oh:;go:; daily journal rOIVTLAND, - OIllIGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1C22. SEVERAL GROUPS SPENT FOURTH IN 1H IB Mountain, climbing proved, te b one of this principal form of recreation' X of the Fourth ofJuly period. and Mount Hood. , Mount :.A.dm. mndf Moint St. 4-relens were .all scaled by; ambitious climbers. There were At. least Bine parties, six of them on Mount Hood.? Miiamta, under the leadership f Sir. and Mrs. John A. Ie, ascended Mount Hood for the first, time by Jit Farajflise Park route, making a 100 per cent telimb, and reporting the new way jo be even superior to the more fa miliar, route by camp Blossom. , It was the Maaamas first visit to r&rsudise Park, and the entire trip was fcomething of an exploration. About 63 Members were In the party ail told, of whom about 35 climbed the peak. In climbing: the mountain,-the party followed the ridge- that separates Lost Vreek from Big Zig Zag. and swung over I onto Zig Zag glacier 4ust above Mississippi head, a great rock cliff at the head of the Big Zig Zag canyon that divides the waters of the Sandy river front those of the Zig: Zag. OLTE FOC50 SHOBTEE : . "We found the route thoroughly fcasitbie, and if anything, shorter In instance than by Camp Blossom,"' saldVi Lee. i "The footing Is also setter and the route is more attractive." ; ,j The, party was divided into four iKluauds. Lee was in charge of that . illmb with .Frank Redman, I A. Nel on. Guide Zimmerman and Ben Newall 'as the squad captains. The start was made at 3 :30 a. m. Monday and the summit was reached at 11:30.- The go sing twas excellent. The party was in the shadow of the mountain until iheyi "were' a. short distance below Crater Hock. r Sunday preceding the climb, the Mazamas spent exploring Paradise Park, one of, the less known, regions of Mount Hood. They visited Reid glacier and the Great Sandy canyon oa tbe south side of Tocnm ridge that divides It from Ithe Muddy .Tort fed by the Sandy glacier.Tha Big Sandy, is a tremendous canyon, according to Lee, and. the Maiamas were unable- in' the short time at their disposal to find any feasible roufe for crossing It. ricTUBEsqrfc 'Ajrn bcgged , - "It is a very picturesque and rugged canyon," said lie. "In fact, the whole slope is just as rugged and picturesque as any mountain we have anywhere." There were several members of the Mountaineers'' club of Seattle with tbe Maaamas. :- - i '-'-CJ : The- Astoria." Auroras,, under lhe leadership of Eugene K. DoHnf of Portland, made their first climb up tbe south side, bt flood. ' There ..were ,13 Angoras and About 32 Portlanders in tiiis party, nona of whom, with, the ex ception of! three" or. four, had ever climbed the mountain. They made an easy ascent, : starting . from Camp Blossom at about 1 :45 a. m. and reach In the summit about noon. They re ported ' the snow in excellent condi tion....!: t 3 CLIMJ3 SOCTH SIDE Another party going; up toe south ride was composed of about 20 persona from Government Camp hotel, led toy Clem " Blakney, -' ' i s Eric LaMade led a party of three: consisting of his brother. Paul his 13-year-old nephew, PauL and Paul Thies, ever the top from the north side. The LaMade party, walked alt the way from Parkdale and -carried their packs,, al though the north side climb is eons'd ered far more strenuous than the south side, even when the start is made from Cloud Cap Inn. The LaMade party joined the Angora party on the summit and came down the sooth side. Dean Van Sandt led , a party of about 10 from Cloud Cap Inn ta tht surnmft. V. " C. foster of tie Portland Rail way. Light tt Power company, led a party of eight up the south sid. He joined-'wlth the Angora party crossing the snowflelds. CLIMB 3IOU3IT ADAMS Five Portland people ascended Mount Adams under the leadership of Walter Ha ynes. -There were 21 persona Hi the party of whom all climbed to within i(W f tet of the top and five went to the- summit.:- Those completing the climb were Major .Richard Park, R. P, Burkhead, George A. xBoak, A, O, Smith, and W. K Varwr. ' . Tbe'clim waainade from 'Morrison trek on thef south side tn about 13 hour. ,: The start: was made at 4 a. m. Sunday. The snow was very soft, mak ing the; climb somewhat" strenuous'. The party slid down a 45 degree slope lu making the descent. . On Monday tlwi party visited the ice caves near Ouleti,-? where, a. drop of 80 feet took them from 9S degrees in tbe shade to freezing temperature. 5 SCALE MOCST jST. BELB58 ' Mount St. lielanfl wa by no-means ig-ncred, at least sefca climbers reacb lnj Iti summit -Jobs pcott and John Beyers of ft Portland Railway, Lif ht & Power company and George Barter of tbe.Gexieral ijleetric company com posed one partyj : They left Portland Saturday morning by - automobila for Peterson's rancb-i From here they went to the. ranger station one mile op for the night. .Sunday, morning; with 60 pound packs, they hftced to Butte camp, whlcit they-reacted at l p.ra:Mon day morning at 8 o'clock they began to climb. They found snow conditions good And the weather very watra.' a 10 :30 a. m. they reached the summit, where they found the ranger cabin completely, buried in snow, with only the tip sticking out. . The snow was banked' 15 feet deep on the southwest side. Although t there was a strong southwest wind iblpwing. it -was -not cold and the snoW-was melting on top. Scott reported; The base was so heavy that they could not, even see Spirit lake to the- norih. although the peak of Rainier and Adams pierced through the smoke blanket. On the south side the haxe was ,nK quite so dense and they could see Some of the - hills bat none of the valley; ; ,They made s the descent in one hoar to camp and packed out Tuesday to Peterson's ranch. Another party, loom posed of four boys about 18 years fold, also climbed St Helens. ' " ' ' . Automobile tourists can be supplied with hot water by a new device utills ing the . beat of the motor exhaust gases of' a car. - ' " Fourtli of ; Jiily Celebration Is Fatal to Many Approximately 40 persons were killed and more than 250 injured in the coun try's Fourth of July celebration, ac cording to reports to the United Press today. - . . f. NcvjTork, where-children fired hun dreds of , thouaainds of dollars worth of fireworks, led the country with 11 dead ar.d 45 injured, y 3 . ; " : Irownings at bathing beaches in va rious parts of the country also added to the toll. ; Philadelphia, July 5. (U. P.) Lu cius Gray, S, had part of his cheek blown away when he placed a: lighted firecracker in his mouth. r Pittsburgh July 5 - U. P.) Three children and two men were shot and seriously injured in Fourth of July celebrations here,: Albany. Jf. Y., July 5. U. P.) Three persons are dead and 25 suffer ing 'injuries as A result of Independ ence day. celebration. - " i St. "., Paul. Minn.. July S. (U P.-i Four were injured, none seriously, by fireworks yesterday. Five drownings and three injured m automobile acci dents marked the holiday. - Chicago, July, 5. KU. P.) Six met death here In Fourth. of July acefdenta. Five were drowned and one was killed by fireworks. Sixteen werv In in jured, two by fireworks and the re mainder in auto accidents. Columbus,' Ohio, July 5. (U. P.) Independence day celebrations took a toll of' two here yesterday. Twenty were injured. Fairfax.- Cal., July 5. (U. P.) W. W. Rommel, 33, died of sanstroka on a mountain traJL x He was carried, on E. L Retnhold'a back five miles for aid. . Retahoid collapsed. . . v -. IXew Tork, July S. Ui P.J-Eleven deaths ' and -injuries, to more than 45 persons -was the - toll claimed by Fourth of July celebrations her, ' ac cordinr to a police check today. Two were killed by- fireworks, One boy shot his brother. ; Four men -were drowned and one roan did-ot .heart disease while bathing at local heaches. A woman and two hoys, were killed in automobile accidents. , , 4 - t San Rafael. Cal, July -R. (tl, P- Mrs. L Knopf ers hip waa fractal red and her two small -children i bruised when the automobile- she was! driving was struck by another car. . MUlbrae, CaX, July IU. P.) Seven, were injured and zoo shaken when a street car bound fof Pacific City from San 3Franclsco was derailed. Kansas City. Ma. Jufy 8.H!tr. Pr) Kansas City cut iu annual Fourth of July casualty toll to one injured yes terday.' t -" .'" .T i' "v Houston, Texsjiiy S.-U. P. r Celebrations in Sou,th Texas - yester day cost six lives at bathing resorts. Detroit,' July 5. (U p.-Three are dead and 49 Injured as the result of Fourth of July celebratiis and traf fic' accidents (U. P.) One core; injured toll here. " . - t P.) Six per drowning and in New Kng little girl was hen firecrack- ' Cincinnati, y July 6. ' dead and mora than a was the. Fourth ot July Boston, - July XJ eons lost their lives by in automobile accldenta land on the holiday. , A burned to 'deatlt' here ere set hef drtss on fire. " Seattle. July 5. t!T. P Four deaths and 1 injured, et which three are seriously hurt, was the holiday toll here yesterday. Bllensburg, Wash.. July 5. (U. P.) Two were killed here yesterday when a westbound passenger train struck, an automobile containing holiday -visitors. v- I A. J Grocery das mcrsea its profits An example of how the retailer must re vamp his. methods to meet new conditions WHEN A. G. Larned opened his grocery in 1$18, the problem was to get goods to sell -not to get customers to buy. Shipyards were run ning full swing, easy spending was at its height. Every time prices advanced, Larned s profits On his stock in creased. Why should he worry about such things as "turnover," and"" the dividing line between' overhead and profits? 4 When the turn came far; their money would ! f and people began to see how go, Larned tried to stop the gaps. He let a clerk go, cut down on his delivery serv ice, and took a smaller salary than he was entitled to. Yet, still he went into the red ink. ' y- But Larned had determination. He stayed awake nights thinking how he could change things. His lo cation was good -it was a neighborhood where many salaried people lived, and they had a relatively greater buying power than when things were at a peak.- - "Why not ask the bank?" was the idea that came to him. "They come in contact with business problem of all kinds." So he told his story to one of our officers. What Was Wrong? Larned thought he had all the facts about his busi ness.. When we asked him, about his turnover, he couldn't tell. Examination finally showed that his stock was only turning eight times a year, when the attainable standard is twelve times a year. He couldn't buy new, live goods because his capital was tied up. We pointed out that depreciation on delivery equip ment and interest on accounts receivable over 30 days due are items of expense. . The Problems That Puzzle. . Retailers Everywhere This problem of turnover of hidden "leaks" -is a vital one today. DunV record of failures in gro ceries, alone, during 1921 was 3007, as compared with 1359 during 1919. The Harvard School of Business Administration has made a national study of retail costs. It discloses the reason why so many, retailers are constantly going out of business. Merchahdising today ca,n't be kept on the right side of the ledger except by knowing not guessing. We Gladly Adtrise Our Patrons t The case of Larned's grocery is typical " of '-many which; need a "facing around" in their methods. Naturally, we can only adviset but in many cases, as in this one, a clear picture of what is wrong will lead to the remedy. - We are interested in the affairs of our customers, be they large orsinall. Feel free to consult with the officers ;of the First National at any time. Avail your- ' self of the services of the oldestyand largest national 'bank in the Northwest. . - .;. s ; ... :..':' . If you are not a patron of the First National wc invite your account. . THE FIRST MTONAL EANIi OF PGRTILANB l OREGON THE FIRST : NATtONAL BANK WEST OF THE ROCKr : FOUNTAINS HARD C.'G APPEALS FOR SUPPORT OF H. Ill - Marion, Ohio, July 5. -The prohibi tion amendment must be sustained by the government and public opinion President Harding declared in his In dependence Day speech here.-' The. pres-. klent'a speech was the principal event in the centennial celebration of Marion, his "home town. ' - : ' "The eighteenth amendment denies to a minority a fancied Senae of per sonal liberty, but the amendment is the will of America and must be sus tained by the : government and ublle opinion,; else contempt for the law will undermine our very foundations.-said Harding. , , ' . , : The president" made -no direct, ref erence "to the recent speech of Sec retary 'of War - Weeks,. In which weeks advocated light wines and beer; and urged modification of the dry laws. It was. however, one of. the few public, references the president has made to prohibition and as such a roused wide interest. j ': . : , . CtASS HOMUTATIOX FIATED ' - The President said that governments eannot . tolerate any class or group domination through, force. In discussing the .labor , situation in the country. --" .- -r American."; he .said. has the-t right to labor . n-ithout another a leave, - -it would be no less an abridg ment to deny men the tight to bargain "Governments cannot tojerate any class f grouped domination through force. It will be a sorry day when croup domination 14 refieeted in .our laws.. Government's laws which gov ernment 1 charged ; with. enforcing, must ; -? for all the people, ever aiming for" use- commoa good.Jv .-Harding again attacked the blocs and groups and those, fostering class prejudice. , , . . "My own outstanding conviction. he said, "after sixteen months in the presidency la that the greatest traitor to his country is he who apeals to pre judice and inflames . passion when sober judgment and honest speech are so necessary to firmly established tranquility and seeurlty. -. SATIOX PARES AfEtt ' President Harding id tBt aU is well in latenjjitlonal relations. -They; are secure today wim .more assuring prospects than erer before in the "history of the republic, he de clared -ifransly tvV have - broader viewpoint than . the founding i fathers ; we muft j have- because human prog ress ' has altered our, world relation hin.; Mvtt we have held firmly -to all the fundamentals to whioh they com mitted us. - "We cannot be aloof from the world, but we ' can Impress the world with American ideals." - - - - Discussing domestic affairs, the president said,: , .... . . , ."The constitution and the- laws spon sored by the majority must be en forced. VIfc does not maUer who op poses. Jf. an opposing minority has a just objection the rising tide of public c pinion will change the law. There is ho .abiding . liberty .under any . other .plan.- - v .. . . , . v ." "I. meaa to sound no note of pessi mism. This republic. Is secure. ." Men aces do arise, but. public opinion will efface 'Ahem, ' Meanwhile, government must- repress tbetn. - ,--,....; v.. 1 . VThe-elgbtheetttb amendmehi "denies to a; niima-ity.a fancied &euse of per aona) jirtyTurthe" amendment is the will of America and must be sustained by ,the 'government and public opinion, else contempt for the' law will under mine, our "'ery foundations. "The "foremost1 thought in -the Con stitution' is in the right to freedom and v the pursuit t eC happiness. Men must A be free to live and . achieve, s Liberty i dene in America when any man s denied by. anybody 1 the - .right to work and live by that work. It does not matter who denies. '. A ' free American' has the right . to labor ; without any other's leave. It woeld be no leas an abridgement to deny men the rtght to . bsrgaia collectively. Governments can- , cot tolerate any class or grouped dom Irjillon throusrh force. ' . - Jongtr Engfnt life Dealer who display tha aiga : eae Catal Fhiahing OH tor cata. tltercagh claaaiagvaad Zare fc, for cornet rcfiliiag. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Oliibeiua). R3 . o 9 om t Sluoea WAIT TILL ji or St Portlainikl9i Finest .ho Stock Goes ..i. r . . A Gigantic: Selling Event. Embracing Almost $75,000 Worth of America's Best Style Footwear TORE CLOSED Thursday and.; Friday ! --. DETAILS IN FRIDAY'S PAPER r MM st- -m j (3) (O - . MORRISON .ST. & CORBETT BLDG