THURSDAY, JUNE 22. 1922. 20 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. . ; . i- some real bits .- IX SMALL- HOUSEJS PRICED TO SELL A new A room. lracMa, lot 75125. com- pletely furnished, good . furniture. 2 block . frem cartinc. Owner no aU. Priev tieOO, " Small payment dow balance Ska (eat. - 8 nob' tangalow ' with bath, in food location, new boas. 82000 bays this bung alow. Suiall payment down, balance easy 5 loosa buriealcw, modern in every re spect, just oti from csriine, now and up-to-dat. Price $3600. bmaJI pajnnt down, t usr terns i balance.-. : , -- . .... 4 room bungalow, on Division at. This honM is modem m every respect and a raal bargain at 9S7SO. This is new. never been aved in., $50 down. 5' room boose. located om Division at. Thin is new and up-to-date and priced at payment.' If you want something good and up-to tne-minute let us show yon this place. A duplex. oc S room and bath and one 4 room' and bath. Can sell this for $3000. with a $400jdown payment. Lira in one and tot tbe other par for it. COKCOKAN-JONES REALTY CO. 373 Oak St. Phone Broadway 6000. ! eiNAPl SNAP!. SNAP! ' JUST MAKE AN OFFER! COMPLETELY FURNISHED! 1 14 JO- AN1 YOUR OWN TERMS! A completely famished 5 room, coxy , shingled brows bungalow in Pen ' insula district. Owner Urine oat of . town, will aetl on very easy terras. ljriiij and dining room, convenient 'kitchen; 100x130 with a wonder ful lot of beautiful trees, foliage, roses, galore. THIS- IS WORTH ! INVESTIGATING TODAT! Boston ave. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Abington Bid. Bdwy. 7171. $500 UNDER VALUE . HAWTHORNE SNAP $4 4 90 On K. 3Mh -t.. in heart of Haw ttiorne district, -.2 story very practical tme. all modern convenience; 6 rooms, linnf room, pretty dining room, solid paneled with leaded class buffet, full cement basement." 3 light, airy bed rooms with closets, lota ef berries and fruit; very eay terms. Call Broadway "171. any time until 9 p. m. CLOSE IN SNAP $2490 $500 down! SAVB BENT AND CAR-FAKE! Here's a practical 5 room i bungalow cottage. just across tbe Broadway bridge; r: l eption ball, living room, dining room, convenient kitchen; bath, 2 bed rooms; pared street. Eugene St. See . .. ; FRANK L. McGCIRE. 3d sc. bet. Wash, and Stark. Abmgton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. """"" ONLY $300 AND TOU CAN here a wonderful gTay oungalow in Montavilla district. Whole price is only $3250; paneled dining room .with beamed ceiling; very pretty Irving toom: very nice, convenient ktohen with linoleum; furnace, lares lot with Jots of fruit.' On E.1 87tH st. YOU CAN IOOK THE CITY OVER AND TOU CAN'T FUND A BIGGER BUY. Call Bdwy. 7171. THIS is OBft of the prettiest bungalows in Kenton. Out among the fragrant firs. Al most new, ''"Dandy 5' room shingled typo with artistic pillared front porch; large windows; hardwood floors, built-in, old ivory woodwork: 2 nice bedrooms, near Kenton car, Buffalo St.' Price isj $3890. with only $300 down. Call Bdwy. 7171. HOSE CITY BUNGALOW at cost: 5 rooms with hardwood floor throughout, fire , place, ramplete buiit-irw, Dntch kitch en, full cement basement, furnace, full : corner lot, garage, ettr. House and - garage, new and popular rolled roof style. Price $5."00. Exceptional value. A G. TEEPE CO. Tabor " 5S6, Tabor 34 33. I.OTS OF FRUIT 5 -Room, modem cottage: has 'i acre of ground, improved with 19. large, bearing fruit trees, all kinds of berries. 5 blocks to car. $2350, $500 cash, balance easy terms. JohnsonDodson Co. 833 N. W. BanS Bldg. Main 3787 ; New Bungalow Modern 4 rooms, built-in conveniences, hard wood floors, fireplace, disappearing bed ; full basement, cement floor, furnace, 60x100 lot, corner Denver and Ainsworth. This was built for .home. must sell, terms, only $4500. Owner. Wdln. 1640, Marshall 404. ALAMEDA By owner, new 5 room bungalow, with every modem convenience that would delight the heart of any housewife: I block Broadway carline, b coats of enamel In old ivory, fire- pier, furnace and garage, at. improvements all paid, nice lawn and nh rubbery; immediate IKVasesaion. $ 130ft will handle Make your own terms in reason. Wdln. 060. Only $4QB Down. . Brand new 4 room bungalow, floored attic. ..breakfast nook, grtrage, furnace, cement base ment with laundry rays. Price $3500. Terms like rent. Kat. 3.. . USE YOU R STATE LOAN A strictly' modern 6 room bungalow, located In Rose City Park, near school, full lots, carage. You can apply loan and pay balance like rent Price $5000. This is one of tbe nest constructed houses in city. Hock, 403 Conch bldg. Bdwy. 33. Only $65 Cash RaTanee monthly, buys a dndy new bunga low, hdw. floor, fireplace, breakfast nook, sleep ing porch. Urge bedroom, basement, garage, 30t 1 no lot. Price $ 36 3 0. Tabor 754 7. FORCE sale by owner, 6 room house and bath, on comer, electric, gas. basement snd gs- ditirm; fruit: 3 blocks from csr. $3100, terms. 49 W. Prescott St., cor. Concord. Call Sunday or erenings. NEAR Brooklyn hhops., modem ." room well furnished cottage, gas and coal ranges, two bedrooms completely furnished, oak dining se woodwork in old irory. papered walla, full ce ment baement. complete plumbing, lot. ff100, all for $33Q0. easy term. Owner. K-aat 3225. ALBERTA ' ' By owner. 6 room double constructed bouse on paved st, garsxe and 12 bearing frnit trees, kleal yard for children : near grade and high " c.hool. public library and playgrounds; $1000 will handle, bslsnce easy terms. Wdln. 0. FINE ALBERTA-HOME 6 rooms and hath, sll on one floor lot 50x100, $3200; about $1000 down, rest easy -terms. , Ycu deal with owner only. 1161 E. .1 7th st. N. InEVV 6-11. IMtCBLE 'ONSTRUCTED BUNGAIOW tllW DOWN. BALANCE IJKE RENT If you want a home that you will be proud of. Miveetigete this ad by calling me. E. FOR SALE ata bsrgeinTlot f0x272feet; 5 --room boils, water, gas, light and phone in house: f frnit trees, berries and garden. All in. 863 Moore avenue. Sellwood Garden. Sell wooif a7l. t CIXSE; your real estate deal without annov ing details by using a Title Insurance Pol icy. No abstract required. Title 4b Trust BEST district, modern home, rooms, sleep ing porch, full bssement, bnilt-ina and fire place; 500; $in0 cash. $45 month. 992 K. Lincoln st. Tabor' 0076. -ROOM modern house, eery desirable, excel tent condition, immediate possession; terms; 1 block from Williams are. cariine. Woodiawn 094 7. By owner. A TITIJi Iiwuraace Policy is a guarantee of the title to your borne. When you buy your heme hare the title insured. Better be safe; than sorry. Title Tru-t company. 300 t.'.OO CASH takes bunaalow. ft rooms cement-basement, fireplace, in fine condition, lot 7SX1O0; also garage, on 73d rt. near Multnomah. Tabor 6441. 165l "FROM owner: terms; new. 4 rooms and bath. 50-rt lot, nice garden, improved f trert, sidewalk : Jut beyond Laureihurst. Tabor 213S. Main 4574. 7-KtXlXl house. 1691 K. Davis, sacrifice for three days only. $3250; will rent to te aowrible parties for one year at $30 per month ' Tabor 1616 er Main 2707. BEAUTIFUL Va ACRE HUME Modern except furnace, ' has a wonderful garden, fnilt, lawn end shade trees, with large garage: $3500; terms. Tabor 7547. 'I IT1-K iwoarartc. n the. maoaaa way of han dling titles to real estate. Quicker, coats less sod no abstract reqaireU. Title A Trust company. B U ANUi new. ibur large rooms and breakfast nook.; strictly) modern, double r a race at r'nS., 1M " N. Woodiawn 6S .. iwner. tlt bALE, lease or rent. a. Hue residence, JoI T coroer of E. 24th and Multnomah -t-wtll aire good terms. " Apply tor partaculara at . .So. 20 E. 7th fi. Phoee Eaat 1314 WHENyw it a Title Insurance Policy you d not need an abstract of title. One pre mium pay for all time. Title Trust com- lilt from owner and bulkier tttewuet new bungalow. oly $3456, terms, or . - - - - " ,T v- s-kis mow, SiLKrr.eJ ownei, modem bungalow". 967 E. o2d at Ji. Call eveaiaai7 Vo agenrs. -' - " " .: HEN yew purchase your home have the title tueured. Get a Title Title & .-Trust company. ,i)R SALE 3 -room bouee and two lota, by owner, for $5 cash. Address 6635 3d sve. S, R Phone Auto. 645 97. " , EVV 4 -room bnngalew, garage. 7S06 65Bi r are.. on invert rted. Aac 612-e-9. S21KM 4-R. NEW burutaum, K. r. dtttL ... ev'ra larse. $33k? Bdwy. ?29. . " V .. ' . " REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 LAURELHUR3T VX7 S.w. k. t.A . will .n. peal to too. As aooa as yoa enter vm TeeeptkNa ba0r"ia which thave is a large mirror door. yaa. feel at once the at BsaspBer at abeoiuts comfort- On the lower floor there la a, nuno room, targ lime coom with attractive fire-' - pisee ojiuna roow, aaxs oouv-sa I with mirror In back, complete Datca i kitchen, cat glass knobs nsed on all I t boil t-ins. til drain to kitchen, upstairs 1 ! there are 2 largw bedrooms with double I clothes closet, den with doable closets, tbe Oriental atmosphere . in this room is enchantiac, bathroom, and steejan porch, large attic. The lighting, fixture and . taneatry : paper aaed. throoghont are marvctoas. . Gaseo furnace, in 1 staaUneoua hot water heater, and ga rage. We simply cannot rverdescnba j this beautiful home, and an inspec tion will convince yoo. i Shown by ap pointaent only. Key at A. G. TEEPE CO,' Laurt-Ihurt office. S9th Glisan. Tabor ,34 J S, Tabor 95 g. 1 irvington'pakk $3850 ABSOLUTELY A -BEAR" of a buy. We invite you te come down and ask to see the picture of tine bungalow beau ty, yust 8 months; has 6 rooms, only 1 block to car. massive pillared ce ment front porch- You enter into a very cheerful living room with fireplace and bookcase, hardwood floors, !rencb doors, cozy white enamel Dates kitchen, J. bedrooms, bath and aleepinc porch. In the shade of stately trees. An sb eolute bargain. E. 2th st- Call Frank U ItcGaire. Broadway 7171.. ; Ready in 10 Days Listen, folks, this te tbe greatest bargain we have had to offer for ages; 6 rooms, all modern conveniences, berries and flowers ga lore. 75x238 foot tot extend m from 36tb to 37th sta., 76 feet off of Preaeott; doztns of beautiful bungalow homes being built in this immediate district. Prioe $3000, on very easy terms. Let me show you. Call Rippey or Williams, Broadway 7229. 610-11 McKay bldg. FRANK L, McGCIRE (SPECIAL) $2090 NIFTY BROWN BUNGALOW ON THE PENINSULA! In a pretty nat ural grove of trees; tiring and dining room combined; Dutch kitchen; 2 bed rooms and nice white enamel bath; gar age, wired for electricity; a real jfem. Can erive terms. Yale st. See FRANK L. McGCntE, Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. 3d St.. Bet. Wash, and fetark. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW 5 rooms, fireplace, built-in buf fet full nhimbinc. laundry trays. lovely flowers and lawn, sidewalks, 2 blocks to school and car,- 1 block to, pave ment. You will be pleased with this, $3200; $400 asb In Woodstock. Ralph Harris o. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. .5654 $700 DOWN $780 3100 Artistic bungalow, large living room, sun parlor, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement base ment. Hail gas furnace; price includes expen sive rugs and draperies etc. ; street impts. in and paid: Richmond district, block to car; balance like rent. K. DOMEKVIU.K, Ant. 510-34. 320 V, 8. Nationals Bank Bldg. GARAGE N' EVERYTHING 4990 RIGHT IN ROSE CITY, is thai beadtiful bungalow; nothing that you can think of lit lacking here! 5 reoras. built-ins galore, fireplace, furnace, old ivory and tapes try, breakfant room, hardwood floors, marvelous Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, garage, tuasy terms. Hancock St. 1 SEE THIS BARGAIN TODAY ! Call Frank L. Maguire at Broad way 7171. DANDY 7 ROOM BLNGAIX1W 3 rooms snd plumbing on first floor, 2 h. r. down and 2 up. all have large closets, Dutch kitchen, fall basement, laundry trays. Same location as above. Price $33;0. Best on the market. Very satisfactory terras can be ar ranged. See us. ' Ralph oarras Co. 3 1 Chamber of Commer Bide NIFTY ROSE CITY . MRS. JUNE BRIDE, you'd never be happy until jou see this! Marvel bungalow of 4 rooms, colonial style, hardwood floors, built ins: fireplace, old ivory snd tpentry: extra good plumbing1, recess bath ; French doors. THIS 13 ACTUALLY the dearest little gem bunga low you could imagine. Call Bdwy. 7171. Price I only $1190, with easy terms. E. 38th ft- I AM NOT HYING In the city any longer, therefore want to sell my home in Portland; ideally located in the Hawthorne district; has 6 large, comfortable rooms, convenient kitchen in white enamel ; living room has fireplace and built-in book cases: 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; full ce ment basement, with furnace; concrete garage. This is a really substantial home. 1 am ask ing only $3990. and easy terms. See my agent. Frank U McGuire. at Bdwy. 71 7 1 . : $1000 UNDERPR1CED Is this 7 room bungalow in Rose elaw aW City at $3500. AU improvements paid A beautiful, modern home and can be handled with only $1000 cash, bal ance like rent. Hams Co. " l 1 6 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwj 5654 $500 DOWN will buy this big 5 room Alberta cottage lhat is really wonderful value. Price is only $2290; built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen; up are 3 lare bedrooms: plenty of bearing fruit trees and 50 rose bushes. A real hurry up snap. See FRANK L. McGCIRE Abington bids. Broadway 7171 We're Open Every Evening Until 9 t-r T i ttflR DISTRICT 6 room bungalow, oak floors, fireplsee, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, two bedrooms and bath, first -floor; 2 rooms finishehd on 2d floor: concrete base ment, furnace, garage, 100x170 lot. ber ries and bearing fruit. This positively a snap at $5500; $1500 cash. C. M. DERR. 1215 N. W. Bank Bids. Mar. 2245. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 i 85 salesmen with autos always at your service. More than 1200 plmro graphs of homes for sale. We'll help you make your first payment if necessary. See - FRANK L. McGUIKE To Buy Your 'Home Abington bldg. Broadway 7171 3d at . Bet, Washington and igark ROSE CITY PARK--$5750. '-We believe If you inspect this new home critically; examine its ronstnaation, take into con sideration its loeation, you will admit it's a buy. Hardarood floors through out, fireplace, furnace, garage, all built-ins. corner .Jot with asst. paid. Yes, there is an attic -A..G. TEEPE CO. Tabor 5S6. Tabor 3433. - A REAL BUNGALOW SNAP $200 DOWN. SEE THIS $1590 $200 down for- the neatest, coxiest bungalow in all MU Scott- 5 rooms, with built-in conveniences; white en amel bath, 2 nice bedrooms. Think of this, only $200 down. On E. S3d st. Call . FRANK U McGCIRE. Abington bhig. Bdwy. 7171. SI4O0 ST. JOHN'S DISTRICT $1400 Will take light car up to $300 as part of first payment on small home. 4 rooms plas tered, built-in kitchen, water and electric lights. 83x1.00 lot with abundance of fruit and room for. 50 chickens. $100 in cash. $20 monthly with 6 ft . JohnsonDodsoti Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bids. Main 3787 PRICK $9fo H ACRE ROSE CITY PARK i Here is a big bargain: More than 4 city lots facing graveled street, with Bull Run water. On the laad is tbe , framework of a small house with lumber to finish the building. I will sell you all for $990 and give you 3H vesrs' time to pay. See- me at 418 Spalding bldg. or phone evenings w. -397. Mr. Eck. PRACTICAL home in Alberta that must be i sold at once ! You can see for yourself if there is any value greater in the entire city; 6 : large cheerful rooms, built-in buffet, white enamel Dutch kitchen that is very large; 3 good bedrooms, furnace. This bouse is te splendid condition, both inside and out, and will make a dandy home. Call Bdwy. 7171. IDEAL MODERN BUNGALOW $52O0 ' Artistic, double const,. O rooms, fireplace, buffet. : Krestch doors, handy buitt-iiM. foil cement ' basement. 2 lota, imp, st. with 1 1 beautiful fruit trees. 2 grape arbors, berries. garage; splendid meatmn. ejellwood 1258. $2900 $800 CASH, for a good half sens at i Garden Home; has a good 5 room house, in cluding furutCQre: also chicken and rabbit house; lots ef chickens and rabbits. i 1, W. O CONNELO CO . 215 Stock-Exch. bldg. ..- Main 8661. 4 i ROOM nicely furnished flat, private oath, i'2! bedrooms, private entrance, walking -distance.. $30 per month; adults only.. Broadway 3222 or East S646. . - T NO TIRED. FEET . SEE J W. O-CONXEIJ, CO. TO CT -W "' -:.' YOUR f HOME .--2 1 ' STOCK EXCH. BLPU. MAIN" 8661. TITLE inavrane saves urn and money be- cause no abstract .is - required. . TiUe 4k True company. ; KENTON S-room modern honee. $3600; isr uct, e.rc7. . onras to car : some HdAft . - . . .. . tVERT purcHaser of real eute should have b title insored. Better- be safe than sairry. Title Trust compeny. ? tR SAI-B-'beeo. ; S room trsnse. oorner I 4Qt.h are, and 4 2d t- 3926 4 2d sSi. S. K. FOUR room housa. a lota, (150$!. MontaviUa. , Tabor : : .. . -. - . . . -. . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Hawthorne Bungalow , , 4330 - Here is tbe beet buy, and so the ,, easiest terms in tbe city. Owner must i leave for California at - oace : S room -bungalow on 34th at. Bear Hawthorne. Bring room, dirtiyg room, built-ua buffet, 2 bedrooms, large bathroom, beau of ol full Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, ,. fireplace, fun cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, also sleeping porch, sti -improvements In and paid; small cash -. payment, balance $35 per month, in- ... eluding 6 Interest; straight contract. bo mortgage to assume. Everett Phil- -poe. ealesmanacer, Neilan .& Parkhill 219 Lumberman Bids. Bdwy. 2833. DON'T PAY BENT FRANK L. McGCIRE will sell you a nice borne oa easy terms, and help you make your first peymeatt if necessary. BE INDEPEND ENT AND HAPPY 1 BRING YOUR FAM ILY UP IN THE RIGHT EXYIRONMENT. We're open any time, Sundays and evenings until 9. Come in and talk it over with anyone of oar 85 courteous salesmen. THE EASIEST WAT is to sew FRANK L. McGCIRE To Buy Tour Home. Abington Bldg. i Broadway 7171. 3d St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. MODERN ALBERTA BUNGALOW $3700 EASY TERMS New 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, mirror door, cabi net kitchen, breakfast nook; cement basement and floor, laundry trays. .30x100 lot, imps, paid. See this bungalow before you " buy, easy terms. HENDERSON-BANKUtf CO.. 228 Henry bldg. Broadway 4754. NEW KENTON BEAUTY 12290 S500 down! Artistic brand new bungalow of 3 rooms, built for a nappy bride. Splendidly constructed: all mod ern conveniences; old ivory finish. Mon tana ave. Call Broadway tltl.. ACREAGE 405 10 ACRES. 1 H miles from good town with high school, in ' Lewis county. Washington; 7 acres under cultivation; 3 acres asture; no waste land; good spring; well; 1 acre bearing orchard, house, barn, large chicken bouse, other buildings. Included with place 2 70 pay ing pullets, 1 cow, 1 horse. 2 stands bees. 4 tons hay, kale, potatoes, very complete line of implements, feed, 24 cords wood. Price for everything $2000. $1300 cash. 10 acres, south of Portland. Linn coun ty, Oregon; all under cultivation: spring water piped to house; bearing orchard; 4 room bouse, bam 20x36, chicken house, other bniMings. Included with place, 3 fresh cows, calf, chickens, hoc, wagon, hack, harness, plow, harrow, cultivator, garden tools, cream separator, crops, household furniture, etc. Price for everything, $2000, $1000 down. OREGON CITY LINE 3 acres. 1-3 mile from station, on rocked road ; good fences. 2 M acres un der cultivation ; no waste land; good bearing orchard. 6 years old; lots of ber ries; some walnut trees. Price $2100. Consider soldier's loan and $150 cash, i , One acre, all under cultivation, on good macadamized highway, at Hillsboro. Or., close to high school; goofl surroundings: best of loam soil; new 4 room rustic cot tage, woodshed. Price $850, terms; 5 acres adjoining can bo had very reason able. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor Gerlinger bkiff OTer 500 Small Places Near Portland and 20 A. Tracts $25 an Acre Up $10 down and $5 per month buys a 6 acre tract m this addition of 800 acres, down the Columbia .river, on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river, fine transportation, railroad, nver. auto stage and truck. Beautiful laying land free from rock or gravel. Some tracts have beautiful view of river. There are also some with streams: fine location for chickens, dairy, hemes, fruit and vegetables. Have 6 and 10 acre tracts on tbe same terms in other loca tions CHARLES DELFEL 818 Railway Exchange bldg. A Positive Bargain THIRTEEN 50x100 LOTS $1375 A b;g piece of rich garden soil equal to 13 full lots for $1375, with nearly 4 years' time to psy. Bull Run water and a fine hard road in front of the property. The location is just outside the city limits, where you'll have no city taxes; or assessments to par. Buy this and we will arrange to get your credit for lumber to build a bouse. Hurry and plant late potatoes. No better soil anywhere for spnds. See us at once. COMTE KOHLMAN 416 IS 20 22 Spalding bldg Diversified Farming Best, of opportunities in SUNDERLAND ACRES at East 29th St. N. and Colombia blvd. 1 to 20 acre tracts. Rich soil ; close in. Favorably located. $400 per acre and up; easy terms. J." O. ELROD. OWNER. 283 Stark st. Phone B way 1188. ONE HALF ACRES AND LESS ALL KINDS OF FRUIT Highly cultivated tracts near He 11 wood ; ap ple, prune, peach, pear, grapes snd other fruits on some tracts. Bull Run water. The prices ranee from $700 up, nearly 4 years' time to pay for a tract. You'll miss something good if you fail to see these before you buy. See Smith or Wilkens, " 4 18 Spalding bldg. Phone Broadway 6550. WONDERFUL HALF ACRE TRACTS VERY ClOSE IN Magnificent view; overlooking river and city. These tracts are priced far below their actual value, and offered on very easy terms. Call Marshall 893 GARDEN HOME HALF ACRE SNAP Cultivated half acre, close to Gkjden Home station: only $450. $50 down, til month, 6 per cent ; gas, electricity and Bull Run water available. See McCORMIC. 201 Failing bldg. Main 9318. or Broadway 7420. Unheard of Bargain! 20 ACRES ALL CULTIVATED Good bam. fair house. 3 chick houses, fine orchard assorted frnit, very best soil. 15 miles of Portland, half mile of electric station. $135 an acre: $1200 cash. Mar. 3324. East 1304. CHANCE FOR CARPENTER Have 2 ia acres of fine land on Barr road; will take part payment in work- building on adjoining tracts. STRONG CO . 60S Chamber of Commerce ONE ACRE fine soil close in; water, gas. electricity : on paved highway. A bar gain. Terms to suit. Call Bdwy. 5317. 10 ACRES near Clackasnas, 10 miles from Portlknd, on Oregoa City car, all in crop and garden, lies level, good soil, nice house and barn; forced to sell; a snap; $3800. Gat land. 260 Taylor st. - t ACRES $8 DOWN, $3 MONTH. Acres $10 down. $10 month. Lots $1 down. $1 week. ROGER W. CART. 121 N. W. Bank bHg. 20 ACRES of good soil, with good buildings; adapted to garden and clover; close to high way; in crop. Can owner. 741 . Pine and 753 E Oak. li ; . $30tf ER ACRE. $25 DOWN Closing out sale, 2 -acre tracts. 3 miles east of city limits. Strong & Co.. 606 Cham. of Com- ' . - ' " FOR SALE 10 aerea all clear; 4 aniles from city limits. Price $3040, $1000 cash, balance easy terms Call at 801 B. 11th. TEN acres for sale, near Beaverton. Partly improved. F. W. ABen, Tillamook, Or. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 RIVER FRONTAGE My own large home nicely arranged, S reams, fireplace, hardwood downstairs, hot wa ter beat, gas, city phone. ' private batainc beach, laws, shrubbery, garage, creek, etc:" or sell vacant .ground separately. .Phone tbe resi dence. Main 9563. " FINE 7 -room suburban Home at Stanley sta- - tion, oa Estacada hne. - Ask at store- for the Miller place; price $4000; araat be seen to be appreciated; abundance of rases and shrub- bery. Phone 688-16, i . . -. KYAN PLACE BUNGALOW" Over - acre arita. 5 -room fully : saodrrn bungalow. 3 blocks to Ryan eta. ; has all city coneeaiewces;!, S-eent fare; fiOO will handle. Jacob Haas, Work Kick, bide. Martha il 3324. THREE lots, emgle house end kitchen, saaail - bath; ehx-ken house, rabbit pen, 24 fruit trees, berries, good place for cow. rJi,s Yatar Watt. Call MarahaU S2S4. i . v:, . - REAL- ESTATE FOR SALE SUBURBAN HOMES 406 RIVER VIEW FRONTAGE, 10 ACRES: v On Pacif icHigfaway Good 7-roosa house, bath and sewer connection into fiver, good oara. large woodshed, chicken house, ' 3 acres in orchard; practically all in cultivation. t- One exule from Oregoa City. mile to school; everything can bo marketed at your door. Price $4500, $2500 cash, balance 9 years at 6 per cent. S. O. Pillman. Realtor, 214 7th at, Phone 427 Oregon City. Or. LESS THAN BENT $50 Moves' You Into SMALL MODERN BUNGALOW ON ACRE Balance $25 per month, including interest. Brown stained bungalow with white enamel plumbing, gas. Bull Run water and wired for electricity.. Clear the balance of this acre and make S850 besides -free rent. 630 Chamber Commerce . No phone Near Powell Valley. FARMS 407 77 ACRES. 7 miles from good town in Linn county. Oregon, 2 miles from high and grade school ; good county road ; 10 acres under cultivation, balance in timber and pasture; spring water piped to house; good creek; bearing orchard of apples, pears, cherries, prunes, etc; 4 room house, "barn 20x38. chicken house, other buildings. Included with place, 5 cows, 30 chickens, hog, wagon, hack, harness, barrow, plow, cultivator, cream separator, household furniture, etc Price for everything $3600, $1500 cash, bal ance easy terms at ! 6 per cent. Consider soldiers' loan and small amount of cash; or .consider house in Portland up to $2000. Monta villa, district preferred. Jisk for Kemp. CLARKE COUNTY, WASHINGTON 160 acres, 27 miles from Portland; rocked road; 3 miles from good town and paved highway; good 6 room house, bam, silo, other buildings; bearing family or chard ; 2 springs, creek, 80 acres ander , cultivation, 2-3 of this is bottom land, not subject to overflow; over 100 acres can be farmed when cleared; some tim ber and pasture. Included with place, good team, 4 cows, 1 calf, 6 hogs, 100 chickens, 7 tons hay, potatoes, wag or) , harness, plow, harrow, cultivator mower, rake, cream separator, oats," furniture, feed and seed. Price for everything, $6000. $2000 cash, balance long time 6 per cent. 1 2 acres, 1 7 miles from center of Portland, on rocked road; good loam soil, all under cultivation, no waste land; water piped to house, good spring; 45 bearing fruit trees, strawberries, raspber ries, etc. Good 8 room house with at tic, dairy bam 24x34 with lots of stan chions, chicken house, etc ; 7 acres seed ed to clover. Place offered at big bar gain. $1000 cash, easy terms on balance. Inspected by Nelson. 40 acres on good macadamized road, 27 miles southeast of Portland: 13 acres under cultivation; all can be farmed when cleared: 2 springs and creek; half mile to church and school; nice, sightly ground: 20,000 feet of new lumber, suf ficient for complete set of buildings, will be delivered on the land. Total price, $2800, easy terms. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor Gerlinger bldg. Over 600 Small Places Near Portland B00Acre Snap This is 4 miles of Canby. Or. ft miles of Oregon City, on good graveled road. Not over 5 acres of waste land on tbe place. 35 seres in cultivation, "lots more not hard to clear. Fine spring water, some timber. 6 room frame house, barn and all outhouses, family fruit, fine well at house with windmill and tank. Well cost $700 with windmill. Place fronts on good graveled road. CLpse to school, on mail and cream route. Close to carline. Tbe place cost the owner $12,000. He at one time re fused $10,000 for the place. Will take today for a n.uick sale $7000. V4 cash, the bai. at 6 per -cent. If you want a farm, here is your chance. Ind in this location for $70 per when land all around it sells for $125 to $150 per acre. Owner must sell. Bad health and besides he is not living on the place. Take ad vantage of his loss. Do rat wait; get in, on tbe ground floor. This is the biggest bargain that we have had for a long time. No trade on this. Want the money. Fine clover, potato and gram land, fine place for cows snd hoes. E. P. EUintt & Son, 7th and Main eta., Ore gon City. Or. 79 ACRES. 22 MILKS OUT, FOR ONLY $3500 If you sre willing to get off the main highway here is a bargain; about 25 acres cultivated. 40 acres fine timber, worth more than price asked: county road through place; 4 room house, bam and outbuildings: t mile to school, ohurch on place; 2 cows, some im plements and tools: sell on easy terms or take small place adjoining Portland up to $2500. STEWART JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR SALE 80 acres, 4 miles from New berg, on mail route, W mile to school, on main county road: 7 acres in cultivation, 3 fine springs, 70 acres lies fine for plow land, 30 arres cutover and sowed to pasture. 42 acres standing timber, mostly old fir, will cut about 2000 cords of cord wood. Price 34800; $2500 down, balance at 6 per cent. Write owner, H. J. Fisher. K. a. New berg. Or. 80 ACRES. 7 -miles from Molalla; 3 acres seeded to oats, 1 1 acres slashed and burned ; about all logs cat for burning; good soil, abont all can be cultivated when cleared; 3 head horses, harness, wagon, -8 head cattle. 50 chickens. V. S. cream separator, some farming implements, , some blackvnith toois; 23 acres oats; household grods. All go for $4000. Bargain for right man. D-151 . J ou ma L, I HAVE 240-acre good wheat and com ranch in Phillips county, Colo., nesr Haxton; 110 good growing wheat, soma corn. This property will bear investigation. Want Port land residence or income property. Nothing too large nor to small to consider. What have jouf D-159, Journal. FOR SALE 161 acres good land. 40 acres has about 800.000 feet of first class fir; good house, 5 milk cows, berries, hay, litus snd root vegetables for stock sll in; t mile to school .' -$3800, $10OO down, balance at $250 per year and 9 .interest. EX.-133 Journal. FOR SALE 94 A ; 15 A. m crop, balance pasture land and timber, .spring water to house and barn; located 2 miles north of Ball Run P. O. Write L. C. Lowe. Bull Run. or come and see us. . THIS MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. 75 acres, only I miles from city limits. Will sacrifice for $2750, 11044 does, bal. long time at 6 per cent. Call owner, 614 iresum mog. rxrwy. ooo. MUST SELL, - 40 acres close in. part cult., buildings, spring, acme good timber;- only $1500; Aerma. 804 Spalding bMg. FOR RENT FARMS 408 9 ACRES eherry and prune orchard, fair crop, garden . and carpenter tools, chickens, furniture & room modern house, good lease, rent paid to April, 1923. All gpes at bargain- Take good automobile, some cash or terms. 4 54 Belmont, E. 7389. HOMESTEADS 4.10 FAMOUS Molalla county farm for $22.50 per acre. This 60-acre homestead relinquishment is the best claim I bare seen in the whole grant, located ou county road about 35 miles from Portland: 3-room rustic bungalow completely furnished ready to move in. together with TO Quarts of choice caened - fruit and 16- cords wood, stove length; chicken boose, woodshed and frost-proof building; 10 acres plowed, 10. acres easily cleared snd other 40 fine land, 15 acres fenced; creek th rough place. If you want aa ideal home where you 'caa cut your expenses to a minimum, come in immediately and we will flrrve you out to this sacrifice offerings. This price is cash only. E. W. HELM, -r 422 Chamber of Commerce bldg. TWO dandy improved relinquishments, both join $30,000 fruit ranch: 80 reds te town, grade school: all plow mad; 8 acres cleared; creek. Divorce; sacrifice.. $650 each. I will give $50 OO each when patented.-Near Grants Pass. Must act quick. 801 Corbett bids. EXCHANGEREAL ESTATE 413 FOR SALE or trade, 2 aerea, all fenced, with -5-room swnae, all : built-raa, large rem ant basement, garage, chicken houses, 109 fruit trees. Owner. Woodiawn 3393---. HAY E a lot in Jonesmore, Wiit exchange for a lot in Upper Album; pay cash difference. 660 Mississippi see. PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST A. GORDON ROSS, : Broadway 17 8. - 624 Heary Bide EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 A FEW OF OUR TRADES i 6 -room -furnished, bouse, is good condition; price $3500; want' small place or acreage. 6-roose boost paved street and carline ; a fine rental proposition: price $Sw00; want ear or vacant lott - - B acres, 12 miles out. Stt acres fm -cultivation, and in crop; small set of buildings, oa rock road; price $2750; anil assume ooPort laad property. 2v . ; 2 acres, ail in. orchard, on paved road, la restricted acreage district; price $2730; will trade toe business lot an east aids to equal altaa. . '' .v . . : , of an acre and T-rooaa plastered honee. r Oak Grove, with river frontage; price e. wit river iroauace; pwo change tor residence in Pon- $4000; wOl exc land. T-e,M. mobm haa tw Hawthorne district; prico $4000; will take vacant lot aa part payment, , These are only a tew of our anany trades. List your trades with as for results. We are always busy. Stea Stephens or Campbell with flFW2tilr5S sszs 732 Chamber of Commerce. - A WELL-IMPROVED 30-ACRE FARM K If you are lookirur for a dandy first-class close-in fully-equipped up-to-date farm, lies fine, best of soil, sll in cultivation, fine fam ily orchard of assorted traits, good S-room house, large barn, chicken house, hog bouse and other outbuildings, on good gravel road, doe to school and store, all crop, stock and equipment goes with the place; Just what you have been looking for; prion $10,000; will take home la Portland up to $5000. C J. CUXXiSON REAL ESTATE CO.. RJSALTUUS. 203 Vj Morrison St. . Main 6478. Listen! . Listen! , Listen! - We have some good income property in a good little town N. W. of Spokane, Wash. Leased to a doctor for $75 per month, to trade for 10 or 12 acres close to Portland. Must be well improved and clear of incumbrance. We also have a number of - farms to, trade for Portland property. Quick Sales Co. 402 Couch Bldg. Aut 511-09. ADJOINING GOOD VALLEY TOWN 27 acres, all in cultivation, fair house, bsrn. chicken house, fine large hoe house, elec tric lights, city wateT, close to high school; price $6500; will take small house to $3000 or $4000. LiTJEDDEMANN COMPANY. 918 Chamber of Commerce. BRING YOUR TRADES TO THE TRADE ARTIST AT J. W. O'CONNELL CO.. 215 STOCK EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 8661. CANADIAN FARMS And sod land, all sizes, exchange for acre age, farms and city property here- C. Cole, 4 26 Lumbermen bldg. WILL exchange good wheat ranch for house contracts and second mortgages- C-50, Journal. REAL ESTATE 'FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 For Sale or Trade. STOCKMAN, DAIRYMAN. NUT AND FRUIT GROWER 1040 acres with 5 room bouse, good building for barn and plenty of good spring water. 12 miles from Sheridan. Or.; 200 acres fenced snd seeded. Price $8 per acre. Also good 2 -drum logging engine, line and blocks on" premises, worth $2000, can go in on deal. Will accept resi dence in Vancouver or Portland at value up to 50 . This is an excep tionally good buy. W. W. Wilson Co., 505 Washington si., Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE or trade. 80 acres, Tillamook county; some cleared, timber; near school, cheese factory: $1000 in trade. M. Guthert Hemlock, Tillamook. Or. ONE acre garden and cherry orchard; cherries getting ripe; roust sell st once; small pay ment down or trade equity for car. C-44. Journal. 3 ROOM bungalow. T2 lots. Rose City, $1600. Will trade for medium weight car or subur ban acreage. Tabor 6020 - WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 WANTED $3000 cash customer for 7 room South Portland; close in. $1000 cash "customer on 6 or 7 room mod ern Hawthorne or Sunn) side to $5000. Must have full lot- Ralph Harris Co. 316 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. 7 WHY TIE UP YOUR PROPERTY f ' We can sell it for you in a short time. Bring in vour propositions for quick action. J. W. OCONNELL CO., 215 Stock Exch. bMg. Main 8661. WANTED Any fixe homes that can be sold on easy terms. Ralpb Harris Co.. 816 Cham ber of Commerce- Bdwy. 5654. WANTED Homes that can be bought on small down payments. 307 N. Jersey. Col. 448. LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE or trade with Nelson, Realtor, 706 Gasco bldg. Main 2072. . WANT lot as part payment on the cosiest new bungalow,. Owner and builder. East 6799. HAVE clients for lota in Irrington. Alameda and Hawthorne districts. Main 8787. WANT lots as first payment on house. C. Cole, 428 I-ombermciui bldg. ACREAGE 455 WANT SMALL PLACE, CLOSE IN Improved places with buildings, oa good road dose to electric transporta tion and Portland; email payment down and owner to- accept soldier's loan. Joha Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES Have several people wanting to .rent acreage or smll farms, close to Portland preferred; some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more; w make lots of sales this way; will buy equip ment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg.. Largest Fanm Dealer on Pacific Coast. WANTED Acreage with fair houoe and out buildings within 80 miles of Portland; have few hundred dollars and soldier's bonus, F 10. Journal. BUSINESS CPPORTaUNlTIES STORES. GARAGES, ETC. S0O TWO or four continuous bowling alleys, in fi rst-elavi shape, for sale at a bargain, or will trade for light automobile. I know of several good locations a person caft make good money. Phone E. 3148. or 347 E. 7th st. N. $3300 CONFECTIONARY One of the most- modern, 25 miles front Portland. Will take some trade. KEIPPEB Sc CROSBY. S14 Railway Exchange Bldg. AT A BARGAIN Very neat looking fireproof take-down build ing 8x20, nicely painted, gas, lights, water, sewer, all complete : ground lease ; mailt street. Inquire A. M , 211 Broadway. 5 BUSINESS CARDS , This Week Bring This Ad. ROSE CITY. fKLVrEMl, 249 Washington St.. bet. 2d and 3d sts. PARTNER in established woodyard. 3-ton - Packard truck, in best of condition. Iota orders in. good contract on wood. Only $350, full price, 605 Bwetland Bide. CONFECTIONERY cigar stand and pool hail. 2 pool and 1 Snooker table. Will sell with or without building ; -in good town. Clem Dol lar Phone 812. Sth and Mam, Oregon City. CJGAit 8TsSU ' . . - Corner, downtown, clears - $15 .pea day; fCSaa. - fall oJ f voucn otic. Printing for Less Ryder Printing V. -, Main 6536... 1 92 3d at. BAKERY Best equipped suburban shop in Portland, doing $6 a day; 83200; 32000 caen. sai. "CIGAR STAND ' ' Office bmldinfc downtewn; $1850. 07 Couch bldg.- , - - s CaS BOOMING house, S rooms ia good locality. - Nets $80.. Best of furniture. $800. Only g30v oown. ova sweuara mac Lowest Printing Prices. Acorn Press. 86 Washingotn. Bdwy, 864 j. CLKANfVG AND PRESSING PLACE. GOOD LtlCATlON: PRKJ1V REASONABLE. U WILLIAMS AVE. ' . - " FOR- SAIX Furniture) repair shop, best aa city.. East T ,- i-..-,." BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES. GARAGES, ETC. SOO TO OUT OF TOWN i ROSE FESTIVAL VISITORS- WHO CONTEMPLATE LOCATING IN PORTLAND READ THK OOIr- , TJMNS OF BUSINESS OPPOBTCJSI-' TIES IN XEXT SUNDAY'S . ROSE . FESTIVAL NUMBER Of " THE. t JOURNAL, THERE TOTJ WILL FIND MANY OPPORTUNITIES TO KNTEK BJJSI-' NESS WITH A SMALL INVEST- V MENT. YOTJ MAY WANT A STORE. RESTAURANT. SODA FOUNTAIN.. HOTEL OS APARTMENT BOUSE. NO MATTEB "TTHAT TOUR "WASTS MAY BE. CONSULT THE JOUBSiX. Many Reliable Firms Use the Business 0p portunities Columns off THE JOURNAL Cleaning and Dyeing $8600 Here is the beat business chance in Portland. . Well established, centrally located, and doing high class business. Owner must sell oa account of health, This price includes everything, real estate, all equipment; in fact, every thing you need to do business on. Everett Philpoe, Sslesmanager, . Neilan & Parkhill 219 Lumbermen Bldg. Bdwy. 832. Your Opportunity-' . Would you buy one of the best restau rants in Portland if you could get it for less than half price T If so come and see us. we will give you soma terms and might give you a trade. Quick Sales -Co. 402 Couch Bids-. Aut, 611-09. RESTAURANT SACRIFICE $2500. best in town for the money, doing $90 daily. see,ts about 50 oeoole: located on busy street, heart of city; reasonable rent, long lease, . l oo casn, easy terms on naianoe. See Morris, with O. O. SLETTEN, Realtor. Suite 415 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 3400. CENTER OF BUSINESS DISTRICT $550 waffle -house and lunch counter; one block f com Washington on 6th, doing a fine business; must sell on account sickness; easy terms. See Morris, with O. O. SLETTEN. Realtor. Suite 415 Ry.. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3400. WELL established tire acid volcanizing shop, .toe.- tM Mllitwu,!' in.nlu .W,. tl QUA Owner has other interests and will sell "this paying ousinesa as our aiscount lor quick sale. ft. . th. luat nMnnalt-inM ft i. VI I JUL. - - - - " . ... V I ii, 1 U W IT3 city. Terms to right party. Might accept some tade. Room 325 Lumber Exchange bids.. OJ 1 . u OWNER MUST SELL Garage building, stock and equipment, in thriving section of city; building almost new. of tile and brick. 14050 ft- Good auto agency. Well sdvertised thriving business and equipment. Liberal terms. J-599. Jour nal. CONFECTIONERY and pool hall in live town; 1(1 miles from Portlsnd on hLzhwa.- ft modem rooms elegantly furnished ; doing fine business: rent $40 per mo. with lease; fine garaen ana cftickens goes, $2100; terms. Miitersmp a. otewart, J65 4th.. room 21. Main 5275. SEE the Holly Realty Co. tor all kinds of business chances. 436 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 6653. CASH AND CARRY GROCERY $1000 grocery, cash and carry, good busi ness, rent $20. lease. 3 living rooms and bath; fine location; stand close investiga tion MORRIS, with O. O. Sletten. Realtor, 415 Ry Excb. Bldg. CIGAR, con., soft drink and soda fountain. right in the heart of the west side; doing $60 per day. Come and stay all day and see for yourself; $2300. See W. F. CHURCH with BRUCE GODDARD. Rooms 601-2 Conch bldg WANTED A 1st clasa baker to start window bakery in my store; I have grocery and meat market; this is one of the busiest streets on east side; rent $30 per month; no window bakery on entire street: this location ie good for $30 per day. Address P. O. Box 3524 Portland. GROCERY, cash and carry; good Httle place, with living rooms; doing nice business ; in voice stock; must be seen to be appreciated; $700 cash will handle it. See W. F. CHURCH, with J. BRUCE GODDARD. Rooms 501-2 Conch bldg. CONFECTIONERY, cigars, fountain and lunch. "Tbo eu of Sweets." Hilleoboro's leading confectionery store; employs four people: own ers interested in other business rsnnot give it attention; must be seen to be appreciated. Brown Bros., Hillsboro, $1600 GROCERY On East Side. See this if you want some thing good. KEIPPEB, CROSBY 814 Railway Exchange Bldg. E. P. B KILLING A CO.. We specialise in selling stores, restaurants snd drug store. 810 Hogs bldg. Annex, 709 2d see. Seattle, Wash. THIS is yonr opportunity to get into eatabr lished business clearing $8000 per year for $3500 cash. tall us now. ASSOCIATED SECURITIES CO., 712 'Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 3363. WE have buyers for your grocery and confec stores. For quick sale list with us today. We can sell yoo oat. J. BRUCE GODDARD. Rooms 501-2 Couch bldg. $ 1 6 00 Restaurant, 7 miles from Portland? This is a moneymaker. Will give trial. KEIFPEK A CROSBY 614 Railway Exchange Bldg. ASCOT GARAGE, store, private house for sale or trade; oa Base Line road: I have got to sell on account of the State bank. Don't miss this chance. CIGARS - CONFECTIONERY, best location. near Yamhill public market, mce place; will sell below invoice and give terms. See Gar land. 260 Taylor st. WANTED Working partner in fuel business, doing bic business. Cant handle alone. $300 cash required. Residence East 7848. Office East 4569. Ask for Mr. Ennis. SALARY GUARANTEED Manufacturing concern wants interested help, snail investment, wntcfe is fully secured; get details. 07 Cones bldg. CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing a deal of se-called interest in established .real estate bumaeaa, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon wag: ynone Broadway 102 FOR SALE Well located locksmith and gen eral repair shop; eld clients. Price reasonable. Please answer. T-116. Journal. - - -. - ., $800 GROCERY, rasa and carry; stork sad - fixtures; $25 per day. lneoice. with liv ing rooms. 825 Russell st. J - . VULCANIZING and tire shop in good live ' town on Columbia highway, Guthriea Tire Shop. Clatskame. Or. PARTNER WASTED , . ' 340 -per week dear, a writing worker can buy in at $463. stall 607 4-oueh bldg. ' MUST sell my -grocery on account of other banuneas; location, at 555 UaVm ave. N, or can at 72 N. 3d st, - DELICATESSEN, ideal for couple; ia apt. dist,; good leases for selling ; bargain if taken at once.1 Owner, Bdwy. 2944. CONFECTIONKUY ' - Long lease, low rent. . aotng $40 per das. Call 607 Couch bWaf. . W II L sacrifice' cofrd grocery in good Vv-al-tty. Will invoice over $50. Sell for $77i. Cheap tent. Good art, 503 S wetland bid. - BUSINESS OPPORTjITTES STORES, GARAGES. ETC. 500 GROCERY SNAP -Invoice about $1200; goes with this, the income cat small apartment house, , 436 Chamber of Commerce -. 1 bldg. Broadway 6653. . UP-TO-DATE store. vFor information, -call or write ,A. M. Kendriek at Newberg, Or. HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES-AND APARTMENTS FOR SALE 502 FOR SALE 5-year lease, furniture cat one and lease oa two other apartment houses. All under one management. F. B. TOMLIN A CO.. 601-2-3 Corbett bldg. - - OEAL WITH OWNER : - Strictly high class very exclusive rooming house for sale; net income over $200 per month. Requires $3000 cash, balance easy terms. Wonderful opportunity. , R-19. Jowr- PRrVATE boarding, serve 22 people 3 meals 6 days; no Sunday work; nets 3250 month; can be increased, completely equipped, good location; price $1500; no agents. Owner, box 107 R. F. D. No. 2. The Dalles. Or. TWO blocks south Broadway -bridge, facing river; 9-room house, rent $40; furniture for sale; en account of sickness; sacrifice; $300. East 2034. BY OWNER, nice housekeeping rooms, for sale. Inquire 384 Psrk st BY OWNER Nine housekeeping rooms for sale. Inquire 384 Park st. business opportunities Wanted 550 WANTED. Small grocery, delicatessen- or con fectionery, home bakery, or suitable location for same, preferably suburban or small town near Portland. E-108. Journal. WANTED. GROCERY STORES Have buyers with $500 to $4500. Arthur L, Scott Co.. Realtors. 815 Chamber of Com merce.. Bdwy. 366S. APARTMENTS WANTED 551 WANTED From cwner. rooming or apt. house, not over $2200, Main'2220. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOANS1 NO COMMISSION. On improved property or for improvement purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $82.26 per month for 86 months, or 521.84 per month for 60 months, or . $15.17 per month for 96 months, pays a loan oi tiuuu ana interest. Loans of other amounts in same proportion. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASS'S 242 Stark St.. Portlsnd. Or. 6 Per Cent Quick Service. No Publicity. CITY LOANS Prepsy $luO or Multiples. Also Farm Loans. COMMERCE . MORTGAGE SECURITIES CO., 91 Sd st, Broadway 6068. $250, $400, $500, $750. 81000 AND CP Ws SPECIALIZE la small mortgage iota. Low rates- Easy payments If desired. Quick action Small building loans. Second mortgages and contracts. 'afwavtfai m faiyc'ww' 651 Chamber of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 6370. Own Your Home Stop paying rent. We are prepared to assist you in financing your noma. v e buy second mortgages. bee Mr. Martin, loan department, COE A. McKENNA A CO., 2d floor Artisans' bldg. Bdwy. 7522. WE HAVE $30O to' $1500 ready cash to - loan on improved property; no delays la any transaction through us. COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE CO., 830 Cha. of Com. Bdwy. 7987 HAVE from $500 to $5000 private money to loan on improved property; quick action. WILBUR F: JOUNO. 224 Henry Bldg. - Bdwy. 4837. MONEY to loan err diamonds snd iewelrv:con .- fidentisl service, . government-licensed and bonded brokers. Zell Bros, tt Co.. 283 Wasb- ingjpn st. Bdwy. Q725. $1000 $1500 $2000 $2500 $3000 NO DELAY. ' We are loaning our own monev. Loans quickly closed. F. H. DESHON, 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. $2000 TO LOAN.8 years, in two loans $1000 each, on new homes Laureihurst; Hawthorne or Rose lty. Richmond districts. Phone Sell, wood 408 evenings. BUILDING loans on city snd snburban prop erty; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck, 215-216 Failing bldg. Main 8407.' SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGES CO.. 210 Lumber Exchange bMg. " MONEY to lend on real property. Harry E Hall. 301 V. S. Bank bldg. Bdwy. 2013. $100 TO $2500; quick action. A. H Belt 23 1 H Morrison St.. rooms 10 and 1L MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE ON Automobiles FURNITURE. PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOOliS. REAL ESTATE, BUNDS OB ANYTHING OF VALUE SECUR ITY, USUALLY LEFT IN xOCR I POSSESSION. - Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF VOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OK ON FURNITURE OK AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS-ARE TOO LARGE, WE WILD PAY THEM UP. ADVANCE XOU MOKE MO.NEX IF NECESSARY, AND XOU CAN PAY' US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT XOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED! 806 307 DEKUM BLIX;., 3D AND WASH. BKOADWAX 6b67. MONEY TO LOAN Money loaned on household goods cr mer chandise placed is storage with us at a regular bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE A.TRANSFEB CO. 4th and Pine st. Opposite Multnomah hotel . Phone Broadway 37 15. SALARY LOANS-r-8 ALARY WE LOAN MONEY to salaried, and workingmen on their personal notes. Rates reasonable, easy payments. NO SECURITY NO INIORSER Call and investigate our modern money lending methods. All business ronidentiaL. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY f Licensed V 218 Failing Building. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 Capital Supplied Concerns organized and financed. " E. P, Schmidt A Co.. Established 1881. 7 Pine St., New York City. - WE BUY first and second mortgages and selS era' contracts. F, E. Bowman A Co.. 219 Chamber of Commerce c-tng.. wqwy. O0O7. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermen bldg. WILL bay small sellers" contracts or second mortgages. Gordon, 631 Ch. of Com. bide MONEY WANTED 651 LOANS WANTED . "$10007, Minnesota ave, 31506V 7. Laureihurst. , ; on 8, Woodstock. ' ' -SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. W ILL pay a bonus of $75 and 10 for lean of 81350 for 2 yearxv- lit mortgage security. B-l 51. Journal. - ' SEE -OREGON INT. A MORTGAGE. CO., 210 EXCHANGE BLDG- - HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 FARM IMPLEMENTS I "KEW AND BECONDtHANTJ SPECIAL PRICES - P. E. KSBENSHAPE. . - . 360-366 E. MORRISON BT. GRADING and excavating, day or contract; teams- and dump wagons for lure, b tables rocs, Ol c i ayior m- YOJ'NG heavy team, harness and dump wagon. WiM take light car as part payment. 4220 6 7th st. 8. E. " 1 ONE GOOD SADDLE PONT , - - - ' 246 East h. ., -: -: - ' FOR SAiJS Several good work horaca. In quins of C. O. Pick. 55 24 st, - HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 FOR SALE 8400 lib team, young, sound, true to work;. 8000 lb. team. ymng. sound, true fax work; 4 other good honest farm horses; 4 sets double farm harness aad farm wagons. "WiR be sold at once to save expense See- M. M. Heck at feed bam. njetao. aan. DOUBLE team $3 . day, asp, team, $L60 " dar. 646 Fnwt Vf -. - ,nu WAGON for sale; grading sad ateavatins? promptly done. Phone Tabor 64. LIVESTOCK 701 ONE fresh Holsteia neifer. 6 gallons per day; -u cast zsa st. r. "K.SH , milch goat and aid log sale, cheap. CALVKS AND BEEF CATTLE WANTED"" ausstlaUi 2178. 7-YEAR-OLD Jersey tad Holsteia ' cow. 4 m gallons rich miik. TVoodlawn 1343. MUST aeU oae fresh Jersey cow. test- 1118 .. Steele are., bet. 86th and STrh R T. ONE good Guernsey-Jersey 'family cow for sea FOR SALL 4. nice young cows, fresh and roaiin freeb.. Uiiln A i a FOR SALE Guernsey cow and calf. tU. 9433 50th ave. 8. E. Tare WANTED Beef, veal and hogs. Tabor 7832,1 POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 Progressive Hatchery 2000 Wikiu. IjwW. a o . a weeks' old. $18. $20. $22. $25 per 100; trapnested Dedtxreed stock. 1534 East isth st north. Woodiawn 1485. WHITE LEGHORN hens, year old. Hoganised, haUak W law in a sj4 garni we CI aaak U.eaeJJ Black MiiKM-ca chicksv 1 Wstek to 2 monthfl rM r TLw.a-slr Ji nrtr m.v 1 A. a.A MHJk aa at viyuuvo w. oeiiwooa wmrrien. WHITE LEGHORN chicks from best stock,"! U1T ID .1 yf at l1 JK1 IA ITA,m lOll J. R. MAGCIRE. 787 Oregon. - East 1803. FOR SALE Brunswick Grafanola. cabinet mahogany case, and 4 1 records. Will take some chickens as part payment, : Tabor 3188. WANTED 10O chicks. 4 weeks or ,aJdeiv An, AlK-Qn HEN and chicks for sale. 1895 Borthwiok st. X L w nye Me.e0 .i.i. . - svfvao, duws, OJ AMERICAN pit bull temer puppies for Vale. , also 2 LleweUya setter puppies. 9123 FOR SALE Fox terrier nuns. Call Woo4 lawn 934. COLLIE; fine looker; 1 Months old: 85.00. oeiiwooo ,'92S. THOROUGHBRED OREAT DANE PUPS. 1083 E. HARRISON 8T. AUT. 236-24. BLACK AND TAN terrier pups. tboroughbreA FOR SALE Cocker spaniel puppies. 7 weeks THOROUGHBRED Scotch collie dog. T months old; price reasonable. Tabor S097. , TOY fox terrier puppies; beauties. East 665. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 THINK! NEW SERIES OVERLAND TOCR1NO DELIVERED AT PORTLAND WHY BUY USED? Willys Overland Pacific Co. 'BROADWAY AT DAVIS ' BARGAINS CT QUALITY AUTOMOBILES Hudson Super six automobile have Been rebuilt , by us during the last Ave years and offer the greatest value -to be - bad la a used car. That is why you see more Hudson, on the streets ef Portlsnd than sny other make of fine automobile. To sell the new automobile the used cars must be sold and these rebuilt Hud- sons sre and bars been for five years . the greatest valna.-' The earrv a kutaei warranty and 90 days' free serrioa. Prices tangs frosa 3723 to $1060. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. Beth Stores: No. 40-46 N. Bros rl way. -No, 615-17 Washington st. CADILLAC 8 7 pass. In first class mechanical ewditioo; new cord tires. If yfiu are looking for a real buy for $485, . see this. HAYNES AGENCY, Bawy. 1614. 631,, Washington st. A BEAT. BARGAIN HUDSON SUPER 91A-2w: first-class condition, , new finish. a good cot4 tires. 8700 cash, or terasa. aTabaC 520S, or Main 6918. -! . V. '19 CADILLAC SPORT MODEL Thia car has cords, six of them, atx wire wheel and apcrlight. motaoieter and rain swipe; stop, on rear fender, tire covers, tool aad all ready to go. Low price, liberal terms aad take right make of car part narment. 514 Alder st. Open Sunday. MURPHY MOTOR CO. RiTirtr Pfi i iistv'p ion n..-k k i. - - w v ' u.v luwmrr, , an reouiit. orana new ures. Body repainted. , . fmriti e.K.fe.M4 mlii I . . . and three months service,. See Oils before. m. K.,w T.Im. S QKA ' - 1920 F. B. CHEV, KOAD8TER " Hill climbing ability and appears Be. win sB you thia car. BRALEY. RH1P1U U r-xjrr T tvn " " ' Burnside at 11th. Auto Modern SJeeper. 3: y ' , uvk- ..,MrnX does not weaken or disfigure the body. B. B. roqy ct i np worss. as a William. Kast 1 198. 1918 8CBIPPS BOOTH ROADSTER 400. Dandy Car. BRALEY. GRAHAM A CHUJ. IXC DiinwMiB as li tn. 1920 OLDS speed wagon, 6 cord tires, (oetiu condition; going at $525; terms. , v -u, U T. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR- CO.. J v luwmpnig ave. 's orn.- t-novte r.ast i jr), .-- SEDAN. Elarin Six. like new; cord Urea, 1922' license, splendid upholstering, new Daint. Beautiful car and worth $960. - Sacrifice ietti HTfTK Rig 6. very good oondltioa tHrouxRout : . -ou; easy terms. v I T. BILLLN'GSLEX MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne ave. at Wh. Phone East 726. 1921-490 C H E ROLET. orialnal finish. privately owned; 4 good tires, 1923 Uceeae, 3 $425. Small payment down,; balance eaxy terms. Ihon Bdwy. 240. K. A. Docketader.a. NEW CHEVROLET cars. Chevrolet parts ansT, . tievroiei service now available as - U Y. 15ILLI.VGSLEY MOTOR CO . : Hawthorne ave. at Sth. phone East 726. Ford Bug Fine condition, has generator, Bosch mac-. . . . . - K.A . 1 J . V rteio, sitirmge uabary, uev ancr n, ,,av. ,j " MUST BE SOLD . " . e vviuye-avDiaiiw -jiea. , j- j enraiBes, baa been used as demonstrator: startling low s figure or will take light car. Call Aut, 638-68. alitOfopSr u.i . i . i m .... tCt I, .ni4 Kraton.. . DM I IUW I . - " .- . to make over imo s bus, so . ; j ' Broadway 788. HUISON SUPER, $935. This ia a perfect csr and" will sea tut easy terms. train. 2461. - :;' ' ' - . A 335 CASH, balance monthly, buys AppersoeK's touring, in food condition. Tabor 1918-; or labor ni9. DANDY MAXWELL s - : s Fine rubber. Woodiawn his.' --- -w ACCEPT cheap car ia trade on any new tttudebaker. Sales men. Main 9563. - 1920 CHEVROLET, reasonable. Call at 37S jiTTioaiyn ev. ; - 19 CHANDLER -chummy, diamond rinsl oV swisll car as ttr-t paymeriT- sxarsnaii 44i, J-MSKtJUls lis, fi . t..wu, lsoarv. - - :u,j' - - , OLDS touring; make offer. 1058 E. 30U Jf - N., cot, of AllertsJWdhxA372. -y -s. FOB SALE OR TRADE Oakland 6 touriaj'' Si lt K roadster, good running condition, good "i .1 - mi liS nAnmmr - tOAA' , . -Vim, IHTTm, ..u-.... . W - . (Oantinued an FeUowlnj Pssel 4