1G .THE i OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . OREGON. TUESDAY, JUNE 27,. 1922. Ad Club Members Hold Parade in Convention City San Diego, Cal., June 27. (I. N. S.) The thousand Pacific coast Ad men n convention here started today off with a parade. Flower decorated' au tomobile bore banners for better ad vertising. "Integrity in Wusiness," "Clean business, well advertised." and ther posters were 'displayed. "The Better Business Bureau and Its Work," was the theme of this morn nz"s general session. There was a se ries of: three-minute talks on the TRANSPORTATION MEALS and BERTH INCLUDED STEAMSHIP te "SENATOR" Earls from Mpntclpal Dock No. 2 Saturday, July 1t. 4 P. M. For SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANOCLES SAN DICO.O Sailings every Saturday thereafter. SPECIAL ROUND TRIP EXCURSION FARES San Francisco S50.00 Ixm Angelea S74.00 San lheeo SSI -SO TICKET OFFICE 101 3D ST. COR. STARK PHONE BROADWAf S481 Yellowstone tFarEi Through Sleepers o a i l Leave Portland at 7:10 P. M. Via the "North Bank Road" and Northern Pacific A Wonderful Trip L. E. Beach, City Pass. Agt. A. D. Charlton, Gen. Pass. Aftt. 531 Northwestern Bank Building Phone BroadwayS744 Consolidated Ticket Office: 3rd a ad Washing torn Sts. World-Farnous Cruise on the Great Lakes Transit Corporation Palatial Steel Steamers "TlONESTA" "JUNIATA" "OCTORARA Dulisth to Buffalo and Niagara Falls LUXURIOUS comfort, beautiful scenery sad luca tionai value. Cruising Lake Superior, Straits of Mackinac, Lake Huron, Lake Sc Clair. Detroit River saai numerous other bodice of water making the Great Lakes group. Moat enjoyable route ts the East. Paseaager ser vice exclusively every three days, stopping at Houghton. Sault Stc Marie. Mackinac Island. Detroit. Cleveland. Best dinln service ana sleeping the world lnrisaea in iare. OHCHESTRA Tlekcts and reservations at American ad Oak Sts.; Foster Travel .sixth a Meier & Frank. Co. TnnrUt A ...... -" v w. TWO THROUGH THREE NATIONAL PARKS The JOURNAL Way Excursions Limited to 25 Persons Two fully conducted tours, each last ing two weeks, will leave Portland July 15 and August II. Each tour is limited to 25 members. Each Tour Includes 2 days in Rainier Natl. Park. 5 days in Glacier Nat'l. Park. 5 days n Yellowstone Natl. Park Strictly High-Class Service Guaranteed Special Sleeper Special Autos For full information and reservation on either tour, see DORSEY B. SMITH Manager JOURNAL TRAVEL BUREAU PORTLAND, OREGON achievements of the bureaus the past year. Special addresses included : "The Jury System tit tle Conduct of Investigations." by; Elliott M. Ep stein, San Francisco. "The Value of the Betrer,. Business Bureau to the Community by- H. J. Stonier, Los Anjjeles. , "The Shopping Service and the Local Merchant, by F. P. Tebbets. Port-lam- "Why Ahe Work of the Bureau TRANSPORTATION" Seaside Astoria North Beach Str. Georgiana Leaves Daily (except Friday and Saturday) 8 A, M. LVS. SATURDAY 12 NOON (No stops direct to Astoria) (Direct connection for North Beach) Str. Madeline Sat. only 8:30 A. M. NIGHT SERVICE Lvs. daily except Sunday, 7:30 P. M. Fare $1.85 one way $3.00 season round trip Week-end round trip $2.50 All Boats make direct connec tions for Seaside, Gear hart and North Beach. Alder St. Dock Broadway 6344 THE HARKINS TRANSPORTATION CO. y arrommodstinne t UAXCIXti favia Express Travel Bent ln(nrm.,il! i..'?'.-' T "Vi n.ici oartai, lSBroadway. A 1 WEEKS OF DELIGHTFUL $240 Covers Every Necessary Expense Including meals on diners and at ho tels, hotel accommodations and transportation. Should Be Associated With the Artiv ities of the Advertising Club,' by Ray E- Niaunom, Ia Angeles., This -afternoon the convention will take up retail advertising;. A government commission is closrly studying Finland's , resources of min erals of technical utility. TK AX SPO RT ATIOX Sainntt Ptae SS-62. Hertli River. Ntw Vark, at Noon, unlaaa specified MAJESTIC 56.000 TONS Largest Staamar In the World HOMERIC 35,000 TONS Mew Palatial Staamar to Join OLYMPIC 46,439 TONS In Weak lr SeiMne ta CHERBOURO. AND SOUTHAMPTON TO DNEHauiLiAuTyiamta MAJESTIC .......Jul Jul 2 Aua. 2S OLYMPIC July IS Aua. 12 SapC X HOMERIO July ZZ Aug. 18 Sept. S TO LIVERPOOL VIA QUEEN8TOWN BALTIC July S Aua. B Sept. 2 0""'0,. JulylB Aua. 12 Sap. S ADRIATIC July 22 Aua. IS Sat.1S CELTIC July 29 Au. 2 Sept. 23 TO AZORES. GIBRALTAR. NAPLES AND GENOA 2'c July S Auo. 28 CRETIO Au. Sapt.23 V Oed Star JLins TO PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURO ANO ANTWERP ' "rELHD July S Auf. 12 8apL1 K ROOM LAND JulylB Aua. IS Sapt.23 LAPLAND July 22 Aug. 2 Sept. 30 FINLAND Aug. B Sept. 8 Oct. 7 Mmasm Irai TO HAMBURQ VIA PLYMOUTH ANO CHERBOURO MANCHURIA July 6 Aug. 8 Sept. 13 T. PAUL ..July 12 Aug. 1S Sept. So MONGOLIA' July 26 Aug. SO Oct. 4 MINNEKAHDA ...Aug. 2 SapL S Oct. 11 International Marcantila Marina Co. 120 8 teamen 1,300,000 Tons Local agent or company'! office. C. P SARQENT, Manager. 618 Second Avenue. Se attle, Wash. Phone Main 0113. Are You Going to Europe? Or the Orient? Or Around the World? VVhy not get experienced and accu rate information from one who has traveled extensively for the benefit sf his patrons? Secure Steamship Reservations and Tickets From DORSEYB. SMITH MANAGES JOURNAL TRAVEL BUREAU 188 B BOAS WAT, POKTLAlfD, OK. Fboas Starsaail 1878 N. Y.-Plymouth-Havre-Paris FRANCE ...a... July SB Auf. 80 SapL 20 PARIS Aug. 2 Aug. 23 Sept. 13 New York-Havre-Paris La BOURDONNAIS July 13 Sept. 23 Oct. 26 LA 8AVOIE JulylB Aua. 12 Sept. 8 CHICAGO July 20 Aug. 31 Oct. 6 LAFAYETTE July 22 Aug. 19 Sept. 30 ROUSSILLON ...Aug. 14 Sept. 1 S Nav. 2 LA TOURAINE ..Sept. T Oct. 11 Deo. 7 LA LORRAINE .. .Sept. 18 Oct. 14 N. Y. Vigo (Spain) Bordeaux NIAGARA Aug. B Sept. 12 All sailing by daylight saving time. Far tailing data and all detail, apply at Fuqazf Bro.. Pacific Coatt Agent, 108 Cherry St., Seattle, or Local Office. AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SEAS Via Tahiti and Raratonga. Mall and Passen ger Service from San Franclaco Every 23 Day. Pacific Tour South Sea. New Zealand Aus tralia SB2B, Flnt Clan. UNION 8. 8. CO. OF NEW ZEALAND 230 California 8U, San Franclaco Or Local Steamship and Railroad Agencies Alleged Syndicalist Is Given Jail Term Astoria, June 27. Police Judge Gear hart last evening clapped a fine of $200 and a jaii sentence of 100 days THASSPOHTATIOTf Delightful Change In Your "Across-Canada" Trip Your journey eastward would falj short of the complete ideal if it failed to include that fascinating voyage on the Great Lakes, from Port Arthur on Lake Superior to Port McNicoll on the Georgian Bay Cool lake breezes, beautiful scenery and a comfortable, enjoyable shiplife for nearly two . whole days contribute greatly towards mak ing "a vacation you will never forget." Luxurious steamer accommodations, including spacious decks, airy cabins, ladies' rooms daintily furnished, splen did smoking rooms, commodious dining rooms and a sheltered after-deck combining veranda-cafe, lounging place and outdoor dance room. Let us tell you more about this charming trip Canadian Pacific Railway 55 Third Street PORTLAND Broadway 90 Write for i A l! ! Information J Ideal Vacation Route to Europe Moderate Rates Down the picturesque St. Lawrence River glimpses of Old Canada twodays in sheltered waters of river .and gulf short duration of the trip at sea fill your voyage with interest and variety if you cross by the White Star-Dominion, from Montreal via Quebec to Liverpool. Sailings Every Days of health-giving rest ana recreation made doub ly pleasant by the cuisine and service for which the White Star-Dominion ships are famous. Whether you go on the new 16,600 ton Regina, or the well known dc luxe steamer Sailing Dates REGrXA (Cabin and 3rd Class) July 8 Aoe. 5 Sept. 8 JIEGASTIC (1st. 2nd, Srd Class) July 15 Aug:. 12 Kept. CANOPIC (Cabin and 3rd Class) Joly2 Aug-. 19 Sept. 1 CANADA (Cabla and 3rd Class) July 1 July 9 Aug. 29 White Stae-Domihioh Line C. P. SARGENT, 619 Second ave., Seattle, or Local J A rrAflTd which lends cry considerably to your enjoyment of the trip. For details mf rates end smiling consult the Cunerd Agent m your city er write l 621 Second Ave Seattle. Phone EDiott 1632 (f Beta srttont. Me-1 attoo. Mm La ustsaa. ajaai Franeiaeav f-oexiano. attta, Wanoa-uvae, St. c. NORTH ATUlirrtO WESTERN . CO. WEST BOUND Portland, Me. Boatoa. S3. WEST I8I.ET. .Juns2B WHily Jul S. COLO HARBOR. .4utj 13 4otf IK ...... Jut 20 SS. BLUE TRIANGLE .duly 21 A us. 1 Aug. CAST BOUND FROM MRTLAND M.LMh July ; 3S.CoM Harbor a.1S SS. Bewak Julyl : Blue THanalo . Soot. SS.Wost sstota ............At. - -Mejruieiaiwi inc. ssaiiisL siw 101 Tklrd Strost on P. J. Welinder. lieit he was found srtntty by a Jury of violating Oi crUis Inal syndicalism laws by being an X, W. W. organizer. AVellnder, through B. E. Greeny Portland, attorney, Rave notJee of appeal. The police seised a considerable amount of I. W. W. props panda and literature on the organiser when he was arrested. TRANSPORT ATIOX W. H. DEACON, I General Agent The new Regm Saturday '" AfrMtttir. or the comfort able Canopic or Canada, you will have every com fort at moderate rates. You land at Liverpool near the English Lake District, the mountains of North Wales and many other scenes of deep tourist interest. s No other single word can better summarize the reasons for the pre-eminence of the Cunard-Canadian Steamaiiips in. Atlantic travel, than the word service. From the moment yoa first seek information regarding scbeduiea. reservations, tickets, etc, antil yoa ksve reachtd your destination, yoa are conscious of a thooajhtiul at teotiveness on the part ot th Cunard agents and emDlorees. CANAJIAK (3 d o oa if Vorsv Pblladabirila. sVaHlinoro, hi Diss. Kew York. Phiia. Baltimore. C3iarlestosi S.Arttaa . ..SopCISj apaoaj - , i rsn Vroas aaoma i . . -Pnmm - Brsssrway B4S1 a r mrri$es.Birtbs. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES Tidrmr K Hinin. lmrll-Tador Arm apt.. nd KvetJTB W. irvrrr. tecM. t0 K. Anton Mnwt. I Samnrl V tUrr. Ien - 19S2 Wftnon sUctt. and Uelpbrin K. Jsnkins, legal. 108 'J Wilson street. l ..i v - v. " UiM. U ; t ' and Uertrnde Kmitb, K. Nintk street north. l'tulip Babe:. 84. 7T? Vauahn atraet. jand Kabela le Martini. 20. 293 lttUi itreet nortB. Kmy V. Uoode, 34, Uemiaton. Dr., land uxalee Man. SI. T49 Belmont afreet. ' Clement le Orade. eal. iT E. ttetb street, and Chriatinsf A. Uahn. tesal, K2S liuon aveniw nortit. Charles Smith, leaaj. 74 It Kirst street, and iaetl Kmeraon. lecal. i'ortiaiKl. Uecrse J. Strandbcrc, 23. 490 H Washinc ton ctreet. and Mary M. afiian. -, 4UI) H asmnaton treet. 'ljr1 Mrrie Norton. 23, 548 Bidweil street, and KIxm Maria I nn, IT. 423 Haraev street. Klmer . Beralund. legal, Bend. Or., land mnwn. K-cai. s t. lit itrwL WEDDINQ C1KU KMUBAVlCtU V. U. SMITH UU, Sll Motsaa BkUc BIRTHS LO.NK To Mr. and Mra. it. Lne. 47 4 llel- mont. Jane a son. NUBL1TT To Mr. and Mr. 8. M. Noblitt, 1503 K. Morrison. Jane aii ri.ughtr ZIMMERMAN To Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Zirfr mermsn. 1233 K. 18th N.. June 20. a ton SU1PK.1NH To Mr. and Mrs. ti. A. ISitnp- sirra, jane 20, a daughter. WETTEKBKHti To Mr. and Mm. A. It Wetterbers, 874 K. Yarn hill. June 28. a on. 1!AK To Mr. and Mra. J. Vidak, B75 ortnrup. June 5, a dausbter. Ll'MMX To Mr. and Mr. W. 1.. Lundin 112U Waaro. Jane 20. a danrhtr BKADI.EY To Mr. and Mr. K. A. Bradley, 10 n,. loin jnne 13. a dauchter. VI;UKSVOHTH To Mr. and Mra. V. i T WiglesTTortb, 10U4 C'orbett, Jan 12, a ion. .jnn 10 air. ana Mr a. j. m. coob, oa 1. Ninth south. June 13, s daughter. i Jf(JlthLA.M To Mr. and Mr. H. More- lana. oai Overton. June 13, a dauchter HltiHES To Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hug-be 1HHU K. Sherman. Jane IS. a un PITTS To Mr. and Mr. Thoa. E. Pitta. 1413 uuiiAc?, una yf , a aaoamter ESiEY To Mr. and Mxs. U M. Enter, 331 c, wune l?, a son. BATES To Mr. and Mr, lo J. Bates, Mil waukie. Or.. June 21. a i.ii7lnr ALUEKTtW To Mr. and Mr?, u. Alderton. 1S52 K. Yamhill. June -23, a son. cl.i.s io Mr. and Mrs. K. 8. Ell. 452 June it, aancntera (twins). COON To Mr. and Mr. -Jeslie Coon. 7l 7th. Jane 24. a son. SUEHWOOli To Mr. ani,-4Ir U. M. Sher- i i nion June 18. a son. bJOO 50th, June 21. a son. DEATHS McAlCliU'lt John Jlc Arthur. sT Vincenta iioHjjitei. june 23, 7 yean; aepUc meninstti. e-V' Jaohie S. lee, 53 E. J2nd June 25, 64 yeam; carcinoma. ALTO Herman Alto. Good Samaritan hospi- i pf i-v,Tu.' 37 InTs: of skuin Lti fc.M)lSKL John Eevenduske, Portland Sanitarium. Juno 21, (JO year: cerebral hmnrriiB r M ICKEINE Wm. Wickltne. 1138 E. Salmon June 24. 7 H tpi j-a vi.ma WATSON Thomas M. Watao'n. Good Samart- 1EIPNEM Charle leipner. 1148 Haley. BA.,K,LJiT' wrth aele. 3B7 .V 18th. June r. "...'...? TtRnl: Pulmonary tubenruloeia. . . w - j Ties at , liruiUtTUafe, DIVORCES FILED Pierce Mabel A. Pierco against Helmer Munstcr Johta Munster against Laljlan uk , t 'i-usn:u1 minor, -through her guirdun, affaiMt Charles Kch- auuabu, as 1 1 ' I U 1U1 C II L. Isler Robert Isler arsinst Freds Isler ' Johnson Theodore E. Johnson against Co nnne Johnson. NEW TODAY 50 All Must Go This Week ' We are going: to turn out the remainder of this large shipment of 210 pianos previously advertised Hence this unbelievably liberal offer When these are gone there will be no more at such a great saving. Remember that the instruments in this sale are unquestionably superior to those offered elsewhere at even 1500 tar $550. Less than two carloads left, and to dis pose of them quickly we ask you nowito Bring $i.00 to show good faith and arrange to pay balance as best suits your convenience. Never before, and not within the ne-xt three years or more will such fine pianos be obtainable at such a low price, 1333.33. j The smaller sizes and plainer designs are only J26S, and there are also numer ous used ones at $220, $196 and $165. i These also on same terms. BRING $1.00 to show good faith, pay balance as best suits your convenience. ! Every instrument is definitely guar anteed ; must prove in every way satis factory to the purchaser or money back. Our first sale in over six years. ' Eilers Music Bide. Seven Floors Devoted to Music and Musicians Entrance and Elevators, 287 "Wash in ;r ton Street Just Below 5th St. READ THIS! Job hunters and others who need i income for bread and butter. 1 offer you 15 acres apple orchard with peach fillers, near Lyle. at the low price of 460 par aero, with big j crop in fine condition. Conaervativa estimate MOO to 4000 boxes. Good terms, or win accept Portland prop erty in full or part payment. Sea owner. ) I D. L. McLCOD, 204 Psrtar St. FLUFF RUGS Han from yoor eld worn-oat carpets, Savo half tha price of now rvm Send your rags and woolen cloths Mall Orders. Send for Booklet si ftu Mtmmm C leaned 41 AO NORTHWEST HUG CO. Cast SSSS 1SS Cart Stli St. AUCTION fiALES TOMORROW I AT WILSON'S AUCTION ' HOUSE. 160-173 SBCOJt STREET. SALE AT 10 A. M. SPECIAL NOTICES 101 NOTICE 1 harabr given that tha ondemgnad. O. T. H L will, on tha Srd day of July, 1022, at tha hour of 0 o'clock a. at 600 Wiiiiama avenue. Portland. Oregon, sail at crtvata aale that certain Nash fiv pssssngtr touring antomobile bearing aerial Nc 104.S40 and motor No. SOUS, to satisfy that certain mortgage dated September 20, 1821. mad and executed by Everett E. Nash and I. B, Kssb. and reeoeded Book 149 on page 12B. Beeosd of Cbattel Jtortgagaa of Multnomah nnty. Urego I This 'notiea at giveat in aeeordanco with tha term and eooditiona of said aaortgaga aatd is poMished aaa week "in tha Oregoa Jswr naL a newspaper of ' general elre attoai . ta Portland. Mil ltiwah, eoenty. Oregoa. j - 101 SEALED BHIS will bo received at the off.re ot the nadenicited, 401 Courthouse. Port land,' Orecoa, veti 7:30 p. m.. Wednesday. July -6. 1922, or fumiahinc fnel oil to be delivered to the various schools, Portland. Orecuo. Bida will be opened at a meetinc of the board of director to bo held in room S04 Coartsoose at 7 :30 p. m., the same day. Pjx-citi rations may be obtained at the office of the swerintendeBt of properties. Old Failing school. Portland. Oregon. A certified eheck for two hundred dollars --'00 payable to B. H. Thomas, achool clerk and basinean manager. nu.t actompany each propoaai. The board .-f directors reserres th right to reject any or alt bids, or divide tho award. (signed! K. H. Thomas. Khcol ilerk and business manacer. ltated, June 28, 122. NOTICE OF niVUiEXP Notice Li liereby given that Uie ruperintendent of bank of the state of Oregon has declared a dividend of forty (40 per cent on all deposit claims againat the saving department of the 8;ate Hank of Portland, which have been presented and allowed by aid raperintendent of hanks. Said dividends will be payable July 1. 1922. to each persona and in nach amounts aa shall be directed by the order of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Multnomah county. lated this 24th day of June. 1922. FRANK C. BKAUWELU Supt. of Bnk of the State of Oregon. TO WHOM it may concern. 1 will not be re sponsible for any debts contracted by ray wife. Peart L'nderhill. (Signed) William I'nderbill. MEETING NOTICES 102 NOBI.KS The Waahinpton county Nobles of Al Kader Temple ill gie n informal ball in the city Auditorium, in the city tiark at Hillsboro. this (Tuesday) evening at R o'clock. All Noble and their Iadie cordially invited. Ad mission free upon presenta tion of !!)' Hhnn. r.t Visiting Nobles welcome. Wear your fes. By order of the iUiutricua potentate HABYET BECKWITH. Recorder. 4TH OF JULY celebration and and picnic at Hawley Anto Park. formerly Caneinah park, Oregon City. All kinds of amuse ments, dancing, refreshment, etc. Automobile given away free. Motor cut or special train direct to Canemah station leave corner E. Water st. and Hawthorne ave. at 10 a. . m Itound trip fare 50 cents. Everybody welcome. S. (". Berry, chsitman Live Wire" Kin. Bids, committee, Paletjne lodge o. 141. A F. A A. M. COH'MBIA R K B E K A H LOIKiE NO. 3 O. O. F. Members are requested to sttend the funeral of our late ister. Jane B. Kellogg. Wednesday. June 28 at 10:30 . m.. from ilnley I'ndertaking Parlors, 5th snd Montgomery sts. Services by otticers 01 tnis lodge. All ttebekgns invited. VERSA KANEY, N. U. ANNA L. OSVOLp. Secy. CAMP meet every Wed neay evening in w UH 1UA"- I o. W Tnl. 12B 11th I CAMP 4-4 ft- A11 member request- r.M.OM41 come0 itUmL U,"W'1 Cv. kw a ri HERMAN BCHAPE. COSMOPOIJTAN IX3DGE N.o 109, Knights of Pi-thisa. meets every Wednesday even ing, 3d floor Pythian bldg.. No. 38s Yamhill U Visitors always welcome 1'UED O. KESTER. XT nt it . n . e AOO tr- .... w- -.00 mvz Twentieth Street. EI.LLI80N ENCAMP MENT. NO. 1 . I O O. S" will meet t h i Tuesday evening at orient hall. 426 V, Ea " Alder treet Golden Itule degree. Visiting patri- rcits are always welcome. CHAS. CHRISTIANSEN. Scribe! NYDIA TEMPLE InIT.nTms OF THE NILE, will give a moonngnt excursion on the Swsn Friday. June 30. Boat will lre ean end of , the Morrison street onage at p. m. sharp. Ad- Ai7. im uuiy. vraer vs MUCCU ACal. ADDA C. CELLARS. Recorder. WASHIN(;TON Lodge. No 111 A. F. tt A. M. Special com munication tomorrow ( Wednes day) evening 7 o'clock. East Eighth and Bumside. M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. Order V . .31. J. H. RICHMOND, Secy. ALBERTA Lodge. No. 172, "a! A. M. Special commu nication Wednesday evening, June 28. at 7:30 o'clock. Work in the M. M. degree. Visiting brethren -welcome. Order of FRED W, NICHOLS. Secy. THE MASTERS WARDENS' CIATION will meet Wednesday at o if. ui. st tne Masonic cran. Multnomah hotel, all Master Ma sons welcome. LESLIE PARKER. Sec'v. ORENOMAH Lodge No. 177, A. F. & A. M , Multnomah. Or. Special communication this (Tuesday) evening, 7 o'clock. M. M. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. By order W. M. O. 3. SWENSON, Secy MT. TABOR Ixlge. No. 42. A. F. A A. M. Special com munication 6:45 p. m. , M. M. degree. Stated communication, 7:30 o'clock Wednesday eve ning. Pythian temple. PALESTINE LODGE, N. 141. A. F. AND A. M. SpecUl Wednesday, 7 p. m., E. A. and F. C. degree. J. W. WILKIN'S, hec. , HAWTHORNE LODOB No. 111. A. F. and A. 41. Special" Tuesday evening at 6:30 and 8:30. Work in F. C. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. THE DRILL GIRLS of Lffjerty Assembly No. 528. United Artisans, wish to announce tieir dance of Wednesday, Juno 28. has been postponed on account of hot weather. Com mittee. LODGES and societies planning a (picnic or .... I jun tha slimmer can make aatis- fartory arrangements at Columbia beach. Main 2111. EMBLEM JEWELKx a specialty, button, plaa. cbariaa. Jaeger Bros.. IJi-n Q" DEATH NOTICES 103 TERR ILL At tha lata residence. 416 Lar rabeo st, June 28. Alph Morton Terrill. aged 07 years, after a severe illness of 8 years; husband of Lydls F. TerrilL brother of John D. Terrill of Detroit. Mich. Clyde. Ohio, pa per please copy. Funeral notice later. Cham bers t-O , inc., m cnarge xji t i.mtrtiicnw v r-- a T.. OA . . vwdt.TUWt nf her daughter, Mrs. Fred W. Kent, 335 Fargo street. Mra. Gertrude Ann Iwia. aged 0 years. Deceased is also survived by four grand children and 12 great-grandchildren. Remains at Pearson'a undertang parlors, Russell atreet at Union avenue. PETERSON -In this city, June 26. Leo. aged 61 years, husband of Dorothy Helen Peter son of 574 East 24th atreet north, and father of Mr. Dorothy Pankopf of Ban Antonio, Texaa. The remains are at Finley'a Mortuary. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral here after. TICKNER In this citf, June 26, Margaret, aged 81 yrars, wife of Walter Tickner of Multnomah, Or., and mother of W alter and Elisabeth Tickner. The remains are at Finley'i Mortuary, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of luneral nereaiier BATNES At her lata residence. 268 E. 85th at. Juno Z6, Mary K. Haynes, aged 62 years. Remains at the chapel of Snook Wheaidon Belmont at 35th st. Notice of fu neral later. - FUNERAL NOTICES 104 EH AN LEY At the residence of lier niece, Mr. Mary Braoer. 696 East 20th at. X.. June 26. Catherine Shanley. aged 78 year, aont of W B. I tonsil of Portia ad. great aunt of William Bernard. Catherine Brauer and WflHam Donahue, all of Portland. Mas will he offered Thursday. Jone 29. at 0 a. re st St. Andrews church East th and Atberta, Interment ML Calvary cemetery. Arrange ment in care of MUler aV Tracer. THOMPSON At the home of her eon at St. Helens. June 26, Mrs. Jemima Moriat Thompson, aged 78 year 8 months, mth of A.-J. Thompson of Weatport and J. W. Thompson. Bt Helen. Funeral service at tha Methodist Episcopal church, St Helens, at 1-80 p, m. Wednesday. Jnna 28. . Interment at Bivarvie cemetery, I'orUand. 4 p. m. rrieoos isvino 6E At tha residence. 653 East 62d st, narthT June 25. Libbie 8. Lea. aed 64 vear beloved mother of Mra. Nina Toder ITPall BrtdSe. Wash.; Mr, May Little of Deer Island. Or Remains will be forwarded tinder tha direction of Miller A Tracer. Tuesday. June 21. at 7:10 p. m.. to Sand Point. Idaho, where service ana migmnit ""i u KKLLOGG- luna 20. at the residence. 572 Eaat- Monwa street, Jane Danes Kellogg, aaod 02 years, Bfler of Mrs. Ansa Lena and Ernest E. KellocC- The funeral erw at 100 a- m.. at Ftnley'e Mortuary, Mont 7m.rT T - Fifth.- Frieode invited. Interment SPECIAL NOTICES V W. M. FUNERAL NOTICES ' 104 SVMKS The funeral rrice of the lata Potcy . 8yBea will be held Wednesday. Juno 28. at 2 -p. m. t the chapel of. MUler aV Tracey. - Intf rment Riverriew cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 105 East Side Funeral Directors . r C. UUNNINU. INti l he Semiiy txu iu friro' 414 K Aloer a. t-hooe Kaat , Ink) PUHTLANU MOKTUAKI taeeesen to , UUNM.SU 4, MeKNTKB Murrtaoa at 12Us Wast ttlde . Broadway 419 Edward Hotmail & Son TH1K1 AND 1UU1U.V MAIN 007 ' Snook & Wheaidon H'KEKAL OIHiCTOHkt tLCCt.Si44Jn3 10 Bktt iK iMiOOK BE! MONT AT 1TH .AUlK I1M Lerch. Undertalcer EAST ELEVENTH ANJ lUWTUUUXI ; 1. KEN iVCKTit i 1 S. kfcUvUk UiioiJ A. D. Ken worthy & Co. . Q802 t2d it B K. nto. lS-ai ' av.- KU EAO I I O I Finlev's Mart MONTtJOM EH I AT FIFTH 9 rectors. rnneraU S7S .ud op. Washington at Ella it Broadway a91. Auto. 901 WILLIAMS AVE. WOOOUAW.N 2g0 kck-V iEE dc ElLEks tuntral pariora wlUa all 1M 1 1 . . . . . h I - . .Jt . ts " P Broadway 212S. Anto. ai-. B. at. ti C LB HA N lSO N w kklliH CHAMBKKB CO., 1NU 248 280 K.UlingworUi ave Wdln. (SOS ISkewes MB41Sff?tg A. R. ZelSer Co. 5S?Si! ' MONUMENTS 106 I OTTO SCHUMANN MARBt-B WqpKSj C . QCAtTTY PtXMOBMLS 3 tern 1RP t. HNC STS FLORISTS 107 t Martin&Porbes Company V 854 WASHINGTON 8T, MAIN 269 FINE FLOWERS FOB ALL OCCASIONS AtiTISTlCALLt ABKANGED MAIM Smith's Flower Shop "Portland' Progrssslva Florist" Flowers for AU Oecaalona Main 7215. T. C Lake. Mgr.. ttth and Aldes? POTTEO plauU flowers tor all occasions. iltai nyid GreeDDonss, 'i'sbor 768. LOST AND FOUND. 108 THE following article were found on the cars of the P. R. & U P. Co.. Juno 24, 1923: suit bos, 2 lunch boxes, 5 purses. 3 pin. 2 suitcase 2 handbags. 1 pair glove, acarf, 0 packages, potato planter, pack sack. Japa nese para.ol. chisel, can molasses, Jug. 1 pair glasses. Owners may obtain asm upon proper identification at First and Alder atreet station. THE following article were found on the car of the Portland Railway. Light V Power company June 25: 4 umbrellas, 2 basket, collar button, spood rack, 1 suitcase, fountain pen, 4 pair and 2 single gloves, 2 bonks. S packages, bathing suit, cost, fan. Owners may obtain same upon proper identification at lot and Alder st station. DOUBLE bow knot diamond lavellier, aet itt platinum. 3 bangles, lost or stolen at tno Multnomah botel between 8 and .. Tues day night. IX stolen so questions asked: S100 reward. Mrs. C. . Cline, 001 Viusaa av Bdwy. 620. - LOST Gold Swias writ watch with on hook attached. Monday morning In auto mobile that nicked up young lady on th Pa cific highway between Parkplace, Or., and Arlington station. Phone sell. aoiz. LOST Two fishing baskets, both filled with complete outfit of light tackle and reel: lost in city or out on Canyon road. Reward. O4 0U .Mkrbn LOST Between PorOsnd and Vista House. coat with K. of P. and American Legion pin.- Finder please call J. F. Parker. Broadway 6101. LOST Sunday, boa camera, between 2 1st and Savier and steel bridge, via Glisan. valued as keepsake 387 E. Bumside. Phono East OUJ. Kewara. L08T In Mt. Scott district, brown sweater coat containing fountain pen. peneil and emblem pin. Reward. Call Mr. Waller, Main 9311. ; LOST Lady bone rim' no glass es. od Front or on -Lincoln st lieturn to a aa sx. Reward LOST A package of photo, in or near 10 and ISc store, at 0th and Wash. Call Walnut 0846. LOST At Eatmoreland linka Sunday, be tween 9 and 3:30, one diamond set cuff .. . ... . . w r . 1 - T? .1 AttM. lins. lymqiy pnone j. " J . i LOST Blck seal vanity caso a cascade) Locks. Sunday. June 25. containing 325. silk hose, receipts, etc.; reward. Sell. 1374. LOST Friday afternoon, comer 4th and Mor- rkon. scarf, black with bright stripes, n yds. long. Esst 379. Kewsrd. IfjT Army blanket Sunday, on Columbia highway, between auto camp and city. Call Oeorge Apel. Margnaii i. LOST Brown fur between Union and Wil lisms on Going at. Wood wn 6366. Re ward. . LOST Doctor swagger bag with instrument and dreg: liberal reward. Call from 8 to 6. Mam 1284. LOST An orange Persian male cat; Dleese phone East 6079. Reward. finder FOC Nil A collie dog. collar marked B. Wilte. Call at 4 83 . Z3d f. LOST Gold watch, June 24, at Council Crest; keepsake. Kewsrd. Aut. 622-37. FOPXD SUM OF MONEY. - TABOR 6280?' LOST Platinum bar pin. Phone Eaat 6078. EDUCATIONAL 200 THOSE who are SHORT of Urn and money. bat LONG in purpose and ambition. hould remember "WE PUT BUSINESS INTO YOU; THEN YOU INTO BUSINESS. Day and Night Classes tha year through. (Formerly Link' Business College) The School of Quslity For Ten Tears. Call, W'ritt or Phone for Catalogue. 407 Morrison St. Broadway 6088. DO TOU WANT A OOOU JOB! -STn antnmnMtM era beina sold BOW 41 ever before, which will create a big demand for competent auto mechanic. W teach ante repairing, anto electrical and battery work and assist our graduates to good positions. Evary tfaui is fully explained in our new 1 1 2-page catalogue. Call or write for a FBEE copy. Ask (or book No. ' 4. Visiting hours daily si IO . m , except Saturday. , AXKX1X AUTO AVIATION SCHOOL. Cnicn ave. and Waaco street. Wood lawn or Alberta ear. BEGIN EARNING MONET UUICKLT , Enroll for day ar snsuner school a al great bnsinesa col lege, the training schoot I M snees. Coarasa Include eoatptoasetat, atet raphy. banianc bookkeeping, private eee ta tartat, Wnta eg phone Mala ttm tmm eataloaHav . ' h2 Fomtb aar Montana. Pottiana. EAiiN XOt-tt WAX 'iktOUGH OLa MAitBEst COLA U wUl s 53. wtute teaming; pouuona aacuad. - Oiasosi aarvlea aaaa rsoejve atata aid. Wnta for eabalaaa. 884 t2 wio. ssavr nwi ym Tl r Taacsi tOsnUnaad as fsMsan aaa) ... . . - i O. T. L11 b '4 . ' i Cnacent Grove