t i -1 4. n tiara in I Wa IMMet, New Tot. Jnly S. T&e stock market totavy fwiliUeti expweiaUon so far. I k iahiurf kiitinta'-frtt (owinnd. It "Vat I km 111 1 I 4lfl MM. H0. but turn mack tnis was steribebl to tne holiday abventee- 4 " hn aatd ham muc.l to ID DIIWU IHIltt - tit ntua waa a itlc Uun. At all eimU, saaerl an Boimportant aa it waa. b -ui ou not w bolls -with- out interest. Hailwsy storks stood their ground, in fe af in stnk 1 naeenpuntleii. TU uuiastrwl lt Hot the iut PV; "" atrong end User were Butuber of tdtiBni is stock af the ape eialty tip. C'aporr ihirM wen -more uo ttceably ia demand. aaUcipetlBg ta d Tuct in the Bear fn- g n- af la anetal. . Meaty Sew las In Mack Hsary telling went od a Urnnsn mark. Mrk m eaoted baiora tn awiiinc ol tmti net la 'ew- terk at tat new low a( 2JJ. Froen thr leael UMa-e m a moderate re rorerfJata te the dr. and sterling and francs. wmre, bad tone dosra at the ttart. joined nt the rally. The lataat Germ a hpuM far foreign trade thoa tot tba -month of Mar again snowed toe effect aaica tha detDoraltza Licsa In taa mark is hating upon Germany's exports. It at troa Qiat Uir total was soma waat terser Uaan that far April, bat tba ad rent trart naJtnos w. Mill tltaeether extraor dinary. It ataod 6.2Uv.00O.ttOU markt against 1 H,CW.Otf in March and 1 .39S.uoo.uou a Mali. 1921. ThM 1 an interesting sequel to tna peadactioaa! made a rear ago. when m tli la oonaffj "were at toe worst erf oar trtmbtea. that UeeBsatxy would flood the world una sood produced at coat with wbxctx no other country coiSd hope to competiv Deflnita Prlcaa Nat Obtalnaata Tba (rata (a, of -oouraa, that men adaatase aa tvarmahr oaa mi Uirotua toe moor Tame meboned on a tirbaiad currency has been larcelr offset by tba treat inflation in Oer mo wage ami price and in the rapidly BtogBwnf feost of I raign nw natcraUn. ' Alone a ab , tins. German xnerrhant and manufae tnref. with tba exchange so disoriaoued, bare repeataoir aad to- i.m out in competition with other aaaonala benanae tbar coukl aot set dehnita prices upona orders caJling for future oetraacy. OaJf .Money Off The. call taoney market acaia ahowad the effect ot tba tenptarary withdrawal of fund iTolTed in the aadyaar settlement. The rata oa standing loaiv was fixed at a per cent. 1 iaa money and camiaercial paper remained at tba minimum of tba year. Tha X.ibertr I'll tai fourth .loan acaln touobed their aigaeac poani. Tba airicultnral .department' June eti ma tea on tba cotton scroti were the most im porfant cotitnbution to the news of the day twine" to. improtenient in the laestern part of tha bait durina; tha latter half of the month taa asarasa conomona were itlaced at 71. per rent as against 88.S at the cioae of Uar and .3 year ao. With an area under cuiuTtnoa s.zuu.auw acres larger than last year, that present indicatioa i, for a crop of aiicntiy mora than 11.00a.OttO bales asainat 7, 85 5.6 1 1 bates in 1921-22. Thesa fiamrea were in line with some of tha etatenaenta of priTaae (nrestiarators that rna eouo aaarcet was prepared tor a " high renaiuwi eauasaie. Alter sJl tha percenuge of 71.2 was still -well under tha normal the. 19-ytiar arerage at this time of the year ia lt.9. ' Then. too. the hctst carryoTer from f laat years depleted supply bad to be con atdered. The riew wtiich that cot ton trade took today waa that with such unusually low stocks vn- hand an 1 1 .OOO.OWO bales' forecast, where tliraa' critical months of crowing weather re main to be faced, was pretty small. Immedi ately oa pobbcatkm of oi report cotton r pcicea jumped forward lioli ntljr. In a few minute they were up mora than 100 point, with the October option sailing at 25c. th jbtchest of the ear ao far and 1 He a pound abort the extreme high of Jast October, when t!ia market waa in the midst of it scars over the faaiu corernment report, with, what ererea -to oa an underettunaie by nearlj 1.&OO.00O balaa. '1 be stock market draawd lasily through tha afttruoon. with buaiueas ati but at standstill. A little selling appeared from the i speculative bayers of the forenoon, but the) tone of the market waa steady up tu th end , rw Tark, Jtlf St tele la rices today MiatAlaeV M scc, wltk raprcaaataUra Isftes prartiesvlly wbara tfeay left off tl Satvrslar. Trad lif ati aU naoat af tha ttay. T da rn ad far raJUal States ; g:oraanBf bona eoarUaaed aad tba t oartk 4V4 rcasalaed tkc featsra of tai croav. rfa toacaiaa; tbalr klajk. aolaU Far 17 external laaas war tnrs;aJar. B- atjalcaa BrpBblle t f ! aoalled their ton of Ba year, whUt tha -. mark , Brain be aad Mcxlcsa so- erasBcat Usacs Inst a fraetlaa. Ia tka reraorate diTidaaa, V alted States Steel slBklnr Flic as Jasnaed a. aaiat be tween sales to 1H. WitM tka Una drawlBC to a close la wktck aolders ef Ike roBvcrtlMe f ar crat Bttirtrefes tka CoaseUdaled Gat com pa ay may rearert them lata stock, tkesa ktaads were aelllas; a bore lis today as aralast their final rlea af llf last week. The rail price f tka tssaa Is fi aad It la aDsarcBt that the balk of tka It- see has bera xehaafd. There was a half aatat adraare la tka J alias Kay- ser slnklas; faad Ts'of 14S fa sysnpatky with the streaattk today la the com air's stark. Marylaad Oil 8s with warraats rose a-ala aad Jjiteraatleaai Serraattle Maria Cs were hlRker. Tha Saw Tor City Tract lea bonds de rrlobed aothlar af special latereit bat tkere was some fresk selllaa; ia tka I Hadsaa aad Manhattan larames. lss actlrlty was displayed In tke hlrh rrkde railway ertrF- Prices generally, bowerer, held firm aad tke baylBsr of AUhlsaa GeaeraJ 4s carried these bonds to a new hlg-k far 1129. Sew York Central Cs aad Valoa Pa cific 9s were retniaeat aad there was a atiajht fata la tke sew Harea deaea tnre per cent mortrare. . Chicago aad Eastern nUnols ts ef l4t -were hid ip early a polat abeys Rataraay's elote aad the Kansas City So there Is fot to their prerlons ton. Slea. IX HOOD . 1 High. 10 w. 1 tide. 10t jl0 Sll(13 t . lrO4 . 86 . 82 .1 81 ! 7 f 1 XEW TOKkL BONDS New Tork, July 8. Following is asf official lUt of all beuds traded in on the New fork Stack styebaugt today with prices aad aalea up to and including the close of the market. Total sales today went $0,667.000,. againet 4, 206,1100 8atarday, , 5 6u a" week ago. holiday a year ago and holiday tw years ago. rrom January 1 to date (2,380,227. BOO againn tl .&IS.B52.CU0 a year ago, 061. 535,000 two years ago. UBEKT TBONPS do ttee ' and tL- 8ale. 44lJL.iberty 3 V s High. .100.16 Low. Close. l.'.i do 34a ret:..l0.a4 119 do let 4 '4 s. . 160.3 2 do lree "4S rglOO.04 4S1 do 2i 4-s ..100.0S 211 do 2d 4s rg e.2 374 do 3d 41t...l(t0.l 9, do 4 t rg... 09. n 4 13 do 4th 4 s. .100.30 14j do 4 Ha reg. .100.2 725Victory 44s ..10.54 2511 do 4a reg. 100.34 FOBKIGN BOSDS 2 .trrentine Ts ..10M 9S;iOO 100.08 100.14 io.04 iee.04 1.22 400. so 100.04 100.84 100.04 100.04 9. 2 100.00100.06 86 100.24 100.28 100.12V 100.20 10.4 100.5 100.2 100. JO Si do deb 5 . . tt'AUas Powder 7 H SO'B Oti ... 5f do ref Ss L do ct 4 14 . 5! do gold 4s . . 11 do 4 PLEaVWVi 5! do SHt 8W div! Bell TV! of Pa 7a,10 lSRarosuVa Ss a..pS l.Beih Steel re 4 if do p a Ji..,.j 80 ' . 7 do s. 4 S 1 Braden Copper S 8 A 2,Bklyn Edison 7 It; 107 Is lOSklja R T 7s etfat0S lj do TO e at. i 79. 2'By U K tt3rpdi 13, B R ftp eon HI l S Buah Ter Eg. 8! 1 4 tan Nor deb OHs lllH l.l',:an Pac 4s prttwlj 78 5, ten Ry Bzil 1 7t 4 1 !:nt of VaKy cn5s 6 llfen Pad at ref 4s 8 IjCen RR NJ 5s..108W S9j do Bk t'oGa 54 93 SiCerro de Pa CTtSaiUS U 2,C & O con ,5s. .1102 MtC It O crt 5s. . .f 3i 2;C (J crt 4 ; 8S .. It do C P'SK HChiiAlt rfgSareai B3W "2J do 3Hs ! 48 isiCBQjt eHs..tties4 1 i do gen 4s . . . j hi 91! do ref. B . . .W 7 1 do 3H B d' 82 is 7 tf. K. 1. bt- .;. 2 CbL Ur. West. tj nr. I. a I,, rtf. 5t rC M. 8t.P, CTt. I s 1-1 1051a lOOa 8BH 81H 8 TVi 1H 107 iO-2 t 4 60S s 8a 101 103 78 H 84 014. 90 110 n 96 H 10S I 93 118. 102 93 88 88 . 681 0 ies4 100 8T 81 1 108 103 94 SO 8 84 107 103 79 i 84 91 01 110 ' 77 e Hhi 96 89 108 93 118 102 S3 88 58 48 I 48 105 '105 H 4 Vs 6 a do rfg do crt. do 1 5 1 do deb. 4t 1) do E tir T. 2iC. at N. W. 7 21C. M. at Png. ! 1st 4s . . 8tChi. Ryu. Vo. fid. . , t . i Bl. u HI 80 I I 8Hl 62 t 74 H 79 0 90 I 91 100 82 79 Tt 89 88 8 74 79 b 90 102 91 100 82 bO Bit b0 68 A 62 t 8 I 68 1 a 79 .1 0 iOt 611 no 102 74 81 S2 Vi -81 99 H I 73 Si ll 04 1104 SOiOhile Cop col tr Csj 91 I 90 91 U 4 ClereU Trm 54silOSH!103 103 . 112;Oon Gas crt 71. 1117 llHill6H 2Ca Can 6g 8s at I 88) 86', 80 3 Cuban E R 5s. . 85 85 I 85 1 Cu U R 1st lien ) . ! ! ref 7 ... .103 1103 H il03 2 fVla k. Hud 5 '4s 103 1103 1103 1 iCK.I.tVP. gen. .( ; do rfg. 4s . . . j 1 jChicago Tel. 5s : . 14 C VV Ind con lKTttle Cop crt 7 74 1 814 i 82 81 t U9 I 73 H I 1041 73 81 82 ! 99 73 ORDER IS LARGE Texas Farnuers Are . Now More Hopeful 'v ' rort WortlT. Texat, July 3. Hot, dry wrath er, such at has obtained the latter part of June, bat raised the hopes of farmers, mer- 1 .chants and bankers throughout The Texas cot ton belt. Th farmers are now "engaged in .. a1 desperate battle against the 'dcrgatatiag boll "'wees-li. Tba peat mad Its" appearance tn tba Texas - field earlier this year than arer before aad its ' pratenejt' a' month ago discouraged all con nected with Southwestern agriculture. Tha beat besreveri has helped in the campaign ..to emp-out the acenl. All business men. eitkr and cotton growers of this taction are entering the lecond batf year with rt titing spirit. If tbe weather continues hot and dry tor 30 day, it is beliered the, spread -of the scourge will be controlled, and such wMathcr will repair much a the damage al- . ready done. June waa en of tha beat months known la th Southwest in two years. This applies ; to lt line of retail trade with th possible : .aseeptlm of" ' millinery, and wbeieaaie business : has dona eaually ss well. Jorbra ef eutomobu accumoria wer es- ' penally pleased with tb tint month of tha nmssefi The volume of trade was equal to , that of: -two years age. That, of coir, w a 4 direct result ef the bt Increase ia automo bile sale" by retail dealer ' - Sweden haa but Beveri coal roines, but tkeir production has been increasing steadQy since 191 J-- ; - 14 Beiainas 7 ..I107il07 5! do 8s 105 105 2,1 ' do s 101 11 8'Chines Ry 5s... 84) 64 5 City Bordeaux s 84 83 5 Copenhagen 5t 92 1 91 - 24 Pragu 7s , 89 88 lliLyons Ss 84 83 8 DManeiTlea Sa ... 84 83: 1 Porto Allerre 8 !101I101 2 Rio d Jn St. Iltft 1101 3! do 8t ctft .. .!191jl01J s.ouaoBs os n 2lSaa Paulo 8s .... 102 102 SfTokio 5s 70 89 liZurich 8 Ill i 111 i SSiDpt. Sn 7s tm ct 91 90 3 Danish 8 A 109 109 21 do 8 B 109 109 1 inominican 5t . . . 98 92 5;D Can 6 t notesilOl 100 7 do 6s '2 .... 99 98 93 do 5s '52 98 98 131 do 5s "31 ... 4 97 HI 97 55 D K 1 rets 6s '471 90 1 95 75; da rets t '82. 93 f 94 lS.r renen R 1US 103 Vi Sj do 7a 100 100 9 2!Imp Jap 1st 4 a 92 92 101 do 2d 4a... 91- 91 18! do etcrl loan 4s 77 76 14. Denmark St .... 110 1M9 25i do ctfs 6s.... 98 98 -3 do C 98 98 49iXeth rets .... 90 98 5 (Nor way 8s 11014 110 4iwedeu 8s 1102 1101 B.IBOlJTla S 1011101 7Chile '28 1102 181 12(Chile 8 '1 1104 1108 1.-H eecaosiT,j o I 95 1 95 3tl raguay 8t ....1051105 12tUueenslaad 7 . . 1 99 108 3: do 8s tf . . . IIOI 1101 UlSwiss 8s ilt9 1119 Rio Ode. de sulSs.101 1100 7iSso Paalo 8 . . . 1101 '101 49iC. K. of G. B.( Y & I. 5s '22jl08 107 j do '29 !l03t& 108 129; do '37 '14 H 103 35)18. of Bras. St.; 103 103 i2tlS,of Met. 5t..j 80 80 SOj do llrj-e 5s .. 88 i 55 88 8a 4 j 48 47 lUiax Rub S . . .:iOH100 a Am Ag Cta 7al03 103 . 2 do 1st crt 5. 1 95 95 .' Am Hmlt nt a. 92 92 107 105 101 4 54 83 s?l 83 83 101 101 101 82 102 70 111 91 109 109 93 100 98 98 97 95 94 103 100 92 l 70 no 98 , 98 96 110 101 101 101 104 95 105 108 101 119 101 101 Ilia 'iAnt F 6..jl91jl01 T A T t 6tjU4 4 1 do col tr 5s . . 3! do col 4s ... I Am V Work 5. iiB Wr Paper 6s. j liAnn Arbor 4t . . . 3 Armour r e 4 si 2 A T S FC-A 4! 35: do gen 4s . j 1 All Jc C A 1 5sB; liAU Fruit . eet Vtl 13AU.Refia s.. 88( 80! 97 91 82 88 87 89 92 92 99 38I 118 97 H 91 82 88 87 89 92 91 99 36 MAKE TH ESE OF Often yotx seek information, which you cannot find ; every day there is the desire to get at facts pertaining to your security holdings. Frequently you want quotations for, or to know about the stability of your securities and' the market for your bands' and stocks in cities other than New York. We offer you the services of our Statistical Department for i&forrxla tion, and our wide-spreading private wire service for quotations ahd mar- ' V kets. . . . . ' A - . "I . B1.YTH. VITTER. ti CO. . Fourth and Stark, .Portland San Francisco Chicago k Seattle ' Los Angeles - -New York ' - , .San Diego p D B G imp 5s 3L do -rfg 5s bk er 8 do 6 con 4t SiDet Edi rfg 6i. . 1 do rfg 5s SiDet Ri Tun 4 s 1 D Mstch deb 7 s IjD xIU V N gtn.6sj TilJup tte Ncn 7s SiDoo. Lt P 6. . 1 5jE (i cFn 7 20!Erie gen lien 4s. . lOjdo crt 4sA 28 do etrt 4tK. . 12! do ct 4sD. . . 1 Erie Gen Rirer 6ft 1 1 IFisk Bub Co fcs 80 77 Si 89 ! 80 77 Vi 88 I 102" 102 03 I 03 87 87 108 98 107 103 98 63 51 62 56 92 fi'Fr In det deb7si 1 4 ran Sugar 7 a 3 Gen Elec deb 6s. 1 do deb 5s ... . 8 Gyr TAR 8t'l 26 do 8t '31 4'firsnby Mia 8s. . 5 Gr Tk of Can. 7s. 5j do 6s -lit: a: s tsl 5s. .:. .1 !Hol Am Line. 6i K U A M ref 5s A 21 do adj inc. , 5st liH. Cent 6s . . . 60iIC VStLtVUjtSsA 4! Ill Cent rfg 4s, . . Hill Cent 4t. . . . . . 1 IU Cent 4s. . . . tint Rap Tr ref 5s lilnter Orm 8s. i . . 14 Int 4 Gr N adi 6sl 108 98 106 102 08 53 51 52 55 92 103il05 97 100 106 99 11S 102 98 112 102 78V.I 88 H 84 60 110 94 86 83 81 67 109 1 97 100 106 99 115 J01 98 112 102 79H 88 83 4 00 110 94 86 83 lM 81 U 87 100 51 3:Inter V Gr No 7t,lQ0 1100 J, Inter Paper St A.I 15!Inter Paper Ss B . I 291Inter M M a f 61 SIIbt. Oil 8s. . : . . 2, Kan Wty Sou i5s. 12iKan City Son :5s. I W Km Cy go 1st 3j S Kin C ter 1st 4sl rvsyser -js liKy Cent 4s. 87 8S I I 98 78 88 76 ( 83 I . (103 108 1 83 I 83 87 85 96 97 78 T, 88 70 83 80 77 83 102 'i 93 87 108 03 107 102 18 53 51 52 51S 92 105 97 100 106 99 113 102 99 112 102 79 88 83 60 110 94 86 83 81 67 109 51 100 87 85 96 97-t 78 88 70 83 108 83 109 89 9 loo 102 81 95 80 107 91 62 Kaattaa City. - Jul S.-f-On of the largest rdit far Hnnltu-rs rrtnar In this temtorr Baa awarded for lumber tat a asei in toe renstx-Betkut of a gigantic motor speedway. it It estimated that, laid end to end. th lumber would extend 1000 mile. - ' HARDWABS " New Orleans. July ,8. Hrdwre sales showed imiawement in Jane for the first urn tun rmmr The sririne sales were light. earteisIlT in farm lraBietneuw, oeca flood: condition in tha Mississippi tal es. ' STEEL Teungstown, Ohio. JaJy 3 "We ne'er did a larger olume of basines in our history i ... n.n.i.ur 1 0O Mr cent capacity. taid PnNbkst Jnliua Kshn of the Tretcon Steel VV reeiTinz both do- mertxc and foreign orders. Tbe outlook is for a bnsinaaa. unleas the coal or railroad i r ... r, TA " Pttsnn, July S. Jones IughUn hare rhAAnlni . fleet of barges loaded with steel nnvtnitti for shlnoient bv rirer at far south LouisTiUe, Ky-. this month.. HeaTy shipments a far south aa New Orleans would be made . .1 cm mi. r k- the bie nroducera of this dis- trir-t 4f the Ohio rirer were narigable south of Ittirille. COAL lTFmbuT. Jnlr S. Butler country coal oo- . m.. ... aiiAtlnl nriees of 33.25 to 83.60 n.r tnn For Pittsburg gas coal, run of tbe mins iha ntiotarion ia 33.25. Phlladelphi. July S. About th only bituminous coal arriring in thi city a.com- inrr i hi haecre from HimntUB Roads. Th shipments by rsil hare practically been dis continued. Trans-Atlantic steamship making this port are carrying sufficient coal to last them a round trip because of tha difficulty in securing bunker supplies here. GAS Dexter." Kan., July 3. Plans hue been completed for a 32. 000.000 plant here to utilize the produet of the Texter Union gas fields. CLASS Pittsburg. Jaly 8. Lighting glassware lias not fully responded te influence ot th ao- mestic manufacturing morement. she retail ers are said to har large stocks. FLOCR Pittsburs. Pa.. July 3. Th flour market quiet and dealers do not anticipate special betterment in the near future. There appears to be a slack of confidence in existing prices. Large consumers are picking up a car 'her and there to meet immediate demands and orders generally call for prompt delivery. Bakers are inclined t await new crop offers. 1 Kg Co E 1 a 6;1O91O0 t!lck Steel 6t . . 89 89 2 U Sh.atif.S.drbts 9 94 11". Val. coal 5s 10O loo 4Leb. Val 6s . . 103 102 1 1 Long la. debt Cs 81 81 2jLorril. Co. 5 .. 95: 9 8!Ixsnia.aUef.Bg.4t 80 78 ,11.. at X. 7s . . . .10T lt7 15:L. dc X. uni. 4s. . i 91 i 91 1 U tV X. 8 St,, L.dj 62 . I 62 1 L. & X. So. B.y.1 i Mon. j. 4 . ,i S4 80 1 80 ai l.rille at .-S.SV.O' 74 S 74 74 3iMn Sug db 7s 97 I 97 97 l;Man Ry Con 4s.. 6 66 4 1 6 . ..jMan HWiC 5s.. 87 97 ! 97 . . .illkt St-Ry eon 3si 88 j RH I 88 3 ill Hand OU Ss . . 1 02 1 1 02 1 02 j oo I vs .:. , . iu 115 5) do 8s war . .125 125 . ..(ilex Pet 8s. 107 jl07 iliiu wteel crt 5s. 88 I 88 4MStL lJtrfg 4sl 46 40 5 MStP & SSM 5s 99 5 do 6 V ..... 102 S list M T 4s B. . 67 141 do 5s A '42. 82 25 do adj 5s A 67 5 14) do s C 93 ljMo. Pac. rfc; 5s. 100 1 ! do rfi . , . .1 96 241 do 6s . 99 14j- do gen. 4st.,. 83 2 Mon r Co.. list 5 ( H I 1 llnntreal T. ref.5s 8" IfNassau Elec., 4s.. 1 61 . . . Xew Eng. T. T.l i i 1st 6s A. . . . S N O. oc N.E. 4 ) ;X.O.T.e-le. the. s; biX.I. Cen. con. 4j 18) do deb. 6s . . .1 1 do coi. 7s- . ... 1UN.Y. C. ec H. U. ! sen. s . . . 5 do 5s 2XTCMC c t SHsl 97 82 70 X 84 104 99 1W2H 7 82 H 66 93 100 90 99 ' S3 ! 9H H 86 61 97 82 H 70 84 104 115 125 107 t 0 09 lo2 H 67 2 58 9.1 1LHI 9K 63 4s 90 86 51 NEW YORK STOGKMARKET EXTREMELY DULL; ADVANCE IN COPPER SHARES ANTICIPATED Ata STOCKS YT?SN!llSOinHERN PINE gg-girilSyPPLYOF ; SOFT COAL LOW STAND GROUND :. ! aw ai.,-1 - 'eir Tork. Jaly 8, Tradlag; Ue rarh exehaar today etat dell -tlrelr arofessloaaj. There mere few price ehaata af aajr eeasee.aeaee. The tease-. of the ntarket reaerally era steady. Motor shares were tha lead ers, iieo maklar a aere hieh ( 89 ad Hsres Wheel rettlaf ha a 8t lor e first tins. Meoa Motors eras frsvetioa- aUytalrher aad Daraat Usees were a- ehaaretU ? i Statadard Oil ef Sew Tork, oa satait hariatT arders. west ai f rata 8tS tie 889. Staadard Oil af IndUaa flaetaa ted with marrow raare abere Satarday's clos- Ibst of 188. The Seataehr shares g-ataed a little groaad Asaea; taa la- dependent ells, Soatkera States reached a mew kieh record a 81. Mexleaa Sea board Issues were artlve at saaiswhat higher prices. Shelly Xaiiaad ef Mexico aad Mataal Oil held well, while Herri tt was soasewhaj; kesrj. la addltloa to the per eeat stock: dla-tdanal an- Sea Motor aaaeaaeed aa Satardar, It was thoaaht Uhsly that cask dltldends wo aid be coatiased at 1 east mar share oa tbe Increased capi tal. Gillette Safety Rasor. ea small baying- orders, rose 114 point. Gold Pictures, far the first time ia i loner while, drooped below 7. bat eah- eqnently rallied oa the apoearaaee ef saaporUav orders. Ancif tha mla-lag- Issaes there was a fair demaad for Aiaertcsa Ejploratloa. The bead list shewed yarjla rhangee. tTlarhester Repeatlas; Arms ;i lost a Half polat, ad Allied Pack, era Ss lost nearly a point. There were fi actional declines la Keaaecett Cop per 7s, BrasU IV aad Mtiltas 4s. Oa the ether hand, raited Oil Prod acts 8s were off V poiat, and Goodrich 7s aad Armour 7s were a trifle hig-her. Sales. STOt'kS : I High. 1 Low. 1 Bid. BREAD Atlanta. Ga.. July 3. A 13-ounce lof of bread at 4 cents ha mad 4 it appearance an th market here. MILK St. Ixiuia. July 3. Milk price were ad ranced July 1 and this product is now Quoted at 12 cent a quart, instead of 10c, and 7c a pint instead of 6c. FRUIT San Francisco, July 3. A fine peach crop is coming on. In spit of the large yield, growers ar slow to contract; price are firm. Detroit, July 3.-Th locl crop of trw berries is exhausted and prices are rising. First currants of th season brought 27c a quart. The crop is of excellent color and flaror. ( hemes continue to come to the De troit market in large Tolume. Prices are run ning from S3 to $4.25 for 24-quart case. Philadelphia, July X. Although wool prices are .firmly held in this market, trading is quiet. Demand from the world upon .wool spinners is net much better than tbe demand for eotton yarn. This is the slack season, howerer. PAINT I Atlanta. Ga., July 3. Th local plant of the Sherwin-William Paint company reports that business has increased 50 per cent orer a; year ago, and that still further lmprorement is' expected. Advances in prices are forecast. RADIO EQCIPMEXT St. Louis. July 8. Radio equipment busi ness is growing so fast tbat the Wagner Elec tric Manufacturing company has bought tn interest in the Colin D. Kennedy company, which will more its headquarters to St. Louis and open a factory, ' but will continue to run its San Francisco plant. SOOiFamous Playera . 100' Fed. Min & Smlt. j do pfd lOOFisk Tire ....... ..... IGen. Cigar . . . . (Gen Elec 45700(Gen. Motor - - I do 6 1600 ;Gen. Asphtrt . . : lOOIGoodrieh ...... jOQiGUddea Paint . . . J iOYanby : 500!Gt. Nor. Ore . . . 600) do pfd Greene Cananea 700 (Gulf S. Steel . . ..... Glen Alden . . . lOOjHoustan Ou . i . iUupp Motor i . . 2001111s. Cent .... 400!Inspirtion . . . , lint. Agr. Crp. e. j do pfd ' 200;interboro .....! 20Oj 'do pfd. ..... I " 1200Interstte Call n. jlnt. Harvester . . i - 100 Int. Merc.- Marinel 00l do pfd lOO tnt Xickel . . . .! : . . .'. iat. Ptper ...... do pfd "OOlInrtncible Oil . . 200jlslaod Oil '. Uewcl Tea lOOIE. t. Southern.. IK. C. So. pfd . . 800iKelly - hpringfiekd 1900 Kenneeott Keystone lire . . I-ack. Steel Lee ' Tire Lehigh VUy . . . LorBlard ........ Lowe Theatres L. & X. 89 11 , . . I . IS 15 65 89 .! 89 ( -! 77! Tt7i 80 11 is" ' 14 64 3Ji 14 38 77 '76 76 1105 1106 I 89 39 ioo 100 'sou Financial Houses To Observe Fourth Portland banks and bonding; houses as well as the Xew York and other Eastern markets, will observe July 4 as a holiday, according to announce ments made today. 97 2 i 70 84 104 XTCtVStL 1st 4sl M E Co ref 6 a 6s 77 94 74 89 109 82 89 79 03 72 40 S8 54 87 H 104 93 ie 34 91 109), 92 as X Pac 8s ter B. .1105 do Pr la 4 si 87 X States P 1st 5 91 U 20 S W Bell Tel 7s 108. 2Ore a Cat 1st 5100 8)0 S L let coo gti(404 il04 ao nsr w ... 12 1 92 XI GEL4VP do 5s . . XTXH4H e . do deha 4 liXTOaVW ref 1 6jXT Rys ref s 4 do tr co ttf S NTSAW g m 2t do ref 5t . . . 2 NT Tel deb Ss 6! do gen 4 s 4 do ref 8 ; . . li?iTWB 4 1SX ft V cob 4 4 IX V W crt eJT. 5;X Amn Edi, 6s 2'vir T m. ? 55 20! 1 6. 105;105105 77 04 ( 74 89 109 82 8 79 3 72 40 38 54 67 H 104 93 104 5 91 109 91 98 103 87 91 108 100 SeiO-WRRftX Pac O ft K 3. 14 Pe T ft T Ssrctx 7 Pack slot N 11PL MRR6 ctfs, -3 PS R R 7s. j. 311 do Ss do gold 6s 9t doGM4. TfPhil. Ry llPhil Co. ret ., 4 PVCA8L5 ser A I PhJc Ser Kl 6s. ltlRdinc gen 4 . . HRep. Ira ft Sa s l'BIJaW 1st 4s. S Rk IsArkftls. 44 - Z I iBLSFtwln i s A 1 fdo aer B : SLSF ra 6 C'28 34 do adj s "63 33 -do lac 6b '80 141 do ga 6aD 42 13LW 1st rtm -31 4L do con 4 S2. 8. St. 8V term 5. 9StPKC BL ! ' llStFMS-M ct Os. 2!HnAn4:APi 1st 4s 2iS A L rfg 4S.. Sj do adi A .. B s A u on y -- A 2 Sine Oil crt 7 5 a. Ill do 71 frets... 2'Shar SU IWp 84. ' 6 i So For Raes Set 74 1 Sa Belt t t T 5s S;So Pae crt 4 29f 91 lil at rir 4i '56-. I 8 41 dd eoi tn 4s '491 83 1 do S F term 4sl 82 8 Se By ccai &a 85 9i . do gen fa 1 j 68 Ta 30, dot, !! 1 Stand Mill 6 . - - . i 97 3'8td Oil Cl d TM103 8-eiftT Ce t Am TstlOl . SITet ft Psi 1st. 6tj 09 . & 3d Ate H 4s,.. j 8! d adl .... R94 Trl Edi let 7. .net 81 Hi 90 92 107 7914 .108 IOO 108 91 81 97 06 84 84 : 94 78 80 Tl 88 98 18 68 93 78 ? ;" . 80S 109 76 41 25 J58 104 98 1 98 94 99 84 89 t3 77 94 74 89 , 109 82 98 79 63 72 40 38 54 67 104 93 104 54 91 109 91 98 103 87 91 106 100 104 H. 92 81 81 80 90 92 92 107I107 9 79 108 109 ioo 1100 JOB 198 91 I-1 K 81 ( SI 97 97 98 I 96 84 1 84 83) 83 94 1 94 78 1 79 80 t 80 T1HI 71. 85f 83 98 98 7S 78 8 8 93 93 78 78 74 74 81 82 88 80 109 1109 75! 78 41 41 IS 1 ZS". 681 68 104 1104 98 1 08 U 87 97 07 97 9 (a 94 s 91 ' 01 Va 88 88S 88 i 88 82St 82 0J 1 9JH 81 86 a ioo -07 f 07 103ltet4 ioouei . 09 84 . ins ; 10 r 91 BOSTOX COPPliB Reported by Overbeck ft Arixona com Adventure Algoniah Alloue Arcadian Cel. ft Arts. Centennial Copper Range . . . . iHtvi Daly Haft Bune franklin Mining Hancock Ht Iretn Island Creek I-ake Ceprter Mar Old Colony Mohawk North lake Old Dominion Copper ...... United Shoe Mch do. pfd. Superior Copper , . . Trinity Copper Tuolumne V, . . . Ventura "Wyandott !...'...-. KTOC K8 Cooke Co. . 05 . 2i . 25 . 3 ' . 59 . 9 f . 43 , 7 H . 10 S 9 fa . 2 1 ,109 4 4 4 . 61 . 30 . 24 . 38 . 25 4 1 . 60 . 32 . 60 0 26 4 60 in 44 7 1 1 2 4 1 100 4 5 63 50 24 38 26 4 1 70 33 70 STATT4MEKT OF Portland 9)ank ! 1922 Monday. ! 36, 050,149 Monday. I 1,534.689 Taanma Banks transactions........ S 2,788,000 Ban Francisco Banks Monday . 329.600 Seattle Bank Clearings Monday H Balance Monday 4 Oakland Banks Clearinsa lfonrii, . Lot Angeles iankt Clearing Holiday . . . BANK Clearings Balance Monday s Clearings COAST 1921 Hotiday Holiday .000 5.582,76.- 1.499.039 8 2,158,900 I22,7T,683 Money aad Exchange Xew Xork, July ,3. (L X. 8.1 Call enoaey on the floor ef the Xew Tort Stock Exchange today ruled at 4 per cent; High 4 per cent; low per cent. Time money auirt; rates wer 4 4 per cent. The market for Prime Merehantile Paper ws eusrt. Can money in London today waa 1 cent. . sterling Exchange was steady with; business in Hankers' Bills at 84.12 for demand. per Verelg-n Esehahre Market Xew Tork. Jaty 8. Foreign exchange ctoaea asy tooay. ifemaad sterhng. S4.42 Bp e; francs. .0838. off .0003: lire. .0469. oft .0O0O; marks. .0028. eft .0001; Danish kronen. .2139. uarhangr ' . ayal Stores Jdarket Xew Tork. Jnty 8. Turpentine SATannah. 8118 i Saw York. 81.25. Rosia Sarannah. 94.43; Ntw Tetk, -Bales. I Tl IX 81000 f High. I Low. 0-n dd erts '27.1 5H 21 do refits ... 87 - lira Drug 8a .... 110 - 1 I'a Fnel Oa 6. . 96 ' 8 tl S Haft Mch 8100 lU S B ft 1 Ss.. 09 ltU 8 Robber 7s.. 102 11 do a 00 ! 16 tT 8 Steel T5s...'l03 llftah Pew ft L 6sl 90 liTa-C Cbm d es 00 ; 4j do T icteserA 98 8, do 7Hs 168 l,Ta 1 Cft C s. . 91 StVa Rt 8! 4.,.. -98H 21Wr 8a rf 7 191 : llt Kl 8. 22,100 . 4 West Md 4a 4 1IW N X ft Pagntai 78 ' lOiWeat Pac a .! R W C r 4i... 93 ljWest El l ,.,ijl08 ' 5 Wh ft V S cob 4! 72 13 Wilsoej 1 s. '41198 2j do ret as '28. 01 7 il2 1 Winston faasrm 44 89 40 Imp. Oil ef C.U14 lSoo int Pet C Ltd. -I 22 300 80 St CM ....( 14 8100 8 O M j. . I : SttOi 4 Ky 1 art) 8T 110 96 100 95 102 00 162 00 99 08 105 92 ? 101 He 64 7 88 91 188 72 87 01 t Close. 95 7 110 96 109 9H 192 80 103 i 99 99 U 96 105 ui 101 lee ft 84 8H 93 106 72 88 I 101 SilOS 82 j 82 lit, 114 21 22 14 14 -t'iI96ilO 196 100 400 S300 i766; 8000 700 Maxwell Motor db. B Macy Stores . . Mexs. Pet. .... Miami Midi State Oil Midlrale Steel 2 2 3 3 8 ' j 8 18 18 73 73 16 16 is' ' 14 1 1 24" ' j '24 " 47 "47 34 83 73 '7S 29 28 8400 300 iido 200 600 600 1900 400 18001M. K. ft T. wi 500 do. pfd. wi . . . Most. Power .... Meat. Wlrd .... Mod Pac do. pfd. M. fit. P. ft SSM Ms r land Oil . . . Martin ft Parry.. Xait Enamel . . . Namonal Lead . . . Xe'tfada Con Xew Hartn Xoefolk ft . . -North. Pacific . . . Xo Scotia Steel X. T. Air Brake . . X. ! T. Central . . Xoi Am .... Okla Prod ref. . . 1 OOjOntarlo RUter . . lOO.Ont ft W SOOjOtiB Steel OOiPatiHc Der 00?Pae Oka ft El . . . 3000Pae Oil 1 000 i Pan Am Pet. . . 10001 do B 4 700iPerin lOOIPeoples Gas t .... (Fere Marti 20ePure Oil ....... SOe'PralMps Pet .. . . 20OiPierce Arrow 1 00 i Pierce Oil 100 Pitt Coil ...... lOOlPitts ft Vet Tt 200 100 300 SOO BOO 100, iPenn 8ea Steel. iPressed Stl Car. Pullman , IRay Cons. ..... Reading I Remington (Replogl Steel .. . 70ORep 16 8. do nfd ........ 1 Rep Motors . . . . llOOlRoyal Dutch Oil. . ....Ry Steel Springs S O t lrginta . . . IOO! Scars Roebuck .. Shattuck. Aria. .. .Sbll T ft T .. N. 7300;Sinclsir O Ind . ... .is o x j Adams Express. . . lAdTknee) Bob . . . 200iAgTTehem. . . : . . j do aOOIAiax Rubber . , . . . Alaska Gold ..... (Alaska Junaaa . . SOOiAllied Ctvem. . . . . tAUis-Chasmer 1 do pfd .... 200Araer Beet Sutlri lOOlAia Bosch ...... I lAm Can Co. .... j do pfd. ..... .1 IOO1 Am Car ft Fdy 1 do pfd lAm Cot OU. ' JAm Drug . Bynd . . 1An? Hid ft Laath j do pfd -.1 200Am Ioe. lAm Intl Corp SOOIArn Lineeed.. ! ,., do pfd ..... .. SOOjAm Loco. ...... de pfd . . , ... 8S0'Am Saf Raxor: . . lSOOjAm Ship ft Cemrcf 4 00 Am Smelter..... 200) do pfd Am Snuff 300:Aa steel Fdy. . . . Aat Segar ...... 1 do pfd. ...... . . . . . (Am Sumatra 131 120" ' 87 24 178 "is 83 18 39 22 21 42 16 29 H 75 85 64 ' 7 " 25 HH 69 59 78 71 42 81 '4 i '36 49 18 V 8. 84 86 9 118 16 74 si 71 id 58 75 32 106 160 i20 " ' 66 23 170 18 38 18 39, '22 21 41 16 29 73 94 63 " j' V 25 11 8H 88 85 77 71 42 81 30 W 49 18 8 64 36 9 iis' 16 74 'si' ' 70 10 58 75 31 105 88 Hi 88 I 15 15 t- I I- 45 89 1163 ..1. 67 '45 38 162 104 1104 "83""88' ii2!iii' ;"i)"5H 21 1 59 97 851 I. I. ... 20 59 9T 85 80 11 46 IS 78 188 - 14 81 64 89 14 29 39 77 29 76 51 75 18 105 39 9 39 1 a 8 102 18 73 16 45 85 14 17 24 56 47 34 15 78 28 63 143 14 120 66 24 115 176 28 18 88 17 39 69 22 21 53 67 42 81 -49 93 16 29 107 74 82 75 94 63 3 7 15 11 8 68 65 7T 71 42 'si 80 Vk 49 18 7 64 36 9 7 118 16 74 S8 31 70 92 10 88 100 78 . 9 40 81 106 180 .62 17 39 64 15 1 67 48 95 48 88 46 net ili 25 8 18 7 104 41 52 110 lie ' 8 20 59 96 131 86 78 104 I 88 mt . Oarsnctess is based upon achievement F.W. BALTES & COMPANY Printers 1600 1 1300 IOO 2oe 4800 H)0 200 Tel ft Tai. .. Aaa ' Tobacco . do -' ..;- a Wool , . a pfd. W P Bfd.. -a aUae. Anaconda . . . . . Aas'd Oil Atchison . . . . . . pfd. ... At! Gulf ft W I. Bakrwia toco . do pfd. . -. B ft O ... . do pfd. Rarnadeil Corp . . Beth Steel "B". RfltMh Fiaa, 350iB R T ........ lOOjButte C ft Z... 280jBatte ft Sup.,.. .... Barns Bros. . . . . seeicaddo OU . . ; .fCalif Pecking . . 600. Calif Pet' ...-L do pfd. , (Can Pe .... ICeat Leather . . . SOOlCerre tie Pasco. . . . j Chandler Motor.. 2O0!Chicaeo ft X W. 200jChi. Gt W ,...d pfd. 650o;chiu cop. : . . . . 404tiCbin . 2O0iC M St J 12001 d nfd- - 8 700 Coco Cola 80010 ft O ,. . .,. .jCoks, F. ft I. . . . .... fCoio. Boathern. . . . . .ICol G ft Ease. , 2908 CoL Graph .... Con. Gat .... Cons. Cigars . . . 40 do pfd .... jContl Can . . . .... Cities See. Bkrs 600, Corn Prod $1 99 37 113 'di'" 76 8 28 37 ii" 61 38 '74 8 2i it 42 73 86 t. . , . . 4 117 .... do pfd. 1 1400 Ceeden Oilt 1400 C. R. I. ft P. . . 100 do "A" pfd. . . do "B- pfd. . . 2400 Crucible ; . . .... do pfd. 400 Cuba Can . . lO0 do pfd. 1 00 Cuban Amn. Sug 88 Low. I Bid. 2a 1128 ' .....1140 ....1139 1107 29 16 51 111 99 89 87 118 114 48 81 T8 T 87 27 118 70 76 81 94 137 31 36 69 74 8 20 -ei 61 f 9 '87 118 48 T5 27 6 27 10 61 35 74 V 20 28 2 41 72 66 4 1TS 1 88 25 41 73 66 28 45 83 4 116 38 8 63 By Edtoa B. Brnrta Boctoa. JolT 5.- The !aral tun nlie ot ptmmuixis coal ia Xew Ensiand has been pretty well used up end the coal airuauoa attracBnar more and moea attention tocauy. the strike eoBtinuea eeswxat more weeks manufacturing curtailment will begin. ICxoept foe this, hewerer, the outlook la Xew England fcr euoouragin. - Industrial acrtrity was aochtiy greater . ia Jane than ia May, despite the seasonal tendency toe a id downttt down. Tbe woolen , aad cotton . mills, except ahere there are labor treobles. are iairhr nu ana ar making money. There is, a feelinc in textile ciscias that the backboxiea of tha strike hate been broken, arttaouarh manufacturing is bernsj taaed sery aSowiy la the bit Xw Ms tap shire Bulls. The matal trades show stead tmDrorement, altneaeb ales - of machinery stiH are below naxmaU; The nomber at iOQUlriea tor new owioatent now cominst 4a are err aratiiytttc Lea titer. oe aad texts asufaetaien anl number of companies making avtomotKie parts and paper milts has aetmirerj esierea th market for new raachitiery and in tome tea hate made substantia! ml renames. ActiTitr in the boot and shoe factories has bttn tncreassBC tor atferal watk. aad normal faU bnameae ts looked forward to for the fiett time is two years. The paper industry, on tba other band, stowed - down. during the latter part of Jane. I SOO I Dome alines . . . I Dad ft Hndsoa . . . . . iDa-rUon Caem lOOlEndict. John. 10a . 400 Erie 400 do 1st pfd 400E1 Stor Batty... . iSlosv Shef 400 Sou Pacific . . . . 500;Sou Rt ...... 4 00 Stand. Oil Cal. . . . . . St. L. ft S. F. . . . . . . Strom. Car h. . . . 12100!Studebaher 700iTenn.Cop.ft Chem 60Texas Oil 200 Texas Pac . . . . 1 do C. ft O. . . 000iTob. Prod. . . . . 1200iTras. Coetl. Oil. 1500;rnion Oil Dl ... 500jUnion Pae .... (t'Bited Alloy . . jl'nited Drug . . . .... ;I"niUd Food Prod .... jl'nited Fruit . . . .... Union B. ft P. . . SOOT. S. C. I. Pipe. . a zoo 1 ta. Kti. stores SOOiC 8- Ind. Alcohol: . ... It,. 8. Rnb. . . .v. 100 do 1st pfd.. . . tr. S. Frnelt .. 0WiU. S. ttteel ... . 4001 do pffl ItlOOil tah Copper . . . lOOfVa. Chem .... I do pfd 5 0 0 1 Vanadium Steel . . 400ITiTtndoa ...... 4 00; Wabash .... 1 do A pfd. . . . . I do B pfd., . . .... IWells Fargo f . . 4 00j Western Pacf . . . . . do pfd. ..... . . . . I Western Cnion . .... IWo'tinghouse A 1 1100; do E As M . . .... (West Md, 100 White Motors . . 600Willy-Oerland . .... I do pfd . . . .Wilson Packing . , . . . . Woolworth . . . ; . Worth gto it Pumt 300 W. ft L. E. 110OI Whit oa- . 1001 White tiagle Oil .... (Money . ...... 102 102 . fl02 120 45 44 t 44 43 I 42 1 48 94 94 93 78 V, 74 78 f 72 1 99 16 18 15 84 34 34 23 23 23 29 28 29 120 I 44 78 78 I 78 18 15 15 28 22 ( 22 43 43 43 1 41 89 89 8t 23 28 23 103 103 103 .....I? 27 ... .!. 47 129 128 128 10 10 10 ,, 47 46, 47 28 26 26 27 79 79 78 14 14 14 21 20 21 139. 139 138 37 74 18? 82 1 81 31 30 66 I 60 ,66 II 33. 55 t 53 I 1 2 1105 105 185 I . 40 .99 I 98 98 ,1120 120 120 I 84H 63 02 1 SO 80 80 I. .... ....... 7 I 44 44 44 12 12.112 I 12 12t 12 1 1 80 I '20 t I 70 I 19 18 18 I 38 r 96 H 89 1 58 68 58 . . , - . 11 . 48 48 47 8 8 8 44 I f 42 t 157 '4 48 .j 14 13H 14 . 8 8 8 .) 27 J 37 28 I 4t 41 4 Total sales. Total sales, stocks 218.000 shares, bonds 36,503,000. ( ) Ex-diTidsnd 1 4 per cent t Kx-ditidentl per cent. ( J ) Ex dlridend 1 (4 per cent. Llrerpool bottoa Easier Liverpool July a.-Cotton Fair spot de mand; prices easier: sale ew.ba!ea. - American middlings, fair, 114.51:- good middlings. 813.48; lull middlmgs. six is middlings. 813,01; low middlings. 812:56 good ordinary, 311. 71; ordinary. 811.31. Futures steady. FOREIGN EXCHA5CE BATtS Corrected daHy by the foreign exchange de partment, of the united States .National bank. Quotation tvetow (except the ponnd ster ling ) are 4aoted oa the basis of 100 units sorvign currenoy. tipening nominal rates oil bard: transactions 1 rraft Cable Par Cbecks. Transfers. V slue. London Lbs. sterline.I Paris Frtncs. . Belgium Frkncsr Berlin Marks.. Genoa Lire. . . Athena Drachmas . . . Copenhagen Kroner. . . Christian! kroner ... Stockholm Kroner. . . Hongkong Currency 89.00 Jtpan len. . . 47.78 Shanghai Teal 79.75 Canadian dollar discount. 4 41 8.38 7.03 .23 4.67 2.03 21.40 16 65 28.76 4.41 H 8.84 7.94 .23 4.07 . 2.94 2145 16.70 28.80 60.13 47.90 80.05 8 per 4 868 18.30 19.80 23.81 19.30 19.30 26.70 26.70 28.70 cent. show although this 1 the height of the tc.i tson- ttana cieanecs. wees ny -were. regasteririg an incresM oeer tnoea t ja year. tSotst whole i and retail trtRte are sbdwint gains ot shoot 14 pec cent? iu ewe- , pariaoo to the rorreapooding pertod of 1921. ttgumng pel mi ts arc netng- isauea- n aiaiuwintx nlatM au sevir att -ntM 01 msuaesi hoproremeuU The actual olum ot tn snaney watoe ts recer in nearly Use thaa- for the saaw time last year. timber mills are running inu uat w keep pace with tba. demsnd which 1 ooming front ail eter the cooatrjk :? The- snoreament ef a bumper fruit crop 1 Weil nndfr- way and tmie are pounng money into the farm dstatcte. At a reault, country trade, ss kaep sBaT poo with Use ssvoatBtemb m tb ettiee. " jta resan of tne ataaost e audio ttm psatTBv sitKlwt tr ataw Bsooey rates, the bonsina sttttatsoci as.- tee aewte attbougb rent so far hare aaowar- lirtie tewdency to drop, la financial cirote there is teas actirity in honda, . altbonca new aieaea ar finding a twady. Jdadrid win W benefited by tha harncsAins "of tw rivera In S,-ain to provide 100,000 horsepower at a hy droeleetric ptao-t. TBASSPOBTATIOX WrHCRC AUTOtt RPAifS TH81 BUT ) a-t.aaaitfek aeatfTV Dullness of Trade - In Summer Absent l Lynn 0. tli San Francisco. Jnly .8. Th cttstomiry summer dultncta 1- absent ina ts sectioav. TTRANSPORTATIOK x.1. f.l !ll'..Uvr...',';V'..:'.'!iyv.'... SAH FRASCISC3 S K27UK3 - STEsJ.lSnP CCMPAST Few Sara tMcfactt ' From Portland Ainaworth Ddck ! STEAMER ROSE C3TT Tneoday, 19 a. ra Jaly - Tharsdayl A- f-s iy 1 ' and every t days tiereafter. ; tssG tint nam KttTUiia Promenade Deck . $28.80 OutsideSaloonDeck ....... 3s.4f - Inside Satoen Deck 24,08 Third Class ( Males Only). 18.00 Round Trip (Firs Class) &L0 All fares Irschsde berth i and meals while at sea. AdsaiMu trWewsW rf Sstwtm tt dafal at stftttt rat i HJ8 0 188 im ts 2si City Tioitet Office 3rd and WsfshiBsrtaa Phone Broadway 5831 . Freight Office, Ainaworth Dock Phone Broadway 26a esv'wsw trsUM r 1 ! 3 Dbt cm Calm Wafer IiuklePaMa.e' ' t7 the weacoat between Seattle ied Prtace Rupert is a 700milB aaaia of inlaad) .channels bordered oa either : aide with picturesque, aaow-capped mountains, etstcly : fjords aad erer greea forests, Every enjoyment of sv. sate water trip i your wholly tree" smrn rou gk tea. It'iadViigktiulcrnsie with the hixut km appomtments of tUaceJul steamship. See Canada taua year Lucerne, more picturesque thaa Switzerland J taper Park, the natsoaa! . ptaygroand Vattey-ed a Thowaand Fall, th most magnificent trip to ha 1 bad ia alt the Rockies Fraarr Rieer Canyon Prince Rupert, the eatswey . to AUeka. Sksieaa Rreer. ,.. . Ceondnenta! lJiriiter rf- . .vts 1. - ..1.1 . .i mi to avocKjea at tat tuaesi. altitude the easiest gradient and ' ia view of CaOAds's tixheat peaks SBsasaer eae. tieawta en : , t: greattr redaeed lataa. B. ft. Bajdrise, t. P. A. 80S Sd 81- PetAland, Or, d. d- Mewulre, 8). A. r. t. 0O2 t Ave Baattle, Wash- - ANCHOR ANCHOR-DONALDSON I Excellent Aixtunmedatloa I SUN 1 able at Lew Mate fee July. AtalV- N. T. tn Cherbourg and Southampton BeRCNQAFtta ....Jutytt Bu. a Ait), sa MAURETANIA ....July 18 MuSilB tVept. e QUITAHI fto.. 1 Aug. 22 Sept. 12 N. Y to Plytooath, Cherbdhrf and Hamburg CAROM A .duty 29 Auf. 81 Oct. - 8AXONIA ....... Aua. 3 Sept. 9 4st. 14 N. T. to Cobb (txueeastownt and Ltremni CABMANIA .. July 13 Aue.17 0et.l4 8CTTHIA (new) .. .duty 20 Aug. 84 Sept. 28 tscoeis (new)..Au6. 3 Sept, 7 ,... N. T. to Londonderry sod Glasgow ALGERIA July 16 Aua. 2S Sept. 23 COLUMBIA July 22 Aug. 1 Sept. 19 CAMERONIA . ..,.tcet. B Oct. 7 Hot. 4 Boston to Londonderry. Lirirpool. ELVSIA ...Aua. S ...... ASSYRIA . . ..Sept. IB .. ..,.. 'Stops at Glasgow. Poston to (Jueenatewa and Lrrerpool SAMARIA (new) Aug. 23 Sept. 20 CANADIAN SERVICE Via Picturesque ist, Lswrtscs Ilosth Montreal to Glasgow SATURNIA . JulylS'Aug. 11 Sept. 8 CASSANDRA July 2S Aug. 2B SepU 22 'Alto calls at Alonli. Ireland V : . Montreal to Lirerpool . TVRRHENIA (new) July 29 Stat. 2 Spt-SO LBANIA ...... .Ay. 10 Sept. 28 Oct. 21 avsonia ... . . .seat, ta ecwi no. 11 Montreal to Plymouth, Cherbourg thd Lontfod ANDANIA duly 22 Ao. 26 tept.23 ANTONIA ...... .Auf. 8 Sept. Oct. 12 For information, tickets, etc apply to Aganta er tympany- tmica, est raoaa tvuiott teas.. Local era. ik. nil 1 IdealVacationRpute to Europe Moderate Rates ' : iDown the picliritstTe St. glimpses of Old Canada two days in sheltered waters of rivet and gpalf short dtuation of the trip at iea-fiU your voyage with interest and variety if you cross by theWhite Star-Dominion v from Montreal via Quebec to Liverpool. ' f Sailings Every Saturday Days of hcalth-tiving rest and rcrjTstiota made doub ly pleasant try the cuisine nd scT-rice for which the White SUNDominlon ships Arc famous. Whether you to on the new 16, 600 ton Reft, er the well known de luxe steimer Mtgimtie or the cotnfortv Able CV or Catddafs, you will have every com. tort at moderate ratei. You land at Liverpool near the -English Lake District, the taounttdns of North Wales and many other scenes of deep touriit interest. Sailing Dates FtGIJA 3KCAWTIC CAS0P1C -CANADA : (Chftta aad 3rd Cla 3aly 8 (1st. 2ad. 3rd Class) July IS fCabla and Srd Class! vjaly 89 ttabla aad Ird Class) Wall St Aesr. It Aaa;. 19 Aig-.t el. 9 rtept. 9 KepL 18 tstpuzt C r. "sTltOBKTt 10 SECOND ATE. . '. 8-eatUe, er Xeeat Ag-este SeasideAstoria -North Beach Str. Georgijana: Lts. Daily (except Friday and Saturday) 8:30 A. M. t LYS. SATURDAY 12 NOON (No stops direct to' Astoria) (Direct connection for North Beach) v ' St f. Madeline Sat. only 8:30 A. M. - NIGHT SERVICE . L,s. daily except Sunday, 7:30 P. M. . Fare $1.85 one . way $3.00 season rOiind trip : Week-end round trip $2.50 All Boats make (direct connec tions for Seaside," Gearhart and North Beach. Atdei St. Dock Broadway 6344 THE HARKIN3 , . -TltANSPORTATION CO. AUitiiiiru. inuiinuui tails from Municipal Dock Na, TtfKSOAT, dUtY 11TH I and Erry Tuesaay Thereeftar . . Per AM FRANCISCO -.,.:.:'! . LOS AMGELE8 - SAN 0IC00 SPEC I At. ROUNO TAI: -":: Exoonaiow faAes StEALS AAO BERTH INOLUOEB Ska fttneiseo .......i. 880. 00 1x4 Angeles . -8T4.00 SaS WefO ............881.60 - - ticket orrtec : 101 8D ST. COR. STARK ' fHOWE .BROABWAT S4S1 Arts You Going lo Europe? . Or the Orient? Or Around the World? Why not gret experienced and asm. rate Information from one wbo rsas traveled extensively tor th Laneia t bis patrons! . : m Secard BteamsBfp HeserratlaaS AS8 . Tickets Jr'raat DORSEYB. SMITH MAS AG 6 '. JOURNAL TRAVEL BUltEAt; ISi feEOAliWlt . tORXLXSt), OH. x ritose jklarikatl 1IT8 4,l.iiiiB Pbo B...jlosn . it 93 i t lt y1 ?i do 1st s 47. 94i 93