12 THR " OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1922. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 COZT fornUhed room for test; reasonable. 414 Market, comer 11th. ' X ICKLY fnrniahed room, ni of living room, - pubo, phoae. bom, privilege; rent reason able; walking aimnwi., ii a era t 3011." 'FINELY furnished frost room, with Jovely view, hot and cold water, A-l beds; quiet, . don to basin center and Lincoln high. 321 J2tb. eor. City. - . LARGE front room next to bath; eaay walk- -, in distance ; reasonable : gentlemen pre ferred. East loou. can mornings ana eve tnnga. - TWO SLEEPING BOOMS. 170 17TH feT-. ROOM AND BOARD 302 HOTEL HEREFORD 735 HOYT ST. . RESIDENTIAL. AND TRANSIENT NEW MANAGEMENT - Rooms with or without meal, stasia and ea mite, Kate with meal $10 per week and up. Pleasant surrounding and porches. Nortonia Hotel Broadly off Washington. Broadway 1180. Portland' high class downtown residential hotel. We (Ito you the comfort of borne. American and European plan. Kates reasonable. 712- MARSHALL. MAIN 8603. Residential hotel, newly furn. Room and board. Rates by week or month. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 KX8 AGEI invalid, chronic or convalescent patients, pleasant home surroundings, with health building diet and treatment, under per sonal care of physician; reasonable rates. East 8585. - IN PRIVATE mod. home, good board and rooms, or will let room witut board; home, cooking and home privileges. r547 hi 6th st Min 9325. ' LARGE. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM; HOME PRIVILEGES; GOOD CAR SERV ICE. PHONE TABOR 3176. ROOM AND BOARD TO GIRL EMPLOYED. VERY REASONABLE; CLOSE IN. EAST 2790. SLEEPING room in private family of two. suitable for one or two gentlemen or couple employed; breakfast if desired. Tabor 8715. X LARGE room in attractive borne, with 1 or . 2 beds. Tabor 8709. i BEAUTIFUL large well furnished .room with board, in private family; 2 double beds, ; suitable for 3 gentlemen; Walnut Park. Wood lawn TO RENT Large room with two closets. suit able for two. Also other rooms. Meals if desired in modern home near carline. Prices reasonable. Call Tabor 6488. ALL HOME comforts and privileges in lovely Alameda home for one or two gentlemen; preferably two. 902 E. 26th' at. N. Wdln. 4927. ATTRACTIVE. . COMFORTABLE ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD: MODERN. REASONABLE. WALKING DISTANCE. 373 ROSS ST. EAST 2360. ONE LARGE ROOM WITH 8LEEPING PORCH. TWIN BEDS. W. S. WALKING DISTANCE. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. BDWY. 4633. V CLOSE in, very desirable front room lor one , or two; also comfortable basement room; breakfast and all home comforts. 469 Clay. Main 2? 2 8. - GOOD ROOMS. WITH BOARD IF DE SIRED. WEST SIDE. WALKING D1S ' TANCE; GENTLEMEN PREFERRED. Bdwy. " 4392. WILL GIVE GOOD OLD-FASHIONED HOME WEST SIDE DIST. CLOSE IN. REASONABLE. QUIET PRIVATE HOME. REASONABLE. EAST 1991. I WOULD like to get 2 boarders, couple. 2 men or 2 children; a beautiful new home in Alameda. The beit of board, all home privileges. Aut. 322-53. ROOM AND BOARD. 2 YOUNG MEN", WELL FURNISHED: GOOD DISTRICT; REAL HOME TO RIGHT PARTY, v WDLN. 1285. . BOOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE HOME FOB GENTLEMEN; '0 OTHER KOOM- ERS. SELL. 1941. WANTED 1 or 2 children to care' for in 'my home; pleasant surroundings; reasonable. 632 Marion are. Sellwood car. ROOM AND BOARD AND MOTHER'S CARE FOR CHILDREN. WDLN. 628. 561 GOING ST. BOARD and room; special rates for two in a room; walking distance; home privileges. 327 E. 11th st. N. Phone East 0396. FIRST CLASS ROOM AND BOARD; OUT SIDE ROOMS. MAIN 2864. 894 CO- LUMIA. COR. 10TH. -CHILDREN WILL RECEIVE GOOD CARE IN SUBURBAN HOME OF RESPONSIBLE MOTHER. AUTOMATIC 630 25. FUiST-CLASS room and Doard, beautiful lo , cation, 1 u mm. ride from downtown; 1 . room suitable fur 3 college boys. Main 5374. I WILL GIVE mother's care to one of two ' girls, school age, - Scandinavian preferred. 4210 63d st. S E. Mt. Scott car. CHILDREN UNDER 8 YEARS TO BOARD AND ROOM: GOOD HOME AND MOTH ER'S CARE. PHONE WOODLAWN 3954. NICELY furnished front room to 1 or 2 gen " Uemen ; all modern conveniences; garage and boan. '.f dewired. Tabor 1346. ' WANTED A SMALL CHILD TO BOARD AND ROOM. BEST OF CARE; PRICES REASONABLE. TABOR T476. ' tICE rooms with boms cooking. Every con venience. Reasonable walking distance. 365 Halsey. - BOOM AND BOARD, home privileges, use of piano: walking distance. 593 hk Davis st, near 19th. Broadway 1403. lOING MAN Tb ROOM AND BO AMD; SMALL CONGENIAL FAMILY OF YOUNG PEOPLE; PIANO. MAIN BUS. BOOM, breakfast and dinner tor 1 man; pri , vate home.. 4WH Broadway. Mar. 1 909. kuOM AND BOARD in private family. 830 a month. 121 K. 11th. Phone East 2522. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ' FURNISHED 304 $3 TO- $4.50 WEEK Completely furnished, absolutely clean house keeping rooms, and suites; desirable people only. Right downtown. 288 M 3d sU, near Jef fcrson. UNDER new management Housekeeping rooms; gas. electric light, bath and free pbene: clean, quiet home for men, $1.50 and up. 663 Hood st. Msin 8541. S3 PER WEEK AND I P 1 AND 2 RMS . CLEAN BEDS. AIRY OUTSIDE KM 3. 186 SHERMAN. MARSHALL 3763. LIGHT and clean single housekeeping room. light, bath, laundry privileges; walking dis tanee. 406 Vanconver sve. Phone East 8621. BELL0NGHAM APTS.. 4211, E. Morrison for rent; 1 and 2 H. K. rooms. Phone East 7848. ONE or S rooms for housekeeping, everything furnished, one blk. to ear. 585 Commercial st. Near Emanuel hospital. NICE 2 -room bousektepuig apt, $20; also nice sleeping room. $S. 549 6th st. NICK 2- and 3-room furnished apta.; reason able. Idaho Apts., 6th st. ONE MODERN H. K. ROOM. 34 WEEK 841 ELEVENTH. -ST. NICE, clean rooms, . convenient, dose in. east side; very reasonable. 402 Ross. East 93 70. H. K. SUITE, nicely furnished 2 room apt 86 Overton, at 21st. Main 2379. SINGLE and double h. . rooms, reasonable - close in. 220 H Grand are. East 8325. : 2-ROOM H. K. basement apt. $4 week. 3s7 Taylor at. HEILER APTS., newly renoTatedTl7 2 and 3 room apta.; close in. 280 V Grand ave. THREE farmahed H. K. ayartuienU;phoc. , "ght and water. 635 E. Morrison. bUH CLAY ST.. J clean furnished heusekeepina rooms: no objection to a child. HOUSKKEEPLVG and sleeping rooms iTand up. at COS 6th st.. Main 3389. ' TWO rooms andkitchenette, STUtahle77oT-trei. 3T per week. 186 14th at. S. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS " FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 3Q6 THREE rooms partly furnished; gas and eleeT 3 13 month. 121 bta-aten at, Maru ipm. 2-KOOM IL K;ihgl room. $20 a month- v una xa. A. apw. aa. 20th and Upl I ahnr. Broadway 1871. TWO large treat b k. rootas, $20. 63 Water st. Phone Mar. 3856. dlNGLE H. K. room, suitable for bachafaT 154 N. 19th st. TWO LIGHT h. k rooms, 1 aieeping room! fiat. 285H Miu.- orcaa Marshall 1457 2 LARGE anodern front H. E. rooma, with . aw iut vm. LARGE front H. K. room with kitK close- ia $4.23. 406 4th st. FOUR rooms, bath, gas, electricity; rent 318 - a montk. 121 Stantoa at.. par Miasiaaippi. 2-Ut.KlM suit I of hcuiekeeping vxtnu. cucae in. ' CS4 t;ila"- MarahaU 197. v 1 THREE wufuruMiied cooaaa. Call Maiat 6$fl. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS -FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 25 LARGE. AIRY ROOM AND PORCH. . KITCHENETTE. HOT AND COLD WA TER, BATH. WOULD CABE FOR. CHILD BET. 3 AND 7 DURING DAT. MAIN 71 x. 2 H.K. ROOMS, very , desirable. 1 H blocks from Montavilla car, near Lsurelhurst park: nomelike atmosphere; will be pleased to show them. 31 E. 2th at between Ash and Pine. 340 FURNISHED sower Coot, 4 large rooms, private toilet and bath; newly papered; old tvory finish; furnace, fireplace, tore porch; Hawthorne district. Tabor 1114. : - SEMI BASEMEN! APARTMENT. NICE CLOSE IN LIVING BOOM. SLEEPING PORCH; PRIVATE FAMILY. 682 DAVIS ST. BROADWAY S44S. CLEAN, eocy 3 room suite, run nine water. sink, (aa range, quiet boose. Infants wet some. 818, Also 2 room suite. Near U. P. shops. 152 H Kussrll st ONE single h. k. rm., 33; also 1 room with kitchenaette, everything furnished, for $3.50 per week; walking distance, children welcome. 533 Johnson. (21 REDUCED; lights free. 3 Urge, elea. famished H K. rooms; ground floor; laws, roses, walking distance. 134 Porter.: Phone owner. Sellwood 1109. - 1 FOR RENT Two pertly furnished H. K rooms, sleeping porch and private bath, light, water, phone free; rent reasonable; garage if desired. Woodlawn 1 809. ONE nice, 2 large front room apartments, light, phone and bath free; walking distance. Call Monday, Wednesday and Friday bet. 11 a. m. and. 4 p. m. 550 4th St. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. Electric light, phone, batH, cool porches. 1 hi south of Hawthorne car Una. Walking distance. 310 E. 9th st. VERY desirable h. k. 1 and 2 rooms, with kitchenette; newly decorated, every conven ience, walking distance, select neighborhood; also- sleeping rooms. 315 up. 738 Hoyt. 2 LIGHT, clean housekeeping rooms; nice yard, near 2 earlinea, 317 per month, in cluding light and water. 60 E. 2 2d at. Phone East 6020. . 2 ROOM furnished apt. h. and c. water; built ins, gas range; in refined, quiet home, near Good Samaritan hospital; reasonable. 752 Loveioy st. TWO nice partly furnished housekeeping rooms or sleeping rooms: newly renovated; all con veniences; walking distance; reasonable; adults only. Phone East 84b. 683 East Stark. CLEAN H. K. rm. close in, to' nice middle aged woman that I could go out with and be companion; good opportunity and home to right party, cheap. East 1740. ALL MOD. CONVENIENCES. EN TIRE UP STAIRS. NICE HOME. GOOD LOCA- TK)N ; LIGHT. PHONE. BATHy ADULTS. CALL EVENINGS. WDLN. 3873. 2 NICE CLEAN FRONT ROOMS CLOSE INj PHONE, LIGHT AND WATER FREE; 5 MIN. TO HEART OF CITY. 348 CLAY. MAIN 3459. ONE SINGLE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. EVERYTHING FURNISHED: WALKING DISTANCE; ALSO SLEEPING BOOM. 352 COLLEGE. MAR. 2306. THREE fine unfurnianed rooma for house keeping, pleasant location, bath, electricity, gas, water free; convenient to carline; shady lawn and lots of roses. Tabor 1618. TWO large front rooms. Very desirable. On first floor, cool porch. Nob Hill district, walking distance. Greatly reduced rates for summer. See theset 655 Flanders at, ONE. TWO AND 3 WELL FURN. H. K. APTS., CHEAP, WALKING DISTANCE; LARGE YARD. GOOD DIST. 42S PACIFIC, NEAR DENTAL COLLEGE. EAST 8494. A LITTLE NEW APARTMENT, CHARM INGLY FURNISHED, ON WEST 8IDE. FOR 1 OR 2 WOMEN; REFERENCES BE- QUIRED. MAIN 8379. 1 FURNISHED housekeeping room, suitable for 1 person; light, water and bath. 287 Knott at., near WUliams ave. East , 1748. $10 per month. TWO nicely furnished front rooms and kitchen ette, with screened aieeping porch, $25 per month; walking distance. 412 10th St., be tween Harrison snd Hall. 3 AND 4-rocan apt. $18-$20v Take Fulton car to Terwilliger ave. 157 Terwilliger ave. Marshall 3762. 2 NICELY FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS, LIGHT. BATH AND PHONE. 102 E. 18TH. EAST 9997. $20 1 large furnished housekeeping rooms. Lower floor. 542 E. 27th. Richmond car to 27 th. One block south. NICE front fnrnished housekeeping room, walking distance. 475 Clay st. Phone Main 3799. - I HAVE 2 rooms, well furnished, newly reno vated, very clean. block .to H. A. car. Desirable neighborhood. 325. 292 E. 8 2d St. FOR RENT Clean, pleasant housekeeping and sleeping rooms, close in. cheap. 070 Johnson st. Phone Bdwy. 7849. 2 OR 3 large front H. K. rooms, furnished, close in, west side, reasonable or half house private entrance, nice porch. 786 Corbett. 3 UNFURNISHED H. K. ROOMS WITH SLEEPING PORCH AND GARAGE. PRI VATE HOME. 1030 ft. MAIN ST. TWO furnished H. K rooms; close in; gas, water and phone, 820 per "x"th, 502 East Pine. Phone East 8913. LARGE H. K. room, kitchenette: front well furnished; elec. and phone; walking distance. 461 5th. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms in private home. Light, phone and water. Adults. 37 E. 13th. East 4115. 2 OR 3 LOVELY fur matted housekeeping rooms, $16 or $18 a month. Call 586 Pettygrove. 2 NICELI furnished housekeeping rooms for rent in private family, reasonably. 784 Clinton st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in privste family; light, water and gaa furnished. 671 Rodney. East 4144. 2 CLEAN, light and airy h. k. rooms, walking distance; light, heat, bath, phone, laundry free; $5 per week. 46810th st. TWO nice U. k. rooms, $15; one front sleep ing room. 310. 529 Kearney, bet. 15th and 16th. Adults. TWO newly fufniahed clean housekeeping room s, $16. HIS Mississippi ave. Wood- lawn 6715. NEW and clean 3 rm. h. k. apt. In private family, for adults only. Tabor 8773. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 FURNISHED and unturnished apta.. elevator, heat, private baths and balconies. 410 Harrison st.. between 10th and 11th. Phone Main 1320. BARKER APARTMENTS 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, 2 dis appearing beds, very desirable. 21st and Irvine. PLEASANT 2 -room apt, private entrance and aieeping porch, in quiet ome on Wil lamette Heights : employed couple preferred. 322.50. Call mornings. Main 3471. ALICE COURT 2 and '3 large rooma. 2 beds, fireplace, private bath, telephone, $45 and $50. Cor. E. 8th and Burnaide. East 3566. GREY GABLES 2 room furnished apt., newly renovated. 289 10th st. Glen Court Cor. Park and Taylor. ' 2 and 3-room Apta. ; close in. Main 1961. THE EDENHOLM 334 8th St.. modern 2 and 3-room furnished apts. Private baths: $25$85. THE KERRIGAN Nice . clean, modern. 4-room apt., private garage, $50; also S rooms, $26. East 11SO. 2 AND ROOM, apta., not and cold water. light, gaa, phone; 816, 820 and $25; walking dist. Jennings Apts.. 245 hi l?th N- FURNISHED 3 rooms apt-, $27.50: adults only, residence district. Call evenings, phone Wdln. 2975. 1090 E. 15th at. N. NICELY furnished 4 room apt.' Haa aieeping porch and fireplace. All newly furnished. Call Wdln. 1945. 2 NICE large furnished rooms, with ga rage if wanted; on first floor front; adults. MY 4-room ' furnished apartment, piano, in r .CT.H . . tfM. . .Lw tm ....... ,.. 1. . uob; very remsonaoie. again gug mornings. WILL sublet my tnrniaried ape of 3 rooms and bath en Union are, BU1 Sept 3. Phone East 133. . - UAfDON HALL, J1TH AND HALL 3 rsdv, kitchenette, bath. h. w. firs., pvt. balconies, $80 up. Mar. 11 BO. r CAROLINA apta.. 3 euUMie ' rooma, private oatna. ctcsus, wen ramuaas, auilame lor . 313 Stanton. East 456. FOUR ruoiav apt private bath.' Call Wdln. 1901. - THREE furnished hooseaeeping rooma. Ankany court. 933 E. Ankeny at. -. BERKELEY APTS-K S3 TRINITY ptACET Modern frent 2 and 3-rm. apt. Bdwy 6151. BANNER APTS. 2 and 3-room -apta.; good" SPECIAL a rote turn. aut.. bow 810. Thi Jeftery. cog. Russell and Kerfrv. East 1394. YOUNG wosnan , wants congenial roommate in small apt. reaaonabia. - Main 1778. Apt. 1. BUENA TISTA APTS..-434 HARRISON . x ana m room awaera apta. saana isii. rvwi . ... aavd i KilbngawortJa. furmsheoT ivy-, a , c. ua I m mintivww, iianai&aea tot - Mil 5ft?- .11 i mmhUmv .....t. KM THE ALB RET furnished apt-, steam het,prT- vata bath.- 840 hi Miss, are. -j - , . FOR BENT' CoiauWU S-rocnafanushed apt oiivi; i.m naia ris, 2 AND 3 room fuiBuhed apta! Harriaoev Court. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 ... . . . THE ALAMO APTS. . . i"1. Attractive!- furnished or i unfurnished S rooas front apartments, piano, mcely arranged, private bath, disappearing beds.' -feeing aorth, newly tinted and enameled, spotlessly clean. $37.50 to 842.30. Steam beat.: 44 Mar ket. - . " - t , RAN MARCO. E 8TH AND COUCH. S RM. MOtt APT.. WEEK OB MONTH. EAST 1990. " . THE JACKSON ! S-rm. apt., 330 to 840; modern brick bide, private, bath, steam beat, hot and cold water, phoae; 15-minute walk to city. East "2846. Hose City car. 61 Union eve. N. . NEW YORK APARTMENTS " One, two and three-room furnished apart menta. Walking distance. , East 7th at - Bel Bont WELLINGTON COURT APTS 2 rooms, newly . famished, modern and fat first daas shape, close in. walking, distance; rent 340. Broadway 1245 - - - -; 325 TO 82S.50 for 2 and 8-room furnished apartment in a modern steam (heated apt. boose. 43 Third street. - r APARTMENTS UNFIJIWISHED 308 KingAlbertApartments 3 and 3. rooms, furnished or unfurnished, tile bath, elevator.- 11th at Montgomery. Main 358. WELLINGTON COURT APTS-i 5 rooma, beautifully decorated and enameled, steam heated: only 3 blocks from Washington st. Bent $50. Bdwy. 1245. The American Madera 4 and 5 -room apartments. 21st and Johnson. Broadway 3360. BARKER APARTMENTS, 21st and Irving; 3 outside corner rooma2 disappearing beds, very desirable, available July 1.. FLATS FURNISHED 309 THE FAUSTINA Wett side, close in, ciean. cheerful 4 rooms; private bath; basement space; a pleasant home; references. 464 Hall St.. near- 18th. IRVINGTON Choice flat. 2 rooms, s. porch, lights, water, gas, $52.50. 711 Thomp son st. FURNISHKD 3 room flat. Water in rooms. 263 Fifth st.' - MODERN LY furnished 4 -room flat. lA9 E. Main street. FOUR-ROOM furnished flat for rent, (25. 1206 E. Main st 4-ROOM flat completely furnished; piano, fur- na.ee, all conveniences. 757 E. Ankeny. NICE3rm furnished-Oat, 330. Woodlawn 1953. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 NEAR LAURELHURST PARK Attractive 4-room flat, built-in buffet, dis appearing bed, gas range, gas water heater, linoleum, furnace separate, basement; rent 335 per,- month. GEORGE T. MOORE CO. 1007 YEON BLDG. 5-ROOM upper fjat, 322.50; good clean con dition; walking distance. East 3310, call after 6 p. m. , ' UNFURNISHED lower fat. 5 rooms. Owner, 79 E. 18th st. N... corner E, Everett. E. 6393. 322.50 MODERN 5-room lower flat, walking distance. 649 2d St. Key on premises. $20 5 -BOOM flat. 67th and Sandy. Tabor 2840. 6 ROOM flat, first floor. Call at 256 hk East 4 3d st. WEST SIDE, cosy 4, ligh reoms. bath, gas, electricity, walking. Sell. 1370. MODERN 5 room flat, sleeping porch. O 92 hi East 13th st. Call 588 Raleigh st. 5 ROOM flat, close In. 644 Williams ave., $25. Owner. 633 Monroe. HOUSES FURNISHED 311 6 ROOM bungalow nicely furnished, modern. with garage, $45 per month. 1341 Cor bett st. Taka Fulton car; get off at Pendle ton. Mar. 2396. FOR RENT Good furnished 1 room bungalow, fruit, garden, hen house, garage, Courtney station. Tabor 692. " MODERN 5-room house, 2 lots, plenty of fruit, near car, good location, $25 a month. 3104 54th st. TWO small modern houses, completely fur nished; healthy; garages. . Tarr, 806 Jeffer son. Marshall 2941. FOR RENT 6-room strictly modern fur nished house with garage; $65 per mo. Phone Tabor 3176. TO RENT YOUR HOME SEE FRANK L. McGUntE. Abington Bldg. FURNISHED 5-room bouse, 255 N. 17th st. Inquire at 250 N. 17th St. Price $25.00. NICELY furnished 7 room bouse. 760 E. Main. Call E. 2905 or E. 9237. 2 ROOM fur. bouse, adults or bachelors. 611 4 8th ave. 8. E., Arleta., Mt. Scott car. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 SPRINKLER ED WAREHOUSE on trackage. Store your goods with us. Let us do your moving and packing. CLAY S. MORSE, INC. Bdwy. 3470. 454 Ghsan st. Furniture Moving Pianos- moved, 33 up. 80-day free s to rags on all crated HH. goods. Let us estimate your work. ATLAS TRANSFER it STORAGE CO., Broeowsy 1207. FURNISHED house foe price of unfurnished one; 7. rooms, garage, chicken house, paved street, good neighborhood, 1 block to car. 4958 "2d tt, S. E. FOR RENT Strictly modem 4 room house in Kenton. 112 W. Terry st, $40 mo. Call Mr. Thompson. Woodlawn 4711. WALKING distance; for rent, a modern 6 room house; rent $25.60 a month. 410 E. Clinton st. PIANO Moving, $3: furniture, $2.50 per nr.; 2 men, large padded vans. Call Crown Transfer Co.. East 2504. JUST cleaned, two 6 room houses; garage and furnace. $45. Call 641 E. 17th and Madison. j MOVING. $2 PER "HOUR AND UP , Fireproof storage 15 days fvee. ELK TRANSFER CO. Phone BDWY. 2445. WHEN moving city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Trans. Co., Main 1261. 202H Alder st FOR RENT, $25 mo., 7 -room house, berries and garden spot 590 Glenwood are. Call 1395 E. 16th st Sellwood car. 4-ROOM cottage, not modem. ' convenient 10 cation; no children. Inquire 660 Kerby. MODERN 6-room house, with garage: adults only, z si t. --a st rt. WE MOVE furniture of 4-4-6 room house for $8. For further information. Mam 6290. "FOR RENT Modern 7 room house and store; good business location. C5Q Union ave. N. 6ROOM house near Washington high school. $36. Wdln, 715. 8-ROOM house, suitable for two families; close in. $30. East 428T. WE SPECIALIZE In piano and -furniture moving: 15 Tiara free. storage. Bdwy. 4222. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 B ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale: very close in. on the weat aide. Great opportunity to buy good furniture very cheap, including Victrola and recordv Reaaonable rent with or 'without garage. Mar. 865. FURNITURE of lO-r&om house in Nob Hill district, rest $45; acme rooma now rented; good income; make an offer. 670 Johnson at Braadway 7849. S-BOOM flat furniture for sale, cheap; flat rent cheap; leaving town. Look at thia, 24 N. 16th st. Bdwy. S 57. j 4-ROOM coxy, modern house for rent $20.60. Furniture at bargain. 1193 E. Taylor; 8. S. car to S9th at . .. . T ROOM house- for rent, or furniture for sale. Inquire at 121 hi Russell at - i - . MUST aell immediately, complete 5 rooms fur nlture, rent $25 me. : Wdln.- 689. STORES AND - HALLS 314 FOR RENT Store sow occupied by Jaoob - son's tailor ahop. Morrieon st aid Portland hotel building. - PoBSessioa. given ! July .. I. Inquire hotel office. I-- FOB v KENT Storeroom 20x20 kitchenette - and 2 living rooma at Multnomah atatkm. Or. ' Inquire at barber shop: - r i Ffltt domrjhl. po IT, fanfmn wrattimta phoaa Broadway 8715. v OFFICES PESK ROOM 315 DESK ROOM. wUh telephone and stenc graphse aemoea. - fnocs Bdwy. S 715. SUMMER RESORTS 31g OCEAN CREST APTS.. light. H. K., rite reasonable. Oid BBaaagemeat ktorka way Beach. -. r - --.- - - ' - -- SEASIDE; House , ht bloek frees beach. wi5 Tent for season. Phone Mar. 777.- FOR KENT a room htjuse. SeauaorWood- lawn 2614 , i-:'-;- JUU HEN T Fumiouea house at1 Saaaide. . cln to beach. Sell wood $ a BO. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE THERE'S A JOURNAL WANT AD AGENCY IN EVERY NEIGHBORHOOD H. L. Faiily Drug Co. Seventy-Second and Sandy Boulevard ' IS ONE OF THESE You can take your ad there, pay the small pub lishing charge, and it will receive the same care ful attention that it would if you brought it to The Journal yourself. COUPONS FOR PRESENTS ARE ALWAYS GIVEN AT JOURNAL WANT AD AGENCIES ON PREMIUM DAY S FOR RENT SUMMER RESORTS 316 FREE BEEF BARBECUE GRAND ELECTRIC OPENING COLUMBIA BEACH "BY THE SEA" THE GOLDEN TRAIL TO THE OCEAN SPEEDWAY FIRST OCEAN BEACH BEYOND ASTORIA NEXT SUNDAY,- JUNE 25. TENT CITY AND. GOLDEN TRAIL HOTEL. COLUMBIA BEACH CO.. 243 STARK, FOR RENT st Rockaway beach, new birbga low, furnished for 8 people. Open until Aug. 10. Close to beach and stores. Also new 2 room modern bungalow apartments nicely furnished for 4 people. Close to beach. Rates reasonable. R. C. Barnard, 406 E. 38th st S. Tak-or 1292. AT SEASIDE Cottages and rooms for rent. best location, 200 ft to ocean. 2 blocks north turn around; pleasant grounds, trees, hammocks auto parking; Kalmont 120 2d ave. E. K. Palmer. SEASIDE. OR. Clean cottages, tent and rooms, near beach. Wood, light and water furnished. Call East 6939, evenings. Mrs. O. B. Malm sten. Box 633, Seaside, Or. 6 ROOM modern furnkthed, 1 block from ocean; rent for June and July. Inquire at 310 6th ave.. Seaside, or phone Mar. 6665. Portland. k'OR KENT 3-room summer cottage. Rock away Beach, Or., for all season or part Call at 275 k'amhill, cor. 4th. Ask for C. E. Karambelas. FOR RENT A few cottages on the ocean front Mrs. Anna Welch,' Manhattan Beach, Or. CANNON BEACH cottage and tenthouses. For particulars call or address C. L. Wingard. 653 Morrison. SEAVIEW, WASHINGTON Attractive 6 rm. cottage, all improvements, by month or season. Eaat 266. SEASUJE. OR. THE AUSTIN Rooms H. K. rooms, H. K. tents; fine location; hot water. TO LEASE: WAREHOUSES 317 STORAGE space, either in full floor space or monthly storage basis; carload lota or less. BDWY. 1549. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 YOUNG married couple, working, wish to room and board with widow. Tabor 1288. HOUSES 361 WANTED TO RENT, by July 1, 3 or 4 room furnished bouse or flat; close in. Adults. W-84, Journal. WANTED To rent. Nob Hill district, mod ern 8- or 9-room house. Y-83. Journal. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 HOMESEEKERS WHY NOT BUILD T It less expensive. We are Inter ested in bow well we can build, not how much we can get for building. Sea ns before buying or building. Robnett & McCiure BUILDERS. 02 Couch bldg. Broadway 6674- BUILDERS In selection of construction and design our bungalows will satisfy you: liberal financial assistance given; soldier bonus accepted. We furnish bonds. Reimers & Joiivette. Sell. 2964. LOTS 1 DOWN, 1 WEEK. Half acres $8 down, $3 month; acres $10 down. $10 month. ROGER W. CAR Y. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE Lot 6. block 10. Westmoreland. Must sell this lot at once for best cash offer. Write to Ed Trossen. 406 W. 65th st, Los Angeles. CaL 8 LOTS, level, clear, hi block to 15 min ute car service and paved street, near car barns, Vancouver, Wash. Miller, 12th and Chehalem sts.. Newberg. Or. 7 LOTS at Multnomah, 2 blocks from sta tion; electric light and gas; all in cultiva tion. Call Main 8697. 100x200 WILLIS boulevard and Drummond, cheap; great sacrifice? Tabor 2581. HOUSES 404 $250O NIFTY California bungalow. Wood lawn. 4 rooms, shades, screens, fixtures. Very attractive. Easy terms. Owner, Main 8998. - 6-ROOM modern bouse, very desirable, excel lent condition, immediate possession; terms; 1 block from Williams are. carline. Woodlawn agti. py owner NICE 5-room, modern bungalow and garage for iuuu. gauuu cash, 2 hi years on bal ance. Look this ad up at 492 E. 7th at N., after 7 p. m. or any time Sunday. IDEAL LITTLE HOME For home lover, new, strictly up to date; must be seen to- be appreciated. Paved street Ant 616-58. $300 down, balance like rcL 4 rooms and bath, large aieeping porch, garage, chicken run, fruit cement walk In. paid for; lot 50x100. $1750. Tabor 9288. FOR SALE Bungalow, modem except fur nace; partly furnished; $3500; or will rent 1 year to responsible party for $35 per month. 428 43d it S. Main 2707. Mr. Coon, 10O designs. $10 to $15. or specially de signed at reasonable fee. -L. R, BAILEY A CO.. 954 N. W. Bank Bldg. SMAIA. house, lerwiiliger at Bertha, eta-. 2 lota, on highway; $950; $250 cash- $20 mo.; int Main 1972, evenings. S ROOM modern house, . furnished or oaf ar Tushed; easy terra. 55 E. 64th at N.. Monta villa car. Call any time. MY splendid new 4-room bungalow, Mt Scott district at a bargain. $2000. easy terms, or discount for more cash. T-624. Journal. $200 CASH Price $1800. rooma, sewer. paved street ail paid. K. J. McGuire, $45 Union ave. - - - - ... FOB SALE By owner at sacrifice, my home and 10 choice lots. Call Sunday or evea.. WdJl. $827. BOSS CITY PARK, modem 5-room bungalow. ' aieeping porch, hardwood floor, gavrace, paved street Owner, Tabor 2035. A HOME complete, furniture, wood, garden, and frnit Call CoL 706 tor. information. Biggest bargain in the city. ROOM house, large, kit, 5524 4 2d ave. - B. ., Ut Scot baa . Address Mrs. M. Grosey 608 Alberta. - - - - v , a : - YOB. SALE By owner, ft roesa hosse and ga rage: lot 75x100, 9 trait tree and garden. Workshop. Price $2850.- Phone Wdlm. 2372 BEAUTIFUL, attractive new. 5-room bungalow, - every convenience. Call owner. Ant 324-77. MCST sea new modern bungatovr. Montavilla CUitnctri . vvser, wi aaonroe at , - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Rose City District Univ 5220(0 $500 cash, wbalanc $25 per month, buy this nett 4 rpom bonsalow, with bttlh, caa, electric lights and buemeDt, lot 50x100, nie lcrtioTi treet improrements paid; move right ""Ci, A QUO CDlUiay D1TQ. C k PR TtTT iTT1 LViD Arintr " e a r tt ja a. a v aj - -f a.. OAXj-C A modern 5 room buntralow, fumi&hehd or uwiumuuicu, mis, Kirucn, uemes ana iruit tree. - Thi is a real home ; would cost more than S3500 at any other time. Price unfur nished. 2950. Must hare $1250- cash, bal ance easy terms. This must be seen to be ap preciated. Call Broadway 4909 or Automatic A 1 fi ga-TOC ti3W a. A w-v w . . v t . a oow bu a. n. jsy owner. New Bungalow Modern 4 rooms, built-in convenience- hard wood floors, fireplace, disappearing bed: full bajement. cement floor, furnace. 60x100- lot, corner Denver and Ain.iworth. This was built lor oome. must sell, terms, only 94500, Owner. Wdln. 1640. Marshall 404. A T & Iff n A Rv simtAr ' K 1 1 . ... every modern convenience that would delight the heart of any housewife; 1 block Broadway v.. i iiuc, u cuais ui enamel in old ivory, lire place, furnace and garage, st improvements . - i. o"-i euiui'uci, unmeoiaLe possession. $1500 will handle. Make your " ' trim iu rcgaun. uin. bBV. ONLY $4000, part cash, rest in easy pay ments, hi acre, consisting of beautiful grounds with lovely broad brown bungalow, modern 6 rooms ajd music room, large living room with fireplace, furnace, lots of fruit, berries and grapes, roses and shrubbery: a vionaeriui cuy at th price. See owner, 4305 58th ave.. S. E. Auto. 630-43. $3i5 CasI Unfinished shack 12x20 and hi acre level ground, some trees, outside city limits in Darlington. 8o fare; price $800. $15 month ly. Austin Underdahl. 509 McKay bldg Broadway 7890: evenings, 632.56 FORCE sale by owner. 6 room house and bath, on corner, electric, gas, basement and ga rage, cement; chicken house: all in fine con dition: frnit; 3 blocks from car. 43100, terms. 49 W. PrescoU st, cor. Concord. Call Sunday or evenings. NEAR Brooklyn shops, modern 5-room well furnished cottage, gas and coal ranges, two bedrooms completely furnished, oak dining set woodwork in old ivory, papered walls, full ce ment basement, complete plumbing, lot 60x100. all for $300. easy term. Owner. Eaat 3225. n.nriiTi By owner, 6 room double constructed house on pared st, garage and 12 bearing fruit trees ideal yard for children; near grade and high school, public library and playgrounds; $1000 srill hsndle, balance easy terms. Wdln. 660. IDEAL MODERN BUNGALOW $520O Artistic, double const. 6 rooms, fireplace, buffet French doors, . handy built-ins. fun cement basement; 2 lots. imp. st with 11 beautiful fruit trees, 2 grape arbors, berries. garag": splendid location. Sellwood 1250. 5- Rooms, S 11350 Nice 5 room cottage, lot 50x100, beautiful lawn, flowers and fruit; $1350 cash. East 8935. FOR SALE at a bargain, lot 50x272 feet; 5 room house, water, gas. light and phone in house: 8 fruit trees, berries and garden. All in. 863 Moore avenue, Sellwood Garden. Sell wood 2971. $5M Down 5-room modern bungalow, 1 block to car. beautiful lawn and flowers, all imp. in and paid; dandy garage; $3350. E. 8935. ROSECTTY PARK'DUTCH COLONIAL New 7 -room with sleeping porch, double garagtt, everything the very best Easy terms if desired: lesving Portland; or win rent for one year at $100 month. Phone Aut 314-53 480 E. 44th st N. We Will Do' This Sell your home or your property of any kind in the next 10 days if the price is rea sonable. Try m. C. P. Clayton. E. 8935 THREE 4-room houses. 1188, 1190, 1194 E. 10th st N., new, modern, good material, well planned and constructed. Prices reasonable. Cash or tetsns. Call Woodlawn 52. Residence 1031 Union sve. N. FOR SALE By ownery a fine property near Terwilliger boulevard. 7-room house, ail kinds of fruit trees, grape vines and berries and strawberries and garden room and spring. Phone Main 9315 or Woodlawn 63S4. GOOD5 room house, lot 60x230 ft ;"on 60th st, near end of Woodstock line; frutt trees, berries, chicken houe, gas in price $2400; $500 cash. Call evenings Anto. 633--1 3. " OWNER 2 modern 5 room bungalows. Just completed: hdw. floors, fireplace, furnace electric fixtures, linoleum. A real home. Paved st Splendid car service. Soldiers' bonus On E. 61st and Gliaan. Tabor 7775 mornings. A NICE, 3-room house, good plumbing lot 50x100. 2 blocks to Kenton car Price $1100. $200 down, $20 per month. Call B. , . 1. l , , Villi , 5-ROOM modem bungalow, comer lot new lawn, fruit and berries; full cement basement in. near remnant park. This property clear for $2350. 1312 Campbell. $3600 $500 CASH taxes Bungalow, 5 r octal . . "- ". i' uievucc, iu ime conaiaon, lot 75X100; also garage, on 73d at near Multnomah. Tabor 6441. 7-ROOM house, 1691 E. Davis, sacrifice for three days only. $3250; will rent to re- imun lor uoe year at tau tier BRAND new, four large rooms and breakfast nook, strictly modem, double garage at actual cost 1088 E. 22d at N. Woodlawn , . v lit: i . WtlLt a- I . ..... . L. 775 corner of E. 24th and Multnomah; will give good terms. Apply for particulars at No- 20 ii. 7th S. Phone East 1314. vn rrarn XTfn" SEE J. W. O'CONNELL- CO TO BUT YOUR HOME 815 STOCK EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 8661. BRAN NEW 3-room bungalow end7Ira7e" in" Laurelhunt; air latest buUt-im; breakfast 5?SlM!?"Dod 1oor- fnrnece; , bargain at $5800. by owner leaving city. 964 Oregon at $1000 CASH R.n,.i x. , 1 - - - - "i'mww, rooma. bath, frwt flowers; bal 25 mo. Near '" ow -v.icy car. Q3 t,. 7Sth st X. modern bnnteslAW .i 1- '- . room, bath; after first payment $25 month inclndee Interest 1187 E. 26th it N FOR SALE By owner, modem bumaiim 987 E. 2d at, N. Call ereiingaTjS gents. FOR SALE 3-room house and two tots, by owner, for $850 cash. Address) 6635 63d NEW I 4-room. bauagalow,. garage. 7806 Stfc $100 DOWN, $25 per mouth, modem 5-room . Wrniviin. - m A.mv Ttw . , si, FOB i SALE Cheap, ; 6 room house. . comer eOth awe, and -i t 3928 42d at.. 8. E. FOUR room boos. 3 lot. $1500.. MontavLUal .... Tabor 5459- .. :. ,. ,. -,. ... HAVE a good, cheap home fog Colored neonle. r IT K A I . Box X-5S, Journal, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 A Real Bargain $3800- 380O CASH v Wonderful s-Rnsm bunagiow. buiH for a home with wry best mate rami, has a feeaataful finrplaoe. ixuiUns, bdw. floor, folding French doors, rooms all beautifully decorated with band painted border by real artist Fall cement basement laundry trays, steps to the attic, large front porch, beautiful 50x104 ft lot with lawn, rosea, garden and fruit reea, good garage, cem ent driveway, sewer and sidewalk paid, good view- of Mt Hood, bnrely a good buy. John F. Znber. 1824 E. Gliaan st Tabor 7547. ROSE CITY BRAND .NEW $3500 3500 cash will handle this 6-room bungalow. Bal. $40 per mo. including interest. Hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, all latest built in, garage lot 5 Oil 00. We also nave an 8-room Irvmgton house, cor ner lot 3200O and cash will handle. JOHN M. KROG CO. Suite 412. Wilcox Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER ONLY 8450 DOWN 5-room house, bath and sun porch, electric lights, gas. hot and cold water, basement, dandy garage, grape arbor, all kinds berries, garden is, 8 small fruit trees, roses, sewer in and paid; no assessment; large corner lot Price $2000. 911 E. 40th st .. one long block from Woodstock car at Holgate st MUST go East by July 1 and must aell my 7 room. pla-stered house, $550 under price. Sell vfor $1500. $500 down, 10 month, or $300 and 20 months. Lot 75x100. Fruit ap ples, pears, plums, prunes, cherries, grapes, ber ries good garden, all in, large garage and chicken house. 1860 Drummond at. Penin sula; MONTATILLA 8ACRIF1CE Good 6-room home on 60x125 corner lot; cement base ment, bath, full bearing fruit tres ; only 2 blk. from car on E. 78th at; sewer in and paid. Sac rifice thia week for $2950, $550 cash. Mc CORMIC, 207 Falling bldg. Phone Broadway 7420 or Main 9318. . Ntw Bungalow rooms, on ouxiuu lot, near r-e- corner Minnesota ave, ana ar- kfast nook, basement, laundry owner; $3400; terms. Phone DON'T WAIT CALL NOW 5-room home, large living and dining room, fireplace, hdw. floors, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement trays, furnace, garage, st imp. in and paid, 1 blk. best car ser vice in Portland. A bargain at $3700. Walnut 5438. Evenings Wdln. 865. Office 388 Al berta st. Only 34 HMD Down 4-room modem bungalow, floored attic, fur nace, garage, cement basement, wash trays, breakfast room. 8 fruit trees; $3500, bal. terms. East 8935. ROSE CITY PARK Fine 7 ' room house ; win be finished thia week. Cement porch, full basement garage, living room 15-29, dining room 14x17. 3 large bedrooms. Just what you are looking for. Come ont and see me. Owner. 405 E. 50th st or, 395 E. 50th N. DEAL WITH OWNER We will furnish the lot and build to suit for $500 cash and $35 month including interest. Met; EE & DENNIS. 909 Union Ave. N. Woodlawn 5684. 6 ROOMS, modem, just being reshingled and renovated. 1 hi blocks to car or school. $3350, $300 down. $20 and int. Furnace and fruit trees. Deal with owner. Get key next door. 3531 49th st. Creston. NEW 4-room bungalow, double constructed, 2 bedrooms, Dutcb kitchen, breakfast nook, targe living reotn, built-ins, full cement base ment laundry trays, floored attic; price $3600, terms. By owner, 3324 55 th st S. E. Aut 636-41. ROSE CITY PARK 2 new modern bunga lows, one 7 rooms and one 5 rocmv Call the owner and save commission. 1 blk. from carline. Will take a late car or lot in part ot Iirst payment rnone 'labor 4847. $2250 WALKING DISTANCE $300 cash, baL $25 per mo.. 5-r. plastered house on paved street Elect lights., etc. Boom 227 Aider hotel. NEW cozy modem home, 3 blocks from Rose City car; $300 down, total price $2800. Owner. No dealers. Phone Tabor 7133. ACREAGE 405 Diversified Farming Best of opportunities in SUNDERLAND ACRES at East 29th st N. and Columbia bird. 1 to 20 acre tracts. Rich soil; close in. Favorably located. $400 per acre and up; easy terms. , J. O. ELROD, OWNER. 283 Stark at , Phone B way 1188. $7000 IS hi ACRES, half in cultivation. other half logged over, with small creek, S. E. of Gresham. short walk from Hogau sta tion: family orchard, barn, garage, deep well with pump bouse, septic tank, 5-room .mod era bouse, attic, bath, furnace, cement walks. etc., for immediate possession. H. Hirscti- berger. R. 4. Box 79, Greshsm, Or.-, or call at No. 247 Ankeny st Broadway 405. ON CLACKAMAS RIVER 6 miles city limits to Portland. 20 acres. fine for summer home, or 47 acres; will take some trade on the 47 acres, two miles east of Clackamas: terms. J. E. Welch, owner. FOR SALE or trade, 30 acres good land 9 miles east or (vresham, on road to Dodse park, for land between Rogue river and Med- ford. near highway. For particulars write Walter Jones, Central Point Or. hi ACRES $8 DOWN, $8 MONTH. Acres $10 down, $10 month. Lots $1 down, $1 week. ROGER W. CART. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. ACREAGE on Loop highway, near Gresham; berry and garden land; 7, 12 and 19 acres. cleared, ho: bunding. Geo. Schaeffer, R. 1, Bonng. FOR SALE 10 acres all clear; 4 mile from city limit. Price $3000. $1000 cash. balance easy terms. Call at 801 E. 11th. ONE half acre, just east of Mt Tabor, in Shirley Court Ca.ll Tabor 2386. BARGAIN in one acre tracts or more Dear Multnomah. Owner, 907 Wilcox bldg. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 DELIGHTFUL COUNTRY HOME SIX ACRES Riehtlv location, near. Beaverton. 25 min utes from Portland, 2 hi acres loganberries; other berries, small fruits and fruit trees, full bearing. Flowers, shrubs, shade trees. Farm ing tools, cow and chickens. Good bam. spe cial equipment for cows. Chicken house and other building. Drilled well, a-as enrfne. pressure system housed ,in. frostproof brick buildings, Attractive e room house; large liv ing room, fireplace, glassed in breakfast room. sleeping porch, complete plumbing with wash trays. Time, money, work, has made this a delightful country borne and for short time prospective purchaser may deal with, owner. tv. w, UWs, Beaverton, Or. FOR SALE A nice 10-acre home, situated one mile west and two miles south of Sheri dan on graveled road and R. F. D. route; has a 7-room house, good bam and other build ings: a small variety orchard and garden; 1 hi acres of loganberries, the rest of the place m 8 and 9-year-old prune trees, loaded witn prunes; nave zouu or more nice goose berry bashes as fillers between the tree row. Price $4250; t me on $1800. I am alone and too old to do the work. E. F. HARDIN. Route 1. Sheridan. Oregon. RIVER FRONTAGE My own large home nicely arranged. 8 rooms, fireplace, hardwood downstairs, hot wa ter beat gaa. city phone, private bathing beach, lawn, shrubbery, garage, creek, etc or aell vacant ground separately. Phone the resi dence. Main 9563. FINE 7-room suburban tome at Stanley sta tion, on Esacada line. Ask at store for the Miller place; price $4000; must be aeen to be appreciated; abundance, of roses end ebmb- bery. Phone 688-18. -. THREE lota, single house and kitchen, small bath; chicken home, rabbit pen, 24 fruit trees, berries, good place for cow. Coiline View tract - Call Marshall 2284. FARMS 407 HERE IS THE ONE 158 acres, good hour and barn, on good gravel road. 1 5 acre ia raltiretiow, SO acres creek bottom. 3.OO0.00O ft eaw timber. 2 mOea to town..- Do not bus wining thia place. Davis :&. Cheadle : HOTEL BLDG.. LEBANON. OR. 195-ACRE farm, eioae to Portland. 7 mile to a good town ; baa a well-built bungalow, two bams, chicken, home, hog house. etc, 20 acre ia prunes, balance la hay, oats, rye, red eiovsT, vegetable, etc - , . ' i. w. o'conxexj. co.: 315 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 8661. 80 ACRES, Clarke county; about IS acres cleared : good orchard : good road, to be pared thia summer; stocked, equipped: $8500; aiso 40 aw, unamproved, for aale, cheap. Owner, A. Pattis. Heavion.' Wash. . - - iVU wALE 94 JL; 1 A, ia crop, baiwtee paetare land and lhaber, erring water to house and bare: located 2. jbus north of Bull Kus P. O. Write L. V. Lowe, Bull Baa, or come and., see us. ' - 21 ACRES improved, fine home, creek, springs. 20 mt t Portland. WdUn.663. sioaem. ninsuia rare. ragut st;ybrea trays, etor; ky Broadway 401 1. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 COME AND LOOK B acres with goad 6-room house, small barn, 6 chicken booses, 1 mile to R. K. . station, close to school and oa good gravel road; price $1500. Cone and see thia "place if you want a borne. - Davis & Cheadle HOTEL BLDG., LEBANON, OR- FOR SALE 100 acres, all fenced, orchard, 5 room house, completely furnished, bath, hot and cold water, stationery wash trays, telephone. Barn, chicken hon!ie. sheep sheds, other out buildings, all in good condition, cream separa tor, mower, plow, small tools. 3 cows, 2 bogs, chickens, ducks, turkeys, good pasture, unlim ited outrange, -mite to county road, 10 min. to town, in. Lane co., for -quick sale. $5000. Inquire George Erne. 475 Clay at . A FINE BUY ; 200 acre for $30' per acre, good blouse and. harp. 1 ' mile from small town, watered by creek, well aud springs, good fences. Davis Cheadle HOTEL BLDG.. LEBANON. OR. FOR SALE 161 hi acres good land. 40 arrea has about 800, 00 feet of firet class fir; good house. 5 milk cows, berries, hay. litus and root vegetables for stock all in; mile to school; $3800. $1000 down, balance at $250 per year and 6 interest.. EX-133 J ournal FARM for sale on Loop highway. 20 miles east of Portland: 40 acres improved, stocked and equipped: all in cropa; lays fine; all rural conveniences. With or without per sonal. Would sell in small parts. Geo. Schaeffer. R. 1. Boring. - , THIS MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. 75 acres, only 1 hi miles from city limits. Will sacrifice for $2750. $1000 down, haL long time at 6 per cent Call owner, 614 Dekum bldg. Bdwy. 6500. IRRIGATED LANDS 409 BARGAINS IN IRRIGATED FARMS 80 acres. 3 hi miles from Redmond : 64 acres paid-up water right 28 acres cleared ; good buildings, team and equipment goes with place. Price $6500; $2000 down, balance very easy. Deschutes Valley Realty Co., Red mond. Or. Also 160 acres, 2 miles from state highway; 76 acres water right, 80 acres under cultiva tion, 30 acres in alfalfa and blue grass; old buildings. Price $5500; $1000 down, balance easy. Deschutes Valley Realty Co., Red mond, -Or. . HOMESTEADS 410 TWO dandy improved relinquishments, both join $30,000 fruit ranch; 80 rods to town, grade school; all plow land: 8 acres cleared; creek. Divorce; sacrifice, $650 each. I will give $5000 each when patented. Near Grants Pass. Must act quick. 301 Corbett bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 A FEW OF OUR TRADES 5- room furnished bouse, in good condition; price $3500; want email place or acreage. 6- room house on paved street snd carline; a fine rental proposition; price $3000; want car or vacant lot. 5 acres, 12 miles out, 8 Vt acres in cultiva tion and in crop; small set of buildings, on rock road; price $2750; will assume on Port land property. 2 acres, all in orchard, on paved road, in restricted, acreage district; price $2750: will trade for business lot on east side to equal value. 4 of an acre and 7-room plastered house, near Oak Grove, with river frontage: price $4000; will exchange for residence in Port land. , 7 room modem house in Hawthorne district; price $4000; will -take vacant lot aa part payment These are only a few of our many trades. List your trade with us for results. We are always busy. Stee Stephens or Campbell with sT f C -aVv- i awa 732 Chamber .of Commerce. BRING YOUR TRADES TO THE TRADE ARTIST AT Jl W. O CONNELL CO.. 215 STOCK EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 8661. 40 ACRES excellent soil, 12 miles from Port land. 11 in young orchard, 3 in berries. Take $3500 in city property. ,Bal. $5500 at 6 per cent C-92. Journal. WILL exchange mahogany auto player piano for lot or as first payment on modem cot tage near Jefferson high. ZT351, Journal. HAVE a lot in Jonesmore, Will exchange for a lot in Upper Albina; pa; cash difference. 660 Mississippi ave. AUTOMOBILE and city lot for first payment on improved closein acreage or house in city. Mar. 4376, or P-533. Journal. PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST A. GORDON ROSS, Broadway 5173. 624 Henry Bldg. ACREAGE near Portland for Hood River or The Dalles: farm or city property. A-l 54. Journal. $1000 CASH. bal. easy ; 160 Minnesota land, $31.25 acre,-or exchange. W. Thails, owner, 225 E. 37th St., Portland. TRADE 160 acre rough timber land (or botue equity. Call Sellwood 643. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 STOP I WHY START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT 4 When -jou can invest in business property now leased and paying 16 per cent This property is located in a fine sawmill town and is a first class investment in every way. Will exchange for Portland residence. Price $3500. For particulars call at 464 East Pine st Mr. Wilson. . 3 ROOM bungalow. 2 loU, Rose City, $1660. Mill trade for medinm weszbt car or subur ban acreage. Tabor 8020. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 ARE YOU GOING TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY? If so. list tt with us. ' HaVe client for all kinds, all locations. We employ a number of eourtenua aalemnn with par rh.t will h. j glad to call and list your property. No charge. expept toe regular o v commission in case of a satisfactory sal. HOME REALTY COMPANY, Bdwy. 4288. 607-8-9 Railway Exch." Bldg. f WHY TIE UP YOUR PROPERTY? We can sell it for you in a short time. Bring in your propositions for quick actum. J. W. OCONNELL CO.. SIS Stock Exch. bldg. Main 8861. WILL pay all cash for the best buy' in a 6 or 7 room house. Must be a snap and clce In. No agents. F. McKieman, 324 Hassalot WANTED Any. size home that can be sold on easy terms. Ralr.h Harris Co.. 616 Cham- ber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. , WANTED Homes that can 4e bought on small down paymenta. 307 N. Jersey. CoL 446. ACREAGE 455 WANT SMALL PLACE, CLOSE V Improved place with buddings, ou good road close to elect rio transporta tion aud Portland: small payment down and owner to accept soldier's loan. Juhar Ferguson. Geriinger bldg. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 WANTED TO RENT -MALLTj'LACES Have several people wanting to rent acreage or am 11 farau, close to Portland preferred; some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more; we make ' f lota of sale this way; will .boy equip- goent if priced right , JOHN FERGUSON, GerKnger. Bldg.. Largest Fa am Dealer on Pacific Coast BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES. GARAGES, ETC. 500 S00 GBOCEBT. caaa and carry; stork and fix tores; $25 per day.- Invoice, with liv ing rooms.- i2S Rutseil at. ... UT VULCANIZING and tire shop-ia good live town en Columbia highway. - Guthrie Tire Lowest Printing Prices aepni rrvwa, waauiugmn. rKJWV, Baaa CLEANING AND PBESMNG PLACE. GOOD LOCATION: PRICE REASONABLE. 4 o WILLIAMS AVE. ON ACCOUNT of losing my wife i am forced sett my store and furniture; fine propo aition for thr right party. Phone Mar. 891 IOK bAu. r onuuira repair aoup. beat in city. Eaat 6744. UP-TO-DATE store. For information '"call . te wmre A. M-: Emilrvi at. v.h.. .. biiOE SHOP witU living room. . nice. r,, I place, west aide.- See Brermaa Ith-r Co: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, GARAGES. ETC. 500 "ANTKD- jst gjjg, baker ko start window eaaery in ray store ; 1 nave grocery and meat market; thia n one of the busiest atreete n mt aide; vent S30 per month; no window bakery on entire street: this iocaUoa good lor SO per day. Address P. Wk Box 524. Portland. . v OWNER MUST SELL - ' - ''Sraie building, stock and equipment, la . thriving section of city ; b.iiidmg -alnust new. of tSe and brick. 140x50 ft Gaud auto agency. Well advertised thriving bosinese and equipment Liberal terms. -J-599. Jour- SERVICE STATION WeH stblBhed lire business on desirable corner ; gat. oils, accessories, battery service and vulcanising: agency for leading battery and tires; must sell account other interest Owner. SelL 0108. CO?'ZECTIOXEaT- Aesr,. foontain and Iwnch. The Den of Sweets." Hiltsoboro'a leading confectionery store: employs four people; own era interested in other business cannot give it attention : must be seen to be appreciated. Brown Bros., HiUabore. E. P. BEHLING & CO.. We specialize l selling stores, restsuranta- and drug store. S10 Hoge bldg. Annex. 709 2d ave. Seattle. Wash. . . TWO or four continuous bowiing alleys, ia first-clam shape, for sale at a bargain, or will trade for light automobile. I know of several good locations a person can make good money. Phone E. 3148. or 347 K. 7th t N FOR SALE Battery service station on east side. Splendid location. Good service bat teries and tools. $350. Interest out of the cty make it neceevry for me to sell. 1255 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 2651. Ak for Cole. HOSE CITY I'KINTKRY, 249 Washington st. bet 2d and 3d sts. PLASTER doll manufacturing iMitfit will good stock on hand. Will teach you the business and rent half the store. J. A. I Akin. 105 Grand ave. CONFECTIONERY, cigar stand and poolhall, 2 pool and 1 Snooker table. Will sell with or without building: in good town, Clem Hol lar Phone 312. 8th and Mawi, Oregon City. NICE grocery and confectionery autre with filling elation combined: located at. Rowena, on the Columbia river highway; $700 will hsndle. Box 107. The Dalles. CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing a deal of so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. i uregon piqg. t-none Broadway I9J)3. WANTED Lady or elderiy man to take half interest in established growing business; in vestment of $500 is required and service, ex perience unnecessary. V-6S3. Journal. CONFECTIONER If TO TRADE Splendid opportunity for candymaker; part rash; auto or improved real estate in trade. Cor. 73d at Sandy. Tabor 18Q3. $1750 CONFECTIONERY and luneli on Pa- cific highway: now doing good business; would like light used car. Box 204, Harris burg. O'r. FOR SALE Confectioiierj and light grocery with 5 furnished menu; good location. No trade accepted. Owner, Empjre 532. 401 S. Jersey. Printing for Less Ryder Printing Co. Main 5536. 192, Sd t FUR SALE Well located locksmith and gen eral repair shop; old clients. Price reasonable. Please answer. T-I10, Journal. MUST SELL my half interest in the best pay ing garage in the city. $200 if sold at once. Sickness calls me awaty. 828 Hoyt st SMALL grocery for sale cheap. 1752 E. 11th st. Come and see this.' HO.EX5, ROOMING HOUSES AND j APARTMENTS FOR SALE 502 j f&iiAii, uunruiui, serve w iieopie a mria 0 days; no Sunday work; nets $250 month; can be increased, completely equipped, good , location; price $1500; no agents. Owner, box 107 R. F. D. No. 2. The Dalles, Or. i TWO blocks south Broadway bridge, facing river'; 9-room house, rent $40; furniture- for sale; on account of sickness; sacrifice; $500. En 2084. BY OWNER Nine housekeeping rooms for sale. Inquire 384 Park st, l: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 WANT to sell your business or lulf, interest: Want partner? 305 Buchanan bldg. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE ' 601 CITY LOANSl NO COMMISSION. On improved property or for improvement purposes. - The best and easiest method of paying a loan ia our monthly payment plan. . $32.26 per month for 3 6 months, or $21.34 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 66 months, pay loan of $1000 and interest Loans of other amounts in same proportion. Repayment Privilege. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASS N 242 Stark st. Portland. Or. 6 Per Cent Uuick Service. No Publicity. - CITY - LOANS ! Prepay 10 or Multiple. Also Farm Loan. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES CO.. 91 3d st. Broadway 606S. $250. $400. $500. $750. $1000 AND UP W SPECIALIZE in small mortgage loan. Low rales Essy payments if desired. Quick action Small building loan. Second mortgages and contracts. i 631 Chamber of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 687. Own Your Home Stop paying rent We are prepared to assist you in financing your home. We buy second mortgages. See Mr. -Martin, loan department COE A. McKENNA at. CO., 2d floor Artisans' bldg. Bdwy. 7522. WE HAVE $300 to 31600 ready cash to loan on improved property: no delays ia any transaction through iw. COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE CO.. 330 Cha. of Com. Bdwy. 78T. MONEY to loan oa diamond snd Jewelry ; con fidential service, government ueensed and bonded brokers. Zell Bros. A Co.. 283 Wsah ington st Bdwy. 6725. $1000 $1500 $2000 $2500 $3000 NO DELAY. W are loaning our ewa money. Loans quickly closed. F. H. PES HON, 615 Cham, of Cora. bMg. BUILDING loan on city and su bur baa prop erty: money advanced aa work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215-216 Failing bldg. Main 8407. . - $500, $1000. $1500. Seven. Leas expense than elsewhere. . WARD. ATTY.. 407 Spalding bidg. SEE OREGON INV.' A MORTGAGE CO.. 210 Lumber Exchange bMg. MONEY to lend oa real property. Harry E. 1111. 301 U. S. Bank bldg. Bdwy. 20 13 . $100 TO $2500; quick action, A. H. Belt 231 hi Morrison st, room 10 and 11. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 -ii DO YOU NEED MONEY J LOAN) MADE ON '. v Automobiles jj rUHNTTUKE, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD j GOODS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS OK -1 ANYTHING OF VALUE 6ECUK- it . 'iTX LSUALLY LEFT IN xOUlt POSSESSION. : Also Salary Loans ?-1: TO 8AI.ABIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECUKITY. If iOUB PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OK ON FURNITUKB OK AUTOMOBILE. CON TRACTS ABE TOO lAkge. WE WILL PAT THEM UP, ADVANCE JOO MOKE MONEY -IF NECESSAHY, AND IOU CAN FAX" L8 IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO btll IOUH CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DELAZ PORTLAND LOAN CO.- f LICENSED) 306-307 DEKUM BLDG., 8D AND WASH. BROADWAY 557. . MONEY TO LOAN Moner loaned on household goods or ebandUe placed ia storage with a at a regular bank rate. ' SECURITY STORAGE A 8TRAN8FXB CO. , - . 4th and Pin et . . " - Oppoute Multnomah hotel . J ' phone Broadway $715. - SALARY LOANS SALARY ,WE LOAN MONEY to salaried and workingmea ea their peraoaal DOteav Bate reasonable, easy payments. . SO SECURITY SO YNDORSER Call- and investigate -war modern motsty lending method. . All business confidential. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY ILtceneed) 218 Failing Buuding. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 W E BUY first and second mortgagee, and sell- i era' contracts. F. E. Bowman A Co.. 310 Chamber et Commerce bidg, Bdwy. t)97. . Continued en following Pas) t i. i