THURSDAY, 4 JUNE 29. ' J922v sponsibility for chanrinfT t&e Address on the Warrant whteh the court said the commissioner had right to do. No change was made, however, in the affidavit upon which the dry agents secured the warrant, according to the affidavit which -was introduced in evi dence. Judge Woiverton heid that the irregularity consisted in the Warrant toins changed without a row affidavit covering'' the deahred changes being first filed. -. The court allowed-the government to keep- the whiskey still seised fn the raid, but ordered the prohibition department to return all the books and papers taken from Alderdlce's' house. The government was "eager to keep one book, as it is said to have contained the names and addresses of the de fendant's alleged liquor customers, and the amount of iquor delivered on monthly alimony, costs of the suit, half Tucker's court. - Thompson sold . his business here three years ago te- the institute, agreeing- at the time not to enter into com petition tor SO rears with the lnsti ute. Upon hie return to (he city re cently the institute secured a-Crelimi insxr Injunction, restraining Thotnpeon women students. She alleges that the doctor's bill will run to and that she was given treatments that resulted in her being- burned internally. V tsi,M Acnoar iroarsciTEn, " Kon-ftiit has been ordered by Circuit Yodge Stapleton In the action for $2a. 0 jtamages brought, by. P. M. Fe?ts gainst tr. Onstavo E. Bruere. The chares was made - that "the plaintiffs uvula, C sft palate,, was removed at tho Ume jiia tonsils were taken out, and that this was unnecessary and without the patient's consent. 'i i - it ft r iii WAITT vTXXI. PHOBAtED A petition t4 probate the will of Mary K. Mctin, who died here June 4, was filed if enday in the circuit court by her three children, John Henry He. Lain,' Ellis MeLain and Ella McLatn Tunk, The estate is valued at S10.M0. Beacon Street Best " Iiocation for Bridge Indications are Ciat a bridge site oh th WQlamette river at Beaeon street pn the east side an4 Orover or Glbbs streets on the west side will b rscom. mended by the special hrldre eofnmit tee and Improvement clubs", south of Hawthorne avenue,. This nam m it tee met at the city haU Wednesday night, and after much diseussien agreed that the site indicated would be the logical one - to moat greatly - relieve ceases tten of traffic This is simply a pre limlnary action, however. . and studies of engineering problems, etc.r will fol. low before the final report is made,. Russians. Eemoye ; EestrictionsTpon Liters Front U. S. by parcel tost froni abroi oifl' wblit ad Interest In an automobile bought , witn their Join earning and an $80 lien on her husband's ehaee In the car. Annie May Welcome also filed suit against Pavid Mister Welcome, charging cruel and inhuman treatment - She requests costs of the suit and $100 for expenses. dresssd to IndividusJaJirj JuatJ fol their personal use, without obtaining; permission from the foreign, trade de partment as has been the case bereto IRREGULAR, BUT tore. , - , , - - t , PASCO CHAMBER DELEGATES ! Twelve default divorce decreea -were f roraTpractlcint optometry. , The haiv" Pasco. Wash., June i9. Among thoM, who wlU attend the donrerepe of the fourth congressional , distfkrt ; of ;tht Btate Chamber ef CWrcTsl Keone. wick, iday, will be Robert Jahnke, C M. Barr. V. B. Cox. O. H. Olson; M. M. Eaton and A. J. Copsland. repri. eenting the looaUchamber. BepnasenMa tiyes of farmers from th ftlvervlew section will attend. granted Wednesday by Circuit juage Tatwell as-follows : Marie Newman from P J. Newman t Edna Mfrom Elma C Steer I Luelia from f W. M. Cowles; Jessie T. from N. L. Powers ; Ethl P. from W. Jr- Brewn ; George V. from Lena Domeyer J Francis May from .Florin M. Coon; Oarrett from Merr E. HoUaway : Kathertne from Charles Johnson; Rose from C W. Black; W. C. from V. S. BurV and Lena E. from Jenjin lkata. - - : HOLD COBPOKATIOlf srfOEt " ,SOT FBACTIB OFTOMETBT '' Oregon laws will w permit a cor poration to practice optometry In the state, and therefore the contract which Robert A. Thompson made with the Thompson Optical Institute three years ago is illegal, attorneys for Thompson tng- is on the petition -crt- n permanent iojunotion , ; ' - iT05aAir Asks i.b ?' D1MAGIS FSOX BOCTOB Mrs. Edith Qerike filed suit ainst Ir. Charles W. Burtt, ehiropraetor and naturopath Monday, aeking for I2S.900 damages. She alleges that she went to Burtt merely for treatment . ef hruises on the knee, but that he recommended a courS 5 electrical treatments, effetlnff to "treat, her St practically no coat before . class of Washington. jHn $9, Americana rnay ' now' wrlte as many letters te friends ia soviet Russia as they pieasst Until row the soviet government re fused to receive more than two pieces of mail pet- month sent from this coun try to an; individual iff Russia. This restriction, the peotofnee . department announces, has been removed. - A new 4esyes promulgated by the Soviets provides, - that clothing shoes, food, printed matter, etc., may be sent ; Federal Judge Wolverton found Wednesday that the search wart-ant used Mar 6 to raid the house of p. E. Alderdice, No. 574 East Eighth street ' porth. was irregular, but he did not - dismiss the Indictment against Alder dice because in his opinion the irregularity-was not -a- fatal mistake." . Every effortv to locate the search t warrant has, however, been -futile,' and : the court was obliged to accept the testimony of .United States Commis sioner Frazer that the. warrant was issued. Krawr also assumed the re British phtents cover a new process for makins; seamless metaV boats of less cost than wooden ones. certain dates. TWO WITES SEEK.' BIVOTRCX II DEFAULT DECKEES GIVEN Suit tor divorce was filed Wednesday in the circuit court by Ardella La- ijl'itlilillliillHHIIlilllHIiiliillilllllilUiiiiliiH t sure against Elmer Lasure. engineer Beinninsr Tomorrow! Beffinnin tpmoirow! the Lewis building. 'She asks $56 argued Wednesday Circuit: Judge 3F 51 fllElOIlEGON DAILY JOURNAL, . PORTLAND, OUEGON. MM FOUND CHARGE STANDS in 1 i i I i i i i i X X f I "Merchandise of clMeritjObbr " Another Friday Another Qroup of Bargains in the Everything in the Basement for Cash-Every thing in the Basement for Less In Extraordinary Sale Tomorrow Women's Pure Silk Hose At Pair Every pair first quality every pair pure silk All to 'go tomorrow at reductions of about one-third Every pair selected from our regular stock Full-fashioned and Semi-fashioned styles in the selling Plain .and Dropstitch Reinforced toes and heels Gray White Navy Golden Brown Black la the Ecoaomy Basement Lipman, Wolfe Ce. Khaki Middies Specially Priced Of heavy materials in khaki color. They've sailor 02 9 collars and long sleeves. In w" sues to 44. i la the Basement. Men's Khaki Pants Specially Priced - Sturdily made trousers in sizes 30 Waist, Cuff bottoms ; heavy pockets. In the Basement. khaki to 4 2 $ O . 25 Corselettes Specially Priced r "Formfit" corselettes in basket w e a v e. materials. $1.49 With elastic belt and four I garters. All sizes. '. Ia the Basement. Men's Shirts v Specially Priced Cotton pongee shirts with new narrow collar attached $ 1 anwith single cuffs. Sizes I la the BasemcaV .69 Boys' Knickers Specially Priced Khaki knickers for the boys vacation days. Good QQ durable trousers for boys of Os( 6 to 15 years. Ia the Basement. Men's Khaki Shirts Specially Priced Light-weight khaki shirts of soft finished material. J Turn-down ' collars and" single cuffs. la the Basement .25 Boys' Play Suits Specially Priced Khaki and blue denim' play suits for the boys of I to 8 years. Long and short sleeve styles. la the Basement. 89c Women's Breeches Specially Priced Khaki breeches for women and children. Full-cut and reinforced. Knicker and lace knee styles. Ia the Basement. 1 .98 Sale of New Models Summer Sport Dresses New Shades New Features'' v New Wash; Dresses of Unene and Ratinette -Friday Bargains at S4.85 J-his An opportunity that is as unusual as it is seasonable. Tfr new,, the wanted, the clevjer sport dresses--in the; popular fabrics and in the latest of styles and colors and Friday the price $4.93. See these dresses in our windows todaysthe sale tomorrow in the Economy - Basement - . . , . ; Sport Drews Special at 56.95 . New sport dresses of linene in the wanted colors and ' white. Made with panel effects and embroidered.: All sizes -and very specially priced for" Friday. . : t- , la the XeeaoMv Basemeat-Xlymaa. Wolfs Ce" -f '$":.' '--;- -;..'-'' C ' i v. K-Z- ' - .- i-s - ' - f.'.. -, - , ... : - -'- :i - .--! '' ' Z T-Z- .t s iS - .,. -i-' ,1 f. .u s-'V.-r. -rtr. '---- . : . ' . .4 . V, Store Uses No Comparative-Prices Thvy Arm fJuleadms and Often Untrue f 1 ' - ' ' ' Onr Brand i W to Select From XOTtl'' - f S. -Withoul Restriction! Wffll$V anfour ' ;' V. Out Entire New , Stock This may rightly be termed the greatest opportunity in years chase clothing! a NEW stock (oar store has been open less th months) prices FAR BELOW the values and today's prices-Anier-ica's highest standard tailored clothing, including and other nationally famous makes (1) Ptilops Talnes have always been pre-eminent. This sale makes buying: now doubly - ' worth while. Our entire stock of $35, $40 and $45 Suits NOW $28.75. - Every Fine Fabric Sport, Street, Business Models Select Any ' $35-$40-$45 Suit 8S "' I sjj 1 1 tm Every Suit in this Sale Giiaranteed All Wool Select Any $35 -$40 -$45 Suit I Your Unrestricted CHbic, of Our NEW Stock! GROUP (2) Consider the saving to'be had hy tAkins; advantag of this sale t Clothes that were REAL -values at $50, $55 and $60 offered for quick clearance at $SS.T5. Up-to-the-Minute Models Beautiful Patterns and Fabrics - Select Any $50 -$55 -$60 Suit pf -m "s Select from either grmp. They represent our entire new stock the savings are equally remarkable. Dashing Mpdels for Young Men Conservative Models for the Man Select Any $50 - $55 - $60 Soit You JOiow the Makers You Know the Store the Prices arid the Suits Tell the Rest TUXEDOSiaiidBLUE SEBGESi Alt included In This Clearance f Every-Suit Guaranteed ALL WOOL LATEST MODELS NEWEST PATTERNS Remember: ' - Fulops Service 5 , . Jlale Satisfaction S ; !' 'Jfemev : Cheerfully 3 fiefunded ' BBassat " s -v" .-j T- .- - . -Tit - ------ m m 'X' -?--. -v .- - i ' - - MODELS TO FIT EVERY MAN See Our Window, They TeU More Than a .. Whde Paa I of PriU 328330 WASHINGTON STREET JUST BELOW BROADWAT' lf?eMI?efif ?tftM Grouped I Into Two g Prices m v.! 12 F tr if r s i: S3 Cm t - ID r s -e t - A