The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 05, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Bathing Beauties at Seasides
, ? . Fur Stored the Safe Way Also Furs Repaired and. Remodeled'
. 1
Baker. July 5. Biker's pkners and
tha Old Oregon Trail pageant left
nothing to the Imagination; Tuesday
when a two-mile parade depicted Ore
con's early history and scenes of' pio
neer days. La Grande and .Hunting
ton delegations brought bands, whC;
La Grande added, a float! portraying
pioneer motherhood f Grand Rontie
valle-y, ; "
- - Fmdltan lnniann lpnt ' a t-pj 1 i t '. r
color,. ? Addresses by 3verndrv,Qlcott.
Krra Meeker, Judge Slephrn A. Ixjv. -ell
of fendleton and Jaratea Thompson
f Boise were given, at the city park
immediately following the pageant.
yI W. C. A. girls served "a free din
ner to the pioneers. Perfect weather
-.: The .'closing afternoon of the cele
bration was marked by auto races.
youngsters, and a horseshoe pitching
contest for men. In the 10 mile motor
cycle race, free for alt. Joe Osborn
of Baker, on a Harley-Davidson, wai
first ; Frank Hottell of Baker, with a
Thor, second :Ben Rinard, Portland, on
an Indian Scout, third. In the race
for cars under 230 cubic inch displace
ment, .15 miles. Red Williams driving
a Studebaker Special, was first ; Carl
Jobe, .Seattle, driving a Ford Special,
second ; W. S. McDonald, Portland.
Ford Special, third. In the rare for
cars of, more than 230 cubic inch dis
placement, 15 miles. Jack Ross of Seat
tle, In a Stutz Special, was firsti time
1, minutes 21 seconds; G. k 'Southard,
Baker, In a Hudson Special, second ;
O. D. Scott, La Grande, Hudson Spe
xiaL third. In the 25 mile Free-for-all.
Jack Ross of Startle wion first: G.
X. Southard. Baker, in a Hudson Spe
cial, second,: Carl Jobe, Seattle, in a
Ford Special, third. ."' . , .
Grizzly Gulch, the ! town ' that knows
ll 1 -:
I 1
t " v,
l a- .x) Vf4 v-)
ri-t-r r LWrf-iHv f Jt ittii i ii a. a a. 11 i am i i
U--'-wdB r v " x T - 1
Winners In bathing gjrl-parade that was a feature of the Fourth of Jaly celebration at Seaside. I-ieft to
right Mist Pearl "Keys, sixth; Miss Kmmal Sies Johnson, fifth; Miss Naomi Smith, fourth; Mies Pa-
loma Heynemann, third; Miss Edna Hanon. second; Miss Ella Mae McMinn, first. In the center of
the group is little Betty Lou Williams, winner for entrants under six years.
- - s
no night, furnished -plenty of spice to ! with money that is bought in handfuls.
the crowd, with gambling of all kinds j A jitney dance on a hugs - platform
kept the merrymakers gay until the
wee hours of the morning.
Look, for the
YELLOW Diamond
and talk to the dealer
Who shows it
4. 1922
uMd th. new '"" the greatest
..nsfacuon. "V'V ' nt always
. onbl.som. JVnotth. aught
.wed down tight -;;sed it and
. With kindest regards, 1 am
Sincerely yours.
Mt. King C. 0taf.
-xr..t First Street,
OU will live, to see America pro
duce many a startling invention.
None will mean more to you in your
daily life as a man and a citizen than
the New Improved Gillette.
Look over the clean shaven young
men of affairs. .Typical of the kind of
men the world lis selecting to run its
business. ; '- -j -
This type of man hails the New Improved
Gillette ss the greatest shaving advance of
all times. -
For instance read this letter from Charles
M. Schwab.
Your dealer in the Yellow Diamond store
will show you the lew Improved Gillette.
Compare it with the best old-type razor, you
know. j
At every point you wjH find it a 75 finer
instrument for shaving. Some say even more.
Be sure to iave your dealer
show you the ;
Ttdcntm Shoulder i Micrometry Precision
Overhanging Cap I Automatic
Channeled Quard .Adjustment
' m w , w '. " s a
MBit It V: !.-: tnwsij wiewiTwtwUiwat
wsaia k l a
-!. ... r.
and up
' i-'i-- ? ;: -' f - - ja. .7 TT '"aaaaaBaaaaaaaaiBaaaaMaBaiaai
Seaside, Joly S. Twenty-five thou
sand persons .celebrated the Fourth, on
the Seaside beach.- The day was Ideal,
with warm sunshine but heat dispelled
by ocean- breezes. ' - '
Tha congestion was so great that the
bathing girls parade at noon.was given
with difficulty. Miss -Ella Mae Me
Minn, entered by the Bungalow dance
hall of Seaside, 'was awarded first
prize, with Miss Edna Hanon, entered
by the Leg Cabin drug store and con
fectioi.ery, second: Miss Paloma
Heynemann, entered by The Joining
Car," third ; Miss Naomi Smith, en
tered by Montag's. fourth ; Miss Km ma
Sies Johnson, fifth, and Miss Pear'
Keese, entered by A. G. Spalding &
m i s, P'ortiandi bixth.
Betty Lou Williams won the special
prise for entrants under 6 .years old.
The judges .were E. N. Hurd, Seaside :
Merle R. Chessman, Astoria ; Ed
Shockley, Astcria; Phil Metschan, Im
perial hote, Portland, and S. K. Kel
ler, Benson hot-l, Portland. v "
: Sweepstakes in the canoe race were
won by Toppendorf, who won the first
and. eighth races and, with Wirthelmer,
who won the second race, he took the
seventh event. M. Barber and Miss
Haskell wort the thirds race and, with
G. Barber, Bowers and Dunbar, M.
Barber was first in the fourth event.
DuYibar was the winner in the fifth
and sixth races.
The log rolling contest was won by
Earl May of Astoria, with E. Linn of
Astoria, second ; Arnold, Deer Island,
More than 4060 automobiles were here
from Portland and started homeward
at 3 o"clock . yesterday afternoon, a
steady stream departing until late at
Flames Destroy
Lineback House,
Oldest in Albany
Albany, Or.. July, 5. Fire Tuesday
destroyed the residence of Alva Line
back, said to be the oldest residence in
Albany and identified with the early
history of Oregon. The building- was
situated at Second and Washington
streets. Originally, in 1845. It was
erected as a blockhouse for protection
In the event of an Indian attack. It
was octagonal in shape. Later it was
used as a church and for a time the
buiding served as a courthouse after
an old Linn county courthouse was
The blaze originated in the roof.
The greater part of the contents had
been destroyed before the flames were
extinguished. The burned building was
owned by the heirs of the Dr. J. L. Hill
Wholesale Raids
Net Officers Big
Moonshine Hauls
j i
Marshfield. July 5. Raids made by
Sheriff Ellingeen and local officers re
sulted in the collection , of a large
amount of moonshine which had 'been
collected-t various places for, the
Fourth of July celebration.
"Hooming house, poor-halls and other
places hi North Bend and Marshfield
contributed various amounts. It was
reported bootleggers from Portland had
shipped a large quantity of liquor into
this territory and the raiding was au'te
general. '
Prisonex Picks Jail
Lock; Two Escape
Dallas, July 5. James Brook, serv
ing d nine months" sentence on a
charge of contributing to the delin
quency of a minor, and Archie Wilkin
son, locked up on a disorderly charge
broke jail here early Tuesday morn
ing. Both men are still at large Brook
had served 90 days of his sentence
when Wilkinson was placed in the jail
cage Mondaj. He picked the cage
lock, officials said, after which the bars
Trom a second story window were pried
off, giving the two prisoners an easy
avenue for escape.
.i3Lllie M- Alexander, who was
tJK8, tea,ch'tr of the Cascade
Locks school and whose suit for a bal
SoJ sa a,;y was decided against her,
cc?urt Case t0 the suPreme
': ; Made 6y
Srd and Heyt -
.' Phone: Broadway 4938
j '; cJ Merchandise ofJ Merit Only
: u
Now! A Clearance -of.
"Phoenix" Silk
-Drastic - Reductions
"Phoenix" Silk, Vests at $2.15
"Phoenix" Sak Bloomers $3.65
Silk-and-Fiberv Vests, at . $1,95
Oa.the First Floor
' Now! Odd Lots of
Neckwear to Clear ,
at Half Price
at ' 63c to 7.50 ,
Net 'collars net vests, lace col-?
lars in many styles'; ; lace-and-net-
collars ; guunpes, etcJ
Oa the. First Floor
Impressive ; Special Selling . of -
New Summer Frocks
Frocks of , Imported Dotted Voiles"
Frocks of Imported Rodier Voiles
Tailored Frocks of Beautiful Linens - f
You probably never- szfvv? such pretty dresses, such well
made dresses, such distinctly better grade dresses at a-price
v as little as $ 1 5 .00. They are some of ; the most beautiful
dresses the season has' brought forth- arid certainly they are
.values to establish a new record this season. ' ' : ? '
Voile dresses in straightline style many of them with net
collars and cuffs. Linen dresses in the popular coat style,
with white kid belts; embroidery trimming.
On the Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe Co.
Another Three Thousand Balls of
"Superfine" Yams
Less Than Half Price
1 9c Ball
White Black Brown Cinder Pink
Henna Midnight Blue Tan Turquoise
Periwinkle Pumpkin Orchid Bonfire Red '
Lignt-weight silk-and-wool yarn particularly suitable for making "
sweaters, dresses, ' scarfs, hats, bed jackets and marry, many . other
things that a woman's ingenuity will suggest They're one-ounce
balls and they are less than half price at 1 9c. '
1 ;
Children's Middy Dresses Reduced I
On the Fourth' Floor
LipmsD, Wolfe. Co.
Dresses in 2 to 6 Year Sizes At the Sale Price
They're Some of the Biggest Bargains of
This Season- Choice ; of the Group
at $1.59
All of the dresses from our regular stock- all of them
were priced considerably more, and' at their regular price
they were thoroughly exceptional values surely, mothers
of little girls will recognize the outf-the-cornmon advan
tages presented in this selling.
-Reduced to $1.59 are middy 'dresses of splendid white
jeans cloth trimmed with blue and red galatea that is striped
with white. Some of the dresses with emblems embroidered
on sleeves and vestees; others of the dresses are plain.
On the Fourth Floor LlpinaB, Wolfe & Co.
So Ideal for Summer
a new
The W. B. Formu-Band -we've just received
shipment an innovation for summer comforL ' '
It b not a corset nor a substitute for one, but a onceTin-a-whfle
garment to be worn when complete relaxation is
desirable while motoring, golfing, swimming or riding. r
The Formu-Band consists of a bandeau deftly, combined
with a lightly boned, elastic sectioned girdle, of washable
daintily brocaded material. At $2.50, $3.50 and $4.00.
Oa the Foarth, Floor Llpnaa, Wolfe Co. . ,
! Irish Linen-Tablecloths $2.95
45x45-Inch Size Specially Priced for Thursday ,
" This July clearance of pure linen tablecloths brings forth the lowest prices we
X have seen in years on linensof this fine quality. . They're genuine Irish linens, our
I " own importations, and you've choice of a good assortment of pleasing patterns.
Other sizes, are specially priced as follows: .
54x54inch special .$4.25 70x90-bu:h special ....... . $8.75
I ' 63x3-inch special .$5.50 70x1 08-inch special . . V .$10.50
7Cx72-inch special ' . .". $6.95 18x1 8-inch Napkins, dozen . . .$5.85
22x22-inch Napkins to match are special at $8.95 dozen
bbbka This Store Uses No Comparative Prices They Are Misleading and Often Untrue,