TUESDAY; JUNE . 27, 192. THE ; OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. 1 MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 ! FINANCIAL ' ' CASH paid for mortgages and sellers contracts on real estate in Washington or ' Oregon. H- E. oble. 818 LambtrmeM bide. f E BCT first, and second mortgages and sett ers' contracts. F. E. Bowman Sc Co., 210 fthamber of Commereg bkif., Hdwy. 60K. MONEY WANTED 651 BEE OREGON 1ST. & MORTGAGE CO., 210 EXCHAJKiEBUW. HORSES AND VEHICLES 70O Crown Stables Just arrived, consignment of heavy borees. from 1400 to 1800 ponnds, 5 to 7 years old and veil broke. Ilare 109 bead and they ere all for sale, hire or exchange. Few to sell for feed bill. Hne all kinds new and second hand haraese, farm implements, trading tools, wagons. Hare '22 seta new bolster springs, audi ss fruit rsntthers use. for aale at four own price, aa oar storage space is scarce. We hire by day, week or month.- Everything guaranteed at .represented. Phil Kuetter, manager, 285 Front at.- FARM IMPLEMENTS SEW AND SECOND HAND , SPECIAL PRICES P. E. ESBENSHADE. 30-866 E. MORRISON ST. GRADING it excavating, day or contract; teams and damp wagon for hire. Stables foot of E. Taylor sr. a 1150-LB. mare, 7 year old. soditd. works anywhereT gentle, cheap. 4301 67th st. w c ..... ... w m i i . WANTED- Used spring wason that will haul about 1300 pound?. tt East 28th at.. on Woodstock ear line near Gladstone. A YOUNG heavy team. harness and dnuip wagon, 6 months' steady work. Take Ford as part payment. 4220 57th st. 8. E. FOR SALE Several good uork horseS. In quire of C. O. Pick. 55 2d ft. DOUBLE team $3 day. single team tl.50 day. 546 Front at. Main 2208. HORSES, harnesses and wagons of all kind; cell cheap. 240' E. tith. ONE GOOD SADDLE POXY 240 EAST 8T11 'WAGON fox sale; grading and excavating promptly done. Phone Tabor 64. LIVESTOCK 701 Crown Stables For sal, aa good a cow as there is in the state: gives 6 gallons milk a dav; also one Togger.burg goat, giving 3 pints. Phil Suetter, manager. 285 Front t. FRESH registered Jersey dairy cow and one coming fresh soon ; also registered Jersey bull 3 years old, a-id one a year old. Oak Grove 152R, or Bdwy. 7s33. 315 Washiu; trm et. FOR SALE Fine family cow. milk 7 gal. when fresh, trail G. Peterson, Hillsdale, (Jr. Mar. 1433. WILL SELL ' client , y head of good young cws, 5 fresh. . rfc-r s to freshen goon. S. 1'. Lind. 2 miles east. 1,s south, of Gresham. HIGH GRADE, milch Boats; 2 giving milk; 2 -j fresh July, fc.'o each. A. Inerce, Koute 6.Porthirid. FOR BALE -5 Holstein cows, all 6 and 7 gallon; have no place to keep them. A ba rgam. Bon 262. Hillsboro. HOLSTEIN c.-.w with good, heifer calf, just fresh; T. B. tested, 4 years old. 2 40 E. 8th. A JERSEY heifer for sale, just fresh; gives 3 gallons a day; guarantee on good condi tions. 8337 31 s-t. S. E.. "Portland, Or. FOR SALE (iotxt Jersey cow. rich milker, 1 4 1 gal. a e Hee her milked, H. I. Kribbg, inf-Vania , Mrs. FOR SALE 1 frV-it Jersfj Call 37 E. Kiir-otrii-k nt.. cow, very K on ton. iieritle. FOR SALE coming fresh. nice .vpirng rows, Woodlawn 4219. fresh and MI ST seil one fresh Jersey cow, test. 1115 Steele are., bet. 3tli and 3 7th S. E. FOR SALE Fie?h con. 20SC East Stark st. JVANTED Beef, veal and hogs. Tabor 7832. , POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 Progressive Hatchery j 2000 White Leghorn chicks. 1. 2. 3. 4 weeks old. $18. $20, 522 $25 per 100; trapnested pediereed itork. 1534 E. 12tli st. N. VooiHawn 1485. 10OO WHITE LEGHOR.N day oM chicks, i $12.50 per 100: vceek-oU to monrh-old. ! 15c to 25c each; Barred Itock and R. I. Reds. ! IF YOU want a 7" pass, car at a great sacri-day-old. $20 per 10O. ! fice, -don't miss this Willys-Knight, used as J. R. MAGUIRE. 787 OREGON', EAST 1 : a demonstrator and in'excejlent condition. Will 400 10-WEEKS-OLD Hollywood White Leg- i "ke 't1, "r in r.fdJ'- Offered for a few horn pullets, from 2.S0-g msting, 3140 I days. Call Aut. 633-68. per 1O0; 18 pel dozen. ; J. R. MAGUIRE. 7S7 Oregon ML. Portland; 20O WHITE Leghorn year-old hens, Hogan- iaed, heavy laying guaranteed. SI each. J. R. MAiiliHK. 7HI iiregon st, Portland YOUNG fat laving hens for aale, 1 each. I 5914 45th 'are., sontheast. ' ! FOR 33 SALE Eating and breeding rabbits, i PETS: DOGS, BIRDS, ETC. 703 AMERICAN pit bull terrier puppies for sale. also 2 Llewellyn setter mppies. 9123 Foster Road. THOROUGHBRED Irish setter puppies for aale. 30. Cell Wdln. 5904 or 1133 Montana eve. SACRIFICE Pedigreed Boston bull brood ma trcn, $35 with servfee fees paid; soon in season. Call Sellwood 272. FEMALE COLLIE 6 montha, $7.50. Wood lawn 3064. FOX terrier puppies, beantifullj marked fine rattem 11 E. 7ntli N. FOR SALE Belgian police dog puppies. 1881 Kimball st. I'lione Columbia f96. THOnOFGHBHED fox hound pups for ale. Walnut 252. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 VELSE 5 pass., in A-l mechanical condi tion; paint, top and tires in excel lent shape. If you are looking for a real buy for $575 call Bdwy. 1614. 529 Washington st. VERY LATE 1921 FORD TOCRIXU - Self starter, demountable rims, masy ex ' traa, this year s license, "ar looks exjactly like East 8564. BUICK BIG 7-rss., fine, big car for a long trip or for tag ear; $350, terms haK cash. Cook & Gill, 389 Burnside. at 9th. 1913 CADUJM; ROADSTER Starter, cord tiros license, $250 BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD. INC.. Burnsiiie. at 1 1th. VE PUT steel teeab ii your old Hywoeel; crankshaft tiirnina. cylirtdar grinoUag. It B. Black's Machine Shop. 534 Aider St.. Broad way 2681. Sleep in Your Car c'iHI make a bed. Positively will not weaken the car. Swanson, 706 S Williams ave. 1921 STUDEBAKER Special .. tires new. ear used vary little. Will guarantee mechan ical condition. See this before you buy. East 8879. MUST SELL AT ONCE 1917 Maxwell roadster; look and runs fine. Going "to sell this week. $175, $100 cash, balance time. K-40, Journal. FRANKLIN FRAN KLIN . nr. . . . . - . i , - I i. , -. wuiincwij remuit ana paint-t at once. For demonstration, calf East 8879. FOR SALE Ford touring. A-l shape. Price 11 511. After 6 v m woek iv Kr..r- Itoon Snnday. 635 lhunnan st- CHEYROLET SNAP 1921 Fine- condition, aacrifiee $375, aome terms. Mr. Argo, Bdwy. 7751. Real snap. 1922 BUICK 6, put like new; must sell. Will sacrifice fear $1075. Easy terms. East 8379. 1916 APPERSON in A-l condition. $200. or will trade toe furniture or- what have yon 1 Tabor 1918. . CARS wanted for storage ai $6 per mo. Superior Welding Motor Wottes, 17 th and Alder. Bdwy. S 296. " " ' 1921 FORD TOURING First i class coiiditios; must sell; will five Terx easy terms. Tabor 5935. 1920 Fcrd tourinar in good mjchatical Km. v ditioa. Tires almost new. "W"iU sacrifices and give terms to right party. ' SelL 2016. LATE 1920 Buick romlster. like new. IjtH tftOO. Terms. Tabor 6762.- 1920 BUICK . new teres; tos- paint, etc. In excellent condition. W" HI sacrifice and iy long easy terms. East S3T9. - OWNER most sell 1820' Ford coupe, wi-Jx - extras; in fiiie condition; $425. terms. Selrwood 8325. - ' FORD coupei. lat 1920 model, nataral wood - wheels, kits of extras. Bdwy. 248. CHEVROLET bug in A- caairwyns .new tiree. - "22 Ucense, tii(K 'Tabor 191b. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE- 800 THIS 13 THE TIME TO BUY USED CARS ' The nest few weeks vDl see a, great demand for good toed ears ami a de- cided thinning out of the good stocks held 'by reputable dealers. Avoid dis appointment by making yovtr seioetioa now. We have a nice stack of various makes and types and at extremely low prices, quality considered. Come and look them oter. 1920 Oakland touring .......$ 600 1918 Ford tourtex . SOU 19 J 0 Ford, touring 275 3 919, Mitchell touring 700 1916 Packard tour, twin six 160O 1920 Mitchell touring 1150 1820 King touring 875 1918 Briscoe touring ... 325 1918 Jordan touring 1075 1920 Mitchell touring- 105O 1918 Mitchell touring SSO Overland touring ....... 800 1917 Mitchell touring . 500 1919 Mitchell touring 775 1918 Mitchell touring 250 1914 Overland touring J50 1913 Overland roadster 40 1915 State roadster 1250 1919 Mitchell redan 1230 1917 Studebaier touring 250 J918,SuidebakT roadster .... 325 1920 Chevrolet touting 335 1918 Briscoe touring 27 5 1921 Mitchell touring......".. 1230 1920 Mitchell touring 700 1920 Olds touring 875 Easy terms, in trade. Tour, light car taken OPEN EVENINGS ALL THE WEEK I 4 0 Years in the Northwest BSOAHWAT AND EVERETT ST., PORTLAND. THE FORD CORNER FORDS FORDS FORDS BETTER FORDS FOR LESS 1917 Ford delivery $17.")i 1919 Eord touring, starter, etc 275 1 11! Ford 1 ton truck 295 192H Fcrd roadster 3 i 192') Ford touring, new mint 375 j 191 't Fcrd coime, new paint 4.- 1U2U Ford co-.nie. A-l shape 473 I Some 7 7t down, balance easy. We do our own appraising. rxn Ercnings ami Sunday. WILLIAM L. HUGH SON CO. Where It Handv. AO N. Brnadivay. Btlwy. 321. PREM3ER 7 pass. Thorouffhiy overhauled, nevfty painted and new cord tires. Win take small car in exchange. Trms. HATNF.S & VINTON AGENCY Bdwy. 1614. 531 Washinjton st VI lrS UK41..- !"( 1 1; I i 1 r,;. . Cord tourinc. a. hui ' S37.1 1H2V Ford touring, extras 37.1 1921 Ford touring, lots of extras 425 1920 Ford tourini 3-"0 192 1 lord touring 82 5 1921 Ford sclan ; a bargain 4 75 191S ForS roadster, demountable nms.. 22." 1919 Ford roadster . . 215 Classy bug 185 1919 Ford truck chassis 250 ARMENTROCT-WICKE MOTOR CO.. 82d and Foster road. Aut. 838-46. THE FENDER MAN J. E. DURHAM takes the kinks out while you wait; reiairs radiators and bodies; Liberty radiator cores for all types of cars in stock. BDWY. 321.4 , 30 N. 11th st. . near Burnside. 1920 F. B. CHEV. rtOADSTER , Hill climbing ability and appearance vtjjl sell you this car. BRA LEY, GRAHAM & CHILD. INC. Burnside at 11th. 1918 PAIGE SIX A fine, economical cju. FTiee Tery for cash or terms. BRALEY. GRAHAM it CHILD. INC.. 11th and Burnside . . ,?-?ti 1-81 Good condition every way; 5- U . , ' prf , Zr-rni.i ... n.i ,v. ! in trade. Mr. Argo. Bdwy.' 7751. SEE this and get the price Hudson 6-40 Hudson 6-40 We'll Sure Make Someone Happy. STANDARD EIGHT MOTORS Park and Couch Streets. LIKE NEW. 4 90 Chevrolet, new top. side cur tAfens and paint; extras, license and $500 insurance, mechanically perfect, rubber good: pnap $350 cash. By owner. 815 Beunoiit si. East 4 194 evenings. SEE this and get the price - 1918 Saxon Chummy Roadster You'll Drive It. Awav. STANDARD EIGHT MOTORS Park and Couch Streets. f 1918 SCKIPI'S B( OTf rROADSTER $400. Tiandy Car. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC Burnside at. 1 1 th. Auto Painting X; ing. leaf work and artistic designing; 27 years a painter. East 1198. 847 Williams ave. 1922 CHEVROLET touring, run 900 miles. curtains open with doors, cord tires, spot light, other extras. Will sacrifice with easy terms. Fhene owner. East 178. BIGGEST S NAP US' TOWN 1920 Chandler Dispatch, extra fine condi tion. A big sacrifice for $700, terms. Cook M Gill. flOi and Barnside. MAXWELL bug, good, condition, new tire. 1922 license, $175: "will accept vacuum sweeper, refrigerator, rugs or furniture as part payment. Tabor 6135. DODGE SNAP $350, terms. $150 cash, balance $28 per mnuih: car guaranteed. Cook & Gill Co. i-Broedway 7731. ! 7-l'.V8S., 8-cyl. auto., 5 cords, car is ex cellent shape, sacrifice for Quick sale: terms. Take light car iu trade. Bdwy. 1016 week days. 1932 400 CHEVROLET, TOURING Car in good condition, good tires, curtains open with doors. 1 922 license, etc Very easy terms. Tabor 5935. HI; g! itCTTT Model tt Chassis, Starter, Battery; $150 BRALEY. GRAHAM ft: CHILD, INC. Burnside at 11 th. PINE five-tasenger luiu at wholesale price; will tak piano-, playvr er grand, in part trade, or xthat hare- y&uf Terms if "desired. 101 10th t. - - 1922 FOUl SEDAN Cord tires, cannot be told from new." $595. BRALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD. INS. Burnside at 11 th. 7 1' A S.v K ' ; Kit Lexington, Continental motor. looks 1-ke new ; will trade for property at Seaside Call Sell. 89. 191C BUICK roadster. license. $190 cash, Cleveland ave. good tires, runs fine. After 6 p. m. 668 DANDY MAXWELL W ell et a bargain. Cell arrange terms. rtr. mhl. Wwxitawn 1878. Auto Salmon st. Recovering and repairing t reasonable prices. 325 between 6th eod Broadway. WE TEAR 'EM UP ana sell we pieces. Port land Auto Wrecking Co..' 531 Alder, near 17th. Broadway 5254. Mail orders filled. 1921 FORD TOURING. $375 BRALEY. GRAHAM 4c CHILD. INC.. Burnside at 11th. 1919 CHEVROLET Bosdster, runs like a new one. The first man with $ 100 to pay down takes it. East 8879. Auto Tops Recovered Auto Upholstering. 424 Belmont. East 4569. FORD roadster, 1622 model. Stromberg car buretor; dem. rims, lots of extras. Bdwy. 2488. - ONLY $50 DOWN Buys my Maxwell car, all new tires and in good running condition. East 8879. FORD touring, 1921. perfect condition. $375, easy terms. Ant. 623-10. '19 CHEVROLET, good mechanical condition. Tabor 7533. 1921 FORD sedan, extras. $475: a real bar gain; terms te- suit. Ant. 612-37. 9 A Franklin, new tires and paint- for $950. Call Kcli. S40 after 7 p. m. - WILL discount- my sew 1922 Ford touring ear jf taken at cmeie. Cfcll me. East 6837. LUG&, bugs, the ela&siest in town, 609 Wasu- mgtxm st. ' ' - FO R l toannt, 1J1 awdei; looks tike am. Bdwy. 24 S 8. ''AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 80O FREE FREE LICENSE ON- ANY USED CAR UNTIL JULY 1ST. Get-yonr car now for July vacation; It win cost you no more now. Oar cars are overhauled and in first dam condition, with, plenty of tires, tools, etc.. to make your trip s pleasant and successful one. Our terms are easy. . ":: No tirokerase charge. 1 922 Http demonstrator, k run 740 miles $1300 191 Hup touring, overhauled ....... T5 1921 Hup touring ,. . 150 1918 Hup, completely rebuilt 650 1917 Hup, not repainted , 4 75 1914 Hep touring with starter 350 1918 Velie touring, all first class.... 500 1917 Dodge sedan, wire wheels, cords 675 1916 Dodge touring, late model. ... . 375 1918 Briscoe touring 225 1915 Overland, model 81, new tires.. 200 1919 National 6, almost perfect 1195 Our customers are satisfied. ManSey Auto Co. Burnside at. Eleventh. Hupmobile Distributors. S. M. Arbuckle, Mgr. Used Car Dept. C. Q. Bleasdale Ford touring, mechanically in fine- con dition S 160 Siion light 6 touring. This car is a forced sale 173 Cadillac touring, exceptionally good value , . . 175 Buick 4 touring, lots of power, good tires .- 300 Mitchell chummy roadster", in extra fine condition 373 Overland, model 90. touring 300 Chandler. 7 pas. ; this car has been all overhauled; good tiees 650 adillae !S. This ts a real ear at a bis. barcain 700 Nash, sport model, looks like new, only run fiOOO miles 1075 Grant ti cvl. roadster, fine condition ; must. Fell at once. Will seE at any rtasonab'.e offer. Oakland tourinc, rnn only 5000 milts 9r0 Reo pecd wajnn, bite model 950 TERMS NO BROKERAGE C. Q, Bleasdale .30 Alder st. Broadway 1K52. GRAND-AVE AND EAST MAIN ST. 1918 Maxweli touring, new top . . .$135 1918 Oakland 6 touring 2S5 1019 Chevrolet roadster 285 1917 Dodge touring 400 1920 Overland 4 touring 400 1918 Buick 4 touring 400 1918 Chandler chummy 450 1917 Buick 6 roadster 500. 1917 Buick 6 touring rebuilt ... 550 1918 Buick 6 snap fiOO 1917 olds 8 touring, overhauled . 423. 1917 Hup model N touring : 450 1920 Chandler 6 ton ring 700 Seven Ford roadsters in stock. Twelve Ford tourings in stock. Two Font coupes in stock. We Tay Cash For Cars VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE Grand Ave. and Eat Main St, Open Nights and Sunday BARGAINS IN QUALITY AUTOMOBILES Hudson Super-six automobiles have been rebuilt by us during the last five years and offer the greatest value to be bad in a used car. That is wtsy you see more Hudsons on the streets of Portland thar, any other make of fine automobile. To sell the new automobile tae - used cars must be sold and these rebuilt Hud sons sre and have been for five years the greatest value. Thex carry a factory warranty and 90 days' free service. Prices range from $725 to $1050, C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO., Both Stores: No. 40-46 N. Broadway. No. 616-17 Washington St. REO 1919. thoroughly overhauled, paint, upholstering and top like new; 5 good tires; terms. Phone Bdwy. 1614. 531 Washington aL M. B. FISCIi Radiators, tenders, bodies, hooe's, tanks, repaired and re modeled; auto sheet metal work a specialty. 105-07 N. 16th st. phone Broadway 2299. 1922 CHEVROLET TOURING Will sacrifice snd give terms. Car looks like new and is in fine shape, with many extras. Phone Sell. 3686. Don't Rask It! A leaky radiator may mean a burned-out motor. Get it repaired NOW. We are spe cialists and guarantee you satisfaction. Radi ator Service Co..- Hawthorne at Union, and E. Broadway at Ross. K'KD TO! KING, LATE 1918 Jilm roniHetely overtiaulu. Offered at a -tacritice. Phons Ka&t 9564. 21 CHEVROLET TOURING Fine, nearly new car, that will please yon: has cords and spotlight, licenses, and all ready to go, low price and small payments. Open evenings. 16th and Alder sts. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. DODGES! DODGES: DODGES I Reconditioned Rebuilt. $200 to $800 Roadsters Tourings. BRALEY. GitAHAU - CHILDS, Burnside at 11th. SEE this and get the price Overland Model Bring $60 and Drive It Home. STANDARD EIGHT MOTORS Park and Couch Streets. 79 TRADE YOUR CAR Have several good used cars en which we will trade, sedans, tourings and roadsters. See them snd buy. BRALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD. Inc. Burnside at 11th. Auto Modern Sleeper Autos reconstructed to sleepers: our system does not weaken or disfigure the body. B. B. Body & Top Works. 345 Williams. East 1198. SEE this and get the price 1919 Briscoe Roadster First Come Will Take It. STANDARD EIGHT MOTORS Park and Couch Streets. Mode! 34 Velle, 1921 Portland's best buy in a light 6. "$950. BRALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD, INC. Bumsifre at 3 Uth. " SEE this and get the price 1918 Chevrolet Baby Grand A Wonderful Bny. STANDARD EIGHT MOTORS Park and Couch Streets. A RARE OPPORTUNITY 1921 Jordan Sport car. wine wheels, new cord tires: mechanically Perfect, not a blemish on it. Must seil at once. 5ee this car and get my price. Easy terms?" East 8879. 1910 S-CYL, 4 pass. roaeUter. perfect me chemically and looks; private owner. Cash, terms er trade. $600. Cart SelL 3522. 1923 CHEVROLET Touring car,-jest like new and guaranteed: only $123 down. East 8879. I MUST sell my Stndebaker by July 1. See it at ISO W. fculimgsworth ave. Phone Wdln. 4.41 sites 6 p. m. v BUY my iMr-deposit and get your new Ford delivered July 1. . A. Dockateevdtor. Bdwy. 240. Walnut 8201.- 1917 CHEVROLET. $2O0. 1916 Oldsmobiie 8, $250. good condition. Woodlawu 6957. Cadi after 5 p. m 1D21 FORD-touring, like new. See this car $330. Young. Alisky bldg. barber shopi FOR SALE Late '17 xtoCeL M itched -cyL car. CaU eve., after clock. Beilwood Sal. 19 CHANDLER chummy, diamond ring or small car as nrst paymenx. astiin S497. MAXWELL bug, A L condition, 1922 license, good tires, $83 cash. Tabor 1918. TRADE - for furniture or asOI cheap, 101$ Apperson towing. Tabor 1318. ' 1921 OVERLAND roadter; bargain, for cash. Tabor 6705. 3 CYLINDER X motorcycle, $25, or trade for what baT you? Tabor 7918. - MODEL S3 Overland delivery,. good condition, license, $7$ cash. Tabor 3850. W22W'IiJKXlGHT sedan .for sale 'by wan-- mWiiUi St., eor. lam hill at. , AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 600 -TTSED CAR FACTS When you buy a used car from ' Covey Motor "Car Co., you are told : the tree facta concerning it. ineofar as we can determine. We are most anxious to have you know all we know- we want yon satisfied. We realize a satisfied tvstomer will sell more can for" as than the best of bur salesmen. Jtnt realize, please, that anything which Cower Motor Oar Coaptai does, is always "open end above board. " - ALWAYS .the best cars te the low est prices covey Motor cab company two LOCATIONS Mam plant, Washington st "lit st. Phone Bdwy. 624. Bdwy Branch at 28-30 .-Broadway. We have cars to take you from tsne branch to t the other. . Studebak'er Corporation of America We are entirely sold oat of used csrs. This gives you an opportunity to trade in your old car for a new Studebaker Bring your car to our Salesroom snd we will make you an allowance price. Studebaker of America "Broadway 1S95. 10th and Glisan Sts. USED CARS 1921 Special 6 Studebaker. new paint $1050 1921 Olds 8. 7-pass 1000 1920 Esex, new paint 850 1920 Ford sedan, lots of ex tras 550 1919 Ford bug, a dandy . . . 350 1919 Nash, cord tires, new paint 750 1921 Oakland, run 5000 mi. 760 Portland Motor Car 10th and Burnside. Portland. Broadway 521. WE ARE going to sell the following cars at prices considerably be lew the present mar ket values. 'We sre enabled to do so on ac count of our being situated in the low rent district, which cuts down the overhead. Don't fail to give our cars the "once over" if you contemplate buying : 1 920 Lexington touring. 1921 Chalmers. 1917 Maxwell roadster. Model M Hudson speedster. 1918 Cole 8. pport roadster. 1916 Packard Twin Six. Model 86 Overland 6. Model 85 Overland 4. Olds 6 touring; a dandy buy. 1921 Maxwell touring. And many more. Easy terms. Open evenings. Lavvson Auto Co. 354 E. Broadway. East 2630. ' VACATION BARGAINS Ford touring, good shape $195 Ford touring, overhauled 215 Ford touring, overhauled, painted. . 325 Ford touring, fine shape" 390 Ford touring, like new 425 Ford roadster 205 Ford coupe, perfect shspe ......... 625 Fori truck, late model 300 Ford track 195 Chevrolet touring, starter 145 Maxwell, good shape 80 Elkhart, new tires, license Overland touring Others to choose from. Sold on easy term. UNIVERSAL AUTO EXCHANGE. 181-183-185 Grand, at Yamhill. Open all day Sunday and evenings. 86 73 East 471. 8ee Del Wright. DELIVERED ERECTED STAINED 10x16. $55. Other prices in proportion. East 8866. 289 Wesdler. 1920 CHEVROLET TOURING This year's license; car in splendid shape throughout. Rare bargain at $350, and will give terms. ICast 93 64. JUST THINK 1921 late model Maxwell, driven only short time. Six practically new cord tires with rims and tubes, bumper, many other extras; car is absolutely first class throughout; must sell at once; hence this bargain. Price $525; terms. O-108. Journal. " SEE this and get the price Joffery Last Model Worth Twice the Price We Ask. STANDARD EIGHT MOTORS Park and Couch Streets. 20 TYPE OAKLAND SEDAN ReCnished. reconditioned, license and fire tires; well preserved. $850. BRALEY. GRAHAM CHILD. INC. Burnside st 11th. Ford Bug Fine condition, has generator. Beech mag neto, storage battery. 530 Alder si, $350. DODGE ROADSTER ' Late Model, Cord Tires; $650. BItALEY, GRAHAM CHILD, INC., Burnside st 11th. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 i-TON Republic truck, on new tires, ex press body and license $375 1-ton Maxwell truck with cab. and license . . . . windshield . . . .$250 .1-ton Republic, late model, good body, top and tires $850 1 H -ton Stewart, late model, all new tires. overhauled and has li cenee . ........... $850 3 Vx -ton Republic with dump body and hoist, late model. With new tires $2500 Roberts Motor Car Co. PARK AND EVERETT STS. . TRUCK SACRIFICE 3 y -4 ton. practically new. used only 8 months: hydraulic dump body, wood body, li cense, many ex tras. Cost me $5500; mnt sell this week. Will take $2500. terms. Also have good job. Same goes with truck. N-106. Journal. FEDERAL 3 Vs -ton, in fine running order, new rubber and worm drive. Yours for $450. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691; evenings, Marshall 183. SPECLtL LUMBER TRUCK Long wheel base, lumber roll and all com plete. Tea can kv. it dirt cheap. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 641; evenings. Mar. 183. G. M. C. 1-ton. l-ton. 2 ton and 3 -ton. All in first-class shape. Make offers and yon might hare a truck. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 691: evenings. Mar. 188. REPUBLIC 3 "A -ten. run a year. Tour pick trod among 5 tor $630. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 691; evenings. Mar. 183. " FORD, worm drive, solid rear tires, 1 -yd. damp body; only Bsed three months: must be said. - Pnon awncnr East 3358. WHITE - dam? track, just a little more than . the repair bin and it's yours. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 691; evenings. Mar. 183. LIGHT G. M. C track with deliwy body and ton. pneumatic tires, all In fine eovKfition. Will take Tight car in trade. Call Ante. 33-68. ONE-TON (covered! Ford trork 1919 model. See owner. 650 Oeramemal st. ONE TON track, sligbtiy used. 913 lAmoa C . lieB wood 1185. THREE ton Logan . trailer. 3 ton Rs track. East 2458. , . . TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 MACK p. -ton. guaranteed same aa Pew; if .! Kw VV.n. Immw Bdwy. 491; evenings, Marshall 183. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 803 BARGAINS IN USED AND REBUILT HAKLE Y-DA V IPSO.- . MOTORC1CLE3. EAST TERMS " As Low as $40 Dowv. MOTOBCTCUE -8CPPLT CO. 3d at Taylor. Mate 7889. HARLEY-DAVIDSN .SERVICE CENTER All Makes Lioer&l Terms Feed Farts 10-7 5fb discount EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-46 Grand are. ' Distributors for ACE- rtEADrNG-STANDARD CLEVELAND FOR MOTORCYCLES OR BICYCLSS, . NEW OR USED SEE US. Goods right, prices right, terms right. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE BICYCLE CO.. 2.04-6 Thind rt 1921 SCOUT model Indian motorcycle in splendid condition, with tandem, tires like new; will sell at a sacrifice; give terms. CaU Wdln. 721. Fbk SALE Late Harley-Davidson, sidecar and tandem, A-l condition. Broadway 1301 after 5:30 p. m. .GOOD Indian. moSs-rcyde, quick. 658 Qui m by st. $100 cash. Be 1914 TWIN EXCELS 1 0 n. runs fine, $10 cash, balance $5 per month. Tabor 1918. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 ALL BATTERIES RECHARGED I.0o -FORD MAGNETOS RECHARGED $1.50 E. Z. PICKENS MOTOR SERVICE 380 Union Ave. North. East 4461. I WILL overhaul your Ford motor lor $12.50; first class work guaranteed. P. Howeil. Ant. 640-85. 4038 73d st. S. E. EQUIPPED to do automobile repairing at your reaideoee or mine. Guarantee the work. Phone Automatic 615-26. CYLINDERS Tebored. $2.50 each, in most cars without removing- work guaranteed. Wood- lawn 2352. 143 Killings worth. AUTOS repaired at yoor home or mine, with guarantee. Tabnr 1146 or Tabor 5063. STUDEBAKER exjwrt. Work guaranteed. LOWN8DALE GARAGE, 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS till UABAu C 182 12th" St. Broadway 840. H. S BENNETT CARS FOR HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. GARAGES AND PARKING 807 LIVE "STORAGE, $6 PER MONTH LOWNSDALE GARAGE. 13TH AND WASH. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 Cash paid for fords Why trade your old car on a new one, when we will give you its value iu cash! Then do yoor shopping with the cssh. 'anh counts. T. McDonald. 191 Grand ave. East 6319. CASH Fords or Late Model Lisht Cera. . 580 ALDER STREET. WANTED Ford coupe body; will trade 192t road-ter body and ea&h difference. Cs-il Sellwood 39. PRIVATE PARTY wilk pay cash for any model Ford or Chevrolet; must be a bargain. East 4819. CARS wanted to wrecx; parts tor all ears for less. S. &. S. Auto Wrecking Co., 15th and Alder. Broadway 636. WANT car for 200 shares n automobile wheel company. See R. Williams, 420 Spalding bldg. WILL pay CASH FOR FORDS. CHEVRO LETS AND OVERLAND FOURS. 10 GRAND AVE., N., cor. East Burnside. WILL HIV any model Iford at the highest cash price. Broadway 2488 6Q9 Washington ft. WILL pay cash for good Ford touring. Wal nut 7341. . WILL trade Sound Rubber Co. stock for good used ear. Phone Marshall 777. WANT light car in exchange for Pendleton lots.. Wdln. 6354. 740 Minnesota ave. FOR-QUICK sale bring your ctr to the I-aw- son Auto Co.. 354 E. Broadway. E. 2o30. WE WILL loan you money on your automo bile. Granning Treece. 102 N. Broadway. RADIO TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH 875 FOR SALE Radio 2833. set, $11.50. Marshall FOR SAL12 MISCELLANEOUS 900 Marion Butter FRESH DAILY AT 600 E. DAVIS A. T. MeCAULEY 10 DROTOEAD sewing machines with attach ments. $20 each; portable electric machine for rent; sewing machines cleaned and re paired. E. R. Steen, 152 Grand are.. E. 2359 ELECTRIC FIXTURES at wholesale; 1-light chain. 70c; 3-light fixtures. $3.75; porch lights, 90c; we do electric wiring. Reliable Electric, Union at RiisselL Esst 3686. AUTOMOBILES. LAUNCHES. MOTOR CYCLES or boats are separate elarsifica tions; a large listing will be ftrund under these different classifications. CASH register and commuting scales bought. sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register fc Scales Exchange. 226 Stark St., between 1st and 2d sts. Broadway 7534. SEE THEYULCA "camp bed for camping and touring: finest camp bd made; suitable for spare room or sleeping porch. 41 Grand ave. East 4890. .SHOWCASES All kinds maile to order, butcher4 rasp. S and tO ff . in stock. Phone Walnut 6710 or call John linderr, 1522 Ijinoaster St.. Kenton. ALASKA WRECKING COMPANY 'All kinds of building material, lumber, plumbing, windows, doors snd furnace for sale. Yard, 2d snd Columbia. Main 6107. 1 PENINSULA steel range. Al condition. $45; 1 wood snd cosl heater, good condition, $20; I baby walker. $1.25; 1 baby jumper, $1.25. Tabor 2155. BEAUTIFUL blufc-wbite diamond ring, latest style platinum mounting; wiii sell at sacri fice. K-59, Journal. CURRANTS 8c a pound, pie cherries 5c. gooseberries 5o; pick them yourself. 72d it., near Ih vision. Tabor 1847. ELECTRIC fixtures for-5 rooms, $15; big selection other fixtures. 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Brosdway 4253. GAS engine and pump complete, $75. Mam 3580. Trengore's Poultry Farm. Route 5, Box 156. STRAWBERRIES $1 per crate. Pick them yourself. Bring crates. , Heedville. E. C. Goodwin, Perry Plsce. STRAWBERRIES $1 per crate. Pick them yourself. Bring crates. Raedville. E. C. Goodwin, Perry Place. ONE large heaviest double juill 10 o.-.. auto tept. Cost- $75. Sacrifice. Walnut 7287 after 9 p. m 8nnday or any time week day. $5 ORIENTAL PEARLS $5 Lengths 18 to 30 inches, 3 shades, gradu ated or one size. East 7145. DIEBOLD SAFES, new and secondhand: spe cial pi ices- Pacific Scale A Supply Co., 48 Front St.. Broadway 1966. DUE to shortage in the cherry crop, place orders early at the Orchard, 1025 Powell Vallev road. Sellwood 2589. SECOND-HAND lumber, doors, windows, hot water furnace complete. Call Tabor 3017 after 6 p. m. USED weeding equipment to exchange for elec tric motors. Northwect Welding & Supply go., 88 First st. DRAG saw machine with Atkins blade, war ranted, $100. Main 1316, or call 95 Hood et. FERFECTION currants. $1.75 per crate; $1.50 without crate. Aut. 639-82. 8655 PowelL $145 ELECTRIC washing machine, like new, sacrifice. $95. East-6143. $250 WELDING and catting outfit, sacrifice. $60. Tsbor 3850. 1000 FEET of used lumber for $10. 839 Tibbetts st. Sellwood 2009. $1,00 SUITS snd dresses cleaned and pressed. We call and deliver. Tabor 9072. FIRST CLASS Burb&nk potatoes, $1.25 sack; for seed or eating. 4 63 W. Lombard. FOR SALE Vaughn drarsaw; good condi tion. $75. Chas. Stovail, . Philomath. Or. DIAMONDS See Fred Bell, the watchma ker. 208 H Morrison at., before you bny. WINDOW screens, mirrors, canines work. etc. Call Wdln. 148JL . GET roar furnace properly cleaned and over hauled ; don t wait. Call Leonard. E. 7608. SAFE-with chest. Bargain. Also - small fire- proof sale. A-tea. journal. FOR RENT Electric vacuum . eleanniv 7c n anyy bcbivhu. wwimwi ajaw. CHERRIES for sale, 5 cents lb. at 1674 linage te. Clg F1KST CLAScl tailor made suiti W. V'' It- West.- tailor. 4 73 Wash, mt rROYAL ANN CHERRIES 10c lb., delivered in lots of TO lbs, or more. Tabor 3807. FIREWORKS Patton and - Fairmont blvd, tJoTjncVl Cvest car: Hewitt sta. Mar. 52 lo. SEW Evans, pper cycle cheap. Taher 1273. FOR SALE MISCrXLANEOUS 900 OAK KEGS AND BARRELS For packing berries, cherries end other eom-i modities demanding a . semi-tight container J Free troea ajt ado or ear. Afco fir ks and barrels for packing mincemeat, pickled pigs feet, olives, fish.- powdered milk. j Let as needle year order. We guarantae Quality, aervvce. satisfaction. i LAYTOU COOPERAGE CO.. -t Main office. 327 Water U. Portland. Or. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM ! Machines sold, for )ese! No agents employed. Guaranteed! need rwm- chines cheap. Farts ami repairing for all makes, Ma chutes " -Ml j I Main 4k. ' 3d, near Taylor St1 CARPET CLEANING REFITTING. RELAYING. RESIZING. ETCJ 9x12 rue steam cleaned. $1.23. Mattresses made over. Feathers renovated. An kinds of new mattresses for sale. Fluff rugs woven from old carpets. Furniture upholstered and, repaired. PIONEER MATTRESS AND CARPET CLEANING WORKS. ; 1072 E. Lincoln St. Autl 23T-07 FUR SHOP ' K. C REINER Fine furs at lowest price. Remodeling, cleaning, stor age. Attend to yoor fur wants ow snd save money. 405 Morrison. - Bdwy. 4022.: Electric Fixtures . i Buy direct from factory ahewroom; finest selections, all styles; save H ; come snd see samples, you afe under no obligation to buy.' STANLEY LfJTZ. I 207 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG.. i 3d aed Stark sts, li roadway sfJ3. SHOWCAS3S NEW. USED AND MADE TO ORDER. BUY. sell, ex change Cash Registers: Scales, Fountains and miscellaneous store fix tures. 8ee us first. BOXER TRADING CO.. j 129 1st st. Broadway 743Bj CEDAR CSiESTS Direct from factory to your home. Tennessee and Port Orford cedar; solid copper trim mings; latest designs. Write for catalogue, i J. W. H1GG1NS & SON. I 1912-16-18 E. GLISAN TABOR 808; w! svxri vntT unvFV House wtrtng. lighting fixtures! and electrical repairing, supplies. Third Street Electric Store. , 224 H 3d it, near Salmon. Main 6035. SAVE YOUR WIFE . Send your wet fash to the Snowflake laun. dry; elcthee washed snowy white in separate compartments: MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, 15 LBS. FOR 70 CENTS; CENTS each addittonsl pound; valuable pref miums given. Phone Esst 8433. j WE HAVE the lsrgest stock of used sewing machines in the city; Compare prices. We rent and re pair. 172 31. near Yiiphill LEAKY ROOF. EH? Very aggravating, in deed. Why not a comfortable and perma nent roof! We repair RUBBER-BON? and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, cracked, weather-beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated, old. leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Phone Broadway 5908 SAFES Fire and burglar proof safes; new tad secondhand, st rigiit price., bought, sold and exchanged; easy terms if desired. NORRIS SAFE at LOCK CO. 105 Second at. Brosdwsy 7045. f 5 S 3T SEWING MACHINE t . a gf I S 1 L Easy terms. Latest elr !-a"-. s if 1 tncs. Repairing. Kent d W ill M las I 1 $3 mo. Motors, P'- . S'i-Uis- i,. woa a-ARK. MARSHALL 78. Lawnmowers Sharpn'd WE CALL FOR AND DELI v Jj.lt EastJ424 THE JOURNAL has 14 brascolite lamp flx MtmnUt a A 1n nod order, carrying any lamp up to 20O-watt. for sale. Come and see tiiem al ids tirasoa domuu uu... for George N. Hamilton. Snpt. ... Electric Motors, Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Wstker Electric Works. 413 Burn eie cor. loth. Broadway 5674. DOORS, windows, mouldines. millwork. glass, screen doors, roofing snd hotbed sash. See our .odd stock or sash ana aoors ior prices, i . B. Scully Co., downtown lumber store, 171 Front, bet. Morrison snd Ysmhill. Main 4213. USED OFFICE FURNITURE Save money in our second-hand department: typewriters, sdding machines, etc.; furniture rented. D. C. Wax, 24-26 N- 5tb., Broadway 2739. ONE second-hand showcase, 6 ft., 1 small showcase, 1 counter with drawer, 1 10-ft. meat counter. Western Fixture A Showcase Co., 16th and Jefferson. REBUILT WELDING OUTFITS From $35 up. Investigate our exchange system. Northwest Welding Supply Co., 88 First st.t Portland, Oregon. RUGS washed on your lioor wltn liamilton Beech electric -carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 404 5. MASON ci SCUKAM fruit jars, practically new: qts.. 50c dox. : pints, 33c dox. 90 N;. 17th et., near Flanders. i Z INN IA plant. 15e a doz., or 8 dos. folr $1. 1466 Msdrona St., Woodlawn csr. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 VI VICTROLA, $32.80. - IX VICTROLA. $50.00. ! 8rnora Caprice . - ;.$ 70.00 Cremona cabinet 50.00 Brunswick, No. 7.. 85.00 2 B runs wicks. 207. and records,... 115.00 Sonora, noet., and recoxjis ........ 140.00 VitooroU XI 140.00 Baby Grand Sonora 185.O0 Sonora Minuet 187.50 Sonora Elite , 225.O0 PHONOGRAPH DEPT. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO. ' PHONOGRAPH SALE Yictrola, almost new Vlctrola, mahog. or oak ease Victrola. ma Ing. cabinet Columbia, console model Brunswick, was SI SO. now only. . . . Victrolj. walnut case. Snap Brunswick, large size Victrola, large mahog, with albums. . And others. Term Oiveo. ' SEIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th H. t 20 60 11 ii 17? PIANO BARGAINS KINGSBURY, mahog $250 EMERSON, mating., like nw..e 275 SCHILLING & SON 250 MANSYILLE. mahog 150 JEWETT 90 CAMBRIDGE .: - 265 HOWARD, mahog. Snap 250 And others. Easy terms. . . SEIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO.. i 123 4th t.. near WaJ-liington at. SALE OF USED PIANOS Willard npngbt, walnut . . ..$195 Kingsbury upright, oak i . . 215 Kimball, renewed 265 HazeltonBro... renewad . . 295 Winton player piano 395 Pay IIO cash. e. $8 and $10 a month. : Lip man, Wolfe & Co.. cor. ath'and Wash ton. WE have some fine bargains in slightly used pianos from $185 to $250, We guarantee these instruments in every wsy. j ROULE BROS. i 160 10th St. Near Morrison. PIANO Tl'NING snd '.lieijeiring. PHONOGRAPH, any make, guaranteed SEIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO., Broadway 6576, near Wash. st. V ICTOR phonograph, mahogany case; $123 model, like new. $75; terms. HOULS BROS. i 166 10th St.. near Morrison. t FORMER $150 Brunswick cuke Dew) $6; rent a grand piano that will please yon;- 8 montha' rent applied on purchase pnoe. Harold B. Gilbert, 107 W, Park, near Washington. ;- DECKER A SOX player. $250. Oak SEIBERLING LUCAS MUSIO CO.. 12 4th st - COLUMBIA phonograph, with records, for rent, $2.50 per month. 14S 13Ui st. Broadway 2555. - I THE cricinai, most atistaetoty and best phono graph for yoor eanoe er camping, two-sprinjg naoror. eeo. riaroiu o. uuoen, so w. rin. STEINWAY pUao. old style. $135. pmaaniay ui.ao ioiv iai. 125 4th St. NEW $165 PHONOGRAPH FOR 8100 I 467Wshington st. Broadway Z 9 7. PHONOGRAPH repairing, springs ZOc op; parts wbclcaite Pdretali. $ Waso. Bdwy. 2044 WANTED sweet Uia piano,, pay ail caC Broadway . - -i BEAUTIFUL, snohocnay styie X Victrola. with 45 records, 875. Phone Columbia 40. PIANO fur lent, $3.50 per month; or wall sell cnesp. us istn sc. nnwy. 2555 pHOXtWHAPH repairing by expert: grapbiting $1.50 op; sprffis. $2.25 on. Main 931. i THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 Etrr FACTORY REBUILT PIANOS If your used piano was bnut and modern ised in aa eastorn piano factory at a cost of tloo or more yon would, aureiy buy it at foi towtns; pnees: . - $375 Gerald upright piano ......... .$193 $350 Geo. Stech & Co. piano 233 $500 Emerson, mahogany .......... 283 8473 Kimball, large, mahogany ....... 29ft $0O Steinway buns, ma nogs ny . . ... 873 $80 Tiaompeon player piano 895 Terms, -$10 cash. $5. 86 and 88 monthly. - I New Pianos to Kent.) SCHWAN PL4.NO CO., 10th sad Stark sis. MIDSUMMER SALE PltONOGUAi'HS. 815 Steward, 3 used record b 7. B0 t5 tiralonola. S naed records 20. OU 63 Cremoaa. 8 tmtf recorcts 3 S OU Grafonoia. with cabinet ft.M $160 Brunswick, lo used records . . UO.OO $178 Sonora. 10 used record ..... . 133.O0 1350 Vkctrola. 20 aswd records .... 215.00 : $5 or morn cash, $3, & or .nor monthly.. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. Closing Oat 8225 Coilsrd tc Col lard upright, cash. ..$ 63 f 5S2 i!" 1Urd . wPrsgh cash ..... T5 3360 Worart, large upright, cash ...... 100 375 Prentiss Piano Co., npnght, cash. 13 ?7 WeUer. large eak. cash 183 $750 Plarta player plane, cash - S93 J0 I0TU ST., AT STARK ST. PIANOS moved, 83. ground floor. Work done by experts and guaranteed. Call Broadway TI97. Atlas Tram as Storage Co.. 104 N. 5th. HOUSEHOLD GOODS : r-y 902 STORAGE SALE GOODS TO BE SACRIFICED FOR WAREHOUSE AND LOAN CHARGES 7500 square feet floor space filled with high grade furniture of every kind and description: antiques, curios, etc., pianos, phonographs, violins, vacuum cleaners, electric pads and black.!, dishes, cut glass, massive ball chxka, Wiiton and oriental rugs, .refrigera tors, sewing machines, sutoni'tbile and truck tires, wire wheels snd parts, various and many other articles toe numerous to mention. SECURITY STORAGE 4k TRANS FER CO.. 4th at Pine Sta. Opposite Mailnoniah HoteL BEAT 'TlFCL mahogany bedroom set, bed, dreser. spring ami rnattrere. dressing table and chair. $s5. 710 East 72d north, HO car. 3-PIECE overstaffed living room set, wslnut dining room set, 2 bedroom sets, range and kitichen furniture, triers, mahogany Hobart il. Cable piano. Wdln. S3S9. NEW "HOME" tewing cuachine in good con dition, and baby's high chair. Tabor 59SO. thi-v week; tfona Kurci-e; ali fuiin- I tti re ; buy ml iV away. V ;rx , a wt c r j Vancouver car. 39 7 Z, filUrxt r fuion. i FOR SALE MACHINERY 903 MOTORS. AIR COMPRESSORS. MACHINERY Electrical Iri-italkitrons B. E. DAVIS ELECTRIC CO.. 75 Front at, cor. Osk Aut. 623-49. FOR SALE- Dinkey engine 9x10 Seattle, new sled; 1O00 ft. 1-in. iniin Hne. 2000 ft. s -in. hsul-baek line an-1 enffine. in srood shape, for $1200. Merlin Harding. Dayton, Oregon. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 23-FOOT V-bottom launch, 18-hp. marine engine; speed, 18 miles. For saV. or trade for good 4 -cylinder car. Can b seen at north end of Grant Smith dock, St. Johns. Call Col. 4 7. i 5-ROOM furnished hoiu ehoat ; want Ford as part payment. C. Scott, Gen. Del., Ken ton station. . - 24 FOOT motoiboat. 4-cyl.. -4 cycle. 16 miles. See Saitxer or Sanders. Benson Moorage, ft- of Iron st. 261XK)T pleasure boat cheap. Willamette moorage. Natal. 25 FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 90S REBUILT typewriters, all kittda, (or l. Jeut, exchange. We are exclusive -distributors of Corona portable, $50 complete with carry ing case. Supplies and repairs for all luakts. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 4 Fifth t Broad wsy 7168. ALL makes guaranteed one yes'; best recon structed typewriters on coast. New xrice list. Wholesale Typewriter Co.. 321 Wash -ington St.. Portland, Or. Bdwy. 7431. REPAIRING a specialty, estimates, rentals; buy, sell,, ex.; ad. machines repaired. Type writer inspection Co.. 312 Stsrk. Bdwy. 7549. OFFICE FURNITURE 906 FURNITURE and fixtures of a doctor's offk for sale. Main 4807. Mar. 297. SWAPS 925 WILL trrde bug. 5 good tires, for radio set. Must receive as far as San Fran cisco. Eut 1426. COMPLETE vnl and retreading outfit for what have you? Harry E Davis. Wyeth, Oregon. NEW colonial furnace for good car. Prefer " sedan. East 4h54. TO TRADE 65x100 lot in Rrrse City dis trict for good furniture. Woodlawn 634. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ' 950 WANTED People ol Portland p anow that I pay the highest cash prices tor second hand household goods. No smouut too large or too small. Prompt attention. N. M. BEATER. Phone East 2203. 143 Rnssell st. SECOND HAND CLOTHING BUYER MEYER THE TAILOR pays more for second-hand suits, shoes, ov-r?oats. We call day or evening. Marshall 1229 ur 253 Madison St., near 3d. WANTED Meat market fixtures. 1 up-to-date ii-9 machine, 1 good refrigerator eshrwease, 1 hearn scale. Woodlawn 1698. 847 Mis sissippi sve. uiAMO.Mis sna gold nougat, re 11 reliable estimatss. G. crsrner. 713 Belling bldg. SAFE, small ofice sue; will pay cash if prioe right. Give phone. U-52. Joumst TABOR 7314 WILL BUY OLD CARPET WANTED FURNITURE 952 Owl Furniture Co. We want yoor i ued furniture, stoves, ear pets snd pianos. We pay the higtrest cash prices. 166-168 FIRST NT. Call Main 4627. M. R. SEATER Buys the bet.t as well as chtspe grades of ssee ond hand rumifure 286 Grand ave. Ant. 232-53 PERSONALS 975 FALLING HAIR. 'itching scalp " cured ; facial packs: blackheads cUTed; harrr dyeing, bleaching, electrolysis; graduate experienced operator. Betty Jane Hair Shop, room 411 Raleigh bldg., Washingtoa near . Broadway. i none nreaoway 3r!M. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's & Kelly's painless CHIROPODISTS snd ARCH KT-ci9lita K.l.li.h B n C tree. Blue Moose Tbestr. bklA. fomscriir Globe bide., 11th at Wash. Stamps and Coins Bought and sold. Open Sundays. Coliim bia Stamp h. Coin Co.. 94 N. lth st. IF J. GRANT, who had contract t r, n u Jackson Acres Hroadacrea. fir will mu. to "Box 217. Kelso. Wash., giving his address it will probably be to bis ad vantage. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, blackheads, pira ples, large pores removed, expert operator. fDipkmias Boston, Chicsgo. 8 '.ate Medical Bosrd). 801 Brosdwsy bldg. Msin 6109. Jny Beginners or advanced; guaranteed; Ce.4,A summer rate, $1.50 week; total $15. Practice rooms free.' Parker Piano school an r.i lera biqg., wash, sc. st 4th. DO NOT throw your watch swsy. I will re- , - " j aKn, ywmcmi pnoe. reasonable; 29 years' experience. Harry XI, i ii 1 T 1 1 W i. -, , NORTON & LAIRD Children's and 4a dies' haircutting specialktm. Recent iy with M. At T. Co. Now located at UJiiiJ5 ucm, zoo Httock Block - WHY DIET EAT WHAT YOU WANT I HUE. LE MAIRE, GLANDULAR THERAFtl THE PERFECT FLESH REDUCER i 424 Columbia St Phone Msin 4887. DR. MARIS FLINN, 380 Fin st, d ruleless physician; eiertric treatmei U for neunus, rheums ttsm. sciatica, sli aches and nains. UPFFLUbC8 HAIh. motes.. warU. removed by 10 needle method. Trial free.-. Josie rmiey,- n n-gai st mi; rHog. Mein 6368 ".. A I !-- 1112 X V tl'VV' rnwad-..f.4-.r., . Pit. A. W. KKK.Vk' LrCUi.19l.1V 351 Vs Washington ml. NO I'ai.i lour i Fh.ru sutr- white we work. TRAINED NURSE Best steam baths, mas sages, vibration, electric snd cbiropvactie city. -'213 Swetland bldg; COME to 607 Raleigh bldg., to have your Jeet - tree ted ; - mauuenre, facial. ' scsh treatment and shampoo. Open evenings. - f n irrf V Consultation tree. Bdwy. 4993. LilVVyCI 4u4 Securities brdg.. 84 6th tt MASSAGE bsths; kidneys, eonstipstion. rheuma tism- lrr. fcva oorensen, oo Panama bldg: VViLSH MASSAGE BROADWAY 7031. . HOURS 1 TO M. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS - , DIRECTORY HeCOWDtOrt vM-EOTlWO CUT. SEAM. nem. machine pleat skirt fur $1 15; hemstitching.- etc.; mail orders so licited. Old skirts -repleated. $1, : Eastern Novelty Mlg. Co.. 83 ftth st. : - - - - ' WT COOPS CHIWA. stlRIWQ OKUhKs takn on all art good; low price; siwcialty of chins firing. ' 49 Washingtoa St.- Broadway 3331. ALTERATIONS ANO TAILORINO CI TIT2 P-RESbtD .'ahiit you wait. 8 -'-'"'-' hata" cleaned and blocked right; satisfaction, or no pay. -Mail orders scurried. jiegsi i leaner. Tailors A Tttevs. 127 N. 6th. ITARTh DYKING. IT.KANING. PHKSSIXil ATKINSON'S DEPENDABLE DYE SHOP 381 E. 11th. TeL Esst 7334. ' - HTiriCAL LIWB8 EXPERT fitutig and repairing. Write tor in- tormarven. W. HkKIAfK, 4QW Wash, et-.- Room 308. ' '' BOOK WAKE WS , DAVIS 4k HOLM AN. INC. 109 2d It. blank book aBsnnfsctarers. A-S183. Bdwy. 7148. UILDINO PLANS 100 STOCK DESIGNS" kid to order. Rrn?!w VllStl M. AKEKe). 804 LEWIS BL1M1. CHIROPODISTS LIU O. O. FLETCHER-- Foot trouble wien- titically corrected ; lady assistant. 612 Mor-v gan bldg.. Main b762. i COAL ANO WOOD SPECIAL $6.75 PER -CORD $0.75 Large, suond, 2d growth Vordwood. 84 PER LOAD $4 , TWO-LOAD UTS . 16-inch f;r blocks snd slab, runs partly dry; for furnace or heater: 4 ft. country slab. r r eoro. . oilh.GON FUEL CO.. WfMDIWN 410 DRY NO. 1 OLD.' FIR 'ciiHIiWimYT" ovu in a lteaTT lll-iri Klrwk s...r1 a.1uU. . ; 1 t m v". Scord lots. Summer Woodyard.. Marshall 2838. ' Box Wood Per Load Dry and Green Slab wood. Fulton Wood Co. Mam 4173. BLOCK WOOD 12 and lB-iuch. ,.o 4-fL". heavy cuu of slab wood, cord wood. Ruck Springs and Utah coal. Ant. 319 31, are- 1 "'rigs and Sundays Aat. 310-14 34.00 ltxrlurW per load nce or heater. per load. 4 FT. DRY SUBWOOD, $3 CORD. NATIONAL HT1. CO. FART 2041. J,"i.-ili",is a3.' ub- aeslned. heavy. 5; beat DK X box,- $4; bargain: snvwiwre; 4-It. stab. $3 cord. Sellwood 1109. "r ui r Uvl. " i v LY V.'OOD." $3.75 and $4; block end Wdli, siy"; Pl"'r eBfa': . NO 1 green and dry rir 7.5d''per cord; hesvy treen country slab $5.50: inside block wood $o ivr load. Main 6241. uHti,r.K,,sv-AB with lots V!f hrk CORDWOOD AND COAL EA 8T 456 9 GET GUIs prices on old-growth fir : we deTiver ..v -ouuiry. mh J7 28. Walnut immi full cord; prompt delivery. Wdln. 8824) . $7 SPECL4L $7 : -J"'- oldgrowtli cord wood. East 1759 B(XWOOI) $3 50, planer wo1k1T$3.50 6.50. Phone Columbia 1475. " ' ifSsI.bwoo,Y,, KWMi7' rtf"- ,"--" -try WOODSAW. cuts right. Dh ril.t Take or-. ders for wood. phone Walnut n'.laai 18 INCH liardwood slab $6 load; oountry slub and conlwoo.1. East 4 56tfy DENTISTS E. w; "uu rioor Baleigh Mdlg.. Corner 6th aud Washington htt. pros away 7219. Dentistry 1kt III IsJ a..., Tut. a. v: XA1 li. IV. .t.4... A PAIN. "TKKTH BLKKF' while we work POO. CAT AND HORSE HOSrMTALS f lost crrv vKTi'.uii i u w u, uAi,i: r- 1847:-K. tTM AT UK ANT? Aut' V, . FLUFF RUQ8 AND RAO RUG. Oregon Fluff Rug Co. . J2rtl "VU?..Ty.iV:! FHOM?LD C(. PETS; HAG 4 I W A kVIT I k RUGS WOVEN; CARPETS' 1984 K. STAHrf. TABOR 7314. FURNITURE REPAIRING OIrfinihed4 'Zl-' .'"""J "Plred Hid " rerinwned. 890 Ashy Kast 3574. MAT WORKS . i -able rnoes. tisUsUction guars n- . teed. The best equipped plant in th dfv RUXAL HAT WORKS. 223 1st ,V.r salmon; Main 707. IWU8IO OOPQ8INl? . 11Aw!i.-ouL VOKSiA f1 tomu7irrTiSiTrTTr ..... n'uui, am lillnrd bldg. MU8IC 8CHOOL6 AND TEACHERS TILFORlXTllDro luuan; Au ART JfJI., UIADYS FOR DICE Ml, I.E. V. GRIETHUYHF V PHONE BDWY. SPSS? SIS TILwfcn eirm: l' it.!??,!?,: r!f?V?" wn.nc.s inn". , . j uuuiv AIM- H1S.11 MANIKJIJ.N 'IEAITTkiT: -Lilli Wolf, f.3T? Foster rn.d. In0ns lan 50c Aut. 028-46. JfTr(rsETR8TS ASTO GLASsEa ' ruoosandu of satisfied pa trens can testify to oar effi ciency and lair dealing in the last 20 yars. t,nulC us. Chs. W. Goodman, 209 klorriartn tret 1. l-.- Samuel Goodman. Associate Optician. klaia 2124. WHV PAY MOKE 1 (,iasas' in J gold tilled frames fitted to your - ' eyes. $2.30; double-vision glasses at low prices; satisfaction guaranteed. lr. A. E. Murwits, optometrist, 223 1st st. " BETTER glasses lor leas money st GeoKub n niriw a, ina ibwish oiiihjuii. myw Helen, glasses fitted, broken lenses duplicated-. Rea sonable prices. 226 Morrison t. PAINTING, TINTINO. PAPERINO C. 11 1EKKIL, bouse snd sign painting, paper-banging and untlng. 4U7 K. 37 th. Tabor 2SM1. 1'Al.NilNG and avcorating; eetimates lor-. mailed. Kinder Peterson. Marshall 1828. 1'A I N" TING, iwptriiic, lic it speedy mechani. , day or eontract. Main 380,1. PATENT ATTORNEYS CTS. iOLtlEKii. patents, trademarks, cody-: rights. 430 Worcester bldg. PHYSICIANS R. A. PHILLIPS. ' oroaowsy rildg.. Office Practice Only. PIPE REPAIRING a Repaired by experts; PLUMBINQ AND STEAM FITTINO LOW prices on all kinds plombin supp'l&sTTel us fignre on your insultationa Alberta Plumb. Co.. 517 Union ave. N., nr. Russell. East 42X5. fWIWTIWa, CNORkVINQ, BINOINO Os-5 n t-Srof P. W. BALTES A li. 1st it a anaa-ssu .t lu. Boy. 7165, tint. EXPERT Untirig, painting, paper hung ; ' right tide tiy. " Lew prvs. wdin. 14"4. .' THE iRWlN-iWDBON COMPANY 887 Washington, Brosdway 8144, A 126. WOOF REFAIRINtt - RcOFS realiinglejd snd -repaired, and covered ' witli roofing paper. Main 1683. SHEETMETAt WORK Multnomah Sheetmeta! Dr. Hooftnc. suttertic, spontint. Jobbing, gen ' era! renairing. Phone Hdwy. 2. - 28 Aan. f " i , -- ION PA1NTINO . LE1TEULNG of all kihds. Alllina Sigh' Shop. 128 Beech, st M.is.ippt sve.. Wdln: 6 85. SPECIALTY MANUFACTURING SPECLVLTY mannfaoraring - by silTled me- . .-.'; , chanies; patents developed.- - Kauffinaa Mig. ' Co.. 288 Union sve. East 3245. t ' TE AMINO, BRAOINO, EXOAVATINQ ' 'fEAMl.NG', GRADING ADEXCA VAiLMtX WtHIDLAWN 4736. ' ' ' ' . TRANSFER ANO STORAOE ALWAYS PICK THE xtto I' iiULSEHOLD GOODS SPECIALIST Storage-, pecking, - chipping and moving; horse, and ante Tans; spectsl rates to all points. - - C. O. PICK TRANSFER BTORAGB CO., ' , 2 -and Plus sta. Brosdwsy 696. A-lW.;c Oregon Transfer Co. 474 Glas st. Brosdwsy 128L DRAVAGE STORAGE Four Warehouses on Terminal Tracks. v. REDUCED FREIGHT rates'to all points on . bonsehold goods... Psdiie aoast Forwarding Co., 91Ji and Host. Broadway 7o3 , ; ( r r ..... . , .. , ... -, . i t J I