The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 01, 1922, Page 14, Image 14

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U 1922.
Ctuirclies of Clirist m. .(Oregon pen ! Snhulal Convention Woday at ,urnerv
.J-The 32d annual convention of
. Churches of Christ r la. Oregon, con-
- -vened today at Turner, Or., with an
'Inspirational song service and sermon.
The, first convention session Is tomor
J row ; at 9:45 a. m. when the Bible
4 school session In charge of Mrs. Clara
- ! G. Esson, slate superintendent, will
be heed in the great tabernacle on the
- i. convention grounds. Large delega
. I ttons from Salenx Albany, CorvaUis,
' Eugene, Portland and other places are
expected to arrive in time for this
- service. Af 11 o'clock the Kev. ST. Earl
' Chifders will preach. The communion
service will be held at 3 o'clock fol
f lowing a sermon by the Rev. O. J. Law;
1 -Ernest B. Flake of Salem will lead the
" Christian Endeavor meeting1 at 6 :30
. and the Rev. Hugh D. Brunk will
preach at 8 o'clock.
- The school of methods or leadership
training school, will hold its first ses
i sion Monday morning from H to 10 :30
; when the Rev. Jesse M. Bader of St.
: Louis, Mo:, will give an address. The
' school will meet at the same hour"
i r every day of the convention, this being.
a new department added for the first
: time this year in charge of Mrs. Esson,
assisted by the Rev. and Mrs. Jesse M.
Bader of St. Louis. Mo. : .Miss Clara B.
Hunt of Seattle, and Roy K. Roadruck
' of Spokane, regional secretary of re-
ligious education for the Ndrthweet
; district.
: Monday afternoon the first sessions
"i bf the echool of evangelism, which
: will I be addressed by noted men of the
v "brotherhood, including c J. snarp oi
; Hammond,' Ind. ; Traverce Harrison of
".; Cincinnati, Ohio, and D. E. Snyder of
Indiana. Tuesday afternoon the Ore
i gop Christian Missionary society ses
sion will be held when C. V. Swander.
i state secretary for the past 14 years,
i will give Tiis annual report. -and ad
J Vlresses will be given by the Rev. W. F.
i Turner of Spokane, Northwest super
! lntendent of missions, and Andrew K.
Hensey, Congo missionary. ,
Wednesday afternoon the Woman's
Missionary society will have charge of
the . program. Mrs. M. H. Kendall,
; state president, will preside, The:
: honor roll service will be ini charge of
Mrs. Thomas Bailey of Eugene. Mrs.
i D. C. KeWems win give aji address,
r Bible school day will be observed on
- Thursday afternoon, Jn charge of Mrs.
Esson. The school of exangelism will
hold a second session on Friday after
: noon, with addresses by Jesse Kellems,
Traverse Harrison and W. L. Myers.
- Saturday will be devoted entirely to
Christian Endeavorers; concluding at
6:30 with a banquet. At which Ralph
Isaacson will - be toastrwaster. Sunday
i will conclude the convention with the
customary services. The Rev. Mr.
Bader will deliver special addresses one
or more times each day during the
j convention.
The Rev. Elijah V. Stivers, pastor of
! the First Christian church of Eugene,
. and president of the state board, will
preside over the convention.
Epworth Leaguers
To Visit Falls City
: . Epworth leaguers from the Portland
' an4 Salem districts wili spend the last
i week in July at Falls City, Or., their
i annual summer training school opening
i , at that time. Heretofore the leaguers
have . gathered at Jefferson, but the
rapid growth of the institute has
caused the management to1 look else
" .where for permanent grounds. The new
ait has 11 acres of fir grove, beauti-
. .. fully situated on a rising tract of
ground overlooking the city. It has
city water, electricity and a ball park.
, There r ia . also a mill pond near the
. park, where swimming is said to be
ldeal. On July 3 and 4 the young men
of the league are planning to drive to
, jsaiis-ciry ana put, tn grounds into
'condition for the institute. t
From July 14 to 21 a summer confer
ence for church workers will be held
.-'at Gladstone park under the auspices
of the Episcopal church. The staff of
instructors includes Dr. H. M. . Ram
sey, dean of St. Stephens Pro-Cathedral;
Dr. Herbert Powell of he Divin
ity School of the Pacific ; Canon Bliss
of Seattle; the Venerable Jay Claud
Black, archdeacon ; Mrs. E. T. Simp
eon. CorvaUis, and the Venerable G. II.
'Severance, Spokane. Arrangements are
-. in charge of the Rev. Thomas Jenkins,
secretary. "
- A Series of Four 20-ilinote
July Sunday Evening Sermons
By Dr. MacCaughey
Prefaced by Community Singing; led by
Jufar t". "What It ClUxwtWp?"
July i nhmt 1 Cirirt.lnlty?"
July 16: "WHil r. Our MIodam
Pertltt i
July 28 : "What Ar Our eaVafuards?"
Centenary Wilbur
Methodist Church
; .
East ioth and salmon
waltca bcnwei.l hinson
oanicl bryant
St V. tl m-tn m mm
tjSsat Morrison andllawthoma' Ave. Cars)
Rev. Bernard. B. Satcliffe
Calvary; Presbyterian
r Church
11 jM A. Kjied' Blessed Mai,' -
ts jr. At-latreaetlea to Stsdy of
II Corintkiaa.
'Why Man Was Seated"
The Bible records show God's plan for the uplift of h-Q-menity on this earth ; Also tiow suvd when th's
'iU be-attained and for what purpose present evil
experiences are necessary.
Sunday, 8 P. M., W. O. W. Temple
lit SU Betweea M-asfctarta AJdvr ' SeaU Tnm o CeUeeUea
3rvingtbn ChurcVs
3Plan eing iflaSe
ut By Srckitects
More than a year ago Dr. W. W.
Youngson, superintendent of Uft Port
land district, with Bishop , W. O.
Shepard ; and a
group of represen
ts t i e .Methodist
men of . Portland,
after a careful sur
vey, decided that
there waa ample
room for a new
church In Irvington.
f t Accordingly lots
t i .i
5 were puroia w
East 26th and Fre
mont streets, upon
which to erect
church building.
. For severaJNweeka
the Re. C C.
Rarick. executive
Ker. C. C. Karlek secretary of the
City Church Extension Society of the
Methodist church, has been going from
house to house in an effort to find out
hnv m anv Methodists and others in
that community would b Interested
in the new churcn enterpruw. f rom
the findings in the partial survey that
the Rev. Mr. Rarick has made, the so
ciety feels justified in going ahead
with the enterprise. The architects
are working out a plan for a church
tuildingfwith all. the social and recrea
tional features necessary in a modern-up-to-date
community church.
For the present the services will be
held in the assembly hall of the pub
lic school building at East 27th and
Fremont streets.
The Revi H. C. Jennnlga. D. D., one
of the great leaders of Methodism and
for many years general Agent of the
Methodist Book Concern, has moved
to Portland from Chicago and will
assist the pastor in perfecting the new
organization. Dr. Jennings has con
sented to teach the Bible class in the
Sunday school.
The first service in this new -enterprise
will be held tomorrow morning.
The Rev. Mr. Rarick will preach at 11
a. m. on the subject, "Chist and Human
Need." A cordial invitation is extended
to all in the vicinity of the new church
to attend.
Bible Taught at
Community. School
A community daily vacation Bfble
school is being conducted at th Fail
ing school building. The sessions are
held in the morning from 9 to 12.
More than 250 have enrolled. Music,
Bible study, handcraft, manual train
ing and cooking are taught. One in
teresting department is that for moth
ers. They have a class for Bible study
under the leadership of MJss O. E.
Henthorn of the First Presbyterian
church, after which Miss Bessie Bar
ton conducts a class, in cooking. Laws
of diet, food combinations, food values,
planning, preparing and serving meals
are discussed. The class then prepares
the lunch for the teachers of the
school. There are almost as many boys
as girls enrolled in the school. It is
under the joint auspices of the Fourth
Presbyterian church and the Portland
Settlemwit Center. The Rev. Monroe
Q.: Everett, pastor of the Fourth i'rea-
byterian churcn, principal. A pic
liic will bn held at the close of the
school. Friday afternoon. July 7, in
Peninsula park. All members of the
Sunday schools of Settlement Center
and the Fourth Presbyterian church
are invitea to tne picnic
A pageant entitled "Out of the Bi
ble," will be presented by the children
of .the iast Side dally vacation Blbie
school at Centenary-Wilbur Methodist
church next Friday night This page
ant will mark the conclusion of the
Bible school work for this summer.
The graduating exercises for the school
will be held at the same hour. The
churches cooperating in this Bible
school, which is meeting at the Buck-
man public school, is centenary-w-u-bur,
' Central Presbyterian, East Side
Christian and First United Brethren.
8 .
Congregations of", ihe First Metho
dist and .-Centenary-Wilbur Methodist
churches were surprised last- Sunday
morning to find that their pastors had
exchanged pulpits. Both clergymen
made no previous announcement of the
special arrangement, not evei , their
wives knowing of the change.! This
exchange followed a similar visit by
laymen to the prayer meeting services.
Northwest Corner
Twelfth and Taylor Sts.
B. Earle Parker, X-
"The Unobserved ArrivaV
Dr. Parker
"God and Civilization"
r Dr. John Pixrsons
First Congregational
Broadway sad IJ 'Cars to Block ot Chorda.
T:48 BUS DR.' IsHECVEEN sVniura
Qua st term
1 What was Dr.r Kathanaa end why was
b aaaaaaiiiatedt -
2 Weebt the re lass of th political pris
oner t a coed . way to celebrate
July '4tlil
S Is human rtaturs iiHrurahly selfish?
IS 40 'oo eMea Ro Frcn -H.
P. I.EK. Leader .t;
s' 1
Tfcis Ssajeet Clearly asd Xaterestlaglr T14 y
TJnder the Ausptcea of, th
latematiotvali Bible Students', Association
important- ews
At a recent meeting ministers in the
Laurelhurst park neighborhood it wa
decided to make music a special feat
ur t the park vesper services, this
yearv The following committee on
Tnusio was appointed : O. V. Badley of
Sunnyside Methodist church, chairman.
Prof. A- J, Hollingsworth of Sunnyside
Congregational church, and Mrs. Amy
O. Welch of First "United Presbyter
ian church. The first park meeting
will be held Julv 9 ut r. m
. To data the f oliovins charrh tkrooeh thoir
paavon. wn ammwa utu. orare to eoafwnU
J?. I?"; aerrtcM: Glencaa Baptist, th Rt.
W. B. Stewart, paator; Atkinson Memorial t oo
BircaUtmal, the Her. E. E. Flint, pastor; Bua
nywde Concregationa!, Or. J. J. 8Uub. paMor;
First Friend, the Rer. Chester A. Hadley,
pastor; Snnnjude .Methodist.' Dr. Thomas .
GaBaaher. putnr; Firat Cnitad Prrsbyteriajl,
the Hey. H. p. Giren pastor.
Mtuie viU also b a feature of the me tines
to be held in Peninsula park, the oomnktH
harinc chanre of this part of the proeram be
inc the Rer. Car 8. Donn and the Rev. J.
Francis Momn. It ia nlanned an hM th y;rt
Uneetins on July at, i. p. m. The ministers
wno are co operating are the ICer. v,. I KileT.
Highland Baptist church; the ReV, Joseph I.
Boyd. t"hrjstian church at Rodney and Knptt
streeu: tea Key. J. H. Irrine. Woodlawn Meth
odist church; the HeT. J. Francis 'Morgan,
Piedmont Presbyterian church ; and the Kct.
Carl S. ' Dunn, Kantoa United Presbyterian
Advent Christian
The Woman's Home and Foreign
Mission society of the Advent Chris
tian church. Second street between
Hall and Lincoln streets, held its an
nual meeting at the home of Mrs.
James I. Marshall! The officers elected
for the ehsuing .year are : president,
Mrs. Frank Johnson ; vice president,
Mrs. George Armstrong ; secretary,
Mrs. Orvil Barker ; treasurer, Mrs.
Homer Burgett. Mrs. George Bing
ham, the retiring secretary reperted'
925.52 raised, duripg the year. The
pastor reported that he is making
plans for an intensive evangelistic
campaign to begin soon after the camp
meeting season closes. Tomorrow
morning at 11 o'clock the communion
of the Lord's supper will be observed,
and at 7 :30 p. m. the pastor will speak.
The meeting of the Portland Bap
tist Minister's Conference will be held
Monday, September 11. At the meeting
last Monday at the White Temple
the newly elected officers were in
stalled. They are: president. W. L.
Riley ; vice -president,- W. B. Stewart ;
secretary-treasurer F. W. Thompson.
At the White Temple (First Baptist church)
Sunday ereninc. ex-Rabbi Joseph Goldman,
noted author, srill speak on "Palestine: Pas,
Present and Future." Mr. Goldman escaped
from Russia by way of Japan, and has a
story to tell of thrilling experiences suffered at
th hanan of the BolsherUci in the' red rerolu
tiou of 1917. They murdered all his familv.
except , one son who was killed as an American
soldier in Belleau Wood, at the battle of
Chateau Thierry. Dr. Thomas J. VUlers. in
riew of our National birthday, will delirer a
patriotic sermon at th morning sen-ice. Cosn-
Third Sunday After Trinity1 !
- "Exekial." th Watchman of Israel." Esek.
2:1-6; 8:17-21.
Golden Text "Seek ye Jehovah while he
may be t,oond ; call y upon Him while He is
near; let tlieS(rickrd forsake his way, and the
unrightacms man. bi thoughts; and let him re
turn unto Jehovaih and He will ljav mercy
npon him : and to our tjod. (or he will abund
antly pardon. Isa, 55 ;6. 7.
Christian Endeavor "Better Praying." Matt.
7:7-11. .
Kpworth. Leacae Address.
Biptist Union "Better Praying." Mad.
First (Whit Temple) lath at Taylor. Dr.
T. I. VUlers. "A Patriot Appeal." and com
munion; 8, "Palestine; Past. Present and Fu
ture' by ei-Rabbi Joseph Goldman.
East Sid K. Sitftii at Salmon. - lr. W. B.
Hinson and Bev. Daniel Bryant. Preaching
by Bev. Dasiiel Bryant 11, "Communion,
with God." and communion: 7:5, "Th Weak
ness of Modern Evangelism."
Third Vancouver at Knott 11, 7:30.
' Arleta 18th ava. at 64th-st. S, B. Bar.
Owen T. Day. 11, 7:30.
Calvary1 E. 8th at Urant. Kev. J. K.
Thomas. It, "Ekials Wonderful Ufi Traus
fonning Vision"; S. "The Great Savior' Inter
est in Things Little." ,
Glenco K. 46 th at Main. Hv. W. B.
Stewart. .11, 8. , i .
isellwood Bethany K. 11th at Tscoma.
Kev. C 8. Tusaell. 11. 7:80.
Gran E. 76th at Ash. Her. J. F. Huck
elberry. 11, 7:80.
Uwedisb lth at Hoyt. Kev. T. G. Bjolan
der. lt:S0, 7:80.
St. Johns Chicago at Leonard. 11, 7 :80.
Highland E. 6th at Alberta. Kev. Walter
L. Biles. 11. "Is Our Modern Civilisation.
Self Destruction ? "
Tabernacle r.. eoui its. as vu n- ti,
snH ft urmnn bv Bev. W. N. Perm.
C Diversity Park Drew at tlik. KeV. G.
l( KfhUrx-h IsuudIVI. 11. 8.
alv Olivet (colored') Broadway at Everett.
Kev. J. W. Anderson. II, S.
Lenta 88ti St. at SOth are, Kev. E. A.
Smith. 11, 8.
Second German Kodney, at Morrta. Kev.
r. Holt man. 11. 7 :8D.
Italian Mission E. 44th at Sherman. Kev,
Eugen Fantetti. 2:80, school: 8.
Klim Swedish K, 6 til at Alberta. Kev.
Harold Nelson. 2:80.
Cathedral ISth at Davja, Kev. Goers J.
U, 7:la, 0:du, :o, xi
St Peters Lenta.
X 111.1(1 7 :SU.
Kev, J. P. O'Flynn.
St lawrebce 3d at Sherman. Kev. J. C
Hughes. 7:15, 8:3, 10.30, T :80.
St Francis E. 12th at Pine. Bev. 1. U
McNamee. 8. 8. . 10. 11.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams at
Stanton. Kev. W. A. Daly. 0, 8. . 11,
Holy Koaary E. 3d at Clackamas. Kev.
Arthur Townlev. O. P. 8. 7. 8. 8. 11. 7 :80
St Boa K. 53d at Alameda. Kev. J. St.
O Farrell. S, .10 :80. 4.
St a Andrews K. itth at Alberta.. Kev
Thomas Kiernan. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
Tbe Madeleine E. 5! 4th at Siskiyou. Kev.
Geora '. Tshsbsoh. . 7:30. H.,11.
Ascension E. 74th at XanihiU. Francisean
Fathera. 8. 10:S0 7:80.
Blessed Sacrament Maryland at Blsndena.
Kev. M. V. KeUy. 8. 10:80. 7:XJ.
Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin. . Bev. C. Ray
mond. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St Ignatius 3220 48f st S. E. Jesuit
Fathers. 8:30. 8. 10:80. 7.
St Stephens K. 43d at Taylor. Kev. War
ren A. Want . 8, :lo 11, 7:80.
Holy itadeemer Portland- bivd. at V
ver ave. Kev. P. Brecenser. C 8. 8. .
6. 8. 10:30. 7:80.
St Pkaltn Nen, (Psulwt Fathers) K. 18th
t hickory. Kev. At U. Jnerry. v. S. r. 7 :8.
8, 10:38. 4
Churck sat the Assntmption 8. Smith av.
at Newton. ServU Fathen.. 8, 8. 18:80.
Sacred Hear K. 1 1th at CenterT Kev.
Gregory KoM. . 8. K. ,8, 10:30. 7:SO.
St Aaathn E. 15tn at Nehalem. Kev.
John' Cutnmuky. . S. 10:80. i
Stv Stanislaus- polish 1 alary is rid 1 at Fall
ing. ltv. F. Matnsewaki. 8, 10:30, 7:30.
St Joseph (German) 16th at Ceaeh. 1U.
Frowin Epper 8. 10:80. 7:80.
St Mtcisael Italian) 4th at MilL Kev.
si. Balcata. E. J. e :S0. 10:80, 7:30. .
St dsvres Gapitoi Hill. Father Aloysiaa.
O. F. M. 7:16, 8:18.
8t Cnartsa E. fid at ABwrts. Ber. M.
Wallaoa. 8. 10:8O.
Alt Salute E. 8th at Uhann. Kev. Wil
liam Cronus. , 10:30,
stneks lyth at SarVrr. Jtev. Chazlae
it. Smith. Masse. 7. 8:80.-10. 7:4.
8u Kirgitta's Chapel Linn ton - Glen Har
bor. t Attended from, St Patricks.) 8 ;39
a. m. ' . - - -i -. .- ' -
.Our ldy ot. Sorrows IS, 62d at Wood
stock. Kev. G. C Failu. 8. 10:45. 7:45.
; St Anthony Chapel 122 46th ava. Bee.
G. At. Snaserhorn. a. nt
Holy Family ChajW E. 37th at Bet. Kev.
ti. U. niiu. :4S.
" First Sunday serrieea temporarily' ' the
toneola iuah school. PArfe susd Market seiwata.
Rev. Harokt H. Griffs pastor. 11. -Tirts
Biblical Fonts"; . 7H5. "The Invlccibl
Strategy." k --.'---.-.
Jvst Side E- 15th and Taylor. B. W.
treekett "11; Th Historic Pie of th
Disciples of Christ" continued) ; 8. "Betri
botiow th Law of Nevoaarty." -
ewrt of Chris. Kodncy and Esett Bit.
Aeseph Boyd. 11. 7:46.
- Mossta villa S. 78th and GUsan., Bv, J.
E. Hoskiai. 11, 7:30. . I .
Kern Park Bev. J. r. Chorale j. 11. TiSO.
St JoW-f-Central and Cksweco. baa. H--bert
Josms. ill, 8. , , -
leclewood E- 36th at KiUinaTWorth.' Ber.
m. E. lrkv S.-45. 11. 7:30. - .
SUwooi E 8th and Spokan. Bev. "J.
of Portland Churcn es and joung
toaxaoa, with reception of new members, via
In the East Bide Baptist eharch Sunday the
associated paster, the Kev. Daniel Bryant, will
preach. At th. inornina service the Lord's sap
per will be observed. Daring Dr. Hinson's ab
sence for tne month of July Mr. Bryant will
ha full eharga.of th aerricaa. Next Sunday
th first senmm preadbed by Dr. Hinson on
"Conaa Doyle and th Bible" win be printed
In pamphlet , form and ready for distribution.
The yoojkg people wta bold a special service at
th Patten Haas tor the Aged tomorrow after
noon, at S "o'clock, and at 6;S0 their regular
service in the lower halL All of th services of
th church will be maintained as usual threugh
ot th summer months. ,
Calvary Baptist church and Sunday school
will picnic at Columbia Park on July , as
baa been their custom for several years.
i Christian
The Rev. Harold H. Griff is will speak
to hisi congreagtion of the First Cfaris
tion hurch . tomorrow both morning
and evening, conducting the services
in the Lincoln high school auditorium,
two blocks south of the site on which
the new house of worship la being
in the morning the discourse will be S du
ensaion of three types of people described iu
th scripture as hoitile to the religions life. : A
feature of the service will bs a soprano solo, .
"How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings" tLiddte).
by Miss Uene Crater, recently of New York
city, now in Portland as guest of- ber sister.
Mrs, "A.- MeKechnie, No. 7 77 Sandy boule
vard. Following a musical program -in the
evening by the chorus choir under the direc
tion of L. Carroll Day. the pastor will dis
cuss the various methods of warfare employed
in the individual's personal battle of life. The
board of church officers, including the elders
and the deacons, of whicn M. B. Meacham is
chairman, will meet on Monday evening at the
dinner hour in the Y. M. C. A. dining room
in reruisr business session.
SeUwood park will be the scene on July
15 of the annual Sunday school picnio of the
East Sid Christian church. J. B. Protxman,
superintendent, has named the folio wine com
mittee on arrangements: T. P. Campbell. M.
W. Pennington, Eugene Cbisholm, Mr. J. J.
lusher. Mrs. Prouman. A group of mem
bers left today to represent th church at the
state convention at Turner, Or
"A. True Sense of Values" Is Dr. W.
T. McEUveen's topic at the First Con
gregational church Sunday morning.
Sunday evening he will conduct a ques
tion service.
Three qnestions he will answer are; (l)"Who
wai Dr. Bathenan and wtiy was ha assassin
ated?" (2) "Would the release of the po
litical prisoners be a good way to celebrate
Independence day"; (3i "Is human nature in
curably selfish!" Mrs. V. B. Newton will
prelude both service with brief recitals, and
Miss Lola Keman will sing. At the churcJ:
school Ma V. B. Uargreaves wilt lecture on
"The First Tear of the Ministry of Jesus."
Thirty-nine stereo ptioon views will illustrate
th lectnre. George L. Cleaver will preside at
the golden rule forum, where there will b a
discussion on "The Elimination of Poverty."
The Lord's supper will be celebrated at
Sunnyside Congregational church Sunday
morning, . and Dr. gtaub will oocupv his pul
pit both morning and evening. The -inter-
B. Johnson. 11, 7:80.
Advent Chrwtian 438 2d. Bev. George
Armstrong. 11, communion; 7:30, "Sealed
for a Day of Redemption."
Christian Science
lesson Subject "God."
First 19th and Everett 11, 8.
Second E. 6th and Ilelladay. II, 8.
Third- E. 12th and Salmon. 11, 8.
Fourth Vancouver and Emerson. 11, 8.
Fifth 6 2d and 4 2d are. S. E. 11.
Sixth Mason'c temple. 388 Tamhin. 11,8.
Seventh Smith ave. and New York. 11.
All churches Wednesday, 8, p. m.
First Park and Uadison. Dr. W. T. Ms
Elveen. II. "A True Sense of Value"; 7:36.
Question and answer servic.
Sunnyside E. 32d ana Taylor. Dr. J. 3.
Staub. 11. "The Gleam of Victory"; 7:45
Staub. 11. "The Glesjm of Victory"; 7
" V.H i n it in TTnfrm,nntMl flrmmt "
Atkinson Mauinrial E. 29th and Everett
Kev. E. E. Flint 11. "The Camouflage of
Christian Union "; 7:45. "The Search for That
Highland E. 6th and Prescott Kev; Ed
ward Constant 11, "Christian Patriotism'
no evening service.
Waver!igh Heights E. 83d and Woodward.
Bev. Oliver P. Avery. 11, "How Much Do
You Ixive America?": 8. illustrated address.
--Tnurelwond 4 5th ave. and 65th St 8. EI
7:4 5, community song service.
Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. Bev. James
W. Price. 11, "The Rewards of Service"; 8.
"The Subtle Power of Influence."
University Park Haven at Lombard st
10:30, 8.
Finnish Mason and Albioa, Rev. A. A.
Harfu. ' 6 and 8 p. m.
St Johns S. Ivanboe and Richmond. Bev.
D. Elmer Nourse. 11. 7:30.
Danish-Norwegian , 23d and Stunner.
11. 7:30.
First German Ebeneier E. 7th and Stan
ton. Kev. George Zocher. 10:30, 7:30.
Second German E. 8th and Skidinore.
Rev. Henry Hagelgans. 10:80, 7:30.
Zion German E Oth and Fremont Bev.
J. M. Hopp. 11, 7:30.
Alameda Park Community E. 81st and
Mason. Rev. Robert Ailing ham. 11:15.
Church of the Brethren Borthwick and
Brainard. Bet. J. V. G. Stiverson. 11. 7, 8.
St Stephens Pro-Cathedral 13th and Clay.
Right Bev. Walter Taylor Sumner, bishop.
Dr. Horace M, Ramsey, dean. 7:45, 9:45,
11. eoramuniorr and sermon; 7:45.
Trinity 18 th and ETerett Bev. A. A
Morrison, rector. 8. 11.
St Davids E. 12th and Balmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rectar. 7:30, 9:3, 11, "A
Challenge From Magna Chart" and commun
ion : 7:30, "A Challenge From Declaration of
St Marks 21st and Marshall. 7:80, 11.
Services temporarily in charge of Bev. John G.
Hatton. 7:30, 6:30.
St Philips 242 RusseU. lO, 11. 8.
St Andrews Hereford st, Portsmouth. Bev.
John D. Rice. 8. 11. 7:80.
- Grace Memorial East 17th and- WeWler.
Bev. O. O. Taylor. 11.
St Michaels and All Angela E. 4 3d and
Broadway. Rev. T. T. Bowen. S. 11, 7:30.
Church of Our Savior 60th av. and 4 1st
st S. E- Bev. John B. McCormick. 10,
11, 7:30.
Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital. Rev. J. G. Hatton. .7, 0:30 a. m.
St Paul Woodmen. Bev. Oswald W.
Taylor. 4pm
St Johns Memorial 15th sad Harney,
Sellwood. Rev. John B. McCormick. 10,'
11. 5.
St Matthews Corbet t and Bancroft Bev.
F. II- Clark, virar. 10. 11.
Good Shepberd Vancouver . and Graham. '
Bev. John Dawson, rector. 7:80. II, com
munion service and sermon by Bev. K. T. T.
Mission ex St Johrfs Bicknev s hau. Bev.
John D, Bice, vie ax. 2 and 3 p. m.
St Peters Chap! E. 80th and Ankenv.
10 l a ,
St James Chapel E. 7 2d st and 87th
ID, 7:80.
Church of th Transfiguration K SOth
and Division. S.
CvsrusCcsJ "
East Market Street E. 6 th and Marks.
Bev. Ezra Mauler: 11, 7:30. ..
Clay Stmet i-10th sad Clav. Rev. Jacob
Stocker. Preaching by Bev. IL S. Schuk
nacht, eonference miastonary. 1 0-45, "Purging.-
and Its Object."; 8. "God's Guiding
Hand in American History."
Ssredisn TatMinacl N. 1 7th and Ghaan.
11. 7:80.
Swedish Free Missonri and Sumnee. Be.
George E. Beatrum. 11. 7:80 (English).
West Portland! Muiinoasah static u. 11.
stents Kev. F. B. Uurrer. 11. 8. I'hil.
dren 's day rograia.
v Fr tt&OmMm .
First T4 tth and MiU. Bev, W. J. John-
. 11. . -
Cntral E. 55th and Flanders. Bev. 8.
G Roper. 11, 8. - .
Alberta E. SOth at Wyganti Ber. F. L.
Barns, ll4 7:4,5.- , .
St Johns- K. Richmond and Hadso Bsv.
W. E- Smith., 11. 7 :30. ,
Imam Bev. O. X. Blait 11. 7 JO. -
E, 85th and Main.
Bev. Chester A.
Hadlev. 11. 7:45. -
11. 1 H
2d at and 8 1st ave. B. H.
r. 3. Cone. IL. 7:80.
West Iaont Borthwick: and Jestun. Rev.
Carey Jesun. ., 11. t JO. -, : J. .
CSmrreaation Beth Lrarl fReforaaed) 12th
and Mans. Rabbi Jonah B.. Wise,; Bitaal snd
tersnona ia Fngiisa - Services Friday 8 p. an.;
Saturday. 10:39 a- sa.
CflMresattoB - Aha va . ShoMsn . park and
Clay sts. - Rabbi N. B. Krueger. Friday, 8
as: m-: SaCordar, -8:30 a. sa,
Ceuresauoa, Novah Zedek Talmud .Torah
madiate aadr senior Endeavorers win 'hold joint
meetings, at 6:30. daring July and August.
Gladys Morgan Farmer will gjee the last of
her I J re-service organ recitals at the summer.
ftanday. evening. Daniel Poling, associate
president of the United Society of Christian
Endeavor, will address a meeting of all Port
land i Endeavorers at this church Monday eve
ning.! f
Sunday evening at the Atkinson Memorial
Congregational church, an iliastrated lecture
entitled "A : Wonder Spot of Nature." will be
given. . The Sunday school held Its annual
picnio neanesoay at Laureihont park. -
On Sunday morning at th Highland Con'
gregauonal church, th ' Rev. Edsini
stent will preach on "Christian Patriotism."
The evening service is' to be suspended until the
nrst Sunday in September. The eharch will
rucipsis m ine meetings to be held Sunday
afternoons in Peninsula park.
As the group services bare been discontinued-
for th summer at Pilgrim Congrega
tional church, the pastor will preach Sunday
Sunday night th Christian Endeavor and
f W fc Wrty Heights Congrega
tional church will be combined. Pictures wiU
Ds itiiow&.
The Clav Street Wuq c- j
hooi will meet at 9:30 in charge of
10 .4o. H. Schukrvecht will preach the
sermon. At 3 o'clock there will be a
service at the i Altenheim on Division
street The young Pin)'a anions-
will meet at 7 o'clock. A patriotic
church service will follow.
Decision has been made to continue
the church school at St. Stephens Pro
Cathedral throughout the summer
months. Dean Ramsey will conduct
two communion services Sundav morn
ing and will give a brief address at
the evening hour. Repair work has
been started on the church. Both in
terior and exterior of the building will
be remodeled before the general con
vention. The chapter of the pro
cathedral will meet in the parish house
Monday at 8 p. m.
Articles describing Portland as the conven
tion city next September, have been sent tS
over 100 church papers in sli parts of the
country by John Lthaby, exevutive secretary.
Two papers the Church at Work and the
Spirit of Missions, have turned ever their
front page covers to pictures of Oregon scenery.
The Young People's society, which formerly
met at St. Stephens pro-Cathedral, will hold
a corporate communion at the Church of the
Good Shepherd at 11 a. m.. Sunday. The
Rev. John Dawson, rector, assisted by the Rev.
R. T. T. Hicks, will celebrate. The latter
will preach th sermon. A cordial invitation is
extended to all patrons and rdend- to join the
young people on this auspicious occasion. The
regular weekly, meeting will be held as usual
in voom. A of the tmblic librarv'at B3A n.
hn. Full particulars of the picnic a Oswego
lake on Jnly 4 will be given mt, Mis Edith
Burkewill be In charge, with Miss Lillian
Ho wells leading. Special music has 'been ar
ranged. The services at St. Davids Episcopal church
on Sunday will commrtn orate two great event"
the signing of the Magna Charts 707 years
ago and the signing of the Declaration of In-
Friday, 8 p. m. Saturday, 9 a, m. Sunday,
10 a. m. Relisious school.
Lattsr Day Saints
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
E. 25th and Madison. Heber C. Iverson,
mission president 10, 6:30.
Reorgsnized Church of Jeaus Chrfct E.
76th and Irving. C. E. Jones, elder. 11,
St James W. Psrk and Jefferson. Rev
William E. Brinkman. 11, "What th World
Needs. "
St Paul's East 12th and Clinton. Rev. A.
Knuse. 10. (English), "Jesus, th Friend and
Saviour of Sinners"; 11 Serine nj, preaching
by Rev. W. Schleuning of Tiflia, Russia.
Trinity (Missouri synod) Rodney and Ivy?
Kev. 3. A. . Rimbach. 10:15 (English); no
evening service.
."thurch for Deaf Rodney and Ivy Bev. J.
A B. Beyer. 2 :30. , .
Our Savior E. 10th and Grant Rev. M.
A. Christensen. II. (English), report from
L tilers n convention at Minneapolis.
BetJjehem 14th and Davis. Rev. H. J.
Thorpe. 11, 8.
Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and
Rodney. Rev. I. Tollefsen. 9:45. 11, -7:45.
Grace English (Missouri Synod) E. 24th
and Broadway. E. H. Bernhard. 11.
Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and
Morris. Rev. R. Rasmussen. 10, 11.
St. Johns Peninsula and Bjlpatrick Rev.
L. I Aid wig. 10:45, 7:30.
Swedish Augustaca Stanton and Rodney.
Rev. V. G. Oeren. 10.45. 7:45.
' Immense! lth and Irving. ' Rev. A V.
Anderson. 11, 8. 1
Portsmouth Lovely and Fortune. Bev. Si
C. H. Knutson. 11, 7:45.
Zion Evangelical (Missouri Synod) Chap
dsn and Salmon. Rev, H. II. Koppelmann:
9;15, 10:15. 7:45.
Immanuel (Missouri Synod) E. 15th and
Le. Rev. H. C. Ebeling. 10:80, German
service: 7:30. English service.
Church of the Redeemer (English) E. 15th
north and Wygant. School 10. servic 11
Finnish 179 Fargo. Rev. A Salminen.
10. Sunday school; 7. service.
Methodlit Episcopal
Carson Heights Eighth and Hum. Bev.
G. 8. Brown. 10.
Centenary-Wilbur E. 9th and Pine. Dr.
Charles MacCaughey. 11. "The Disappointed
Voice"; 7:45. "What Is CitisenshipT
Central Vancouver and Fargo, Bev. A B.
Maclean. 11. 8.
Clinten-Kelly E. 40th and Powell. Bey.
E. S. Mace. 11, "National Prosperity snd
Epworth 28th and Savier. Bev. Frank L.
Moore.. 11. 7:80. ,
Errol Heights Darlington hall. Sunday
school 11:13 a. re.
First 12th and Taylor. Dr. B. Earls
Parker. 11. "The Unobserved Arrival"; 7:45.
preacninr ty lr. John Parsons.
First Norwegian-Danish 18th and Hoyt
ttev. A. Scarvte. 11.8.
German Rodney and Stanton. Bev. F. A
Schumann. 10:4 5, 7:30.
Hoyt St 15th and Heyt Bev. E. E
Hertzler. 11.7 :30. t
Irvington Comraanftyl E. 27th at Fremont
(public school auditorium) . Kev. C. C. Kanck.
9:45. 11, "Christ and Human Need."
Lanrelwood E. 3d Snd Foster. Bev. F. E.
Finley. 11, 7:30. -
Ienti 86th st and. 58th av.' Bev. F. R.
Sibley. 11. 7:30
Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln. Bev. VV. N."
Byars. 11, 8. ,
Lrnnton Robert 11. Gatke. 11, 7:80.
Montavflla E. SOth and Pine. Bev. F. A
Ginn. 11,, 8.
Mt Tatxn? E. 61t snd Stsrk. Ber. D. L.
Fields. 11. 7 JO.
Fatten Alberta and Michigan. Bev. George
H. Bennetf 11, 7:80.
Hostf City Park E. 68th and Alameda.
Rev. C. W. Huett 11, eommunion service;
8, "National Trusts and Kesponai belities. ' ' -'
Sellwood E. 15 th snd'Tscoms. Guy Fitch
i r.A
Sunnvside E. 8 5th and TimMB Rev. T.
H. Gallagher. 11. ."The Twentieth Century
Good Samaritan," by ItP. Lee; 7:45, musical
Pioneer East Charleston and Leonard. Bev.
W. E. Khsntrr. 11, "Fruits at Liberty and
Freedom"; 7:80.
' Swedish Beech and Borthwick. Bev. G.
E. KalUuedt 11, 7:30. English service.
T' Diversity Pgrk Fisk and Lombard. Ber.
H. T. Atkinson. 11, 8. '
. Vancouver Ave. : Norwegian-Danish SMd-
nore at Vancouver. Bev: Guatave A. Stor
aker. 11, preaching by Kev. A. Christensen;
7:30 ( English) . Children's day program.
' Weatoioraland Mirwanki and Midway. Kef.
E. S. Mace. " 8, sermon by the pastor.
Wodrtock E, 44th and Woodstock ava.
Rev. Walton BWpworth. 11. 7dSO. .
Woodlawn E. 10th near Durham ave. Bev.
J. H. Imni 11. "Th Little Church on
Main Street"; S, "Fourth of: July Keflee
tiona." African Zion 417 Williams ava. Be. 1 A
Moore. 11. 7:S0.
Bethel African Larnbe st McMilleu. Ber.
A H. Tax. 11. 8. -r
Japanese S7 N. 16th, Rrv. 8. Cemura.
0, 11. 2. i
: M. C. Sooth
V First Fnion and Muitncgnah.' Bee. 3. B.
llama, j it, a.
t First 12th at Main. Bee. EL Rand Pierce.
11. 7:45. ' i-
V Sen wood E. 18th at Spokane, Bev. G.
Bringdaie. 11. f :30.
; Brentwood 65th ave. and 67Ut st 8. 'X.
Bev. 8. Ludlow; II. T:80. ! l
Highland Park E. 14th anil , Jarrett Ear.
Mack CahilL 1 17:80. . . ;
sPfvsavytsrigtfi -;
First ISth at -Aider. sJcia. U. Bowmaa
and Ker. N. K. Tuhr. H0:SO, preacirfug by
Rev. N- K- Tally, "The tAasanc of a Man":
7 :3. "Members of No Mean CijmmonweialLh "
Westminster East 17th and Schuyler. ' Dr.
Edward H. Pence. . 10:30. preachina by Kev.
Fredertcfc JS. fetockweli; no eveerng servic.' -- -:-
CentraJ E. 13th and Pine. Dr. W. H- Nu
jjjleople'a Societies
dependent 14 yean ago. Th vector, the
Kev. Thomas Jenkins, will preach at the 11
o'clock service M "A Challenge From' Magna
tharta." ; and in the -evening-- "A Challenge
From th Itecla ration of Independence." St.
Davsds schedule of Sunday aerricaa " th
asm An th summer as in th winter. Th
July vestry meeting will be postponed from
Monday till Wednesday at - 8 o'clock. . The
monthly social hour will It held in the parish
bouse after the night service. . , -
' Lutheran I
For the convenience of members of
St. Pauls LfUtheran church, two Sun
day morning services will be held, and
the evening service discontinued.' dur
ing the summer months. The 10
o'clock service will be in 'Eng
lish and the 11 o'clock service in Ger
man. Sunday morning-at the second
service the Rev. "W. Schleuning of
Tiflis. Russia, will speak. The young
people will meet as usual at 5 p. m.
for their Bible study. The pastor is.
conducting a parochial scnool in tne
church each day except Saturday and
Sunday from 9 a. rru until noon. Mon
day ,at 8 p. m. the quarterly meeting
of the congregation will be held In
the church basement,
During the summer months the Sunday
night service and Luther League meeting will
be omitted at St. James English Lutheran
entire fi.
At Trlnitv T-nthrt.n rhnrrh tha Rev. J A.
Rimbach, pastor, th Sunday evening servic
will be omitted during July and August. "Her
man and English service will be held alter
nately on Sunday mornings. Tomorrow I serv
ice wiu oe in Anglian.
The Oregon conference of the Meth
odist church will be almost a month
earlier this year than last. The board
of bishops has fixed September 6 as
the opening date. The conference
voted last year to meet at Salem and
also requested the earlier date. The
Western jorweigian-uantsh esynrer
ence will meet in the Vancouver Ave
nue church, Portland, -September 20.
Bishon W. O. Shepard will preside
over the Oregon conference and Bishop
C. W. Burns over the Scandinavian
meet. Bishop Sbepard has also been
assigned to the following fall confer
ences : Colombia River, Oregon, Min
nesota, Northern Minnesota and Da
kota. The , Sunday morning service, at th Mrst
Methodist church will be patriotic. Members
of tha Grand Army and the Woman's Relief
Corps will attend is a body and the Grand
Array quartet will sing. Dr. John Parsons
will preach at night. The omaa s roreign
Missionary society will meet Wednesday with
Mrs. Amedce M. Smith. Miss Alice Kim from
Korea will speak. At tlie. mid-weed prayer
servic Thursday the Rev. F. P. Jones, who is
horn on furlough from China, will give a
stereonticon lecture. Dr. B. J. Parker will
have th daily Bible hour and- the Sunday
afternoon lecture at the Willamette Valley
Chautauqua at Gladstone Park, July 1 to IS.
Centenary- Wilbur Methodist church pulpit
will be .occupied at both Sunday service by
Dr. Charles MacCaughey. In tha morning he
will preach and at night will giv the first of
four July "20-minute sermons" on "What Is
Evans; no evening service.
Calvary 1 1th at Clay. Rev. B. B. Sut-
tlifte. 11, "Gods Blessed Man': 8:80. in
troduction to study or II Corlnttuans.
Mt Tabor E. 55th and Belmont Rev.
Ward Mcllenry. 11, 8.
Vernon E. 19th and Wygant Bev. J. O.
Mergler. . 11. 7:30.
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Bev. J.
irrancis iorgan. 1 L, o.
Fourth First and; Gibbs. Bev. Monroe G.
jtverett, i-reacmng Dy .it. Korter, 10:30.
Kemlworth E. 34th and Gladstone. Bev.
i. rv . unniN. 1 1 , s.
Hope 7 8 th and Everett. Re. J. A. Smith.
ii, i:au.
Kose City E. 4th and Hancock. Bev.
iwiaifi v . rs. aici4uer. 11, o.
Forbes Grabasu at Gall ten bein. Bev. Lloyd
T . V.f IjCK. 11, OV.
Trinity Virginia and Nebraska. Bev. John
u. aictnnon. ii. 7 :o.
Ana eel -5 6th and 37 th ave. Bev. John M.
far ton. ti.
Millard Avenue 55th ave. snd 73d it Dr.
J .1 illVO. 11, O.
Marshall Street 17th snd Marshall. Bev.
a. . lunni. ii, i :ou.
6tiiph E. lath at Division. 11, 7:80
l, nicy r.. ist and Sandy. Kev. S. W. See
mann. 11, 7:4 5.
Aroor Lodge Bryant said Curtis. Bev.
AKwmirr . .vans. II, 1 -.30.
saoreiand-sellwood fJommtinity House E.
loth at Spokane. Bev. W. S. McCuliagh. 11,
orange Hall 8 2d and Division. Rev. E.
iv. i ' . sioi.enstea. a p. m.
Holt Chinese 4Ui .and Burnside. "t sad
Reformed Evangelical
Fin!t 12th and Clay. Bev. G. Esther.
lo-vo, o.
Second E. 88d and Columbia blvd. II.
Third Lents rt v r .un.m.. -t t
(German) ; 8, (English). "
Reformed Presbyterian
I rirst Minnesota and Ainsworth. Btv. F.
u. a raaer, n. i :au.
Seventh Day Adventlsts
Note Regular services of this denomination
are neia on fsaturasy.
central tl. 11th and Everett A B. Bell
mime,. & A K 1 1 . A K
Tabernacle e'th and Montgomery. E. J.
niuuini, minister, iu, 11.
Montavuia t.. 80th and Everett J. A
ucrutru 1U 11.-
"nts 4th st and 58th ave. D. J. Chlt-
WUW. IU, 11.
St Johns Central ave. and Charleston. J.
at. jueiaiejonn. iu, 11.
Alhina Skidmore and Mallory. Elder John
Isaac. 10, 11.
Scandinavian 62nd street and 39th avenue.-
irev rfoosson. n, 11.
Salvation Army ' '
Corps No. 1. 243 Ash st Commandant
a., i. nirs. 11, B. K.
...Corps No. 4. 128 1st Ensign Jessie
auuar ana apiain Mrs, 1. Upton.. II, 8, 8.
Guiding Staj 409 Alder. Bev. F. L. Ing-
v.oiiirreoM, a to :u; circles, 4:30 to
t .ow ; lecture, pt.
The Mjwtic Church of Bethesda 109 Alder.
' . v. ADer. circles, o to U:3U; ser
vice, a.
ufini oi Mir ratner- a rosa way-and Tam-
uiii. n.ev. - viinam uiot jr. 10:30
1J7.11W'J - '
United Brethren
Conference Superintendent Rev. G. E. Mo-
iransia, o t. istn st
tirst fc. 15th and Morrison. Bev. Byron
J. Clark. 11, "Mining th Truth"; 8, "Christ
ana ills critics. .
Second E. 37th ' and Sumner. Bev., Irs
Hawtev. 11 "Ktumhhns I . v, - .
"The Devil's Camp." - '
Third 67th at and 824 ava a U W-
13. it. Shepherd. 11, "A Blessed' Nattoa";
awaw Anon iiass fsieepeeu
x rShT"62d ,; 1 70tn S- B.
B. Kosa Evans. 11,8.
Cloveroals (Old Constitution) 448 Jesson
Rev. Walter Reynolds. 10, II, :80. 70.
. United Cvanllcal
. . rr.2' 19th n pPlar. Kev. C. P.. Gates.
11. 7 :80.
Oekley Green Willamette Bled, and Gy
Rev. A. B, SchmaUe. 11, 7:30.
St John's Ivanho and John. Bev. H. H.
Farnham. 11, 7:30.
Unhvsd Preabytarisn
First E. 87th and Hawthorne; Bev. H. F.
Given. 11, 7:80. i "
Her. 8. Earl DuBoia 10:80, 7:30.
: Kenton Chatham and Lombard. Bar. Carl
Scott Dunn. 11. ft.
1 Multnomah Maltnemah Station. Rev. David
gteeia Sharp. 10. 11. :45. 7;0.
Christian and Missdonary Alliance E. 6th
sad Clay. Bev. John E. Fee. II, 7:80. i
Apostolie Faith A2d at at RiSth m tt V
Bev. Florenee Crawford and It K. CrawterdI
10:80. SS:8. t JSOi daily 7:45.
Pentecostal Asaemhlv 1 1 9 fnmt T? vsrm
C. Trotter. 1 1. X JO, 7:30.
Volunteers of America 224 Barrnsid. En.
nines except Monday, 8s Sunday 3. 8.
GoapeF 514W W'flhanis. C. A." Flemine.
saperinrendent 2, 8, S:30, 7:30.
Church of God 363 -jPailin Tttrw TV . a
Schlatter. 11. 7:45. 1
BeaUiatioBLeaaue -148 13th. Bev. TV sva.
wud MUia. - it, -AnaJnJrty and Adamant";
8, "Chrwtian Phases of Truth Prtocipi and
riscuct, ay srs. naroer ot . BooKan. '
Divin Sesenee 8 Is KL (Tfav. ttmw T la
ltinard. 11 ; "What la Prayer r"; ne eveniug
Personal lfj-iMge Church 812 Central
bldg. S. Wi Shaw. S, 8. ..- -
Greek Orthodox jE. 17 th and CMrfton. Bv.
Bv A: Karahlea. school; 1. sermon.
Christadelphiaa 712 E. 24th at K. 11. -
Society of Snrvadine the wleln of In
Prayer 406 Fleidner bids. Monday. 8 a a.
"Life I nderstood.?
Scandinavian Holiness (Free) -048 Garfield.
Rev. H-O. Jacobs. lj; 11. 7:4 i. .
v. Theoaophical Society 810 - Cenaral hide.
Norwegian Bamsh
urcli to 5) car
ormer ijfastor
A special service has been arranged
for the Vancouver Avenue Norwegian
Danish M. E. church Sunday morning
with. the Rev.
A. ' Christensen, a
former pastor, as
tne special: speatt
er. . Miss Solveig
Allen and Miss
Pearl V! Hillerund
will sing.
The Rev. Mr;
Christensen has
spent the last two
years In the Scan
dinavian peninsu
la, where he Jas
been engaged in
Sunday; school
work wnder Bish
op BasC lie will
remain In port
Rev. A. rkrltisasea land . until the
Western Norwegian-Danish. M. EL con
ference convenes next September, sub
ject to appointment. Bishop Charles
Wesley Burnt tu been-named by tire
board of bishops as the presiding of
ficer this year over the Scandinavian
conference in this area- The Western
conference includes all the Norweglarb
Danish churches between Alaska and
Thursday evening at S o'clock the
Rev. Mr. Christensen will give a lec
ture In English in the church on the
sublect. "My Visit in Europe."
Tomorrow night the Sunday school
will have charge of the service. They
will renaer a uuiaren i aay program
in Knglish, The church picnic- will be
held July 4 at Peninsula park.
What" The subjects are: July 2, "What Is
Citizenship?': : July 9. "What Is Christian
ityf": July 18. "What Are Our Modem
Perils f" and July 23, "What Are Our Modern
Safeiruards ? '
Patriotic music will feature the Sunday
school session Sunday morning at Lincoln
Methodist church. The school will hav iu
annual picnic July 11 at Mount Tabor park.
Work on the new church is progressing rapiaiy.
During the past week the superstructure was
raised and made almost ready for shingling.
lASt Sunday at the cornerstone laying service
about 81O00 was pledged toward ui rjcruoing.
All departments of Lincoln church will eon
tinne regular activities during the summer.
Last Tuesday evening some 30 members of
Roe City Park Methodist church decided to
so ahead -with tbe new building project ana
pledged 310,250. The present structure is
inadequate for the growing needs of th coe
gregation. Two of th largest classes of the
unday school have to meet outside tn Dunn
ing. Any special celebration brings more peo-
nle out than the church can aecommoaata.
The Rev. C. W. Huett. pastor, hopes to be able
to begin building operations by -August i. as
th j Sunday morning service he will give a
brief address, after whieh the sacrament of
the Lord's supper will be observed. A patri
otic service Is planned for tne evening.
The pastor of Clinton Kelly Methodist
church will speak on national prosperity and
happiness Sunday morning. At night he will
conduct a service st the Westmoreland chapel.
Owing to the a bee net from she city of Dr.
T. H. Gallagher of Sunnyside Methodist
church, two special Services have been ar
ranged for Sunday. . i Herbert Powell Lee,
leader of the golden i rule open forum, will
speak in the morning and special music will,
be given by Paul Gelvin. At night the Rocky
Mountain Warblers, a male quartet from
Idaho, will give a program of songs. They
will be assisted by the church auartet F. H.
Phelps will preside st both services. Dr. Gal
lagher ia attending the Epworth League insti
tute at Soda Springs, Wash.
The annual Sunday school picnio of th
Pioneer Methodist church of -St John will
be held L on Jnly 4. Truck will leav the
church at 8:80 a. m. and carry teachers,
pupils, and officer to Columbia City on tha
Columbia river, where lunch will b served.
All those wishing reservations foe the event
muse nnort Sundav moraine. Sunday morn
ing th pastor will preach snd Sunday night
the league and church service will be combined
into one meeting,
i ' - '.
Presbyterian - " -
The Bev. Norman K. -fully vrill
preach at the First Presbyterian church
at both services tomorrow, Tle serv
ices will bo of a patriotic nature with
special music. . ,
The music will be as follows: Morning-;' "My
Country Dear" (Price) and '"The Anthem of
Democracy" (Matthews.) Evening, organ prel
ude by E. E. Conrsen (a) "Halleluiah Chorus"
(Handel), (b) "St Cecilia Offertory ia F.
Minor" - (Batista), (e) "Festival. Prelude"
(Shelley). Anthems by the quartet, "The
Banner of the Free" (Langleyl and "To The,
Our God. We Fly" (Maunder).. The Sunday
school meets at noon in two sections for the
summer season. Th San Greel Christian En
deavor society wis spend the week-end at
Hillockburn. the summer resort of tha church.
They will be chaperoned By the Kev. and Mrs.
Levi Johnson. The pastor. Dr. H. L. Bowman,
left this week for the Middle West: Ha will
spend his vacation at Chicago. Lake Geneva.
Omaha, and other points. - . -
Westminster Presbyterian eharch will bear
the Bev. Frederick E. Stockwell, associate sec
retary of. the general board of education on
Sunday morning. The study bf the- educa
tional field as it af f ecu the Presbyterian church.
He will be here for some -weeks. Th special
tnusio for the day ia: Anthem, "Round Jerusa
lem Stand ,tbe Mountains" ( Ferdinand Hiller) ;
offertory, .La Carillon" (W. Wolatenhobne) ;
quartet "He Shall Com Down Like Bain
Upon th Mown Grass" N H. Allen). Th
daily vacation Bibl school has reached a regis,
tratkm of 110. It wili continue until .July
7. . Friday, beginning at 10, the school has
open house for parents and friends st which
time the Ayp of work don will b shown.
Th church will have no evening sarvica until
September. '
The Cnlon Bible Study classes, conducted
by the Rev. B. B. Bntacliffe. in Calvary. Preaby
terian church, continue to show a deep sad sus
tained interest- The Wednesday afternoon 'class
held us last session this week until after the va
cation season. The other Haass are being held
as usual. On Sunday afternoon Mr. Sutcliffa
begins a new study with an Introduction to
II Corinthian His morning subject will' be
a study of the First Psahn. ,
Seventh Day Adventist
- Professor Leo Thlele. for several
several years Instructor In English and
Biblical literature at Walla Walla col-leKe-haB
been Invited to. the presidency
of the Southern Junior college, Oolte
wah, Term. The Invitation was ex
tended by the delegate attending- the
recent world convention of the Seventh
I tey Adventist denomination in Sail
Francsico. Should Professor Thtela ac
cept the invitation be will leave Col
lege place in time to assume charge of
tne isoutnern institution oeioro tne next
term opens in September. - ,
Unitarian v
W. a. Eliot will Dreach Sundav at
10 :30 a. m. at the Church of Our Father
( unitarian).- Broadway and Tamhill
street on the subject: 1T7-H22.'? The
church school Is intermitted - for - the
summer. . - -
United Brethren -
Regular service wilt be held Sundav
at the four United Brethren churches
of the city. Special patriotic music Will
be furnished at the morning; servic at
Third church bv the senior and iunlnr
choirs. - ' - '
; 4 . (IntrdenonifiiatioHaI) j 1 , .
Will HoW I Annual Camp Meeting
v , , in the Beautiful .Grove, East 33d and Mason Sta.
REV. J. G. BRING DALE (NazrBe) in Chirgt -
SPEAKERS--ev'.Win. Kirby (Qnalcer). LonZ Bacli, Calif.
' j ReT. Sf A- Danford (Methodist), Eng-ene, Or.
j ; Rev. B. C Dewey (Free Methodist), Portland; Ore. " i
SONG LEADER Mr. Fred Canaday (MethodisO, Portland, Ore.
..,.-. 1 Broadway Car to lason" -
GAIN IS 34.557
Philadelphia, ! July L A church yea
without an Easter' Sunday: la the arvom- .
sljr tlirurtns; , In , the annual statistics
of the Presbyterian church Hn the U. S.
A. as issued today by Dr. Lewis Sey- '
mour Mu4e, etated clerk of th de
nomination,, The .Presbyterian close
their books March St. toaster Bun
day last .year came before that date
and ihls year' came after It j There
fore the church year's statistic con
tained in the annual census lust an
nounced wi without the i benefit ef
tho srreat annual - day of ingathering.
Easter Sunday usually witnesses ex
traordinary accessions to. membership, '
Nevertheless without the inclusion of
that date, the Presbyterians show a
considerable gain. - 1 i,
The-1 total .number of communicant '
members recorded In' the- report Is
1,758,918, the lartrest In the history
of the denomination. x The rolls show
93.250 added on confession Of faith.
65,234 added by certificate from other
cTiurches, and -11.19$ restored to mem--berahlp.
Losses by death were 19,919.
by dismissal 64,179, arid 55,060 wer
placed on the suspended list. , so that
the net increase for the year was
S4.567. . i
The Sunday school membership- has
passed the million and a half merit
lor the first time in history. The
total number; of members Is 1,502,616,
an increase of nearly 70,000 over tha
previous year.' .;'.'-,.-. -
The Presbyterian church In th TT.
S. A. today has 47 synods and 804 .
firesbyteries, . with 9965 ordained mln-
sters and 9710 Individual churches of- .
fleered by 46,&41 elders and 18,162 dea
cons, i i ' - c .
The total' contributions to all causes
for the year were 147,341,334, an in
crease of over $300,000 compared with, ,
the preceding i ye Ar, and the greatest K
amount in the church's - record. Of
this $32,789,714 wa for lSVah consre- !'
national purposes. ' The . benevolent,
mlsslOnarv and - erfucatlohal offet-inaa '
showed a material increase. 4 The chief
oenenciariea "were : - riome missions,
sct sei , e t mi inMa es vi .
59 : Christian educaUon. $1.230.633 :
work amongr Southern negroee, $347.-
892: SundaV school work. $442,412:
church erection.. $348,621 ; ministerial
relief. $543,382 ; temperance and, moral,
welfare, $197,019; ovansellsnV $207,
726 ; Sabbath observance, $39,919. , . ,
For the convenience, of thosa who'
attend the Ellison-White chsuitauo ua, ?
members of the Gleaner and the 3ta- .
dlator Sunday -school -classes of 'Pio
neer Methodist church will serve dinner -in
the basement of the church -on Sat
urday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- 1
day. Mrs. . M. Redoington will be
In charge. . , I
IJ4 '
The Rev. H. Grossmnn of Berlin will
lecture on relisious subjects- at . th '-
White Temple every, eveninw- from July
5 to 12, at 8 o'clock, except Saturday v
and Sunday. - The lectures wilt b in .
German.. All nersons who understand,
German are invited. . . -Je.i,. - .',
September the Sunday nlpht
at the First Divine Scierrce ,
church . will be omitted. The Rev. T. M .
OT.nm.i wm proven oumisy mornms;.
. 10:S0 A. M.'
; 7:4i V. M. .
"MKMettRS 0 RO - MI8N
fa in otic nsosie at sola services
Apostolic Faitb
June 25 Aug; 13
Cor. S2d St. and
65th Ave. S.E.
Take Woodstock Car mt 2nd and
alder Sts. to 62nd SC Walk: $ blocks
south. .
Larfc Auditorium, seating- about
2000 persons.
Meeting every night and all day
Sunday. ... '-'j. , i
Forty-Piece Orchestra
Excellent Mai and MJIxed Quartets.
"Come sad See - CoUeeUoa
Chartered vrnder National Spiritaanst' Asaa,
r sordat " - ,
Confereno meetiaig and snsssagas. S P. M.
Chjldrea's Iyyeeum and Bibie 4Jlaas, 4 49
Ereoiag address. 8 r. M. T i .
J. rriIX.AR0 HIXXS, Pastor
Messages will ba stswa by Mr. IUU as
other mediums. ' .
"Grand Cixel Might every iVedneedav
at 8 P, U.. devoted nUnilv to saesesgas,
'sasjeett "Th CaasslBfr World
J Bv .Jflss HiJS HECHT (
Theosophical Hall
t Central Bid;, ltth and Alder
Public Invited
fh ' !s
6ta ana isau. awsw-annaasa a
ll. America rtiture. - ay nev. A. st
8 St. an. k
it 4