
were early at the scene.
Three hundred policemen took charge
of the situation, throwinsr out a cordon
and holding back thousands 6f persdhs
Who were drawn to the district by re
ports of a disaster.
Phillip Deller, guard on the train.
described the terror of the panic
"When the fuse blew out there was
a deathly hush among the passengers.
Everyone seemed to have held their
breath. No one spoke until we turned
the extinguishers on a tittle fire which
.. TThen. as. smoke filled the- "train
women, and children and' some men
burst: out screaming.' ;They weree-ld
nasi xn tne - train,, -
rjf early everyone seemed to be yell.
inr ftrei' ' -
"People ruahed to the center and
the ends of the car and battered
against the heavy steel doors with
their fists.
"Then came crashes of glass as win
dows began to go.
"Many got outside the cars and
bumped and stumbled along in the
darkness. The current on the third
rail was shut off to prevent loss of
"I saw many women and children
whom I waa -unable to help, trampled
upon In the terrible rush. ,
Mayor Hurd Scouts
Floating Man Story
Seaside. JuSy 6. A report .that one
of the men involved in the drownings
here Monday had made his way safely
through the breakers at Gearhart Mon
day evening after floating beyond the
breakers for more than seven hours Is
called "bunk"" by Mayer E N. Hurd
of Seaside, sifter a careful Investiga
tion. Patrols have watched the beach
since 'the drowning in an effort to
locate the body of Life Ouard MacNell.
one of the victims. "Whether a third
man lost his -life is still in doubt. .
Tree Lovers
t . ? t t
Gutting for Statue Deplored
"Woodman, spare that tree." !
This was the cry that this morning
suddenly - reopened the battle that has
been raging over the location of the,
Roosevelt equestrian statue, now being
made by A. Phlmlster Proctor in his
New Tork studio, to be presented to the
city by Ir. Henry Waldo Coe.
Early indications - today were that
the cry would be as effective in bring
ing together tree adorers as the Irish
battle cry of "You're another" Is - In
drawing a 1 csowd on St. Patricks day.
You see. tsere has been a deuce of
a time selecting a site for the statue.
Part of the committee In charge want,
ed it In the triangle at 19th and Wash
ington streets and others thought that
a cold, unlovely place to have it- A
short time aero 24 committeemen, and
others got together with Ctty Commis
sioner .Pier, in charge of parks, -and
after a discussion- he asked all those
In favor of tfc South park block oppo
site the Ladd school to stand, npr Every
body stood uprit was unanimous.4 The
excitement 'died -out.
Today 4 Ralph Thoreau. No. 127S
Thurman street, 1 ripped the : silence
with, an appeal to tree lovers, declaring
that "stately and beautiful trees that
have required, 6(1 to T5 years to. grow
to their present sire and beauty 29
of them cowering nearly' an entire
block, are to be wantonly cut down and
destroyed' forever, just to make room
for a statue.
Thoreau claims connection with the
famous Henry David Thoreau, natur
alist and friend of Ralph Waldo Em
erson, whose "back to nature" expe
riences. In th Maine woods-created a
great furore on two sides of the At
lantic back In the nineteenth century,
The present Thoreau's nam is Ralph
W., U will be noticed. i
' Both Thoreaus evidently have" a pas
sionate love for trees. The elder re
nounced - civilization to live' in their
shade.'''. fr' .-... , -
To Marion
Marion. Ohio, July President
Harding brought his Marion visit to
a close today and departed tor uo-
lumbus, where he will make an overnight-
stay before proceeding to the
capital Friday. .;
Accompanying the president when he
left this morning was Attorney Gen
Sral Daugherty, wW Joined the 'White
House party here last night
The attorney general will motor
clear through to Washington with the
president, according to present plans.
As the - journay will consume three
days, they will have ample opportu
nity to discuss the administration's
line of procedure In the Industrial sit
uation. The president left Marlon this mora
ine to go to the Cbuntry ; club, near
Columbus, where he will be the guest
of the attorney general -at luncheon.
It is understood there will .be a num
ber of Ohio political leaders at the
club and it is likely that state political
matters . will be discussed at some
length, : particularly the gubernatorial
situation - i
t Five men, said to be members of the
federated ehop craft unions, were ar
rested this morning on charges of dis
orderly conduct after the police re
ceived a complaint that they were
filling their pockets with rocks prepar
atory to attacking workers in the Al
blna shops.
The men under arrest are : H. A.
Gonnor. ,26. a machinist ; A. H." Claus.
26, a machinist; J. ii. uovey, 40, a
sheet metal worker ; J. L. Snider, 32,
a machinist, and Henry Schwartz. 18,
a tinner's apprentice. Connor was re
leased on J25 bail, but the other four
are being held in lieu of bail.
: Inspector "Shaffer and a citiaen
whose name the police failed to get,
taw the men loading their pockets with
rocks near Williams avenue and Fre
mont street early this morning. Cap
tain West was notified and Patrolmen
Churchill and Pfenning were sent to
Investigate. ' v i
When the police' arrived "unexpected-
Lly In an automobile; the- five men be-
to the police, who arrested them imme
diately. The men denied they had -rocks
and say they, were not going- to cause
a 'disturbance. i '
Bowermanp Shields
To Act for Olcott
In Hall Recount
Salem. July Jay Bowerman of
Portland and Roy Shields of Salem
have been retained by Governor Olcott
to represent him In the contest filed by
Charles Hall.' The governor said this
mornine that he would have - no state
ment to make regarding his" course of
action at present.
. What form the next step In the con
test, proceedings will take is a theme
for much speculation . among attorneys
and others in touch with the situation
here. That a demurrer to the peti
tion, challenglnrJ;lts legality as not
having been flted within the required
time, would place the burden of In-.
terpretatkm of this mooted point upon
the court. Is pointed out by some as a.
Short cut for the -governor's counsel.
Should the court grant the petition
filed by v Hall. It is pointed out that
he could require the precincts -In
which votes have been challenged to
bring their ballot boxes into court here
for an investigation in the presence
of the - court, the r ballots, constituting
the evidence in the contest vfpon which
the court would be required , to pass.
The Journal's Enraptured Reporter
called Commissioner Pier immediately
after word of the; fight came in and
asked him what be had to say. The
commissioner's voice was: weary., as
though this bid fair to be the straw
on his back. " .
I thought everything was over but
the celebration and that that would be
quiet," he said, sighing heavily.
Ooodness gracious, we're only going
to cut out about eight trees, . certainly
not more. than 10. ; More tree will be
left on the block than will be cut out.
Tou won't be able to notice it : when
the work is done and the statue is n
pteCS;;.,--,.' '
. "Ths people that X called In. to act
on' the location, committee Including
men Eke Hauser and Dunn, aU finally
agreed that the 19th and Washington
street site wouldn't do. Tourists and
lovers of statues would have no chance
to sit down on a bench and study ths
expression of the great president,' Im
mortalised In bronse." r - - -
The commissioner denied that he ever
made such a remark as was attributed
to him by .Thoreau that he . would go
ahead with the South park: plans "even
though protests from ths people- were
pile4 a. mile high." v ' -
. "I never dld he shouted.- . -'
"Well." said the Enraptured Reporter
a. little disappointed that some public
official wouldn't finally make a remark
like that, "give us a chance anyhow to
quote that poem about X) would'st
thou hew it down.' " " -
"All righ tie," said ths commissioner;
so here goes for one verse of it:
' Mr baarVetrings roond tba eiktc. "
CUaae aa thy bark, old friend; - v --
' Her abail ths Wild bird tici,
- . And uH thy bnncbn bead.
(Old Srea, the acocna stUl. basa;.-. 5
.. And, woaflatan, itaare the apot.v.-. .v.-.'."
-. '..vTbua !' a haul to aare. 1
Thy ax Shall butt U sot' j
The trees that are being stormed
About are very fine elms. -v.
Senator Newy Recently Beaten,
Opens Campaign in Bitter Ti
. Vadej Holds Primary Corrupt
and Cause of Newberry Case.
Washington, July (IT. P.) Pre
dicting a nation-wide onslaught on the
primary system . of . nominating can
didates and a return to the old conven
tion plan, gehator New of Indiana to
day declared that the Newberry case
was a direct 'result of the primary sys
tem. He asserted the plan is a "con
spicuous failure" and" the breeder of
political corruption and inefficiency in
public service.. '
The campaign against the primary
system Is to be conducted in every
state having a primary -law,-with the
support and aid of those members of
congress commonly referred to as the
old guard." Two senate members of
this group New of . Indiana and t lie-
Cumber of North " Dakota--have suf
fered interruptions to - their political
careers this year through, the 'opera
tions of senatorial . primaries. Others
of this group of senators are similarly
menaced, as are members of the house.
Secretary Weeks' recent attack on the
direct primary is regarded as an open
ing gun of the campaign, : -v..
New said the' fig-ht on the primary
will not be nationally directed by any
centra!4 organisation. But. It was
learned, elaborate plans have been
made for an "educational campaign
designed, to prove to the public that the
primary -is a failure and lets Into public
office many "Bolshevists, .radicals and
apostles of many strange "ism a.". :.
Following this,' - the -.anti-primary
forces In ' each' stats will attack that
state s law - " .
In some efforts will be made to ren
der the system, inoperative by amend
ing the law, - in others, outright repeal
win be sought.-2 - - v
'. New. asserted, today that there is a
reaction against the primary system
among , the American -people.
'V "It in a consnicuous failure nA In
the Interest of good morals ought to be
eliminated ne said.: -- ! -
. "It is the cause-ot more political cor
ruption than any one thing." said New.
"Under the convention system of nomi
nating. Senator Newberry would have
been nominated for one fifth or less
what Jt'ost .-him. " . - . .
. "Men " are nominated for: office "who.
under the convention system, could n-Jt
have a -look-in. i They- get the -people
to fall for them. When they get Into
office the result is yery often, disas
trous to public welfare. .These facta
are beginning to he faced, and there is.
therefore, a strong reaction against the
primary system, Some states -are al
ready turning away from It and going
oacK to tne convention. New York -did
so recently. Other states will foyow,
in my opinion. . .. - -
I worked for a primary Jaw In In-
oina years ago. We got it and we suf
fered a severe disappointment as a re
suit of the way 1t operated."
Des Moines, Iowa, July S. f U. P.)
Senator New's attack on the primary
system drew rapid backfire In Iowa.
Smith W. Brookhart, Republican sen-
(Concluded on Fae Tbraa, Golumn Two)
Tonight broadcasting stations af
filiated with The Journal wlIL through
the courtesy of the Northwest -Radio
association, combine toward providing
the radio enthusiasts with the , most
elaborate program Portland has ever
broadcast.- . .
The - entertainment will start ; at
o'clock and will continue , until 10
o clock. The music will begin at
o'clock with late -' Instrumental and
vocal selections broadcast by Wlllard
P. Hawley Jr. At.. 730 o'clock. Mr.
Hawley wiU give way to Hal lock A
Watson Radio Service, which . will
broadcast the daily news bulletins of
The Journal. -At t o'clock Mr. Hawley
will resume, presenting the Tlrst of two
programs arranged for hira by W A,
McDougail. ';. ' "s-. - - .
, This .program wiU consist of a con
cert by the Multnomah hotel orchestra,
directed by Louis S. Shurtliff assisted
by Miss Irene Alleman, soprano, and
Miss Mildred Nichols, violinist. The
following f .th nrrm . ix n. .
Soprano solo (a) "X.Love 'th Moon'
r : Bubens
, V ; b) Love To Dear"
C I Wish I Knew"
.- ' i- Av, ..... .4 . popular
Miss Irene Alleman. sobrarut
Miss Maud McCawIey. accomoanlst
vloUn solo a "Sonata No. l?..GreIa
- - ibS Selected:'
. Miss Mildred Nichols. ; violinist. '--
Miss Maud McCawIey. acoomapnist. '
"Swaaee Bluebird". . .-. , ... ...... .
- ..-. , -Multnomah Hotel Orchestra
"Dancing , Fool" - . . .... . . .
.... Multnomah Hotel Orchestra
Saxophone solo- " AUah's Holiday"
I " A. F..Toder .. - .y .
vm- a - .... .... , k
- - - - - - - - - arojinarana noiei jLfrcnesira
"Shake It and; Break, Xtr......V -
Multnomah Hotel Orchestra
? This is a special, program Which was
made possible by the kindness of ths
officers and - governors of " the1 North
west ;. Radio' association which con
sented to .allow Mr. JIawleyi;. use
the regular Thursday evening listening
hour between 8 and o'clock, anoSby
the Northwestern Radio Manufacture
ing company, which gave over Its halfK. The renort id 'b? t spring wheat
hour, between . 7 and ? :S0 o'clock.
At 9 o'clock the regular scheduled
Hawley program, ; which, is puolished In
full on .ths Town Topics 'pace of this
Issue, be rendered.- . - . .
Whets Knife;
NEW of Indiana, who
is leading nationwide fight
of .OId?Guard to do away
with primaries f and restore
convention system. ,
'VT',;V-; .' '
P 1
Dy Hrnas H. Che. -.
ComnwrcUl Editor of The Xournal
The- Dalles. Or Julr . Wasco
county. will prod uc practically a nor
mal cron of wheat.' Its production for
I22 will be approximately 29 per -cent
less than a year ago,' which . was vb- J
The county's prospects- have received
considerable setback during the last 10
days because of ;the not - east . winds, j
which have literally i cooked some of i
the wheat which was still In the soft
dough. As a rule, only a very small
per cent' of damage has been done to
winter wheat, hut "here and' there the i
crop was nipped quite seyerely.; v j
. This year's - crop Is badly spotted,
even In a , single ' JocaJlty. ' Similar
neighborhoods with similar ground
treatment, rainfall and climatic condi
tions. , show much difference in .; pros
pectlve yield for the season. , . t ,
Owing i to the timely & rains that .fell
In southeastern sections, that portion
of the county will this season produce
one of Its best, if not actually Its best
crop. section . tributary '' to. 'The
Dalles will have .a rather, abort fro
because ithe rains paaaed over it. :
What acreage of barley U sown in
the county looks very favorable.-
Apple 'production wall be fully jkw
mai in Wasco county, this 'season,4 but
there Is' a shortage in the vegetable
output, owing -to adverse weather, con
ditions at the opening of the season.
Peaches, plumsi and pears show a good
(Concluded on Pass Eishtaea.' Column Twe)
Suffer Jiijiir iHltti
Auto Collision
' Mr; and Mrs. James A. Cranston, K4
705 Hoytrstreet, are -both In-St? Vln-?
cents hospital, suf fering frorn injuries
received when the automobile In which
they i were returning from Salem was
run Into by another machine at Aurora.
The Cranston ccr was; run": Into from
the - rear 4 by a California nca whose
driver harried away without ascertain
ing the damage done. "'
Cranston is manager of the General
Klectrie ,company.v ' -' m-;-.. - ,5..
Ths accident occurred at 5 "'o'clock
Wednesday i afternoons Dr-J Otis . B.
Wight was immediately umn-ioned and
he took Ir. aadr Mrs. Cranston .to the
hoepltalj '-'-'?'. r-.i--r' .
Hrmnlta.1 -atterdants todav' rerxrted
that Mrs. Cranstnsf face wsJ lacer
ated' her jaw oroaen, ana aorerai xestn
were' , knocked out. ; Cranston , has a .
broken . knee .cap. .:ii--'a.'f '
? jjrpuguxj mp mgp r
fOfrBefils Seen
- ' a S--v;: , ,:,
- Widespread . drought, and. continued
hot weather have caused considerable
crop' damage in ' the state.' according
to. a report issued today- by the dis
tricts weather bureau-office; 'which-reported'
no . indication of .relief for the
present.. ' s t i, - , ' . 'j
Sine January 1 there .- has been a
deficleney of 6J9 inches of rain in
Portland and the same' condition prevails-throughout
the. .western part of
ths ' state.' The - shortage in ' rainfall
since September l, 1921, has been Z"62
inches. ... ' ; . .
cok-. oats are being materially ;
aged and -that all berry crops have
suffered, t Ths report , also said ? that
farm v pastures are very dry in lower
Plant Loss Will ; Run Between
I $100,1000 and $150,000; En
tire Town Menaced for Time;
Springfield Sends Assistance
Eugene. Or July, 6. (U. F. The
big Booth-Kelly . sawmUl at Wendling
took fire at -o'clock this mornln and
burned to the -ground lna few min
utes. ' Reports from . the 'firs at 10
o'clock is that the sawmill was a total,
loss and that the crew- and townspeo
ple .were desperately ; battling the
flames in an effort to save the planing
mill and ths lumber on docks. -'
The whole town of "Wendling was
threatened. - A special train was made
up at . Springfield as soon as the - re
port of the fire reached there. Fire
fighters and apparatus were rushed to
the scene. ,
; The mill loss will be between $100,
000 and 1150.000. according; to esti
mates made by officials of the com
pany, who hastened to the scene of the
fire on a special train from Spring
field. The fire will throw between 200 .
and 400 out of4he 600 employes out of
.work. O
Operation of .the mill was carried en
by steam, but Vte power plant, located
across the creek In a brick' building,
was. saved. The rated capacity of 'the -mill
is 40.00000 feet a year,
i Automatic sprinklers were located 1
.iii uu. tivu iua i 1 1 ix, uu. wiv Liaiaes
spresa so rsptaiy mat tney were Jner- -fective.
About 400 men- joined in the
battle against the flames, and fire
equipment waa sent from Eugene and
from the Booth-Kelly mill at Spring
I It was believed by mill : employes
that the firs started from a .hot box :
r- a, pulley .shaft. Through the et-.
forts of - the-mill employes the planer
shed was saved from the flames during -the
morning, but-a shift of wind any
time during the day -would have de- .
atroyed the . town as -well.
- ATI of the automobiles owned by the
rommniT nd th workmen wr re
moved from ths town to a safety sone.
Tha Booth-Kelly .mill - at Snrlnef io!d
J was destroyed li 1911 and rebuilt in
1914. . Officials . of the company were,
unprepared to make an announcement
of rebuilding plans for ths Wendling
Ban Francisco, July . CD. P.) :
Four hundred and thirty-four stnklog
shopmen returned to work on ths. first
shift this morning in ths two general
Southern Pacific coast shops at Sacra
mento - and-. lot Angeles, thereby sav
ing their seniority, pensions and pass
privileges. Southern Pacific officials
announced today. - v
i Three hundred and thirty strikers re
turned to their jobis In the Sacramento
shops and 104 in the Los Angeles shops,
officials said. This., tber pointed out,
la In addition, to the nae4 who did not
walk, out and In addition to those who
bad already returned.. ;' ,
V Mors men are 'expected by 'compan y
officials to return to work on later
Bhlfts during the day,' which begin up
tomidnighC"':.?'-.---! .
:;, General Manager s Dyer in a recen t
appeal to strikers to reconsider their
waJkout. ; promised they would retain
their old status If they returned on the
regular shJ ft no later than today.
Chicago, July . (TJ. P.) The threat
ened strike of railroad signal men was
temporarily delayed when D. W. Helt,
president of the union, announced that
no order for a walkout would be Is
sued before Saturday.
- Helt's - announcement - followed usn-
ferences with members of the United
ment and it' waa moved to seat all those
Immediately . after ' the -, conference
Helt wired members of the" signal men's
executive board - to hurry , to Chicago
for - a - meeting ' Saturday morning to
consider a proposition ths labor board
has made to prevent a strike.
When the action of i the signal men
was announced, rumors were.current '
that a; conference between Ben W.
Hooper, chairman of ths railroad labor
' 'Cotwhsded -on Pw Thm. Column Thre)
Hymait -Hi Co hen,
commercial editor of
- The Journal, is on his
annual'! t o u r o f the
Eastern ' Oregon fruit
and grain belt.
Through his daily di s
, patches to The Journal,
Cohen' will record his
1 observations o f c r o p
CfFor y ears CohenTs
.forecasts of volume of
output have been so
! to g ive his
. crop predictions th e
badge of. authority.
; CjHc see's for himself
and- w r i t e s w h a t he
srees. ' ' ' -